Micro-Tensile Testing Machine
Micro-Tensile Testing Machine
Micro-Tensile Testing Machine
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MS. received 6th January 1961, in revised form 2nd March 1961
This paper describes a tensile testing machine for balance 1, 2, 3. The torsion head arm 1 transmits torque to
micro scopic specimens. It can apply loads in the the torsion wire 2, thus applying a tensile load to the
range from 1mgf to 400 gf to specimens having cross- specimen. The extension of the specimen upsets the nul
sectional areas down to 10-1 mm2• Specimen
extensions from a few angstrom units to 15 mm can be
measured and, at constant temperature, random errors
in the extension measurement system are less than 5 A
(5 X 10-7 mm). The machine employs a torsion balance
to apply the loads and a mirror autocollimating telescope
system to detect the extensions. Since it depends wholly
on mechanical and optical principles it is practically TORSION
drift-free at constant tempera ture. It is adaptable for BALANCE MICROSCOPE
tests in special atmospheres, for autographic recording
and for tensile testing of thinfilms.
1. Introduction
tensile testing machine described in this paper was EXTENSION
developed to investigate the mechanical is properties of
suitable for
'whiskers' and other small crystals, but
any similar specimens.* In its present form it can test
specimens having cross sections from 10-1mm2 to 10-2 mm2
and having lengths from 0·5 mm to 15 mm. It can apply
loads from 1 mgf to 400 gf and can measure extensions up
to 15 mm, the lower limit being set by random errors of * An agreement has been made with Techne Ltd. of Duxford,
about 5 A. These quantities were chosen for the author's Cbs., whereby they have sole manufacturing and sales rights on
purposes, and in no way represent absolute limits of this instrument.
In designing micro-tensile testing machines the loads
involved present little problem, as they are well within the
range of normal balance practice. However, the necessary
extension sensitivity is considerably more difficult ta
achieve. A number of such machines using electrical or
electronic extension detectors have already been described,
but their sensitivities have not been greater than about 1000
A.. When considering measurements of the order of a few
angstroms, the problem of sensitivity is overshadowed by
stability requirements, and in the present instance it was
considered that the normal electronic systems are
insufficiently drift-free. Thus the machine is wholly
mechanical and optical in con struction, with special
provisions to ensure stability.
The present design replaces a previous machine which was
described in an earlier paper (Marsh 1959, to be referred to
as n. The new machine is much more accurate, is self
contained and less susceptible to draughts and is simpler to
2. Design principles
Figure I is a diagram illustrating the basic principles of
the machine. A load is applied to a specimen by a
Thus the method is essentially a null method, which
allows a very sensitive extension detector to be used
while still permitting very large extensions to be
measured. It also ensures that the load is strictly
proportional to the torsion head rotation, since the beam
position 3 is the same at each reading. Further, the small
loads imposed by the optical system are constant at the
_-Uiol!.-... ..::::::====: :
reading position and no linearity demands are placed on
the motion of the optical system. Another advantage of the
null method is the ease with which specimens might be
, ,6% enclosed for tests in special gases at atmospheric pressure.
7 The torsion balance. was chosen for the load application
Fig. 1. Basic principles of the micro-tensile testing machine. because of its simplicity, stability and large range coverage
with a.series of interchangeable torsion wires. Other reasons
condition of the optical extension detector. This null con
for choosing a null method and a torsion balance have been
dition is restored after each load increment by
withdrawing the specimen, using the lever and a discussed more fully in I, together with a review of other
micrometer at 4. possible measuring techniques.
of the head mechanism by the micrometer 18 applies a The other end of the beam carries a peg 27 and a collet
tensile load to a specimen attached at 13. A ball-ended chuck 28 which in turn holds the specimen grip 13. The
screw in the arm 1 allows coarse force zeroing to be free motion of the peg is limited by a slot, adjustable by
carried out-the fine zeroing being provided in the extension screw 29. This arrangement protects the mirror system
detector system. The torsion head must be accurately against violent movements and can be adjusted to make the
reproducible in its action and this is ensured by the machine 'hard'. The lower end of the peg dips into a dash
kinematic tangent screw mechanism. Now a simple pot which, together with a similar dash pot in the mirror
tangent screw suffers from a substantial sine error (see system, provides critical damping for the torsion balance
I). However, the push rod 19 perturbs this error because extension detector system.
of its varying obliquity during the rotation, and by The preferred specimen grips for fibres, 13 and 14 in the
suitable choice of dimensions this obliquity can inset to Fig. 4, consist of fused silica rods ground to give
compensate largely for the sine error. In fiat spades. Specimens can be glud to these grips using
this way the 0 ·7 % error of the simple system over 25° molten sym-diphenyl carbazide heated by a type of small
is soldering iron. The contraction of the grips and consequent
reduced by a factor of ten. loading of the specimen is minimized by the use of fused
The five interchangeable torsion wires are made of beryl silica. Provision is also made for integrally heated grips,
lium copper in the worked and hardened state and are hard the arrangement being similar to that described in I. The
soldered into end rods. Since the end rods have a larger grips for film testing consist of inverted spades 30, 31, shown
diameter than the wires, the errors introduced by removing in the inset to Fig. 4. Films can be conveniently presented
and replacing the wires are negligible. The torsion wires by :floating them on a meniscus contained by a square
are secured to the tube 20 at its top end by a set screw so aperture 32. They are centred in the hole by the repulsion
that much of the length of the tube 20 is available as free due to surface tension acting between the unwetted film and
torsion wire length thus reducing the height of the whole the wetted sides of the hole. They are also held taut by the
balance for a given torsion wire length. Torsion wires can surface tension and are automatically oriented by using a
be dropped in at the top of tube 20 thus facilitating wire square piece of film in the square aperture. They are raised
changing. slowly by ejecting the meniscus upwards with a plunger.
The two groups of hinges at 22, 23 are widely separated This gives a curved surface which touches the front edge of
vertically to give stability and are equally spaced above and the grips first and then is wrapped smoothly over the glued
below the specimen level, so that movement due to yielding surface. The positioning is thus wholly automatic but
of the pivot about a horizontal axis tends to cancel out at precludes the use of diphenyl carbazide glue. At the present
the specimen. The rotating half of the hinge 22 is placed there is a lack of alternative glues, although Araldite (by
behind the axis of rotation to help counterbalance the beam, CIBA (A.R.L.) Ltd.) might be suitable.
and the stiffness of the pivot is chosen to be comparable with
the stiffness of the mirror system with which it is in parallel.
4. The extension detector (i) the telescope axis no longer has to be in the
plane normal to mirrors S and 6. Thus the telescope can be
The mirror system placed at an angle convenient to the user and the mirrors
In § 2 the basic principle of the extension detector can be placed where convenient for their suspension and
was established. In designing the mirror system it was linkage;
considered essential that the rotating mirror be mounted on (ii) the sensitivity is doubled.
a flexure pivot to eliminate friction and backlash. This This system readily gives an absolute sensitivity of IA..
flexure pivot is in parallel with the specimen stiffness and so The main mirror block is shown in Fig. 3 and some further
must be very compliant if the sensitivity is not to be reduced. details are shown in Fig. 5. .Two mirrors flat to 0 ·1 fringe
Inpractice, the system of two mirrors at 45° with an auto are mounted on triangular mounts 34 and 3S. Mount 34
collimating telescope is slightly modified, as shown in Fig. 5. is pivoted on wire pivots and can be rotated by the screw 36.
This adjustment is used to zero the images before a test and
in normal use is the fine force zeroing control (see Fig. 4).
The other mount is hinged by two short lengths (of the order
Fig. 5. Sectional view of autocollimating telescope and of O·OOS in.) of 0·001 in. strip, which are held by simple
mirrors. clamps at 37 in the mount and main mirror block. A fibre
38 attaches the torsion balance to the mirror. This is
Light from the telescope is reflected at the two mirrors 5 deliberately arranged to have an appreciable length to isolate
and 6 as described, but instead of returning to the telescope the mirror from side movements of the torsion beam, as the
after the fourth reflection it is reflected by the mirror 33 so cross-spring pivot may deflect under load by distances large
that it retraces its previous path back into the telescope along compared with the extension sensitivity and would other
its incident route. This arrangement results in a system of wise produce serious second-order errors at the mirror S.
two images which coincide at the 4S0 position as before but The thin fibre is stiffened by hypodermic tubing as shown to
has the following two advantages: give the system a higher buckling strength for a given
flexural rigidity, and is contained in the end tube (Fig. 3)
of the torsion balance to protect it from temperature
fluctuations and damage.
Mirror 33 (Fig. 3), which causes duplication of the 45°
system, is mounted on top of the block on a single wire pivot
39 and is adjustable in two directions by two screws, one of
which is located in a groove to prevent rotation about the
axis of the wire 39.
The telescope
The telescope (Fig. S) carries a lamphouse 40 which
illuminates the graticule 7 at the focus of the lens 41. This
lamphouse is outside the main box to eliminate temperature
fluctuations. Light from the graticule is reflected down the
telescope tube by the half-silvered mirror 42 and on returning
to the telescope forms an image at 8 which is viewed by the
x SO eyepiece 43.
The small 2 w bulb 44 is centred by a movable bracket
to throw light through a double condenser to the graticule 7
by the mirror 4S. The graticule holder 7 slides in its
mounting tube, and tube 46 carrying the half-silvered mirror
42 is able to rotate and slide up and down the main telescope
tube 47. Inthis way the three perpendicular centring and
focusing motions required by the graticule are provided
very simply. The objective 41 is a simple achromatic
doublet with its curved face downwards. This eliminates an
awkward reflection from one of the lens faces.
A bright line graticule is used at 7 so that the two images
9 and 10 (Fig. 1) may be regarded as Young's double slits
which can produce mutual interference. Inparticular at the
coincidence position they have a characteristic 'focused'
appearance which gives a positive indication of coincidence,
thusincreasing accuracy and reducing eye-strain. To see these
diffraction effects clearly, a x SO eyepiece is used and the
resulting setting accuracy is about four times that expected
from the normal Rayleigh criterion.