Word Bank Grade 10

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The document provides a list of English words along with their definitions for grade 10 students.

Some of the words provided in the document include disruptive, fervent, glutinous, languorous, egregious, platitudinous, etc. along with their meanings.

Words related to behavior or personality in the document include conscientious, avaricious, pragmatic, timorous.



NAME: __________________________ SUBJECT: ENGLISH DICTATION

CLASS X & DIV: A & B ROLL NO: ____30+4__________

1. disruptive [causing or tending to cause 8. fastidious [very attentive to and concerned about
disruption. "disruptive pupils] accuracy and detail. "she dressed with fastidious care"]

2. fervent [having or displaying a passionate 9. grouchy [irritable and bad-tempered; grumpy;

intensity. "a fervent supporter of the revolution"] complaining. "the old man grew sulky and grouchy"]

3. glutinous [like glue in texture; sticky. 10. impetuous – [acting or done quickly and
"glutinous mud"] without thought or care.
"she might live to rue this impetuous decision"]

4. languorous – [characterized by tiredness 11. egregious – [outstandingly bad; shocking.

or inactivity, especially of a pleasurable kind. "egregious abuses of copyright"]
"summer has a slow, languorous feel to it here” ]

5. platitudinous - [(of a remark or 12. arbitrary – [based on random choice or personal

statement) used too often to be interesting or whim, rather than any reason or system.
thoughtful; hackneyed. "an arbitrary decision"]
"this may sound platitudinous"]

6. facetious - [treating serious issues with 13. hubristic - [excessively proud or self-confident.
deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant. "a hubristic belief in his own self-proclaimed genius"]
"a facetious remark"]

7. invidious- [awkward, difficult, unpleasant 14. iniquitous- [grossly unfair and morally wrong.
situation "she's put herself in an invidious "an iniquitous tax"]

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15. noxious - [harmful, poisonous, or very 23. obsolescent - [becoming obsolete.
unpleasant. "obsolescent equipment"]
"they were overcome by the noxious fumes"]

16. treacherous - [guilty of or involving 24. gnarly - [difficult, dangerous, or challenging.

betrayal or deception, unfaithful, disloyal "he'd taken a fall during a particularly gnarly practice
. "a treacherous agent" session"]
presenting hidden or unpredictable dangers;
"a holidaymaker was swept away by
treacherous currents"]

17. tremulous - [shaking or quivering 25. sagacious -[having or showing keen mental
slightly. discernment and good judgement; wise or shrewd.
"Barbara's voice was tremulous"] "they were sagacious enough to avoid any outright

18. propitious - [giving or indicating a 26 voracious - [wanting or devouring great

good chance of success; favourable. quantities of food.
"the timing for such a meeting seemed "a voracious appetite"
propitious"] engaging in an activity with great eagerness or
"she's a voracious reader"]

19. adroit - [clever or skilful. 27. dexterous - [showing or having skill,

"he was adroit at tax avoidance"] especially with the hands.
"a dexterous keyboard player"]

20. discerning - [having or showing good 28. judicious - [having, showing, or done with
judgement. good judgement or sense.
"the brasserie attracts discerning customers"] "the judicious use of public investment"]

21. expedient - [(of an action) convenient 29. pragmatic - [dealing with things sensibly and
and practical although possibly improper or realistically in a way that is based on practical rather
immoral. than theoretical considerations.
"either side could break the agreement if it "a pragmatic approach to politics"]
were expedient to do so"]

22. expedient - [(of an action) convenient 30. timorous - [showing or suffering from
and practical although possibly improper or nervousness or a lack of confidence.
immoral. "a timorous voice"]
"either side could break the agreement if it
were expedient to do so"]

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31. incendiary - [inflammatory, 38. ephemeral - [intensely painful.
spontaneously combustible, hot. "an "excruciating back pain"]
incendiary bomb"]

32. conscientious - [wishing to do one's 39. picturesque – [(of a place or building)

work or duty well and thoroughly; feeling a visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming
moral responsibility to do your work carefully way.
and to be fair to others; diligent "ruined abbeys and picturesque villages"]
"a conscientious man, he took his duties very

33. avaricious – [having or showing an 40. grotesque – [comically or repulsively ugly or

extreme greed for wealth or material gain. distorted; malformed, deformed
"a corrupt and avaricious government"] "a figure wearing a grotesque mask"
incongruous or inappropriate to a shocking degree;
outrageous, monstrous, shocking
"a lifestyle of grotesque lu

34. inexorable – [impossible to stop or 41. surreptitiously – [in a way that attempts to
prevent. avoid notice or attention; secretively.
"the seemingly inexorable march of new "Mary surreptitiously slipped from the room"
technology"] ‘surreptitious’ kept secret, especially because it
would not be approved of. He made
a surreptitious recording with a concealed hand-held

35. gluttonous - [excessively greedy. 42. ruminative - [expressing or involving deep

"a gluttonous, cigar-smoking capitalist"] thought.
"a deeply ruminative, mysterious lament"]

36. defamatory - [(of remarks, writing, 43. caustic- [sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way.
etc.) damaging the good reputation of "the players were making caustic comments about the
someone; slanderous; maliciously refereeing"]
"a defamatory allegation"]

37. calamitous -[involving calamity; 44. acrimonious - [(typically of speech or

catastrophic or disastrous."such calamitous discussion) angry and bitter.
events as fires, hurricanes, and floods"] "an acrimonious dispute about wages"]

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45. congenial –
[(of a person) pleasing or liked on account of
having qualities or interests that are similar to
one's own;
like-minded, compatible
"his need for some congenial company"
(of a thing) pleasant or agreeable because
suited to one's taste or inclination;
pleasant, pleasing,
"he went back to a climate more congenial
to his cold stony soul"

46. dour – [relentlessly severe, stern, or

gloomy in manner or appearance.
"a hard, dour, humourless fanatic"]


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Dictation Words
1 permission 6 identical

2 receive 7 puzzled

3 concentrate 8 sprained

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4 seeing 9 behaviour

5 technique 10 calculator

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