Compressive Strength of Pervious Concrete
Compressive Strength of Pervious Concrete
Compressive Strength of Pervious Concrete
[Recognized by A.I.C.T.E., Affiliated to J.N.T.U., Anantapur]
The is to certify that the project report entitled “IMPROVEMENT OF COMPRESSIVE
G.AJITH KUMAR (13711A0122)
Finally, we like to thank our parents, friends and the people who directly and
indirectly helped us for the successful completion of project.
Project Associates
Pervious concrete is a special type of concrete, which consists of cement, coarse aggregates,
water and if required, admixtures and other cementitious materials. As there are no fine aggregates used
in the concrete matrix, the void content is more which allows the water to flow through its body. So the
pervious concrete is also called as Permeable concrete and Porous concrete.
There is lot of research work is going in the field of pervious concrete. The compressive
strength of pervious concrete is less when compared to the conventional concrete due to its porosity and
voids. Hence, the usage of pervious concrete is limited even though it has lot of advantages. If the
compressive strength and flexural strength of pervious concrete is increased, then it can be used for
more number of applications. For now, the usage of pervious concrete is mostly limited to light traffic
roads only. If the properties are improved, then it can also be used for medium and heavy traffic rigid
pavements also. Along with that, the pervious concrete eliminates surface runoff of storm water,
facilitates the ground water recharge and makes the effective usage of available land.
The main aim of our project is to improve the strength characteristics of pervious concrete. But
it can be noted that with increase in strength, the permeability of pervious concrete will be reduced.
Hence, the improvement of strength should not affect the permeability property because it is the
property which serves its purpose.
1.1 Introduction:
Pervious concrete which is also known as the no-fines, porous, gap-graded, and
permeable concrete and Enhance porosity concrete have been found to be a reliable storm
water management tool. By definition, pervious concrete is a mixture of gravel or granite
stone, cement, water, little to no sand (fine aggregate). When pervious concrete is used for
paving, the open cell structures allow storm water to filter through the pavement and into the
underlying soils. In other words, pervious concrete helps in protecting the surface of the
pavement and its environment.
As stated above, pervious concrete has the same basic constituents as conventional
concrete, 15 -30% of its volume consists of interconnected void network, which allows water
to pass through the concrete. Pervious concrete can allow the passage of 11.35-18.97 liters of
water per minute through its open cells for each square foot (0.0929m2) of surface area which
is far greater than most rain occurrences. Apart from being used to eliminate or reduce the
need for expensive retention ponds, developers and other private companies are also using it
to free up valuable real estate for development, while still providing a paved park.
void structure provides pollutant captures which also add significant structural strength as
well. It also results in a very high permeable concrete that drains quickly.
Pervious concrete can be used in a wide range of applications, although its primary
use is in pavements which are in: residential roads, alleys and driveways, low volume
pavements, low water crossings, sidewalks and pathways, parking areas, tennis courts, slope
stabilisation, sub-base for conventional concrete pavements etc.,
Figure1.2: Pervious concrete beam
Figur1.3: water flowing through pervious concrete cube
Pervious Concrete has been around for hundreds of years. The Europeans recognized
the insulating properties in structural pervious concrete for their buildings. Europeans have
also used pervious concrete for paving. Stories passed down through the years tell us that
soldiers didn’t mind walking on pervious roads during World War II because it meant their
feet would be dry.
Pervious was brought to the United States after World War II. It first showed up in
Florida and other southern coastal states. Slowly it has migrated to the other states where it
has met different successes. As with any new product, it has had to prove itself. Many well
intended ready mix producers have produced the product and many well intended contractors
have placed the product. Some did well, others did not. As it is true with any material and
construction technique, there is a science to it and a best way to conduct the construction.
Education and experience is the key to success. The coastal states have experienced pervious
concrete for over 20 years. The hesitation to move into the Midwest and Northern States was
mainly due to freeze/thaw concerns. Now that those concerns are no longer considered a
problem, the product has moved quickly across the United States.
In the 1990’s the U.S. Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) came out with
the Clean Water Act (CWA), that later led to other phases of implementation to preserve the
waterways from stormwater borne pollutants. EPA identifies “stormwater runoff is generated
when precipitation from rain and snowmelt events flow over land or impervious surfaces and
does not percolate into the ground. As the runoff flows over the land or impervious surfaces
(paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops), it accumulates debris, chemicals,
sediment or other pollutants that could adversely affect water quality if the runoff is
discharged untreated. The primary method to control stormwater discharges is the use of best
management practices (BMPs).” ( Pervious concrete is one of many BMP’s
recognized by the EPA as well as our local American Public Works Association (APWA) and
the Mid America Regional Council (MARC). Basically, it requires the developer/owner to
keep as much stormwater on property as possible. If stormwater leaves the property it must
leave cleaner and cooler than before. Pervious concrete allows for the filtering/cleaning and
detainment of stormwater.
1.3 General Properties of Pervious Concrete:
The freeze thaw resistance of pervious concrete can be enhanced by the following measures
1. Use of fine aggregates to increase strength and slightly reduce voids content to about 20%.
3. Use of a perforated PVC pipe in the aggregate base to capture all the water and let it drain
away below the pavement. Abrasion and ravelling could be a problem. Good curing practices
and appropriate w/cm (not too low) is important to reduce ravelling. Where as severe
ravelling is unacceptable some loose stones on a finished pavement is always expected. Use
of snow ploughs could increase ravelling. A plastic or rubber shield at the base of the plough
blade may help to prevent damage to the pavement.
Efforts to reduce runoff include zoning ordinances and regulations that reduce the amount of
impervious surfaces in new developments (including parking and roof areas), increased green
space requirements, and implementation of “stormwater utility districts” that levy an impact
fee on a property owner based on the amount of impervious area. Efforts to reduce the level
of pollution from stormwater include requirements for developers to provide systems that
collect the “first flush” of rainfall, usually about 25 mm, and “treat” the pollution prior to
release. Pervious concrete pavement reduces or eliminates runoff and permits “treatment” of
pollution: two studies conducted on the long-term pollutant removal in porous pavements
suggest high pollutant removal rates. By capturing the first flush of rainfall and allowing it to
percolate into the ground, soil chemistry and biology are allowed to “treat” the polluted water
naturally. Thus, stormwater retention areas may be reduced or eliminated, allowing increased
land use. Furthermore, by collecting rainfall and allowing it to infiltrate, groundwater and
aquifer recharge is increased, peak water flow through drainage channels is reduced and
flooding is minimized. In fact, the EPA named pervious pavements as a BMP for stormwater
pollution prevention (EPA 1999) because they allow fluids to percolate into the soil. Another
important factor leading to renewed interest in pervious concrete is an increasing emphasis on
sustainable construction. Because of its benefits in controlling stormwater runoff and
pollution prevention, pervious concrete has the potential to help earn a credit point in the U.S.
Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Green
Building Rating System, increasing the chance to obtain LEED project certification. This
credit is in addition to other LEED credits that may be earned through the use of concrete for
its other environmental benefits, such as reducing heat island effects recycled content and
regional materials. The light colour of concrete pavements absorbs less heat from solar
radiation than darker pavements, and the relatively open pore structure of pervious concrete
stores less heat, helping to lower heat island effects in urban areas. Trees planted in parking
lots and city sidewalks offer shade and produce a cooling effect in the area, further reducing
heat island effects. Pervious concrete pavement is ideal for protecting trees in a paved
environment. (Many plants have difficulty growing in areas covered by impervious
pavements, sidewalks and landscaping, because air and water have difficulty getting to the
roots.) Pervious concrete pavements or sidewalks allow adjacent trees to receive more air and
water and still permit full use of the pavement pervious concrete provides a solution for
landscapers and architects who wish to use greenery in parking lots and paved urban areas.
Although high-traffic pavements are not a typical use for pervious concrete, concrete surfaces
also can improve safety during rainstorms by eliminating ponding (and glare at night),
spraying, and risk of hydroplaning.
1.5 Major applications of pervious concrete:
Low-volume pavements
Parking areas
Tennis courts
Slope stabilization
Well linings
Hydraulic structures
Noise barriers
2.1 Background:
Portland cement pervious concrete (PCPC) has great potential to reduce roadway
noise, improve splash and spray, and improve friction as a surface wearing course. A
pervious concrete mix design for a surface wearing course must meet the criteria of adequate
strength and durability under site-specific loading and environmental conditions. To date, two
key issues that have impeded the use of pervious concrete in the United States are that
strengths of pervious concrete have been lower than necessary for required applications and
the freeze-thaw durability of pervious concrete has been suspect. A research project on the
freeze-thaw durability of pervious concrete mix designs at Iowa State University (ISU) has
recently been completed (Schaefer et al. 2006). The results of this study have shown that a
strong, durable pervious concrete mix design that will withstand wet, hard- freeze
environments is possible. The strength is achieved through the use of a small amount of fine
aggregate (i.e., concrete sand) and/or latex admixture to enhance the particle-to-particle bond
in the mix. The preliminary results were reported in Kevern et al. (2005).
The recent work has been limited to laboratory testing and to only a few mixes using
two sources of aggregates. Preliminary laboratory testing has shown the importance of
compaction energy on the properties and performance of the mixes, an issue that has direct
bearing on the construction technique used to place the materials in the field. Tests conducted
in Purdue University’s Tire-Pavement Test Apparatus showed reduced noise levels above
1,000 hertz (Hz) and some increase in noise levels below 1,000 Hz. The increased porosity of
pervious concrete increased mechanical excitation and interaction between the tire and
pavement at frequencies below about 1,000 Hz and at frequencies above about 1,000 Hz; the
air pumping mechanics that dominate at such frequencies are relieved by the increased
porosity leading to decreased high-frequency noise levels.
The American experience with pervious concrete is limited. It is important to ascertain what
material elements can be included in the pervious mix design to address the ravelling and
clogging issues. If winter maintenance elements and concerns cannot be overcome, pervious
concrete may be able to be used in warm weather regions
A recent National CP Tech Centre report titled Mix Design Development for Pervious
Concrete in Cold Weather Climates (Schaefer et al. 2006) provides a summary of the
available literature concerning the construction materials, material properties, surface
characteristics, pervious pavement design, construction, maintenance, and environmental
issues for PCPC. The primary goal of the research conducted was to develop a pervious
concrete that would provide freeze- thaw resistance while maintaining adequate strength and
permeability for pavement applications.
The key findings from the literature review can be summarized as follows: The
engineering properties reported in the literature from the United States indicate a high void
ratio, low strength, and limited freeze-thaw test results. It is believed that these reasons have
hindered the use of pervious concrete in the hard wet freeze regions (i.e., Midwest and
Northeast United States). The typical mix design of pervious concrete used in the United
States consists of cement, single-sized coarse aggregate (i.e., between 25mm and 100mm),
and water to cement ratio ranging from 0.27 to 0.43. The 28-day compressive strength of
pervious concrete ranges from 5 to 20 MPa, with a void ratio ranging from 14% to 31% and a
permeability ranging from 0.025 to 0.6 cm/sec. The advantages of pervious concrete include
improving skid resistance by removing water that creates splash and spray during
precipitation events, reducing noise, minimizing heat islands in large cities, preserving native
ecosystems, and minimizing cost in some cases. Surface coarse pervious concrete pavement
systems have been reported to be used in Europe and Japan. Studies have shown that pervious
concrete generally produces a quieter than normal concrete with noise levels ranging from
3% to 10% lower than those of normal concrete.
The research conducted at ISU included studies of the materials used in the pervious
concrete, the mix proportions and specimen preparation, the resulting strength and
permeability, and the effects of freeze-thaw cycling. A variety of aggregate sizes was tested
and both limestone aggregates and river run gravels were used. The key parameters
investigated were strength, permeability, and freeze-thaw resistance. It can be seen that as the
void ratio increases, the strength decreases but the permeability increases. Shown in the
figure is a target range of void ratio between 15% and 19% in which the strength and
permeability are sufficient for the intended purpose. Subsequent freeze-thaw tests showed
that a durable mix can be developed is Key to the development of a mix that would provide
sufficient strength, adequate permeability, and freeze-thaw resistance was the addition of a
small amount of sand, about 5% to 7%, that increased the bonding of the paste to the
The laboratory studies also raised the issue of compaction energy on the results. The
difference between the compaction energies related to the amplitude of the vibrating pan,
while the frequency was constant. The results of comparisons of two compaction energies
used in the laboratory, and it can be seen that higher compaction energy results in stronger
mixes at given void ratios. These results point to the importance of proper compaction in the
field. A number of field sites have also been investigated and the results are reported in the
master’s thesis by Kevern (2006). Samples from a Sioux City, Iowa site showed more
uniform compaction in the top 150mm, with low compaction causing high voids and low
strength in the bottom layer. A mix proposed for a site in North Liberty, Iowa showed that
limestone mixes with unit weight less than 2000kg/m3 can be freeze-thaw resistant.
3.1.1 CEMENT:
Cement is a key to infrastructure industry and is used for various purposes and also
made in many compositions for a wide variety of uses. Cements may be named after the
principal constituents, after the intended purpose, after the object to which they are applied or
after their characteristic property. Cement used in construction are sometimes named after
their commonly reported place of origin, such as Roman cement, or for their resemblance to
other materials, such as Portland cement, which produces a concrete resembling the Portland
stone used for building in Britain. The term cement is derived from the Latin word
Caementum, which is meant stone chippings such as used in Roman mortar not-the binding
material itself. Cement, in the general sense of the word, described as a material with
adhesive and cohesive properties, which make it capable of bonding mineral fragments in to a
compact whole. The first step of reintroduction of cement after decline of the Roman Empire
was in about 1790, when an Englishman, J.Smeaton, found that when lime containing a
certain amount of clay was burnt, it would set under water. This cement resembled that which
had been made by the Romans. Further investigations by J. Parker in the same decade led to
the commercial production of natural hydraulic cement.
Figure3.1: Ordinary Portland cement
These compounds interact with one another in the kiln to form a series of more
complex products. Portland cement is varied in type by changing the relative proportions of
its four predominant chemical compounds and by the degree of fineness of the clinker
A small variation in the composition or proportion of its raw materials leads to a large
variation in compound composition Calculation of the potential composition of Portland
cement is generally based on the Bogue composition (R.H Bogue). In addition to the main
compounds, there exist minor compounds such as MgO, TiO2, K2O and Na2O; they usually
amount to not more than a few percent of the mass of the cement. Two of the minor
compounds are of particular interest: the oxides of sodium and potassium known as the
alkalis. They have been found to react with some aggregates, the products of the reaction
causing disintegration of the concrete and have also observed to affect the rate of gain of
strength of cement. Present knowledge of cement chemistry indicates that the major cement
compounds have the following properties.
Tricalcium Silicate, C3S hardens rapidly and is largely responsible for initial set and
early strength development. The early strength of Portland cement concrete is higher
with increased percentages of C3S.
Dicalcium Silicate, C2S hardens slowly and contributes largely to strength increase at
ages beyond one week.
Tricalcium aluminate, C3A liberates a large amount of heat during the first days of
hardening. It also contributes slightly for early strength development. Cements with
low percentages of this compound are especially resistant to soils and waters
containing sulphates. Concrete made of Portland cement with C3A contents as high as
10.0%, and sometimes greater, has shown satisfactory durability, provided the
permeability of the concrete is low.
Tetracalcium Alumina ferrite, C4AF reduces the clinkering temperature. It will act
as a flux in burning the clinker. It hydrates rather rapidly but contributes very little to
strength development. Most colour effects are due to C4AF series and its hydrates.
The compounds Tricalcium aluminate and Tricalcium silicate develop the greatest
heat, then follows Tetracalcium alumino ferrite, with dicalcium silicate developing the
least heat of all.
In our project work, we have used Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) of grade 53. It is
a higher strength cement to meet the needs of the consumer for higher strength concrete. As
per BIS requirements the minimum 28 days compressive strength of 53 Grade OPC should
not be less than 53 MPa. For certain specialised works, such as pre stressed concrete and
certain items of precast concrete requiring consistently high strength concrete, the use of 53
grade OPC is found very useful. 53 grade OPC produces higher-grade concrete at very
economical cement content. In concrete mix design, for concrete M-20 and above grades a
saving of 8 to 10 % of cement may be achieved with the use of 53 grade OPC. Ordinary
Portland Cement (OPC) 53 Grade should surpass the requirements of IS: 12269-1987 Grade.
It is produced by inter grinding of high grade clinker (with high C3S content) and right
quality gypsum in predetermined proportions. It is recognized for its high early strength and
excellent ultimate strength because of its optimum particle size distribution, superior
crystalline structure and balanced phase composition and hence widely used and suitable for
speedy construction, durable concrete and economic concrete mix designs.
18 Advantages:
Development of very high compressive strength in early stages helps in early de-
Durable Concrete
Low percentage of alkalies, chlorides, magnesia and free lime results in longer life of
concrete structures.
Aggregates were first considered to simply be filler for concrete to reduce the amount
of cement required. However, it is now known that the type of aggregate used for concrete
can have considerable effects on the plastic and hardened state properties of concrete. They
can form 80% of the concrete mix so their properties are crucial to the properties of concrete.
Aggregates can be broadly classified into four different categories: these are heavyweight,
normal weight, lightweight and ultra-lightweight aggregates. However in most concrete
practices only normal weight and lightweight aggregates are used. The other types of
aggregates are for specialist uses, such as nuclear radiation shielding provided by
heavyweight concrete and thermal insulation using lightweight concrete.
The alternative used in the manufacture of good quality concrete, is to obtain the
aggregate in at least two size groups, i.e.:
Fine aggregate often called sand which are less than 4.75mm in size.
Coarse aggregate, which comprises material greater than 4.75mm in size.
On the other hand, there are some properties possessed by the aggregate but absent in the
parent rock: particle shape and size, surface texture, and absorption. All these properties have
a considerable influence on the quality of the concrete, either in fresh or in the hardened state.
It has been found that aggregate may appear to be unsatisfactory on some count but no
trouble need be experienced when it is used in concrete
By selecting different sizes and types of aggregates and different ratios of aggregate
to cement ratios, a wide range of concrete can be produced economically to suit different
requirements. Important properties of an aggregate which affect the performance of a
concrete are discussed as follows: Sampling:
20 Particle shape and texture:
Roundness measures the relative sharpness or angularity of the edges and corners of a
particle. Roundness is controlled largely by the strength and abrasion resistance of the parent
rock and by the amount of wear to which the particle has been subjected. In the case of
crushed aggregate, the particle shape depends not only on the nature of the parent rock but
also on the type of crusher and its reduction ratio, i.e. the ratio of the size of material fed into
the crusher to the size of the finished product. Particles with a high ratio of surface area to
volume are also of particular interest for a given workability of the control mix. Elongated
and flaky particles are departed from equi-dimensional shape of particles and have a larger
surface area and pack in an isotropic manner.
Flaky particles affect the durability of concrete, as the particles tend to be oriented in
one plane, with bleeding water and air voids forming underneath. The flakiness and
elongation tests are useful for general assessment of aggregate but they do not adequately
describe the particle shape. The presence of elongated particles in excess of 10 to 15% of the
mass of coarse aggregate is generally undesirable, but no recognized limits are laid down
.Surface texture of the aggregate affects its bond to the cement paste and also influence the
water demand of the mix, especially in the case of fine aggregate. The shape and surface
texture of aggregate influence considerably the strength of concrete. The effects of shape and
texture are particularly significant in the case of high strength concrete.
The full role of shape and texture of aggregate in the development of concrete
strength is not known, but possibly a rougher texture results in a larger adhesive force
between the particles and the cement matrix. The shape and texture of fine aggregate have a
significant effect on the water requirement of the mix made with the given aggregate. If these
properties of fine aggregate are expressed indirectly by its packing, i.e. by the percentage
voids in a loose condition, then the influence on the water requirement is quite definite. The
influence of the voids in coarse aggregate is less definite. Flakiness and shape of coarse
aggregates have an appreciable effect on the workability of concrete.
21 Bond of aggregate:
Bond between aggregate and cement paste is an important factor in the strength of
concrete, but the nature of bond is not fully understood. Bond is to the interlocking of the
aggregate and the hydrated cement paste due to the roughness of the surface of the former. A
rougher surface, such as that of crushed particles, results in a better bond due to mechanical
interlocking; better bond is not usually obtained with softer, porous, and minor logically
heterogeneous particles. Bond is affected by the physical and chemical properties of
aggregate. For good development of bond, it is necessary that the aggregate surface be clean
and free from adhering clay particles .The determination of the quality of bond of aggregate
is difficult and no accepted tests exist. Generally, when bond is good, a crushed specimen of
normal strength concrete should contain some aggregate particles broken right through, in
addition to the more numerous ones pulled out from their sockets. An excess of fractured
particles, might suggest that the aggregate is too weak.
The compressive strength of concrete cannot significantly exceed that of the major
part of the aggregate contained. If the aggregate under test leads to a lower compressive
strength of concrete, and in particular if numerous individual aggregate particles appear
fractured after the concrete specimen has been crushed, then the strength of the aggregate is
lower than the nominal compressive strength of the concrete mix. Such aggregate can be used
only in a concrete of lower strength. The influence of aggregate on the strength of concrete is
not only due to the mechanical strength of the aggregate but also, to a considerable degree, to
its absorption and bond characteristics. In general, the strength of aggregate depends on its
composition, texture and structure. Thus a low strength may be due to the weakness of
constituent grains or the grains may be strong but not well knit or cemented together. A test
to measure the compressive strength of prepared rock cylinders used to be prescribed.
However, the results of such a test are affected by the presence of planes of weakness in the
rock that may not be significant once the rock has been reduced to the size used in concrete.
In essence the crushing strength test measures the quality of the parent rock rather than the
quality of the aggregate as used in concrete. For this reason the test is rarely used. Crushing
value test BIS: 812-1990, measures the resistance to pulverization. There is no obvious
physical relation between this crushing value and the compressive strength, but the results of
the two tests are usually in agreement.
22 Deleterious substances of aggregate:
The actual grading requirements depend on the shape and surface characteristics of
the particles. For instance, sharp angular particles with rough surfaces should have a slightly
finer grading in order to reduce the possibility of interlocking and to compensate for the high
friction between the particles
Extending the grading of aggregate to a larger maximum size lowers the water
requirement of the mix, so that, for a specified workability and cement content, the water
/cement ratio can be lowered with a consequent increase in strength. Experimental results
indicated that above the 38.1mm maximum size the gain in strength due to the reduced water
requirement is offset by the detrimental effects of lower bond area of discontinuities
introduced by the very large particles. In structural concrete of usual proportions, there is no
advantage in using aggregate with a maximum size greater than about 25 or 40mm when
compressive strength is a criterion.
The standard type aggregate for use in pervious concrete is typically crushed stone or
river gravel. Typical sizes are from 10mm to 25mm. (Tennis et al 2004). Fine aggregates are
either used sparingly or removed altogether from the mix design. It has been shown that using
smaller aggregates increases the compressive strength of pervious concrete by providing a
tighter bond between coarse aggregate and cement. Using fine aggregates in the mix design
of pervious concrete will also decrease the void space (Tennis et al 2004). Increasing the
percent amount of larger aggregates will increase the void ratio in pervious concrete, but will
decrease the compressive strength. Using recycled aggregates has also been researched. Four
mix designs were studied using 15%, 30%, 50%, and 100% recycled aggregates and
compared to the virgin pervious concrete samples. It was found that samples containing 15%
or less recycled aggregates exhibited almost identical characteristic to the virgin sample.
The size of the aggregate also has an important role in pervious concrete. While a 20mm
aggregate size allows for greater void space, a 20mm aggregate improves the workability.
The use of 10mm aggregate can decrease settling and workability. Recent studies have also
found that pervious concrete with smaller aggregates had higher compressive strength. It was
noted that the smaller aggregate sizes allowed for more cementitious material to bind around
the aggregate and hence allowed for greater contact between the aggregate/binder
Figure3.4: Relationships between Fine Aggregate and Porosity/Compressive
3.1.3 WATER:
While any potable water can be used for mixing, the amount of water is critical for the
formation of the voids in pervious concrete. Water-to-cement ratios can range from 0.27 to
0.30 with ratios as high as 0.40. Careful control of water is critical. A mix design with little
water can create a very weak binder. This will create a very dry mix that is susceptible to
spalling and crumbling. A mix design with too much water can collapse the void space,
making an almost impenetrable concrete surface (NRMCA 2004).
As seen in Figure, the specimen in Figure (a) has too little water, the specimen in
Figure (b) has the correct amount of water, and the specimen in Figure (c) has too much
A study done by Meininger (1998) demonstrated the relationship between
compressive strength and water-to-cement ratio. The optimal w/c ratio with the highest
compressive strength was found to be between 0.3 and 0.35. Lower w/c ratios provide poor
cohesion between the aggregates. Higher w/c ratios reduce the tensile capacity by the
introduction of capillary pores.
Figure 3.6: graph showing relation between w/c ratio and compressive strength of
concrete (Meininger, 1998)
SCM includes fly ash, pozzolans, and slag can be added to the cement. These
influence concrete performance, setting time, rate of strength development, porosity,
permeability, etc., The key to high-performance concrete is the use of SCMs. Silica fume, fly
ash, and blast furnace slag all increase durability by decreasing permeability and cracking
In our project work, we have used fly ash and rice husk ash and mixture of both fly ash
and rice husk ash as the partial replacement of cement in the quantities of 10% of cement.
Fly ash, also known as "pulverised fuel ash", is one of the coal combustion products,
composed of the fine particles that are driven out of the boiler with the flue gases. Ash
that falls in the bottom of the boiler is called bottom ash. In modern coal-fired power
plants, fly ash is generally captured by electrostatic precipitators or other particle
filtration equipment before the flue gases reach the chimneys. Together with bottom
ash removed from the bottom of the boiler, it is known as coal ash. Depending upon the
source and makeup of the coal being burned, the components of fly ash vary
considerably, but all fly ash includes substantial amounts of silicon dioxide (SiO2)
(both amorphous and crystalline), aluminium oxide (Al2O3) and calcium oxide (CaO), the
main mineral compounds in coal-bearing rock strata.
In the past, fly ash was generally released into the atmosphere, but air pollution
control standards now require that it be captured prior to release by fitting pollution
control equipment. In the US, fly ash is generally stored at coal power plants or placed in
landfills. About 43% is recycled, often used as a pozzolan to produce hydraulic
cement or hydraulic plaster and a replacement or partial replacement for Portland
cement in concrete production. Pozzolans ensure the setting of concrete and plaster and
provide concrete with more protection from wet conditions and chemical attack.
After a long regulatory process, the EPA published a final ruling in December 2014,
which establishes that coal fly ash is regulated on the federal level as "non-hazardous"
waste according to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Coal
Combustion Residuals (CCR's) are listed in the subtitle D (rather than under subtitle C
dealing for hazardous waste, which was also considered).
In the case that fly or bottom ash is not produced from coal, for example when solid
waste is used to produce electricity in an incinerator, this kind of ash may contain higher
levels of contaminants than coal ash. In that case the ash produced is often classified as
hazardous waste.
Fly ash material solidifies while suspended in the exhaust gases and is collected
by electrostatic precipitators or filter bags. Since the particles solidify rapidly while
suspended in the exhaust gases, fly ash particles are generally spherical in shape and range in
size from 0.5 µm to 300 µm. The major consequence of the rapid cooling is that few minerals
have time to crystallize, and that mainly amorphous, quenched glass remains. Nevertheless,
some refractory phases in the pulverized coal do not melt (entirely), and remain crystalline. In
consequence, fly ash is a heterogeneous material. SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and occasionally CaO
are the main chemical components present in fly ashes. The mineralogy of fly ashes is very
diverse. The main phases encountered are a glass phase, together with quartz, mullite and the
iron oxides hematite, magnetite and/or maghemite. Other phases often identified
are cristobalite, anhydrite, freelime, periclase, calcite, sylvite, halite, portlandite, rutile and an
atase. The Ca-bearing minerals anorthite, gehlenite, akermanite and various calcium silicates
and calcium aluminates identical to those found in Portland cement can be identified in Ca-
rich fly ashes.
Table3.2: Chemical composition of fly ash and pond ash
Two classes of fly ash are defined by ASTM C618: Class F fly ash and Class C fly
ash. The chief difference between these classes is the amount of calcium, silica, alumina, and
iron content in the ash. The chemical properties of the fly ash are largely influenced by the
chemical content of the coal burned (i.e., anthracite, bituminous, and lignite).
Not all fly ashes meet ASTM C618 requirements, although depending on the
application, this may not be necessary. Ash used as a cement replacement must meet strict
construction standards, but no standard environmental regulations have been established in
the United States. 75% of the ash must have a fineness of 45 µm or less, and have
a carbon content, measured by the loss on ignition (LOI), of less than 4%. In the U.S., LOI
must be under 6%. The particle size distribution of raw fly ash tends to fluctuate constantly,
due to changing performance of the coal mills and the boiler performance. This makes it
necessary that, if fly ash is used in an optimal way to replace cement in concrete production,
it must be processed using beneficiation methods like mechanical air classification.
30 Fly Ash as Replacement of Cement:
Owing to its pozzolanic properties, fly ash is used as a replacement for Portland
cement in concrete. The use of fly ash as a pozzolanic ingredient was recognized as early as
1914, although the earliest noteworthy study of its use was in 1937. Roman structures such
as aqueducts or the Pantheon in Rome used volcanic ash or pozzolana (which possesses
similar properties to fly ash) as pozzolan in their concrete.
Use of fly ash as a partial replacement for Portland cement is particularly suitable but
not limited to Class C fly ashes. Class "F" fly ashes can have volatile effects on the entrained
air content of concrete, causing reduced resistance to freeze/thaw damage. Fly ash often
replaces up to 30% by mass of Portland cement, but can be used in higher dosages in certain
Fly ash can significantly improve the workability of concrete. Recently, techniques
have been developed to replace partial cement with high-volume fly ash (50% cement
replacement). For roller-compacted concrete (RCC) replacement values of 70% have been
achieved with processed fly ash at the Ghatghar dam project in Maharashtra, India. Due to
the spherical shape of fly ash particles, it can increase workability of cement while reducing
water demand. Proponents of fly ash claim that replacing Portland cement with fly ash
reduces the greenhouse gas "footprint" of concrete, as the production of one ton of Portland
cement generates approximately one ton of CO2, compared to no CO2 generated with fly ash.
New fly ash production, i.e., the burning of coal, produces approximately 20 to 30 tons of
CO2 per ton of fly ash.
31 Rice Husk Ash:
Rice husk can be burnt into ash that fulfils the physical characteristics and chemical
composition of mineral admixtures. Pozzolanic activity of rice husk ash (RHA) depends on
(i) silica content, (ii) silica crystallization phase, and (iii) size and surface area of ash
particles. In addition, ash must contain only a small amount of carbon.RHA that has
amorphous silica content and large surface area can be produced by combustion of rice husk
at controlled temperature. Suitable incinerator/furnace as well as grinding method is required
for burning and grinding rice husk in order to obtain good quality ash. Although the studies
on pozzolanic activity of RHA, its use as a supplementary cementitious material, and its
environmental and economical benefits are available in many literatures, very few of them
deal with rice husk combustion and grinding methods. The optimized RHA, by controlled
burn and/or grinding, has been used as a pozzolanic material in cement and concrete. Using it
provides several advantages, such as improved strength and durability properties, and
environmental benefits related to the disposal of waste materials and to reduced carbon
dioxide emissions. For this reason, this study investigates the strength activity index of
mortars containing residual RHA that is generated when burning rice husk pellets and RHA
as received after grinding residual RHA. The effect of partial replacement of cement with
different percentages of ground RHA on the compressive strength and durability of concrete
is examined.
Table3.3: Chemical Properties of R.H.A
Rice husk ash is used in concrete construction as an alternative of cement. The rice
paddy milling industries give the by-product rice husk. Due to the increasing rate of
environmental pollution and the consideration of sustainability factor have made the idea of
utilizing rice husk. To have a proper idea on the performance of rice husk in concrete, a
detailed study on its properties must be done.
About 100 million tons of rice paddy manufacture by-products are obtained around
the world. They have a very low bulk density of 90 to 150kg/m3. This results in a greater
value of dry volume. The rice husk itself has a very rough surface which is abrasive in nature.
These are hence resistant to natural degradation. This would result in improper disposal
problems. So, a way to use these by-products to make a new product is the best sustainable
idea. Among all industries to reuse this product, cement, and concrete manufacturing
industries are the ones who can use rice husk in a better way.
The rice husk ash has good reactivity when used as a partial substitute for cement.
These are prominent in countries where the rice production is abundant. The properly rice
husk ashes are found to be active within the cement paste. So, the use and practical
application of rice husk ash for concrete manufacturing are important. The incorporation of
rice husk ash in concrete converts it into an eco-friendly supplementary cementitious
The following properties of the concrete are altered with the addition of rice husk
The heat of hydration is reduced. This itself help in drying shrinkage and facilitate
durability of the concrete mix.
The reduction in the permeability of concrete structure. This will help in penetration
of chloride ions, thus avoiding the disintegration of the concrete structure.
The rice husk ashes in the concrete react with the calcium hydroxide to bring more hydration
products. The consumption of calcium hydroxide will enable lesser reactivity of chemicals
from the external environment.
At a void content lower than 15%, there is no significant percolation through the
concrete due to insufficient interconnectivity between the voids to allow for rapid
percolation. So, concrete mixtures are typically designed for 20% void content in order to
attain sufficient strength and infiltration rate.
The density of pervious concrete depends on the properties and proportions of the
materials used, and on the compaction procedures used in placement. In-place densities on
the order of 1600 kg/m³ to 2100 kg/m³ are common, which is in the upper range of
lightweight concretes. A pavement 125 mm thick with 20% voids will be able to store 25 mm
of a sustained rainstorm in its voids, which covers the vast majority of rainfall events in the
U.S. When placed on a 150mm thick layer of open-graded gravel or crushed rock sub base,
the storage capacity increases to as much as 75 mm of precipitation.
3.2.3 Water – Cement Ratio:
The total cementitious material content of a pervious concrete mixture is important for
the development of compressive strength and void structure. An insufficient cementitious
content can result in reduced paste coating of the aggregate and reduced compressive
strength. The optimum cementitious material content is strongly dependent on aggregate size
and gradation but is typically between 267 and 415 kg/m3. The above guidelines can be used
to develop trial batches. ASTM C1688 provides the tests to be conducted in the laboratory to
observe if the target void contents are attained.
3.2.5 Mix Design Criteria:
Pervious concrete uses the same materials as conventional concrete, except that there
is usually little or no fine aggregate. The quantity, proportions, and mixing techniques affect
many properties of pervious concrete, in particular the void structure and strength. Usually
single sized coarse aggregate up to 20 mm size normally adopted. Larger size aggregates
provide a rougher concrete finish while smaller size aggregates provide smoother surface that
may be better suited for some application such as pedestrian pathways. Although the coarse
aggregate size 6 mm to 20 mm are used, the most common being 10 mm fairly uniform size
is used. The aggregates may be rounded like gravel or angular like crushed stone
Since the pervious concrete is highly permeable, the voids between aggregate
particles cannot be entirely filled by cement paste. Use of smaller size aggregates can
increase the number of aggregate particles per unit volume of concrete. As the aggregate
particle increase the specific surface and thus increases the binding area. This results in the
improved strength of pervious concrete. However, the major thrust for using pervious
concrete stems from its capability to drain and potentially de-pollute enormous amounts of
water in short time, thus reducing the runoff rates. The physical and mechanical properties of
pervious concretes are reported elsewhere (Onstenk, 1993, Neithalath, 2004, Neithalath,
2005, Neithalath, 2006, Nelson, 1994). The use of larger size aggregates reduces clogging of
pores in the pervious concrete. The water permeation capacity or drainage properties are
closely related to the porosity with coefficient of permeability to about 0.01m/s is
recommended. A drainage rate of 100 to 270 lit/m2/min has been reported for pervious
concrete with a porosity ranging from 17% to 28% (Tennis, 2004). Recently it is suggested
that the aggregate sizes of pervious concrete should be between 9.5 mm and 19 mm and no
fine aggregate should be used.
The binder normally used in ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Pozzolanic materials
like fly ash, blast furnace slag and silica fume can also be used. However, use of pozzolanic
materials will affect setting time, strength, porosity and permeability of the resulting
concrete. Addition of fine aggregate will reduce the porosity and increase the strength of
Chemical admixtures like water reducing admixture, retarders, hydration stabilizing
admixtures, viscosity modifying admixtures and internal curing admixtures are used.
Pervious concrete uses same materials as conventional concrete, except that there are usually
No or little fine aggregates. The size of the coarse aggregate used is kept fairly uniform in
size to minimize surface roughness and for a better aesthetic, however sizes can vary from
6.25 mm to 12.5 mm. Water to cement ratio should be within 0.27 to 0.34. Ordinary Portland
cement and blended cements can be used in pervious concrete. Water reducing admixtures
and retarders can be used in pervious concrete.
4. If too much water used, segregate is expected, usually higher than standards concrete
5. If too little water is used, not easy to mix, balling of mix in the mixer.
Table3.4: Typical mix design of pervious concrete as suggested by ACI 522 R-10
Chemical admixtures (retarders) are commonly used and Addition of fine aggregates will decrease
the void content and increase strength
Figure3.10: preparation of pervious concrete cubes
The following mixture proportioning approach can be used to quickly arrive at pervious
concrete mixture proportions that would help attain void content of freshly mixed pervious
concrete when measured in accordance with ASTM C1688 similar to the target value.
(1) Determine the dry-rodded unit weight of the aggregate and calculate the void content.
Estimate the approximate percentage and volume of paste needed. The paste volume
(PV) is then estimated as follows:
Vp (%) = Aggregate Void Content (%) + CI (%) - Vvoid (%)
Where, CI = compaction index and
Vvoid = design void content of the pervious concrete mix.
The value of CI can be varied based on the anticipated consolidation to be used in the
field. For greater consolidation effort a compaction index value of 1 to 2% may be
more reasonable. For lighter level of consolidation a value of 7 to 8% can be used.
NRMCA used a value of 5% to get similar values between measured fresh pervious
concrete void content (ASTM C1688) and design void content. Using a smaller value
for CI (%) will reduce the paste volume.
(2) Calculate the paste volume, Vp in ft3 per cubic yard of pervious concrete:
Vp, ft3 = Vp (%) × 27
(3) Select the w/c ratio for the paste. Recommended values are in the range of 0.25 to
(4) Calculate the absolute volume of cement
vc,ft3 = vp/[1+(w/c*RDc)]
Convert the volumes to weights of ingredients per cubic yard and for trial batches:
Cement (lb/yd3) = Vc × RDc × 62.4
Water (lb/yd3) = Vw × 62.4
SSD Coarse Aggregate (lb/yd3) = Vagg × RDagg × 62.4
Trial batches are prepared to evaluate mix characteristics of the pervious concrete
mixture. Make appropriate adjustments are made to account for aggregate moisture content.
If paste is high, pick a lower value or change CI (%). Avoid excessive cementitious content
should be avoided. The consistency of the paste can be evaluated separately to ensure that it
is not too dry or causes paste run down by being too wet. The density of the mixture should
be measured in accordance with ASTM C1688 from which the void content is calculated to
ensure that values are in line with the design void content. Then evaluate mixture for
consistency, specification requirements and placement method used by the pervious concrete
NRMCA has developed a pervious concrete mixture proportioning guideline and
spreadsheet software that will develop trial batch mixture proportions using volumetric
considerations and make the necessary calculations for production batches when mixture
proportions are finalized after trial batch evaluations.
Out of many test applied to the concrete, this is the utmost important which gives an
idea about all the characteristics of concrete. By this single test one judge that whether
Concreting has been done properly or not. Compressive strength of concrete depends on
many factors such as water-cement ratio, cement strength, quality of concrete material,
Quality control during production of concrete etc., Test for compressive strength is carried
out either on cube or cylinder. Various standard codes recommend concrete cylinder or
concrete cube as the standard specimen for the test.
For cube test two types of specimens either cubes of 150 mm X 150 mm X 15 mm or
100 mm X 100 mm x 100 mm depending upon the size of aggregate are used. For most of the
works cubical moulds of size 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm are commonly used.
This concrete is poured in the mould and tempered properly so as not to have any
voids. After 24 hours these moulds are removed and test specimens are put in water for
curing. The top surface of these specimen should be made even and smooth. This is done by
putting cement paste and spreading smoothly on whole area of specimen.
Figure3.11: Standard compressive strength cube mould
These specimens are tested by compression testing machine after 7 days curing or 28
days curing. Load should be applied gradually at the rate of 140 kg/cm2 per minute till the
Specimens fails. Load at the failure divided by area of specimen gives the compressive
strength of concrete. Mixing
Mix the concrete either by hand or in a laboratory batch mixer
41 Hand Mixing:
(i)Mix the cement and fine aggregate on a water tight none-absorbent platform until the
mixture is thoroughly blended and is of uniform colour
(ii)Add the coarse aggregate and mix with cement and fine aggregate until the coarse
aggregate is uniformly distributed throughout the batch
(iii)Add water and mix it until the concrete appears to be homogeneous and of the desired
consistency Sampling
(i) Clean the mounds and apply grease.
(iii) Compact each layer with not less than 35strokes per layer using a tamping rod (steel bar
16mm diameter and 60cm long, bullet pointed at lower end)
42 Curing
The test specimens are stored in moist air for 24hours and after this period the
specimens are marked and removed from the moulds and kept submerged in clear fresh water
until taken out prior to test. Procedure:
(I) Remove the specimen from water after specified curing time and wipe out excess water
from the surface.
(IV) Place the specimen in the machine in such a manner that the load shall be applied to the
opposite sides of the cube cast.
(V) Align the specimen centrally on the base plate of the machine.
(VI) Rotate the movable portion gently by hand so that it touches the top surface of the
(VII) Apply the load gradually without shock and continuously at the rate of
140kg/cm2/minute till the specimen fails
(VIII) Record the maximum load and note any unusual features in the type of failure. NOTE:
Minimum three specimens should be tested at each selected age. If strength of any
specimen varies by more than 15 per cent of average strength, results of such specimen
should be rejected. Average of these specimens gives the crushing or compressive strength of
concrete. The strength of concrete increases with increase in age. The following table shows
the strength of concrete at different ages in comparison with the strength at 28 days after
Table3.5: Compressive strength of concrete at various ages
Age Strength per cent
1 day 16%
3 days 40%
7 days 65%
14 days 90%
28 days 99%
In the laboratory, pervious concrete mixtures have been found to develop compressive
strengths in the range of 3.5 MPa to 28 MPa, which is suitable for a wide range of
applications. Typical values are about 17 MPa. As with any concrete, the properties and
combinations of specific materials, as well as placement techniques and environmental
conditions, will dictate the actual in-place strength. However, currently there is no ASTM test
standard for compressive strength of pervious concrete.
Testing variability measured with various draft test methods has been found to be
high and therefore compressive strength is not recommended as an acceptance
criterion. Rather, it is recommended that a target void content (between 15% to 25%) as
measured by ASTM C 1688: Standard Test Method for Density and Void Content of Freshly
Mixed Pervious Concrete be specified for quality assurance and acceptance.
The density of pervious concrete depends on the properties and proportions of the
materials used, and on the compaction procedures used in placement. In-place densities on
the order of 1600 kg/m³ to 2100 kg/m³ are common, which is in the upper range of
lightweight concretes. A pavement 125 mm thick with 20% voids will be able to store 25 mm
of a sustained rainstorm in its voids, which covers the vast majority of rainfall events in the
Formula: K=2.303 aL/A (t2-t1) log (h1/h2)
(t2 - t1) = change in time for water to fall from one level to another (5secs.)
3.3.5 Storage Capacity:
A critical assumption in this calculation is that the entire system is level. If the top of
the slab is not level, and the infiltration rate of the sub grade has been exceeded, higher
portions of the slab will not fill and additional rainfall may run to the lowest part of the slab.
Once it is filled, the rain will run out of the pavement, limiting the beneficial effects of the
pervious concrete. These losses in useable volume because of slopes can be significant, and
indicate the sensitivity of the design to slope. Pipes extending from the trenches carry water
travelling down the paved slope out to the adjacent hillside. The high flow rates that can
result from water flowing down slope also may wash out sub grade materials, weakening the
3.4 Improvement of Strength of Pervious Concrete:
The main aim of our project is to improve the strength of pervious concrete so that it
can be used for large number of applications
Among the above methods, we have selected addition of small quantity of fine
aggregates, addition of cementitious materials such as fly ash, rice husk ash and
mixture of both fly ash and rice husk ash.
The compressive strength of pervious concrete inversely proportional to permeability.
As the compressive strength increases, the permeability will be decreased and vice-
In our project work, we have considered both the aspects. We tried to improve the
compressive strength of pervious concrete without compromising the permeability
Theoretically, it is stated that the strength characteristics will be increased if the fine
aggregates are added 5-10% quantity of coarse aggregates.
4.1 Optimised Mix Design of Pervious Concrete (With 20mm Aggregates, No Sand),
Tested At NEC Nellore concrete technology laboratory:
4.1.3 Tests on fine aggregates:
Optimised mix proportion is calculated with 20mm coarse aggregate as standard pervious
The void ratio and unit weight are the important factors to be considered in mix
design process
According to mix design, the quantity of cement calculated for one cubic meter of
pervious concrete is 390 kgs based on NRMCA, USA
The other important considerations are aggregate to cement (A/C) ratio and water to
cement (W/C) ratio. We can consider different types of aggregates to cement ratios
and water to cement ratios as per our requirement.
The mix design procedure gave the value of cement to aggregate ratio as 1:4.25 or
approximately 1:4 for the size of aggregates passing through 20mm and retained on
10mm IS sieve
The W/C ratio for the pervious concrete should be in the range of 0.25 to 0.36. For the
proper workability we have selected the W/C ratio as 0.3 and it is fixed after doing
samples with water to cement ratios o 0.25, 0.30 and 0.35.
The design void ratio of pervious concrete is 20% and the unit weight ranges from
1600 to 2100 kg/m3
The quantities of Materials as per mix design
Fine aggregates 0
The cement we used in our project work is Ordinary Portland Cement of 53 grade
Quantities of materials:
Table4.5: compressive strength and unit weight of standard pervious concrete (0%fines)
2 14 19.26 2112.20
3 28 21.06
4.2(b) Compressive strength comparison between Normal concrete and Pervious concrete:
Age of concrete
S.NO Normal Concrete of M20 (MPa) Pervious Concrete(MPa)
1 7 18.53 16.72
2 14 25.67 19.26
3 28 28.20 21.06
15 7days
10 14 days
5 28 days
normal concrete 0%fines pervious concrete
Types of concrete
The compressive strength of pervious concrete is less than the normal concrete due to
the absence of fine aggregates or presence of voids. It should be noted that the normal
concrete is completely impermeable in nature.
4.3 Compressive strength of pervious concrete with the addition of fine aggregates
Quantities of materials:
Table4.7: compressive strength and unit weight of pervious concrete with 5% fines
Compressive Compressive
Age Of strength of Strength Of
S.No Concrete pervious concrete Pervious Concrete Unit Weight After 24
(days) with 0% With 5% Fines Hours(Kg/m3)
fines(MPa) (MPa)
1 7 16.72 17.36
7 days
14 days
28 days
0% fines 5% fines
pervious concrete with 0 and 5% fines in %
From the above table and graph, the 7, 14 and 28 days compressive strength of 5%
fines pervious concrete is high. The unit weight of 5% fines pervious concrete is less due to
less weight fine particles in the place of coarse aggregates.
4.3.2 Addition of 6% Fines in Total Coarse Aggregate Quantity
Quantities of materials:
Table4.8: compressive strength and unit weight of pervious concrete with 6% fines
Compressive strength Compressive Strength Of Unit Weight
S.No of of pervious concrete Pervious Concrete With After 24
concrete with 0% fines 6% Fines (MPa) Hours(Kg/m3)
(days) (MPa)
1 7 17.75
2 14 19.73 2040.50
3 28 22.47
10 7 days
28 days
14 days
0% fines 6% fines
pervious concrete with 0 and 6% fines in %
4.3.3 Addition Of 7% Fines in Total Coarse Aggregate Quantity
Quantities of materials:
Table4.9: compressive strength and unit weight of pervious concrete with 7% fines
1 7 16.72 18.32
3 28 21.06 23.79
10 7days
14 days
28 days
o%fines 7%fines
Pervious concrete with 0 and 7% fines in %
4.3.4 Addition Of 8% Fines in Total Coarse Aggregate Quantity
Quantities of materials:
Table4.10: compressive strength and unit weight of pervious concrete with 8% fines
1 7 18.98
2 14 21.47 1996.65
3 28 24.13
15 7 days
10 14 days
28 days
0%fines 8%fines
pervious concrete with 0 and 8% fines in %
4.3.5 Addition Of 9% Fines in Total Coarse Aggregate Quantity
Quantities of materials:
Table4.11: compressive strength and unit weight of pervious concrete with 9% fines
Compressive Compressive Strength
of Strength Of Unit Weight After
S.NO Of Pervious Concrete
Pervious Concrete 24 Hours(Kg/m3)
concrete With 9% Fines (MPa)
with 0% Fines
(days) (MPa)
1 7 18.76
2 14 21.23
3 28 23.47
7 days
14 days
5 28 days
0%fines 9%fines
pervious concrete with 0 and 9% fines in %
4.3.6 Addition Of 10% Fines in Total Coarse Aggregate Quantity
Quantities of materials:
Table4.12: compressive strength and unit weight of pervious concrete with 10% fines
2 14 19.26 20.23
3 28 21.06 22.87
7 days
14 days
5 28 days
0%fines 10%fines
pervious concrete with 0 and 10% fines in %
4.4 compressive strength of pervious concrete with the replacement of
cementitious materials:
We have tested 3 types of mixes. In the first mix, the fly ash is replaced by 10% of
cement. In second mix, Rice Husk Ash is replaced by 10% of cement. In the third mix,
mixture of both fly ash (5%) and Rice Husk Ash (5%) is replaced by 10% of cement.
Quantities of materials:
Table4.13: compressive strength and unit weight of pervious concrete with 10% fly ash
Compressive Compressive
Age Of Strength Of Strength Of Pervious Unit Weight After
S.No Concrete standard Concrete 10% 24 Hours(Kg/M3)
(days) Pervious Flyash(MPa)
1 7 16.72 17.26
3 28 21.06 22.87
7 days
14 days
0%fines 10%flyash
pervious concrete with 0 and 10% fly ash replacement
4.4.2 Replacement of Rice Husk Ash By 10% of Cement
Quantities of materials:
Table4.14: compressive strength and unit weight of pervious concrete with 10% Rice
husk ash
Compressive Strength
Age of Compressive Unit Weight
Of Pervious Concrete
S.No Concrete Strength Of After 24
standard Pervious 10% Rice Husk
(days) Hours(Kg/m3)
Concrete (MPa) Ash(MPa)
1 7 16.72 18.47
3 28 23.93
7 days
10 14 days
5 28days
0%fines 10%Rice husk ash
pervious concrete with 0 and 10% Rice husk ash replacement
Figure4.9: Graph of Age of concrete Vs compressive strength of 10% rice husk ash
4.4.3 Replacement of Both Fly Ash (5%) And Rice Husk Ash (5%) by 10% of Cement
Table4.15: compressive strength and unit weight of pervious concrete with 10% fly ash
and Rice husk ash
3 28 21.06 23.12
7 days
10 28 days
5 14 days
0% fines 5% fly ash and 5% RHA
pervious concrete with 0 and 5% fly ash and 5% rice husk ash replacement
From the above three mixes, the cement replacement by mixture of fly ash and rice
husk ash gives least values of compressive strength. This may due to different properties of
fly ash and rice husk ash may not be homogeneous.
The permeability is the property to allow the water to flow through it. Generally, the
permeability is determined either by constant head permeability test or by variable head
permeability test. In our project work, we have taken variable head permeability test as it
suits best for the pervious concrete.
Quantities of materials:
Table 4.16: unit weight and coefficient of permeability of standard pervious concrete
with 0% fines
1 2118.84 1.02
4.5.2 Permeability of Pervious concrete with 8% fine aggregates
Quantities of materials:
1 1998.78 0.76
Quantities of materials:
1 1949.76 0.49
4.5.4 Pervious concrete with 10% fly ash as cement replacement
Quantities of materials:
1 1949.76 0.59
4.5.5 Permeability of Pervious concrete with 10% Rice husk ash as cement replacement
Quantities of materials:
1 1949.76 0.53
Pervious Pervious Pervious Pervious Pervious
Standard concrete
Age of concrete concrete concrete concrete concrete
S.No pervious with
with 5% with 6% with 7% with 8% with 9%
concrete concrete(0% 10%
fines, fines, fines, fines, fines,
fines), MPa fines,
The above table clearly shows that the compressive strength of pervious concrete
increases with increase in age and percentage of fines up to 8%. Beyond this value, the
compressive strength starts to decrease.
Comparison of compressive strength with different fine
aggregate quantities
Compressive strength in Mpa
15 7 days
14 days
28 days
0 5 6 7 8 9 10
Percentage of fines(%)
The 7 days compressive strength of 5% fines pervious concrete is less than the
standard pervious concrete with 0% fine aggregates. It may be due slow development
of early strength due to mixing
The pervious concrete with 8% fine aggregates gives highest compressive strength
beyond which the compressive strength begins to fall.
67 Compressive Strength Comparison of Standard Pervious Concrete and
Pervious Concrete with cement replacement:
Pervious Pervious
Standard concrete with concrete with
concrete with
pervious 10% FA as 10% RHA as
S.No Days 10% FA and
concrete with cement cement
RHA as,
0% fines, MPa replacement, replacement,
1 7 16.72 17.26 19.92 17.79
7 days
14 days
28 days
0% Fines 10% Flyash 10% RHA 5% Flyash and
5% RHA
Pervious concrete with different quantities of CMs
Figure 4.12: Graph of Age of concrete Vs compressive strength value comparisons with
the cementitious materials
The pervious concrete with 10% Rice husk ash as cement replacement gives highest
value of compressive strength when compared to fly ash replacement and standard
pervious concrete.
The pervious concrete with mixture of fly ash and rice husk ash given least value of
compressive strength. This may due to non homogeneity between the two
cementitious materials.
4.6.2 Permeability Comparisons:
Standard Pervious Pervious concrete with
concrete with
pervious concrete with concrete with 10% rice
10% fly ash as
S.No concrete with 8% fine 10% fine husk ash as
0% fines aggregates aggregates cement
(cm/sec) (cm/sec) (cm/sec) replacement
Co-efficient of permeability
1 coefficient of permeability
Coefficient of
0 fines 8 10 10% Flyash 10% RHA
Pervious concrete with different quantities of fines and CMs(%)
4.6.3 Unit Weight Comparison: Method-1:
Table 4.24: unit weight of pervious concrete with different quantities of fine aggregates
Standard Pervious Pervious Pervious Pervious Pervious
pervious concrete concrete concrete concrete concrete
S.No concrete(0 with 5% with 6% with 7% with 8% with 9%
% fines), fines, fines fines, fines, fines,
kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3, kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
unit weight
unit weight (kg/cum)
0 5 6 7 8 9 10
pervious concrete with diferent amounts of fines(%)
Figure4.14: Graph of unit weight of pervious concrete with different quantities of fine
70 Method-2:
unit weight
unit weight(kg/cum)
1850 unit weight
0 fines 10% flyash 10% RHA 5% fly ash and
5% RHA
pervious concrete with different quantities of cementitious materials(%)
Figure 4.15: Graph of unit weight of pervious concrete with cementitious materials
The unit weight of pervious concrete decreases with increase in quantity of fine
aggregates as the volume is replaced by less weight fine particles.
The unit weight is high for standard pervious concrete with 0% fine aggregates and
low for pervious concrete with 10% fine aggregates in mix-1.
The unit weight of standard pervious concrete with 0% fines is high and pervious
concrete with mixture of fly ash and rice husk ash is least in mix-2.
4.6.4 Cost Comparison:
In general, initial costs for pervious concrete pavements are higher than those for
conventional concrete or asphalt paving. But total costs can be substantially lower.
The material itself is only a little more expensive, but we tend to install pervious
concrete thicker than regular concrete. The reason is that we know the water is going to go
through and saturate the sub grade underneath. So we have to design for a weaker sub grade.
With a pervious parking lot, we may go 6 inches thick versus 4 inches for conventional
When we compare overall installation and life-cycle costs, pervious concrete is the
clear winner. For parking lot owners, pervious concrete is a sustainable product that actually
saves them money. It ends up being less expensive than a conventional parking lot.
Lower life-cycle costs
Pervious concrete is a sustainable paving material, with a life expectancy equal to that
of regular concrete. Most parking areas, when properly constructed, will last 20 to 40
years, according to the Southern California Ready Mixed Concrete Association.
Drainage is
1 Conventional concrete 1400 permeable
Drainage is
2 Pervious concrete 1200 Impermeable
not required
From above Table, it can be shown that the difference between costs of Conventional
Concrete and Pervious Concrete is very small. In the above table rates are calculated
considering only materials and their costs. Since in Pervious Concrete sand is not used or
sometimes very small amount of sand is used Pervious Concrete is economic as compared
to Conventional Concrete in terms of materials.
By using pervious concrete for storm water management we can reduce the cost of
storm water management machineries like pumps, generator (for electricity). Hence it
reduces the cost of the project and its infiltration rate is also very high, hence it reduces
the time of infiltration also. It takes only few minutes to percolate all the water in soil and
it avoids ponding of water on road in heavy rainy season.
But unlike Conventional Concrete, Pervious Concrete needs special treatment while
laying, compacting, curing and also it requires special maintenance for durability criteria.
It also requires special equipments and sometimes it may be required to use geo-synthetic
material. This makes Pervious Concrete uneconomic in terms of operational costs. When
Conventional Concrete is compared to Previous Concrete based on criteria of cost, and
other properties such as durability, maintenance, and long term savings, Pervious
Concrete is slightly on the lower side of the Conventional Concrete.
The addition of fine aggregates in the small quantities of total coarse aggregates and
replacement of cementitious materials like fly ash and rice husk ash has increased the
compressive strength of pervious concrete in our project.
The addition of fine aggregates in the small quantities of total coarse aggregates and
replacement of cementitious materials like fly ash and rice husk ash has decreased the
permeability property of pervious concrete in our project.
The maximum compressive strength of pervious concrete is attained when 8% of fine
aggregates of total coarse aggregates added to standard pervious concrete which has
the value of 23.45 MPa after 28 days.
Beyond 8% of fines, the value of compressive strength begins to fall due to increase
in volume of fines in the place of coarse aggregates.
The compressive of strength of pervious concrete has 22.45 MPa when rice husk ash
is replaced by 10% of cement. It is higher than the standard pervious concrete without
any replacement of 21.06 MPa after 28 days
The maximum amount of co-efficient of permeability of 1.02cm/sec has occurred for
standard pervious concrete with 0% fines.
The co-efficient of permeability is decreased to a minimum of 0.49cm/sec when 10%
of fines are added to standard pervious concrete.
The replacement of cement by rice husk ash by 10% has also decreased co-efficient of
permeability to 0.53cm/sec.
The addition of 10% fine aggregates in the total coarse aggregate quantity gave least
value of co-efficient of permeability due to the reduction in voids as the volume of
fines increased.
5.1 Conclusion:
The size of coarse aggregates, water to cement ratio and aggregate to cement ratio
plays a crucial role in strength of pervious concrete.
The void ratio and unit weight are two important parameters of pervious concrete in
the context of mix design.
The compressive strength and co-efficient of permeability of pervious concrete are
inversely proportional to each other up to addition of 8% of fines.
Among the two methods of increasing compressive strength of pervious concrete, the
addition of fines has gave more value when compared to replacement of cementitious
The addition of fines and replacement of Cementitious will reduce the permeability
capacity of pervious concrete.
The compressive strength of pervious concrete is increased by 4.36% when 5% fine
aggregates were added to the standard pervious concrete.
The compressive strength of pervious concrete is increased by 6.69% when 6% fine
aggregates were added to the standard pervious concrete.
The compressive strength of pervious concrete is increased by 12.96% when 7% fine
aggregates were added to the standard pervious concrete.
The compressive strength of pervious concrete is increased by a maximum of 14.57%
when 8% fines were added to standard pervious concrete.
The compressive strength of pervious concrete is increased by 11.44% when 9% fine
aggregates were added to the standard pervious concrete.
The compressive strength of pervious concrete is increased by 8.59% when 10% fine
aggregates were added to the standard pervious concrete.
The compressive strength of pervious concrete is increased by 8.59% when 10% fly
ash was replaced in the place of cement.
The compressive strength of pervious concrete is increased by 13.62% when 10%
Rice Husk Ash was replaced in the place of cement.
The compressive strength of pervious concrete is increased by 9.78% when 5% fly
ash and 5% Rice Husk Ash was replaced in the place of cement.
The coefficient of permeability is decreased by 22.54% when 8% fines are added to
standard pervious concrete.
The coefficient of permeability is decreased by 51.96% when 10% fines are added to
standard pervious concrete.
The coefficient of permeability is decreased by 42.15% when 10% cement is replaced
by Fly ash in standard pervious concrete.
The coefficient of permeability is decreased by 48.03% when 10% cement is replaced
by Rice Husk ash in standard pervious concrete.
Hence it is recommended that addition of 8% fine aggregates to the pervious concrete
will satisfy both the compressive strength and permeability of pervious concrete.
In the past due to the scarcity of cement, the pervious concrete has been used
The pervious concrete has lost its importance after successful production of cement in
large quantities.
But now-a-days, the usage pervious concrete has gained its popularity due to many
The urban areas all over the world have become CONCRETE JUNGLES. The
discharge of storm water is very difficult problem in the present conditions.
By using the pervious concrete we can able to recharge the ground water table and the
storm water disposal can also be done.
So, in future to tackle aforesaid problems and to protect people from flood prone
areas, the pervious concrete is one effective solution.
Massive urban mitigation in Indian cities is causing the ground water to go much
deeper and is causing water shortages. For example, in states like Tamil nadu residents
commonly pay for water delivered and it is not uncommon to receive water only for a few
days of a week in many parts of the country. Flooding and extended water-logging in urban
areas is common since all the barren land which could not hold the rain water are being
systematically converted into valuable real estate with a result that impervious surfaces such
as roads, roof tops, parking lots are covering the natural vegetation. It is indeed ironical that
even the world’s wettest place CHERRAPUNJI suffers drought while the monsoons brings
flooding. Further, the rain water that falls on the concrete and asphalt surface tend to carry a
high level of pollution and this pollution ends up in our water ways ultimately. The use of
pervious concrete can help alleviate the damage of all of these ill effects.
A caution is though is the highest prevalence of air-borne dust in India that could lead
to clogging of the pervious concrete. Pervious concrete can function with no maintenance
with some level of clogging. Nevertheless frequent preventative maintenance is
recommended. In apartment communities, resident associations could perhaps take this over
and those applications would be the first ones to be attempted.
In future, with increased urbanisation, diminishing ground water levels and focus on
sustainability, technologies such as pervious concrete are likely to become more popular in
India as well as other countries.
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