Leeds 2030: Our Vision To Be The Best City in The UK
Leeds 2030: Our Vision To Be The Best City in The UK
Leeds 2030: Our Vision To Be The Best City in The UK
This Vision is ambitious, we are challenging ourselves to be the best city in the UK. That means being fair, sustainable
and inclusive. The consultation exercise highlighted that people care about community and society as much as
infrastructure and buildings. So this Vision sets out not only how we aim to achieve a 21st century transport
system for the city, but also our ambitions to create a more cohesive city with stronger communities.
Leeds City Council will play its part by aiming to become the best council in the country, but it cannot achieve
this Vision alone. We want to see all people, businesses and organisations get behind this collective effort.
The success of our city depends on all of us working together to make sure that our Vision and all our plans
and strategies are robust and have been tested and challenged. We will make sure that we continue to work
in partnership and with local communities to achieve the best for the people of Leeds.
Office of National Statistics, 2010 mid year population estimate
Office of National Statistics, 2009 mid year population estimate
has had a real impact on some of Leeds’ key sectors, We did this by:
including construction, and business and financial
• distributing a consultation document across
services. We will need to find new ways to remain
the city in public buildings;
• publicising the consultation in the local media;
Anticipating changes to our population • setting up a website inviting people to get
Leeds’ population is forecast to grow. involved in a debate about the kind of city
This will include: they want Leeds to be;
• using social media, including Facebook, Twitter
• greater numbers of children and young people;
and LinkedIn; and
• more people aged 75 years and over; and
• holding face-to-face discussions and events with
• more people from black, ethnic-minority and over 400 groups, including 200 businesses across
mixed race backgrounds. the city.
We need to start planning now to make sure The responses we received during the consultation
that the city can manage these predicted changes were analysed by an independent organisation.
to our population.
The top priorities to emerge were:
These are just some of the reasons we must think
ahead and plan for future success. • good quality, reliable public transport;
• a cleaner, greener city;
Developing our • new job opportunities;
new Vision • a sense of community spirit;
Between September and December 2010, we asked • good community relations;
the people who live and work in Leeds to tell us what
• safety; and
they wanted Leeds to be like in 2030 and their ideas
for how to make it happen. • great culture and entertainment.
Our Vision for 2030
Our purpose is to improve life for the people
of Leeds and make our city a better place.
We have listened carefully to what local people,
businesses and organisations have said.
Our aims
This Vision is about results. To become the best city we must work together to achieve our aims.
Our partnership will regularly publish City Priority Plans, setting out how we will make progress
and how we will achieve success.
by best city?
We have set our Vision to be the best city in the UK.
Not the richest or the biggest, but the best for all
who live and work in Leeds - our children, our
communities and our businesses.
A place where everyone can enjoy a good quality internationally. We will aspire to make Leeds a place
of life and make choices. It applies to all our local where everyone has the same opportunity to enjoy
communities, as well as our towns and villages, the good health and education, and a choice of where
city centre, the Yorkshire region, and nationally and to live. We will embrace the opportunity to grow our
internationally. city, creating sustainable new jobs for local people.
To become the best city in the UK we need to The following pages show some of the areas
reduce the inequalities that exist and also compete where we want the Vision to make a difference.
• people can travel on good quality, reliable public transport and have access to walking
and cycling routes;
• the housing growth of the city is sustainable;
• houses to rent and buy will meet the needs of people at different stages of their lives;
• local people benefit from regeneration investment; and
• people enjoy world class culture, sport, leisure and entertainment.
Leeds and beyond
To make sure all this happens we need
to engage beyond our boundaries.
The Leeds City Region brings together the eleven local authorities of Barnsley, Bradford, Calderdale, Craven, Harrogate, Leeds, Kirklees, Selby, Wakefield,
York and North Yorkshire County Council to work together on areas such as transport, skills, housing, planning and innovation.
These are:
• Children’s Trust Board;
• Sustainable Economy and Culture Board;
• Safer and Stronger Communities Board;
• Health and Wellbeing Board; and
• Housing and Regeneration Board.
All our documents, and the notes of all
our meetings, are on our website at
They include:
• a report and analysis of the consultation;
• Understanding our city – a high-level summary
of progress and setbacks since the last Vision
for Leeds was published in 2004; and
• ‘Best City’ - a film.
www.leedsbestcity.org.uk es/La/SW/09.11/2K
The Leeds Initiative
Civic Hall
Portland Crescent
+ 44 (0)113 2478989
email: [email protected]
web: leedsbestcity.org.uk
twitter: @leedsinitiative