Comsats University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus Afghan Students "Zero Semester" Biology Quiz Mcqs Name - Reg# - Time: 40 Min

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Name______________________________ Reg#___________________ Time: 40 min
Note: Encircle the correct option. In case of over writing or double marking, the MCQ is considered incorrect.
1. Tissue culture produces clones in which all the product cells have the same__________.
a. Phenotype b. genotypes c. homozygous d. heterozygous
2. The tiny cell organelles about _________ which was discovered by Palade in 1955 is ribosome.
a. 30nm b. 21nm c. none d. 20nm
3. The streaming active mass movement of cytoplasm is called___________.
a. Cytosol b. Cyclosis c. glycolysis d. hydrolysis
4. The RNA in ribosome is_______________.
a. tRNA b. mRNA c. rRNP d. rRNA
5. The ribosomes in eukaryotes are________________.
a. 80s b. 70s c. 80S d. 70S
6. The processed enzymes are budded off as Golgi vesicles are called____________________.
a. Lysosomes b. primary lysosomes c. peroxisomes d. none
7. The membranes of the mitochondria is made up of_______________.
a. Nucleoprotein b. proteins c. glycoprotein d. protein and lipids
8. The main functions of ER are Circulation, synthesis, detoxification, ______________support and
a. Mechanical b. chemical c. physical d. none
9. The magnifying power of TEM is___________.
a. 1000000x b. 2500000x c. 100000x d. none
10. The inner surface of cristae in the mitochondrial matrix has a small knob like structures called__.
a. elementary particles b. F1 particles c. both A and B d. option C
11. The folds present in the ____________is called cristae.
a. Lysosomes b. ER c. mitochondria d. nucleus
12. The fluid inside the ______________is called stroma.
a. Chlorophyll b. chloroplast c. chromoplast d. zentophyll
13. The final color of the aniline sulphate is__________ which is suitable for lignin.
a. White b. red c. blue d. yellow
14. The disease in which the accumulation of lipid on ________cell takes place is called Tay-Sach’s
a. Heart b. brain c. lungs d. All
15. The cell wall of the prokaryotic cells is made up of____________.
a. Chitin b. murein c. cellulose d. none
16. ________________is a permanent stain.
a. Aniline sulphate b. Safranin c. iodine solution d. All
17. ___________are synthesized by the nucleolus of the nucleus.
a. Protein b. carbohydrates c. Ribosomes d. mitochondria
18. Peroxisomes are present in the ____________of plants for photorespiration.
a. Stem b. roots c. flower d. green leaves
19. Peroxisomes are present in animal mostly in ______________cells.
a. Brain and heart b. liver and kidney c. liver and lungs d. All
20. Peroxisomes also called______________.
a. Microfilaments b. microtubules c. cytoskeleton d. none
21. Nucleus consists of mainly ____________parts.
a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 5
22. Nucleolus is composed of mainly __________regions.
a. 3 b. 1 c. 2 d. 4
23. Nuclear envelope is mainly composed of _________.
a. Single membrane b. double membrane c. triple membrane d. membrane less
24. Nontoxic stain which are used to living tissues is called____________stain.
a. Non vital b. vital c. natural d. counter
25. Murein is a______________.
a. Nucleoprotein b. glycoprotein c. lipids d. lipoprotein
26. ________________is missing inside the prokaryotic cells.
a. Meiosis b. binary fission c. conjugation d. Mitosis
27. Mitochondria is absent in the________________.
a. Plants b. Animals c. paramecium d. RBCs
28. Which of the following is a self-replicating organelle.
a. Mitochondria b. chloroplast c. chromoplast d. both A and B
29. Microfilament are thin cylinders made up of contractile __________protein.
a. Actin b. myosin c. tubulin d. tropomyosin
30. ____________________is an example of lysosomal activity.
a. Respiration b. lipid synthesis c. Metamorphosis d. incomplete metamorphosis
31. Lysosomes were firstly demonstrated as a separated components of the cell by _________in 1949.
a. De Duve b. Palade c. Greger d. De Don
32. _________________takes place in the mitochondrial matrix.
a. Krebs’s cycle b. TCA c. CAC d. All
33. In young RBCs, ______________is formed by the synthesized protein of free ribosome.
a. Hemoglobin b. myoglobin c. trypsin d. All
34. In ______________ribosomes, the smaller subunit is of 30S and larger subunit is of 50S.
a. Prokaryotic b. mitochondrial c. eukaryotic d. both A and B
35. In____________, Camillo Golgi discovered under special staining techniques Golgi bodies.
a. 1898 b. 1989 c. 1798 d. none
36. Golgi complex is made up of units, called________________.
a. Lysosomes b. Dictyosomes c. polysomes d. cristae
37. Glyoxisomes are absent in lipid poor seed like____________.
a. Pea b. castor oil seed c. both A and B d. none
38. Eukaryotic ribosomes are composed of equal amount of protein and RNA, due to which it is called_.
a. RNA b. rRNA c. RNP d. tRNA
39. Erythrocytes have only _____________nuclear pore per nucleus.
a. 1 b. 2—4 c.3—4 d. none
40. Each centrioles consists of cylindrical array of ____________ microtubules.
a. 27 b. 9 c. 3 d. All
41. During spectrophotometry, the cell mass is ______________proportional to the optical density.
a. Directly b. inversely c. Both A and B d. none
42. Drosophila has _______________chromosomes.
a. 8 pairs b. 8 c. 4 pair d. both B and C
43. Cytosol is a site for metabolic pathways such as_________________.
a. Glycolysis b. glycogenolysis c. Krebs’s cycle d. none
44. Cytoskeleton was firstly suggested by _______________in 1928 under microscope i.e. the fibrous network
of skeleton in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.
a. Koltzoff b. Du Koltzoff c. Th Koltzoff d. none
45. Cytoskeleton is of _____________types.
a. 3 b. 4 c. 7 d. 1
46. Colloidal solution of cytoplasm is of ______________type.
a. 2 b. 90 c. 12 d. 59
47. Chromosome is made up of_____________________.
a. Nucleic acid b. DNA and RNA c. nucleoprotein d. All
48. Chlorophyll is resembles with hemoglobin but different is in the _________instead of Fe++.
a. Mg++ b. Al+++ c. Ca++ d. Mg+
49. All cilia and flagella possessing central bundle of _______________called axoneme.
a. Microtubules b. microfilament c. both d. none
50. About _____________ or more thylakoid piled to form one granum.
a. 50 b. 20 c. 100 d. 33

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