Case Study Pcu Manila Hiv
Case Study Pcu Manila Hiv
Case Study Pcu Manila Hiv
PAYBA MEDICAL CENTER with its superior reputation in the health industry is the
choice of many companies for the examination and health screening of their workers.
An international company based in Singapore directed one of its applicants to undergo
physical examination in your center.
A signed consent for Physical Examination was accomplished by the applicant. It
contained all the medical examinations required by the Singaporean based company. However
examination for HIV requires another request.
The only significant finding was a positive HIV.
How do you intend to handle the situation?
1. Will you disclose the result to both applicant and the employer?
The grounds for disclosing the results to both the applicant and the employer will be
depending on the following cases.
a. Medical practitioners are under a legal and ethical duty to ensure that patient
information is not revealed to third parties (e.g. other doctors) without the patient’s
expressed consent. A patient’s right to confidentiality and privacy should be
respected at all times. Under no circumstances may a patient’s HIV status be
communicated to anyone without prior permission (preferably in writing) from the
* Since Employers are not allowed to request employees and applicants for
employment to go for an HIV test unless an employer can prove that testing is justifiable
in the light of medical facts, employment conditions, social policy, the fair distribution of
employee benefits or the inherent requirements of a job.
b. Employers and others that require medical forms generally do so to assess fitness
for the job or other opportunity – with or without a reasonable accommodation.
*** Medical forms must be completed truthfully. False information – especially in response
to legal questions – can result in disqualification. For example, if a person checks “no” next to
a box about “HIV or AIDS?” and the employer later learns that is untrue, the employer can
legally deny employment because of the inaccurate information. The same is true in most other
contexts. In contrast, using HIV information to deny you a job or admission to school
can sometimes be illegal discrimination.
2. The applicant realized that you have violated him by requesting an HIV test? How do you
intend to resolve the situation.
Following ways to resolve the situation :
a. Since requesting of another test ( referring to HIV) lacks of or vitiated consent, the
instrument could be remarkably as VOIDABLE, unless it can be ratified in legal
terms. Hence, the applicant or the patient might sue him in court. In reference to
Hector De Leon’s “The law on obligations and contracts”.
b. As Medical practitioner, under a legal and ethical duty to ensure that patient
information is not revealed to third parties (e.g. other doctors) without the patient’s
expressed consent. A patient’s right to confidentiality and privacy should be respected
at all times. Under no circumstances may a patient’s HIV status be communicated to
anyone without prior permission (preferably in writing) from the person.
The client has the right to bodily and psychological integrity, and must give his or her
informed consent to any medical procedures or tests that are about to be carried out.
Major Supporting References :
Tenth Congress
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled::
Section 1. Title. – This Act shall be known as the "Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998."
Section 2. Declaration of policies. – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease that
recognizes no territorial, social, political and economic boundaries for which there is no known cure. The
gravity of the AIDS threat demands strong State action today, thus:
(a) The State shall promote public awareness about the causes, modes of transmission, consequences,
means of prevention and control of HIV/AIDS through a comprehensive nationwide educational and
information campaign organized and conducted by the State. Such campaigns shall promote value
formation and employ scientifically proven approaches, focus on the family as a basic social unit, and
be carried out in all schools and training centers, workplaces, and communities. This program shall
involve affected individuals and groups, including people living with HIV/AIDS.
(b) The State shall extend to every person suspected or known to be infected with HIV/AIDS full
protection of his/her human rights and civil liberties. Towards this end:
(1) compulsory HIV testing shall be considered unlawful unless otherwise provided in this
(3) discrimination, in all its forms and subtleties, against individuals with HIV or persons
perceived or suspected of having HIV shall be considered inimical to individual and national
interest; and
(4) provision of basic health and social services for individuals with HIV shall be assured.
(c) The State shall promote utmost safety and universal precautions in practices and procedures that
carry the risk of HIV transmission.
(d) The State shall positively address and seek to eradicate conditions that aggravate the spread of HIV
infection, including but not limited to, poverty, gender inequality, prostitution, marginalization, drug
abuse and ignorance.
(e) The State shall recognize the potential role of affected individuals in propagating vital information
and educational messages about HIV/AIDS and shall utilize their experience to warn the public about
the disease.
Section 3. Definition of terms. – As used in this Act, the following terms are defined as follows:
(b) "Anonymous Testing" – refers to an HIV testing procedure whereby the individual being tested
does not reveal his/her true identity. An identifying number or symbol is used to substitute for the
name and allows the laboratory conducting the test and the person on whom the test is conducted to
match the test results with the identifying number or symbol.
(c) "Compulsory HIV Testing" – refers to HIV testing imposed upon a person attended or characterized
by the lack of or vitiated consent, use of physical force, intimidation or any form of compulsion.
(d) "Contact tracing" – refers to the method of finding and counselling the sexual partner(s) of a
person who has been diagnosed as having sexually transmitted disease.
(e) "Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)" – refers to the virus which causes AIDS.
(f) "HIV/AIDS Monitoring" – refers to the documentation and analysis of the number of HIV/AIDS
infections and the pattern of its spread.
(g) "HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control" – refers to measures aimed at protecting non-infected from
contracting HIV and minimizing the impact of the condition of persons living with HIV.
(h) "HIV-positive" – refers to the presence of HIV infection as documented by the presence of HIV or
HIV antibodies in the sample being tested.
(i) "HIV-negative" – denotes the absence of HIV or HIV antibodies upon HIV testing.
(j) "HIV Testing" – refers to any laboratory procedure done on an individual to determine the presence
or absence of HIV infection.
(k) "HIV Transmission" – refers to the transfer of HIV from one infected person to an uninfected
individual, most commonly through sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, sharing of intravenous
needles and during pregnancy.
(l) "High-Risk Behavior" – refers to a person's frequent involvement in certain activities which
increase the risk of transmitting or acquiring HIV.
(m) "Informed Consent" – refers to the voluntary agreement of a person to undergo or be subjected to
a procedure based on full information, whether such permission is written, conveyed verbally, or
expressed indirectly.
(n) "Medical Confidentiality" – refers to the relationship of trust and confidence created or existing
between a patient or a person with HIV and his attending physician, consulting medical specialist,
nurse, medical technologist and all other health workers or personnel involved in any counselling,
testing or professional care of the former; it also applies to any person who, in any official capacity,
has acquired or may have acquired such confidential information.
(o) "Person with HIV" – refers to an individual whose HIV test indicates, directly or indirectly, that
he/she is infected with HIV.
(p) "Pre-Test Counselling" – refers to the process of providing an individual information on the
biomedical aspects of HIV/AIDS and emotional support to any psychological implications of
undergoing HIV testing and the test result itself before he/she is subjected to the test.
(q) "Post-Test Counselling" – refers to the process of providing risk-reduction information and
emotional support to a person who submitted to HIV testing at the time that the test result is released.
(r) "Prophylactic" – refers to any agent or device used to prevent the transmission of a disease.
(s) "Sexually Transmitted Diseases" – refers to any disease that may be acquired or passed on through
sexual contact.
(t) "Voluntary HIV Testing" – refers to HIV testing done on an individual who, after having undergone
pre-test counselling, willingly submits himself/herself to such test.
(u) "Window Period" – refers to the period of time, usually lasting from two weeks to six (6) months
during which an infected individual will test "negative" upon HIV testing but can actually transmit the
Sec. 4. HIV/AIDS education in schools. – The Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and the Technical Education and skills Development Authority
(TESDA), utilizing official information provided by the Department of Health, shall integrate instruction on
the causes, modes of transmission and ways of preventing HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases
in subjects taught in public and private schools at intermediate grades, secondary and tertiary levels, including
non-formal and indigenous learning systems: Provided, That if the integration of HIV/AIDS education is not
appropriate or feasible, the DECS and TESDA shall design special modules on HIV/AIDS prevention and
control: Provided, further, That it shall not be used as an excuse to propagate birth control or the sale or
distribution of birth control devices: Provided, finally, That it does not utilize sexually explicit materials.
Flexibility in the formulation and adoption of appropriate course content, scope, and methodology in each
educational level or group shall be allowed after consultations with Parent-Teachers-Community Associations,
Private School Associations, school officials, and other interest groups. As such, no instruction shall be offered
to minors without adequate prior consultation with parents who must agree to the thrust and content of the
instruction materials.
All teachers and instructors of said HIV/AIDS courses shall be required to undergo a seminar or training on
HIV/AIDS prevention and control to be supervised by DECS, CHED and TESDA, in coordination with the
Department of Health (DOH), before they are allowed to teach on the subject.
Section 5. HIV/AIDS information as a health service. – HIV/AIDS education and information dissemination
shall form part of the delivery of health services by health practitioners, workers and personnel. The
knowledge and capabilities of all public health workers shall be enhanced to include skills for proper
information dissemination and education on HIV/AIDS. It shall likewise be considered a civic duty of health
providers in the private sector to make available to the public such information necessary to control the spread
of HIV/AIDS and to correct common misconceptions about this disease. The training or health workers shall
include discussions on HIV-related ethical issues such as confidentiality, informed consent and the duty to
provide treatment.
Section 6. HIV/AIDS education in the workplace. – All government and private employees, workers,
managers, and supervisors, including members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the
Philippine National Police (PNP), shall be provided with the standardized basic information and instruction on
HIV/AIDS which shall include topics on confidentiality in the workplace and attitude towards infected
employees and workers. In collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH), the Secretary of the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) shall oversee the anti-HIV/AIDS campaign in all private
companies while the Armed Forces Chief of Staff and the Director General of the PNP shall oversee the
implementation of this Sec..
Section 7. HIV/AIDS education for Filipinos going abroad. – The State shall ensure that all overseas Filipino
workers and diplomatic, military, trade, and labor officials and personnel to be assigned overseas shall undergo
or attend a seminar on the cause, prevention and consequences of HIV/AIDS before certification for overseas
assignment. The Department of Labor and Employment or the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department
of Tourism and the Department of Justice through the Bureau of Immigration, as the case may be, in
collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH), shall oversee the implementation of this Sec..
Section 8. Information campaign for tourists and transients. – Informational aids or materials on the cause,
modes of transmission, prevention, and consequences of HIV infection shall be adequately provided at all
international ports of entry and exit. The Department of Tourism, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the
Department of Justice through the Bureau of Immigration, in collaboration with the Department of Health
(DOH), shall oversee the implementation of this Act.
Section 9. HIV/AIDS education in communities. – Local government units, in collaboration with the
Department of Health (DOH), shall conduct an educational and information campaign on HIV/AIDS. The
provincial governor, city or municipal mayor and the barangay captain shall coordinate such campaign among
concerned government agencies, non-government organizations and church-based groups.
Section 10. Information on prophylactics. – Appropriate information shall be attached to or provided with
every prophylactic offered for sale or given as a donation. Such information shall be legibly printed in English
and Filipino, and contain literature on the proper use of the prophylactic device or agent, its efficacy against
HIV and STD infection, as well as the importance of sexual abstinence and mutual fidelity.
Section 11. Penalties for misleading information. – Misinformation on HIV/AIDS prevention and control
through false and misleading advertising and claims in any of the tri-media or the promotional marketing of
drugs, devices, agents or procedures without prior approval from the Department of Health and the Bureau of
Food and Drugs and the requisite medical and scientific basis, including markings and indications in drugs and
devises or agents, purporting to be a cure or a fail-safe prophylactic for HIV infection is punishable with a
penalty of imprisonment for two (2) months to two (2) years, without prejudice to the imposition of
administrative sanctions such as fines and suspension or revocation of professional or business license.
Sec. 12. Requirement on the donation of blood, tissue, or organ. – No laboratory or institution shall accept a
donation of tissue or organ, whether such donation is gratuitous or onerous, unless a sample from the donor has
been tested negative for HIV. All donated blood shall also be subjected to HIV testing and HIV(+) blood shall
be disposed of properly and immediately. A second testing may be demanded as a matter of right by the blood,
tissue, or organ recipient or his immediate relatives before transfusion or transplant, except during emergency
cases: Provided, That donations of blood, tissue, or organ testing positive for HIV may be accepted for
research purposes only, and subject to strict sanitary disposal requirements.
Section 13. Guidelines on surgical and similar procedures. – The Department of Health (DOH), in
consultation and in coordination with concerned professional organizations and hospital associations, shall
issue guidelines on precautions against HIV transmission during surgical, dental, embalming, tattooing or
similar procedures. The DOH shall likewise issue guidelines on the handling and disposition of cadavers, body
fluids or wastes of persons known or believed to be HIV-positive.
The necessary protective equipment such as gloves, goggles and gowns, shall be made available to all
physicians and health care providers and similarly exposed personnel at all times.
Section 14. Penalties for unsafe practices and procedures. – Any person who knowingly or negligently
causes another to get infected with HIV in the course of the practice of his/her profession through unsafe and
unsanitary practice or procedure is liable to suffer a penalty of imprisonment for six (6) years to twelve (12)
years, without prejudice to the imposition of administrative sanctions such as, but not limited to, fines and
suspension or revocation of the license to practice his/her profession. The permit or license of any business
entity and the accreditation of hospitals, laboratory, or clinics may be cancelled or withdrawn if said
establishments fail to maintain such safe practices and procedures as may be required by the guidelines to be
formulated in compliance with Sec. 13 of this Act.
Sec. 15. Consent as a requisite for HIV testing. – No compulsory HIV testing shall be allowed. However, the
State shall encourage voluntary testing for individuals with a high risk for contracting HIV: Provided, That
written informed consent must first be obtained. Such consent shall be obtained from the person concerned if
he/she is of legal age or from the parents or legal guardian in the case of a minor or a mentally incapacitated
individual. Lawful consent to HIV testing of a donated human body, organ, tissue, or blood shall be considered
as having been given when:
(a) a person volunteers or freely agrees to donate his/her blood, organ, or tissue for transfusion,
transplantation, or research;
(b) a person has executed a legacy in accordance with Sec. 3 of Republic Act No. 7170, also known as
the "Organ Donation Act of 1991";
(c) a donation is executed in accordance with Sec. 4 of Republic Act No. 7170.
Section 16. Prohibitions on compulsory HIV testing. – Compulsory HIV testing as a precondition to
employment, admission to educational institutions, the exercise of freedom of abode, entry or continued stay in
the country, or the right to travel, the provision of medical service or any other kind of service, or the continued
enjoyment of said undertakings shall be deemed unlawful.
Section 17. Exception to the prohibition on compulsory testing. – Compulsory HIV testing may be allowed
only in the following instances:
a) When a person is charged with any of the crimes punishable under Articles 264 and 266 as amended
by Republic Act No. 8353, 335 and 338 of Republic Act No. 3815, otherwise known as the "Revised
Penal Code"or under Republic Act No. 7659;
b) When the determination of the HIV status is necessary to resolve the relevant issues under
Executive Order No. 309, otherwise known as the "Family Code of the Philippines"; and
c) When complying with the provisions of Republic Act No. 7170, otherwise known as the "Organ
Donation Act" and Republic Act No. 7719, otherwise known as the "National Blood Services Act".
Section 18. Anonymous HIV testing. – The State shall provide a mechanism for anonymous HIV testing and
shall guarantee anonymity and medical confidentiality in the conduct of such tests.
Section 19. Accreditation of HIV Testing Centers. – All testing centers, hospitals, clinics, and laboratories
offering HIV testing services are mandated to seek accreditation from the Department of Health which shall set
and maintain reasonable accreditation standards.
Section 20. Pre-test and post-test counselling. – All testing centers, clinics, or laboratories which perform any
HIV test shall be required to provide and conduct free pre-test counselling and post-test counselling for
persons who avail of their HIV/AIDS testing services. However, such counselling services must be provided
only by persons who meet the standards set by the DOH.
Section 21. Support for HIV Testing Centers. – The Department of Health shall strategically build and
enhance the capabilities for HIV testing of hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and other testing centers primarily,
by ensuring the training of competent personnel who will provide such services in said testing sites.
Sec. 22. Hospital-based services. – Persons with HIV/AIDS shall be afforded basic health services in all
government hospitals, without prejudice to optimum medical care which may be provided by special AIDS
wards and hospitals.
Section 23. Community-based services. – Local government units, in coordination and in cooperation with
concerned government agencies, non-government organizations, persons with HIV/AIDS and groups most at
risk of HIV infection shall provide community-based HIV/AIDS prevention and care services.
Section 24. Livelihood programs and trainings. – Trainings for livelihood, self-help cooperative programs
shall be made accessible and available to all persons with HIV/AIDS. Persons infected with HIV/AIDS shall
not be deprived of full participation in any livelihood, self-help and cooperative programs for reason of their
health conditions.
Section 25. Control of sexually transmitted diseases. – The Department of Health, in coordination and in
cooperation with concerned government agencies and non-government organizations shall pursue the
prevention and control of sexually transmitted diseases to help contain the spread of HIV infection.
Section 26. Insurance for persons with HIV. – The Secretary of Health, in cooperation with the
Commissioner of the Insurance Commission and other public and private insurance agencies, shall conduct a
study on the feasibility and viability of setting up a package of insurance benefits and, should such study
warrant it, implement an insurance coverage program for persons with HIV. The study shall be guided by the
principle that access to health insurance is part of an individual's right to health and is the responsibility of the
State and of society as a whole.
Sec. 27. Monitoring program. – A comprehensive HIV/AIDS monitoring program or "AIDSWATCH" shall be
established under the Department of Health to determine and monitor the magnitude and progression of HIV
infection in the Philippines, and for the purpose of evaluating the adequacy and efficacy of the
countermeasures being employed.
Section 28. Reporting procedures. – All hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and testing centers for HIV/AIDS shall
adopt measures in assuring the reporting and confidentiality of any medical record, personal data, file,
including all data which may be accessed from various data banks or information systems. The Department of
Health through its AIDSWATCH monitoring program shall receive, collate and evaluate all HIV/AIDS related
medical reports. The AIDSWATCH data base shall utilize a coding system that promotes client anonymity.
Section 29. Contact tracing. – HIV/AIDS contact tracing and all other related health intelligence activities
may be pursued by the Department of Health: Provided, That these do not run counter to the general purpose
of this Act: Provided, further, That any information gathered shall remain confidential and classified, and can
only be used for statistical and monitoring purposes and not as basis or qualification for any employment,
school attendance, freedom of abode, or travel.
Sec. 30. Medical confidentiality. – All health professionals, medical instructors, workers, employers,
recruitment agencies, insurance companies, data encoders, and other custodians of any medical record, file,
data, or test results are directed to strictly observe confidentiality in the handling of all medical information,
particularly the identity and status of persons with HIV.
Section 31. Exceptions to the mandate of confidentiality. – Medical confidentiality shall not be considered
breached in the following cases:
(a) when complying with reportorial requirements in conjunction with the AIDSWATCH programs
provided in Sec. 27 of this Act;
(b) when informing other health workers directly involved or about to be involved in the treatment or
care of a person with HIV/AIDS: Provided, That such treatment or care carry the risk of HIV
transmission: Provided, further, That such workers shall be obliged to maintain the shared medical
(c) when responding to a subpoena duces tecum and subpoena ad testificandum issued by a Court with
jurisdiction over a legal proceeding where the main issue is the HIV status of an
individual: Provided, That the confidential medical record shall be properly sealed by its lawful
custodian after being double-checked for accuracy by the head of the office or department, hand
delivered, and personally opened by the judge: Provided, further, That the judicial proceedings be held
in executive session.
Section 32. Release of HIV/AIDS test results. – All results of HIV/AIDS testing shall be confidential and
shall be released only to the following persons:
(d) a person authorized to receive such results in conjunction with the AIDSWATCH program as
provided in Sec. 27 of this Act;
(e) a justice of the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court, as provided under subSec. (c) of this Act
and in accordance with the provision of Sec. 16 hereof.
Section 33. Penalties for violations of confidentiality. – Any violation of medical confidentiality as provided
in Sec.s 30 and 32 of this Act shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment for six (6) months to four (4) years,
without prejudice to administrative sanctions such as fines and suspension or revocation of the violator's
license to practice his/her profession, as well as the cancellation or withdrawal of the license to operate any
business entity and the accreditation of hospitals, laboratories or clinics.
Section 34. Disclosure to sexual partners. – Any person with HIV is obliged to disclose his/her HIV status
and health condition to his/her spouse or sexual partner at the earliest opportune time.
Sec. 35. Discrimination in the workplace. – Discrimination in any form from pre-employment to post-
employment, including hiring, promotion or assignment, based on the actual, perceived or suspected HIV
status of an individual is prohibited. Termination from work on the sole basis of actual, perceived or suspected
HIV status is deemed unlawful.
Section 36. Discrimination in schools. – No educational institution shall refuse admission or expel, discipline,
segregate, deny participation, benefits or services to a student or prospective student on the basis of his/her
actual, perceived or suspected HIV status.
Section 37. Restrictions on travel and habitation. – The freedom of abode, lodging and travel of a person with
HIV shall not be abridged. No person shall be quarantined, placed in isolation, or refused lawful entry into or
deported from Philippine territory on account of his/her actual, perceived or suspected HIV status.
Section 38. Inhibition from public service. – The right to seek an elective or appointive public office shall not
be denied to a person with HIV.
Section 39. Exclusion from credit and insurance services. – All credit and loan services, including health,
accident and life insurance shall not be denied to a person on the basis of his/her actual, perceived or suspected
HIV status: Provided, That the person with HIV has not concealed or misrepresented the fact to the insurance
company upon application. Extension and continuation of credit and loan shall likewise not be denied solely on
the basis of said health condition.
Section 40. Discrimination in hospitals and health institutions. – No person shall be denied health care
service or be charged with a higher fee on account of actual, perceived or suspected HIV status.
Section 41. Denial of burial services. – A deceased person who had AIDS or who was known, suspected or
perceived to be HIV-positive shall not be denied any kind of decent burial services.
Section 42. Penalties for discriminatory acts and policies. – All discriminatory acts and policies referred to in
this Act shall be punishable with a penalty of imprisonment for six (6) months to four (4) years and a fine not
exceeding Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00). In addition, licenses/permits of schools, hospitals and other
institutions found guilty of committing discriminatory acts and policies described in this Act shall be revoked.
Sec. 43. Establishment. – The Philippine National AIDS Council (PNAC) created by virtue of Executive
Order No. 39 dated 3 December 1992 shall be reconstituted and strengthened to enable the Council to oversee
an integrated and comprehensive approach to HIV/AIDS prevention and control in the Philippines. It shall be
attached to the Department of Health.
Section 44. Functions. – The Council shall be the central advisory, planning and policy-making body for the
comprehensive and integrated HIV/AIDS prevention and control program in the Philippines. The Council shall
perform the following functions:
(a) Secure from government agencies concerned recommendations on how their respective agencies
could operationalize specific provisions of this Act. The Council shall integrate and coordinate such
recommendations and issue implementing rules and regulations of this Act. The Council shall likewise
ensure that there is adequate coverage of the following:
(3) The issuance of guidelines on medical and other practices and procedures that carry the
risk of HIV transmission;
(4) The provision of accessible and affordable HIV testing and counselling services to those
who are in need of it;
(5) The provision of acceptable health and support services for persons with HIV/AIDS in
hospitals and in communities;
(6) The protection and promotion of the rights of individuals with HIV; and
(b) Monitor the implementation of the rules and regulations of this Act, issue or cause the issuance of
orders or make recommendations to the implementing agencies as the Council considers appropriate;
(c) Develop a comprehensive long-term national HIV/AIDS prevention and control program and
monitor its implementation;
(d) Coordinate the activities of and strengthen working relationships between government and non-
government agencies involved in the campaign against HIV/AIDS;
(e) Coordinate and cooperate with foreign and international organizations regarding data collection,
research and treatment modalities concerning HIV/AIDS; and
(f) Evaluate the adequacy of and make recommendations regarding the utilization of national
resources for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines.
Section 45. Membership and composition. – (a) The Council shall be composed of twenty-six (26) members
as follows:
(2) The Secretary of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports or his representative;
(4) The Director-General of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority or his
(5) The Secretary of the Department of Labor and Employment or his representative;
(6) The Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development or his representative;
(7) The Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government or his representative;
(9) The Director-General of the National Economic and Development Authority or his representative;
(11) The Secretary of the Department of Budget and Management or his representative;
(16) The Chairperson of the Committee on Health of the Senate of the Philippines or his
(17) The Chairperson of the Committee on Health of the House of Representatives or his
(18) Two (2) representatives from organizations of medical/health professionals;
(19) Six (6) representatives from non-government organizations involved in HIV/AIDS prevention
and control efforts or activities; and
(20) A representative of an organization of persons dealing with HIV/AIDS.
(b) To the greatest extent possible, appointment to the Council must ensure sufficient and discernible
representation from the fields of medicine, education, health care, law, labor, ethics and social services;
(c) All members of the Council shall be appointed by the President of the Republic of the Philippines, except
for the representatives of the Senate and the House of Representatives, who shall be appointed by the Senate
President and the House Speaker, respectively;
(d) The members of the Council shall be appointed not later than thirty (30) days after the date of the
enactment of this Act;
(e) The Secretary of Health shall be the permanent chairperson of the Council; however, the vice-chairperson
shall be elected by its members from among themselves, and shall serve for a term of two (2) years; and
(f) For members representing medical/health professional groups and the six (6) non-government
organizations, they shall serve for a term of two (2) years, renewable upon recommendation of the Council.
Section 46. Reports. – The Council shall submit to the President and to both Houses of Congress
comprehensive annual reports on the activities and accomplishments of the Council. Such annual reports shall
contain assessments and evaluation of intervention programs, plans and strategies for the medium- and long-
term prevention and control program on HIV/AIDS in the Philippines.
Section 47. Creation of Special HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Service. – There shall be created in the
Department of Health a Special HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Service staffed by qualified medical
specialists and support staff with permanent appointment and supported with an adequate yearly budget. It
shall implement programs on HIV/AIDS prevention and control. In addition, it shall also serve as the
secretariat of the Council.
Section 48. Appropriations. – The amount of Twenty million pesos (P20,000,000.00) shall be initially
appropriated out of the funds of the National Treasury. Subsequent appropriations shall be provided by
Congress in the annual budget of the Department of Health under the General Appropriations Act.
Sec. 49. Implementing rules and regulations. – Within six (6) months after it is fully reconstituted, the
Council shall formulate and issue the appropriate rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of this
Section 50. Separability clause. – If any provision of this Act is declared invalid, the remainder of this Act or
any provision not affected thereby shall remain in force and effect.
Section 51. Repealing clause. – All laws, presidential decrees, executive orders and their implementing rules
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
Section 52. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in at least two (2)
national newspapers of general circulation.