Deliverables Tracker 11-Jul-19 O&M O2C Round 2 Final Updates
Deliverables Tracker 11-Jul-19 O&M O2C Round 2 Final Updates
Deliverables Tracker 11-Jul-19 O&M O2C Round 2 Final Updates
Final Sign-Of
Lead Name Stream Lead Type Cluster Document
AbdlKarim Ferroujd Other IT Americana TA70
Ahmed Adel Other IT Americana TA70
Eslam Mahsoub Other IT Americana CV010
Osama Ibrahim Other IT M&B CV010
Mohamed Taha Other IT ICAPP CV010
Mamdouh Farag Other IT FF CV010
Tamer Youssef Other IT Americana CV010
Ahmed El Tabei Other IT Americana CV010
Walid El Zamarany
Abdel Rahman Ellabad Other IT Senyorita CV010
Final Sign-Of
Version Received DatFinal Review Date Sign-Of
Final 2-Jul-19 9-Jul-19 Yes
Final 2-Jul-19 9-Jul-19 Yes
Final 8-Jul-19 9-Jul-19 Yes
Final 8-Jul-19 9-Jul-19 Yes
Final 8-Jul-19 9-Jul-19 Yes
Final 8-Jul-19 9-Jul-19 Comments
Final 8-Jul-19 9-Jul-19 Comments
Final 8-Jul-19 9-Jul-19 No
JIRA is mentoned in the future process as workflow engine why HRSSA and AME is not considered
Most of processes are generic/standard and not reflect the GAP analysis
e.g. In Deprecaton process , normally business users print a set of control reports before run deprecaton with close,
which is not mentoned in the process
Assumpton Secton #1 : Did we reach final agreement that a single global chart of Accounts Structure will be
implemented for all the clusters or we will have unified segment at consolidaton level and each cluster could maintain a
separate segment for its unique need.
Process flow and Narratve Descripton : it’s not clear if the process is automated or manual Ex: (Request New Asset
Additon, New Bank Account Creation Request, FA Standing Data change request,..)
Process Narratve Descripton: better to include Frequency column (Monthly, Daily, ..etc)
Process 9.4.1 & 9.4.2 , 9.4.4 & 9.4.5 have duplicated descripton
For month closing I recommend to use Microsoft planner instead of Jira to be integrated and synchronized with
Americana mails notficatons
Auto manage one source of Currency Conversion rate
Translated currencies / Ledgers need to be cleared in separate footprint
Need to show the list of all Organizaton structure in one Picture (BGs , Ledgers, OUs)
CVR and Data Access Set are missing
Internal Control Standards Missing (e.g:best practce for approval cycle, journal Entry…etc)
9.7.2 Manage Bank Accounts :This process involves creation of Bank, Bank Branches and New Internal Bank
accounts. Also, maintenance of existing bank account details performed by Treasury team .
Comments: Manage Bank Account This process involves creation of Bank, Bank Branches and New Internal Bank
accounts. Also, maintenance of existing bank account details performed by central Finance team ( SSC /corporate team )
For Journal Approval, HR Positon hierarchy is not applicable. Should follow separate hierarchy.
Fixed Assets Process is missing in Process View Level 0 and Level 1 Process Areas Diagram. –Page 10
The process view diagram showing GL->AP->AR-> etc. But it should be other way Subledger to GL ., AP->GL AR->GL etc.
Process Flow 9.7.1 Manage Cash Management policies and procedures needs to be amended . The flow is not correct.
Process flow header shows 9.4.2: Establish Fixed Asset Policies and Procedures but the actual flow is for Maintain FA
Standard Data-Page 31
9.1.1: Perform Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting
Input data should be based on historical data.
Comments: There will be contradiction with the ZBB approach that is requestrd by HQ to prepare the budget
9.3.2: Process Journal Entries
Journal entries will be reviewed by Finance team and posted. For subledger entries and approved entries auto posting
can be defined if required
Comments:All transactions should be approved before posting by the Accounting manger
cease the practce of passing manual journals in clearing accounts directly from GL module; instead, transactons should
be accurately and tmely captured in the sub-ledger modules, diligent reconciliatons should be performed on a
consistent basis.<<Is this standard in Oracle? If so, we need this to be included
The Third-Party Control Account ‘Segment qualifier’ configuraton should be enabled for all the control accounts to
avoid any manual journal vouchers being posted to those accounts.<<Is this standard in Oracle? If so, we need this to be
implementaton of the updated Landed Cost Management module in Oracle ERP, to fully realize the benefits from a
unified supply chain system, in terms of process efficiency, better modular integraton, transparency in costng, and
postng of such costs from Sub-Ledger to General Ledger without manual interventon. <<Is this standard in Oracle? If
so, we need this to be included
Implement and utlize Oracle Cash Management capabilites to the fullest extent possible for direct processing of cash
and banking related transactons such as bank charges and transfers, which will minimize reconciliaton differences
between sub-ledger and GL balances. <<Is this standard in Oracle? If so, we need this to be included
HR Applicaton and its integraton with Oracle, geared towards business process automaton <<Is this standard in
Oracle? If so, we need this to be included
Raised By Status
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
T.Youssef Closed
T.Youssef Closed
T.Youssef Closed
T.Youssef Closed
T.Youssef Closed
T.Youssef Closed
T.Youssef Closed
O.Ibrahim Closed
O.Ibrahim Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
H.Kamal Closed
H.Kamal Closed
H.Kamal Closed
H.Kamal Closed
H.Kamal Closed
H.Kamal Closed
S.Pirzada Open
S.Pirzada Open
S.Pirzada Open
S.Pirzada Open
S.Pirzada Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
M.Farag Open
M.Farag Open
M.Farag Open
M.Farag Open
M.Sobhy Open
M.Sobhy Open
M.Sobhy Open
M.Sobhy Open
M.Sobhy Open
M.Sobhy Open
M.Sobhy Open
M.Sobhy Open
IBM Feedback
A workflow driven applicaton with approval opton has been suggested to track closing
checklist actvites and for any other Business requests for asset transacton or Master data
changes. As per our previous experience JIRA also serves the purpose. We have mentoned
JIRA as an example. Americana can always explore other similar products and choose as per
Americana business policy.
We can not use AME for all these as AME engine mainly used for certain transacton types
for which Oracle already provided an integtaion with other module transactons (e.g. AP
invoice Approval, AGIS transacton, Journal Approval, PO/Req approval etc.)
Updated the Journal processing process map (9.3.2) to separately indicate secondary ledger
postng. Processing of secondary ledger journals and postng will be indicated in detail under
level 4 -5 process flow for each Business entty separately during implementaton.
Added process narratve for each subprocess of period closing. Detail closing check list and
processes will be part of Level 4 & 5 process map for specific Business enttes.
As mentoned in Approach secton we have followed the standard APQC as the baseline for
desiging and mapping Americana processes. 9.2 is Revenue Accountng as per APQC model.
This will be part of O2C Business Process.
We have both Generic and R2R assumptons mentoned under Overview > Assumptons
Could you please elaborate what details are you expectng as part of capabilites?
Level 3 processes are recommended flows common to all the clusters in general along with
high level allignment of cluster specific unique processes discussed and identfied during
workshop. The unique processes captured during workshop have been marked as separate
notes under each level 3 process. More detail Business entty specific processes will be part
of Level 4 & 5 process flow.
We have updated the process flow to include the Control report printng process before final
depreciaton run.
PO Accrual Reconciliaton and Write Off is part of P2P stream.
As per Design Authority it was agreed that a single unified global chart of Accounts Structure
will be implemented for all the clusters.
Process design is based on this assumpton. Any changes to this and any impact on Business
process due to this should be taken care during implementaton process for each Business
In scenarios where standard Oracle does not provide any workflow approval driven process
its recommende to use a 3rd party applicaton which can be used for this purpose. So the
change request creaton (e.g. FA, COA Standing data change, Asset disposal or transfer
request etc..), notficaton and approval process will be driven by the 3rd party applicaton.
Once the change request is approved/accepted respectve User will perform the operaton in
ERP system as per roles and responsibilites assigned in allignment with Americana internal
control policies. Whenerver its an automated process (e.g. Asset additon with AP
integraton etc..), it will be processed automatcally in the ERP system. System operaton
level steps and details will be part of Level 4 & 5 business process flow.
The frequency of certain business processes are different for clusters and for business
enttes as identfied during workshop. For example…Bank reconciliaton, Cash forecast and
cash positon generaton are done at different frequency by different business entty. Apart
from month end closing reconciliaton other reconciliaton and process, frequency to be
decided as part of Americana Business policies. Details will be part of Business entty specific
implementaton Level4 & 5 process flow.
Updated descripton for 9.4.2 and 9.4.5 accordingly in the document
As per process 9.1.1 full Budget preparaton and integraton process will be done in Hyperion
EPM (Enterprise Planning and Budgetng) on cloud. Forecast, multple version of budget,
budget drivers etc…all will be considered and documented as part of EPM implementaton
project. Here it is captured at high level and mainly concentrated on ERP implementaton
Consolidaton and Eliminaton process would be part of ERP Period closing process. Updated
process flow to explicitely depict those processes. Period end reconciliatons will be part of
Review and reconcile accounts process. Details related to reconciliaton for specific Business
Entty will be part of detail level 4 & 5 process flow. As part of DA decision a set of standard
and custom reports will be used for reconciliaton across clusters.
A workflow driven applicaton with approval opton has been suggested to track closing
checklist actvites and for any other Business requests for asset transacton or Master data
changes. As per our previous experience JIRA also serves the purpose. We have mentoned
JIRA as an example. Americana can always explore other similar products and choose as per
Americana business policy.
Based on the workshop discussion it was found that all the cuslters does allocaton of
Expenses and Cost (variance) at various levels. Oracle standard mass allocaton can be used
mostly for simple allocatons, but also we need to have different drivers for the allocaton to
be recorded as statritcal journals. Also multple level of parent child hierarchy to be
maintained to get specific level of aggregated values.
Primarily its proposed to review the current custom allocaton process being used by GFI and
leverage it to design a global allocaton soluton which can be used by all Americana clusters
instead of using excel for maintaining allocatons. With proper control and validatons this
process will be integrated with ERP system. (refer porcess 9.3.4)
Oracle standard functonality does not support transfer assets between corporate books.
Regarding automatc transfer of Asset details from Corporate to Tax book its mentoned
under process 9.4.8.
Regarding derivaton of accountng segments through SLA will be part of configuraton.
Bases on SLA configuraton Create accountng process will automatcally generate correct
accountng entries.
Generaton of AR invoices and receipts will be part of Asset Retrement "Process AR
Invoice/Receipts" actvity. Orcale does not support any automatc integraton for creaton on
AR invoices during asset retrement. Business line level process (automatc/manual) will be
in detail under level 4-5 process flow.
Oracle does not provide any approval process (or AME integraton) for asset transactons
(e.g. capitalizaton of CIP, Revaluaton, Asset transfer, Asset disposal etc.). A workflow driven
applicaton with approval opton has been suggested to track Business change requests for
asset transacton or Master data changes. This can be used for archieving suppotng
documents and audit purpose. In case of asset additon generally it starts with Purchase of
Assets request (Purchase Requisiton/PO). Proper approval process can be defined at that
level. Also Payables to Asset integraton can be used to automate the additon process. In
case of direct manual/WebADI integraton for additon 3rd party workflow applicaton can be
used for approval.
Currency conversion rate will be maintained centrally at corporate level and be used by all
cuslters. Its part of GL Standing data maintenance process 9.3.1.
Organizaton listng and Accountng Flexfield Structure are part of separate document
RD.010 already provided.
CVR, Security rules, Data access set will eb maintained centrally. Custom data access set
details will be part of Business line specific level 4 & 5 process flow as per Americana access
Translated currency ledgers (Reportng ledger) details will be part of detail Business entty
sepcific process flow at level 4 & 5. At high level its specified under Translate and Revalue
balances process.
Internal controls will be as per Americana Corporate policy. Regarding some of the best
practces like manual journal Approval, is already embaded in the Journal processing process
flow. All the Level 3 processes are based on industry best practce flows alligned with APQC
business model.
As part of high level Internal Control process 9.8, it is alreday provided the different steps to
establish internal control policies and approach to monitor and report on compliance.
Further details can be documented as part of Business line specific level 4 & 5 process flow.
Oracle ERP Subledger Accountng already provide preconfigured account mapping for all
subledger applicatons. Changes to any standard mapping for any scenarios (e.g. secondary
ledger accountng method etc.) will be documented in detail as part of configuraton
document & level 4/5 flow during implementaton process.
KPIs are of 3 types - operatonal, manegarial and regulatory. Operatonal and managarial KPIs
are based on type of business. Regulatory KPIs are largely dependent on localizaton
requirements. KPIs are generally configured using BI alanytcs for each business line
operatng at each geography. Separate BI applicaton should be used to configure and derive
various Management reportng and operatonal performance related KPIs which would
provide business details related to conformance with established benchmark policies and
procedures. This should be covered in detail as part of BI applicaton implementaton.
This process is proposed considering the fact that a unified chart of account will be used for
all clusters and mapping to Hyperion chart of accounts will be one to one. Any changes to
the process can be further reviewed and updated in the details business line specific process
flows during implementaton.
As part of current document process responsibilites are assigned to standard workstreams
as per industry standards at high level. Any changes to specific Americana business enttes
will be documented in detail during implementaton for specific business enttes. We have
updated the document with FPA Team as owner of finance performnace evaluaton.
It is proposed to perform cost allocaton in Oracle ERP system leveraging current custom
allocaton process used by GFI. A global customizaton foot print will be designed levelraging
this existng custom process to accomodate all Americana allocaton needs.
Maintenance of exchange rates (e.g. daily, period end, period avg, historical, budget etc.) will
be part of Maintain GL Standing Data process. It will be managed centrally at HQ by
Corporate Finance. Updated the process accordingly.
O2C BP80
R2R TA70
P2P RD10
MDM CV 010
O&M BP085
Not Started OpeCPG
In Progress ClosSenyorita
Serial Stream Lead Type Cluster Name Document Type Version Received Date
Demand Process is not clear, not reflect S&OP, need best practce process
Overall Planning processes are not clear and need to add details & sub-processes to reflect the functonal process
In planning processes we need to highlight the integraton within modules, ( MFG, Procurement, Inventory, Sales)
In Assumptons (Need to add Modules in Scope & Capabilites), and need to standardize format across other BP80 documents
In Assumptons, ASCP in separate instance , why? And if so what about integraton and Technical Architecture
MRP including (Sales Forecast and pipeline , Current Open Orders, Warehouse availability) should be integrated with manufact
The process of manufacturing for Ecc and some other company is Discreet Manufacturing and document is descript only proce
Quality should be implemented through all SC path startng from Item Receiving inspecton , FG inspecton after Manf. Proces
Not clear which processes are manual and which are automatc
Supplier quality and sampling specificaton are not linked with the system. (no info in process flow)
Capture producton date for RM/Semi FG/ Spare Parts/ FG in system. (no info in process flow)
Expiraton date consideraton from the date of originaton of items (like from receiving date/ from Producton date). Electronic
Tracking of spare parts KPIs( withdrawn of spare parts- Max and Min Level- Classificaton- Cost- Reorder point)
linking between Engineering , procurement, operaton,finance to facilitate Warehouse Level, Closed PRs, Cos tper ton, overtm
Creatng planned and unplanned constructon maintenance work orders including cost
How we will deal with operatonal cost (Material and resources ) which is not related to specific batch (cleaning , defrost,….)
2- Down tme planned and non-planned included reasons and cos
Activate automatic lot transfer to finished goods for the finished work order, finance approval, and warehou
Quality Control Cycle ( Manufacture, Inventory Transactions, Receiving).
Return to Supplier.
Maintenance integration with Production and inventory .
Automatic expiry data according to shelf life for all stock item both produces or trading
Integration Between Daily Production Planned Qty Request and Production Work Order .
QC Inspection
2 Personalizatons missing:
Batch numbering is related to route i.e 10000000 bulk batch old factory & 1100000 bulk batch new factory
20000000 pack batch old factory &2200000 pack batch new factory
Lot generaton is combinaton of vendor number and date of receiving
Raised By Status
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
E.Mahsoub Closed
T.Youssef Closed
T.Youssef Closed
T.Youssef Closed
T.Youssef Closed
T.Youssef Closed
T.Youssef Closed
M.Farag Closed
M.Farag Closed
M.Farag Open
M.Farag Closed
M.Damat Closed
M.Damat Open
M.Damat Closed
M.Aly Open
M.Aly Open
M.Aly Open
M.Aly Open
M.Aly Open
A.Nasr Open
A.Nasr Open
A.Nasr Open
A.Nasr Open
A.Nasr Open
A.Nasr Open
M.Farag Open
M.Farag Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
M.Farag Open
M.Farag Open
IBM Feedback
Generic Manufacturing processes (OPM & Discrete) are shown in BP080 as this
document is common to all Clusters. Cluster & business line specific processes will be
part of deployment of implementaton and roll outs. Subsequently discreton /
demarcaton of discrete and OPM will be defined as part of Level 4 and Level 5 process
for each business line withing each cluster.
Page 23 , In Process : 13.9 Produce Product : M Tech integeraton is shown in Additonal
Notes (Custom Integeraton)
On Page 18, it is shown in Process 4.1 "1Plan for and acquire necessary resource and
material (SCP)". See Narratve descripton.
We have shown generic Business Processes related to Batch and Producton Order
releases and Quality tests & records. This point looks like level 5 informaton which will
be recorded during Eleboraton phase in detail.
Please share the details of existng SCADA integraton. This point was not captured during
Need more detail to understand the functonality of SCADA . Not discussed in Workshop
These are generic Quality tests. OPM and Discrete Tests related informaton will be
mentoned during elaboraton phase.
Appropriate Decision has been taken in Design Authority call
We had written handheld device integeraton (generic term), Not specific Sales
applicaton but added 'M Sales' now on Page 23 , In Process : 13.9 Produce Product
We discussed about handheld applicatons which are integerated with AR and OM but
did not discuss about M Sales in partcular.Need to know more about M Sales with
current documentaton and integeraton.
Internal Control will be the part of Roles and Responsibility and SOD once elaboraton
phase is over and transiton phase is started
There are 3 types of KPIs- Managerial / Operatonal and Regulatory.These KPIs will be
monitored and tracked as a part of Oracle Seeded Reports / Dashboards and Custom
Frequency of actvites defined in business processes could be different for each cluster.
This is common document for all clusters. So frequency of each actvity will be added in
cluster specific document.
Marking of Manual and Automatc processes / actvtes is quite difficult at this stage
because this is Level 3 document which is common across clusters. Some actvites might
be manual in one cluster but automatc in another. This demarcaton will be done in next
phase during elaboraton phase where documents will be more specific to each cluster.
This is set up level informaton (configuraton of DFF) that too specific to one cluster. This
will be taken care of during implementaton and roll out phase.
This is custom component requirement to generate notficatons based on expiry date.
This will be taken care of during implementaton and roll out phase.
We have put more descripton for the same.
Need more informaton on existng business processes. Not discussed during Workshop.
Inventory Planning tools (Min Max / Re Order Point and Kanban) are explained in BP 080
This is set up level informaton (configuraton of DFF) . This will be taken care of during
implementaton and roll out phase.
This is custom report requirements.This will be taken care of during implementaton and
roll out phase.
Buildings will be defined as Fixed Asset in system so Std maintenance WO features will
Generic Process flows are created which are valid for all clusters. This is cluster specific
requirement which will be discussed and taken care of during implementaton and roll
out phases.
This will be part of Average Costng. Before Updatng the Average Cost, these operatonal
cost will also be taken into consideraton.
Reasons for Down tme is Master set up level informaton which will be collected and
configured in system during implementaton and roll out phases.
Need more informaton on this. This was not discussed in workshop.
Quality related generic business processes are shown in O&M BP 080. Detailed Tests /
Specficatons which are to be performed in Receiving / Manufacturing and Shipping
/Logistcs zones will be defined in detail later during elaboraton phase.
This is Oracle Std Seeded Integeraton. EAM is integerated with all related modules of
This is Oracle Std Meter functonality in EAM and part of Master Set up.
This is the part of Procurement Contract. It has been covered in P2P BP 080
Spare Parts availability can be checked over Material Workbench (On Hand W/B) like all
other inventory items. This is Oracle Std feature.
Need more informaton on this. Not clear.
Need more informaton on this. Not clear.
Pls see process 13.9 "Produce Product". Same is explained there.
This is the part of P2P BP 080
Inventory adjustment is performed using Countng processes.We have added Countng
(Physical / Cycle) process 4.5.3 in BP 080 (O&M)
This is custom report requirements.This will be taken care of during implementaton and
roll out phase.
This will be taken care by Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning (ASCP) applicaton.
Raw Material availability can be checked over Material Workbench (On Hand W/B) like all
other inventory items. This is Oracle Std feature.
See Point # 51. This is repeated point
Personalizaton is part of Custom components list which could be different for each
cluster. This will be taken care of during implementaton and roll out phases.
This is set up / configuraton level informaton and specific to one cluster. This will be
collected during implementaton and roll out phases.
Americana Revision
Will be supported.
M Sales Integraton is not related to Produce
Product Process it’s related to Manage Logistcs
and warehousing.
TA70 In Progress ClosSenyorita
Cluster RD10 Done GFI/ECC
CV 010 M&B
BP085 FF
Serial Stream Lead Type Cluster Name Document Type Version Received Date Review Meeting
1 O&M IT GFI/ECC BP80 1.0 30-Jun-19 2-Jul-19
For Receipts Process we need to have s separate process for Cash Receipts and a separate process for Cheque Receipts with Re
Need to add Control (Internal/System) to Major process as per internal control policy
On Pg13 Note3, remove GFI as there is no HH integratons in GFI
On P16,17 What is 3rd party logistcs-N/A at Americana based on IBM's definiton as per Heba
3.5.1/3.5.2 is for Make to Stock which not functonal to some Cluster, we need separate Order Process for Make to Order
3.5.4 why do we need finance to validate order pricing, it should be derived by price list
3.5.8 Narratve Descriptons not reflectng Back-To-Back process, its wrongly copied from drop shipments
3.5.13 Point 3, Hold are removed automatcally not manually
Sales order and release hold through notficaton mailer with approve or reject
Link Payable Invoices for expense with sales Orders ( Freight , Clearance ,…)
Order Creaton from Handheld applicaton with enhance the existng custom extension capability is missing
Partal Invoicing along with (Tolerance/ Rounding), Standard, please apply as per Taha
Credit limit level check with order creaton (due invoices / new invoices
Pricing :
Point 3.5.11 – is being done by us in the process of invoice generaton, which is transferring to receivables and generatng the c
Contract Rebates; All sales Contracts are linked with discount % that should be automatcally calculated on a monthly basis and
Discounts line under the Gross Sales as per IFRS 15.
Payment Term Overdue; This needs to be automated on the system whenever a payment has not been collected, where the sy
automatcally blocks any sales transactons to take place, unless and approval is obtained
Credit Limit Management; Credit Limits should be cleared based on collectons only and not based on receiving of post-dated c
Sales Invoices should have a link to the Customer Master data to read the Customer’s Commercial Registraton data and Tax Lic
it on the invoice headers. This is currently being discussed from the government to have it being implemented.
Free Goods; In some instances, the sales team may request to give a customer a discount in the form of finished goods, which
captured as part of the Discounts lines
Export Subsidy module needs to be developed on the system to capture all the steps of the Export Subsidy, including aging ana
Export Sales orders; to ensure that the Sales order is closed when the B/L date is updated and therefore an invoice can be auto
based on the Inco-terms.
For Point # 37 (check above), we need to link the freight charges per container which is reading from the current Interface. As e
the workshop, this interface is very important for the day to day actvites in the Export Sales
It is very important that Revenue Recogniton is accounted for accurately. The system needs to support to issue a preliminary in
Customs, clearance, etc, and revenue to be recognized based on the Inco-terms if different than Ex-works
Missing a report to show which invoices on the AR have been covered by checks, cash, etc and which ones are not covered to e
teams follow up on the payments accurately
dicount prosces approvel cycle
Hold Management Includes Cost Line (Zero Cost,% From Standard Cost, margin)
Receipts processing (cash, check) are part of 8.3.1 process flow. Updated
process flow to depict cash and check payments processing. Detail steps for
E.Mahsoub Closed each type of receipt processing will be part of levl 4 & 5 process flow during
implementaton process.
Modified existng Business Process to show separate flows for MTS and
E.Mahsoub Closed MTO. Same is added in Narratve descripton too.
Removed Finance Validaton actvity from process flow. It was discussed in
E.Mahsoub Closed one of the requirements druing workshop but it is very valid point so
A.Tabei Closed Defined in Process 3.5.4. See actvity 5 (Re pricing of Sales Order)
A.Tabei Closed See Process 3.5.10 "Interal Orders"
Updated document with Credit/Debit memo process flow. Oracle
Receivables does not have any standard approval process for credit memo.
3rd party Workflow driven approval applicaton can be used ofr this
A.Tabei Closed purpose.
In case using iReceivables Customer can submit credit request through
iReceivables which can go through defined approval workflow.
T.Youssef Closed
This is of Process 3.5.10 "Internal Orders" between 2 clusters / company.
T.Youssef Closed
This is of Process 3.5.10 "Internal Orders" between 2 clusters / company.
T.Youssef Closed See Page 24 & 25. See actvity 1 and 10.
Same as Queston 17. Defined in Process 3.5.4. See actvity 5 (Re pricing of
Sales Order)
T.Youssef Closed
This looks like a new requirement which was not discussed in Requirement
T.Youssef Open gathering workshop.
Order Picking through Oracle is mentoned in Processes 3.5.5/6/7.
Integeraton through Hand held device is part of custom components and
that is mentoned in Additonal Notes at Page 12/13. Detail of this will be
T.Youssef Closed captured during system deployment at business line level and artculate it
at Level 4 & 5.
T.Youssef Closed Pls see process 3.5.13 (Manage Credit / Overdue Hold)
Included additonal Note regarding Usage of separate discount account for
discount lines instead of regular revenue account for Invoice accountng
E.Mahsoub Closed Jornal entries structure would be part of configuraton document and
Business Entty spcific level 4 & 5 process flow document in detail.
Oracle E-Business tax module supports VAT taxes (with or without recovery
rates)and other types of transactonal taxes to be computed automatcally
as per local requirement. For other taxes which are based on some values
of P/L separate Tax extract custom reports can be built based on Business
requirement. This is covered as part of R2R BP 80 process 9.9.2 manage
H.Kamal Open Transacton taxes.
Details related to tax calculaton and reportng will be reviewed and
documented as part of level 4 & 5 process steps during business line
specific implementaton.
Modified and added manual invoicing before / after shipments along with
Auto Invoicing.
Tarek/Farouz Open
This looks like a new requirement which was not discussed in Requirement
H.Abdel Aziz Open gathering workshop and need more detail.
Overdue Invoicing Hold feature will suffice this requirement. Overdue
H.Abdel Aziz Open Invoiving hold logic will look into Paytment terms. Pls see process
3.5.13/3.5.3 for Overdue Invoicing hold.
This is part of process 3.5.3 Manage Credit/Invoice overdue hold. Exclusion
of post dated checks (tll maturity date) will be part of credit utlizaton logic
to ensure holds are placed accurately.
H.Abdel Aziz Open details on this requirement can be reviewed, evaluated and documented as
part of level 4 & 5 process steps during business line specific
Pls see Process 3.5.4 in BP 080. Free Goods items will added on SO as 100%
discount items. All types of discounts will be created in Advanced Pricing
H.Abdel Aziz Open Module as part of master data set ups and will be documented in BR 100
document during implementaton and roll outs.
Mohamed FaroukOpen
Discounts are applied automatclally only. Added specificially this in Process
Mohamed FaroukOpen 3.5.4
Mohamed FaroukOpen Return process is the part of O&M and P2P BP 080
This is part of custom components which are added in Additonal Notes of
Order Management Process flow at Page 12 & 13. This is same as question
25 & 61 above
Mohamed FaroukOpen
O.Ibrahim Open Looks like Custom Reportng Requirement. Need more informaton.
O.Ibrahim Open Need additonal details on this.
O.Ibrahim Open Return process is the part of O&M and P2P BP 080
Need more informaton but looks like a requirement of Custom Report
O.Ibrahim Open which will be taken care of during Implementaton and Roll out phases.
This is related to Master Set up of price list in Advanced Pricing. It will be
O.Ibrahim Open part of BR 100 (Set up / Configuraton Document)
O.Ibrahim Open Need more informaton on this.
O.Ibrahim Open Need more informaton on this.
O.Ibrahim Open Need additonal details on this. Not discussed during workshop.
Is it any type of HOLD which you are looking for "Zero Cost" Lines? We have
captured requirement for only Credit Limit / Invoice Overdue holds only.
This will be new Hold. Need more informaton
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open Need more informaton on this requirement.
Following accountng gets generted as per Oracle standard accountng
1. Shipment Confirmaton
Deferred COGS -- Dr (Deferred COGS is an intermediray control account)
Inventory Valuaton -- Cr
2. Upon COGS recogniton (This process offset the deferred COGS and book
actual COGS)
COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) -- Dr
Deferred COGS -- Cr
Detail on COGS account derivaton and process steps will be reviewed and
documented part of level 4 & 5 process flows during business line specific
O.Ibrahim Open
This is part of custom components which are added in Additonal Notes of
O.Ibrahim Open Order Management Process flow at Page 12 & 13
Needs more discussion / further discussion for this requirement. Is it just a
O.Ibrahim Open Shipping Report for open orders?
Americana Revision Icomments
Heba to take it offline with Tarek/Farouz
BP80 Not Started OpeCPG
TA70 In Progress ClosSenyorita
CV 010 M&B
BP085 FF
Serial Stream Lead Type Cluster Name Document Type Version Received Date Review Meeting
1 P2P IT GFI/ECC BP80 1.0 30-Jun-19 3-Jul-19
Many processes diagram need to be divided as it contain many processes and it not clear
Need to add secton for accountng appendix (structure for AP journal entries)
Requisiton process for integrated processes as missing (Outside processing, Drop Shipment, Back-to-Back)
H.Kamal Open
T.Youssef Open Please elaborate a bit. This was not captured during
discovery session. Is it specific to M&B cluster?
T.Youssef Open Additonal details have been incorporated.
Bassem Open
Bassem Open
Bassem Open
Bassem Open
Bassem Open
Bassem Open
Sherif El MadanOpen
Sherif El MadanOpen
Sherif El MadanOpen
Sherif El MadanOpen
Sherif El MadanOpen
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O.Ibrahim Open
O2C BP80 Not Started
R2R TA70 In Progress
O&M CV 010
Serial Stream Lead Type Cluster Name Document Type Version Received Date
Deliverables Tracker
O2C BP80
R2R Business TA70
O&M CV 010
P2P BP085
Not Started Open CPG
In Progress Closed Senyorita
Serial Stream Lead Type Cluster Name Document Type Version Received Date
Deliverables Tracker
Recommendaton about expected tmeline for kick off and end dates
From IBM background what is the optmum Stabilizaton period between ERP implementaton and moving to SSC
AP /AR /Taxes are the only functon proposed in the PPT , what is the scope regarding GL/FA/ Treasury ?
Taxes :- Central setup and maintenance of tax rules is enough to cover all taxes actvity specially it is very fragmented and
diversified across different countrie
O2C :- Are we going to consider Order to management functon in O2C scope to be integrated with AR )as this should be very
MDM : - What is the scope of work for MDM , it will be standalone functon or part of tasks belong to SSC other functons A
teams can manage data of suppliers /Customers /- OTM can manage pricing and so forth .
Which functon will be in scope ?
Payroll mechanism ?
How we will manage actvites I.e (Centralized of recruitments& Hiring Process Employees /document and communicaton (
Letter, Salary Certficates) OD, C&B/ Positons and Grading Setup .
Suggeston to nominate someone from HR side to discuss his vision about SSC for HR Part for the new suggested model of Cen
As HR SSC have to include the following points in discussion and based on it will be inputs of our road map:
Centralized of recruitments
Hiring Process
Employees document and communicaton (HR Letter, Salary Certficates)
HR business partner for each cluster
OD, COM&Ben Positons and Grading Setup
Organizaton structure and maintenance belong with new vacancies
Self Service and approval (Policy and Procedures)
Agree that working in strategic items ( direct material ) across many cluster gives more barging power with the supplier and
leverage the negotaton tools ( category management ).
Working with shared service need high level of central team have experience of the goods specs and each cluster process (
selected team internally ) ,
Full range of Oracle sourcing soluton will be limited by nature if region itself and the nature of business like Egypt and type
supplier technology capabilites ( farmer- workshop-……..)
One of consideraton is the tme cycle from PR to goods receipt and shared services team will react according to forecast
compliance monitoring .
Adding for indirect items supplier catalogue that will improve the process in indirect items supply which have same specs ac
Americana ( furniture – laptop- machinery -……….)
Structure and Efficiencies Cost
Basis for numbers needed , what is the high level structure , reportng lines from IBM expertse .
Structure and Efficiencies Cost
What is the Efficiency increases rates and cost savings and ROI in terms of values after move to SSC .
Structure and Efficiencies Cost
Is it will be fully outsource process or we can move our headcounts to take place some of this positons ?
Structure and Efficiencies Cost
Documentng processes and work streams pre-implementaton is highly needed
Roadmap to Implementation :
Full requirements from Americana side to be prepared before moving , so we expect to see list of this requirements .
Roadmap to Implementation
What is the roadmap to better business practces
Raised By Status IBM Feedback
T.Yousssef Open
R2R TA70
O&M CV 010
P2P BP085
Not Started Open CPG
Serial Stream Lead Type Cluster Name Document Type Version Received Date
1 Other IT GFI/ECC RD10 1.0 27-Jun-19
Deliverables Tracker
A sample for expected RD10 document has been sent: should contain the financial and operatng structure, in additon to appe
“Chart of Account”
In page 14 the proposed soluton for using employee name in detail segment is using Oracle iExpenses, however Oracle iExpen
not include in the implemented core applicaton.
My suggeston to control sub-Account segment by using cross validaton rules not by implemented sub-account as a depended
account segment .
subcategory may be dependent on category in snack Cluster case,
Ledgers to be part of Organizaton structure (currency and consolidaton)
1. Unified segments should be at consolidaton level
a-for segments not requires for consolidaton such sub account it’s preferred to be at cluster level to provide more flexibility
reduce segment values and avoid complex cross validaton rules. As Clusters consolidaton is dynamic in Americana Foods (
Every two Years there are Changes in Food Cluster structures).
b. If it will remain as proposed it’s preferred to assign predefined ranges for each cluster
2. CPG Projects segments currently used to represent enttes – projects – with tax exemptons within the same legal entty
for the same actvity NCPC need to produce P&L per project . soluton provided on page 17 will not fulfill the need.
3. Legers and consolidatons levels are missing.
-Regarding employees overheads sometmes allocated by employee in the distributon level (Iqama Expenses, Medical expe
DFF can be used but we need to have some unified DFF to cover all companies.
-DFF scope and usability across All Modules not cleared how it will be unified and the scope of unificaton and what will be
in Cluster level or Company level.>>>This is suggested to be considered as part of MDM
Raised By Status IBM Feedback
E.Mahsoub Closed
A.Tabei Open
A.Tabei Open
W.Zamarany Open
T.Youssef Open
M.Damat Open
M.Damat Open
M.Damat Open
O.Ibrahim/T.Tkito Open
O2C BP80 Not Started
R2R TA70 In Progress
O&M CV 010
P2P BP085
Open CPG
Closed Senyorita
Final Sign-Of
Lead Name Stream Lead Type Cluster Document Version Received Date
AbdlKarim Ferroujd Other IT Americana TA70 Final 2-Jul-19
Ahmed Adel Other IT Americana TA70 Final 2-Jul-19
Eslam Mahsoub Other IT Americana CV010 Final 8-Jul-19
Osama Ibrahim Other IT M&B CV010 Final 8-Jul-19
Mohamed Taha Other IT ICAPP CV010 Final 8-Jul-19
Mamdouh Farag Other IT FF CV010 Final 8-Jul-19
Tamer Youssef Other IT Americana CV010 Final 8-Jul-19
Ahmed El Tabei Other IT Americana CV010 Final 8-Jul-19
Walid El Zamarany Other IT Senyorita CV010 Final 8-Jul-19
Abdel Rahman Ellabad
Mohamed El Damat Other IT CPG CV010 Final 8-Jul-19
Final Review Date Sign-Of O2C IT BP80 Not Started
9-Jul-19 Yes R2R Business TA70 In Progress
9-Jul-19 Yes P2P Cluster RD10 Done
9-Jul-19 Yes MDM CV010
9-Jul-19 Yes O&M
9-Jul-19 Yes Other
9-Jul-19 Comments
9-Jul-19 Comments
9-Jul-19 No
9-Jul-19 No
11-Jul-19 Yes
No Senyorita
Comments GFI/ECC