Migration To New General Ledger Accounting: Purpose

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Migration to New General Ledger Accounting

New General Ledger Accounting offers the following advantages:
● Integration of managerial and financial accounting, including segment
● Easy extensibility
● New procedures for parallel accounting
● Acceleration of period-end closing (fast close)
● Improved transparency
● Corporate governance
● Reduced ongoing costs
Many different migration scenarios are imaginable for the transition from
classic General Ledger Accounting to new General Ledger Accounting,
ranging from the straightforward merge of existing ledgers to a totally new
conception of accounting, such as the introduction of segment reporting for
compliance with new accounting principles. In particular in the case of a new
conception of accounting, there are two aspects to the transition to new
General Ledger Accounting: firstly, a conceptual business part, and secondly,
a technical part dealing with the migration of the existing accounting data to
the new structures for General Ledger Accounting.
The prerequisite for the migration from classic General Ledger Accounting to
new General Ledger Accounting is the successful upgrade of your SAP
system to SAP ERP 5.0 or SAP ERP 6.0.
Employees involved in the migration project need to have attended the AC210
and AC212 courses or have equivalent knowledge.
Implementation Considerations
The new features relate to very extensive changes, the transition to new
General Ledger Accounting is very complex, and the data volume involved is
not to be underestimated. A comprehensive analysis of your situation at the
outset and the detailed planning of the migration are crucial to the success of
the migration.
We therefore recommend setting up an individual project for the
migration, entailing project phases, milestones, and so forth, and
taking the appropriate steps to ensure sufficient testing and training.
Preparing and performing the steps relating to the technical part of the
migration of the data is of central importance for such a project and must be
conducted with extreme caution and thoroughness to ensure that the
principles of orderly accounting are still upheld after the migration.
To achieve a high degree of safety in this respect, SAP accompanies each
migration project with the SAP General Ledger Migration Service. This
mandatory technical service relates to the standard migration scenarios and
contains a scenario-specific General Ledger Migration Cockpit and service
sessions to ensure the quality of the data and of the migration project. The
service sessions are performed by the General LedgerMigration Back
Office that has been set up especially for this purpose.
For more information, see the following section and SAP Service Marketplace
at http://service.sap.com/GLMIG. After your application for the service has
been received, the General Ledger Migration Cockpit is made available to
you.Arrangements are then made to provide the appropriate service sessions.
The SAP General Ledger Migration Service covers the following services:
● The General LedgerMigration Cockpit for performing the migration
○ Process tree that guides you through the individual migration
activities, specific to the scenario used
○ Monitoring of the migration steps with status administration
● Remote service session for scenario validation and system analysis
○ Where required, consistency checks on the target Customizing
settings of new General Ledger Accounting
● Remote service session for the test validation
○ Technical plausibility checks in a test system after the data has
been migrated
● Development support provided by the General Ledger Migration Back
The General Ledger Migration Cockpit offers the advantage that it guides you
step by step through the migration of your data, specific to your scenario. The
standardized procedure – together with the service sessions provided
throughout the duration of the project by SAP specialists via the General
Ledger Migration Back Office – contributes significantly towards optimizing
migration projects.
The above contents relate to support for the technical migration of source data
from the classic applications to new General Ledger Accounting.
You can obtain support in creating the blueprint and in customizing new
General Ledger Accounting either from SAP Consulting of the SAP
international subsidiary for your region or from consulting partners. For
example, the consultants can provide support in elaborating a concept for new
General Ledger Accounting, in planning the implementation project, or in
performing individual reviews.
The SAP General Ledger Migration Service supports the following scenarios:
● Scenario / Pack 1: Merging of the “FI Ledgers”
Merging of the data from classic General Ledger Accounting, the
consolidation staging ledger, and the ledger for cost of sales accounting
○ Reduced data redundancy
○ Reduced effort for year-end closing operations
○ Standardized reporting

● Scenario / Pack 2: Merging of FI Ledgers, Profit Center Ledgers, and/or

Special Purpose Ledgers
Scenario 1 plus merging of the data from classic Profit Center Accounting
and/or the data from a special purpose ledger comparable with a general
○ Integration of Profit Center Accounting in new General Ledger
○ Discontinuation of the use of a special purpose ledger used as a
general ledger
○ Posting data can be traced more effectively
○ Improvements to integrated reporting
● Scenario / Pack 3: Merging of FI Ledgers, Profit Center Ledgers, and/or
Special Purpose Ledgers with Document Splitting (such as for reporting
at profit center, segment, or business area level)
Document splitting allows reporting to be performed at the level of
additional dimensions, such as profit centers, segments, or business
areas. In this scenario, document splitting is implemented concurrently
with the migration to new General Ledger Accounting.
○ Flexible reporting at the level of entities other than the company
● Scenario / Pack 4: Merging of FI Ledgers, Profit Center Ledgers, and/or
Special Purpose Ledgers with Switch from Account Approach to Ledger
Portrayal of parallel accounting using parallel ledgers instead of parallel
○ More transparent charts of accounts and reporting
○ Enhanced traceability of the posting data
● Scenario / Pack 5: Merging of FI Ledgers, Profit Center Ledgers, and/or
Special Purpose Ledgers with Document Splitting and Switch from
Account Approach to Ledger Approach
For more information, see the descriptions provided for scenarios 2,3,
and 4.
Other than these scenarios for the switch from classic to new General Ledger
Accounting, the SAP General Ledger Migration Service also offers scenarios
for making subsequent changes in new General Ledger Accounting after it
has been implemented:
● Scenario / Pack 6: Subsequent Implementation of Document Splitting
Document splitting allows comprehensive reporting to be performed at
the level of additional dimensions, such as profit centers, segments, or
business areas. In this scenario, document splitting is
implemented after the migration to new General Ledger Accounting.
○ Flexible reporting at the level of entities other than the company
○ Reduced complexity of the original migration project for
implementing new General Ledger Accounting as a result of
postponing the implementation of document splitting until after the
● Scenario / Pack 7: Subsequent Implementation of an Additional Ledger
You can activate an additional non-leading ledger to meet additional
reporting requirements and build the data in this new ledger.
● Scenario / Pack 8: Subsequent Switch from Account Approach to
Ledger Approach
You can portray parallel accounting using parallel ledgers in place of
using existing parallel accounts.
○ More transparent charts of accounts and reporting
○ Enhanced traceability of the posting data
○ Original migration project for implementing new General Ledger
Accounting is made less complex by performing the migration and
the switch to the ledger solution at different times
Any scenarios that differ from these standard scenarios are migrated on a
project-specific basis. For such scenarios, the migration is performed on the
basis of the scenario corresponding most closely to the customer’s scenario.
If, for example, you do not use classic Profit Center Accounting (EC-PCA) but
you would like to implement profit center accounting with new General Ledger
Accounting, you use scenario 3. Generally, customer-specific scenarios
require additional consulting support.
Notes on this Documentation
This documentation is not intended to provide details on the functions in new
General Ledger Accounting; instead, it deals with specific matters relating to
the migration or to the supported scenarios for building additional data in new
General Ledger Accounting.
This documentation covers the common standard scenarios that are
supported by SAP. It describes the individual migration phases using
migration guides and assists you in analyzing the initial situation in your
system prior to the migration.
Any scenarios that differ from the standard scenarios have their own individual
complexity, which prevents a standard description from applying to
them. Such scenarios are migrated on a project-by-project basis and require
additional steps.

In contrast to the migration using the SAP General Ledger Migration Service,
migration to new General Ledger Accounting as part of the migration to the
Financials Add-On does not support the following scenarios:
 Implementation of Document Splitting
 Balance Sheets at the Profit Center Level
As document splitting is not supported, complete balance sheets at the
profit center level are not possible. However, by assigning the profit center
scenario in new General Ledger Accounting, you can activate update
postings for profit centers on all assigned items from a specified key date.
 Migration from Special Purpose Ledger to New General Ledger
After the migration, you can nevertheless continue to use in the usual way
any special purpose ledgers that existed prior to the migration.
 New Implementation of Parallel Accounting
 New Implementation of Segment Reporting
 Implementation of the Ledger Approach for Parallel Accounting
 Change in Chart of Accounts and Conversion of Chart of Accounts
 Inclusion of Customer Fields
 Transfer of Quantities to New General Ledger Accounting

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