1st Periodic Test - G7 English
1st Periodic Test - G7 English
1st Periodic Test - G7 English
Region 1
B. Intonation Pattern: Tell whether the following sentences follow (A) rising-falling intonation or (B) rising intonation.
Write the letter of your choice before each number.
___27. Did you visit your grandmother?
___28. I’m a student. How about you?
___29. I forgot my notebook yesterday.
Grammar: Subject-Verb Agreement. Underline the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.
30. Many (believe, believes) that Maria Makiling is a forest nymph.
31. A number of Filipino values (is, are) still observed today.
32. The Maranao, together with the Illanun and Maguindanao (is, are) an indigenous Muslim group in Mindanao.
33. Almost all Maranaos (is, are) Muslims.
34. The name Maranao ( means, mean) "People of the Lake" or "Lake Dwellers".
35. Both (refers, refer) to the natives who settled around Lake Lanao.
36. Photographers and writers (was, were) able to capture the images and words the beauty of this lake.
37. More importantly, the spirit of the Maranaos (thrive, thrives) because of its existence.
38. There (is, are) a fairy living in the mountain.
39. The mountain and the trees (is, are) useful to people.
Vocabulary Development: Affixes: Encircle the letter of the correct prefix to form the word that completes the
40. No one ever ___(covered) the source of the mysterious night time glow. Which of the following prefixes best
completes the highlighted word?
A. dis- B. re- C. im- D. in-
41. The young couple receive ______ (punish) from the old woman they mocked. Using the highlighted word inside
the parenthesis, which suffix appropriately forms a new word to fill in the blank?
A. –ance B. –ity C. –ment D. –val
42. Maria Makiling lost her power of _____ (enchant) which enabled a deity to look and act like an ordinary mortal.
Which suffix is appropriate to form the new word?
A. –ance B. –ity C. –ment D. –val
43. She felt _____( stressed) when her parents could not accept her situation. Which prefix is appropriate to form the
new word?
A. dis- B. re- C. im- D. in-
44. The deities humble home is _____ (abund) with vegetation.
A. –ance B. –ant C. –ment D. –val
45. Her ____ (kind) spread all throughout the village.
A. –ance B. –ant C. –ment D. –ness
Sensory Images: Identify the sense to which the following lines appeal. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
51. Maria has long, black abundant hair which she usually decorates with pomelo flowers.
A. sight B. hearing C. smell D. touch
52. “Then back to his maiden fair he ran; unmindful of the rain; but his feet slipped and he fell down.”
A. sight B. hearing C. smell D. touch
53. The angels possess wings with which they fly.
A. smell B. hearing C. sight D. touch
54. Leon’s wife, Maria smells like morning when papayas are in bloom.
A. sight B. hearing C. smell D. touch
55. From a large blue bottle near them, the voice of Prince Bantugan answered, “I am here.”
A. smell B. hearing C. sight D. touch
56. The local villagers noticed her house seemed brighter at night even though there was no electricity.
A. smell B. hearing C. sight D. touch
Identifying Subject and Theme: Match the subject in column A with its theme in column B. Write the letter of your
answer before each number.
___57. The struggle between good and evil A. People and dogs can make good company but no one can replace the
joy and excitement about life people can share with their fellowmen.
___58. The degree to which people can B. The good always prevail over evil.
control their own lives
___59. The difference between what C. No matter how hard people try to control their lives, there is always
appears to be real or true and what someone up there allowing or not allowing them to do everything they
actually is real or true want.
___60. Similarities between humans and D. What actually is real or true always comes out even if people try to
animals hide it.
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