Title: "Efficiency of Different Carrier Organic Materials Used For Bacterial Inoculation To Improve Growth of Wheat and Soil Biological Properties"

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“Efficiency of Different Carrier Organic Materials Used for Bacterial Inoculation to Improve
Growth of Wheat and Soil Biological Properties”


Globally,the wheat specie grown Triticum aestivum L. is usually called as Common or Bread Wheat that actually
a hexagonal specie and the most important staple food in temperate zones provides starch and energy with a lot of
alteration in contents and composition of beneficial ingredients.In last five years,the produced wheat was 680
million tons and its demand is increasing with industrialization and westernization.In Pakistan,the cereals crops like
wheat,maize and rice have bumper yields achieved as a result of favourable weather conditions and adequate input
supplies including irrigation water and better fertilizers application and other basic inputs regards FAO(GIEWS
2018).Wheat is the 3rd most important cereal crop produced world wide.So wheat should be capable to be chosen by
growers for its enhanced health benefits along with increased yield (Peter and Sandra 2015).

Different chemical fertilizers like DAP,Urea etc are given to crops in order to provide nutrients required for
growth.In agricultural countries,increasing consumption of chemical fertilizers raises problems related to
Nitrogen.There should be alternative fertilization approaches so that the agricultural sustainability can be ensured.
For this purpose Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are used as bio-fertilizers in order to counter the
outcomes of agricultural products.Such consortium is beneficial also for development root and shoot (Christian et
al., 2017).

These Microbes exist in upper 6-12cm layer of Earth.Rhizosphere is the soil present around roots of plants
which is a ideal zone for plant microbial inter-relations.In the rhizospheric soil the colonization of these Microbes
occur (Mehmood et al., 2018). Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are the heterogeneous group of
bacteria reside in Rhizosphere portion, in association with roots increases the growth of plant directly or
indirectly.By increasing amount of primary nutrients, improving Physical and Biological Properties of Soil,
maximizes amount of organic matter, N2 Fixation, enrichment of other essential nutrients and reducing pathogenic
activity, plant growth is optimized.Their association with roots is affected by factors like environmental conditions,
microbial flora of soil and Carrier material used for Inoculation (Dasgupta et al., 2015).

The life span of bacterial inoculate is very small because of improper nourishment provided them.Their
microbial activity decreases if handling is not done in a disciplined way.For protection of bacterial inoculate , type
of carrier material used for the inoculation process seems to be beneficial.Carrier material like Charcoal,Peat and
Karnolite are used too but they are expensive and have serious concerns about natural environment.Generally
organic materials used for inoculation have high moisture holding capacity, large surface area, low of cost and
environmental eco-friendly (Arora et al., 2014).Shelf life is span of microbial activity depends upon Organic
Materials like compost,cow dung and press mud that appear good carriers for microbial inoculation as have ideal ph
along with N,P,Cu,Mn & Iron.Organic material based PGPR formulations like farm yard manure are in practice
Corresponding author. E-mail [email protected] (D K Maheshwari).

Inoculation of PGPR in Rhizosphere enhances microbial activity and decreases dependence on synthetic
fertilizers.Unwise and indiscriminate use of precarious agricultural chemicals can be reduced by inoculation of
PGPR with a suitable carrier which are good substitute of chemicals for increasing crop yield and increasing the life
span of microbial flora (Fatima et al., 2018).Therefore, keeping in view the above scenario, the present study was
conducted to evaluate the impact of orgainc based PGPR formulation on growth and productivity of wheat.

Material and methods:

Experimental sites:

The Pot Experiment was carried out in wire house of Department of Soil Science, University college of Agriculture
& Environmental Sciences, The Islamia University Bahawal Pur, Pakistan

Collection of PGPR and inoculum preparation:

PGPR microbes prepared already were obtained from Soil Microbiology Laboratory ,Department of Soil Science,

The Islamia University Bahawal Pur, Pakistan.

Experimental designs & Treatments:

The experiment was laid out in a Completly Randomized Design (CRD) with 10 treatments for pot trial with 3

(T1 for control , T2 (Compost 2.5g), T3 (Fruits and vegetable wastes 2.5g), T4 (Press Mud 2.5g), T5 (Cow
Dung 2.5g), T6 (PGPR), T7 ( PGPR + Compost 2.5g), T8 ( PGPR + Fruits and vegetable wastes 2.5g), T9 (
PGPR + Press Mud 2.5g), T0 ( PGPR + Cow Dung 2.5g))

Broth was prepared in 500 ml Vol. Flask , autoclaved and shifted to two 250 ml connical flasks with same
proportion.One of the flask is labelled with Controlled and other with PGPR having PGPR strains and put them in
shaking-cum Incuabtor for 2 days.

Every 5 g wheat seeds were inoculated with 48 hours old 2 ml broth culture provided with sugar solution 0.5 ml in
each Petri plate.Every petri plate was discarded in 3 pots having same quantity of substrate or treatment.

For experiment,pots were laid out by following the (CRD) Completely Randomized Design with 10 treatments and
3 replications. Recommended dose of N,P, K ( 120 90 60 Kg/hectare were applied at the time of sowing in Di-
ammonium phosphate and sulphate of potash), while dose for N was (120kg/hectare) applied 20 days interval after
germination in two splits. All the agronomics prectices were done according to the requirement.Each pot filled with
1.84 kg soil collected from area of Department of soil science.
The population of plant was maintained 10 plants per pot.

Three samples were collected from soil used in experimentation were send to Regional Agricultural Research
Institute, Bahawalpur (RARI) for different analysis.

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