Training and Development in IMFA
Training and Development in IMFA
Training and Development in IMFA
In the present competative and dynamic enviroment ,it has become essential for organizations
to build and sustain competancy that would sustainable competative advantage. But in this knowledge
era where human assets are valued more highly than physical assets, it has become natural that
organizations adopted planned and strategic approach towards the maintenance of human resources.
Thus ,in this content training has assumed importance much more than ever before.
Training and development refers to the imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to
the employees it may be understood as any attempt to improve the current or future employee
performance by increasing the employees ability to perform through learning ,usually by changing the
employees attitudes or increasing his/her skills or knowledge.
Training is an organized activity for increasing the knowledge and skill of people for a definite purpose. It
involves the systematic procedures for transferring technical know how so as to increased there
knowledge and skill for doing specific jobs with proficiency.
According to date s. beach “training is an organized procedure by which people learned the
knowledge and skills for definite purpose.”
“Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a part job.”
The need for training and development is determined by the employee’s performance deficiency and is
computed as training and development need equal to standard performance –actual performance .
Any organization that provides the training and development programmes recognize the
performance deficiency in the employees and also offers competitive advantages to the firms by
removing performance deficiencies, making employees stay for a long run, minimizing accidents ,scarp
and damage and meeting future employee needs.
The training and development i.e. being provided by the company is being done, where the
company need to invest a large sum of money and the due course of time it enhances the HR capability
and strengthened it competitive advantage. At the same time the employees personal and career goals
furthered generally, adding his/her capabilities ,abilities, and values to the employees.Thus,ultimately
the objectives of the HR department are also furthered with the objectives of employees in totals. There
are many purposed for which training is given to the employees. The needs are:-
1.To increase productivity:-Training can help employees increase their level of performance, increased
human performance often directly leads to increase operational productivity and thus leading to
increase company’s project.
About their work, the likely to make operational mistakes. Thus leading to improvement is not only
company’s product or service but also atmosphere of the organization.
4.To improve health of safely:-Proper training can help in preventing industrial accidents. A safe work
environment leads to more stable mental attitudes on part of employees.
5.Personal growth:-Training can be used as an effective toll of planning &control. It develops skills
among workers for the future prepares them for promotion. It increases productivity &quality.
Training offers innumerable benefits to both the employees&employers.It makes the employee
more productive &more useful to an organization. How importance of training can be benefited to the
employees that is studied below. Such as:-
a. Training makes employees more efficient &effective. By combining materials, tools &equipment
in a right way, they can produce more with minimum effort.
b. Training enables employees to secure promotions easily. They can realize their career goals
c. Training helps an employee to move from one organization to another easily. He can be more
mobile and pursue career goals actively.
d. Employees can avoid mistakes, accidents on the job. They can handle jobs with confidence. They
will be more satisfied with their jobs. Their morale would be high.
e. Thus, training can contribute to higher production, fewer mistakes, greater job satisfaction and
lower labor turnover. Also it can enable employees to cope with the organizational, social and
technological change .Effectives training is an invaluable investment in the human resources of
an organization.
High the training is benefited to the business that is discussed below:-
Training contributes to employee’s stability in way that employees became efficient after
undergoing training &they contribute to the growth of organization.
Growth renders stability to the workerforce.Trained employees tend to stay in organization they
seldom leave the company.
Training makes employees versatile.
Dissatisfaction ,complaints,absenteeism,&turnover can be reduced if employees are trained well.
Employees personal &career goal are enhanced.
Training serves as an investment in HR with a promise of better return in future. Any
organization which devotes itself to training& development chances its HR capabilities &strengths
its competitive edge.
The success of the organization depends largely upon how effectively and efficiently mangers
respond to diverse challenges and opportunities in their dynamic environment.
MDP provide large amount of intellectual stimulation. The normal routines of a business career
place relatively few demands on the intellect. In this sense MDP’s perform a useful function.
MDP help in embellishment of one’s vocabulary. In the management jargons ae used frequently
then it helps the managers to use them as convenient shorthand’s.
Many new concepts and new developments occur in the area of management techniques
through MDPs their phenomenons are presented in a new light.
Training programme is an integral part of human resource management. The underlying figure,
shows the steps involved in training:-
Training plays a vital role in human resource development. It is necessary ,useful& productive
for all categories of worker &supervisory staff. Thus, training can play the following roles in the
1.Incrase in efficiency:-
Training plays an active role in increasing the efficiency of the employees in an organization.
Training increases skills for doing job in a better way by enhancing competencies. Though an employee
can learn many things while is on a job, he can do much better learns how to do the job.
3.Reduced supervision:-
Trained employees require less supervision .They need more autonomy and freedom.
Such autonomy and freedom can be given if the employees are trained properly to handle their jobs
without the help of supervision. With reduced supervision, a manager can increase his span of
5.Advancement in technology:-
Need identification helps to diagnose present problems and future challenges to be met
through training and development. Organizations spend huge sum of money on training and
development. Before investing the money it should try to assess the needs of their employee the money
assessment occurs at 2 levels.
-Individual level
-Group level.
An individual needs training when his or her performance falls short of standard.
Inadequacy in performance may be due to lack of skill or knowledge. Faulty selection, poor job design,
uninspiring supervision or some personal problem may also cause poor performance. Technological
changes &new technology also demands new,far for employees need to be trained.
Training need assessment is also made at group level. Any change in organization strategy
necessitates training of group of employees when an organization decides to introduce a new line of
product, sales personnel &production workers have to be trained to produce ,sell service the new
products. Training can also be used when high scrap or accident rates, low morale &motivation, or other
problem are diagnosed. Need assessment, individual or group should consider several issues.
Organizational analysis:-seeks to examine the goals of the organization &the trends that are likely to
affect these goals. This analysis helps the analyst identify skill gaps in people, which training seeks to fill.
Task analysis:-it is necessary to assess &identify what tasks are needed on each job &which knowledge
,abilities &skills are necessary to perform these tasks.
On the basis of purpose there are several types of training programmes that is to be provided to
the employees &it should be noted the programmes are mutually exclusive.
B. job training:-
The training that is provided a specific job which the worker has to handle. It gives information
about the machines, process of production, instruct to be follows, methods to be used etc.
C .Apprenticship Training:-
In this type of training individuals that are seeking to enter skill trades like those of carpenters,
electricians are required to go through the formal appreciate under experienced employees before
joining the regular jobs. The apprentice period generally lost for or ranges from 1year&5years
&apprentices are not employee of the organizations &are not governed by any of the loss that are apply
regular employee.
They don’t even figure on the organisation role. The apprenticive training is being provided in
order to receive wages while learning &they acquire valuable skill with the command high wage in the
labor market.
Rapid changes in technology may force companies to go in for this of training. By organizing
short-term courses which incorporate the latest development in a particular field, a company may
keep its employees up-to-date and ready to take on emerging challenges.
Team training generally covers two areas: content tasks and group processes. content tasks
specify the team’s goals such as cost control and problem solving .group processes reflect the way
members functions as a team-for example how they interact with each other, how they sort out
differences ,how they participate etc.
In ability to write,speak,and work well other could often come in the way of discharging duties,
especially at the lower level.workers,in such situation ,may fail to understand safety messages
,appreciate the importance of sticking to rules, and commit avoidable mistakes. Tutorial
programmes,home assignments, reading and writing exercises, simple mathematical tests,etc ,are
generally used in all company in house programmes meant to improve the literacy levels of the
Training methods:-
Training methods are usually classified by the location of instruction. On-the job training is
provided when the workers are taught relevant knowledge, skills abilities at the actual workplace; off-
the-job training ,on the other hand ,requires that trainees learn at location other than the real work
spot, methods are classified in to 2 types.
on job training is considered to be the most effective method, of training the operative
perssonel.under this method the worker is given training at work place, by his immediate supervisor.
In other words the worker learns from the actual work environment. It based on the principle of
This method of training is suitable for the imparting the skill that can be learned for a short
period of time.
Under this method the supervisor impacts job knowledge &skill to his subordinates. Here the
main principle is learning by doing &this method is effective if the supervisor has sufficient time to
provide coaching to the sub-ordinates.
ii.Job rotation:-
In this method the supervisor gives training to the sub-ordinate by rotating his position. Such
that the background of subordinate could be burden &it is being provided where a particular employee
shift from one job to another.
iii.Under study:-
In this method the superior gives the training to his subordinate/assistant as his under study or
assistant. In this method the subordinate assumes the responsibility of the superior in case the superior
leaves the organisation.
Iv.committe assignments:-
In this method a group of employees are given an actual organizational problem &asked to find
a solution. The trainees to develop their team management skills,inter personal skills, communication
skills, leadership skills, problem solving skills while solving the problem as a group.
This type of training can be held anywhere some of the method included in off-job-training is:-
In this method, actual conditions are simulated in a classroom. Material ,files and equipments –
those that are used in actual job performance are also used in the training. This type of training is
commonly used for training personnel for clerical and semi-skilled jobs.
The lecture is a traditional and direct method of instruction. The instructor organizes the
material and gives it to a group of trainees in the form of atalk.To be effective, the lecture must
motivate and create interest among the trainees.
This method has become popular in recent years. The subject-matter to be learned is presently
in presented in a series of carefully planned sequential units. These units are arranged from simple to
more complex levels of instruction.
Training period:-
The length of the training period depends upon the skill to be acquired. The use of effective
material usually helps to reduce the training time. To maintain interest &secure maximum
accomplishment, no signal session should least more than 2 hours.
The last stage in the training and development process is the evaluation of results. Evaluation
helps determine the results of training and development programmes in practices,however,firms either
overlook or facilities for evaluation.
The main objectives of training programmes is to determines if they are accomplishing specific
training objectives, that is, correcting performance deficiencies second reason for evaluation is to
ensure that any changes in trainee capabilities are due to the training programmes and not due to any
other condition.
a. Evaluation specialist must be clear about the goal and purpose of evaluation.
B.Evaluation must be continuous.
B.Transfer validity:-what has been learnt in training, has it been transferred on the job?
Standard tests could be used to find out whether trainees have learnt anything during and after
the training.
After the evolution ,the situation should be examined to identify the probable causes for gaps in
The company believes in the growth of its employees and towards meeting this training
programmes both external & internal programmes are chalked out for the entire year.from time to time
,IMFA may arrange to have both formal &informal training programmes to enable the employees to
progress in knowledge of business.
The training cell of IMFA keeps in view the company’s training need. Not only behavioral aspect
has been emphasized but managerial development is given equal importance. Training programmes
helps technical and production employees to learn team building ,goal setting and even quality
ISO 9002 provides certain guidelines for IMFA from which we can easily understand the
changing role of training for success of quality policy these are:
To attract competent personnel with growth potential and develop their skills and capabilities in
a congenial work and social environment through opportunities for training,recognition,career
advancement and other incentives.
To develop and nurture favorable attitudes amongst the employees and to obtain their best
contribution to the organization by providing stable employment, safe working contribution,
job satisfaction, quick redressed of grievances and commensurate with the company’s capacity
to spend and the govts guidelines.
HR department shall provide or arrange essential training programmes for all employees so as
to achieve organization goal.
I/C(HR) at BBSR are responsible for training of both executies and nonexecutives of CHQ and
branches of the company.
As training is given prime importance at IMFA at different person of HR &personnel department
are given charge of imparting training.
IMFA has implemented various polices which are to be followed during the execution of training
&development programme of employees. The organization tries to fulfill each of these underlined
policies to the maximum extent.
Training and development activity shall cover both executives and non-executives.
Importance will be given on technical & functional training at the plant &behavioral training at
corporate office.
Learning &implementation of ideas &suggestion shall be encouraged &given importance.
If there is a new training programme ,then that programme is availed by person from top to
bottom of the organisation.starting from MD,CEO to everyone down the hierarchy.
The main purpose of training is to maintain quality of employees.IMFA tries to identify the needs
for employees so far as training is concerned &then provide that required training for development of
all employees in the organization.
The I/C (HR) at CHQ has authority to release aim or revoke anything in relation to training. Any
direction or guidelines related in the producer can only be issued form his office.I/C(HR)and DYI/C (HR)at
CHQ shall ensure implementation &maintenance of training procedure for importing training both
external in-company to the employees of IMFA group.
The company believes that the development of individual is an on-going &continuous process.
The company creates the climate while interest for development should come from the concerned
Individual themselves. The company believes that every employee is an asset of company not only to
develop themselves but also their subordinates with the assistance of HR department as necessary.
Based on the identified training needs for all levels of employees this training is
organized as follows:-
This training programme is conducted inside the company and meant for the both executives
and non-executives of the company.The training needs are identified at CHQ and branches and different
sites before first April. So far as training for non-executives are concerned I/C(HR),and identify 8 to 10
programmes.These programmes can be
Communication skills
Leadership skills.
Know your company.ETC
Then these programmes are sent to different departments and branches. The department’s heads
identify the employees who need training. They send the training heads to the HR department and
accordingly HR department arrange to provide all the training programme.By arranging internal faculty.
Proper date &venue is then informed to the concerned employees. In a particular session of in-house
training 20-25employees can be trained.
Relevant experience.
Educational qualification.
Target group.
Conference facilities.
Conducted of training programme.
After training session is completed feedback is taken from each of the employees who had attended
the programme.A record is maintained by HR department and training effectiveness is measured.
Target group.
Conferences faculties.
Conduct of training program.
Every month IMFA receive various broachers from different training institution with new
and advanced training. When company feels necessary it goes forward with such training institution.
Training needs are identified by the functional heads, site heads and departmental heads.
Nomination can come from site/CHQ or concerned personal department as to who should be
nominated for particular programme.
After personnel department is different sites, fills the form it is send to HR department CHQ for
financial approval and TA as per rules.
If the programme costs below RS.25,000 then it is approved by HR department and if it is more
than 25,000 then chief GCS(Group corporate secretariat) has to approve it.
The payment slip is forwarded to the organizer/institute for registration of the participants
attending the external training. Copy of the letter same is also given to the participants.
A feedback questionnaire is also given along with the forwarding letter to the participant by
advising them to return it.
The form within 7days after the programme is over.
Training effectiveness is measured by HR department by using effectiveness form filled by the
Budget provision.
Training pro
Consent from HOD/unit head.
Approval of competent authority.
Employees shall be considered for nominations on the basis of academic proficiency and
practical experience to attend various conference ,seminar, training and development activities
organized by reputed institution in the country, participation in which has direct relevance to the
company’s need and purpose.
I. This type of training gets employees away from their work environment to a place where their
frustrations and bustle of work are eliminated. This more relaxed environment can help
employees to absorb more information as they feel less under pressure to perform.
ii. Experts in their field would cover these courses, and this would mean that training for staff
members would be taught to a reasonable standard.
iii. As the courses are held externally, our company would not have added costs incurred as a
result of extra equipment or additional space.
iv. Sending an employee on a course could help to make an employee feel more valued as they
would feel as if they are receiving quality training.
v. As many courses or seminars invite employees form other companies to attend, this would
allow employees to network and perhaps drum-up business.
HR departments, CHQ collects the feedback form from the participants within 7 days of the
completion of the training programmes.The feedback is analyzed &records are maintained. The overall
participant’s reactions to various aspects of training programmes are obtained following factor:-
It helps the organization to select or avoid a training organization on the basis of feedbacks from
the employees who have gone under training at those training organization.
Appropriate action if any, is taken bring out continuous improvement in the training process.
Without proper tie off with reputed training institution forces the management to optimum for
non-recognized training institution who lacks in quality &training programmes.
As there is no real way to know the abilities both as a trainer and their subject knowledge of the
people delivering the external training courses, there is no guarantee that sufficient skills of
knowledge will be transfers or valuable.
IMFA CHQ &branches Review identified &imparted to Executives of group &non-executives of CHQ&
THERUBALI 1 1 100%
CHOUDWAR 3 3 100%
MINES 3 3 100%
IMFA CHQ &branches summary of Training identified IMFA CHQ & branches summary of training
identified &imparted to non-executives at CHQ for the year 2009-2010
CHOUDWAR 3 3 100%
MINES 4 4 100%
THERUBALI 8 8 100%
CHOUDWAR 18 18 100%
MINES 11 11 100%
4 4 100%
IMFA CHQ summary of training identified & imparted to Non-executive of CHQ & branches for April
2008-March 2009
CHOUDWAR 5 5 100
MINES 5 5 100
2007-2008 EXECUTIVES
CHQ& BRANCHES 32 31 97
CHOUDWAR 12 12 100
MINES 11 11 100
TOTAL 61 60 98
CHOUDWAR 5 5 100
MINES 5 100
CHQ 8 12 9 10 39
THERUBALI 3 1 1 1 6
CHOUDWAR 1 3 2 1 7
MINES 3 5 4 4 16
TOTAL 15 21 16 16 68
CHOUDWAR 1 1 100
MINES 3 3 100
For 4qtrs=2590/4=648
Minimum 75%
For 4 qtrs=342/4=86
Minimum 75%