The Patchogian: From The Grand Knight's Desk
The Patchogian: From The Grand Knight's Desk
The Patchogian: From The Grand Knight's Desk
First Year Trustee We have our Council BBQ coming up in August and our Golf Outing as well, so I hope to see
S/K Pat Molluso many of you there supporting these very important and fun events.
Second Year Trustee God Bless you, and may God continue to Watch over you,
Rich Basak
Michael Boehm G.K.
Third Year Trustee
S/K John Terlecki PGK
All material in this document was approved by GK Michael Boehm for publication. Copyright 2019, Patchogue Council
Honorary: 16 August 15th——Officers Meeting, 7:30pm August 26th, Charity Golf Tournament
Honorary Life: 103
Disability: 14 August 19th——Business Meeting, 8pm
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Family Director
SK James Ryan / 631-278-9429 / [email protected]
Happy Birthday to All Brothers and Sisters for the month of August!
Faith Reflection
By SK James Ryan, Family Director
‘Rosaries, Chaplets & Chotkis’
A recent post on was my inspiration for this reflection. The post was sharing the different rosaries Brother Knights
are carrying in their pocket. It is fascinating how many options of „prayer beads‟ there are among the world religions.
Here, I will highlight a few from the Catholic tradition.
The Prayer Rope, or it‟s more common Russian name Chotki, is a traditional form of prayer especially prevalent in the
Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Churches. It is traditionally composed of 100 knots, on which is prayed the Jesus Prayer.
There are variations to the number of knots such as 33 and 50. Thirty-three is frequently used to match the number of
years of Christ‟s life. The Jesus prayer is as follows: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” This
prayer is in the Catechism of the church, number 2616.
A chaplet is a personal devotional prayer that can be prayed privately or in a group, out loud or silently, in a church or in an
ordinary setting. It could be prayed on a plane, in a train, on a bike or a hike. It could even be sung with or without musical
accompaniment, in Latin, Greek or in the vernacular. There are different types of chaplets, and the two most common are
the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. A chaplet is a vocal prayer and can be prayed as a petition, or in adoration, or
for motives of thanksgiving, or in reparation for personal sins or the sins of the nation. Typically, a chaplet follows a set
sequence of prayers and then repeats those sequences, commonly known as “decades” of ten or seven repetitions. The
chaplet can be the entire rosary, but often it is a fewer number of beads and smaller than the rosary.
The rosary is a devotion in honor of the Virgin Mary. It consists of a set number of specific prayers. First are the introducto-
ry prayers: one Apostles‟ Creed (Credo), one Our Father (the Pater Noster or the Lord‟s Prayer), three Hail Mary‟s (Ave’s),
one Glory Be (Gloria Patri). When Catholics recite the twelve prayers that form a decade of the rosary, they meditate on
the mystery associated with that decade. If they merely recite the prayers, whether vocally or silently, they‟re missing the
essence of the rosary.
It is the meditation on the mysteries that gives the rosary its staying power. The mysteries include the Joyful, Sorrowful,
and Glorious Mysteries.
This brief reflection is just a sampling there are one-decade rosaries, short chaplets and tenner rosaries as well. Their
designs vary and can be a work of art with choice of beads, rope/chain and accent accessories. In our spiritual culture
may prayer be never ceasing which ever you choose and find the best to pray regularly.
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Please don’t forget that our Council is on our SUMMER SCHEDULE.
Our August Officers Meeting is 8/15 and our Business Meeting is 8/19
and in September the Officers Meeting is 9/12
and the Business Meeting is 9/16!
Officers meeting is at 7:30pm and the Business meeting is at 8pm sharp.
Summer Meeting Attire for Officers is dark pants and a Council polo shirt.
Summer attire for Council Members at Council meetings for all others should be respectful. No cut-off shorts, no
cut off or sleeveless shirts please. Thank you.
The Monseigneur Corp. still meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:30 pm as always.
Thank you.
The August Chapter Meeting will be held on the 16th at Fr. Judge Council in
East Northport. The Chapter is currently looking for more locations to hold
meetings for the rest of the Year. Patchogue Council is hosting the Chapter
Meeting on Friday October 11th. All council members are welcome to attend
this and all Chapter Meetings.
Financial Secretary
I am happy to report that our records and forms are currently all up to date. Please update your
information as needed. If you have changed your mailing address and have not been receiving the
Columbia magazine and membership bills please contact me. Membership cards are mailed as
dues come in.
As of July 1, 2019 we have 252 associate; 123 insurance; 25 inactive members for a total of 400
members. The council is in good standing with Supreme and New York State.
Second Notices were mailed out, please make payment promptly to Patchogue K of C 725.
Robert W. Elliott, FS
151 Springdale Drive, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
[email protected]
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Here is the projected Budget for the Current Year. It will run from September 2019 – September 2020. We
will vote on it at the September Business Meeting.
Projected Budget / Expenditures & Assets for Patchogue Council 725 2019-2020
Effective from September 2019-September 2020
1— Seminarians $1,600.00 19— Conference Dues $50.00
2— Patchogian $1,400.00 20— Parish Support $8,000.00
3— Installation of Officers & Awards $1,200.00 21— Direct Donations Chapter Charity Drive $1,000
4— Special Meetings $850.00 22— CLB Foundation $500.00
5— Our Lady of the Shrine $250.00 23— Fighting 69th Support Fund $500.00
6— Golf Outing $500.00 24— Treasurers Supplies $300.00
7— Chapter Charity Ball $800.00 25— Fern Cliff Manor Inc. $1,000.00
8— Fourth Degree $1,000.00 26— Camp Sunshine $500.00
9— FS Supplies $750.00 27— Pro Life $1,500.00
10— Council Picnic $1,000.00 28— Special Olympics $750.00
11— Super Bowl $500.00 29— School Scholarships Fund (Holy Angels) $1,200.00
12— Church Picnics $1,200.00 30— Church CCD (Religious Education) $1,000.00
13— Grand Knight Expenses $500.00 31— OLMC 100th Ball $800
14— Calling Post (RoB0 calls to Members) $400.00 32— Congenital Heart Walk $500.00
15— Coats for Kids $468.70 33— St. Joseph Prayer Center $500.00
16— Kids activities $750.00 34— Family at Arms $2,000.00
17— Board of DD $55.00 35— Journal Ads—$450
18— Chapter Dues $50.00 36— Kids Need More Camp—$500
Total $ 34,323.70
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July Events:
We had so many events going on in July it was a crazy, fun and productive Month! We will try to
recap a few of them here:
We started the month off with Fireworks and our Annual Fourth of July Parade, where our Council
Float once again won 1st Place for Most Patriotic. In all honestly its getting easier to win that award
because I think at this point everyone else has simply given up trying, knowing that the Patchogue
Knights are #1.
Thanks to everyone who helped to build our Councils Award winning Float for the Fourth of
July Parade, especially Lou Minardi for getting us the trailer again. And thanks to everyone
who Marched, especially Fr. Bill and Fr. Steve!
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And on July 17th, we were invited to attend
a special viewing of the Statue of Our Lady
of Fatima. The beautiful image of Our Lady
of Fatima was designed by famous sculptor
José Thedim in 1947. Sister Lucia herself
instructed him, and later remarked that
she had never seen any image which so
resembled the actual apparition of Our
Lady. It was our privilege to be able to
spend some time with Our Lady, and some
of us even had the chance to escort and
carry her out of the Church. I want to
thank all of our members of the Council
and of the Fourth Degree who came down
that evening and to Fr. Steve and the
parishes of St. Francis for allowing us the
On July 20th, members of our Council helped out at the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Parish BBQ. Despite the 100 degree temps, we all had a great time. A very special
thanks to Brother Duane Sphak for all of his hard work in helping with the shopping
and for helping to transport everything we needed for the BBQ from the Council to
the Church in what I can only describe as “Sahara” like conditions!! At least it was a
dry heat lol! And to PGK Bill Fontaine for providing us with the Bounce House that
kept all the kids busy and manageable. And of course for all the Brothers and their
wives and families who came down and did a lot of the setting up, cooking and
breaking down (many of whom are NOT pictured) and serving. Fr. Henry and the
people of the Parish and the Council truly appreciate all of your hard work!!
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Saturday, September 7th
Patchogue's Annual Italian Festival of St. Liberata!
Spend the day in Patchogue along Main Street. Fun for the entire
family and plenty of activities for the children! The Patchogue Knights
of Columbus and Columbiettes will once again be leading the
Procession of the Saint!! We will be meeting at 11:30 am on Main St.
near the Brick House Brewery. Our Council will have a booth and we
will need help recruiting members and selling raffles! Plan to spend
the Day!! Wear your Council Shirts and Hats! Don’t have one or Need
One? Ask GK Mike Boehm, he knows a guy, capeesh? Yeah, you know
what I’m talking about.
Keller’s Korner
I am Alex Keller, field agent for the Knights of Columbus. I have served councils
here in Suffolk county for 10 years, some for that entire period. Recently I was asked
to serve the members of Patchogue Council 725. I know there has been some turnover
with agents in your council and I have no control over my duration as your FA.
However, like I said at your July council meeting , while I am your agent I will make
sure your calls are returned, appointments kept and will attend your meetings at least
once every 3 months.
Below is my contact information. Never hesitate to call me with questions about your policies or Knights of
Columbus products. I look forward to working with you.
Fraternally and sincerely,
Alex Keller
[email protected]
Order Now!!
If you are in need of Council Apparel, now is a good time to order them. See
Brother Knight Keith Mandart or call him at 516-480-2076 for tee-shirts, polo
shirts and hats!! We have jackets available too. Order them now for Marching in
the Parades and Council Events!!
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Pray for the Holy Spirit‟s guidance during this year‟s
Supreme Convention to be held in Minneapolis. You
can keep up with the K of C Supreme Convention by
following the hashtag #KofC or by tuning in to EWTN
and other Catholic stations.
Remember our Founder
Fr. Michael J. McGivney
on the anniversary of his birth, Aug. 12th,
and death, Aug. 14th.
Upcoming Events
We will have plenty of Food on the BBQ, as well as cold beer and soda.
We will also have activities for the Kids, as well as Horseshoes.
Cost will stay the same this year; tickets are only $5 per person
(Children and grandchildren ages 12 and under are free).
See or call Kevin Drawbridge at 631 645-0042 to reserve your spot or for more information.
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Upcoming Events
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Upcoming Events
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Please keep all our sister Columbiettes and brother Knights in your prayers especially Elaine Addie, Terry Bobe and
Pat Molluso.
Happy Birthday to the August babies.
May the peace of our Lord be with you always,
Betty Weeks, President
Nettie Knitters
We are still here!!!!!! We meet on Tuesday’s at 1pm. Why not come on down and see if you would be
interested. See ya there, The Netties
WE RE BACK !!!!!!!
September 18, 2019, Wednesday. Listen to The Capri’s in the new Entertainment arena. Bus, Credit for slots and Lunch with a plus,
listening to the Capri’s A blast from the past. $102.00.
Our Social Chairperson is back and will be working on plenty more trips and luncheons.
If interested Contact Ronny Pliszak, 631-289-5758
So for now we gave you a slight taste of the trips to come and we’re working on more.
God Bless
The Seniors of Patchogue Council, Chuck Gerlach (The Best president there is)
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