Excavation: Drawings Required For Excavation 1. Centreline Drawing or Gridline Drawing
Excavation: Drawings Required For Excavation 1. Centreline Drawing or Gridline Drawing
Excavation: Drawings Required For Excavation 1. Centreline Drawing or Gridline Drawing
Excavation is the process of moving earth, rock or other materials with tools, equipment or
explosives. It also includes trenching, wall shafts, tunnelling and underground. It is the
preliminary activity of any project.
Gridline drawings represent the grids marked in numbers and alphabets whose measurements are
shown for site marking out reference. These grid lines are so aligned that the line falls on the
excavation and footing.
2. Excavation Drawing
Excavation drawing represents the length, width and depth of the excavation. Excavation line is
marked in dotted line.
The major works done before, while and after excavation are as follows
Prior to any commencement of any physical works, a professional land surveyor shall be
appointed to carryout demarcation works and establish bench marks on site. Upon
obtaining all the necessary survey data, a joint survey to check existing ground levels shall
be carried out with the consulting engineers.
When any material is disposed outside the site, the disposed material shall be
graded to a neat appearance and shall not obstruct natural drainage or
cause damage to highways or property. All precautions shall be taken to prevent any
erosion of the soil on the affected areas.
All unsuitable material and surplus suitable material shall be run to spoil in tips
approved by the Engineer.
Finish level shall be recorded in accordance to survey practice and jointly inspected
in the presence of Engineer.
The side slopes of cuttings and embankments shall be as per the approved drawings.
The Contractor shall excavate high level areas in all materials including rock for the
full width of the road construction down to the top of the required sub grade.
Excavation in rock may be carried out by a tracked bulldozer and ripper or by the use
of blasting with explosives or any other method approved by the Engineer.
After it has been established that the excavated material is rock and after the area
where such rock exists has been defined, the Contractor shall incorporate the rock in
the embankment.
All trenches and pits under roads shall, where possible, be excavated, backfilled and
compacted before road construction commences.
The sides of the excavation shall be adequately supported at all times.
Trenches and pits shall be kept free of water.
Trenches for pipes or ducts shall be excavated to the levels and gradients indicated
in the contract documents.
Filling low-level areas shall be to the level of sub grade as designated. After
completion of clearing and grubbing, the Contractor shall carry out the necessary
levelling in order to control the thickness of the layers of fill.
The existing natural ground shall be scarified in place to a minimum depth of 75mm
for the full width of the embankment. The scarified material shall be levelled and
compacted to a minimum of 95% maximum dry density.
Where an existing embankment is being widened, the existing embankment slope
shall be trimmed and compacted into benches of minimum width 1m and depth
500mm before placing and compacting each layer of new embankment material
unless otherwise directed by the Engineer to suit particular circumstances.
The Contractor shall not precede with filling and compaction any subsequent layer
before testing and securing the approval of the Engineer for the previous layer.
Each fill thickness shall not exceed 250mm.
In areas of shallow filling, where after the removal of top soil, before embankment
construction is compacted, the surfaced of the ground shall be graded and
Embankments and other areas of fill shall be formed of suitable material.
All earthworks material placed in or below embankments, below formation level in
cuttings or elsewhere in the works shall be deposited and compacted as soon as
practicable after excavation in layers of thickness not exceeding 250mm.
Embankments shall be built up evenly over the full width unless otherwise indicated
and shall be maintained at all times with a sufficient camber and a surface
sufficiently even to enable surface water to drain readily from them. During the
construction of embankments, construction traffic or water erosion shall be made
Compaction of embankments and other areas of fill shall be undertaken to the
requirements of specifications. The embankments shall be constructed to sufficient
width to permit adequate compaction at the edges before trimming back.
Material which has been compacted to a dry density less than required or at a
moisture content outside the tolerable range shall be removed or reworked and re-
compacted until the required properties are achieved