SONA Critique
SONA Critique
SONA Critique
The SONA for this year 2018 by the Honorable President somehow put a spotlight on
his address stressing his “concern for human lives and not on human rights” - a
statement that does not undermine his concern for the delivery of basic services, in
fact, it basically aimed at realizing the basic needs of every Filipino, and that alone is
equitable to the fulfillment of human rights.
As every Filipino is entitled to his right, the President capitalizes on “fighting crimes,
drug addiction, terrorism and most especially corruption” in his governance.
In his 3rd SONA, he shared important accomplishments that highlighted his 2-year
regime so far. The following are among the important points of his State of the Nation
Overall, the SONA gives a rather positive reaction than negative reactions from the
majority of the citizens.
As to the oppositions, leftist, anti-government forces, they surely had their negative
and even worst sentiments.