Manizheh Khodayari, MIChemE Process Safety and loss prevention engineer, [email protected], Fluor Ltd, 140 Pinehurst Road, Farnborough GU14 7BF, UK
Are equipment potentially exposing to pool fires?
Or they are more likely to be exposed to jet fires?
Fire zoning for PSV sizing and depressurization system calculations in a fire scenario is very critical. The size of a fire
zone is a dictating factor in relief load calculations. API 521 addresses the size of a fire zone in vertical and horizontal
Process safety engineers need to perform fire modelling by means of a fire hazard scenario assessment in a process
directions as 7.6m and 12.5m respectively and regardless of the level of the heat radiation for different type of
facility. If the results of the assessment indicate that equipment is exposed to a pool fire or a jet fire which is not
hydrocarbons and fires. This size is normally used by process engineers for the purpose of depressurization calculations.
exceeding the heat input more than 100kW/m2, the same empirical method as before can be applied for the calculations.
Also the fire zoning and required assessment shall be carried out in parallel and the results shall be provided to the related
This paper provides overviews for heat radiation envelopes with special focus on jet fires by means of different case
process team. It might be necessary that process engineers to be engaged in heat input calculations to support this
studies. This paper explains why fire zoning studies shall be performed for different fire scenarios for PSV sizing and
assessment. These results can lead to much bigger than fire envelopes as it has been addressed in API 521 and can engage
depressurisation system design. Also it provides reasons for the impact of jet fire heat radiation and its importance in
more surface areas of process systems in a real fire envelope.
these calculations.
If the results of the assessment indicate higher level of heat input than 100 kW/m2 at the equipment, then the analytical
The purpose of this paper is to explore around the following questions and to provide views in these areas:
method shall be applied. Also the size of the heat radiation contour or size of the fire heat radiation envelope shall be
assessed on this basis and the process team informed.
Can 7.6m vertically and 12.5 m horizontally be generalised for all type of fires and variety of the flammable
For the duration of a fire the following aspects need to be evaluated by process safety engineers:
Is it realistic to ignore jet fire heat radiation from these calculations?
Adequate numbers, correct types and the best locations of fire detection and related annunciation systems
This item, is not addressing a direct impinging jet fire. It is regarding to an indirect heat radiation from a flame
Fire detection and annunciation systems reliability and availability,
which can impact systems when the heat flux is considerable enough in a minimum certain period of time. This heat
radiation also can cause overpressure inside systems. Availability of adequate firefighting means
Human factor aspects that improves operators’ capabilities in realisation and
decision making for staged depressurization,
Where are the borders for application of empirical method and analytical method that are addressed in API 521 as
Depressurisation period and remaining inventory inside the system after
the methodologies for relief load calculations for systems under fire? Which one of those methodologies shall be
shutdown and depressurisation time
applied in the calculations?
Therefore process safety engineers shall perform fire assessment studies in process facilities to address the type and the
The level of heat radiation and the size of a fire envelope vertically and horizontally strongly depend on the type of a
duration of fires which can be either jet fire or pool fire and address the size of the associated fire zones. The results of
flammable substance, size of a leak, process conditions inside a system, amount of an inventory, and wind weather
these assessments will provide accurate information to process engineers for PSV sizing and depressurization system
For this purpose, 4 different case studies were selected to indicate the dimension of heat radiation levels equal or more
Following figures have been selected from the case studies where the size of the jet fire and the associated heat radiation
than 100 kW/m2 for different hydrocarbons with the same process conditions. The cases are as follows and results of the
envelope varies in different wind weather conditions and with type of the hydrocarbon. The jet fires have been modelled
study have been listed in table 1.
based on the process conditions that have been addressed in Table 1. Each case has been modelled horizontally and
vertically to show the heat radiation extent than can be extremely beyond 7.6m and 12.5m in vertical and horizontal
1. Case 1; 100% of methane
directions when the heat radiation criteria has been set as 100 kW/m2. Please note that in higher heat radiations the results
2. Case 2; 90% propane and 10% butane
will be close to these figures.
3. Case 3; 100% butane
4. Case 4; 100% octane
Case 3- Horizontal jet fire-Side view
The case study results for instance for case 3 indicate that, for a system containing butane with a 25mm leak size, 16
barg and 45 C is leading to a 100 kW/m2 of heat radiation at 35m height and 57m radius at 5D wind weather
condition. The modelling of the jet fires has been done vertically and horizontally to show the extent of the heat radiation
in both directions. Also the results of the study indicated that, this substance will lead to higher heat radiation intensities
than 100 kW/m2 in the vicinity of the corresponding jet flame. Further details for all four case
studies have been addressed in Table 1.
The analytical methodology is also applicable for pool and jet fires for averaged heat flux for pressure increase
calculations in the systems or local heat flux for material strength calculations.
However, the main focus of this paper is on the jet fires but it is worth mentioning that, not all pool fires will necessarily
lead to the same fire envelope size as addressed in API 521. For the design of depressurisation systems and PSV sizing in
case of fire; the following items as the starting points shall be investigated: