IBPS Syllogism

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Directions: (1 -20): In each question below, there are three or four statements followed

by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to
be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide
which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements.
1).Statements: All buildings are books All books are roads All roads are packs
Conclusions: I) Some roads are buildings II) All books are packs III) All packs are roads
a) Only I and II follows b) Only I and III follow c) Only II and III follow d) All I, II and III
follows e) None of these 2).Statements: All cups are circle Some circles are drums All
drums are blue Conclusions: I) Some blue are cups II) Some blue are circles III) Some
drums are cups a) Only I follow b) Only II follows c) Only III follow d) All I, II and III
follows e) None of these 3).Statements: Some bikes are cycles Some cycles are trains
Some trains are rocket TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com |
estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 2 Conclusions: I) Some trains are
cycles II) Some trains are bikes III) Some rocket are bikes a) Only I and II follows b)
Only I and III follow c) Only II and III follow d) All I, II and III follows e) None of these
4).Statements: All dogs are pets Some pets are rats All rats are bats Conclusions: I)
Some bats are pets II)Some bats are dogs III) Some rats are pets a) Only I and II
follows b) Only II and III follow c) Only I and III follow d) All I, II and III follows e) None of
these 5).Statements: All pens are cats All cats are rings All rings are mats Conclusions:
I) Some rings are pens II) Some mats are cats III) Some mats are pens a) Only I and II
follows b) Only I and III follow c) Only II and III follow d) All I, II and III follows e) None of
these TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com |
www.sscexamguide.com 3 6).Statements: Some tables are sticks All sticks are houses
All houses are buildings Conclusions: I) All houses are sticks II) Some buildings are
sticks III) Some houses are tables a) Only II and III follow b) Only I and II follows c) Only
I and III follow d) All I,II and III follows e) None of these 7).Statements: Some boxes are
chairs No chairs is roads All roads are tents Conclusions: I) Some tents are chairs II)
Some roads are boxes III)No chairs is tents a) Only either I or II follows b) Only either I
or III follows c) Only either II or III follows d) All I,II and III follows e) None of these
8).Statements: All cups are stars Some stars are jugs No jug is glass Some glasses are
tables Conclusions: I) Some tables are stars II) Some glass are cups TOP 50 Syllogism
Questions www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 4 III)
No table is stars IV)Some jugs are cups a) Only I and II follows b) Only I, II and III
follows c) Only either I or III follows d) Only either I or III follows e) None of these
9).Statements: Some chairs are bottles All bottles are pots All pots are rats Some rats
are buses Conclusions: I)Some buses are bottles II) Some rats are chairs III) No bus is
bottles IV) Some rats are bottles a) Only I and II follows b) Only I, II and III follows c)
Only either I or III and III follow d) Only either I or III and IV follow e) None of these
10).Statements: All birds are handles All handles are tigers Some tigers are real Some
real are monkeys Conclusions: I) Some tigers are handles II) Some monkeys are birds
III) Some tigers are birds IV) Some monkeys are handles a) All follow b) Only I and III
follow c) Only II and IV follow TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com |
estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 5 d) Only I and IV follow e) None of
these 11).Statements: Some umbrellas are sticks. Some sticks are balls. Some balls
are bats. All bats are guns. Conclusions: I. Some balls are umbrellas. II. Some guns are
bats. III. Some sticks are guns. IV. Some balls are guns. a) Only I, II and IV not follow b)
Only I and III not follow c) Only III and IV not follow d) Only II and IV not follow e) None
of these 12).Statements: Some cards are notebooks. Some notebooks are dictionaries.
Some dictionaries are files. All files are envelopes. Conclusions: I. Some envelopes are
notebooks. II. Some files are notebooks. III. Some cards are dictionaries. IV. No
dictionary is an envelope. a) All not follows b) Only I, II and III not follow c) Only II and III
not follow d) Only III and IV not follow e) None of these 13).Statements: Some keys are
letters. TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com |
www.sscexamguide.com 6 All letters are locks. All locks are numbers. No number is a
coin. Conclusions: I. Some keys are numbers. II. All letters are numbers. III. Some locks
are keys. IV. No coin is a letter. a) Only I and II not follow b) Only I, II and III not follow
c) Only II and III not follow d) Only II, III and IV not follow e) All follows 14).Statements:
Some floppies are CDs. Some CDs are keyboards. Some keyboards are computers.
Some computers are monitors. Conclusions: I. Some monitors are floppies. II. Some
monitors are computers. III. Some computers are CDs. IV. Some keyboards are
floppies. a) Only I not follow b) Only I, III and IV not follow c) Only II not follows d) Only
II not follows e) None of these 15).Statements: All cards are pins. Some pins are
tablets. All tablets are needles. Some needles are threads. Conclusions: I. Some
needles are pins. TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com |
estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 7 II. Some pins are cards. III. Some
threads are needles. IV. Some needles are tablets. a) All not follows b) Only I and II not
follow c) All follow d) Only II, III and IV not follow e) Only I, II and III not follow
16).Statements: All cells are bins. All bins are petals. No petal is root. All roots are leafs.
Conclusions: I. No cell is bin. II. No bins are root. III. All cells are petals. IV. All leafs are
roots. a) Only I and II not follow b) Only I and IV not follow c) Only I, II and III not follow
d) All not follows e) None of these 17).Statements: All poles are fans. All fans are
stands. Some stands are lines. Some lines are boxes. Conclusions: I. Some boxes are
poles. II. Some fans are boxes. III. Some lines are poles. IV. Some lines are fans. a) All
not follows b) Only I and II not follow TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com |
estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 8 c) Only II and IV not follow d) Only III
and IV not follow e) Only I, II and IV not follow 18).Statements: Some scales are
weights. All weights are metals. Some metals are rings. All rings are bands.
Conclusions: I. Some bands are scales. II. Some weights are bands. III. Some rings are
scales. IV. Some metals are scales. a) Only I and III not follow b) Only I and II not follow
c) Only II and III not follow d) Only II and IV not follow e) None of these 19).Statements:
Some tools are seeds. Some seeds are cycles. Some cycles are tubes. Some tubes are
rains. Conclusions: I. Some tubes are seeds. II. Some cycles are tools. III. Some seed
are rain. IV. Some rains are cycles. a) Only I not follow b) Only I or III not follows c) Only
I and II not follow d) All not follows e) None of these 20).Statements: TOP 50 Syllogism
Questions www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 9 All
stones are pearls. Some pearls are shells. Some shells are boxes. No box is container.
Conclusions: I. Some stones are shells. II. No pearl is container. III. No shell is
container. IV. Some boxes are stone is a possibility. a) Only II not follows b) Only II and
III not follow c) Only I, II and III not follows d) Only III follows e) All not follows Directions
(Q.21-25): In each question below are given three statements followed by two
conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if
they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and
then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements,
disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer: a. If only conclusion I follows b. If
only conclusion II follows c. If either conclusion I or II follows d. If neither conclusion I
nor II follows e. If both conclusion I and II follow. 21).Statements: All rains are rivers
Some rains are waters Some rivers are seas Conclusions: I. All rivers being water is a
possibility II. All rains can be water 22).Statements: All books are papers No book is a
chair Some chairs are tables TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com |
estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 10 Conclusions: I. At least some
papers are books II. All tables being paper is a possibility 23).Statements: No triangle is
a square No circle is a rectangle Some squares are circles Conclusions: I. Some
squares are not rectangle II. Some rectangles are square 24).Statements: All cups are
plates All plates are boxes No box is spoon Conclusions: I. All plates being spoon is a
possibility II. Some boxes are not plates 25).Statements: All bikes are cars Some cars
are buses All buses are trucks Conclusions: I. All buses are cars II. Some cars are
trucks Directions (Q.26-30): In each question below are given three statements followed
by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. You have to take the given statements to be
true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the
conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the
given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. 26).Statements: Some books
are notes No paper is a pen All notes are papers TOP 50 Syllogism Questions
www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 11 Conclusions:
I. All books being paper is a possibility II. All pens being books is a possibility III. All
notes being books is a possibility a) Only I follows b) Only II follows c) Only III follows d)
Only I and II follows e) None of these 27).Statements: All pins are threads Some
threads are fingers All fingers are nails Conclusions: I. Some fingers are pins II. At least
some fingers are threads III. All nails are fingers a) Only I follows b) Only II follows c)
Only III follows d) None follows e) None of these 28).Statements: Some additions are
subtractions No subtraction is multiplication All multiplications are divisions Conclusions:
I. Some divisions are additions II. Some multiplications are additions III. No division is
addition a) None follows b) Only I follows c) Only II follows d) Only either I or III follows
e) Only III follows TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com |
estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 12 29).Statements: All flowers are
leaves All leaves are trees Some trees are fruits Conclusions: I. Some fruits are leaves
II. Some fruits are flowers III. Some trees are flowers a) Only I follows b) Only I and II
follows c) Only II and III follows d) Only III follows e) None of these 30).Statements: All
villages are towns No town is city All cities are states Conclusions: I. All villages being
state is a possibility II. All states being town is a possibility III. Some towns are villages
a) Only I follows b) Only II follows c) Only II and III follows d) Only I and III follows e)
None of these Direction (Q. 31-38): In each question below are given three statements
followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements
to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the
conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known
facts. Given answer, a) If only conclusion I follows b) If only conclusion II follows C) If
either conclusion I or II follows TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com |
estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 13 d) If neither conclusions I nor II
follows e) If both conclusions I and II follows 31).Statements: Some trees are mangoes
No mango is a banana All bananas are fruits Conclusions: I. At least some fruits are
trees II.All trees can be bananas a) a b) b c) c d) d e) e 32). Statements: All districts are
states Some states are towns No town is a village Conclusions: I. All villages can be
districts II.Some states are not districts a) a b) b c) c d) d e) e 33. Statements: All
animals are lions Some lions are tigers All lions are fox Conclusions: TOP 50 Syllogism
Questions www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 14 I.
All tigers are fox II.Some tigers are not fox a) a b) b c) c d) d e) e 34. Statements: All
mobiles are boxes Some boxes are bulbs No bulb is a switch Conclusions: I. Some
bulbs are boxes II.Some boxes are not switches a) a b) b c) c d) d e) e 35. Statements:
No car is a bike All bikes are cycles No bus is a car Conclusions: I. Some cycles can
never be cars II.Some buses can be cycles a) a b) b c) c d) d e) e TOP 50 Syllogism
Questions www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 15 36.
Statements: All teas are coffee No coffee is milk No milk is water Conclusions: I. Some
water can be tea II.At least some milk are not coffee a) a b) b c) c d) d e) e 37.
Statements: All cups are caps All caps are shirts No cap is cloth Conclusions: I. All
cloths are shirts II.Some cloth is not shirt a) a b) b c) c d) d e) e 38. Statements: Some
books are notes All books and notes are materials No book is a test Conclusions: I.
Some materials are not books II.No note is a test a) a TOP 50 Syllogism Questions
www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 16 b) b c) c d) d
e) e Direction (Q. 39-40): In each question below are given four statements followed by
four conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to
be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions logically follows
from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. 39. Statements: Some
pens are papers No paper is a pencil All copies are pencils All pencils are inks
Conclusions: I. Some pens are not copies II.All pencils being ink is a possibility III. All
pens are pencils IV.Some copies are not papers. a) Only I and II follows b) Only I and IV
follows c) Only II, III and IV follows d) Only I, II and IV follows e) All follows 40.
Statements: All desks are tables No desk is a chair All notes are chairs Some chairs are
benches Conclusions: I. Some notes are benches II.Some tables are not chairs III.
Some notes are not desks IV.Some tables being bench is a possibility TOP 50
Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com |
www.sscexamguide.com 17 a) Only I, II and III follows b) Only II, III and IV follows c)
Only I, II and III follows d) None follows e) All follows Directions (Q. 41-45):In each of
the given questions, some statements are followed by two conclusions I and II. You
have to assume everything in the statement to be true even if they seem to be at
variance with commonly known facts, and then decide which of the given conclusions
logically follows from the statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer:
a) if only conclusion I follows. b) if only conclusion II follows. c) if either I or II follows. d)
if neither I nor II follows. e) if both conclusions I and II follow. 41). Statements : Some
resources are powerful. All resources are significant. All significant are organised.
Conclusions: I.Some organised are not significant. II.All organised being powerful is a
possibility. 42). Statements: All regular are successful. Some funds are regular. All
exercises are funds. Conclusions: I.All exercises being successful is a possibility. II.At
least some regular are funds. 43). Statements: All regular are successful. Some funds
are regular. TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com |
www.sscexamguide.com 18 All exercises are funds. Conclusions: I. Some successful
being exercises is a possibility. II.Some funds can never be exercises. 44). Statements :
No society is standard. No standard is modern. No modern is official. Conclusions: I.
Some societies being modern is a possibility. II.Some societies can never be official.
45). Statements: All attire are balanced. All balanced are critical. Some critical are
delightful. All delightful are effective. Conclusions: I.All critical being attire is a possibility.
II.Some balanced are delightful. Directions (Q. 46-50):In each of the given questions,
some statements are followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to assume
everything in the statement to be true even if they seem to be at variance with
commonly known facts, and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows
from the statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer a) if only
conclusion I follows. b) if only conclusion II follows. c) if either I or II follows. d) if neither
I nor II follows. e) if both conclusions I and II follow. 46). Statements: Some married are
educated. Some educated are men. TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com |
estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 19 All men are qualified. Conclusions:
I. Some educated if they are men are qualified. II.Some educated if they are qualified
are men. 47). Statements: All shares are debentures. No debenture is an equity. Many
equities are maturities. Conclusions: I. No debenture can be a maturity. II. All
debentures that are shares may be equities. 48). Statements: Some doctors are rich. All
rich who are doctors are honest. Conclusions: I.Many doctors are honest. II.Some
honest are possibly rich. 49). Statements: No ring is a wing. Some wings are kings. All
kings are brave. Conclusions: I. Some brave may be ring. II.Kings which are not wings
are rings. 50). Statements: All queens are beautiful. Some princesses are queens. No
beautiful is royal. Conclusions: I. All beautifuls which are princesses will necessarily be
queens. II.All queens are royal. TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com |
estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 20 SOLUTIONS Directions (1-20):
1).Correct Answer is: a) 2).Correct Answer is: b) 3).Correct Answer is: e) 4).Correct
Answer is: c) 5).Correct Answer is: d) TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com
| estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 21 6).Correct Answer is: a) 7).Correct
Answer is: b) 8).Correct Answer is: c) 9).Correct Answer is: e) TOP 50 Syllogism
Questions www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 22
10).Correct Answer is: b) 11).Correct Answer is: b) 12).Correct Answer is: a)
13).Correct Answer is: e) 14).Correct Answer is: b) TOP 50 Syllogism Questions
www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 23 15).Correct
Answer is: c) 16).Correct Answer is: b) 17).Correct Answer is: a) 18).Correct Answer is:
e) 19).Correct Answer is: d) TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com |
estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 24 20).Correct Answer is: c) Directions
(21-25): 21). Correct Answer is: e) Hence, both conclusions I and II follow. 22). Correct
Answer is: e) Hence, both conclusions I and II follow. 23). Correct Answer is: a) Hence,
only conclusion I follows. 24). Correct Answer is: d) TOP 50 Syllogism Questions
www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 25 Hence,
neither conclusion I nor II follows. 25). Correct Answer is: b) Hence, only conclusion II
follows. Directions (26-30): 26). Correct Answer is: e) Hence, all the three conclusions
are follows. Hence, ‘option e) none of these’ is the answer. 27). Correct Answer is: b)
Hence, only conclusion II follows. 28). Correct Answer is: d) Hence, only either I or III
follows 29). Correct Answer is: d) TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com |
estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 26 Hence, only conclusion III follows.
30). Correct Answer is: d) Hence, only conclusion I and III follow. Directions (31-38):
31).Correct Answer is: d) Neither Conclusion I nor II follows 32).Correct Answer is: a)
Only conclusion I follow 33).Correct Answer is: c) Either conclusion I or II follow. TOP
50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com |
www.sscexamguide.com 27 34).Correct Answer is:e) Both conclusion l and II follow
35).Correct Answer is: e) Both conclusions I and II follows 36).Correct Answer is: e)
Both conclusions I and II follows 37).Correct Answer is: c) Either conclusion I or II follow
38).Correct Answer is: d) TOP 50 Syllogism Questions www.ibpsguide.com |
estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 28 Neither conclusion I nor II follow
Directions (39-40): 39).Correct Answer is: d) Conclusions I, II and IV follows 40).Correct
Answer is:b) Conclusions ll,llland IV are follows Directions (41-45): 41). Correct Answer
is: b) All significant are organized (conversion) Some organized are significant. Hence
conclusion I doesn’t follow. Again, All resources are significant (A) + Some resources
are powerful (conversion) Some powerful are resources (I) + All resources are
significant (I+A) I Some powerful are significant (I) + All significant are organized I+A I =
Some powerful are organised. Hence we can conclude that All organised being
powerful is a possibility. 42). Correct Answer is: e) Some funds are regular (I) + All
regular are successful (A) = I + A = Some funds are successful (I). Again, All exercises
are funds + Some funds are successful (I) = A I + A =No conclusion. But All exercises
being successful is a possibility. From statement II:Some funds are regular. At least
some regular are funds. Conclusion I& II follow. 43). Correct Answer is: a) From
statement I, II& III. Some successful are exercises. Hence some successful being
exercises is a possibility. From statement III:All exercises are funds. Some funds can
never be exercises is a possibility. II follows. TOP 50 Syllogism Questions
www.ibpsguide.com | estore.ibpsguide.com | www.sscexamguide.com 29 44). Correct
Answer is: d) 45). Correct Answer is: d) Directions (46-50): 46). Correct Answer is: e)
47). Correct Answer is: d) 48). Correct Answer is: e) 49). Correct Answer is: b) 50).
Correct Answer is: d)

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