Crim 2016 003 PDF
Crim 2016 003 PDF
Crim 2016 003 PDF
7, 2016
As nations develop and their economies grow bigger, social
problems also intensify. One great concern deals with peace and
order as well as safety and security of the people. Various
psychologists would render different explanations to the cases of
crimes but what is apparent even to the most innocent individual
is that crimes are everywhere. Anyone can be a victim of crime;
which fosters fear to a lot of people. Knowing its responsibility,
the government of different nations have launched various
innovations on how to prevent crimes. One of these innovations is
the use of CCTV.
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
Research Design
The main objective of this study is to determine the
Effectiveness of CCTV in Crime Prevention. With this objective
in mind, the researchers used the descriptive type of research. The
descriptive method is a fact finding method with adequate
interpretation dealing with the questions based on the present and
current phenomenon (Good, 2011). The researches believed that
this design is the most appropriate since the study involves the
collection of data concerning the current status of the subjects
under study. As its name connotes, this method simply describes
what exists.
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
The researchers used a self-made questionnaire to gather the
needed information. The researchers presented a questionnaire to
people with expertise in the field for validation. The respondents
were asked to answer the questionnaires that the researchers
provided, given the assurance that their identifications were kept
confidential and the information gathered were just use for
educational attributes.
The researchers were given instructions to conduct and
perform several interviews to gather details and information to
seemingly be the subject of the study due to some circumstances
and security issues of different individuals to be interviewed the
researches were not able to gather the data and consulted the
adviser and panels for better technique to do. Due to state of
affairs, the researchers proceeded to develop and present one set
of questionnaire to their research adviser for approval. The
individual concerns with the study were briefly oriented about the
purpose of the research before they were asked to answer the
questionnaire to gather valid and reliable data. The researchers
disseminated the questionnaires individually to each concern and
they were requested to answer the questions truthfully for this was
a big help to the development of the said research.
Data Analysis
The needed data were tallied, encoded and interpreted using
different statistical tools. These include frequency distribution,
weighted mean and Analysis Variance (ANOVA) which were
used based on the objectives of the study. The data were also
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
treated using 0.05 alpha levels to test the hypothesis of the study.
In addition, all data were computed using statistical software,
PASW version 18 to further analyse the results. The given scale
was used to interpret the result of the data gathered: 3.50 – 4.00 =
Highly Effective; 2.50 – 3.49 = Effective; 1.50 – 2.49 = Less
Effective; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Effective
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
and third was its ability to lessen the incidences of pulling the fire
alarms of the lobbies with weighted mean of 3.57, both interpreted
as ―highly useful‖ respectively.
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
The last two items ranked the least were its capability to
secure the properties where the CCTV is located; and its presence
reduce property related crime with weighted mean value of 3.12
and 3.05, both verbally interpreted as ―useful‖ respectively.
Commercial establishments had large number of transactions
everyday such as communications and selling. Through the use of
CCTV cameras, they were able to monitor the transaction done
inside their establishments throughout the day. Also, they were
able to monitor any unnecessary incidences inside the
There are 70 times more privately owned surveillance
cameras as a new study revealed. It claims that some 2.7 million
CCTV cameras are owned by private businesses and individuals.
The research found out that the reason surrounding the use of
private cameras include the protection of property, crime
detection, and safety.
The presence of CCTV cameras in a place such as streets,
residential areas and commercial establishments serves as
deterrence to crime. People, with the knowledge that a CCTV
camera was installed, refrained themselves from committing such
act for the fear of being caught and punished. Also, it helps the
police officers in the detection and apprehension of suspected
person. CCTV cameras may also encourage people to be more
security conscious. These cameras drive offenders away from
committing offenses that take time, as they run a greater risk of
The items obtaining last mean score were its usefulness in
guarding and securing properties against criminal tendencies
(3.18), its function to secure properties near CCTV location (3.12)
and its ability to reduce property related crime (3.05) were
interpreted as ―useful‖ respectively. CCTV may record all that it
sees but also limits i8ts views to what is included in its frame.
There may be several types of CCTV but its positioning and type
shall be a primary consideration otherwise the greatness promised
by CCTV may be limited and the user may be left at disadvantage
CCTV system.
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
Based from the result, all computed p-values were all greater
than 0.05 alpha levels, thus the null hypothesis of no significant
difference on the effectiveness of using CCTV is accepted. This
means that there is no significant difference observed and implies
that all groups of respondents have the same view on its
CCTV cameras are a highly effective tool in crime prevention.
CCTV is useful in traffic violation, crime against property and
crime against persons. Types of respondent do not affect the
effectiveness of CCTV camera in crime prevention.
Schools may install CCTV cameras in the entrance and exit
areas for the monitoring of student and employee behaviour and
attendance. The city government specifically the engineering
office may assess a geometrical placement of CCTV on streets
considering its visual clarity or pixel value and amount of
resolution to ensure valuable recorded information for
identification of persons and vehicle involved. The city
government may consider appointing or hiring a qualified
individual to monitor CCTV operation to ensure prompt response
in case of crime or violation detection, file retrieval and minor
trouble shooting. For those interested, especially of private and
commercial establishments, they may seek assistance of
professional people engaged in CCTV operation for appropriate
CCTV types and areas of replacement to ensure effective and
efficient function. Similar studies may be conducted using
different variables. Researchers may consider presenting the paper
ISSN: 2094-7631
College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 7, 2016
ISSN: 2094-7631