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Public Input No. 29-NFPA 780-2014 (Global Input)

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National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

Public Input No. 29-NFPA 780-2014 [ Global Input ]

NOTE: The following Public Input appeared as a Rejected but held (Hold) in Comment No. 780-49 of the A2013 Second Draft Report (ROC) for NFPA 780 and per the Regs. at

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

780-49.pdf 780-49

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Revise text as follows:
Chapter 7 Protection for Structures Containing Flammable Liquids - suggested title change This chapter shall apply to the protection of structures containing flammable liquids. Delete Delete
7.1.3* Delete
7.2 through 7.2.5 Delete
7.3.1 Material and Installation. Metallic aboveground storage tanks are considered inherently grounded. The use of conductors, strike termination devices, surge protection, and grounding connections are not required for lightning
protection and have been observed to introduce a hazard. The use of strike termination devices, lightning protection
masts and overhead ground wires on aboveground storage tanks is prohibited.
7.3.2 Delete Delete
Figure Delete Delete Delete
Figure Delete through Delete
7.4.1 Metallic aboveground tanks at atmospheric pressure containing flammable vapors or liquids* External Floating-Roof Tanks. Needs to be reworded completely to address the situation of an owner operator that operates their tanks in a drain dry situation on a frequent basis. A risk analysis indicates that shunts that are
located below the floating roof deck could add a hazard in this potential vapor area. Reword to: Metallic Tanks with Nonmetallic Roofs. Metallic tanks with wooden or other nonmetallic roofs shall not be considered self-protected. through Delete Grounding Tanks. Metallic flat-bottom tanks resting on the ground need not be grounded by the use of external grounding rods for the purpose of lightning protection. Grounding for other purposes is not addressed by this document. and Delete
7.4.2 Delete "That give off Flammable Vapors. Aboveground nonmetallic tanks including an exposed tank roof shall not be used for storage of flammable liquids.
Substantiation:The API Subcommittee on Aboveground Storage Tanks (SCAST) has reviewed the changes proposed in this ROP and is considering removing any reference to NFPA 780 from API 650 and API 653 documents. Additionally,
they are moving forward to revise and improve the API RP 545 document that also addresses Lightning Protection.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: TC on LIG-AAA

Organization: TC on Lightning Protection
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Feb 20 10:57:24 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: Removing flammable gases changes the scope of the Chapter.

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Report on Comments – June 2013 NFPA 780
780-49 Log #28

Morris Kline, HMT Inc.
Revise text as follows:
Chapter 7 Protection for Structures Containing Flammable Liquids - suggested title change This chapter shall apply to the protection of structures containing flammable liquids. Delete Delete
7.1.3* Delete
7.2 through 7.2.5 Delete
7.3.1 Material and Installation. Metallic aboveground storage tanks are considered inherently grounded. The use of
conductors, strike termination devices, surge protection, and grounding connections are not required for lightning
protection and have been observed to introduce a hazard. The use of strike termination devices, lightning protection
masts and overhead ground wires on aboveground storage tanks is prohibited.
7.3.2 Delete Delete
Figure Delete Delete Delete
Figure Delete through Delete
7.4.1 Metallic aboveground tanks at atmospheric pressure containing flammable vapors or liquids* External Floating-Roof Tanks. Needs to be reworded completely to address the situation of an owner operator
that operates their tanks in a drain dry situation on a frequent basis. A risk analysis indicates that shunts that are located
below the floating roof deck could add a hazard in this potential vapor area. Reword to: Metallic Tanks with Nonmetallic Roofs. Metallic tanks with wooden or other nonmetallic roofs shall
not be considered self-protected. through Delete Grounding Tanks. Metallic flat-bottom tanks resting on the ground need not be grounded by the use of external
grounding rods for the purpose of lightning protection. Grounding for other purposes is not addressed by this document. and Delete
7.4.2 Delete "That give off Flammable Vapors. Aboveground nonmetallic tanks including an exposed tank roof shall not be used for storage of flammable
The API Subcommittee on Aboveground Storage Tanks (SCAST) has reviewed the changes proposed
in this ROP and is considering removing any reference to NFPA 780 from API 650 and API 653 documents. Additionally,
they are moving forward to revise and improve the API RP 545 document that also addresses Lightning Protection.

The TC understands the submitter intended to refer to Proposal 780-3.

The comment introduces significant changes that have not had public review.
The comment changes the text to the point that the TC would have to restudy the text of the report or other affected
parts of the document. The comment proposes something that cannot be handled properly within the time frame
established for processing the report.

Affirmative: 27
1 Berger, G.

Printed on 2/20/2014 1
National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

Public Input No. 30-NFPA 780-2014 [ Global Input ]

NOTE: The following Public Input appeared as Rejected but held (Hold) in Public Comment No. 780-79 of the A2013 Second Draft Report (ROC) for NFPA 780 and per the Regs. at

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

780-79.pdf 780-79

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Delete: "TENKA peak current represents 91 percent of all lightning events."
Add: About 95% of negative first studies exceed 14 kA, 50% exceed 30 kA, and 5% exceed 80 kA.
Substantiation: Reference: Rakov, V.A.: 2012, Journal Lightning Research, 2012, 4 (Suppl L:m2) 3-11.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: TC on LIG-AAA

Organization: TC on Lightning Protection
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Feb 20 11:37:53 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC notes that data from CIGRI provides the basis for the sentence in NFPA 780.

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Report on Comments – June 2013 NFPA 780
780-79 Log #58 Final Action: Hold
(Figure B.3.2.2)
Submitter: Richard Kithil, National Lightning Safety Institute
Comment on Proposal No: 780-126
Recommendation: Delete: "TENKA peak current represents 91 percent of all lightning events."
Add: About 95% of negative first studies exceed 14 kA, 50% exceed 30 kA, and 5% exceed 80 kA.
Substantiation: Reference: Rakov, V.A.: 2012, Journal Lightning Research, 2012, 4 (Suppl L:m2) 3-11.
This is not original material; its reference/source is as follows:
Dr. Vladamir Rakov, Univ. Fl., Gainsville
Committee Meeting Action: Hold
Committee Statement: The TC notes the submitter is referring to B.3.2.2 and not Figure B.3.2.2.
The submitter is requesting edit of text that was not addressed in Proposal 780-126.
The comment introduces significant changes that have not had public review.
The comment changes the text to the point that the TC would have to restudy the text of the report or other affected
parts of the document. The comment proposes something that cannot be handled properly within the time frame
established for processing the report.
Number Eligible to Vote: 28
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 27
Ballot Not Returned: 1 Berger, G.

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Public Input No. 3-NFPA 780-2013 [ New Section after 1.1.1 ]


Type your content here ...
1.1.1 (1) & (2) Should be more specific.
Needs to specify or define what kind of buildings, are the so called "ORDINARY, MISCELLANEOUS AND SPECIAL".
Especially, if the code is seeking to be accepted worldwide. The IEC 62305 is gaining market in the Hispanic Hemisphere.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The Code will have a better worldwide acceptance.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Affilliation: myself
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Dec 26 09:53:41 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects including the wording to be added or

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Public Input No. 213-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after 1.2 ]

The safe guarding of persons is the foremost concern of this standard. Although it is impossible to prevent all threats from lightning, this standard does make recommendatrions for Personal Safety from Lightning, which are
located primarily in annex M.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Provide language that limits scope of safe guarding of persons to the non normative section while giving clear direction where those recommendations can be located.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 30 22:17:35 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-23-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds annex material in order to provide direction as to where the measure that safeguards people may be found. The TC provides language that limits the scope of the safeguarding of persons to the non-normative
section while giving clear direction where those recommendations can be located.

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Public Input No. 212-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 1.2 ]

* 1.2 Purpose.
The purpose of this standard shall be to provide for the safeguarding of persons and property from hazards arising from exposure to lightning.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Add annex material to provide direction as to where the measure that safe guard persons may be found

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 30 22:14:16 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-23-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds annex material in order to provide direction as to where the measure that safeguards people may be found. The TC provides language that limits the scope of the safeguarding of persons to the non-normative
section while giving clear direction where those recommendations can be located.

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Public Input No. 224-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after 1.5.2 ]

If compliance to this standard is mandated by an Auhtority Having Jurisdiction, it shall be done by a National Recognized Testing Laboratory conducting a physical on-site inspection.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Self certification presents a compromise of this standard and the public interest. Each system is unique to the structure it is installed on needs to verified with physical onsite inspection.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jul 02 16:58:21 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-71-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds a new paragraph to provide criteria for the AHJ when a certification is required.

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Public Input No. 169-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 2.3 ]

2.3 Other Publications.

2.3.1 ISO Publications.
International Organization for Standardization, ISO Central Secretariat, 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse, CP 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.
ISO 1496, Series 1 freight containers — Specification and testing — Part 1: General cargo containers for general purposes, 1990 6 edition .
2.3.2 UL Publications.
Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096.
ANSI/UL 1449, Standard for Safety for Surge Protective Devices, 3rd edition, September 29, 2006, with revisions through July 11, 2012.
2.3.3 Other Publications.
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, Merriam-Webster, Inc., Springfield, MA, 2003.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Updated ISO Standard edition year.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Aaron Adamczyk

Organization: [ Not Specified ]
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Jun 08 00:57:35 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-44-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC updates the dates for ISO 1496 and UL 1449 in accordance with the Manual of Style, Paragraph

The TC adds IEC 62305-2 as this document is included in Chapter 7.

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Public Input No. 245-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 3.3 ]

3.3 General Definitions.

3.3.1 * Air Terminal.
A strike termination device that is a receptor for attachment of flashes to the lightning protection system and is listed for the purpose.
3.3.2 Bonding.
An electrical connection between an electrically conductive object and a component of a lightning protection system that is intended to significantly reduce potential differences created by lightning currents.
3.3.3 * Cable.
A conductor formed of a number of wires stranded together.
3.3.4 Catenary Lightning Protection System.
A lightning protection system consisting of one or more overhead ground wires.
3.3.5 Chimney.
A construction containing one or more flues that does not meet the criteria defined for heavy-duty stack.
3.3.6 * Combination Waveform Generator.
A surge generator with a 2-ohm internal impedance producing a 1.2/50 μs open circuit voltage and an 8/20 µs short-circuit current waveshape.
3.3.7 Conductor. Bonding Conductor.
A conductor used for potential equalization between grounded metal bodies or electrically conductive objects and a lightning protection system. Counterpoise Conductor.
A bare underground electrical conductor providing an area of protection from the effects of lightning for underground raceway(s) or cable(s). Down Conductor.
A main conductor used to connect roof conductors to grounding electrodes. Loop Conductor.
A conductor encircling a structure that is used to interconnect grounding electrodes, main conductors, or other electrically conductive bodies. * Main Conductor.
A conductor intended to be used to carry lightning currents between strike termination devices and grounding electrodes. Roof Conductor.
A main conductor used to interconnect strike termination devices.
3.3.8 Copper-Clad Steel.
Steel with a coating of copper bonded to it.
3.3.9 Discharge Current. Maximum Discharge Current ( I ).
The maximum instantaneous value of the current through the surge protective device (SPD) having an 8/20 µs waveform. Nominal Discharge Current (I ).
Peak value of 8/20 µs current waveform selected by the manufacturer for which an SPD remains functional after 15 surges.
3.3.10 Fastener.
An attachment device used to secure the conductor to the structure.
3.3.11 Flame Protection.
Self-closing gauge hatches, vapor seals, pressure-vacuum breather valves, flame arresters, or other effective means to minimize the possibility of flame entering the vapor space of a tank.
3.3.12 * Flammable Air-Vapor Mixtures.
Flammable vapors mixed with air in proportions that will cause the mixture to burn rapidly when ignited.
3.3.13 Flammable Vapors.
A concentration of constituents in air that exceeds 10 percent of its lower flammable limit (LFL). [115, 2012]
3.3.14 Flash Point.
The minimum temperature at which a liquid or a solid emits vapor sufficient to form an ignitible mixture with air near the surface of the liquid or the solid.
3.3.15 Gastight.
Describes a structure so constructed that gas or air cannot enter or leave the structure except through vents or piping provided for the purpose.
3.3.16 Grounded (Grounding).
Connected (connecting) to ground or to a conductive body that extends the ground connection. [70, 2014]
3.3.17 Grounding Electrode.
The portion of a lightning protection system, such as a ground rod, ground plate electrode, or ground conductor, that is installed for the purpose of providing electrical contact with the earth.
3.3.18 Hazard Division 1.4.
Ammunition and explosives that produce a moderate fire with no significant blast or fragment hazards.
3.3.19 Headwall.
A retaining wall at the outlet of an earth-covered magazine.
3.3.20 Heavy-Duty Stack.
2 2
A smoke or vent stack with a flue that has a cross-sectional area of the flue greater than 500 in. (0.3 m ) and a height greater than 75 ft (23 m).
3.3. 21 Integral lightning protection system - A lightning protection system consisting of strike termination devices directly attached to the structure.
3.3. 21 ISO Container.
Intermodal container designed to transport freight by ship, truck, or rail built in accordance with ISO 1496, Series 1 Freight containers — Specification and testing — Part 1: General cargo containers for general purposes.
3.3.22 * Light Base.
An enclosure used as a mounting base for airport light fixtures and assemblies. The unit serves as an isolation transformer housing and as an electrical junction box or both. The light base is cylindrically shaped with a closed
bottom, provisions for cable or conduit entry and exit, provisions for grounding and provided with a top flange to mate with the fixture or cover.
3.3.23 Lightning Electromagnetic Impulse (LEMP).
Electromagnetic effects of lightning current, which includes conducted surges as well as radiated impulse electromagnetic field effects.
3.3.24 * Lightning Protection System.
A complete system of strike termination devices, conductors (which could include conductive structural members), grounding electrodes, interconnecting conductors, surge protective devices, and other connectors and fittings
required to complete the system.
3.3.25 Liquid. Class I Flammable Liquid.
Any liquid that has a closed-cup flash point below 100°F (37.8°C) and a Reid vapor pressure not exceeding an absolute pressure of 40 psi (276 kPa) at 100°F (37.8°C). Combustible Liquid.
Any liquid that has a closed-cup flash point at or above 100°F (37.8°C).
3.3.26 Magazine.
A structure specifically designed to store ammunition and explosives. Earth-Covered Magazine (ECM).
An aboveground, earth-covered structure with a minimum of 2 ft (0.6 m) soil cover depth and a slope of 2 horizontal and 1 vertical. Portable Magazine.
A magazine that can be moved from one location to another.
3.3.27 Magnetically Shielded.
Enclosing all or part of an object in a metallic grid or continuous screen to reduce failures of electrical and electronic system components.
3.3.28 Mast-type lightning protection system - A lightning protection system consisting of masts (either metallic or non-metallic) that are remote from the structure to provide the primary attachment point for a lightning discharge.
3.3.28 Materials. * Class I Materials.
Lightning conductors, air terminals, grounding electrodes, and associated fittings required for the protection of structures not exceeding 75 ft (23 m) in height. * Class II Materials.
Lightning conductors, air terminals, grounding electrodes, and associated fittings required for the protection of structures exceeding 75 ft (23 m) in height. Explosive Materials.
Materials, including explosives, blasting agents, and detonators, that are authorized for transportation by the Department of Transportation or the Department of Defense as explosive materials.
3.3.29 * Mounting Stake.
A steel angle iron driven vertically into the earth with provisions for the mounting of an elevated airfield lighting fixture.
3.3.30 Pavement.
A hard, layered surface constructed to provide support for the loads imposed by airplanes and to produce a firm, stable, smooth, all-year, all-weather surface free of debris or other particles blown or picked up by propeller wash
or jet blast. Full Strength Pavement.
Pavement designed to provide support for an aircraft for continual operations of the aircraft. Shoulder Pavement.
Pavement designed to provide support for an aircraft for unintentional or emergency operations of the aircraft.

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3.3.31 * Raceway.
An enclosed channel of metal or nonmetallic materials designed expressly for holding wires, cables, or busbars, with additional functions as permitted in this [standard]. Raceways include, but are not limited to, rigid metal
conduit, rigid nonmetallic conduit, intermediate metal conduit, liquidtight flexible conduit, flexible metallic tubing, flexible metal conduit, electrical nonmetallic tubing, electrical metallic tubing, underfloor raceways, cellular
concrete floor raceways, cellular metal floor raceways, surface raceways, wireways, and busways.
3.3.32 Sideflash.
An electrical spark, caused by differences of potential, that occurs between conductive metal bodies or between conductive metal bodies and a component of a lightning protection system or ground.
3.3.33 Spark Gap.
Any short air space between two conductors that are electrically insulated from or remotely electrically connected to each other.
3.3.34 Strike Termination Device.
A conductive component of the lightning protection system capable of receiving a lightning strike and providing a connection to a path to ground. Strike termination devices include air terminals, metal masts, permanent metal
parts of structures as described in, and overhead ground wires installed in catenary lightning protection systems.
3.3.35 Striking Distance.
The distance over which the final breakdown of the initial lightning stroke to ground or to a grounded object occurs.
3.3.36 Structure. Metal-Clad Structure.
A structure with sides or roof, or both, covered with metal. Metal-Framed Structure.
A structure with electrically continuous structural members of sufficient size to provide an electrical path equivalent to that of lightning conductors.
3.3.37 Surge.
A transient wave of current, potential, or power in an electric circuit. Surges do not include longer duration temporary overvoltages (TOV) consisting of an increase in the power frequency voltage for several cycles.
3.3.38 Surge Protective Device (SPD).
A device intended for limiting surge voltages on equipment by diverting or limiting surge current that comprises at least one nonlinear component.
3.3.39 Transient.
A subcycle disturbance in the ac waveform that is evidenced by a sharp, brief discontinuity of the waveform. It can be of either polarity and can be additive to, or subtractive from, the nominal waveform.
3.3.40 Turf.
Grass, stabilized soil, asphalt, or any other hard surface not intended as a paved shoulder, installed from the edge of the runway or taxiway full strength pavement to just outside the airfield lighting circuits.
3.3.41 Vapor Opening.
An opening through a tank shell or roof that is above the surface of the stored liquid and that is provided for tank breathing, tank gauging, fire fighting, or other operating purposes.
3.3.42 Voltage. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV).
The maximum designated rms value of the power frequency voltage that can be continuously applied to the mode of protection of a surge protective device (SPD). Measured Limiting Voltage (MLV).
Maximum magnitude of voltage that is measured across the terminals of the surge protective device (SPD) during the application of impulses of specified waveshape and amplitude. Nominal System Voltage.
The nominal voltage (rms) of the power frequency supply. Normal Operating Voltage.
The normal ac power frequency voltage rating, as specified by the manufacturer, to which the SPD may be connected.
3.3.43 * Voltage Protection Rating (VPR).
A rating (or ratings) selected by the manufacturer based on the measured limiting voltage determined when the SPD is subjected to a combination waveform with an open circuit voltage of 6 kV and a short-circuit current of 3
3.3.44 Watercraft.
All forms of boats and vessels up to 300 gross tons (272 metric tons) used for pleasure or commercial purposes, but excluding seaplanes, hovercraft, vessels with a cargo of flammable liquids, and submersible vessels.
3.3.45 Zone of Protection.
The space adjacent to a lightning protection system that is substantially immune to direct lightning flashes.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The term integral lightning protection system is introduced in Chapter 8 and requires definition. The definition for mast-type lightning protection system is provided to clarify the difference between an integral and mast-type lightning
protection system.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of NFPA 780 Explosives Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jul 04 19:59:17 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-75-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC provides a definition for integral lightning protection system. See FR-75 and FR-76.

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Public Input No. 5-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ] Counterpoise Conductor.

A bare underground electrical conductor providing used to provide the Ground-Level Potential Equalization for downleads and utilities connected. Also provides an area of protection from the effects of lightning for underground
raceway(s) or cable(s), that run under the counterpoise-conductor .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

It is the correct meaning of the word counterpoise: A counterbalancing weight. The state of being in equilibrium.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 18:04:25 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC does not agree with the submitter’s definition of a counterpoise conductor. Paragraph defines a bonding conductor and Paragraph defines a loop conductor. The changes proposed broadens the definition
beyond the scope of an airfield lighting counterpoise conductor and encroaches on the definition of a bonding conductor and a loop conductor. The counterpoise definition used in this standard accurately describes the
counterpoise conductor used by the FAA and military. The counterpoise conductor has been described in FAA documents for more than 50 years.

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Public Input No. 6-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]* Main Conductor.

A conductor intended to be used to carry lightning currents between strike termination devices and grounding electrodes down conductors or down leads .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The one that connect grounding electrodes are the down leads, which are the same size cable as main conductors.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 18:17:28 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC confirms that down conductors are main conductors and are required to meet the material and dimension requirements for main conductors. The recommended text suggests that down conductors are not main

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Public Input No. 7-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ] Roof Conductor.

A main conductor used to interconnect strike termination devices and other elements subject to direct strikes .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

A “roof conductor” should be any other main size cable, besides de Loop Conductor, that being main size, connects all the rest of equipment on the roof.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 18:24:38 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC requires that any elements subject to direct strikes be provided with strike termination devices whether they are air terminals or “natural” strike termination devices as described in 4.6.1.

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Public Input No. 197-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ] Nominal Discharge Current (I ).

Peak value of 8/20 µs current waveform selected by the manufacturer for which an SPD remains functional after 15 surges the 15 surge Nominal Discharge Current testing conducted by the listing agency under the ANSI/UL
1449-2006, Third Edition Standard .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The original text appears to allow the manufacturer to select the nominal discharge current value and conduct their own testing. It does not indicate any outside supervision of the tests. The nominal discharge current value is actually
selected by the manufacturer during the Nominal Discharge Current Test phase of the ANSI/UL 1449-2006, Third Edition Standard testing conducted by the listing agency. The manufacturer can choose the 3 kA, 5 kA, 10 kA, or 20 kA rate
for the test. If the listing agency determines that the SPD has successfully survived the 15 surges at the selected rate, then it certifies that rate for publication on the product label along with the listing agency seal, date of manufacture,
VPRs, along with additional information. The additional text more accurately describes the origin of the nominal discharge current test rating.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: THOMAS BUTCHER

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jun 17 12:47:07 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC notes that the existing definition is consistent with the definition of the term in UL 1449, Edition 4 and the proposed revision adds no value to the definition.

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Public Input No. 118-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 3.3.17 ]

3.3.17 Grounding Electrode.

The portion of A component in a lightning protection system, such as a ground rod, ground plate electrode, or ground conductor, that is installed for the purpose of providing electrical contact with the electrical current flow
into the earth.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The problem is one of semantics and word definition. "Portion" implies a part that usually comprises several elements, whereas e.g. a ground rod is a single part. While definitions of "electrode" vary between sources depending on the
implicit application, that in the American English dictionary is fairly general "any terminal that conducts an electric current into or away from various conducting substances in a circuit,...". Even this is not accurate as the lightning grounding
mechanism is not a part of a conductive circuit since displacement currents provide the return path to the cloud. However, the idea that an electrode is a device that conducts an electric current away from the lightning protection system is
accurate, with the additional feature that in this case the current is being directed to the grounding medium.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Ewen Thomson

Organization: Marine Lightning Protection Inc
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu May 08 12:42:53 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-78-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the definition to clarify that the purpose of the grounding electrode for the lightning protection system is for lightning current flow into the earth.

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Public Input No. 129-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 3.3.22 ]

3.3.22* Light Base.

An enclosure used as a mounting base for airport light fixtures and assemblies. The unit serves as an isolation transformer housing and as an electrical junction box, or both. The light base is cylindrically shaped, with a closed
bottom, provisions for cable or conduit entry and exit, and provisions for grounding, and is provided with a top flange to mate with the fixture or cover.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The paragraph as it stood was sadly lacking in commas. As an editorial ninja, and a lifelong aficionado of the Oxford comma, I thought it fit to revise the grammar of the paragraph for propriety's sake.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 05 11:02:19 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-1-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises the light base definition to provide additional clarity.

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Public Input No. 8-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 3.3.27 ]

3.3.27 Magnetically Shielded.

Enclosing all or part of an object in a metallic grid or continuous screen to reduce failures of electrical and reduces the efects of the Electromagnetic pulse (LEMP) and consecuently the failure of electronic system components.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

It reduces the EMP that fails electronic components. The electric components need SPD’s

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 18:34:09 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-25-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text to provide clarity.

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Public Input No. 130-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 3.3.31 ]

3.3.31* Raceway.
An enclosed channel of metal or nonmetallic materials designed expressly for holding wires, cables, or busbars, with additional functions as permitted in this [standard] NFPA 70, National Electrical Code . Raceways include, but
are not limited to, rigid metal conduit, rigid nonmetallic conduit, intermediate metal conduit, liquidtight flexible conduit, flexible metallic tubing, flexible metal conduit, electrical nonmetallic tubing, electrical metallic tubing,
underfloor raceways, cellular concrete floor raceways, cellular metal floor raceways, surface raceways, wireways, and busways.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Clearly the text "this [Standard]" is not a valid part of the definition of "raceway." The text was changed to reference NFPA 70.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 05 12:09:09 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-2-NFPA 780-2014. The TC does not agree with the submitter’s substantiation. Manual of Style, Paragraph 2.6.1 General Extract Requirements allows the reference to this standard.
Statement: The 2014 NEC (NFPA 70) revised the raceway definition. The TC edits the text to use the NFPA 70 definition to promote consistency. The TC retains the associated annex text.

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Public Input No. 229-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after 3.3.32 ]

3.3.x Solar Panel:

A general term used for either photovoltaic (PV) Modules or thermal Collectors. Collectors collect heat by absorbing sunlight and include water heater systems, parabolic troughs, parabolic dish type,
evacuated tube type, solar air heaters or solar tower systems. Modules convert solar radiation into direct current (dc) electricity.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

New definition required to support new text proposed in Chapter 12

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Caie

Organization: ERICO, Inc.
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jul 02 23:45:33 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-103-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC provides a new definition to support new text in Chapter 12.

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Public Input No. 230-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after 3.3.32 ]

3.3.x Solar Array:

A group of solar Modules or Collectors wired or connected together in a string or larger collection system.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

New definition required to support proposed changes to Chapter 12

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Caie

Organization: ERICO, Inc.
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jul 02 23:47:43 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-104-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC provides a new definition to support new text in Chapter 12.

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Public Input No. 228-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after 3.3.42 ] Maximum Permitted DC Voltage (Vpvdc).

The maximum permitted dc voltage rating across a photovoltaic surge protection device (PV SPD)

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Required to support new term proposed in Chapter 12 for Solar Arrays

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Caie

Organization: ERICO, Inc.
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jul 02 23:40:40 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-147-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC provides a new definition to support new text in Chapter 12.

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Public Input No. 239-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 3.3.42 ]

3.3.42 Voltage. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV).
The maximum designated rms value of the power frequency voltage that can be continuously applied to the mode of protection of a surge protective device (SPD). Measured Limiting Voltage (MLV).
Maximum magnitude of voltage that is measured across the terminals of the surge protective device (SPD) during the application of impulses of specified waveshape and amplitude. Nominal System Voltage.
The nominal voltage (rms) of the power frequency supply. Normal Operating Voltage.
The normal ac power frequency voltage rating, as specified by the manufacturer, to which the SPD may be connected. Rated impulse withstand voltage level (U ) . Impulse withstand voltage between live conductors and ground assigned by the manufacturer to wiring and equipment, or to a part of it, characterizing the specified
withstand capability of its insulation against overvoltages.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Term is used in several locations in Annex L without definition.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 240-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. L.]
Public Input No. 241-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections L., L., L., L.]
Public Input No. 242-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections L.6.7.8, L.6.7.9]
Public Input No. 243-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. L.6.8]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of NFPA 780 Risk Assessment Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jul 04 12:21:48 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-106-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds a definition for Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage Level (Withstand Voltage) (UW). The addition of (withstand voltage) in the title of the definition is to allow the term to be used in the text without repeating the entire
title each time it is used.

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Public Input No. 195-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ] Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV).

The maximum designated rms value of the power frequency voltage that can be continuously applied to the mode of protection of a surge protective device (SPD) without failure or conduction of the clamping components .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The original definition places no restrictions on the condition of the surge protective device (SPD). The additional text sets specific maximum parameters for the establishment of the maximum continuous operation voltage (MCOV).

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: THOMAS BUTCHER

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jun 17 12:23:00 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The committee notes that the additional text is not relevant because this is covered by the indication that the voltage must be continuously applied.

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Public Input No. 196-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 3.3.43 ]

3.3.43* Voltage Protection Rating (VPR).

A rating (or ratings) selected by the manufacturer from a category list based on the measured limiting voltage determined when the SPD is subjected to a combination waveform with an open circuit voltage of 6 kV and a short-
circuit current of 3 kA, during the Nominal Discharge Current testing phase of the ANSI/UL 1449-2006, Third Edition Standard by the listing agency .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The original text appears to allow the manufacturer to select a voltage protection rating (VPR) based on the measured limiting voltage determined from their own testing. The VPRs are a result of the official testing of the ANSI/UL
1449-2006, Third Edition Standard by the listing agency, and are required to be displayed on the SPD product label, along with the listing agency seal, date of manufacture, along with other specific information. The revised text more
accurately describes the origin of the VPRs.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: THOMAS BUTCHER

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jun 17 12:31:18 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The Tc notes the recommended text is not relevant to the definition of the term and confirms that the existing definition is in agreement with UL 1449, Edition 4.

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Public Input No. 171-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Structures exceeding 75 ft (23 m) in height shall be protected with Class II materials as shown in Table
Table Minimum Class II Material Requirements

Copper Aluminum
Type of Conductor Parameter U.S. SI U.S. SI

Air terminal, solid Diameter 1 ⁄ 2 in. 12.7 mm 5 ⁄ 8 in. 15.9 mm

Main conductor, cable Size each strand 15 AWG 1.
2 13 AWG 2
65 mm 2.62 mm
Weight per length 375 lb/1000 ft 558 g/m 190 lb/1000 ft 283 g/m
Cross-section area 115,000 cir. mils 2 192,000 cir. mils 2
58 mm 97 mm
Size each strand 17 AWG 2 14 AWG 2
1.04 mm 2.08 mm
Bonding conductor, cable (solid or stranded)
Cross-section area 26,240 cir. mils 2 41,100 cir. mils 2
13.2 mm 20.8 mm
Thickness 0.051 in. 1.30 mm 0.064 in. 1.63 mm
Bonding conductor, solid strip
Width 1 ⁄ 2 in. 12.7 mm 1 ⁄ 2 in. 12.7 mm
Thickness 0.064 in. 1.63 mm 0.1026 in. 2.61 mm
Main conductor, solid strip
Cross-section area 115,000 cir. mils 2 192,000 cir. mils 2
58 mm 97 mm

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

I have looked up the correct SI units for # 15 AWG US wire size in a couple of different sources on the internet. # 15 AWG is listed as 1.65 sq. mm, not 1.05 as shown in Table

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 09 10:36:22 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-48-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC corrects the values in the table from 1.05 sq. mm, to 1.65 sq. mm.

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Public Input No. 288-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Conductors shall be of electrical-grade aluminum, with a minimum chemical composition of 99% aluminum .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Clarifies the content of Aluminum conductor and aligns it with UL96, Lightning Protection Components.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mark Morgan

Organization: East Coast Lightning Equipment
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 20:34:18 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-49-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC clarifies the content of aluminum conductor and aligns it with UL 96, Lightning Protection Components.

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Public Input No. 271-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Metal parts of a structure that are exposed to direct lightning flashes and that have a metal thickness of 3⁄16 in. (4.8 mm) or greater shall only require connection to the lightning protection system in accordance with Section
4.8 9 .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The reference to section 4.8 (Zone of Protection) is incorrect. Correct reference is section 4.9 Conductors as this requirement deals with the connection of the strike termination device to the rest of the system.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Thomas Harger

Organization: Harger Lightning Protection In
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 11:18:47 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-50-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The reference to Section 4.8 (Zone of Protection) is incorrect. The TC corrects the reference to Section 4.9 Conductors as this requirement deals with the connection of the strike termination device to the rest of the system.

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Public Input No. 276-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after ]
A permanent metal part of a structure used as a strike termination device to protect other parts of the structure shall be not less than 10 in. (254 mm) above the object or area it is to protect. See Figure

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Figure_4_6_1_6.pdf Figure

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Proposed text clarifies that if a permanent metal part of a structure used as a strike termination device to protect other (combustible) parts of the structure should be 10 inches (254 mm) above the area it is to protect as is the case for air

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Thomas Harger

Organization: Harger Lightning Protection In
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 12:31:36 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC does not make the change as proposed by the submitter. The elevation of 10 inches above the area protected is not required in all cases and text is too limiting as worded.

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Public Input No. 9-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Overhead ground wire material shall be constructed of aluminum, copper, stainless steel, galvanized steel, or protected steel such as copper-clad, aluminum-clad, or aluminum conductor steel reinforced (ACSR).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

We either eliminate the "galvanized steel from or it needs to be added under Item: 4.2

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 20:22:00 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The standard permits galvanized steel for overhead ground wire applications.

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Public Input No. 94-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Sideflash distance from a point on a mast shall be calculated from the following formula:

D = sideflash distance from a mast
h = height of structure (or object being calculated)

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Being a formula it should have “units” ( Feet , ms etc.)

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Apr 03 21:37:58 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-79-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC clarifies the text to ensure consistency in the formula.

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Public Input No. 95-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]*
The sideflash distance from a point on an overhead ground wire shall be calculated as follows:

D = sideflash distance from a mast or overhead ground wire
l = length of lightning protection conductor between the nearest grounded point and the point being calculated (In the calculation of spacing from an overhead wire supported by a metal mast, it shall be permitted to consider
the grounded point to be the attachment point on the metal mast where the overhead wire is electrically connected. For calculations of sideflash from a mast and the calculations for overhead wires supported by
nonmetallic masts, the grounded point shall be considered the grounding system connection.)
n = 1 where there is one overhead ground wire that exceeds 100 ft (30 m) in horizontal length
n = 1.5 where there are one or two down conductors connected to the overhead ground wire spaced greater than 25 ft (7.6 m) and less than 100 ft (30 m) apart along the length of the overhead ground wire
n = 2.25 where there are more than two down conductors connected to the overhead ground wires spaced more than 25 ft (7.6 m) apart and less than 100 ft (30 m) apart along the length of the overhead ground wire

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Being a formula it should have “units” ( Feet , ms etc.)

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Apr 03 21:40:02 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-80-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC clarifies the text to ensure consistency in the formula.

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Public Input No. 176-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Roof hips shall not be considered as ridges for the protection of these types of roofs, unless it's touched by the "rollong sphere" when determining the Zone of Protection .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

ssometimes when there are gently slopping roofs, hips might requiere air terminlas.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jun 11 12:57:45 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC notes that the rolling sphere method is not the only method of creating a zone of protection. Paragraph 4.8.1 clearly states that zones of protection may be determined by air terminal placements per Section 4.7, the
protective angle method per Paragraph 4.8.2, or the rolling sphere method per Paragraph 4.8.3.

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Public Input No. 157-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.7.2 ]

4.7.2 * 2 Location of Devices.*
As shown in Figure, the distance from strike termination devices to ridge ends on pitched roofs or to edges and outside corners of flat or gently sloping roofs shall not exceed 2 ft (0.6 m).
Figure Air Terminals on a Pitched Roof.
Strike termination devices shall be placed on ridges of pitched roofs and around the perimeter of flat or gently sloping roofs at intervals not exceeding 20 ft (6 m).
Strike termination devices 2 ft (0.6 m) or more above the object or area to be protected shall be permitted to be placed at intervals not exceeding 25 ft (7.6 m).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Changed the location of the asterix to more appropriately reflect the annex material's content.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 158-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. A.4.7.2]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:29:33 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-51-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes the location of the asterisk to more appropriately reflect the annex material's content.

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Public Input No. 10-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Strike termination devices shall not be required around the perimeters of pitched roofs with eave heights less than or equal to 50 ft (15 m) above grade; unless it is contrary determined by the Rolling Sphere method .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The Rolling Sphere Method should prevail in all cases, and it should be stated clearly.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 20:29:25 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC contends that the rolling sphere method is not the only method of creating a zone of protection. Paragraph 4.8.1 clearly states that zones of protection may be determined by air terminal placements per Section 4.7, the
protective angle method per Paragraph 4.8.2, or the rolling sphere method per Paragraph 4.8.3.

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Public Input No. 11-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Strike termination devices shall not be required around the perimeters of pitched roofs with eave heights less than or equal to 50 ft (15 m) above grade; unless it is contrary determine by the Rolling Sphere Method .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The Rolling Sphere Method should prevail in all cases, and it should be stated clearly.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 20:33:32 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC contends that the rolling sphere method is not the only method of creating a zone of protection. Paragraph 4.8.1 clearly states that zones of protection may be determined by air terminal placements per Section 4.7, the
protective angle method per Paragraph 4.8.2, or the rolling sphere method per Paragraph 4.8.3.

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Public Input No. 260-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
For pitched roofs with a span of 100 ft (30 m) or less and eave heights greater than or equal to 50 ft (15 m) but less than 150 ft (46 45 m) above grade, it shall be permitted to omit strike termination devices at the eaves if the
slope of that roof is equal to or steeper than the tangent of the arc at the eave elevation of a rolling sphere having a 150 ft (46 45 m) radius. (See Figure
Figure Illustration of Tangent of Rolling Sphere Method.

Insert attached revision to figure
Except for the gutter, any portion of the building that extends beyond that tangent shall be protected.
Eaves over 150 ft (46 45 m) above grade shall be protected in accordance with 4.7.2. *
The tangent of the rolling sphere arc shall be considered as a vertical line over 150 ft (46 45 m) above grade, except as permitted by

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Proposed_Figure_4-7-3-2.docx Revised Figure

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal revises the metric equivalence for 150 feet from 46 m to 45 m for consistency within the standard as well as consistency with all other national and international lightning protection or similar standards. Attempt was made to
make the same changes in Figure but TERRA does not reflect this.
The actual mathematical equivalence to 150 feet is 45.72 meters. It is important to note that NFPA 780, 1.7.2 states that the metric equivalent is an approximate value, not a value rounded to the nearest whole number. If one were to round
off the conversion factor of 3.280833 ft/m to 3.3, the equivalence would be 45.45 meters (which would round to 45 meters). Annex B currently identifies the equivalence of 150 feet to be 45 meters and the entire document listed the
equivalence as 45 meters in the 2011 edition. It is recommended that this clause be modified to reflect the value of 45 meters given in Annex B. Most important this change will bring NFPA 780 in agreement with IEC, IEEE, DOD, DOE,
PANTEX, Canadian, and Australian standards and handbooks. Maintaining the 46 meter equivalence could unnecessarily lead to coordination issues in NATO lightning protection applications as the remainder of NATO participating nations
use 45 meters. Examples of some of the standards specifying a 45 meter equivalence to 150 feet:
IEC 62305, Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, Edition 2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, December 2010.
IEEE Std 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Society, June 2007.
December 1987.
DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, January 2008.
AS/NZS 1768:2007, Lightning Protection, Joint Publication of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, January 2007.
CAN/CSA-B72-M87, Installation code for lightning protection systems, Standards Canada, reaffirmed 2013.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 261-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.7.5]
Public Input No. 261-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.7.5]
Public Input No. 262-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]
Public Input No. 263-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 264-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 267-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 268-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. A.]
Public Input No. 269-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. A.]
Public Input No. 270-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. H.2.2]
Public Input No. 280-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. L.6.7.4]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 09:05:35 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

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Replace 46 m with 45 m in 4 locations
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Public Input No. 12-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Except for the gutter, Gutters, being metal in most cases and part of the building must be interconnected to the L.P.S. and any portion of the building that extends beyond that tangent shall be protected.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Metal gutters should be considered “natural lightning conductors" and should be part of the L.P.S.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 20:48:25 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC does notes that not all metal gutters have the required metal thickness for strike termination devices or main lightning conductors.

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Public Input No. 13-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.7.4 ]

4.7.4 Roofs with Intermediate Ridges.(See picture)

Strike termination devices shall be located along the outermost ridges of buildings that have a series of intermediate ridges at the same intervals as required by 4.7.2.
Strike termination devices shall be located on the intermediate ridges in accordance with the requirements for the spacing of strike termination devices on flat or gently sloping roofs.
If any intermediate ridge is higher than the outermost ridges, it shall be treated as a main ridge and protected according to 4.7.2.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Previous version used to have a picture similar to the one attached...restore it.
It clarifies the concept that the top of any irregular shape can be treated as a flat area if it is less than 50 feet wide and don’t protrude.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 21:03:04 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-53-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds reference to a figure and adds new Figure 4.7.4.

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Public Input No. 27-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Strike termination devices shall be located on the intermediate ridges in accordance with the requirements for the spacing of strike termination devices on flat or gently sloping roofs. (See figure

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Add picture for better clarification. It was deleted from previous versions.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jan 23 05:57:37 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-53-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds reference to a figure and adds new Figure 4.7.4.

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Public Input No. 131-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.7.5 ]

4.7.5 Flat or Gently Sloping Roof Area. Flat or gently sloping roofs that exceed 50 ft (15 m) in width or length shall have additional strike termination devices located at intervals not to exceed 50 ft (15 m) on the flat or gently sloping areas, as shown in
Figure 4.7.5(a) and Figure 4.7.5(b)
; such
. Such area shall also be permitted to be protected using taller strike termination devices that create zones of protection using the rolling sphere method so the sphere does not contact the flat or gently sloping roof
Figure 4.7.5(a) Air Terminals on a Flat Roof.

Figure 4.7.5(b) Air Terminals on a Gently Sloping Roof.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The paragraph as written contained two requirements. I have broken them out into two separate paragraphs, per MOS 1.8.4.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 05 12:13:21 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-54-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: Th TC divides the paragraph into two to comply with the Manual of Style, Paragraph 1.8.4.

The TC renumbers the figures to Figure and Figure

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Public Input No. 261-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.7.5 ]

4.7.5 Flat or Gently Sloping Roof Area.

Flat or gently sloping roofs that exceed 50 ft (15 m) in width or length shall have additional strike termination devices located at intervals not to exceed 50 ft (15 m) on the flat or gently sloping areas, as shown in Figure 4.7.5(a)
and Figure 4.7.5(b) ; such area shall be permitted to be protected using taller strike termination devices that create zones of protection using the rolling sphere method so the sphere does not contact the flat or gently sloping
roof area.
Figure 4.7.5(a) Air Terminals on a Flat Roof.

Figure 4.7.5(b) Air Terminals on a Gently Sloping Roof.

Replace Figure 4.7.5 (a) with attached revision

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Proposed_Figure_4-7-5-a.docx Revised Figure 4.7.5 (a)

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal attempts to revise the metric equivalence for 150 feet in Figure 4.7.5(a) B: from 46 m to 45 m for consistency within the standard as well as consistency with all other national and international lightning protection or similar
The actual mathematical equivalence to 150 feet is 45.72 meters. It is important to note that NFPA 780, 1.7.2 states that the metric equivalent is an approximate value, not a value rounded to the nearest whole number. If one were to round
off the conversion factor of 3.280833 ft/m to 3.3, the equivalence would be 45.45 meters (which would round to 45 meters). Annex B currently identifies the equivalence of 150 feet to be 45 meters and the entire document listed the
equivalence as 45 meters in the 2011 edition. It is recommended that this clause be modified to reflect the value of 45 meters given in Annex B. Most important this change will bring NFPA 780 in agreement with IEC, IEEE, DOD, DOE,
PANTEX, Canadian, and Australian standards and handbooks. Maintaining the 46 meter equivalence could unnecessarily lead to coordination issues in NATO lightning protection applications as the remainder of NATO participating nations
use 45 meters. Examples of some of the standards specifying a 45 meter equivalence to 150 feet:
IEC 62305, Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, Edition 2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, December 2010.
IEEE Std 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Society, June 2007.
December 1987.
DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, January 2008.
AS/NZS 1768:2007, Lightning Protection, Joint Publication of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, January 2007.
CAN/CSA-B72-M87, Installation code for lightning protection systems, Standards Canada, reaffirmed 2013.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

40 of 274 12/1/2014 2:23 PM

Replace 46 m with 45 m in B:
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Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 260-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] similar change
Public Input No. 260-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 262-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]
Public Input No. 263-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 264-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 09:15:23 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

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Public Input No. 32-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.7.5 ]

4.7.5 Flat or Gently Sloping Roof Area.

Flat or gently sloping roofs that exceed 50 ft (15 m) in width or length shall have additional strike termination devices located at intervals not to exceed 50 ft (15 m) on the flat or gently sloping areas, as shown in Figure 4.7.5(a)
and Figure 4.7.5(b); such area shall be permitted to be protected using taller strike termination devices that create zones of protection using the rolling sphere method so the sphere does not contact the flat or gently sloping
roof area.
Figure 4.7.5(a) Air Terminals on a Flat Roof.

Figure 4.7.5(b) Air Terminals on a Gently Sloping Roof.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The roof system was called a “Franklin-Faraday cage and now Franklin metallic cage system.
In order to be coherent with this statement, the roof cable indicated should by “ added “ (see picture) will simulate a 150' x 50' mesh Faraday.
So all roof conductors sections should be 50 x 150’ rectangles.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Mar 29 23:56:42 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC notes that the submitter did not change the text. The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing
Committee Projects including the wording to be added or revised. The added conductor is not required but would be permitted.

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Public Input No. 132-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ] Metal objects with a metal thickness of 3 ⁄ 16 in. (4.8 mm) or more and not located in a zone of protection shall require connection to the lightning protection system using a main-size lightning conductor and a
main-size connector
in accordance with the following: It has a surface
2 2 The main-size connector shall have a connection contact area of not less than 3 in. (1940 mm ) or a minimum of 1 1 ⁄ 2 in. (38 mm) of contact along the axis of a round surface. Two or more paths to ground
shall be provided, located as is required for strike termination devices.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

In existing subsection (1), the antecedent of the "It" is unclear. Text was revised to clarify the antecedent, and to clarify the connections between the various requirements in this section.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 05 12:21:13 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-129-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC deletes A.4.7.11 as the text does not necessarily add clarity to the text of 4.7.11.

The TC clarifies the text of Paragraph 4.7.11.

The TC deletes the text of A.4.7.11 as the text simply mirrors the information in A.4.7.13.

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Public Input No. 14-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]*
Required strike termination devices shall be installed on objects, as shown in Figure , so that the distance from a strike termination device to an outside corner or the distance perpendicular to an outside edge is not
greater than 2 ft (0.6 m).
Figure Air Terminals on a Chimney.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Modify picture:
1. - Front conductor is not needed (see picture). Air terminals already have two paths to system or ground.
2. - Parallel connectors with 8 inches radius should be used instead of "T" splicers, which are known to have more impedance than the first ones.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 21:18:47 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC notes that the figure is correct as shown as the air terminal distance from the corners is the requirement in the text. Other conductors and connectors shown are permitted and are not part of the requirement.

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Public Input No. 15-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Objects on roofs that are less than 10 in. (254 mm) above the surface of the roof shall may not require strike termination devices unless they are located within 3 ft (0.9 m) of the ridge or roof edge , if they're under the Zone of
protection after installing longer air terminals around the perimeter and proven graphically by the Rolling Sphere Method .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

This whole idea contradicts the traditional design method. There is no logic explanation were it came from.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 21:30:45 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC contends that the rolling sphere method is not the only method of creating a zone of protection. Paragraph 4.8.1 Clearly states that zones of protection may be determined by air terminal placements per Section 4.7, the
protective angle method per Paragraph 4.8.2, or the rolling sphere method per Paragraph 4.8.3.

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Public Input No. 16-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
2 2
The air terminals shall be mounted on bases having a minimum contact area of 3 in. (1940 mm ), each secured to bare metal of the housing or mounted by drilling and tapping to the unit's frame in accordance with
and . with self tapping screws, making sure to caulk holes or seal around the plate, to keep out water or moisture.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The last part of the quote or sentence:

"or mounted by drilling and tapping to the unit’s frame in accordance with and"
It’s unreal. For the common part there is no way to drill and tap VHAC units. The metal is too thin.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 21:40:26 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-56-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC clarifies the requirements and provides for adhering air terminals and conductors to the units.

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Public Input No. 289-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
A unit's bare metal housing shall be permitted to be used as main conductors where the minimum thickness is 0.064 in. (1.63 mm) and is electrically continuous .
At least two main-size conductors shall be installed to connect the unit to the lightning protection system. 1 2
2 2
The connection shall be made to bare metal at the base or lower edges of the unit using main-size lightning conductors and bonding devices that have a surface contact area of not less than 3 in. (1940 mm ) and shall provide
two or more paths to ground, as is required for strike termination devices. 2 3
The two main bonding plates shall be located as far apart as practicable at the base or lower edges of the unit's electrically continuous metal housing and connected to the lightning protection system.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Aligns this section with section and section concerning use of structural element as the down conductor.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mark Morgan

Organization: East Coast Lightning Equipment
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 20:59:12 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-56-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC clarifies the requirements and provides for adhering air terminals and conductors to the units.

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Public Input No. 133-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Where practicable, movable or rotating objects on roofs shall be placed in a zone of protection such as by the use of using properly supported long air terminals or , lightning masts, or similar .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Text reworded for clarity and grammatical effectiveness. Because grammatical effectiveness.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 05 12:29:13 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-57-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC makes editorial change of PI-133 with technical clarification of PI-222 while omitting the vague, undefined, non-editorial proposal to add “or similar” at the end of the clause.

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Public Input No. 222-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Where practicable, movable or rotating objects on roofs shall be placed in a zone of protection such as by the use of properly supported long air terminals or lightning protection masts.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input


Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jul 02 16:16:38 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-57-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC makes editorial change of PI-133 with technical clarification of PI-222 while omitting the vague, undefined, non-editorial proposal to add “or similar” at the end of the clause.

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Public Input No. 17-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Structures that do not exceed 25 ft (7.6 m) above earth shall be considered to protect lower portions of a structure located within a one-to-two zone of protection as shown in Figure and Figure .
Figure Lower Roof Protection for Flat-Roof Buildings 25 ft (7.6 m) or Less in Height.

Figure Lower Roof Protection Provided by Pitched-Roof Buildings 25 ft (7.6 m) or Less in Height.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Figure should be modify or delete. It is ambiguous. It looks like a “roof” can provide a Zone of protection without air terminals. Unless of full structure steel. This is unreal.
I'm enclosing my suggestion for a new Figure.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 22:02:45 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter said “Figure should be modify or delete. It is ambiguous. It looks like a “roof” can provide a Zone of protection without air terminals. Unless of full structure steel. This is unreal. I'm enclosing my
suggestion for a new Figure”. The submitter provided no new text and the TC contends that protected roof levels provide a zone of protection for lower roof levels in accordance with Paragraph 4.8.1.

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Public Input No. 18-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Structures that do not exceed 50 ft (15 m) above earth shall be considered to protect lower portions of a structure located within a one-to-one zone of protection as shown in Figure and Figure
Figure Lower Roof Protection for Buildings 50 ft (15 m) or Less in Height.

Figure Lower Roof Protection Provided by Pitched-Roof Buildings 50 ft (15 m) or Less in Height.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Both figures: (a) and (a) explain clearly the zone of protection. Both details (b)’s disguises the whole concept of how the zone of protection should be looked. Air terminals are needed @ eave level if it is decided to keep the
picture as it is.
See suggested attachment.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 22:15:18 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter said ”Both figures: (a) and (a) explain clearly the zone of protection. Both details (b)’s disguises the whole concept of how the zone of protection should be looked. Air terminals are needed @ eave
level if it is decided to keep the picture as it is. See suggested attachment.”The TC contends that protected roof levels provide a zone of protection for lower roof levels in accordance with Paragraph 4.8.1.

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Public Input No. 262-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

The zone of protection shall include the space not intruded by a rolling sphere having a radius of the striking distance determined for the type of structure being protected, as shown in Figure
Figure Zone of Protection Depicting Rolling Sphere Method.

Replace existing Figure with attached

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Proposed_Figure_4-8-3-1.docx Revised Figure

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal attempts to revise the metric equivalence for 150 feet in Figure from 46 m to 45 m for consistency within the standard as well as consistency with all other national and international lightning protection or similar
The actual mathematical equivalence to 150 feet is 45.72 meters. It is important to note that NFPA 780, 1.7.2 states that the metric equivalent is an approximate value, not a value rounded to the nearest whole number. If one were to round
off the conversion factor of 3.280833 ft/m to 3.3, the equivalence would be 45.45 meters (which would round to 45 meters). Annex B currently identifies the equivalence of 150 feet to be 45 meters and the entire document listed the
equivalence as 45 meters in the 2011 edition. It is recommended that this clause be modified to reflect the value of 45 meters given in Annex B. Most important this change will bring NFPA 780 in agreement with IEC, IEEE, DOD, DOE,
PANTEX, Canadian, and Australian standards and handbooks. Maintaining the 46 meter equivalence could unnecessarily lead to coordination issues in NATO lightning protection applications as the remainder of NATO participating nations
use 45 meters. Examples of some of the standards specifying a 45 meter equivalence to 150 feet:
IEC 62305, Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, Edition 2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, December 2010.
IEEE Std 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Society, June 2007.
December 1987.
DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, January 2008.
AS/NZS 1768:2007, Lightning Protection, Joint Publication of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, January 2007.
CAN/CSA-B72-M87, Installation code for lightning protection systems, Standards Canada, reaffirmed 2013.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 260-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] Similar proposal
Public Input No. 261-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.7.5] Similar proposal
Public Input No. 263-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 264-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 266-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 09:24:15 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

52 of 274 12/1/2014 2:23 PM

45 m
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Public Input No. 291-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Where the sphere is tangent to earth and resting against a strike termination device, all space in the vertical plane between the two points of contact and under the sphere shall be considered to be in the zone of protection.
(see Figure
Add attached figure relocated from 7.3.2

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Proposal_Figure_7.3.2.docx Mast and Overhead Wire ZOP

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal moves mast and overhead wire zone of protection figure from Chapter 7 to Chapter 4. The figure is referenced in other locations in the standard.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 292-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. G.1.2]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 21:12:40 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-58-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC relocates Figure to Chapter 4 and removes the reference call out of 100 ft to illustrate the more general concept. See FR-127.

53 of 274 12/1/2014 2:23 PM

FIGURE (a) Single Mast Zone of Protection and (b) Overhead Ground Wires Zone of
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Public Input No. 263-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
The striking distance shall not exceed 150 ft (46 45 m).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal revises the metric equivalence for 150 feet from 46 m to 45 m for consistency within the standard as well as consistency with all other national and international lightning protection or similar standards.
The actual mathematical equivalence to 150 feet is 45.72 meters. It is important to note that NFPA 780, 1.7.2 states that the metric equivalent is an approximate value, not a value rounded to the nearest whole number. If one were to round
off the conversion factor of 3.280833 ft/m to 3.3, the equivalence would be 45.45 meters (which would round to 45 meters). Annex B currently identifies the equivalence of 150 feet to be 45 meters and the entire document listed the
equivalence as 45 meters in the 2011 edition. It is recommended that this clause be modified to reflect the value of 45 meters given in Annex B. Most important, this change will bring NFPA 780 in agreement with IEC, IEEE, DOD, DOE,
PANTEX, Canadian, and Australian standards and handbooks. Maintaining the 46 meter equivalence could unnecessarily lead to coordination issues in NATO lightning protection applications as the remainder of NATO participating nations
use 45 meters. Examples of some of the standards specifying a 45 meter equivalence to 150 feet:
IEC 62305, Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, Edition 2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, December 2010.
IEEE Std 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Society, June 2007.
December 1987.
DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, January 2008.
AS/NZS 1768:2007, Lightning Protection, Joint Publication of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, January 2007.
CAN/CSA-B72-M87, Installation code for lightning protection systems, Standards Canada, reaffirmed 2013.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 260-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] same change
Public Input No. 261-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.7.5] same change
Public Input No. 262-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. [Excluding any Sub-Sections]] same change
Public Input No. 264-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 266-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 09:29:44 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

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Public Input No. 19-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.9.1 ]

4.9.1 One-Way Path.

Strike termination devices on a lower roof level that are interconnected by a conductor run from a higher roof level shall require only one horizontal or downward path to ground, provided the lower level the "horizontal " roof
conductor run, indicated as "A" in Figure 4.9.1, does not exceed 40 ft (12 m).

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

This is what is accepted by most U.L and LPI, inspectors.

It must be clarify with an illustration.
See proposal, copied from the LPI 175 Standard.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 23:05:33 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter said “This is what is accepted by most U.L and LPI, inspectors. It must be clarify with an illustration. See proposal, copied from the LPI 175 Standard.”The TC notes that the figure does not add clarity.

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Public Input No. 20-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.9.2 ]

4.9.2 Dead Ends.

A “dead ended” main conductor shall be permitted between a single strike termination device or connector fitting and a main conductor run under the following conditions:

(1) Where the main-size conductor run to which the dead end is connected has a two-way path to ground
(2) At a main protected roof level, where the horizontal portion of the dead-end conductor is not more than 8 ft (2.4 m) in total length
(3) On a "secondary roof" which is located below the main roof protected roof level, where the dead-end conductor is should not more than be more than 16 ft (4.9 m) in total length, as shown in Figure 4.9.2
(4) Where all dead-end conductor runs maintain a horizontal or downward course from the strike termination device to the connection point with the main conductor run
(5) In order to be considered a roof as "secondary" it must not be more than 30% of the total ares of the main or high level.

Figure 4.9.2 Dead End.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Most U.L. inspectors use this as a reference for their inspections’.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 23:38:55 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter said “Most U.L. inspectors use this as a reference for their inspections’”The term “secondary roof” does not add clarity.

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Public Input No. 274-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Such pockets, often formed at low-positioned chimneys, dormers, or other projections on sloped roofs or at parapet walls, shall be provided with a down conductor from the base of the pocket to ground or to an adjacent
downlead down conductor, as shown in Figure
Figure Pockets.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

the term "downlead" is not defined in this standard. The correct term is "down conductor" per

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Thomas Harger

Organization: Harger Lightning Protection In
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 11:56:05 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-59-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text as the correct term is "down conductor."

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Public Input No. 264-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
For example, roofs from 50 ft to 100 ft (15 m to 30 m) in width shall require one cross-run conductor, roofs 100 ft to 150 ft (30 m to 46 to 45 m) in width shall require two cross-run conductors, and so on.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal revises the metric equivalence for 150 feet from 46 m to 45 m for consistency within the standard as well as consistency with all other national and international lightning protection or similar standards.
The actual mathematical equivalence to 150 feet is 45.72 meters. It is important to note that NFPA 780, 1.7.2 states that the metric equivalent is an approximate value, not a value rounded to the nearest whole number. If one were to round
off the conversion factor of 3.280833 ft/m to 3.3, the equivalence would be 45.45 meters (which would round to 45 meters). Annex B currently identifies the equivalence of 150 feet to be 45 meters and the entire document listed the
equivalence as 45 meters in the 2011 edition. It is recommended that this clause be modified to reflect the value of 45 meters given in Annex B. Most important this change will bring NFPA 780 in agreement with IEC, IEEE, DOD, DOE,
PANTEX, Canadian, and Australian standards and handbooks. Maintaining the 46 meter equivalence could unnecessarily lead to coordination issues in NATO lightning protection applications as the remainder of NATO participating nations
use 45 meters. Examples of some of the standards specifying a 45 meter equivalence to 150 feet:
IEC 62305, Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, Edition 2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, December 2010.
IEEE Std 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Society, June 2007.
December 1987.
DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, January 2008.
AS/NZS 1768:2007, Lightning Protection, Joint Publication of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, January 2007.
CAN/CSA-B72-M87, Installation code for lightning protection systems, Standards Canada, reaffirmed 2013.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 260-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] same change
Public Input No. 261-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.7.5] same change
Public Input No. 262-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. [Excluding any Sub-Sections]] same change
Public Input No. 263-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] same change
Public Input No. 265-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 266-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 09:37:30 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

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Public Input No. 265-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Cross-run conductors shall be connected to the main perimeter cable at intervals not exceeding 150 ft (46 45 m), as shown in Figure 4.7.5(a) .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal revises the metric equivalence for 150 feet from 46 m to 45 m for consistency within the standard as well as consistency with all other national and international lightning protection or similar standards. The actual mathematical
equivalence to 150 feet is 45.72 meters. It is important to note that NFPA 780, 1.7.2 states that the metric equivalent is an approximate value, not a value rounded to the nearest whole number. If one were to round off the conversion factor
of 3.280833 ft/m to 3.3, the equivalence would be 45.45 meters (which would round to 45 meters). Annex B currently identifies the equivalence of 150 feet to be 45 meters and the entire document listed the equivalence as 45 meters in the
2011 edition. It is recommended that this clause be modified to reflect the value of 45 meters given in Annex B. Most important this change will bring NFPA 780 in agreement with IEC, IEEE, DOD, DOE, PANTEX, Canadian, and Australian
standards and handbooks. Maintaining the 46 meter equivalence could unnecessarily lead to coordination issues in NATO lightning protection applications as the remainder of NATO participating nations use 45 meters. Examples of some
of the standards specifying a 45 meter equivalence to 150 feet:
IEC 62305, Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, Edition 2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, December 2010.
IEEE Std 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Society, June 2007.
December 1987.
DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, January 2008.
AS/NZS 1768:2007, Lightning Protection, Joint Publication of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, January 2007.
CAN/CSA-B72-M87, Installation code for lightning protection systems, Standards Canada, reaffirmed 2013.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 264-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] same change
Public Input No. 266-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 09:42:06 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

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Public Input No. 4-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Cross-run conductors shall be connected to the main perimeter, and to adjacent crossruns, cable at intervals not exceeding 150 ft (46 m), as shown in Figure 4.7.5(a)
in order to create a 150' x 50' mesh to simulate a Faraday cage figure .

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The idea should be to have rectangular sections of 150 feet x 50 feet to simulate a Faraday Cage along the roof surface.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jan 07 17:07:32 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter said “The idea should be to have rectangular sections of 150 feet x 50 feet to simulate a Faraday Cage along the roof surface.”The TC states that the added conductor is not required but would be permitted.

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Public Input No. 275-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
The total number of down conductors on structures having flat or gently sloping roofs shall be such that the average distance between all down conductors along the perimeter of the structure does not exceed 100 ft (30 m).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Proposed additional text clarifies the intent that it is the distance along the perimeter not just the distance between down conductors as may be the case for long, narrow structures

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Thomas Harger

Organization: Harger Lightning Protection In
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 12:03:34 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-60-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds "along the perimeter of the structure" for clarity.

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Public Input No. 50-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after ]


Type your content here .. Down leads shouldn't be installed inside elevators shafts.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Down leads should be installed towards the outside of the structure. Could create unwanted induction effects on elevator equipment and even crack the foundation. This question was brought several times and there is no reference in the

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 23:11:23 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The text provided by the submitter does not comply with the Manual of Style. The TC also refers the submitter to NEC, 620.37.

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Public Input No. 272-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.9.13 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

Down conductors coursed on or in reinforced concrete columns, precast concrete panels or on structural steel columns shall be connected to the reinforcing steel or the structural steel member at their upper and lower

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The reinforcement in precast concrete or tilt-up concrete panels is no different than that of reinforced concrete columns and should be bonded to the down conductor at its upper and lower extremities to avoid side-flash.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Thomas Harger

Organization: Harger Lightning Protection In
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 11:43:58 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter said “The reinforcement in precast concrete or tilt-up concrete panels is no different than that of reinforced concrete columns and should be bonded to the down conductor at its upper and lower extremities to
avoid side-flash.” The TC notes that bonding of reinforcing steel in precast concrete or tilt-up concrete panels is not required due to the size of the panels.

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Public Input No. 273-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
In the case of long vertical metallic members, an additional connection shall be made at intervals not exceeding 200 ft (60 m).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Proposed text clarifies that non-metallic reinforcement would not require bonding.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Thomas Harger

Organization: Harger Lightning Protection In
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 11:50:20 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-61-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC clarifies that bonding is not required for non-metallic members.

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Public Input No. 173-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after 4.10.1 ]

Roofing membrane strapped over the conductor shall not be considered a suitable fastener.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Due to roof warranty issues roofing membrane straps are typically installed by individuals that are not certified for fitness on the requirements of this standard in accordance with section1.5.2

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 09 15:35:46 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-62-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text to comply with the Manual of Style, Paragraph 1.8.1.

The TC adds requirements pertaining to roofing membranes.

The TC reorders paragraphs 4.10.1 through 4.10.5.

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Public Input No. 172-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.10.1 ]

Attached Attachment by nails, screws, bolts, or adhesive as necessary, the shall be permitted to be used as necessary.
The fasteners shall not be subject to breakage.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

There are not two subdivision in this section as required by the Manual of Style, section1.7.5.Editorial changes are made to comply.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of the Editorial Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 09 14:31:20 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-62-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text to comply with the Manual of Style, Paragraph 1.8.1.

The TC adds requirements pertaining to roofing membranes.

The TC reorders paragraphs 4.10.1 through 4.10.5.

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Public Input No. 22-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.12 ]

4.12 Connector Fittings.

Connector fittings shall be used at all “end-to-end”, “tee”, “Y” or “Y” papallel splices of lightning conductors.
Fittings shall be attached so as to withstand a pull test of 200 lb (890 N).
Fittings used for required connections to metal bodies in or on a structure shall be secured to the metal body by bolting, brazing, welding, screwing, or high-compression connectors listed for the purpose.
Conductor connections shall be of the bolted, welded, high compression, or crimp type.
Crimp-type connections shall not be used with Class II conductors.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

NFPA_4-12_.jpg parallel splice

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Don't know why is not listed. I'm enclosing a picture of what is called a "parallel" splice.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jan 23 05:09:12 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-63-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC clarifies the text by adding the word "parallel."

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Public Input No. 134-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Each down conductor shall terminate at a grounding electrode dedicated to the lightning protection system, or to a grounding electrode system in the case of a building, structure, or facility that has multiple grounding
electrodes that are bonded together with a ground ring electrode sized in accordance with , or that has multiple grounding electrodes that are bonded together with a ground ring electrode to form the grounding
electrode system.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

As it is written the paragraph only allows connecting to an existing ground ring electrode when it consists of multiple grounding electrodes bonded together with an appropriately sized ground ring electrode. However, it is sometimes the case
that the ground ring electrode is the ONLY electrode, so the configuration cannot be described as multiple grounding electrodes bonded together with a ground ring. Indeed, additional electrodes are not necessary in a ground ring electrode
configuration, as noted in 4.13.4. Therefore, the section was revised to clarify the requirement and allow additional flexibility in grounding the lightning protection system. And who doesn't love flexibility? I mean, look at how popular yoga is
these days.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jun 06 12:27:42 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-81-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises the text to clarify the application of the intended requirements.

The TC adds annex text to 4.13.1 to recommend installation of access wells, hand-holes or similar means to allow for future inspection, testing or maintenance of the down conductors and grounding electrodes.

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Public Input No. 23-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
The down conductor(s) shall be attached permanently to the grounding electrode system by bolting, brazing, "exhothermic" welding, or high-compression connectors listed for the purpose.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Welding is to general. What is done on the field is an EXOTHERMIC WELD"

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jan 23 05:15:18 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC uses the more generic term to not restrict welding methods to exothermic only.

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Public Input No. 33-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
The earth shall be compacted and made tight against the length of the conductor and ground rod, as illustrated in Figure
Figure Typical Single Ground Rod Installation.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Picture should indicate that either “bends “or turns should have minimum 8 inches radios.
Many installations I've observed, most of them installed by electrical contractors, the bends are very sharp and the impedance is unnecessary increased.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

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Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 00:20:13 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter recommends no revised text. The committee notes that the statement of the problem indicates that bend radius should be added to Figure to clarify that the bend radius is applicable for the application
illustrated in the figure. It is the opinion of the committee that the requirement is stated in Paragraph 4.9.5 and is not necessary in the figure.

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Public Input No. 226-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after 4.13.3 ] A test or bolted connection point shall be provided on each electrode to enable periodic maintenance and testing of the ground system as illustrated in Figure

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Per discussion during the Grounding and Bonding task group call, a one point in the discussion was on concrete encased electrodes and the means to enable future testing and verification, I propose the requirement for a test point, or a
means of disconnecting the electrode from the LPS for testing. Below is a proposal to achieve this. It’s not uncommon for engineers to specify the use of such test points or connection means to transition into the concrete. The reasons
include a reliable means to transition (i.e. a wire or bar entering directly can lead to fatigue, or corrosion at the transition point), a means to disconnect and test at a later point, and a means to bond the electrode to supplemental electrodes
or down conductors for example.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Caie

Organization: ERICO, Inc.
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jul 02 23:29:56 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-83-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds text and a figure pertaining to a means to test at a concrete-encased electrode.

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Public Input No. 225-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
The encased electrode shall consist of one of the following:

(1) Not less than 20 ft (6 m) of bare copper main-size conductor

(2) At least 20 ft (6 m) of one or more steel reinforcing bars or rods not less than 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) in diameter that have been effectively bonded together by either welding or , mechanical coupling or overlapping 20
diameters and wire tying

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Mechanical coupling of reinforce steel within concrete is an accepted and common practice in the civil engineering community. This addition only acts to reflect this practice as an alterative used to traditional lap splicing, and seeks not to
exclude such coupling as being more than adequate as conveying electrical energy along the steel reinforcing bars.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Caie

Organization: ERICO, Inc.
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jul 02 23:23:56 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-84-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The change reflects the opinion of the TC that mechanical coupling of reinforcing steel within concrete is an accepted practice and may be used as an alternative method to provide electrical continuity between steel reinforcing
bars. The TC modification adds clarification that mechanical coupling is specific to the structural members (i.e. reinforcing steel).

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Public Input No. 170-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Where the methods described in 4 in 4 .13. 3 4 through 4.13.6 are found to be impractical due to topsoil depth less than 18 in. (460 mm), it shall be permitted to provide a ground terminal buried at the maximum depth of topsoil

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The current wording includes 4.13.3 - Concrete-Encased electrodes. This would not be a concern for shallow topsoil conditions, since concrete encased are suitable for all variations of soil depth - the wording "are found to be impractical
due to topsoil depth" is not appropriate. The proper reference is 4.13.4 - 4.13.6 including ground ring, radials, and ground plate electrodes suitable to shallow soil applications.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 09 10:21:30 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-85-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises the wording to be more concise in identifying that where shallow topsoil conditions exist, ground ring electrodes, radials, and/or ground plate electrodes may be buried at the maximum depth of topsoil available.

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Public Input No. 174-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ] *
The ground terminal for shallow topsoil shall
be either a
be one or more of the following buried to the maximum depth of topsoil available.
(1) A ground ring electrode
in accordance with 4.13.4 , a minimum distance of 2 ft (0.6 m) from the foundation or exterior footing
; radial(
(2) Radial( s) in accordance with 4.13.5
; or a
(3) A plate electrode
in accordance with 4.13.6 , a minimum distance of 2 ft (0.6 m) from the foundation or exterior footing.
The ground ring electrode, radial(s), or plate electrode shall be buried at the maximum depth of topsoil available.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The current text uses the word "either", which implies one of two options, when three options are listed. These editorial changes eliminate confusion by providing a list to select from.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of the Editorial Working Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 09 16:29:31 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-87-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises the text by replacing “ground terminal” with “grounding electrode.”

The last clause is relocated to Paragraph See FR-85.

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Public Input No. 178-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after ] Zero Property Line Conditions. Lacking access to property outside the building footprint shall require additional considerations for grounding electrodes.
* Grounding electrodes located under basement slabs or in crawl spaces shall be installed as near as practicable to the outside perimeter of the structure. Ground rods, ground ring electrodes, radials, or ground plate electrodes shall be installed below the structure in earth compacted and made tight against the electrode. Where earth depth under the building is insufficient to meet electrode placement requirements, concrete-encased electrodes or the requirements for shallow topsoil shall be used.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

zero property line situations are not currently addressed in the standard

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 180-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections,] moved and deleted
Public Input No. 181-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. A.] changed to new section

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 14:12:03 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-145-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC deletes, and A. as these are relocated as, and A. with edits.

The TC adds text to address zero property line situations that are not currently addressed in the standard.

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Public Input No. 135-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.14.2 ]

4.14.2 *
For structures exceeding 60 ft (18 m) in height, the interconnection of the lightning protection system grounding electrodes and other grounded media shall be in the form of a ground loop conductor.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

I feel as though this paragraph is in the wrong place. First of all, this requirement is obviated by 4.14.6 (2), where inherently bonded metallic conductors do not need additional interconnection. In this situation, for a building over 60 feet in
height, does a ground loop need to be put in, even if it's unnecessary and redundant? Second of all, structural steel buildings over 60 feet tall have no need of a ground loop at all, since the entire structural metallic framework is electrically

Yes, a ground loop electrode (which acts as the ground loop conductor) is often installed for tall buildings. No, it's not a bad idea at all. However, requiring a ground loop conductor in ALL cases for buildings over 60 feet tall can significantly
increase the cost of installation for a lightning protection system, especially in retrofit situations. I feel that this requirement needs clarified, and, if it IS retained, it should be moved to the end of the section, after all the other qualifying and
clarifying language.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jun 06 12:46:01 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC confirms its intent that structures exceeding 60 feet in height be provided with a ground loop conductor. A.4.14.2 clarifies that this is not required to be in the form of a ground ring electrode.

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Public Input No. 136-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.14.6 ]

Where bonding of the lightning protection grounding system, grounded media, and buried metallic conductors has not been accomplished at a common point, interconnection shall be provided according to the following:

(1) Grounded media and buried metallic conductors

shall be bonded to the lightning protection grounding system below a height 12 ft (3.6 m) vertically above the base of the structure.
(2) Grounded media and buried metallic conductors inherently bonded through construction to the lightning protection grounding system shall not require further bonding.
(3) The continuous metal framework of a structure shall be connected to the lightning protection system (see 4.9.13 and Section 4.19).
(4) Main-size lightning conductors shall be used for direct connection of grounded media and buried metallic conductors to the lightning protection system.
(5) A ground bar designed for interconnection of building grounded systems shall have one connection to the lightning protection system.
(6) A continuous Continuous metal water pipe system designed for interconnection of building grounded systems shall systems shall be connected to the lightning protection system.
(7) * Interconnection to a gas line shall be made on the customer’s side of the meter.
(8) * Where galvanic corrosion is a concern or where a direct bond is prohibited by local code, an isolating spark gap shall be permitted.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Item (1) in this list simply mirrors the text above in 4.14.1, and therefore is redundant. My issue with item (6) is in the wording: metal water pipe systems aren't "designed for interconnection of building grounded systems." They're designed to
carry water through them. Hence the edit.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jun 06 12:53:32 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC confirms that there is merit in repeating (1) to make it clear that Paragraph 4.14.1 is applicable in this application. It also believes that clarity is provided by the text that is proposed to be deleted in (6).

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Public Input No. 34-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.15.2 ]

4.15.2* Roof-Level Potential Equalization.

For structures exceeding 60 ft (18 m) in height, all grounded media in or on the structure shall be interconnected within 12 6 ft (3.6 m) of the main roof level.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To be compatible with what the underwriter’s laboratories has established in the U L 96A

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 00:28:57 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC confirms that the existing wording reflects the TC’s requirement for roof-level potential equalization. It is believed that the submitter is confusing the intent of the clause with the requirements in Section 4.16.

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Public Input No. 175-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.16.2 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

This subsection shall cover the The bonding of grounded metal bodies not covered in 4.16.1. shall be in accordance with through

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Editorial changes made to clarify the intent of the requirements.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of the Editorial Working Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 09 16:59:50 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-90-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC makes editorial changes to clarify the intent of the requirements.

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Public Input No. 193-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections,, ]

Where such bonding has been accomplished either inherently through construction or by physical contact between electrically conductive materials, no additional bonding connection shall be required. Grounded metal bodies that maintain a separation distance from the lightning protection system components that is greater than the calculated bonding distance formulas in or shall be considered
isolated and require no further bonding except for that required by 4.14 and 4.15. Structures More Than 40 ft (12 m) in Height.
4.16.2. 4 5 .1
Grounded metal bodies shall be bonded to the lightning protection system where located within a calculated bonding distance, D, as determined by the following formula:

D = calculated bonding distance
h = vertical distance between the bond under consideration and the nearest interconnection to the lightning protection system or ground
n = value related to the number of down conductors that are spaced at least 25 ft (7.6 m) apart, located within a zone of 100 ft (30 m) from the bond in question and where bonding is required within 60 ft (18 m) from the top
of any structure
K = 1 if the flashover is through air; 0.50 if through dense material such as concrete, brick, wood, and so forth
4.16.2. 4 5 .2
The value n shall be calculated as follows: n = 1 where there is only one down conductor in this zone; n = 1.5 where there are only two down conductors in this zone; n = 2.25 where there are three or more down conductors in
this zone.
4.16.2. 4 5 .3
Where bonding is required below a level 60 ft (18 m) from the top of a structure, n shall be the total number of down conductors in the lightning protection system.
4.16.2. 5 6 Structures 40 ft (12 m) and Less in Height.
4.16.2. 5 6 .1
Grounded metal bodies shall be bonded to the lightning protection system where located within a calculated bonding distance, D, as determined by the following formula:

D = calculated bonding distance
h = either the height of the building or the vertical distance from the nearest bonding connection from the grounded metal body to the lightning protection system and the point on the down conductor where the bonding
connection is being considered
n = value related to the number of down conductors that are spaced at least 25 ft (7.6 m) apart and located within a zone of 100 ft (30 m) from the bond in question
K = 1 if the flashover is through air; 0.50 if through dense material such as concrete, brick, wood, and so forth
4.16.2. 5 6 .2
The value n shall be calculated as follows: n = 1 where there is only one down conductor in this zone; n = 1.5 where there are only two down conductors in this zone; n = 2.25 where there are three or more down conductors in
this zone.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

defines isolated and separation distance in chapter 4 as beyond the calculated bonding distance

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 183-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. A.4.16] annex material on isolation
Public Input No. 184-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. C.1] annex material on isolation

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 16:11:05 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-91-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text to clarify the terms “isolated” and “separation distance.” The TC also edits the text for clarity.

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Public Input No. 137-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ] Structures More Than 40 ft (12 m) in Height.
Grounded metal bodies shall be bonded to the lightning protection system where located within a calculated bonding distance, D, as determined by the following formula:

D = calculated bonding distance
h = vertical distance between the bond under consideration and the nearest interconnection to the lightning protection system or ground
n = value related to the number of down conductors that are spaced at least 25 ft (7.6 m) apart, located within a zone of 100 ft (30 m) from the bond in question and where bonding is required within 60 ft (18 m) from the top
of any structure
K = 1 if the flashover is through air; 0.50 if through dense material such as concrete, brick, wood, and so forth
Where bonding is required within 60 ft (18 m) from the top of any structure, t he value n shall be calculated as follows: n = 1 where there is only one down conductor
in this zone
within a zone of 100 ft (30 m) from the bond in question ; n = 1.5 where there are only two down conductors spaced at least 25 ft (7.6 m) apart in this zone; n = 2.25 where there are three or more down conductors spaced
at least 25 ft (7.6 m) apart in this zone.
Where bonding is required below a level 60 ft (18 m) from the top of a structure, n shall be the total number of down conductors in the lightning protection system.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The wording of that description of n has always bothered me, so I rewrote it to clarify and streamline the requirement. Doesn't it look better this way? I think so, at any rate.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 138-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jun 06 13:01:58 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC does not believe the proposal adds clarity and the submitter does not justify the technical change resulting from the rewording.

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Public Input No. 138-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ] Structures 40 ft (12 m) and Less in Height.
Grounded metal bodies shall be bonded to the lightning protection system where located within a calculated bonding distance, D, as determined by the following formula:

D = calculated bonding distance
h = either the height of the building or the vertical distance from between the nearest lightning protection bonding connection from the to the grounded metal body to the lightning protection system and the body and the
point on the down conductor where the bonding connection is being considered
n = value related to the number of down conductors that are spaced at least 25 ft (7.6 m) apart and located within a zone of 100 ft (30 m) from the bond in question
K = 1 if the flashover is through air; 0.50 if through dense material such as concrete, brick, wood, and so forth
The value n shall be calculated as follows: n = 1 where there is only one down conductor in this zone within a zone of 100 ft (30 m) from the bond in question ; n = 1.5 where there are only two down conductors spaced at least
25 ft (7.6 m) apart in this zone; n = 2.25 where there are three or more down conductors spaced at least 25 ft (7.6 m) apart in this zone.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

I changed the description of n here to match my suggested revision to Also, I changed the description of h because it was seriously in need of streamlining. Also, now this description of h reads a lot more like the one in, which is a lovely harmonization.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 137-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] Describes the same equation and variables in a different context.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jun 06 13:11:36 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC does not believe the proposal adds clarity and the submitter does not justify the technical change resulting from the rewording.

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Public Input No. 185-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.16.3 ]

4.16.3 * Isolated ( Ungrounded ) Metallic Bodies.
The effect due to isolated (ungrounded) to ungrounded metallic bodies shall be determined by using Figure according to either or
Figure Effect of Isolated (Ungrounded) of Ungrounded Metallic Bodies, Such as a Window Frame, in Nonconductive Media.
If a + b is less than the calculated bonding distance, then A shall be bonded to B directly.
If a + b is greater than the calculated bonding distance, bonds shall not be required.
A bonding connection shall be required where the total of the shortest distance between the lightning conductor and the isolated the ungrounded metal body and the shortest distance between the isolated the ungrounded
metal body and the grounded metal body is equal to or less than the bonding distance as calculated in accordance with 4.16.2.
Bonding connections shall be made between the lightning protection system and the grounded metal body.
The bonding connection shall be permitted to be made directly to the grounded metal body.
The bonding connection shall be permitted to be made from the lightning protection system to the isolated the ungrounded metal body and from the isolated the ungrounded metal body to the grounded metal body.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

removed "isolated" from the section to use ungrounded only as description for metal bodies contained in building materials with no path to ground. the term "isolated" is designated for metal bodies at a separation distance beyond the
bonding calculation requirements, or not located within the calculated sideflash distance.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 186-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 6.8.2] "isolated" reboot
Public Input No. 187-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] "isolated" reboot
Public Input No. 188-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 8.5.3] "isolated" reboot
Public Input No. 189-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. A.4.16.3] "isolated" reboot
Public Input No. 190-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. E.1.2] "isolated" reboot
Public Input No. 191-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 12.4.1] "isolated" reboot
Public Input No. 192-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. A.] "isolated" reboot

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 15:07:49 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-92-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC removes the word "isolated" and changes it to "ungrounded." The term "isolated" is designated for metal bodies at a separation distance beyond the bonding calculation requirements, or not located within the calculated
sideflash distance.

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Public Input No. 282-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.17 ]

4.17* Metal Antenna Masts and Supports.

Metal antenna masts or supports located on a protected structure shall be connected to the lightning protection system using main-size conductors and listed fittings unless they are within a zone of protection.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

See PI 281 to add annex material

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 281-NFPA 780-2014 [New Section after A.4.16.3]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Thomas Harger

Organization: Harger Lightning Protection In
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 16:19:21 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-94-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC provides annex text and gives guidance that bonding an antenna mast will not protect the antenna and communications equipment.

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Public Input No. 293-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.17 ]

4.17 Metal Antenna Masts and Supports.

Metal antenna masts or supports located on a protected structure shall be connected to the lightning protection system using main-size conductors and listed fittings unless they are within a zone of protection .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Tall vertical conductors on the roof of a structure will be subject to coupling of LEMP whether in a zone of protection or not. Regardless of whether these items will be subjected to the entire lightning strike currents, interconnection with the
lightning protection system should be provided. Metal antenna masts or supports, or equivalent, should be provided with a path through which LEMP generated currents can be dissipated.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 22:53:26 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC does not does not agree with the submitter and contends the requirement is sufficient.

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Public Input No. 180-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections, ]

Sections, *
Grounding electrodes located under basement slabs or in crawl spaces shall be installed as near as practicable to the outside perimeter of the structure.
Where rod or cable conductors are used for grounding electrodes, they shall be in contact with the earth for a minimum of 10 ft (3 m).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input & are moved from "concealed" section to new in grounding for zero property line applications

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 178-NFPA 780-2014 [New Section after]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 14:19:50 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-145-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC deletes, and A. as these are relocated as, and A. with edits.

The TC adds text to address zero property line situations that are not currently addressed in the standard.

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Public Input No. 266-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Where an exterior conductor is used in lieu of through-roof penetrations for the interconnection of strike termination devices, it shall be connected to the metal framework of the structure as follows:

(1) Conductors along a ridge at intervals not exceeding an average distance of 100 ft (30 m), as widely spaced as practicable and at each end in accordance with Section 4.9
(2) Perimeter roof conductors at intervals not exceeding an average distance of 100 ft (30 m), as widely spaced as practicable and at ends in accordance with Section 4.9
(3) Cross-run conductors at intervals not exceeding a distance of 150 ft (46 45 m) in lieu of the requirements of 4.9.8

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal revises the metric equivalence for 150 feet from 46 m to 45 m for consistency within the standard as well as consistency with all other national and international lightning protection or similar standards. The actual mathematical
equivalence to 150 feet is 45.72 meters. It is important to note that NFPA 780, 1.7.2 states that the metric equivalent is an approximate value, not a value rounded to the nearest whole number. If one were to round off the conversion factor
of 3.280833 ft/m to 3.3, the equivalence would be 45.45 meters (which would round to 45 meters). Annex B currently identifies the equivalence of 150 feet to be 45 meters and the entire document listed the equivalence as 45 meters in the
2011 edition. It is recommended that this clause be modified to reflect the value of 45 meters given in Annex B. Most important this change will bring NFPA 780 in agreement with IEC, IEEE, DOD, DOE, PANTEX, Canadian, and Australian
standards and handbooks. Maintaining the 46 meter equivalence could unnecessarily lead to coordination issues in NATO lightning protection applications as the remainder of NATO participating nations use 45 meters. Examples of some
of the standards specifying a 45 meter equivalence to 150 feet:
IEC 62305, Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, Edition 2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, December 2010.
IEEE Std 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Society, June 2007.
December 1987.
DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, January 2008.
AS/NZS 1768:2007, Lightning Protection, Joint Publication of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, January 2007.
CAN/CSA-B72-M87, Installation code for lightning protection systems, Standards Canada, reaffirmed 2013.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 265-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] same change
Public Input No. 264-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] same
Public Input No. 263-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] same
Public Input No. 262-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. [Excluding any Sub-Sections]] same

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 09:46:05 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

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Public Input No. 139-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Drilling and tapping the metal column framework to accept a threaded connector also shall be permitted.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

When using structural steel as a down conductor, oftentimes the drilled and tapped connection is to the steel beams at roof level, and not the column. As written, this paragraph states that ONLY the column can be drilled and tapped.
Therefore, I propose this change to align the document with standard practice in the industry.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jun 06 13:18:13 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-95-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text to cover those cases where the connection has to be made at the roof level.

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Public Input No. 140-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.19.4 ]

4.19.4 Grounding Electrodes.
Grounding electrodes shall be connected to steel columns around the perimeter of the structure structural metal framework at intervals averaging not more than 60 ft (18 m).
Connections shall be made near as close as practicable to the base of the column structural metal framework in accordance with the requirements in 4.19.3.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

First of all, the reference to "steel" in is left over from our change to "structural metal" in the last cycle. Hence that particular edit. Second of all, in, calling out columns as the only structural member to which grounding
connections may be made is unnecessarily limiting. There are instances in which structural steel frames are built on top of reinforced concrete foundations that extend out of the ground a significant distance, so the nearest accessible
structural member is sometimes a beam, and not a column.

I recall an instance where a hospital addition had a grade that sloped downward toward the rear of it, so the columns in front could be directly bonded and grounded, but at the rear, the steel framework sat on top of 12 foot concrete
foundation walls. To conceal the down-conductors in the back, we had to bond the exposed beams below the "ground" floor decking and run conductor down the wall and out to a ground rod below grade. In this instance, the column was
neither accessible, nor the most practical structural member available for the grounding connection.

Hence, I propose these changes to allow more flexibility in the location of our grounding connections to structural metal.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jun 06 13:21:53 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-96-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC confirms that the intent is to make the connections at or near grade level and provides for those cases where the base of the column is not at grade level. The TC edits the text for clarity.

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Public Input No. 21-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Grounding electrodes shall be connected to steel columns around , at ground level and around the perimeter of the structure at intervals averaging not more than 60 ft (18 m). Exception: When using metal framework on roof structures (screen walls or larger steel structures) the grounding connections to down leads
can be at 100 ft (30 m) intervals.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

IMG_0803.JPG scree wall 1

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To have connection @ 60 feet intervals for steel structures doesn't make sense because down leads or ground connections around the perimeter @ that level are in 100 feet intervals.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jan 23 04:19:50 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: Paragraph discusses grounding electrode connections. The proposed text is outside the scope of this clause. The submitter has not provided sufficient justification to warrant the change.

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Public Input No. 102-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
SPDs at the service entrance shall have a nominal discharge current ( I ) rating of at least 20 kA 8/20 µs per phase.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

780_Kithil.pdf PI Form

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

1) Existing 20 kA per phase is much too low.

2) Examples: NASA = 100 kA/mode; DOE (SANDIA) 160 kA/mode; Schneider = 240 kA; Eaton - 200 to 400 kA; Mersen = 200 kA; Australia AS/N25 = 100 kA; Mexico J549 = 100 kA.
Note: Difference in mode vs. phase.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: RICHARD KITHIL

Organization: NLSI
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Apr 25 08:16:06 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The committee confirms that the deletion of the word current would be confusing as In is the ”nominal discharge current.” It is also noted that the proposed change is not justified by the Statement of Problem.

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Public Input No. 198-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

SPDs at grounded service entrances shall be wired in a have directly connected protection elements in the line-to-ground (L–G) or , line-to-neutral (L–N) configuration , and neutral-to-ground (N-G) modes .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The original text limits the required protection to a single mode, line-to-ground (L-G) or line-to-neutral (L-N). This not only limits the number of surge protection components available to absorb and dissipate a surge, it assumes that the
surge is entering the facility solely on the incoming power lines. Lightning can, and does, enter a facility's electrical distribution system from a number of directions. In addition to the incoming power lines, it can be induced onto the building
steel or even the electrical distribution system itself from a nearby strike or a cloud-to-cloud strike overhead. A nearby strike to the ground, a tree, or a light pole can travel through the ground and enter the facility electrical distribution
system through the grounding electrode. It is for this reason that the IEEE Standard 1100-2005 (The Emerald Book), Section 8.6.1 states, "Surge protective devices used for three phase, four wire circuits are generally recommended to be
connected in all combinations of line to line, line to neutral, line to ground and neutral to ground." Further, the more modes with active surge protection components available to interact with the lightning event, the greater the dissipation of
the surge energy within the SPD rather than down line in the equipment the SPD is protecting.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: THOMAS BUTCHER

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jun 17 13:51:55 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The proposed revisions address design choices that are too design restrictive than intended by the TC. PI-199 and PI-200 contain wording not permitted in the normative part of the standard (recommendations).

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Public Input No. 199-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Additional modes, directly connected protection elements in the line-to-line (L–L) , or neutral-to-ground (N–G) mode is recommended and shall be permitted at the service entrance.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Lightning has the potential to deliver catastrophic levels of energy to a facility's electrical distribution system. The ability of an SPD to safely absorb and dissipate that energy, and limit the let-through-voltage (LTV) down line to the protected
equipment is directly related to the size and number of surge components within the SPD that are available and directly liinked to the mode that the surge voltage is using to enter the electrical distribution system. Recommending the
inclusion of the line-to-line (L-L) mode is an economical and common sense approach to limiting the damage to the down line equipment by giving the SPD more components and paths to absorb and dissipate within the SPD the surge
energy from the lightning strike. Simply permitting the inclusion of the line-to-line mode implies that the inclusion is not recommended, but will be allowed. The operational capability of the equipment and facilities this standard is designed to
protect from lightning is dependent on that equipment functioning properly, regardless of the weather and any related lightning activity. Properly sized (peak surge current rated), configured (directly connected surge components in all
available modes), and installed (leads as short and straight as possible per NEC 285.12) SPDs have the ability to provide that protection.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: THOMAS BUTCHER

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jun 17 15:06:49 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The proposed revisions address design choices that are too design restrictive than intended by the TC. PI-199 and PI-200 contain wording not permitted in the normative part of the standard (recommendations).

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Public Input No. 200-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
For services without a neutral, SPD directly connected protection elements shall be connected line-to-ground (L–G). Additional line-to-line (L–L) connections directly connected protection elements are recommended and shall
also be permitted.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Lightning has the potential to deliver catastrophic levels of energy to a facility's electrical distribution system. The ability of an SPD to safely absorb and dissipate that energy, and limit the let-through-voltage (LTV) down line to the protected
equipment is directly related to the size and number of surge components within the SPD that are available and directly liinked to the mode that the surge voltage is using to enter the electrical distribution system. Recommending the
inclusion of the line-to-line (L-L) mode is an economical and common sense approach to limiting the damage to the down line equipment by giving the SPD more components and paths to absorb and dissipate within the SPD the surge
energy from the lightning strike. Simply permitting the inclusion of the line-to-line mode implies that the inclusion is not recommended, but will be allowed. The operational capability of the equipment and facilities this standard is designed to
protect from lightning is dependent on that equipment functioning properly, regardless of the weather and any related lightning activity. Properly sized (peak surge current rated), configured (directly connected surge components in all
available modes), and installed (leads as short and straight as possible per NEC 285.12) SPDs have the ability to provide that protection.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: THOMAS BUTCHER

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jun 17 15:27:49 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The proposed revisions address design choices that are too design restrictive than intended by the TC. PI-199 and PI-200 contain wording not permitted in the normative part of the standard (recommendations).

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Public Input No. 141-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
If the point of grounding in is more than 20 ft (6 m) away, a supplementary ground reference point shall be installed at the SPD location. Acceptable supplementary ground reference points shall be permitted as

(1) Equipotential ground bus bar

(2) Structural steel metal for a structural steel frame metal frame building
(3) Ground reference at a secondary power distribution panel

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

This is another holdover from the change from "steel" to "structural metal." A simple change.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jun 06 13:31:53 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-17-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text for clarity and to ensure the user is aware of the requirements of Paragraph 4.19.1.

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Public Input No. 24-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 4.20.8 ]

4.20.8* Earth Grounding Electrode.

Resistance of Impedance of the earth electrode system used in the grounding of SPDs shall comply with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Resistance is not as influential on a L.P.System as it is the inductance. Need to use the right terminology along the whole text.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jan 23 05:36:59 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC agrees with the intent of the sumitter but acknowledges that the proposal conflicts with the content of NFPA 70 which only addresses resistance (as reflected in the existing text.)

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Public Input No. 278-NFPA 780-2014 [ Chapter 5 ]

Chapter 5 Protection for Miscellaneous Structures and , Special Occupancies, and Structures in Highly Corrosive Environments
5.1 General.
All requirements of Chapter 4 shall apply except as modified by this chapter.
5.2 Masts, Spires, Flagpoles.
These slender structures shall require one strike termination device, down conductor, and grounding electrode.
Electrically continuous metal structures shall require only bonding to a grounding electrode or electrodes.
5.3 Grain-, Coal-, and Coke-Handling and -Processing Structures.
Provisions shall be made for the settling and rising of wood frame elevators as grain, coal, and coke are loaded and unloaded.
5.4 Metal Towers and Tanks.
Metal towers and tanks constructed so as to receive a stroke of lightning without damage shall require only bonding to grounding electrodes as required in Chapter 4, except as provided in Chapter 7.
5.5 Air-Inflated Structures.
Air-inflated structures shall be protected with strike termination devices mounted directly on the structure, with a mast-type or a catenary lightning protection system in accordance with Chapter 4.
5.6 Concrete Tanks and Silos.
Lightning protection systems for concrete (including prestressed concrete) tanks containing flammable vapors, flammable gases, and liquids that produce flammable vapors and for concrete silos containing materials
susceptible to dust explosions shall be provided with either external conductors or with conductors embedded in the concrete in accordance with Chapter 4 or Chapter 7.
5.7 Guyed Structures.
Each metal guy cable shall be bonded at its lower end with a main-size conductor to all other guy cables sharing a common anchor point, and grounded at the anchor point.
Anchor plates shall be bonded to the anchor ground point.
Multiple guy cables shall be permitted to be connected to a common point with a single continuous conductor to the ground and the anchor plate bonding conductor attached to that main conductor.
Each metal guy cable shall be bonded at its upper end to the structure it supports if it is constructed of a conductive material, and to the lightning protection system loop conductor or down conductors.
5.8 Roof Top Helipads.
Roof top helipads on a protected structure shall be protected in accordance with Chapter 4 except as permitted by 5.8.1 through 5.8.7.
The metal frame of the structure or the metal frame of the safety net at the perimeter of the pad shall be permitted to serve as a strike termination device.
If adjacent sections of the perimeter metal frame or metal frame of the safety net are not electrically continuous through their mounting system, they shall be connected together with a main-size conductor.
Where lights are installed at the perimeter of the pad and extend above the edge of the helipad, air terminals shall be installed adjacent to the fixture.
The structural metal frame of the helipad shall be connected to the lightning protection system at a minimum of two places in accordance with 4.19.3.
Connections shall be installed at intervals not to exceed an average of 100 ft (30 m) around the perimeter of the pad, as widely spaced as practicable.
Clamps and conductors shall be installed at or below the elevation of the safety net frame.
Clamps and conductors shall be secured against vibration and rotor wash.
All exposed components shall be nonreflective or treated with a nonreflective finish.
Helipads used for parking shall have a designated point to connect the helicopter to the lightning protection system while parked.
All components of the lightning protection and grounding systems shall be located so as not to interfere with helicopter operations.
5.9 Highly Corrosive Environments.
5.9.1 General. This section provides requirements and exceptions for the protection of petrochemical plants, process control plants, and structures in other highly corrosive environments against lightning. Structures shall be protected as described in Chapter 4, with the additional requirements and exceptions noted in this section.
5.9.2 Materials Requirements. All structures shall be protected with materials meeting or exceeding the dimensional requirements of Class II. All materials shall be made of aluminum, copper, tinned copper, stainless steel, titanium, Hastelloy, or other alloys chosen to optimize resistance to corrosion in the installed environment. Combinations of materials that form electrolytic couples of such a nature that, in the presence of moisture, corrosion is accelerated shall not be used.
5.9.3 Connectors and fittings. Connectors and fittings shall be compatible for use on the surfaces on which they are installed. Air terminal bases designed for use on structural steel shall be exempt from the requirement to provide attachment for conductors. Side bracing of air terminals exceeding 24 in. (61 cm) in length shall not be required if the air terminal and base combination has been shown by its manufacturer to withstand a calculated wind loading equivalent
to 110 mph (177 Km/hr).
5.9.4 Strike Termination Devices. Strike termination devices shall include air terminals, metal masts, and permanent metal parts of a structure having a metal thickness of 3/16 in. (4.8 mm) or greater. Non-metallic parts of a structure not located in a zone of protection shall be protected with an air terminal. On structures with large, open areas, such as tanks, air terminals shall not be required on the open areas. Air terminal spacing around the perimeter of such a structure shall be decreased so that the total number
of air terminals includes those that would normally be installed on that open space. One-way and dead-end paths of up to 50 feet (15 m) in length from an air terminal to the main conductor or structural steel system shall be allowed.
5.9.5 Conductors Structural steel shall be used as the main and down conductor system to the maximum extent practicable. Structural steel, permanent exterior metal handrails, ladders, and other metal appurtenances shall be permitted to be used as main and down conductors where the minimum thickness is 0.064 in. (1.63 mm) or
5.9.6 Grounding. Bonding the lightning protection system conductor or structural steel conductor system to the existing plant ground shall be considered to be adequate for the purposes of lightning protection. If a plant or structure grounding system is not present, the lightning protection system shall be grounded to the requirements of chapter 4. Grounding of structural steel columns to support bases through bolts and rebar shall be considered to be adequate for the purposes of lightning protection.
5.9.7 Surge Protection. Surge protection shall be installed to meet the requirements of 4.20. Surge protection shall be installed on each AC power, telephone, RF, data, and SCADA system at each structure.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input


Structures in petrochemical plants, process control plants, and other highly corrosive environments are often different in shape and design from ordinary structures contemplated in this standard. Therefore, different standards, layouts,
methods and materials are often required.

Materials generally approved for use in this standard are often woefully inadequate to meet the rigors of corrosion. Additional materials, both described and left to the engineering judgment of the facility owner, are needed in these

Because of the nature of these structures, conductors in addition to the existing structural steel are rarely required. The structures themselves are much stronger than those for which protection is normally supplied, and side bracing of tall
air terminals is not generally necessary.

These structures are often irregularly shaped, so normal air terminal layout rules may not apply. Therefore, special exceptions are required.

Most facilities of this type are built with a grounding grid or other system in place. This system is designed to a higher standard than is lightning protection grounding. It is often not possible to obtain a permit from the owner to dig or drive
grounding electrodes, so installing any additional grounding is not possible.

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Most modern plants are controlled by a microprocessor-based SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system. Adequate surge suppression is rarely found, and a need exists to address it through a standard.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Bruce Kaiser

Organization: Lightning Master Corporation
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 13:27:08 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: Much of the submitter's text is already in Chapter 4.

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Public Input No. 35-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 5.2 ]

5.2 Masts, Spires, Flagpoles, and Metal or Concrete light poles .

These slender structures shall require one strike termination device, down conductor, and grounding electrode.
Electrically continuous metal structures shall require only bonding to a grounding electrode or electrodes.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Many light poles in our country and all around almost every state have air terminals.
This Item should describe what kind of down leads and grounding should have.
Upon request I can send the committee many examples of different ways it’s been done the installation. Some are compatible with the code and some are just wrong

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 00:39:32 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC notes that this is already covered by other sections and does not add new requirements.

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Public Input No. 177-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after 5.2.2 ]


Type your content here ...
Light poles and similar structures.
Non conductive light pole (wood, concrete, fiber glass etc.) require an air terminal, a down conductor and a ground rod at its base, according to the general requirements of chapter 4.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Propuesta_codigo_2014.docx Wooden light poles hit by lightning

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Standard should also advise concrete and light pole manufactures, that it is recommended to run concealed down leads embedded in its structure.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jun 11 14:20:47 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC notes that this is already covered by other sections and does not add new requirements.

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Lightning bolt caught used guy wire to dissipate into the ground. 

This could’ve been avoided with an air terminal, down conductor and ground rod at the base of 
the pole or with a piece of solid wire extending 10” above the pole and connected to an overhead 
grounding conductor if available. 

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Public Input No. 214-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after 5.3 ]

5.3 Facilities that Handle or Process Flamable or Explosive Dust

Grain elevators and other food processing facilities shall make provisions to prevent incidences resulting from the ignition of flamable dust in accordance with this standard and NFPA 61 Standard for the Prevention of Fires
and Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Food Processing Facilities.
Coal and coke processing structures shall make provisions to prevent incidences resulting from the ignition of flamable dust in accordance with this standard and NFPA 122 Standard for Fire Prevention and Control in
Metal/Nonmetal Mining and Metal Mineral Processing Facilities
Wood working facilities shall make provisions to prevent incidences resulting from the ignition of flamable dust in accordance with this standard and NFPA 664 Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood
Processing and Woodworking Facilities

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Expands existing section to include other hazards not currently addressed

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jul 01 09:47:39 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter's text does not clearly establish the lighting protection provisions that would apply. See CI-64.

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Public Input No. 86-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 5.8.3 ]

Where lights are installed at the perimeter of the pad and extend above the edge of the helipad, air terminals shall be installed adjacent to the fixture.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

NOTE : this is what should be done and consider in chapter 11 - Protection for Airfield Lighting Circuits.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 22:27:40 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects including the wording to be added or

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Public Input No. 221-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after 5.8.7 ]

5.9 Fabric structures

Fabric structrues shall be protected in accordance with Chapter 4
If a fabric structure has a metal frame, the metal frame shall be bonded to the lightning protection system.
If the metal framing is aluminum and exceeds the cross sectional area requirements of Tables and, then the framing shall be allowed to be used as conductors.
Grounding systems shall be installed in accordance with Chapter 4 with the following additional guidance to mitigate the threat of step potential:
(1) Fabric structures that have a fabric or earth-floors shall have a ground loop conductor.
(2) Framing that meets the criteria established in section 5.9.3 is in contact with earth and is electrically continous shall be allowed to be used the ground loop.
(3) Fabric structures that have a fabric or earth-floors shall have a minimum of two radial grounding electrodes installed at opposing corners
(4) Fabric structures that have a fabric or earth-floors shall have one radial electrode for ever sixty feet of protected perimeter of portion there of.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Add new section 5.9 Fabric Structures.

Fabric structures are in prolific use and more specific direction need to be provided to Protect them and there occupants form the threat of lightning.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jul 02 16:09:33 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-65-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds new requirements for the installation of fabric structures.

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Public Input No. 36-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 6.1 ]

6.1 General.
2 2
A smoke or vent stack as shown in Figure 6.1 shall be classified as heavy duty if the cross-sectional area of the flue is greater than 500 in. (0.3 m ) and the height is greater than 75 ft (23 m), above the ground level .
Figure 6.1 Heavy-Duty Stack.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

It might be the case of a light metal stack of 20 feet, located on a roof building of 100 feet height. How is supposed to be classify?

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 12:25:14 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-66-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds above the ground level to provide a definition criteria.

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Public Input No. 186-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 6.8.2 ]

6.8.2 Isolated (Ungrounded) Protruding Metal Bodies.

Isolated (ungrounded) protruding Protruding metal bodies shall be bonded in accordance with through Exterior.
Isolated protruding Protruding metal bodies 150 ft (46 m) or more above the base and on the exterior of a stack are subject to a direct strike and shall be interconnected to the lightning protection system.
Isolated protruding Protruding metal bodies shall include, but not be limited to, rest platforms, jib hoists, and other metal bodies protruding 18 in. (460 mm) or more from the column wall. Interior.
Isolated metal Metal bodies on the interior of a reinforced steel stack or within the zone of protection on the exterior shall not be required to be connected to the lightning protection system.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

removed isolated (ungrounded) to leave as protruding metal bodies

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 185-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.16.3]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 15:19:18 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-67-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes "isolated (ungrounded)" to "protruding metal bodies" for clarity.

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Public Input No. 267-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Isolated protruding metal bodies 150 ft (46 45 m) or more above the base and on the exterior of a stack are subject to a direct strike and shall be interconnected to the lightning protection system.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal revises the metric equivalence for 150 feet from 46 m to 45 m for consistency within the standard as well as consistency with all other national and international lightning protection or similar standards. The actual mathematical
equivalence to 150 feet is 45.72 meters. It is important to note that NFPA 780, 1.7.2 states that the metric equivalent is an approximate value, not a value rounded to the nearest whole number. If one were to round off the conversion factor
of 3.280833 ft/m to 3.3, the equivalence would be 45.45 meters (which would round to 45 meters). Annex B currently identifies the equivalence of 150 feet to be 45 meters and the entire document listed the equivalence as 45 meters in the
2011 edition. It is recommended that this clause be modified to reflect the value of 45 meters given in Annex B. Most important this change will bring NFPA 780 in agreement with IEC, IEEE, DOD, DOE, PANTEX, Canadian, and Australian
standards and handbooks. Maintaining the 46 meter equivalence could unnecessarily lead to coordination issues in NATO lightning protection applications as the remainder of NATO participating nations use 45 meters. Examples of some
of the standards specifying a 45 meter equivalence to 150 feet:
IEC 62305, Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, Edition 2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, December 2010.
IEEE Std 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Society, June 2007.
December 1987.
DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, January 2008.
AS/NZS 1768:2007, Lightning Protection, Joint Publication of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, January 2007.
CAN/CSA-B72-M87, Installation code for lightning protection systems, Standards Canada, reaffirmed 2013.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 260-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] same change

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 09:51:50 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

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Public Input No. 218-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 ]

Sections 7.1, 7.2, 7.3

7.1 Reduction of Damage.
7.1.1 * Application.
This chapter shall apply to the protection of structures containing flammable vapors, flammable gases, or liquids that give off flammable vapors.
For the purpose of this chapter, the term structure shall apply to any outdoor vessel, tank, or other container where this material is contained.
Certain types of structures used for the storage of liquids that produce flammable vapors or used to store flammable gases are essentially self-protecting against damage from lightning strokes and shall need no additional
Metallic structures that are electrically continuous; tightly sealed to prevent the escape of liquids, vapors, or gases; and of 3 ⁄ 16 in. (4.8 mm) thickness or greater to withstand direct strikes in accordance with 7.3.2 shall be
considered to be inherently self-protecting.
Protection of other structures shall be achieved by the use of strike termination devices.
7.1.3 *
Because of the nature of the contents of the structures considered in this chapter, extra precautions shall be taken.
7.2 Fundamental Principles of Protection.
Protection of these structures and their contents from lightning damage shall require adherence to the principles of 7.2.1 through 7.2.5 .
Liquids that give off flammable vapors shall be stored in essentially gastight structures.
Openings where flammable concentrations of vapor or gas escape to the atmosphere shall be closed or otherwise protected against the entrance of flame.
Structures and all appurtenances (e.g., gauge hatches, vent valves) shall be maintained in operating condition.
Flammable air–vapor mixtures shall be prevented, to the greatest possible extent, from accumulating outside such structures.
Potential spark gaps between conductive surfaces shall not be allowed at points where flammable vapors escape or accumulate.
7.3 Protective Measures.
7.3.1 Materials and Installation.
Conductors, strike termination devices, surge protection, and grounding connections shall be selected and installed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4 and as described in this chapter.
7.3.2 Zone of Protection for Masts and Overhead Ground Wires.
The zone of protection of a lightning protection mast shall be based on the striking distance of the lightning stroke.
Since the lightning stroke can strike any grounded object within the striking distance of the point from which final breakdown to ground occurs, the zone of protection shall be defined by a circular arc concave upward, shown in
part (a) of Figure .
Figure Single Mast Zone of Protection (a) and Overhead Ground Wires Zone of Protection (b).
The radius of the arc is the striking distance, and the arc shall pass through the tip of the mast and be tangent to the ground.

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Where more than one mast is used, the arc shall pass through the tips of adjacent masts, as shown in part (b) of Figure and in Figure . The distance can be determined analytically for a 100 ft (30 m) striking
distance with the following equation (units shall be consistent, ft or m):

d = horizontal protected distance
h = height of the higher mast
R = rolling sphere radius [100 ft (30 m)]
h = height of the lower mast
Figure Zone of Protection — 100 ft (30 m) Utilizing Rolling Sphere Method.
The zone of protection shall be based on a striking distance of 100 ft (30 m) or less. Overhead Ground Wire.
The zone of protection of an overhead ground wire shall be based on a striking distance of 100 ft (30 m) and defined by 100 ft (30 m) radius arcs concave upward. [See part (b) of Figure .]
The supporting masts shall have a clearance from the protected structure in accordance with 4.6.5 .
The masts or overhead ground wires shall be grounded and interconnected with the grounding system of the structure to be protected.
The grounding requirements of Chapter 4 shall apply. Alternative Grounding Methods.
Masts of wood, used either separately or with ground wires, shall have an air terminal extending at least 2 ft (0.6 m) above the top of the pole, attached to the pole as in Figure , and connected to the grounding
Figure Alternative Grounding Methods for Overhead Ground Wire Protection.
As an alternative, an overhead ground wire or a down conductor, extending above or across the top of the pole, shall be permitted to be used.
In the case of an overhead ground wire system, the pole guy wire shall be permitted to be used as the down conductor, provided the guy meets the requirement of 7.3.1 .
For grounded metallic masts, the air terminal and the down conductor shall not be required.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Proposal_7-1_thru_7-3.docx Revise Clauses 7.1 - 7.3 as follows:

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

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National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara... is deleted because it conflicts with the addition of new proposed text to address structures containing hazardous (classified) locations such as process control facilities, etc.. The content of 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 deals with principles of
protection and will be relocated in Clause 7.2. Delete A.7.1.3 as it only restates information that is available in the Table of Contents.
The modification to 7.2 incorporates existing 7.1.3 into the protection principles clause as it is more applicable to that clause. It also moves existing 7.2.1 to the annex as the storage vessel requirement is outside the scope of the lightning
protection system design. A new 7.2.1 is developed to incorporate considerations to minimize the threat of a lightning-generated event.
The modification to 7.3 reflects the movement of the material dealing with the design and installation of mast and overhead wire systems to Chapter 4 and the incorporation of general requirement for non-storage applications. The additional
text proposed to go into the beginning of 7.4.1 makes it clear that the chapter is applicable for operating building and other non-storage applications and the new 7.4.2 addresses the protection of storage tanks under pressure.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of the NFPA 780 Chapter 7 Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jul 02 14:20:22 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-146-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC provides a complete rewrite for Sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3.

The TC relocates Figure to Chapter 4. See FR-58.

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Protection for Structures Containing Flammable Vapors, Flammable Gases, or Liquids
That Can Give Off Flammable Vapors

7.1* Applicability.

7.1.1 This chapter shall apply to the protection of structures containing flammable vapors,
flammable gases, or liquids that give off flammable vapors.

7.1.2* The Retroactivity requirements of 1.4 shall be permitted to be applicable to the

requirements of this chapter.

7.2 Principles of Protection. Because of the nature of the contents of the structures considered
in this chapter, extra precautions shall be taken. Protection of these structures and their contents
from lightning damage shall require adherence to the principles of 7.2.1 through 7.2.5.

7.2.1 Minimization of Exposure to Hazardous (Classified) Locations.

A primary means to reduce the ignition of flammable vapors is to minimize the exposure of these
environments to locations that experience a direct strike or secondary arcing. Flammable air–
vapor mixtures shall be prevented, to the greatest possible extent, from accumulating outside
such structures. Openings where flammable concentrations of vapor or gas escape to the atmosphere shall
be closed or otherwise protected against the entrance of flame. Structures and all appurtenances (e.g., gauge hatches, vent valves, floating roof seals)
shall be maintained in operating condition.

7.2.2 Inherent Protection. Metallic structures that are electrically continuous; tightly sealed to
prevent the escape of liquids, vapors, or gases; and of 3⁄16 in. (4.8 mm) thickness or greater to
withstand direct strikes shall be considered to be inherently self-protecting.

7.2.3 Lightning Protection System. Protection of other structures not considered inherently
protected as per 7.2.2 shall be protected in accordance with the requirements of 7.3 except as
modified by requirements for specific types of structures (see 7.4).

7.3 Protective Measures.

7.3.1 Materials and Installation. Conductors, strike termination devices, surge protection, and
grounding connections shall be selected and installed in accordance with the requirements of
Chapter 4 except as supplemented in this chapter.
7.3.2 Zone of Protection. The zone of protection for structures containing flammable vapors,
flammable gases, or liquids that can give off flammable vapors shall be based on a striking
distance of 100 ft (30 m) or less.

7.3.3 Strike Termination Devices. Strike termination devices shall be in accordance with 4.6.* The placement of strike termination devices shall take into consideration that it is
possible for sparks or damaging impact to occur at the striking point.

7.3.4 Down conductors Down conductors shall be installed in accordance with 4.9.9 except as modified in this
Chapter. Down conductors shall be installed external to the hazardous location where practicable. Where it is not practicable to install down conductors external to the hazardous location it
shall be ensured that the auto-ignition temperature for the gas or vapor causing the hazardous
environment is not exceeded.

7.3.5 Bonding

The potential equalization system design and installation requirements of 4.14 through 4.16 shall
be exceeded as required to ensure there are no melting or spraying effects except at the lightning
attachment point.

7.3.6 Surge Protection Surge protection shall be provided for equipment and services located within the
hazardous (classified) location in accordance with the requirements of 4.20 and NFPA 70. Surge protective devices shall be positioned outside the hazardous area where practicable. Surge protective devices positioned inside the hazardous area shall be approved for the
hazardous area in which they are installed.

7.3.7* Grounding

A ground ring electrode or ground loop conductor supplemented by grounding electrodes as

identified in 4.13.2 through 4.13.7 shall be provided for structures containing flammable vapors,
flammable gases, or liquids that can give off flammable vapors.
Add the following clauses to the beginning of Clause 7.4 and renumber the existing 7.4

7.4 Protection of Specific Classes of Structures.

7.4.1 Operating Facilities (non-storage applications) Structures containing hazardous (classified) locations used in non-storage applications

shall comply with the requirements of 7.3 unless justified by a lightning risk assessment. For structures in which the hazardous (classified) location exists in only one part of the
structure, it shall be permitted for the risk assessment to utilize the Lightning Protection Zone
concept in accordance with IEC 62305-2.

7.4.2 Storage Tanks Under Pressure It shall be permitted for the authority having jurisdiction to waive the requirements of this
chapter for metallic tanks, vessels, and process equipment that contain flammable or combustible
liquids or flammable gases under pressure provided the vessel is well grounded (either inherently
or by external means) and the walls of the vessel are greater than 3/16-inch thick to prevent
puncture by a direct strike. The exposure of any valves or other appurtenances to a direct strike or secondary arcing
shall be considered in the determination of the need for protection.
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Public Input No. 119-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Metallic structures that are electrically continuous; tightly sealed to prevent the escape of liquids, vapors, or gases; and of 3⁄16 in. (4.8 mm) thickness or greater to withstand direct strikes in accordance with 7.3.2 shall be
considered to be inherently self-protecting.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

NFPA_780_errata_7.1.2.1.doc Errata in

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The new point 7.3.2 is unrelated to the note in

I suggest that “in accordance with 7.3.2” TO BE REMOVED

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Bernardo Jose Gonzalez Castillo

Organization: Independent Professional
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu May 08 19:01:55 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-146-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC provides a complete rewrite for Sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3.

The TC relocates Figure to Chapter 4. See FR-58.

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NFPA 780-2008 Metallic structures that are electrically continuous; tightly sealed to prevent the
escape of liquids, vapors, or gases; and of 4.8mm(3⁄16 in.) thickness or greater to
withstand direct strikes in accordance with 7.3.2 shall be considered to be inherently

7.3.2 Sheet Steel. Sheet steel less than 4.8 mm (3⁄16 in.) in thickness shall not be
relied upon as protection from direct lightning strokes.


This paragraph “Sheet Steel. Sheet steel less than 4.8 mm (3⁄16 in.) in thickness shall
not be relied upon as protection from direct lightning strokes” was eliminated in the
edition NFPA 780-2011.

NFPA 780-2011 and NFPA 780-2014 Metallic structures that are electrically continuous; tightly sealed to prevent the
escape of liquids, vapors, or gases; and of 4.8mm(3⁄16 in.) thickness or greater to
withstand direct strikes in accordance with 7.3.2 shall be considered to be inherently

7.3.2 Zone of Protection for Masts and Overhead GroundWires.


The new point 7.3.2 is unrelated to the note in

I suggest that “in accordance with 7.3.2” TO BE REMOVED

Best regards

Bernardo Gonzalez
Electrical Engineer
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Public Input No. 87-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
The zone of protection shall be based on a striking distance of 100 ft (30 m) or less.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

In the Hispanic community there is a lot of taking about the kind of “lightning strikes” in “tropical” and “calid” or warm zones”.
The US is considered a “warm” zone and areas like Colombia, Brazil etc. are considered tropical zones.
This argument states that lightning strikes on tropical zones are more powerful than the “calid” zones, and that the zone of protection angle should take this under consideration.
The committee might investigate and come with an answer.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 22:35:14 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects including the wording to be added or
revised. The TC does not agree with the submitter's substantiation. The TC contends that the methods of calculation of a zone of protection are applicable to all lightning strikes.

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Public Input No. 234-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 7.4 ]

7.4 Protection of Specific Classes of Structures.

7.4.1 Aboveground Tanks at Atmospheric Pressure Containing Flammable Vapors or Liquids That Give Off Flammable Vapors. * Fixed Roof Tanks (Metallic) and Tanks with Internal Floating Roofs.
Shunts or bypass conductors shall not be mandatory for lightning protection for fixed roof and internal floating roof tanks. * External Floating Roof Tanks. Shunt Placement.
The shunt-to-shell contact point shall be submerged at least 1 ft (0.3 m) below the surface of the liquid product.
The shunt shall have as short and direct a path as possible from the conductive floating roof to the tank shell.
The shunts shall be spaced at intervals no greater than 10 ft (3 m) around the perimeter of the floating roof.
Above-deck shunts shall be removed when retrofitting existing tanks with submerged shunts. Shunt Description.
2 2
The shunts shall consist of a flexible stainless steel conductor of at least 0.031 in. (20 mm ) cross-sectional area or of other material conductors of equivalent current-carrying capacity and corrosion resistance.
The minimum width of the shunt shall be 2 in. (50 mm).
The shunts shall be of the minimum length necessary to permit the function of the floating roof assembly.
The shunts shall be of the minimum length necessary to remain in contact with the shell during the full horizontal and vertical design movement of the floating roof. *
The shunts and terminations shall be of sufficient flexibility, cross-sectional area, and corrosion resistance to maximize service life. * Bypass Conductors.
The tank’s floating roof shall be bonded to the tank shell by direct electrical connection.
Each conductor, including connections, shall have a maximum end-to-end electrical resistance of 0.03 ohm.
The bypass conductor shall be of the minimum length necessary to permit full movement of the floating roof.
A minimum of two bypass conductors shall be evenly spaced not more than every 100 ft (30 m) around the tank circumference. *
The bypass conductors and terminations shall be positioned and of sufficient flexibility, cross-sectional area, and corrosion resistance to maximize service life. Parallel Conducting Paths (Seal Assembly from the Floating Roof Tank).
Any non–fully submerged conductive seal assembly components, including springs, scissor assemblies, and seal membranes, shall be electrically insulated from the tank roof.
The insulation level shall be rated 1 kV or greater. Insulation of Gauge or Guide Poles.
Any gauge or guide pole components or assemblies that penetrate the tank’s floating roof shall be electrically insulated from the tank’s floating roof.
The insulation level shall be rated 1 kV or greater. Metallic Tanks with Nonmetallic Roofs.
Metallic tanks with wooden or other nonmetallic roofs shall not be considered self-protecting, even if the roof is essentially gastight and sheathed with thin metal and with all gas openings provided with flame protection.
Such tanks shall be provided with strike termination devices.
Such strike termination devices shall be bonded to each other, to the metallic sheathing, if any, and to the tank shell.
Isolated metal parts shall be bonded as required by Section 4.16 .
Any of the following strike termination devices shall be permitted to be used:

(1) Conducting masts

(2) Overhead ground wires
(3) Combination of masts and overhead ground wires Grounding Tanks.
Tanks shall be grounded to conduct away the current of direct strokes and the buildup and potential that cause sparks to ground.
A metal tank shall be grounded by one of the following methods:

(1) A tank shall be connected without insulated joints to a grounded metallic piping system.
(2) A vertical cylindrical tank shall rest on earth or concrete and shall be at least 20 ft (6 m) in diameter, or shall rest on bituminous pavement and shall be at least 50 ft (15 m) in diameter.
(3) A tank shall be bonded to ground through a minimum of two grounding electrodes, as described in Section 4.13 , at maximum 100 ft (30 m) intervals along the perimeter of the tank.
(4) A tank installation using an insulating membrane beneath for environmental or other reasons shall be grounded as in (3).

7.4.2 Earthen Containers at Atmospheric Pressure Containing Flammable Vapors or Liquids That Give Off Flammable Vapors.
Lined or unlined earthen containers with combustible roofs that enclose flammable vapors or liquids that can give off flammable vapors shall be protected by air terminals, separate masts, overhead ground wires, or a
combination of these devices.
Aboveground nonmetallic tanks shall be protected as described in 7.3.2 .

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Developed by the NFPA 780 Chapter 7 Task Group. Reorganized chapter for clarity and added new material. Chapter is now broken down by types of structures, with sections applying to each. Shunts and bypass conductors are
redefined as sliding and fixed contacts to clarify function and allow sub-grouping of primary metallic shoe seals and shunts under sliding contacts, and bypass conductors under fixed contacts. Primary metallic shoe seals are now allowed as
sliding contacts absent shunts. Shunts were developed for use with non-conductive primary seals. They are redundant if metallic primary seals are installed. Under fixed contacts, risk assessment is factored into the level of protection
provided by bypass conductors, with fewer required in low lightning density areas. New sections are added for production and flowback tanks. There are actually considerable more fires in these tanks than in storage tanks, so guidance is
now given in protecting this type of tank. Earthen containers was moved from tanks to its own section.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Bruce Kaiser

Organization: Lightning Master Corporation
Street Address:

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Submittal Date: Thu Jul 03 11:06:51 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: Material for Section 7.4 is not fully developed. The TC requests the submitter review and consider a Public Comment. See FR-127.

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7.4 Protection of Specific Classes of Structures.

7.4.1 Aboveground Tanks at Atmospheric Pressure Containing Flammable Vapors or

Liquids That Give Off Flammable Vapors.* Fixed Roof Tanks (Metallic) and Tanks with Internal Floating Roofs. Sliding
or fixed contact conductors shall not be mandatory for lightning protection for fixed roof and
internal floating roof tanks. External Floating Roof Tanks.* Sliding contacts. Sliding contacts shall consist of either metallic primary shoe seals
or shunts. Metallic primary shoe seals shall be electrically bonded to the floating roof either
inherently through design and construction or by a minimum of one Class I lightning protection
conductor or equivalent at each end of each shoe. If non-conductive primary seals are installed, shunts shall be installed.* Shunts. The shunt shall have as short and direct a path as possible from the conductive
floating roof to the tank shell. The shunts shall be spaced at intervals no greater than 10 ft (3 m) around the
perimeter of the floating roof. Above-deck shunts shall be removed when retrofitting existing tanks with
submerged shunts. The shunts shall consist of a flexible stainless steel conductor of at least 0.031 in.2
(20 mm2) cross-sectional area or of other material conductors of equivalent current-carrying
capacity and corrosion resistance. The minimum width of the shunt shall be 2 in. (50 mm). Shunt Length The shunts shall be of the minimum length necessary to permit the function of the
floating roof assembly. The shunts shall be of the minimum length necessary to remain in contact with the
shell during the full horizontal and vertical design movement of the floating roof.* The shunts and terminations shall be of sufficient flexibility, cross-sectional area,
and corrosion resistance to maximize service life.* Fixed Contacts. The tank’s floating roof shall be bonded to the tank shell by direct electrical
connection.* Each conductor, including connections, shall have a maximum end-to-end

electrical resistance of 0.03 ohm. A bypass conductor shall permit full movement of the floating roof. A minimum of one bypass conductor shall be installed along and bonded to the
rolling ladder, if installed. The bypass conductor bonded to the rolling ladder shall be a continuous
conductor bonded at one end to the floating roof and at the other end to the tank shell. On tanks with a roof perimeter exceeding 200’ (60 m), a minimum of two bypass
conductors shall be evenly spaced around the tank roof perimeter. On tanks with a roof perimeter exceed 300’ (91 m), additional by-pass conductors
shall be installed.* In geographical areas with greater than .5 strikes per year per square kilometer,
additional by-pass conductors shall be installed so the spacing between by-pass conductors does
not exceed 150’ (45 m). In geographical areas with greater than 1.0 strikes per year per square kilometer,
additional by-pass conductors shall be installed so the spacing between by-pass conductors does
not exceed 100’ (30 m).* Bypass conductors and terminations shall be positioned and of sufficient

flexibility, cross-sectional area, and corrosion resistance to maximize service life. Insulation of Gauge or Guide Poles. Any gauge or guide pole components or assemblies that penetrate the tank’s
floating roof shall be electrically insulated from the tank’s floating roof. The insulation level shall be rated 1 kV or greater. Metallic Tanks with Nonmetallic Roofs. Metallic tanks with wooden or other
nonmetallic roofs shall not be considered self-protecting, even if the roof is essentially gastight
and sheathed with thin metal and with all gas openings provided with flame protection. Strike termination devices shall be provided in accordance with 7.3 and as amended
herein. Such strike termination devices shall be bonded to each other, to the metallic
sheathing, if any, and to the tank shell. Isolated metal parts shall be bonded as required by Section 4.16. Any of the following strike termination devices shall be permitted:

(1) Air terminals
(2) Lightning protection masts
(3) Overhead ground wires
(4) Combinations of the above Production Tanks Each tank appurtenance with an insulating gasket, such as a thief hatch, shall be
equipped with a flexible bonding conductor across the insulating gasket. Non-conductive Production Tanks On each tank constructed of non-conductive material, each metallic appurtenance,

such as pipes, valves, thief hatch collars, bull plugs and other pieces of metal shall be bonded to
all other appurtenance with a minimum of main size Class I conductor. Metal bolts on a non-conductive man-way need shall not be required to be bonded
as described in this section. Tanks installed in a multi-tank battery shall be bonded to all other tanks through
Class I main conductors or through connection by metal walkways. The each tank or tank battery shall be protected in accordance with 7.3. Single down conductors and single paths to ground for individual air terminals
shall be allowed. Bonding jumpers shall be installed across insulating joints, flanges and valves. Flowback Tanks Each flowback tank shall be grounded with a minimum of one #2 solid conductor
to a driven ground rod. Tank Series Each tank arranged in a series of tanks shall be bonded with a minimum of a
single #2 solid conductor to a continuous minimum #2 solid conductor run along the length of
the tank series. That conductor shall be earthed with a minimum of one grounding electrode at
each end, and additional grounding electrodes at intervals not to exceed 100’ (30 m) along its
length. Tank Grounding. Tanks shall be grounded to conduct away the current of direct strokes and the buildup
and potential that cause sparks to ground. A metal tank shall be grounded by one of the following methods:

(1) A flat bottom metal tank resting on earth, concrete, pavement or other base shall be
considered inherently self-grounding.

(2) A tank shall be connected without insulated joints to a grounded metallic piping system.

(3) A tank shall be bonded to ground through a minimum of two grounding electrodes, as
described in Section 4.13, at maximum 100 ft (30 m) intervals along the perimeter of the tank. Tanks that are not inherently self-grounding and are installed in a battery with
inherently self-grounding tanks shall be considered to be grounded if electrically bonded to an
inherently self-grounding tank.

7.4.2 Earthen Containers at Atmospheric Pressure Containing Flammable Vapors or

Liquids That Give Off Flammable Vapors. Lined or unlined earthen containers with combustible roofs that enclose flammable
vapors or liquids that can give off flammable vapors shall be protected by air terminals, separate
masts, overhead ground wires, or a combination of these devices. Aboveground nonmetallic tanks shall be protected as described in 7.3.

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Public Input No. 37-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ] Parallel Conducting Paths (Seal Assembly from the Floating Roof Tank).
Any non–fully submerged conductive seal assembly components, including springs, scissor assemblies, and seal membranes, shall be electrically insulated from the tank roof.
The insulation level shall be rated 1 kV or greater.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

I will suggest that the proponent of this article should add an illustration to make it clearer.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 12:32:50 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects including the wording to be added or

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Public Input No. 187-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Isolated metal parts Metal bodies shall be bonded as required by Section 4.16.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

removed "isolated metal parts" and replaced with "metal bodies"

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 185-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.16.3]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 15:25:56 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-146-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC provides a complete rewrite for Sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3.

The TC relocates Figure to Chapter 4. See FR-58.

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Public Input No. 38-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
A metal tank shall be grounded by one of the following methods:

(1) A tank shall be connected without insulated joints to a grounded metallic piping system.
(2) A vertical cylindrical tank shall rest on earth or concrete and shall be at least 20 ft (6 m) in diameter, or shall rest that rests on bituminous pavement and shall be at least 50 ft (15 m) in diameter.
(3) A tank shall be bonded to ground grounded through a minimum of two grounding electrodes, as described in Section 4.13, at maximum 100 ft (30 m) intervals along the perimeter of the tank.
(4) A tank installation using an insulating membrane beneath for environmental or other reasons shall be grounded as in (3).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Just a better wording.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 12:40:05 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter's text changes the meaning of the clause. See FR-127.

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Public Input No. 39-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 7.4.2 ]

7.4.2 Earthen Containers at Atmospheric Pressure Containing Flammable Vapors or Liquids That Give Off Flammable Vapors.
Lined or unlined earthen (see picture containers with combustible roofs that enclose flammable vapors or liquids that can give off flammable vapors shall be protected by air terminals, separate masts, overhead ground
wires, or a combination of these devices.
Aboveground nonmetallic tanks shall be protected as described in 7.3.2.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

These terms: Lined or unlined earthen, not included in Chapter 3 -Definitions. Need to be clarified with an illustration or picture.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 12:44:21 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects including the wording to be added or

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Public Input No. 40-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.1.4 ]

For those locations where no strike terminations are installed, bonding properly grounded and SPDs shall be installed as described in Sections 4.20, 8.5, and 8.7.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Bonding is a term used for an “interconnection” between metal parts, to avoid different potential and consequently, side flashes. Grounding on the other hand is performed with a main size conductor, and its main purpose is to conduct a full
lightning discharge current.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 12:49:34 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-28-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds grounding to the list of requirements because it is more complete and correct. The TC also adds reference to Section 8.4 for completeness.

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Public Input No. 246-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.3 ]

8.3 Types of Lightning Protection.

Except as excluded by 8.1.3 , structures containing explosives shall have lightning protection consisting of one or more of the types given in 8.3.1 through 8.3.4 .
8.3.1 * Metallic (Faraday-Like) Cage.
Where optimum protection for structures housing explosives is required (as determined by the AHJ), a grounded, continuously conductive enclosure, as shown in Figure 8.3.1 , shall be used.
Figure 8.3.
1 Metallic
2 Metallic (Faraday-Like) Cage.
Metallic masts shall be grounded as shown in Figure .
3.2 Single or Multiple Masts.

Mast-type systems shall be designed as specified in 4.6.5 , using a striking distance of 100 ft (30 m) radius. * Mast Lightning Protection System.
A mast-type lightning protection system shall be permitted to be remote from the structure in order to provide a primary attachment point for a lightning discharge.
Metallic masts shall be a minimum diameter of 5 ⁄ 8 in. (15 mm).
Nonmetallic masts shall have a strike termination device or metal cap with a minimum thickness of 3 ⁄ 16 in. (4.8 mm) connected to ground by at least one down conductor.
For nonmetallic masts using a pole guy wire as a down conductor, the guy wire shall be a continuous metal cable without any ceramic or insulating sections.
Each metallic guy cable shall be bonded at its lower end to the grounding electrode(s). Grounding of Masts.
Grounding of masts shall comply with the requirements of Section 4.13 .

Figure 2 Connection of Metallic Masts to Ground Ring Electrode.

8.3.3 Overhead Wire (Catenary) Systems.

Catenary systems shall be designed as specified in 4.6.4 , using a striking distance of 100 ft (30 m) radius.
8.3.4 * Integral Lightning Protection Systems.
Strike termination devices directly attached to the structure shall be installed as specified in Chapter 4 .
Bonding connections and conductor splices shall not be painted.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Proposal_Revision_8-3.docx 8.3 Revision

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

This modification is the result of a Task Force effort of the Explosives Task Group. The Task Force could find no justification for the 5/8-inch minimum diameter of a mast. The requirement was removed but if it was intended to refer to the
air terminal, it can be clarified and added at the proper location. The remainder of the changes are associated with the movement of the mast and overhead wire lightning protection system design details to Chapter 4 and clarification of the
use of a guy wire as a down conductor.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 247-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections A., A.8.3.4]
Public Input No. 248-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 8.7.5 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

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Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of the Explosives Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jul 04 21:33:23 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-29-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC could find no justification for the 5/8-inch minimum diameter of a mast. The remainder of the changes are associated with the movement of the mast and overhead wire lightning protection system design details to
Chapter 4 and clarification of the use of a guy wire as a down conductor.

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8.3 Types of Lightning Protection.

8.3.1 General. Except as excluded by 8.1.3, structures containing explosives shall have
lightning protection consisting of one or more of the types given in 8.3.2 through 8.3.5.

8.3.2* Metallic (Faraday-Like) Cage. Where optimum protection for structures housing
explosives is required (as determined by the AHJ), a grounded, continuously conductive
enclosure, as shown in Figure 8.3.2, shall be used.

8.3.3* Single or Multiple Masts. Mast-type systems shall be designed as specified in 4.6.3 and
4.6.5, using a striking distance as specified in 8.2.1. Nonmetallic masts shall have a strike termination device or metal cap with a minimum
thickness of 3⁄16 in. (4.8 mm) connected to ground by at least one down conductor. Even though it is recognized that some partial lightning current will flow on a mast guy
wire, the mast guy wire shall not be used as the only down conductor for a mast. Each metallic guy cable shall be interconnected at its lower end to the grounding
electrode(s) for the down conductor. Metallic guy wires shall be provided with a main-sized conductor to establish electrical
continuity with metallic masts or the down conductor system for non-metallic masts at the top of
the guy. Grounding of Masts. Grounding of masts shall comply with the requirements of Section 4.13. Metallic masts shall be grounded as shown in Figure

8.3.4 Overhead Wire (Catenary) Systems. Catenary systems shall be designed as specified in
4.6.4, using a striking distance as specified in 8.2.1.

8.3.5* Integral Lightning Protection Systems. Strike termination devices directly attached to
the structure shall be installed as specified in Chapter 4, except as modified to meet the zone of
protection requir8.3.43 Overhead Wire (Catenary) Systems. Catenary systems shall be designed
as specified in 4.6.4, using a striking distance of 100 ft (30 m) radius as specified in 8.2.1.

8.3.54* Integral Lightning Protection Systems. Strike termination devices directly attached to the
structure shall be installed as specified in Chapter 4, except as modified to meet the zone of
protection requirements for a 100 foot (30 m) striking distance.

ements for a 100 foot (30 m) striking distance.

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Public Input No. 73-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.3.5 ]

Bonding Conductores bonding connections and conductor splices shall not be painted.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

This item should be transfer to chapter 4. It makes very difficult to clean a conductor after its painted, especially because it is stranded.
It may also increase its impedance if the whole system conductor is painted.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 21:03:56 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-34-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC modifies the text for clarity and completeness. Annex material is also provided.

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Public Input No. 251-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.4.1 ]

8.4.1 General.
A ground ring conductor ring electrode shall be required for all lightning protection systems on structures containing explosives, with interconnecting all down conductors, structural steel, ground rods, and other grounding
systems connected to the ground ring conductor .
2 2
Exception No. 1: A ground ring electrode shall not be required for structures with areas of 500 ft (46.5 m ) or less or those that can be protected by a single mast or air terminal.
Exception No. 2: A ground ring electrode shall not be required for portable structures meeting the provisions of 8.7.5.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

“Ground ring conductor” is not a term defined in the standard. The exceptions discuss “ground ring electrodes” so it is proposed to revise the text to reflect the requirement is for a ground ring electrode instead of ground loop conductor.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of Task Force of Explosives Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jul 05 17:49:13 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-30-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC modifies this section since the exceptions discuss “ground ring electrodes”. The text is modified to reflect the requirement for a ground ring electrode instead of ground loop conductor.

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Public Input No. 252-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.4.3 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

Ground ring electrodes shall be uninsulated be bare conductors meeting or exceeding the requirements for Class II conductors.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

For consistency of terminology used in 4.13.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jul 05 19:10:28 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-32-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text for consistency of terminology used in Section 4.13.

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Public Input No. 41-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Ground ring electrodes shall be augmented with a minimum of two ground rods meeting the requirements of .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The ground ring is already buried (according to item at 3 feet deep) this is more than enough to guarantee lightning current dissipation. This item should be discarded.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 13:40:14 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The technical committee agrees to keep the text as is, since it is correct and ensures better grounding.

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Public Input No. 188-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.5.3 ]

8.5.3 Isolated Metallic Masses.

Any isolated metallic Any metallic masses within the sideflash separation distance sideflash distance shall be bonded to the lightning protection system.
2 2 3 4 3
Exception: Metallic masses with a surface area of less than 400 in. (0.26 m ) or a volume of less than 1000 in. (1.64 × 10 cm ) shall not be required to be bonded.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

removed "isolated" to leave only "metallic masses" and removed "separation" to leave only bonding distance

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 185-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.16.3]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 15:30:46 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-33-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC removes "isolated" to leave only "metallic masses" and removes "separation" since the text is more correct for what the requirement actually is.

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Public Input No. 42-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.5.3 ]

8.5.3 Isolated Metallic Masses.

Any isolated metallic masses within the sideflash separation distance shall be bonded to the lightning protection system.
2 2 3 4 3
Exception: Metallic masses with a surface area of less than 400 in. (0.26 m ) or a volume of less than 1000 in. (1.64 × 10 cm ) shall not be required to be bonded.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The exception is irrelevant. Item 4.16 says that if it assists in providing a path to ground for lightning current “IT SHALL BE BONDED”.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 14:33:07 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC rejects this public input since the proper change to this section is addressed by PI-188. The exception is correct as stated. The TC concludes that the term isolated is not required since the text is referring to all Metallic
Masses. See FR-33.

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Public Input No. 249-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.5.4 ]

8.5.4 Direct Bonding Techniques.

Direct bonding techniques shall include the following:

(1) Welding
(2) Brazing
(3) Bolting
(4) Riveting
Soft soldering shall not be permitted.
Self-tapping screws shall not be used for bonding purposes.
After completion of the joining process, the bond region shall be sealed with appropriate protective agents to prevent bond deterioration through corrosion of the mating surfaces.
8 . 5.4.4 Bonding connections and conductor splices shall not be painted.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Relocation of clause 8.3.5 to bonding clause.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: submitted on behalf of Explosives Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jul 04 22:21:41 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-34-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC modifies the text for clarity and completeness. Annex material is also provided.

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Public Input No. 47-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.5.4 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

Direct bonding techniques shall include the following:

(1) Welding
(2) Brazing
(3) Bolting
(4) Riveting
(5) Exhothermic Welding

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Item missing.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 17:17:59 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: Exothermic welding is already covered by welding in item 1. See FR-34.

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Public Input No. 253-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections, ]

All external metallic doors permitting door frames (and metallic doors through bonding to the frames) that permit access to the structure shall be bonded to the ground ring electrode.
Frames of external roll-up or slatted doors shall be bonded to the ground ring electrode.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Some discussion is required to determine which term is correct to use. In, a connection directly to the ground ring electrode is reasonable since I read this to be limited to external doors. However, and may not be
limited to external doors. Is it the intent that the requirement to be applicable to all doors/frames or just perimeter/external doors? If the former, flexibility through the use of a ground loop conductor may be necessary.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jul 05 19:16:26 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-35-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the sentence structure for clarity and completeness.

The TC adds annex text for bonding consideration of interior metal doors and frames.

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Public Input No. 256-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections 8.5.7, 8.5.8 ]

Sections 8.5.7, 8.5.8

8.5.7 Railroad Tracks.
All railroad tracks that are located within 6 ft (1.8 m) of a facility housing explosives shall be bonded to the lightning protection system ground ring electrode.
Where railroad tracks provide electrical signaling, insulated joints shall be provided to isolate railroad siding tracks from the main railroad track.
Siding tracks shall provide external bonds for bonding to the facility’s ground ring electrode.
Where railroad tracks enter a facility, they also shall be bonded to the frame of the structure or facility.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Proposal_8-5-7.docx Railroad track revision

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The revision to 8.5.7 is modified to make it clear that siding tracks are included in the scope of that clause and justifies the merging of 8.5.7 and 8.5.8 requirements. This eliminates the need for Clause and answers Explosives Task
Group Action Item 13 by indication that the separation requirements for siding tracks should be the same as for main tracks. The revision also reintroduces the 2011 Edition figure with some modifications to indicate the ground could be
provided by made electrodes or connection to the ground ring electrode for the structure. It also introduces the requirement that the grounding conductor be a main-sized conductor as specified in the figure. The reorganization of the
requirements provides a better flow from the structure grounding requirements to the installation requirements for siding tracks. Finally, Annex A material is provided to explain the need for bonding of the tracks entering the structure.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 257-NFPA 780-2014 [New Section after A.8.3.4]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of Explosives Task Group of NFPA 780
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Jul 06 23:15:23 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-74-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises Paragraph 8.5.7 to clarify that siding tracks are included in the scope of the clause and justifies the merging of Paragraph 8.5.7 and Paragraph 8.5.8 requirements. This eliminates the need for Paragraph
The separation requirements for siding tracks are the same as for main tracks. The revision also reintroduces the 2011 Edition figure with some modifications to indicate the ground could be provided by made electrodes or
connection to the ground ring electrode for the structure. It also introduces the requirement that the grounding conductor be a main-size conductor as specified in the figure. The reorganization of the requirements provides a
better flow from the structure grounding requirements to the installation requirements for siding tracks. Annex text is added for clarity.

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Connection to
grounding electrode

Figure 8.5.7 Grounding and Bonding of Railroad Tracks (not to scale).

8.5.7 Railroad Tracks. All railroad tracks (including siding tracks) that are located within 6 ft
(1.8 m) of a facility housing explosives shall be bonded to the lightning protection system ground
ring electrode using a main-sized conductor (see Figure 8.5.7).* Where railroad tracks enter a facility, they also shall be bonded to the frame of the
structure or facility, its ground ring electrode, or ground loop conductor at the point it enters the
facility. Where railroad tracks are used for electrical signaling, insulating joints shall be provided
to isolate railroad siding tracks from the main railroad track. The insulating joints shall be located between any bond to the lightning protection system
and connection to the main track.
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Public Input No. 254-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.6.2 ]

Conduits Buried conduits shall be bonded to the ground ring electrode where they cross.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Required bonding is applicable only when conduit is buried since the ground ring electrode would be buried by definition.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jul 05 19:36:33 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-36-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds the words "buried" and "metallic." The required bonding is applicable only when the conduit is buried; only metallic conduit needs to be bonded.

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Public Input No. 258-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.7.2 ]

8.7.2 * Piers and Wharves.

Lightning protection systems shall be required on piers and wharves where explosive materials cannot be moved to a protected area at the approach of a thunderstorm.
The portion of the pier or wharf used for explosive material staging shall be provided with a mast or catenary system.
The mast or catenary system shall be interconnected with a ground ring ground loop conductor.
An additional conductor shall be installed along the pier or wharf for bonding of all permanently installed metal objects on the pier.
All pier and wharf ground ring ground loop conductors shall be interconnected.
A path to earth consisting of a metal plate bonded to the additional ground ring loop conductor shall be permitted to create a low-resistance path by submerging in water.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Ground ring conductor is not a term used in the standard. The terms to choose from are ground ring electrode or ground loop conductor. In this case, it is the opinion of the Bridges and Piers Task Group that the proper term should be
ground loop conductor.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 259-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 8.7.3]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: submitted on behalf of NFPA 780 Bridges and Piers Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 07:26:12 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-37-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes "ground ring" to "ground loop" conductor for consistency with the rest of the standard.

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Public Input No. 259-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.7.3 ]

8.7.3 Cranes.
All cranes shall be provided with inner and outer ground ring ground loop conductors interconnected with each other.
The crane shall be bonded to the inner ground ring ground loop conductor.
Cranes shall be relocated into the lightning protection zone of protection at the approach of a thunderstorm.
Boom and cable lifting shall be bonded to the outer ground ring ground loop conductor.
Exception: Metal lifting hooks on cranes equipped with hook insulating links shall not be required to be bonded to any of the ground ring ground loop conductors.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Ground ring conductor is not a term used in the standard. The terms to choose from are ground ring electrode or ground loop conductor. In this case, it is the opinion of the Bridges and Piers Task Group that the proper term should be
ground loop conductor.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 258-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 8.7.2] Same subject matter

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of NFPA 780 Bridges and Piers Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 07:37:13 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-38-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes "ground ring" to "ground loop" conductor for consistency with the rest of the standard.

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Public Input No. 48-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.7.3 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

All cranes shall be provided with inner and outer ground ring conductors interconnected with each other. (see picture 8.7.3)

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Its not clear what is an inner ground ring is. As well in item 8.73.1
Note: Even the "outer ground ring conductor" is no t clear what it is.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 17:22:20 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: NFPA codes and standards do not include pictures. In many cases, these documents provide graphs, tables and figures. The submitter has not provided any illustrations for inclusion. The TC refers the submitter to the NFPA
780 Handbook which does provide pictures and illustrations.

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Public Input No. 255-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
An additional ground ring conductor ring electrode shall be installed where the following conditions exist:

(1) Explosive materials are within sideflash distance of cables or masts.

(2) Flammable gases or exposed flammable liquids are present on the pad.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

It is assumed the ground conductor discussed is to be buried. If so, it may be either ground loop conductor or ground ring electrode. If it is acceptable that the conductor be above or on the surface, a ground loop conductor may be used.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of Task Force to Explosives Task Group of NFPA 780
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jul 05 19:45:22 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-39-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes "ground ring" to "ground loop" conductor in order to be consistent with the rest of the standard and to make it clear that the ground loop is to be buried.

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Public Input No. 248-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.7.5 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

Portable magazines that provide equivalent protection of a metallic cage as described in in 8.3.1 2 shall be grounded using a main conductor.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To reflect renumbering of the referenced clause in a linked proposal.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 246-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 8.3] Change in numbering of referenced clause

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: submitted on behalf of Explosives Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jul 04 22:16:05 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-77-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text to provide the correct call out.

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Public Input No. 107-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
2 2
Single portable magazines less than 25 ft (2.3 m ) (using outside dimensions) shall require two require one ground rods.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Due to the small size of the magazine one ground is sufficient

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Affilliation: ULPA
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri May 02 09:00:19 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-40-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text so that only one ground rod is required due to the small size of the magazine. One ground is sufficient. The initial requirement of Paragraph was too stringent; these small structures only require
one ground rod.

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Public Input No. 49-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
All earth ground connections shall provide resistance impedance to earth that is as low as practical.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

With transient currents, the earth resistance is irrelevant. The impedance of the system is what matters.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 23:05:05 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-41-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC advises that the term impedance is the correct term. With transient currents, the earth resistance is irrelevant. The impedance of the system is what matters.

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Public Input No. 142-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Gate posts through which explosives material or personnel will pass shall be grounded in accordance with 8.8.3 .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

This text would work better as part of section 8.8.3, which is specifically about gates and gateposts.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 143-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 08:52:11 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC rejects this proposal because the requirement is correct and addresses the explosives hazards.

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Public Input No. 143-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
All gate posts through which explosives material or personnel will pass shall be provided with a grounding electrode meeting the requirements of Section 4.13 using a main-size conductor.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

This incorporates the more specific language of into the section on Gates and Gateposts.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 142-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] Second cousin, once removed.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 08:54:09 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-42-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds "through which explosives material or personnel" since this language is more specific as Paragraph clarifies the requirement for gates and gateposts

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Public Input No. 51-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 8.10.7 ]

8.10.7 *
The lightning protection system shall be tested electrically at least every 14 months.
The dc resistance of any single object bonded to the lightning protection system shall not exceed 1 ohm.
The test shall be conducted in accordance with the appropriate test equipment manufacturer’s instructions.
The test shall be conducted by personnel familiar with lightning protection system testing.
Only those instruments designed specifically for earth resistance testing shall be permitted for use in this application.
Test instruments shall be properly maintained and calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
The three-point fall-of-potential test method shall be used when measuring the resistance to earth of grounding systems for explosives facilities. *
SPDs shall be verified operable every 12 months or after any suspected lightning strike.
Records and test measurement data of resistance to earth and bonding tests shall be documented and shall be available for a time period acceptable to the AHJ. *
Only qualified personnel having the necessary training and expertise shall be permitted to maintain, inspect, and test explosives facilities.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Whoever introduced this section, didn't know that the resistance value was eliminated from this Standard way back. The 50 Ohm value is no longer “in service”
As I normally try to explain, “mother nature” will take care of testing L.P. Systems.
The three-fall potential method is an ineffective measurement. Even continuity testing is hard to accomplish because most of the system can’t be isolated and there are several parallel paths, for most locations. I will recommend eliminating
this section.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 23:21:17 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC disagrees to deleting this language since the requirements as written are correct. These more definitive requirements are minimum for explosives facilities.

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Public Input No. 201-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]*
Unless monitored remotely through a continuous monitoring system, SPDs shall be verified operable every 12 months month, or after any suspected lightning strike.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

An SPD should, under this standard, have indicator lights to signal the condition of the SPD for each phase on the electrical system. Some SPDs are engineered to survive for extended periods (15 to 25 years unless subjected to a direct
type lightning strike). Other SPDs are designed to sacrifice themselves in as little as 1 to 5 years in order to dissipate the surge energy on the electrical system. The surge energy generated within a facility from normal operations can
accelerate this sacrifise, causing weakening of the circuits and components within the SPD. The IEEE 1100-2005, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Electronic Equipment", Section 8.6 states, "Large transients
originating from outside sources associated with lightning or power system events, are best diverted at the service entrance." It states further, "Transients generated within the premises can best be diverted by placing SPDs close to the
sources of the transient activity or close to the protected electrical equipment if this is not possible. Best results are obtained if both locations are protected." It goes on in Section 8.6.4 to state, "In addition to the installation of a surge
protective device at the service entrance, it is recommended that surge protective devices rated for Category or Category A, as specified in IEEE C62.41.2, be applied to downstream electrical switchboards and panelboards...And on
panelboards of separately derived power systems that service connected information technology equipment (ITE), signaling, television and other forms of electronic load equipment." Both internal and external surge activity (including
lightning) can cause weakening of the withstand capability of the SPD. It is very likely that an SPD that is going to fail from non-lightning level activity will do so with little or no warning or indication other than the light for that phase going out
(unless there is an audible or remote alarm). Only checking the SPD every 12 months means that the SPD could have ceased to function shortly after the annual inspection, leaving the facility unprotected for 11 or 12 months before it will
be discovered during the next annual inspection. Any lightning event occurring during that time will have an unobstructed path to the equipment down line from the now failed SPD. A montly inspection requires only a visual inspection to
check that the lights on the SPD are lit and can limit the exposure to a reasonable length of time. Additional inspections after a suspected lightning strike will help to keep the time that the facility is unprotected to a minimum.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: THOMAS BUTCHER

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jun 17 15:32:16 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-43-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the requirement to visually inspect every month, or after any suspected lightning strike. Not doing so may result in significant damage to the facility and equipment.

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Public Input No. 52-NFPA 780-2014 [ Chapter 9 ]

Chapter 9 Protection for Wind Turbines

9.1* General.
The intent of this chapter shall be to provide lightning protection requirements for wind turbine structures that comprise externally rotating blades, a nacelle, and a supporting tower.
Lightning protection systems installed on wind turbines shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
This chapter shall not include the lightning protection of the wind turbine blades or electrical generation equipment.
9.2 Fundamental Principle of Protection.
Placement of air terminations for the nacelle shall be determined as described in Section 4.8, assuming the blades are oriented so they provide the smallest zone of protection to the structure.
The nacelle, hub, and other structural components of the wind turbine shall be substituted for air terminals and conductors, where possible, in accordance with and Section 4.19.
Air terminations, down conductors, and bonding for the protection of meteorological instruments and aircraft warning lights located on the nacelle shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 4.
The blade-to-hub transition conductor shall be sized in accordance with Table for main conductors and provided with a minimum required allowance and flexibility for adequate motion of the blade.
The cover for the hub, referred to as the spinner, shall be protected with a strike termination device as required in Section 4.6.
At least two down conductors shall be provided for the tower of the wind turbine. The down conductor requirements from the nacelle to ground shall be provided in accordance with 4.9.9.
Metal bodies located outside or inside the wind turbine structure that contribute to lightning hazards because they are grounded or assist in providing a path to ground for lightning current shall be bonded to the overall lightning
protection system in accordance with Sections 4.15 and 4.16.
9.3 Protection of Electrical and Mechanical Control Systems.
Because the nacelle, hub, tower, and base structure sections of the wind turbine typically house electrical and mechanical control systems, consideration shall be given to the protection of these systems with bonding,
shielding, and surge protection in accordance with the following:

(1) Separation distance and bonding techniques maintained in accordance with Sections 4.15 and 4.16
(2) Maximized distance between lightning conductors and electrical system components and electrical system cabling located on or near a ground plane
(3) Electrical system cabling magnetically shielded by either braided wire sheath or wire mesh screen or bonding of metallic conduit, cable trays, or raceways
(4) Electrical equipment that is exposed to lightning electromagnetic impulse (LEMP) located within metal enclosures
(5) Large loop areas within electrical cabling avoided
(6) SPDs installed as close as practicable to the equipment to be protected

SPDs shall be in accordance with Section 4.20.
9.4 Grounding.
Each wind turbine structure shall be equipped with a common grounding system in accordance with Section 4.14 and shall interconnect to the site grounding system, if present.
The lightning protection grounding system shall be in accordance with 4.13.1 through 4.13.8.
The grounding system shall include a ground ring electrode external to the foundation, in contact with the soil, and bonded to the foundation reinforcing steel using fittings listed for the purpose.
Reinforcing steel shall be made electrically continuous throughout construction by interconnection of vertical and horizontal bars.
Down conductors coursed on or in reinforced concrete construction shall be connected to the reinforcing steel at their upper and lower extremities.
Other grounded media located adjacent to the base of the wind turbine shall be bonded to the grounding electrode system of the main structure in accordance with 4.14.6 (4).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

This chapter should be enhanced with some pictures or illustrations.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 23:36:09 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: NFPA codes and standards do not include pictures. In many cases, these documents provide graphs, tables and figures. The submitter has not provided any illustrations for inclusion. The TC refers the submitter to the NFPA
780 Handbook which does provide pictures and illustrations.

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Public Input No. 53-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 9.1.1 ]

Lightning protection systems installed on wind turbines shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. chapter and in concordance with these standard.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

This chapter shouldn't be considered isolated from the rest of the standard as a whole.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 23:38:17 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: Within Chapter 9, cross reference is already made back to the other applicable requirements of the standard where relevant.

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Public Input No. 144-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 9.2 ]

9.2 Fundamental Principle Principles of Protection.

Placement of air terminations for the nacelle shall be determined as described in Section 4.8, assuming the blades are oriented so they provide the smallest zone of protection to the structure.
The nacelle, hub, and other structural components of the wind turbine shall be substituted for air terminals and conductors, where possible, in accordance with and Section 4.19.
Air terminations, down conductors, and bonding for the protection of meteorological instruments and aircraft warning lights located on the nacelle shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 4.
The blade-to-hub transition conductor shall be sized in accordance with Table for main conductors and provided with a minimum required allowance and flexibility for adequate motion of the blade.
The cover for the hub, referred to as the spinner, shall be protected with a strike termination device as required in Section 4.6.
At least two down conductors shall be provided for the tower of the wind turbine. The down conductor requirements from the nacelle to ground shall be provided in accordance with 4.9.9.
Metal bodies located outside or inside the wind turbine structure that contribute to lightning hazards because they are grounded or assist in providing a path to ground for lightning current shall be bonded to the overall lightning
protection system in accordance with Sections 4.15 and 4.16.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Other chapter have Fundamental PRINCIPLES of Protection, where this subsection is used. I changed this for consistency throughout the document.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 09:08:38 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-26-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the title for clarity. The TC edits Paragraph 9.2.6 and adds annex text for clarification.

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Public Input No. 54-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 9.2.6 ]

At If it is not a metal support tower, at least two down conductors shall be provided for the tower of the wind turbine. The down conductor requirements from the nacelle to ground shall be provided in accordance with 4.9.9.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

If it is a metal structure there is no reason it can't be used as a down conductor.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Mar 30 23:44:36 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-26-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the title for clarity. The TC edits Paragraph 9.2.6 and adds annex text for clarification.

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Public Input No. 58-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 9.4.2 ]

The grounding system shall include a ground ring electrode external to the foundation, in contact with the soil, and bonded to the foundation reinforcing steel using fittings listed for the purpose.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

If its a "ground ring" it is already in contact with the soil or ground.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 11:29:49 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The words, "in contact with the soil," are redundant as ground ring electrodes by definition are in contact with the soil. However these words exist to clarify/reinforce that the ground ring is not to be placed within the foundation.

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Public Input No. 59-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 9.4.3 ]

Reinforcing steel shall be made electrically continuous throughout construction by interconnection of vertical and horizontal bars.(see picture 9.4.3)

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

This item needs a picture or diagram how to accomplish electrical continuity.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 11:42:49 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: NFPA codes and standards do not include pictures. In many cases, these documents provide graphs, tables and figures. The submitter has not provided any illustrations for inclusion. The TC refers the submitter to the NFPA
780 Handbook which does provide pictures and illustrations.

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Public Input No. 56-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
All copper conductors shall be of the grade required for commercial electrical work and shall have at least 95 percent of the conductivity of pure copper.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

delete this Item. It is already noted in Item

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Mar 31 08:36:10 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: There is no statement in this chapter that all requirements in the remainder of the standard are applicable. Any sections that are applicable are specifically called out, there are many references in Chapter 10 to other sections in
the standard.

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Public Input No. 60-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
The zone of protection afforded by any configuration of masts or other elevated conductive objects shall be determined graphically or mathematically, as shown in Figure and Figure The distance can be
determined analytically for a 100 ft (30 m) striking distance with the following equation (units shall be consistent, ft or m):

d = horizontal protected distance
h = height of strike termination device
R = rolling sphere radius [100 ft (30 m)]
h = height of object to be protected
Figure Diagram of a Boat with Masts in Excess of 50 ft (15 m) Above the Water. [Protection based on lightning strike distance of 100 ft (30 m).]

Note: The use of Cverhead Ground wires is also acceptable. Ref:

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Catenary systems should also be accepted.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 11:46:46 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: This additional wording requested by the submitter is not required since Paragraph points specifically to Section 4.6. Paragraph 4.6.1 permits “overhead ground wires” to be used as strike termination devices.

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Public Input No. 61-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]*
2 2
A main conductor made of copper shall have a cross-sectional area of at least 0.033 in. (21 mm (29mm ).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To be in concordance with Table

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 11:55:57 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: There is no statement in this chapter that all requirements in the remainder of the standard are applicable. Any sections that are applicable are specifically called out; there are many references i chapter 10 to other sections in
the standard. The area of 21 mm2 has been justified by an IEEE paper.

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Public Input No. 62-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
2 2
A main conductor made of aluminum shall have a cross-sectional area of at least 0.062 in. (40 (50 mm ).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To be in concordance with Table

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 12:00:17 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: There is no statement in this chapter that all requirements in the remainder of the standard are applicable. Any sections that are applicable are specifically called out; there are many references i chapter 10 to other sections in
the standard. The area of 40 mm2 for aluminum is consistent with the area for copper given in Paragraph

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Public Input No. 105-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ] *
A conducting fitting constructed of metal other than copper or aluminum that neither contains electrical wiring nor connects conductors containing electrical wiring shall be permitted to be used as a main conductor if it has at
least the cross-sectional area given by one of the following formulas:

{Replace equation with 10-4-1-3 equationCorr.jpg}

A = 2
cross-sectional area (in. )
ρ = resistivity (Ω in.)
C = specific heat capacity (BTU/lb °F)
p m
D = density (lb /in.
MP = melting point (°F)

A = 2
cross-sectional area (mm )
ρ = resistivity (Ω m)
C = -1 -1
p specific heat capacity (J kg K )
D = -3
density (kg m )
MP = melting point (K)

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The formula is based in the temperature increase from ambient, assumed to be 298K or 77 F. So replace MP with MP-77.
Density units are mass/vol.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Ewen Thomson

Organization: Marine Lightning Protection In
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri May 02 08:50:01 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-7-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes “MP” to “MP-77” and corrects the equation to indicate temperature change from ambient.

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Public Input No. 128-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]*
No main conductor shall that is substantially vertical shall pass within 6 in. (150 mm) of the unheeled waterline unless it is terminated in a grounding electrode (see 10.5.4) within 24 in. (600 mm) or connected to a loop
conductor . .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Consistency with loop conductor being close to the waterline.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 126-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] Loop conductor

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Ewen Thomson

Organization: Marine Lightning Protection In
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jun 03 16:11:35 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-9-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits te text for consistency with allowing the loop conductor to be close to the waterline as described in Paragraph

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Public Input No. 126-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
A main-size loop conductor shall be routed horizontally at either deck level or cabin-top level or at least 6 ft (1.8 m) above the waterline, as horizontally as possible to form a continuous conducting loop outboard of crewed
areas, wiring, and electronics.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

image007.jpg Bow view of Nordhavn 55 LPS
image009.jpg Stern view of Nordhavn 55 LPS

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The basic problem is the difficulty of installing a loop conductor, especially in a retrofit system. Eliminating the requirements for it to be installed well above the waterline makes it possible to use an existing galvanic bonding conductor, such
as in Nordhavn trawlers, to eliminate the expense of adding a separate loop conductor.

In Nordhavn trawlers the builder has installed a 1/4" x 1" copper strip near the waterline that runs almost the full length of the hull on each side. This is used as a bonding bus for large conducting fittings and through hulls. That is, in the
absence of any additional lightning conductors, all Nordhavns come equipped with an external conductor that is almost a loop and is already bonded to conducting fittings. Connecting the forward and aft ends of the two strips is
straightforward, both for a new build and retrofit system. Then addition of air terminals, and grounding electrodes results in a lightning protection system that is very close to ideal. The copper strip's location near the waterline is extremely
convenient for connecting to electrodes and groundng strips that are also ideally located near the waterline. The images show a system that was installed in a new build Nordhavn 55 using this existing conductor as the loop conductor, but a
similar sytem is possible in a retrofit.

The original reason for specifying that the conducting loop should be well above water level was to minimize the risk of a sideflash from the loop to the water. However, this requirement also increases the risk of an internal sideflash from the
loop to an intermediate conductor; a lower loop hence decreases the risk of personal injury. So even without the priactical considerations of using an existing conductor, the change may be merited on grounds of safety.

In a typical power yacht there are many conductors near water level that should be, but may not be, bonded to the lightning protection system, particularly in the engine room. Placing the loop conductor closer to the waterline reduces the
risk of internal sideflashes to these conductors, if they are not bonded, and external sideflashes if they are.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 128-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Ewen Thomson

Organization: Marine Lightning Protection In
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jun 03 13:00:25 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-8-NFPA 780-2014 The original reason for specifying that the conducting loop should be well above water level was to minimize the risk of a sideflash from the loop to the water. However, this requirement also increases the
risk of an internal sideflash from the loop to an intermediate conductor; a lower loop hence decreases the risk of personal injury. The change is merited on grounds of safety. In a typical power yacht there are many conductors
near water level that should be, but may not be, bonded to the lightning protection system, particularly in the engine room. Placing the loop conductor closer to the waterline reduces the risk of internal sideflashes to these
conductors, if they are not bonded, and external sideflashes if they are.
Statement: The TC edits the text to require the conductor to be routed as horizontally as possible. The TC adds annex text to provide guidance and additional clarity.

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Public Input No. 63-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
The loop conductor shall be connected to at least one main conductor by means of a main conductor.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

It'll be helpful to include a figure for better understanding.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 12:02:59 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects including the wording to be added or
revised. In this case a figure is referenced but not provided.

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Public Input No. 64-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]*
All main conductors, bonding conductors, and loop conductors shall be interconnected to form the lightning conductor system.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

These statement should be moved to chapter 4.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 12:06:11 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The statement refers to a section other than Paragraph There is no statement in this chapter that all requirements in the remainder of the standard are applicable, any sections that are applicable are specifically called
out; there are many references in Chapter 10 to other sections in the standard. Deleting this paragraph from Chapter 10 would remove a key requirement.

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Public Input No. 66-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
The lightning conductor system shall be connected to both the dc and ac electric grounds using a bonding main size conductor.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

In concordance with the 780 LP Standard.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 12:20:03 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: It is not necessary for a "main-size" conductor to be added to the text in this case since electrical grounding conductors are not designed to carry lightning ground currents.

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Public Input No. 67-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

When a joint is made between conductors of the same material, the contact area shall be at least as large as the cross-sectional area of the conductor. be of at least 1 ½ inch.in length.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To be in concordance with the standard 780 and UL 96 and item 6.6.4

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 12:22:07 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The typical connection between lightning conductors in a marine system is via a bolt or lug, not a clamp with a wire inserted into it. So a more general requirement is needed than that for wire splices. Specifying a joint in terms
of contact area is preferable to defining the connection in terms of a length of insertion where the actual contact area is unknown. Paragraph 6.6.4 assumes a particular type of connection for heavy duty stacks.

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Public Input No. 68-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
No joint between metals whose galvanic potential differs by more than 0.5 V shall be permitted in locations where immersion is likely, such as the bilge, unless the joint is encapsulated in a waterproof enclosure.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

If acceptable in this section. It must be moved to Chapter 4 then.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 12:40:34 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The statement refers to a section other than Paragraph There is no statement in this chapter that all requirements in the remainder of the standard are applicable, any sections that are applicable are specifically called
out; there are many references in Chapter 10 to other sections in the standard. Deleting this paragraph from Chapter 10 would remove a key requirement.

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Public Input No. 69-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]*
Connecting fittings made of metals other than aluminum or copper shall meet either of the following criteria:

(1) Have the same resistance per unit length as the corresponding type of conductor (that is, main or bonding)
(2) Have a cross-sectional area at least as large as that given in for a main conductor or for a bonding conductor, and have a resistance that is not more than the resistance of 2 ft (0.6 m) of the
corresponding copper conductor

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

if it is acceptable in thos section it must be moved to chapter 4

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 12:43:14 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The statement refers to a section other than Paragraph There is no statement in this chapter that all requirements in the remainder of the standard are applicable, any sections that are applicable are specifically called
out; there are many references in Chapter 10 to other sections in the standard. Deleting this paragraph from Chapter 10 would remove a key requirement.

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Public Input No. 70-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]*
Grounding electrodes shall be installed on the The keel or grounding plates attached to the hull must be used in nonmetallic hull of a watercraft, to provide multiple paths for the lightning current to exit into the water.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Is not very clear what those it mean by "grounding electrodes" For better illustration a picture will be needed.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 12:46:49 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC does not edit Paragraph The intent is expressed well in Paragraph

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Public Input No. 72-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
2 2
At least one grounding electrode shall be an immersed solid conductor that has a contact area with the water of at least 1 ft (0.09 m ), a thickness of at least 3⁄16 in. (4.8 mm), and a width of at least 3⁄4 in. (19 mm).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Needs a picture to be more explicit

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 15:03:53 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects including the wording to be added or

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Public Input No. 74-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
A main grounding electrode shall be permitted to be comprised of multiple immersed solid conductors that are interconnected by at least one main conductor where each conductor satisfies and the aggregate contact
2 2
area as determined by 10.5.3 is at least 1 ft (0.09 m ). See picture

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Needs to be ilustraded

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 21:19:02 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC does not edit Paragraph The intent is expressed well in Paragraph The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text/illustration in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects including the wording to be added or revised.

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Public Input No. 71-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
An air gap or SPD (such as a gas discharge tube) shall be permitted to break the path of a main conductor within 8 in. (203 mm) of a grounding electrode.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Need to be revised by the committee. Not a very good idea to increase the impedance of a grounding electrode. Don't see the galvanic corrosion if all is made of the same material.
Must be illustrated for better understanding.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 12:55:18 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects including the wording to be added or

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Public Input No. 75-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 11.1.2 ]

Lightning protection systems for airfield lighting shall be installed entirely underground in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

As far as I know there are not any underground lightning protection systems. Word differently.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 21:20:23 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter did not provide technical substantiation to justify changing the text. The TC chooses to retain the current language. The FAA and military have been installing lightning protection systems on underground airfield
lighting circuits for more than 50 years.The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects
including the wording to be added or revised.

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Public Input No. 79-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 11.3.1 ]

The airfield lighting counterpoise system shall provide protection for airfield lighting systems from energy arising from lightning strikes.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Clarify or illustrate with a figure. It doesn't make sense.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 21:40:42 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter did not provide any technical substantiation to justify the proposed change. Sections 11.3.1 and 11.3.2 describe the purpose of the airfield lighting lightning protection system. The details of the system are
illustrated later in the Standard. The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects
including the wording to be added or revised. The submitter is encouraged to review A.11.1.1 through A.11.3.2.

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Public Input No. 145-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 11.3.2 ]

The airfield lighting counterpoise system shall provide a path for dissipation of lightning discharge energy to earth, minimizing in order to minimize damage to equipment, raceway, or cables, and to reduce the risk of electrical
shock to personnel.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

We can't make statements in the standard regarding whether the damage IS actually minimized, we can only say that we take these steps in order to minimize the damage, or the risk of damage. It's a fine point, but one I believe is worth

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 09:17:04 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-3-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises Paragraph 11.3.2 providing a refined purpose for the chapter.

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Public Input No. 80-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 11.3.2 ]

The airfield lighting counterpoise system shall provide a path for dissipation of lightning discharge energy to earth, minimizing damage to equipment, raceway, or cables and electrical shock to personnel. .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Damage to equipment and cables are prevented using SPD.

“Electric shock to personnel”, is prevented by using the equipment grounding conductor – green wire.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 21:48:55 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC does not agree with the submitter’s substantiation. The counterpoise conductor does prevent damage to equipment by providing a preferred path for strike current. Airfield lighting series circuits are ungrounded systems
and as such do not have an equipment grounding conductor.

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Public Input No. 148-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 11.4 ]

11.4 Installation of Airfield Lighting Counterpoise System.

11.4.1* Counterpoise Conductor.
The counterpoise conductor shall be a bare, annealed or soft drawn, solid copper conductor not smaller than 6 AWG.
If bare copper counterpoise conductors are adversely affected by the installed environment, electrically conductive materials (e.g., tinned copper) as permitted by the AHJ shall be utilized.
Electrically conductive materials shall possess the same performance, qualities, and characteristics as the copper counterpoise conductor.
11.4.2 Counterpoise Conductor Location.
The counterpoise conductor shall be installed in accordance with through
The counterpoise conductor shall be bonded to grounding electrodes at intervals not exceeding 500 ft (150 m).
The counterpoise conductor shall be bonded to grounding electrodes located on each side of a raceway crossing under the airfield pavement.
The airfield lighting counterpoise system shall connect to the airfield lighting vault or other airfield lighting circuit power source grounding electrode system.*
Surge arresters shall be permitted to be installed in the airfield lighting circuit.
Reinforcing steel, where used as part of the light base installation, shall be bonded to the metallic light base using a 6 AWG bare solid copper conductor.*
For edge light fixtures installed in turf (stabilized soils) and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the counterpoise conductor shall be installed either halfway between the pavement edge and the
light base, mounting stake, raceway, or cable, as shown in Figure, or in accordance with
Figure Edge Light Fixtures Installed in Turf (Stabilized Soils) and for Raceways or Cables Adjacent to the Full Strength Pavement Edge.
The counterpoise conductor shall be installed 8 in. (203 mm) minimum below grade.*
Each light base or mounting stake shall be provided with a grounding electrode.
When a metallic light base is used, the grounding electrode shall be bonded to the metallic light base or mounting stake with a 6 AWG bare, annealed or soft drawn, solid copper conductor.
When a nonmetallic light base is used, the grounding electrode shall be bonded to the metallic light fixture or metallic base plate with a 6 AWG bare, annealed or soft drawn, solid copper conductor.
For raceways installed under pavement; for raceways and cables not installed adjacent to the full strength pavement edge; for fixtures installed in full strength pavement and shoulder pavement and for optional method of edge
lights installed in turf (stabilized soils); and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the counterpoise conductor shall be centered over the raceway or cable to be protected as described in
through and as shown in Figure
Figure Raceways Installed Under Pavement; Raceways and Cables Not Installed Adjacent to the Full Strength Pavement Edge; Fixtures Installed in Full Strength Pavement and Shoulder Pavement and
Optional Method of Edge Lights Installed in Turf (Stabilized Soils); and Raceways and Cables Adjacent to Full Strength Pavement Edge.
The counterpoise conductor shall be installed no less than 8 in. (203 mm) above the raceway or cable to be protected, except as permitted in and*
The minimum counterpoise conductor height above the raceway or cable to be protected shall be permitted to be adjusted subject to coordination with the airfield lighting and pavement designs.*
Where raceway is installed by the directional bore, jack and bore, or other drilling method, the counterpoise conductor shall be permitted to be installed concurrently with the directional bore, jack and bore, or other drilling
method raceway, external to the raceway or sleeve.
The counterpoise conductor shall be installed no more than 12 in. (305 mm) above the raceway or cable to be protected.
The counterpoise conductor height above the protected raceway(s) or cable(s) shall be calculated to ensure that the raceway or cable is within a 45-degree area of protection.*
The area of protection shall be determined only by the 45-degree triangular prism area of protection method.

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The counterpoise conductor shall be bonded to each metallic light base, mounting stake, and metallic airfield lighting component.*
All metallic airfield lighting components in the field circuit on the output side of the constant current regulator (CCR) or other power source shall be bonded to the airfield lighting counterpoise system.
11.4.3 Multiple Raceways or Cables in a Common Formation.*
Multiple raceways or cables in a common formation or assembly wider than the area of protection provided by a single counterpoise conductor shall be provided with multiple counterpoise conductors.*
As shown in Figure, the number of counterpoise conductors required shall be determined by the height of the counterpoise conductors over the raceways or cables being protected while maintaining the 45-degree area
of protection.
Figure Multiple Airfield Lighting Raceways or Cables in a Common Formation.
Where multiple counterpoise conductors are used, they shall be interconnected longitudinally at intervals not exceeding 300 ft (90 m) as shown in Figure
Figure Multiple Counterpoise Conductor Installation Interconnection — Plan View.

11.4.4 Counterpoise Conductor Interconnections.
Where raceways or cables cross, the counterpoise conductors shall be interconnected.*
Where an existing airfield lighting system is being extended or modified, the new counterpoise conductors shall be interconnected to existing counterpoise conductors at each intersection of the new and existing airfield lighting
counterpoise systems.
11.4.5 Grounding Electrodes.*
The counterpoise conductor shall be bonded to grounding electrodes in accordance with*
Grounding electrodes shall comply with all requirements of 4.13.2, 4.13.5, 4.13.6, 4.13.7, and 4.13.8, except as modified by this chapter.
Ground rods shall not be less than 5⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) in diameter nor less than 8 ft (2.4 m) long.
The top of the installed ground rod shall be 6 in. (152 mm) minimum below grade.
11.4.6 Bonding Jumpers.
A 6 AWG stranded copper green insulated bonding jumper shall be installed between the following items:

(1) In-pavement airfield lighting fixture and the metallic light base
(2) Elevated fixture base plate and metallic light base
(3) Surge arresters and metallic light base
A bonding jumper shall be installed between the metallic frame of the airfield lighting sign(s) or other system components not listed in 11.4.6 and its respective metallic light base.
Bonding jumper length shall permit direct removal and maintenance of the airfield lighting component without damage to or disconnection of the bonding jumper and not interfere with the intended operation of a frangible
Copper conductors and copper braids of equal current-carrying capacity shall be permitted as an alternative to the 6 AWG bonding jumper as permitted by the AHJ.
Frangible couplings shall be conductive.*
All non-current-carrying electrically conductive materials having the potential to become energized by a lightning-induced surge shall be bonded together and bonded to the airfield lighting counterpoise system.
11.4.7* Metallic Light Base Grounding.
New metallic light bases shall be provided with ground straps for internal and external grounding connections.
For existing metallic light bases without ground straps, the installation of ground straps shall not interfere with the structural integrity of the light base.
11.4.8 Connection Requirements.*
All counterpoise conductor connectors, grounding connectors, and bonding connectors shall be listed with relevant standards.
Counterpoise conductor connectors shall be listed for direct earth burial and concrete encasement.*
Galvanically compatible connectors and fittings shall comply with through
Galvanically compatible connectors and fittings shall be used for splicing or bonding dissimilar metals.
Conductive oxide inhibitors shall be designed for the specific application and metals used in the connection.
Conductive oxide inhibitors shall be applied to the mating surfaces of all connections involving dissimilar metals.

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Where a corrosion-protective paint or coating is removed, the electrical connection shall have corrosion protection equal to the original coating.
Listed equipment shall be installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions included as part of the listing.*
The metallic light base ground strap with ground clamp shall be used for connection of the counterpoise conductor to the light base.*
Grounding, bonding, and counterpoise conductor connections not included in through shall be made by exothermic weld or irreversible crimp method.
11.4.9 Bend Radius.
The counterpoise conductor radius of bend shall not be less than 8 in. (203 mm) nor form an included (inside) angle of less than 90 degrees, as shown in Figure 4.9.5.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The section heading talks about the INSTALLATION OF the counterpoise system, but in reality addresses all aspects (including materials, etc.), and not simply the installation. The suggested deletion makes the title more broadly applicable,
n'est-ce pas?

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 09:44:13 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-6-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC chooses to reorder these sections to better organize the chapter. The reordering provides better continuity of the chapter requirements.

Reordering the document makes the intent more precise and considerably more understandable.

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Public Input No. 149-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 11.4.1 ]

11.4.1* Counterpoise Conductor Materials .

The counterpoise conductor shall be a bare, annealed or soft drawn, solid copper conductor not smaller than 6 AWG.
If bare copper counterpoise conductors are adversely affected by the installed environment, electrically conductive materials (e.g., tinned copper) as permitted by the AHJ shall be utilized.
Electrically conductive materials shall possess the same performance, qualities, and characteristics as the copper counterpoise conductor.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposed change makes this title more specific to the section.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 09:46:27 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-6-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC chooses to reorder these sections to better organize the chapter. The reordering provides better continuity of the chapter requirements.

Reordering the document makes the intent more precise and considerably more understandable.

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Public Input No. 146-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
If In locations where bare copper counterpoise conductors are will be adversely affected by the installed environment, electrically conductive corrosion resistant materials (e.g., tinned copper) as permitted by the AHJ shall
be utilized.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

I revised the existing text for grammar. As I do. Also, the AHJ has final say in pretty much everything in this standard, and so doesn't need to be called out in the text. In other words, referring to the AHJ is redundant, so we don't need to
mention it, because it's repetitive and unnecessary. See what I did there?

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 09:32:24 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-6-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC chooses to reorder these sections to better organize the chapter. The reordering provides better continuity of the chapter requirements.

Reordering the document makes the intent more precise and considerably more understandable.

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Public Input No. 147-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
Electrically conductive The corrosion-resistant materials shall possess substantially the same performance , qualities , and characteristics as the a copper counterpoise conductor.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Other materials can't possess exactly the same characteristics as copper; they can only possess similar or equipvalent characteristics. It may not be out of line to include here a reference to the equivalent materials allowances of

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 09:37:14 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC understands that no material other than copper is the same as copper. The TC adds explanatory text in A.; see FR-6.

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Public Input No. 150-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 11.4.2 ]

11.4.2 Counterpoise Conductor Location Installation .

The counterpoise conductor shall be installed in accordance with through
The counterpoise conductor shall be bonded to grounding electrodes at intervals not exceeding 500 ft (150 m).
The counterpoise conductor shall be bonded to grounding electrodes located on each side of a raceway crossing under the airfield pavement.
The airfield lighting counterpoise system shall connect to the airfield lighting vault or other airfield lighting circuit power source grounding electrode system.*
Surge arresters shall be permitted to be installed in the airfield lighting circuit.
Reinforcing steel, where used as part of the light base installation, shall be bonded to the metallic light base using a 6 AWG bare solid copper conductor.*
For edge light fixtures installed in turf (stabilized soils) and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the counterpoise conductor shall be installed either halfway between the pavement edge and the
light base, mounting stake, raceway, or cable, as shown in Figure, or in accordance with
Figure Edge Light Fixtures Installed in Turf (Stabilized Soils) and for Raceways or Cables Adjacent to the Full Strength Pavement Edge.
The counterpoise conductor shall be installed 8 in. (203 mm) minimum below grade.*
Each light base or mounting stake shall be provided with a grounding electrode.
When a metallic light base is used, the grounding electrode shall be bonded to the metallic light base or mounting stake with a 6 AWG bare, annealed or soft drawn, solid copper conductor.
When a nonmetallic light base is used, the grounding electrode shall be bonded to the metallic light fixture or metallic base plate with a 6 AWG bare, annealed or soft drawn, solid copper conductor.
For raceways installed under pavement; for raceways and cables not installed adjacent to the full strength pavement edge; for fixtures installed in full strength pavement and shoulder pavement and for optional method of edge
lights installed in turf (stabilized soils); and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the counterpoise conductor shall be centered over the raceway or cable to be protected as described in
through and as shown in Figure
Figure Raceways Installed Under Pavement; Raceways and Cables Not Installed Adjacent to the Full Strength Pavement Edge; Fixtures Installed in Full Strength Pavement and Shoulder Pavement and
Optional Method of Edge Lights Installed in Turf (Stabilized Soils); and Raceways and Cables Adjacent to Full Strength Pavement Edge.
The counterpoise conductor shall be installed no less than 8 in. (203 mm) above the raceway or cable to be protected, except as permitted in and*
The minimum counterpoise conductor height above the raceway or cable to be protected shall be permitted to be adjusted subject to coordination with the airfield lighting and pavement designs.*
Where raceway is installed by the directional bore, jack and bore, or other drilling method, the counterpoise conductor shall be permitted to be installed concurrently with the directional bore, jack and bore, or other drilling
method raceway, external to the raceway or sleeve.
The counterpoise conductor shall be installed no more than 12 in. (305 mm) above the raceway or cable to be protected.
The counterpoise conductor height above the protected raceway(s) or cable(s) shall be calculated to ensure that the raceway or cable is within a 45-degree area of protection.*
The area of protection shall be determined only by the 45-degree triangular prism area of protection method.
The counterpoise conductor shall be bonded to each metallic light base, mounting stake, and metallic airfield lighting component.*
All metallic airfield lighting components in the field circuit on the output side of the constant current regulator (CCR) or other power source shall be bonded to the airfield lighting counterpoise system.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposed title change makes this more broadly applicable to the following subsections.

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Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 09:47:20 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-6-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC chooses to reorder these sections to better organize the chapter. The reordering provides better continuity of the chapter requirements.

Reordering the document makes the intent more precise and considerably more understandable.

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Public Input No. 120-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 11.4.2 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

The counterpoise conductor shall be installed in accordance with through 6 .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

When Chapter 11 was originally written, the installation method section started with the FAA’s counterpoise installation method for edge lights installed in turf, Section After that section was worked the task group described all the
other scenarios for the balance of the fixture installation methods and locations in Section The description of the other scenarios in became very wordy.
Section in the existing document has this description of its scope ” For raceways installed under pavement; for raceways and cables not installed adjacent to the full strength pavement edge; for fixtures installed in full strength
pavement and shoulder pavement and for optional method of edge lights installed in turf (stabilized soils); and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the counterpoise conductor shall be centered over the
raceway or cable to be protected as described in through and as shown in Figure”
This proposal is to simplify and clarify the scenario descriptions in Sections and by changing the order of the two sections in Chapter 11. Swapping the position of the two sections in the document makes the intent precise
and considerably more understandable.
Proposed Section (existing becomes:” The counterpoise conductor shall be installed either centered over the raceway or cable to be protected as described in and as shown in Figure or in accordance with”
Proposed Section (existing becomes:” Optional counterpoise installation method for edge light fixtures installed in turf or stabilized soils and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the
counterpoise conductor shall be installed halfway between the pavement edge and the light base, mounting stake, raceway, or cable, as described in and as shown in Figure”
The wording for the edge light scenario had only minor editing, while the wording on the other scenarios was significantly simplified.
The proposal is simply a reordering of Sections and
There are two editorial items (#16 and #24 on TG Activities List) that have impacted the section numbering. now becomes and now becomes

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 121-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections,]
Public Input No. 123-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. A.11.1.1]
Public Input No. 124-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections A., A., A., A.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Carl Johnson II

Organization: AVCON
Affilliation: user
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 02 14:09:11 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-6-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC chooses to reorder these sections to better organize the chapter. The reordering provides better continuity of the chapter requirements.

Reordering the document makes the intent more precise and considerably more understandable.

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Public Input No. 81-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
The counterpoise conductor shall be bonded to might have additinal grounding electrodes located on each side of a raceway crossing under the airfield pavement.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

“Shall” is mandatory a requirement. The counterpoise is by itself an excellent grounding method. Ground rods are irrelevant.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 21:56:58 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC refers the submitter to the Manual of Style, Paragraph 2.3.3; the ground rods on each side of a raceway crossing under the airfield pavement is a mandatory requirement.The TC does not accept the submitter's
substantiation that ground rods are irrelevant.

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Public Input No. 121-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections, ]

Sections, .2 *
For Optional counterpoise installation method for edge light fixtures installed in turf ( or stabilized soils ) and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the counterpoise conductor shall be installed
either halfway installed halfway between the pavement edge and the light base, mounting stake, raceway, or cable, as shown described in Figure , or in accordance with .2 and as shown in Figure 6 . 2 .
Figure Edge 6.2 Optional Counterpoise Installation Method for Edge Light Fixtures Installed in Turf ( or Stabilized Soils ) and for Raceways or Cables Adjacent to the Full Strength Pavement Edge. 2. 1
The counterpoise conductor shall be installed 8 in. (203 mm) minimum below grade. .2 *
Each light base or mounting stake shall be provided with a grounding electrode .
in accordance with one of the following methods:
When a metallic light base is used, the grounding electrode shall be bonded to the metallic light base or mounting stake with a 6 AWG bare, annealed or soft drawn, solid copper conductor. (2)
When a nonmetallic light base is used, the grounding electrode shall be bonded to the metallic light fixture or metallic base plate with a 6 AWG bare, annealed or soft drawn, solid copper conductor.
11.4.2. 7 6
For raceways installed under pavement; for raceways and cables not installed adjacent to the full strength pavement edge; for fixtures installed in full strength pavement and shoulder pavement and for optional method of edge
lights installed in turf (stabilized soils); and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the counterpoise conductor shall be The counterpoise conductor shall be installed by using one of the following
(1) Equipotential method as described in
(2) Isolation method as described in The counterpoise conductor shall be installed either centered over the raceway or cable to be protected as described in in 6 .1 through and as shown in Figure and as shown in Figure 6.1
or in accordance with 6 . 2 .
Figure Raceways Installed Under Pavement; Raceways and Cables Not Installed Adjacent to the Full Strength Pavement Edge; Fixtures Installed in Full Strength Pavement and Shoulder Pavement and
Optional Method of Edge Lights Installed in Turf (Stabilized Soils); and Raceways and Cables Adjacent to Full Strength Pavement Edge 6.1 Counterpoise Centered Over Raceway or Cable to be Protected .

11.4.2. 7 6 .1 .1
The counterpoise conductor shall be installed no less than 8 in. (203 mm) above the raceway or cable to be protected, except as permitted in in 6 .1. 2 and 6 .1. 3.
11.4.2. 7 6 . 1. 2 *
The minimum counterpoise conductor height above the raceway or cable to be protected shall be permitted to be adjusted subject to coordination with the airfield lighting and pavement designs.
11.4.2. 7 6 . 1. 3 *
Where raceway is installed by the directional bore, jack and bore, or other drilling method, the counterpoise conductor shall be permitted to be installed concurrently with the directional bore, jack and bore, or other drilling
method raceway, external to the raceway or sleeve.
11.4.2. 7 6 . 1. 4
The counterpoise conductor shall be installed no more than 12 in. (305 mm) above the raceway or cable to be protected.
11.4.2. 7 6 . 1. 5
The counterpoise conductor height above the protected raceway(s) or cable(s) shall be calculated to ensure that the raceway or cable is within a 45-degree area of protection.
11.4.2. 7 6 . 1. 6 *
The area of protection shall be determined only by the 45-degree triangular prism area of protection method.
11.4.2. 7 6 . 1. 7
The counterpoise conductor shall be bonded to each metallic light base, mounting stake, and metallic airfield lighting component.
11.4.2. 7 6 . 1. 8 *
All metallic airfield lighting components in the field circuit on the output side of the constant current regulator (CCR) or other power source shall be bonded to the airfield lighting counterpoise system.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

When Chapter 11 was originally written, the installation method section started with the FAA’s counterpoise installation method for edge lights installed in turf, Section After that section was worked the task group described all the
other scenarios for the balance of the fixture installation methods and locations in Section The description of the other scenarios in became very wordy.
Section in the existing document has this description of its scope ” For raceways installed under pavement; for raceways and cables not installed adjacent to the full strength pavement edge; for fixtures installed in full strength
pavement and shoulder pavement and for optional method of edge lights installed in turf (stabilized soils); and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the counterpoise conductor shall be centered over the
raceway or cable to be protected as described in through and as shown in Figure”
This proposal is to simplify and clarify the scenario descriptions in Sections and by changing the order of the two sections in Chapter 11. Swapping the position of the two sections in the document makes the intent precise

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and considerably more understandable.

Proposed Section (existing becomes:” The counterpoise conductor shall be installed either centered over the raceway or cable to be protected as described in and as shown in Figure or in accordance with”
Proposed Section (existing becomes:” Optional counterpoise installation method for edge light fixtures installed in turf or stabilized soils and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the
counterpoise conductor shall be installed halfway between the pavement edge and the light base, mounting stake, raceway, or cable, as described in and as shown in Figure”
The wording for the edge light scenario had only minor editing, while the wording on the other scenarios was significantly simplified.
The proposal is simply a reordering of Sections and
There are two editorial items (#16 and #24 on TG Activities List) that have impacted the section numbering. now becomes and now becomes

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 120-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 11.4.2 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]] Continuation of reordering Chapter 11 and editorial comments
Public Input No. 123-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. A.11.1.1]
Public Input No. 124-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections A., A., A., A.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Carl Johnson II

Organization: AVCON
Affilliation: user
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 02 14:24:16 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-6-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC chooses to reorder these sections to better organize the chapter. The reordering provides better continuity of the chapter requirements.

Reordering the document makes the intent more precise and considerably more understandable.

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Public Input No. 151-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]
The counterpoise conductor shall be installed no more than 12 in. (305 mm 0.3 m ) above the raceway or cable to be protected.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Changed the metric equivalent to match that used in the rest of the document.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 09:55:15 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC chooses not to change 12 in. (305 mm) to 12 in. (.3 m). See FR-5.

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Public Input No. 122-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections,, ]

Sections,, *
Multiple As shown in Figure, multiple raceways or cables in a common formation or assembly wider than the area of protection provided by a single counterpoise conductor shall be provided with multiple counterpoise
11.4.3. 2 1.1 *
As shown in Figure , the The number of counterpoise conductors required shall be determined by the height of the counterpoise conductors over the raceways or cables being protected while maintaining the 45- . The 45 degree area of protection shall be maintained in accordance with 11 . The maximum width of the area of protection shall be twice the height of the counterpoise conductor above the protected raceway or cable.
Figure Multiple 1 Multiple Airfield Lighting Raceways or Cables in a Common Formation.

11.4.3. 3 2
Where multiple counterpoise conductors are used, they shall be interconnected longitudinally at intervals not exceeding 300 ft (90 m) as shown in Figure 2 .
Figure Multiple 2 Multiple Counterpoise Conductor Installation Interconnection — Plan View.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Task Group Activities Item 16

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 125-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections A., A.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Carl Johnson II

Organization: AVCON
Affilliation: user
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 02 15:06:13 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-6-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC chooses to reorder these sections to better organize the chapter. The reordering provides better continuity of the chapter requirements.

Reordering the document makes the intent more precise and considerably more understandable.

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Public Input No. 152-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]*
As shown in Figure , the number of counterpoise conductors required shall be determined by The horizontal separation distance between multiple counterpoise conductors shall be no greater than twice the height of
the counterpoise conductors over the raceways or cables being protected while maintaining the 45-degree area of protection. , as shown in Figure .
Figure Multiple Airfield Lighting Raceways or Cables in a Common Formation.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The section as written depended on the figure to clarify the requirement. A figure cannot contain a requirement, so I rewrote the section to make the requirement explicit, and the figure merely illustrative. Also, the 45 degree area of
protection is stated just above, in, and so need not be reiterated here.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 09:56:40 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC does not necessarily agree with the submitter’s substantiation. The Manual of Style, Paragraph requires figures in the main text of the document to portray mandatory requirements. However, figure notes
(Paragraph cannot not include mandatory requirements.

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Public Input No. 153-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 11.4.6 ]

11.4.6 Bonding Jumpers.

A 6 AWG stranded copper green insulated bonding jumper shall be installed between the following items:

(1) In-pavement airfield lighting fixture and the metallic light base
(2) Elevated fixture base plate and metallic light base
(3) Surge arresters and metallic light base
A bonding jumper shall be installed between the metallic frame of the airfield lighting sign(s) or other system components not listed in 11.4.6 and its respective metallic light base.
Bonding jumper length shall permit direct removal and maintenance of the airfield lighting component without damage to or disconnection of the bonding jumper, and shall not interfere with the intended operation of a frangible
Copper conductors and copper braids of equal current-carrying capacity shall be permitted as an alternative to the 6 AWG bonding jumper as permitted by the AHJ .
Frangible couplings shall be conductive.*
All non-current-carrying electrically conductive materials having the potential to become energized by a lightning-induced surge shall be bonded together and bonded to the airfield lighting counterpoise system.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input was revised to clarify the grammar of the sentence, and the AHJ reference in was removed, pursuant to my previous suggestion for Jolly good show, eh what?

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:08:56 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC chooses to retain the current language. Retention of the phrase "as permitted to the AHJ" is important to the proper application of airfield lighting counterpoise systems.

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Public Input No. 203-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ] *
Grounding, bonding, and counterpoise conductor connections not included in through shall be made by an exothermic weld or or an irreversible crimp method.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Editorial change made to make the requirement grammatically correct.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of Editorial Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 30 10:17:04 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC does not agree with the submitter's substantiation. The TC chooses to retain the current language of

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Public Input No. 215-NFPA 780-2014 [ Chapter 12 ]

Chapter 12

of Solar Arrays
1  General.

The intent of this chapter shall be to provide lightning protection requirements for roof-mounted or ground-mounted solar
(photovoltaic and thermal) panels
arrays and associated electrical or mechanical systems .
2  Fundamental Principles of Protection.
1  Roof -mounted or ground-mounted solar
arrays subject to direct lightning strike shall be protected in accordance with Chapter 4 and as supplemented in this chapter.
2  Protection shall be provided by
one or more
either of the following methods:
(1)  Direct mounting of strike termination devices to the solar
Direct mounting of strike termination devices to the solar panel framing
array rack as shown in figure 12.2.2(1)
(2)  Locating strike termination devices (including air terminals, masts, and overhead ground wires) adjacent to the solar panels in such a manner as to place the solar panels in a zone of protection as
defined in Section 4.8 and shown in figure 12.2.2(2)
3  Strike Termination Devices.
1  Strike termination devices shall extend a minimum of 10 in. (254 mm) vertically above the apex of the solar panel.

Strike termination devices shall be located at the ends of the uppermost edge or nearest support of pitched solar panels or panel arrays not to exceed 2 ft
If the solar array is not located within the zone of protection by means as provided in Section 4.8, one the following shall be provided. Strike termination devices located remote to the solar array(s) Strike termination devices located on the solar array rack as follows:
(1)  Strike termination devices shall be located such that they extend above the uppermost edge of a pitched solar panel or array not to exceed 2 ft (0.6 m) from the end of the solar panel or array
unless the uppermost edge or nearest support is within a zone of protection.
(2)  Strike termination devices shall be located
such that they extend above the uppermost edge of solar
panels or panel arrays
array at intervals not exceeding 20 ft (6 m)
unless the panel arrays are within a zone of protection.
Solar panel arrays that

Solar panels or panel arrays that have a slope of less than 1 ⁄ 8 shall have strike termination devices located within 2 ft (0.6 m) of the outermost corners and at intervals not exceeding 20 ft (6 m) along all edges unless the
corners or edges are within a zone of protection.

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3  Solar arrays that exceed 50 ft (15 m) in width or length shall comply with one of the following:
(1)  Strike termination devices located at intervals not to exceed 50 ft (15 m) on the solar
panel arrays
array , similar to Figure 4.7.5(a) and Figure 4.7.5(b)
(2)  Strike termination devices that create zones of protection using the rolling sphere method so the sphere does not contact the solar
panel arrays
Solar panels or panel arrays
4  Solar arrays that have a slope of less than
¼ and the distance from the uppermost edge to the lowermost edge along the face of the panel or array exceeds 20 ft (6 m) shall have strike termination devices located within 2 ft (0.6 m) of the outermost
corners and at intervals not exceeding 20 ft (6 m) along all edges unless the corners or edges are within a zone of protection.
5*  Strike termination devices shall
not be secured
be permitted to be mounted on the rack but not secured directly to the
solar panel or
panel frames of photovoltaic panels and arrays
solar panel frame .
6  Where practicable, the location of strike termination devices shall minimize the effects of shadowing the solar panels.
4  Protection of Electrical and Mechanical Systems.
1  Where practicable, the electrical and/or electromechanical control systems shall be protected with bonding, shielding, isolation, and surge protection in accordance with the following:
(1)  Separation distance and bonding techniques maintained in accordance with Sections 4.15 and 4.16
(2)  Maximized distance between lightning air terminals and conductors
from the solar array
, electrical control systems, and cabling
(3)  SPDs installed as close as practicable to the solar
array and electrical
system (inverters) and to the
solar tracking control systems
The dc solar array
(4)  The photovoltaic (PV) output circuit cabling electromagnetically shielded by either braided wire sheath or wire mesh screen or installed within electrically bonded metallic conduit, cable tray, or
(5)  Lightning conductors run separately and outside of the cable path of the
dc cabling
PV output circuit
(6) Maintain wiring loops as small as practicable, this can be achieved by twisting or bunching PV output circuits together in common conduits, cable tray or raceways.
2  PV Output Circuit Surge Protection.
1 Surge protection in accordance with Section 4.20
1  Surge protection shall be provided on the
PV output circuit of the solar
module from positive to ground and negative to ground
and at the combiner and re-combiner box for multiple solar
panels, and at the ac output of the inverter
modules .
2 Surge
2  PV surge protective devices shall have a nominal discharge current rating of at least ( I )
as specified in .
of 20kA 8 / 20 μs per mode. PV surge protective devices shall be listed for use on PV systems and marked “DC” or “PV SPD”
3 If
4  If the system inverter is more than 100 ft (30 m) from the closest combiner or re-combiner box, additional PV SPDs shall be required at the
dc input of
PV output circuit adjacent to the inverter.
4 Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV).
5  PV SPDs provided on the
photovoltaic (PV) output circuit shall have a

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nominal DC operating voltage or V rating equal to or greater than the maximum photovoltaic system voltage of the
circuit (s) as specified in Article 690 of NFPA 70 .
4.2 The SPD provided on the ac output shall have an ac MCOV equal to or greater than the inverter output voltage
6  The SCCR of the PV SPD shall be coordinated with the prospective fault current of the PV output circuit(s) .
5 Short Circuit Current Rating
7  The VPR of each mode of the PV SPD shall be no greater than 3 times the circuits maximum photovoltaic (PV) system voltage to which that mode is connected .
5.1 The short circuit
8 For 2 ports PV SPDs, the load current rating of the
SPD shall be
coordinated with the available fault current of the solar panel(s)
equal to, or greater than, that of the system's load current to the inverter .
5.2 The short circuit current rating of the ac SPD shall be coordinated with the available fault current
9 The maximum rated ambient temperature of the PV SPD shall not be exceeded.
12.4.3  Inverter Output Surge Protection. Surge protection in accordance with Section 4.20 shall be provided at the ac output of the inverter.
2.6 Voltage Protection Rating (VPR)
3.2  Surge protective devices shall have a nominal discharge current rating ( I ) of at least 20kA 8 / 20 μs per mode .
2.6.1 The VPR of the dc SPD shall be a maximum of 3 times the panel’s maximum photovoltaic system voltage
3.4 The short-circuit current rating of the SPD shall be coordinated with the prospective fault current of the inverter .
2.6.2 The
3.5 The VPR of the
SPD shall be
based on
no greater than those given in Table 4.20.4 .
2.6.3 For
3.6  For distribution system voltages exceeding the values in Table 4.20.4 , the VPR shall be permitted to be 3 times the ac output voltage of the inverter.
4.3.7 The maximum rated ambient temperature of the SPD shall not be exceeded
12.5  Grounding.
1  Ground-Mounted Systems.
1 Systems
1  Systems that include a metallic structure shall be grounded in accordance with 4.13.4 , utilizing a ground ring electrode encompassing the perimeter of each array.
1 Combinations
1  Combinations of other grounding electrodes in Section 4.13 shall be permitted.
2 Ground
2  Ground ring electrodes of adjacent ground-mounted systems within 25 ft (7.6 m) shall be interconnected.
2 Systems
2  Systems that rely on the metallic structure to form parts of the lightning protection system shall be made electrically continuous by the methods specified in 4.19.3 .
3 For
3  For solar arrays that do not rely on the metallic structure to form part of the lightning protection system, each separate row or structure shall be bonded at one location direct to the ground ring electrode. *
Solar arrays that do not rely on the metallic structure to form part of the lightning protection system shall be electrically continuous.
2  Roof-Mounted Systems.
1 Solar
1  Solar arrays shall be bonded in accordance with Section 4.15 . *
Solar arrays shall be electrically continuous.
3 If
3  If the structure forms part of or is within the required separation distance from the lightning protection system, the metallic structure of the system shall be made electrically continuous in accordance with
Chapter 4 .
4 Roof
4  Roof conductors interconnecting strike termination devices protecting roof-mounted solar panels shall be provided with down conductors and grounding electrodes in accordance with Chapter 4 .
5 Roof
5  Roof conductors interconnecting strike termination devices protecting roof-mounted solar panels shall be connected to the structure lightning protection system in accordance with Chapter 4 .

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Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Proposed updated Chapter 12 from the Solar Task Group. Changes to clarify requirements, incorporate industry feedback, correlate to other standards of the same subject matter.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Caie

Organization: ERICO, Inc.
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Tue Jul 01 10:39:33 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-120-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC updates Chapter 12 to clarify requirements, incorporate industry feedback, correlate to other standards of the same subject matter.

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Public Input No. 82-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 12.2.2 ]

Protection shall be provided by one or more of the following methods:

(2) Direct mounting of strike termination devices to the solar panel
(3) Direct mounting of strike termination devices to the solar panel framing
(4) Locating strike termination devices (including air terminals, masts, and overhead ground wires) adjacent to the solar panels in such a manner as to place the solar panels in a zone of protection as defined in Section 4.8

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Delete item 1. It contradicts with 12.3.6

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 22:02:47 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter's comment deals with photovoltaic but excludes other solar panels. The TC acknowledges there is no contradiction in the text. 12.2.2 deals with all types.

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Public Input No. 207-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 12.3 ]

12.3 Strike Termination Devices.

Strike termination devices shall extend a minimum of 10 in. (254 mm) vertically above the apex of the solar panel.
Strike termination devices shall be located at the ends of the uppermost edge or nearest support of pitched solar panels or panel arrays not to exceed 2 ft (0.6 m) from the end of the panel or array unless the uppermost edge or
nearest support is within a zone of protection.
Strike termination devices shall be located along the uppermost edge of solar panels or panel arrays at intervals not exceeding 20 ft (6 m) unless the panel arrays are within a zone of protection.
Solar panels or panel arrays that have a slope of less than 1⁄8 shall have strike termination devices located within 2 ft (0.6 m) of the outermost corners and at intervals not exceeding 20 ft (6 m) along all edges unless the corners
or edges are within a zone of protection.
Strike termination devices located at intervals not to exceed 50 ft (15 m) on the solar panel arrays, similar to Figure 4.7.
12.3. 4.1
Solar panel arrays that exceed 50 ft (15 m) in width or length shall comply with one of the following:
(a) and Figure 4.7.5(b)
Strike termination devices that create zones of protection using the rolling sphere method so the sphere does not contact the solar panel arrays
Solar panels or panel arrays that have a slope of less than 1⁄4 and the distance from the uppermost edge to the lowermost edge along the face of the panel or array exceeds 20 ft (6 m) shall have strike termination devices
located within 2 ft (0.6 m) of the outermost corners and at intervals not exceeding 20 ft (6 m) along all edges unless the corners or edges are within a zone of protection.
Solar panel arrays that exceed 50 ft (15 m) in width or length shall have the mid section placed in a zone of protection according the same provisions established for Flat or Gently Sloping Roofs in section 4.7.5
Strike termination devices shall not be secured directly to the panels or panel frames of photovoltaic panels and arrays.
12.3. 7 8
Where practicable, the location of strike termination devices shall minimize the effects of shadowing the solar panels.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Renumbering text makes it flow better and also eliminate the need for section to have a second paragraph as required by the Manual of Style

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Affilliation: Submitted as a last minute change on behalf of the editorial committe at the Staff liasons request
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 30 20:51:09 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC acknowledges that the editorial changes are no longer necessary due to rewrite of the chapter . See FR-120.

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Public Input No. 154-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 12.3.2 ]

Strike termination devices shall be located at the ends of the uppermost edge or nearest support of pitched sloped solar panels or panel arrays not to exceed 2 ft (0.6 m) from the end of the panel or array unless the uppermost
edge or nearest support is within a zone of protection.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Changed "pitched" to "sloped", in accordance with the definitional changes instituted for sloped roofs in the 2011 cycle (refer to section 4.1.2 of 2011, which was incorporated into section 4.7.1 in the 2014 cycle).

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:16:22 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-120-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC updates Chapter 12 to clarify requirements, incorporate industry feedback, correlate to other standards of the same subject matter.

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Public Input No. 191-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 12.4.1 ]

Where practicable, the electrical and/or electromechanical control systems shall be protected with bonding, shielding, isolation increasing separation distance , and surge protection in accordance with the following:

(1) Separation distance and bonding techniques maintained in accordance with Sections 4.15 and 4.16
(2) Maximized distance between lightning conductors and the solar array panels, electrical control systems, and cabling
(3) SPDs installed as close as practicable to the solar arrays and electrical systems (inverters) and to the panel tracking control systems
(4) The dc solar array cabling electromagnetically shielded by either braided wire sheath or wire mesh screen or installed within electrically bonded metallic conduit, cable tray, or raceways
(5) Lightning conductors run separately and outside of the cable path of the dc cabling

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

replaced 'isolation" with "increased separation distance", which I don't like very well, but it was the best we came up with

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 185-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.16.3]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 15:45:00 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-120-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC updates Chapter 12 to clarify requirements, incorporate industry feedback, correlate to other standards of the same subject matter.

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Public Input No. 83-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. 12.4.1 ]

Where practicable, the electrical and/or electromechanical control systems shall be protected with bonding, shielding, isolation grounding , and surge protection in accordance with the following:

(1) Separation distance and bonding techniques maintained in accordance with Sections 4.15 and 4.16
(2) Maximized distance between lightning conductors and the solar array panels, electrical control systems, and cabling
(3) SPDs installed as close as practicable to the solar arrays and electrical systems (inverters) and to the panel tracking control systems
(4) The dc solar array cabling electromagnetically shielded by either braided wire sheath or wire mesh screen or installed within electrically bonded metallic conduit, cable tray, or raceways
(5) Lightning conductors run separately and outside of the cable path of the dc cabling

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

. Isolation is hard to accomplish and it pretenses more problems to equipment. It’s better to common ground them.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 22:07:25 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC disagrees with the submitter because isolation is the better word.

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Public Input No. 155-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. ]*
Solar arrays that do not rely on the metallic structure to form part of the lightning protection system shall be made electrically continuous.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

We can't very well tell the manufacturers and installers of solar arrays how to do their job; we can only say how the arrays have to be modified in order to be protected from lightning. Therefore, they have to be MADE continuous. Whether or
not they are before the lightning protection is installed is none of our beeswax, as kids these days like to say. (Kids these days don't say that.)

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:22:24 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-120-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC updates Chapter 12 to clarify requirements, incorporate industry feedback, correlate to other standards of the same subject matter.

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Public Input No. 204-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.3.3.6 ]

A.3.3.6 Combination Waveform Generator.

For the open-circuit waveform, the front time = 1.67(t90 t 90 - t30 t 30 ), where t90 t 90 and t30 t 30 are times to the 90 percent and the 30 percent amplitude points on the leading edge of the waveform. The duration of this
waveform will be the time between virtual origin and time to the 50 percent point on the tail. (Virtual origin is the intersection of the line connecting t90 t 90 and t30 t 30 , with V = 0.)
For the short-circuit waveform, the front time = 1.25(t90 t 90 - t10 t 10 ), where t90 t 90 and t10 t 10 are times to the 90 percent and the 10 percent amplitude points on the leading edge of the waveform. The duration will be
the time between virtual origin and time to the 50 percent point on the tail. (Virtual origin is the intersection of the line connecting t90 t 90 and t10 t 10 , with I = 0.)

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Editorial changes needed to make the paragraph technically correct

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of the Editorial Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 30 10:54:00 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-13-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises the text so the font for t, V and I in the equations are in italics.

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Public Input No. 156-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

Main-size lightning conductors are not manufactured to standard American Wire Gauge (AWG) sizes. Bare AWG conductors are not typically “listed for the purpose” for lightning protection by any listing authority. Table
A. provides comparisons between lightning protection conductors and the closest AWG sizes are from NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 2014, Chapter 9, Table 8.
Table A. Lightning Protection Conductors

Lightning Conductor Area

A. Class I main-size copper lightning conductor 57,400 cir. mils
 #2 AWG 66,360 cir. mils
 #3 AWG 52,620 cir. mils
B. Class I main-size aluminum lightning conductor 98,600 cir. mils
 #1 AWG 83,690 cir. mils
 #1/0 AWG 105,600 cir. mils
C. Class II main-size copper lightning conductor 115,000 cir. mils
 #1/0 AWG 105,600 cir. mils
 #2/0 AWG 133,100 cir. mils
D. Class II main-size aluminum lightning conductor 192,000 cir. mils
 #3/0 AWG 167,800 cir. mils
 #4/0 AWG 211,600 cir. mils
 Lightning bonding conductor
 Copper 26,240 cir. mils
 #6 AWG 26,240 cir. mils
 Lightning bonding conductor
 Aluminum 41,100 cir. mils
 #4 AWG 41,740 cir. mils

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Revised to get rid of the extraneous "are". No, that wasn't a pirate reference.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:26:21 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-68-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text to remove the extraneous "are".

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Public Input No. 268-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

The allowable relaxation of the length, l, to the length of the overhead wire for those cases where the overhead wire is supported by a metal mast is applicable only to those cases where the overhead wire is electrically
connected to the metal mast. This relaxation is justified by the relative impedance of the metal mast in comparison with that of the overhead wire. It is not the intent that it be applicable for any other mast material or those cases
where the overhead wire is not electrically connected to a metallic mast.
The values of n are coefficients related to the division of lightning current among the down conductors provided by the masts supporting the overhead wires. For down conductors (masts) spaced greater than 25 ft (7.6 m) apart,
the lightning current is considered to divide among those masts located within 100 ft (30 m) of the point of consideration when calculating the required spacing from the overhead wire(s). Because the n coefficients are related to
the division of current, the conductor length of consideration for determination of the value of n is the horizontal run of overhead cable. This should not be confused with the determination of the length, l, of the lightning
protection conductor between the nearest grounded point and the point being calculated.
Figure A. provides an example of a structure protected by a single overhead wire lightning protection system. For those cases where the length of the overhead wire exceeds 100 ft (30 m), a value of n = 1 is
applicable. If the length of the overhead wire is less than 100 ft (30 m), a value of n = 1.5 is applicable because there would be two down conductors (masts) separated by more than 25 ft (7.6 m) but less than 100 ft (30 m). To
obtain a value of n = 2.25, at least two overhead wires with a minimum of three masts would be required. Figure A. provides an example of a design where two overhead wires are coursed perpendicular to one
another and interconnected at their midpoint. The result is a total of four down conductors located within 100 ft (30 m) of the interconnection point, leading to a value of n = 2.25 at that point. Moving away from the midpoint
interconnection, the value of n could change. In this example, the value of n = 2.25 is valid along the 150 ft (46 45 m)–long overhead wire up to 60 ft (18 m) from the point of interconnection, but it will revert to n = 1 at the point
within 15 ft (4.5 m) of the masts. For the 80 ft (24 m)–long overhead wire, the value of n = 2.25 is valid for distances up to 25 ft (7.6 m) from the point of interconnection. The value of n will change to n = 1.5 for sideflash
calculations made within 15 ft (4.5 m) of the supporting masts for this overhead wire.
The value of l is based on the length of the conductor from the point of sideflash consideration to the nearest grounding point. Where metallic masts are used, the masts could be considered as the ground point reference;
therefore, the length l could be the length of overhead wire from the point of consideration to the nearest mast. Where nonmetallic masts are used, the value of l includes the length of wire to the nearest grounding system
connection (typically the height of the closest mast plus the length of overhead wire to the point of consideration).
Figure A. Single Overhead Wire Lightning Protection System.

Figure A. Overhead Wire Lightning Protection System Using Multiple Overhead Ground Wires Interconnected Above the Structure.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal revises the metric equivalence for 150 feet from 46 m to 45 m for consistency within the standard as well as consistency with all other national and international lightning protection or similar standards.
The actual mathematical equivalence to 150 feet is 45.72 meters. It is important to note that NFPA 780, 1.7.2 states that the metric equivalent is an approximate value, not a value rounded to the nearest whole number. If one were to round
off the conversion factor of 3.280833 ft/m to 3.3, the equivalence would be 45.45 meters (which would round to 45 meters). Annex B currently identifies the equivalence of 150 feet to be 45 meters and the entire document listed the
equivalence as 45 meters in the 2011 edition. In A., 15 feet is also given as 4.5 m. It is recommended that this clause be modified to reflect the value of 45 meters given in Annex B. Most important this change will bring NFPA 780
in agreement with IEC, IEEE, DOD, DOE, PANTEX, Canadian, and Australian standards and handbooks. Maintaining the 46 meter equivalence could unnecessarily lead to coordination issues in NATO lightning protection applications as
the remainder of NATO participating nations use 45 meters. Examples of some of the standards specifying a 45 meter equivalence to 150 feet:
IEC 62305, Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, Edition 2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, December 2010.
IEEE Std 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Society, June 2007.
December 1987.
DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, January 2008.
AS/NZS 1768:2007, Lightning Protection, Joint Publication of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, January 2007.
CAN/CSA-B72-M87, Installation code for lightning protection systems, Standards Canada, reaffirmed 2013.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 260-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] similar

Submitter Information Verification

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Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 09:57:45 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

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Public Input No. 158-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.4.7.2 ]

Strike termination devices should be placed as close as practicable to roof edges and outside corners.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Revised the number to reflect the asterix change proposed for

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 157-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.7.2] Linked at the appendix. I mean, annex.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:30:32 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

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Public Input No. 159-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

Research indicates that the probability of low-amplitude strikes to the vertical side of a structure of less than 200 ft ( 60 m (200 ft ) in height are low enough that they need not be considered (see IEC 62305-3, Protection
Against Lightning , Section It is suggested that a wall or surface with a slope characterized by an angle from vertical of no more than 15 degrees be considered essentially vertical as it relates to the electric field
gradient that could result in the generation of streamers. See Figure A. IEC 62305-3, Section, acknowledges that the rules for the placement of strike termination devices can be relaxed to the equivalent of IEC
Lightning Protection Class IV for upper parts of tall structures where protection is provided on the top of the structure. Figure A. identifies the maximum values of protection angle versus class of lightning protection
system based on IEC 62305-3. The 15-degree angle from vertical falls well within the limits specified for a Class IV lightning protection system at a height of 200 ft ( 60 m (200 ft ).
Figure A. Maximum Values of Protection Angle Corresponding to the Class of Lightning Protection System. (Source: IEC 62305-3, Protection Against Lightning — Part 3: Physical Damage to Structures
and Life Hazard, Section 5.2.2.)

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Revised to reflect last cycle's reversal of metric and Imperial units. This one must have fallen through the cracks.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:36:10 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC notes that the text is copied from an IEC standard verbatim and the metric units are listed first

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Public Input No. 160-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.4.7.11 ]

Consideration should be taken when using a movable metallic object as a strike termination device. If lightning is to attach to a metallic object with movable parts, there is a possibility that arcing could occur at the point of
articulation between the component parts, which could possibly fuse the parts together.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

This is misplaced, and simply mirrors the information in A.4.7.13. Therefore, I deleted it, while laughing maniacally.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:38:34 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-129-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC deletes A.4.7.11 as the text does not necessarily add clarity to the text of 4.7.11.

The TC clarifies the text of Paragraph 4.7.11.

The TC deletes the text of A.4.7.11 as the text simply mirrors the information in A.4.7.13.

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Public Input No. 269-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

Figure A. depicts the 150 ft (46 45 m) rolling sphere method for structures of selected heights up to 150 ft (46 45 m). Based on the height of the strike termination device for a protected structure being 25 ft (7.6 m), 50
ft (15 m), 75 ft (23 m), 100 ft (30 m), or 150 ft (46 45 m) aboveground, reference to the appropriate curve shows the anticipated zone of protection for objects and roofs at lower elevations.
Figure A. Zone of Protection Utilizing Rolling Sphere Method.

Replace Figure with attached

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Proposed_Figure_A-4-8-3-1.docx Revised Figure A.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal revises the metric equivalence for 150 feet from 46 m to 45 m for consistency within the standard as well as consistency with all other national and international lightning protection or similar standards.
The actual mathematical equivalence to 150 feet is 45.72 meters. It is important to note that NFPA 780, 1.7.2 states that the metric equivalent is an approximate value, not a value rounded to the nearest whole number. If one were to round
off the conversion factor of 3.280833 ft/m to 3.3, the equivalence would be 45.45 meters (which would round to 45 meters). Annex B currently identifies the equivalence of 150 feet to be 45 meters and the entire document listed the
equivalence as 45 meters in the 2011 edition. In A., 15 feet is also given as 4.5 m. It is recommended that this clause be modified to reflect the value of 45 meters given in Annex B. Most important this change will bring NFPA 780
in agreement with IEC, IEEE, DOD, DOE, PANTEX, Canadian, and Australian standards and handbooks. Maintaining the 46 meter equivalence could unnecessarily lead to coordination issues in NATO lightning protection applications as
the remainder of NATO participating nations use 45 meters. Examples of some of the standards specifying a 45 meter equivalence to 150 feet:
IEC 62305, Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, Edition 2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, December 2010.
IEEE Std 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Society, June 2007.
December 1987.
DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, January 2008.
AS/NZS 1768:2007, Lightning Protection, Joint Publication of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, January 2007.
CAN/CSA-B72-M87, Installation code for lightning protection systems, Standards Canada, reaffirmed 2013.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 260-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] similar proposal

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 10:30:00 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

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Figure A. Zone of Protection Utilizing Rolling Sphere Method.

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Public Input No. 250-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.4.14.2 ]

For structures 60 ft (18 m) or less in height, a loop conductor should be provided for the interconnection of all grounding electrodes and other grounded media. Regardless of the building height, ground loop conductors should
be installed underground in contact with earth. Ground-level potential equalization allows use of a ground ring electrode as a ground loop conductor.
A ground ring electrode conforming to 4.13.4
can be utilized for
will be most efficient utilization method to meet the ground loop conductor requirement .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The Explosives Task Group assigned a Task Force to review the use of the terms “ground loop conductor” and “ground ring electrode” as they are used throughout the document to ensure the proper term is used in each location. During
this exercise it was identified that the loop conductor discussed in the first sentence of A.4.14.2 should be identified as a ground loop conductor. After further review of the clause it was noted that the first sentence was effectively a
restatement of the requirement. The 2nd sentence contains wording that effectively suggests the ground loop conductor should be in the form of a ground ring electrode. The last 2 sentences repeats that the point that a ground ring
electrode will meet the requirements for the ground loop conductor.
The first sentence is deleted because it is a repetition of the requirement in the clause. The proposed revision incorporates the information in the rest of the existing text into a single sentence.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jul 05 15:42:36 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-89-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC clarifies the information in the annex by eliminating redundant wording.

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Public Input No. 277-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after A.4.16 ]

Consideration should be given to the bonding of long metal bodies on roofs, particularly where they run parallel to main conductors or cross over main conductors creating large inductive loops contributing to the side-flash

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Sections 4.15 and 4.16 and in particular the bonding distance formulas of and deal primarily with long, vertical metal bodies and do not offer guidance for long horizontal metal bodies on roofs (such as electrical conduits,
gas piping, etc.) Proposed Annex text is to draw attention to these metal bodies and the importance of bonding them to the lightning protection system. An asterisk needs to be added to 4.16.2

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Thomas Harger

Organization: Harger Lightning Protection In
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 13:06:47 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects including the wording to be added or

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Public Input No. 183-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.4.16 ]

See Annex C for a technical discussion of lightning protection potential-equalization bonding and isolation .
In addition to the bonding of metal bodies, surge suppression should be provided to protect power, communication, and data lines from dangerous overvoltages and sparks caused by lightning strikes.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

points to more information on isolation added to section 4.16

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 193-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections,,]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 14:44:23 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-97-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC makes this change to correlate with changes made in other clauses to better explain isolation principles.

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Public Input No. 281-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after A.4.16.3 ]

Metallic antenna masts or supports should not be used as strike termination devices. Thin metallic supports may be damaged and damafge to the antenna lead-in conductors will most likely occur. Antenna masts should be
placed in a zone of protection and separated from the lightning protection system. Communications conductors should not be located near lightning conductors. See 4.20.6 for communications surge protection requirements.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Section 4.17 may give the impression that bonding an antenna mast will protect the antenna and communications equipment. The proposed annex text gives guidance

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 282-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.17]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Thomas Harger

Organization: Harger Lightning Protection In
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 15:58:25 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-94-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC provides annex text and gives guidance that bonding an antenna mast will not protect the antenna and communications equipment.

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Public Input No. 189-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.4.16.3 ]

An isolated An ungrounded metallic body, such as a metal window frame in a nonconducting medium, that is located close to a lightning conductor and to a grounded metal body will influence bonding requirements only if the
total of the isolated distances the distances between the lightning conductor and the isolated the ungrounded metal body and between the isolated the ungrounded metal body and the grounded metal body is equal to or less
than the calculated bonding distance.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

removed the word "isolated" and replaced with "ungrounded"

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 185-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.16.3]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 15:35:17 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-92-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC removes the word "isolated" and changes it to "ungrounded." The term "isolated" is designated for metal bodies at a separation distance beyond the bonding calculation requirements, or not located within the calculated
sideflash distance.

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Public Input No. 161-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

It is preferable that grounding electrodes be located no closer than 2 ft ( 0.6 m (2 ft ) from foundation walls to minimize the probability of damage to the foundation, although this is not always practicable for all applications. For
reference, IEC 62305-3, Protection Against Lightning, requires that ring earth electrodes be buried at a depth of at least 18 in. ( 0.5 m (18 in. ) and a distance of approximately 3 ft ( 1 m (3 ft ) around external walls.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Another holdout from The Great Metric-Imperial Switch of 2014. Now fixed.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:43:41 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-145-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC deletes, and A. as these are relocated as, and A. with edits.

The TC adds text to address zero property line situations that are not currently addressed in the standard.

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Public Input No. 181-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

13 .
It is preferable that grounding electrodes be located no closer than 0.6 m (2 ft) from foundation walls to minimize the probability of damage to the foundation, although this is not always practicable for all applications. For
reference, IEC 62305-3, Protection Against Lightning , requires that ring earth electrodes be buried at a depth of at least 0.5 m (18 in.) and a distance of approximately 1 m (3 ft) around external walls.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

A. is deleted by another proposal, so annex material is now pointed at the new section A.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 178-NFPA 780-2014 [New Section after]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 14:23:29 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-145-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC deletes, and A. as these are relocated as, and A. with edits.

The TC adds text to address zero property line situations that are not currently addressed in the standard.

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Public Input No. 162-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

SPDs should be considered on branch distribution panels 100 ft (30 m) or more from the primary service entrance panel where the electrical equipment fed by the panel is susceptible to overvoltages and determined to be
mission critical or critical to life safety. Inductive coupling of electrical and magnetic fields can result in surges sufficient to cause damage to susceptible electrical equipment. Permanent failure of electrical and electronic systems
due to lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP) can be caused by conducted and induced surges transmitted to apparatus via connecting wiring as well as the effects of radiated electromagnetic fields impinging directly onto
apparatus itself. Protection at primary panels and subpanels (coordinated SPD system) is a recommended technique to reduce those effects. IEC 62305-4, Protection Against Lightning—Part 4: Electrical and Electronic
Systems Within Structures, suggest suggests that the impedance resulting from 30 ft (10 9 m) of wiring from an SPD can be sufficient to allow overvoltages of magnitudes that can result in failure of susceptible electrical
equipment. To reduce the probability of failure of mission-critical equipment or equipment that is critical to life safety, surge protection should be considered where the distance between the SPD at the service entrance exceeds
100 ft (30 m).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Just a simple grammar fix and a accuratifying change to the metric equivalent.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:46:40 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-18-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises the text to reduce redundant information and add clarity of intended content of the annex material.

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Public Input No. 211-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]


To reduce the probability of failure of mission critical equipment or equipment that is critical to life safety, surge protection should be considered . IEC 62305-4, Protection Against Lightning —Part 4: Electrical and Electronic
Systems Within Structures , recommends that the length of system wiring between the point at which the SPD is installed and that of the equipment being protected, be no greater than 10m. This is because induced volatges
can be reintroduced onto long lengths of system wiring which will add to the protection level (Up) of the SPD. If this level exceeds the withstand level (Uw) of the equipment being protected, the protection afforded by the SPD
may not be adequate. In such a case, the installer should locate the SPD closer to the end equipment, or install an additional SPD closer to this point. This same philosophy exctends to protection of service panels .
Depending on the presence of other protective measures, such as shielding , SPDs should be considered on branch distribution panels as close as 100 ft ( 30m) 30 ft (10 m) or more from the primary service entrance
panel where the electrical equipment fed by the panel is susceptible to overvoltages and determined to be mission critical or critical to life safety. Inductive coupling of electrical and magnetic fields can result in surges sufficient
to cause damage to susceptible electrical equipment.
Contingent upon the withstand voltage of the equipment being protected, P p ermanent failure of electrical and electronic systems due to lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP) can be caused by conducted and induced
surges transmitted to apparatus via connecting wiring as well as the effects of radiated electromagnetic fields impinging directly onto apparatus itself. Protection at primary panels and subpanels (coordinated SPD system) is a
recommended technique to reduce those effects. IEC 62305-4, Protection Against Lightning—Part 4: Electrical and Electronic Systems Within Structures , suggest that the impedance resulting from 30 ft (10 m) of wiring
from an SPD can be sufficient to allow overvoltages of magnitudes that can result in failure of susceptible electrical equipment. To reduce the probability of failure of mission
critical equipment or equipment that is critical to life safety, surge protection should be considered where the distance between the SPD at the service entrance exceeds 100 ft (
30 m
30m ).

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Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

New text added and revised by the editorial committee for compliance to the MOS

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Affilliation: On behalf of the Surge Protection Task group as revised by the Editorial Task Group for compliance to the MOS
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 30 21:54:15 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-18-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises the text to reduce redundant information and add clarity of intended content of the annex material.

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Public Input No. 163-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.4.20.5 ]

Surges can be induced upon any line entering a structure.
Where installed, branch panels over 100 ft (30 m) from the service entrance should have L–G or L–N and N–G modes of protection. Additionally, L–L protection is also permitted (although this is usually achieved by the L–N
modes across two phases). L–L protection is achieved by the L–N modes across two phases.
The following modes of protection are possible to minimize voltage differences between the individual conductors:

(1) Line-to-line (L–L) protection places the SPD between the current-carrying conductors in a power system.
(2) Line-to-neutral (L–N) protection places the SPD between the current-carrying conductors and the grounded conductor (neutral) in a power system.
(3) Line-to-ground (L–G) protection places the SPD between the current-carrying conductors and the grounding conductor (ground) in a power system.
(4) Neutral-to-ground (N–G) protection places an SPD between the grounded conductor (neutral) and the grounding conductor (ground) in a power system. This mode of protection is not required at the service entrance
(primary service panel board) if the neutral-to-ground bond is implemented at this location or within proximity of this point of installation. Thus, in general, an SPD with only L–L and L–N modes of protection might be
required at the service entrance.
(5) Common mode is a term used for a mode of protecting telecommunications, data lines, and so forth. This mode places the SPD between the signal conductor and ground. It is analogous to L–G mode in power systems.
(6) Differential mode is a term used for a mode of protecting telecommunications, data lines, and so forth. In this mode, an SPD is placed between the individual signal lines, analogous to the L–L mode of protection in power

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The deleted sentence restated what was already said in parentheses in the previous sentence.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:49:38 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-19-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text because the deleted sentence restated what was already said in parentheses in the previous sentence.

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Public Input No. 84-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

The purpose of the SPD is to equalize L–L, L–N, L–G, and N–G potentials. While a good ground is important, a good bond is imperative to minimize damage due to lightning and power contact or induction.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The following assertion should be introduced in chapter 3 to clarify the difference between a “connection” (to a ground rod or main cable) and the concept of "bonding" which is solely to prevent side flashes and equalize potentials.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 22:16:30 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter did not provide technical substantiation to justify changing the text. The TC chooses to retain the current language. The FAA and military have been installing lightning protection systems on underground airfield
lighting circuits for more than 50 years.The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects
including the wording to be added or revised.

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Public Input No. 85-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.4.20.8 ]

The effectiveness of the SPD is based on the impedance of the path to ground. A lower ground resistance impedance minimizes voltage differences of conductors attached to SPDs near the service entrance and reduces the
chance of arcing or insulation breach. Consequently, it is essential to minimize impedance in this circuit.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The ground resistance is irrelevant when transient currents are in play.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 22:24:30 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-20-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text as impedance is the more appropriate term.

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Public Input No. 220-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections A.7.1.1, A.7.1.3, A. ]

Sections A.7.1.1, A.7.1.3, A.

In the structures covered in Chapter 7 , a spark that would otherwise cause little or no damage might ignite the flammable contents and result in a fire or explosion.
Flammable vapors can emanate from a flammable liquid [flash point below 100°F (37.8°C)] or a combustible liquid [flash point at or above 100°F (37.8°C)] when the temperature of the liquid is at or above its flash point.
Chapter 7 applies to these liquids when they are stored at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature. Provided that the temperature of the liquid remains below the flash point, combustible liquids stored under these
conditions will not normally release significant vapors since their flash point is defined to be at or above 100°F (37.8°C).
Metallic tanks, vessels, and process equipment that contain flammable or combustible liquids or flammable gases under pressure normally do not require lightning protection since this equipment is well shielded from lightning
strikes. Equipment of this type is normally well grounded and is thick enough not to be punctured by a direct strike.
This chapter applies to flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, fuel oil, or crude oil stored at atmospheric pressure. It does not apply to liquids or gases stored under pressure, such as liquefied
natural gases or liquefied petroleum gases.
Chapters 4 , 5 , and 6 of this standard give requirements for the protection of buildings and miscellaneous property against lightning damage.
The striking distance is related to the peak stroke current and thus to the severity of the lightning stroke; the greater the severity of the stroke, the greater the striking distance. In the vast majority of cases, the striking distance
exceeds 100 ft (30 m).

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Proposal_Annex_A_-_7.docx Annex A text for revised 7.1 - 7.3

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Additional text is proposed to indicate the AHJ may decide whether additional requirements may be necessary and when these requirements are implemented. Portions of the deleted text contain requirements for applicability of the scope
of the chapter which is not applicable for inclusion in the annex. In the 2nd paragraph, ambient temperature was removed because the standard is applicable for ambient temperatures ranging from winter in Alaska to tropical and desert
summers. The 3rd paragraph identifies that protection is not required for such structures which conflicts with the remainder of the chapter that provides lightning protection requirements for such structures. Finally, some of the text
contradicts the application of new material proposed in this revision cycle.
Delete A.7.1.3 as it only restates information that is available in the Table of Contents.
A.7.3.2 is deleted as a part of the movement of the information in this clause to Chapter 4.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of NFPA 780 Chapter 7 Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jul 02 15:11:40 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-146-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC provides a complete rewrite for Sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3.

The TC relocates Figure to Chapter 4. See FR-58.

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Proposed Annex A Revisions for Chapter 7

A.7.1 In the structures covered in Chapter 7, a spark that would otherwise cause little or no
damage could ignite the flammable contents and result in a fire or explosion. The requirements
of this chapter should be considered minimum acceptable and the authority having jurisdiction
(AHJ) could find it necessary to supplement these requirements to address specific risks. It is
also up to the AHJ as to when any upgrades to existing lightning protection systems are to be

Flammable vapors can emanate from a flammable liquid [flash point below 100°F (37.8°C)] or a
combustible liquid [flash point at or above 100°F (37.8°C)] when the temperature of the liquid is
at or above its flash point. Provided that the temperature of the liquid remains below the flash
point, combustible liquids stored at atmospheric pressure will not normally release significant
vapors; since their flash point is defined to be at or above 100°F (37.8°C).

A.7.1.2 It is recommended that consideration be given to upgrading the lightning protection

systems to the current requirements not only during new construction but also for re-constructed
tanks and any external floating roof tank that undergoes a major roof repair or that has its entire
seal system replaced.

A. Sparks or damaging impact at the striking point could also be experienced. This
should be taken into consideration in the determination of air-termination device locations. For
example. US Army Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standard DA-PAM 385-64 requires that
air terminals on structures containing explosive materials which are located at vents emitting
explosives vapors under natural draft be at least 5 feet higher than the vent. For vents where
explosives gases are emitted under forced draft, the air terminals are required to be at least 15
feet above the vent.

A.7.3.7 A 20 ft (6 m) diameter or larger vertical cylindrical tank resting on earth or concrete or

50 ft (15 m) diameter or larger vertical cylindrical tank resting on bituminous pavement can be
substituted for the ground ring electrode.
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Public Input No. 235-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections A., A., A., A., A.... ]

Sections A., A., A., A., A.

For fixed roof tanks (metallic cone or dome) and internal floating roof tanks, there is a possibility of flammable vapors being present at atmospheric vents. If present, flammable vapors can be ignited by a lightning flash.
Bonding techniques to prevent discharge between the floating roof and the shell are addressed in API 650, Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage , Appendix H.
Tanks handling low vapor pressure materials or in-service tanks with properly maintained floating roofs with tight-fitting seals are not likely to have flammable vapors at atmospheric vents unless they are being refilled from
empty. In these cases, no further lightning protection is required.
Refer to API RP 545, Recommended Practice for Lightning Protection of Aboveground Storage Tanks for Flammable or Combustible Liquids . Shunts are used for conduction of fast and intermediate duration components of
lightning-stroke current.
API RP 545, Recommended Practice for Lightning Protection of Aboveground Storage Tanks for Flammable or Combustible Liquids , recommends a minimum service life of 30 years.
Bypass conductors are used for conduction of the intermediate and long-duration component of lightning-stroke current.
API RP 545, Recommended Practice for Lightning Protection of Aboveground Storage Tanks for Flammable or Combustible Liquids , recommends a minimum service life of 30 years.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Developed by the NFPA 780 Chapter 7 Task Group. Annex numbering is changed to reflect movement of clauses in body of document. Guidance is provided on conductor sizing to meet resistance requirements contained in the body of the
document. Information is added regarding risk assessment.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Bruce Kaiser

Organization: Lightning Master Corporation
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jul 03 11:25:15 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: Material for Section 7.4 is not fully developed. The TC requests the submitter review and consider a Public Comment. See FR-127.

220 of 274 12/1/2014 2:23 PM

A. For fixed roof tanks (metallic cone or dome) and internal floating roof tanks, there is
a possibility of flammable vapors being present at atmospheric vents. If present, flammable
vapors can be ignited by a lightning flash. Bonding techniques to prevent discharge between the
floating roof and the shell are addressed in API 650, Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage,
Appendix H.

Tanks handling low vapor pressure materials or in-service tanks with properly maintained
floating roofs with tight-fitting seals are not likely to have flammable vapors at atmospheric
vents unless they are being refilled from empty. In these cases, no further lightning protection is

A. Sliding contacts between the tank floating roof and tank shell are used to conduct
the short and intermediate components of lightning-stroke current.

A. Refer to API RP 545, Recommended Practice for Lightning Protection of

Aboveground Storage Tanks for Flammable or Combustible Liquids. Shunts are used for
conduction of fast and intermediate duration components of lightning-stroke current.

A. API RP 545, Recommended Practice for Lightning Protection of Aboveground

Storage Tanks for Flammable or Combustible Liquids, recommends a minimum service life of
30 years.

A. Fixed contacts between the tank floating roof and tank shell are used to conduct the
intermediate and long duration components of lightning-stroke current.

A. This value can be achieved over 150’ (45 m) with a minimum of a 1/0 copper

A. Geographical areas with less than .5 strikes per year per square kilometer are
considered low exposure. Areas with between .5 and 1.0 strikes per year per square kilometer
are considered medium exposure. Areas with more than 1.0 strikes per year per square kilometer
are considered high exposure. In addition to lightning strike density, other factors may be
considered, including:

* Seal maintenance - are seals maintained in good condition?

* Problematic - sites that have experienced a previous lightning strike
* High Exposure – sites located in exposed locations such as hilltops or along a body of
* High Consequence – sites located in environmentally sensitive locations
* Operational Considerations
high production or otherwise operationally important sites
sites at a location of strategic importance
sites with high down-time consequences
* Accessibility – sites with limited or difficult access for remediation and repair (may be
* Regulatory - sites where a local/municipal/regional construction code requires lightning
* Visibility - facilities that are in a particularly sensitive area (urban or otherwise high-
profile, etc.)
* Investment –those sites with significant equipment investment, high value of stored

A. API RP 545, Recommended Practice for Lightning Protection of Aboveground

Storage Tanks for Flammable or Combustible Liquids, recommends a minimum service life of
30 years.
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Public Input No. 88-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

Bypass conductors are used for conduction of the intermediate and long-duration component of lightning-stroke current.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Definitely needs a figure to illustrate this item.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 22:46:56 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects including the wording to be added or

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Public Input No. 192-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

The isolation of the down conductors on masts away from the structure will reduce the magnetic field strength in the structure and the probability of a sideflash from a down conductor.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

added test to clarify explanation to reference masts

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 185-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.16.3]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 15:49:06 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-29-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC could find no justification for the 5/8-inch minimum diameter of a mast. The remainder of the changes are associated with the movement of the mast and overhead wire lightning protection system design details to
Chapter 4 and clarification of the use of a guy wire as a down conductor.

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Public Input No. 247-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections A., A.8.3.4 ]

Sections A., A.8.3.4

A.8.3. 2.1 3
The isolation of the down conductors from the structure will reduce the magnetic field strength in the structure and the probability of a sideflash from a down conductor.
A.8.3. 4 5
The spacing dimensions of strike termination devices based upon the 100 ft (30 m) rolling sphere method (RSM), with terminals 12 in. (0.3 m) tall, are 25 ft (7.6 m) at the center of the roof, 20 ft (6.1 m) at the roof perimeter, and
2 ft (0.6 m) set back from the outer end of roof ridges. For terminals 24 in. (0.6 m) tall, the dimensions increase to 35 ft (12 m) at the center of the roof, 20 ft (6.1 m) at the roof perimeter, and 24 in. (0.6 m) set back from the outer
end of roof ridges.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To reflect the renumbering of 8.3 proposed by linked proposal.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 246-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 8.3] Annex material renumbering.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of NFPA 780 Explosives Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jul 04 22:06:00 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-29-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC could find no justification for the 5/8-inch minimum diameter of a mast. The remainder of the changes are associated with the movement of the mast and overhead wire lightning protection system design details to
Chapter 4 and clarification of the use of a guy wire as a down conductor.

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Public Input No. 257-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after A.8.3.4 ]

A. Hazardous arcing can occur between rail cars and structural members, bollards, metallic barricades, etc. when the rail cars are stored or unloaded inside a structure. Bonding of the track to the structure or its
grounding system at the entry point to the structure can maximize the safe separation distance between explosively-ladened rail cars and grounded structural components.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Annex A material is provided to explain the need for bonding of the tracks entering the structure.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 256-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections 8.5.7, 8.5.8] Supporting material

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of NFPA 780 Explosives Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sun Jul 06 23:24:05 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-74-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises Paragraph 8.5.7 to clarify that siding tracks are included in the scope of the clause and justifies the merging of Paragraph 8.5.7 and Paragraph 8.5.8 requirements. This eliminates the need for Paragraph
The separation requirements for siding tracks are the same as for main tracks. The revision also reintroduces the 2011 Edition figure with some modifications to indicate the ground could be provided by made electrodes or
connection to the ground ring electrode for the structure. It also introduces the requirement that the grounding conductor be a main-size conductor as specified in the figure. The reorganization of the requirements provides a
better flow from the structure grounding requirements to the installation requirements for siding tracks. Annex text is added for clarity.

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Public Input No. 89-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.8.9 ]

The effectiveness of any lightning protection system depends on its installation, its maintenance, and the testing methods used periodic inspections . Therefore, all installed lightning protection systems should be properly
maintained. Proper records of maintenance and inspections should be maintained on each facility to ensure adequate safety. These records are part of the lightning protection requirements and should be maintained.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

In the real world, “mother nature” is the only one that can “test” LPS.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Apr 03 21:16:32 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC chooses to retain the present testing methods.

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Public Input No. 90-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.8.10.7 ]

The instrument used in earth resistance testing should be capable of measuring 0 ohms to 50 ohms, ±10 percent. The instrument used to measure bonding resistance should be capable of measuring 0 ohms to 10 ohms, ±10

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

It’s very simple top demonstrate that the resistance has minimum impact on how the LPS behaves. The impedance is what is significant, because of the transient currents.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Apr 03 21:23:36 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: Resistance measurements provide useful indicators of the lightning protection system.

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Public Input No. 57-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.9.4.2 ]

Additional vertical or horizontal ground ring electrodes could be used in combination with the ring electrode. See picture A.9.4.2

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Needs to clarify the meaning of "vertical ground ring electrodes" and how it'll help the LPS.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 11:25:21 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-27-NFPA 780-2014. NFPA codes and standards do not include pictures. In many cases, these documents provide graphs, tables and figures. The submitter has not provided any illustrations for inclusion. The TC refers the
submitter to the NFPA 780 Handbook which does provide pictures and illustrations.
Statement: The TC corrects a typographical error.

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Public Input No. 91-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

Carbon fiber fittings, including masts, should be isolated electrically from the lightning conductor system. Since carbon fiber is a conductor, sideflash risk is increased in the vicinity of carbon fiber composite (CFC) structures,
especially near the water. The use of CFC reinforcement in areas such as chainplates is to be avoided.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

It seems that “bonding” will be better. At least no side flashes may occur.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Apr 03 21:28:57 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter has not provided the specific proposed text in the recommendation for this public input in accordance with of the NFPA Regulations Governing Committee Projects including the wording to be added or
revised. Carbon fiber components require isolation and cannot sustain the current flow without de-stabilization of the components.

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Public Input No. 103-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

2 2
If a metal with the area given by the equations in is subject to the lightning heating (action integral) required to raise the temperature of a copper conductor with 0 an area of 0 .033 in. (21 mm ) from a nominal
temperature of 77°F (298 K) to the melting point of copper, then its temperature would be raised to the melting point of the metal. Values for silicon bronze and stainless steel are given in Table A. or Table
Table A. Areas for Main Conductor Not Containing Electrical Wiring (inch-pound units)

p Area
ρ MP
(BTU/lb °F) (lb /in. ) 2
Metal m m (Ω in.) (°F) (in. )
Silicon bronze 0.086 0.32 9.95 × 10 1981 0.13
Stainless steel 0.122 0.29 3.74 × 10 2781 0.19
Table A. Areas for Main Conductor Not Containing Electrical Wiring (metric units)

p D Area
ρ MP
-1 -1 -3 2
Metal (J kg K ) (kg m ) (Ω m) (K) (mm )

Silicon bronze 360 8800 -7 1356 85

2.55 × 10
Stainless steel 510 7930 -7 1800 125
9.6 × 10

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The parameter (area) was missing.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Ewen Thomson

Organization: Marine Lightning Protection Inc.
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu May 01 16:42:24 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-11-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text as the parameter (area) was missing.

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Public Input No. 65-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

A main conductor is designed to conduct an appreciable fraction most of the lightning current, typically in a vertical direction. Close to the water, and especially inside the hull below the waterline, the optimum direction for a
main conductor is perpendicular to the hull directly inboard of the grounding electrode in contact with the water. A bonding conductor is intended to conduct the relatively small currents required to equalize potentials between
conducting fittings and the lightning protection system. The optimum orientation for bonding conductors is parallel to the water surface and the best location is as far from the water surface as is practicable.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

concept needs to be corrected.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 12:13:14 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-10-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the text. A main conductor is designed to conduct all of the lightning current and not always in a vertical direction.

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Public Input No. 117-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.11.1.1 ]

Chapter 11 pertains to lightning protection of airfield lighting systems. These systems are installed underground in both paved (full strength pavement and shoulder pavement) and unpaved areas. The protected components
include in-pavement fixtures, elevated fixtures, airfield signs, underground power, communications systems, control and signal circuits, and components of runway, taxiway, and apron lighting systems. These systems are
installed on the portions of an airport that encompass the approach, departure, landing, takeoff, taxiing, and parking areas for aircraft and include runways, taxiways, and other parts of an airport used for taxiing, takeoff, and
landing of aircraft, loading ramps, and parking areas exclusive of building-mounted helipads, approach light structures, and antennas. This chapter could also apply to other areas with airfield lighting systems.
There are two generally accepted methods for providing lightning protection for for bonding airfield lighting circuits: isolation and equipotential. The isolation method, which is described in, is shown in Figure
A.11.1.1(a) . The equipotential method, which is described in, is shown in Figure A.11.1.1(b) . The two methods should not be employed on a single circuit. The designer should select the installation method based upon
sound engineering practices and the success of the selected method in previous installations.
Figure A.11.1.1(a) Isolation Method for Edge Lights Installed in Turf (Stabilized Soil).

Figure A.11.1.1(b) Equipotential Method.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The mention methods are bonding or interconnection “methods”, they are NOT LIGHTNING PROTECTION METHOS

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon May 05 16:47:55 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter did not provide any technical substantiation to justify changing the text. The FAA and military have been installing lightning protection systems on underground airfield lighting circuits for more than 50 years.

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Public Input No. 123-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.11.1.1 ]

Chapter 11 pertains to lightning protection of airfield lighting systems. These systems are installed underground in both paved (full strength pavement and shoulder pavement) and unpaved areas. The protected components
include in-pavement fixtures, elevated fixtures, airfield signs, underground power, communications systems, control and signal circuits, and components of runway, taxiway, and apron lighting systems. These systems are
installed on the portions of an airport that encompass the approach, departure, landing, takeoff, taxiing, and parking areas for aircraft and include runways, taxiways, and other parts of an airport used for taxiing, takeoff, and
landing of aircraft, loading ramps, and parking areas exclusive of building-mounted helipads, approach light structures, and antennas. This chapter could also apply to other areas with airfield lighting systems.
There are two generally accepted methods for providing lightning protection for airfield lighting circuits: equipotential and isolation and equipotential . The isolation The equipotential method, which is described in , is
shown in Figure A.11.1.1(a) . The equipotential The isolation method, which is described in 6.2 , is shown in Figure A.11.1.1(b) . The two methods should not be employed on a single circuit. The designer should select
the installation method based upon sound engineering practices and the success of the selected method in previous installations.
Figure A.11.1.1(a) Isolation Method for Edge Lights Installed in Turf (Stabilized Soil) Equipotential Method .

Figure A.11.1.1(b) Equipotential Method Isolation Method for Edge Lights Installed in Turf or Stabilized Soil .

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

NFPA_780_Chap_11_CSJ_Fig_A.11.1.1a_and_b_r1.pdf replacement figures A.11.1.1(a) and A.11.1.1(b).

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

When Chapter 11 was originally written, the installation method section started with the FAA’s counterpoise installation method for edge lights installed in turf, Section After that section was worked the task group described all the
other scenarios for the balance of the fixture installation methods and locations in Section The description of the other scenarios in became very wordy.
Section in the existing document has this description of its scope ” For raceways installed under pavement; for raceways and cables not installed adjacent to the full strength pavement edge; for fixtures installed in full strength
pavement and shoulder pavement and for optional method of edge lights installed in turf (stabilized soils); and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the counterpoise conductor shall be centered over the
raceway or cable to be protected as described in through and as shown in Figure”
This proposal is to simplify and clarify the scenario descriptions in Sections and by changing the order of the two sections in Chapter 11. Swapping the position of the two sections in the document makes the intent precise
and considerably more understandable.
Proposed Section (existing becomes:” The counterpoise conductor shall be installed either centered over the raceway or cable to be protected as described in and as shown in Figure or in accordance with”
Proposed Section (existing becomes:” Optional counterpoise installation method for edge light fixtures installed in turf or stabilized soils and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the
counterpoise conductor shall be installed halfway between the pavement edge and the light base, mounting stake, raceway, or cable, as described in and as shown in Figure”
The wording for the edge light scenario had only minor editing, while the wording on the other scenarios was significantly simplified.
The proposal is simply a reordering of Sections and
There are two editorial items (#16 and #24 on TG Activities List) that have impacted the section numbering. now becomes and now becomes

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 121-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections,] continuation of reordering Chapter 11 and editorial comments

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Public Input No. 120-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 11.4.2 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]] continuation of reordering Chapter 11 and editorial comments
Public Input No. 124-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections A., A., A., A.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Carl Johnson II

Organization: AVCON
Affilliation: user
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 02 15:22:58 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-4-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC chooses to reorder these sections to better organize the Chapter. The reordering provides better continuity of the chapter requirements.

Reordering the document makes the intent more precise and considerably more understandable.

233 of 274 12/1/2014 2:23 PM (See Figure

FIGURE A.11.1.1(a) Equipotential Method. (See Figure

FIGURE A.11.1.1(b) Isolation Method for Edge Lights Installed in Turf or Stabilized Soil.
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Public Input No. 77-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.11.1.1 ]

Chapter 11 pertains to lightning protection of airfield lighting systems. These systems are installed underground in both paved (full strength pavement and shoulder pavement) and unpaved areas. The protected components
include in-pavement fixtures, elevated fixtures, airfield signs, underground power, communications systems, control and signal circuits, and components of runway, taxiway, and apron lighting systems. These systems are
installed on the portions of an airport that encompass the approach, departure, landing, takeoff, taxiing, and parking areas for aircraft and include runways, taxiways, and other parts of an airport used for taxiing, takeoff, and
landing of aircraft, loading ramps, and parking areas exclusive of building-mounted helipads, approach light structures, and antennas. This chapter could also apply to other areas with airfield lighting systems.
There are two generally accepted methods for providing lightning protection for airfield lighting circuits: isolation and equipotential. The isolation method, which is described in, is shown in Figure A.11.1.1(a). The
equipotential method, which is described in, is shown in Figure A.11.1.1(b). The two methods should not be employed on a single circuit. The designer should select the installation method based upon sound
engineering practices and the success of the selected method in previous installations.
Figure A.11.1.1(a) Isolation Method for Edge Lights Installed in Turf (Stabilized Soil).

Figure A.11.1.1(b) Equipotential Method.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

These whole item needs to be revised. The concept of a L.P. System has been distorted. It can be called some other kind of protection but not a Lightning Protection System.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 21:28:40 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter did not provide any technical substantiation to justify changing the text. The FAA and military have been installing lightning protection systems on underground airfield lighting circuits for more than 50 years.

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Public Input No. 76-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.11.1.2 ]

Aboveground items such as approach light masts can have to be protected in accordance with Chapter 4.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

It's a must not a can.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 21:26:31 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC refers the submitter to the Manual of Style, Paragraph 2.3.4. Annexes are written using non-mandatory text.The TC does not agree with the submitter’s substantiation. The word “can” was chosen to demonstrate to the
reader that a Chapter 4 lightning protection system is permitted to be installed on an above ground item; it is not a mandatory requirement.

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Public Input No. 78-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A.11.2.1 ]

A typical airfield lighting series (current-driven) circuit is powered by a constant current regulator (CCR) or equivalent power supply. Current is the same at all points in the series circuit. The output voltage is directly proportional
to the load and output current step. The CCR output (primary circuit) is normally ungrounded. The internal overcurrent protection of the CCR or an equivalent power supply monitors the actual output current. Series airfield
lighting circuit overcurrent protection does not rely on a low impedance return path or ground connection for proper operation.
The installation of an equipotential airfield lighting counterpoise system on a series circuit also provides equipotential bonding between all elements of the airfield lighting system. The airfield lighting counterpoise system
maintains all interconnected components at earth potential and protects personnel from possible contact with energized metallic light bases, mounting stakes, or fixtures.
Lightning strikes often occur on the pavement, and the counterpoise conductor provides a method of dissipating the energy as it moves from the pavement surface to the earth.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

I will prefer to eliminate this last paragraph. It is irrelevant to what is established in this standard.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Apr 02 21:31:47 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC does not agree with the submitter’s substantiation. The TC did not delete the text as requested by the submitter but relocated it to A.; see FR-6.

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Public Input No. 164-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

Paragraph addresses items installed in turf adjacent to the full strength pavement edge. Items within 15 ft (4.6 m) of the full strength pavement edge can be considered adjacent to the full strength pavement edge for
the purpose of this paragraph. The exact routing of the counterpoise conductor could be subject to field conditions such as the presence of rocks or other obstructions. The counterpoise conductor should be routed as close as
practicable to the midpoint between the full strength pavement edge and the item being protected.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Revised for grammar.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:54:40 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-6-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC chooses to reorder these sections to better organize the chapter. The reordering provides better continuity of the chapter requirements.

Reordering the document makes the intent more precise and considerably more understandable.

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Public Input No. 124-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections A., A., A., A. ]

Sections A., A., A., A., A., A.

A. .2
Paragraph addresses items installed in turf adjacent to the full strength pavement edge. Items within 15 ft (4.6 m) of the full strength pavement edge can be considered adjacent to the full strength pavement edge for
the purpose of this paragraph. The exact routing of the counterpoise conductor could be subject to field conditions such as rocks or other obstructions. The counterpoise conductor should be routed as close as practicable to the
midpoint between the full strength pavement edge and the item being protected.
A. .2
The light base grounding electrode can be installed in the same excavation as the light base or mounting stake. If a ground rod is used as the light base grounding electrode, the ground rod can be installed exterior to the light
base or installed within the light base through a hole provided by the manufacturer in the bottom of the light base.
A.11.4.2. 7 6 . 1. 2
Airfield pavement systems design is an intricate engineering solution involving a large number of complex variables. Operating aircraft and pavement systems interact with each other, which must be addressed by the pavement
design process. Structural designs of airfield pavement systems include determination of the overall pavement system thickness to achieve the final design objectives. Airfield pavement systems are normally constructed in
courses or layers.
Many factors influence the pavement system layer thicknesses required to provide satisfactory pavement system design. Among them are the type of pavement and the load-bearing capacity of the supporting materials, key
components that affect the structural design of the pavement system.
A typical pavement system design might consist of the following layers:

(1) Conditioned and compacted earth fill and subgrade below the pavement system (typically 100 percent compaction required)
(2) Enhanced subbase course material, including additional layering, or enhanced existing subgrade
(3) Pavement base course (flexible or semirigid materials to support the pavement surface materials)
(4) Final pavement surface, either hot mix asphalt (HMA), a flexible pavement typically installed in multiple layers, or Portland cement concrete (PCC), a rigid pavement typically installed in one layer

The thickness of each of the overall pavement layers is determined by the structural requirements of the pavement system based on existing conditions, aircraft sizes and weights, number of repetitions, environmental factors,
and other features.
The airfield lighting system is incorporated into the airfield pavement system. The design of the depth and the height of the various airfield lighting system components, including light bases, light base accessories, conduits,
counterpoise conductors, and the like, must be adjusted to integrate the components into the varying pavement system layer thicknesses. Although reasonable effort should be made to comply with the 8 in. (203 mm)
requirement contained in 6 .1.1 , it is for these reasons that the variation described in in 6 .1. 2 is necessary.
A.11.4.2. 7 6 . 1. 3
Where existing pavement cannot be cut, raceway is typically installed under the pavement by the directional bore, jack and bore, or other drilling method. Where raceway is installed by a drilling method, it is permissible to install
the counterpoise conductor concurrent with the drilling method raceway, external to the raceway or sleeve. This could result in the counterpoise conductor being wrapped around the raceway in an unknown position relative to
the raceway or cable being protected. The installation of the counterpoise conductor is required to maintain the equipotential bonding of the overall lightning protection system. The lightning protection afforded by this process is
reduced; however, this manner of installation is more effective than omission of the counterpoise conductor. This method is not recommended for projects where the pavement is being overlaid or replaced. The counterpoise
conductor should be placed prior to any paving operations in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 11.
A.11.4.2. 7 6 . 1. 6
The area of protection is considered to be an equilateral triangular cross-sectional area (triangular prism) with the apex located at the center of the counterpoise conductor, having its two sides formed by a 45-degree angle from
vertical. The width of the protected area is twice the height of the counterpoise conductor above the raceway or cable being protected. See Figure A Figure A . 6 .1. 6 for a typical area of protection application.
Figure A. 6 .1. 6 Area of Protection.

A.11.4.2. 7 6 . 1. 8
The intent of of 6 .1. 8 is that all metallic light bases, metallic fixtures, metal manhole cover/frames, and the like be bonded to the counterpoise conductor. The phrase “output side of the constant current regulator
(CCR) or power source” refers to the field circuit. The input power to the CCR or airfield lighting power source would be grounded in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

When Chapter 11 was originally written, the installation method section started with the FAA’s counterpoise installation method for edge lights installed in turf, Section After that section was worked the task group described all the
other scenarios for the balance of the fixture installation methods and locations in Section The description of the other scenarios in became very wordy.
Section in the existing document has this description of its scope ” For raceways installed under pavement; for raceways and cables not installed adjacent to the full strength pavement edge; for fixtures installed in full strength
pavement and shoulder pavement and for optional method of edge lights installed in turf (stabilized soils); and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the counterpoise conductor shall be centered over the
raceway or cable to be protected as described in through and as shown in Figure”
This proposal is to simplify and clarify the scenario descriptions in Sections and by changing the order of the two sections in Chapter 11. Swapping the position of the two sections in the document makes the intent precise
and considerably more understandable.
Proposed Section (existing becomes:” The counterpoise conductor shall be installed either centered over the raceway or cable to be protected as described in and as shown in Figure or in accordance with”
Proposed Section (existing becomes:” Optional counterpoise installation method for edge light fixtures installed in turf or stabilized soils and for raceways or cables adjacent to the full strength pavement edge, the
counterpoise conductor shall be installed halfway between the pavement edge and the light base, mounting stake, raceway, or cable, as described in and as shown in Figure”
The wording for the edge light scenario had only minor editing, while the wording on the other scenarios was significantly simplified.
The proposal is simply a reordering of Sections and
There are two editorial items (#16 and #24 on TG Activities List) that have impacted the section numbering. now becomes and now becomes

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 120-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 11.4.2 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]] Continuation of reordering Chapter 11 and editorial comments
Public Input No. 121-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections,] Continuation of reordering Chapter 11 and editorial comments
Public Input No. 123-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. A.11.1.1] Continuation of reordering Chapter 11 and editorial comments

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Carl Johnson II

Organization: AVCON
Affilliation: user
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 02 15:38:31 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-6-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC chooses to reorder these sections to better organize the chapter. The reordering provides better continuity of the chapter requirements.

Reordering the document makes the intent more precise and considerably more understandable.

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Public Input No. 165-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

Where existing pavement cannot be cut, raceway is typically installed under the pavement by the directional bore, jack and bore, or other drilling method. Where raceway is installed by a drilling method, it is permissible to install
the counterpoise conductor concurrent with the drilling method raceway, external to the raceway or sleeve. This could result in the counterpoise conductor being wrapped around the raceway in an unknown position relative to
the raceway or cable being protected. The installation of the counterpoise conductor is required to maintain the equipotential bonding of the overall lightning protection system. The lightning protection afforded by this process
is reduced; however, this manner of installation is more effective than omission of the counterpoise conductor. This method is not recommended for projects where the pavement is being overlaid or replaced. The In this type of
project, the counterpoise conductor should be placed prior to any paving operations in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 11.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Revised for grammar.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:56:55 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The first change proposed by the submitter would have omitted an important concept detailing why a counterpoise is allowed to be installed by the directional bore method. The TC does not agree that the first grammar change
is necessary and chooses to retain the text in A. TC does not agree that the second comment adds clarity to the text.

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Public Input No. 166-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

The intent of is that all metallic light bases, metallic fixtures, metal manhole cover/frames, and the like be bonded to the counterpoise conductor. The phrase “output side of the constant current regulator (CCR) or
power source” refers to the field circuit. The input power to the CCR or airfield lighting power source would should be grounded in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

I don't think "would" is permissible per the MOS.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 10:58:42 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The MOS does not prohibit use of the word "would".

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Public Input No. 125-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections A., A. ]

Sections A., A.

Multiple raceways in a common assembly are also known as duct banks. Paragraph addresses individual duct banks and individual raceways or cables installed in a common excavation but separated by a greater-
than-normal distance. For example, a control circuit and an airfield lighting series circuit could be installed in a common trench but separated by 12 in. (305 mm) or more to prevent interference on the control circuit.
A.11.4.3. 2 1.1
Standard trigonometric functions can be used to calculate the width of the area of protection with the counterpoise conductor at a specified height above the raceway or cable being protected. The maximum width of the area of
protection is twice the height of the counterpoise conductor above the protected raceway or cable. A conservative design would have an overlap of adjacent areas of protection.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Editorial Task group activities list item 16

Added clarification in section A.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 122-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections,,] this is annex material in support of section

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Carl Johnson II

Organization: AVCON
Affilliation: user
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 02 16:06:50 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-6-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC chooses to reorder these sections to better organize the chapter. The reordering provides better continuity of the chapter requirements.

Reordering the document makes the intent more precise and considerably more understandable.

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Public Input No. 114-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. A. ]

The often accepted earth resistance value of 25 ohms should not be interpreted as satisfactory for all installations. (Refer to B.4.4 .) Reduced earth resistance values might be necessary to provide effective lightning
protection where the lightning risk assessment is high. Whether reduced earth resistance is necessary for protection of the airfield lighting system could be determined from A.11.4.1 . The AHJ could define the required
grounding electrode earth resistance value.
One common means of lowering the ground rod earth resistance is to add length to the ground rod. A simple way to add length to the ground rod is to use sectional ground rods. Additional sections of ground rod are added to
the original ground rod and driven deeper into the earth to lower the earth resistance. An alternative is to lay rods horizontally and bond them together, forming a grid below grade. Other means of obtaining a satisfactory earth
resistance are discussed in 4.13.8 .
Delete this whole paragraph.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Delete this whole paragraph. The 25 Ohm earth resistance value was removed from this standard long time ago
Again the resistance value is not relevant for transient currents.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon May 05 16:28:51 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The “25 ohm” value is still contained in many publications. The intent of this paragraph is to demonstrate (in agreement with the submitter) that the “25 ohm” value may no longer be satisfactory. The submitter did not provide
any technical substantiation to justify deletion of the text. The TC chooses to retain the current language.

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Public Input No. 237-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after A. ]

*A12.3.5 For protection of the electrical and mechanical systems associated with solar arrays, it is desirable to maximize the distance between lightning air terminals and conductors from
the solar array panels, electrical control systems, and cabling. Location of strike termination devices directly to the racking may result in subsequent damage to the solar array in the event of a direct lightning
strike to the lightning protection system. If direct mounting to the rack is unavoidable consideration may be given to additional shielding, separation or surge protection of the associated electrical and
mechanical systems of the solar array.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To support new Chapter 12 submittal from the Solar Task Group

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Caie

Organization: ERICO, Inc.
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jul 03 22:54:54 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-120-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC updates Chapter 12 to clarify requirements, incorporate industry feedback, correlate to other standards of the same subject matter.

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Public Input No. 167-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. B.3.2.2 ]

B.3.2.2 Rolling Sphere Method.

The rolling sphere method was incorporated into NFPA 780 in the 1980 edition. It originated from the electric power transmission industry (lightning strike attachment to phase and shield wires of lines) and is based on the
simple electrogeometric model. To apply the method, an imaginary sphere is rolled over the structure. All surface contact points are deemed to require protection, while the unaffected surfaces and volumes are deemed to be
protected, as shown in Figure B.3.2.2.
The physical basis for the rolling sphere method is the electrogeometric model. Consider a particular peak lightning current I (kA) and the corresponding striking distance d (m), where d = 10 I . For a typical peak
p s s p
current of 10 kA, the striking distance is approximately 150 ft (45 46 m). This is the distance at which a downward leader results in the initiation of an upward leader from the structure.
Figure B.3.2.2 Lightning Protection Design Using the Rolling Sphere Method.

Note that a smaller striking distance (implying a lower peak current of the lightning event) results in a smaller sphere that can intrude upon the standard 150 ft (45 46 m) zone of protection. Thus, a more conservative design is
to size the sphere using a lower lightning peak current. Lightning peak currents below 5 kA to 7 kA are not common. Ten kA peak current represents 91 percent of all lightning events.
The advantage of the rolling sphere method is that it is relatively easy to apply, even to buildings with complicated shapes. However, since it is a simplification of the physical process of lightning attachment to a structure, it has
some limitations. The main limitation is that it assigns an equal leader initiation ability to all contact points on the structure; no account is taken of the influence of electric fields in initiating return streamers, so it does not
distinguish between likely and unlikely lightning strike attachment points. In other words, for a given prospective peak stroke current, the striking distance d is a constant value. This simplification stems from the RSM's origins
in the electrical power transmission industry, where there is considerable uniformity in the parameters of transmission lines (diameters, heights, etc.). In reality, lightning could preferentially strike the corner of a building rather
than the vertical flat surface halfway down the side of the building. The same claims apply to the flat roof of a structure.
Some qualitative indication of the probability of strike attachment to any particular point can be obtained if the sphere is supposed to be rolled over the building in such a manner that its center moves at constant speed. Then
the length of time that the sphere dwells on any point of the building gives a qualitative indication of the probability of that point being struck. Thus, for a simple rectangular building with a flat roof, the dwell time would be large at
the corners and edges and small at any point on the flat part of the roof, correctly indicating a higher probability of the corners or edges being struck and a low probability that a point on the flat part of the roof will be struck.
Where the RSM is applied to a building of height greater than the selected sphere radius, the sphere touches the vertical edges on the sides of the building at all points above a height equal to the sphere radius. This indicates
the possibility of strikes to the sides of the building and raises the question of the need for an air terminal network in these locations. Studies show that strikes to vertical edges on the sides of tall buildings do occur but are not
very common. There are theoretical reasons for believing that only flashes with low I , and consequently low d , values are likely to be able to penetrate below the level of the roof of a building and strike the sides. Hence, the
p s
consequences of a strike to the sides of a building could result in damage of a minor nature. Unless there are specific reasons for side protection, as would be the case of a structure containing explosives, it is considered that
the cost of side protection would not normally be justified.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Changed 45 m to 46 m to remain consistent with the rest of the document.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 11:24:32 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: See action on FR-47.

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Public Input No. 184-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. C.1 ]

C.1 General.
Lightning strikes can give rise to harmful potential differences in and on a building. The major concern in the protection of a building is the occurrence of potential differences between the conductors of the lightning protection
system and other grounded metal bodies and wires belonging to the building. These potential differences are caused by resistive and inductive effects and can be of such a magnitude that dangerous sparking can occur. In
order to reduce the possibility of sparking, it is necessary to equalize potentials by bonding grounded metal bodies to the lightning protection system.
When a structure can be designed to isolate the largest quantity of grounded systems from the lightning protection system components, this should be considered. Maintaining separation distances beyond the bonding
distance requirements for building grounded systems above grade might include placing all main feeders in the building center or core to avoid the lightning protection down conductors and structural bonding around the
building perimeter. Planning the construction in this manner can eliminate the need for interior bonding except for system branches extending near the perimeter system. All grounded metallic systems require bonding at grade
in accordance with 4.14, and systems extending vertically more than 60 feet require bonding in accordance with 4.15 and 4.16.
Where installing (or modifying) lightning protection systems on existing structures, bonding of certain grounded metal bodies can present difficult installation problems due to the inaccessibility of building systems. Placement of
conductors to avoid grounded Isolating lightning protection system elements to provide separation distance from grounded metal bodies or increasing the number of down conductors to shorten the required bonding distances
are options that can be used to overcome these problems.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

adds annex material to further describe isolation and separation distance

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 193-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections,,]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 14:47:14 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-98-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds annex material to further describe isolation and separation distance and to coordinate with changes made to referenced material in Paragraph 4.15 and Paragraph 4.16.

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Public Input No. 113-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. D.1.1.3 ]

In most geographical areas, and especially in areas that experience extreme seasonal changes in temperature and rainfall, it is advisable to stagger inspections so that earth resistance measurements, for example, are made in
the hot, dry months as well as the cool, wet months. Such staggering of inspections and testing is important in assessing the effectiveness of the lightning protection system during the various seasons throughout the year.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon May 05 16:09:58 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter did not provide substantiation for the change.

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Public Input No. 92-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. D.2.2.2 ]

Lightning protection system maintenance procedures should be established for each system and should become a part of the overall maintenance program for the structure that it protects.
A maintenance program should contain a list of more or less routine items that can serve as a checklist and can establish a definite maintenance procedure that can be followed regularly. It is the repeatability of the procedures
that enhances the effectiveness of a good maintenance program.
A good maintenance program should contain provisions for the following:

(1) Inspection of all conductors and system components

(2) Tightening of all clamps and splicers
(3) Measurement of lightning protection system resistance
(4) Measurement of resistance of grounding electrodes
(5) Inspection, testing, or both of surge suppression devices to determine their effectiveness compared with similar new devices
(6) Refastening and tightening of components and conductors as required
(7) Inspection and testing as required to determine if the effectiveness of the lightning protection system has been altered by additions to or changes in the structure

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

It might be replaced by:

3) Verify continuity in different section of the system.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Apr 03 21:31:13 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter did not provide substantiation for the change.

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Public Input No. 190-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. E.1.2 ]

If the building is small and the lightning protection system can be disconnected totally from any other grounding network, the resistance of the system can be measured by the three-point technique described in E.1.3. If the
building is large or cannot be disconnected totally from any other grounding network, then the ground resistance of individual isolated individual disconnected lightning protection ground rods should be measured by the
three-point technique described in E.1.3 and this resistance multiplied by a factor depending on the number of ground rods.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

removed "isolated" and replaced with "disconnected"

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 185-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 4.16.3]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Harold VanSickle

Organization: Lightning Protection Institute
Affilliation: bonding and grounding task group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 12 15:40:07 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-99-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC clarifies that the isolation discussed in the clause refers to disconnecting the grounding electrode from other grounded items for the purpose of testing. The TC also clarifies procedures that may be used to calculate
system grounding resistance from measurements of individual components.

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Public Input No. 93-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. E.1.2 ]

If the building is small and the lightning protection system can be disconnected totally from any other grounding network, the resistance of the system can be measured by the three-point technique described in E.1.3. If the
building is large or cannot be disconnected totally from any other grounding network, then the ground resistance of individual isolated lightning protection ground rods should be measured by the three-point technique described
in E.1.3 and this resistance multiplied devide by a factor depending on the number of number of ground rods.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Has the wrong wording.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Apr 03 21:35:21 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-99-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC clarifies that the isolation discussed in the clause refers to disconnecting the grounding electrode from other grounded items for the purpose of testing. The TC also clarifies procedures that may be used to calculate
system grounding resistance from measurements of individual components.

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Public Input No. 168-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. F.2.5 ]

F.2.5 Grounding Electrodes.

Grounding electrodes for conductors should be in accordance with the following: Be connected to all conductors that descend the trunk of the tree, extend one or more radial conductors in trenches 8 in. (0.2 m), and be
spaced at equal intervals about the base to a distance not less than 10 ft (3 m) or a and should be in accordance with the following:

(1) Be a single driven ground rod installed at least 12 ft (3.6 m) from the tree trunk (See Figure F.1 .)
(2) Have radial conductors extend extending not less than 12 ft (3.6 m) in trenches 8 in. (0.2 m) deep, spaced at equal intervals about the base of the tree
(3) Be bonded to an underground metallic water pipe where available within 25 ft (7.6 m) of the branch line

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Revised for grammar and clarity.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Simon Larter

Organization: Larter Lightning Consulting
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Sat Jun 07 11:29:31 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter's proposed text does not provide additional clarity. The existing text is in accordance with ANSI A-300 requirements for protection of trees from lightning.

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Public Input No. 236-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. G.1.2 ]

G.1.2 Masts and Overhead Ground Wires.

Masts (poles) on opposite sides of the grounds and near the edges should be erected. Overhead wires should be strung between the masts at least 20 ft (6 m) above the ground level. Down conductors should be connected to
the overhead wires with grounding electrodes. Down conductors should be shielded to a height of not less than 8 ft (2.4 m) with material resistant to impact and climate conditions. The wires should be not less than 4 AWG
copper or equivalent. Where steel masts are used, down leads are not necessary, but the foot of the mast should be grounded. If the area to be protected is extensive, it might be necessary to erect several masts around the
perimeter so that the area is covered by a network of wires to form a zone of protection. (See Figure for an example.)

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Revision_of_G-1-2.docx Revision of G.1.2

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

We should not allow 4 AWG cable for protection of people when we do not allow it for any other application. We should require the same Lightning Protection Level as we do for ordinary structures. The existing wording also infers by the
repeated use of the word “should” that it is optional to provide down conductors between overhead ground wires and earth electrodes or that it is optional to ground metallic masses. These are not options. If the system is to work as
intended these components must be installed. This proposal updates this clause to address these issues.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jul 03 12:16:06 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-70-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the paragraph to conform with the requirements of Chapter 4. The TC removes the reference to

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Revision of G.1.2

G.1.2 Masts and Overhead Ground Wires. Masts (poles) located on opposite ends of or
around the perimeter of the picnic grounds or playground to be protected is the most efficient
method to protect a large open area. For larger areas, the interconnection of the masts using
overhead ground wires could be necessary to provide sufficient protection for the area to be
protected. Where wooden masts are used, the top of the mast must be equipped with an air
terminal to provide a primary attachment point for the lightning strike. It is necessary to provide
down conductors between the overhead wires or air terminals and installed grounding electrodes.
The down conductors and overhead ground wires should be of a size equivalent to main-sized
conductors or larger. Conductive masts do not require air terminals or down conductors but the
mast must be grounded. Down conductors and metallic masts should be shielded to a height of
not less than 8 ft (2.4 m) with material resistant to impact and climate conditions.
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Public Input No. 292-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. G.1.2 ]

G.1.2 Masts and Overhead Ground Wires.

Masts (poles) on opposite sides of the grounds and near the edges should be erected. Overhead wires should be strung between the masts at least 20 ft (6 m) above the ground level. Down conductors should be connected to
the overhead wires with grounding electrodes. Down conductors should be shielded to a height of not less than 8 ft (2.4 m) with material resistant to impact and climate conditions. The wires should be not less than 4 AWG
copper or equivalent. Where steel masts are used, down leads are not necessary, but the foot of the mast should be grounded. If the area to be protected is extensive, it might be necessary to erect several masts around the
perimeter so that the area is covered by a network of wires to form a zone of protection. (See Figure 7 4 . 8. 3. 2 1 . 2 1 for an example . )

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Figure was moved to This proposal changes the call out for the figure to the correct location.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 291-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] call out

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 21:41:16 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-70-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC edits the paragraph to conform with the requirements of Chapter 4. The TC removes the reference to

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Public Input No. 270-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. H.2.2 ]

H.2.2 Iron Posts.

Ground connections can be made by inserting galvanized-iron posts, such as are ordinarily used for farm fencing, at intervals and attaching in electrical contact all the wires of the fence. Grounding can also be achieved by
driving a length of not less than 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) in diameter galvanized-iron pipe beside the fence and attaching the wires by ties of galvanized-iron wire. If the ground is normally dry, the intervals between metal posts should
not exceed 150 ft (46 45 m). If the ground is normally damp, the metal posts can be placed up to 300 ft (92 m) apart.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal revises the metric equivalence for 150 feet from 46 m to 45 m for consistency within the standard as well as consistency with all other national and international lightning protection or similar standards.
The actual mathematical equivalence to 150 feet is 45.72 meters. It is important to note that NFPA 780, 1.7.2 states that the metric equivalent is an approximate value, not a value rounded to the nearest whole number. If one were to round
off the conversion factor of 3.280833 ft/m to 3.3, the equivalence would be 45.45 meters (which would round to 45 meters). Annex B currently identifies the equivalence of 150 feet to be 45 meters and the entire document listed the
equivalence as 45 meters in the 2011 edition. In A., 15 feet is also given as 4.5 m. It is recommended that this clause be modified to reflect the value of 45 meters given in Annex B. Most important this change will bring NFPA 780
in agreement with IEC, IEEE, DOD, DOE, PANTEX, Canadian, and Australian standards and handbooks. Maintaining the 46 meter equivalence could unnecessarily lead to coordination issues in NATO lightning protection applications as
the remainder of NATO participating nations use 45 meters. Examples of some of the standards specifying a 45 meter equivalence to 150 feet:

IEC 62305, Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, Edition 2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, December 2010.
IEEE Std 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Society, June 2007.
December 1987.
DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, January 2008.
AS/NZS 1768:2007, Lightning Protection, Joint Publication of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, January 2007.
CAN/CSA-B72-M87, Installation code for lightning protection systems, Standards Canada, reaffirmed 2013.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 260-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] similar proposal

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 10:36:59 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

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Public Input No. 206-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after L.2 ]

L.2 Lightning Flash Density ( N ).

Lightning flash density, the highest number of flashes to ground per square kilometer, ever recorded for that area in an given years can be found in Figure L.2 .
Figure L.2 1997–2010 Worst Case U.S. Lightning Flash Density Map (highest density of flashes per square kilometer for any year). (Courtesy Vaisala, Inc.) TITLE OF NEW CONTENT
Type your content here ...

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

There is not any other natural disaster engineering that is based on an average threat. We need to protect against the greatest known threat or we are not really providing protection. nothing is engineered to the average hurricane speed, or
average snow load, or average seismic load. This isn't even engineering this is a risk assessment that is providing miss leading information because it under estimates the risk by using the average annual lightning strike frequency.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 30 15:10:29 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter did not provide a proposed map. The TC confirms that the other parameters in the risk assessment are based on average flash density, as are all other recognized national and international lightning risk

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Public Input No. 244-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. L.2 ]

L.2 Lightning Flash Density ( N ).

Lightning flash density, the yearly number of flashes to ground per square kilometer, can be found in Figure L.2.
Figure L.2 1997–2010 Average U.S. Lightning Flash Density Map (flashes per square kilometer per year). (Courtesy Vaisala, Inc.)

Replace existing map with attached map

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Update flash density map to the most current edition.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of the NFPA 780 Risk Assessment Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jul 04 13:39:10 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-108-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC updates the flash density map and title to the most current edition.

The TC updates the text in Annex L to be in accordance with the latest IEC document.

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Public Input No. 208-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. L.3 ]

L.3 Annual Threat of Occurrence ( N ).

The yearly annual threat of occurrence (lightning strike frequency) (N ) to a structure is determined by the following equation:

N = yearly lightning strike frequency to the structure or object
N = 2
g lightning ground flash density in flashes/km / highest year
A = 2
e the equivalent collection area of the structure (m )
C = environmental coefficient

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

There is not any other natural disaster engineering that is based on an average threat. We need to protect against the greatest known threat or we are not really providing protection. nothing is engineered to the average hurricane speed, or
average snow load, or average seismic load. This isn't even engineering this is a risk assessment that is providing miss leading information because it under estimates the risk by using the average annual lightning strike frequency.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 30 21:16:05 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The TC confirms that the other parameters in the risk assessment are based on average flash density, as are all other recognized national and international lightning risk assessments.

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Public Input No. 209-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. L.5.1.2 ]

The coefficient (C) is the product of structural coefficients Cthrough C . The structural coefficients are obtained from Table L.5.1.2(a) through Table L.5.1.2(d).
2 5
Table L.5.1.2(a) Determination of Construction Coefficient, C2

Construction Coefficient— C
Nonmetallic Combustible
Structure Metal Roof Roof Roof
Metal 0.5 1.0 2.0
Nonmetallic 1.0 1.0 2.5
Combustible 2.0 2.5 3.0
Table L.5.1.2(b) Determination of Structure Contents Coefficient, C3

Structure Contents 3
Low value and noncombustible 0.5
Standard value and noncombustible 1.0
High value, moderate combustibility 2.0
Exceptional value, flammable liquids, computer or electronics , dmage to intellectual proprerty 3.0
Exceptional value, irreplaceable intellectual property, irreplaceable
cultural items
Table L.5.1.2(c) Determination of Structure Occupancy Coefficient, C4

Structure Occupancy 4
Unoccupied 0.5
Normally occupied 1.0
Difficult to evacuate or risk of panic 3.0
Table L.5.1.2(d) Determination of Lightning Consequence Coefficient, C5

Lightning Consequence 5
Continuity of facility services not required,
no environmental impact
Continuity of facility services required,
no environmental impact
Consequences to the environment 10.0

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Intellectual property is a huge loss category and needs to be included in the risk assessment.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 30 21:24:20 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: Intellectual property is subjective and could be included under the headings of exceptional value or irreplaceable cultural items.

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Public Input No. 210-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. L.6.3 ]

L.6.3 Types of Risk Due to Lightning.

The types of risk due to lightning for a particular structure or facility could include one or more of the following:

(1) R risk associated with loss of life or injury

(2) R risk associated with loss of service
(3) R risk associated with loss of historical significance
(4) R risk associated with loss of economic value
(5) R risk associated with loss of intellectual property

Note:ADD Loss of economic value and loss of intellectual property to Table L.6.2
These risk categories are composed of risk components that are summed to determine the overall risk of the loss in a given application. The risk components are characterized according to the type of loss and source of the
threat. Threats to be considered in the assessment are associated with:

(1) Strikes to the structure

(2) Strikes to an incoming service to a structure
(3) Strikes near a service
(4) Strikes near a structure

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The risk of losing intellectual property is a real threat and needs to be addressed.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 30 21:39:30 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The submitter does not offer a clear definition of or proposed value to be associated with intellectual property. It is the opinion of the TC that intellectual property could be considered a subset of economic value (or R1 if it is
associated with loss of life or injury). It is the opinion of the TC that a typical value of tolerable economic loss should be set by an AHJ, owner, or party responsible for the loss and not the standard.

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Public Input No. 240-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. L. ]

The probability that a strike near a structure will cause failure of internal systems (P ) depends on the lightning protection measures implemented. These measures are characterized by a factor, K , that takes into
consideration protective measures such as the shielding effectiveness of the structure, any internal shielding provided, characteristics of internal wiring, and the rated impulse withstand voltage of level of the system to be
protected. Where SPDs are not installed at utilization equipment, or the SPDs at the utilization equipment are not properly coordinated with those installed at the service entrances, the value of P to be used in the equation for
the risk of failure of internal systems due to a strike near a structure (P ) can be taken from Table L.6.7.6. Where coordinated SPDs are installed at the utilization equipment, the value of P used in the computation of P is
the lower value between P and P . For internal systems with equipment having rated impulse withstand voltage levels that are unknown or are less than 1.5 kV, a value of P = 1 should be used in the assessment.
The value of K is calculated using the following equation:

K = factor relating to the shielding effectiveness of the structure, lightning protection system, or other shields at the exterior boundary of the structure
K = factor relating to the shielding effectiveness of shields internal to the structure
K = factor relating to the characteristics of the internal wiring
K = factor relating to the rated impulse withstand voltage level of the system to be protected

-4 -5
For continuous metal shields with a thickness of 0.1 to 0.5 mm, K and K should be assigned the value of 10 to 10 (scaled linearly). Where not otherwise known, the value of K and K can be evaluated by the
S1 S2 S1 S2
following relationship as long as the equipment is located a distance, w, from the boundary shield:

w = distance measured in meters and given by a mesh grid spacing, the spacing between down conductors, or the spacing between structural steel columns.

In those structures where it is ensured that steel reinforcing bars are interconnected and terminated by approved grounding electrodes, w is the spacing between the reinforcing bars.
If the equipment is located closer to the applicable boundary than the distance, w, the values of K and K should be doubled. In those cases where multiple internal boundaries exist, the resulting value of K is the
S1 S2 S2
product of each individual value of K .
Table L.6.7.7 provides values that can be selected for factor K based on the configuration of internal wiring. For wiring contained in continuous metallic conduit that is properly bonded to the lightning protection grounding
system, the selected value of K from the table is multiplied by a factor of 0.1.
The value of factor K is evaluated by the following formula:

U = lowest impulse withstand voltage of level of the hardware in the system under consideration

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To make it clear that the withstand voltage discussed is the rated impulse withstand voltage level of wiring and equipment.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 239-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 3.3.42] definition
Public Input No. 241-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections L., L., L., L.]
Public Input No. 242-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections L.6.7.8, L.6.7.9]
Public Input No. 243-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. L.6.8]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of the NFPA 780 Risk Assessment Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jul 04 12:30:17 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-107-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC clarifies that the withstand voltage discussed is the rated impulse withstand voltage level of wiring and equipment. After the first use of the defined “rated impulse withstand voltage level” the shorter version of the term
(withstand voltage) is introduced and used in the remainder of the annex with the exception of the call out for UW. The TC also determines that the “hardware” identified in the UW call out would be better defined by referring to it
as individual components.

The TC updates the text in Annex L to be in accordance with the latest IEC document.

The TC updates the description of WM to include the spacing of the rebar grid in a reenforced concrete structure.

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Public Input No. 241-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections L., L., L., L. ]

Sections L., L., L., L.

The probability, P , that a lightning flash will result in injury to living beings due to touch voltage by a flash to a service entering the structure depends on the characteristics of the service shield, the rated impulse withstand
voltage of level of internal systems connected to the service, typical protection measures (physical restrictions, warning notices), and SPDs provided at the entrance of the service. Where SPDs are not provided for
equipotential bonding, P is characterized by the probability of failure of internal systems due to a flash to the connected service, as shown in Table L.6.7.8. Where SPDs are provided for equipotential bonding, the value of P
to be used in the equation for the risk of injury to humans due to flashes to a service is the lower value between P and P . For unshielded services, a value of P = 1 is used. Where physical restrictions, warning notices, and
so forth, are used, the value of P can be further reduced by multiplying it by P .
The probability of physical damage due to a strike to a service entering a structure (P ) depends on the service line shielding characteristics, the rated impulse withstand voltage of level of internal systems connected to the
service, and any SPDs provided. Where SPDs are not provided, the value of P is equal to the value of P . Where SPDs are provided, the value of P to be used in the equation for the risk of physical damage due to a strike
to a service is the lower value between P and P .
The probability of a failure of internal systems due to a strike to a service entering a structure (P ) depends on the service line shielding characteristics, the impulse rated impulse withstand voltage of level of internal
systems connected to the service, and any SPDs provided. Where SPDs are installed, the value of P is the lower value of P or P . Where SPDs are not installed, the value of P to be used in the equation for the risk of
failure of internal systems due to a strike to a service is equivalent to the value of P .
The probability of a failure of internal systems due to a strike near a service entering the structure under consideration (P ) depends on the service line shielding characteristics, the impulse rated impulse withstand voltage of
level of internal systems connected to the service, and the protection measures provided. Where SPDs are not installed, the probability of failure of internal systems due to a flash near the connected service (P ) can be taken
from Table L.6.7.9. Where SPDs are installed, the value of P can be taken to be the lower value of P or P .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To make it clear that the withstand voltage discussed is the rated impulse withstand voltage level of wiring and equipment.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 239-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 3.3.42] definition
Public Input No. 240-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. L.] similar change
Public Input No. 242-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections L.6.7.8, L.6.7.9]
Public Input No. 243-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. L.6.8]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of the NFPA 780 Risk Assessment Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jul 04 12:42:33 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-148-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises the text to make it clear that the withstand voltage discussed is the rated impulse withstand voltage level of wiring and equipment.

The TC updates the text in Annex L to be in accordance with the latest IEC document.

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Public Input No. 115-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. L.6.7.4 ]

Table L.6.7.4 provides values for the probability P of physical damage to a structure due to direct flashes to the structure.
Table L.6.7.4 Values of Probability (PB) of Physical Damage to a Structure Due to Flashes to the Structure

Type of Protection Provided B
No protection provided 1
LPS based on 46 m (150 ft) striking distance 0.1
LPS based on 30 m (100 ft) striking distance 0.05
Structure with a metal roof meeting the requirements of, and continuous
metal or reinforced concrete
metal frame serving as a natural down conductor system with bonding and grounding in accordance with NFPA 780 0.001

Note: Values other than those given in this table can be used when justified by a detailed analysis of the protection provided.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Reinforced concrete frame even though if it’s bonded shouldn’t be used as a down lead conductor. Obvious reasons are behind this assertion.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon May 05 16:36:31 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-110-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes the 150 foot equivalence to 45 meters and reflects that reinforcing steel must be supported by down conductors to reflect a PB value of 0.001.

The TC updates the text in Annex L to be in accordance with the latest IEC document.

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Public Input No. 280-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. L.6.7.4 ]

Table L.6.7.4 provides values for the probability P of physical damage to a structure due to direct flashes to the structure.
Table L.6.7.4 Values of Probability (PB P ) of Physical Damage to a Structure Due to Flashes to the Structure

Type of Protection Provided B
No protection provided 1
LPS based
on 46
on 45 m (150 ft) striking distance 0.1
LPS based on 30 m (100 ft) striking distance 0.05
Structure with a metal roof meeting the requirements of, and continuous metal or reinforced concrete frame serving as a natural down conductor system with bonding and grounding in accordance with NFPA 780 0.001

Note: Values other than those given in this table can be used when justified by a detailed analysis of the protection provided.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

The proposal revises the metric equivalence for 150 feet from 46 m to 45 m for consistency within the standard as well as consistency with all other national and international lightning protection or similar standards.
The actual mathematical equivalence to 150 feet is 45.72 meters. It is important to note that NFPA 780, 1.7.2 states that the metric equivalent is an approximate value, not a value rounded to the nearest whole number. If one were to round
off the conversion factor of 3.280833 ft/m to 3.3, the equivalence would be 45.45 meters (which would round to 45 meters). Annex B currently identifies the equivalence of 150 feet to be 45 meters and the entire document listed the
equivalence as 45 meters in the 2011 edition. In A., 15 feet is also given as 4.5 m. It is recommended that this clause be modified to reflect the value of 45 meters given in Annex B. Most important this change will bring NFPA 780
in agreement with IEC, IEEE, DOD, DOE, PANTEX, Canadian, and Australian standards and handbooks. Maintaining the 46 meter equivalence could unnecessarily lead to coordination issues in NATO lightning protection applications as
the remainder of NATO participating nations use 45 meters. Examples of some of the standards specifying a 45 meter equivalence to 150 feet:

IEC 62305, Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard, Edition 2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, December 2010.
IEEE Std 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Society, June 2007.
December 1987.
DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, January 2008.
AS/NZS 1768:2007, Lightning Protection, Joint Publication of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, January 2007.
CAN/CSA-B72-M87, Installation code for lightning protection systems, Standards Canada, reaffirmed 2013.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 260-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No.] same change

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 14:41:26 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-47-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes 46 m to 45 m throughout the document for consistency.

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Public Input No. 116-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections L.6.7.4, L.6.7.5 ]

Sections L.6.7.4, L.6.7.5

Table L.6.7.4 provides values for the probability P of physical damage to a structure due to direct flashes to the structure.
Table L.6.7.4 Values of Probability (PB) of Physical Damage to a Structure Due to Flashes to the Structure

Type of Protection Provided B
No protection provided 1
LPS based on 46 m (150 ft) striking distance 0.1
LPS based on 30 m (100 ft) striking distance 0.05
Structure with a metal roof meeting the requirements of, and continuous metal
or reinforced concrete
frame serving as a natural down conductor system with bonding and grounding in accordance with NFPA 780 0.001

Note: Values other than those given in this table can be used when justified by a detailed analysis of the protection provided.
Table L.6.7.5 provides values for the probability P of failure of internal systems as a function SPD protection.
Table L.6.7.5 Values of Probability (PC) as a Function of SPD Protection Provided

SPD Protection Provided C
No SPD protection 1
SPDs provided in accordance with Section 4.20 0.03

(1) SPD protection is effective to reduce P only in structures protected by an LPS or in structures with a continuous metal or reinforced concrete frame where bonding and grounding requirements of Section 4.20 are met.
(2) Shielded internal systems fed by wiring in lightning protective cable ducts or metallic conduits can be used in lieu of SPD protection.
(3) Smaller values of P can be used where SPDs above and beyond those required by Section 4.20 and SPDs having better protection characteristics (higher current withstand capability, lower protective level, etc.) than the
minimum specified in Section 4.20. See IEC 62305-2, Protection Against Lightning, Annex B, for additional information.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Reinforced concrete frame even though if it’s bonded shouldn’t be used as a down lead conductor. Obvious reasons are behind this assertion.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: LIZARDO LOPEZ

Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon May 05 16:43:39 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-110-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC changes the 150 foot equivalence to 45 meters and reflects that reinforcing steel must be supported by down conductors to reflect a PB value of 0.001.

The TC updates the text in Annex L to be in accordance with the latest IEC document.

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Public Input No. 242-NFPA 780-2014 [ Sections L.6.7.8, L.6.7.9 ]

Sections L.6.7.8, L.6.7.9

Table L.6.7.8 provides values of the probability P of failure of internal systems due to a strike to a service connected to a structure. P is a function of the resistance of the cable shield and the impulse rated impulse
withstand voltage level (U ) of the equipment.
Table L.6.7.8 Values of the Probability (PU P ) as a Function of the Resistance of the Cable Shield and the Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage Level (Uw) of the Equipment

Withstand Voltage U (kV)

Line Type Routing, Shielding, and Bonding Conditions
1 1.5 2.5 4 6
Power lines or telecom lines Aerial or buried line, unshielded, or shielded, whose shield is not bonded to the same bonding bar as equipment 1 1 1 1 1
5 Ω/km < R < 20 Ω/km 1 1 0.95 0.9 0.8
Shielded aerial or buried line whose shield is bonded to the same bonding bar as equipment 1 Ω/km < R < 5 Ω/km 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1
R ≤ 1 Ω/km 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.04 0.02

(1) R is the resistance of the cable shield, which can be obtained from the cable manufacturer.
(2) In suburban/urban areas, an LV power line uses typically unshielded buried cable, whereas a telecommunication line uses a buried shielded cable with a shield resistance of 5 Ω/km. In rural areas, an LV power line uses an
unshielded aerial cable, whereas a telecommunication line uses an aerial unshielded cable. An HV buried power line typically uses a shielded cable with a shield resistance in the order of 1 Ω/km to 5 Ω/km.
(3) Values for U can be obtained from manufacturers and equipment suppliers. If the actual values are not readily available from other sources, the following typical values can be utilized:
(a) For structures containing computer equipment: U = 1.5 kV
(b) For a typical residential structure: U = 2.5 kV
(c) For a typical business, hotel, hospital, etc., structure: U = 2.5 kV
(d) For a typical light industrial structure: U = 4.0 kV
(e) For a typical heavy industrial structure: U = 6.0 kV
(f) Default value: U = 1.5 kV
Table L.6.7.9 provides values of probability P of failure of internal systems due to a strike near a service to a structure. P is a function of the resistance of the cable shield and the impulse rated impulse withstand voltage
level (U ) of the equipment.
Table L.6.7.9 Values of the Probability (PZ P ) as a Function of the Resistance of the Cable Shield and the Impulse Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage Level (Uw U ) of the Equipment
Z w

Withstand Voltage U (kV)

Line Type 1 1.5 2.5 4 6
Power lines 1 0.6 0.3 0.16 0.1
Telecom lines 1 0.5 0.2 0.08 0.04

Note: Values for U can be obtained from manufacturers and equipment suppliers. If the actual values are not readily available from other sources the following typical values can be utilized:
For structures containing computer equipment: U = 1.5 kV
For a typical residential structure: U = 2.5 kV
For a typical business, hotel, hospital, etc., structure: U = 2.5 kV
For a typical light industrial structure: U = 4.0 kV
For a typical heavy industrial structure: U = 6.0 kV
Default value: U = 1.5 kV

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To make it clear that the withstand voltage discussed is the rated impulse withstand voltage level of wiring and equipment.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 239-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 3.3.42] definition
Public Input No. 240-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. L.] similar change
Public Input No. 241-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections L., L., L., L.] similar change
Public Input No. 243-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. L.6.8]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of the NFPA 780 Risk Assessment Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jul 04 12:58:28 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-111-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises the text to introduce the shortened term “withstand voltage” for “impulse withstand voltage level” and to clarify that the hardware discussed in the description of Uw in the equation for KS4 is the individual
components in the system under consideration.

The TC updates the text in Annex L to be in accordance with the latest IEC document.

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Public Input No. 243-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. L.6.8 ]

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Figure L.6.8 provides a worksheet for detailed risk assessment.

Figure L.6.8 Detailed Assessment Worksheet.
Revise K in Failure of Internal Systems Due to a Direct Strike - P to change "withstand voltage" to "rated impulse withstand voltage level." level."
S4 M

Figure L.6.8 Continued

Figure L.6.8 Continued

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Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To make it clear that the withstand voltage discussed is the rated impulse withstand voltage level of wiring and equipment.

Related Public Inputs for This Document

Related Input Relationship

Public Input No. 239-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. 3.3.42] definition
Public Input No. 240-NFPA 780-2014 [Section No. L.] similar change
Public Input No. 241-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections L., L., L., L.] similar change
Public Input No. 242-NFPA 780-2014 [Sections L.6.7.8, L.6.7.9] similar change

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of the NFPA 780 Risk Assessment Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Fri Jul 04 13:10:27 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: The committee notes it is not necessary to make the change given the usage of the term throughout the annex.

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Public Input No. 205-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. M.2.6 ]

If caught in a lightning storm with no shelter available, the following recommendations should be observed:

(1) Seek depressed areas — avoid mountaintops, hilltops,


(1) peaks, ridges, and other high places.

(2) Seek dense woods — avoid isolated trees.
(3) If caught in an exposed area, crouch as low as possible, kneel on the ground, keeping feet together. Put your hands on your thighs. Do not place your hands on the ground. To minimize risk of direct strike, it is necessary
to keep as low as possible.
(4) To minimize risk of step potential hazards, it is necessary to minimize the area of the body in contact with the ground. Do not lie flat. If you have a foam pad, air matress, or backpack kneel or sit on it

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Changes made to agree with latest recommendations of NOAA pamphlet Lightning Risk Management for Backcountry Campers and Hikers

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Stephen Humeniuk

Organization: Warren Lightning Rod Company
Affilliation: Made after review recommended by the staff liason
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jun 30 12:02:56 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-24-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC revises the text to agree with the latest recommendations of NOAA pamphlet Lightning Risk Management for Backcountry Campers and Hikers.

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Public Input No. 219-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after O.1.2.4 ]


Type your content here ...
Add reference to DA PAM 385-64 in Annex O.1.2.4 as follows:
DA PAM 385-64, Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, 24 May 2011

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Proposal for revision of 7.1 through 7.3 cites requirements from this document so reference to it must be added to O.1.2.4.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mitchell Guthrie

Organization: Engineering Consultant
Affilliation: Submitted on behalf of NFPA 780 Chapter 7 Task Group
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jul 02 14:37:14 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-128-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds PAM 385-64 to O.1.2.4 as the document is referenced in Chapter 7. See FR-127.

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Public Input No. 238-NFPA 780-2014 [ Section No. O.2.1 ]

O.2.1 IEC Publications.

International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varembé, P.O. Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.
IEC 61400-24, Wind Turbines — Part 24: Lightning Protection, 2010.
IEC 61643-11, Low-Voltage Surge Protective Devices — Part 11: Surge Protective Devices Connected to Low-Voltage Power Distribution Systems — Requirements and Test Methods, 2011.
IEC 61643-12, Low-Voltage Surge Protective Devices — Part 12: Surge Protective Devices Connected to Low-Voltage Power Distribution Systems — Selection and Application Principles, 2008.
IEC 61643-21, Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices — Part 21: Surge Protective Devices Connected to Telecommunications and Signalling Networks — Performance Requirements and Testing Methods, Edition 1.1, 2009.
IEC 61643-22, Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices — Part 22: Surge Protective Devices Connected to Telecommunications and Signalling Networks — Selection and Application Principles, 2004.
IEC 61643-31, Low voltage surge protective devices for D.C. specific application - Part 31: Surge Protective Devices connected to the D.C. side of photovoltaic installations - Requirements and test methods, Committee Draft
IEC 61643-32, Low voltage surge protective devices for D.C. specific application - Part 32: Selection and application principles - SPDs connected to photovoltaic installations, Committee Draft 37A/xxx/CD, 2014
IEC 62305-1, Protection Against Lightning — Part 1: General Principles, Edition 2, 2010.
IEC 62305-4, Protection Against Lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures, Edition 3, Committee Draft 81/456/CD, 2014
IEC/ TS 62561-8, Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) - Part 8: Requirements for components for isolated LPS, Committee Draft 81/457/CD, 2014
EN50539-11, Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 11: Requirements and tests for SPDs in photovoltaic applications, Edition x, 201x
EN50539-12 , Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 12: Selection and application principles for SPDs in photovoltagic applications, Edition x, 201x

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Updated references from new annex from the Solar Task Group

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Caie

Organization: ERICO, Inc.
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jul 03 23:45:13 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-122-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC locates IEC 61643-31, 61643-32 and 62561-8 to O.1.2.3 to comply with the Manual of Style, Paragraph

The TC relocates IEC 62305-1 and 61643-11 to O.1.2.3 to comply with the Manual of Style, Paragraph

See FR-124.

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Public Input No. 231-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after O.3 ]

Annex O – Guide to International standards dealing with the selection of SPDs for use on Photovoltaic (PV) installations
O.1 Scope. The purpose of this annex is to provide the installer with a reference to other international standards which deal with the protection of photovoltaic installations from the effects of lightning.
O.2 Referenced standards are as follows:
EN 50539 Low-voltage surge protective devices: Surge protective devices for specific applications including d.c.
- Part 11 (Published): Requirements and tests for SPDs in photovoltaic applications
- Part 12 (Published): Selection and application principles for SPDs in photovoltaic applications
IEC 61643: Low voltage surge protective devices for D.C. specific application
- Part 31 (Draft): Surge Protective Devices connected to the D.C. side of photovoltaic installations - Requirements and test methods
- part 32 (Draft): Selection and application principles - SPDs connected to photovoltaic installations
IEC 62305-4 Ed. 3: Protection against lightning
- Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures
O.3 Current Sharing considerations. IEC 62305-4 Annex G provides informative information concerning the current sharing which is likely between the lightning protection conductors and the PV output
circuit cabling, during a lightning event. For this analysis, it considers two cases:
i) where the separation distance(s) cannot be maintained between the lightning protection system and the photovoltaic modules, and thus equipotential bonding must be applied, and
ii) where the separation distance(s) can be maintained and no bonding between the lightning protection system and the photovoltaic system is required
Depending on each case, the current sharing of the lightning current to ground is divided between the lightning protection system and the PV output circuit cabling. This in turn effects the selection (class and
ratings) of SPDs which will be installed on the photovoltaic system. For example, if the separation distance between the strike termination devices and the photovoltaic modules cannot be maintained for the
specific Lightning Protection Level (LPL) being designed to, then the strike termination devices must be bonded to the photovoltaic module supporting rack. This then implies that the PV output circuit, will also
act to carry a portion of the lightning current to ground. In its simplest form, the current sharing can be considered as
I=I /n,
I is the peak lightning discharge current
n is the number of parallel paths to ground
In the example above (where bonding is required) n is taken to be equal to the number of downconductors 1, since the PV output circuit is considered as also being a path to ground. This is a simplistic model
but does serve to illustrate that the photovoltaic system can become involved in the conveyance of lightning current to ground. This implication then also follows through to the selection of the surge
protective devices (SPDs) which will be installed on the PV output circuit. In the example above, where the strike termination devices are bonded to the module racks, the PV output circuit will also convey a
portion of the lightning current to ground.
Figure O.3 provides a visual depiction of the current sharing concept between the lightning protection and photovoltaic systems and how this impacts on the various SPDs installed.
(insert figure here)
Z …ZL = Impedance of the external LPS down conductor(s)
L1 L2
Z = Impedance of the equipotential bonding conductor
GB = equipotential bonding bar
Z …Z = Impedance of the d.c. power conductors interconnecting panel and inverter
1 2
I …I = current sharing in each mode on PV SPDs (1, 2)
1 2
I …I = current in each mode of AC SPDs (4….7)
4 7
Figure O.1 – Depiction of a roof level PV installation showing typical lightning current distribution amongst current carrying conductors and SPDs. Note: Percentage values of current sharing are illustrative
only and not absolute. (Source: modified from IEC62305-4 Edition 3 81/456/CD)
O.4 Application of Surge Protective Device test classes. IEC requires that an surge protective device (SPD) intended to be installed on a system where direct or partial conducted lightning currents can
be expected, must be tested to test class I (per IEC 61643-11). Test class I requires the SPD be tested using a 10/350 waveshape. On the other hand, if the SPD is intended to be installed where it will only
experience induced effects of lightning, then it should be tested to class II test which requires using an 8/20 waveshape.
From this, it follows that surge protective devices intended for use on photovoltaic systems where the separation distance to the lightning protection system cannot be maintained, should be tested to class I
(designated by a T1), while if the separation distance is maintained, then a class II SPDs (designated by T2) is considered adequate.
The 10/350 waveshape, used in the IEC standard, for testing Class I SPDs is not referenced in NFPA780 or other US ANSI standards, and so for the purposes of this standard, it is suggested that SPDs with
proportionately higher I ratings, using the 8/20 μs waveshape, be used in lieu of the IEC class I SPD where bonding between the lightning protection system and the photovoltaic system is required.
The IEC 62305-4 standard also provides tables (Table G1 and G2) where the I and I ratings of these surge protective devices are provided depending on the number of lightning protection downconductors
imp n
O.5 Isolated lightning protection components. The IEC/ TS 62561-8 technical report on Isolated Lightning Protection System components provides information on the means of reducing the separation
distance through the use of isolated lightning protection components on PV installations.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Figure1_redrawn.pdf To be inserted as figure O.1 as referenced in text

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

To support the updated Chapter 12 proposal from the Solar Task Group

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Caie

Organization: ERICO, Inc.
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Thu Jul 03 00:51:33 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-121-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC adds a new Annex K to support the updated Chapter 12 to provided guidance on the selection of SPDs for photovoltaic solar applications. The TC edits the text for clarity. In the figure, change "equalisation" to

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Lightning relabel as "LPS Air
attachment to LPS Termination



Relabel as "Roof-
level Equalisation

PV SPD 2 blocks

DC-AC Inverter


Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body, Not Italic,

Check spelling and grammar
Grounding system
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Public Input No. 287-NFPA 780-2014 [ New Section after O.3 ]


Propose New Annex 'Protection of Smart Structures'

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Smart_Structure_Annex_Draft.docx Protection of Smart Structures

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

Provides new requirements for the protection of category of structures not presently addressed by NFPA 780. This submission is on behalf of the Smart Structures Task Group.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: John Tobias

Organization: US Department of the Army
Affilliation: US Department of the Army/Smart Structures Task Group of NFPA 780 Committee
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Mon Jul 07 18:25:59 EDT 2014

Committee Statement

Resolution: FR-117-NFPA 780-2014

Statement: The TC provides new annex material to provide guidance on smart structures.

The TC locates the text as Annex J.

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Annex Protection of Smart Structures 

X.1 Definitions.   

A smart structure is a structure that has a high degree of interconnected automatic systems for lighting, 
temperature control, multi‐media systems, telecommunications, security, window and door operations, 
and other functions. 

X.2 Introduction.   

This annex provides advice for the protection of smart structure equipment.  Additional measures are 
suggested for enhanced protection of smart structure equipment under lightning conditions.  While the 
principles and methods in this standard provide adequate protection for structures subject to direct 
lighting and indirect surge effects, the nature of equipment in smart structures makes them more 
vulnerable.  Due to the high degree of interconnection, particularly on data wiring, there are many more 
ways for surges to get inducted to the most sensitive parts of the equipment.  

X.3 Description.  

Smart structures are characterized by a high degree of automation and interconnected systems.  These 
interconnected systems are often widely distributed throughout the structure, or between adjacent 
structures.  Typically these systems have a large amount of control wiring and interfaces/apertures 
between equipment items and structures.     

X.4 Characteristics.   

A characteristic of smart structures is the presence of sensitive electronics.  These electronics, often 
consisting of computers, alarm systems, transducers, programmable logic controllers, (PLCs) audio‐
visual and other equipment need enhanced protection against the effects of lightning.   Two primary 
techniques for enhanced protection are described in this annex, equipotential grounding and surge 

X.5 Coordination of Trades. 

In smart structures, it is essential to coordinate the efforts of the trades to ensure comprehensive 
protection.  Ideally a prime contractor, architect, designed, engineer, etc., will plan for and oversee the 
installation of the electrical services, alarm systems, and other services to ensure the best installation 
practices described in this annex are followed.  One of the most common problems in smart structures is 
the lack of equipotential grounding arising from piecemeal, or sequential, uncoordinated installations of 
the electric service, telecommunications and other electronics used in smart structures.  Otherwise, an 
installer of electronic equipment must consider and coordinate with other installers and the placement 
of the electrical service for maximum protection. 

X.6 Lightning Protection Zones 

A lightning protection zone (LPZ) is an area or zone with a defined electromagnetic environment. For 
example, LPZ 0 represents the external lightning threat environment.  It is subdivided into LPZ 0A, which 
is the electromagnetic environment defined by the treat of a direct lightning strike (full or partial 
lightning surge current) and a non‐attenuated lightning electromagnetic field (LEMP), and LPZ 0B, which 
is subjected to the same electromagnetic environment but not subject to direct strikes.  Equipment 
located in an LPZ 0B environment could be subjected to partial lightning surge currents. 

Zones interior to the structure are characterized by exposure to surge current levels limited by current 
sharing, isolating interfaces and/or by SPDs at the boundary of the zone.  The walls of the structure will 
likely attenuate the lightning electromagnetic field; the amount of which will be dependent on the 
actual construction techniques. The initial lightning protection zone in a structure is indicated as LPZ 1 
and the specific environment required for the zone is dictated by the characteristics of the internal 
electrical equipment (where the LEMP severity is compatible with the withstand level of the internal 
systems enclosed).  Where there is electrical equipment with greater sensitivity to the LEMP 
environment defined for LPZ 1, successive zones may be established.  The boundary of an LPZ is defined 
by the protection measures employed.  Figure X.6 provides the general application of the zone concept 
and identifies an application with 2 internal zones.  Subsequent zones reflect the need for greater 
limitations of surge current which can be implemented through additional current sharing, isolating 
interfaces and/or and by additional SPDs at the boundary. Additional spatial shielding may be used to 
further attenuate the lightning electromagnetic field. 

Direct bond or SPD 

Figure X.6 ‐ Concept of Lightning Protection Zones (based on IEC 62305‐4, Edition 2) 

X.6 Installation Types.  

Typically, in smart structures, there are two general types of installations.  These consist of equipment 
rooms and distributed equipment.  Equipment rooms house computers/servers, PLCs, alarm controls, 
telecommunications equipment and similar equipment.  Distributed equipment typically consists of 
remotely actuated controllers, relays, switches with motor or lighting equipment, sensors, cameras, 
other computers and controller inputs among other types of equipment.  These installations correspond 
to LPZ 1 and/or 2. 

X.6.1 Equipment Rooms. 

It is essential to apply the lightning protection zone concept to the equipment rooms.  A key feature for 
the protection of equipment rooms is equipotential bonding.   

X.6.1.1 Equipotential Grounding. 

Equipotential grounding techniques serve the purpose of keeping all of the grounds at the same voltage 
to prevent damaging currents flowing into, or through the equipment.  This section discusses techniques 
to establish effective grounding and equipotential for these installations. 

X. Principal Grounding Bus/Master Grounding Bar. 

 A grounding bus located near but external to the ac entrance switchgear or main panel. It serves as the 
central connection point for all main grounding conductors and earth grounding electrodes.   It is 
essential to connect all of the grounded media at a single point to avoid current flow back into or 
through equipment. 

X. Sequencing of grounding conductors on the ground bus is a technique to minimize the 
presentation of voltages to downstream equipment.  

Figure X. Master Grounding Bar Note that the surge absorbers are interposed between likely 
surge producers and the IGZ grounding connections.  

X. Isolated Ground Zone. (IGZ) 

Interconnected grounding provisions of equipment that is intentionally grounded by making only one 
connection to a given ground reference, a single‐point ground. This zone, taken as a conductive unit 
with all of its metallic surfaces and grounding wires bonded together, has no contact with any other 
grounded metalwork in the building.  Care to avoid incidental/unintentional metallic contact is advised. 
During external fault occurrences in the ac or de power systems and when lightning current flows in the 
building, none of these currents can flow in the isolated ground plane because of the single‐point 
connection.  One can envision a LPZ 2 or higher, with a single entry point for all services.  Figure X. 
illustrates the IGZ. 


X.6.1.2 Ground Window.  

The ground window is a transition zone which is the interface between a structures grounding system 
and a given isolated ground plane. It is the opening (similar to a window) where all AC and DC grounding 
conductors (including metallic raceways) serving an isolated ground zone make their (only) connection 
or transition to the building grounding system.  Bonds or connections through the ground window need 
to be in close proximity, within 3 ft. is recommended.  A useful example of the ground window is the 
previously described master grounding bar.  This serves as the ‘ground window’ for the structure to the 
external utilities, where all of the grounded media in a building comes to a single point and is referenced 
at that point to earth ground.   

X. 6.1.3 Signal and Power Entry. 

Similarly, signal and power entries should enter and exist a structure or an IGZ at a single point, in close 
proximity to the ground window.  Often, this is termed the power entry panel (PEP) or signal entry panel 
(SEP) as appropriate.  Employing PEP and SEP in close proximity to the ground window and master 
grounding bar provides several advantages. This technique is conducive to placement of SPDs and 
minimized grounding conductor length to the master grounding bus.  It makes it easier to implement 
equipotential grounding and reduced the possibility of unintentional ground paths or other ‘sneak 
circuits’ to ground.  

X.6.2 Distributed Equipment. 

Distributed equipment places heavy reliance on surge protection devices. (SPDs) Section 4.20 describes 
SPD arrangements for lightning protection.  Additional emphasis on supplementary SPDs in addition to 
entry/exit SPDs on smart structures.  For example,    Surge protection devices (SPDs) are needed on 
conductors penetrating an IGZ.  However, once a conductor leaves the IGZ and/or a structure additional 
surge protection is needed, especially sensitive equipment that is placed at a considerable distance from 
an IGZ.  Distributed equipment are also installed in a LPZ rated higher than LPZ 0. 

X.6.2.1 Surge Propagation. 

Surges, or transients, induced in a service (power or signal) is bidirectional, meaning it can propagate 
both back to the origination of the service and to the location of the distributed equipment.  A common 
error is to provide SPDs only at the origin of the service but not at the distributed equipment.  The most 
common types of distributed equipment affected are cameras, gate motors and pumps.  In these 
installations, which are typically installed at locations remote to a structure, have both power and signal 
services. It is necessary to provide common (equipotential) ground at or close to the point of utilization.  
Both services need appropriately rated SPDs at the point of utilization.   

X.6.2.2 SPDs on Distributed Equipment Within Structures. 

Often, distributed equipment within a structure but outside of an IGZ needs SPDs.  The primary, or 
entry, SPD cannot be relied upon for complete protection due to the sensitivity of some equipment.  
Typically this equipment includes control interfaces (touchpads) motor controllers and cameras.  
Because this equipment is sensitive to voltages lower than the Voltage Protection Rating (VPR) of the 
primary SPD, and possibly that of a supplementary SPD at a service subpanel, additional SPDs may be 
needed at the point‐of‐use to protect sensitive equipment.  However, coordination of the SPDs needs 

X.6.3 SPD Coordination. 

Where sequential SPDs are applied to circuits, coordination of the SPDs is necessary.  Often, 
supplementary SPDs will function at a lower voltage than a primary SPD.  Since the secondary SPD will 
operate first upon exposure to a lower voltage, it must contain some method to limit the amount of 
current flowing on the internal building cable conductors within the structure, between the primary SPD 
and the equipment.  

The objective of the secondary protector should be to transition the surge – whether it is a lightning or 
power surge event – from the secondary to the primary SPD, which is much more robust than the 
secondary protector. Equipment that has been designed to “withstand” the over‐voltage end‐of‐life 
characteristics of a primary SPD will provide more reliable service overall. 

For example, the telephone company employs a primary SPD on signal conductors, which is generally 
placed at or near the entrance of the structure served.  A primary SPD, usually meeting UL 497 
requirements is used if the telephone facility (cable) is exposed to possible contact with 300 volts are 
greater. The nominal “operating voltage” (the voltage when the SPD activates) is from 265 ‐ 350 volts‐
rms for a 100 volt/second rise time for a gas discharge tube (GDT). Impulse response (nearby induced 
lightning) ranges from 500 – 700 volts for a 100 volt/microsecond rise time surge. Solid‐state devices 
(typically thyristors) have essentially the same operating response voltage for both fast and slow 
waveforms. However GDTs are generally used at customer locations due substantially better reliability 
versus the solid‐state protector in lightning prone areas, such as the southeastern United States. 

The secondary SPD is generally an integral component of the customer’s equipment (telephone set, PBX 
and data equipment, etc.) and is designed to operate at a substantially lower voltage than the primary 
SPD. Since the secondary SPD will operate first, it must contain some method to limit the amount of 
current flowing on the internal building cable conductors within the structure, between the primary SPD 
and the equipment. Limiting the current will minimize the possibility of fire due to fusing of the internal 
cable conductors and/or uncontrolled component failure resulting in a fire within the customer 
equipment when the secondary protector operates – especially with a contact with power lines (power 

The components used to help make the transition from the secondary to the primary protector can also 
introduce transmission impairments on the telecom circuit. Series resistance effectively lengthens the 
cable facility; lumped inductances can induce increased roll‐off at the higher frequencies reducing 
bandwidth; lumped capacitance to ground results in high frequency roll‐off. Each of these issues can 
significantly affect insertion loss, return loss and balance (common mode).  As required in Section 4.20, 
the SPDs must meet the characteristics of the protected line, particularly for signal conductors. 

X.7 Grounding. 

Grounding methods are discussed in section 4.13.  For smart structures, robust grounding, in excess of 
minimum requirements is advised, particularly in areas of poor soil resistivity, as discussed in 4.13.8. 

X.8 Overall Smart Structure System. 

The overall concept of protection for a smart structure is essentially a concentric protection concept 
illustrated by the successive LPZ in figure X.6.   It includes equipotential grounding at a single point for 
structures the master ground bar.  Equipotential bonding requirements should also be coordinated with 
the requirements of sections 4.14 – 4.16.  The master ground bar constitutes the ground window for the 
structure to external services. 

Similarly, one or more IGZs can exist within the structure, each with a single‐point grounding bar and 
ground window to the rest of the structure, implemented at the master ground bar.  Through this 
ground window, the MGB is connected to a robust earth electrode system.  IGZs should be used for 
equipment rooms housing sensitive equipment.  Coordinated SPDs protect all boundaries of the IGZs, 
the structure and distributed equipment.  Distributed equipment must have common equipotential 
grounding in close proximity also, to limit induced voltage differences that could cause damage.   A 
representative system is illustrated in figure X.8. 

The best way to protect the smart structure equipment is to consider protection in the design and to 
have an overall plan and specification for the installation based on the recommendations of this annex 
and the other requirements of the NFPA 780.  Close coordination of the various trades is needed to 
ensure meeting these requirements. 

Figure X.8 Representational Diagram, Overall Power / Signal Grounding System (SPDs omitted.) 

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