Active Skills For Reading Book 2
Active Skills For Reading Book 2
Active Skills For Reading Book 2
»% CENGAGE Learning'
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Dedicatian Л Acknowledgments
This book is deidicated to Meg DeWaal. You will develop into a competent, fluent reader of good books as you read with your
parents and family.
ACTIVE Skills for Reading has been a wonderful project to be involved with, I have enjoyed talking with teachers who use the
senes. I enjoy talking with students who have read passages from the book. When we published the first edition, I had ijo idea
that we would be preparing the second edition so quickly. The success of the book is due to the teachers and students who have
been engaged in ACTIVE reading. To the readers of ACTIVE Skills for Reading,
I thank you.
I also express great appreciation to Kristin Johannsen for your significant contributions to this edition. It is a great pleasure to
work with a committed professional like you. I also express appreciation to Derek Mackrell, Sean Bermingham, and Chris
Wenger from Thomson. The support you provided me was unbelievable. I enjoy working with you. Special thanks to Maria
O’Conor who played an essential role in the conception of the first edition of ACTIVE Skills for Reading.
Neil J. Anderson
^ Noun happiness
Verb -----------
^ Adjective happy __________
^ Adverb happily ______
4 Learn words that go with the key word you are learning
When we learn new words, it is important to learn what other words are frequently used with them. These are called
collocations. Flere is an example from a student’s notebook.
r ------------------------- long
take two-week next week
0 30 on a short vacation in Italy
0 need summer with my family
gk, have school by myself
c* - ................ .....
5 Create a word web
A word web is a picture that helps you connect words together and helps you increase your vocabulary. Here is a word web
for the word “frightened”:
a frightened child
frightful (adj), frightening (adj)
easily frightened
fright (n)
terribly frightened
frighten (v)
— unhappily-
root; happy
ih. 4k s
Read in phrases rather than word by word.
Don’t point at each word while you read. Practice reading in phrases—groups of words that
go together.
Avoid subvocalization.
Subvocalization means quietly saying the words as you read. You might be whispering the
words or just silently saying them in your mind. Your eyes and brain can read much faster
than you can speak. If you subvocalize, you can only read as fast as you can say the words.
As you read, place your finger on your lips or your throat. Do you feel movement? If so, you
are subvocalizing. Practice reading without moving your lips.
To the editor.
My daughter is preparing to take the university entrance exam
next month. For the last six months, she has slept only four
or five hours a night, and she never eats regular meals—just
a sandwich or a bowl of soup at her desk. She has lost five
kilos, and she looks tired all the time. She has no time for her
friends, for exercise, or for any normal activities—she just
studies. What kind of life is that?
The exam system in our country is unfair and unnecessary.
Students will face lots of pressure in the future in their careers
We need to find a better way to measure what students have
learned, so that young people can have time to enjoy their lives.
—Mia Chung
Unit 1 Chapter 1: Oh, No, Not Another Test!
Before You A Look at this list of tests, and answer the questions below.
Too Many Tests?
• a spoken English test ' a school or university entrance exam ' a
• a driver’s iicense test standardized English test, such as the
• a vocabuiary quiz TOEFL® test
• a test to get a job ' a placement test to put you in the correct
English class
1 Which of these kinds of tests have you taken? Which will you take in the
2 Which are the most difficult? Why?
3 Which are the most important for your future?
Reading Skill; A Read the passage on the next page. Underline the sentence in each paragraph
Identifying Main and that expresses the main idea.r^ir^at least one supporting idea in each
Supporting Ideas paragraph.
C Read the passage again and answer the questions that foiiow.
IS Unit 1: Chapter 1
Oh, No Not Another Reading
Oh, No, Not
Another Test!
Have you ever felt that you were just studying to pass a test?
Today, many schools and companies around the world use
standardized tests' such as the TOEFL® test to measure
students’ abilities. Thousands of people every year take
these kinds of tests in order to enter or graduate from a
school, or get a better job.
There are two types of tests that are commonly used in academic institutions.
The first type of test is the achievement test. This is used at the end of a term, for example, to
evaluate how much students have learned about a subject. The other commonly used test is
the proficiency test. This kind of io test measures students’ overall skill in a language, and is
not directly related to a particular course or school. lELTS, TOEIC®, TOEFL®, and university
entrance exams are ail examples of proficiency exams.
In many educational systems throughout the world, students take regular multiple-choice
achievement tests. They have to pass these tests in order 15 to move to a higher level, or
graduate from an educational institution. Many advocates^ of this type of traditional
evaluation believe that students learn best, and increase their knowledge, by memorizing
facts and information.
These people also believe that teaching students to pass a test teaches them discipline, and
prepares them for the working world. 20
Educational reformers, however, believe that standardized testing alone is limited and can
only measure some of a student’s ability. They realize that many students, though intelligent,
are not always good at taking tests or at memorization. This makes it harder for them to
achieve passing grades, get into gocjd schools, or get the right job. In addition, factors such
as how a 25 person feels on the day of a test can also affect his or her score. Using only a
multipje-choice style of test to evaluate students’ abilities cannot always tell us what they
have learned, or how they may do in the future.
Even tek experts agree that current tests are not perfect. Paul Barton, the director of
Educational Testing Services’ (ETS) Policy Information Center, has зо suggested that
standardized testing needs to change. Students should take fewer standardized tests. The
ones they do take, he says, should tell us what students really know, and how they can use
that knowledge in real life.
To use standardized tests or not to—the debate continues. Meanwhile, many students’
futures are still decided based on their test results. 35
' standardized tests tests that are the same in every school 'advocate
someone who publicly supports or recommends something
Critical Thinking q C Read these statements and mark who would agree with each one, test
advocates (people in favor of testing) or test reformers. Then check the statements
you agree with.
Test Test
Advocates Reformers
M Unit I: Chapter 1
A Match each word from the reading with a definition. Write the letter Vocabulary
of the definition next to the word. Comprehension:
Word Definitions
1 academic _____ a. ability to do something; skill
2 measure _____ b. learning something so that you can
3 evaluate _____ remember or repeat it exactly
4 proficiency ___ c. a small amount; restricted in size or amount
5 memorizing ___ d. to reach a goal; to get something
6 limited ____ e. to determine the size or amount of something
7 reform ____ f. to change or improve something
8 achieve ___ g. to judge the value of something, or how well
someone has done something
h. relating to school or education
В Complete each sentence below using one of the words from A. Be sure
to use the correct form of the word.
1 Elena speaks German, Spanish, Russian, and English. She really has
a(n) __________ ___ in languages.
2 The company decided not to hire Nicholas. He is hard-working, but he
only has ______________ sales experience.
3 The new principal’s goal was to _______________ the testing system at the
A Look at the words below and use the suffix -ize to write the verb form next Vocabulary
to each one. Use your dictionary to help you with spelling. Skill;
The Suffix -ize
1 standard. 4 revolution.
2 memory _ 5 fantasy _
3 modern _ 6 reality __ In this chapter you
read the verb
В Match each verb above to its definition below. "realize.” One
common suffix in
1 to understand something; to recognize something is true:.
English is "-ize”
2 to imagine or dream of having things you desire: _________
(spelled "-ise” in
3 to learn something so you remember it exactly:___________ British English),
4 to change the way of doing something completely: ________ which means “to
5 to bring something up-to-date; to make it current: _________ make” or "cause to
6 to make things the same or to fit a certain measurement: become."
C Complete each question below with a verb from A. Make sure you use the
correct verb tense. Then answer the questions with a partner.
1 Have you _________ . what career or job you want in the future yet?
2 Do you ever ______ __ about where you will live in the future?
3 Are you good at ___ _____ new vocabulary you learn in this class?
What can you do to improve this skill?
4 What do you think will be the next big thing to. . the way
people learn and study? Why?
Oh, No, IMot Another Test! 15
Unit f Chapter 2: For Better Grades—Use Your Brain!
Before You A Answer these questions.
Do You Remember? 1 Do you think you have a good memory? Why, or why not?
2 What special methods do you use to remember important information?
3 How do you usually study for a test?
Reading Skill: A Read the first two paragraphs of the article on the next page. Then read the
Understanding Cause two sentences below. Which is the cause and which is the effect?
and Effect
a. You can’t remember
the phone number five minutes later. cause / effect
b. You put a new phone
One way to understand
number in your short-term memory. cause / effect
the information in a
passage is to think
about cause and effect:
В Read the rest of the article and match the causes and effects.
when one thing (the Causes
cause) makes another 1 You put a phone number into your Effects
thing happen (the long-term memory. a. Your brain remembers better.
effect). 2 You learn something new. b. You remember it next week.
3 There are more connections to c. It’s easier to find it.
the new information. d. You transfer it into your long-term
4 We are interested in a subject. memory.
5 You recite new information e. The structure of the brain actualiy
out loud. changes.
C Read the ailicle again and answer the questions that follow.
1Б Unit /; ChaptBr S
For Better Grades— Reading
Use Your Brain! Passage:
For Better Grades-
If you're like most students, you probably started UseYour Brain!
this new academic year with a resolution to study
harder. Now, science can help you keep your
resolution. Recent discoveries in brain research
point to better ways to learn.
How does the brain save new information? Think of the last time you looked up
a number in the telephone book and dialed it. Could you remember that number
five minutes later? Probably not! That's because it's in your short-term memory.
Our memory actually has three components. Sensory memory takes in
information from our five senses, but these memories last just a few seconds.
Short-term memory works like a “holding area” for new information—that's
where you keep the phone number while you dial it. But if you can put the
phone number into long-term memory, you’ll remember that same phone
number next week. This part of your memory holds everything from irregular
verbs to the names of all your cousins.
When you study, you transfer new information into long-term memory. Every
time we learn something new, the structure of the brain actually changes, as
we build new connections to information that we already know. When there are
more connections to the new information, it’s easier to find it again.
20 Brain researchers have discovered four key points for effective study.
♦ Make an effort. The brain remembers better when we are interested in
the subject, already know a little about it, and know we will need
the information in the future.
♦ Find the most important information and organize it. Your brain can
process only a limited amount of information at one time, so don't try
to remember every detail. When studying a textbook, look for titles,
headings, and illustrations to show you the main ideas.
♦ Make the new brain connections stronger. One technique is to recite'
the ideas out loud in your own words. This is the most powerful way
to transfer information from short-term to long-term memory. Another
method is drawing a picture of the information, to activate the visual
part of the brain.
♦ Give the new material time to soak in—your brain has to build new
physical connections. For this reason, it’s better to study for several
short sessions than one long one. And cramming the night before
a big test doesn’t help.
By understanding how the brain works, and following these four tips, you can
make this your most successful academic year ever.
Critical Thinking C Read the list of study techniques from the article and answer the questions.
1 Which ideas sound useful/don’t sound useful? Why? Have you tried any
Vocabulary A The words in italics are vocabulary items from the reading. Read
Comprehension: each question or statement and choose the correct answer.
Words in Context
1 Some components of a healthy life are ____________ .
a. exercise and a good diet b. smoking and drinking alcohol
2 Two of our senses are _________ .
a. walking and talking b. seeing and tasting
3 If you transfer your money at the bank, you ___________ .
a. save it in one place b. move it from one account to another
4 If you make an effort with something you __________ .
a. try hard b. are lazy
18 Unit I: Chapter S
5 If you use effective ways to study, your grades will be _____________.
a. good b. poor
6 If you activate something, you ___________ .
a. make it ready to use b. stop using it
7 One technique for remembering new Engiish words is _____________ .
a. writing them in a notebook b. to take an exam
8 You look up the speiling of a word. You ____________ .
a. say it aloud b. find it in your dictionary
A Look at the word web below. Are there other words you can think of to add to this Vocabulary
web? Explain your diagram to a partner. Skill:
Word Webs
3 Look at the word one in the text. Choose a word or phrase in bold
that means the same as one.
I don’t have a car now, but I want to buy one next year.
га Unit 1: Chapter B
Getting Ready Discuss these questions with a partner.
1 This chart shows the world’s top ten tourist destinations, and the number of visitors they received in 2004.
Complete the chart by writing one famous thing that visitors can see or do in each place.
2 Which place would you choose for a vacation?
3 U.S. 46.1
4 China 42.9
5 Italy 37.1
6 U.K. 27.8
Hong Kong,
8 Mexico 20.6
9 Germany 20.1
10 Austria 19.4
Lnit г Chapter 1: Safe Travel
Before You A What things should you do before your trip to prepare for safe travel in
Read; another country? What should you do during your trip to stay safe? Write
Preparing to two ideas on each side of the chart.
Reading Skill; A Scan the first paragraph of the travel guide on the next page and find
Scanning what topic will be discussed.
a. things to do before a trip
When we need to b. things to do during a trip
read something to c. things to do before and during a trip
find certain
information, we В Scan the rest of the passage and complete the chart below.
move our eyes Were your ideas from Before You Read mentioned?
very quictdy
across the text
When we “scan” ' Tips for safe travel
like this, we do not 1 _______________________________
read every word, Before your trip During your trip
or stop when
weseeawordwe do
not know; we read
quickly, and stop
only to find the
information we are
looking for.
C Read the passage again and answer the questions that follow.
EB Unit E; ChaptEr 1
Safe Travel
Safe Travel S3
Reading A Decide if the following statements about the reading are true (T) or false (Я). If you
Comprehension: check false, correct the statement to make it true.
Check Your Understanding
r Л
1 It is important to be prepared, as well as careful, when you
travel abroad.
4 You should bring a letter from your travel agent if you must
carry prescription drugs.
Critical Thinking fc Look at the tips from the guidebook that you listed in the chart.
1 Which tips are good advice for foreign visitors to your country? Why?
2 Are there any tips that don’t apply to your country? Why?
3 Write two more safety tips for foreign tourists who want to visit your country.
Vocabulary A The words in italics are vocabulary items from the reading. Read each question
Comprehension; or statement and choose the correct answer. Compare your answers with a
Words in Context partner.
Unit S: ChaptEr 1
5 You are in Taipei and you are going to Bangkok. Your destination is ________
a. Taipei b. Bangkok
6 To protect your home from a thief, what is one precaution'?
a. Lock your doors. b. Open your windows.
7 You see a woman hoiding a baby that is crying. What might you assume?
a. You taik to them. b. The woman is the child’s mother.
8 You want to eat iocai food while you are in another country, so you eat ______
a. food from your own country b. special dishes from that country
2 What other precautions can you take to protect your home from a thief?
A Read the article below, and circle all of the pre- words you find.
Ttavel Tips for San Francisco The Prefix pre-
1. Don’t try to predict the weather. Bring a warm jacket and sweater so that you’re
prepared lor changes in the temperature; even in the summer months of July and In this chapter,
you learned the
August, it gets cold.
2. Buy a prepaid phone card. Many of the phone booths at San Francisco noun
airport •precaution,’’
and in the center of the city only accept prepaid calling cards. ^ awordmafehy
3. Pre- arrange your hotel stay-especially in the summer months. Don’t assume that combining the
it will be easy to find a room when you arrive. Hotels fill up quickly in San prefix "pre-,"
Francisco all year, particularly in the summer. meaning‘done
4. San Francisco is a great city for walking-but there are hills! Bring a before'or “in
comfortable advance,” with
pair of walking shoes if you’re planning to go around on foot. Also, you can the noun
prevent stiff muscles by stretching, or avoiding the hills on the first day. j “caution,”
6. There are many wonderful cultural events happening in San Franciscoюг visit, jf
year meaning “care.”
round. ^ “Pre-" can be
Go online to get a preview of up-to-date events happening at the time of your combined with
В Write a visit.
pre- word from A for each definition below. Can you think of any other words nouns, verbs,
that begin with pre-? Make a list and share your answers with a partner. adjectives, and
root wortfc to
1 ready for something before it happens: form many
2 see or show something in advance: words in
3 say what will happen in the future: English,
4 stop something from happening:
5 plan or schedule something in advance:
6 credited or paid in advance:
Safe Travel S5
Unit ё Chapter 2: к Trip to Шпат
Reading Skill; A Scan the reading passage quickiy and find the dates of the four messages.
Scanning for Details
Message 1:.
Message 2:.
An important use
Message 3:.
for scanning is to
find a piece of Message 4:.
information that
we need. We do В Read each e-mail message quickly to find the information.
this in everyday
life when we look Message 1: Which city did she go to first? Message
up a word in the 2: Where did she go to the market? Message 3:
dictionary, or How long did they go hiking? Message 4: What is in
check a telephone
Vung Tau?
number in the
phone directory.
Use scanning C Read the passage again and answer the questions that follow.
when you need to
find a fact in a
ёБ Unit ё: OiaptEr ё
deceived Mesisages RE: A Trip to Vietnam Reading
A Trip to Vietnam
Message 1: March 24th ...................... .. ............................................. .. ............
Hi everybody,
Greetings from Vietnam! We arrived here tired, but excited. This is our first trip to
Asia and the friendliness of the people is amazing. All the different sights and smells
make us curious to try the food. We are looking forward to eating Vietnamese food for
dinner tonight. Our hotel is cheap, but very clean. The owners are friendly and helpful,
and they seem to like us. They gave us drinks when we arrived, and have told us
about some places that we shouldn’t miss. We plan to stay here in Ho Chi Minh City
for a few days and visit temples in the city, then travel to the north.
Message 2: March 27th* .................... .. .................................. « » . • • • • • • .
Hi everybody,
Vietnam is fantastic! The pagodas are fabulous, and the different Buddha statues
are wonderful to look at. We visited a market in Cholon, and saw an amazing variety
of fruits and vegetables. Everything was so colorful, and we took hundreds of
photographs! Later today we take the train north. We’ll stay in Hanoi for two days,
then catch a bus to Sapa. We're going to go trekking in the mountains.
Message 3: April 4th** ............ .. ............................... ..
Hi everybody,
Now we’re in the old capital city of Hue. After hiking around the mountains, it’s nice
to have accommodation with electricity and a shower! Our trip to Sapa was long
and exhausting. From there, we took a van to a small village in the mountains, and
we went hiking for three days. The hill tribe people in Vietnam live a basic life-no
electricity or telephones. They don’t have many possessions, but they are the
kindest, friendliest people I’ve ever met. Everyone smiles and says “hello.” Kathy
and I can only speak a few words of Vietnamese, so smiling is the best way of
communicating. This afternoon, we’re taking a walking tour in Hue. We’re going to
visit the Forbidden Purple City, where the emperor lived.
Message 4: April 6th ............................................. * ......................... * .................
Hi everybody.
Hue is really a unique city with lots to see. I would
love to stay longer, but we’re both ready for the
beach. Tomorrow we’ll take the train back to the
south, and then we’re going to a town called Vung
Tau. It has several beaches, and it’s famous for
seashell crafts. Vietnam is an amazing country,
with so much variety—big modern cities and small traditional towns, mountains,
jungles, and the seashore. Three weeks here just isn’t enough.
A Trip to Vietnam S7
Reading A Answer true (7) or false {F). Circle the number of the message where you found
Comprehension; the answer.
Check Your Understanding
1 In the past, Vietnam had an emperor. 12 3 4
Critical Thinking
C How does the writer feel about these things? Circle your answers.
• Then write the words or phrases from the reading that helped you find the answers.
2 She thinks the hill tribe people are very (hardworking / modern / friendly).
4 At the end of her trip, she wants to (go home and see her friends / visit more of
Vietnam / learn to cook Vietnamese food).
Vocabulary A For each group, circle the word that does not belong. The words in italics are
Comprehension: vocabulary items from the reading.
Odd Word Out
1 accommodation hotel motel school
2 terrible wonderful fabuious fantastic
3 tiring relaxing exhausting demanding
4 similar matching unique alike
5 possessions belongings plans stuff
6 surprising very bad amazing unbelievable
7 many kinds variety alike different
SB Unit S: Chapter S
в Complete the postcard below using vocabulary from
may be possible. A. More than one item
Greeting5 from Madrid! I can’t believe I'm finally here. The trip from
Seoul was long and 1 __________ , but I made it. My 2 __________
is nice; I'm staying in a small guesthouse in the center of Madrid.
My room looks out onto the park. It really is 3 ___________ ! The
weather here is 4 __________ —it's warm and sunny, with clear blue skies
every day. It's 5 __________ for sightseeing, because there is such a large
6 __________ of different things to see. Tomorrow I'm taking a train south to
Andalusia to visit the city of Granada. I’m really looking forward to seeing the
Alhambra Palace. I’m also really curious to try the food—especially gazpacho,
a kind of cold soup which I hear is c^uite 7 _________ —very different from
anywhere else in Spain.
I promise I'll bring you back a present. See you next month!
Love, Young Min
A Write the correct form of the adjectives in the box on the lines below. Vocabulary
excite interest relax confuse Adjective Endings -ed
and -ing
please stimulate bore worry
A Trip to Vietnam gg
Real Life Skill; A Read the immigration form below. Match the type of information with
Reading and the question.
Immigration Forms 1 given name a. Are you male or female?
2 gender ____ b. What’s your job?
3 marital status ____ c. What’s your first name?
When you arrive in
a foreign country, 4 occupation _____ d. What’s your family name?
you must 5 citizenship ____ e. Are you married?
complete an 6 permanent address _____ f. What’s your nationality?
immigration form 7 date of birth ____ g. When were you born?
to give to officials. 8 surname ____ h. Where do you live?
These forms are
for personal
information, and
Visitor Arrival Form
they are often
Surname: Given name(s):,
written in English.
Permanent address:.
A friend from another country is going to visit you for a week. Your friend has never been here before, and would like
to see a variety of different places in your city and region. Which places will you visit with your friend? Plan a
schedule for the week, and then share your ideas with the class.
30 Unit B: OiaptBr В
This Week’s R e v i e w s .. . future-getting married, having a baby, starting a
hospital for poor children. Then Paul (played by
Over and Over After her husband dies, a young Matt Keene) gets very sick, and Melissa (Angela
woman decides to change her life, against her Yamada) must make a difficult decision.
family’s wishes. Lara Jordan stars in the film based Don’t Look in the Attic Rodney Jones and
on the bestselling novel, and Sandy Stone is Shontelle Deane star in this scary new movie. John
unforgettable as her mother. Be prepared to cry! and Susan are a young husband and wife who buy a
Black Light A spy and a government agent who are new house. But their beautiful house hides a
sent to kill each other discover that they both have a terrible secret. How can they end their nightmare?
bigger enemy. David Nguyen’s latest thriller is two (Don’t see this movie alone!)
hours of non-stop action, with great special effects, My New Job The story is unbelievable, but this
and wonderful acting by Kelly Flanagan and Jamal movie is veiy, very funny. A famous soccer star
Pierce. You’ll be sittingjon the edge of your seat. named Adriano (played by Paulo Costa) gets a job
Winteir and Spring Two young medical students teaching in a kindergarten. The kids do many crazy
fall in love. They have big plans for the things, but Adriano leams some very important
lessons from a little girl (played by Becky Cho).
ing Ready Read these reviews. Discuss these questions with a partner.
1 What kinds of movies do they describe?
2 Which movie wouid you like to see? Why?
Unit 3 Chapter 1: Moviemaking Behind the Scenes
Reading Skill; A Look quickly at the reading passage. Read only the title, subtitles, and
Using Titles to first paragraph. Then circle the correct word or phrase in each of the main
Understand Main Ideas ideas below.
1 The other people who work in the movies are (just as important / not as
One way to quickly
important) as the actors and directors.
recognize what a
2 Makeup artists help the actors and actresses (sound great / look like
reading passage is
different people).
about is by first looking
3 The script supervisor works with (parts of the story / money for the film).
at the title and the
subtitles. Doing this
4 The special effects coordinator creates things that (are / are not) real.
before you read can 5 Foley artists work with the things you (hear / see) in a movie.
help you to understand
what the main ideas of В Now read the passage to see if the answers to A were correct.
the reading will be.
C Read the passage again and answer the questions that follow.
3S Unit 3: ChaptEr I
Moviemaking Behind
the Scenes
' behind the scenes happening during the making of a movie or TV show
Maviemaking Behind the Scenes 33
Reading A Decide if the foliowing statements about the reading are true (7) or false (Я).
Check Your Understanding
4 Movie makers want you to notice the great makeup when you
watch a movie.
Vocabulary A Match each word from the reading with its definition.
Word Definitions director ___ a.
scene __ b.
script ___ c.
special effects ____ made
studio ____ d.
credits ____ movie
disappear ____ e.
precise ___ f.
a movie
34 Unit 3: Chapter 1
в Answer the questions below. Share your answers with a partner.
A Use the prefix dis- and one of the words from the box to complete the Vocabulary
definitions. Skill:
The Prefix dis-
В Use a word from A with the prefix dis- to complete each sentence. Be sure you use verb, or adjective to
make the word
the correct form of the word.
1 I can see that Tom ___________ the fish. He’s hardly eaten any of it.
2 Now I know why the printer isn’t working; it’s _______________I
3 The girl was filled with fear and. . when she saw the ghost.
4 Now, where did my hat ________ .to?
5 I think this saiesman is ________ . I don’t trust him.
6 I’m sorry, Jean, but I __________ _. I don’t think we should buy that car.
C Complete each question below using one of the words from A with the prefix dis-.
Take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner.
Before You Look at the title of the reading and the photo, and answer the questions.
Read: 1 What do you know about Ang Lee? What is he famous for?
Excellence In
2 What are some names for the award Ang Lee is receiving in the picture?
What are these awards given for?
3 What are some other film awards? Have you ever watched one of these
award ceremonies on TV? What happens at these ceremonies?
Reading Skill: A Without reading the passage, put the events in the career time line in
Recognizing Sequence of order. Circle the words or numbers that helped you choose the correct
Events order. Compare your ideas with a partner.
Quickly skim the article. Compare the events in the reading with the order
of events in the time line.
Read the article again and answer the questions that follow.
ЗБ Unit 3: OiaptEr E
1^ Passage:
Great Film Directors: Ang Lee Great Film Directors:
Ang Lee was born in Taiwan, in 1954. He was the Ang Lee
eldest of the six children in his family. When he
got a low score on his university entrance exam,
he decided to study acting at an art academy
5 instead. After he finished his courses there, he
went to the U.S. at the age of 23.
Lee earned a bachelor’s degree in theater from
the University of Illinois, and went on to study
film production at New York University. In his first
10 film job, he worked as an assistant cameraman
on another student’s project. The movie he made
to earn his degree at New York University, called
Fine Line, won awards for the best film and best
director at his university’s film festival In 1984.
15 Later, after graduating, he tried for five years to get money for his projects, without
success. He spent this time writing screenplays for movies that he wanted to make.
In 1990, Lee’s screenplays won the first and second prizes in a competition in Taiwan,
and he could finally begin making full-length movies.
Lee’s first movies were made in Chinese. Pushing Hands (1992), The Wedding
20 Banquet (1993), and Eat Drink Man Woman (1994) were very popular across Asia, as
well as in Europe and North America. Many of Lee’s best-known movies are about the
conflict between tradition and modern life. Often the story involves a strong father
who causes problems for his children.
Lee moved permanently to the United States and in 1995, he directed his first full-
25 length film In English. The story for Sense and Sensibility was taken from a novel
by Jane Austen, which was written in 1811. The movie was a hit with international
audiences. He followed it in 1997 with The Ice Storm, the story of an unhappy
American family.
Throughout his career, Lee has made many different kinds of movies. Ride with the
30 Devil (1999) was a historical movie set in the United States, while Crouching Tiger,
Hidden Dragon (2000) was a martial arts movie with a love story. In Hulk (2003), a
comic book character comes to life. Lee’s most successful movie so far, Brokeback
Mountain (2005), was set in America’s cowboy country. He received the Academy
Award (also called the Oscar) for Best Director for this film.
35 Lee married Jane Lin in 1983. She is a research scientist, and they have two sons,
Han ajid Mason. The family lives in New York.
В Answer true (7) or false {F). Change the false statements to make them true.
1 Lee had very little training to become a filmmaker.
2 Lee has made several movies about problems in families.
3 It was easy for Lee to get the money to make his first movie.
4 Lee’s movies were popular in the U.S. before they became popular in
1 What difficulties did Ang Lee have in becoming a filmmaker? How did he finally
2 Why do you think Ang Lee changed from making movies in Chinese to
making movies in English?
Vocabulary A The words in italics are vocabulary items from the reading. Read each
Comprehension; question or statement and choose the correct answer.
Words in Context
1 They are the e/desf ____ .
a. children in their families b. buildings in the city
2 At the academy, he studied _____ .
a. engineering b. music
3 к screenplay \s_____ .
a. a play on television b. a script for a movie
4 A successful actor has made ___ movies.
a. many popular b. some bad
5 Having a conflict with my family always makes me feel.
a. great b. terrible
6 If you live in a city permanently, you stay there ______ .
a. sometimes b. always
38 Unit 3: OiaptEr E
7 The audience are all the people who ______ a movie.
a. act in b. watch
8 A movie that is set in Mexico _______ .
a. takes place in Mexico b. is popular in Mexico
В Complete the sentences using vocabulary from A. Be sure to use the correct
form of the word.
A One way to organize words is to categorize them by part of speech. List these Vocabulary
words by part of speech. Then quickly review their meanings with a partner. Skill;
Organizing Vocabulary
C You can also organize words by how you use them. Look at these adjectives from A
and think of other words you can use them with. Share your ideas with a partner.
famous a famous actor, ___________________________________________________
C Write sentences of your own to show the three different uses of italics. Underline
the words that should be in italics.
1 ___________________________________________________
2 _________________________________________________
3 _________________________________________________
40 Unit 3: Chapter В
Review Unit I
Fluency Strategy: PRO
PRO stands for Preview, Read, Organize. This reading strategy wiil help you build your reading fluency
by helping you to organize and understand what you read.
Ч. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ '
The first stage of PRO is to preview the reading material by looking for features of the text that can help you.
Read the title of the passage and any other headings. If any words in the passage are written in italics, read
them. Read the first paragraph, the first sentences in the middle paragraphs, and the final paragraph. After
doing this, stop for a minute and think about what the reading is about. Think about what you already know about
the topic and any questions you have that you hope the passage can answer.
Preview the reading passage on the next page, “Are Human Beings Getting Smarter?" Read the title.
What do you think the answer to the question will be? Now, read the first paragraph, the first sentences
in the middle paragraphs, and the final paragraph. Are there any questions you would like to answer as
you read? Make a list.
Now, read “Are Human Beings Getting Smarter?” When you read, think about the questions you listed
in the Preview stage. Look for answers to your questions.
The final stage of PRO is to organize the information in some way that will help you remember what you have
read. One way is by creating a word web. The word web can help you easily see how the information in the
passage is organized.
A Here is an incomplete word web based on “Are Human Beings Getting Smarter?” Complete the rest
of the word web using the information in the passage.
exposure to 3 __________________
Part I 41
Are Human Beings Getting Smarter?
Do you think you're smarter than your parents and grandparents? According to James Flynn, a
professor at a New Zealand university, you are! Over the course of the last century, people who have
taken IQ tests have gotten increasingly better scores—on average, three points better for every decade
that has passed. This improvement is known as "the Flynn effect," and scientists want to know what is
behind it.
IQ tests and other, similar tests are designed to measure general intelligence rather than knowledge.
Flynn knew that intelligence is partly inherited from our parents and partly the result of our environment
and experiences, but the improvement in test scores was happening too quickly to be explained by
heredity. So what was happening in the 20th j century that was helping people achieve higher scores on
intelligence tests?
Scientists have proposed several explanations for the Flynn effect. Some suggest that the improved test
scores simply reflect an increased exposure to tests in general. Because we take so many tests, we
learn test-taking techniques that help us perform better on any test. Others have pointed to better
nutrition since it results in babies being born larger, healthier, and with more brain development than in
the past. Another possible explanation is a change in educational styles, with teachers encouraging
children to learn by discovering things for themselves rather than just memorizing information. This
could prepare people to do the kind of problem solving that intelligence tests require.
Flynn limited the possible explanations when he looked carefully at the test data and discovered that the
improvement in scores was only on certain parts of the IQ test. Test- takers didn't do better on the
arithmetic or vocabulary sections of the test; they did better on sections that required a special kind of
reasoning and problem solving. For example, one part of the test shows a set of abstract shapes, and
test-takers must look for patterns and connections between them and decide which shape should be
added to the set. According to Flynn, this visual intelligence improves as the amount of technology in our
lives increases. Every time you play a computer game or figure out how to program a new cell phone,
you are exercising exactly the kind of thinking and problem solving that helps you do well on one kind of
intelligence test. So are you really smarter than your parents? In one very specific way, you may be.
4^ RBMEW Unit I
в Now, answer the comprehension questions below. Use the word web from A to help you.
Part 1 43
Write a short answer to each of the following
^ Review Unit 1
Review Reading 1: Fair Trade Chocolate
Fluency Practic
Time yourself as you read through the passage. Try to read as fluently as you can. Record your time in the
Reading Rate Chart on page 176. Then answer the questions on the following page.
developing countries producing inexpensive raw materials that are manufactured and sold as finished goods in
developed countries, and generally, that's what happens with chocolate. Large chocolate companies buy
cacao beans at a low price and produce cocoa and chocolate products to sell at a relatively high price.
But the familiar story has a new chapter. Beginning in the 1980s, some consumers learned that cacao farmers
were living difficult and uncertain lives. The farmers received money for their crops based on world markets,
and the market price for cacao was sometimes so low that farmers received less for their crops than the crops
had cost to produce. In response, groups of consumers in Europe and the United States developed "fair trade"
organizations to guarantee that farmers of cacao, as well as coffee and tea, would receive fair and consistent
prices for their crops.
Fair trade organizations benefit farmers by buying cacao beans or other products from them directly at
higher-than-market prices and eliminating "middle men" such as exporters. Fair trade organizations also
encourage farming techniques that are not harmful to the environment or to farm workers, for example,
growing cacao without chemical pesticides or fertilizers in the shade of rain forest trees. One organization.
Equal Exchange, helps farmers set up farming cooperatives in which they can share resources and work on
projects such as community schools. Another, Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO),
guarantees that products bearing its label meet standards that improve the lives of growers and producers.
The results of fair trade are a better standard of living for some farmers and gourmet chocolate bars made with
organically produced cocoa that consumers don't feel guilty about buying. And although fair trade chocolate is
somewhat more expensive than other chocolate and now makes up only 1 percent of chocolate sold, the fair
trade idea is spreading quickly. You may soon see fair trade chocolate right next to the more famous bars in
your favorite store.
394 words Time taken
Part 1 45
Reading Comprehension
4Б Review Unit 7
Review Reading 2: A Different Kind of Spring Break
Fluency Practic
Time yourself as you read through the passage. Try to read as fluently as you can. Record your time in
the Reading Rate Chart on page 176. Then answer the questions on the following page.
Parte 47
Reading Comprehension
How many university students travel to Panama Beach City every March for spring break?
a. around 36,000
b. around 50,000
c. around 500,000
d. around 10,000
3 According to the article, “A weeklong drinking binge is not for everyone.” The word binge
probably means ______.
a. doing too much of something
b. studying for too long
c. refusing to do something
d. having very little alcohol
4 Which of the following is not mentioned as a problem that alternative spring break trips try to help solve?
a. homelessness
b. environmental damage
c. alcoholism
d. poverty
5 Which of the following gives the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. One group of JMU students worked on homes damaged by a hurricane.
b. Children living in homeless shelters enjoy creative activities.
c. Some students work to help the environment on alternative spring break trips.
d. University students do many different types of work on alternative spring break trips.
a. university students spend more than $250 for traditional spring break trips
b. university students complain about the accommodations on alternative spring break trips
c. university students may take fewer alternative spring break trips in the future
d. university students would prefer to wait until they have their degrees to start helping people
Which of the following is mentioned as a reason for participating in alternative spring break trips?
a. a personal opinion that people must help other people
b. a desire to travel to glamorous places
c. a wish to get away from family and friends
d. the hope of earning more money
4B Review Unit I
Sports Hems ^
Getting Ready
Discuss ^ese questions with a partner.
A How [jiany sports can you list?
____ i
в Now underline the sports played in teams.(^irc^he sports played individually. Put a star
by the sports you can see in the Olympics.
Lnit 4 Chapter 1: Sports History
Before You A How much do you know about the history of popular sports? Circle the correct
Read; answer to complete each statement.
The History of 1 Baseball originally came from (Mexico / Canada / the United States).
Sports 2 Golf originally came from (France / Scotland / Italy).
3 The first golfing rules were created in the (1700s / 1800s / 1900s).
4 Skiing was developed by the (Swedes / Norwegians / Swiss).
5 Skiing was first used for (transportation / exercise / a sport).
Reading Skill; A Scan the encyclopedia article on the next page to find which sports it
Scanning describes.
List them here.
We often use scanning
in daily life to find a piece
of information that we В Scan the article again to check the answers to the questions in Before You Read.
need. How many did you get correct?
Some examples are
looking for a telephone C Read the encyclopedia article again and answer the questions that follow.
number in the phone
book, finding a word in a
dictionary, or finding the
answer to a question.
50 Lnit 4: Oiapter I
Sports History Passage:
Sports History
Baseball is historically an American sport, which has spread
to a number of other countries. Many theories exist to
explain how baseball extended into Latin America from
the north in the nineteenth century. Some experts believe
that American marines first took it to Nicaragua; others say
that it was brought to Mexico by oil workers, or to Cuba
by sailors. However it happened, the i^on developed
a great interest in the game and exported it farther to
neighboring countries such as Puerto Rico, Venezuela,
and Panama. Missionaries, teachers, television, and mote recently U.S. piofisssional i
players have spread baseball to Asian countries, and teams in the national leagues in i
Japan and Korea have many supporters. -
Historians believe that golf originated in Scotland. As
as the 1400s, pebbles were knocked into rabbit holes
a stick or club. In 1744, the first set of golfing itguiatioiis
was creared in Edinburgh. In the nearby town of St.
Andrews, the Society of St Andrews Golfers was formed,
vriiich later became known as the Royal and Ancient Golf
Club of St Andrews. Today, St Andrews Links is one of
the most famous courses in the world.
In 1888, a Scotsman named John Reid established the St
Andrews Golf Club in New York. In 1895, the United States Golf Association was
formed, and by 1901 there were more than 1,000 golf courses in the U.S. Around
this rime, golfers from Scotland and England were invited to the U.S. to teach the
sport to enthusiastic Americans. Since then, the U.S. has produced some of the
world s leading golfers, and the sport now has fans worldwide.
The oldest known ski (about 4,000 years old) was found
in Sweden, but ancient people in many parts of the world
used pieces of wood to travel on snow. There are records
of skiing in northern China in the seventh century, and
the Vikir^ used skis in the tenth and eleventh centuries.
Originally, skiing was used for transportation, but the
people of Norway developed it into a sport in the 1700s.
After ski lifts were invented in the 1930s, skiing spread to
other countries in Europe and became a popular winter
pastime. It began in Chile and Argentina in the 1940s, and in Japan in the 1950s.
Now snow-making machinery makes skiing possible for a longer season every year.
Sports History 5J
Reading A Complete the statements, then discuss your answers with a partner.
Check Your Understanding 1 Baseball moved from. to
the nineteenth century (the 1800s).
2 The first set of golfing rules was created in the city of ______________________
3 __________________ is one of the most famous golf courses in the world.
4 Skiing became popular internationally after _____________________ were
В Check the correct boxes. More than one answer may be correct.
Critical Thinking C Answer the questions. Then compare your answers with a partner.
Vocabulary A For each group, circle the word that does not belong. The words in italics
Comprehension; are vocabulary items from the reading.
Odd Word Out
extend spread enlarge reduce
skilled amateur professionai expert
5H Unit 4: OmptEr I
в Complete the sentences using the words in italics from A. Be sure to use
the correct form of the word.
1 Tina is a big _________ of the Chicago Buils; she never misses a game
the team piays during their whoie _____________every year.
2 The Danube River begins in the north of Europe and ____________ south into
many countries inciuding Germany, Austria, and Hungary.
3 One of the __________ of Little League Basebali is that a player cannot
be older than 18.
4 In 1858, the first-ever amateur basebaii. - the National
Association of Basebali Players—was _ . in the United States.
A Look at the sports and games in the box. Decide which verb is used with Vocabulary
each one. Are there other activities you can add to each verb? Skill;
Using Play mi Go with
I soccer golf skiing jogging swimming tennis Sports and Games
cycling chess surfing baseball skateboarding basketball
C Now take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner.
Sports History S3
Unit 4 Chapter 2: Sports Success: Yao Ming
Reading Skill; A Look at the title of the reading and the photo. Which of these things do you think
Predicting the reading will mention?
54 Unit 4: Chapter E
Sports Success:
Yao Ming
§parts SUCCESS: Уза Ming
Yao Ming is one of the most famous stars in basketball
today. The center’ for the Houston Rockets in the USA
is the tallest player in the country, with a height of 2.29
5 Yao was born in Shanghai, China, in 1980. His mother
was a star of the Chinese national women’s basketball
team, and his father played for a team in Shanghai. By
the age of nine, Yao was already 1.7 meters tall, but
he wasn’t interested in sports. He was a shy child who
10 loved reading, especially about Chinese history. When he was 12, coaches
discovered him and enrolled him in a sports academy. In the 1990s,
basketball became extremely popular in China, and Yao began training for
his future career.
In 1997, he joined the Shanghai Sharks, the Chinese Basketball Association
15 team in his hometown. Before he joined, the team was very unsuccessful,
but Yao led them to the national championship. In the championship game,
he made 21 shots—and every one of them was successful. This was a new
world record. A foreign sports shoe company noticed Yao’s talent, and sent
him to their summer basketball camp in Paris. He met young players from
20 around the world there, and was Invited to a youth basketball program In
the U.8.
When Yao played with the Chinese national team at the 2000 Olympics
in Sydney, Australia, he got a lot of attention from international coaches.
The National Basketball Association (NBA) in the U.S. chose him to play
25 professional basketball in 2002. He joined the Houston Rockets. In his first
games, he scored only a few points, and his coaches thought he couldn’t
adjust to basketball in the U.S. But his playing improved very fast, and he
soon scored 30 points in one game. In 2006, he received the most votes for
the All-Star Team.^
30 Yao is a friendly man with a great sense of humor. This has made him
popular with basketball fans around the world. He has made many television
commercials for soft drinks, computers, and sports equipment, so everyone
in America knows Yao Ming’s name and his big smile. He was even the
subject of a documentary film called “The Year of the Yao,” about his first
35 year in the U.S.
Today Yao Ming lives in Houston, Texas, with his parents during the basketball
season. When he’s not playing or practicing, he enjoys reading American
newspapers to improve his English, or eating home-cooked Chinese meals
prepared by his mother.
В Answer true (7) or false (f). Change the false statements to make them true.
Vocabulary A The words in italics are vocabulary items from the reading. Read each
Comprehension; sentence and choose the correct answer.
Words in Context 1 If you are enrolled in an English class, you ____ that class.
a. are studying in b. have finished
2 The championship game in a sports league is the ____ game that year.
a. first b. last
3 Yao Ming has the record for points in a game because he _____ .
a. scored the most points b. talked about the game a lot
4 A youth sports program is one that is for _____ people.
a. poor b. young
5 The coach of a sports team has _____experience than all the players.
a. more b. less
6 After you adjust to life in a new country, you feel _____ .
a. sad and lonely b. happy and comfortable
7 If you are extremely tired, you feel ___ tired.
a. a little bit b. very
8 If a person has a good sense of humor, he or she ____ .
a. is very funny b. doesn’t like jokes
56 Unit 4: Ompter S
в Now use the vocabulary from A to complete the paragraph. Be sure to use
the correct form of the word.
A Use the suffix -ous to change the nouns in the chart to adjectives. Use your Vocabulary
dictionary to help you with spelling. Skill;
Adjectives with the
Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Suffix -ous
humor courage
danger nerve
One way of forming
fame adventure
adjectives in
English is to
В Match each adjective from A with its definition.
combine “-ous” with
a noun. The suffix
1 being well-known; ______
“-0US" means "to
2 worried, anxious: _______
have” or “to be full
3 to be unsafe or harmful:. of.”
4 brave: ________________
5 funny; ________________
6 exciting; risky;.
C Complete each question below using one of the adjectives from A. (Some questions
have more than one possible word.) Then, take turns asking and answering the
questions with a partner.
February 17,2007 December 25, 2000 October 31,1999
17 February 2007 25 December 2000 31 October 1999
April 2,2003 November 5,1946 July 9, 2006
2 April 2003 5 November 1946 9 July 2006
V )
C Write out the date in full based on the country given below. Say your
answers aloud to a partner.
Example: (In the U.S.): 06/30/01 June 30, 2001
1 (In the U.S.): 03/04/07 ____________________
2 (In England): 03/05/02 ____________________
3 (In Australia): 01/12/99 ____________________
4 (In the U.S.): 07/12/05 ____________________
5 (In Canada): 08/09/08 ____________________
6 (In the U.S.): 04/02/06 ____________________
SB Unit 4: OiaptEr E
Lnit 5 Chapter Is You Are Amaang: You Are Human!
Reading Skill; A Skim the passage quickly. Read only the title, the first and last paragraphs, and the
Skimming for the Main first sentence of the other paragraphs. Don’t worry about words you don’t know.
Idea Then complete this sentence.
Skimming means
This reading is mainly about ______ .
reading quickly to get a 1 machines that are very similar to humans
general idea of what a 2 ways that humans change as they get older
reading is about. When 3 the human body and how we take care of it
we skim we don’t need
to read every word, or В Skim each paragraph and choose the main idea.
look up words we don’t
understand; we just Paragraph 1
need to understand the Many facts about your body are surprising.
main ideas in a Your body is mostly made of water. _______
reading. Paragraph 2
Your body is very complicated, like a machine. _______
Your body can develop many different problems. ________
Paragraph 3
Stress can cause many health problems. _______
We do many things that can damage our bodies. ________
Paragraph 4
Doctors can treat many health problems that come with old age.. Modern
medicine helps people live muoh longer than in the past. Paragraph 5
The most important habit for good health is regular exercise. _______
We can do many things to take care of our bodies. ________
C Now read the passage again, and answer the questions that follow.
БО Unit 5; ChaptEr 1
You Are Amazing:
You Are Human!
You Are Amazing: You Are Human!
You are made of 73 percent water. You have 206 bones. There are more
sweat glands in your feet than in any other part of your body. There are
about 60 muscles in your face; you use 20 of them to smile but 40 to frown.’
Your heart beats over 100,000 times each day. You really are amazingl
The human body is a complex machine. From the day we are born our bodies
grow and change in response to our environment, diet, and habits. The body
has many different organ^ systems and parts that work together to allow us
to breathe, move, see, talk, and digest food all at the same time. Most of the
time we are unaware of what is happening in our bodies; usually it is only
when we get sick or feel pain that we notice.
Many people do not take enough care of their complex machines. Bad habits
like smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and eating junk food damage our
bodies. Stress can also cause health problems. People who worry a lot or
have busy jobs often don't get enough sleep, or don't eat properly. We also
damage our bodies by playing sports or having accidents. A recent survey in
the U.K. found that 14 percent of people had visited the casualty department
(Emergency Room) or a hospital clinic in the previous three months. The two
most common reasons were for injury and poisoning. Clinic patients were
also treated for many other medical problems-from bad cuts and broken
bones to serious illnesses that needed surgery.
Just like any machine, different body parts sometimes go wrong from old
age. In fact, a study in the U.S. found that 60 percent to 70 percent of all
patients in the Emergency Room were aged 75 or over. Fortunately, older
people who suffer from an illness or injury can now receive treatment to
help extend their lives. Due to the increase in the population of elderly
people, gerontology is now one of the fastest growing areas of medicine. It
is now common for older people with damaged joints, for example, to have
surgery to replace the old joint with a new one made of plastic or metal.
As with any machine, the better you take care of it, the longer it will last.
Of course, the best way to take care of your amazing machine is to eat the right foods, do regular
exercise, and get enough sleep. Oh, and don't forget to smil^l
’frown make an angry or unhappy expression with your face
‘organ a part of your body that has a speoial function, suoh as your heart or lungs
You Are Amazing: You Are Human! Б1
Reading A Complete the statements below. Then, discuss your answers with a partner.
Check Your 1 we are usually ________________________________ of what is happening in our
Understanding bodies.
2 Three habits that can damage the body are ______________________________
Critical Thinking
fc Answer the questions.
1 The article talks about ways that our bodies are similar to machines. How
are our bodies different from machines?
2 What advice would the author of this article give to readers who want to have
better health?
Vocabulary A The words in italics are vocabulary items from the reading. Read each
Comprehension; question or statement and choose the correct answer.
Words in Context
1 Which is an example of an illness!
a. a broken leg b. a bad flu
2 Who usually works in a clinic?
a. a hairdresser b. a nurse
3 Which would make you suffer more?
a. a toothache b. a massage
4 You eat some fish and later get food poisoning. The fish ________________
a. cost too much b. made you sick
5 If you can't breathe, your body doesn’t get enough _________________ .
a. air b. food
6 You digest your food by using your _______________ .
a. hands b. stomach
БВ Unit 5; Chapter I
7 Which machine do you think is more complex^
a. a computer b. a coffee maker
8 What is the best treatment for a headache?
a. Lie down in a loud place, b. Lie down in a dark room.
A Match each root word with its meaning. Use a dictionary to help if you need to. Then, Vocabulary
check your answers with a partner.
Root Words Related to
Root Words Meaning Life; Nouns Ending in
bio • • sound -logyl-ology
psych • • life
phon • • nature / body
physio • • mind Learning the
geo* • earth meanings of root
words and suffixes
de пжопс h i n Г -'^ayf-ology to complete the can help you increase
your vocabulary. In
correct suffix.
this chapter, you
1 The study of life: _____ learned the word
2 The study of the mind: “gerontology." The
3 The study of the earth: ______ word is made up of
4 The study of speech sounds: the root word
5 The study of the body: “geronto," which
means “old person,’’
C Complete the letter using words from B. and the suffix “-logy,”
which means “the
study of."
Dear Aunt Marie,
1 can’t believe it—my first year at the university is almost over. I havent chosen my major
yet. I've thought about becoming a doctor, so this semester, 1 took a (1) ----------------------------
class called “Introduction to Life Science" and a (2) _______________ class called “Tlie Human
Body.” I got a C- in one and a D in the other. This makes me think that I shouldnt study medicine.
Actually, the class 1 enjoyed the most was Spanish. 1 want to learn more about
the language, so next session. I’m going to take a (3) _______________ class. Who knows?
Maybe I’ll become a Spanish teacher.
That’s all for now. Til be coming home in three weeks. 1 can’t wait to see youl
Reading Skill: A Look at the photo and the title of the reading. Circle the words that you expect
Predicting Vocabulary to see in the article.
В Now read the article and see which of the words you guessed correctly. C Read
B4 Unit 5; UiaptEr E
BeyoJid the Body's Limits Reading
Beyond the
At the Sydney Olympics in 2000, a British man,
Body’s Limits
Steve Redgrave, showed the world how resilient the
human mind and body are. At the Olympics, athletes
demonstrate both their athletic skills and their strength.
In Sydney, Steve Redgrave and the British rowing
team won the gold medal. He beat every other rowing
team in the world—and coped with two very serious
illnesses. Matthew PinsenI and Steve Redgrave fright)
Redgrave was one of the world's top rowers, with Olympic medals from
1984,1988,1992, and 1996, as well as nine World Championship medals. Then,
suddenly, he faced two serious health problems. In 1997, he had surgery for
appendicitis,’ and was unable to row for a time after the operation. The next year, he
was diagnosed^ with diabetes,^ a severe problem for an athlete. People with diabetes
need to watch their diet and exercise very carefully, and give themselves daily
injections of insulin to control their blood sugar.
"My first thought was that my rowing career was at an end," Redgrave said. But
instead of giving up rowing—a very physically demanding sport—he decided to
continue the exhausting training for the Olympics, even though his body was sick. He
had to test his blood sugar many times every day.
Athletes often push themselves to the limits of physical and mental endurance by
regularly trying to go faster, higher, and further in their chosen sport than any other
athlete has in the past. Many spend weeks or months recovering from damage they
have done to their bodies in training.
Athletes are not the only people who put great stress on their bodies. There are certain
occupations that test a person's endurance and put a greater strain on one's health.
Astronauts, for example, suffer from loss of calcium and other important minerals in
their bones almost as soon as they go into space. Many astronauts also lose bone
density and muscle strength while in I space. This occurs because they are floating,
rather than walking, for long period^ of time. For this reason, when an astronaut
returns to earth, he or she may ha.W difficulty walking.
Astronauts and athletes use great courage and determination to overcome the limjts
of the human body. At the Sydney Olympic Games, Steve I Redgrave and his team
rowed to victory, and his fifth Olympic gold medal. It was ani amazing achievement
for Redgrave—and it showed the world what the huihan body can endure.
'appendicitis a dangerous disease of the appendix (a small organ in the digestive system)
4liagnose to discover what disease a person has
’diabetes a disease in which the body doesn't produce enough insulin (the chemical that controls the
amount of sugar in your blood)
Vocabulary A Look at the list of words from the reading. Match each word with
Comprehension; its definition.
Word Definitions
1 resilient a. to show something; to make something clear
2 strain or understandable
3 severe b. one’s will to do something; strength of mind
4 recover c. a force that causes pressure, tension, or stress
5 endurance on something
6 cope d. to deal with, or handle, something that is difficult
7 determination e. able to get better quickly from illness, injury.
8 demonstrate or tiredness
f. get better after an injury or illness
g. the ability to be strong and do something for a long
period of time; stamina
h. very bad and serious
ББ LInIt 5; ChaptEr S
в Complete the sentences below using the correct form of the words from A.
A Look at the nouns and verbs below and complete the chart with the missing words. Vocabulary
The first one has been done for you. Use your dictionary to help you with spelling. Skill;
The Suffix -tion
Verbs Nouns
determine determination In this chapter, you
Every four years, hundreds of athletes trom around the globe gather in one of [
the world’s major cities to 1 ________________ in the Olympic Games. Many
athletes who 2 ________________ in the games have trained long and hard and
come ready to 3 ________________ their skills to the world and win a gold medal.
In recent years, though, some athletes have come to the games with more than
their 4 _______________ to win. These athletes have practiced hard and traveled
far, only to be disqualified from the Olympic 5 __________________ because they have
taken steroids—drugs, usually taken by 6 _________________ , that increases muscle 1
size and, for a short time, can make one stronger. Now, every Olympic athlete is tested for
steroids before the games begin. If the Olympic Committee discovers that an athlete has
used steroids, he or she will be banned from the games. Future 7 in the Olympics will also
not be allowed.
a. checks your eyes and fits you for glasses or contact lenses
b. a skin doctor
c. checks and treats your teeth
d. specializes in the human mind and emotions
e. a foot doctor
f. a doctor for women
C You are in Chicago and you need a doctor. Using the page from the phone
book above, write the correct phone number.
1 In general, do you think you are a healthy, resilient person? When you get sick, what do you usually do?
2 Why don’t many people take good care of their bodies? Are there some things you should do to take better care
of your health?
3 Do you know any other people who overcame an illness to achieve their goal? What was their health problem?
What did they achieve?
БВ Unit 5;Chapter S.
Leisure and Hobbies
Getting ^eady
A Read the article and write these labels in the correct spaces on the chart.
Unit Б Chapter 1: Scrapbooking
Reading Skill: A Look at the first paragraph of the passage on the next page and find the meaning
Finding Definitions of the word scrapbook.
Sometimes a passage
will give definitions or
explanations of new What helped you find the meaning?,
words that are related
to the topic. The В Read the rest of the article and write the explanations for these terms.
definitions may be
shown by quotation layout _________________________________________ _ ________________
marks parentheses (),
or a dash —. When you scrappers _________________________________________________________
find a new word, look
carefully to see if the
author has explained its crops.
C Read the passage again and answer the questions that follow.
70 Unit Б: Chapter 1
Scrapbooking 71
Reading A Complete the sentences with information from the article.
Check Your Understanding 1 In her childhood, Diane liked to _
2 Diane started making scrapbooks after.
3 Her first scrapbook was about __________
4 People make scrapbooks to ___________ and to
r Л
Critical Thinking Answer the questions.
1 What kinds of people do you think scrapbooking would be popular with— young or
old? Male or female?
2 Do you think scrapbooking would be popular in your country? Why, or why not?
3 Imagine you are going to make a scrapbook. What theme will you choose? What will
you put on your scrapbook pages?
Vocabulary A Match these words from the reading with their definitions.
Word Definitions 1 define a.
2 preserve b. show something for other people to look at
3 throw away c.
4 precious d.
5 supplies e.
6 decorate f.
7 universal g-
8 display h.
7B Unit Б: Chapter 1
в Answer the questions below. Share your answers with a partner.
1 What is something you would like to preserve for your children in the future?
A Create the noun form of the verbs below. For each noun write a simple definition. Vocabulary
Use your dictionary to help you. Share your answers with a partner. Skill:
The Suffix -ment
^ goverr J
В Now complete the conversation below using the correct noun or verb from the
chart in A.
Now write three sentences of your own using three of the nouns from A.
1 __ __________________________________________________
2 __ ________________________________________________________
3 _____________________________________________________________
Scrapbooking 73
Unit Б Chapter 2: Work Hard, Play Hard?
Reading Skill; A Read the first paragraph. Write “M” next to the statement that is the main
I Main ideas idea. Discuss your answer with a partner.
I Paragraphs
Paragraph 1
a. Americans work an average of fifty hours a week..
Every paragraph has a b. People today have busier iifestyles. _____
main idea, or topic,
which gives us the most
В Read the rest of the passage and mark the main idea of each paragraph.
important information in
that paragraph. Often, Paragraph 2
the main idea is talked a. Having free time and hobbies is good for physical and mental health. _______
about in the first or b. People need time alone to relax. ____
second sentence of the
Paragraph 3
a. Popular free-time activities differ around the world. ______
b. Reading is the most popular free-time activity in the U.S._______
Paragraph 4
a. Cultural differences exist in popular outdoor and indoor free-time
activities. ______
b. Gardening is a popular outdoor activity. _____
Paragraph 5
a. Surfing the Web is becoming an increasingly popular pastime. _____
b. The way that people spend their free time seems to be changing.
C Now read the passage again and answer the questions that follow.
74 Unit Б; OiaptBr В
Work Hard. Play Hard? Work Hard, Play
People today seem to have increasingly hectic lifestyles. Results of a 2001 Harris Poll’ on
free time, conducted in the United States, showed that the average workweek for many
Americans is fifty hours. In addition, many people spend up to two or three hours a day
commuting to and from work. With the time spent eating, sleeping, taking care of
household chores, and looking after the family, there is little time left for leisure activities
for many Americans.
However, having free time to relax and pursue hobbies and interests is important, and
good for a person's well-being. People need time away from the pressures of study or
work in order to relax, and enjoy time with friends and family.
In different countries and cultures around the world free time is spent in different ways.
The results of the Harris Poll showed that reading was the most popular spare-time activity
in the United States. This was followed by watching TV, then spending time with family. In
a U.K. survey on leisuretime activities, watching TV and videos was the most popular
pastime; listening to the radio came second. In a similar survey conducted in Japan, the
most popular free-time activity was eating out. The second most popular activity was
driving. Karaoke, which ranked fourth, was more popular than watching videos, which
came fifth. Listening to the radio or music ranked sixth.
There were also differences in the most popular outdoor pursuits between the three
countries. The most popular outdoor activity for Americans was gardening. In the U.K., it
was going to the pub, followed by visiting the cinema. In Japan, going to bars and pubs
ranked eighth in popularity, and gardening ranked ninth.
Altijiough people around the world may enjoy doing similar things in their free time there is
evidence to suggest that these interests are changing. In the U.S., for example, the
popularity of computer activities is increasing. Many more people in the States are
spending their free time surfing the Web, e-mailing friends, or playing games online. In the
2004 Harris Poll, computer activities ranked sixth in popularity; in 1995, only 2 percent of
people mentioned them. Currently, listening to music is ranked eleventh. With more
people downloading music from the Internet, it is possible that, in the future, music and
computer activities will become the same pastime for many Americans.
’ Harris Poll a survey in the U.S. that asks people's opinions about national issues
eating out
2 driving
3 watching TV
Critical Thinking
Answer the questions.
1 Why does the author talk about people's hectic lifestyles in the beginning
of the article?
2 What are the most popular leisure activities in your country? Are these similar
or different to the countries discussed in the article? Why?
Vocabulary A For each group, circle the word that does not belong. The words in italics
Comprehension; are vocabulary items from the reading.
75 Unit Б: Chapter В
в Complete the sentences using the words in italics from A. Be sure to use the
correct form of the word.
A Think aixrut the words hobby and activity. How are these words similar? How about Vocabulary
the words scissors and papers How are they related? How are they different? Skill;
Word Associations
В For each word in the box below, complete the associations using the vocabulary
shown. Then, explain to a partner how the words in each group are related. Can
you add more words to these associations? In learning new
vocabulary, think about
how words are related,
or associated, with
commilting hobby e-mail common download enjoy hectic other words. Think
about words with
similar meanings, for
1 activity: pastime example “hobby"and
2 computer: “activity." Also think
3 workweek: work about words that are
4 leisure: relax related to the same
5 pressure: stress topic, e.g., “scissors"
6 popular: frequent and “paper.”
C Use the “starter” words below to create word associations of your own. Begin by
saying the word to a partner. Your partner should reply with a synonym or a word
that is related. Continue this until you have a six-word association. Share your word
associations with the class.
Example: food: delicious, pizza, Italy, spaghetti, tomatoes, garden relax: ___ ,
Topic: _______________________________________________________
Sites that were useful: __________________________________________
1 For you, what is the best way to relax after a stressful day? How often do you do this?
2 In your opinion, do people in your country have enough time to relax and pursue their hobbies? Explain
your answer. Do you have enough time?
3 What are some new hobbies and leisure activities that are becoming popular in your country? Which activities
are popular with young people? Which are popular only with older people?
78 Unit Б: Chapter В
Fluency Strategy: PQR+\
Paifsing, Questioning, Rephrasing, and Explaining (PQR+E) is a reading strategy to help you build your
reading comprehension In stages from sentences to paragraphs to full texts. Use this strategy when you
have difficulty understanding large pieces of text that you are reading.
The first step in PQR+E is parsing—breaking a sentence into smaller parts. When you come to sentences that
are long or difficult to understand, try parsing them into smaller pieces.
A Look at one way the first sentence in the passage on the next page, “Movies for the Blind?”, can be
broken into smaller parts. Breaking a long sentence into smaller sections can make it much easier
to work out the overall meaning of the sentence.
i When you think of the cinema, the phrase “watching a movie” probably comes to
I and, in faa, moviemakets work very hard to make their films interesting
When you think / of the cinema, / the phrase “watching a movie” / probably / comes to mind, / and in fact, /
moviemakers work very hard / to make their films / interesting visually.
В Look below at the second sentence of the passage. Parse this sentence by dividing it into smaller
But movies also contain stories, dialogues, music, and sound eflfects—things that
don’t need to see in order to enjoy. J
The second step in PQR+E is questioning. Once you have finished parsing a long sentence, ask yourself
questions about the parts of the sentence. What do you understand? What are you not understanding?
Review the first two sentences from “Movies for the Blind?” What questions do you have as you read these two
Read the example question for the first sentence, then write your own question for the second
Parti 79
In step 3 of PQR+E, rephrasing, write in your own words what the sentence you parsed means.
Rephrasing helps you show that you have understood what you have read.
Read the example paraphrase of the first sentence of “Movies for the Blind?” Then write in your own
words what the second sentence from the passage means to you.
1. When people think about moviee, they mostly think about the visual features. _____________
To moviemakers, too, the vieual features of movies are very important. ___________________
2. _________________________________________________
A Explain the meaning of the first two sentences from “Movies for the Blind?” to a partner.
В Use PQR+E as you continue reading the passage. If there is a sentence you do not
understand, use PQR+E.
80 Review Unit 8
с Answer the comprehension questions below.
5 According to the article, how are some movie theaters deaiing with the problem of blind people attending movies with
a. They are providing headsets so blind people can hear a recorded narration.
b. They are asking the assistants not to annoy the other audience members.
c. They are providing specialiy trained employees to describe the movie to blind people.
d. They are asking biind people to just enjoy the music and other sounds in the theater.
6 Movie reviewer Jay Forry has his own _____ .
a. website
b. newspaper
c. radio show
d. movie theater
Why does the author inciude this quotation: “He had six senses, and I only have four”?
a. to recommend the movie The Sixth Sense to readers
b. to compare Forry to the boy in the movie
c. to illustrate Ferry’s sense of humor
d. to demonstrate Ferry’s sense of hopelessness
Part I 81
Self Check
Write a short answer to each of the following questions.
4. When you are reading, do you find yourself having to translate? If yes, what
do you think you can do to stop translating?
5. Which of the six reading passages in units 4-6 was easiest? ' Which
was most difficult? Why?
6. Which of the six reading passages in units 4-6 was easiest? Which was
most difficult? Why?
7. What improvements are you making as a reader? Look again at the “Tips
for Fluent Reading” on pages 8 and 9. Write down one or two things that
you know you can do better today than when you started this course.
Review Unit S
Readings: Meet ^ddy Adu, Soccer Sensation
Fluency Practice
Time yourself as you read through the passage. Try to read as fluently as you can. Record your time in
the Reading Rate Chart on page 176. Then answer the questions on the following page.
As a child, Adu did what many children in Ghana love to do—play soccer. Although there were no
10formal teams or leagues, Adu played soccer every day. He says that he loved learning the sport by
teaching himself. Adu’s mother recognized her son's talent and encouraged it by providing soccer
balls, which were expensive. Since he was the child with the sports equipment, other children
always came looking for Freddy when they wanted to kick the ball around a field.
Education was very important to Adu’s mother, and she wasn't sure that her son could receive a
15 good education in Ghana. She had some relatives in the United States, so she applied for residency
there. Adu’s family received U.S. residency cards and moved to Maryland in 1997, when Freddy
was eight years old. Freddy’s new school friends soon noticed his talent for soccer, and the
parents of one friend encouraged him to join a soccer club. This was Adu’s first experience playing
organized soccer, and he helped his team from the Potomac Soccer Association win a tournament
20 in Italy in 2000. One professional Italian team was so impressed by Adu that they offered him
$750,000 to play for them. Adu’s mother turned down the offer and insisted that her ten-year-old
son needed to finish school first.
Adu did finish high school at the age of 14 after enrolling at a boarding school for athletes.
Nowadays, he is playing professional soccer and living with his mother in a house he bought for her.
25 His annual salary with the D.C. United team is $500,000, and Adu is also paid to advertise products
such as sports shoes and soda. Adu is happy that his mother no longer has to work at two jobs,
and Adu’s fans are happy that they can watch him play their favorite sport for many years to come.
<CL 3^
1 Freddy Adu _ years old when he signed his first professional sports contract.
a. 8
b. 10
d. 14
2 When did Adu become the youngest ever all-star team player?
a. 1989
b. 2000
c. 2003
d. 2004
3 In an all-star game,____ .
a. athletes play with people who are not on their regular team
b. athletes receive large bonuses
c. all the players from the best teams compete
d. teams try to match their best scores
84 REVIEW Unit S
Reviiw Reading 4; Combining New and Did Medicine
Fluency Practice
Time yourself as you read through the passage. Try to read as fluently as you can. Record your time in
the Reading Rate Chart on page 176. Then answer the questions on the following page.
2 Why does the author mention “preventing illness by helping people stay healthy” in the second
a. to inform readers about a principle of holistic or integrative medioine
b. to explain why most people don't believe in holistic or integrative medicine
c. to give readers advice about staying healthy
d. to recommend modern medicine rather than traditional therapies
3 What would be an example of integrative medicine?
a. taking aspirin for a headache
b. surgery to remove a patient’s cancerous tumor
c. acupuncture
d. using herbal treatments after surgery
5 According to the article, which treatment is helpful for patients with asthma?
a. massage
b. allergies
c. homeopathy
d. yoga
7 How would Dr. Andrew Weil describe the relationship between doctors who practice integrative medicine and their
a. Doctors and patients have the same goal of treating the patient’s illness.
b. Doctors and patients work together so that the patient does not become ill.
c. Doctors and patients see each other occasionally if there is a problem.
d. Doctors and patients are like strangers in order to prevent illness.
8Б Review Unit ё
Sa idor Nagy and the National Orchestra present an all-Beethoven concert at Festival Hall, 8 p.m.
T1 ree guest DJs, including DJ 2-Cool from Los Angeles, play the latest dance hits from 10 p.m.
at The Warehouse.
Ss ve the planet! Ten top bands play all night at the Rockathon, a benefit concert for
er vironmental groups. Riverside Theater, beginning 6 p.m.
Hear the Jazz All-Stars—five of the greatest names in jazz, together for the first time. Starts
ai 9:00, Lacey’s Lounge.
Silsa Party at Club Tropicale, starting at 9 p.m. Big prizes for the best dancers!
From Jamaica—hear reggae band One Love in concert at Metro Auditorium, 8:00.
Festival of Irish Music and Dance at the Cross-cultural Center, 4-10 p.m. Irish food and drinks
Getting [Ready
Read these ads, then discuss the following questions with a partner.
1 What kind of music would you hear at each event?
2 Which one would you like to go to?
Unit 7 Chapter 1; Where’s That Music Coming From?
Before You A Look at the different styles, or genres, of music below. Circle the ones you like.
Read; Cross out the ones you don’t like.
My Favorite Music
В Discuss your answers with a partner. How many other styles of music can you
Reading Skill; How much do you know about the history of musical styles? Circle
your answers.
Before you read, it’s 1 Flamenco is a traditional style that comes from (Spain / Mexico / Cuba).
helpful to review what 2 Reggae is a style of music that originated in (Jamaica / Panama / Colombia).
you already know 3 Bhangra is a traditional kind of music that was brought to the U.K. by immigrants from
about the topic. This (Egypt / India / Nigeria).
will help you to predict 4 One of reggae’s most popular artists is (Bob Marley / Enrique Iglesias / Chuck Berry).
the things you will read 5 Rock and roll is a style of music that originated in (Australia / the U.K. / the
about, and will increase U.S.).
your understanding of 6 One of the musical styles that influenced rock and roll was (rap / reggae / rhythm
the reading.
and blues).
c Read the passage again and answer the questions that follow.
BB Unit 7: CJiapter I
Where’s That Music
Coming From?
What is your favorite type of music? Do you know anything about its history? Over the
years, as people have moved or traveled, they have taken with them the music of their
cultures—Celtic folk from Ireland and the U.K., flamenco from Spain, or bhangra from
India. As a result, a lot of today's popular music has its roots in the traditional songs and
rhythms heard in various countries around the world.
For decades, musicians have adapted traditional musical styles to make them more
appealing to average people. Bob Marley made reggae, previously unique to Jamaica,
popular around the world in the 1970s and '80s, with hits like "No Woman, No Cry." Now,
one can hear this laid-back rhythm on beaches across the globe.
Bhangra, a traditional music originally played to celebrate harvests’ or weddings in Indian
villages, was brought to the U.K. by Indian immigrants. It became popular in the 1980s as
the Indian immigrant population grew. This lively, energetic, drum-based beat has been
mixed with other musical genres such as jazz, house, and rock. Bhangra influence can
now be heard on dance floors in cities like London and Singapore, where a high
percentage of the population comes from Indian immigrant families.
In the U.S., rock and roll has its roots in African-American culture, and traditional musical
styles such as rhythm and blues. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, artists such as Chuck
Berry added the electric guitar to the R&B sound.
By the mid-'50s many white musicians, such as Elvis Presley, were singing and playing
music that was previously performed only by black artists. Many Djs in the U.S. also
began playing this "new" music, now called rock and roll, on their radio stations. A sound
that began in small nightclubs in the U.S. was eventually exported to other parts of the
Language has helped to popularize music from different countries. The Japanese pop
star Hikaru Utada became famous in her native country, and around the world, by
combining Japanese pop styles with English lyrics. Other artists, such as the Spaniard
Enrique Iglesias, mix English lyrics with their native languages, and have also made a
big impact on the world pop scene.
Much of the pop music we hear today is a fusion, or mixture, of styles from various parts
of the world. With the ability now to share music using the Internet, the styles we listen to
tomorrow may be even more interesting and diverse.
'harvest the time when farmers gather crops from their fields
^c Check the statements that you think the author would agree with.
Critical Thinking
____ 1 Popular music today is more interesting than it was twenty
years ago.
____ 2 When musicians try to mix two kinds of music together, the results often
sound terrible.
____ 3 It’s good for musicians and singers to travel to other countries.
____ 4 The Internet will have a positive effect on music in the future.
____ 5 We should respect traditional kinds of music, and not try to change or
improve them.
Vocabulary A Look at the list of words from the reading. Match each word with its definition.
Word Definitions 1 roots ____ a. type or style of music, art, or literature
roots a.
2 Ivrics b.
adapt c.
aenre d.
influence e. the origins of something or someone the
6 appealino f. words of a song
diverse g- change something to make it more suitable
rhythm h. interesting or attractive
90 Unit 7; Chapter i
в Complere the sentences below using the words from A. Be sure to use the
correct form of the word.
1 Many musicians from the 1960s, such as the Beatles and Jimi Hendrix, have
____ _ _______ a lot of today’s rock and pop artists.
2 The ___________ of rock and roll are actually very _________________ : it’s a
style of music that developed from rhythm and blues, gospel, jazz, and American
country music.
3 In a karaoke booth, the ______________ to the songs are usually shown on a
TV screen.
4 Jeff's taste in music is very interesting. He likes almost every musical
A Read the passage below, and circle all of the ex- words you find. Vocabulary
The Prefix ex-
Tokyo Concert Review
Last night was the fitst concert in Asia of rock band Small Minds world tout. The band
began their exhausting tour six months ago in New York. They are so popular in the States
In this chapter, you
that they extended their stay there by a week, and played five extra concerts that sold out read the verb "export,"
within hours of tickets going on sale. a word made by
In an interview yesterday, guitarist Lee Gray and lead singer Mark Lang said they were ' combining the prefix
very excited to be in Tokyo. This is our first trip to Japan, so its a fantastic experience for “ex-," meaning “out of”
us,^ said Lang. or “from within,” with
; The erjtensive tour continues to Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka before moving to Korea, the root “port,"
Chinai Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. Small Minds then plan to take meaning "to bring or
aihard-earned break at an exclusive island resort before heading back home to the U.K. carry.” “Ex-” comes at
From there they will start the European leg of the tour. If you’re lucky enough to get the beginning of many
tickets to see them, expect to hear some fantastic new versions of their album songs, : and words to form nouns,
aifew surprises from this lively band. verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs in English.
В Match each of the ex- words from A with the definitions below.
C Are there other words that begin with ex- that you can add to this list? What
do they mean? Share your ideas with a partner.
Reading Skill; A You are looking for a CD with songs by your favorite salsa artists. Scan
Scanning this CD review and see if the CD contains songs by these people.
gg Unit 7: ChaptEr В
ООО Reading
CD Review: CD Review: The
Hot World of
The Hot World of Salsa! Salsa!
This new two-CD set contains thirty tracks that cover the
history of saisa, from the 1960s to today. If you’re not familiar
with salsa, it’s a great place to start. And if you already love this
hot Latin music, you’ll enjoy hearing some of your old favorites again. I
5 The CD combines songs by classic salsa artists, such as Celia Cruz and Eddie
Palmieri, with newer artists like Marc Antony.
Salsa has been played for decades, and is still growing in popularity. Its fast
tempo and lively beat make everyone want to get up and dance. Salsa’s origins
are Cuban, but many believe that Puerto Ricans in the U.S.
10 developed the style of salsa that we know today.
Between 1940 and 1969, more than 800,000 Puerto Ricans emigrated to the
mainland U.S., especially to New York City and Miami. They brought with them
their culture, style, and infectious Latin rhythm. One type of music they brought
along was a blend of Afro-Cuban rhythms and Puerto
15 Rican traditional dance. In New York, musicians incorporated American jazz, and
salsa was born. During this time, Latino musical styles were becoming more
popular. Nightclubs in New York City and around the U.S. featured salsa music
and dance, as well as mambo and cha-cha.
The style of salsa popular in the 1960s was called salsa caliente, and this
20 CD has classic songs by Ismael Miranda and Ruben Blades. Many of the lyrics told
stories of the immigrants’ struggles to make a living in New York City. By the late
1970s, the trend had shifted to salsa romantica, with its romantic love lyrics. You’ll
hear a great song by Eddie Santiago from this period.
25 Today, young Puerto Rican musicians and singers continue to make unique blends of
salsa by fusing^ it with other musical genres. You’ll hear a mixture of hip-hop and
garage combined with salsa in Jennifer Lopez’s song on this CD. Ricky Martin,
another Puerto Rican star, became world famous by combining rock rhythms with
the salsa romantica style.
30 The rhythm of salsa is continuing to spread around the world, especially in Africa and
Asia. This CD features a great track by Ricardo Lemvo, who combines salsa with
West African music in an amazing blend. There’s even a track from a band in
Scotland, Salsa Celtica, mixing traditional Scottish sounds with salsa music.
35 The Hot World of Salsa! is sure to make you get up and dance!
'fusing putting two things together into a single thing
Critical Thinking C 1 What rating do you think the reviewer gave to this CD?
★ ★
★ ★
★★ ★
★★ ★
poor O.K. good great excellent
2 Write the words and phrases from the reading that helped you choose the answer.
Vocabulary A The words in italics are vocabulary items from the reading. Read each
Comprehension: question or statement and choose the correct answer. Compare your
Words in Context answers with a partner.
1 If you move from England to Canada, you are _______ from England.
a. emigrating b. immigrating
2 Tito is painting a picture of a dog. Ana suggests he add a child to the picture,
and he incorporates her idea. The painting is a picture of a ____________ .
a. dog b. dog and a boy
3 In-Sook is struggling to pass her math class because it’s a(n) _________
subject for her.
a. easy b. difficult
Э4 Unit 7: Oiapter S
4 Eduardo is trying to make a living in New York City. In other words, he is trying to
a. have a good time b. earn money
5 Classic songs are usuaily __________.
a. oider and famous b. new and exciting
6 If something is infectious, it passes __________ from one person to another.
a. easily b. slowly
7 The tempo of this music is really ____________ .
a. fast b. loud
8 This new ________ has 17 tracks.
a. CD b. textbook
2 Was there a subject that you struggled with in high school? Is there one
you struggle with now? _________________________
A Compare the verbs immigrate and emigrate. Use each in a sentence below. Vocabulary
immigrate /'imigreit/ к to enter another country to settle there permanently Easily Confused
emigipte /'emigreit/ v. to leave one country and move to another to settle thejre Words
В Now write a sentence each for expect, hope, and look forward to. Share your
sentences with a partner.
1 ________________________________________________
2 ________________________________________________
3 ________________________________________________
1 Have musical styles from other countries influenced the music scene in your country?
Give some examples.
2 Who are the most popular musicians in your country right now? Do you like their songs? Do you know of
any musicians in your country who sing in another language?
3 Do you know any song lyrics in English? Say or sing a song for your partner!
9Б Unit 7: OiaptEr E
Career Paths
Д ^tting Ready
Discuss these questions with a partner.
2 Do you have any of the following skills or experience? Check all that apply.
Based on your answers here, which of the jobs pictured might be right for you?.
3 What kind of work would you enjoy? Check all that apply.
. working with people . , working with ideas . . working with objects . being a member of
following a routine . using working in a group . a team . doing something different every
your mind j using your working alone . being day . working near your home
body ; traveling for your a leader
4 Based on your answers here, which of the jobs above might be right for you? What other
jobs are you interested in? ____________________________________________
Lnit В Chapter 1: Be Your Own Boss
Reading Skill; A Read the first paragraph of the article on the next page. Underline the thing:
Identifying Main Ideas that people enjoy about having a business. Then choose the main idea of
within Paragraphs the paragraph.
a. If you have your own business, you can raise your own salary. _______
Every paragraph has a
b. People think mostly about the advantages of having their own business..
main idea, and all the
sentences in the
paragraph talk about this В Read the rest of the article and check the main idea for each paragraph.
main idea. Sometimes
Paragraph 2
the main idea is not
stated directly in the
a. it takes a long time to start a successful business. ______
paragraph. Thinking b. In reality, business owners face many difficulties. ______
about this main idea can Paragraph 3
help you to understand a. Many new business owners have practical problems. ______
the paragraph and the b. After only one year, half of all new businesses fail. _____
whole reading better. Paragraph 4
a. Business owners work much harder than employees do._______
b. David Paik’s business is successful because he works very hard. _______
Paragraph 5
a. Making and selling T-shirts can be a very interesting business. _______
b. There are also many advantages to having your own business. ______
Paragraph 6
a. Small businesses can grow very quickly. _____
b. Some business owners have to find employees. _______
C Now read the passage again and answer the questions that follow.
98 Unit 8: Chapter I
Be Your Own Boss
For many people, having your own business sounds like the perfect job. You
can do work that you love. You can set your own schedule, and wear jeans to
work. You never have to listen to a boss, and you make all decisions
yourself. You can even raise your salary any time you want.
5 But the reality is different. "Having your own business can be lonely," says
David Paik. After working for an advertising agency for six years, he started a
website design business at home. His income in the first two months was $0.
Finally, he got a big project creating a website for a magazine. Then he had a
new problem; his schedule. "I was working 10 twelve hours a day, seven days a
week, because I didn't have employees to help me." Today, Paik Web Design is
successful, but David says, "I really wasn't prepared to be a business owner. I
didn't understand the challenges."
Some of the challenges are practical. With no boss, it's easy to take too 15
much time off—and get too little work done. With no co-workers, you might feel
bored or lonely. You have to pay for your own benefits, like vacations, insurance,
and a retirement plan. And if you make a bad business decision, you could lose all
the money that you invested. For all of these reasons, more than half of all new
businesses fail within one year.
20 Another problem is balancing work with personal life. As a business owner, you
can't just stop at 5 p.m. and forget about your work until tomorrow. "Even when
I'm watching TV in the evening, I'm always thinking about my clients and my
projects," says David Paik.
Still, hundreds of people around the world start businesses every day, and 25
most enjoy the experience. "There are lots of advantages to having your own
business," says Denise Williams, the owner of a women's clothing store. "You can
decide exactly how to do your work, how much money you want to make, and who
will work for you." Williams borrowed money from family members to get her
business started. She began by 30 making and selling T-shirts in her apartment,
and she has just opened a new, larger store.
Laura Castro, owner of a translation service, agrees. "When you are your own
boss, there are no limits. I started five years ago, translating Spanish and English.
Now I have employees who work with six different 35 languages. And five years
from now? I can't even imagine!" she smiles.
C • )►
. ; - . .
- '....-in-.- .. .
• •
Vocabulary A Look at the list of words from the reading. Match each word with a definition.
Word Definitions 1 salary ___ a. someone who gets services from a business
2 benefits _ b. use money in a way to try and increase its value
3 schedule. c. good or useful qualities of something
4 client ____ d. extra things you receive for your work, such as
5 invest ___ vacations
6 balance e. a plan with a list of times and tasks
В Complete the sentences below using words from A. Be sure to use the correct form of
the word.
I’m exhausted! I had a really busy. ___________ today.
Most teachers don't earn a very high ___________________ , but they receive a iot
of ___ __ ___________ , such as a iong vacation every summer.
Mr. Kwan is our company’s most important ______________________ , so I aiways
taik with my ________________ before I go to a meeting with him.
Sometimes it’s difficuit to. . your job responsibiiities with
your famiiy iife.
Occupation Definition
police officer protects your city from criminais
helps you with a vacation
drives you from one place to another
sells you a new automobile
cuts and styles your hair
creates websites or software
puts out fires
runs an office
brings letters and packages to you
keeps a record of how much money a business has
C For each occupation above, try to think of one job requirement. Share your
ideas with a partner.
Be Your Own Bass lot
Unit 8 Chapter 2: The Right Job for Your Personality
Before You A Think about each of these jobs. What kind of personality do you need for it?
A Job That Fits You nurse firefighter actor engineer librarian
psychoiogist salesperson pilot athlete kindergarten teacher
Reading Skill; A Look at the title of the article on the next page. Think of three words that
Skimming for General describe your personality and write them here.
Read the whole article in detail and answer the questions that follow.
WS ISntt 8: Chapter S
The Right Job for Your Personality Passage;
The Right Job for
Choosing a career is an important life decision-and yet, many people get their first
Your Personality
job without realty thinking about it. Here’s a personality quiz to help you find the
best job for you.
Imagine you are at a party where you see small groups of people with similar 5
personalities and interests. Look at these groups, and decide which one you have the
most in common with.
Group 1 These people are physically strong, and very practical. They like to be
outdoors, and they enjoy working with machines and tools, but they often feel
uncomfprtable when they are in a large group of people.
10 Group 2 These people love to learn, analyze, and solve problems. They like to
work independently, and they hate to do the same thing every day. They are
very quiet and prefer to be with just a few people.
Group 3 These people are creative and imaginative, and they don’t like rules or
bosses telling them what to do. They like to express their ideas by painting, writing, 15
or dancing. They are sometimes very emotional.
Group 4 These people are very friendly and interested in other people. They like
to interiact in groups, and they are very good at speaking. They understand other
people’; feelings very easily.
Gl'OU|; 5 These people are strong leaders. They like power, and they enjoy making
20 things f appen. They are good at influencing and persuading other people, and they
are very self-confident.
GroU): 6 These people are very careful and practical. They like to work with facts
and nuinbers, and they are very good with small details. They are calm, and they
like following instructions.
Investigative. Enterprising _
Artistic______ Conventional.
Vocabulary A For each group, circle the item that does not belong. The words in italics are
Comprehension; vocabulary items from the reading.
Odd Word Out
1 investigate find out about study ignore
3 What advice would you give to a friend who isn’t very seif-confidentl
4 Would you like a job where you have to be careful with detaiisl Why, or
why not? ___________________________________________________________
A Look at some of the adjectives that describe peopie’s personalities. Note the Vocabulary
different adjective endings.
Adjective Endings
introverted adventurous responsible creative
patient energetic hard-working
Adjectives can be
formed in many
В Complete the online job ads below with the appropriate adjective endings. Use different ways.
your dictionary to help you. Knowing the most
common adjective
m endings can help you
identify adjectives,
Looking for a (1)motivat ______and (2)effect _____ teacher to join the staff at and differentiate them
our elementary school. You must have a teaching certificate and at least from other word forms.
Want to make $15,000 a month working in shorts and a T-shirt? Water World,
the swimming pool specialists, has an immediate opening for an Wadventur
and (5)aggress salesperson in the Boston area.
(click here for more information)
We have an immediate job opening for an (6)experienc _______ , (7)flex_
secretary in our very busy downtown office.
(Click here for more information)
C Choose one of the ads above. Think of two or three reasons to describe why you
would be good for the job using adjectives to describe yourself. Share your
answers with a partner.
The Right Job far Your Persanalitg fos
Real Life Skill; A Look at the career categories on the left. What kind of jobs might you find in
Searching for a Job Online each? Match the jobs with the categories.
1 Administrative a. lawyer
2 Education b. clothing salesperson
Jobs listed on many
3 Finance c. nurse
websites are often
organized by category; 4 Food, Travel, Hospitality d. bank officer
teaching jobs, for 5 Health Care e. English teacher
example, will often be 6 Computer f. secretary
listed within the 7 Legal g. web designer
category "Education." 8 Retail Sales and Marketing h. hotel manager
Understanding job
categories and
recognizing key How much do you want to work? Match a contract type with
vocabulary in English a definition.
can help you to begin a
directed and 1. full-time 2. part-time 3. contract/temporary (temp)
successful online job
search. a. works about 5-20 hours per week ______
b. works for a company for a specific period of time, e.g., 1 month.
c. a regular employee of a company; works 40+ hours per week _____
C Choose a job that is interesting to you, and the type of contract you would like.
Visit an English-language website where jobs are advertised and find a job that
matches these requirements. Complete the information below.
Website: ___________________________________
ЮБ Llnit 8: Chapter g
^Getting Ready
Discuss the following questions with a partner.
1 How do you feel when you look at the food In the picture above?
2 What kinds of food and drink are made from chocolate?
3 How often do you eat chocolate? What kinds of chocolate do you like to eat?
Lnit a Chapter 1: The History of Chocolate
Before You A How much do you know about chocolate? Circle the correct answer to
Read; complete each statement.
What Do You Know 1 Chocolate comes from a (tree / flower).
about Chocolate? 2 Chocolate is made from (leaves / seeds).
3 Originally, chocolate came from (Europe / the Americas).
4 People first consumed chocolate by (drinking / eating) it.
5 At one time, cocoa beans were valuable and were used like
(currency / jewelry).
6 Many people once believed chocolate had (positive / negative) effects
on health.
7 The (English / Spanish) were the first Europeans to use chocolate.
8 Most of the world's chocolate is now grown in (Asia / Africa).
Reading Skill; ‘ In 30 seconds, skim the passage on the next page. Which of the following
Skimming to Assess assignment topics could you use this passage to answer? _________
a Passage
1 How Chocolate Moved Around the World
2 Cooking with Chocolate in Different Cultures
Sometimes we may
3 The History of the Chocolate Industry in Australia
want to skim a reading
quickly to see if it
contains the В Read the passage more carefully and find three facts that you could use for the
information that we assignment.
need. If the information
is there, then we can
read the passage again
more slowly and
C Read the passage again and answer the questions that follow.
'plantation a very large tropical farm that grows only one kind of crop
The History of Chocolate 109
Reading A Decide if the following statements about the reading are true (T) or false (f).
Check Your Understanding Л
В What happened first? Write “1” next to the correct statement in each pair.
1 a. __ Chocolate became popular in Europe.
b. __ Chocolate became popular in Asia.
2 a. ___ Chocolate was used in ceremonies.
b. __ Chocolate was fashionable.
3 a. __ Chocolate tasted sweet.
b. __ Chocolate tasted spicy.
4 a. ___ Chocolate was produced in the Americas.
b. __ Chocolate was produced in Africa.
Critical Thinking )) Ci How do you think chocolate tasted when the Mayans and Aztecs prepared it? Would
you like to drink this kind of chocolate? Why, or why not?
How did chocolate become popular in France? Do new ideas still become popular in
this way?
Why did chocolate become popular in the Philippines before other Asian countries?
Vocabulary A The words in italics are vocabulary items from the reading. Read each question or
Comprehension; statement and choose the correct answer. Check your answers with a partner.
Words in Context
A Look at the underlined word in each sentence. Write down what part of speech {noun, Vocabulary
verb, adjective, adverb, etc.) each word is and what it means. Then, circle the words in Skill:
the sentence that helped you to understand the meaning of the word. Identifying Part of
1 Chocolate drinks were often flavored with ingredients such as chili peppers,
Knowing which part of
and other spices.
speech a word is can
Part of speech; ______________ Meaning: _____________________________
help you to
Consuming cacao was believed to have positive effects on health. In Peru, eating
understand its
or drinking a mixture of chocolate and chili was said to be good for the stomach. meaning.
Part of speech;_______________ Meaning; ___________________________ Other words in a
sentence can also
Christopher Columbus discovered the value of cacao beans, which were being used as help you to
currency in many parts of Central America. understand the
Part of speech; ___ __________ Meaning: ___________________________ meaning of new
В Work out the meaning of each of these words from its context.
1 The popularity of chocolate continued to spread farther across Europe, and the
Meaning: ____________________________________________________________
2 As chocolate became more popular, the demand for people to work on the cocoa
plantations increased.
Meaning; ____________________________________________________________
3 Slaves were brought to the Americas from Africa to farm the cocoa. Eventually, the
cacao tree was taken to Africa and cultivated there.
Meaning: ____________________________________________________________
4 It is believed that drinking cups of chocolate was important in Mayan rituals such as
wedding ceremonies.
Meaning; ____________________________________________________________
Reading Skill; A Read the article on the next page and put the main idea from each
Understanding Main Ideas paragraph into the correct order (1-6). This will form the author’s argument.
within Paragraphs ___ People eat a lot of chocolate, but this is not harmful.
___ The chemicals in chocolate have both bad and good effects on our hearts.
Understanding the main ___ Chocolate does not have negative effects on skin or teeth.
ideas of each paragraph in ___ Is eating chocolate every day bad for your body?
a reading can help you to ___ People believe that chocolate causes health problems, but it also makes
follow the argument the us feel good.
author is making, and to
___ Some chemicals in chocolate make us feel pleasure.
understand the main idea
of the whole passage.
C Read the passage again and answer the questions that follow.
Addicted to Chocolate 43
ВбЗСПпу А Read the sentences below and underline the mistakes. Rewrite each
Comprehension; sentence using the correct information. Try not to look back at the reading Check Your for
the answers.
Understanding ^ Eating chocolate usually makes people feel unhappy and angry.
5 Eating chocolate causes tooth decay and cavities, so you shouldn’t eat it.
Critical Thinking C Look at the information you listed above and answer these questions.
1 In your opinion, how often is it healthy to eat chocolate?
2 If this article appears in a national newspaper, what effect do you think it will
have on people’s diets?
3 If people don’t like chocolate, should they start eating it to improve their health?
Explain your answer.
Vocabulary A Look at the list of words from the reading. Match each word or phrase with its
Comprehension; definition.
Word Definitions
1 addiction _ a. let something out or let something go
2 chemicals. b. a habit, usually harmful, that someone cannot
3 stimulate _ stop doing
4 release c. easily recognizable
5 distinctive ____ d. to make something become more active or energized
6 equivalent ____ e. related to the vitamins, minerals, protein, etc., in food
7 contribute (to). f. substances with distinct properties that can affect living
8 nutritional ____ things
g. to help make something happen
h. the same as something else
U4 Unit 9: OiaptBr S
в Now con^plete the sentences below using words from A. Be sure to use the
correct form of the word.
A Read the article below, and see how many synonyms you can find for the Vocabulary
vocabulary items in the chart. Skill;
Vocabulary Synonyms
damaging A synonym is a word
stimulate that has the same or
similar meaning as
proof another word. One
exercising way of increasing your
vocabulary is by
learning synonyms.
Health News
A report published today in a leading medical journal claims that working out can be hamiful to your
health. For many years doctors have told people that e.xercising regularly is good for your health.
However, they have found proof that e.xercising too much can have damaging effects on the body.
When we exercise, chemicals called endorphins are released into the brain. These endorphins
energize the body, and give us a lift or high. It is this "high" that people who exercise too much
become addicted to. Although scientists say that experiencing this lift regiilarly is good for health,
evidence shows that too much of it is damaging. People who ard addicted to exercise should not quit
altogether. Doctors advise them just to stop exercising too often.
В Complete the paragraph below using the words from the chart in A. Compare your
paragraph with a partner.
O.K.—I’m addicted. To cigarettes, coffee, junk food? No, not me. My addiction is
exercisiijg too much! I know that drinking too much caffeine or smoking can be
1 ^ _____________ to the body, but just how 2 _________________ can working out
be? I thought 3 _______________ was good for you. Then yesterday, I read an article
that say$ exercise can be as much of an addiction as smoking cigarettes. Here’s
the 4 __ ___________ ; according to the report, the brain releases chemicals
called endorphins that make a person feel really good, even though he or she
might be tired from exercising. These chemicals 5_________________ the brain
and body, and 6 _______________ the person. The report says that it’s this “lift”
that we become addicted to. I’ll need more 7 _________________ than this before
18 ______________ exercising. I’m just not ready to stop!
ИБ Unit 9: Ojapter В
Fluency Strategy: KWL
Readers can ask themselves three questions to improve their reading fluency and comprehension.
The letters K, W, and L can be used to remind you of these questions. KWL stands for Know, Want,
The first step in KWL is similar to the Preview step in PRO (page 41) and the A in the Active approach (inside
front cover). This step will help you prepare yourself before reading.
A Look at the title of the article on the next page. Then read only the first paragraph of the passage.
From the title and first paragraph, decide “What is the topic of the passage?”
В Ask yourself, “What do I already know about this topic?” Write down three or four facts that you
already know about the topic in the Know column of the table below.
In the second stage of KWL, ask yourself, “What do I want to learn as I read?” By doing this you are reading
with a purpose. This step is similar to the Question stage in PQR+E.
A Ask yourself what you want to learn as you read “Geocaching.” Write down some things you hope
to learn in the Want column above.
В Before going on to the L in KWL, read the passage “Geocaching” on the next page.
Part 1 H7
For many people, leisure time is an opportunity to get outdoors, have some fun, and
meet interesting people. Add two pieces of sophisticated 21 st century technology, global
positioning system (CPS) devices and the Internet, to get "geocaching."
The word geocaching comes from "geo" (earth) and "cache" (hidden storage). Geocachers log
5 onto a website to find information about the location of a cache—usually a waterproof plastic
box containing small items such as toys and CDs, along with a logbook where "finders"
can enter comments and learn about the cache's "owner," the person who created and hid
the cache. Finders may take any of the items in the cache but are expected to replace them
with something of similar value. They then visit the website again and write a message to the
10 owner.
Geocaching became possible on May 1, 2000, when U.S. President Bill Clinton announced
that a satellite system developed by the U.S. Department of Defense would be made public.
Using a fairly inexpensive GPS device, anyone on earth can send a signal to the satellites and
receive information about their position. This is basically a high-tech version of orienteering,
15 which uses maps and compasses to determine one's location.
Geocachers are a very considerate group. Owners are asked to think carefully about a cache's location in
order to give finders an enjoyable experience, such as a beautiful view or a good campsite. They must also
consider the environmental impact of their cache since it could result in an increased number of visitors to the
area. As for the content of the caches, owners 20 and finders are asked to remember that caches are found by
geocachers of all ages. Any treasures in the caches should be suitable for the whole family.
Since geocaching is a new activity governed only by the general agreement of people in online discussion
groups, it is always changing. Variations include "travel bugs," which are objects with tags that ask finders to
move them to new locations, which are then tracked 25 online. "Multi-caches" direct finders from one location to
the next until they locate the actual cache. "Virtual caches" are located in parks or environmentally sensitive
areas where physical caches are not appropriate. These are usually landmarks, such as monuments or historical
Interested in geocaching? Look for geocaching groups and events in Europe, Russia, and the 30 United
States, or visit geocaching websites from any computer in the world.
Now that you have finished reading, ask yourself, “What did I learn while reading?” Did you learn what you wanted
A Write down three or four things you learned from “Geocaching” in the Learn column of the chart on
page 117.
В Now test how much you learned from the passage by answering these questions.
1 Geocaching is ___ .
a. a good leisure activity for people who don’t like the outdoors
b. President Clinton’s favorite leisure activity
c. not appropriate for families with young children
d. a new leisure activity
2 Which of the following is not part of geocaching?
a. a GPS device
b. a compass
c. toys or other small objects
d. the Internet
3 Where can finders learn about cache owners?
a. on a website
b. in a logbook
c. on a satellite signal
d. at a campsite
4 Which of the following is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
a. Any treasures in the caches should be suitable for the whole family.
b. Geocachers must consider the environmental impact of their cache.
c. Geocachers are a very considerate group.
d. Owners are asked to think carefully about a cache’s location in order to give finders an
enjoyable experience.
5 Which of the following would probably not be found in a cache?
a. a music CD
b. a gold bracelet
c. a small toy
d. a notebook
6 Why do geocachers need to think about the environment?
a. Their GPS devices produce electrical signals.
b. They want to think carefully about everything.
c. Other geocachers will visit cache locations.
d. Young geocachers may not enjoy the items in a cache.
7 The author implies that ____ .
V 1. Have you ever used the KWL method before?
/—' Yes No I’m not sure.
4. Which of the six reading passages in units 7-9 did you enjoy most? Why?
7. What time of day is the best time for you to read and comprehend
well? Do you use that part of the day to do your most important
reading and studying?
r ----------------------------------- -------------------
Fluency Practrc
Time yourself as you read through the passage. Try to read as fluently as you can. Record your time in
the Reading Rate Chart on page 176. Then answer the questions on the following page.
6 Which piece of recording equipment is used at the end of the recording process?
a. a microphone
b. a mixing board
c. a control panel
d. a multi-track recorder
Fluency Practice
Time yourself as you read through the passage. Try to read as fluently as you can. Record your time in
the Reading Rate Chart on page 176. Then answer the questions on the foliowing page.
4 How has new technology caused some workers to lose their jobs?
a. Travel agents are making more reservations than before.
b. Robots can do the work of secretaries.
c. Personal computers have replaced automation.
d. Bosses and travelers can do more things independently.
5 What is one reason employees might keep their current jobs nowadays?
a. They do not get along with the people they work with.
b. They are happy and satisfied with their work.
c. Their employer provides bad working conditions.
d. They want a higher salary and more benefits.
1 In your daily activities yesterday, where did you see advertising? Circle your answers.
2 Which of these ads did you actually read? Mark them with a check [
3 Did any of these ads persuade you to buy the products?
Lnit to Chapter 1: Ads Are Everywhere!
В Compare your list with a partner. Why do you remember these ads? How
often do you see and hear them?
Reading Skill; A Look quickly at the article on the next page. Read only the title and the first
Skimming for the Main few words of each paragraph. Then decide if the main ideas below are true
Idea (Л or false (F).
В Now read the whole article to see If your answers were correct.
C Read the passage again and answer the questions that foliow.
5 Your clothes probably have a brand name on them-a very common form of
advertising. Many T-shirts and caps carry advertising for different products.
If you like to wear sports clothes, they probably carry the logo of a big international
company or a professional sports team.
Your favorite forms of entertainment are also filled with ads. If you go to a 10 soccer
game, the stadium has huge advertisements for all kinds of products. Many soft drink
companies put on concerts and other events. In movies, you'll see characters driving a
particular brand of car, or eating a popular snack food, because the manufacturers of
the products paid to be in the film.
15 The problem with all these kinds of advertising is that after some time, consumers
don't notice them. After we have seen ads on the train or in the bus many times, we
don't even read them. So advertisers have to find unusual places for ads, to surprise
us and make us pay attention to them. These days, you can find advertising in
restaurant bathrooms, on ATM 20 machines, and on the back of airplane seats. On the
Internet, one web page might have a dozen ads, and you also find lots of ads in your
e-mail. Cars, taxis, and other vehicles have become moving commercials. You see
ads on public telephones, and in elevators. There are even tiny ads on the apples in
the supermarket. Soon, you'll see ads pressed into the sand on beaches!
25 Advertisers are now devising ways to reach a truly global audience. Several years
ago, the Russian government sent up a rocket with a 10-meter-high ad for a pizza
restaurant on its side. Some companies are trying to develop signs in space that
everyone on earth can see.
With all of these ads that we see, we need to be aware of the messages 30 they
give us. Advertising can have a strong impact on our thinking, even when we don't
realize it. This is especially true for children, because they believe that everything they
see is true. People of all ages need to think critically about the ideas that we get from
advertising, and how they affect our behavior.
Critical Thinking C Which of these opinions would the author agree with? Check your answers.
1 Advertising is a harmless kind of entertainment. _______
2 People aren’t aware of the real effects of advertising on their lives. ________
3 We should teach children to think carefully about the advertising that they
see. __ _
4 There is too much advertising in everyday life today. _______
5 Advertising gives us useful information about the products we buy..
Vocabulary A The words in italics are vocabulary from the reading. Read each sentence and
Comprehension: choose the correct answer.
Words in Context
1 If the writing on a package of food is tiny, it is very _ . to read.
a. easy b. difficult
2 If the students in a class put on a play, they ______ .
a. decide to have it later b. have a show
3 A global company is one that is_______ .
a. around the world b. very new
4 The logo for the Olympic Games is _______ .
a. five circles b. Beijing
5 An example of a vehicle is_______.
a. a parking lot b. a truck
6 If you devise a new kind of software, you ________ .
a. buy it b. invent it
7 If you change your behavior, you change ________ .
a. the things you do b. everything you spend money on
8 If a company manufactures cars, they _______.
a. produce cars b. buy cars to use in their work
3 If you could have any new vehicle you wanted, what would you choose? Why?
4 When you were a child, was your behavior usually good or bad? Give some
A Make the words in the box negative by adding un-, in-, or im-. Then match them to Vocabulary
the definitions. Skill;
The Prefixes in-, im-,
believable happy and un-
appropriate formal
aware certain correct tidy
“In-,” "im-,” and “un-"
not seeing or knowing something:. are prefixes that mean
surprising: ____________________ “not.” They can come
It's 7:C0 A.M. on Monday. I wake up, open the closet, but I'm 1 _______ certain about
what 15 wear to work today Jeansanda sweater? No, maybe a pair of shorts and a Tshirt
are better—it’s qoinq to be a warm day. Believe it or not, this type
of 2 _____ formal style of dress in the workplace isn't 3 _______ appropriate in
Califorijiia’s Silicon Valley—home to many of the world's leading computer and
techno ogy companies. Peter Kilborn, who 4 _____ originally comes from New York
City re members his first day at a company in the Valley. “On my first day at work,
I notic^ how different everyone looked. There were a lot of people in jeans, and a
couple pf people had shorts on. They didn't look 5 ______ tidy; they looked
6____ ^comfortable and relaxed. It was 7 ________ believable for me because I'd never
really seen people dressed this way in an office. S _____ fortunately, I felt a bit silly
because I wore a suit on my first day! This was completely 9 ______ appropriate. I
learned my lesson, though. Now I only wear a suit if I have an important meeting.
Otherwise, I'm in myjeans. I'm a(n) 10 ______ happy guy!"
Read; 1 Have you seen or heard an interesting ad recently? Why do you like it?
Interesting Ads 2 Have you ever bought a product after seeing one ad for it? Why did the ad
persuade you to buy the product?
Reading Skill; A Look at the passage on the next page. Read the first three paragraphs and
Distinguishing between mark the main idea in each paragraph (1И), and the supporting idea (S).
Main and Supporting Paragraph 1
Ideas If you live in Tokyo or Toronto, you need a warnn coat in the winter. ________
The goal of advertising is to change our ideas about things we want and
Every paragraph has a
need. _____
main idea, with
Paragraph 2
supporting ideas that
Many ads use people’s emotions—like fear or love—to persuade us that we need
explain the main idea.
The main idea is usually the product. ______
in the beginning of the Some advertisements use fear to sell products. ________
paragraph—but not Paragraph 3
alwaysl By Commercials for soft drinks often show people having a party, playing sports, or
distinguishing between enjoying a day at the beach. ______
the main and supporting Some ads are based on people’s desire for fun and enjoyment. ________
ideas, you get a clearer
understanding of the
purpose of the reading.
В Now read the next two paragraphs. Write the main idea and one of the
supporting ideas.
Paragraph 4
Main idea: _________________________________________________________
One supporting idea:
Paragraph 5
Main idea:
One supporting idea:
C Now read the articie again and answer the questions that foliow.
Vocabulary A Look at the list of words from the reading. Match each word with a definition.
Word Definitions 1 aim ___ a.
2 slogan __ b.
3 product ___ c. act in a certain way in answer to something
4 desire ___ d.
5 elegant ___ e.
6 image ___ f. a phrase used in advertising
7 vanity ___ g- being too proud of yourself
8 react __ h.
A Look at the examples in the chart below. Using the suffix -ist, complete the Vocabulary
chart with the names of occupations. See page 63 (Unit 5) for some jobs Skill;
ending in “oiogy.” The Suffix -ist
В Complete the questions using an occupation from the chart. Take turns asking
and answering the questions with a partner.
C Read the ad to yourself. Then, read one paragraph aloud to a partner, and listen
as your partner reads the other paragraph to you.
Getting Ready
Write these foods in the chart. Then compare your answers with a partner, expiaining your reasons.
Lnit 11 Chapter 1: Breakfast Like a King?
Reading Skill; A Scan the reading quickly and choose the best answer to the questions
Making Inferences below. You will have to infer information from the reading. Explain
your answers to a partner.
Information in a reading 1 What kind of food shouldn’t a person eat every day?
passage is not always a. cereal b. meat c. vegetables
stated directly. 2 Which sentences in the reading helped you find the answer?
Sometimes a reader
has to infer (make
guesses about) events
or a writer’s opinion,
using the information
that is available in the В Make inferences to answer these questions.
1 In the opinion of Dr. Lee, which country has the unhealthiest eating habits?
a. The United States b. Mexico c. Switzerland
2 In Mexico, the main meal probably _________ .
a. is quite short
b. finishes around 2:00 P.M.
c. lasts an hour or more
C Read the passage on the next page and answer the questions that follow.
Dear Antonia,
There’s an old saying: “Breakfast like a king,
lunch like a prince, and dine like a poor man.”
In most countries, dinner is the biggest meal of the day. So why does this saying I
tell us to eat a large breakfast instead?
The answer is in the word “breakfast” itself. It means the “breaking” of a “fast,” or a
long period without eating. The time between dinner and breakfast can be more than
twelve hours, so the meal that breaks your fast is very important. It should be
healthy and nutritious. Also, unlike your evening meal, the food you consume for
breakfast gives you the energy you need during the most active part of your day.
Researchers have found evidence that eating a big breakfast can improve your
concentration and mood, and boost your energy level.
Experts agree that it’s important to eat a good breakfast, and to have your main meal
earlier in the day. However, not enough people are heeding their advice. In the U.S.,
for example, many people skip breakfast or have only a cup of coffee in the
morning. About two-thirds of the population still have their main meal in the
evening. Many popular dinner foods, such as steak and French fries, are heavy in
fat, which makes people feel lethargic.
Other countries follow healthier patterns of eating. In Mexico, families generally
have a light breakfast, and eat their largest meal at 2 p.m. It might include an
appetizer; soup, pasta, fish, meat with a salad, dessert, and finally tea or coffee.
In Switzerland, the main meal is also eaten in the middle of the day, and usually
contains a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits; the Swiss generally eat meat only two
or three times a week.
The best breakfast is one that contains plenty of protein and carbohydrates to give you
the energy for your daily aaivities. Two examples of such a breakfast are eggs and
whole wheat toast, or cereal with milk. Of course, there are many different kinds of
healthy breakfasts. In Japan, people like to have rice, soup, and an egg in the morning;
a typical Arab breakfast is bread, cheese, and olives. There are many wholesome foods
you can choose—^the important thing is to start your day with breakfast, and get the
nutrition you need.
2 Doctors say that you should eat most of your daily food early
in the day.
3 Scientists have found that your dinner has the most
important effect on your level of energy.
4 There are many different kinds of food you can eat ^ for a
healthy breakfast. У
Critical Thinking C Look at these breakfasts. Which ones are healthy, according to the article?
How could you change the others to make them more nutritious?
1 a ham sandwich and a glass of milk 4 soup and tea
2 toast and coffee 5 yogurt, bread, and an apple
3 a banana and an orange
Vocabulary A For each group, circle the word that does not belong. The words in italics
Comprehension; are vocabulary items from the reading.
Odd Word Out
1 concentration attention focus daydreaming
2 quote proverb saying book
3 boost lower improve increase
4 wholesome healthy harmful good
5 pay attention heed listen ignore
6 feeling emotion diet mood
7 lethargic energetic sleepy lazy
8 generally rarely usually normally
В Complete each sentence using a word in italics from A. Be sure to use the
correct form of the word.
1 Don’t talk to Mark this morning. He got bad test grades and is in a very
bad ______________ .
A Complete the chart with the appropriate noun, verb, and adjective forms. Be Vocabulary
careful—not every word will have all three. Compare your answers with a partner.
Word Families
C Do you drink coffee? Do you think it’s bad for your health? Discuss your
opinion with a partner. Use the words from the chart to help you.
The key to your health; a = 3 points, b = 2 points, c = 1 point. Now add up your score,
and read the results below.
12-15 points: You're in great health! Keep up the good work.
7-11 points: You’re pretty healthy, but remember, there are always ways that we can
take better care of ourselves! There are some things you need to do to be healthier.
6 or fewer points: Do you get sick often? It might be your diet. You should think
about changing your eating habits and perhaps your lifestyle—soon!
Reading Skill: A Read the article and complete the sentences about the causes and their effects.
Understanding Cause
and Effect
1 Because people consume a a. more food is produced on the same land.
lot of meat in their diet, b. the environment is harmed.
Sometimes a reading is 2 Because farm animais expel c. they don’t get enough vitamins and
organized by telling
gas from their bodies, minerals.
about the causes and
3 Because farmers raise more animals d. global warming increases.
effects of a problem or
for meat, e. a lot more water is needed for farming.
situation. Understanding
these relationships of
4 Because farmers switch from raising
cause and effect will animals to raising crops,
help you to understand 5 Because some people eat a vegan
the author's main idea in (strict vegetarian) diet,
the reading.
В Look at your answers in A. What are two bad effects that our diet can have on the
C Read the passage again and answer the questions that follow.
MO Unit II: Chapter S
Sciejnce Today: Reading
Is Your Diet Destroying the Passage:
Is Your Diet Destroying the
Environment? Environment?
Many people know that eating a vegetarian diet has important health benefits. Vegetarians
usually have lower levels of heart disease, and studies have also shown that thtly have a lower
risk of diabetes than people who eat meat. Most people don’t realize, however, that a
vegetarian diet is also better for the health of our environment.
Recently, researchers from the Union of Concerned Scientists in the U.S. released a report on
how consumer behavior affects the environment.Their study showed that meat consumption
is one of the main ways that humans can damage the environment, second only to the use of
motor vehicles.
10 So, how can a simple thing like eating meat have a negative effect on the
environment? The most important impact of meat production is through the use of water and
land. Two thousand five hundred gallons' of water are needed to produce one pound’ of beef,
whereas only twenty gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of wheat. By producing
crops instead of animals, we 15 can n)ake more efficient use of the land and water. One acre’ of
farmland that i| used for raising livestock can produce 250 pounds of beef One acre of farmland
used for crops can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes, 30,000 pounds of carrots, or 50,000
pounds of tomatoes.
Furthermore, farm animals add to the problem of global warming. All livestock 20 animjais
such as cows, pigs, and sheep release methane by expelling gas from theirj bodies. One cow can
produce up to si.xty liters of methane each day. Methane gas is the second most common
greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. Mar|\’ environmental experts now believe that methane is
more responsible for globjal warming than carbon dioxide. It is estimated that twenty-five
percent of 25 all nliethane released into the atmosphere comes from farm animals.
Peo ale are becoming aware of the benefits of switching to a vegetarian diet, not just for
health reasons, but also because it plays a vital role in protecting the environment. Some people
go further, and eat a vegan diet, which excludes all products from animal sources, such as cheese,
eggs, and milk. However, some 30 nutritionists believe that a vegan diet can be deficient in some
of the vitamins ancj minerals that our bodies need daily.
Today, many people are concerned about improving their health, and about pnjtecting the
environment. Switching to a vegetarian diet—or just eating less meat—is a good way to do
both of these things at the same time.
’gallon 1 gallon = 3.78 liters in the U.S., 4.5 liters in the U.K.
'acre 1 acre = 4.046 m'
'pound 1 pound = 0.45 kg
2 Eating meat is bad for the environment because livestock animals produce
carbon dioxide. ______________________________________________________
3 It is possible to produce more meat than vegetables on one acre of farmland.
4 Nutritionists believe that following a diet without any animal products is always
healthy. ____________________________________________________________
5 According to the reading, there are now too many vegetarians.
1 This article gives several reasons for eating a vegetarian diet. What are the
reasons? Do you think these reasons will persuade people?
2 Would you be happy eating a vegetarian diet? Why, or why not?
3 Do you think more or fewer people will be vegetarian in the future? Why?
Vocabulary A Match the words from the reading with the correct definitions. Write the letter of
Comprehension; the definition next to the word.
Word Definitions
1 livestock a.
2 vital b. most important; necessary
3 expel c.
4 estimate d.
5 deficient e.
6 exclude f.
7 efficient g-
8 crop h.
A For each word write the part of speech and a simple definition. Use your Vocabulary
dictionary to heip you. Share your ideas with a partner. Skill;
The Root Word vit/viv
C Now write four sentences of your own using words from the chart. Share your
sentences with a partner.
Getting Ready
Take this quiz. Compare your answers with a partner.
Number of “always” answers:
Are you a friend of the environment? Circle your answers.
1 I turn off lights when I leave the room to save electricity,
always sometimes never Number of “sometimes” answers:
2 I recycle paper, or write on the reverse side of the page,
always sometimes never Number of “never” answers:
3 I recycle aluminum cans and plastic drink bottles,
always sometimes never
How can you change one of your
4 I use public transportation such as buses or trains,
“never” or “sometimes” answers?
always sometimes never
5 I buy used or recycled products,
always sometimes never
6 I take short showers and use water carefully,
always sometimes never
7 I eat vegetarian food.
always sometimes never
8 I avoid buying products with wasteful packaging,
always sometimes never
Unit IS Chapter 1: Clem Up Austalia, Clean {/p the Worid
Before You A Answer these questions.
1 Do you think your city is clean or dirty? Why? Why are some cities cleaner than
How Clean Is Your
2 What can people do to make their cities cleaner?
3 What are some kinds of volunteer work that people do to help the environment?
Reading Skill: A Read the title and the first two paragraphs of the passage on the next page. Then
Scanning for Numbers quickly scan the rest of the article to find these numbers.
1 the year of the first Clean Up Sydney Harbour __________
Numbers are often 2 the number of volunteers in Clean Up Sydney Harbour ___________
important information in 3 the number of tons of garbage picked up in Clean Up Australia Day 2005
a reading. You can use
scanning (quick reading
for specific information) 4 the percent of plastic packaging that is recycled.
to find the important
5 the year Kiernan's new program started __________
numbers and statistics 6 the number of volunteers in Clean Up the World.
in the passage that you 7 the number of countries in Clean Up the World _
are reading.
C Read the entire passage and answer the questions that follow.
In 1987, Kiernan was competing in an around-the-world sailing race when he
began to notice the enormous amount of garbage in the world’s oceans. When he
returned to Australia, he decided to do something 10 about it.
He started close to home by organizing a community event called “Clean Up
Sydney Harbour,” On Sunday, January 8,1989, more than 40,000 volunteers
came out to clear away garbage. The next year, Kiernan decided to make the
clean-up a national event. It was a huge success.
15 Across Australia, an estimated 300,000 people spent the day working to improve
their local environment.
Clean Up Australia Day has been held annually since then, growing bigger every
year. In 2005, for example, 670,000 people removed more than 8,450 tons of
garbage from beaches, parks, streets, and waterways. They 20 picked up empty
glass and plastic bottles, plastic bags, and thousands of snack food wrappers. There
were also some more unusual items, including an electric guitar, a plastic monkey,
and a full bottle of whiskeyl
Kiernan is delighted with the success of his project. “Just the spirit of Clean Up is
great. People out there are really, really into it,” he said, after 25 last year’s Clean Up
Australia Day. “We saw 1,500 roadsides cleared, 700 parks, 1,300 waterways, and
coastal areas. The only thing is—of ail of the plastic that we find out there, only 20 per
cent of plastic packaging is actually recycled. When you look at paper recycling, we
have got 80 per cent recovery. There is a lot that needs to be done there.”
30 In 1993, Kiernan started an even more ambitious program. With the help of the
United Nations Environment Program, he launched Clean Up the World, an
international program that supports communities around the world in cleaning up
and conserving the environment. Every year, the third weekend in September is
Clean Up the World weekend. In its first year,
35 more than 30 million people in 80 countries participated. Since then. Clean Up
the World has grown larger and more popular every year. Ian Kiernan’s unique
idea has spread from one city to the whole world.
Critical Thinking <|)c Would a clean-up day like this be popular in your country? Why, or why not? Do you
think volunteer activities are a good way to solve environmental problems? Explain
your answer.
Vocabulary A Read the sentences and choose the correct answers. The words in italics are
Comprehension; vocabulary from the reading.
Words in Context
1 That music store specializes in classical music. They sell _______ .
a. many different things b. only one thing
2 Air pollution is an enormous problem in my country. The air here is very ________ .
a. dirty b. clean
3 If you do voiunteer work, you _____ for the work you do.
a. get a salary b. don’t receive pay
4 If you represent your school at a meeting, you go to the meeting ________ .
a. alone b. with all the students from your school
5 The children picked up garbage in the park. After they were finished, the park
looked _____ .
a. beautiful b. terrible
6 My uncle’s hobby is restoring _____ .
a. stamps b. old cars
7 Jamal has ambitious plans. After he graduates, he wants to________ .
a. relax and take it easy b. start his own business
8 If you participate every day in English class, you will ______ .
a. learn a lot b. fail the exam
MS Unit IB; Chapter I
в Answer these questions. Discuss your answers with a partner.
1 Have you, or someone you know, ever restored something old?
2 Do you know someone who has ambitious plans? Give some examples.
A Read the announcement below, and circle all of the re- words you find.
The Prefix re
Sunrise Collection Services announces two more reasons to recycle...
Now there is even more reason to separate recyclables such as
in this chapter, you
plastic, tin, aluminum, and papet from your weekly trash. Please read the verb
review the following information and contact us with your questions "recycle," a word
or comments. made by combining
the prefix “re-,”
fetTry^^und'oktash you recycle, we will take 50 cents offyour garbage bilT meaning “again or
Those who return recyclables to one of our locations directly will get 60 cents back/return,” with the
ott. You will receive a refund for the total amount at the end of the year. verb “cycle,” meaning
Help to repair our neighborhood parks. — j ~ “to happen in an
Did you know that 20% of the materials you recycle are used to fix things lik order." “Re-” can be
park fences, benches, and play structures? Help improve your community у combined with nouns,
recycling. ____________________ verbs, adjectives, and
root words to form
many words in
В Match each of the re- words from A with the definitions below.
1 to fix something that is broken: ____
2 things that can be used again: ____
3 to make something smaller: ______
4 to use a waste item again: _______
5 to give money back to a person: _
6 to get, take, or accept something:
7 to look something over: _________
Reading Skill: A Imagine you are writing a report about rainforests. You are looking for
Skimming to Assess a information on the following topics. Skim the article quickly and check the
Passage topics that it contains.
____ why the rainforests are important
Skimming can help you ____ where rainforests are located
decide whether a ____ how fast the rainforests are disappearing
reading contains the ____ how to save the rainforests
information that you are
looking for. If it does
contain useful В Skim the article again and write the correct paragraph number for each
information, then you main idea.
can read it again more Rainforests are a very important part of our environment.
slowly. Paragraph _____
The rainforests will disappear if we don’t take action now to save them.
Paragraph ____
Scientists are worried about the future of our fresh water and rainforests.
Paragraph ____
Environmental problems are reducing the amount of fresh water that we have.
Paragraph ____
Water is important for every form of life.
Paragraph _____
All countries must work together to preserve our resources for the future.
Paragraph ____
C Read the passage again more carefully and answer the questions
that follow.
4 Rainforests are important because they put out carbon dioxide and provide us with
В Check all the correct answers. More than one answer may be correct.
f Rainforest loss
Water shortage
1 This problem involves an important
resource being destroyed.
1 Why does the author talk about the reasons we need water in paragraph 2?
2 Why does the author give information about the rainforest in paragraph 4?
3 In your opinion, are there any resources that will never be a problem in the
future? Explain your answer.
Vocabulary A Look at the list of words from the reading. Match each word with its
Comprehension; definition.
Word Definitions
1 endangered. a. to be, or have, more than
2 solution ____ b. to be in danger of becoming extinct
3 sustainable. c. to become smaller in number or amount
В Complete the questions using vocabulary from A. Use the correct form of the word.
Then take turns asking and answering questions with your partner.
A Here are some common prefixes and how they are used with the root due. Match Vocabulary
the prefix with its correct meaning. Use a dictionary to help you, if you need to. Skill;
The Root Word due
with Prefixes
Prefix Meaning
1 pro a. again; back/return
2 re b. into; onto Many words in English
3 intro c. together, with are formed by
4 con d. forward; before combining prefixes with
root words. One
5 in e. within; into
common root word in
English is “due.” The
В Now match each of the verbs below with their definitions. word “produce,” for
example, is made by
1 produce a. to create or make something
combining the prefix
2 reduce b. to iead or direct something
“pro-,” meaning
3 introduce c. to make something smaller in size
“forward or before,”
4 conduct d. to present a person to another for the first time with the root word
5 induce _____ e. to cause or make something happen “due,” meaning “to
bring or lead.”
C Use each of the verbs from В in a sentence. Use your dictionary to help you. Share
your ideas with a partner.
C Now use three of the acronyms from this activity in sentences of your own.
Share your ideas with a partner.
1 __________________________________________________
D Are there other acronyms that you can think of? What do they mean? Use
them in sentences, then share your ideas with a partner.
ШШ Do You Think?
1 What is the most beautiful natural place you’ve ever visited? Is it affected by any environmental problems?
2 What do you think our environment will be like twenty years in the future? Make predictions about air, water,
endangered species, and garbage.
3 What are the most important things that individual people can do to preserve the environment? What are the
most important things that countries can do?
In order to become a more fluent reader, remember to follow the six points of the ACTIVE
approach—before, while, and after you read. See the inside front cover for more information on the
ACTIVE approach.
A Look at the passage on the next page. Read only the title. What do you think the article is about?
What are “biliboards”?
В Now read the first three sentences of the passage. What do you know about billboards? Where
can you see them in your country? What products are advertised on them? How do people feel
about billboards? Discuss with a partner.
A Now read the first paragraph of the passage. Circle any words or phrases you don’t know. Can
you understand the rest of the paragraph even if you don’t understand those items?
В Wi’ite the unknown words here. Without using a dictionary, try to guess their meaning. Use the
words around the unknown word and any prefixes, suffixes, or word roots to help you.
i Part 1 tS5
Increase Reading Fluency
To increase your reading fluency, it's important to monitor your own reading habits as you read. Look again at the tips on
page 8. As you read, follow these tips.
Now read the whole passage “Billboards: Past and Present." As you read, check your predictions from “Think
About Meaning.”
Verify Strategies
To build your reading fluency, it's important to be aware of how you use strategies to read, and to consider how successfully
you are using them.
Use the questions in the Self Check on page 158 to think about your use of reading strategies.
15Б REVIEW Unit 4
Evaluate Progress
Evaluating your progress means thinking about how much you understood from the passage, and how fluentiy you were
able to read the passage to get the information you needed.
Check how well you understood the passage by answering the following questions.
1 Billboards have changed over time because ______ .
a. they advertise products outdoors
b. people didn’t notice billboards in the past
c. technology has changed
d. some people dislike billboards
7 Why were billboards in Athens removed before the 2004 Olympic Games?
a. The billboards were too old.
b. The billboards could not be removed during the games.
c. The advertisers didn’t want to support the games.
d. The government wanted downtown Athens to look better.
Part I 157
Self Check
A Here is a list of all the reading skills in Active Skills for Reading Book 2. For each skill, say whether you found
the skill useful, not useful, or if you need more work with it. Check (✓
) the correct box.
В Here are the four fluency strategies covered in the Review Units. For each strategy, say whether you found it
useful, not useful, or if you need more work with it. Check (✓
) the correct box.
Reading ACTIVEly
C Look again at the Are You an Active Reader? quiz on page 10 and complete your answers again. How has your
reading fluency improved since you started this course
Fluency Practic
Time yourself as you read through the passage. Try to read as fluently as you can. Record your time in
the Reading Rate Chart on page 176. Then answer the questions on the following page.
For “foodies”—people who love and study food and cooking—dining is a feast for the
senses, not just for the stomach. Food critics may tell readers about the colors of fresh
vegetables, the silky texture of a soup, or the rich aroma of a perfectly cooked chicken. They
will mention whether they were listening to soft music while they ate, or the noises of pots
15 and pans being washed in the restaurant’s kitchen. And most importantly, they will describe
the taste of every dish on the table, starting with the appetizer and ending with the dessert.
All of this may sound easy enough, but food critics do face some challenges. First, food
critics must be excellent writers. Their job is to give accurate information in an entertaining
wa^ because newspapers and other publications want the restaurant review to be an
20 enjoyable feature. It is also important for food critics to be very observant by nature, and to
have an excellent memory since taking notes at the table is not something most dine'rs do.
And looking like a typical customer is essential for remaining anonymous, perhaps the most
difficult challenge. Former food critic Ruth Reichl, now editor in chief of Gourmet magazine,
used to go to restaurants wearing disguises so that she received the same food and service ,
26 as any other diner.
Despite the challenges, a career as a food critic appeals to rnarty people. Anyone who is thinking
about becoming a food critic should start by developing strong writing skills and learning as much
about food and cooking as possible.
3 Which detail from the third paragraph Is about the sense of sight?
a. the colors of fresh vegetables
b. the silky texture of a soup
c. the rich aroma of a perfectly cooked chicken
d. the taste of every dish on the table
4 Why does the author mention soft music and the noises of pots and pans being washed?
a. because food critics must listen carefully to the waiters
b. because It’s important for restaurants to use clean dishes
c. because food critics generally focus on the positive
d. because the sense of hearing Is part of the dining experience for food critics
5 According to the article, why do food critics need to have good memories?
a. They don’t want to take notes at the table.
b. They are very observant.
c. They like having a challenging job.
d. They don’t like to repeat themselves.
Fluency Practic
Time yourself as you read through the passage. Try to read as fluently as you can. Record your
________ ____ у
Part г 1Б1
Reading Comprehension
1 Before the 1960s, how many lakes in the world were larger than the Aral Sea?
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. five
3 According to the article, why were chemical pesticides and fertilizers used near the Aral Sea?
a. The chemicals killed the fish in the Aral Sea.
b. The Soviet Union had huge amounts of these chemicals.
c. The fields were naturally dry.
d. The salt water from the sea made soil in the cotton fields unproductive.
4 Which of the following health problems is not mentioned?
a. cancer
b. death of babies
c. heart disease
d. kidney disease
Chapter 2 special effects /spejal afeks/ n. (in film, radio,
accommodation /skDmd'deiJsn/ л. rooms, TV, etc.) sights and sounds created by
especially in a hotel; The accommodations at that people to seem real, such as things
hotel are first-class. amazing h'meaiq/ аЩ. surprising disappearing, strange monsters walking
and wonderful: That meal was amazing! exhausting around, etc.: You should see the dinosaurs and other
/eg'zostn/ very tiring: I’ve had an exhausting day, special effects in that new movie! studio ystuidiou/ n.
so I'm going to bed. fabulous/’faebjalas/e^f. great, a place where an artist works: We take lessons at
wonderful: И/е had a fabulous time on our vacation! a ballet studio.
fantastic /faen'txstik/ adj. wonderful, fabulous:
We had a fantestic time on our vacation in the Rocky
Chapter 2
possession /pa'zejsn/ n. a piece of property, a
academy /a'kaedemi/ n. a private school or
belonging; Her most valuable possession is a
college: My daughter attends the police (military,
car worth $40,000.
naval, etc.) academy. audience /'aidians/ n. the
unique /jui'nidc/ adj. one of a kind: Each person in
people who gather to listen to and watch an
the world has a unique personality. variety /va'rajati/
event: The audience at the rock concert was very
n. different types of things: That store carries a
enthusiastic. conflict /'konflikt/ n. a difference, a
wide variety of merchandise, fmm clothes to furniture.
disagreement: There is a conflict between what you
are saying and what the contract says. eidest /'eldast/
adj oldest: She is the eldest child in the family.
permanent /'рз:гтэпэп1/ adj lasting, or meant to
last, forever or for a long time: They hoped their
marriage would be permanent. screenplay /'skrimplei/
n. the script for a movie—like a play but
Units written for film: A Hollywood producer asked the
Chapter 1 writer to put a car chase in the screenplay. successful
credits /'kredits/ n. a list of people who made a /ssk'sesfsl/ adj with success: No one likes the
movie, etc.: The movie star’s name was first in new movie; it’s not successful. to be set in Лэ bi: set
the credits. эп/ phr. v. (a movie, book, play, etc.) taking
director/da'rektar/ n. artistic manager and place in a particular time or place: That movie is
guide: The director of the film was Steven set in 14th century Venice.
disappear /diss'pii/ v. to go out of sight: The little
dog was just here, then he disappeared.
precise /pra'sais/ adj accurate: / need the precise
street address of the doctor’s office.
scene /si:n/ n. a piece of a film or play, usually
showing one situation: There is a very
exciting chase scene in that movie. Unit 4
script /sknpt/ n. the written words for a speaker Chapter 1
or actor (in a film, play, etc.): The actors enthusiastic /9n0u:zi'aestik/ adj eager, excited:
men.orized the script She is enthusiastic about beginning her new job.
Maps: Asia & Oceania
Prefixes and Suffixes
Here is a list of prefixes and suffixes that appear in the reading passages of this book.
Meaning Example
best- most best-known, best-loved
bi two biathlon, bicyole
con, com with, together connect, communicate
cross- across cross-country, cross-cultural
dis not, negative disapprove
ex related to outside or away expense
im, in not, negative impolite, independent, insensitive, inconsistent
in related to inside, or inwards income
inter between two or more places or groups Internet, international
Suffix Meaning Example