Interactive Weblog As A Source of Social Study of Junior High School Students Insan Solihin
Interactive Weblog As A Source of Social Study of Junior High School Students Insan Solihin
Interactive Weblog As A Source of Social Study of Junior High School Students Insan Solihin
Insan Solihin
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. Weblogs are the concept of writing the internet today. Does not require knowledge and
technical equipment, easy to use and management, personal websites that are attractive and functional
in blogs usually have featured the main menu from the core of the blog writing, based on one page
shown on the main page of the blog on the internet network. The development of the current blog
comes to the utilization of learning, with blogs and the internet as a source of learning the level of
insight in student material is increasingly widespread. Especially for social science subjects which not
only require theory in learning but also practice in the field, in this case the blog is very useful to help
in the illustration of the practice. This is consistent with research conducted where with the use of
blogs, students increasingly have increased learning activeness and ease in accessing learning
resources that have an impact on student success in learning
1. Introduction
The development of technology in modern times took place quickly. Every day new discoveries
emerge that facilitate human work. For example, technological developments exist in the field of
information and communication technology. build violence and get consequences that appear here. the
function of cellphones which at the beginning was only for now has been growing. Coupled with the
availability of an increasingly extensive internet network and can be obtained at a very large cost,
allowing various groups can access the internet.
The study was conducted by UNICEF in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and
Information. The study included residents aged 10 to 19 years with a population of 43.5 million and a
total sample of 400 people. At that age it also includes the age of children who are still students at the
junior high school level. Based on the results of these studies it was found that 80% of children and
adolescents use the internet especially for urban areas.
The internet has a very important role, especially for the world of education. The availability of
internet as a learning tool is an obligation that must be provided by educational institutions, both
government and private. By using the internet, learning that is done is not only classical but can be an
individual learning tool. If classical learning is carried out together in one class, then with individual
learning students can learn independently according to their desires and abilities. The use of internet
technology by creating a good learning resource will encourage students to be more active, creative,
innovative and independent. Besides that, it can also create a pleasant atmosphere in teaching and
learning activities. Teaching and learning activities will be more effective and efficient if the teacher
uses tools in learning activities. According to Sanaky (2015: 2) teachers are advised to be able to use a
variety of inexpensive, efficient, school-capable tools, both those made by teachers, and conventional
tools that are available and owned by schools so that the learning process becomes more effective and
1.1 What is a blog?
The term weblog refers to a personalized web page, kept by the author in reverse chronological
diary form. As a “log on the web”, it is kept first and foremost on the web, either on a static web
page, or via a database-backed website, enabled through “blogging” software. As a “log of the web”,
it easily refers to other Internet locations via hyperlinks (Eastment, D. 2005)
“Blogs, a journal style website that combines text, images, and links to other web pages, are one
new technology that has played a large role in reshaping our literate environment” (Brune, 2008).
Duffy & Axel (2006) informed that a blog is usually made up of the following components:
• Post Date — date and time the post was published
• Category — category the post is labelled with (can be one or more)
• Title — main title of the post
• Body — main content of the post
• Trackback — links back from other sites
• Comments — comments added by readers
• Permalink — the URL of the full, individual article
• Footer — usually at the bottom of the post, often showing post date/time, author, category, and
stats such as number of reads, comments or trackbacks.
The features of weblogs including archival of past weblogs by date-posted, hyper linking to other
weblogs, instant publishing of web content with little technical skill required, and ways for other to
comment/feedback, provide new opportunities for people to present and express themselves online
and to communicate with other cibernautes (Downes, 2004). According to Richardson (2006), an
advantage of blogs is the organization of discussions as personal publications enabling
communication and also to Walker (2003), "a frequently updated website consisting of dated entries
arranged in reverse chronological order". Brownstein & Klein (2006) defined that blogs can be used
as virtual environments where all students can participate in critical discourse on scientific topics and
blogs are frequently updated website consisting of dated entries called posts arranged in reverse
chronological order so the most recent entry appears first.
1.2 The using of blogs in education
According to Kennedy (2003), blogs have the potential to enhance writing and literacy skills
while offering a uniquely stylized form of expression. Weblogs are an excellent way to fuse
educational technology and storytelling inside the classroom and beyond school walls. Because their
format is similar to a personal diary, where recounting tales and autobiographical events is prevalent,
blogs provide an arena where self-expression and creativity is encouraged, blogs are both
individualistic and collaborative and blogs can be multidisciplinary because, reading and writing can
be used in a variety of academic contexts, blogs are fungible across disciplines (Huffaker, 2005).
Likewise, Campbell (2003) discusses the possibilities of integrating weblogs into educational
context, especially in language teaching field and mentioned about three types of blogs that are likely
to be beneficial for language learners. The first type is tutor blog through which the class teacher can
produce special texts for reading and vocabulary activities by considering the students proficiency
According to Fernette and Brock Eide's (2005) Brain of a Blogger research that blogs can:
- Promote critical and analytical thinking
- Be a powerful promoter of creative, intuitive, and associational thinking
- Promote analogical thinking
- Be a powerful medium for increasing access and exposure to quality information
- Combine the best of solitary reflection and social interaction.
The idea here is that students can get writing practice, develop a sense of ownership, and get
experience with the practical, legal, and ethical issues of creating a hypertext document. In addition,
whatever they write can instantly be read by anyone else and, due to the comment features of the
software, further exchange of ideas is promoted (Farmer, J. 2006).
2. Research Methods
2.1 Research Procedures
The development procedure in this study follows the steps of developing Borg & Gall (1983:
775), with adjustments to the needs of researchers. These steps include data collection, planning,
product development, as well as validation and testing.
2.2 Data, Data Collection Techniques, and Instruments
2.2.1 Data Collection Techniques
The data collection technique used in the development research was in the form of a
questionnaire or questionnaire in the form of a checklist (√). This questionnaire is used to assess
the feasibility of products from development. Product assessment is carried out by material
experts, media experts and social studies subject teachers, while students are asked to provide
feedback about the product being developed.
2.2.2 Research Instruments
1. Material Expert Instruments
The instrument used for material experts is the validator assessment sheet in the form of a
questionnaire. This questionnaire is addressed to material experts. Grid of assessment
instruments for material experts includes valid / valid, level of importance, usefulness,
learnability, and interest. The grid is arranged in the opinion of Rudi Susilana and Cepi Riyana
(2008: 33-34).
2. Instruments of Media Experts
The research instrument used for media experts is a validator assessment sheet in the form of
a questionnaire. Media experts will assess the feasibility of media blogs. The grid of assessment
instruments for media experts is arranged based on indicators of learning product (computer-
based) assessment which includes the depth of material, organizing, language clarity, clarity of
tables and illustrations, and appearance as delivered by Made Wena (2013: 208).
3. Instruments for Social Studies Teachers
The research instrument used for teachers in this study was a validator assessment sheet in
the form of a questionnaire. This questionnaire is intended for teachers to obtain data on the
feasibility of the media by using assessment indicators which are adjustments from the opinions
of Made Wena (2013: 208) and Rudi Susilana and Cepi Riyana (2008: 33).
4. Use Test Instruments for Students
The instrument used for testing the use of the product is a questionnaire aimed at students.
Through this instrument data will be obtained which is the student's response. The instrument
grid is composed of several indicators given to material experts and media experts who adjust
from the opinions of Made Wena (2013: 208) and Rudi Susilana and Cepi Riyana (2008: 33).
Based on these data, the final product improvement process will be carried out so that it is
suitable for use in learning.
2.2.3 Data Analysis Techniques
This study uses descriptive analysis techniques in accordance with the development
procedures that have been carried out. The initial stage of development is done by making the
initial product of the blog. The next stage is validation by media experts and material experts,
followed by revision stage I. The next stage is the assessment by social studies subject teachers
of junior high school, then after the responses and suggestions are obtained, phase II revisions
are made. The next stage is the field trial stage and input for stage III revision is obtained. From
the three revision stages, the final product of the blog is produced which is ready to be used as a
social science learning resource. Quantitative data obtained from respondents through a
questionnaire with a Likert scale, analyzed descriptively by steps:
(a) rough data collection;
(b) scoring for quantitative analysis;
(c) the score obtained is converted into a value with a scale of five
with urain as follows:
Table 1. Scoring Assessment Guidelines
Qualitative data scores
Very good 5
Good 4
Enough 3
Less 2
Very Less 1
Source: Widoyoko (2009: 115)
The next stage is to find the average total score of each component using the following formula:
x = average score
∑x = total score
N= number of assessors
The next step is to change the average score to be a qualitative value with the Eko Putro
Widoyoko (2009: 238) model with the following criteria:
Table 2. Classification of Total Assessments
Formula average score category
4. Conclusion
4.1 Conclusions
4.1.1 This research and development produces a product in the form of an interactive blog that is
used as a learning resource for class VII junior high school students. In the blog there is a
home menu, material, practice, and profile. The steps taken to develop a blog are 1) a needs
analysis conducted to determine the type of learning resources needed; 2) program
identification, carried out to determine the title, objectives, material and objectives; 3)
making flow charts as a comprehensive picture of the program flow that will be developed
from the beginning to completion; 4) storyboarding as a detailed explanation of each plot in
the flow chart; 5) collection of materials to be compiled in a blog; 6) programming is done to
compile all the material collected into the blog; and 7) finishing.
4.1.2 Based on the data obtained from the stages of validation and trial, an interactive blog that
was developed as a VII grade IPS learning resource was declared good and feasible to use in
the teaching and learning process after going through several revisions. Revisions are based
on suggestions, input, comments, and criticism obtained from material experts, media
experts, teachers and students. The results obtained are as follows:
1. The results of the feasibility analysis according to material expert validation of the
material displayed amounted to 3.64 with the category "Good" on all aspects of the
2. The results of the feasibility analysis according to the media expert's validation of the
blog were developed by 4 with the category "Good" in all aspects.
3. The results of the teacher's feasibility analysis of blog products amounted to 4.45 with the
category "Very Good".
4. The results of the trial using learning media according to students amounted to 4.33 with
the category "Very Good".
5. Based on the results of the experts' validation and product trials, it shows that the learning
multimedia can be said to be good and feasible to be used as one of the learning resources
especially for social studies subjects in grade VII of junior high school.
5. Reference