Non Invasive Detection of Anaemia
Non Invasive Detection of Anaemia
Non Invasive Detection of Anaemia
diagnostics and therapeutics—for instance for Camera sensors in modern consumer electronic
the noninvasive assessment of blood devices such as mobile phones or webcams are
composition (Murdy et al., 2009). The oxygen mostly based on lowcost, power efficient and
saturation of blood is defined as the ratio of the highly integrated complementary metal-oxide-
HbO2 concentration to the total haemoglobin semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The sensor
concentration, oxygen saturation (SO2)= is an active pixel array with each pixel
[HbO2]/([HbO2]+[Hb]), and amounts to ∼97.5 consisting of a photodiode and and amplifier
% in arterial blood and ∼75 % in venous circuit. Smartphone cameras offer resolutions
blood(Boulpaep , 2009). Of all blood particles, of up to 41 Mpixel (808 PureView, Nokia,
red blood cells also predominate the scattering Finnland), but the majority of current cameras
of blood with two to three orders of magnitude, are between 2 and 8 Mpixel. Video recording is
arising from the difference in refractive index possible with resolutions of up to HD 1080p
between red blood cells and the surrounding quality. The frame rate is usually limited in
blood plasma .Without the presence of red software to 30 fps, although 60 fps and 120 fps
blood cells, plasma absorption inthe250–1,100- are possible for lower resolutions. Color images
nm region is dominated by various proteins, are obtained by interpolating red, green and
nutritive compounds and/or pharmaceuticals, blue (RGB) pixels in a single image.
while plasma scattering is dominated by II .REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE
proteins and platelets .(Meinke et al.,2007)
Under pathological conditions, the absorption WHO report of 1992 stated an
contribution of certain plasma proteins can overall prevalence of 42% of anemia in women
become significant even in the presence of red of developing countries; 51% in pregnant
blood cells, e.g. the absorption of bilirubin women and 41% in non-pregnant women. Out
around 460 nm for jaundiced patients. of these nearly half the total numbers of women
(Bosschaart et al., 2012) In the wavelength are from South East Asia.Later in 1993-2005,
range beyond 1,100 nm, blood absorption is WHO database on global prevalence of anemia
dominated by the absorption of water. Only reported an overall prevalence of 25% where
when water is removed from the blood, several 65.5% of pre-school children, 48.2% of
absorption features due to the presence of pregnant women and 45.7% of non-pregnant
haemoglobin, albumin and globulin can be women were estimated to have anemia. A
identified as small absorption peaks between recent systematic analysis of global anemia
1,690 and 2,400 nm. (Edelman et al., 2012) The burden has reported that the prevalence of
principle of the measurement is based on the anemia has decreased from 40.2% in 1990 to
fact that there is a substantial 32.9% in 2010. Also, females had higher
absorption/transmission difference for light in prevalence and mean severity of anemia in
near infrared region is dominated by diverse virtually all regions and throughout adulthood
hemoglobin derivatives and blood plasma that whereas male children had higher anemia
consists mainly of water. It is well known that prevalence than females. Anemia is a public
pulsatile changes of blood volume in tissue can health challenge in India and mostly affects
be observed by measuring the transmission or women of reproductive age and preschool
reflection of light through the blood volume. children. The District Level Health Survey
(DLHS) 2002-2004 reports an extremely high
Cellular phone application in medical imaging burden of anemia with 98% of adolescent girls
is an emerging area and for the task at hand the and around 96% of pregnant women suffering
technology is exploited for data acquisition as from this condition. The National Family
well as a data conduit. Health Survey (NFHS)-3rd in 2005-2006
Proceedings of the National Conference on Trends in Engineering Applications-2019
Velalar college of Engineering and Technology, Erode,Tamilnadu-2 nd March,2019
reported that 55% of women and 24% of men (M8) Android based smartphone. The light
were also found to have hemoglobin levels intensity of the mobile spectrometer was
lower than the cut off. Studies have reported an calibrated using Ocean Optics spectrometer.
increasing trend in prevalence of anemia from The light source in their experiment was
49.7% (NFHS-2, 1998-1999) to 50.5% (NFHS- halogen light (HL-2000-HP). They measured
3, 2005-2006) (Bharati et al., 2012). the absorbance at 480 nm and 524 nm where
Moreover, the severity of anemia they found the linear regression with R2 =0 .
was higher in pregnant population (Bharati et 9995 (524 nm) and 0.9971 (480 nm).
al., 2008). A survey of 16 districts from 11 II. EXISTING METHOD
states of India reported 90% prevalence of Direct cyanmethemoglobin method
anemia in adolescent girls and 84.9% in has been the gold standard for hemoglobin
pregnant women (Toteja et al., 2006). A similar estimation and is cheap but time consuming.
prevalence of 90% ingirls has also been The other methods are available such as
reported from a survey of 35 states and union hemoglobin color scale, Sahli technique,
territories of India (Bharati et al., 2009). Lovibond-Drabkin technique, Tallqvist
Despite several interventions through national technique, copper-sulfate method, HemoCue
programmes, anemia is still endemic in women. and automated haematology analyzers. Simple
Low level of hemoglobin among pregnant techniques to measure Hb exist but they are
women results in premature delivery, low birth relatively expensive and require ommercial
weight and prenatal mortality DLHS-2 reported reagents and good technical skills to interpret,
that more than 96% of children are suffering however most of these methods are no longer
from anemia whereas NFHS-3 reported that used.
70% of children in the age group of 6-59
Haldane method for hemoglobin
months are anemic. NFHS-3 also observed that
estimation is one of the oldest methods, based
even for mothers who were not anemic, 62%
had anemic children (659 months). The on carbon monoxide (CO) carrying ability of
prevalence of anemia in children rose steadily blood and comparison with a standard.
with the mother’s level of anemia, reaching However, commercially available standards are
82% for children of mothers who were severely unreliable and fade quickly. Also, the method
anemic. Phillips et al. analyzed the degree of requires a source of CO. (clegg and King, 1942)
agreement between Lab-Hb and SpHb where Dare method uses a small glass chamber which
SpHb was calculated using Masimo pronto is filled with whole blood by capillary action.
SpHb monitor. To collect the user’s data, they The chamber is illuminated by a battery lit bulb
used the ring or index finger where there are no and the color of blood is matched with a
recent injury, surgery, constrictive dressing or standard after viewing through an eyepiece.
any issues that can impede the normal blood (Elwood and Jacobs, 1966)
flow. Finally, the author concluded for ill Lovibonddrabkin technique
people. But the degree of understanding was measures cyanmethemoglobin wherein the
not found so high that we can fully depend on it blood mixes with a solution and after standing
to decide whether the patient needs a time of 3 minutes the color of blood is matched
transfusion or not. with a color standard on discs from which the
Zhang et al. developed a smartphone based hemoglobin concentration is interpolated. The
spectrometer which also works in a visible method was shown to outperform other
range. They used a G- Fresnel diffractive comparators in a study conducted way back in
optical device which worked with HTC One
Proceedings of the National Conference on Trends in Engineering Applications-2019
Velalar college of Engineering and Technology, Erode,Tamilnadu-2 nd March,2019
1983. The discs used are costly and the estimate give quantitative results, has a subjective end
is prone to error due to subjective interpretation point and is inaccurate.(Sawant et al.,2007)
of the color. (van Lerberghe et al.,1983)
In tallqvist method, a drop of blood III. PROPOSED METHOD
is placed on a strip of blotting paper and the A smartphone application that
concentration of hemoglobin is interpolated by noninvasively estimates blood hemoglobin
comparing the color of the blood with a set of concentration using a smartphone camera.
color standards on paper but the matching of Analysis of the color of the blood in a user’s
standards and sample is extremely difficult. finger yields an estimate of the user’s
(Stone et al., 1984) hemoglobin level. We evaluated the system
In sahli’s/acid hematin method, a using the smartphone’s LED flash and
blood is mixed with N/10 HCl resulting in the incandescent light bulbs as illuminating
conversion of Hb to acid hematin which is sources.
brown in color. The solution is diluted till its Reflection photoplethysmography (PPG) is a
color matches with the brown colored glass of non-invasive technique for detecting relative
the comparator box. The concentration of Hb is blood volume changes due to the cardio-
read directly. vascular pulse travelling throughout the body
A.O.spencer instrument was from the heart. The technique, first reported in
manufactured by an American company uses a the 1930s by Hertzmann (A.B.Hertzman et al.,
drop of whole blood which is placed on one- 1937), exploits the fact that blood absorbs light
half of a glass chamber and agitated with a more than surrounding tissue and variations in
small stick coated with saponin. The chamber is blood volume affect the transmitted and
completed by a cover-glass held firmly by a clip reflected signal components of a suitable
and inserted into a slot in the instrument. optical probe. Clinical PPG applications span
Transmitted green light from a batterylit bulb is monitoring of blood pressure, cardiac output,
compared with a variable standard on a split oxygen saturation (pulse oxymetry), heart (HR)
screen and haemoglobin level is read as g/100 and respiration (RR) rates to assessment of
ml of blood. (Elwood and Jacobs, 1966). autonomous functions and detection of
Copper sulphate method , which is peripheral vascular diseases. PPG systems
commonly used to ascertain Hb for blood combine a dedicated light source operating in
donation is based on specific gravity of blood. the red and/or infra-red (IR) wavelength range
A blood droplet is allowed to fall into copper and a photo detector assembled into a compact
sulphate solution of a specific gravity skin irradiation probe for single spot
equivalent to that of blood with hemoglobin measurement. Here, the focus is PPG imaging
content of 100g/l and the movement of droplet an emerging area (Verkruysse et al.,
is observed. The test is repeated with 2008)realised by replacing the photodiode with
hemoglobin content of 80g/l. The samples are a camera, offering the advantages of real-time
then categorized as below 80g/l, between 80- large area measurement and sensitivity.
100g/l or over 100g/l. (Elwood and Jacobs,
1966) This method evaluated the impact of
CuSO4 method on donor deferral and
concluded that the CuSO4 method does not
Proceedings of the National Conference on Trends in Engineering Applications-2019
Velalar college of Engineering and Technology, Erode,Tamilnadu-2 nd March,2019
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