HARIHAR Calls For The Recusal of Judge Janice W. Howe, As Clerk Admits To Receiving Orders - NOT To Record Formal Letters To POTUS, Gov. Charlie Baker (R-MA) or US Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
HARIHAR Calls For The Recusal of Judge Janice W. Howe, As Clerk Admits To Receiving Orders - NOT To Record Formal Letters To POTUS, Gov. Charlie Baker (R-MA) or US Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
HARIHAR Calls For The Recusal of Judge Janice W. Howe, As Clerk Admits To Receiving Orders - NOT To Record Formal Letters To POTUS, Gov. Charlie Baker (R-MA) or US Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
After being ordered to appear before the Hon. Janice W. Howe in the Middlesex Superior Court
on Thursday, July 25, 2019, the Plaintiff – MOHAN A. HARIHAR, a pro se litigant with no
account of the historical facts that: (1) shows cause to question the presiding judge’s impartiality,
integrity and ethics; (2) resemble an 8-year historical pattern of corrupt conduct identified for the
record in the related state/federal litigation; (3) shows a failure to accept the Plaintiff’s claims as
FACT prior to DISCOVERY; and (4) shows cause for the immediate RECUSAL of the
presiding Judge – the Hon. Janice W. Howe, pursuant to SJC 1:22 and the Massachusetts
(including the Code of Judicial Conduct), Mr. Harihar respectfully states the following:
I. Judge Howe’s Instruction to the Clerk of the Court - NOT to Record Court Documents
Filed by the Plaintiff - The referenced documents include three separate Notices to inform
the Court of formal letters/email communications – all of which bear impact to this litigation,
The content of these formal communications speaks to the evidenced failures related to this
litigation in all three (3) branches of both federal and state government, including this
Middlesex Superior Court. This Court is aware that to date: (1) A total of EIGHT (8)
Middlesex Superior Court Judges associated with this litigation stand accused of judicial
misconduct. This includes the Hon. Kenneth J. Fishman, who recused himself sua sponte -
after being formally accused of Judicial TREASON under ARTICLE III for continuing to
rule after JURISDICTION was lost. Judge Maureen Hogan ALSO recused herself for
reasons unknown, before the case was assigned to Judge Howe. To date, there has been an
litigation. The Plaintiff’s communications to the President, Governor Baker and Senator
Warren also respectfully propose formal meetings for discussion including the potential
opportunity to reach a mutual agreement(s) with all parties. The Court has been made aware
mutual agreement discussion. The Plaintiff (in Good Faith) – while under no legal obligation
to do so, has stated for the record that he is willing to consider entering into a mutual
agreement discussion with ALL parties, including the Commonwealth and the Federal
At the conclusion of the 7/25/19 summary judgement hearing – and after Judge Howe exited
the courtroom, the Plaintiff asked the Court Clerk – Arthur Deguglielmo the following
question in the presence of the Defendants’ retained counsel – David E. Fialkow, Esq. (K&L
“Clerk Deguglielmo, why has the clerk’s office refused to officially docket my three (3)
filed Notices?” His response, “It was the judge’s decision.” My reply – “For what reason?”
Based on this new discovery alone, the verbal admission by the Court Clerk shows cause to
question Judge Howe’s impartiality, integrity and ethics – calling for her immediate
II. Unnecessary Judicial Delay - by the Superior Court, leading up to the 7/25/19 hearing
include evidenced failures to address NINE (9) Plaintiff Motions, filed June 26, 2019, which
still have yet to be ruled on. Each of the motions are believed to impact whether or not the
7/25 summary judgement hearing was even necessary. For example, the Plaintiff has
evidenced the IMPROPER DISMISSAL and TRANSFER of the case from the MA Land
Court to the Superior Court, as these orders were issued by Land Court Judge – Hon.
Michael Vhay, who LOST jurisdiction to issue such an order. The 7/25 hearing transcript
will confirm that when asked to validate the improper dismissal and transfer, Judge Howe
failed to do so. Similarly, Judge Howe failed to articulate exactly how the Superior Court
could possibly have jurisdiction over the docket, considering the improper dismissal and
transfer from the Land Court. Other examples evidenced by the 7/25 hearing transcript will
include (but are not limited to): (1) Refusing to first validate evidenced criminal claims –
related to this civil complaint, with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office (MA
AGO) and the Department of Justice (DOJ); (2) Refusing to first acknowledge evidenced
judicial failures of record; (3) Refusing to first address the Plaintiff’s injunction request to
re-establish the balance of hardships; (4) Refusing to first recognize additional Defendants
associated with the Plaintiff’s evidenced claims; (5) Refusing to first acknowledge
incremental claims against ALL named Defendants (and Defendants still to be named); and
(6) Refusing to acknowledge Massachusetts Rules of Civil Procedure (See example below).
Collectively, these evidenced judicial failures represent a repeating pattern of corrupt conduct
far too familiar – where it seems clear that the presiding judge intends to brush aside ALL
motions, only to arrive at a pre-determined outcome. Even the mention of ELEVEN (11)
judicial recusals (unprecedented) related to this litigation (and the impact to related
III. Failure to acknowledge and uphold Massachusetts Rules of Civil Procedure 60 (b)(3) –
As a matter of record, the court transcript associated with the 7/25/19 hearing will show that
Judge Howe refused to address an evidenced (and UNOPPOSED) Fraud on the Court
claim, pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. 60 (b)(3). This too, is perceived as a familiar and
repetitive pattern of corrupt conduct, evidenced previously in: (1) this Middlesex Superior
Court; (2) the Northeast Housing Court; (3) the US District Court (MA); (4) The First Circuit
Appeals Court; and (5) the US Supreme Court. Since the 60b claim was originally raised
more than four (4) years ago, all referenced Defendants have never once disputed the
evidenced Fraud on the Court claim (including the recent 7/25/19 hearing), which speaks to
the failed RMBS securitization associated with the Plaintiff’s identified illegal
foreclosure. These evidenced FACTS collectively indicate a failed system within the judicial
branch of government (State and Federal). If Rule 60b was rightfully upheld, the result would
have been (and STILL should be) a DEFAULT judgement, in favor of the Plaintiff – Mohan
A. Harihar, with prejudice. Raising even more red flags is the Defendants’ continued silence
– as if knowing that the presiding judge(s) has no intention of upholding the law.
“The Code of Judicial Conduct, Supreme Judicial Court Rule 3:09, establishes standards
for the ethical conduct of judges.
PREAMBLE [2] - Judges should maintain the dignity of judicial office at all times, and
avoid both impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in their professional and
personal lives. They should aspire at all times to conduct that ensures the greatest
possible public confidence in their independence, impartiality, integrity, and
Based on the Plaintiff’s interpretation of the Massachusetts Code of Judicial Conduct; and
for reasons stated above - there is cause to (at minimum) question the presiding judge’s:
the Plaintiff shows incremental cause for Judge Howe’s immediate recusal.
V. Ignoring Continued Concerns for the Plaintiff’s Personal Safety and Security
The Plaintiff has historically stated throughout the record his concerns for personal safety
and security, considering the magnitude of legal issues associated with the 2008
Foreclosure Crisis that are perceived to impact: (1) This Commonwealth; (2) The
United States; (3) National Security and potentially (4) Global Financial Markets.
Officers blatantly ignore the law; and Prosecutors refuse to bring criminal
indictments for evidenced criminal complaints, the Plaintiff has every right to be
concerned for his personal safety and security. EVERY COURT, including this
Middlesex Superior Court, has IGNORED the Plaintiff’s evidenced concerns and instead,
has proceeded to literally brush aside ALL motions in order to: (1) reach a CORRUPT
Plaintiff. Therefore, the Plaintiff again shows cause for Judge Howe’s recusal.
VI. Cause for Removal to Federal Court, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1446 – This Court is
already aware that the Plaintiff has filed a motion with the US District Court, calling for
removal of this complaint to the Federal Court. This Court is also aware that the motion was
accepted and docketed in the Federal Court less than two (2) hours after the 7/25 hearing was
recessed. The Plaintiff will next amend the Federal motion, as the evidenced transcript (as
described within) shows cause to expand upon – not only reasons for removal, but also to
amend the original complaint against: (1) Bank Defendants – WELLS FARGO and US
BANK; (2) Defendants – Jeffrey and Isabelle Perkins; and (3) Defendant –
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Plaintiff also shows cause to add MERS, Inc., as a
For the reasons stated within, the Plaintiff respectfully calls for the following actions:
2. The Plaintiff has now evidenced for the record, related judicial misconduct throughout
multiple MA State Courts that irrefutably show that the INTEGRITY of this State’s
involving BOTH the Federal and State Judiciary have even been acknowledged by the
United States Supreme Court and yet, are still IGNORED HERE. The Plaintiff no
longer believes it is even possible to receive a fair and impartial judgment in this
3. Based on the Plaintiff’s interpretation of State (and Federal) law, Judge Howe is no
from ruling further in this, or any related litigation. As similarly identified in the related
Federal litigation, any conscious decision to continue ruling AFTER losing jurisdiction
Please be advised, this Middlesex Superior Court civil complaint is related to referenced
Federal litigation and a new complaint now being prepared for filing in The United States
Court of Federal Claims; and includes matters perceived to impact National Security.
Copies of this email will also be made available to the Public and to media outlets nationwide for
documentation purposes and out of continued concerns for my personal safety and security.
If your Honor has ANY questions regarding any portion of this MOTION, or requires additional
information, the Plaintiff is happy to provide upon request. The Plaintiff is grateful for the
Respectfully submitted,
Mohan a. Harihar
Plaintiff – Pro Se
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
617.921.2526 (Mobile)
July 28, 2019 [email protected]
See Exhibit A to review to the 07/28/2019 email confirmation from the White House.
Exhibit A