Word Bank Grade 10
Word Bank Grade 10
Word Bank Grade 10
1. disruptive [causing or tending to cause 8. fastidious [very attentive to and concerned about
disruption. "disruptive pupils] accuracy and detail. "she dressed with fastidious care"]
3. glutinous [like glue in texture; sticky. 10. impetuous – [acting or done quickly and
"glutinous mud"] without thought or care.
"she might live to rue this impetuous decision"]
6. facetious - [treating serious issues with 13. hubristic - [excessively proud or self-confident.
deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant. "a hubristic belief in his own self-proclaimed genius"]
"a facetious remark"]
7. invidious- [awkward, difficult, unpleasant 14. iniquitous- [grossly unfair and morally wrong.
situation "she's put herself in an invidious "an iniquitous tax"]
17. tremulous - [shaking or quivering 25. sagacious -[having or showing keen mental
slightly. discernment and good judgement; wise or shrewd.
"Barbara's voice was tremulous"] "they were sagacious enough to avoid any outright
20. discerning - [having or showing good 28. judicious - [having, showing, or done with
judgement. good judgement or sense.
"the brasserie attracts discerning customers"] "the judicious use of public investment"]
21. expedient - [(of an action) convenient 29. pragmatic - [dealing with things sensibly and
and practical although possibly improper or realistically in a way that is based on practical rather
immoral. than theoretical considerations.
"either side could break the agreement if it "a pragmatic approach to politics"]
were expedient to do so"]
22. expedient - [(of an action) convenient 30. timorous - [showing or suffering from
and practical although possibly improper or nervousness or a lack of confidence.
immoral. "a timorous voice"]
"either side could break the agreement if it
were expedient to do so"]
34. inexorable – [impossible to stop or 41. surreptitiously – [in a way that attempts to
prevent. avoid notice or attention; secretively.
"the seemingly inexorable march of new "Mary surreptitiously slipped from the room"
technology"] ‘surreptitious’ kept secret, especially because it
would not be approved of. He made
a surreptitious recording with a concealed hand-held
36. defamatory - [(of remarks, writing, 43. caustic- [sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way.
etc.) damaging the good reputation of "the players were making caustic comments about the
someone; slanderous; maliciously refereeing"]
"a defamatory allegation"]
2 receive 7 puzzled
3 concentrate 8 sprained
5 technique 10 calculator