Readme PDF
Readme PDF
Readme PDF
Geometry Interfaces
Updated File, Import, Geometry command in to automatically scale geometry to insure all
geometry resides in the valid modeling region, which allows further operations to work properly.
An attempt is made to update solids to the preferred modeling scale factor, provided all solids end
up inside modeling region.
Added ElementNoResultMode attribute to the View Object
Corrected issue when blanking of solids that had either combined curves or combined surfaces. The
underlying curves/surfaces were still shown if the “Combined-Eliminated Curves” and/or
“Combined-Eliminated Surfaces” View Options were enabled.
Corrected issue where the list of Visible Layers and list of Multiple Groups were not being properly
loaded when using the View, Create/Manage command or when initializing Views if a Default
View is selected from the View Library.
Corrected issue with slicing solids along a vector where the solid may not have been split properly
if the curves were more than a certain distance apart. (PR# 9291736)
Corrected issue when reflecting curves. Previously, if the curve had meshing attributes the cross
section orientation and offset were not properly reflected. This occurred for both copying curves to
new curves and moving existing curves.
Corrected issue when rotating existing curves to a new location using the Modify, Rotate By
commands. Previously, if the curves had meshing attributes the cross section orientation and offset
were not properly rotated.
Corrected issue reversing existing curves. Previously any biased or custom mesh size along the
curve would also swap direction. Now mesh sizes stay in their original locations and only the
orientation of the curve changes.
Corrected issue in the Geometry, Surface, From Mesh command that could prevent assignment of
assign mesh sizes to the curves that it created.
Corrected issue which prevented Modify, Update Other, Reverse Curve to not be able to reverse
curves on solids.
Corrected issue, introduced in FEMAP version 12, where curves being projecting by various menu
commands would not split the hidden face(s) of solids.
Corrected issue which caused a memory leak because there was no composite curve record in the
database for the composite curve.
Corrected issue which caused slower than expected performance when moving entities in a model
that contained a large number of Solids.
Corrected issue that occurred when attempting to delete one or more surfaces from a solid portion
of a nonmanifold solid, where the surface would not be properly deleted.
Corrected issue which caused the Color and Layer information to be missing after geometric
entities were split using various methods (i.e., “new” half of split entities went to the active layer,
now to the same layer as the original entity).
Corrected issue that occurred when using File, Picture, Save or File, Picture, Save JT, then chose a
file, then immediately went to another command that required entity selection without redrawing
the screen. Previously, a string of highlighted entities would be drawn as the mouse was moved
across the screen, as if the entities were being painting or simply a black screen with yellow
highlighting depending on the Resolution settings in File, Preferences. A redraw would then
display the view properly.
Corrected issue that could cause some solid elements in Bolt and NonStructural Mass regions to
only be drawn as a single face instead of the entire element.
Corrected issue which could cause results on only a portion of shell elements (i.e., partial results) to
be displayed incorrectly (PR# 9294192).
Corrected issue where Z element axis arrow head was not being drawn properly if elemental x or y
were into screen, as the cross drawn in that case used up the lines needed for the arrow head for z.
Performance Graphics
Corrected issues which could cause RBE2 and RBE3 elements to not be displayed properly when
using a NVIDIA graphics adapter.
Corrected issue which would not inform users about using Performance Graphics with an Intel
graphics adapter. An error message is now issued.
Corrected issue which could cause a face of Parabolic Pyramid elements to not be processed
Corrected issue which cause the labels of cohesive elements to not appear in the expected
Corrected issue that caused elements where topology did not match the property type (i.e. 8-noded
hexahedral Element with a Parabolic Solid Property) to not be drawn.
Corrected issue which prevented parabolic shear panel element from being drawn when the
elements referenced a linear shear panel property.
Corrected issue which caused some Rigid elements to not be drawn (PR# 9332383, fixed in
GUI - General
Corrected issue with underlining specific letters in dialog boxes to use as keyboard accelerators. In
some coordinate/vector/plane dialog boxes the text changes from X,Y,Z to R,T,Z or R,T,P
depending on the type of the active coordinate system. In most cases, these characters were not
already used as keyboard accelerators, thus could be used to quickly move to a certain control. In
other cases however, those letters are already used as keyboard accelerators for other controls,
which could cause issues, especially when trying to replay a Program File.
Corrected issue which could occur when attempting to pick solid elements when in Front or Query
selection mode. In some cases, depending on which face of the solid element was closest to the
front of the screen, an element that was not the one closet to the front could be selected.
Restored the ability to use “Previous Command” following using “Tools, Undo”.
GUI - Dockable Panes
Corrected issue which caused mouse wheel scrolling to not be available in the Messages dockable
pane when another dialog box was open. This worked in previous versions and now does again.
Corrected issue which caused mouse wheel scrolling to not be available in the Data Surface Editor,
Function Table Editor, Mesh Point Editor and Entity Info dockable panes.
Corrected issue where renumbered functions, groups, and output sets would not be updated in
various types of chart data series.
Entity Editor
Corrected issue in Entity Editor that caused Untitled entities to appear only as IDs rather than the
ID followed by “Untitled”.
Corrected issue which caused results on Tetrahedral and Wedge elements to not be displayed
properly (PR# 9103348)
Data Table
Corrected issue which caused results on Tetrahedral and Wedge elements to not be displayed
properly (PR# 9103348).
Corrected issue which could cause poor performance when showing the Summary Table, which
was “pinned” to the last row in the Data Table.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue with optimization limits where a limits written to the input file immediately after
the continuation line on the DCONADD entry would be skipped.
Corrected issue with attachment and post-processing of OP2 files with results referencing an output
coordinate system that could cause poor performance.
Corrected issue when reading NSM and NSML cards which had continuation lines (PR# 9294539).
Corrected issue which caused the linear thermal gradient (TPRIME field) on the TEMPP1 entry to
be written to the wrong field when using large field format.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected issue where plate stresses in the positive crossing output set were not being read from
op2 files created by NX Nastran 12.
Corrected issue which caused nodal results with an output coordinate system to be incorrect when
read from xdb files created by ILP-64 version of NX Nastran.
Corrected issue that would swap values for convergence criteria (EPSP, EPSU) when importing or
exporting SOL401 analysis models. Also added functionality to round-trip convergence criteria
(PR# 9322521)
Corrected issue when writing BGSET when both contact and glue existed in the same model and a
single Connection Property was used for multiple connections (PR# 9305558)
Corrected issue which caused SOL106 output sets from imported op2 results to be sorted based on
load factor rather than solution order. This created problems when simulating snap-through
instability/buckling, where a forward step in the unstable portion of the analysis can cause a drop in
load factor (PR# 9299199)
Corrected issue when reading and writing the contact control options for stabilization damping and
associated scale factors for SOL 401.
Corrected issue which caused Total and Elastic Strain output to not be read properly for some
element types.
Corrected issue where Normalized Mass Density output was not being properly read from op2 files
created by Topology Optimization analysis in NX Nastran 12. This would only occur when the
number of “Active Elements” in the analysis exceeded 100,000 (PR# 9324713, fixed in 12.0.1a).
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Corrected issue when importing an ABAQUS input file where lines longer than 160 characters
were truncated, even though the max possible line length is 175 characters.
Corrected issue when reading entries with only one field, when they entries do not end with a
comma and exceed 10 characters (PR# 9283497)
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected issue where solid laminate elements and/or properties may be translated with incorrect
ply orientations.
Corrected issue when reading results for laminate elements that only have top and bottom plies,
where ply results for the final ply would not be given the correct output vector ID.
Corrected issue which caused Beam Properties which have their Shape specified by any
NASTRAN cross-section to not be written properly to the ANSYS input file.
Corrected issues with reading the SFE command from an ANSYS cdb file.
Corrected an issue where T-sections were not correctly translated to FEMAP T-sections when
importing ANSYS cdb files.
Corrected issues which caused the values of thermal attributes for stainless steel contained in the
three mat_eng-SI libraries to be incorrect.
Corrected issue where renumbered functions, groups, and output sets would not be updated in
various types of chart data series.
Corrected issue where all cylindrical surfaces were always being evaluated as conical surfaces.
Corrected issue with the feMeshClosestLink and feMeshCoincidentLink API methods that
prevented any needed orientation vector from being properly assigned to the new elements.
Corrected issue with feMeshSizeCurveMatchNodes that could prevent certain curves from
receiving a mesh seed.
Corrected issue where environment variables were not recognized in custom user commands (API).
Corrected issue which caused the Frequency Data Type to not be recognized by Delete commands
of the main application object.
FEMAP v12.0 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Added View, Autoscale, Fit command, which is similar to the View, Autoscale command. It too
bases its calculations on the overall model dimensions. However, this command only considers the
current orientation of the model. It projects the overall dimensions into the current view, then
adjusts the magnification factor to attempt to fill the screen with the visible entities. This will
always result in a larger image than View, Autoscale. If the model geometry is non-rectangular, or
has cutouts, this option still might not fill the view. Also, this command will automatically adjust
the centering of the model.
Added “Mesh Point” option in “Labels, Entities and Color” Category of View, Options command,
which controls visibility, label mode, and color mode for mesh points.
Added “Element - Cohesive” option in “Labels, Entities and Color” Category of View, Options
command, which controls visibility of property thickness, label mode, and color mode for mesh
Added “Element - Shell” option in “Labels, Entities and Color” Category of View, Options
command, which can be used to suppress thick edges of shell elements to improve performance and
aid transparency.
Added “2..DOF - Shrink Always” option to Release Labels section for “Element - Offsets/
Releases” option in “Labels, Entities and Color” Category of View, Options command, which can
be used to always display the beam release degrees of freedom away from the End A and End B
Added “Local Components” options to Color/Component section for “Load - Force and Bearing”,
“Load - Moment and Torque”, “Load - Accleration”, “Load - Velocity”, and “Load - Enforced
Displacement” options in “Labels, Entities and Color” Category of View, Options command, which
can be used to display these load types as components in the coordinate system in which they are
defined instead of as “Global Components”.
Added “Feature Line” option in “Tools and View Style” Category of View, Options command,
which controls if “Feature Lines” should be displayed on the mesh.
Added Advanced Depth Control button to “Graphics Options” option in “Tools and View Style”
Category of View, Options command.
Added Discrete Values capability to the View, Advanced Post, Contour Model Data command.
Analysis Manager
Updated Analysis Set dialog box, only when running in “FEMAP with NX Nastran” mode, to
check for existence of a Linked Solver when switching Analysis Program from non-NX Nastran to
“36..NX Nastran”. If dialog box is already set to “Linked Solver”, and a linked solver for NX
Nastran is specified, nothing will change. Otherwise, it will change to Integrated Solver. In all other
cases nothing is changed.
Connection Properties, Regions, and Connectors
Added NX Multi-step Structural tab to Define Connection Property dialog box for NX Nastran
SOL 401.
Added NX Multi-step Kinematic tab to Define Connection Property dialog box for NX Nastran
SOL 402.
Added new ANSYS tab to Define Connection Property dialog box.
Added an icon button to various “Define Region” dialog boxes to limit elements used for face
selection. Previously, the only option was “Add Multiple” which automatically selected all visible
elements and while it was possible to limit the elements for face selection from the face selection
dialog box, this streamlines the process.
Added ABAQUS section to the Connection Region Options dialog box, which is accessed via the
Region Options button in the Connection Region dialog box. This option is used to specify the type
of Analytical Rigid Surface, CYLINDRICAL, SEGMENTS, or REVOLUTION, to write to the
ABAQUS input file.
Added Connect, Connector Set command to create sets of Connectors (Contact or Glued).
Added Modify, Reflect menu which can be used to reflect Points, Curves, Surfaces, or Solids
without creating a copy. When reflecting a geometric entity, all geometric entities needed by the
entity will also be reflected.
Added Geometry, Curve, Centerline command, which attempts to create a curve which represents
the centerline of a geometric solid.
Added Modify, Update Other, Align Surface Parameters command.
Enhanced several commands which perform Boolean and other operations on solid geometry to
work properly with geometric entities that contain boundary surfaces and/or combined curves.
Enhanced Geometry, Surfaces, Ruled Surface command to Geometry, Surfaces, Ruled / Between
Curves, which adds options to control surface tangents on one or both sides of the newly created
Enhanced commands for geometric entities on the Modify, Move By menu, the Modify, Rotate By
menu, and the Modify, Align menu by adding an option to also move/rotate/align mesh associated
with selected geometric entities. In addition, added Always Create Parent CSys option, which can
be used to force creation of a “parent” coordinate system to be used as the reference coordinate
system for any coordinate systems which need to be created to maintain the proper definition of
finite element entities, such as boundary conditions or regions.
Enhanced the commands on the Geometry, Copy menu, the commands Geometry, Rotate menu,
and the commands on the Geometry, Reflect menu by adding an option to automatically select
associated mesh, along with additional options.
Charting Pane
Added “2..Vector Combination vs. Set” option to the Type drop-down in the Chart Data Series
dialog box.
Data Table
Added Transform button to Results to Add to Data Table dialog box, which is accessed via the Add
Output Columns icon. Clicking this button displays the standard Results Transformation dialog
box, which is used to select transformation options for Nodal Vector Output being added when
nodes are already in the Data Table or Element Output on Line Elements, Shell Elements, and/or
Solid Elements already in the Data Table.
Added Filter Selected Entities button to Data Table Filter dialog box, which is accessed via the
Filter Rows icon. Clicking this button displays the standard entity selection dialog box for the type
of entity which is currently in the Data Table and the rows representing the selected entities are
removed from the Data Table.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for SOL 401 (Multi-Step Structural Solution) that supports a combination of static
(linear or nonlinear), modal (real eigenvalue), and bolt pre-load subcases. Specifically, this includes
adding the Multi-Step Control Options dialog box, along with the Solution and Convergence
Options, Contact/Bolt Preload Control Options, and Creep Options dialog boxes to the Analysis Set
Manager when Analysis Type is set to “27..Multi-Step Structural” to write the NLCNTL entry for
the Master Case and/or subcases. In addition, added Analysis Type drop-down to the Master
Requests and Conditions dialog box, which is used to select the type of analysis for the Master
Case, and writes the appropriate ANALYSIS = entry to Case Control.
Added support for SOL 402 (Multi-Step Nonlinear Kinematic Solution) that supports a
combination of subcase types (static linear, static nonlinear, nonlinear dynamic, bolt pre-load,
modal, Fourier, buckling) and large rotation kinematics. Specifically, this includes adding the
Multi-Step Control Options dialog box, along with the Solution and Convergence Options dialog
box to the Analysis Set Manager when Analysis Type is set to “28..Multi-Step Nonlinear
Kinematic” to write the NLCNTL2 entry for the Master Case and/or subcases. In addition, this
includes adding the Multi-Step Global Control Options dialog box to optionally write the
NLCNTLG entry to the Master Case.
Added Subcase (ID) Time Steps dialog box to the Analysis Set Manager when Analysis Type is set
to “27..Multi-Step Structural” (SOL 401) or “28..Multi-Step Nonlinear Kinematic” (SOL 402) to
write TSTEP1 to the Master Case (ID = 0) or subcase.
Added Analysis Type drop-down to the Analysis Case dialog box in the Analysis Set Manager
when Analysis Type set to “27..Multi-Step Structural” (SOL 401) or “28..Multi-Step Nonlinear
Kinematic” (SOL 402). This is used to specify the type of analysis for a subcase, which writes the
appropriate ANALYSIS = entries to the Case Control section. In addition, added the Step Control
section to the Analysis Case dialog box, which is used to select Sequentially Dependent or Not
Sequentially Dependent, and writes the SEQDEP entry to the appropriate subcase in Case Control.
Added MATNL and corresponding drop-down to NASTRAN Bulk Data Options dialog box, which
is only available in the Analysis Set Manager when Analysis Type is set to “27..Multi-Step
Structural” (SOL 401) or “28..Multi-Step Nonlinear Kinematic” (SOL 402). Writes
PARAM,MATNL with the selected option.
Added ability to create Connector Set for support of Multi-Step Structural (SOL401) and Multi-
Step Nonlinear Kinematic (SOL402). Connector Sets can be selected in the Contact Sets and/or
Glue Sets sections of the Boundary Conditions dialog box in Analysis Set Manager when Analysis
Type is set to “27..Multi-Step Structural” (SOL 401) or “28..Multi-Step Nonlinear Kinematic”
(SOL 402) for the Master Case. For subcases, only the Contact Sets section is available. See
Connections (Regions, Properties, and Connectors) section.
Added tabs in Connection Property dialog box for support of Multi-Step Structural (SOL401) and
Multi-Step Nonlinear Kinematic (SOL402). See Connections (Regions, Properties, and
Connectors) section.
Added read/write support for Cohesive Elements (CHEXCZ, CPENTCZ), along with the Cohesive
Property (PSOLCZ) and Cohesive Material (MATCZ). See Elements, Materials, and Properties
Added support for Topology Optimization in Design Optimization (SOL 200), including ability to
define Topology Optimization regions (DETVEL1 and associated GROUP entries) and specify
Manufacturing Constraints (DMNCON entries). See Optimization section.
Added ability to Read / Write output requests for Elastic Strain (ELSTRN) and Thermal Strain
(THSTRN), as well as renaming the Strain item in the NASTRAN Output Requests dialog box to
Total Strain.
Added support for reading ply-by-ply laminate results created by random response analysis, from
the .op2 file. This includes ply-by-ply Stresses including von Mises Stress for PSDF (OESPSD1C),
Cumulative Root Mean Square output (OESXNO1C), and Positive Crossing (OESCRM1C) output
sets, along with ply-by-ply Strains for PSDF (OSTPSD1C) and Cumulative Root Mean Square
(OSTCRM1C) output sets.
Added support for Strength Ratio output in new format generated by NX Nastran 12 for certain
Updated the Rigid Element Thermal Expansion option in Translator Options section of NASTRAN
Bulk Data Options dialog box in the Analysis Set Manager to be Rigid Element Method with a
corresponding drop-down. When Analysis Type is set to “27..Multi-Step Structural” (SOL 401) or
“28..Multi-Step Nonlinear Kinematic” (SOL 402), select from “0..AUTO”, “2..LINEAR”, or
“3..STIFF”. When Analysis Type is set to other supported analysis types, select from
“1..LAGRAN” or “2..LINEAR”. Writes the RIGID = entry to the Master Case.
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Added support for analytical rigid surfaces of type CYLINDER, SEGMENTS, or REVOLUTION.
See Connections (Regions, Properties, and Connectors).
Added Support For ABAQUS 2018 ODB results files.
Added reading Pore Pressure “POR” results from the ODB results file.
Added export of CBUSH elements as ABAQUS CONN3D2 elements, which reference
*CONNECTOR BEHAVIOR and *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY entries. In addition, added Write
CBUSH as Matrix option to ABAQUS Model Options dialog box, which when enabled, writes out
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Added support for *CONTROL_TIMESTEP entry for both Explicit Transient Dynamics and
Implicit Transient Dynamics. For both types of analysis, this is specified by clicking the Advanced
button in the Solver Options section of the LS-DYNA Analysis Control dialog box in the Analysis
Set Manager, which opens the LS-Dyna Solver Options - *CONTROL dialog box.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for Parasolid 31.0, Solid Edge 2019, NX 12.0, Pro/Engineer CREO 5, CATIA V5-
6R2018, ACIS 2018 1.0, SolidWorks 2018, and JT 9.0
Updated the File, Export, Geometry command by adding the Topology Optimization option, which
requires output from a NX Nastran Topology Optimization analysis to export a STL file of the
optimized shape. To dynamically specify elements to use for the faceted representation, click the
Options button, then use the Topology Optimization STL File Output dialog box, which is very
similar to the one used by the View, Advanced Post, Dynamic Criteria command. See Output and
Post-Processing for more information.
Element - Formulations
Added Ansys tab to the Element Formulation dialog box, which is used to specify element type
(Ansys Option section) and up to six KEYOPT values for each element type (Ansys Keyopt
section) for the new ANSYS translator. If the Enable Legacy Ansys Interface option is enabled in
the General Solver Options section of the Interfaces tab of the File, Preferences command, the
Legacy Ansys Options section will be available instead.
Added NX Nastran Cohesive (MATCZ Sol 401, 402) to Other Types. Used in conjunction with
Cohesive Elements to model adhesion between different types of elements when using NX Nastran
Multi-Step Nonlinear Solution Sequences (SOL 401 and SOL 402), as well as consider damage
during progressive ply failure in models with laminate elements.
Added the Solid Cohesive Property Type. Used for modeling cohesion in NX Nastran Multi-Step
Nonlinear Solutions (SOL 401 and SOL 402), along with damage during progressive ply failure in
models with laminate elements.
Added Edit Layup icon button to Define Property - LAMINATE PLATE Element Type and Define
Property - LAMINATE SOLID Element Type dialog boxes, which can be used to edit the layup
currently selected in the Layup drop-down.
Enhanced “Compute” capability to always calculate equivalent properties using multiple
approaches (i.e., both including and excluding “Membrane/Bending Coupling”) and added “FOR
INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY” section, which explicitly states the calculated values
“Membrane/Bending Coupling Excluded” for those values.
Loads and Boundary Conditions
Updated Model, Load, Map Output From Model command by adding Criteria option to Data
Conversion section, which is designed to be used between models which have an identical or very
similar mesh. When using the Criteria option, Conversion Type and Unmapped Values are not
Updated Model, Load, From Freebody command, when using the Multi-Model option, by adding
the Re-center Reference Node option to the Toggle Rigid Element Nodes dialog box. This dialog
box may appear near the end of the command and is used to add or remove nodes from any of the
rigid or interpolation elements automatically created by previous steps in the command.
Added Model, Optimization, Variables and Topology Regions command which opens the
Optimization Variable and Topology Region Manager, which is used to create, edit, copy,
renumber, delete selected, or delete all Optimization Variables (relationships) and/or Topology
Added Model, Optimization, Limits command which opens the Optimization Limit Manager,
which is used to create, edit, copy, renumber, delete selected, or delete all Optimization Limits
Added Model, Optimization, Manufacturing Constraints command which opens the Manufacturing
Constraint Manager, which is used to create, edit, copy, renumber, delete selected, or delete all
Manufacturing Constraints specified for Topology Optimization.
Added Modify, Reflect menu which can be used to reflect Nodes or Elements without creating a
Added the Mesh, Editing, Cohesive Meshing command to create a layer of Cohesive Elements.
Updated the Mesh, Edge Member command by dividing it into two commands which are now on
the Mesh, Edge/Skin Elements submenu. Mesh, Edge/Skin Elements, Line Elements on Edges
creates line elements on selected edges. Mesh, Edge/Skin Elements, Planar Elements on Faces
creates Shell Elements on the selected faces of planar or Solid Elements.
Updated various dialog boxes used for meshing to change the Node Param, Elem Param,
Formulation, and Material Orientation buttons to icon buttons and added “tooltips” for those and
for the Property icon button.
Enhanced Mesh Points to include assigning Mesh Points on Points, Curves, and Solids, as well as
Surfaces. Mesh points also now have a unique symbol that can be controlled with View Options
and may be created or edited using the Mesh Point Editor dockable pane.
Enhanced various meshing commands to automatically delete any extraneous planar element on
surfaces after meshing surfaces which have a Matched - Link to Surface mesh approach assigned.
Enhanced commands for Nodes and Elements on the Modify, Move By menu, the Modify, Rotate
By menu, and the Modify, Align menu by adding an option to also move/rotate/align geometry
associated with selected Node and Elements. In addition, added Always Create Parent CSys option,
which can be used to force creation of a “parent” coordinate system to be used as the reference
coordinate system for any coordinate systems which need to be created to maintain the proper
definition of entities, such as boundary conditions or regions.
Enhanced commands for Coordinate Systems on the Modify, Move By menu, the Modify, Rotate
By menu, and the Modify, Align menu by adding an option to also move/rotate/align geometry and
mesh associated with selected Coordinate Systems. In addition, added Always Create Parent CSys
option, which can be used to force creation of a “parent” coordinate system to be used as the
reference coordinate system for any coordinate systems which need to be created to maintain the
proper definition of entities.
Enhanced the commands on the Mesh, Copy menu, the commands Mesh, Rotate menu, and the
commands on the Mesh, Reflect menu by adding an option to automatically select associated
geometry, along with additional options.
Added List, Geometry, Mesh Point command to list details about mesh points to the Messaged pane
and any other destination(s) specified by the List, Destination command.
Updated List, Output, Results to Data Table command by adding Show Summary Table option to
the Send Results to Data Table dialog box, which adds a summary table to the bottom of the Data
Table and contains Max and Min Values, their corresponding IDs, Sum of the Values, and the
Average Value for each column.
Updated List, Output, Results to Data Table command by adding Transform section to the Send
Results to Data Table dialog box. This section can be used to send transformed output data to the
Data Table using the options specified for the active view (Active View option) or specified via the
Transform… button (Custom... option).
Updated List, Output, Results Ranking to Data Table command by adding Transform button to the
Rank Output to Data Table dialog box. This section can be used to send ranked output data to the
Data Table, which has been transformed using the options specified via the Transform… button.
Updated List, Output, Contoured Results to Data Table command by adding a header to the to of
that Data Table, which describes the selected output sets/output vectors in the Data Table, including
Report Generator
Added the Tools, Report Generator command. This tool queries the user’s machine to make sure
Microsoft Word is installed, and if so, will automatically link to Microsoft Word and create a report
using options specified by the user. Options to specify include which entities to include and which
formats to use when creating pictures in the report.
Model Merge
Added Copy in Current Model option to the Merge/Extract section. This option allows entities from
a model to be merged into the same model. Typically, this would be used in conjunction with one of
the Orientation/Transform options to create duplicate entities in a different location.
Added Keep Loads and Constraints in Original Sets option to Options section. When enabled,
which is the default when using the Copy in Current Model option, load sets and constraint sets will
not be renumbered. Instead, any load set or constraint set which exists in both the From Model and
To Model will be combined into a single load set or single constraint set in the To Model, using the
original ID.
Added Orientation/Transform section, which replaces the Transform Merged Model option and
corresponding drop-downs to select coordinate systems.
Updated File, Merge command to skip rebuilding solid faceting of previously existing solids.
Updated File, Merge to better handle cases where geometry entities have inconsistent geometry
scale factors.
Added Best Possible option to the Graphics Options section. This option, when enabled, attempts to
use information from the computer running FEMAP (installed RAM, Graphics Card, version of
Open GL, etc) to determine what should be the “best possible” settings for several items in the
Graphics Options section. When enabled, the Performance Graphics, Max VBO MB, Min VBO B,
and Memory Optimization options, along with the setting for the Vertex Arrays drop-down, cannot
be specified by the user. When disabled, these items can specified individually
Updated Mesh Size in the Include In Dynamic Rotation section to be Mesh Locations, as both
Mesh Size on curves and Mesh Points are now not included in dynamic rotation unless this option
is enabled.
Added Surface Meshing in Memory to Meshing and Properties section. This preference determines
whether additional memory will be allocated by the FEMAP boundary mesher. If this option is
selected, FEMAP will allocate new memory to create the mesh. If it is not selected, FEMAP will
utilize the memory allocated in the database to perform the mesh. By allocating new memory, the
FEMAP mesher can run significantly faster than if it is limited to the database memory. Therefore,
this option should almost always be turned on. The only reason to turn this option off is if the
available memory on the current machine is low enough that allocation of new memory is
extremely limited.
Added Enable Legacy Ansys Interface option to the General Solver Options section. When this
option enabled, the Analysis Set Manager and other dialog boxes will use the “legacy” version of
the ANSYS analysis interface and translator (i.e., essentially what was in FEMAP versions prior to
version 12).
Added Enterprise License Server option to the Nastran Options section, which can be used to
specify a license server if using an enterprise version of NX Nastran. Simply enter the “@” symbol
followed by the name of the license server (i.e., @Nastran_Server_Name).
New and updated API Objects and Attributes
Added CopyTool (feCopyTool) object to the API. Also, added Repetitions, CopyInSameLocation,
AlwaysCreateParentCSys, UsePattern, and ReflectionTrapWidth attributes to the feCopyTool
Added MoveTool (feMoveTool) object to the API. Also, added AlwaysCreateParentCSys and
ReflectionTrapWidth attributes to the feMoveTool Object.
Added Discrete Value Set (feDiscreteValueSet) object to the API. Also, added IntegerType and
RangeType attributes to the feDiscreteValueSet Object.
Added Mesh Point (feMeshPt) object to the API. Also, added DefinitionID, PointID, layer, color,
OnGeometryType, OnGeometryID, NodeOnGeometry, DistanceToGeometry, Locked,
LocationOnGeometry, and vLocationOnGeometry to feMeshPtObject.
Added Mesh Point Definition (feMeshPointDefinition) object to the API. Also, added title
attributes to the feMeshPointDefinition Object.
Added Optimization Manufacturing Constraints (feOptMC) object to the API. Also, added title,
ManConType, Vec1, vVec1, Vec2, vVec2, Vec3, vVec3, Vec4, vVec4, nField1, dField1, and dField2
attributes to the feOptMC Object.
Added Optimization Relationship (Variable) (feOptRel) object to the API. Also, added title,
TypeField, NameField, RelationshipType, TopologyActive, Bounds, vBounds, RelationshipID, and
BoundType attributes to the feOptRel Object.
Added Optimization Response (Limits) (feOptResp) object to the API. Also, added title, rtype,
ptype, atta, attb, ResponseCategory, VectorID, attbFieldType, attiDataType, and attaBlank
attributes to the feOptRel Object.
Added SubcaseAnalysisType attribute to feAnalysisCase Object.
Added NasModeOn, NasModeEigrSet, NasModeMethod, NasModeSolutionType,
NasModeEstRoots, NasModeDesiredRoots, NasModeNormOpt, NasModeNormNode,
NasModeNormDOF, NasModeMassForm, NasModeXYOn, NasModeXYRefNode,
NasModeFreqRange, vNasModeFreqRange, NasModesSkipEigr, NasModeImagFreqRange,
vNasModeImagFreqRange, NasModesComplexConverge, NasModesComplexRegionWidth,
NasModeDampOverall, NasModeXYRequest, and vNasModeXYRequest attributes for Nastran
Modal Analysis subcases to feAnalysisCase Object.
Added NasMsnlCntOn, NasMsnlCntSkipNLCNTL, vNasMsnlCntConv_flags,
vNasMsnlCntConv_value, NasMsnlCntMaxbis, NasMsnlCntMaxdiv,NasMsnlCntMaxiter,
NasMsnlCntMaxqn, NasMsnlCntEpsbolt, NasMsnlCntZerbolt, NasMsnlCntItrbolt,
NasMsnlCntMisfblt, NasMsnlCntMsglvlb, NasMsnlCntLvar, NasMsnlCntMsglvl,
NasMsnlCntSolver, NasMsnlCntThrmst, NasMsnlCntTvar, NasMsnlCntFollowk,
NasMsnlCntKupdate, NasMsnlCntSpink, NasMsnlCntStfoptn, NasMsnlCntStressk,
NasMsnlCntTstepk, NasMsnlCntCntmdiv, NasMsnlCntFsymtol, NasMsnlCntKsym,
NasMsnlCntKsymtol, NasMsnlCntMsglvlc, NasMsnlCntUsolver, NasMsnlCntCrcerat,
NasMsnlCntCrcinc, NasMsnlCntCreep, NasMsnlCntCricoff, NasMsnlCntCrinfac,
NasMsnlCntCrmfmn, NasMsnlCntCrmfmx, NasMsnlCntCrteabs, NasMsnlCntdCrteco,
NasMsnlCntCrterel, NasMsnlCntPlastic, NasMsnlCntAutotim, NasMsnlCntDtinit,
NasMsnlCntDtmax, NasMsnlCntDtmin, NasMsnlCntDtsbcdt, NasMsnlCntEqmfmin,
NasMsnlCntEqmfmx, NasMsnlCntTsccr, NasMsnlCntTsceq, NasMsnlCntTscumat,
NasMsnlCntUmfmin, and NasMsnlCntUmfmx attributes for NX Nastran SOL 401 subcases to the
feAnalysisCase Object.
Added NasMsnlkCnt2on, NasMsnlkCnt2SkipNLCNTL2, NasMsnlkCnt2DISLIM,
NasMsnlkCnt2ROTLIM, NasMsnlkCnt2DEFLIM, NasMsnlkCnt2LVAR, NasMsnlkCnt2TVAR,
NasMsnlkCnt2DIPR, NasMsnlkCnt2NORM, NasMsnlkCnt2CREEP,NasMsnlkCnt2PLASTIC,
NasMsnlkCnt2STAB, NasMsnlkCnt2MADI, NasMsnlkCnt2ERCD, NasMsnlkCnt2PRED,
NasMsnlkCnt2IMPL, NasMsnlkCnt2BETA, NasMsnlkCnt2GAMA, NasMsnlkCnt2ALFA,
NasMsnlkCnt2TETA, NasMsnlkCnt2PRCO, NasMsnlkCnt2HPRCO, NasMsnlkCnt2ILNS,
NasMsnlkCnt2PRLN, NasMsnlkCnt2AMIN, NasMsnlkCnt2AMAX, NasMsnlkCnt2ITMA,
NasMsnlkCnt2PRCR, NasMsnlkCnt2REFP, NasMsnlkCnt2PRCQ, NasMsnlkCnt2REFU,
NasMsnlkCnt2PRCE, NasMsnlkCnt2REFE, NasMsnlkCnt2IT1K, NasMsnlkCnt2IT2K,
NasMsnlkCnt2IT3K, NasMsnlkCnt2PLAS, NasMsnlkCnt2CIBL, NasMsnlkCnt2DTI0,
NasMsnlkCnt2HMIN, NasMsnlkCnt2HMAX, NasMsnlkCnt2RUP, NasMsnlkCnt2RDOW,
NasMsnlkCnt2RSUB, NasMsnlkCnt2RELC, NasMsnlkCnt2DCON, NasMsnlkCnt2PRCS,
NasMsnlkCnt2IMPG, NasMsnlkCnt2IMPR, and NasMsnlkCnt2IMPV attributes for NX Nastran
SOL 402 subcases to the feAnalysisCase Object.
Added NasMsnlTSOn, NasMsnlTSSkipTSTEP, NasMsnlTSNumIncrements,
NasMsnlTSEndTime, NasMsnlTSSkipFactor, and NasMsnlTSOutputFreq attributes for NX
Nastran SOL 401 and SOL 402 subcases to the feAnalysisCase Object.
Added AnsLdstepOn, AnsKbc, AnsPstres, AnsEqslv, AnsNewConstraint,
AnsNewLoad,AnsNewContact,AnsTimestepOn, AnsTime, AnsAutots, AnsNsubs, AnsNsbstep,
AnsNsbmx, AnsNsbmn, AnsDtime, AnsDtmin, AnsDtmax, AnsPlslimit, AnsPlslimitvalue,
AnsCrplimit, AnsCrplimitvalue, AnsDpplimit, AnsDpplimitvalue, AnsDsplimit,
AnsDsplimitvalue, AnsBisect, AnsBisectfactor, AnsPredictor,AnsMidtol, AnsTolerb, AnsResfq,
AnsOutputOn, AnsOutresAll,AnsOutprAll, AnsOutresAllFreq,AnsOutprAllFreq,
AnsOutresAllNth, AnsOutprAllNth, AnsOutresBasic, AnsOutprBasic, AnsOutresBasicFreq,
AnsOutprBasicFreq, AnsOutresBasicNth, AnsOutprBasicNth, AnsOutresRsol, AnsOutprRsol,
AnsOutresRsolFreq, AnsOutprRsolFreq, AnsOutresRsolNth, AnsOutprRsolNth, AnsOutresNsol,
AnsOutprNsol, AnsOutresNsolFreq, AnsOutprNsolFreq,AnsOutresNsolNth,AnsOutprNsolNth,
AnsOutresVel,AnsOutprVel, AnsOutresVelFreq,AnsOutprVelFreq, AnsOutresVelNth,
AnsOutprVelNth,AnsOutresAcc, AnsOutprAcc, AnsOutresAccFreq, AnsOutprAccFreq,
AnsOutresAccNth, AnsOutprAccNth, AnsOutresEsol, AnsOutprEsol, AnsOutresEsolFreq,
AnsOutprEsolFreq, AnsOutresEsolNth, AnsOutprEsolNth, AnsModalOptOn, AnsModalMethod,
AnsModalNmode, AnsModalFreqb, AnsModalFreqe,
AnsModalNrmkey,AnsModalStrmck,AnsModalRangefact, AnsModalBlocksize,
AnsModalRobustlev, AnsModalCompute, AnsModalReusekey, AnsModalSymmeth,
AnsBuckleOptOn, AnsBuckleMethod,AnsBuckleNmode, AnsBuckleShift,
AnsBuckleLdmulte,AnsBuckleRangekey,AnsBuckleStrmck, AnsHarmonicOptOn,
AnsHarmonicMethod, AnsHarmonicMinmode, AnsHarmonicMaxmode, AnsHarmonicFreqb,
AnsHarmonicFreqe, AnsHarmonicLogopt,AnsHarmonicReimky,AnsHarmonicClust,
AnsTransOptOn, AnsTransMethod, AnsTransMinmode, AnsTransMaxmode, AnsTransTintopt,
AnsTransDmpsfreq, AnsTransLumpm, AnsTransAlphad, AnsTransBetad, AnsTransDmpstr,
AnsTransDmprat, AnsTransGamma, AnsTransGammavalue, AnsTransAlpha, AnsTransDelta,
AnsTransAlphaf, AnsTransAlpham, AnsNlOptOn, AnsNropt, AnsNeqit, AnsCnvtolU, AnsUtoler,
AnsCnvtolRot, AnsRottoler, AnsCnvtolF, AnsFtoler, AnsCnvtolM, AnsMtoler, AnsCnvtolDvol,
AnsDvoltoler, AnsCnvtolHdsp, AnsHdsptoler, AnsNlgeom, AnsArclen, AnsLnsrch, and AnsPred
attributes for ANSYS cases to the feAnalysisCase Object.
Added AbaModCbushAsMatrix attribute for ABAQUS Master Case to the feAnalysisMgr Object.
Added NasMsnlCntOn, NasMsnlCntSkipNLCNTL, vNasMsnlCntConv_flags,
vNasMsnlCntConv_value, NasMsnlCntMaxbis, NasMsnlCntMaxdiv,NasMsnlCntMaxiter,
NasMsnlCntMaxqn, NasMsnlCntEpsbolt, NasMsnlCntZerbolt, NasMsnlCntItrbolt,
NasMsnlCntMisfblt, NasMsnlCntMsglvlb, NasMsnlCntLvar, NasMsnlCntMsglvl,
NasMsnlCntSolver, NasMsnlCntThrmst, NasMsnlCntTvar, NasMsnlCntFollowk,
NasMsnlCntKupdate, NasMsnlCntSpink, NasMsnlCntStfoptn, NasMsnlCntStressk,
NasMsnlCntTstepk, NasMsnlCntCntmdiv, NasMsnlCntFsymtol, NasMsnlCntKsym,
NasMsnlCntKsymtol, NasMsnlCntMsglvlc, NasMsnlCntUsolver, NasMsnlCntCrcerat,
NasMsnlCntCrcinc, NasMsnlCntCreep, NasMsnlCntCricoff, NasMsnlCntCrinfac,
NasMsnlCntCrmfmn, NasMsnlCntCrmfmx, NasMsnlCntCrteabs, NasMsnlCntdCrteco,
NasMsnlCntCrterel, NasMsnlCntPlastic, NasMsnlCntAutotim, NasMsnlCntDtinit,
NasMsnlCntDtmax, NasMsnlCntDtmin, NasMsnlCntDtsbcdt, NasMsnlCntEqmfmin,
NasMsnlCntEqmfmx, NasMsnlCntTsccr, NasMsnlCntTsceq, NasMsnlCntTscumat,
NasMsnlCntUmfmin, and NasMsnlCntUmfmx attributes for NX Nastran SOL 401 Master Case to
the feAnalysisMgr Object.
Added NasMsNLKGlobalOn, NasMsNLKGlobalRESO, NasMsNLKGlobalSTRMEAS,
NasMsNLKGlobalIREF, NasMsNLKGlobalINLY NasMsnlkCnt2on,
NasMsnlkCnt2SkipNLCNTL2, NasMsnlkCnt2DISLIM, NasMsnlkCnt2ROTLIM,
NasMsnlkCnt2DEFLIM, NasMsnlkCnt2LVAR, NasMsnlkCnt2TVAR, NasMsnlkCnt2DIPR,
NasMsnlkCnt2NORM, NasMsnlkCnt2CREEP,NasMsnlkCnt2PLASTIC, NasMsnlkCnt2STAB,
NasMsnlkCnt2MADI, NasMsnlkCnt2ERCD, NasMsnlkCnt2PRED, NasMsnlkCnt2IMPL,
NasMsnlkCnt2BETA, NasMsnlkCnt2GAMA, NasMsnlkCnt2ALFA, NasMsnlkCnt2TETA,
NasMsnlkCnt2PRCO, NasMsnlkCnt2HPRCO, NasMsnlkCnt2ILNS, NasMsnlkCnt2PRLN,
NasMsnlkCnt2AMIN, NasMsnlkCnt2AMAX, NasMsnlkCnt2ITMA, NasMsnlkCnt2PRCR,
NasMsnlkCnt2REFP, NasMsnlkCnt2PRCQ, NasMsnlkCnt2REFU, NasMsnlkCnt2PRCE,
NasMsnlkCnt2REFE, NasMsnlkCnt2IT1K, NasMsnlkCnt2IT2K, NasMsnlkCnt2IT3K,
NasMsnlkCnt2PLAS, NasMsnlkCnt2CIBL, NasMsnlkCnt2DTI0, NasMsnlkCnt2HMIN,
NasMsnlkCnt2HMAX, NasMsnlkCnt2RUP, NasMsnlkCnt2RDOW, NasMsnlkCnt2RSUB,
NasMsnlkCnt2RELC, NasMsnlkCnt2DCON, NasMsnlkCnt2PRCS, NasMsnlkCnt2IMPG,
NasMsnlkCnt2IMPR, and NasMsnlkCnt2IMPV attributes for NX Nastran SOL 402 Master Case to
the feAnalysisMgr Object.
Added NasMsnlTSOn, NasMsnlTSSkipTSTEP, NasMsnlTSNumIncrements,
NasMsnlTSEndTime, NasMsnlTSSkipFactor, and NasMsnlTSOutputFreq attributes for NX
Nastran SOL 401 and SOL 402 Master Case to the feAnalysisMgr Object.
Added NasOptimCycles,NasOptimOn, NasOptimIsTopology, NasBulkMatnl,
NasOptimMinDesobj, NasOptimDresp, NasOptimGoal, NasOptimIntervalVal, NasOptimEcho,
NasOptimInterval, NasOptimMCDelayVal, NasOptimMCDelay, and NasOptimIntervalVal
attributes for NX Nastran and MSC Nastran SOL 200 Master Case to the feAnalysisMgr Object.
Added AnsLdstepOn, AnsKbc, AnsPstres, AnsEqslv, AnsNewConstraint,
AnsNewLoad,AnsNewContact,AnsTimestepOn, AnsTime, AnsAutots, AnsNsubs, AnsNsbstep,
AnsNsbmx, AnsNsbmn, AnsDtime, AnsDtmin, AnsDtmax, AnsPlslimit, AnsPlslimitvalue,
AnsCrplimit, AnsCrplimitvalue, AnsDpplimit, AnsDpplimitvalue, AnsDsplimit,
AnsDsplimitvalue, AnsBisect, AnsBisectfactor, AnsPredictor,AnsMidtol, AnsTolerb, AnsResfq,
AnsOutputOn, AnsOutresAll,AnsOutprAll, AnsOutresAllFreq,AnsOutprAllFreq,
AnsOutresAllNth, AnsOutprAllNth, AnsOutresBasic, AnsOutprBasic, AnsOutresBasicFreq,
AnsOutprBasicFreq, AnsOutresBasicNth, AnsOutprBasicNth, AnsOutresRsol, AnsOutprRsol,
AnsOutresRsolFreq, AnsOutprRsolFreq, AnsOutresRsolNth, AnsOutprRsolNth, AnsOutresNsol,
AnsOutprNsol, AnsOutresNsolFreq, AnsOutprNsolFreq,AnsOutresNsolNth,AnsOutprNsolNth,
AnsOutresVel,AnsOutprVel, AnsOutresVelFreq,AnsOutprVelFreq, AnsOutresVelNth,
AnsOutprVelNth,AnsOutresAcc, AnsOutprAcc, AnsOutresAccFreq, AnsOutprAccFreq,
AnsOutresAccNth, AnsOutprAccNth, AnsOutresEsol, AnsOutprEsol, AnsOutresEsolFreq,
AnsOutprEsolFreq, AnsOutresEsolNth, AnsOutprEsolNth, AnsModalOptOn, AnsModalMethod,
AnsModalNmode, AnsModalFreqb, AnsModalFreqe,
AnsModalNrmkey,AnsModalStrmck,AnsModalRangefact, AnsModalBlocksize,
AnsModalRobustlev, AnsModalCompute, AnsModalReusekey, AnsModalSymmeth,
AnsBuckleOptOn, AnsBuckleMethod,AnsBuckleNmode, AnsBuckleShift,
AnsBuckleLdmulte,AnsBuckleRangekey,AnsBuckleStrmck, AnsHarmonicOptOn,
AnsHarmonicMethod, AnsHarmonicMinmode, AnsHarmonicMaxmode, AnsHarmonicFreqb,
AnsHarmonicFreqe, AnsHarmonicLogopt,AnsHarmonicReimky,AnsHarmonicClust,
AnsTransOptOn, AnsTransMethod, AnsTransMinmode, AnsTransMaxmode, AnsTransTintopt,
AnsTransDmpsfreq, AnsTransLumpm, AnsTransAlphad, AnsTransBetad, AnsTransDmpstr,
AnsTransDmprat, AnsTransGamma, AnsTransGammavalue, AnsTransAlpha, AnsTransDelta,
AnsTransAlphaf, AnsTransAlpham, AnsNlOptOn, AnsNropt, AnsNeqit, AnsCnvtolU, AnsUtoler,
AnsCnvtolRot, AnsRottoler, AnsCnvtolF, AnsFtoler, AnsCnvtolM, AnsMtoler, AnsCnvtolDvol,
AnsDvoltoler, AnsCnvtolHdsp, AnsHdsptoler, AnsNlgeom, AnsArclen, AnsLnsrch, and AnsPred
attributes for ANSYS to the feAnalysisMgr Object.
Added CombinationType and AbsoluteCombination attributes to feChart Object.
Added IsCombination attribute to feConnect Object.
Added attrTopology, MeshPointID, and vMeshPointID attributes to feCurve Object.
Added InPlanePropExcMemBend, vInPlanePropExcMemBend, BendingPropExcMemBend, and
vBendingPropExcMemBend attributes to feLayup Object.
Added UseCriteria attribute to feMapOutput Object.
Added attrTopology, attrMidsideOnGeometry and attrMaxMidsideAngle attributes to feSolid
Added FeatureLineAngle, ViewLegendJustification, PostTitlesJustification,
ContourLegendHorizontal, ContourLegendReversed, ViewLegendLocation,
vViewLegendLocation, PostTitlesLocation, vPostTitlesLocation, ContourLegendLocation,
vContourLegendLocation, ContourLegendWidthPct, DiscreteValueOn, DiscreteValueSetID,
ModelDataContourOn, ModelDataContourGroup, ModelDataContourLabels,
ViewLegendLockJustification, PostTitlesLockJustification, ContourLegendTopLeftLabel, and
ContourLegendLockOrientation, attributes to the to feView Object. Also, updated AxisLocation
and vAxisLocation.
Updated label attribute on the feAeroSurf Object.
Updated formulation and vformulation attributes on the feElem Object.
Corrected issue where bringing up the Performance Graphics Font Dialog from View Options
Dialog and then moving the dialog will prevent the use of the mouse to select a font.
Corrected issue where previous zoom values were not initialized correctly causing the
magnification to be set to 0 (graphics system then uses 1e-4)
Corrected issue that made picking difficult with Animate, Trace or Animate MultiSet active. The
deformed model would be used to determine waht was picked and then the highlighting would be
on the undeformed.
Corrected issue where View, Rotate, Model and View, Zoom commands did not apply to all views
Corrected issue where the values on the advanced post dynamic section cut dialog box did not
update when scrolling the mousewheel while holding the Alt key down to dynamically move the
cutting plane.
Corrected issue when switching between views and the user clicks in the title bar of a non active
view, the view is maximized.
Corrected issue which could cause application to exit unexpectedly when printing to graphics files.
Corrected issue which allowed a model to be saved when an entity references a coordinate system
that no longer exists. Now, FEMAP errors.
Corrected issue when attempting to use Modify, Edit, Point to edit solid points which never updated
the solid.
Corrected issue when projecting locations onto Arcs/Circles if the initial location being projected
was at the center of the Arc/Circle. Previously it returned the center location which is not "on" the
curve. This caused problems when breaking curves (PR# 8950203).
Corrected issue when using Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Offset Curve/Washer command
which could cause extremely short curves to be created, which could lead to an over-aggressive
cleanup, resulting in distorted geometry.
Corrected issue when using Geometry, Solid, Remove Face where removal of faces using the
Parasolid VTK would not occur.
Corrected issue when picking zero length rigid elements, they are not visible by default. Changed
default for rigid element symbols to be on.
Corrected issue where preview arrows drawn directly into or out of the screen did not have a head
or a tail.
Corrected issue where CBUSH direction arrows were not drawn or not drawn correctly if zero
length or were to ground
Corrected issue with extremely poor performance with property based NSM regions. Large models
showing 20 times improvement in performance (PR# 9089646)
Corrected issue when using global transparency that caused the view legend, view axes, post titles
and contour legend to be drawn transparent.
Corrected issue where contour legend, view legend, post titles and view axes were drawn
transparent when using Window, Show Entities command
Corrected issue where origin color was not controlling the transparency of the origin.
Corrected issue with incorrect colors for eliminated geometry entities.
Corrected issue where points were not eliminated correctly in non Performance Graphics.
Corrected issue where front picking of contact regions would possibly fail.
Corrected issue where deleting output in a model with multiple views causes Loads and Boundary
Conditions to disappear.
Corrected issue where nodes were not drawn correctly when in non Performance Graphics free
edge display and switching elements on and off.
Corrected issue where non Performance Graphics only drew contour arrows on the free face solid
Corrected issue where beam cross section display did not obey blanking and erase/draw
Corrected issue where beam cross section stress display did not work correctly for tapered beams.
Corrected issue where criteria display of plate elements could not just draw criteria values and
unfilled elements.
Corrected issue where non Performance Graphics pressure loads did not display the phase value.
Corrected issue where line contours disappear if you do List, Model, Node command, then rotate
with middle mouse. This only happened in non-Performance Graphics with VBO on.
Corrected issue with filled edges on cutting plane for Pyramid13 and Pyramid5.
Corrected issue with labels not being transparent when transparency is on (PR# 7810217)
Corrected issue with rotate/zoom about mouse not working if anything is transparent.
Corrected issue where line elements override point elements making picking point elements
Corrected issue where post titles disappear if the user does an element quality check from the
meshing toolbox and kills the toolbox.
Corrected issue where the no pick list was not being honored by fast pick visible.
Corrected issue where picking connection regions by screen area was slow.
Corrected several issues with free face and free edge displays when including whole model.
Corrected issue when picking elements, if user rotates with middle mouse button and while holding
it down, hits right mouse button, picking is broken until the model is rotated again.
Corrected issue where aero splines were sometimes not drawing connected nodes immediately after
reading from a Nastran deck.
Corrected issue where streamlines were not depth buffered correctly which gave rise to confusing
images with multiple streamlines
Corrected issue which could cause a newly created coordinate system to not be drawn when when
not using Performance Graphics
Performance Graphics
Corrected issue with Performance Graphics drawing constraints in coordinate systems other than 0,
1 and 2 if the coordinate system IDs are not contiguous.
Corrected issue with Performance Graphics with multiple views of the same model. If one view had
beam sections or beam diagram and the other did not, switching between the views would give
incorrect graphical display.
Corrected issue where selecting Performance Graphics fonts only showed the list of fonts that were
not hidden by the Operating System. All fonts are now listed for selection.
Corrected issues with transparency that effected contour arrows, labels and symbols.
Corrected issue where if you edited the property to change between CBUSH and Spring/Damper,
the graphics did not change even with a ctrl-G.
Corrected issue where constraints in cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems were not drawn
Corrected issue where undo did notwork with interactive mesh editing
Corrected issue where moidifying material direction controlled by a material coordinate system
was not updated graphically even after a ctrl-G
Corrected issue where Window, Show Entities could cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly when
highlighting Connection Regions with specific options specified (PR# 9033536)
Corrected issue where Dynamic Rotation About Cursor Location did not work with whole model
(auto) transparency on.
Corrected issue where rigids were not drawn in the undeformed model. Some undeformed color
options were also not working correctly.
Corrected issue where criteria did not work on RBE2 and RBE3.
Corrected issue where symbols on line elements were contoured with first node values not the
average value.
Corrected issue where z arrowhead on coordinate systems were not drawn.
Corrected issue where arrow head circles were drawn at the base of an arrow and not at the tip and
this caused incorrect depth buffering.
Corrected issue where clipping plane di not effect contour arrows.
Corrected issue where color elements by material used the property color and not the lement color
when the property had no material.
Corrected issue where fast pick visible was not accounting for shrink.
Corrected issue where 0 was drawn for a load with no function selected.
Corrected issue when animating mixed Performance Graphics elements and non Performance
Graphics elements (for example beam sections), nodes were not drawn correctly when stopping the
animation to pick or rotate.
Corrected issue where Performance Graphics pressure loads did not display the function ID.
Corrected issue where Performance Graphics was not obeying black/white swap when printing.
Corrected issue where a high ambient lighting can saturate the contour colors, resulting in an
incorrect contour color.
Corrected issue where nodes on elements in another layer are not drawn if the node layer is on and
the element layer is off (PR# 7810484)
Corrected issue where shells/plates were always included in the free face and they were not being
controlled by the "all elements" switch in the Free Edge andFace option of View Options
GUI - General
Standard Entity Selection dialog box
Corrected issues with the “Add Connected Fillets”, “Add Tangent Surfaces”, “Add Connected
Elements”, and “Add All Connected Elements” commands on the Pick^ menu in the standard entity
selection dialog box. Previously, they worked correctly if you were selecting Surfaces or Elements,
but did not work if you were selecting any other entity type but had switched to a Method that
selected Surfaces or Elements.
PostProcessing Toolbox
Corrected issue that occurred if you renumbered Output Sets, then immediately chose one of the
Output Vector selection buttons. Previously the dialog box shown after pressing the button could
have been improperly populated with vectors from the wrong Output Set or with no vectors at all, if
the previous Output Set no longer existed. This condition corrected itself if other controls were
used first, but now works if done immediately.
Corrected issue where number of digits on freebody vectors were incorrectly controlled by digits
for Contour / Criteria Style rather than digits for Freebody Vectors (IR# 8950588).
Charting Pane
Corrected issue where updating a chart data series marker size via the dialog could result in
excessively large marker sizes.
Corrected issue which caused incorrect labeling for independent and dependent vectors for Vector
vs Vector Chart Data Series dialog
Corrected issue when using "vs. Position" where the relative postion was being calculated before
values were being transformed, which caused the coordinates to be presented in a different
coordinate system. The new order of calculations performs the transformation before calculating
the relative positioning to avoid a second translation of the coordinates
Corrected issue where relative location ID was not correctly saved when the relative positioning
option was enabled for "vs. Entity" Chart Data Series (PR# 9100245)
Corrected issue with Chart Data Series dialog where output set may not be saved correctly for
Vector vs Vector data series types
Corrected issue in Chart Data Series dialog that would prevent the user from selecting vectors in
the 9,000,000 - 10,000,000 ID range (PR# 8891224).
Corrected issue where using the Delete All command in the Chart Data Series Manager, and there
was no active chart being displayed, could cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly.
Connection Editor
Corrected issue in the Connection Editor that caused the connectors being displayed to be lost or
corrupted if the entities were renumbered over top of existing entities. Previously if you closed the
pane and reopened it it would reload properly but was initially incorrect. Now it is properly
Program File
Corrected issue which occurred if you tried to record a program file but cancelled closing of other
panes (like the API Programming pane). Previously, record would activate, but the panes were still
open even though they could not be recorded. Now, record does not begin until all panes are closed.
Messages Window
Corrected issue where duplicate message: “n Constraint Set(s) translated” could appear when
writing Nastran deck (PR# 9133419)
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue which could cause time step 0.0 to be skipped when indexing op2 files.
Corrected issue where PRGPST,YES card would be placed in Start Text in the Analysis Set, as well
as enabling the flag in the NASTRAN Bulk Data Options, after importing a Nastran input file. This
would cause the entry to be written twice to the Nastran input file during export.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected issue where CBUSH Spring forces requests for Random (XYPRINT card) would not be
written to dat file (PR# 8978258)
Corrected potential crash when "auto" CBUSH Spring Force is requested.
Corrected issue which caused Nastran analyses to fail if you had a line that contained nothing but
spaces in the Bulk Data section and you were running with Desktop licensing.
Corrected issue which caused a NSM entry in the Case Control section of an imported Nastran
input file to be saved in to Start Text section of the Analysis Set, which resulting in two NSM
entries being written to the Case Control section of the exported Nastran input file.
Corrected issue which would cause an empty PBUSH entry (i.e., no fields defined) to not be
"finished" with a new line when exporting a Nastran input file.
Corrected issue in Nastran translator that could cause NLPARM = 0 to be written if the Use Load
Set Options switch was used in the Analysis Set (PR# 8977113).
Corrected issue where an invalid warning stating that Complex Modes were required for Rotor
Dynamics would be issued (PR# 8839306)
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Corrected issue where Femap was not reading pyramid results from ABAQUS ODB
Corrected issue where in reading ABAQUS *.inp file, presence of a SYSTEM card with no xyz
coordinates on succeeding lines (to define csys), will cause failure to read next header (keyword) in
file, possibly resulting in incomplete or corrupt model.
Corrected issue where ABAQUS Axisymmetric element DCAX would label corner temperature
vectors incorrectly.
Corrected issue where ABAQUS Membrane element would label corner temperature vector
Interfaces - MARC
Corrected issue where Femap could exit unexpectedly when defining a MARC analysis set with no
entries in the MARC Contact Table (PR# 9038253).
Interfaces - Comma-separated
Corrected issues when reading Table 500/501 from an enhanced Comma-Separated results file if
field were skipped (such as Tet Element Corner Results). Previously, the final field was not read.
This problem did not occur if the Results file was attached, only when it was imported.
Corrected issue when meshing linked planar boundary surfaces, which in many cases would not
have mesh properly in the past versions.
Corrected issue which could occur when sizing solids for Hex Meshing which had combined
curves and/or boundary surfaces.
Corrected issue when sizing for Hex Meshing which would occur if adjacent edges in two solids
were both defined by multiple curves. Previously the element count would be correct but the
spacing of the nodes could be different resulting in free faces when you hex meshed.
Corrected issue when inserting a mesh point on a spherical surface when it intersected the surface
along an element edge.
Corrected issue which occurred when trying to create a linked surface mesh between surfaces that
had intermediate surfaces that were multi-surface boundaries.
Corrected issue where mesh points in a surface mesh happened to be located along edges of
elements that would have been created without the mesh points.
Corrected issue when meshing very bad surfaces with triangular elements which caused edge
intersections that could cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly (PR# 9112369).
Corrected issue which created incorrect elements when meshing surfaces which had previously
been meshed with the Max Quads option and parabolic elements (PR# 9253333).
Corrected issue when using the Mesh, Editing, Interactive or Mesh, Editing, Split commands, along
with the Modify, Update Elements, Split Quad command which would cause regions to not include
new elements which were created by splitting existing elements.
Elements - General
Corrected issue where rigid, slideline and weld elements were not renumbered correctly by
minimum node ID.
Elements - Spring/Damper
Corrected issue where the location along the spring of the CBUSH element was not initialized
Corrected issue with evaluation of neutral axis offset for PBEAML HAT1 section (PR# 9072562)
Corrected issue where tube and curved tube property dialog did not check inner diameter was less
than outer diameter.
Corrected issue where Femap Skew check improperly reported failure for ideal penta element (PR#
Corrected issue which prevented Safe Merge from working when merging coincident nodes, but
only occurred in very specific dimensional cases.
Corrected issue with the Tools, Check, Planar command when trying the simple, degenerate case of
simply checking 3 nodes (PR# 9104630)
Corrected issue where Tools, Mass Properties, Mesh Properties command would create a mass
element with zero value for My and Mz.
Model Merge
Corrected issue which prevented Constraint Equations from being copied in File, Merge command.
Corrected issue that prevented entities from being properly copied via the File, Mesh command if
they had larger IDs than some other ID that was referenced to be copied but did not exist in the
Corrected issue with the "Improve Real Number Precision" preference when writing numbers
between +/- 1.0E-3 and 1.0E-11 using wide field format. Previously, the precision was not
improved to the maximum possible extent and in the lower ranges of these values could actually
reduce precision compared to having the preference turned off.
Corrected issues with a number of API calls to properly get surface and solid facets were broken.
Corrected issue where calls to access beam section results was extremely slow. Looping over 10
output sets and for each looping over 3700 beam elements is almost 60 times faster.
Corrected issue where call ro calculate beam section properties was not setting the reference point
Corrected issue in Data Surfaces with Model to Model mapping using API (MapFromModelToSet
and MapFromModelToSet2) when targetSetID was not equal to 0.
Corrected issue where Skew was not being checked via call to CheckQuality.
Corrected issue with SelectMultiID of the API Set object that caused pre-selected entities to not be
checked if you were selecting Result Sets. Other data types worked previously
Corrected issue where an add-in pane created via an API script could be closed via the system "X"
while an API was actively communicating with FEMAP.
Corrected issues which could cause nodes which are not associated to any elements being
duplicated to also be duplicated when using various calls in the API that create duplicate elements.
Corrected issue with return code from feFileAttachSave2 and cleared the undo stack for API
operations on attached output to match the behavior of the User Interface.
Corrected issue which caused Info_NextID to be overwritten when using the newer functionality
for face selection.
Corrected issues where return code FE_NOT_AVAILABLE was not being returned when using a
set-based entity type which is not supported by a method (PR# 7930455)
Corrected issue where certain AnalysisMgr properties could be updated via API without the
changes being reflected in the Analysis Manager in the user interface.
FEMAP v11.4.2 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
GUI - Toolbars and Icons
Panes Toolbar
Added TMG Thermal/Flow icon, which opens the Thermal/Flow Model Info dockable pane.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for NX Nastran 12.0
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for NX 12.0
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue which could cause FEMAP to write NLPARM = 0 if the Use Load Set Options
switch was used in the Analysis Set (PR# 8977113).
Corrected issue which caused NASTRAN PBUSH Stress/Strain recovery coefficients to be written
incorrectly. Previously the Stress Rotation Coefficient and the Strain Translation Coefficient were
Corrected issue with the “2..Vector vs. Vector” Data Series type which would cause the Sort Data
option to not be saved in the Chart Data Series dialog box, thus editing this type of Chart Data
Series could change how the Data Series was displayed.
Output and Post-Processing
Corrected issue when attached to a Nasrtan .op2 file that could cause nodal output which uses an
output coordinate system to be incorrect. This could occur if another input file was imported into
FEMAP between the time that the .op2 file was attached and when output data was actually
retrieved from the .op2 file (PR# 8983429).
Corrected issue where contour arrow plots of principal stresses and strains or principal stress/strain
angle for an individual ply in a laminate were oriented with respect to the element coordinate
system rather than the ply orientation (PR# 9015291).
Corrected issue when using the RemoveMeshPoint method of the Surface Object, which would
occur when the first defined mesh point was removed from the surface. This would zero out all
counters and other API functions used downstream would then show there were no mesh points
specified on the surface.
Corrected issue which allowed an “add-in” dockable pane to be closed via the system “X” icon,
even while an active api “conversation” was in progress.
FEMAP v11.4.1 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for Parasolid 30.0, Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 10, and Pro/Engineer
Creo 4.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
FEMAP with NX Nastran bundle now includes NX Nastran 11.0.2.
New and Updated API Methods
Added GetSavedSetType to the Set Object.
Added CollectorSingleSymbol, CollectorAddSymbolEntityFaceNormalAutoLocations,
CollectorAddSymbolEntityEdgeLocations, CollectorAddSymbolEntityEdgeAutoLocations,
CollectorAddSymbolREAL8EntityEdgeLocations, and
CollectorAddSymbolREAL8EntityEdgeAutoLocations to the User Defined Graphics Object.
Updated SetTri3Orientation, SetTri6Orientation, SetQuad4Orientation, and SetQuad8Orientation
for the Results Browsing Object, by allowing user to specify Material Direction for each argument.
In addition, updated SetSolidOrientation to allow user to specify Element for each argument.
Analysis Manager
Corrected issue when deleting FREQi entries by adding an error message that warns the user the
FREQi entities may possibly be referenced by other Analysis Sets or used by the Model, Output,
Forced Response command.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue where any number of nodal loads, which have the same phase value and are in the
same Load Set, could potentially produce a DPHASE entry for only a single node instead of all the
appropriate nodes (PR# 8338460).
Corrected issue which would cause CBAR element output to be imported into Beam element
output vectors instead of Bar elements output vectors when both CBAR elements and at least one
CBEAM elements were defined in the model (PR# 7847627).
Corrected issue where imported JT files would be read into layer 0 rather than the active layer
Corrected issue which occurred when creating any planar boundary surface on a negative global
plane, which would cause the “Holes appear outside outer boundary” message to be displayed.
Corrected issue with the Geometry, Copy, Solid; Geometry, Scale, Solid; Geometry, Rotate, Solid;
or Geometry, Reflect, Solid commands, where the color and layer of copied/scaled/rotated/reflected
solid(s) would not match the original solid(s) when the Color and Layer option was enabled.
Graphics and Performance Graphics
Corrected issue when Contour Style is set to Section Cut where scrolling the mouse wheel while
holding down the ALT key would not redraw after each mouse wheel change
Corrected issue where preview vectors would not be drawn for certain commands (Geometry,
Solid, Primitive; Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Parametric Curve; and Mesh, Mesh Control,
Mapped Divisions on Surface, among others) if the preview color had a transparency component
Corrected issue with element edge coloring when Performance Graphics were not enabled. If
element color was set to Property or Material, element edges would still be colored by Property or
Material if the filled edge color was set to entity color (PR# 8966551)
Corrected an issue which would occur if element display was turned off while displaying a free
edge plot, the elements would still be displayed until the view was regenerated if Performance
Graphics was not enabled.
Corrected issue when Contour Style was set to Arrow where arrow plots of nodal values would
only get drawn on free faces (no interior nodes) when Performance Graphics was enabled
Corrected issue where logarithmic axes were not displayed correctly for the phase component of
magnitude / phase plots in the charting pane (PR# 8985807).
Corrected an issue when meshing any curve-based boundary surface which also has an existing
surface manually associated to the boundary surface, which caused the resulting mesh to follow
only the boundary edges instead of following both the edges and underlying surface.
Corrected issue which did not allow the Enable method of Connection Region object to be used
with NonStructural Mass regions.
Corrected issue in feSolidExtractCenterlines where stress recovery points would not be created
when extracting from circular cross-sections.
Corrected issue where output orientation could not be set as Material Direction for shell elements
or Element for solid elements for the Results Browsing object, Preferences, or directly on the main
Application object (model).
Corrected issue when FEMAP was started via API and spaceball was not initialized external APIs
could not connect to the FEMAP COM server
Corrected issue with Results Browsing Object where envelope columns could return results from
unexpected columns if any transformation options were also set. The envelope columns previously
also considered additional columns that were automatically added to calculate the transformation.
Now only columns that were specifically added by the user are considered.
FEMAP v11.4 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Added Autoscale option to Window, Show Entities command. When on, the active view (or all
views if the All Views option is enabled) will be automatically centered and magnified around the
highlighted entities.
Added Modify, Break, At All Intersections command.
Updated Modify, Update Other, Surface Normal to work with Parasolid General Bodies.
Draw/Erase Toolbar
Added Draw Mode Select From All to the Select Area icon menu of the Draw/Erase toolbar. When
this option is enabled, which is the default, all entities in the model which are not hidden by other
visibility methods will be shown when selecting which entities to “Draw”. When disabled, entities
which are currently being “Drawn” will remain the only visible entities and graphical selection
only considers those entities.
Charting Pane
Added Complex Plot drop-down to the Chart Settings tab of the Charting dialog box. In addition,
added the ability to set certain options for the “Y Complex” axis. See Tools section for details.
Updated Chart Data Series dialog box to use the Type drop-down to select the type of Data Series
to create. The five types are “0..Vector vs Entity”, “1..Vector vs. Output Set”, “2..Vector vs.
Vector”, “3..Expand Complex” (New for 11.4!), and “4..Function”. Also, the Data for each type of
Data Series is now entered on the Data tab, which also contains new options to allow the user to
Transform, Convert, and/or expand Complex output when plotted. Meanwhile, the settings for
Labels, Markers, and Color are now on the Style tab, which is the same for all Data Series types.
Entity Editor
Added Nastran EPIA Element Quality check for parabolic tetrahedral, pyramid, wedge, and
hexahedral element topologies.
Connection Editor
Added Autoscale to Show Entities option to Show When Selected icon menu. When on, the active
view (or all views if the All Views option is enabled) will be automatically centered and magnified
around the highlighted entities.
Data Table
Added additional options to the Data Table filter, specifically to filter entities by Text. Previously
you could only filter Text as Contains. Now, you can choose Contains, Not Contains, Equals, or
Not Equals, with Contains and Not Contains only needing to match a portion, while Equals and Not
Equals need an exact match.
Interfaces - Nastran
Added Fiber and Curvature options for Strain in the NASTRAN Output Requests dialog box. When
using Fiber, which is the default, FIBER is written to the STRAIN entry in Case Control. When
using Curvature, no additional text is written to the STRAIN entry, which was not possible before
via the user interface.
Added read and write support of the ZTOL field on the VIEW3D entry.
Improved performance significantly when importing input files with a large number of DMIG
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added Tetra EPIA, Pyr EPIA, Penta EPIA, and Hex EPIA to NASTRAN GEOMCHECK dialog
box, which will write the appropriate GEOMCHECK entries in Solution Control section of the
input file.
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Added support to attach to *.ODB files from ABAQUS version 2016.
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
*CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_NODES_TO_SURFACE_SMOOTH with options specified via the
Formul. Opt. drop-down in the General section of the LS-DYNA tab of the Define Connection
Property dialog box. I
specified by setting Type to “6..Forming” and using the Formul. Opt. drop-down.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 9, CATIA V5-6R2016 SP2, and
SolidWorks 2017.
Removed the “legacy” version of the CATIA V5 geometry translator, which could only be used
once a “type-in” preference was specified in the [User] section of the FEMAP.INI file.
Removed the “legacy” version of the SolidWorks geometry translator, which could only be used
once a “type-in” preference was specified in the [User] section of the FEMAP.INI file.
Updated the Color and Layer and Mesh Sizes, Loads, Constraints... options in Generate Options
dialog box to Color, Layer, Formulations... and Loads, Constraints, Regions..., respectively, which
better describes what these options include when used by the Mesh, Copy/Radial Copy/Scale/
Rotate/Reflect... commands.
Updated the Mesh, Editing, Element Refine command to automatically update the element
references in all groups, including any group which contains elements based on rules.
Updated Mesh, Reflect, Elements to reflect any material orientations which are specified using an
angle or vector (but not Matl CSys) when reflecting planar elements.
Improved meshing of surfaces which are “very nearly planar segments” of cylinders or spheres to
insure the nodes always lie on the surface.
Added the Electrical/Optical tab for Anisotropic (2D) and Anisotropic (3D) material types.
Updated the calculation used for conversion when changing the Type of material from Anisotropic
(3D) to Anisotropic (2D).
Updated the List, Model, Coord Sys command to include listing the 3 X 3 Direction Cosines matrix
relative to either the definition or listing coordinate system
Vector Manager - New for 11.4!
Added Vector Manager dialog box which may be used to create a new vector, show a preview of a
selected vector in the graphics window, edit all attributes of an existing vector, copy an existing
vector, update the Title of an existing vector, renumber an existing vector, delete a single vector, or
delete all vectors. Once a vector has been saved, it can then be used during a command via the
Saved option on the Method^ menu in the standard vector definition dialog box.
Added Synchronized Rotation option to View and Dynamic Rotation section. This option, which is
disabled by default, allows you to synchronize the current dynamic rotation mode to the option
currently specified for Rotate Around in View, Rotate, Model command. When enabled, the View,
Rotate, Rotate Around Coordinate System mode will be selected and rotation will occur around the
axes of the coordinate system currently specified for Rotate Around in View, Rotate, Model. To
rotate around the screen axis when this option is enabled, specify “-1..Screen Axis” for Rotate
Around in View, Rotate, Model.
User Interface
Added Autoscale to Show Entities Defaults section, which will enable the Autoscale option by
default for the Window, Show Entities command, as well as the Show When Selected functionality
in the Model Info tree, Data Table, and Connection Editor.
Removed the Neutral Digits option, as it is no longer needed. All Neutral files are now written
using “Max Precision”, which is 16 digits for double-precision real values, such as nodal
coordinates, and 8 digits for single-precision real values, such as results.
Updated titling of Groups created when Create Groups from INCLUDE files option is enabled and
the absolute filename is longer than the allowable title length (79 characters). Previously the title
was simply truncated to the filename with no path. Now, the full path is trimmed from the left on
subdirectory boundaries to include as much of the path as will fit in the title.
Added Reverse Values (New Model Default) option to Freebody Defaults section. When the option
is enabled, the Reverse Freebody Values option will be enabled by default for all new models. If
opening an existing model, this option does not change the current setting of Reverse Freebody
New and updated API Objects and Attributes
Added Plane (fePlane) object to the API. Also, added title, base, vBase, norm, vNorm, axis, and
vAxis attributes to the Plane Object.
Added Vector (feVector) object to the API. Also, added title, base, vBase, dir, vDir, and Length
attributes to the Vector Object.
Added Table Data (feTableData) object to the API. Also, added Title, Type, Subtype,
FunctionType, VectorFunctionType, Rows, and Columns to the Table Data Object.
Added User Defined Graphics (feUserDefinedGraphics) object to the API.
Added Pt1 and Pt4 attributes to the feAeroPanel Object.
Added NasCurvatureStrain attribute to the feAnalysisCase Object.
Added NasCurvatureStrain attribute to the feAnalysisMgr Object.
Added ComplexPlotLocation, AxisAutoscale2, vAxisAutoscale2, AxisRange2, vAxisRange2,
AxisRangePad2, vAxisRangePad2, AxisStyle2, vAxisStyle2, AxisLabelFormat2,
vAxisLabelFormat2, AxisLabelDecimal2, and vAxisLabelDecimal2 attributes to the feChart
Added ConvertMethod, ConvertMethod2, TransformNodalMode, TransformNodalMode2,
TransformNodalCSys2, TransformNodalCSys, TransformPlateMode, TransformPlateCSys,
TransformPlateDOF, TransformPlateVector, vTransformPlateVector, TransformPlateTolerance,
TransformPlateMode2, TransformPlateCSys2,TransformPlateDOF2, TransformPlateVector2,
vTransformPlateVector2, TransformPlateTolerance2, ComplexMethod, ComplexPhase,
ComplexStart, and ComplexEnd attributes to the feChartSeries Object.
Added DataConversion attribute to the feDataSurf Object.
Added DrawModeSelectFromAll attribute to the feDrawErase Object.
Added NastranTetraEPIAOn, NastranTetraEPIALimit, NastranHexEPIAOn,
NastranHexEPIALimit, NastranPenEPIAOn, NastranPenEPIALimit, NastranPyrEPIAOn, and
NastranPyrEPIALimit attributes to the feElementQuality Object.
Added DataConversion attribute to the feMapOutput Object.
Added b and vb attributes to the feTMGBC Object.
Added SecondaryRotationAxesOption attribute to the feViewOrient Object.
Corrected issue which caused the Coordinate System specified for Rotate Around in the View,
Rotate command to not be considered by the icons on the View Orient Toolbar (PR# 7868832)
Corrected issue in View, Rotate, Model command, which caused nothing to happen when values
were entered X, Y, or Z fields in the dialog box.
Corrected issue which caused Text entities to be considered when the Dynamic Rotate Around
Cursor Location preference was enabled. In addition, picking of Text entities was enhanced to
highlight when the cursor is over a Text Entity. If over multiple Text Entities, the nearest center is
used and if not directly over a Text Entity, the closest center is also used.
Corrected issue when the middle mouse button was clicked in a different view, to activate the view,
which caused an autoscale to occur.
Corrected issue when the active view was deleted via the View Manager, which could cause
FEMAP to unexpectedly exit.
Corrected issue where multiple tiled views are being displayed, then the title bar of a non-active
window/view is clicked, which caused all of windows to be maximized.
Corrected issue which caused the material orientation to not be displayed properly when solid
laminate elements were using a cylindrical coordinate system to define the material orientation
(PR# 7883560).
Corrected issue which could cause the current model orientation and post-processing options of a
“non-active” view to not be honored when a “non-active” view became the “active view”.
Analysis Manager
Corrected issue which caused the Add and Update buttons on the Solution Frequencies tab of the
NASTRAN Dynamic Analysis dialog box to disappear if the Frequency Value button was clicked,
then Cancel was clicked in the Frequency Response Input dialog box.
Corrected issue which could cause items in the Response Frequencies list on the Solution
Frequencies tab of the NASTRAN Dynamic Analysis dialog box to become “empty”.
Analysis Monitor
Corrected issue that caused Femap to use the current directory specifier ".\" if the output directory
was the root of a drive ( ie, C:\?). When this happened, the current directory was not the same as the
model file directory, which caused Femap to not be able to find the NX Nastran log file from a
running job and issue an error, even though the run was successful. In addition, the same issue
could occur when the output directory specified in the Analysis Set was different than the Output
Directory specified on the Interfaces tab of File, Preferences.
Corrected issue finding the intersection of Parasolid curves, which was introduced in V11.3.
Corrected issue when computing the intersection of a Line and Arc/Circle if the line was
perpendicular to the circle (i.e., along the direction of the normal to the plane of the circle).
Corrected issue in Geometry, Midsurface, Extend command which could issue an an improper error
when extending the edge of a surface to a Solid, if the Solid is a single face surface.
Corrected issue when using displaying results using a Cutting Plane, when free edges are displayed,
which caused some faces to not be drawn.
Performance Graphics
Corrected issue when displaying a contour display and the value for % Ambient for Shading View
Option was set 25%, which is the default. This could cause colors in the contour (on either side of
yellow and cyan) to potentially be saturated in one component, causing the yellow and cyan bands
to look too large. The higher the value for % Ambient, the worse it would appear.
Corrected issue which caused Distributed Loads on line elements to not be displayed properly.
Corrected issue which caused Distributed Loads to always be offset, even if offset is off.
GUI - Dockable Panes
PostProcessing Toolbox
Corrected issue where contour arrows with multiple components that were specified using the
Advanced Contour Arrow Options dialog box may be overwritten by various functions in the
PostProcessing toolbox (PR# 7919757).
Charting Pane
Corrected issue when using the Delete All command in the Chart Data Series Manager and no
active chart was being displayed, which could cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly.
Entity Editor
Corrected issue where elemental temperatures could not be edited in the Entity Editor if the
elemental temperatures were not in the active Load Set (PR #7526412)
Corrected issue where Nastran Wapring and Nastran Taper element quality values would not be
shown when a linear or parabolic quadrilateral element was loaded in the Entity Editor.
Data Table
Corrected issue that caused the "Clear Filter" icon to remain active even if the filter had already
been cleared.
View Toolbar
Corrected issue which caused rotation about the X Axis to be reversed when the X icon was clicked
(PR# 7966884).
Select Toolbar
Corrected issue in Copy to the clipboard that could sometimes cause additional, invalid data to be
placed on the clipboard.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected issue when reading NX Nastran 11.0.1 composite ply stress/strain results where the new
order of the tensor components was not handled properly. This occurs only for NX Nastran 11.0.1
and above, as NX 11.0 results were read correctly.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected issue when importing beam elements which caused the elements to be orientated
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Corrected issue reading *INCLUDE entries if there were spaces around the INPUT parameter.
Corrected issue which caused *CLOAD entries to not be imported/exported for phase dependent
loads (PR #2248269)
Corrected issue reading axisymmetric elements whose *SOLID SECTION properties were defined
via a secondary ELSET, which caused these elements/properties to be stored as linear or parabolic
solid elements instead of axisymmetric elements (PR# 7175012).
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Corrected issue introduced in v11.3.2, where skipping output cases would not behave as expected
when importing d3plot files.
Corrected issue in the Mesh, Editing, Element Refine command. Previously, when triangular
elements were created from quadrilateral elements the fourth node of the quadrilateral was not
zeroed. This did not cause a problem translating to Nastran but did cause potential issues for users
who accessed the model via the API or Neutral Files.
Element Update
Corrected issue when using Modify, Update Elements, Orient Plate Normal/First Edge and Modify,
Update Elements, Split Quads commands to work properly with elements that have corner
thicknesses defined.
Corrected issue with the conversion between Anisotropic (2D) and Anisotropic (3D) material types
to directly use terms from the two elastic matrices, rather than converting through an intermediate
orthotropic representation.
Corrected issue where listing freebody interface load calculation details to the Data Table, which
would repeat the calculated forces in the calculated moments column for each entry, but the
calculations were not affected by this. Additionally, listing to the Message window or Clipboard
were also not affected.
Corrected issue when listing options on the LS-Dyna tab of the Connection Property to replace
Penalty Check with Penetration Check to the Data Table, Messages Window, or sent to the Entity
Corrected issue with Tools, Mass Properties, Mesh Properties command where when creating a
mass element, only the inertias would be populated (i.e., the calculated total mass was missing).
Corrected issue which could cause the Tools, Check, Element Quality command to calculate
different Jacobian values than NX Nastran, when encountering highly distorted tetrahedral
User Interface
Corrected issue which allowed solids that are not on a visible layer, but whose surfaces are on the
visible layer, to highlight and pick the solid.
Corrected issue that occurred if the “Middle Mouse Button Click for OK” preference was enabled,
then the middle button was used in a tabbed dialog, when the focus was in a control located on a
tab. In that case, the dialog did not exit and in some cases caused other problems. For example, in
the dialog box for the View, Visibility command it deleted all of the icons and the entries from some
of the lists.
Corrected issue in feCurveOffsetCurveWasher method which caused the method to always return
Corrected issue in PutCorrelate2 method of the Analysis Manager Object that caused the realInterp
and imagInterp arguments to not be saved properly.
Corrected issue where the Put method on Analysis Manager Object would not return FE_FAIL,
even if user was trying to save superelement reference to a non-existing analysis set or an analysis
set which was not for NX Nastran or MSC Nastran.
Corrected issue when starting Femap via the API, through an external executable, which caused the
spaceball to not be initialized, thus sapceball initialization was added to feAppVisible.
Corrected issue in DeleteRows method of the DataTable object. Previously unless the rows were
entered in decreasing, sorted order incorrect/unexpected rows would be deleted. Now, rows can be
entered in any order.
Corrected issue in feCrossSectionReport method that previously caused it to list the property ID in
the report incorrectly. The correct property data was reported, the ID was simply mislabeled.
Corrected issue in the Show method of the Set Object and in the feViewShow method of the
Application Object. Previously, if an API deleted or created entities that caused the model size to
grow or shrink, then Show was called prior to the model size being reevaluated, the selected entities
might not be shown.
Corrected issue when using the feMeshSweepElem method that could cause invalid results if the
method was used multiple times, depending on what other methods were used between the calls. In
addition, this problem could have also appeared in the other Sweep, Extrude and Revolve API
methods, but was never actually witnessed.
Corrected issue which could potentially issue the wrong return code for VarEquation,
VarOutputMap, VarMeshSurface, VarSpatialUVtable, VarSpatialXYZTable, VarParametric2Pt, and
VarParametric4Pt methods on the Data Surface Object.
Corrected issue where the Put method on Analysis Manager Object would not return FE_FAIL,
even if user was trying to save superelement reference to a non-existing analysis set or an analysis
set which was not for NX Nastran or MSC Nastran.
Corrected issue which could arise if pval(57) on the Connection Property Object, which is the
option for Dyna Constraint, was set to a value other than 0, 1, or 2. If an invalid value is used, it
simply specifies a 0.
Corrected issue when using the Select method of the Set Object, which allowed selection of Group
IDs using the Group drop-down in the standard entity selection dialog box. Now the Group drop-
down is properly grayed, as it is in when selecting Group IDs using standard commands.
FEMAP v11.3.2 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Interfaces - NX Nastran
FEMAP with NX Nastran bundle now includes NX Nastran 11.0.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 9.
Added support for NX 11.0.
Added feFileReadCSVResults to allow import of comma-separated results files.
Updated feFileAttachResults to include ability to attach to ABAQUS results files (*.ODB files),
comma-separated results files (*.CSV), and FEMAP Neutral Output files (*.FNO).
Updated feModifyOrient to add ability to specify an orientation vector in the coordinate system
specified in the nNodeOrCSysID argument, via method = -1. Also, documented method = 5, which
allows you to specify an Orientation Coordinate System, which is only used by Spring/Damper and
Spring/Damper to Ground Elements.
Corrected issue which caused view orientation to not be copied correctly when view is copied. (ER
Performance Graphics
Corrected issue which was causing the orientation vector on Spring/Damper elements to not be
displayed when the element orientation was specified using an Orientation Coordinate System,
either on the element of the referenced property.
GUI - General
Corrected issue which occurred when you set a Startup View other than the default by using the
File, Preferences command, then shutdown FEMAP with the PostProcessing toolbox open and
visible on top of any other tabbed panes. In that case, the problem prevented FEMAP from
reopening unless some data was manually cleared from the Windows Registry.
GUI - Dockable Panes
PostProcessing Toolbox - Freebody Tool
Corrected issue which could occur when “Display Mode” is set to “Section Cut” and “Entity
Selection Mode” is set to “Plane/Normal”, “Plane/Vector”, or “Vector”, which caused the
“Location Slider” to become “zeroed out” when the coordinate system in the Plane or Vector
definition dialog box was changed to a different coordinate system.
Corrected issue which could occur when “Display Mode” is set to “Section Cut” and “Entity
Selection Mode” is set to “Plane/Normal”, “Plane/Vector”, or “Vector”, which caused the overall
“section cut path” to not be properly recalculated when the coordinate system in the Plane or Vector
definition dialog box was changed to a different coordinate system. This could then allow the
“Location Slider” to move the “section cut” well beyond the extents of the model for one portion/
side, while not being able to reach the extents of a different portion/side.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue when reading ACCEL1 entries which use a coordinate system ID (CID).
Corrected issue caused by the addition of support for results in the BOUGV Data Block which
could cause issues when attaching to output files containing certain types of output.
Corrected issue when writing PBEND entry in wide field format which could cause the second half
of a continuation line to not be written.
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Corrected issue when reading output files which contained DCOMP != 0 which directs LS-Dyna to
not include output in d3plot for Rigid Elements.
Corrected issue which occurred when creating a beam property which occurred when the beam
section is a general surface with reference point.
Corrected issue which caused feTextPut and feTextMultiPut to be artificially limited to 255
characters. Both calls now allow access to the maximum 511 characters.
Corrected issue which caused feFileWriteAnsys to always open an Open/Save dialog box to specify
a file name, regardless if one had been properly specified in the API call.
Corrected issue which caused feFileWriteFNO to only be able to access output from a single
attached Nastran output (OP2) file.
Corrected issue with the API methods feFileWriteFNO and feFileWriteFNO2. Previously, if you
attempted to use them to write data from attached result files using a node/element group that only
included IDs where there were no results in one or more of the selected Output Vectors, in some
cases, the FNO that was created was corrupted.
FEMAP v11.3.1 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Connection Properties, Regions, and Connectors
Added ability to display normal vectors on the faces of solid elements specified in Connection
Improved the performance of the Subdivision mesher when meshing surfaces with a large number
of holes. Quad meshing one sample surface with 90+ holes improved from 685 seconds to 12
seconds to complete the mesh.
Mesh Associativity
Improved the Modify, Associativity, Automatic command to automatically associate nodes that are
positioned on shared boundaries between solids to be associated with both solids. This eliminates
cases that prevented some elements on one side or the other of a boundary between “unstitched”
sheets (or solids if the “Check Solid Containment in Multiple Solids” option was off) from
remaining unassociated because some of their nodes were not associated to the solid that contained
the elements.
Interfaces - Nastran
Added ability to read CELAS1 and set formulation rather than converting to CELAS2.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added option to the CATIA V5 read dialog to optionally read the extended title information.
Always reads if there was no automatic titles. If there was an automatic title, this can append the
extended information.
Improved reading of part titles when CATIA V5 files are imported. Now creates titles based on the
embedded Part Number, Revision, Nomenclature, and Description information.
Output and Post-Processing
Updated the Model, Output, Expand Complex command to allow specifying a range like [0 to 180
by 180] to get the final phase angle. Previously, because the default was [0 to 360 by 360] and we
did not want to get the final 360 phase since it was equivalent to 0, the command stopped before the
final phase. Now it still skips the final one if the final phase is greater than or equal to 360, but
computes it if the final phase is less than 360. (PR 7709896)
Added support to read displacements in basic coordinate system (Nastran data blocks BOUGV1
and BOPHIG) when importing or attaching to Nastran op2 files.
Updated error message when Femap tries to read an ODB file that is from a version of ABAQUS
which is newer than the latest version we support.
Added GetFaceNodes2 method to the API Element object that adds an option to retrieve the face
nodes in the order they are used for elemental corner pressures. GetFaceNodes retrieves nodes
around an inward facing face normal for solid elements. GetFaceNodes2 does the same unless you
follow the corner pressure convention which is around an outward facing normal.
Added the GetGeomPropArray method to the API element object. It returns the individual
PropertyID, MaterialID, Element Type and Topology, CG Location, and Length/Area/Volume
when appropriate for a specified set of elements.
Added freebody entities to feEntityVisibility, feEntitySetVisibility, and feEntityGetVisibility API
Added feGetElementFacesFromSet, which allows you to pass in a set object to limit the elements
which will be considered when selecting element faces.
Corrected issue which caused the current orientation to not be saved to/loaded from the View
Library (view.esp) when using the View, Visibility or View, Create/Manage commands.
Corrected issue in View, Rotate, Model command which caused the coordinate system selected
with Rotate Around drop-down to be ignored when the XY Top, YZ Right, ZX Front, Bottom, Left,
Back, Isometric, Dimetric, or Trimetric button was pressed, thus the resulting rotation was always
in the Basic Rectangular Coordinate System.
Corrected issue which caused the name of the group specified as the Label Group to appear in the
View Legend instead of just the Group ID. This only occurred when Multiple Groups were being
displayed in the view.
Corrected issue which caused different behavior when holding down Ctrl+Shift at the same time
and moving the mouse to dynamically manipulate the model in the graphics window when the Shift
for Pan, Ctrl for Zoom option is enabled on the User Interface tab of File, Preferences. In previous
versions, this holding down Shift+Ctrl would always pan the model instead of zooming. This
behavior has been restored for 11.3.1.
Corrected issue which caused constraint symbols to change from “Pins”, “Arrows”, or “Triangles”
to the “default symbol” (single triangle) if the View, Visibility command was used to toggle
Constraint Labels on/off (PR 7748429).
Performance Graphics
Corrected issue which could cause the independent/dependent symbols on RBE2 and RBE3
elements to be “clipped” and not be displayed.
Corrected issue which caused the independent/dependent symbols of Rigid elements to be reversed,
unless Model Style was set to Free Face using the View, Select command.
Corrected issue which could cause RSPLINE elements to not be displayed properly when the
model was deformed.
Corrected issue which could cause nodes to not be displayed when Model Style was set to Free
Edge using the View, Select command.
Corrected issue which caused line elements not to be “clipped” when using the Model Clipping
Plane (i.e., they would remain visible even when they should have been removed from the display).
Corrected issue which caused labels on enforced displacements defined as constraints which had
values between 0.0 and -1.0 to be drawn incorrectly.
Corrected issue which caused all nodes to not be displayed if any individual solid, sheet solid, of
general body is hidden via the Model Info tree, the View, Visibility command, or the Select Toolbar.
GUI - General
Corrected issue where an error about FEMAP not being registered as a COM server would
incorrectly show up when opening FEMAP by double-clicking a .modfem file on Windows 8 and
Windows 10 machines. (IR 7732060)
Corrected issue when using File, Copy commands which could cause surfaces to “bleed through”
elements and vice versa. Problem was due to software mode graphics having a 32 bit depth buffer,
which is different than the 24-bit depth buffer used in hardware mode. Now, both hardware and
software always use the equivalent of a 24-bit depth buffer.
Corrected several issues when using Query Picking when Perspective is enabled and the view mode
is set to “Roll-Thru” (View, Roll-Thru command). First, entities behind the viewer, which was not
possible before “Roll-Thru”, would be included in the list of entities. Second, due to the perspective
mapping anywhere between 20-50% of entities which should have been in the list of entities to
select would not be available for selection.
GUI - Dockable Panes
Data Surface Editor
Corrected issue which caused vector fields on output map Data Surface to be plotted as scalar
values in the graphics window.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue in the Nastran translator that caused Pressure loads on Face 5 of Wedge elements
and Face 6 of Brick elements to be improperly written to PLOAD4 loads if varying corner
pressures were defined. The proper pressures were written, but were incorrectly applied to the
wrong element corners.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected issue which prevented results from Complex Modal Analysis from being imported
properly due to results being interpreted as results from Rotor Dynamics.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected issue which caused material orientations for plate elements to not be written correctly.
Corrected issue which caused some mass elements to be skipped when writing the ANSYS input
Corrected issue which caused ESYS entries to be written with an ID of 0 instead of the correct ID
for every other coordinate system.
Corrected issue which could sometimes cause Real Constants to not be written properly to
represent thickness for SHELL63 elements when shell elements with offsets also existed in the
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Corrected issue which caused ODB Results Files which contained output created by the
CSTRESSERI output variable to not attach properly (IR 7748825).
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Corrected issue which caused shell elements which have both an offset and a material orientation
angle defined to be written out as *ELEMENT_SHELL_THICKNESS_OFFSET entry with the
offset information on the line before the material angle, instead of on the line after the material
angle (PR 7713960)
Corrected issue with Mesh, Connect, Unzip and Mesh, Connect, Closest Link commands where
results for CBUSH elements created by specifying a Coordinate System ID would not be displayed
in the correct orientation for Contour Arrow plots.
Corrected issue in the List, Output, Contoured Results to Data Table command. If you used it to
report data from a double-sided elemental contour, the Top/Bottom label in the Data Table was
Corrected issue which caused "cone" shapes to not be displayed as part of Aero Splines. Also,
corrected issue which could cause irregular labeling of Aero Splines.
Corrected issue which caused ID Labels of Aero Bodies to not be displayed. The ID Labels for
Aero Panels were displayed correctly.
Corrected issue which allowed you to enter IDs of Points as Stress Recovery Points (pval(46)
through pval(49) on Property Object) which did not exist in the “outline” of a beam cross-section
on the Property object. This can still be done, but the value of the first point in the outline will be
used for any IDs which do not exist.
Corrected issue which caused ComputeGeneralSection method on Property object to not calculate
any section properties.
FEMAP v11.3 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Added ability to specify a “Label Group” to the Group tab of the View, Visibility command.
Added and modified several commands on the View, Rotate... menu. These commands are also
available on the View and Rotation Center icon menu on the View and View-Simple Toolbars.
They may also be accessed using the Rotate View commands on the Quick Access Menu (right-
mouse click in the Graphics window).
Added View, Align By, Eye and Directions command.
Added the ability to control visibility of individual elements. This can be done using the Visibility
menu on the context-sensitive menu for elements when Element is the active entity type in the
Select Toolbar or by using the Hide Individual Elements or Show All Individual Elements
commands on the “Visibility check box” context-sensitive menu for Elements, By Type and
Elements, By Shape in the Model Info tree.
Added ability to double-click in the mouse wheel or middle mouse button to run the View,
Autoscale, Visible command, when not in another command. Holding down Shift and double-
clicking the mouse wheel or middle mouse button when not in another command will run the View,
Autoscale, All command.
Added ability to display the name of the element quality check currently specified in the Surface
Mesh Quality tool of the Meshing Toolbox as a Post Title, when the Surface Mesh Quality is being
Updated the View Legend to have a “:” between the item in the legend and the ID(s). Also, the
Label Group has been added the View Legend and is shown as “LG:(Group ID)”. Finally, items in
the View Legend and the Post Titles can now have up to 2 characters to the left of the “:”.
Updated visibility of loads and constraints to not display them when the entity on which they are
applied is also not currently visible. This behaves in this manner for mesh-based and geometry-
based loads and constraint. Also, if all nodes of a constraint equation are not visible, the constraint
equation will also not be displayed.
Analysis Manager
Added Renumber button to the Analysis Set Manager dialog box, which allows you to renumber
either analysis sets or analysis cases in an individual analysis set. To renumber analysis cases, a
subcase must be highlighted, otherwise, it will prompt you to renumber analysis sets.
Added functionality to Boundary Conditions dialog box in the Analysis Set Manager which allows
you to specify “-1..Use Active Constraint Set” for Constraints and/or “-1..Use Active Load Set” for
Loads, which will use the boundary conditions specified in the active Constraint Set and/or the
loads specified in the active Load Set.
Updated all Nastran analysis manager dialog boxes to use the same NASTRAN title
Connection Properties, Regions, and Connectors
Added Preview icon button to Connection Region, Fluid Region, NonStructural Mass Region, Bolt
Region, and Rotor Region dialog boxes to allow you to highlight the entities currently referenced
by the region in the graphics window.
Updated all regions which allow selection of element faces to use the new Face Selection dialog
box and functionality.
Added Plane to Plane method for Modify, Align... commands to align geometry (Point, Curve,
Surface, Solid, and Volume). When this method is used, the behavior is similar to Between
Coordinate Systems, only each specified plane (X and Y axes) and each plane’s normal direction (Z
axis) are used to determine XYZ axes.
Updated Geometry, Solid Cleanup command, which allows the user to Enable Advanced Cleanup,
choose categories of “Advanced Cleanup” to attempt, and/or click the Advanced Cleanup
Options... button to display a dialog box to select individual options in four different categories.
Also, added option to Remove Gashes.
Added Angle Tolerance to Geometry, Surface, From Mesh command. Controls the allowable
difference, in degrees, between the “average mesh normal” at each node of the original mesh and
the normal of the newly created surface, at each nodal location. Making this value larger may create
geometry which is smoother, but may also cause the new surface to be further away from the
original nodal locations.
Updated commands on the Geometry, Copy...; Geometry, Scale...; Geometry, Rotate...; and
Geometry, Reflect... menus to not copy any attachment or reference to boundary surfaces and/or
combined curves if only the underlying geometric entities are copied, scaled, rotated, or reflected.
Post Toolbar
Added Select a Contour Arrow View icon to the Post Toolbar, which will set Contour Style to
Arrow. Also, the icons for Deformed Style (None, Deform, Animate) and Contour Style (None,
Contour, Criteria, Arrow) will now highlight to indicate the current mode.
Entity Editor
Added appropriate NX Nastran element quality values when an element is in the Entity Editor. For
instance, if a quadrilateral element is in the Entity Editor, you will see Nastran SKEW (Quad
Skew), Nastran IAMIN (Quad IAMIN), Nastran IAMAX (Quad IAMAX), and Nastran AR (Quad
AR), while the value for Quad Warp is the same as the Nastran Warping FEMAP element quality
check and the value for Quad Taper is the same as the Alt Taper FEMAP element quality check,
thus they are not shown individually.
Charting Pane
Added Scale Override option to Chart Settings tab of Charting dialog box. When enabled, the Y
values of all Data Series currently displayed in a Chart will be scaled by the Scale Override value,
not the value specified for Scale on the individual Data Series. If a Chart does not have this option
enabled, then the value specified for Scale on the individual Data Series is used.
Added Study drop-down on the Vector vs. Output Set and Vector vs. Vector tabs in the Chart Data
Series dialog box, which allows you to specify a range of output sets by selecting an Analysis
Added functionality which causes the mouse cursor symbol to change to a cross (+) when the
pointer is positioned over a data point and Tooltips are enabled. This makes it easier to determine
when the cursor is over a point when the chart is zoomed
Data Table
Added additional options to the Data Table filter, specifically to filter entities by Text. Previously
you could only filter Text as Contains. Now, you can choose Contains, Not Contains, Equals, or
Not Equals, with Contains and Not Contains only needing to match a portion, while Equals and Not
Equals need an exact match.
Updated the Show When Selected capability for Connectors to highlight both the Connector and
associated Connection Regions, which now matches the behavior of the Model Info tree.
Interfaces - Nastran
Added Additional Command Line Arguments field to the NASTRAN Executive and Solution
Options dialog box. This allows the user to include command line arguments which are not
explicitly supported by FEMAP, when launching Nastran. If any command line arguments are
specified in the Arguments field for NX Nastran, MSC/MD Nastran, and/or Autodesk Nastran on
the Solvers tab of File, Preferences, they will also appear in the Additional Command Line
Arguments field when a new analysis set is created using the corresponding solver.
Added functionality which will attempt to use the Nastran Subcase ID as the FEMAP output set ID.
If an output set of that ID already exists, it will use the next available output set ID higher than the
Nastran Subcase ID. To enable this functionality, turn on the Use Static Subcase IDs option on the
Results tab of File, Preferences.
Added functionality which will add a revision number when creating a new output set which
corresponds to a Nastran Subcase ID, when a FEMAP output set corresponding to that Nastran
subcase ID already exists in the model. To enable this functionality, turn on the Track Revision
option on the Results tab of File, Preferences.
Added support to read strain output on CBEND elements from the *.op2 file.
Added support to write NonZero Constraints as SPC entries. An individual SPC entry will be
written for each non-zero value specified on a node. When reading SPC entries from a Nastran
input file, a single constraint will be created if multiple SPC entries have the same SID value and
G1 value.
Added support to read and write the RANDT1 entry, which specifies values for autocorrelation
function time lag. These values can be specified in the Autocorrelation Function Time Lag section
of the NASTRAN Power Spectral Density Factors dialog box.
Added support to read and write XYPRINT\PEAK velocities, which can be selected by checking
the appropriate check boxes in the Nodal Output Requests section of the NASTRAN Output for
Random Analysis dialog box. Also, added support to create PSDF and/or AUTO XYPRINT\PEAK
entries, which can be specified by checking the PSDF and/or AUTO check boxes in the NASTRAN
Output for Random Analysis dialog box. Finally, added reading XYPRINT\PEAK AUTO\PSDF
results from the *.f06 file.
Updated the Varying Translational Acceleration body load, which creates an ACCEL entry, to
allow the user to define an acceleration where the acceleration direction is aligned with the
direction of acceleration variation.
Updated how the TIME executive control entry is written. When creating a new analysis set, the
default value for Max Time (in minutes) in the NASTRAN Executive and Solution Options dialog
box will be 0, which causes the TIME entry to not be written. TIME will only be written when the
user sets the value above 0.
Updated Nastran interface so that real values between 100,000 and 1,000,000 come out as a full 8
character wide field as long as you have the Improve Real Number Precision option enabled on the
Interfaces tab of File, Preferences. Previously some cases came out as 7 characters and lost the first
decimal digit.
Updated the name of the Advanced Options tab in the NASTRAN Dynamic Analysis dialog box to
be Solution Frequencies and modified how list of solution frequencies are defined to allow more
than two FREQ or FREQi entries to be written to a Nastran input file or read in from a Nastran
input file.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support to read and write PLASALG and corresponding value for the NXSTRAT entry.
Added ability to read the analysis type from the CASECC data block when using SOL 601.
Added support to handle Drilling Grid Point Force output.
Added support to import and attach to output on Solid Laminate elements found in *.op2 files
created by NX Nastran 11.0.
Added support to write MAT3 entry for plane strain plane stress elements (CPLSTNi, CPLSTSi
Updated translator to not write nothing in the NORM field of the EIGC entry, as NX Nastran has
removed the option. The Normalization Method section in the NASTRAN Modal Analysis dialog
box becomes unavailable when any option in the Complex Solution Methods section is selected.
Updated translator for Rotor Dynamics to always write the EIGRL entry using MASS
normalization no matter what the Normalization Method option is set to in the NASTRAN Modal
Analysis dialog box.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Added ANSYS Executive and Solution Control dialog box to the Analysis Set Manager. The
ANSYS Executive and Solution Control dialog box contains information about current ANSYS
Version setup to run with FEMAP and allows you to specify a number of command line arguments.
Added support to write non-zero constraints as D, (node ID), (UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, or
ROTZ), (non-zero value). Also, added support to read non-zero values on constraints from an
ANSYS input file.
Added support to write DOF Spring to Ground elements as COMBIN14 elements. An additional
node constrained in all six degrees of freedom will also be written to the ANSYS input file. When
COMBIN14 elements are read from an ANSYS input file, DOF Spring elements/properties are
created, not DOF Spring to Ground elements/properties.
Added support to write Spring/Damper elements which reference a Spring/Damper property with
Type set to CBUSH and Spring/Damper to Ground elements as MATRIX27 elements.
Updated support when reading MATRIX27 elements and associated property information from
ANSYS input file, which now become General Matrix elements referencing General Matrix
properties set to the appropriate Matrix Type in FEMAP.
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Added support to write DOF Spring elements which have both Stiffness and Damping defined as
*ELEMENT, TYPE=SPRING2/*ELEMENT, TYPE=DASHPOT2 combinations. When reading
these entries from an ABAQUS input file, when both Stiffness and Damping are defined, two DOF
Spring properties will be created (one containing the stiffness values, the other containing the
damping values) and two DOF Spring elements will be created (one referencing the property with
the stiffness value, the other referencing the property with the damping value).
Added support to write DOF Spring to Ground elements with only Stiffness values defined as
*ELEMENT, TYPE=SPRING1, with only Damping values defined as *ELEMENT,
TYPE=DASHPOT1, and with both Stiffness and Damping values defined as *ELEMENT,
TYPE=SPRING1/*ELEMENT, TYPE=DASHPOT1 combinations. When reading these entries
from an ABAQUS input file, when both Stiffness and Damping are defined, two DOF Spring to
Ground properties will be created (one containing the stiffness values, the other containing the
damping values) and two DOF Spring to Ground elements will be created (one referencing the
property with the stiffness value, the other referencing the property with the damping value).
Added support to write Spring/Damper elements which reference a Spring/Damper property with
Type set to CBUSH and Spring/Damper to Ground elements as *MATRIX INPUT/*MATRIX
ASSEMBLE combinations. When read from the ABAQUS input file, General Matrix elements
referencing General Matrix properties set to the appropriate Matrix Type will be created in FEMAP.
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Added Advanced... button to LS-DYNA Analysis Control dialog box, which allows the user to
enter values which will write the *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_AUTO and
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_GENERAL entries when using the implicit solver.
Added support to write non-zero constraints to the LS-Dyna input file as
Added “98..LS-DYNA Simplified Johnson Cook” material type to Other Types, which writes
Added support to use a combination of beam elements with sections defined in Femap (rectangular
or circular bar) with Formulation set to “9..Spotweld” and Material Type “100..LS-DYNA
Spotweld” in Other Types. The section properties will be used to determine the required values on
*BEAM_SECTION cards. If the cross section is not a rectangular or circular bar and Area>0.0,
then the square root of the Area will be used for all required thicknesses. However, thicknesses may
also be specified when creating or editing the “100..LS-DYNA Spotweld” material, but will only
be used if the beam section property has an Area = 0.0.
Updated the translator to not always write the *CONTROL_SOLUTION entry.
Updated default value specified for Termination Time in the LS-DYNA Analysis Control dialog
box to be 1.0.
Updated default value specified for Output Time Interval in the LS-DYNA Analysis Control dialog
box to be 0.01.
Updated “2..LS-DYNA Orthotropic Elastic” material type in Other Types by adding Shear Mod
Freq Damp G and Limit Stress SIGF fields.
Updated “34..LS-DYNA Fabric” material type in Other Types by adding 16 new fields.
Updated “36..LS-DYNA 3-Parameter Barlat” material type in Other Types by adding Hardening
Rule Load Func field.
Updated “54..LS-DYNA Enhanced Composite Damage” material type in Other Types by adding
2WAY (1=On), Mat Angle MANGLE, Pct Failed Layers PFL, Dmg Init T Shear EPSF, Final
Rupture Shear EPSR, Tr Shear Max Damg TSMD, Ortho softening SOFT2, Max->Min Fib T
SLIMT1, Max->Min Fib C SLIMC1, Max->Min Mtx T SLIMT2, Max->Min Mtx C SLIMC2,
Max->Min Shear SLIMS, Stress Red Cycles NCYRED, Trans Shear Soft SOFTG, Load Curve XC
LCXC, Load Curve XT LCXT, Load Curve YC LCYC, Load Curve YT LCYT, Load Curve SC
LCSC, and strnRate Avg Opt DT fields.
Updated “67..LS-DYNA Nonlinear Elastic Discrete Beam” material type in Other Types by adding
CST (0,1 or 2) and SCOOR (-3 to 3) fields.
Updated “68..LS-DYNA Nonlinear Plastic Discrete Beam” material type in Other Types by adding
CST (0,1 or 2) and SCOOR (-3 to 3) fields.
Updated “103..LS-DYNA Anisotropic Viscoplastic” material type in Other Types by adding Fail
and NUMINT fields.
Updated “126..LS-DYNA Modified Honeycomb” material type in Other Types by adding VREF,
TREF, and SHDFLG(0,1) fields.
Interfaces - PATRAN
Added support for reading RBE2 and RBE3 elements (MPCs) from the PATRAN Neutral File
Packet 14.
Updated support when reading PATRAN materials to support Material Types 4 (thermal isotropic)
and 5 (thermal anisotropic), and added reading of specific heat and emissivity material properties.
Added writing of non-zero constraints to PATRAN Neutral File. When reading non-zero
constraints, they will come displacement loads.
Interfaces - I-DEAS
Added support to read and write non zero constraints.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for Parasolid 29.0, Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 8, Pro/Engineer
CREO 3, CATIA V5-6R2015 SP3, ACIS 26 SP1, and SolidWorks 2016.
Added Spring/Damper to Ground property type which specifies Stiffness, Damping, Structural
Damping, and other options for the Spring/Damper to Ground element.
Added DOF Spring to Ground property type which specifies Stiffness, Damping, Connect to DOF,
and other options for the Spring/Damper to Ground element.
Updated the name of the Stiffness Matrix property type to General Matrix. There is now a Matrix
Type which allows the specified values to be used as a Stiffness Matrix, Damping Matrix, or Mass
Matrix. Also, the values can now be entered using a 6x6 Matrix or 12x12 Matrix.
Updated the Cross Section Definition dialog box, which is accessed by clicking the Shape button in
the Define Property... dialog box when creating a Bar, Beam, or Curved Beam property. This now
provides useful information to the user and this information can be copied to the Clipboard or saved
to a file for use in reports.
Added Max Quads option to Mesh, Geometry, Surface command. When used, the surface mesher
will attempt to create as few triangular elements as possible and in certain cases, will produce a
“quad only” mesh.
Added Mesh, Editing, Element Refine command. This command allows you to dynamically
“highlight” shell elements to refine using one of two patterns, “original quad element split into four
quad elements” (i.e., the 1 to 4 Pattern) or “original quad element split into nine quad elements”
(i.e., the 1 to 9 Pattern). Any elements surrounding the “refined elements” will be automatically
split using appropriate “transition patterns” to maintain connectivity between the “newly refined
mesh” and the “original mesh”.
Added capability to the Mesh, Editing, Edge Split command to select multiple nodes and
automatically split between all of the element edges that they define.
Added capability to the Mesh, Extrude, Curve; Mesh, Extrude, Element; and Mesh, Extrude,
Element Face commands to specify the extrusion direction and number by selecting either element
edges or a path of nodes. This allows you to easily extrude parts of an existing mesh to locations
that match another portion of a mesh, including irregularly spaced locations.
Updated Mesh, Editing, Edge Split command to automatically adjust element corner thicknesses
when splitting tapered planar elements.
Updated the Quad mesher and Tri Subdivision mesher to honor the Surface Interior Mesh Growth
factor specified in the Automatic Mesh Sizing dialog box.
Updated the Mesh, Editing, Interactive and Mesh, Editing, Split commands to only merge nodes of
elements that have been split or those adjacent to a split. Previously all nodes were merged.
Updated various commands on the Mesh, Editing... menu to create and maintain associativity to
multiple solids for nodes that lie on the boundary of adjoining solids.
Updated the functionality of the icon buttons in dialog box of the Mesh, Editing, Rigid
Connectivity command to simply highlight all of the nodes on the element or element instead of
bringing up a single entity selection dialog box. This dialog box was also updated for the Mesh,
Connect, Rigid command and the Model, Load, From Freebody command, when using Multi-
Updated the List, Model, Load - Individual command to allow you to list loads in the Active Load
Set, all Load Sets, or any number of selected load sets. The same capability was add for the List,
Model, Constraint - Individual command, only you choose to list from the active Constraint Set, all
Constraint Sets, or any number of selected Constraint Sets.
Updated List, Output, Contoured Results to Data Table command when Contour Style is set to
Arrow. When the Select Output from Contour Vector option is enabled, lists the “Element ID” or
“Node ID” in the first column, depending on the type of output being displayed. Then, depending
on the option set for Arrow Type, up to 3 additional columns containing output values will be
Updated the List, Output, Force Balance command to consolidate functionality from various
commands previously on the List, Output... menu (Force Balance to Data Table, Force Balance
Interface Load, Force Balance Interface Load to Data Table, Freebody Nodal Summations, and
Freebody Nodal Summations to Data Table).
Added Modify, Renumber, All command. This command is designed to renumber all individual
entities of each entity type currently in the model via a single Renumber All dialog box.
Measure, Distance Between Geometry
Updated the command to allow you to measure from any entity type to an arbitrary Plane defined
by the user. The Overall Only option is not available when To is set to Plane, therefore only the
Minimum distance to the specified plane is reported.
Performance Graphics
Added support to accelerate graphics for Rigid Elements (RBE2, RBE3, and RSPLINE)
Updated FEMAP to turn off Performance Graphics automatically when a mode or command is not
supported, then return to Performance Graphics after leaving the mode or no longer in that
Added Fast Pick Visible to Graphics Options section. When enabled, picking is enhanced to allow
“Pick Front” to be used in conjunction with area picking (Box, Circle, Polygon, or Freehand). Also,
the overall performance of picking when using “Pick Front” is improved.
Added TDR Protection to Advanced/Debug Options section.
User Interface
Added Dynamic Zoom Around Cursor Location to Mouse Interface section. When enabled,
scrolling the mouse middle mouse wheel or clicking and dragging the mouse with the Shift key
held down will zoom in/out around the location of the cursor. When off, which is default, zooming
in/out by scrolling the mouse wheel or clicking and dragging the mouse with the Shift key held
down will occur around the center of the graphics window.
Added Dynamic Rotate Around Cursor Location to Mouse Interface section. When enabled, rotates
around an automatically selected location on the model near the current location of the cursor.
When off, which is default, rotation will occur around the center of the view or rotation center.
Changed Tooltip Duration to Duration in the Graphical Selection section.
Added Reset Next ID after Delete All to Database Options section. When enabled, which is the
default, this option will return the “Next ID” of certain entity types to “1” after the last entity of that
type has been deleted from the model. The entity types tracked by this option are Point, Curve,
Surface, Solid, Volume, Coordinate System, Node, Element, Material, Property, Connection
Property, Connection Region, Connector, Aero Panel/Body, Aero Property, Aero Spline, Aero
Control Surface, Load Set, Constraint Set, Group, Text, View, and Output Set.
Solvers - New for 11.3!
Added Solvers tab to specify the location of solver programs and optionally enter command line
options. The Solvers tab allows you to specify a location of a Program (i.e., finite elements solver
executable) and any command line Arguments which should be included when the solver program
is automatically launched by FEMAP
Added Allow Solid Boolean to Create NonManifold Geometry option to Geometry Preferences
section. When on, allows any “Boolean” command on the Geometry, Solid… menu (Geometry,
Solid, Add/Remove/Common/Embed/Intersect commands) to potentially create NonManifold
geometry (i.e., a Parasolid “General Body”) as a result of the operation. When off, if any operation
would create a NonManifold body, you will be asked “Ok to allow this operation to result in a
NonManifold Solid?”. Answering Yes will create a General Body, while answering No will cause
the command to fail.
Updated the Element Quality Preferences dialog box accessed via the Element Quality button by
adding 3 new element quality checks to the NX Nastran tab (Quad AR, Tria AR, and Tria EPLR)
and changing all operators on the NX Nastran tab from “<=” or “>=” to “<” or “>”, which matches
the functionality of GEOMCHECK.
Added Auto Upgrade Abaqus ODB Database option to File Options section. When enabled, the
Abaqus ODB Database will automatically be updated to the most current version of the ABAQUS
ODB Database supported by that version of FEMAP.
Added Nastran Options section and moved two existing options, Output Set Titles (formally
Nastran Output Set Titles) and Append Femap Title, from the File Options section into this section.
Added Use Static Subcase IDs option to Nastran Options section. When this option is enabled, an
attempt will be made to create Output Sets using IDs corresponding to results for specific Subcase
IDs in a Nastran Output File which has been imported or attached. If an output set with that ID
already exists in the FEMAP model, then the next empty ID after the Subcase ID will be used.
Added Track Revision option to Nastran Options section. When this option is enabled, a Nastran
Subcase ID will be stored as the “Case” ID on each Output Set created by importing or attaching to
a Nastran Results File. If another Nastran Output File containing the same Nastran Subcase ID is
imported or attached, the appropriate “Revision” number will also be stored on the Output Set.
Added Freebody Defaults section and added the Set Freebody Defaults button. The Set Freebody
Defaults button in this section will open the Default Freebody Settings dialog box, which allows
you to specify the default settings to be used every time a new Freebody entity is created in the
Added User Tools Path field to Startup Program File/Basic Script/Executable and Custom/User
Tools section. FEMAP contains a toolbar called Custom and User Tools. This toolbar allows you to
choose directories on your machine where you can access the “API scripts provided with the latest
version of FEMAP” (Custom Tools defaults to the “API” directory shipped with FEMAP) and store
any “custom commands and tools” created by you and/or an engineering organization (User Tools).
Files used by Custom Tools and User Tools can be recorded Program Files (*.PRO or *.PRG files),
FEMAP Basic scripts (usually *.BAS files), or “other” executable (for instance, a Visual Basic
script compiled into a *.EXE file). The Custom Tools and User Tools icon menus on the Custom
and User Tools toolbar will take any of those file types it locates in the specified directories and
automatically place them into the appropriate menu structure found on the Custom and User Tools
Added checking at startup and warning messages to indicate whether the API/COM server is
properly registered for FEMAP.
Analysis Manager
Corrected issue where the Analysis Set entity name was improperly set to “Analysis Case”. This
caused the Analysis Set library file to fail to load from the Analysis Set Manager.
Corrected issue which allowed elements with no properties to be selected when selecting properties
or elements with no materials to be selected when selecting materials.
Corrected issue in Smart Snap that prevented picking curve middle and center locations when a
group was active.
Corrected issue that caused duplicate curves to be created by the Geometry, Copy/Scale/Reflect/
Rotate/Radial commands if you canceled in any dialog that was displayed after the Generation
Options dialog.
Corrected issue by changing the approach for finding intersections between spline curves which is
used in various commands including Modify, Fillet. This solved issues where the curves were not
quite intersecting because they were slightly “out-of-plane” (PR# 7489481).
Corrected issue by preventing the Modify, Move To; Modify, Move By; Modify, Rotate To;
Modify, Rotate By; Modify, Align; and Modify, Scale commands from moving/rotating boundary
surfaces which have multiple underlying surfaces. Also updated Modify, Edit, Boundary and
Modify, Update Other, Boundary On Surface to prevent editing of boundary surfaces which have
multiple underlying surfaces.
Corrected issue where Curve based boundary surfaces were not drawn if filled edges were turned
Corrected issue where certain geometry cleanup operations would cause the geometry from the
solid disappear when the solid was in a group, but only a few of the curves and surfaces on that
solid are in the group, until using the Windows, Regenerate command.
Corrected issue where incorrect selection markers would be displayed when Solids were the active
entity type in the Select Toolbar and using Pick Front.
Corrected issue where the border colors for elements when displaying a Criteria Plot were drawn
using the wrong color.
Corrected issue when body loads were beinbg displayed on, where model would appear to be
wireframe, which was being caused by the bounding box calculation of the varying acceleration
being done incorrectly.
Corrected issue where constraints displayed as "Pins" were not being drawn correctly in Standard
graphics, but were being drawn correctly in Performance Graphics.
Corrected issue where negative values of Nodal Temperatures, Elemental Heat Generation, Nodal
Heat Generation, Nodal Pressure, Nodal Total Pressure, Nodal Heat Flux (per length and per area
and at node) and Curve Element Pressure are not displayed correctly, but instead are displayed as
absolute values.
Corrected issues when displaying contour/criteria on elements which are being used by Connection
Corrected issue where beam element offsets, directions and y directions were drawn even if the
element was not drawn in a Criteria plot because the element does not meet the specified criteria
Performance Graphics
Corrected issue where Element Criteria values were drawn at element centroid of Solid Elements if
Fill was turned off. They now draw at the face centroids of solid elements.
Corrected issue where Planar elements which had there results being transformed into a direction
perpendicular to the element would be drawn as filled elements, even when Fill was turned off.
Corrected issue where the points along a combined curve were still being drawn, which was
incorrect, as only the points at the ends of the combined curve should have been drawn.
Corrected issue where Offsets on Mass Elements where not being drawn in the local coordinate
system specified on the Mass Property.
Corrected issue where non-solid points, displayed as “+”, would no longer have the proper shape
and appear a “block” or “blob” when symbol size was small and the lines were thick.
Corrected issue when using Show Selected Only from the Model Info tree, which would cause the
whole model to remain displayed.
Corrected issue to allow undeformed edges to follow filled edge color and not be the undeformed
color when Fill is on.
Corrected issue that caused CBUSH elements to initially be drawn with the wrong symbol after
using Model Merge.
PostProcessing Toolbox
Corrected issue that occurred if you renumbered Output Sets, then immediately chose one of the
Output Vector selection buttons. Previously the dialog box shown after pressing the button could
have been improperly populated with vectors from the wrong Output Set or with no vectors at all, if
the previous Output Set no longer existed. This condition corrected itself if other controls were
used first, but now works if done immediately.
Charting Pane
Corrected issue that could cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly when using the mouse to pan in a
zoomed-in chart and tooltips are enabled.
Corrected issue when displaying max/min labels using only the X-axis label, only the maximum X
value would be labeled.
Corrected issue where pressing keys on the keyboard may not considered until the mouse is clicked
somewhere in FEMAP, if FEMAP was started with the charting pane open.
Corrected issue where listing Data Series values to the Messages window using the right mouse
button would not list data correctly if output overrides were specified on the Chart level. Data
copied to the clipboard was not affected.
Entity Editor
Corrected issue where elemental temperatures could not be edited in the Entity Editor if the
elemental temperatures were not in the active Load Set (PR #7526412)
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue when indexing composite/laminate results that caused plys to be missing when
attached to *.op2 file.
Corrected issue when reading input files which are written in “free-field” and contain more than 10
fields on a single line (for instance, this can be done for RBE3 entries).
Corrected issue where no error message was displayed when importing a NASTRAN input file
which contained CBUSH elements that references a Coordinate System which does not exist.
During analysis import, error message will now be displayed in the message window, however the
element will not be modified and will continue to reference the non-existing Coordinate System.
This is beneficial if modifying an include file where the referenced Coordinate System is in another
file. No existing Coordinate System will be auto-assigned, as it is impossible to determine the
original intent. (PR# 7638131)
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected issue when reading results from NX Nastran Rotor Dynamics which were in the op2 file
format used in NX Nastran 10.0 and above (PR #7458293).
Corrected issue where contact results from ADINA were missing when attached to .op2 file and
post processing anything other than the entire dataset (i.e., post-processing on a group).
Corrected issue when writing and reading the material angle for the NX Nastran CPLSTNi and
CPLSTSi elements, which were incorrectly defined using each element's Element Coordinate
system, not the Basic Coordinate System.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected issue when writing orientation node for Beams and Curved Beams, which are exported
as ANSYS BEAM44 (PR# 5932520)
Corrected issue when writing Spring/Damper elements with the Property set to Other (NASTRAN
Corrected issue to allow the Default Temperature in the Create Body Loads dialog box is enabled,
then it will be written as TUNIF, (Default Temperature Values) and the Reference Temperature on
Materials to be written as MP, REFT, (Material ID), (Reference Temperature Value). If the Default
Temperature in the Create Body Loads dialog box is not enabled, then TUNIF and MP,REFT will
not be written at all.
Corrected issue where elements were sometimes not written as SHELL181 elements to Nastran
input file.
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Corrected issue where reading values from *SPRING could cause the Stiffness value to be written
to the Damping field in the DOF Spring Property.
Interfaces - I-DEAS
Corrected issue by removing scaling of coordinate system origins when reading I-Deas Universal
Files. Previously Coordinate System origins were scaled by a units factor from the file, but Nodal
coordinates were not scaled, resulting in an inconsistent model.
Corrected issue writing and reading nodal coordinates to the I-Deas Universal File when the nodes
were defined in any coordinate system other than Global Rectangular
Interfaces - JT Files
Corrected issue which caused text strings to not be properly converted to Unicode, which would
impact an titles or text which were non-ASCII.
Interfaces - VRML files
Corrected issue where contour colors for VRML files were inverted.
Corrected issue in when using Mesh, Mesh Control, Size on Surface or Mesh, Mesh Control, Size
on Solid, which occurred if you had arc edges that were very near 360 degrees and would have
gotten a single element along their length based purely on the mesh size, but which should have
been resized based on an Angle Tolerance. In extreme cases, the angle tolerance was missed
resulting in a single element along the almost fully circular edge.
Corrected issues in the Fast Tri mesher that caused the mesher to not be successful in certain cases.
Corrected issue that could cause some surfaces with Mesh Points on the Surface to mesh with some
nodes significantly off of the surface.
Mesh Associativity
Corrected issue where some elements could lose associativity if the nodes of the element were
associated with two surfaces which were meshed using adjacent surface matching.
Elements - Spring/Damper
Corrected issue where Spring/Damper elements referencing an element coordinate system would
not correctly update Coordinate System counters upon a database rebuild
Elements - Rigid
Corrected issue when editing rigid elements, where the Title of the entity selection dialog box when
selecting nodes may have incorrectly specified if Master or Slave nodes were being selected. The
dialog box titles have been corrected and also now reflect the Dependent/Independent
nomenclature used in the rigid element dialog box.
Element Update
Corrected issue where Modify, Update Elements, Line Element Orientation command would not
correctly update CBUSH orientation if the selected elements were originally oriented using a CID
on the element, then reoriented with a different method (node, vector, radial, etc) (PR# 7567417).
Corrected issue where no error message was written to the Messages window if reorienting line
elements using the radial option failed.
Corrected issue where meshing within the beam section calculator would fail, resulting in no
section properties being calculated. If this happens now, the mesh size is divided by 3 and an
additional attempt is made to mesh the cross-section.
Corrected issue that occurred when using Tools, Mass Properties, Mesh Properties when computing
the mass properties of tapered plate elements. Previously the area was not calculated (listed as 0.0)
which then caused the mass to be incorrect if the element/property had nonstructural mass applied.
Corrected issue that occurred when using Tools, Merge, Coincident Nodes command if
Performance Graphics was enabled and multiple nodes were merged on the same element.
Previously elements could be corrupted. (PR #7508355)
Corrected issue which cause the Tools, Measure, Angle Between Nodes command to fail to list the
deformed angle if the selected nodes were colinear in their undeformed locations. Also, increased
the precision of the various angle measuring commands for angles close to 0.0 and 180.0 degrees.
Previously listed as 0 or 180 if within 0.0081 degrees, now only when within 0.00000256
degrees.(PR# 7672168)
Model Merge
Corrected issue in Model Merge that caused Spring/Damper elements (CBUSH) that were oriented
using a coordinate system to transfer improperly without renumbering the coordinate system.
User Interface
Corrected issue which would occur when using a user defined contour palette to have the number
of colors in the user contour palette set the number of levels. Previously, this was not displayed
correctly on the user defined levels dialog.
Corrected issue where the range for Pref_ScrollBackLines was defined improperly
Corrected issue in feFileAttachSave2 that caused the results sets to not be detached when the
bDetach argument was set to True.
Corrected issue in feGetElementFaces that could cause part of the list of selected faces to be lost if
you used the "Multiple..." option more than once.
Corrected issue in Output Object that prevented creation of integer output vectors if you attempted
to create the vector by only setting the various parameters and did not use the InitScalarAtNode,
InitVectorAtNode, InitScalarAtElem, InitElemWithCorner, or InitScalarAtBeam method.
Corrected issue where GetElements and GetNodes methods may return too many nodes or
elements when walking through the freebody entities in a loop.
Corrected issue where feCheckCoincidentElem were not using the same settings as the commands
in the GUI when doing all checks on all shapes. Now, this API function uses the same settings.
FEMAP v11.2.2 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Connection Properties, Regions, and Connectors
Added the ability to copy Connections when using the Mesh, Copy...or Mesh, Rotate commands
when the “Mesh Sizes, Loads, Constraints...” option is enabled and if both associated Connection
Regions are also copied
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Added “Max Matrix Strn DFAILM” and “Max T Shear Strn DFAILS” fields to Material Type
“54..LS-DYNA Enhanced Composite Damage”, which write the DFAILM and DFAILS values for
Added “R Rot Constrained (1=Yes)”, “S Rot Constrained (1=Yes)”, “T Rot Constrained (1=Yes)”,
“CST (0,1 or 2)”, and “SCOOR (-3 to 3)” fields to Material Type “71..LS-DYNA Cable Discrete
Beam”, which write the RRCON, SRCON, TRCON, CST, and SCOOR values to the
Added “CST (0,1 or 2)”, “SCOOR (-3 to 3)”, “R Rot Constrained (1=Yes)”, “S Rot Constrained
(1=Yes)”, and “T Rot Constrained (1=Yes)” fields to Material Type “93..LS-DYNA Elastic 6DOf
Spring Discrete Beam”, which write the CST, SCOOR, RRCON, SRCON, and TRCON values to
Updated feSolidRemoveRedundantPoint to make it more useful when cleaning up imported CAD
geometry where vertices that simply should not be relevant can now be removed
Added support for Boundary Surfaces in the API Entity Tracking object.
Analysis Manager
Corrected an issue with regard to Load and Constraint Sets in Subcases after Groups were
renumbered. Previously, if any Load Sets or Constraint Sets selected in Subcases had the same ID
as one of the Groups that was being renumbered, those Load/Constraint Set references were
Corrected an issue with regard to Groups used to limit entities when making output requests after
Groups were renumbered. Previously, references to groups for any Output Selections in the
Analysis Manager Subcases were not renumbered.
Corrected an issue with regard to the Contact Group in the Boundary Condition dialog box after
Groups were renumbered. Previously, the Contact Group reference in Analysis Manger Master
Case or Subcases was not renumbered.
Corrected an issue with regard to renumbering Load Sets. Previously, if the renumbered Load Sets
were referenced in one or more Analysis Sets as the Temperature Set selection in either the Master
Case or Subcases, or as the Bolt Preload Set in Subcases, the reference still contained the original
Load Set ID.
Performance Graphics
Corrected an issue where nodal and elemental thermal loads would cause FEMAP to become
Corrected an issue where function IDs for loads were not drawn correctly if in component display
Corrected an issue when curved beams drawn with large radii were not drawn properly.
Corrected an issue where nodal loads being displayed as components were not being shown in the
proper orientation.
GUI - General
Corrected an issue which caused “Smart Snap” snap mode to not allow selection of the midpoint of
a curve or center point of a curve when the graphics window was displaying a single group or
multiple groups.
Entity Info
Corrected an issue where a \ character at the end of an Entity title or a { character or } character
anywhere in an Entity title sent to the Entity Info window for any reason (typically during entity
selection) could cause FEMAP to become unresponsive.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected an issue where PARAM,WMODAL,YES would not be written for Nastran Response
Spectrum Analysis (PR 8264897).
Corrected an issue when reading results for TRIA6 and QUAD8 elements in nonlinear analysis
(SOL 601) that caused some Strain Invariant results to not be computed or calculated incorrectly.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected an issue in XDB translator that could cause some Grid Point Force vectors to be skipped.
Corrected an issue in XDB translator that could cause Grid Point Force vectors to be incorrectly
transformed when a local nodal output coordinate system was used.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected an issue which caused linear or parabolic tetrahedral elements to appear as linear or
parabolic pyramid elements when reading elements from an ANSYS input file (*.cdb or *.ans). (PR
Corrected an issue which caused plane strain elements and axisymmetric elements to potentially be
assigned a Material Orientation during import of an ANSYS input file.
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Corrected an issue where import of d3plot files for Japanese FEMAP was very slow. (PR 7405411)
Corrected an issue when using the Modify, Update Elements, Type command to change the “type”
of selected elements from Plot Only Planar elements to Laminate Elements, which could cause
FEMAP to exit unexpectedly.
Corrected an issue which caused CBUSH elements created in earlier versions of FEMAP, which
had both an orientation Vector specified and referenced a Property which had an Orientation Csys
defined, to have their “Orientation” set to “Vector” instead of “From Property” when brought
forward into FEMAP 11.2 or 11.2.1.
Corrected an issue which caused CBUSH elements created in earlier versions of FEMAP, which
had both a Node ID specified for orientation and referenced a Property which had an Orientation
Csys defined, which would cause “Orientation” set to “Node” instead of “From Property” when
brought forward into FEMAP 11.2 or 11.2.1.
Corrected an issue where meshed surface(s) that were being extended were not being remeshed
because the extended surfaces where being renumbered, thus not getting remeshed. A different
approach is now being used which does not renumber the extended surface(s).
Output and Post-Processing
Corrected an issue with transforming results that occurred if you attempted to transform into a
coordinate system that did not exist. Previously this could happen if you renumbered coordinate
systems. Now the coordinate system reference is properly renumbered and transforms are turned
off if you specify a nonexistent system any other way. (PR 7455476)
Corrected an issue that occurred if you used the Tools, Mass Properties, Mesh Properties command
and selected a coordinate system for the mass properties other than Global Rectangular and chose
to create a node at the CG. Previously the CG was created at an incorrect location. (PR 7457501)
Corrected an issue which caused the return code for NextEmptyID, PrevEmptyID, NextID, and
PrevID to be zReturnCode instead of “INT4” which matches the actual method return.
Corrected an issue in feSolidFillet and feSolidChamfer that caused both of these methods to fail.
Corrected an issue where FTO_PYRAMID13 enum was missing for the topology property of the
Element Object.
FEMAP v11.2.1 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
GUI - General
Added dynamic face highlighting during Element Face picking and enabled dynamic highlighting
of elements in the Connection Region dialog if “Elements-No Faces” is selected
Added “Plane Element Offset” as an option when using the “Model Data Value” option for “Pick^”
in the standard entity selection dialog box
Added a Cancel button to the “OK to Start New Model (No=Add to Current Model)?” dialog box
which appears when you “drag and drop” an analysis model or geometry file into an open instance
Updated the “Add Connected Elements” option for “Pick^” in the standard entity selection dialog
box to dramatically improve performance
Interfaces - NX Nastran
FEMAP with NX Nastran bundle now includes NX Nastran 10.2
Added support for NX Nastran 10.2 Thermal and Mechanical Strain (op2 data blocks OSTR1ELC,
Updated default value for the “Solid Results in Material CSys” option in the “NXSTRAT Solver
Parameters” dialog box in the Analysis Set Manager to be Off instead of On, which will write a 0 to
the ELRESCS field on the NXSTRAT entry instead of a 1, which is the default value for NX
Interfaces - LS-Dyna
Added “20..EQ 13: 1 point nodal pressure tetrahedron” as a formulation option for Solid elements
to create ELFO=13
Updated “Memory (Megawords)” field in the LS-DYNA Analysis Control dialog box, which
writes the *KEYWORD MEMORY entry, to allow values up to 99,999,999, as the previous limit
was 2,147
Interfaces - Geometry
Enhanced support for importing geometry files from SolidWorks 2015 by implementing a newer
version of the SolidWorks translator
Added support for randomizing colors of the various Aero entities when modifying the color
Enhanced performance significantly when using the Mesh, Copy, Element; Mesh, Radial Copy,
Element; Mesh, Scale, Element; Mesh, Rotate, Element; and Mesh, Reflect, Element commands to
create copies of existing elements.
Enhanced performance significantly of the Mesh, Extrude commands to extrude elements, the
Mesh, Revolve commands to revolve elements, and the Mesh, Sweep commands to sweep
Added feAppSetModel32 and feAppGetModel32 methods to supplement the existing
feAppSetModel and feAppGetModel methods for programming environments where 64-bit
integers are not available
Added NumberOfLoads and NumberOfConstraints properties to the API Node object
Added GetAllArray2 and GetCoordArray2 methods to Node Object that returns an extra Variant
that indicates which nodes actually exist
Added GetAllArray2 method to Element Object that returns an extra Variant that indicates which
elements actually exist
Updated the GetAllArray and GetCoordArray methods for the Node object to automatically zero
all memory, so if you ask for entities that do not exist the values returned will all be zeroed
Updated the GetAllArray method for the Element object to automatically zero all memory, so if
you ask for entities that do not exist the values returned will all be zeroed
Analysis Manager
Corrected issue when copying Analysis Sets that caused set options to become corrupted (for
example, text in the “Direct Output To” field and various “Start Text” and “End Text” dialog boxes
would be missing or wrong)
Corrected issue that caused the MultiSet button in the Analysis Set Manager to not work if you had
only Load Sets or Constraint Sets, not both Load Sets and Constraint Sets
Element - CBUSH
Corrected a number of issues related to element orientation which could occur during creation of
the element in FEMAP, importing from a FEMAP neutral file, or importing from a Nastran input
file. For more information, please refer to Software Field Bulletin SFB-FEMAP-9054 for more
Performance Graphics
Corrected issue where individual Coordinate Systems did not obey the Visibility Check Boxes
when Performance Graphics is enabled
Corrected issue where Coordinate systems were ignored when calculating the bounding box when
Performance Graphics is enabled
Corrected issue where element coordinate system labels were not drawn for solid elements if there
were also shell elements in the in model when Performance Graphics is enabled
Corrected issue where scaling factors were not being generated for geometry loads when
Performance Graphics is enabled
Corrected issue where rounding negative values to specified number of significant figures was not
correct when Performance Graphics is enabled, which effected both criteria values and load values
Corrected issue where beam direction arrows are not drawn when “Normal Style” is set to
“2..Backface Shading” for the “Element - Directions” option in the “View, Options” command,
when Performance Graphics is enabled
Corrected issue which caused FEMAP to exit unexpectedly when drawing CBUSH elements when
the “Show Y Axis” option was enabled for “Element - Beam Y-Axis” option in “View, Options”
Corrected issue which caused no arrow representing the element direction to be displayed on solid
elements when “Show Direction” is turned on and “Normal Style” set “0..Right-Hand Rule” or
“3..Right-Hand Rule First Edge” for the “Element - Directions” option in “View, Options”
command and the View Style was set to Solid
GUI - General
Corrected issue in the Results selection dialog when you attempted to Filter Sets, Studies or Vectors
by title. If any of the entities had the string “..” in the title, those entities could only be filtered on
text that came after the “..”
Corrected issue that prevented box/area picking Solids that contained combined curves if you also
had the “Pick All Inside” option turned on
Corrected issue when using the “Model Data Value” option for “Pick^” in the standard entity
selection dialog box. Previously the “Plane Element Thickness” Model Data Value selection only
worked for thicknesses specified on the Property. Now it also uses the element thickness overrides
if selecting elements, while only using property values if selecting properties or other entity types.
Corrected issue that caused Alt-Pick (automatic Query Selection) to fail if “Smart Snap” was
turned on (PR 7382986)
Data Table
Corrected issue with “Copy to Clipboard”, “Copy Rows”, and “Copy Columns”. Previously there
was an extra trailing tab (column) and trailing carriage return (row). This caused the selection in
Excel to be wrong when you pasted in the results
PostProcessing Toolbox
Corrected issue in Freebody tool where the “Display Freebodies” check box did not change when
the “Set the Freebody Style” icon menu was used to change the display state of Freebodies (PR
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected issue when reading input files containing entities for both linear contact and/or glued
contact which would cause only a single Connector to be imported instead of the actual number of
Connectors in the input file.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue when reading variable length cards with embedded blank fields such as SPC1,
which is allowed in Nastran but not typical
Corrected issue when reading NASTRAN INCLUDE statements if they followed an “open-ended”
card, like RBE2 or RBE3
Corrected issue that caused NASTRAN INCLUDE files to not be read if there were same-line $
comments on the include line
Corrected issue when reading or attaching to Nastran OP2 and/or XDB files that caused some
vectors to be improperly labeled “Nonlinear”
Corrected issue where composite element failure index vectors were missing when attaching to op2
files (PR 7372455)
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Corrected issue where translator was writing out comments that exceed the standard 80 char
resulting in the solver not being able to properly process the input file (PR 7383233)
Corrected issue where “Translation Text” specified via the “File, Notes” command was being
ignored during export
Corrected issue where only 2 of the required 7 fields on the first line of the *SECTION_BEAM
entry would be written when beam element formulation was set to “9..Spotweld” (PR 7365784)
Corrected issue in display of geometry that caused Solids with large numbers of curves to create the
data for display more slowly
Corrected issue that occurred when a solid got split into multiple components as you deleted
surfaces. (PR 7356203, PR 8267969 and PR 8268004)
Corrected issue with Geometry, Solid, Explode. If you selected multiple solids to explode, each
solid lists the number of “exploded faces” that were created but that number was previously a
running total of all the exploded faces, not just the ones from each original solid. (PR 7384480)
Corrected issue which occurred if you tried to break or extend a curve that was non-deletable
(meshed, used in connection regions or had applied loads or constraints). Previously, a message
was issued that said the curve was skipped, but the reason given was incorrect and sometimes
Corrected issue when extending surfaces where the vertex cleanup during the action was creating
an invalid solid
Corrected issue when using the “Geometry, Solid, Stitch” command, or when stitching would occur
during a command, where certain bodies would get deleted when the stitching operation failed, but
Parasolid said it completed properly
Corrected issue when undoing, then redoing the “Geometry, Surface, From Mesh” command which
could cause the surface to be faceted incorrectly
Corrected issue when using “Geometry, Surface, From Mesh” command where ruled surface
meshes were being missed if they were not the first element batch selected
Corrected issue when using any command where a curve on a surface could be removed during the
command and more than the selected or needed curves would also be removed, causing unexpected
Corrected issue when using the Geometry, Scale commands which would cause an unexpected
scale factor to be applied to repetitions 2 to “n” when using a value for “Repetitions” other than 1
Corrected issue when using the Mesh, Scale commands which would cause an unexpected scale
factor to be applied to repetitions 2 to “n” when using a value for “Repetitions” other than 1
Corrected issue that caused the Next method of the Results Browser Object to fail if you attempted
to use results that contained integer values rather than real data
Corrected issue with feSurfaceRayFire that caused all surfaces that were hit to be returned with a
surface ID of -1
FEMAP v11.2 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Updated the View, Visibility command by adding a Hide... button to the Coord Sys, Geometry,
Material, Property, Aero Panel/Body, and Aero Spline/Control Surface tabs, which allows you to
select entities in the graphics window to “hide” (i.e., turn off visibility) using the standard entity
selection dialog box for that entity type.
Updated “Element - Coordinate System” option in “Labels, Entities and Color” Category of View,
Options command to with number of different element types. Also, added “2..RGB Line” to Color
Analysis Manager
Updated Select Load and Constraint Sets for Analysis Cases dialog box accessed via the MultiSet
button to place the Clear Master Case Constraints option beneath the list in the Constraint Sets
section and the Clear Master Case Loads options beneath the list in the Load Sets section.
Added Geometry, Surface, Extract command, which extracts the selected surface(s) from any solid,
sheet solid, or general body in which the surface(s) currently reside. When removing surface(s)
from a solid, the remaining surfaces of the solid will be changed from solid into a sheet solid or
general body, whichever is more appropriate. If multiple connected surfaces are selected for
extraction, then the extracted surfaces will be joined into a sheet solid or general body, whichever is
Added ability to use Delete, Geometry, Surface to delete individual surfaces from solids.
Previously, you would have needed to use Geometry, Solid, Explode before these surfaces could be
Added Express option to Geometry, Surface, NonManifold Add command. The Express option in
Processing Method attempts to use a single operation in Parasolid to create a “General Body” from
the selected surfaces, therefore performance can potentially be greatly improved.
Added Variable Thickness Processing option to Geometry, Midsurface, Automatic command.
Added Geometry, Solid, Extend command, which allows you to extend a surface on a solid, sheet
solid, or general body to a surface on another solid, sheet solid, or general body.
For Solids, added Layer, Property, Type (choose from Solid, Sheet, Wire, or General/
NonManifold), Using Curve, and Using Surface options to the Method^ menu in the standard entity
selection dialog box.
Updated the Geometry, Solid, Slice command to be a single command which consolidated the
functionality from Geometry, Solid, Slice; Geometry, Solid, Slice Match; and Geometry, Solid,
Slice Along Face commands.
Select Toolbar
Added Smart Snap as an option for the Snap Mode icon. Also, added Hide Surfaces and Show
Surfaces commands to the Visibility submenu on the context-sensitive menu for Solids. Also, when
using the Dialog command in the Selector Actions menu, the various picking methods available in
the Method^ menu are now available when a Load or Constraint entity type is set as the active
entity type.
Post Toolbar
Updated Post Data icon
Entity Editor
Added Num Mesh Seeds in the Mesh Attributes section for Curves, showing the number of “mesh
seeds” (Number of Elements) on the curve currently in the Entity Editor.
Added Orientation CSys for Spring/Damper elements, showing the Orientation Coordinate System
for any Spring/Damper element referencing a CBUSH property currently in the Entity Editor.
Added the MSC Nastran Properties section for Connection Properties, showing values on the MSC
Nastran tab of the Define Connection Property dialog box for the Connection Property currently in
the Entity Editor.
Charting Pane
Added Relative to Node/Relative to Element option to the Vector vs. Entity tab of the Chart Data
Series dialog box. Only available when X-Axis Values is set to Position. When enabled, values be
calculated relative to the X, Y, or Z location of the specified node for a nodal output vector or
centroid of the specified element for an elemental output vector.
Added ability to specify a Color for the “Major Grid Lines”. Also, added the Dim for Dark
Backgrounds option, which selects a complementary color for the “Major Grid Lines” when using a
darker background.
Entity Info
Added Orientation for a Spring/Damper element which reference CBUSH Property. Depending on
the method used for orientation, it will state “Node” with a node ID, “Vector” with XYZ
coordinates, or “Coordinate System” with an Coordinate System ID. This information will also
appear in the Tooltip for the element.
Data Table
Added Copy Rows - No Headers command on context-sensitive for rows, which copies the content
of the selected rows without including any of the column header information.
Added Add Nastran Element Checks command to the Show/Hide Columns icon menu, which adds
a column for each NX Nastran Element Quality Check available in FEMAP for each element
currently in the Data Table.
Added Orientation CSys and CBUSH Property Orientation columns for Spring/Damper elements
being sent to the Data Table.
Added Num Mesh Seeds column for Curves being sent to the Data Table.
API Programming
Added Save icon to toolbar to allow you to simply save the file instead of always displaying a
dialog box to perform a “save as” operation. If file has not been saved before a dialog box will
appear to enter a file name.
Interfaces - Nastran
Added support for reading and writing of the ACCEL1 entry. Also, ACCEL1 entries can be created
by applying an acceleration load to a node or geometry, then exporting a Static analysis.
Added support for reading both Linear and Nonlinear results from a nonlinear analysis into the
same output set. Previously, you would have to choose one or the other, but now both are read in
during a single import or attach.
Added support for reading and writing of element corner thickness (TFLAG, T1, T2, T3, and T4
CPLSTS4, CPLSTS6, and CPLSTS8 elements. Element thickness can be updated via the Modify,
Update Elements, Adjust Plate Thickness/Offset and Modify, Update Elements, Midsurface
Thickness and Offset commands.
Added SECOMB option to NASTRAN Bulk Data Options dialog box. When enabled, used to
control if output will be combined for a superelement analysis, has a number of caveats.
Added ALPHA1 and ALPHA2 options to NASTRAN Bulk Data Options dialog box. When
enabled, ALPHA1 is the complex scale factor applied to the mass matrix and ALPHA2 to the
stiffness matrix. Used in frequency and transient response analysis, if PARAM,ALPHA1 and/or
ALPHA2 are not equal to complex zero, then Rayleigh’s damping is added to the viscous damping.
Added Label field in the Master Requests and Conditions and Analysis Case dialog boxes which
can be used to write the LABEL entry in Case Control.
Updated processing of NASTRAN Include to allow the INCLUDE statement to start in any
column. Previously it had to start in column 1.
Updated File, Import, Analysis Results when importing a XDB file. After you run Nastran, choose
the File, Import, Analysis Results command, select Nastran, and then choose NX Nastran or MSC/
MD Nastran from the drop-down list. FEMAP will display the standard file access dialog box for
you to choose the XDB file you want to read. When you press OK, FEMAP will immediately open
the Select Output to Internalize dialog box, which facilitates selection of output sets and vectors.
By default, all output sets in the Output Sets section will be selected and the All Output Vectors
option in the Output Vectors section will be enabled, thus all output from the XDB file will be
imported. To only import a subset of the results from the XDB file, simply select the desired output
set(s) and optionally disable the All Output Vectors option to be able to select individual output
vector(s) for import.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added GPU Computing option to NASTRAN and Solutions Options dialog box. When enabled,
writes GPGPU=ANY to the command line which instructs NX Nastran to automatically determine
if a device with GPUs exists and, if so, to use it for during the solve.
Added SWPANGLE option to NASTRAN Bulk Data Options dialog box. When enabled, allows
you to enter the angular increment in degrees at which failure indices and strength ratios are
computed and output for laminates in direct frequency (SOL 108) and modal frequency (SOL 111)
Added MGRID and MDOF option to NASTRAN Bulk Data Options dialog box. When enabled,
used to specify a specific node (MGRID) and degree of freedom (MDOF = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) to
monitor during a direct frequency or direct transient response, plotted in the NX Nastran Analysis
Added Use NXN v8.5 Elastic Beam Formulation option to NXSTRAT Solver Parameters dialog
box. When enabled, (BEAMALG = 1), the algorithm for elastic beam formulation from NX
Nastran 8.5 is used instead of the current algorithm for elastic beam formulation.
Added PYR_DETJ option to GEOMCHECK dialog box, which is the Jacobian Determinant for
pyramids. Also, added the Include Parabolic Plate Checks option, which when enabled, includes
parabolic element checks using the same options and values specified for the linear versions of
Added support for reading ply-by-ply stress and strain output from Direct Transient (SOL 109),
Direct Frequency (SOL 108), Modal Transient (SOL 112), or Model Frequency (SOL 111) analysis
for laminate elements created. This output was not available until NX Nastran 10.0.
Added support for reading GPF output for contact from Advanced Nonlinear (SOL 601), which
will appear as the Total Contact Force and Total Contact Moment vectors, plus their components.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Added reading and writing of linear and parabolic pyramid elements.
Added reading Plastic Strain results from nonlinear analysis.
Updated writing of coordinate systems and nodes to provide a higher level of precision.
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Added Old Version Import option to potentially use old translator for legacy pre-v970 results files.
Added support for Translational Accel/Gravity and Rotational Velocity body loads allowing them
to be functionally-dependent.
Added support for Rate Effect - VP for “24..LS-DYNA Piecewise Linear Plasticity” material type,
must be a value between -1 and 1.
Added support for CST (0, 1 or 2) and SCOOR (-3 to 3) for “66..LS-DYNA Linear Elastic Discrete
Beam” material type.
Added support to properly read d3plot files which contain SPH nodes.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 7 and NX 10.0
Added support for Parasolid 27.1
Added support for SolidWorks 2015
Added support for CATIA V5-6R2014
Updated File, Import, Geometry command by adding the Sew Sheets into Manifold Solids option
to the Solid Model Read Options dialog box when import ACIS geometry (*.sat files). This option
controls if sheets (surfaces) should be stitched into manifold solids. If this option is on, then the
surfaces will only be “sewn” together into manifold solids. It will only create “manifold solids”, as
ACIS does not support “NonManifold Solids” (i.e., General Bodies) like Parasolid. If off, no
“sewing” will occur.
Added PARAM OPPHIPA option to NASTRAN Aerodynamic Data (AEROx, MKAEROx) dialog
box, which when checked writes out PARAM,OPPHIPA,1 and will output the real vibration modes
at all degrees of freedom, including the aerodynamic degrees of freedom.
Added Surface with Reference Point button which is available when Shape is set to General
Section in the Cross Section Definition dialog box. The Cross Section Definition dialog box is
accessed by clicking the Shape button in the Define Property dialog box when creating or editing
Bar, Beam, or Curved Beam properties. If you push the Surface with Reference Point button, you
will be asked to specify a coordinate to use for the Reference Point after selecting a surface and
specifying a vector, and the Reference Point option will also be automatically enabled.
Output and Post-Processing
Added ability to show contour plots on line elements, so now it is possible to show results on line
elements, planar elements, and solids elements in a single contour plot.
Added Model, Output, Create/Manage Analysis Study command which creates a new analysis
study or activates an existing analysis study.
Added Result Set Processing Data Surfaces to the Data Surface Editor, which allows you to create
to automatically create any number of new output sets based on existing output sets in the model.
The scale factors for each existing load set may be entered into the Data Surface Editor directly or
pasted in from another program, such as excel.
Added Section Cut as a Display Mode option for the Freebody Tool in the PostProcessing Toolbox.
A user-defined “cut plane” is used to automatically determine the Freebody Nodes and Freebody
Elements to essentially create an Interface Load. The “cut plane” and “path” can be defined using
one of four methods and the location of the Total Summation Vector typically moves along a
specified “path”. A number of additional options are available to control the behavior of the Section
Cut, including the ability to select elements on the reverse side of the plane, control inclusion of
elements “cut” by the “cut plane”, etc.
Added List, Output, Freebody Section Cut command, which is only available when at least one
Freebody entity with Display Mode set to Section Cut exists in the model (See Section,
“Freebody tool”). Creates a listing and sends it to the specified Output Destination, using the
selected Freebody entity and additional options specified by the user in the Freebody Section Cuts
dialog box:
Updated the View, Select command by adding the Complex Results button to the Select
PostProcessing Data dialog box, which is accessed by clicking the Deformed and Contour Data
button. These options enable you to set overall “Model Option(s)” or view-specific “override”
values used to convert complex data to real data, on-the-fly, when post-processing complex results.
Added “3..Material Direction” as an option for Output Orientation when transforming output. This
can now be set using the drop-down control for Forces, Stresses, and Strains in Tria3, Tria6, Quad4,
and Quad8 sections.
Added Max Threshold and Max/Min Threshold options to Level Mode for the “Contour/Criteria
Levels” option in “PostProcessing” Category of View, Options command. Max Threshold will use
the value specified for Maximum as a “threshold” value, thus all results above this value are shown
using the color of the uppermost band of the Contour/Criteria Legend, while Max/Min Threshold
does essentially the same thing, but uses both the Maximum and Minimum values as upper and
lower threshold values.
Measure, Distance Between Nodes
Updated command to return the “delta coordinates” between the nodes rather than the vector
between the nodes, which makes it consistent with Tools, Measure, Distance and is more useful for
non-rectangular coordinate systems.
Measure, Distance Between Geometry
Updated command to allow you to choose Nodes in the From section, enabling you to be able to
measure the distance between a node and geometric entities.
Model Merge
Added Add Related and Associated Entities button to Entity Selection section, which adds entities
both referenced by other entity types currently in the Entities to Merge list and entities associated to
those entities (i.e., mesh associated to geometry or vice versa). For instance, if Entity Selection is
set to Group and the selected group only contains elements which have been sent to the Entities to
Merge list, then pressing this button will add Node, Material, Property, and Layer entity types, and
potentially other referenced entities, along with any associated geometric entities to the Entities to
Merge list.
Performance Graphics
Added support to accelerate graphics for coordinate systems, line elements, single node elements,
nodal constraints, nodal loads, and elemental loads along with a number of other entities and
Added Max Mag to Graphics Options section, which specifies the maximum displayed
magnification factor allowed by the graphics window. By default, the maximum magnification
factor is 10,000. Once the magnification factor reaches the specified value, the level of
magnification in the graphics window cannot be increased via zooming or by scrolling the mouse
wheel. An error message will be issued to the Messages window when the specified limit has been
Updated what is supported by the Performance Graphics options in the Graphics Options section.
User Interface
Added Snap To option to Graphical Selection section. This option controls which Snap Mode will
be used as the default Snap Mode when a model is opened. The available options are “0..Screen”
(default),“1..Grid”, “2..Point”, “3..Node”, and “4..Smart”. See Section 4.2.3, “Quick Access Menu
(Right Mouse Button)” in the FEMAP User Guide for more information on the various snap
Added Ignore Delimiters if Pasting Tabs option to International Localization/Clipboard section.
The Ignore Delimiters if Pasting Tabs option, on by default, allows the user to ignore delimiters,
such as a comma (or period in certain regions), when pasting from the clipboard, provided there is a
tab between the two values. For example, a spreadsheet contains values in 2 columns, each with a
value containing a comma (Row 1, Column 1 = 1,001; Row 1, Column 2 = 5,050), and a tab
between the two values when copied to the clipboard. When this option is ON, the values pasted
into FEMAP from the clipboard are 1001 and 5050, while when this option is OFF, the values
pasted into FEMAP are 1 and 1, while the 5,050 value is completely ignored.
Updated the Element Quality Preferences dialog box accessed via the Element Quality button to be
tabbed to allow you to enter default values for the FEMAP element quality checks on the FEMAP
tab, while allowing you to enter default values for the NX Nastran element quality checks on the
NX Nastran tab. Also, added the All On and All Off icon buttons to make it easier to turn on/off all
quality checks on the current tab. Finally, added a Restore Tab Defaults button to restore the default
values for the current tab.
Updated the Current Output Orientation dialog box accessed via the Output Orientation button by
allowing you to choose “3..Material Direction” from the drop-down control for Force, Stress, and
Strain in the Tria3, Tria6, Quad4, and Quad8 sections.
Removed the Pre-v11.1 Tet Meshing option from the Meshing and Properties section.
Removed the Output Set Titles drop-down control from the Nastran Options section, as it has been
moved to the File Options section of the Results tab..
Added Create Studies option to File Options section. When enabled, a Study will be created
automatically when results are imported or attached to FEMAP. Each study will include all output
data found in a particular results file (i.e., all subcases from a static analysis, all modes from a
normal modes analysis, all frequencies or time steps from a dynamic analysis, all load steps from a
nonlinear analysis, etc).
Added Study Titles drop-down control to File Options section.
Added Nastran Output Set Titles drop-down control to File Options section (previously, this option
was called Output Set Titles and was found in the Nastran Options section of the Interfaces tab).
Added Append Femap Title option to File Options section.When this option is enabled, any value
associated with an output set, such as a frequency or time, will be added to the end of the title of
each output set during import or attach of the results file.
Removed the Read Nonlinear Output option from the Auto Answer General Post Read Questions
section, as it is no longer needed due to FEMAP being able to import both the Linear and Nonlinear
results from a nonlinear analysis into the same output set.
New and updated API Objects and Attributes
Added Analysis Study (feAnalysisStudy) object to the API. Also, added Title, AnalysisProg,
AnalysisType, FileTime, Notes, and AnalysisSet attributes to the Analysis Study Object.
Added CaseLabel, ContactOption, ContactSetType, MSCNasCnlConvergenceFlags, and
vMSCNasCnlConvergenceFlags attributes to the Analysis Case Object.
Added NasExtSEOutAssignForm, NasMscCtOn, NasMscCtEnable, NasMscCtDDULMT,
NasBulkMgrid, NasBulkSwpangle, NasBulkAlpha1, NasBulkAlpha2, NasBulkSwpangleVal,
NasBulkMdofVal, NasBulkMgridID, NasBulkAlpha1Val, vNasBulkAlpha1Val,
NasBulkAlpha2Val, vNasBulkAlpha2Val, NasAerobOPPHIPA, NasNXStratBeamalg,
NasExecGPU, NasBulkEndTextOutsideBulk, CaseLabel, ContactOption, ContactSetType,
MSCNasCnlConvergenceFlags, and vMSCNasCnlConvergenceFlags attributes to the Analysis
Manager Object. Also, updated NasMCheckDataTol to be a real number instead of an integer and
also updated vNasGCheckTest2, vNasGCheckTol2, and vNasGCheckMsg2 to allow you to control
the PYR_DETJ option in GEOMCHECK.
Added AxisMajorColor and AxisMajorColorAutoDim attributes to the Chart Object.
Added PositionIsRelative attribute to the Chart Data Series Object.
Added Midpoint, Center, GetPrecision, and ResetPrecision attributes to the Curve Object.
Added ExtendEdgeValues attribute to the Data Surface Object.
Added NastranQuadSkewOn, NastranQuadSkewLimit, NastranQuadTaperOn,
NastranQuadTaperLimit,NastranQuadWarpOn, NastranQuadWarpLimit, NastranQuadIAMinOn,
NastranQuadIAMinLimit, NastranQuadIAMaxOn, NastranQuadIAMaxLimit,
NastranTriaSkewOn, NastranTriaSkewLimit, NastranTriaIAMaxOn, NastranTriaIAMaxLimit,
NastranTetraAROn, NastranTetraARLimit, NastranTetraEPLROn, NastranTetraEPLRLimit,
NastranTetraDetJOn, NastranTetraDetJLimit, NastranHexAROn, NastranHexARLimit,
NastranHexEPLROn, NastranHexEPLRLimit, NastranHexDetJOn, NastranHexDetJLimit,
NastranHexWarpOn, NastranHexWarpLimit, NastranPenAROn, NastranPenARLimit,
NastranPenEPLROn, NastranPenEPLRLimit, NastranPenDetJOn, NastranPenDetJLimit,
NastranPenWarpOn, NastranPenWarpLimit, NastranPyrAROn, NastranPyrARLimit,
NastranPyrEPLROn, NastranPyrEPLRLimit, NastranPyrDetJOn, NastranPyrDetJLimit,
NastranPyrWarpOn, and NastranPyrWarpLimit attributes to the Element Quality Object.
Added SectionPlaneBase, vSectionPlaneBase, SectionPlaneNormal, vSectionPlaneNormal,
SectionCurve, SectionVectorBase, vSectionVectorBase, SectionVectorTip, vSectionVectorTip,
SectionRotateSums, SectionIncludeClippedElem, SectionTolerance, SectionSumLocation,
SectionLimitToGroup, SectionGroup, ReverseTotalValues, SectionMode, SectionRadius,
SectionReverse, SectionLocation, and SectionVectorTip attributes to the Freebody Object.
Added InitAsInteger attribute to the Output Object.
Added study and combination_type attributes to the Output Set Object.
Added AssignForm attribute to the Superelement Reference Object.
Added ComplexSyncMethod, ComplexSyncPhase, and ComplexSyncIncrement attributes to the
View Object.
Corrected issue with model box calculation when there are freebodies in the model but no output
sets. Now, freebodies are no longer included in the model box calculation (PR# 7148981).
Corrected issue which caused the origin to always be included when using View, Autoscale, All
when a Freebody entity was visible (PR# 7233495).
Corrected a number of issues which caused the All Views option in View, Options to be ignored if
setting multiple options before clicking OK and in conjunction with using the User Defined
Contour Palette (PR# 7248855)
Analysis Manager
Corrected issue which caused incorrect graying of Constraint Type in the Arc-Length Solution
Strategy section found on the AdvancedOptions tab of the Nonlinear Control Options dialog box.
Corrected issue which caused the state of the Bisection option in the Solution Strategy Overrides
section found on the Control Options tab of the Nonlinear Control Options dialog box to not be
Corrected issue which could potentially cause the options in the Restart Options section of the
NXSTRAT Solver Parameters dialog box to become disabled.
Corrected issue that occurred when copying Analysis Sets. Previously Start Text and End Text for
ANSYS, ABAQUS, DYNA and Marc were not copied but were linked to the text in the original
Analysis Set. Now the text is independent and duplicated. (PR# 7328279)
Corrected issue when Copy button was used in Analysis set manager, as Superelement references
were not being copied.
Updated numerous functions throughout FEMAP to use the elemental CG rather than the elemental
“center” (average of nodes). This impacts the program file functions XEL(), YEL() and ZEL(),
location where a coordinate system axis is used to find the material angle, listing and renumbering
of elements, updating element offsets between nodes, evaluation of certain Data Surfaces for heat
and temperature loads and updating values on elemental Mesh Data Surface 3D Vector data
surfaces. None of these will get the same answers as previously.
Corrected issue in bmp2raster.exe that caused an error message to be displayed if you saved a
picture as JPEG, GIF, TIFF, or PNG and gave the file a 1 character filename. The issue did not
prevent the file from being created, it simply showed an error because bmp2raster exited
unexpectedly. (PR# 7139366)
Corrected issue to allow picking of parabolic pyramid elements by shape (20..Pyramid, 13-noded).
Corrected issue where combined curves could not be selected until they had been drawn, which was
an issue when opening a model with curves and combined curves turned off, as only curves could
be selected but combined curves could not.
Corrected issue which sometimes allowed you to delete curves that are actually the edges of other
solids, which could occur in some cases due to functionality in Parasolid (PR# 7158288).
Corrected issue where direction arrow for parabolic beam was incorrect.
Corrected issue which caused the number of levels to change when switching the Contour Fill
Mode of the Contour Type View Option between Continuous and Level Color. Error was
introduced in 10.3 with rewrite of contour legend.
Corrected issue which caused File, Picture, Save to not work and issue an error when a Trace
Deformed plot was being displayed.
Corrected issue which caused nothing to be displayed if filled edges were turned off when using the
Window, Show Entities command with transparent also turned off.
Corrected issue where if no Constraint Set is active, permanent constraints would disappear when
rotating the model and remain invisible.
Corrected issue which would cause the graphics window not to be updated if the user exited the
Load Set Manager or Constraint Set Manager dialog boxes with "none active".
Corrected issue which caused the mid-side node of a parabolic beam element to not be considered
during the View, Autoscale commands.
Corrected issue which would cause any node used to define weld location on a weld element to
remain visible, even if the visibility for the element was turned off.
Corrected issue which caused extra markers to be shown when picking connection regions by
screen area (i.e., Box, Circle, Polygon, or Freehand) (PR# 1976747).
Performance Graphics
Corrected issue where nodal contours would no be displayed on Face 5 of 8-noded or 20-noded
Brick elements, which meant contact stresses would not be drawn if on face 5 of either type of
brick element.
Corrected issue where zero values were not shown, as they were be converted to "Glyphs" but
never drawn.
Corrected issue which caused the Bottom Surface Offset option on the Laminate Property to be
PostProcessing Toolbox
Corrected issue that occurred when you used the “{ }” button to select an output set or vector.
Previously whatever entity type you had selected prior to that was still active for graphical
selection. Now the Output Set or Vector are active.
Corrected issue in Deformed Transform as it did not previously initialize the component check
boxes correctly when you opened the PostProcessing Toolbox.
Corrected issue in that occurred if you had a Contour Group selected. Previously the contour type
was available. Even though it did not do anything, it was somewhat misleading that it looked like it
could be changed.
Corrected issue with freebody validation tool that was reporting missing results if a rigid element
was in the list of internal or external elements and one of the selected nodes was a rigid reference
node. This was an invalid error because Nastran would never output results for these elements
specifically; they'll always be output as F-OF-MPC.
Corrected issue where freebody toolbox is not updated on deletion of freebody using Delete,
Output, Freebody.
Charting Pane
Corrected issue where Charting pane would draw over other panes when “tabbed” with other panes.
This Did not occur if the Charting pane was floating, hidden, or docked.
Corrected issue where automatic title for vs ID and vs Position data series would only take the title
from the first output set.
Corrected issue where chart data series dialog would repeat error messages if the model had output
sets, but no active output set and the first output set was > 1.
Corrected issue where chart data series would not get titles if the data series is “vs output set” or
“vector vs vector”, not all output sets are used, and the first output set has different vectors than the
selected beginning output set. Now, the standard “1..Untitled” will be used which will prevent the
legend from disappearing.
Entity Editor
Corrected issue to address memory issues when constraint equations, constraint definitions, and
geometry based constraints were loaded in the Entity Editor.
Program File
Corrected issue that caused program file replay to fail when using the dialog box displayed by the
Connect, Connection Region command (PR# 1954846).
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Corrected issue which caused CONTACT_TIED_SHELL_TO_SURFACE_BEAM_OFFSET card
to not be exported correctly.
Corrected issue when reading next * (header) card incorrectly if input file contains
*BEAMSECTION that does not have optional 2nd data line (orientation) (PR# 7310500).
Corrected issue where pre-v9.70 LS-DYNA d3plot result files read in incorrectly.
Corrected issue where node ID was not being written to *ELEMENT_BEAM card if real node was
used to define beam orientation (ER# 7135690).
Corrected issue when using format codes with special case 0 for field ID (entity number), error was
returned if no extra spaces were inserted into the format. Now, allows just “<0>” instead of
requiring “<0 >”.
Corrected issue where List, Output, Force Balance Interface Summary Load was always using the
X, Y, or Z coordinates in Basic Rectangular instead of the coordinate system specified for the
interface load Freebody (PR# 7138827).
Corrected a number of issues pertaining to listing of freebody entities that inadvertently used some
strings which were changed.
Corrected issue when listing freebodies with interface load to the data table, the corresponding
summation data that was printed to the message window had an incorrect header.
Mesh Associativity
Corrected issue that occurred when automatically associating mid-side nodes that were created on
elements that already referenced nodes that were associated to differing levels of geometry (i.e., a
solid element that had nodes associated to both Points and the Solid). Previously, the Solid would
be selected and mid-side nodes were associated with it, now the lowest topology level is selected
and mid-side nodes are correctly associated with edges/surfaces.
Corrected issue which could occur if you deleted a coordinate system that was the active Nodal
Output Coordinate System. Previously, it would still be set and future nodes would attempt to use
it. Now it is reset back to Coordinate System “0..Basic Rectangular”.
Elements - Solid
Corrected issue where solid element material direction was using deformed centroid to determine
cylindrical/spherical orientation.
Elements - Mass
Corrected issue with internal counters for entities referenced by weld elements that caused them to
be undeletable when using Delete, Model, Mesh or Delete, Model Element.
Elements - Weld
Corrected issue where offsets on Mass elements would be reflected when using Mesh, Copy,
Element, instead of simply copied, if all 3 components of the offset were non-zero.
Element Update
Corrected issue with Modify, Update Elements, Line Element Orientation when using the Radial
option. Previously, this option would take the current vector in Basic Rectangular coordinate
system, and transform it from the selected Coordinate System to the Basic Rectangular coordinate
system, which yielded somewhat random results. Now, for rectangular and cylindrical coordinate
systems, calculates the vector from node A to a point on the coordinate system Z axis. For spherical
coordinate systems, the vector is from node A to the coordinate system origin.
Corrected issue which caused the Layup not to be assigned when using the Copy button to copy the
values of a Solid Laminate property.
Corrected issue which caused certain general sections to not be drawn correctly in the Cross
Section Definition dialog box, which was caused by an oversimplification of the surface boundary
for display.
Corrected issue in the layup manager dialog. If you chose a material, then went into the Global Ply
dialog and exited it without selecting a global ply, then immediately pressed New Ply button an
error message would be given that “Material 0 does not exist” even though it appeared you had
selected a material for the ply.
Corrected issue saving layups to the library. Previously, if the material of the first ply was unique
(not used on any other ply) it was never written to the library and then could not be reloaded.
Corrected issue with Tools, Mass Properties, Mesh Properties command which was always using
the "base" rectangular coordinates instead of the cylindrical or spherical coordinates, which caused
there to be differences between FEMAP and Nastran (PR# 7236074).
Corrected issue with formatting of the Tools, Check, Element Quality listing to better line up the
columns of numbers.
Corrected issue where Jacobian check could give erroneous results when mid-side node(s) where
missing from Parabolic Wedge and Parabolic Pyramid elements.
Model Merge
Corrected issue that occurred if you merged combined/boundary surfaces into a new model that
already had boundary surfaces causing them to be renumbered. Previously the surfaces were not
renumbered properly causing possible issues.
Corrected issue which caused coordinate systems in the new model to become “non-deletable”
when Connection Regions are transferred and the model is transformed. Previously all Connection
Region types locked their reference coordinate system even though some types of Connection
Regions do not actually use a reference coordinate system. In those cases, the transformed global
rectangular coordinate system became “non-deletable”. Now, only types that use the reference
coordinate system are checked. (PR# 7140167)
Corrected issue that prevented geometric constraints from being merged if you did not merge
geometry. Also handled merging new coordinate systems that are required when merging the
expanded constraints.
User Interface
Corrected issue on high resolution or scaled displays where certain items in the Meshing (or other)
toolbox could be clipped.
Corrected issue which icons assigned to buttons caused "memory leaks" and would eventually
cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly.
Corrected issue where use of Rotate About... commands on Quick Access menu (right-mouse
menu) while in selection dialog box, would clear any previous selections.
Corrected issue which could cause FEMAP to become unresponsive or exit unexpectedly if a
dialog box was open and the icon for the File, New command was clicked on the File Toolbar (or
any toolbar).
Corrected issue with BCSet and Output property definitions in the AnalysisCase Object to support
STRICT compiler option.
Corrected issue with GetTitleIDList and GetTitleList methods for the API Entity object where
result vector titles could only be retrieved from internalized results (i.e., could not be retrieved from
attached results).
Corrected issue which caused Laminate Solids to not be available via the API zElementType enum.
Corrected issue which caused the Delete method on the the Solid API object to not delete the solid.
Corrected issue with API functions feSetToolbarCommandBitmap,
feAddToolbarSubmenuUserCommand and feAddToolbarUserCommand. Previously, if you
attempted to supply a bitmap that was larger than 16x16 it could overwrite memory and could
possibly destroy other menu icons or add undesirable icons to other menus. Now it will scale the
bitmap you supply to fit the 16x16 requirement. Also updated handling of the bitmaps that can be
placed in the Custom Tools directories.
Corrected issue in the API Contact region (which also impacted Grouping/Selection of surfaces on
regions from the GUI) that prevented surfaces in a region from being selected by the “Surfaces on
Region” option after a region had been expanded.
Corrected issue in feCoordLengthAlong that could return the wrong end of the curve if you
specified 0.0 length.
Corrected issue with BoundingBox on the Connection Region object. Previously, it did not work on
regions that were “permanently expanded”.
Corrected issue where enDataType was being set differently depending if API or Model, Load,
Map Output From Model command was used, which sometimes led to wrong output to load
mapping between models.
Corrected issue where option in the Mouse Interface section found on the User Interface was
misspelled, as it should have been “Middle Button Click for OK” instead of “Middle Buton Click
for OK”.
Corrected a number of issues to allow proper setting and storing of the default state and values for
the various element quality checks using the Element Quality button on the Geometry/Model tab.
Added Layup Title, Number of Plies, and Total Thickness to the layup representation displayed in
the Layup Viewer.
Corrected issue which would cause FEMAP to error when exiting. This could happen if a default
view had been defined in which visible layers were being set.
Model Merge
Corrected issue with File, Merge command which was not transforming the Orientation and Offset
Meshing Attributes on Curves when using the Transform Merged Model option.
Corrected issue with File, Merge command which could cause the FEMAP curves on FEMAP
surfaces to be renumbered incorrectly which would then cause a failure to import geometry. The
only workaround was to make sure that both FEMAP points and curves are not renumbered during
Corrected issue with File, Merge command which would cause the cross-section shape to be lost if
the line element property was defined using a General Section.
Analysis Manager
Corrected issue when using the Scratch Files option in the NASTRAN Executive and Solution
Options dialog box of the Analysis Set Manager. Issue only occurred when the same directory was
used for both available Scratch Directories. (PR # 7114194)
Connection Properties, Regions, and Connectors
Corrected issue with Connect, Automatic command to allow location of geometric faces that were
adjacent, but not overlapping, but without creation of erroneous connection regions and connectors.
Corrected issue where faces of pyramid elements were not included in regions which allow
selection of element faces.
Corrected issue which caused Ctrl+C to not execute the File, Picture, Copy command during
Animation, Mutli-Set Animation and Trace Deformed Styles.
Corrected issue which caused material direction of solid and solid laminate elements to not be
drawn correctly if aligned to solid element coordinate system. Also, added a square in plane of ply
to differentiate between Solid Laminate Material Direction and Solid Material Direction.
Corrected issue when CBUSH elements referenced node(s) which do not exist and would cause
FEMAP to become unresponsive. This could only happen when reading in CBUSH elements in a
particular format from a Nastran input file.
Corrected issue which allowed magnification to go well beyond specified limits and caused
graphics issues, especially when using a Spaceball. Magnification limits were increased and may
no longer be violated.
Corrected issue when using the Trace Deformation Style when performance graphics was enabled.
Corrected issue with Criteria plots where elements which did not meet the specified criteria were
not being drawn currently. Only occurred when Vertex Buffer Objects were enabled.
Corrected issue when rotating model with a Spaceball which would cause FEMAP to become
Corrected issue when using a Spaceball to rotate the model which occurred during animation of
results. When rotating with the mouse after using the Spaceball for rotation, the rotation would
revert the display to the position before rotation using the Spaceball.
Charting Pane
Corrected issue where the Chart Data Series dialog would repeat error messages if the model had
output sets, but no active output set and the first output set was greater than 1.
Corrected issue with Charting pane which would cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly if the Chart
Title exceeded 77 characters.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected issue when writing the NX Nastran Fluid Material (MAT10) entry to Nastran input file.
Values in FEMAP of which 0.0 for Density, Bulk Modulus, and Speed of sound would cause values
of 0.0 to be written out to MAT10 entry, which are invalid. 0.0 values in those fields now write
blank fields to MAT10 entry.
Corrected issue when reading Search Distance (SDISTi) and Extension Factor (EXTi) fields from
either the BGSET of BCSET entries for NX Nastran. Issue would only occur if the shell element
entries had corner thicknesses assigned and FEMAP needed to create new properties to represent
the corner thicknesses.
Corrected issue where the dbs command line option for NX Nastran would not be written properly
to restart an advanced nonlinear analysis when the path to the restart file contained spaces.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue when using File, Attach to Results command to attach to results files from a
Nonlinear Transient analysis (SOL 129) which would cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly if the
user chose to not read the nonlinear results. (PR# 1981690)
Corrected issue which caused FEMAP to exit unexpectedly that occurred when trying to read a
Nastran file with an INCLUDE statement that was invalid because it went past 72 characters. In
that case the ending delimiter will never be found. Now gives an error that it cannot find the file.
However, in addition to the INCLUDE file, other lines of data will still also be lost in the
translation, but a crash will not occur.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected issue when importing elemental stress results from ANSYS. FEMAP had trouble
detecting if the elemental stresses were in the new or old format, which could cause incorrect
results at the element corners.
Corrected issue when writing an ANSYS input file by increasing precision when writing Nodes and
Coordinate Systems. FEMAP will now write 16 character fields with 12 digits of precision. (PR#
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Corrected issue when writing out *ELEMENT_INERTIA in Free Field Format, which needs to be
written in Fixed Field Format. This could also have caused problems with many materials and
some other entries. The following materials and entries are now written out using Fixed Field:
Corrected issue with the LS-DYNA Elastic with Viscosity Material which caused the V0, A, B, and
C fields to be exported incorrectly. Also, renamed “Viscosity vs. Time Func” to “Viscosity vs.
Temp Func”.
Corrected issue with the LS-DYNA Hysteretic Soil Material which caused the value for Damping
Factor - DF to be written to the Yield Constant - A2 field in the LS-Dyna input file and vice versa.
Corrected issue with the LS-DYNA Temperature Dependent Orthotropic Material which caused the
values for Thermal Expansion to be written to the Shear Modulus fields in the LS-Dyna input file
and vice versa. (PR# 7140691)
Corrected issue which caused LS-DYNA Laminated Glass Material to be formatted incorrectly.
Corrected issue when importing D3PLOT results files which contain results for SPH elements.
Corrected issue when exporting LS-DYNA Geologic Cap Model. Previously,
*MAT_GEOLOGICAL_CAP_MODEL was written, now writes
Corrected issue when writing isotropic material with Elasto-Plastic (Bi-Linear) option set on
Nonlinear tab to LS-DYNA input file. Shear Modulus, G, was only written when explicitly
Corrected issue which was causing only a single mass element to be written to the LS-DYNA input
file, even though multiple mass elements exist in the model. (PR# 7132470)
Corrected issue when writing thermal loads on nodes to the LS-DYNA input file. Previously, no
thermal loads on nodes were written at all.
Corrected issue with default formulation for tetrahedral elements written to LS-DYNA input file.
Default was -1, but changed to 10 for 4-noded tetrahedral elements and 17 for 10-node tetrahedral
elements. (PR# 7140691)
Corrected issue which caused “Legacy” XY Plotting information to be included when using the
List, View command. Now this information is skipped unless the “Enable Legacy XY Plotting”
option is turned on in the Interfaces tab of the File, Preferences command.
Corrected issue with commands that listed to the Messages window and used a line break, as the
line break would now include erroneous text. Was only an issue for FEMAP 11.1.1.
Corrected issue when listing of freebody interface load results. Summation location was always
listed in Basic Rectangular regardless of the Coordinate system used for the summation location.
Corrected issue when using List, Output, Force Balance Interface Load and no freebodies exist in
the database or user chooses to define them manually. Turning off the Reaction option in the
Freebody Option dialog box would still include the Reaction contributions in the listing, while
turning off MultiPoint Reaction would still include the MultiPoint Reaction contributions, but not
include the Reaction contributions.
Corrected issue when entering values for LS-DYNA Steinberg Material. Previously, there was no
way to enter value(s) for Spall Type.
Corrected issue when entering values for LS-DYNA Force Limited Material. Previously, there was
no way to enter value(s) for Yield Mom S2 and Yield Moment T2.
Corrected issue when entering values for LS-DYNA Frazer-Nash Rubber Model Material.
Previously, there was no way to enter value(s) for Strain Limit.
Corrected issue when entering values for LS-DYNA Composite Failure Solid Material. Previously,
there was no way to enter value(s) for Tensile Strength C Dir.
Corrected issue when entering values for LS-DYNA Modified Zerilli Armstrong Material.
Previously, there was no way to enter value(s) for Spall Type. Also, the PC field was not being
exported correctly.
Corrected issue when entering values for LS-DYNA MTS Material. Previously, there was no way
to enter value(s) for b1.
Corrected issue with the LS-DYNA Plasticity with Damage Material which caused the value for
Plastic Strain Soft (Log) to be overwritten with other data.
Corrected issue with the Mesh, Mesh Control, Mesh Points on Surface command, which was
missing the Use Existing Points option. This option was inadvertently deleted in FEMAP 11.1 and
has been restored.
Corrected issue which occurred when attempting to mesh a boundary surface the referenced curves
that no longer existed because the surface had become corrected. This would cause FEMAP to exit
unexpectedly. (PR# 7134776)
Corrected issue which could cause entries in Functions to be entered twice. Previously, if an entry
from the function list was selected and Data Entry method was on Single Value the "Add" button
would be available. If either “OK” or “Save to Library” was pressed the values in X and Y would
be added back into the function prior to saving the function, thus duplicating the existing entry.
Now, “OK” and “Save to Library” do not add any entries, all entries must be in the list prior to
pressing them. (PR# 7138043)
Corrected issue when using the Tools, Convert Units command where curve and surface meshing
attributes where not converted to new values. Now, meshing attributes such as orientation, offsets,
tolerances and target mesh sizes on curves and surfaces are converted. (PR# 7112881)
Corrected issue with the Tools, Measure, Distance Between Geometry command which would
error when basic FEMAP curves were selected instead of solid curves. Now works for all curves
(PR# 7133788)
Corrected issue when calculating Tet Collapse element quality value for pyramid elements.
Corrected issue which would cause an icons that were set on toolbars via the API to be lost when
FEMAP was exited.
Corrected issue with the Results Browser Object in the API when calling VectorComponents
method. Would cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly.
Corrected issue with the Results Browser Object in the API when calling GetColumns method.
Would always return FE_BAD_DATA, even if it succeeded.
FEMAP v11.1.1 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Model Merge
Updated the File, Merge command to optionally merge geometric entities from one model into
another model. In order to create valid geometry, all of the underlying geometric entities must also
be selected. For instance, if you want to merge in a solid entity, then all of the surfaces, curves, and
points used by that solid must also be selected for merging.
Performance Graphics
Performance Graphics now displays material direction on planar elements and element directions
on planar elements (Right-Hand Rule, Normal Vectors, and Right-Hand Rule First Edge options
Analysis Manager
Added Temperature drop-down in the Boundary Conditions dialog box. This allows you to select a
Load Set to and will write TEMP(LOAD) in the Nastran input file.
Updated MultiSet to use a single consolidated dialog box to automatically created subcases using
every combination of the selected Load Set(s) and Constraint Set(s).
Updated Delete to use a single consolidated dialog box to automatically created subcases using
every combination of the selected Load Set(s) and Constraint Set(s).
Added Geometry, Solid, Fill Hole command.
Charting Pane
Changed default color for minor grid lines to be a darker color.
Data Table
Added Sort Off option to the context-sensitive menu for Column Headers. This allows you to have
entities listed in the Data Table using the original order of entry into the Data Table (i.e., before any
sorting was done).
Interfaces - Nastran
Added support for writing TEMP(LOAD) by selecting a load set using the Temperature drop-down
in the Boundary Conditions dialog box. This is very helpful for including temperature loads using a
different Load when using Nastran LOAD Combinations for structural loads.
Added support for reading forces, stresses, and strains for CBUSH elements when importing the
.f06 file. Random output (PSDF, RMS, CRMS) is not supported when reading from the .f06 file.
Improved support when reading a Buckling input files by reading the EIGB entry and limiting the
number of subcases created to the appropriate amount.
Improved support to handle a variety of multi-line, multi-token INCLUDE statements.
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Added support to write *PART_COMPOSITE for Laminate properties.
Added support to write all of the entries needed to run an analysis to run using the implicit solver.
Added support to write EQ 23 and EQ 24 element formulations for plate elements.
Added support to write EQ -1 and EQ -2 element formulations for solid elements.
Added support to write negative values for Thickness Overrides (used in Tied Contact).
Added support to write the G command line option, which specifies where the d3plot files will be
written. By default, it will always be the same directory as the input file.
Interfaces - Comma-Separated
Added support for the Extended Comma-Separated Format. This format must be used in order to
attach CSV to FEMAP using the File, Attach to Results command.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for Parasolid 26.1
Updated 74..LS-DYNA Hyperelastic Rubber and 76..General Viscoelastic in the Other Types
dialog box to work with the current version of LS-DYNA
Element - Rigid
Added Remove from List icon button to the Define Rigid Element dialog box, which will remove
the highlight node(s) from the list. Also, modified the Delete button to bring up the standard entity
selection dialog to allow you to pick nodes to remove from the rigid element from the model
instead of needing to know the node IDs.
Added Use Internal Points as Mesh Locations option to the Mesh, Geometry, Surface command.
Added On Surface option and a Midside button to all commands on the Mesh, Editing menu
(Interactive, Split, and Edge Split).
User Interface
Updated the multi-select dialog box for “titled” entities which can be accessed via the standard
entity selection dialog box. The updated version allows you to check any number of entities as well
as filter the list of entities by using the “matching text” filter
Added Distance icon button to a number of dialog boxes which prompt user for a distance or
Added Between Coordinate Systems method to all commands on the Modify, Align... menu and
also made Between Coordinate Systems the default method.
Added preference to Rotate Loads in Modify Rotate/Align CSys. When on, the loads will be
rotated along with other entities when using the Modify, Move To, CSys; Modify, Move By, CSys;
Modify, Rotate By, CSys; Modify, Rotate To, CSys; or Modify, Align, CSys commands. When off,
the loads will not be rotated when using these commands.
Changed Improve Single Field Precision option to Improve Real Number Precision in Nastran
Solver Write Options section. This option now works to improve precision in both Small Field and
Wide Field formats.
Removed the Auto Answer Post Questions button and moved all of options from the Auto Answer
Post Read Questions dialog box to the “top-level” of the Results tab.
Overall capabilities
Added ability to stop a API script while it is running with the Stop API Tool command on the
Custom Tools Toolbar or the Quick Access Menu (right-mouse menu). This will work even if the
interface has been “locked” using the appropriate API calls. Also, the Stop button in the API
Programming pane can also now be used when the interface has been “locked” using API calls.
Model Merge
Corrected an issue in Model Merge that caused Nodal Loads defined in user coordinate systems to
be handled incorrectly when models were transformed during merge. Occurred if loads were
defined in a non-global Coordinate System. Also fixed similar problem for directional elemental
pressure loads.
Performance Graphics
Corrected issues with criteria display. (PR# 6966170)
Corrected an issue to allow File, Picture, Save to work with animation.
Corrected an issue where offsets were not drawn following pass/fail for Criteria.
Analysis Manager
Corrected an issue where the Analyze Multiple button was used, but then canceled. When this was
done, FEMAP would start an analysis of the Active set. (PR# 1962447)
Corrected an issue that caused FEMAP to exit unexpectedly if “MultiSet” was used and the
constraint and load set titles that were being combined resulted in a title that was longer than the
allowable title length. (PR# 6997791)
Corrected an issue in rebuild that caused some Functions referenced by materials to become
deletable after a rebuild.
Corrected an issue where Aero entities were not being deleted when using the Delete, All or Delete,
Model, All commands.
Corrected an issue that caused the selected coordinate system to be ignored when renumbering
based on coordinates. Previously always renumbered relative to Global Rectangular.
Corrected an issue that occurred if you had combined surfaces and you renumbered the underlying
surfaces that were used to define the combined surface. Previously the combined surface was
Corrected an issue where elements lost geometric associativity when Nastran translator auto
converts to parabolic triangles. (PR #6979630)
Corrected an issue where the new curves created by Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Pad and
Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Offset Curves/Washer were not getting the correct mesh size
when an overall default mesh size was in use. (PR# 1969240)
Corrected an issue in Geometry, Surface, From Mesh to have it now use Custom Mesh Size on
curves to exactly match the nodes that created the surface for mesh sizing.
Corrected an issue in Geometry, Surface, From Mesh to not use special case code to create a four-
sided surface for regions created from mesh which have four edges, but the edges are not all
Corrected an issue when changing Contour Options from the View Options command if the view
was animating.
Corrected an issue where many different nodal loads (Temperature, Heat Flux, Heat Generation,
Static Fluid Pressure, Total Fluid Pressure, General Scalar, Steam Quality, Relative Humidity, Fluid
Height Condition, Fan Curve, and Periodic Condition) were not following deformation. Previously,
were drawn in undeformed location.
Corrected an issue for element directions for solid elements, so they are only drawn when valid. For
instance, if free face is used, direction is not drawn, as it caused arrow heads to appear to be
floating in the middle of the solid.
Corrected an issue when rotating or moving points, curves, surfaces or volumes created with the
Standard Geometry Engine where beam cross sections on the curves were not updating the cross
section graphically. This also applied to moving/rotating Parasolid solids.
Corrected an issue where front pick of nodes was not possible for nodes that were not attached to
elements when during any element blanking.
Corrected an issue when using Tools, Undo/Redo where facets on a surface with interior point
loops was not undoing correctly.
Corrected an issue when using the Element - Directions set to “Right-Hand Rule” option for 5-
noded and 13-noded pyramid elements.
Corrected an issue when using the User Defined contour palette where color order is incorrectly
reversed. This was created based on changes made in FEMAP 11.1.
Entity Editor
Corrected an issue creating Nastran PLANE_STRAIN Formulation titles for listing and entity
Charting Pane
Corrected an issue in chart data series dialog so it does not show an error with output vectors when
switching tabs. Additionally, output vector existence is now checked for all output sets that may be
used (vs Set and Vector vs Vector)
Corrected an issue creating Nastran PLANE_STRAIN Formulation titles for listing and entity
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected an issue when reading and attaching to RMS stress output set in a model that contains
shell and line elements.
Corrected an issue when reading EXTSEOUT card, EXTID, DMIGOP2 and MATOP4. Previously,
values were not being saved correctly.
Interfaces - DYNA
Corrected an issue where improper translation of rotation prescribed motion occurred. Required
input entry format to be updated. (PR# 6973439)
Corrected an issue where LS_DYNA Material Ogden Rubber parameters were not exported
correctly and function IDs specified in dialog do not persist. (PR# 6949123)
Corrected an issue in translation of MAT_RIGID entry, which requires an extra blank line be
written. (PR# 6973798)
Corrected an issue when writing out small values for *ELEMENT_BEAM_ORIENTATION. Was
addressed by writing these values with exponents. (PR# 6976577)
Corrected an issue where Beam Moment output was imported from d3plot being reversed from
NASTRAN standard.
Interfaces - Geometry
Corrected issue which caused NX translator to not be able to read in NX files from older versions.
Corrected an issue when using the List, Model, Load-Individual command that occurred when
listing multiple load sets that contained body loads. Previously the body loads from earlier sets
were listed again with the body loads from subsequent sets.
Corrected an issue that caused FEMAP to become unresponsive when attempting to Locate or
Copy length-based spacing in the Custom Mesh Size Along curve command on certain curve types
(Splines or Solid curves that were not lines).
Corrected an issue in surface meshing to properly handle meshing surfaces with imprinted internal
points. Previously would not mesh and generated an "Out of Memory" message. (PR 6968157).
Corrected an issue in the triangle surface mesher by simply aborting when one of the outside
Delauney nodes gets hooked to an active triangle.
Corrected an issue with tetrahedral mesher in version 11.1 where the active element formulation
was not being set on the tetrahedral elements being created. Previously, the workaround was to use
Modify, Update Elements, Formulation to update the formulation after meshing. PR# 6992847
Corrected an issue with tetrahedral meshing where a 100x100x100 block meshed at a mesh size of
2 (50 elements to an edge) was unsuccessful due to memory issues.
Corrected an issue in Mesh, Extrude, Element Face; Mesh, Revolve, Element Face; and Mesh,
Sweep, Element Face that caused twisted wedges to be created when any parabolic triangular face
was used for the operation.
Output and Post-Processing
Corrected an issue when attaching results using an op2 file that could cause the translator to read
the block headers improperly and fail to plot or cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly.
Corrected an issue reading PSDF output from an attached op2 when beams, bars, or rods existed in
the model.
Corrected an issue when internalizing results using the Save To Model option in File, Attach To
Results command. Would occur if multiple output sets or when nodal and elemental output vectors
were selected at the same time.
Corrected an issue that prevented Model, Output, Transform from working on multiple output sets.
No matter how many were selected transforms were only done on the first set.
Corrected an issue when the Model, Load, Map Output From Model caused FEMAP to exit
unexpectedly when 15-noded wedge elements exist in the source model.
User Interface
Corrected an issue that occurred if Functions were defined when creating material, then the Load or
Copy button was used, then the Function Reference tab was selected. Previously the list of
functions appeared multiple times in the drop-down for each function reference.
Corrected an issue where fields no longer update with a value when Measure Angle is used, but
Cancel was used before completing the measurement (PR# 6986540)
Corrected an issue in both graying and sizing of Allow Labels switch in the View, Advanced Post,
Contour Model Data command.
Corrected an issue that caused Modify, Break (and other commands) to fail if you had a coordinate
dialog up in Length Along method, then pressed Ctrl+D to measure a distance and chose a different
coordinate method like On Point. Previously once you exited the dialog still thought you were in
On Point mode even though the Length Along dialog was displayed. Now when going into the
shortcut key mode (Ctrl+D in this case) the coordinate, vector, plane methods are preserved and
restored after you finish the shortcut.
Corrected an issue getting the AnalysisManager object when using MARC Contact Table(s).
Corrected an issue with the feSetToolbarCommandBitmap API function. Previously calling the
function did not dynamically update the icon of the command on a toolbar. Image was changed but
the change was not visible because the toolbar/control was not properly redrawn.
Corrected an issue in ComputeAverageVector where the Results Browsing Object was not properly
counting the number of items being averaged when a column contained both filled and unfilled
FEMAP v11.1 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Model Merge - New for FEMAP 11.1!
The File, Merge command allows entities from any model currently open in the same instance of
FEMAP to be “merged” with the active model. At least two models must be open for this command
to be available. To facilitate bringing entities into the active model, a number of overall
Renumbering and Duplicates Strategy, Entity Selection, and Model Orientation options are
available in the Model Merge Manager dialog box.
Added Performance Graphics Font button to the “Label Parameters” option in “Labels, Entities and
Color” Category of View, Options command. The Performance Graphics Font button allows you to
select a font when using Performance Graphics. The Font dialog box appears allowing you to select
a Font, a Font Style, a Size, along with selecting a Script, if needed.
Added Performance Graphics option in the “Tools and View Style” Category of View, Options
Added Load and Save buttons to View Manager accessed via View, Create/Manage command. The
Save button simply allows to save the view highlighted in the Available Views - Selected View is
Active list to the View library, while the Load button allows you to load a view from the View
library into the model.
Analysis Manager
Added Design Optimization Options dialog box for NX Nastran and MSC Nastran. Only available
for Design Optimization analysis type. Used to choose either Static and Normal Modes/Eigenvalue
and offers a Track Modes option when set to Normal Modes/Eigenvalue.
Added question to allow user to optionally clear the Loads/Constraints from the Master Case when
using MultiSet to create subcases.
Removed GEOMCHECK and Model Check dialog boxes from the Next/Prev chain for Nastran
solvers to streamline creation of analysis sets. These dialog boxes are still available, but now must
be selected via the Options branch of an analysis set.
Updated Geometry, Midsurface, Automatic command to use Parasolid “face pairing” technology.
Added Geometry, Curve - Line, Between Geometry command
Upgraded Geometry, Surface, NonManifold Add command to use new “tolerant modeling”
capabilities available to create “General Bodies” when using the Parasolid Geometry modeling
Added Geometry, Solid, Sweep command.
Added Geometry, Solid, Sweep Between command.
Added Add Washer option to Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Pad command.
Updated Mesh Sizes, Loads, Constraints... option in various Geometry, Copy/Scale/Rotate/Reflect
commands to now also include regions of all types.
Replaced Modify, Project commands for points with single Modify, Project, Point command.
Select Toolbar
Added Layers/Groups in Tooltips icon to Selector Mode icon menu.
Added Renumber command to context-sensitive menus for Solids, Connection Properties, Regions,
Connectors, Coordinate Systems, Materials, Properties, and Layups. In all cases, a dialog box
appears requesting ID and selected entities will be renumbered using the Original ID method of the
Modify, Renumber... commands.
Post Toolbar
Updated “Next Output Vector” and “Previous Output Vector” icons to increment all 3 possible
contour vectors if they are defined. Previously only the primary vector was incremented.
Meshing Toolbox
Locater tool - Added “With Poles” option when Search For is set to Surfaces. When on, the Locator
will find any surface which contains a “pole”. Typically only spherical or conical surfaces and
planar surfaces of revolution around a point can have a “pole”.
Geometry Editing tool - Added “Split at Closest” option to the “Edge to Edge” Operation. When
on, will attempt to create the shortest possible curve using the two locations on the selected curves
closest to one another. Also, added Pad Alignment and Add Washer options to the “Pad” Operation.
Charting Pane
Reorganized the Chart Data Series dialog box into a tabbed format and added the Vector vs. Vector
option as a tab.
Added ability to set the Font Size for the Legend, Chart Axis Labels, and Labels in the Chart.
Changed Show Tooltips icon into icon menu and added several options for syncing up the active
graphics window to the data point currently showing the Tooltip and ability to control what is
shown in the Tooltip.
Changed Copy Chart to Clipboard icon into icon menu offering three options, Copy Chart Image,
Copy Chart Data, or Copy Chart Image and Data. The most recently used option will remain the
default option for the current instance of FEMAP.
Moved the Title field from the Chart Title tab to the top of the in the Charting dialog box.
Added List Data command to Data Series context-sensitive menu to list the data from the Data
Series to the Messages window
Added Show (Element/Node ID) in Active View command to Marker context-sensitive menu to
highlight the entity in the active view using the current Show When Selected options, except
always displays label.
Interfaces - Nastran
Added support for the pyramid element and now read/write the CPYRAM entry.
Added read support for obsolete ELSTRESS, ELFORCE, ELSTRAIN Case Control entries. Turn
on Stress, Force, and/or Strain output requests in the Nastran Output Requests dialog box.
Added enhanced support for Restarts. New options include the ability to specify a Read Only
Restart along with specifying a Version Number for the file and a Starting Subcase for Nonlinear
Updated default behavior for auto reading of results when the analysis case is set to “3..Print and
PostProcess” which will skip f06 results and only read output from op2 file.
Updated automatic filename convention. Input file name now matches the entire length of model
name instead of only using the first 5 characters of the filename. It also automatically converts
characters that are known to be invalid in Nastran command lines (=, $, #) and converts them to '_'.
Also added Base Filename for Analyze (Blank to Match Model) field in the NASTRAN Executive
and Solution Options dialog box so you can specify a different automatic name, which will be
followed by a 3-digit number which automatically increments.
Added support for buckling setup where LOAD and METHOD are in the master case
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support to write BEDGE entries when edges of axisymmetric elements, CTRAX3,
CQUADX4, CTRAX6, CQUADX8 are used in a Connection Region in Edge-Edge contact.
Added support for ESOPT field on BGPARM entry and PREVIEW field on BGPARM and
BCTPARM entries. Removed subdivide method, RTSUBD, from NXSTRAT as it was removed
from version 8.5.
Added support to read ITER and ELEMITER commands from the NASTRAN statement which
will select the appropriate Iterative Solver option in the NASTRAN Executive and Solution
Options dialog box.
Added support to request Grid Point Force results in Advanced Nonlinear (SOL 601).
Added support to write BOLT entry using element IDs for Advanced Nonlinear (SOL 601).
Added support to set up the PYR_AR, PYR_EPLR, and PYR_WARP element checks in
GEOMCHECK dialog box for pyramid elements.
Added option to request Relative Enforced Motion Results in Nastran Output Requests dialog box
for dynamic analysis. Adds REL to DISPLACEMENT, ACCELERATION, and/or VELOCITY
Case Control entires.
Added support for KDAMP and KUPDATE fields on TSTEPNL entry. For Transient Heat Transfer
analysis these are specified via the Method drop-down and the Include Differential Stiffness in
Damping options in the Stiffness Updates section of the Nonlinear Control Options dialog box. For
Nonlinear Transient analysis KUPDATE is specified via the Method drop-down in the Stiffness
Updates section of the Control Options tab of the Nonlinear Control Options dialog box, while
KDAMP is specified via the Include Differential Stiffness in Damping option in the Additional
Transient Options section of the Advanced Options tab of the Nonlinear Control Options dialog
Added support to read RMS von Mises Stress from a Random Response analysis with RMS output
Updated the NASTRAN Output for Random Analysis dialog box to allow selection of a specific
option (Power Spectral Density Functions, Autocorrelation Functions, Root Mean Square), None,
or All for both Nodal and Elemental results.
Added Bulk Mod Ratio - GAMMA, Bulk Modulus Function, Density Function, Damping Coeff
Function, and Bulk Mod Ratio Function fields to the “506..Nastran Fluid Material (MAT10)”
Material Type in Other Types. These fields write the GAMMA, TIDBULK, TIDRHO, TIDGE, and
TIDGAMMA fields to the MAT10 entry.
Added support for reading output vector from XY plane and matching Radial, Axial, Azimuth
directions for axisymmetric elements.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Updated Ansys to support V14.5 and 15.0 with new 64 bit pointers and new stress result block
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Added support for Memory (Megawords) and Processor Count to LS-DYNA Analysis Control
dialog box. These fields write *KEYWORD “Memory value” NCPU = “Processor Count value”.
Interfaces - Comma-Separated
Added support for the Extended Comma-Separated Format. This format must be used in order to
attach CSV to FEMAP using the File, Attach to Results command.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 6 and NX 9.0
Added support for Parasolid 26.0
Added support for ACIS 24, SP1
Added support for CATIA V5-6R2013 SP2
Added listing of UM DOF for RBE3 Elements
Added 606..MSC.Nastran Fluid Material (MAT10) to Other Types.
Added Nastran Elbow/Pipe Options section to Curved Tube property.
Element - Pyramid
Added Pyramid as an Element Shape for Solid Element Type.
Added several new options to the Mesh, Geometry, Solids command to improve tetrahedral
Added Copy Method section to Mesh, Copy, Element command, with the default Copy Method
being Along Vector which was previously the only option. The Normals and Normals with
Thickness Correction options were added for planar elements only and work in the same manner as
when extruding or offsetting elements.
Added Along Vector to Surfaces option to Mesh, Extrude, Curve; Mesh, Extrude, Element; and
Mesh, Extrude Element Face commands.
Replaced Modify, Project commands for nodes with single Modify, Project, Node command. Has
all the same options as the Modify, Project, Point command, described in the Geometry section.
Check, Coincident Nodes
Added Merge Across Output CSys option to allow nodes with different output coordinate systems
to be merged. Either the output coordinate system of the kept node or a selected coordinate system
will be used after the merge.
Added Label with ID option to Preview Coincident dialog box for Tools, Check, Coincident Nodes
and Tools, Check, Coincident Points. This options is always on by default and will simply show the
IDs of the nodes or points being highlighted, regardless of the options currently set for Window,
Show Entities or the Show When Selected icon menus in the Model Info tree or Data Table
User Interface
Enhanced the performance of Combo and List Boxes with lists of entities that have a large number
of items. Also, enhanced performance of the Visibility dialog box. Previously, the dialog box could
take longer than expected to appear when models had large numbers (50K-100K) of properties,
materials, etc.
Implemented Query and Front picking for Coordinate Systems. Only works for coordinate systems
themselves, not selecting nodes or points referencing coordinate systems.
Added Layers/Groups in Tooltips option to include Layer and Group information in Tooltips and
Rotate View About submenu to specify View Center options from the quick access menu (right-
mouse click menu).
Enhanced Modify, Renumber... commands which allow Coordinate renumbering to allow the user
to specify the Order using the +/- X, Y, or Z locations of each entity.
Added individual fields for Line and Font to the Resolution Options dialog box accessed via the
Resolution button in the Picture Save Defaults section.
Added Performance Graphics to Graphics Options section.
User Interface
Added Show Angles as 0 -> 360 option to Menus and Dialog Boxes section
Added Middle Button Click for OK option to Mouse Interface section
Added Wheel Factor for Dynamic Planes option to Mouse Interface section
Added Use Region Decimal/List Symbols option to new International Localization section
Updated default Max Cached Label value in Database Performance section to be 99,999,999 on 64-
bit operating systems. Remains 5,000,000 for 32-bit operating systems.
Updated Timed Save options. Saving a model now resets the Timed Save timer and command
counter so that you will get a full interval until the next timed save
Added preference to allow optimizing geometry on import.
Replaced Pre-V10 Tet Meshing and Pre-V10 Surface Meshing options with single Pre-V11.1 Tet
Meshing option in Meshing and Properties section.
Changed Automatically Attach to OP2 Files option to Automatically Attach to Result Files in File
Options section.
Changed Use Memory Mapped OP2 Files option to Use Memory Mapped Files in File Options
New API Objects and Attributes
Added MapData Object
Added NumberOfElements on Node Object
Added ContourDataSelection, ContourVector1, ContourVector2, ContourVector3,
ContourCornerData and ContourDataConversion to View Object
Added NasNonlinKDAMP, NasNonlinKUPDATE, NasCnlkDAMP, NasRelEMotion,
NasExecAnalyzeFilename, NasExecRestart, NasExecRestartVersion, NasExecRestartSubcase,
NasOptimAnalysisType, NasOptimTrackModes, NasGCheckTest2, vNasGCheckTest2,
NasGCheckTol2, vNasGCheckTol2, NasGCheckMsg2, and vNasGCheckMsg2 to Analysis Set
Manager Object.
Added NasCnlkDAMP to Analysis Case Object.
Added LabelFontSize, AxisValueFontSize, LegendFontSize, AxisMinorCountLog,
vAxisMinorCountLog, AxisRangePad, vAxisRangePad, AxisMinorCount, and vAxisMinorCount
to Chart Object
Added OutputVector2, Location2, and SortData to Chart Data Series Object
Added AlternateApplied, AlternateSPC, AlternateMPC, and UseNodalOutputCS to Freebody
Corrected issue using relative deformations. The z translation component was not taken into
account. Additional bug when deforming relative to.
Corrected issue where boundary Surfaces were not obeying the back face culling view options,
giving bright lines at edges of back faces of solids
Corrected issue where Freebodies were not included in min/max box calculation so they could get
clipped by the near/far clipping volume.
Corrected issue where freebody nodes not in the active group were not being included when
calculating bounding box used by the View, Autoscale, Visible command.
Corrected issue where CBUSH orientation vector did not use Reference Coordinate System, if
Corrected issue which occurred when animating and the left mouse button was clicked without
moving the mouse, which caused the animation to stop.
Corrected issue with Some nodes on the parabolic-element are not shown when the view style is
Corrected issue if displaying a contour and then set the contour legend shrink percentage to 0.0
either thru View, Options, the PostProcessing Toolbox or the API. Corrected code and limited the
available values for shrink to 1.0 thru 100.0 (PR# 6948674).
Corrected issue in the View Visibility dialog box that caused the currently selected View and
Constraint set to not be properly reloaded when the dialog box was opened again.
Corrected an issue that caused saved, multi-view layouts to not be restored properly. The results
were slightly wrong if using File, Open, the recent model list or drag-and-drop to open the file.
They were significantly wrong when the file was double-clicked in Windows Explorer.
Prevented repeated errors if logo or background bitmaps were selected using View, Background.
Now gives error once and then disables logo or background bitmap to prevent further errors.
Corrected issue where Femap issues a “Unable To Save Model: Access is Denied” using File, Save
when saving a model for the first time and you have attached to results using File, Attach To
Results. Workaround is to use File, Save As.
Corrected issue where quad faces were not being written to a JT file.
Corrected issue When using File, Picture Copy or File, Picture, Save with a different number of
texture levels for screen and hard copy, textures were wrong (PR# 6888214).
Corrected issue when deleting from a Material or Property library by pressing the “Delete” button
in the Library dialog box, while in “Load” during creating a Material or Property. Previously
deleted the wrong entry in some cases even though it showed the correct one removed from the list
Added a message to prevent a bad picture being saved when using File, Picture, Save and another
window (for example, Paint) is brought up over it (PR# 6888214).
Changed Undo/Redo file naming conventions and usage so that opening models with very long
filenames (100+ characters) will not cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly.
Corrected an issue where the underlying surfaces of a composite surface could get added to the
selection set with “Add Tangent Surfaces” picking method.
Corrected an issue where Geometry, Surface, NonManifold Add could create disconnected
(Parasolid Disjoint) bodies. Although FEMAP was instructing Parasolid not to create these bodies,
it could occur anyway. Added functionality to check for and then split up any disjoint bodies.
Corrected an issue in Geometry, Curve - Line, Offset command to keep the section perpendicular to
the drive curve so that the offset value was maintained.
Corrected an issue which now deletes edge of wire bodies. Previous FEMAP deleted the whole
wire body since wire bodies are really not supported, but in certain instances they can make it into
the program.
Corrected issue where mesh size on point was not written in the same format as dialog box displays
it. For example, if 1234567890 was entered, the graphics would display 1234568326 and the dialog
when modifying would show 1.23457E9. The graphics now matches the dialog box.
Corrected issue where display of stress in beam cross sections when using View, Advanced Post,
Beam Cross Section command did not work if the default element type was not set to Plate, Linear
or Plate, Parabolic.
Corrected issue where surface normals were not being drawn on combined surface. This issue was
introduced in v10.3.
Corrected issue When displaying freebody with no contour or deformation. This caused the output
set title not to be written to the post titles, only the ID.
Corrected issue when using the View, Advanced Post, Contour Model Data to display Combined
Quality as the element quality, as none of the required values were being calculated.
Corrected issue where the width of contour legend was controlled by font size. This could make it
really thin in some cases. Implemented limits based on 4% of screen dimensions so it would never
get too thin.
Corrected issue that caused Layers to not highlight from the Model Info tree.
Corrected issue where the boundary label was incorrectly tied to the surface label switch. This has
problem first arrived in 11.0.
Corrected issue where if you reset mesh definition on a curve, the default mesh size is shown
instead of nothing. This is now fixed so mesh size is no longer visible and no need to do a Ctrl-G to
get correct image.
Corrected issue drawing Aero Panels when the aerodynamic coordinate system was not aligned
with the panel definition system. Updated to use coordinate system from Active Analysis Set and
refresh graphics for Aero panels when changing analysis sets.
Corrected issue for View, Advanced Post, Dynamic Isosurface; View Advanced Post, Dynamic
Cutting Plane; or View, Advanced Post, Streamline commands, which caused the load set,
constraint set etc stay as they were when the command was completed. Before this fix, if they were
set to View Active, they were set to View Selected after completing the command (PR# 1960017).
PostProcessing Toolbox
Corrected issue where the “Continuous Colors” option was missing from the Contour Levels group
when set to “User Palette”. It is now available.
Corrected issue that prevented Additional Output Vectors from showing up in the Contour tool if
the Contour Type was set to Nodal
Charting Pane
Corrected issue where chart may not update when switching between multiple models if the tab
started off pinned and was made floating or started off floating and was made pinned.
Corrected issue where messages printed out when data series are added to / removed from the
current chart when using the add/remove button in the data series manager were printed as error
messages. Changed to normal messages since it is not an error.
Corrected issue when chart value max/min are the same, the axis does not get drawn properly.
Offsets max + 1 and min - 1 for these situations.
Corrected issue when editing a chart via the Chart Manager, using Edit Selected button). If editing
the chart currently displayed, changes would not get drawn.
Corrected issue where the Chart Title in the drop-down would not be in sync with the chart title
right after it changed when editing through the Chart Settings dialog box.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue reading FREQ1 and storing maximum frequency and interval. Also fixed FREQ2
default NF for number of Number of logarithmic intervals.
Corrected issue when writing NASTRAN command where the field separator was sometimes not
written between options.
Corrected issue reading Time Increment for Nonlinear Transient analysis where it was read and
written as a negative time step.
Corrected issue where FEMAP could write an empty load set in the LOAD card. It was just ignored
by Nastran and wouldn’t cause any problems.
Corrected issue reading bar output in XDB file using the File, Import, Results command.
Corrected issue writing TEMPD too many times for dynamic solution.
Added warning when a SUBCOM references subcases with thermal loads which are not supported
by Nastran. The loads need to be in the SUBCOM case (PR# 6670306).
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected issue reading Hyperelastic Axisymmetric Stress/Strain output (PR# 6869164).
Corrected SOL 601 LOAD to match standard Nastran LOAD and place SPCD in the LOAD set
rather than a referenced load set.
Changed to explicitly write all local BGPARM fields.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected issue when translating BEAM188 elements, where if previously used material was not
the same material as on the element, no material entry was written. Now MAT command gets
written out when the previous material written out is not the same as the current material or if a
SECDATA card is written.
Corrected issue when translating offset plates, where the material entry would not get written if the
SECDATA card didn't get written (could happen if the last plate was a non-offset plate with a
different material). Now MAT command gets written out when the previous material written out
isn't the same as the current material or if a SECDATA card is written.
Interfaces - DYNA
Corrected issue where Femap was writing *MAT_ISOTROPIC_ELASTIC_PLASTIC but should
have been writing *MAT_PLASTIC_KINEMATIC for isotropic hardening for shell elements. Also
fixed problem writing *MAT_PLASTIC_KINEMATIC for kinematic hardening where Femap was
writing the beta Hardening.
Corrected issue when writing material 181. An extra blank space was added to the beginning of the
last line which is now corrected (PR# 6886383).
Corrected issue where RBE2 was not translated correctly (PR# 6886621).
Corrected issue when exporting pressure loads on axisymmetric elements (PR# 6823743).
Interfaces - Geometry
Removed checking of “translator codes” for STEP and IGES interfaces. Previously the “FEMAP
Neutral Only” versions had failed to read/write STEP and read IGES. Now there are no “translator
code” restrictions on any geometry translators.
Corrected issue saving newly created formats from GUI.
Corrected issue that caused the header for List, Model, Nodes; List, Geometry, Points; and List,
Model, Coord Sys to come out on multiple lines if you specified a coordinate system for the listing.
Corrected an issue in List, Output, Compare. If two sets were being compared and one or more of
the vectors did not exist in the second compare set, it was incorrectly listed as not existing in the
first compare set.
Corrected an issue with the List, Model, Element command when listing Rigid Interpolation
(RBE3) elements. Previously the listing was incorrectly labeled, where dependent nodes were
labeled as independent and vice versa. (PR# 6899564).
Updated Material libraries to correct values of specific heat.
Corrected an issue that caused FEMAP to stop functioning when meshing certain surfaces with
Quad Edge Layers when the mesh size was very large compared to the surface being meshed.
Corrected an issue that could cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly if attempting to mesh surfaces
that only had 2 curves on their outer boundary (like a circle), contained similar circular interior
holes and the mesh size was set so large that there was only one element per curve.
Corrected an issue related to the removal of Geometry Preparation so that the “un-prepared” solid
would have its mesh sizes automatically recalculated if taken directly to meshing without further
preparation or sizing.
Corrected element extrusion to not pick up beam offsets (and potentially other data) from the
elements being extruded in the new elements that are created.
Updated Mesh, Extrude/Revolve/Sweep Elements and Element Faces commands so that if Linear
elements/faces are selected, linear elements are created, while if Parabolic elements/face are
selected, Parabolic elements are created.
Updated the Mesh, Editing, Edge Split command to handle nodal permanent constraints. Now only
the common permanent constraints on the edge end nodes are applied to the new split node.
Elements - Rigid
Corrected issue that caused invalid elements if you edited RBE3 UM DOF degrees of freedom on
an existing element and deleted all of the DOF (PR# 6960684)
Corrected issue that caused the thickness on Global Plys to not be updated when using Tools,
Convert Units. All layups were properly converted previously. The Global Ply thickness is only
used as the default thickness when a global ply is used to create a new layup ply.
User Interface
Corrected issue with the Contour Vector dialog box. If “3D Component” is selected and the 3
components were selected for Vector 1, everything worked correctly. However, if the dialog was
exited and reentered, the 3rd component of Vector 1 was set equal to the 2nd component of Vector
1. Vectors 2 and 3 did not have this problem.
Corrected the labeling in the 3D Orthotropic Material Ply/Bond Failure Dialog Box tab for the
Tensile Stress/Strain Limits. They were labeled 12, 23, 13, when in fact they should have simply
been 1, 2, 3
Corrected issue with picking in the view when the Model Info tree is floating but not visible (PR#
Corrected issue in External Superelement Creation dialog box to allow for null values in the “Entity
ID Range Checks” fields. Previously, if values were in these fields and then cleared out, an error
about being less than min label was displayed.
Corrected issue if adding a Superelement reference, deleting it, and adding an additional one before
closing the External Superelement Reference dialog box, the numbering may not be sequential.
Corrected several graying issues in the External Superelement Reference dialog box. The check
boxes at the bottom would not un-gray until the list box was clicked, even if there were already
references in the model.
Corrected issue which would cause the Create Assign button to “float” in the Analysis Text dialog
box when the dialog box was resized vertically. This dialog box was accessed by the Start Text
button in the NASTRAN Executive and Solution Options dialog box.
Corrected issue where the Subspace method in the NASTRAN Modal Analysis dialog box was not
being grayed for NX Nastran.
Corrected issue where the Additional Transient Options on the Advanced Options tab of the
Nonlinear Control Options dialog box were not being grayed when setting up a nonlinear static
Removed unused options from the renumbering commands dialog box for Aero Panels/Bodies,
Aero Properties, Aero Splines, and Aero Control Surfaces
Corrected issue that caused Combined Load and Constraint sets to lose their combination sets and
factors if you simply called Get() and Put() on a combined set.
Corrected issue where user created panes could have improper tab titles when using the
feAppRegisterAddInPane call.
Corrected the maximum dimension of the Info_ModelSizeX, Y & Z and vInfo_ModelSizeX, Y &
Z API parameters. The correct dimension, as previously documented, is 2 since each contain the
minimum and maximum coordinates in the appropriate coordinate direction.
Corrected issue in the API Curve object that caused the mesh count to be returned incorrectly
(actually with encoded length and bias information) if MeshCount() was called on a curve that did
not have a custom mesh size. This issue could cause wrong sizes to be applied to curves if a
composite curve was split in the Meshing Toolbox, and could cause considerable delays in
remeshing because of excessively large numbers of elements added to the curve.
Corrected the API commands feViewCascade() and feWindowCascade(). Previously these API
calls simply did nothing.
Corrected issue which issued incorrect error message that appears when >100 locations are not
mapped using API.
Enhanced Results Browsing object to better handle the case when attempting to get data from the
object but no data was present (now returns FE_NOT_EXIST), or if attempting to call one of the
PutXXX functions with no data to add (returns FE_OK, but handled better internally).
FEMAP v11.0.1 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Connection Properties, Regions, and Connectors
Model, Delete, Mesh now automatically deletes any Connection Regions where all elements and/or
nodes were also deleted by the command. It also automatically deletes any Connections that have
had one or both of its Connection Regions deleted.
Added multi-profile and multi-path to Geometry, Surface, Sweep command.
Added Status Bar Update to Geometry, Surface, Non-manifold Add command to provide feedback
when command is non-manifold adding together a large number of sheet bodies.
Enhanced Non-Manifold Add command to propagate Surface Mesh Attributes onto new surfaces
created by surfaces being split by other surfaces during the command.
During mid-surfacing operations, the thickness attribute information should propagate to surfaces
created by the operations.
GUI - Libraries
Added disclaimer to the Library dialog that states users should verify supplied data before using.
Interfaces - Nastran
Enhanced export of CONM2 to skip writing line 2 continuation if all moments of inertia = 0.0
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for property based-gluing of composite elements. Supported in version 8.5.
Added SetAdd2, SetAddOpt2, and Add2 methods to Group API object. Work exactly like SetAdd,
SetAddOpt, and Add methods, except use Group Data Type instead of Entity Type for the first
Corrected issue in license borrowing where Femap would not write checksum in Nastran file when
using a borrowed license.
Corrected issue where Boundary Surfaces were being drawn on internal surface edges as part of
filled edges. The issue also affected highlighting while picking and has also been fixed.
Corrected an issue which caused meshes and connections to be deleted without warning if the
Delete, Geometry, Solid command was used, multiple solids selected, and the first (lowest ID) solid
did not have a mesh and/or connections.
Corrected issue in Geometry, Surface, From Mesh where the command tries to identify a simple
four-sided surface and could potentially create the wrong surface. If a four-sided surface is
identified, the command creates a boundary surface, then converts that boundary to a surface.
Command was rewritten so the conversion portion of the command works for more cases.
Corrected issue when Mesh sizing on curves created by the Geometry, Surface, From Mesh
command was incorrect.
Corrected issue in Geometry, Midsurface, Automatic where the original solid being mid-surfaced
would be intersected with the newly created mid-surfaces, thus created additional extraneous
Corrected and issue where no free faces are found when a solid mesh is “skinned” with shells. For
version 11.0.1, change has been made to only process solid elements. Full implementation for
“mixed” models expected in a future release.
Corrected issue where solids were not being faceted properly after using Geometry, Solid, Thicken
command (PR# 6845658)
GUI - Dockable Panes
Corrected issue in Neutral File import that caused charts to be read incorrectly when multiple
Charts in a model reference the same Data Series.
Corrected issue that caused the charting pane to sometimes be blank after using the Window, Tile or
Window, Cascade commands and there are multiple models open.
Corrected issue where Charting pane may not update when deleting output sets. Charting Pane will
now refresh if the has the Update Views option on, which is the default.
Corrected issue where Data Series that have a scale factor may sometimes report a title that has the
scale factor as "ERROR:LIM OVERRUN.
Corrected issue with Justification of the Y-axis title. This was a limitation of the Toolkit used to
create the Charting pane, which has since been addressed.
Corrected issue which caused FEMAP to exit unexpected when choosing “Chart Options” from the
context-sensitive menu while running on 32-bit VMWare. (PR# 1934324)
Meshing Toolbox
Corrected a memory leak when combining and remeshing already meshed surfaces using the
meshing toolbox.
Corrected issue in Mesh Sizing Tool where the “Bias Factor” option was not available when
“Spacing” was set to “Biased, Use Pick Location”.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue writing ACCEL where improper extra line could be written.
Corrected issue when reading input file with EXTSEOUT card. The ASSIGN statement would be
duplicated on the subsequent translation if the original input file that was read in had no other text
in the executive section start text other than the ASSIGN statement.
Corrected issue where editing the files in the External Superelement Reference dialog box may
cause the EXTID to be set to zero
Interfaces - DYNA
Corrected issue where the translator would stop writing user-defined coordinate systems once a
non- rectangular coordinate system was encountered. (PR# 6842347)
Corrected issue where writing of cylindrical constraints in an equivalent local rectangular system
was not working properly. (PR# 6842347)
Interfaces - Geometry
Corrected issue when exporting VRML file where post-processing data (contours, deformations,
titles, legends, etc) was not being properly included (PR# 6858293)
Corrected issue where the twist checking/fix-up of elements check was disabled during their
creation of elements. This check was changed for V11.0 and the new check has been fully enabled.
Corrected material databases to correct Stainless Steel densities and change specific heat values to
consistent units in the SI and mm-N-tonne databases
Corrected inconsistency when picking a surface to use as a General Section in the Cross Section
Definition dialog box in a Bar/Beam property. When using the “Alternative” option, user was
prompted for the Y vector using (0,1,0) as the default, while “Original” prompted with a default of
(1,0,0). “Alternative” now matches “Original”.
Corrected issue where in the General Section was selected, a surface was picked etc, but then
canceled out of the dialog. If the section dialog box was then reentered, the section would be set to
none and if you selected general section again, if you selected general section again, it draw the old
section which you had canceled from.
Corrected issue that occurred in Mesh, Editing, Edge Split command if a mesh was split which
went across multiple geometries (for example, a hex mesh across multiple solids). Previously
associativity to some elements adjacent to the transition between the different geometries was lost
because the boundary nodes were not associated with both geometries.
Corrected memory leak in Tet Meshing which occurred if the tet quality table was to be sent to the
Data Table. All tets that were not added to the Data Table leaked memory.
Corrected issue where cross-sections were not being shown correctly on curves when a Curve
Meshing Attribute was set and cross-sections were being displayed.
User Interface
Corrected issue that caused FEMAP to exit unexpectedly if a user attempted to open an invalid
library, then tried to pick from the original library.
Corrected issue which caused poor scaling of icons when using 125% or 150% text scaling in
Windows 7. Issue was addressed with new version of toolkit used by GUI.
Corrected an issue which could occur when trying to solve a Heat Transfer Analysis using Nastran
and the user was asked to save the model. Occurred sporadically based on timing issues in the NX
Nastran Analysis Monitor.
Corrected the “Tip of the Day” to automatically cycle to next tip at each startup. Previously stayed
on same tip.
Corrected an issue in NextVector() of the Results Browsing Object that would skip over other user
vectors if starting with a user vector and checking for the next existing vector below that one.
Corrected issue in GetEntityData where Results Browsing Object would choose the wrong output
processor due to a improper check for number of vectors in the table.
Corrected an issue when using the API Property object with Spring or DOF Spring properties that
could cause the database counters to be invalidated.
Corrected Entity API method GetTitleIDList(). For CSys it did not get CSys 0 if specified a start/
stop range of 0,0. Also got an extra coordinate system if only the global coordinate systems existed
in the model.
Corrected issue getting the element face normal of the triangular faces of parabolic wedge
elements. Broken since v10.0.
Corrected issue with vcomponent in the Femap Output object that would cause Femap to become
unresponsive if called.
FEMAP v11.0 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Updated View Select dialog box of View, Select command
Added “Element - Material Direction” option in “Labels, Entities and Color” Category of View,
Options command. Used to display the material orientation on shell or solid elements. Previously,
material orientation on shell elements could be viewed by using the “Show Orientation” option of
“Element - Orientation/Shape”, but the functionality has been replaced by the “Element - Material
Direction” option.
Added “Reverse” option to “Load Vectors” option in “Labels, Entities and Color” Category of
View, Options command. Allows Force and Moment loads to be shown with the head of the load
vector on the node, point, or curve instead of the tail.
Changed “Render Options” to “Graphics Options” in “Tools and View Style” Category of View,
Options command.
Added “Contour Options” button to “Contour/Criteria Style” option in “PostProcessing” Category
of View, Options command to access the Select Contour Options dialog box. Also, removed the
Data Conversion section as all functionality can be found in the Select Contour Options dialog box.
Removed “Auto-Group” Level Mode from “Contour/Criteria Levels” option in “PostProcessing”
Category of View, Options command. Also, added “Auto Max Min” button to automatically
retrieve the Minimum and Maximum values from the currently displayed Contour Output Vector to
facilitate use of the “Max Min” Level Mode.
Removed all “XY” options from the “PostProcessing” Category of View, Options command. All
XY plotting is now done using the Charting pane.
Analysis Manager
Added External Superelement Creation dialog box for NX Nastran and MSC Nastran. Only
available for Static and Normal Modes/Eigenvalue analysis types. Used to create the EXTSEOUT
entry. Also, the dialog box offers an alternate location to designate the Master (ASET) and QSET
DOF sets and optional checking capability.
Added External Superelement References dialog box for NX Nastran and MSC Nastran. Available
for all analysis types. Used to create references for a Superelement “Assembly” model by selecting
External Superelement file (Type = .OP2, .OP4, or .PCH), setting Superelement ID, choosing
Matrices options (.PCH file only), and choosing ASM file (.OP2 and .OP4 only).
Added Create ASSIGN button to the Analysis Text dialog box accessed via Start Text button in
NASTRAN Executive and Solution Control dialog box. Allows for streamlined creation of
ASSIGN statements.
Added Geometry, Surface, From Mesh command.
Added “Non-Manifold Add Tolerance” to Geometry, Surface, NonManifold Add command
Panes Toolbar
Added Charting icon.
Meshing Toolbox
Mesh Sizing tool - Added “Biased, Use Location” option to allow spacing on selected curves to be
biased towards the point on each curve closest to a specified Bias Location (XYZ coordinates).
PostProcessing Toolbox
Added Data Selection drop-down to Contour tool.
Added Additional Vector(s) check box to Contour Tool, along with two additional Output Vector
drop-downs to select the Additional Vector(s).
Interfaces - Nastran
Added support for ACCEL entry defined using Varying Translational Acceleration in Body Load
Added support for PCOMPS entry defined using Solid Laminate Property Type
Added support for MATFT entry for Solid Laminate elements and PCOMPS defined using Ply/
Bond Failure tab of Isotropic, Orthotropic (3D), and Anisotropic (3D) Material types.
Added support for NSM1, NSML1, and NSMADD entries defined using NonStructural Mass
Regions. Also, added support for import of NSM and NSML entries to create NonStructural Mass
Added support for PARAM,BAILOUT,-1 entry by click BAILOUT in the NASTRAN Bulk Data
Options dialog box of the Analysis Set Manager.
Added support for EXTSEOUT entry defined using External Superelement Creation dialog box in
the Analysis Set Manager for Static and Normal Modes/Eigenvalue analysis types.
Added support for PARAM, SECOMB entry defined using External Superelement Reference
dialog box in the Analysis Set Manager. In addition, the DPBLKTOL=#.# is also written when
Duplicate Node Tolerance is turned on and a value is provided in the field.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for PBUSHT entries for Advanced Nonlinear Static and Advanced Nonlinear
Transient Analysis Type.
Added support for Linear Contact entries for Buckling Analysis
Added support for using the nodes of Solid Elements to create Bolt Regions. Writes the BOLT
entry with ETYPE=2 along with appropriate values for CSID, IDIR, and G(i) fields.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Added support for “Standard” and “Reduced Integration” formulations when exporting plate
Added support to always write KEYOPT(3) = 3 for all beam elements using the “BEAM188/
Section Shape” or “BEAM188/ASEC” formulations.
Added Skip Preprocessor Command option to ANSYS Model Write dialog box.
Added Write All Groups as Components option to ANSYS Model Write dialog box.
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Added support for initial velocity in rigid body material definition
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for NX 8.5, Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 5, and Solid Works 2012
Added support for Parasolid 25.1
Added support for ACIS 23, SP1
Added support for CATIA V5-6R2012 SP3
Added support for Pro/Engineer Creo 2
Added Ply/Bond Failure tab for Isotropic, Orthotropic (3D), and Anisotropic (3D) Material Types.
Added Solid Laminate Property Type
Added AutoCreate check box to Layup Editor. When on, automatically creates a Global Ply for
every New Ply added to the Layup.
Added the Mesh, Editing, Edge Split command.
Added the Set Element Size on Next Use option to Mesh, Mesh Control, Default Size command.
User Interface
Updated FEMAP to take advantage of Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) to improve performance of
dynamic rotation in larger models. VBOs need to be turned on in File, Preferences on the Graphics
tab using the “Vertex Array” drop-down. Once on, define the Max VBO MB and Min VBO B
settings to maximize performance.
Updated the dialog boxes which are used to select Output Sets and Output Vectors for a number of
XY Plotting has been removed from Views and is now done using a combination or Chart and
Chart Data Series entities in the Charting dockable pane.
Added [DriveMap] to FEMAP.INI file. Used to map Unix/Linux style include paths during Nastran
Read to local Windows paths. Format is UnixPath=WindowsPath. Can have as many mappings as
needed, and simply searches in order until it finds a file.
Added Save Iconified Views to Picture Save Defaults section
Added Dynamic Min/Max in Post Data Dialog to Options section
Removed Alternate Fill Mode from Options section
User Interface
Added Enable Legacy XY Plotting option to Dockable Panes section
Added Cleanup During Save (immediate) option to Database Options section
Added Preserve INCLUDE Statements option to Nastran Solver Write Options section.
Moved Compute Principal Stress/Strain and Assume Engineering Shear Strain options from
General Solver Options section to the General Solver Options section of the Results tab.
Moved Read DirCos for Solid Stress/Strain option and Auto Answer Post Questions button from
Nastran Solver Write Options section to the Nastran Options section of the Results tab.
Added Chart (feChart) object to the API. Also, added Style, Title, TitleVisible, TitleLocation,
TitleJustification, TitleFontSize, TitleFontBold, TitleFontItalic, TitleFontUnderline,
TitleFontColor, Font, Palette, PaletteFromChart, DarkBackground, LegendVisible,
LegendLocation, vLegendLocation, LegendDirection, AxisAutoscale, vAxisAutoscale, AxisStyle,
vAxisStyle, AxisRange, vAxisRange, AxisVisible, vAxisVisible, AxisMajorGridlineVisible,
vAxisMajorGridlineVisible, AxisMajorInterval, vAxisMajorInterval, AxisMajorTickmarkVisible,
vAxisMajorTickmarkVisible, AxisMinorGridlineVisible, vAxisMinorGridlineVisible,
AxisMinorCount, vAxisMinorCount, AxisMinorTickmarkVisible, vAxisMinorTickmarkVisible,
AxisZoom, vAxisZoom, AxisTitleX, AxisTitleY, AxisTitleVisible, vAxisTitleVisible,
AxisTitleJustification, vAxisTitleJustification, AxisTitleFontSize, vAxisTitleFontSize,
AxisTitleFontBold, vAxisTitleFrontBold, AxisTitleFontItalic, vAxisTitleFrontItalic,
AxisTitleFontUnderline, vAxisTitleFrontUnderline, AxisTitleFontColor, vAxisTitleFontColor,
AxisLabelDecimal, vAxisLabelDecimal, AxisLabelFormat, vAxisLabelFormat,
MarkerFromChart, MarkerVisible, MarkerSize, MarkerStyle, LabelFromChart, LabelVisible,
ShowLabelX, ShowLabelY, ShowLabelMaxMin, OutputSetInherit, OutputSet, OutputSetEnd, and
OutputSetAll to Chart Object.
Added Chart Data Series (feChartSeries) object to the API. Also added Title, SeriesType,
OuptutSet, OutputSetEnd, OutputSetAll, OutputVector, Interval, FunctionID, Group, Position,
PositionCoordSys, Location, Scale, ColorInherit, Color, MarkerInherit, MarkerVisible,
MarkerStyle, MarkerSize, LabelInherit, LabelVisible, ShowLabelX, ShowLabelY, and
ShowLabelMaxMin to Chart Data Series Object.
Added Results Browsing Object (feResults) object to the API. Also added ValueForNonExisting to
Results Browsing Object.
Added Layer to Freebody Object.
Added Superelement Reference (feSEReference) object to the API. Also added ReferenceFile,
ReferenceType, ReferenceID, ASMFile, Stiffness, Mass, ViscousDamping, StructuralDamping,
and LoadsMatrix to Superelement Reference Object.
Added NasBulkPARAMBailout, NasExtSEOutOn, NasExtSEOutExtID,
NasExtSEOutMatStiffness, NasExtSEOutMatMass, NasExtSEOutMatK4damp,
NasExtSEOutMatLoads, NasExtSEOutTo, NasExtSEOutUnitID, NasExtSEOutAssignTitle,
NasExtSEOutOptGeom, NasExtSEOutOptAsmbulk, NasExtSEOutOptExtbulk, NasBulkSecomb,
NasExecAllowDuplicateNodes, NasExecDuplicateTolerance, and NasExecWriteSERefPath to
Analysis Set/Analysis Manager Object.
Added AnsModSkipPreprocessorCMD and AnsModGroupsAsSets to Analysis Set/Analysis
Manager Object.
Added BoltDir, BoltType, MassType, and MassNSM to Region Object.
Added MaterialOrientType and Material CSys to Element Object. Also, MaterialOrientType now
supersedes MaterialAngleFlag.
Added BodyVaryingAccelOn, BodyVaryingAccelAxis, BodyVaryingAccelFunction, and
vBodyVaryingAccel to Load Object.
Added Prev, PrevBefore, and PrevID to Set API object
Added AddAroundPoint, AddAroundVector, and AddAroundPlane to Sort API object
Added AddDataSeries, RemoveDataSeries, GetDataSeries, and ShowPane to Chart API object
Added GetXY and Copy to Clipboard to Chart Data Series API object
Added to Clear, GetModel, and SetModel to Results Browsing object - General Object Methods
Added to NumberOfSets, NextSetReset, NextSet, SetExists, SetInfo, SetTitle, SetNotes,
SetLocation, SetHasVectorsInDB, and Sets to Results Browsing object - Set Methods
Added to NextVectorReset, NextVector, VectorExists, VectorInfo, VectorTitle, VectorComponents,
VectorLocation, VectorEntities, and Vectors to Results Browsing object - Vector Methods
Added to EntityValue to Results Browsing object - Entity Value Methods
Added to AddColumn, AddEmptyColumns, AddConversionColumn, AddEnvelopeColumn,
DataNeeded, SetTri3Orientation, SetTri6Orientation, SetQuad4Orientation, SetQuad8Orientation,
SetSolidOrientation, SetEngrShearStrain, SetNodalTransform, SetPlateTransform,
SetSolidTransform, SetColumnGlobalPly, Populate, IsPopulated, DataLocation, NumberOfRows,
NumberOfColumns, FindColumn, GetColumnTitle, IsApiColumn, GetColumnVector,
GetColumnMinMax, Reset, Next, GetValue, GetInRow, GetMultipleInRow, GetRow,
GetRowByID, GetRows, GetRowsByID, SetValue, SetInRow, and SetMultipleRow to Results
Browsing object - Review Methods
Added CalculateSummation2 to Freebody API object
Added IsMidsideNode to Node object
Added Pref_RenderTrailingZeroes, Pref_RenderMaxVBOMB, Pref_RenderDebugFrameRate,
Pref_RenderVBOUsage, Pref_RenderCaptureIconified, Pref_RenderMinVBOB,
Pref_PreserveIncludes, Pref_MemoryMappedFiles, Pref_AutoAttachResults,
Pref_ViewPostDynamicMaxMin, Pref_CleanupModel, Pref_LegacyXYPlotting, and
Added Info_MeshSizeAutoDefault
Added DialogAutoSkipping
Added feSelectOutputSets, feSurfaceFromMesh, feModifyElemReverse2Added,
feFileReadCatia2, feFileAttachResults, feFileAttachManage, feFileAttachInfo, feFileAttachSave,
feFileAttachByOutset, feMeshEdgeSplit, feMeasureDistanceBetweenSolids,
feSurfaceNonManifoldAdd2, feFileWriteFNO, feChartPaneGetDisplayed, and
feChartPaneSetDisplayed functions
Updated API to support printing of Charts from feFilePrint
Updated IsTitledEntity() to include feFreebody, feChart, and feChartSeries objects
Removed Data Conversion from Contour/Criteria Style in View Options and added button to get to
Contour Options in its place.
Corrected issue related to material direction for solids. FEMAP was using the first node as the
location for transformations but it should have been using centroid.
Removed View, Regenerate if cancelling out of preferences dialog.
Reduced number of View, Regenerate when switching between groups and output sets. Previously
any change triggered a View, Regenerate. View is now only regenerated when view needs to be
modified or the results are reloaded.
Corrected issue on Windows 7 when choosing paper size and number of copies when printing.
Corrected issue printing to PDF files (and possibly other printer types) if the printer type was
changed in the FEMAP Printer Setup dialog
Change Spaceball rotate about axis to use any dominate twist input
Changed main fonts to all truetype and added ability for user to override any font family
Updated Reflect/Rotate Surfaces, Volumes and Solids to properly Reflect/Rotate attached Curve
Attributes (cross sections).
Corrected an issue where a spline could exceed “max points on spline”. Simply creates mutliple
splines when limit is reached.
Corrected issue when using Trace, no deformed model, and Model Color
Corrected issue when showing shell thickness. If any thickness other than the first is zero, all values
are set to the first.
Corrected issue highlighting plates with no thickness when thickness is on - they were being drawn
as thick and no XOR was visible due to double draw.
Corrected issue with free face. If there were coincident shell elements (not in free face) and hidden
line draw style was used, the nodes attached only to shells not in free face list would not appear
Corrected contours disappearing when selector is on and model rotated. Occurred when using
match output mode, as it prevented results being obtained from the nodal connectivity object
Changed OpenGL timing messages to be “Warnings” instead of “Errors” . This means they are blue
not red and they do not effect the error counting.
Corrected issue to check line graphics existence. Previously, FEMAP was incorrectly checking face
graphics existence before line graphics draw. This caused problems in wire frame mode and
perhaps surfaces that failed to facet
Corrected issue so min/max of boundary surface evaluates correctly
Corrected issue due to geometry data being deleted twice as usage count not incremented/
decremented correctly
Corrected issue in multiset animation (would have happened with enough frames in ordinary
animation) where the machine runs out of memory but FMEAP was not terminating the animation.
Animation now terminates if enough memory not allocated.
Corrected a crash in facetting caused when reading a sheet solid that had many circular holes
tangent to another larger central hole (Part which showed issues was from Catia via STEP and had
duplicate points at the tangencies)
Updated Undo to redraw all windows and to simply redraw at end of undo/redo rather than undo/
show undone/undo redraw. This Corrected issue where the Post Titles disappeared after an undo
because the OGL records were removed in the final undo of the automatic redraw
Corrected issue missing curves when reading an iges file. Curve data had not been loaded into min/
max box and then frustum culling failed
Meshing Toolbox
Improved Washer command in Geometry Editing toolbox so mesh approaches are set after the face
is split. This keeps the outer surface from getting a 4 corner mesh.
Corrected issue problem making Mesh Quality plot when the view was set to Show Active but the
group id was a -1. Now simply does whole model.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue importing CBUSH elements where the element Orientation CSys and Spring/
Damper Location were lost. The problem is that this bdf contains duplicate property IDs, Femap
renumbers the property reference on the spring element but fails to correctly propagate the
renumbering to the Orientation Coordinate System (PR # 6789713)
Corrected issue updating CTE on RBE3
Corrected issue to calculate the Checksum properly when writing a multi-line INCLUDE
Corrected issue where Femap in a SOL 101 analysis would write an invalid TEMP(BOTH)
command when a Material Reference Temperature, Temperature loads and Initial Conditions where
specified (PR 6632876)
Corrected issue importing INCLUDE file where a nested path was relative to the Nastran run
Corrected reading frequency spread on FREQ4
Corrected reading thermal constraint load due to a problem skipping unsupported output. Added
check and error message for unsupported XDB formats (PR 6752083)
Corrected issue writing DLOAD in SOL 145 that caused the Load set identification number to be
Improved translator to skip PSDF output data blocks in the f06 file. (PR 6711978)
Corrected issue where Femap repeatedly issues the same warning message indicating contact is
unsupported (PR 6719244)
Corrected issue with error messages for quad/tri elemental corner thickness.
Corrected issue where Elemental GPF output with a output coordinate system was not being
transformed properly when importing results from the XDB file.
Corrected issue problem reading modes/buckling results from XDB file.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected issue ordering BLSEG edge contact when defined on plot only lines. Also, Improved
ordering of element edges in BLSEG when T junctions or duplicate edges are found
Corrected issue problem writing NXSTRAT TNSLCF default (Blank field was 1 in NXN 6.0) now
it is 0 in NXN 8.0 Updated the default when creating new analysis set and when writing and
reading the bdf.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected issue that caused Femap to crash when writing a model with Bolt Regions that contained
no entities (PR 6775187).
Correct issue which now allows FEMAP to read modal load steps arbitrarily written to the rst file.
In some cases if FEMAP is unable to determine the difference between a Modal and Random
Response solution, FEMAP will ask that user which solution was performed (PR 6534686)
Corrected multiple issues setting shell element formulation for SHELL63/SHELL181 (PR
Corrected issue of writing MCOMB,PSD. MCOMB,PSD removed from Ansys in v5.4 and
replaced with PSDCOM PSDCOM,PSDd, which is now written.
Corrected issue where IYY and IZZ values were being stored in the opposite locations for
BEAM188/ASEC elements.
Changed Ansys write of shell181 to always write the new and recommended sections method. This
stops Ansys from issuing warning messages and in some cases trying to apply the section to
subsequent element types in a mixed model. Also, added support for read of SECBLOCK for shells
Corrected issue problem reading SHELL181 sections when importing Ansys cdb blocked or
unblocked format. Also, added support for reading sections (shells and beams when the cdb is in
blocked format)
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Updated translator to send the title from the Analysis Case Manager over to the translator so that
the *HEADING gets written out (ER 5579564)
Interfaces - DYNA
Corrected issue where DYNA plate formulations were overwriting Standard and Reduced
Integration plate formulations by moving the Dyna plate formulations to a different location in the
FEMAP database. Added a conversion to the neutral file to the new Dyna formulation.
Interfaces - PATRAN
Changed default extension for reading/writing Patran neutral files. Per ER 6731043, Patran
changed from .pat to .out in 2008 or before.
Interfaces - Geometry
Updated Solid matching/replacing process to better work with parts that have no titles provided.
This was done for the benefit of the SolidWorks interface.
Corrected issue of selected units not being used by JT files.
Corrected issue that occurred if the List, Destination had a File specified, did a listing, then the file
was opened in Excel (or any other program that opened with exclusive access). If the file remained
open in the other program and as a destination, then doing another listing would cause FEMAP to
exit unexpectedly.
Changed terminology in List, Element command to Independent/Dependent instead of Master/
Slave for Rigid elements.
Corrected List, Element command as it did not list nodes for RBE1 style rigids. Also, updated
Tooltips for Rigid and Slide Line elements to properly reflect all nodes, DOF, coefficients and
element type.
Changed format of List, Layer command and the visible layer listing in List, View command
Changed format of header and detailed listing in List, Output, Compare command.
Corrected control of shear/warp/torsion and optimized routine for Nastran Cross-sections
Corrected issue when sizing surfaces that had vertex-only loops, which caused unexpected exit.
Corrected issue with Mesh, Edge Members sometimes getting the wrong direction for a line
element, resulting in bad orientation/offset
Corrected Mesh, Reflect to automatically reflect planar element material angle and material
coordinate system
Corrected issue with finding the normal of thin walled, convex, curve-only boundaries (like hat
sections) where the line used to determine the midpoint used to verify the surface normal cut thru
the boundary and the midpoint was on the wrong side of the boundary. This could cause elements to
be created with their normals facing the opposite direction as the boundary.
Corrected issue with Mesh Size when splitting a composite curve at one of its existing internal
Corrected issue when using Mesh Splitting where the element shape counts were incorrect when
splitting a quad into triangles.
Corrected issue with setting Mesh attributes on curves where new attribute could not be specified.
Corrected issue in Tools, Check, Planar that caused an invalid plane to be selected if plane was not
manually specified.
Corrected an issue in Tools, Check, Coincident Nodes (Safe Merge). If not merging, but only listing
and “Make Groups” was selected, the titles of the groups were swapped, “To Keep” was “To
Merge” and vice versa.
Corrected an issue in Tools, Check, Coincident Nodes (Safe Merge). If Preview was used, then
changes made to the options like the Move To Location, the original location when was used when
OK was pressed, not the updated location. Now uses the updated options.
User Interface
Corrected a problem with Yes/No dialogs. If Esc was used, the return code from the message was
Cancel - it is now No.
Corrected problem with Entity Selection dialog that caused 0 not to be selected when picking
coordinate systems from the entity list icon (PR 1891998)
Prevented Model, Output, Vector command from allowing the “New Vector” to make new vectors
outside of the user vector ranges. Also automatically reset the ID if you change the complex type
Changed Model, Output, Vector to have “None Active” and “Done” like the other “Set” dialogs -
instead of OK/Cancel. Also, corrected issue of graying so that it was consistent with the others and
Changed “Single... button on rigid element dialog to “Single RBE2”
Corrected issue in “Undo” of “Previous Command”. It previously took two undos to undo this
command, now only one is needed.
Corrected issue where highlighting and marking do not work properly after use of ctrl+c
Corrected issue where if Messages window was not open, “Show Mouse Tracking” will not cause
FEMAP to exit unexpectedly.
Changed the group naming conventions if Create Groups from Include Files is on to have case
sensitive names, not just uppercase.
Corrected issue in the Inside method of the Surface API object when using it with “curve-only”
boundary surfaces
Corrected problem with 64-bit type library registering incorrectly
Corrected a problem with APIs that used feSolidFillet() and feSurfaceMidAuto() that did not allow
the midsurfaces to be extracted because of an internal set overwrite
Corrected a problem with the AddOutput() method of the API Data Table object. Previously the 3rd
argument (nNewColumnID) was never filled
Corrected a problem that caused integer arrays to fail unless passed as a Variant to several API
methods. Also rewrote the GetOutputListAtSet() and GetOutputListAtID() methods of the Output
object to improve performance. Previous performance was poor if the IDs/Set contained IDs that
did not exist in the output vector. New method can be 30x-40x faster
Updated Get on CSys API object to work properly with global coordinate systems
Made changes so some existing APIs that only modify the CFemapOutput object properties will
work as they did pre v11
Corrected issue feFileRead* methods to prevent a crash if no model is open.
FEMAP v10.3.1 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Added “Right-Hand Rule First Edge” option to the Normal Style of the “Element - Directions”
option in “Labels, Entities and Color” Category of View, Options command. Much like the “Right-
Hand Rule” option, except the arrow points from the first node to the second node.
Added Reverse button to the Coord Sys, Connection, Aero Spline/Control Surface, Material,
Property, and Layer tab to View, Visibility command. This will “Hide” all entities of a particular
type which are currently visible, while “Showing” the ones which are not currently visible.
Added additional information to the Post Titles when Contour Style is set to Contour, IsoSurface,
Section Cut, or Vector. Depending on the plot, this may include information about the contour
being a nodal or elemental contour, the averaging method used, the Vector Type for Contour
Vectors, etc. To see some of this additional data, the “Legend Style” for the “Post Titles” option of
View, Options should be set to “2..Titles and Average Data”.
Data Table
Added ability to “Add Output Columns” to allow user to select a specific output set (From Output
Set drop-down) for selection of output vectors. Same capability also added for List, Output,
Summary to Data Table and List, Output, Results to Data Table commands.
Interfaces - Nastran
Added support for importing files with truncated INCLUDE statements
Interfaces - I-deas
Updated I-deas read translator to support new (2002, I10 and beyond) changes to Universal
Formats 790 and 791 for nodal constraints, nodal forces and face pressures.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for Parasolid 24.1
Updated Parasolid capability to properly handle multi-byte (Japanese) characters in filenames. PR
Added support for ACIS 22, SP1
Added support to optionally read or skip “Free Points” during import of an IGES file.
Check, Coincident Nodes
Added “Move Only, No Merge” option to Action drop-down in Tools, Check, Coincident Nodes
Added Delete All button to dialog box of Mesh, Mesh Control, Custom Size Along Curve
Added ability to specify a different Property when using the Mesh, Copy/Radial Copy/Scale/
Rotate/Reflect, Element commands. Default is “0..Match Original”. Only elements which share a
common topology with typical elements of the selected property will be changed. All other
elements will retain their original properties.
User Interface
Added ability to reselect invalid file names by converting them to the short form of the file name
which was available until FEMAP 8.3
Added Random... button to Color Palette dialog box when using the Modify, Color commands for
Point, Curve, Surface, Solid, Coord Sys, Node, Element, Material, and Property. Offers 3 different
methods for assignment of random colors (Multiple Colors By ID, Multiple Colors By Type, and
Multiple Colors By Group).
Added Recover _DBData File... button to off a different method to use when attempting to recover
a corrupted model file.
Added HasList and CountList Methods for Group object
Added feModifyColorMultiple function
Added feFileRecoverDBData function
Rewrote the GetOutputListAtSet and GetOutputListAtID methods of the Output object to improve
performance. Previous performance was especially bad if the IDs/Set contained IDs that did not
exist in the output vector. New method can be 30x-40x faster.
Updated the feFileReadIgesAdv function to reads both "free points" and "free curves" if the
read_curves option is on.
Corrected an issue that caused "Token" licensing to appear for certain features when "Show Users"
was selected with Network licensing
Corrected an issue where printing on Windows 7 with a printer which was not the default was
causing an number of issues, including not being able to create .pdf file with Adobe PDF Printer.
Corrected an issue where multi-line edit control in text entry dialog boxes (i.e., pressing Enter key)
conflicts with CTRL+M dialog box shortcut key.
Corrected an issue where List, Model, Aero/Panel command listed Pt1 twice instead of Pt1 and Pt4.
Corrected an issue where selection of Aero Mesh boxes using the Select Aero Mesh icon button in
the Aero Spline dialog box was unavailable unless the Aero Panel/Body had Custom divisions.
Corrected an issue where the Max/Min values displayed in the graphics window were always
shown using the contour colors, thus not following the setting for Label Color for the Contour/
Criteria Legend option in View, Options. This was only an issue in FEMAP 10.3.
Changed how FEMAP determined the Max/Min values to display in the graphics windows.
Previously, only elements in the “Free Face” list were considered, now all elements are considered.
Corrected an issue that caused the Contour Legend to show the wrong values after a model was
dynamically rotated following use of the File, Picture, Save. The issue would only occur when the
Level Mode was set to 1..Auto Group for the Contour/Criteria Levels in View, Options. If these
same conditions existed and the File, Picture, Copy command was used, the wrong values would
appear in the image sent to the clipboard. This issue has also been fixed.
Messages Window
Corrected an issue with Message Window that caused it to “hang” if a filename (or any other text)
was echoed that contained a { or }.
Program File
Corrected an issue with Program File record and playback for "ListView" controls, especially
multiselect and those with check boxes next to the list items (PR 6619183)
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected an issue reading include files when INCLUDE was last line in bdf.
Corrected an issue where duplicate EIGx was written in a flutter model that contained dynamic
Corrected an issue where dynamic PARAMs were written twice when using the “Use Load Set
Options” switch on the Dynamic Control Options dialog box in the Analysis Manager.
Corrected an issue reading Modes/Buckling output in xdb file.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected an issue reading elastic strain output for shells and solids (PR# 1867277).
Corrected an issue with BEAM188 elements being created with end releases when keyopt 3/4 is
Corrected an issue with beam 188 offset direction of T-sections.
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Corrected an issue when exporting plate elements with a formulation which has a higher value than
“10..Belytschko-Wong-Chang” (PR# 6627229).
User Interface
Corrected an issued with the Stress Wizard where it was not display properly. Had been issue for
several releases.
Corrected an issue with Stress Wizard and Analysis monitor upon closing FEMAP. Previously, if
you clicked in client area then hit X, or if you undocked, re-docked then hit X the panes would
cause FEMAP to unexpectedly exit.
Corrected a problem that caused TMG and SAToolkit toolbars to be duplicated if you alternated
between opening FEMAP directly and double clicking filenames, if FEMAP was installed in a
directory that had a long style ( not 8.3 ) path.
Corrected issue which caused selection of incorrect Open/Save option after adding 16K test in
FEMAP 10.3.
Corrected issue in the Surface API Cylindrical() method
Corrected a problem that caused integer arrays to fail unless passed as a Variant to several API
FEMAP v10.3 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Added on View, Align by, Surface to align the view normal to a selected surface and View, Align
by, Normal to Plane to align view normal to a specified plane.
Only tabs of entity types which currently exist in the model will be displayed in the View, Visibility
dialog box.
Added Max Only and Min Only options to Contour/Criteria Style option in PostProcessing
category of View, Options.
Added Preview Option to Tools and View Style Section of View, Options.
Analysis Manager
Updated Preview Analysis Input File dialog box to show 80 characters per line by default.
Added 2 new function types, Mach Number vs. Freq and vs. Areodynamic Factor, for use with
Aeroeleastic Analysis Types in the Analysis Set Manager.
Added capability to embed multiple solids into the base solid when using Geometry, Solid, Embed.
Improved tolerancing of Modify, Extend command. Previously failed on some lines where they
were being extended to intersection locations (like Modify, Join command) when they were at large
Mesh Toolbar
Added Mesh Geometry Preparation icon.
GUI - Dockable Panes
PostProcessing Toolbox
Added Freebody tool to control all facets of Freebody display post-processing.
Data Table
Added an “Skew” column when using the “Add Element Checks” command.
Entity Editor
Added “Skew” field to Element Quality section when an element is loaded in the Editor.
Meshing Toolbox
Added Add Surface Mesh Point check box to Feature Removal tool (Feature Type = “Loops” only).
Will create a point at the “center” of the “loop”, then use that point as a “mesh point” on the
Performance improvements to Propagate by Mapped Approach option in Mesh Sizing tool. Also, if
no mesh sizing exists on a curve, now the number of nodes attached is used for the initial mesh
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for BGRESULTS Glue Output results.
Added support for PLOADE1 entry.
Added support for “Mean Dilatational Formulation” on the PPLANE entry.
Added support MATVE and TABVE entries. GFUNC and KFUNC are defined using
dimensionless FEMAP functions where x = decay factor and y = bulk or shear modulus. MOD0 is
defined by adding decay time = 0 and MOD0 first term.
Added support for MATHEV and MATHEM to the MATHE material definition for SOL 601/701.
Added support for PARAM,CNTSET
Interfaces - ANSYS
Added support for ANSYS 13
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Added support for ABCD Contact entries.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for NX 8, Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 4, and Solid Works 2010
Added support for Parasolid 24.0
Added support for ACIS 21, SP3
Updated STL export to be able to export both solid and plate elements at the same time if they are
both selected. If some of the plate elements are coincident with solid element faces, those faces are
only exported one time
Updated Layup Manager to have a "copy" capability like Materials and Properties. Changed old
Copy/Paste buttons to icons in Layup Manager Dialog.
Updated Layup Manager to use current sort order when inserting new plys or modifying plys.
Added Color, Next ID, and Inc values for Aero Panel, Aero Property, Aero Spline, and Aero
Added Mesh, Geometry Preparation command
Enhanced “Suppress Short Edges” option in Mesh, Mesh Sizing, Size on Surface and Mesh, Mesh
Sizing, Size on Solid to be a percentage of Mesh Size instead of a percentage of “average curve
length” on selected geometry.
Added Improve Collapsed Tets option to the Solid Automeshing Options dialog box of the Mesh,
Geometry, Solid command, which is accessed by click the Options button.
Renamed the Length Based Sizing option in the Mesh, Mesh Control, Size on Surface and Mesh,
Mesh Control, Size on Solid commands to Sizing Type and added the “2..Parametric/Equal
Length” option, which is also now the default.
Improved the Surface Interior Mesh Growth option in the Mesh, Mesh Control, Size on Surface and
Mesh, Mesh Control, Size on Solid commands to allow mapped meshing on surface where it was
applied. Previously, mapped meshing was not available on these surfaces.
Improved Mesh, Mesh Control, Custom Size Along Curve command to remove the limitation on
number of custom points which can be assigned.
Improved performance of Mesh Solid command when choosing a solid that had a large number of
already meshed surfaces.
Improved subdivision mesher in case of long thin surfaces with rounded ends
Improved feedback when tet meshing by only updating the report window with Tet Collapse and
Jacobian ratios that exceed the limits specified by Tools, Check, Element Quality or the default
Element Quality values. Also, always give worst of each even if it does not exceed limit.
Updated surface mesher to try subdivision if other 2 meshers both fail.
Element - Spring/Damper
Updated the Spring/Damper element to use the Type, either CBUSH or Other (NASTRAN CROD/
CVISC), specified on the Property referenced by the element to determine if a CBUSH or a
combination of CROD and/or CVISC elements will be exported to Nastran. Formally, this was
done by setting the element formulation. Also, the Define Spring/Damper Element dialog box will
now change to show the appropriate inputs based on the Type of the referenced Property.
CBUSH elements will now use a circular symbol for display, while Other (NASTRAN CROD/
CVISC) elements will use a rectangular symbol.
User Interface
Added Filter Title and Clear Title Filter icon buttons to the Load Set, Constraint Set, Group, Layer,
View, Solid, and Freebody Manager dialog boxes.
Only tabs of entity types which currently exist in the model will be displayed in the View, Visibility
dialog box.
User created Toolbars will now transfer between versions of FEMAP.
Pressing Ctrl+M while in a dialog box field asking for a length will display the Select Curve to
Measure dialog box, which will return the selected curves length.
Added the Locate Center to the Methods for specifying the a coordinate
Added JT File Version Option
Added Optimized check box to GIF Options dialog box.
Added All, Elapsed Time, and OpenGL Errors check boxes to Advanced/Debug Options section.
User Interface
Added Pick Method drop-down to Graphical Selection section to allow selection of a default “Pick
Added 16K test to Read/Write Test
Added “Skew” to enter default value in the Element Quality Preferences dialog box.
Changed Use Length Based Mesh Sizing option to Mesh Sizing drop-down to allow choice of the
new default option, “2..Parametric/Equal Length”.
Added Write Alternate Line Continuation option to the Nastran Solver Write Options section
Added Include Database Files in Scratch option to the Nastran Solver Write Options section
Check References on Open and Create Geometry References in File Reference Options section are
now “Off” by default.
Added options to set the default color for Aero Panel, Aero Prop, Aero Spline, and Aero Control
Added Element Quality (feElementQuality) object to the API. Also added AspectRatioOn,
TaperOn, AlternateTaperOn, InternalAngleOn, SkewOn, WarpingOn, NastranWarpingOn,
TetCollapseOn, JacobianOn, CombinedOn, ExplicitTimeStepOn, AspectRatioLimit, TaperLimit,
AlternateTaperLimit, InternalAngleLimit, SkewLimit, WarpingLimit, NastranWarpingLimit,
TetCollapseLimit, JacobianLimit, CombinedLimit, and ExplicitTimeStepLimit to Element Quality
Added Aero Panel/Body (feAeroPanel) object to the API. Also added color, layer, title, propID,
defCSys, nSpan, nChord, iIgid, Pt1, Pt4, dChord12, dChord43, nLspanID, nLchordID, and type
attributes to the Aero Panel/Body object.
Added Aero Property (feAeroProp) object to the API. Also added color, layer, title, pdval, pnval,
ap_d_width, ap_d_ar, ap_i_orient, ap_i_lrsb, ap_i_lrib, ap_i_lth1, ap_i_lth2, ap_i_thi1, ap_i_thi2,
ap_i_thi3, ap_i_thn1, ap_i_thn2, ap_i_thn3, and type attributes to the Aero Property object.
Added Aero Spline (feAeroSpline) object to the API. Also added color, layer, title, type, icaero,
ibox1, ibox2, isetg, dz, meth, nelem, melem, usage, dtor, cid, dthx, and dthy attributes to the Aero
Spline object.
Added Aero Control Surface (feAeroSurf) object to the API. Also added color, layer, title, csys,
csys1, aeid, aeid1, eff, ldw, crefc, crefs, pllim, pulim, hmllim, hmulim, tqllim, tqulim, and label
attributes to the Aero Control Surface object.
Added Freebody (feFreebody) object to the API. Also added title, DisplayMode, Group, CSys,
NodeMarkerColor, TotalVectorMode, ShowTotalVec, SumComponents, TotalVecColor, x, y, z,
NodalVectorMode, ShowNodalVec, NodalVecColor, and SumContributions attributes to the
Freebody object.
Added Geometry Preparation and Meshing (feMesher) object to the API. This object has been
partially added and is for “Future Use” and should not be used.
Added NasAeroOn, NasAeroCsID, NasAeroRefCsID, NasAeroRefLength, NasAeroRefSpan,
NasAeroRefArea, NasAeroSymXY, NasAeroSymxz, NasAeroAeunit, NasAeroAeunitVal,
NasAeroVelo, NasAeroRefDens, NasAeroMkFuID, vNasAeroFreqKeep, NasAeroModesKeep,
NasAerobPARAMfzero, NasAerodPARAMfzero, and NasAeroDampMethod attributes to Analysis
Manager (AnalysisMgr)object for Static Aeroelasticity and Aerodynamic Flutter. Also, added
NasBulkCntAset for Bulk Data.
Added NasCaeOn, NasCaeMachNumber, NasCaeDynPressure, NasCaeRigidTrim,
NasCaeWrtieTrim, NasCflOn, NasCflMethod, NasCflDenID, NasCflMachFactID,
NasCflRfreqFactID, NasCflFliMethod, NasCflEig, NasCflEps, NasCflWriteFlutter, NasCflSdamp
attributes to Analysis Case (AnalysisCase) object for Static Aeroelasticity and Aerodynamic
Added NextExistingInSet to Entity API objects
Added Clear, SetModelDefaults, GetModelDefaults, CheckQuality, GetAspectRatio, AspectRatio,
GetTaper, Taper, GetAlternateTaper, AlternateTaper, GetInternalAngle, InternalAngle, GetSkew,
Skew, GetWarping, Warping, GetNastranWarping, NastranWarping, GetTetCollapse, TetCollapse,
GetJacobian, Jacobian, Get Combined, Combined, GetExplicitTimeStep, and ExplicitTimeStep to
Element Quality object.
Added GetDivisionList, PutDivisionList, SlenderBodyCount, InterferenceBodyCount,
PanelSpanCount, PanalChordCount, and GetBoxSet to Aero Panel/Body object
Added GetThetaList, PutThetaList, GetRadiList, PutRadiList, ClearSbList, ClearIbList,
ClearTheta1List, and ClearTheta2List to Aero Property object
Added GetNodeSet and GetBoxSet to Aero Spline object
Added PutSurfaceSet1, PutSurfaceSet2, GetSurfaceSet1, GetSurfaceSet2, ClearSurfaceSet1, and
ClearSurfaceSet2 to Aero Control Surface object
Added GetElements, SetElements, ClearElements, GetNodes, SetNodes, ClearNodes,
CalculateNodalCenter, and CalculateSummation to Freebody object.
Added Axis and TwoAxis to CSys object
Added ClearMeshLoc and PointsAsSet to Curve object
Added FindMappedMeshingCorners, AddMeshPoint, CountMeshPoint, and PointLoops to Surface
Added CountCommon, CountNotCommon, HasNotCommon, and NextAfter to Set object
Added SetMultiGroupListFromSets to View object
Added IsEmpty to SortSet object
Added ElementsAsSet2 to Solid object
Added MapFromModelToSet2 to MapOutput object.
Added GetList to Group object
Added DeleteAnalysisCase to Analysis Case object.
Added Pref_JTFileVersion, Pref_GIFOptimized, and Pref_2DTensorPlotOverride
Added Pref_RenderXORPicking, Pref_RenderMultiModelMem, Pref_RenderDebugElapsedTime,
Pref_DebugAllTime, Pref_DebugOGLErrors, Pref_RenderBlockSize, and Pref_DialogRefresh
Added Pref_PickMethod, Pref_ConfirmDelete, Pref_ShowMode, Pref_ShowLables,
Pref_ShowNormals, and Pref_ShowColor.
Added Pref_PreserveNextID, Pref_DBOpenSaveWindowsIO, and
Added Pref_Prev10TetMesh, Pref_Prev10SurfaceMesh, Pref_ElemQualAspectRatio,
Pref_ElemQualTaper, Pref_ElemQualAltTaper, Pref_ElemQualIntAngles, Pref_ElemQualSkew,
Pref_ElemQualWarping, Pref_ElemQualNastranWarping, Pref_ElemQualTetCollapse,
Pref_ElemQualJacobian, Pref_ElemQualCombined, Pref_ElemQualExplicitTime,
Pref_ElemQualAspectRatioVal, Pref_ElemQualTaperVal, Pref_ElemQualAltTaperVal,
Pref_ElemQualIntAnglesVal, Pref_ElemQualSkewVal, Pref_ElemQualWarpingVal,
Pref_ElemQualNastranWarpingVal, Pref_ElemQualTetCollapseVal, Pref_ElemQualJacobianVal,
Pref_ElemQualCombinedVal, and Pref_ElemQualExplicitTimeVal. Also, added
Pref_OrientSolidIsoOuput, Pref_OrientSolidAnisoOutput, Pref_OrientSolidHyperOutput,
Pref_Tria3StressOutput, PrefTria3StrainOutput, PrefTria3ForceOutput, Pref_Tria6StressOutput,
PrefTria6StrainOutput, PrefTria6ForceOutput, Pref_Quad4StressOutput, PrefQuad4StrainOutput,
PrefQuad4ForceOutput, Pref_Quad8StressOutput, PrefQuad8StrainOutput,
Added Pref_NastranScratchLocation, Pref_NasAlternateContinue and Pref_NasDballScratch
Added Pref_LibLayup
Added vPref_SpaceballFactors, Pref_SpaceballFactors, Pref_SpaceballSensitivity, and
Added slots 18-21 for Aero Panel, Aero Prop, Aero Spline, and Aero Control Surface to
Updated Pref_LengthBasedMeshSize from BOOL to INT4
Added feFileIsModified
Added feGroupBoolean2
Added feSurfaceExtend
Added feOutputForceBalance2
Added feLoadFromFreebody
Added feCoordCenterOfPoints
Added feSurfaceMidAttrib
Added feVectorNormalizedDotProduct
Increased the length of the equation that can be specified in the for feOutputCalculate API method.
Was 160, now 1600.
Corrected an issue when rebuilding database on nodal heat generation loads that did not get the
counters reset properly.
Corrected an issue where the counters for Geometry based constraints were never rebuilt during a
full model rebuild.
Allow Convert Complex and Expand Complex commands if output exists, not just if a set and
vector are active
Corrected an issue problem that resulted in Tangents of Composite Curves not being continuous -
the direction of the tangents was correct, but reversed in sign if the underlying curve was reversed
relative to the Composite Curve direction.
Corrected an issue DXF file which had splines with a large number of knots (> 120 )
Entity Editor
Corrected an issue with labels in the entity editor for plate property (PR# 6561008)
Meshing Toolbox
Corrected an issue where the Quality display was not updated after a Geometry Editing command
in the mesh toolbox when using groups.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected an issue when checking for time dependent thermal loads that caused the DLAOD case
control to sometimes be skipped
Corrected an issue reading and writing Random Tria3 item codes
Corrected an issue reading STRAIN output request
Corrected an issue creating the analysis set for buckling and stiffened mode. The STATSUB case is
automatically created during export so it needed to be removed during the read (PR #1821212)
Corrected an issue reading RBE3 with UM when no grid or dof followed the UM identifier
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected an issue with renumbering where the renumber sets for CBAR and CBEAM overwrote
Corrected an issue to allow import of MATSMA entry
Corrected an issue where a rigid edge contact was being reordered. Also improvements to the
reorder code so it will not force reordering if the region is simply defined in reverse.
Corrected an issue reading DDAM output that was caused because of a NX Nastran 7.1 issue that
caused the line TIME to not be written. This caused Femap to improperly read the SUMMED
responses cases. New method does not require the TIME line and will work when NX Nastran
fixes the issue (PR #6477487)
Corrected an issue reading Rotor Dynamics results in Frequency Response. The modal
displacement table was being read then the frequency response output was read in over top
Corrected an issue reading W4 field in ROTORD where Femap would fail to read W4 and
overwrite W3 in FEMAP with the W4 value from the ROTORD card.
Corrected an issue reading XDB file that caused a extra output vector to be created id = 9999
Corrected an issue writing of BCTPARM contact local definition when defaults were used as the
override. Femap will now write those values explicitly.
Corrected an issue reading time dependency for PLOADX1: Pressure Load on Axisymmetric
Corrected an issue writing SPCD for NXN SOL 601 when a output coordinate system had been
defined (PR#1850895)
Corrected an issue in NXN SOL 601 when a enforced displacement and Force both referenced the
same time dependent function (PR#1850897)
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Corrected an issue when checking if element type and property agree. If they were that same except
for order then we were updating the element record from parabolic to linear
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected an issue reading output on solid elements that have degenerate capabilities.
Corrected an issue where Femap was writing SOLID186 instead of SOLID187.
Corrected an issue where offsets were being exported/imported in the wrong direction.
Corrected an issue that prevented nodes from being merged if they were connected to potentially
zero length elements and they were almost, but not quite zero length (in the range 1E-8 to 1E-15 in
User Interface
Modified the List, Output, XY Plot and File, Picture, Copy commands so that when listing/copying
an XY plot that has one or more Log axes, both the original X and Y values and the logX logY
values are included
Corrected an issue that occurred when you changed the default values for Anisotropic or
Hyperelastic Output Orientation options for Solid Elements in the Current Output Orientation
dialog box.
Corrected an issue in feSurfaceMidAttrib
Corrected an issue modifying properties in the Data Surface API object
Corrected an issue with AddSetRule method of API Set object.
Corrected an issue with feVectorDotProduct to give true dot product of provided vectors.
Corrected an issue BoundingBox method of Curve API object when used with combined curves
FEMAP v10.2.1 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Added Axis and TwoAxis methods to CSys API object
Added NextExistingInSet method to Entity API object
Added feGroupBoolean2
Added support for End B shapes in the Get/Put methods of the Prop object
Enhanced GFX graphics to now obey layer control
Corrected Undo files when deleting output with the "Go Fast" option. Previously, some undo files
would remain and would not be deleted from the scratch directory after exiting FEMAP (PR
Protected RefreshLicense and other functions from failing if the job was lost
Corrected issue introduced with the addition of HP Itanium licensing that caused a problem when
checking license info and using a Node-lock Any- Host license
Corrected issue in the FlexLM dll that caused FEMAP to unexpectedly exit if "Show Users" was
chosen, because it was not properly passing 64-bit time values
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue where Non-Structural Mass was not being imported for PBEAMLs and PBARLs.
These values were actually imported into FEMAP, but then overwritten by an internal calculation
Corrected issue which caused the last line of data to not be read properly if an INLCUDE file ended
with a wide-field Nastran entry
Corrected issue for combined load and constraint sets. Wrong variable type was used causing an
artificial limit of 255 referenced set and would cause FEMAP to unexpectedly exit
Corrected issue where not all SPCADD and MPCADD (Nastran SPCADD/MPCADD
Combination) entries would be exported if different constraint sets were specified in different
Corrected issue reading DLOAD combinations with more than 400 terms. Increased maximum
terms to 4,500
Updated Plate properties to have 12I/T3 and Ts/T values default to 0.0 if fields were blank in
imported Nastran input file. Previously, other default values would be calculated from property
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Prevented writing of MAT11 or MATT11 for 3D Orthotropic materials for Solutions 601 and 701
where they are not supported.
Corrected issue where imported Connection Properties (Linear or glue) with same IDs as CBEAM
or CBEND elements could cause renumbering of Connection Regions
Corrected issue where rigid 2-D Edge connection Regions were being reordered. Also
improvements to the reorder code so it will not force reordering if the Connection Region is simply
defined in reverse.
Interfaces - Geometry
Corrected an issue that prevented IGES files from being imported if the name of the Scratch
directory contained spaces
Corrected an issue which caused FEMAP to unexpectedly exit if both the "Fast Tri" and "3-D Tri"
meshers failed on a planar surface
Corrected issue with API method feMeshHexSolid() that in certain situations did not properly mesh
solids with attributes when passing propID=0
Corrected issue that prevented the Variant forms of the API Layup properties (vmatlID, vthickness,
vangle and vglobalply) from working if you tried to specify more than 100 plies
Corrected issue with feMeshSurface2 that caused the surface to not be meshed properly if surface
did not already have mesh attributes set and user specified not to set default attributes
Corrected issue with Prop object by copying an existing property which used a “General” cross-
section which referenced a surface. If either property was later deleted, the cross-section outline
would be deleted from the property which still exists in the FEMAP model
Corrected issue with MaxNormalDeviation on Surface object to work properly for boundary
FEMAP v10.2 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Windows 7
FEMAP is now supported on 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7.
Added Connection and Coord Sys tabs to View, Visibility command.
View Options: Labels, Entities and Color category: Added Curve/Surface Directions option
controls the display of Parametric Directions of Curves and/or Surfaces. Replaces the Curve and
Surface Accuracy option found in the Tools and View Style category in previous versions.
View Options: Tools and View Style category: Clipping Planes option renamed Group Clipping
Planes to differentiate between the clipping planes used in groups and the new Model Clipping
View Options: Tools and View Style category: Added Model Clipping Plane option.
View Options: PostProcessing category: Contour/Criteria Levels option. Modified and added
options under Set Levels for Standard Colors.
View Options: PostProcessing category: Contour Type option. Added “2..Match Output” option to
Contour Type list. When option is selected, nodal output data will be plotted as a Nodal Contour,
while elemental output data will be plotted as an Elemental Contour.
View Options: PostProcessing category: Beam Diagram option. Added Scale % option to scale
beam diagrams.
Analysis Manager
Added “conditional text” to all Start Text and End Text buttons in Manual Control sections
throughout the Analysis Set Manager.
Increased width of Analysis Text window and added 8-character wide “field markers” to the top of
the dialog box to aid in entering fixed field Nastran entries.
Added 11 new function types which are currently only used for output functions created by the
Model, Output, Forced Response command.
Added ability to choose a particular XY curve from a list when using the Get XY Plot Data
command. Only used when multiple curves are displayed on a single XY plot.
Panes Toolbar
Added PostProcessing icon
Select Toolbar
Changed “Property/Material Value” item on the “Selector Actions” menu of the Select Toolbar to
“Model Data Value”. This was done because “Element Quality” values may now be used to select
entities along with Property and Material values.
View Toolbar
Added the Measure icon menu. Contains the six commands on the Tools, Measure menu.
Added Clipping Plane menu item to the View Style icon menu. Submenu contains commands for
toggling the “Model Clipping Plane” on/off (Clipping On), toggling which side of defined plane to
“remove” from the display (Clip Positive Side), and specifying the “Model Clipping Plane”
Data Table
Added an “Explicit Time Step” column when using the “Add Element Checks” command.
Meshing Toolbox
Added the Feature Editing tool.
Added the Geometry Editing tool.
Added the Mesh Surface tool.
“Auto Remesh” is set to “on” by default. Can be set to other options in User Interface tab of File,
“Expand Active Tool Only” is “on” by default. Can be turned “off” in User Interface tab of File,
Added button to clear “Show” of Curves or Surfaces in Feature Suppression tool.
Added “Match Node(s)” option to Sizing Option section of Mesh Sizing tool, which mimics
capabilities found in the Mesh, Mesh Control, Custom Size Along Curve command.
Added “Elements” as a “Search For” option in the Locator.
API Programming
Updated to new version API Programing tool, which now shows line numbers (which can be turned
off) and changes some of the look and feel for more efficient use.
Interfaces - Nastran
Added Defaults button to Nonlinear Control Options dialog box for Analysis Types “10..Nonlinear
Static” and “11..Nonlinear Transient Response”.
Added support for Structural Damping on each DOF for PBUSH (GEi fields) and PBUSHT
(TGEIDi fields)
Added support for PARAM, KDAMP
Added support for PARAM, FZERO
Added support for PDAMPT
Added support for “Fluid Nodes” by setting CD field of GRID entry to -1
Added support for writing “blank” Z1 and//or Z2 fields to the PSHELL
Added support for “Nastran Equivalent Laminate” material, which generates multiple MAT2
Added read support for GROUNDCHECK and WEIGHTCHECK
Added read support for FREQ1, FREQ2, FREQ3, and FREQ4 (only reads first 2 FREQi entries in
input file)
Changed “Bulk Data Delete” entry for restarts from “/,1,999,999” to “/,1,9,999,999”
Changed default Output Requests for Nastran Nonlinear Static Analysis to include Element Forces.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for BLSEG and BCPROPS to support edge-to-face glue.
Added support for the TSTART and ATSMASS options on NXSTRAT entry.
Added support for Minimum Acceleration (5th Line of NAVSHOCK File), Unit Conversion -Force
(10th Line of NAVSHOCK File), and Unit Conversion - Acceleration (11th Line of NAVSHOCK
File) options for DDAM analysis.
Added support for MAT11 and MATT11 entries for 3D Orthotropic Materials when referenced by
solid elements.
Added support PARAM,WMODAL
Added support for ENFMOTN system cell. Value 0 = “Constraint Mode”, 1 = “Absolute”, 2 =
“Absolute, Viscous Damping”.
Added support for CPLSTN3, CPLSTN4, CPLSTN6, and CPLSTN8 Plane Strain Elements via
Added support for CPLSTS3, CPLSTS4, CPLSTS6, and CPLSTS8 Plane Stress Elements via
Added support for reading CDDATA from Mode Tracking Method 2. Also, fixed import of
CDDATA when using Mode Tracking Method 1.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Added support for BEAM188 element type. Set using Formulation.
for properties for BEAM188s and plate elements with offsets.
Added support for PRETS179 element. Created as a Bolt Preload in FEMAP.
Added ability to write pressures specified from property card for tube elements.
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Added support for reading *EQUATIONS defined using NSETS.
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Added support for membrane, plate, and plane strain elements with offsets via
Added support for materials “81..LS-DYNA Plasticity with Damage”, “89..LS-DYNA Plasticity
Polymer”, “91..LS-DYNA Soft Tissue”, and “181..LS-DYNA Simplified Rubber/Foam” in “Other
Updated default formulation for beam elements from “2..Belytschko-Schwer Resultant” to
“1..Hughes-Liu”. Beams with formulation set to “1..Hughes-Liu”, may now be oriented with a
vector instead of a 3rd node and are exported as *ELEMENT_BEAM_ORINETATION.
Updated default formulation for 10-noded tetrahedral solid elements from “10..1 Point
Tetrahedron” to “17..10 Node Composite Tetrahedron EQ 17”.
Updated material type “66..LS-DYNA Linear Elastic Discrete Beam” to write
Updated material type “67..LS-DYNA Nonlinear Elastic Discrete Beam” to write
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for NX 7.5, Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3, and Solid Works 2010
Added support for Parasolid 23.0
Added support for ACIS 21
Added support for reading IGES files with no “Start Section”.
Added global Curve Facetting values for Angle Error, Chord Error, and Curve Factor into Tools,
Check, Coincident Nodes
Added options and improved the Tools, Check, Coincident Nodes command.
Measure Submenu
Added Tools, Measure submenu. Moved Tools, Distance and Tools, Angle commands under Tools,
Measure submenu. Also moved Tools, Mass Properties, Measure Curves and Tools, Mass
Properties, Surface Area from Tools, Mass Properties submenu to Tools, Measure submenu.
Added Tools, Measure, Distance Between Nodes and Tools, Measure, Angle Between Nodes
Added ability to highlight points currently selected for 3-corner and 4-corner mesh approaches
when using the “Mesh, Mesh Control, Approach on Surface” command.
Added Merge Nodes drop-down check box to the various Tet Meshing commands.
Added Allow Mapped Meshing check box to the various Tet Meshing commands.
Added Allow Void Regions check box to Mesh, Geometry, Solids From Elements command, which
allows meshing enclosed volumes which contain internal voids.
Improved the “Post-Meshing Cleanup” option in the Automesh Surfaces dialog box to be able to
recognize more patterns and mesh issues, then update and improve the mesh.
Increased number of “custom” mesh locations on a curve from 160 to 325.
Element - Rigid
Updated the Rigid Element dialog box to be “tabbed” and have separate creation options for RBE1,
RBE2, and RBE3 element types. Also, now support the UM DOF for RBE1 and RBE3.
User Interface
Changed extension of FEMAP model files from *.MOD to *.MODFEM. *.MOD file may still be
Added “-INI filename” option to the command line options. Allows choice of a specific FEMAP
Updated the Generation Options dialog box, which is used in many different commands which
create copies of an existing entity. Replaced the Parameters Radio Button with the Color and Layer
check box and renamed the section Match Original. Also, moved the Match Mesh Sizes, Loads,
and Constraints check box into the Match Original section.
Color of “suppressed” entities is now saved as a global switch. When an entity is suppressed, the
specified “suppression” color will be used. When restored, the color will revert to the entity’s
original color instead of the “active” color for that entity type.
Added Modify, Update Other, Node Type command. Allows modification of “Node Type” for any
number of selected nodes.
Changed name of Tools, Check, Distortion command to Tools, Check, Element Quality. Updated
references from “Distortion” to “Element Quality” or “Quality” several places throughout the
Added Max Repeated Errors (0=All) option.
Added Include Metafile Format option in Picture Copy section.
Added Contour Palette option in Options section.
Added Resolution button to Picture Save Defaults section.
User Interface
Added Fast Output Delete drop-down to Menus and Dialog Boxes section.
Added Meshing Toolbox section, which includes Expand Active Tool Only and Auto Remesh.
Added Alternate Docking Symbols to Dockable Panes section.
Added Read/Write Test button to Database Performance section.
Changed name of Element Distortion button to Element Quality.
Added Create Groups from INCLUDE files option to Nastran Solver Write Options section.
Changed the default for the Direct Output To option in the Nastran Solver Write Options section
from “0..Current Directory” to “1..Model File Directory”.
Updated the API Programming Window to use new version of WinWrap.
Added NasModeDampOverall, NasBulkEnfMotn, NasBulkEnfMotnOpt, NasDynFzero,
NasDynFzeroVal, NasDynWmodal, NasDdamForceConversion, NasDdamAcellConversion,
NasNXStratAtMass, NasNXStratModexOld, and NasNXStratModexNew to AnalysisMgr Object.
Added AMatrix, BMatrix, DMatrix, AInvMatrix, BInvMatrix, DInvMatrix, InPlaneProp,
BendingProp, vAMatrix, vBMatrix, vDMatrix, vAInvMatrix, vBInvMatrix, vDInvMatrix,
vInPlaneProp, and vBendingProp to the Layup Object
Added DataSurface and vDataSurface to the LoadGeom Object
Added BodyLoadCSys to the LoadSet Object
Added xyz to the Node Object
Added BeamDiagramScale, ClipPlaneOrigin, ClipPlaneNormal, vClipPlaneOrigin, and
vClipPlaneNormal to View Object
Added InitAnalysisCase for AnalysisCase Object
Added InitAnalysisMgr for AnalysisMgr Object
Added IsNonManifold, IsSmooth, TangentAtEnds, CurvatureAcrossEdge, and
CloserPointToSurface for Curve Object
Added Get and Put for DataSurf Object
Added GetMinMaxEdgeLength for Elem Object
Added Compute2 for Layup Object.
Added GetVectorAtSingleNode for Output Object
Added SelectIDInSet and AddNewRemoveCommonSet for Set Object
Added FreeCurvesAsSet, Points, and PointsAsSet for Solid Object
Added SortRemoveDuplicates for SortSet Object
Added BoundingSize, ApproximateArea, MinRadiiOfCurvature, and CurveLoops for Surface
Added MsgWndRepeatedErrors
Added Pref_ResPrintMethod, Pref_ResPrintScale, Pref_ResCopySaveMethod,
Pref_ResCopySaveScale, Pref_ResScaleWithWidth, Pref_ResScaleWithHeight,
Pref_ResFixedWidth, Pref_ResFixedHeight, Pref_ResPenMethod, Pref_ResPenScale,
Pref_ResScreenLogoScale, Pref_ResPrintLogoScale, Pref_ResCopySaveLogoScale, and
Added Pref_TbxExpandActive, Pref_TbxAutomesh, Pref_PaneAltDockSymbols, and
Added Pref_OpenSaveMethod
Added Pref_GroupIncludeFiles
Added Info_FacetAngleTolerance, Info_FacetChordTolerance, and Info_FacetCurveFactor
Added Info_SuppressedCurveColor and Info_SuppressedSurfaceColor
Added feModifyRadialOffsets
Added feAppUpdateModelBox
Added feOutputProcessCopy
Added feOutputProcessMerge
Added feOutputProcessLinearCombination
Added feOutputProcessRSSCombination
Added feOutputProcessEnvelope
Added feOutputProcessErrorEstimate
Added feTextMultiPut
Added feFileReadPatran
Added feFileReadNeutral3
Added feFileReadCatiaV5
Added feFilePrint2
Added feCheckElemDistortion2
Added feGetElemDistortion2
Added feCheckCoincidentNode2
Added feMeasureDistanceBetweenNodes
Added feMeasureAngleBetweenNodes
Added feScreenPctPick
Added feCurveOffsetCurveWasher
Added feCurveSplitPointToPoint
Added feCurveSplitPointToEdge
Added feCurveSplitEdgeToEdge
Added feConnectAuto2
Added feSetToolbarSeparator
Added feSolidCleanupAdvanced
Added feRunIOTest
Added DialogAutoSkip
Windows 7
Updated File Open/Save dialog for Vista/Windows 7 to properly set dialog title, and handle default
extensions. Changed all default extensions to lower case so they do not add duplicate extensions if
you type one manually (still will double if you type an upper case extension). Removed overrides
to OK Button text - now always says Save/Open - for consistency across all Operating Systems
Corrected a problem that caused a hang/crash when you tried to renumber layers and one or more
Views had multi-group visibility lists.
Corrected problem that caused & characters in titles to show up as underlines in text displayed in
the graphics window legends.
Fixed Auto - Group for multi group in post legend listing of max deformation.
Fixed Autoscale visible to account for entities which are not visible, based on visibility check
Fixed problem with boundaries and eliminated surfaces both on, the surface color was the
eliminated color - with boundaries off, it is the suppressed surface color. It is now the suppressed
surface color.
Fixed problem with multi group display of double sided contours
Fixed spring elements to allow beam diagram display.
Fixed File, Picture, Copy for arrow plots displayed as Deformed Vector Style
Reduce the maximum number of contour levels from 256 to 255 to eliminate a problem in Render
Graphics where the top level in the legend matched the bottom level if using 256 levels.
Removed curve/surface color change in Feature Suppression - will be controlled in graphics only
Removed "Reset Clipping" from page setup
Updated contact and slideline to properly use visibility check boxes.
Corrected a problem that caused "Get XY Plot Data" in Model->Function to fail if you had the
"Include Text for XY Plots" View Preference turned off.
Corrected the end of the "Linear Ramp" function to get the last value
Fixed problem deleting a item from the function, after the item was deleted it was automatically
added back since the x field was not cleared.
Fixed problem with Default title string for Q Damping Function
Corrected a problem where a cylinder would split using a Global Plane, but not one specified by
three points
Corrected a possible crash in Geometry, Solid, Cleanup if slivers were removed and then match
model scaling was done.
Fixed a stitching problem on general bodies that caused a crash - fixed prior to the release of
Now move surfaces of single-sheet bodies to the No Pick layer or delete them just like Boundary
Surfaces when you use them as the base of an extrusion or revolution.
Updated Modify, Move To; Modify, Move By; Modify, Rotate To; Modify, Rotate By; and Modify,
Align by CSys commands to properly handle the situation where points on a solid were defined in
the Coordinate System - previously points were moved which is invalid for Solid points
Updated the Geometry, Rotate, Curve; Geometry, Reflect, Curve; Modify, Rotate To, Curve;
Modify, Rotate By, Curve; and Modify, Align, Curve commands to automatically rotate/reflect any
meshing attributes (cross section orientation and offsets) that were attached to the curve.
Updated Geometry - Solid - Cleanup so the user can convert wire bodies they select in FEMAP to
curves if they want to.
Fixed OpenGL non XY plot save picture
Entity Editor
Fixed problem in entity editor when loading Layups.
Fixed problem in entity editor saving materials where the standard material constants were not
saved to the record.
Fixed problem setting the Surface Bearing Load Orientation Vector in the Entity editor to ensure a
unit vector was defined.
Meshing Toolbox
Corrected a problem in Meshing Toolbox Locator that prevented finding Surface Spikes correctly
Fixed problem using the Move Node Toolbox where mesh based facet projections failed when the
element normals were not consistent.
Immediately update the Model Info tree after the Meshing Toolbox Locator -> Create Group
command rather than after the next command
Data Table
Corrected a problem that caused some load values in the Report Window to be incorrect/zero if the
Entity Editor window was not open
Program File
Corrected playback of program files for single-selection list view controls (lists with icons), like in
the Group, Load, BC, ... Create/Manage dialogs.
Messages Window
Updated how text is written to the message window to minimize flashing
Interfaces - Neutral
Corrected problem that prevented Neutral Read from reading library files.
Fixed problem in neutral file for NEi NL Convergence flags. Patched the neu_101.exe shipped
with 10.2 to junk the bad flags and add the correct variables to the end of the line.
Fixed problem in renumbering. It was incorrectly renumbering the data points in a function and
also would not stop reading until it read a -1 in another dataset
Updated Neutral Write to include needed Global Ply information when you are writing just a Group
to the Neutral File. Chooses all global plies referenced by included layups. Also works for Copy in
Select Toolbar.
Updated Output Data format (changed from Block 451 to 1051) for version 10.2 and above. On
model with large output saw 40% reduction in Neutral file size and 20%-25% reduction in read/
write times.
Interfaces - Nastran
Changed bulk data delete card to 1, 99999999
Corrected problems with writing SUPORT, SUPORT1, BSET, CSET , ASET, QSET, OMIT and
MAT4 in Large Field Format.
Corrected problem reading Random results files, PSDF output is now in the f06 file and we were
not correctly skipping it.
Fixed problem reading mixed SORT1, 2 output.
Fixed issues saving the Solution Strategy Overrides in the analysis set.
Fixed problem in dynamics writing the static portion of the load when using the "Write Dynamic
Load using LOADSET/LSEQ" option
Fixed problem reading a TABLED2 where the function would be set as the FREQ in the Analysis
Manager dynamic solution frequencies.
Fixed problem reading DLOAD scale factor for response spectrum generation.
Fixed problem reading frequency response output when a 0.0 solution frequency was defined.
Fixed problem reading LOAD combinations where the load set id was the same as the referenced
Fixed problem reading MAT1 mass if a MAT4 card also existed and WTMASS factor was used.
The WTMASS factor was applied when the MAT1 was read then again when the MAT4 was read.
Fixed problem reading of METHOD and CMETHOD if extra cards were present that were not
activated by the case control.
Fixed problem reading .op2 design optimization output when the design variables did not exist in
Fixed problem reading SPC/MPC ADD combinations when the set ids were the same as the
referenced sets.
Updated output to not transform random nodal results unless user pref CalcRandomResults has
been set.
Updated ASSIGN statements that could be too long (> 72 char) so they split onto multiple lines
Updated Nastran Case Control reader to support reading various commands with or without equals
and with varying spacing
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Fixed problem reading nonlinear stress from SOL 601 when corner output was requested. SOL 601
is writing values for sigma z and causing the Femap Standard vector calculation to use the 3D
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Corrected problem skipping unsupported ALE materials which caused Femap to get out of sync.
Removed "implicit solver" check box from dialog box. Now set via an Analysis Type.
Changed Network Licensing to give a more descriptive message when no license file has been
specified and automatically transfer to the dialog to specify it.
Loads and Boundary Conditions
Changed the PartialCurveLength functions to always return the shorter distance around a FEMAP
Circle curve, which was causing an error in some cases of Expand Load when element edges hit the
node at the 0.0/1.0 parameter
Corrected a problem that caused total loads on curve-only boundary surfaces to not expand because
these surfaces have no area.
Corrected a problem that caused variable geometric loads along curves that varied using either the
function or interpolation multiplier methods and that produced elemental loads (like pressure) to
expand to zero load.
Corrected a problem that could cause bearing loads that expanded to nodes that were very close to,
but not at 90 deg., to have a zero value rather than being skipped.
Corrected a problem that occurred when you edited a load definition of an elemental face-based
load, and defined the updated load using a data surface. Previously, the first load in the definition
did not get updated to the data surface values. Corrected prior to release of v10.1.1
Enabled placing Surface-based Convection and Radiation loads on the back faces of plate elements,
just like Element-based loads. Previously this was available in the "Advanced Thermal" interface,
but not the others. Also corrected a problem that caused these loads to always be expanded to the
back faces, whether or not this flag was turned on (problem was only if you were in Advanced
Thermal interface).
Fixed problem in expanding bearing loads on multiple surfaces where small surfaces would pick up
a disproportionate amount of load - fixed prior to release of v10.1.1
Changed Surface mesher to not smooth mapped planar curve-only boundaries
Changed Meshing error when the mesh approach points do not exist to now error and then reset the
mesh approach.
Corrected a problem in Fast Tri meshing where the element normals did not match the surface
normal of a curve-only boundary surface.
Corrected a problem that caused FEMAP to hang if you reflected a mesh using a nonzero trap size,
and you used the "Match Loads, Constraints..." option, and there were nodal loads (like forces) on
nodes that fell within the trap distance.
Corrected a problem that caused tet-meshing of a large number of solids to slow down as you
progressed through the list of solids
Corrected a problem that did not properly assign offsets (if offsetting from top or bottom face)
when meshing a surface from meshing attributes
Corrected a problem with the v10 mesher that caused meshing curve-based boundaries to fail if the
first and last curves of the boundary did not join at two coincident points rather than the same,
single point.
Corrected numerous problems with Interactive Mesh Editing where it did not properly set the
Material Orientation angle for certain split patterns (Quad to Tri+Quad, Tri to 2 Tri, and Tri to 3
Quad). PR 1774578 reported angles of #NAN being set on some elements. That was not
reproduced in the development environment, but this should fix it.
Corrected problem that allowed the Edge Members command to create invalid elements if you
picked a Plot Planar element type and had parabolic faces - Plot Planar elements can not be
Corrected a problem that caused associativity of some nodes on a surface that is adjacent to another
surface that has a suppressed curve with a shared endpoint to be improperly associated with both
Fixed problem when applying quad paving to a boundary surface that caused the paved element
normals to be reversed, and potentially free edges to be created for parabolic elements, if inner
holes in the surface had the same clockwise/counterclockwise orientation as the outer loop.
Fixed problem that created a mesh with a zero property if no property attribute had been set.
Fixed problem copying surface mesh attributes when combining surfaces into a boundary, if the
boundary being created/modified has had mesh attributes initialized then don't overwrite them.
Fixed problem splitting elements that were loaded with a elemental heat generation.
Updated the 2D Fast-Tri mesher to loop back and tri multiple starting locations if it has a problem
recovering all of the mesh edges. Also properly abort if edge recovery failed
Updated the Geometry, Rotate, Curve; Geometry, Reflect, Curve; Modify, Rotate To, Curve;
Modify, Rotate By, Curve; and Modify, Align, Curve commands to automatically rotate/reflect any
meshing attributes (cross section orientation and offsets) that were attached to the curve.
Changed Merge Nodes command and automatic during meshing to merge two nodes across a
connection, even if merge across connections is not set, if the two nodes are also both in the same
connection region. This prevents self-contact regions from preventing meshing failures.
User Interface
Changed wording on several dialog boxes from "Toggle Set Selection" and similar to "Toggle
Selected Sets" to better reflect what the buttons do.
Changed underlined characters in several dialogs that were previously &O, which interferes with
program files <OK> - this will not be in the translated versions of v10.2
Corrected a problem that could occur if you got an error message or a question dialog when
working in a dialog. After one of these, if you displayed the context menu, the menus and toolbars
would be enabled and you could start a second command while still in the previous one.
Corrected a problem that caused FEMAP to crash if you assigned a program file to User Command
(and then assigned it to a toolbar button), but in that command definition you used a lowercase .pro
or .prg filename extension (uppercase worked fine and was the default if you picked the file)
Fixed a problem caused when launching commands/dialog boxes from an undocked pane. If a
second level dialog was created when that dialog ended focus was returned to the pane and not the
first level dialog. In particular this caused Shift+Ctrl polygon picking to fail and in some cases
Fixed problem in tabbed dialogs that caused the mouse to be captured if the mouse was in a control
when a dialog was initialized. It would stay captured until you left that control. Fixed prior to the
release of v10.1.1
Updated Font Size drop-downs in File Message Preferences and File Page Setup to contain a list of
standard sizes.
Updated Translators (Catia V4, ProE, STEP, IGES) to support reading files with multi-byte
Updated using Ctrl+Z to enter a point location into another dialog, previously always entered in
Global Rectangular, now enters properly in active CSys.
Updated Load, Constraint, Output Set and Group Create/Manage made "New..." the default button
if none exist.
Updated Help, About so NX Nastran modules now show up in the licensed options list when using
network licensing (previously only with a dongle).
Corrected potential Undo problem where undo files were written directly to the scratch directory if
you specified one in File Preferences, rather than being written to the model subdirectory which is
in the scratch directory. This could cause conflicts if you had two FEMAP sessions with different
models that had the same base filename.
Changed the PartialCurveLength functions to always return the shorter distance around a FEMAP
Circle curve.
Corrected a problem that caused multiple toolbars created from the API function feAddToolbar() to
be lost when you exited FEMAP and returned. Only the last toolbar was reloaded, others were lost.
Worked properly if toolbars were created from the user interface.
Corrected loading of API window so that it always loads the correct version of the type library
when multiple versions of FEMAP are installed
Corrected the feFileReadParasolidOpt() method. The assign_color boolean argument previously
worked backwards.
Corrected a problem with the SelectID method of the Set object that prevented it from choosing the
0..Global Rectangular coordinate system.
Fixed api definition of NasModeMassForm
Fixed a crash in SortSet.Current() if you called it when the Sort object was empty or the current
index had not been set.
Fixed a problem that prevented ranges of Coordinate Systems added by ID to be removed from a
group when you called RangeDeleteAll( -1 ) which is supposed to clear all ranges.
Fixed problem in data surface API object.
Fixed API access to print and save preferences.
Make sure that no file extensions get registered during startup with /Register if using an API-only
Updated SelectAllOnLayer() method so that it does not change the ID of the current object.
FEMAP v10.1.1 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Added All Views option to View, Rotate, Model command. When All Views is checked, the first
action taken in the View Rotate dialog box will “sync” the views, then the views will move in
unison until All Views has been unchecked.
Added Filter and Clear All Filters buttons along with corresponding text field to View, Visibility
dialog box. The Filter and Clear Filter buttons are available for use in the Group, Layer, Material,
Property, and Geometry tabs of the Visibility dialog box. Simply enter text into the field, then click
the Filter button. The list in that tab will be reduced to only those entries that contain the text you
specified. You can now enter additional text, and press the Filter icon button again to further reduce
the list. Press Clear All Filters icon button to return to the full list and start again. This can be
especially useful in models which contain a large number of groups and layers.
View Options: Labels, Entities and Color category: Force and Bearing - now controls display of
Force and Bearing Force loads
View Options: Tools and View Style category: View Legend - added Legend Style option “3..Titles,
Model Name, Date” which will display the current time and date when the option is turned on
along with the full model name and directory path.
View Options: Tools and View Style category: Render Options - removed the Graphics Engine
Added Geometry tab to View, Visibility command.
Analysis Manager
Improved performance of the Preview window significantly.
Added ability to hold down Alt key and left click the “expand/collapse” toggle to expand/collapse
all of the “sub-branches” under the highlighted branch. Also, pressing the right arrow key while
holding down the Alt key will “expand” all sub-branches, while pressing the left arrow with Alt
will “collapse” all sub-branches.
Enhanced Analysis Multiple capability for MSC Nastran to perform as expected.
Modified the Function Definition dialog box to be more intuitive. The Add button replaces More,
Copy Function replaces Copy, Load from Library replaces Load, Save to Library replaces Save,
Copy to Clipboard replaces Put, and Paste from Clipboard replaces Get. Also, added the Update
button which will take the currently entered values and update the XY pair currently highlighted in
the list, as well as the Get XY Plot Data button, which will place the values from a XY Plot
currently being displayed in FEMAP into the list.
Added 4 new function types which allow the user to specify use of the TABLEM1 for Nastran
when creating vs. Temperature functions. They are “19..vs. Temp (TABLEM1 Linear, Linear)”,
“20..vs. Temp (TABLEM1 Log, Linear)”, “21..vs. Temp (TABLEM1 Linear, Log)”, “22..vs. Temp
(TABLEM1 Log, Log)”
Added 3 “Align” options to the Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Pad command
Improved performance of undo/redo of surface facets.
Added support for selecting Solids in the Group, Clipping... commands
Data Table
Added “Select All” command on context-sensitive menu for the Data Table. Selects all rows
currently in the Data Table regardless of which rows are currently highlighted.
Interfaces - Nastran
Added support for PCOMPG entry
Added support to read the QVOL, CONV, PCONV, QHBDY, QVECT, QBDY1, CHBDYG, VIEW,
Added support to read and write PARAM,SIGMA and PARAM,TABS
Added support to write TABLEM1 entries when creating vs. Temperature functions using specific
function types in FEMAP.
Added ability to Skip NLPARM in the Nonlinear Control Options dialog box for the Master and all
Subcases when creating an analysis set for a nonlinear analysis.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added Support for BCTADD and BGADD entries for version 7.0
Updated XDB import to only allow reading of regular stress or nonlinear stress, not both.
Added support for Sussman-Bathe hyperelastic material
Added support for Shape Memory Alloy material
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for CATIA V5 release 19
Added support for NX 7
Added support to optionally read or skip blanked/invisible/hidden parts when importing NX 6
Restored support for ACIS versions 7, 8, and 9, which had been removed in a previous version.
Added ability to create PCOMPG instead of PCOMP entries for Nastran by specifying a Global Ply
for every Ply in a Layup. If even 1 ply does not have a Globally Ply assigned, the PCOMP will be
written instead.
Added “Ok to Update Material and Thickness of Global Ply # in all Layups?” question to Edit Ply
capability in the Global Ply Definition dialog box.
Added support for Sussman-Bathe hyperelastic material to Other Types for solution 601 in NX
Added support for Shape Memory Alloy material to Other Types for solution 601 in NX Nastran
Added automatically assigning corners to surfaces with more than 4 corners when using the
“Mapped - Four Corner” approach of the Mesh, Mesh Control, Approach on Surface command.
Added “Radial Offset Around Vector” option to Modify, Update Elements, Line Element Offsets
Improved performance of midside node attachment significantly, especially on models with a large
number of geometric entities (Surfaces, Curves. Points). This capability is used when creating new
mesh on a solid, as well as when using the Modify, Associativity, Automatic command.
Added Delete, Model, Mesh on Nodes command. Works exactly like Delete, Model, Mesh except
nodes are selected instead of elements.
Element - Rigid
Added “New Node At Center” method to Independent (Reference) section of Define RIGID
Element dialog box. When this method is used, FEMAP will automatically create a node at
“center” of all the selected Dependent (Nodes to Average) nodes, much like the “Spider” API
Added “Convert” button to Define RIGID Element dialog box. This button is used to convert a
rigid element to an interpolation element and vice versa. When converting from rigid element to
interpolation, FEMAP will ask “OK to Convert only Translational Degrees of Freedom?”.
Added “Distance Weighting” option to the Update Interpolation Element dialog box displayed after
clicking the “Update” button in Define RIGID Element dialog box. This option will create different
interpolation factors for highlighted Nodes to Average based on their distance from the Reference
node. Multiple nodes must be highlighted in the list for this option to have any effect
User Interface
Added File, Picture, Copy Desktop command. Works much like File, Picture, Save Desktop, except
it copies a picture of the entire FEMAP GUI to the clipboard instead of saving it to a file.
Added File, Picture, Copy Layout and File, Picture, Save Layout commands. These commands
work much like File, Picture, Copy Desktop and File, Picture, Save Desktop, except they only copy
to the clipboard or save to a file the contents of the “Graphics Area” instead of the entire GUI.
Added Include Text for XY Plots option in Picture Copy section.
Added Picture Save Defaults section.
User Interface
Added Captions Always on Top option to Dockable Panes section.
Added Auto Answer Post Questions button.
Added Delete Read Synthetic Load Sets option.
For functions that take input arguments that are Arrays/Variants, you can now pass a single value/
constant directly if the entire array is supposed to be filled with the same value.
Disabled Undo after calling feFileRebuild, feFileSave, feFileSaveAs, and feFileSaveAll from the
Converted UserData to a non-Entity-based object. Implemented numerous methods that are
identical in call to Entity-based objects, but work properly with UserData
Added Length to Element object
Added AddAllTitle, AddAllColor, and AddMidsideNodes to Set object
Added ComputeStdShape and ComputeGeneralShape for Property object
Added CountLoads and IsTotalLoad for LoadDefinition object
Added Add to LoadMesh object
Added Add to BCNode object
Added Preview to AnalysisMgr object
Added HasFullGlobalPly for Layup object
Added Pref_PictureCopyTextForXY
Added Pref_PictureFormat, Pref_AnimationFormat, Pref_GIFColorOpt,
Pref_GIFAnimationDelay, and Pref_GIFFrameSeries
Added Pref_NasQstOn, Pref_NasQstVal, and Pref_DeleteRdScratchLdSets
Added Pref_CustomToolsPath
Added feAppMessageStartListing
Added feAppMessageEndListing
Added feFilePictureSave2
Added feFilePictureCopy2
Added feFormatReal
Added feTruncateReal
Added feModifyRadialOffsets
Added feDeleteMesh
Connection Properties, Regions, and Connectors
Corrected a problem that caused connection regions defined on Curves or Surfaces, to expand to
improper element faces
Fixed clearing of XY graph background if it is OpenGL window
Fixed issue in weld elements if renumbered badly
Fixed logo so if bitmap was bigger than graphics region it would still draw.
Fixed issue in plate result transformation that was introduced in 10.1
Fixed issue if number of lines of text in post legend was too large
Fixed random issue when elements were blanked based on timing of redraw.
Fixed issue that Copy Picture of XY Plots does not work on Vista if you are in render mode.
Corrected an issue that caused output created by Model, Output, Global Ply to be deleted every
time you made a plot of the data.
Modified drawing of edges to get around nVidia graphics issue in drivers newer than 178.46
Fixed issue when displaying multiple groups and had automatic add “on” and were adding into one
of the groups being displayed. The created entities did not show up unless you turned one of the
groups on/off. Now they show up immediately.
Entity Editor
Fixed problem editing loads in load definitions that had different faces from the Entity Editor.
Interfaces - Neutral
Fixed issue reading neutral files from 5.0 or earlier into 10.1
Corrected a problem reading multiple UserData objects from a neutral file.
Interfaces - Nastran
Fixed issue that caused velocity body loads not to be written out unless a nodal load was also
Fixed issue creating multiple LOAD combinations.
Fixed problem where MEFFMASS output was skipped when results destination was set to post
Fixed problems reading complex output where phase angles were being skipped
Modified writing of loads so SPCD is written to the LOAD case control set rather than as a
Corrected a problem that caused Nastran to fail to run if the Nastran Scratch directory you specified
in File, Preferences had spaces in the path.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Fixed problem reading BCPROP
Fixed problem when writing CQUADX8 in wide field format.
Fixed issue when writing BCRPARA in wide field format.
Interfaces - Ansys
Added ability to specify Ansys results version in API.
Interfaces - Abaqus
Fixed problem reading complex output.
Corrected a meshing problem that caused planar surfaces with poles to not be smoothed properly if
you applied a mapped meshing approach.
Updated Meshers to properly create and project to a sheet body on multi-surface boundaries that
have suppressed loops.
User Interface
Fixed issue in opening models with preference set to Windows I/O with 64K portions
Fixed issue renumbering entities that referenced a Weld element.
Automatically set some fields in PutContactList method of the connection region object if you set
them to invalid values
Made Info_GeometryScale a writable property if there are no solids in the model
Corrected Layup method on the Property object.
FEMAP v10.1 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Changed View, Set to View, Create/Manage
Added View, Visibility command. Replaces a combination of functionality in Model Data, Quick
Options, and Layer Management.
Added Load - Body option to View Options, Labels, Entities and Color category
Changed Moment option to Moment and Torque in View Options, Labels, Entities and Color
category. Now controls display of Moment and Torque loads
Changed “1..Surfaces Only” option for Surface Hatch to “1..Hatch Wireframe Surfaces” and added
“2..Never Hatch Surfaces” option to Render Options in View Options: Tools and View Style
Removed Stereo option from View Options, Tools and View Style category
Removed Quick Options button from View Options
Removed Model Data button from View Select
Analysis Manager
Added Previous (Prev...) buttons to many of the Analysis Set Manager dialog boxes when using the
Nastran Solvers.
Enhanced Analyze and Analyze Multiple options to use internal solver queuing system when
multiple jobs in one model or jobs from any number of models are sent to the solver. Queuing
system now tracks which model the analysis job was launched from and will attempt to return to
the correct model and import results before beginning the next analysis job. Also, added “Clear
Queue” button to clear the internal queuing system.
Added X Axis Log Scale option to Function Definition dialog box.
Implemented the Solid Manager which is used to activate, update, or make no solids active in the
Modified Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Pad command. Entering an Pad Size Factor of 1.0 will
extend curves out using the radius of the chosen circular curves, while entering a value of 1.5
would offset the curves 1.5*the radius of the chosen circular curves in all directions.
GUI - Toolbars
View Toolbar
Replaced “View Layers” and “Quick Options” icons with “Visibility” icon on View Toolbar.
Added “Model Data Contour” icon to View Toolbar.
Post Toolbar
Added “Laminate Options” and “Contour Vectors” options to Post Options drop-down menu on
Post Toolbar.
Data Table
Added “Memb-Bend Coupling” fields for plate elements.
Added support for “Nastran LOAD Combination Sets” and “Nastran SPCADD/MPCADD
Combination Sets”
Entity Editor
Added “Memb-Bend Coupling” fields for plate elements.
Added support for “Nastran LOAD Combination Sets” and “Nastran SPCADD/MPCADD
Combination Sets”
Status Bar
Changed “Set” to “Create/Manage (Set)” for Load Sets, Constraint Sets, Groups, and Output Sets
Changed “View Active” to “Show Active” for Groups and added “Show Full Model” and “Show
Multiple” options
Interfaces - Nastran
Turned off PARAM,MAXRATIO by default
Added support to read the CVISC and PVISC entries
Added support to read and write PARAM,RESVINER
Added support to read and write LOAD, SPCADD, and MPCADD entries
Added support to set the All Plates as QUADR/TRIAR option when CQUADR and CTRIAR
elements are imported
Added ability to write GEOMCHECK, NONE and read GEOMCHECK entries and populate
GEOMCHECK dialog box in Analysis Set Manager
Added Dynamic Control Options dialog box to Analysis Set Manager for analysis Types
3..Transient Dynamic/Time History, 4..Frequency/Harmonic Response, 5..Response Spectrum, and
6..Random Response
Added Nonlinear Control Options dialog box to Analysis Set Manager for analysis Types
10..Nonlinear Static and 12..Nonlinear Transient Response
FREQUENCY, RANDOM Case Control entries
Added support to read PARAMs LMODES, LFREQ, HFREQ, W3, W4, G, RSPECTRA,
Added support to read TSTEP, TSTEPNL, NLPARM, NLPCI, RANDPS, DTI Bulk Data entries
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Turned the “Loads Change with Deformation” option in the Analysis Options section of
NXSTRAT Solver Parameters dialog box “on” by default for SOL 601 and SOL 701.
Turned the “Constraint Force” option in the Nodal section of Nastran Output Requests dialog box
“on” by default for SOL 601 and SOL 701
Added support to SOL 601 for function dependent acceleration body loads.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support to read PARAM,OPTION,CQC
Interfaces - DYNA
Added support 8-noded Quad elements
Added support for nonstructural mass for Beam and Shell elements
Added support for the following element formulations for Shell Elements (Fully Integrated DKT
triangular, Fully Integrated linear DK quadrilateral, Fully Integrated linear assumed strain C0, 1
point Eulerian Navier-Stokes, 8 point Eulerian Navier-Stokes, and CVFEM Eulerian Navier-
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for Parasolid 22.0
Added support for Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2
Added support for ACIS 20, Service Pack 1
Updated Global Ply Definition dialog box for Layups
Changed listing of model size from Bytes to MBytes when using “List, Model Info” command
Updated “List, Model, Element” command to list element formulation based on solver set in the
“active” Analysis Set in the Analysis Set Manager.
Added “Use Reference Point” option to Mesh, Mesh Control, Attributes Along Curve command.
Element - Rigid
Added Update Button to Define RIGID Element dialog box. Allows you to update the Interpolation
Factor and DOFs on any number of highlighted nodes in the Nodes to Average section when using
the Interpolation option.
User Interface
Added Tab Location option to View Windows. Now the “View Tabs” may be places on the Top,
Left, Right, or Bottom of a View Window.
Added Axis of Revolution method to Vector Definition dialog box.
Added FEMAP.INI and PATH to listing provided by Help, About command
Added improved precision to transforms with cos/sin functions in degrees
Added 2D Tensor Plot View Options Override option.
Added Open/Save Method option.
Added Use ILP-64bit NX Nastran option.
Added Write All Static Load/BC Sets option.
Added NasBulkDynLdAsLOADSET, NasBulkResViner, NasGCheckNone,
NasBulkWriteAllLoadBCSets, NasDynOn, NasDynUseLoadSet, NasDynDampOverall,
NasDynDampW3, NasDynDampW4, vNasDynKeepFreq, NasDynTranDT, NasDynFreqTbl,
NasDynDampModalTbl, NasDynKeepModes, NasDynTranTimeSteps, NasDynTransOutInt,
NasDynDampModalMethod, NasDynRespSpect, vNasDynNoFreq, vNasDynLogInterp,
vNasDynFreqType, vNasDynMinFreq, vNasDynMaxFreq, and vNasDynSpreadCluster to
AnalysisMgr object
Added NasCnlIncrements, NasCnlTime_Increment, NasCnlMaxIter, vNasCnlConvergenceFlags,
vNasCnlConvergenceValue, NasCnlCtiffnessMethod, NasCnlKstep, NasCnlIntermediateOutput,
NasCnlOutputInterval, NasCnlSolutionStrategy, NasCnlSolutionOverrides,
NasCnlModnewtonLineSearch, NasCnlModnewtonQuasiNewton, NasCnlModnewtonBisection,
NasCnlArcConstraintType, NasCnlArcMinAdjust, NasCnlArcMaxAdjust, NasCnlArcLoadScale,
NasCnlArcDesiredIter, NasCnlArcMaxSteps, NasCnlTimeSkipAdjust,
NasCnlDominantPeriodSteps, NasCnlBoundsRb, NasCnlStabilityTolerance,
NasCnlDivergenceLimit, NasCnlQuasiNewtonVectors, NasCnlMaxLineSearch, NasCnlCreep,
NasCnlLineSearchTolerance, NasCnlMaxBisections, NasCnlMaxRotation, NasCnlFstress, and
NasCnlMaxAdjust to AnalysisMgr object.
Added IsCombination to LoadSet object.
Added Gradient to LoadETemp object.
Added IsCombination to BCSet object
Added GlobalPlyLocation to View object.
Added AddCoordinate, AddAroundPoint, AddAroundVector, AddAroundPlane,
AddNodesOnGeometry, and SelectList methods for Set object
Added RemoveSet, ConvertToBoundarySurfaces, and SelectListmethods for Sort object
Added ClearAnalysisQueue, GetCorrelate2, and PutCorrelate2 methods forAnalysisMgr object
Added GetDataSurfType method for DataSurf object
Added PartialLengthXYZ, PartialLengthNode, and SelectList methods for Curve object
Added IsBoundingSolidRegion, Mesh, and ResetMeshAttr methods for Surface object
Added IsGeneral method for Solid object
Added GetClosest method for Node object
Added Thickness, Area, and Inertia methods for Elem object
Added Thickness, Area, and Inertia methods for Prop object
Added GetCombination and PutCombination methods for LoadSet object
Added GetCombination and PutCombination methods for BCSet object
Added ReferencedGroups method for Group object
Added DefineReal method for Var object
Added GetMultiGroupList, SetMultiGroupList, and ClearMultiGroupList methods for View object
Added InitScalarAtBeam and PutScalarAtBeam methods for Output object
Added Reverse method for Contact and ConnectionRegion objects
Added Pref_NastranUseILP64, Pref_ConstructionGeometry, and Pref_NastranWriteAllLdbcSets
Added FLT_SNTORQUE for Load Type
Added FVD_AXIS_OF_SURFACE for Vector Definition Method
Added feSurfaceRemoveHole
Added feModifySolidFacetting
Added feSolidRemoveFace
Added feMeshSurface2
Added feAppRegisterAddInPaneWithFrame
Added feVectorAxisOfSurface
Added feMeshSurfaceByAttributes
Analysis Manager
Fixed problem renumbering Analysis Sets that sometimes caused FEMAP to exit unexpectedly.
Data Table
Enhanced Copy to Clipboard and Save of Data Table. Increased speeds by several orders of
Interfaces - Nastran
Fixed PLOAD4 so Femap writes a blank for element faces with only 3 corners.
Fixed output request in Transient Heat, was missing SORT1 request in THERMAL and HDOT.
Fixed problem reading XY Summary and optimization from the f06 when results are in the op2 and
auto skipping.
Fixed a problem where Femap would not write a proper DLOAD scale for each dof when more
than 1 SUPORT dof was defined in Response Spectrum Application
Fixed problem where overwrite were occurring if model file name and path were over 160
Fixed wide field for BSURFS, BCTADD, PFAST
Fixed problem reading XYPRINT output for CQUADR NXN3 new formulation. Femap was
reading the items using the item codes from the old formulation.
Fixed problem writing MFLUID in random and response spectrum.
Fixed problem where if Force load is created after Temperature load then Force is not written out
Fixed expand Moment load at points is not expanded to the underlying node
Fixed problem reading QUADR output with corners from f06 when complex output existed.
Fixed problem recognizing the proper Femap function type for the TABLED2 being read.
Fixed issue reading SLOAD only the first sload per card was read properly.
Fixed Problem when reading Nastran files that have Free Format cards with continuation that have
blank field 10 and 1, and that don't continue on the same line (i.e. traditional multiline arrangement)
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Fixed problem where NXN 6.0 would fail to run if Fluid Pressure output was chosen for MFLUID.
The Alter used no longer worked or was needed.
Fixed problem when writing Glue and Contact sets to SOL601at the same time.
Interfaces - Abaqus
Fixed problem reading *SYSTEM where a default second axis was used.
Interfaces - I-DEAS/NX
Corrected a problem reading UNV file from NX6 where the Material Table for properties defined
by a table were not being read. Looks like NX added a line to the table definition that is not in the
Changed boundary mesh error for coincident nodes to write the nodal location rather than the ID.
Corrected a problem with Mesh Region that prevented it from working in "Nodes Only" mode -
still asked for a valid property/shape
Prevent automatically choosing a mapped mesh if there is a reentrant (>225 deg) corner in the
surface - which could lead to an overlapping mapped mesh.
User Interface
Corrected a problem on Message Boxes that just had an OK, or just a Yes/No button, that caused
them not to close if you pressed Esc or the X in the title bar.
Enhanced speed when deleting a large number of solids with their associated meshes.
Fixed problem in ComputeShape where the property was being put after the shape was calculated.
Fixed infinite loop when loading AMgr_Correlate in the Analysis Mgr object.
Fixed infinite loop when loading AMgr_Contact in the Marc Analysis Case from the API.
Removed "CaseID" property on the Analysis Set manager object. The master case should always
be ID=0, you should not be able to set it.
Corrected problem in Set object if you called AddSetRule with GDEF_Elem_byShape
FEMAP v10.0.2 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Updated version of NX Nastran included with FEMAP with NX Nastran to version 6.1
Updated Analysis Monitor to be able to handle NX Nastran 6.1 monitor files
Interfaces - Nastran
Updated reading of OP2 files to support results files larger than 4GByte
Interfaces - TMG
Updated version of TMG interfaces for FEMAP to “version 6.0, build 470”
User Interface
Added “guard bytes” around preferences so that if memory becomes totally corrupted it will not
overwrite the FEMAP.INI file with values which are not valid
Modified certain aspects of FEMAP to allow for more complete localization to Chinese, Japanese,
and other languages.
Removed Modify, Update Other, Surface Divisions command
Updated version of WinWrap used by the API Programming window
Coordinate Systems
Corrected problem that filled in wrong defaults for vector if “snap to node” was on and coordinate
systems were repeatedly created using one of the Axes creation options.
Fixed problem deleting Composite Curves when the associated Surface or Solid was deleted.
Prevent facetting of curves if a point is missing from Femap curve definition, which is not normal,
but can happen in rare occasions.
Fixed graphics issue related to using the Modify, Scale, Solid command.
API Programming
Fixed loss of focus when you hit Ctrl+C to copy the API Programming Window and other panes.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for NXN 6.0 Advanced nonlinear datablocks for CQUAD8, CTRIA6
Fixed problem reading the Nastran f06 file when contact separations (SEPDIS) were requested
which caused Femap to go into an infinite loop which could end without ending the FEMAP
Fixed BCTPARM NCHG to allow zero to be written.
Made NXSTRAT ICMODE default solution dependent.
Fixed problem writing BCTSET when using the Portion of Model to Write option in the
NASTRAN Bulk Data Options section by evaluating the group before the case control is written.
Fixed problem when writing Nastran files when Improve Single Field Precision option was on in
File, Preferences. Was writing too many real fields when creating CONM2 entries
Interfaces - Nastran
Fixed import of NSM for PBEAML and PBARL.
Interfaces - Dyna
Fixed problem writing LS-Dyna nodal velocities that sometimes caused Femap to write loads
Fixed improper *SECTION_SHELL ELFORMIDs for formulations of shell elements. If a
formulation below “4..C0 Triangular” on the drop-down list was used, the formulation actually
written was off by 1.
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Fixed problem writing node groups using the DEFINE command. Femap was always writing
element sets when writing FEMAP groups as sets.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added missing Solid Edge Moniker code which fixes matching of previous solid/assembly when
updating during read
Enabled “Read Inactive Layers”, “Points”, “Curves”, “Surfaces” and “Bodies” options to CATIA
V5 translator. Previously, these were in the translator, but not available to turn on and off.
Several issues have been resolved in the CATIA V4, CATIA V5, Pro/Engineer, IGES, STEP, and
Parasolid geometry interfaces
Fixed reporting of problems when meshing fails in certain instances. Previous versions of Femap
reported the Node ID where it failed, but in v10 and above meshing the mesh is not saved unless it
actually succeeds. Therefore the node IDs Femap was reporting do not exist, thus now the
coordinates where the failure occurred are reported instead.
Fixed problem when using new meshing to mesh curve-only boundary surface where no mesh sizes
were set on the curves. Both mapped and free meshes were not working as expected
Fixed problem in new meshing when meshing surfaces that had associativity to nodes that did not
Fixed problem of “Midside Nodes” and “Midside Nodes on Geometry” options not persisting
between surface meshing commands.
User Interface
Fixed issue in output transformation dialog boxes where the main dialog boxes were not hidden
when trying to select a vector, making it very difficult to choose a vector graphically from the
Corrected a problem that caused FEMAP to unexpectedly close when trying to open a new model if
a startup basic script was set to be run on a new model after all current models had been closed.
Fixed API docs for parametric space and added missed methods, HasPole(),
FEMAP v10.0.1 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Added “Section Evaluation” option in “Cross Section Definition” dialog box for Beam, Bar, and
Curved Beam properties.
Added PBEAML/PBARL option to “Section Evaluation” for use with PBEAML/PBARLs
Added InsideXYZ to Surface Object
Connection Properties, Regions, and Connectors
Fixed issue in BCTPARM REFINE default.
Program File
Corrected problem that caused error message if you tried to save a program file with no filename
extension, and without changing the file type on Windows XP. Now properly adds .PRO
Interfaces - Nastran
Fixed issue writing initial conditions from the master case when all loads were in subsequent
Updated the List Destination dialog box to show longer filenames
Fixed problem in List Surface that caused some surfaces with a “linked” meshing approach to list
extra values in addition to the Linked surface ID.
Updated “List, Geometry, Curve” to list points on all curves connected to solids, not just straight
Fixed problem in merging nodes that randomly caused some solids to fail hex meshing
Updated API Type Library to return specific interfaces rather than generic IDISPATCH interfaces -
should help programming in Python and Matlab
FEMAP v10.0 New Features and Corrections
Updates and Enhancements
Windows Vista
FEMAP is now supported on 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista. Many issues from
previous “unsupported” versions of FEMAP with regards to Windows Vista, such as entity picking
and proper use of the Model Info tree have been addressed.
Analysis Manager
Added Analyze Multiple option. This accesses a multi-select dialog box which allows you to pick
any number of Analysis Sets and run them one after another.
Added dynamic XY plotting of functions to the Function Definition dialog box.
Added Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Offset Curve/Washer command.
Added Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Pad command.
Added Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Point to Point command.
Added Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Point to Edge command
Added Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Edge to Edge command.
Added Geometry, Surface, NonManifold Add command.
Added Geometry, Surface, Recover NonManifold Geometry command.
Added Geometry, Midsurface, Offset Tangent Surfaces command.
Added “Measure Distance” icon button to Geometry, Midsurface, Automatic command
Added “Ok to Consolidate Properties by Thickness?” question to Geometry, Midsurface, Assign
Mesh Attributes command after the material has been chosen
Added “Cleanup Mergable Curves” option to Geometry, Solid Stitch command
Added Modify, Update Other, Solid Facetting command.
Added option to Modify, Project, Point along Vector and Modify, Project, Node along Vector
commands to project in both directions along the vector.
GUI - Toolbars
Panes Toolbar
Added Meshing Toolbox icon
Select Toolbar
Improved Select Related mode to include coordinate systems used as definition coordinate systems
for other selected Coordinate Systems
Improved Select Related mode to include reference nodes on beams when the nodes are related to
elements, properties, or materials
Data Table
Added “Transformed To” capability for listing nodal and elemental output.
Updated using Show When Selected. Entities already chosen will now highlight when Show When
Selected is turned on and un-highlight when turned off.
Entity Editor
Added “Transformed To” capability for displaying nodal output and elemental output.
Added support for Load Definition and Constraint Definition information.
Added support for Rotor Region information.
Added support for Layup ID information.
Status Bar
Added the ability to customize what entity types appear on the Status Bar.
Interfaces - Nastran
Added support for “-2..Automatic(Statics)” for INREL to the PARAM section of the NASTRAN
Bulk Data Options dialog box.
Added support for SUPORT1 to the Boundary Conditions dialog box.
Added support for Fastener elements (CFAST) and properties (PFAST).
Added support for spring/damper elements (CELAS1 and CDAMP1) which use a property
(PELAS and PDAMP). Controlled via the Spring/Damper element formulation.
Added Beam/Bar Cross-Section Dimensions as comments when Nastran input file is written. When
a Nastran file with these comments is imported into FEMAP, the Beam/Bar Cross-Section
Dimensions will be filled-in.
Added support for reading Nastran Free-Field Auto Continuation (long entries with or without
embedded continuation fields and large-field free field).
Added support for reading CMETHOD from the case control
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for triangle and quadrilateral axisymmetric elements (CTRAX3, CTRAX6,
CQUADX4, and CQUADX8), which were new for NX Nastran version 6.
Added option for “Extended Solution Status Monitoring”. Writes SYSTEM(442)=-1 to the *.dat
file. This option is on by default and the feedback it produces is used by the NX Nastran Analysis
Added BOLTFACT to the PARAM section of the NASTRAN Bulk Data Options dialog box.
Added “Gaps as Contact” to the “Plate, Beam, and Rigid” section of the NASTRAN Bulk Data
Options dialog box. Writes out a BCSET entry in Case Control. Also added support for reading
SYSTEM CELL 412 in the System Cell field of the Analysis Manager. This is the override to have
gaps written as normal gaps even when using Contact.
Added Support for CQUADR and CTRIAR Composite Stress and Strain output from the op2.
Added “Large Strain Form” (ULFORM), “Incompatible Mode for 4 Node Shells” (ICMODE),
“Max Disp/Iteration” (MAXDISP), and “Drilling DOF Factor” (DRILLKF) options to the Analysis
Options section of NXSTRAT Solver Parameters dialog box.
Added “Bolt Force Increments” (BOLTSTP), “Convert Dependency to True Stress” (CVSSVAL),
and “Allow Element Rupture” (XTCURVE) options to the Other Parameters section of NXSTRAT
Solver Parameters dialog box.
Added “Line Search Lower Bound” (LSLOWER) and “Line Search Lower Bound” (LSUPPER)
options to the Line Search Setting section of NXSTRAT Iterations and Convergence Parameters
dialog box.
Added “Do not allow Consistent Contact Forces” (TNSLCF) and “Use Old Rigid Target
Algorithm” (RTALG=1) options to the Contact Control section of NXSTRAT Iterations and
Convergence Parameters dialog box.
Changed “Segment Type” (CSTYPE) options from “0..Old” and “1..New” to “0..Linear Contact”
and “1..Element based” in the Contact Control section of NXSTRAT Iterations and Convergence
Parameters dialog box.
Added support for 2-D Contact, usually used in analysis with axisymmetric elements.
Added support for Glued Contact.
Added Contact Control section to NXSTRAT Solver Parameters dialog box. Added “Segment
Type” (CSTYPE) and “Use Old Rigid Target Algorithm” (RTALG=1) to this section.
Added Other Parameters section to NXSTRAT Solver Parameters dialog box. Added “Convert
Dependency to True Stress” (CVSSVAL) and “Allow Element Rupture” (XTCURVE) options to
this section.
Added support for Initial and Final contact separation distance, which were new for version 6.0.
Added reading of the SVDSPC from the Nastran command.
Interfaces - Ansys
Added support for MPC184 rigid beam/link elements. Specified using element Formulation.
Added support for output from rigid elements (Rigid Axial Force, Rigid Y Moment, Rigid Z
Moment, Rigid Y Shear Force, Rigid Z Shear Force, and Rigid Torsional Moment)
Interfaces - DYNA
Added support for 10-noded tetrahedral elements. Also, added “16..10 Node Tetrahedron - EQ 16”
and “17..10 Node Composite Tetrahedron” formulations.
Added support for Rigid and Interpolation elements. Writes
(Interpolation) entries.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for direct geometry import of SolidWorks parts and assemblies. Supports from
SolidWorks 2000 - SolidWorks 2009.
Changed CATIA V5 direct geometry translator. CATIA V5 versions R7 to R18 are supported.
Reading of CATParts and CATProducts created using versions prior to R7 is not supported
Added support for Parasolid 20.0
Added support for Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology (version 21)
Added support for NX 6
Added support for Pro/Engineer Wildfire 4
Added support for ACIS 19, Service Pack 1
Added 3 new patterns to Mesh, Editing, Interactive
Added “Offset from Reference Point” option to Modify, Update Elements, Line Element Offsets.
Added “Spring Elements” option to the Connection Type section of the Mesh, Connect, Unzip and
Mesh, Connect, Coincident Link commands.
Updated Mesh, Remesh, Convert Facets command to include capability to associate facets/nodes
with the original geometry.
Removed “Quad Mesh Layer Options” option from Mesh, Mesh Control, Size on Solid.
Added “Suppress Short Edges” option to Mesh, Mesh Control, Size on Surface.
Removed “Quad Mesh Layer Options” option from Mesh, Mesh Control, Size on Surface. This
capability was improved and is now the Quad Edge Layers “mesh attribute” which can be specified
before meshing using Mesh, Mesh Control, Attribute on Surface or during the meshing process
using Mesh, Geometry, Surface.
Added and updated many options found in the Mesh, Geometry, Surface command.
Added new options for meshing surfaces which have already been meshed.
Added Initial Size Ratio option to the Automesh Solids dialog box.
Updated Adjust Nodal Precision option is to be on by default.
Added Recovery Mesher (Use only if Standard Mesher fails) option to the Solid Automeshing
Options. This option should ONLY be checked if the standard mesher has already failed.
Added Update Data Table with Mesh Quality option to the Solid Automeshing Options.
Updated the feedback sent to the Messages window during tet-meshing. FEMAP will produce
status messages while the tetrahedral meshing is occurring and provide feedback on element
numbers and quality.
Added Offset from Reference Point to Modify, Update Elements, Line Element Offsets
Updated Mesh, Extrude, Element Face command to automatically delete plot-only elements that it
creates on the selected element faces.
Mesh Associativity
Added the Modify, Associativity, Automatic command to attempt to automatically associate
existing mesh to geometry.
Modified the Weld property to be the Weld/Fastener property.
Added switch to specify if the property will used with CWELD (Weld) or CFAST (Fastener)
elements. All Weld property inputs are the same as before.
Added property inputs for CFAST (Fastener) elements.
Check, Coincident Elem...
Added choice between Quick Check (Just Corners) and Full Check.
Added Check Rigid Element option.
Check, Distortion...
Added “Nastran Warping” and “Combined” Element Checks
Added Permanent and Reset buttons to the Check Element Distortions dialog box.
User Interface
Implemented support of the Astroid 3D controller from Spatial Freedom.
Added support to create GIF, Animated GIF, TIFF, and PNG files when using File, Picture, Save
Improved Curve and Surface facetting to more accurately display geometry.
Renamed Weld Elements and Properties to Weld/Fastener
Added automatic database recovery from failure during save (same as manual from File
Preferences, but asks automatically when you start FEMAP)
Added capability when reading files to detect that the file is open and locked by another application
and then give option to Retry or Cancel the read.
Added automatic Window Regenerate to end of Model, Load, Expand and Model, Constraint,
Expand commands.
Improved length-based spacing, distance along, and other length-based curve functions to perform
better when highly nonlinear parametric domains exist on curves.
Removed preference for Autoplot Created/Modified Geometry. FEMAP needs to do this in order to
function properly.
Added preference for XOR Picking Graphics.
Added preference for Dialog Refresh.
Added preference for Block Size.
User Interface
Updated how Load Layout works when loading a layout from an older version of the software into
a newer version. If a *.LAYOUT file is loaded into a newer version of the software, only “Shortcut
Keys” and “User Commands” will be updated, while “Menus and Toolbars” and “Panes” will not.
Added “Construction Geometry - when used” preference.
Added Output Orientation button which accesses the Current Output Orientation dialog box.
Added Element Distortion button which accesses the Element Distortion Preferences dialog box.
Added Pre-v10 Tet Meshing and Pre-v10 Surface Meshing preferences.
Added Improve Single Field Precision option.
Added preference for setting the default color of Combined Curves.
Added preference for Print Debug Messages.
Added NasExecSolutionMonitor, NasBulkInrelVal, NasBulkGapsAsContact, NasBulkBoltFact,
and NasBulkBoltFactVal to AnalysisMgr object
Added NasNXStratMaxDisp, NasNXStratBoltstp, NasNXStratCvssval, NasNXStratXtcurve,
NasNXStratRtalg, NasNXStratTnslcf, NasNXStratDrillkf, NasNXStratLslower, and
NasNXStratLsupper to AnalysisMgr object.
Added InternalToBoundary and InCombinedCurve to Curve object.
Added InternalToBoundary, attrTopology, attrMesher, attrMappedLevel, attrMapSubdivisions,
attrMapEqualOnly, attrMapAltTri, attrMapRightBias, attrMapSplitQuads, attrMapAngleDeviation,
attrMapMinCornerAngle, attrMidsideGeom, attrMidsideAngle, attrMinBetween, attrMaxAspect,
attrQuickCutNodes, attrQuickCutAngle, attrSmoothLaplacian, attrSmoothIter,
attrSmoothTolerance, attrConnectEdgeNodes, attrConnectEdgeNodeTol, attrOffsetFrom,
attrInitialized, and attrPostMeshCleanup to Surface object
Added RotateCSys, TransformDeformMode, TransformDeformCSys, TransformDeformX,
TransformDeformY, TransformDeformZ, TransformNodalMode, TransformNodalCSys,
TransformPlateMode, TransformPlateCSys, TransformPlateDOF, vTransformPlateVector,
TransformPlateVector, TransformSolidMode, and TransformSolidCSys to View object.
Added Info_OrientSolidIsoOutput, Info_OrientSolidAnisoOutput, Info_OrientSolidHyperOutput,
Info_OrientTria3StressOuput, Info_OrientTria3StrainOuput, Info_OrientTria3ForceOuput,
Info_OrientTria6StressOuput, Info_OrientTria6StrainOuput, Info_OrientTria6ForceOuput,
Info_OrientQuad4StressOuput, Info_OrientQuad4StrainOuput, Info_OrientQuad4ForceOuput,
Info_OrientQuad8StressOuput, Info_OrientQuad8StrainOuput, Info_OrientQuad8ForceOuput to
the Global Properties of the main FEMAP application object.
Added Pref_ReadTabSize, PickBoundaryInternalMode, and PickCombinedCurveInternalMode to
the Global Properties of the main FEMAP application object.
Added SelectID, NextInSet, FirstInSet, and Count methods to the Common Entity Properties object
Added OutputVectors method to the OutputSet object
Added AnalyzeMultiple method to AnalysisMgr object
Added GetMeshLoc, GetMeshLocXYZ, IsSmoothEdge, Surfaces, SurfacesAsSet, ElementsAsSet,
NodesAsSet, Normal, IsCombinedCurve, GetCombinedCurves, CombineCurves,
CombineCurvesAsSet, and Facets methods to Curve object
Added AddOutput method to DataTable object
Added GetCentroid, GetEdgeNodes, GetFaceNodes, and IsParabolic methods to Elem object
Added Add method to Group object
Added GetPly, SetPly, GetAllPly, and SetAllPly methods to Layup object
Added InCombinedCurve, NodesAsSet, Curves, CurvesAsSet, and SurfacesAsSet methods to
Point object
Added SharedDelete, JumpToEnd, Size, Time Created, TimeWritten, and TimeAccessed methods
to Read object
Added RemoveNotCommon, RemoveNotCommonToGroup, RemoveGroup, Debug, IsSetAdded,
ConvertToAllSurfaces, ConvertToBoundarySurfaces, ConvertToBoundarySurfacesOnly,
ConvertToInternalSurfaces, ConvertToAllCurves, ConvertToCombinedCurves,
ConvertToCombinedCurvesOnly, ConvertToInternalCurves, IsArrayAdded, HasCommon, and
RemoveArray methods to Set object
Added CurvesAsSet, SurfacesAsSet, ElementsAsSet, and NodesAsSet methods to Solid object
Added Current method to Sort object
Added NormalAtXYZ, NormalBox, BoundarySurfaces, AdjacentSurfaces,
BoundarySurfacesAsSet, AdjacentSurfacesAsSet, CurvesAsSet, PointsAsSet, EndPointsAsSet,
ElementsAsSet, NodesAsSet, and Solid methods to Surface object.
Updated Curves and Surfaces methods of Solid Object.
Updated Curves and Points methods of Surface Object.
Added feAppModelDefragment
Added feGetElementEdges
Added feElementFreeEdge
Added feElementFreeFace
Added feSurfaceNormalDeviation
Added feAddToolbarSubmenuSubmenu
Added feBoundaryAddSurfaces
Added feCoordVectorPlaneIntersect
Added feSurfaceConvert
Added feGroupMoveToLayer
Added feBoundaryFromPoints
Added feAutoMeshAssociativity
Added feSolidStitchNoCleanup
Added feAppVersion
Modified feFilePictureSave to support new file types available in File, Picture, Save.
Modified feOutputTransform to support new options available in Model, Output, Transform.
Modified feRenumber to allow renumbering of Layups, Connectors, Regions, Connection
Properties, Functions, Analysis Sets, and Layers.
Modified feDelete to allow deleting of Layups, Analysis Sets in the Analysis Manager, Connection
Properties, and Connectors.
Corrected problem that caused a hidden FEMAP process to remain after you exited with File, Exit
command if you were using network licensing and did not have a valid license. FEMAP was
checking for a license during exit and hung the process.
Analysis Manager
Fixed problem when a Nastran Static Analysis Set is created, then the Analysis Type is changed to
Normal Modes. FEMAP was not removing the Load Set and Initial Conditions boundary
conditions, which are not available for Normal Modes analysis.
Entity Editor
Corrections to entries in Editor Help for Nastran.
Fixed problem editing a RSPLINE element from Entity Editor, where the element lists were being
Fixed problem editing a Geometric Boundary Condition from the Load Definition.
Program File
Stopped remembering "Previous Commands" while program file is running, so "Previous
Command" reruns program if run from toolbar.
Multi-select list boxes did not properly record/playback if a pick was made to clear the box after a
selection was made and focus changed. This occurred in commands like Model, Load, Combine
where more load sets and factors where repeatedly picked without leaving the dialog.
Interfaces - FEMAP Neutral
Fixed error FEMAP v9.3+ unable to read neutral files from versions between v4.1 and v5.0 if they
contained laminate properties.
Only write TMG records to neutral file when writing the analysis model (not geometry model) and
only if no group
Interfaces - Nastran
Fixed problem requesting Random output. Added support for NX5.0 and MSC 2004 NORPRINT,
RPRINT, RPUNCH. This caused problems in FEMAP since random output was written to the f06
file, which causes Femap to skip reading of the op2 file completely.
Fixed problems reading the op2 file when unsupported composite output existed. FEMAP
sometimes could skip supported output in addition to the unsupported output.
Enhanced FEMAP to support reading up to 50,000 time steps from the f06 and now issues a error
when exceeding the number of supports steps.
Changed entry length limit from MAX_STR_LEN to 1000.
Fixed problem when skipping the UM field on RBE3's.
Fixed problem reading AUTOSPC,NO that caused Femap to write out two AUTOSPC entries
when file was exported out again.
Corrected reading of PCOMP if all plies are specified in a single column. Previously aborted
reading as soon as it encountered a missing ply.
Corrected several issues with checksum on Nastran files when using INCLUDE files - had a
problem with spaces at the front or back of a line, tabs and blank lines.
Corrected reading of Nastran OP2 file from Design Optimization analyses. Previously some results
data could be missed.
Fixed problem when writing only entities in a group to Nastran. No geometry based BC we being
Fixed problem writing Design Optimization constraints for CTRIA elements.
Corrected problem reading op2 files with time steps smaller than 1E-7. Changed to 1E-15, so
FEMAP can read the time steps it can write.
Fixed reading of PWELD elements which were reading properly, but issuing error messages
indicating they had been skipped.
Fixed problem writing LOAD card. When applying only a GRAV load an extra load field was
written on the LOAD entry.
Fixed problem where density for MAT4, MAT5, MATHP, MATHE, MAT10 were not being
converted with WTMASS during import of Nastran files.
Corrected problem where Femap was incorrectly reading End B of a PBEAML.
Added error if Initial Yield Stress was zero for a plastic material using Von Mises or Tresca
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Fixed problem where Femap was incorrectly finding ADINA messages C O R R E S P O N D I N
G D I S P L A C E M E N T and L O A D V E C T O R M U L T I P L I E R in the f06 and
causing the op2 to fail to read.
Fixed problem in SOL 701, where TSTEP was not written when only an Initial Conditions
boundary conditions set was chosen.
Fixed problem writing BOLTFOR in SOL 601. FEMAP was using the dynamic loads set rather
than the one specific to bolt load, which is setup when writing the case control.
Fixed problem writing BCTPARM entry. REFINE and INIPENE were being written to the glue set.
Only affected BCTPARM when no other options were written.
Changed reading of NXN results. The output destination defined in the analysis case will now be
used to determine where FEMAP should read results from. Warnings will still be read from f06 but
if PRINT is not explicitly selected then results will be read from other output files regardless if any
valid output exists in f06 file, expect XY PRINT data, which will still be read.
Suppressed writing of METHOD field of TSTEPNL.
Interfaces - Ansys
Corrected problem writing Transient, NLTransient, Transient heat transfer and Frequency response.
A solve command was being written at the end of these solutions which cased Ansys to sometime
overwrite the good results that were calculated from the analysis.
Corrected a problem writing elemental convection loads, where the bulk temperature was written to
the wrong face.
Fixed problem reading Ansys elements when no real constants were required for that element type.
Interfaces - Abaqus
Fixed problem reading element continuation lines when the data line contained a single fixed
format item.
Corrected listing of Geometry loads to list in definition CSys instead of global CSys
Corrected "Curve using Point" listing method to work properly for all solid curves. Previously,
only selected curves that referenced points in the point list.
Corrected problem that caused listing of Constraint Definitions to fail if you had the List,
Destination set to Printer.
Loads and Boundary Conditions
Fixed problem setting nodal output Csys to 1 or 2 for constraint expansion when Arbitrary in CSys
option is used.
Fixed problem when multiple Constraint Definitions were defined on the same geometric entity.
Constraints are deleted but the Constraint Definition was not updated.
Fixed problem expanding nodal temperatures with a data surface. If load evaluated to zero it was
not being saved properly.
Fixed problem editing face of a Surface Load from the Load Definition.
Fixed problem where a mesh consisting of parabolic beams is created, then converted to linear
elements. The converted linear beams would not be written to NX Nastran.
Corrected an issue introduced in v9.3.1 that prevented Modify, Move By, Offset Element from
Check, Coincident Curves
Updated Tools, Check, Coincident Curves command to properly renumber boundary surfaces and
update the reversed state when they contain curves that are being merged. Previously the
boundaries were deleted.
User Interface
Corrected a problem that could leave the progress bar displayed after aborting a mesh on a bad
Fixed Element checking to automatically zero extra nodes if fixup is allowed - previously
prevented copying rigid elements that had a second node set.
Expanded width of strings allowable in error, Print... so long errors like in Measure Distance do not
get truncated.
Removed error messages for zero length elements that are valid for that element type
Stop ESC key from ending Message Boxes that dont have the Cancel button - previously ended
Yes/No boxes with Yes.
Modified custom tools menu so that it processes like a regular command and the tree gets updated
Fixed a problem when a user chooses a new library. If the library fails to load because it is the
wrong type Femap was still saving the bad library path to the preferences.
Corrected a problem with API method feRenumber and feRenumberOpt when you tried to
renumber Solids or Volumes that would corrupt the database (did not renumber the Solid_Volume
Corrected GetTitleIDList so that it can retrieve the global coordinate system IDs and titles.
Corrected problem in DataTable API that created extra rows if you called AddColumn with
duplicate IDs in the array that you passed.
Corrected problem with feMoveTo. New coordinates were previously required to be in Global
Coordinates, not in the specified coordinate system as documented.
Fixed API problem where the Set object did not persist in some cases when using the select or add
Fixed several problems which caused the Outline property (shape of the beam property when using
a General Cross-Section) of the Property object to not work.
Fixed problem in feMoveOffset that caused it to fail if you did not use Set 1.