Chemguard Foam Terminology

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The key takeaways are definitions of various foam and firefighting terminology such as AFFF, Class A/B/C fires, proportioner, wetting agent etc.

Class A fires involve combustible materials like wood, paper etc. Class B fires involve flammable liquids. Class C fires involve live electrical equipment. Class D fires involve metal fires like magnesium.

A proportioner is a device that mixes foam concentrate and water to form foam solution. A wetting agent reduces surface tension of water and increases its ability to spread and penetrate exposed objects when added to water.

Foam Terminology

Absorption: The act of absorbing or being Boilover: The violent ejection of flammable
absorbed. liquid from its container caused by the
vaporization of water beneath a body of burning
AFFF (Aqueous Film Forming Foam): A foam hydrocarbon liquid. This may occur after a
concentrate containing fluorochemical surfactants lengthy burning period of products such as crude
that control the physical properties of water oil when the heat wave has passed down through
enabling it to float and spread across the surface the liquid and reaches the water bottom in the
of the hydrocarbon liquid. storage tank. This will not occur to any significant
degree with water-soluble liquids or light products
AFFF - Polar (AR-AFFF): An AFFF that contains such as gasoline.
a pseudo plastic material, which forms a
polymeric layer only on polar solvents to separate Bubble: The building block of foam performance
and protect the finished foam. and durability is influenced by water content of
the bubble.
Adhesive Qualities: The ability to bind together
substances of unlike composition. When a foam Bund: An area defined as a contour of land or a
blanket clings to a vertical surface, it is said to physical barrier that retains a fuel to a depth
have adhesive qualities. This is required to greater than 1". (See Dike).
prevent vapor release at a tank shellfire or to Burnback Resistance: The ability of the finished
describe Class "A" foam application to foam to resist direct flame impingement such as
exposures. would occur with partially extinguished petroleum
fire or with Class “A” foam in exposure protection
Airfoam: Foam produced by the physical
and pretreatment.
agitation of a solution of water and foaming agent
and air. Also called mechanical foam. Carcinogenic: Cancer causing.
ARC - Alcohol Resistant Concentrate: See Class “A” Fire: A fire in combustibles that
AFFF Polar. exhibit deep seated burning characteristics such
as wood, paper, fabric, tires and peat, where the
Aspirate: Draw air into the nozzle to mix with the cooling, smothering and soaking ability of Class
foam solution. “A” foam and water are best utilized.
Class “B” Fire: A fire involving any type of
Batch Mix: Manual addition of foam concentrate
flammable liquid where blanketing and
to a water storage container or to make a foam
smothering for vapor suppression is of the first
Barrier: Any physical obstruction that impedes Class “C” Fire: A fire in "live" electrical
the spread of the fire (typically an area or strip equipment where the use of non-conducting fire
devoid of flammable fuels). suppression agents is of prime importance.
Biodegradation: Decomposition by microbial Class “D” Fire: Metal fires, such as magnesium
action as with synthetic detergent or protein or titanium and usually non-conductive
based agents. suppressants are used.

204 S. 6th Ave • Mansfield, Tx 76063 • (817) 473-9964 • FAX (817) 473-0606
REVISION: 09/2005
Cohesive Qualities: The ability to bind together Expansion Ratio: The ratio of volume of foam
substances of like composition. A good foam formed to the volume of solution used to generate
blanket is held together by its cohesive qualities. the foam (example: an 8:1 expansion ratio means
800 gallons of finished foam were created from 100
Combustible Liquid: Any liquid having a flash gallons of foam solution). Expansion ratio is
point at or above 100º F (37.8ºC). determined by the use of different aspiration
devices, low energy and high energy delivery.
Compatibility: The ability or inability of
extinguishing agents to be mixed together or Eductor: A proportioning device which uses the
used simultaneously. vacuum created by the water moving through a
venturi to draw concentrate into the hose line.
Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS): A
generic term used to describe high-energy foam Environment: The complex surrounding an area
delivery systems consisting of an air compressor such as water, air and natural resources and their
(or air source), a water pump (or pressurized physical conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.).
water) and foam injection equipment (or foam
solution). Film Forming Fluoroprotein - FFFP: A foam
concentrate composed of protein and film forming
Concentration: The amount of foam concentrate fluorinated surface-active agents, which makes it
contained in a given amount of foam solution. capable of forming a water solution film on the
The type of foam used determines the foam surface of a flammable liquid and conferring a fuel
concentration. (i.e. AFFF 1%, 3% or 6% and shedding property to the finished foam blanket. See
Class A foams from 0.1% up to 1%). also Oleophobic.

Corrosion: Resulting chemical reaction between Fluoroprotein Foam - FP: A foam concentrate
a metal and its environment, (i.e. air, water and composed of protein polymers and fluorinated
impurities.) surface-active agents that confer a fuel shedding
property to the finished foam blanket. See
Degradation: A negative change in the Oleophobic.
characteristics of qualities of foam.
Fire Retardant: Any substance that by its chemical
nature or physical action reduces or impedes the
Density: The weight of a specific volume of
flammability of a combustible.
Flammable Liquid: A substance that is liquid at
Dike: An area defined as a contour of land or a ordinary temperatures and pressures and has flash
physical barrier that retains a fuel to a depth point below 100ºF (38ºC).
greater than 1". (See Bund).
Flash Back: Re-ignition of a flammable liquid
Discharge Device: A fixed or portable device caused by the exposure of its vapors to a source of
which directs the flow of solution or finished foam ignition such as a hot metal surface or spark.
onto the hazard (example: fixed master stream
device or an aspirating handline). Flash Point: The temperature point at which a
flammable liquid gives off enough vapor to ignite.
Downstream: The direction to which the water is
flowing. Fluorocarbon: An inert organic compound in which
fluorine replaces hydrogen.
Drainage (Dropout) Rate: The rates at which
bubbles from a finished foam blanket burst and Foam - (Finished): A homogeneous blanket
release their solution - generally measured as obtained by mixing water, foam concentrate and the
quarter drain time. addition of air or an inert gas by the use of energy.

204 S. 6th Ave • Mansfield, Tx 76063 • (817) 473-9964 • FAX (817) 473-0606
REVISION: 09/2005
Foam - (Concentrate): The foaming agent for Line Proportioner: A device that siphons foam
mixing in the right proportion with water and air to from a container to make a foam solution (i.e.
produce a finished mechanical foam. an eductor.)

Foam Maker: A device designed to introduce air Low Energy System: A foam generation
into a pressurized foam solution stream (i.e. system that uses the velocity energy of the
low/medium expansion nozzle, high expansion water stream delivered from the water pump to
nozzle or compressed air foam system.) mix air at the nozzle tip with the solution to
deliver a finished foam. An aspirating foam tube
Foam Solution: A homogeneous mixture of is a low energy delivery system.
water and foam concentrate.
Minimum Operating Temperature: The lowest
Foam Stability: The relative ability of a finished temperature a foam concentrate will proportion
foam to withstand spontaneous collapse or with venturi devices in accordance with UL and
breakdown from external causes such as heat, USDA/USFS requirements.
chemical reaction or weather factors.
NFPA - Requirements / Recommendations:
Friction Loss: The loss of pressure in a flowing Standards established for foam extinguishing
stream resulting from resistance to flow imposed systems as outlined in Standard #11, 16A, 16,
by the inside of the pipe or hose and by changes and 30.
in flow direction such as elbows and tees and
also elevation. Oleophobic: Oil hating - having the ability of
shedding gasoline, oil and similar products.
Heat Resistance: The ability of a finished foam
to withstand exposure to heat. (radiant, Pickup: The induction of foam concentrate into
convective or conductive). the water stream by the use of a venturi.
High Energy System: A foam generating system Polar Solvent: In fire fighting, any flammable
that adds the energy of the air source to the liquid which destroys regular foams. Polar
energy of the water pump. CAFS is a high energy solvents aggressively attack the bubble by
foam delivery system. mixing with the water in the bubble structure.
Polar solvents require special foam agents and
High Expansion Foam: Special foam designed mix ratios. Examples: esters, ethers, alcohols,
for high air-to-solution ratios that are greater than aldehydes and keytones.
200 parts air to each part foam solution.
Polymeric Membrane: A thin, durable, plastic
Hydrocarbon: An organic compound containing
layer formed on a polar solvent fuel surface
only carbon and hydrogen.
protecting the foam cells from destruction by the
Hydrocarbon Pickup: The characteristic of a
fuel that is suspended or absorbed by expanded
Pour Point: The lowest temperature at which a
foam concentrate is fluid enough to pour,
Hydrophobic: Water-hating (having the property generally about 5ºF above the freezing point.
of not mixing with water.)
Pressure Drop: The net loss in flowing water
Hydrophilic: Water-liking (having the property of pressure between any two points in a hydraulic
mixing with water readily.) system. Pressure is determined by friction loss,
head loss or other losses due to the insertion of
Ingestion: To take things into the body by an orifice plate, venturi or other restriction into a
swallowing. section of pipe or hose.

204 S. 6th Ave • Mansfield, Tx 76063 • (817) 473-9964 • FAX (817) 473-0606
REVISION: 09/2005
Proportioner: The device where foam Submergence: Plunging of foam beneath the
concentrate and water are proportionately mixed surface of burning liquid resulting in a partial
to form a foam solution. Also a unit that pumps breakdown of the foam structure and coating of
foam concentrate into the attack hose line. the foam with the burning liquid.

Protein: Complex nitrogen compound derived Suppressant: An agent used to extinguish

from natural vegetative and animal sources. The flaming or glowing phases of combustion by
hydrolysis products of protein provide direct application to the burning fuel.
exceptionally stable, cohesive, adhesive and heat
resistant properties to foam. Surface Active Agent (Surfactant): A chemical
that lowers the surface tension of a liquid.
Protein Foam Concentrate: Concentrated
solution of hydrolyzed protein with select Syndet: Synthetic detergent or cleaning agent.
chemicals added to obtain fire resistance and
other desirable characteristics. Upstream: The direction from which the water
is flowing.
Quarter-Life (Drain Time): The time required in
minutes for one-fourth of the total liquid solution Venturi: A constricted portion of a pipe or tube,
to drain from the finished foam. Also referred to which increases water velocity, momentarily,
as 25% drainage time. reducing its pressure. In this reduced pressure
area, foam concentrates are introduced in many
Residual Pressure: The pressure existing in a types of proportioning equipment.
line at a specific flow. (As opposed to static
pressure.) Viscosity: The measurement of a foam
concentrate's resistance to flow.
Short Term Retardant: A viscous water based
substance wherein water is the suppressing Wetting Agent: A chemical that, when added to
agent. water, reduces the surface tension and
increases the wetting effectiveness of the
Skin Fire: A flammable liquid fire such as a spill solution and causes it to spread and penetrate
on a solid surface where the liquid is not present exposed objects more effectively. A wetting
in a depth exceeding one inch. agent may not be a foam concentrate.

Slug Flow: CAFS only - when the foam solution

is not rich enough or unevenly mixes with air,
inadequate mixing occurs sending pockets or
slugs of water and air to the nozzle.

Soluble: The ability to become readily dissolved

or mixed.

Spray Pattern: The pattern produced by a

divergent flow of fully formed subdivided foam –
the pattern varying with the nozzle pressure and
the adjustment of the spray creating device.

Static Pressure: The pressure existing in a line

during a no flow situation. This can be
considerably higher than residual pressure.

204 S. 6th Ave • Mansfield, Tx 76063 • (817) 473-9964 • FAX (817) 473-0606
REVISION: 09/2005

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