This document provides a workplace inspection checklist for construction works. It outlines administrative requirements, training and instruction standards, accident reporting procedures, safety risk assessments, use of equipment and hazardous substances, lockout/tagout procedures, and ladder safety requirements. The checklist contains over 50 inspection elements across these categories to evaluate compliance with occupational safety and health regulations.
This document provides a workplace inspection checklist for construction works. It outlines administrative requirements, training and instruction standards, accident reporting procedures, safety risk assessments, use of equipment and hazardous substances, lockout/tagout procedures, and ladder safety requirements. The checklist contains over 50 inspection elements across these categories to evaluate compliance with occupational safety and health regulations.
Original Description:
Workplace Inspection Checklist for Construction Works - Kenya
Original Title
Workplace Inspection Checklist for Construction Works - Kenya
This document provides a workplace inspection checklist for construction works. It outlines administrative requirements, training and instruction standards, accident reporting procedures, safety risk assessments, use of equipment and hazardous substances, lockout/tagout procedures, and ladder safety requirements. The checklist contains over 50 inspection elements across these categories to evaluate compliance with occupational safety and health regulations.
This document provides a workplace inspection checklist for construction works. It outlines administrative requirements, training and instruction standards, accident reporting procedures, safety risk assessments, use of equipment and hazardous substances, lockout/tagout procedures, and ladder safety requirements. The checklist contains over 50 inspection elements across these categories to evaluate compliance with occupational safety and health regulations.
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The document outlines a workplace inspection checklist for construction works with various elements like administrative requirements, training, accident reporting, risk assessments, housekeeping and personal protective equipment.
Some of the main administrative requirements mentioned include having a safety policy, notifying authorities of commencement of works, appointing safety supervisors, displaying safety information, recording and reporting of accidents.
Training requirements include general and work-specific safety inductions, establishing work competence, training of supervisors and conducting toolbox talks.
Workplace Inspection Checklist for Construction Works
Element Sub element Status Observation/comments
1.0 1.1 Statement of safety and Administrative health policy displayed requirements 1.2 The Director, DOSHS notified within 7 days of commencement of building operations or works of engineering construction 1.3 Project site registered by the Director, DOSHS and certificate of registration available 1.4 Suitably qualified safety supervisors/officers appointed 1.5 Abstracts of OSHA, 2007 and BOWEC Rules, 1984 conspicuously displayed at the workplace 1.6 Important emergency contacts displayed conspicuously at the workplace 1.7 All accidents entered in the general register 1.8 The Director, DOSHS/DSSS notified of workplace accident within 7 days of occurrence vide DOSH 1 forms 1.9 The Director, DOSHS/DSSS notified of fatalities within 24 hours of occurrence 1.10 Employees out of work for three or more days due to workplace accident compensated accordingly 1.11 Relevant OSH legislations available in the workplace 1.12 Safety committee established and trained in line with the Safety and Health Committee Rules Element Sub element Status Observation/comments 1.0 1.12 Quarterly site inspections Administrative carried out by safety requirements committee and reports made 1.13 Safety committee meeting every three months and copies of minutes submitted to DOSHS and DSSS 1.14 Fire team established and trained in line with the Fire Risk Reduction Rules, 2007 1.15 Annual statutory safety and health audits carried out by approved safety advisers 1.16 Annual fire safety audits carried out by approved fire safety auditors 1.17 All statutory equipment examined by government approved plant examiners periodically and records kept available at the site office 1.1.8 Monthly OSH performance reports submitted to Ketraco 2.0 Training and 2.1 General safety induction instruction provided and records maintained 2.2 Work-specific safety induction provided and records maintained 2.3 Work competence of employees established and those not competent trained accordingly before being assigned work 2.4 Supervisors trained by a recognised institution in ensuring safety and health at work 2.5 Toolbox talks held to discuss specific hazards
Element Sub element Status Observation/comments
3.0 Accident 3.1 Workplace accidents and reporting and occupational diseases investigation recorded in the general register 3.2 The Director, DOSHS notified of occupational accidents/occupational diseases through completing and submitting DOSH 1 forms 3.3 Copy of completed DOSH 1 form forwarded to HSE, KETRACO 3.4 KETRACO Project Manager and HSE provided with a completed preliminary incident report form within 24 hours of incident causing property damage, near miss or a lost time injury 3.5 KETRACO Project Manager and HSE provided with a set of incident investigation documents no later than 48 hours after the occurrence of the event 4.0 Safety and 4.1 A risk assessment of all health risk work procedures with assessments and possible hazards carried safe work out and measures taken to method reduce risk levels statements 4.2 Copy of risk assessment report submitted to DOSHS and HSE, KETRACO. 4.3 Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) prepared for all work activities assessed as having a safety risk
Element Sub element Status Observation/comments
4.0 Safety and 4.4 Copies of SWMS health risk submitted to HSE, assessments and KETRACO before safe work commencement of works. method 4.5 Permit to work system statements implemented for hazardous work 5.0 Use of 5.1 Log of all chemicals in site Hazardous available Substances 5.2 File of material safety data sheets of all chemicals used available for reference by affected employees 5.3 Workers are trained on safe use of chemicals at work and records kept 5.4 All chemical containers are properly labelled 5.5 Compressed gas cylinders used in accordance with standard code of practices 5..6 Flammable substances protected from ignition sources 6.0 Use of 6.1 Equipment appropriate Equipment - certified and checked by Tools and competent or authorised Machinery person. 6.2 Equipment are maintained in a safe operating condition. 6.3 Equipment maintained as per manufacturer’s maintenance manual and applicable legislation 6.4 Equipment manuals available in the English language. 6.5 Checklists available for carrying out daily, weekly, or monthly equipment inspections. 6.6 Hazardous moving parts appropriately guarded Element Sub element Status Observation/comments 6.0 Use of 6.7 Appropriate safety Equipment - signage displayed on Tools and machines and work Machinery stations. Wordings in English or Kiswahili. 7.0 Lockout - 7.1 Lock-out/tag-out Tagout (Control procedure used for of hazardous machinery where energy) inadvertent exposure to electrical energy could cause injury 7.2 Lockout - tagout shall be carried out by authorised personnel and records kept after the lockout tagout procedure is carried out. 8.0 Ladders 8.1 Every ladder issued is of good construction, sound material adequate strength and suitable for use 8.2 Every ladder is properly maintained 8.3 Ladder rungs, cleats, and steps are parallel, level, and evenly spaced when the ladder is positioned for use 8.4 Each stepladder has a metal spreader or locking device 8.5 Ladders periodically inspected by a competent person 8.6 Ladders visually inspected by users before use 8.7 Portable ladders with structural defects marked as defective and withdrawn from service 8.8 Employees trained to recognize hazards related to ladders
Element Sub element Status Observation/comments
9.0 Temporary 9.1 All work done by qualified Power Supply persons. 9.2 Appropriate PPE used 9.3 Temporary power panels and live parts of wiring or equipment fully guarded 9.4 All circuits protected against overload 9.5 All electrical conduits insulated 9.6 Bulbs attached to temporary lighting strings and extension cords adequately protected 10.0 Noise 10.1 Regulations concerning (Noise protection of employees Prevention and against the effects of noise Control Rules, exposure understood and 2005) complied with 11.0 Airborne 11.1 Dispersion of fine Dust particulates and dust minimised by suitable engineering methods 11.2 PPE issued to all workers that come into direct contact with air-borne dust. 11.3 The contractor ensures that all workers put on their appropriate PPE at all times while working in a dusty environment. 12.0 Fire 12.1 Fire evacuation plan Prevention developed 12.2 Adequate number and type of fire extinguisher(s) available 12.3 Fire fighting equipment conspicuously located 12.4 Fire fighting equipment periodically inspected and maintained in operating condition 12.5 Phone number of fire department posted 12.6 Flammable liquids stored in approved containers and correctly labelled 12.7 Highly flammable liquids kept in workroom is less than 50 liters and stored in a fire resistant container.
Element Sub element Status Observation/comments
12.0 Fire 12.8 Fire alarm available Prevention 12.9 Fuel supplies protected from accidental impact 12.10 Fire training given to fire marshals 12.11 equipment shut down prior to refuelling 12.12 Equipment properly grounded to fuel trucks before refuelling 12.13 “No smoking” signs posted and enforced 13.0 Emergency 13.1 Evacuation procedures Management designed to be used during any emergency 13.2 Emergency procedures tested at regular intervals 14.0 First Aid 14.1 Adequately stocked first aid box(es) provided 14.2 Enough trained first aiders available 14.3 Stretcher(s) available 14.4 Emergency contacts of ambulance and referral medical facility displayed 14.5 First aid room in sites with fifty or more persons 15.0 Shelters and 15.1 Sheltered areas for Accommodation protection from adverse for Clothing and weather for Taking 15.2 Sheltered areas for meals Meals 15.3 Storage facilities for personal clothing 15.4 Storage facilities for PPE’s Element Sub element Status Observation/comments 16.0 Supply of 16.1 Adequate supply of Drinking Water wholesome water 16.2 Adequate drinking cups 17.0 Washing 17.1 Adequate, suitable and Facilities & clean washing facilities Sanitary 17.2 Adequate, suitable and Conveniences clean sanitary conveniences 17.3 Facilities for cleaning hands
18.0 Medical 18.1 Pre-employment and
Examination periodic medical examination of employees carried out by DHP’s 19.0 Pedestrian 19.1 Pedestrians protected for Safety construction works 20.0 Transport 20.1 Drivers hold current Safety driving licenses 20.2 Drivers/loaders taken through site induction training including driving safety 20.3 Competence of drivers certified before signing 20.4 Vehicle maintenance carried out periodically and as per manufacturer’s instructions 20.5 All incidences involving vehicles reported 20.6 Use of intoxicants while operating vehicles prohibited 20.7 Vehicles driven at legal speeds 20.8 Drivers and passengers aware of hazards in ROWs 21.0 Signs and 21.1 Excavations, holes, or barricades openings in floors or roofs, elevated platforms etc barricaded 21.2 Signs, signals and barricades to detour the passage of persons or vehicles installed and maintained 21.3 Deployment of flagmen to guide machine operators and pedestrians within barricaded pedestrian walk way 21.4 Signs and Barricades posted and removed without delay Element Sub element Status Observation/comments 22.0 Excavations 22.1 Walls and roof of any excavation, shaft, earthwork or tunnel, deeper than 1.2 metres reinforced 22.2 Construction material for bracing and shoring are in good condition and of proper dimensions 22.3 Excavations inspected each day by a competent individual 22.4 Excavation, shaft, pit or opening in the ground more than two metres in depth securely covered or fenced 22.5 Excavated material piled at least one metre back from the edge of the excavation 22.6 Barricades placed around excavation areas to protect people and animals from falling into the excavation after digging 22.7 Persons not permitted in an excavation while equipment is in operation next to the edge of the excavation 22.8 No load or equipment likely to cause a collapse of the side of an excavation, is placed or moved near the edge of the excavation 22.9 Excavator operator maintains at least one metre unimpaired clearance between the excavator’s rotating superstructure and adjacent objects 22.10 Persons kept outside the work area by marking with rope, tape, etc. Element Sub element Status Observation/comments 22.0 Excavations 22.11 DANGER – STAY CLEAR signs posted on all sides of the excavator. 22.12 Employees exposed to vehicular traffic wearing warning vests made of reflectorized or high visibility material 23.0 Scaffolds 23.1 Erections properly supervised by safety supervisor Sub element Status Observation/comments 23.2 Scaffolds inspected for visible defects by a safety supervisor before each work shift, and after any occurrence which could affect a scaffold’s structural integrity 23.3 Employees involved in erecting, disassembling, moving, operating, repairing, maintaining, or inspecting a scaffold trained by a competent person 23.4 Scaffold constructed using suitable material of adequate strength for the purpose for which it is used 23.5 Guard rails, intermediate rails, and toe boards in place 23.6 Scaffolds and scaffold components capable of supporting their maximum intended load or rated capacities, whichever is less 23.7 Personnel working under the scaffold kept to a minimum and provided with appropriate protective equipment
Element Sub element Observation/comments
23.0 Scaffolds 23.8 All scaffold connections secure 23.9 Scaffolds erected on solid footing 23.10 Employees working from a scaffold more than 2m above a lower level protected from falling to that lower level 23.11 Scaffold fixed, secured or placed in position so as to prevent accidental displacement. Element Sub element Observation/comments 24.0 Fall 24.1 Optimal fall protection Protection provided where there is possibility of falling at least two metres 24.2 A properly manufactured/ constructed, erected, secured and maintained ladder in use 24.3 A properly manufactured, erected and maintained scaffold with complete handrail system 24.4 A properly inspected, operated and maintained mobile bucket or scissors lift 24.5 Persons working with mobile buckets or scissors lifts working within the confines of the railing and tied off utilizing a full body harness 24.6 All openings along roof edges, building edges, and floor openings protected with guard rails, barricades and/or covers Element Sub element Status Observation/comments 24.0 Fall 24.7 When using the body Protection harness method of fall protection, worker is tied off by at least one connection between his/her body harness and a secured building structural member or other fall protection device. Element Sub element Status Observation/comments 24.8 Every employee issued with a safety harness shall be has been instructed by a qualified person in the proper method of wearing, using, and securing it. 24.9 Every safety harness and lanyard inspected by a qualified person upon issue, and by the wearer before each use. 24.10 All employees working at height trained by a qualified person/ organization and issued with a height pass. 25.0 Lifting 25.1 Chain, rope or lifting tackle Equipment: used it is of good Chains, rope construction, sound and lifting material, adequate strength tackle and free from patent defect 25.2 Safe working loads indicated in a chart displayed in site office or plainly marked on equipment 25.3 Safe work load not exceeded during use 25.4 All chains, ropes and lifting tackle in use thoroughly examined every six months by a person approved by the Director, DOSHS 25.0 Lifting 25.5 No wire rope used if in any Equipment: length of ten diameters the Chains, rope total number of visible and lifting broken wires exceeds five tackle per cent of the total number of wires in the rope 25.6 Every sling used for raising or lowering on a lifting appliance is securely attached to the appliance Element Sub element Status Observation/comments 25.0 Lifting 25.7 Whenever two or more rope Equipment: eyes must be placed over a Chains, rope hook, a shackle is installed and lifting on the hook with the shackle tackle pin resting in the hook and the rope eyes attached to the shackle 25.8 Adequate steps taken to prevent the edges of the load being raised or lowered from coming into contact with any sling, rope or chain where this would cause danger 25.9 Chain or wire rope which has a knot tied in any part of the chain or rope under direct tension not used for lifting/lowering 25.10 Chain which is shortened or joined to another chain by means of bolts and nuts inserted through the links not used for lifting/ lowering 25.11 U-bolt clips properly spaced and installed when forming eyes in wire ropes Element Sub element Status Observation/comments 26.0 Lifting 26.1 Lifting machine is of good Equipment: construction, sound Cranes and material, adequate strength other lifting and free from patent defect appliances 26.2 Lifting machine properly lubricated and maintained 26.3 All parts and gear of lifting machines thoroughly examined, at least once every twelve months by a person approved by the Director, DOSHS 26.4 All lifting machines inspected daily by competent person and records available 26.5 Lifting machines operated by a person who is at least eighteen years old and is trained and possesses a certificate in writing from a recognised institution to operate that machine 26.6 Lifting machine operator has undergone competence test and issued with certificate of competence 26.7 Lifting appliance adequately and securely supported 26.8 Stability of lifting appliances ensured when used on a soft or uneven surface or on a slope 26.9 Every crane, crab and winch provided with an efficient brake or brakes or other safety device 26.10 Alarms working and audible 26.11 Operation in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction Element Sub element Status Observation/comments 27.0 Use of 27.1 Used in accordance with Puller/Tensioner the users and safety manual for the machine. 27.2 Safe work method statements available operators conversant with the statements. 28.0 Hot Work - 28.1 Hot work permit issued Including before striking an arc or Burning and lighting a torch. Welding 28.2 Fire extinguishers of the proper size, type and in sufficient number located within 10 metres of any welding, burning, or open-flame work 28.3 Trained fire fighter present during the permit period 28.4 Fire watch provided during and for at least 30 minutes after hot work has been completed 28.5 Acetylene/oxygen hoses and welding leads do not run through doorways 28.6 No welding or burning done on a closed vessel previously in use unless it has been decontaminated and approved by the Site Manager. 28.7 Flammable and combustible materials within and below welding area kept away 28.8 Adequate ventilation provided 28.9 Discarded rods properly disposed 28.10 Welding shields in place to protect people from the arc Element Sub element Status Observation/comments 28.0 Hot 28.11 Oxy-acetylene equipment Work - disassembled, with Including regulators removed and Burning and protective caps installed Welding hand-tight, prior to vehicular transporting 28.12 Compressed gas cylinders secured vertically to an adequate support while in storage, transit, or use 28.13 The cylinder valves closed and hose lines bled after completing the required burning or welding 28.14 All hoses, gauges, and torches inspected before each use. 28.15 Torches not left in a vessel, tank, or other closed container. 28.16 Acetylene/oxygen torches equipped with flashback arresters. 28.17 Cutting torch cylinders not placed where they might become part of electrical circuit 28.18 Separate storage areas for fuel, gas and oxygen cylinders outside range of falling debris and away from heavily trafficked areas 28.19 Storage areas clear of combustibles including fuels and designated no smoking areas and protected from sunlight 28.20 Appropriate PPE’s provided for persons doing hot work
Element Sub element Status Observation/comments
29.0 Use of 29.1 Safety supervisor with Explosives adequate knowledge of the dangers connected with the use of explosives supervises and directly controls the handling and use of explosives. 29.2 Safety supervisor ensures that when a charge is fired, persons employed are positioned safely 29.3 Explosives are transported, stored and used in accordance with the Explosives Act (Cap 115) and the Mining Act (Cap 306). 29.4 Smoking, firearms, matches, open flame lamps and other fires, flame or heat producing devices, and sparks prohibited in or near explosive magazines and while explosives are being handled, transported, or used 29.5 An inventory and use record of all explosives maintained by contractor 29.6 Explosives not in use kept in a locked magazine 29.7 Precautions taken to prevent accidental discharge of electric blasting caps from current induced by radar, radio transmitters, lighting, adjacent power lines, dust storms and other sources of extraneous electricity 29.8 Explosives and related materials stored in approved facilities 29.9 Loud warning signal given before blasting Element Sub element Observation/comments 30.0 30.1 All materials stored in Housekeeping such a manner as to prevent falling, shifting or collapse 30.2 Materials not stored on scaffolds in quantities greater than needed for one day’s use. 30.3 All bagged materials stacked with the layers stepped back and interlocked to prevent the stack from slipping or otherwise shifting. 30.4 All nails removed from used timber before storage. 30.5 Structural steel, poles, pipes, bars and similar materials stored in racks or otherwise confined so as to prevent shifting, spreading or falling 30.6 All scrap timber, waste materials, and rubbish removed from the immediate work areas on a continuous basis. 30.7 All exits and access ways should kept unobstructed. 30.8 Scrap, trash, and other wastes shall be placed in designated containers authorized by the Site Manager. 30.9 Metal containers with covers provided for disposal of oily and flammable/combustible soaked rags. 30.10 Combustibles such as fuels, paint, flammable materials, timber and paper stored away from possible fire- sources. Element Sub element Status Observation/comments 31.0 Personal 31.1 Hazard evaluation carried Protective out to determine type of PPE equipment to be issued 32.2 Protective equipment adequate for exposure 33.3 Employees issued PPE where needed 33.4 PPE used consistently 33.5 Employees trained in the use of PPE 33.6 Inspections of PPE done periodically/before and after use 33.7 Adequate maintenance and clean storage facilities provided 33.8 Adequate fall protection equipment provided 33.9 Protective helmets (hard hats) worn at all times on site 33.10 Ear protection devices provided and used wherever it is not feasible to reduce noise levels 33.11 Employees provided with and use eye and face protection when machines or operations present potential eye or face injury 33.12 Respirators and masks provided and used 33.13 Appropriate safety footwear provided and used 33.14 Appropriate hand gloves provided and used 33.15 Appropriate coverall/ overall/ dustcoat provided and used