Crispr 2
Crispr 2
Crispr 2
A genetic engineering tool that uses a CRISPR sequence of DNA and its associated
protein to edit the base pairs of a gene
“Using the genome editing tool known as CRISPR, researchers were able to selectively
silence two genes in the human papillomavirus”
Scientists are using CRISPR to make specific changes in a gene’s sequence. Researches
have been using CRISPR to edit genes from everything from bacteria to human embryos. As
demonstrated with success in animals, CRISPR can be used make deafness go away, cure
blindness, relive symptoms of sickle cell anemia. The list seems to go on and on.
From reading this Article, there could be an extremely high amount of possible outcomes
for society, and I think there will be. I personally think that it will affect everything from diseases
to changing the color of flowers. CRISPR technology is moving at such a vast pace that it would
be impossible predict the future with this technology. If the majority of the public heard of the
possible affects, there would be an extreme demand (and there already is for the informed).
My views of CRIPR “gene editing” “biohacking” before reading this article were
relatively the same after reading it. I Think it might be too early to put the use out for the entire
population. I hope to see it more utilized as more experiments and testing comes out to prove the
safety of it. There have been no long term studies because this is relatively new. As far as the
moral questions go. I think educated adults who can make mature decisions should have the right
to use this technology. I chose this article because I myself am quite interested in the
advancement of humans and life in general. I think its valuable as humans that we can create the
best possible outcome for all of life and continue to learn and grow. I believe the Author of this
article gives a great baseline understanding to the use of CRISPR.
Figure 1: Gene-editing roadblocks. Editing the genome with CRISPR is still not an easy task.
After identifying genes to target for a desired outcome, which can take years or decades of
research, CRISPR has to be transported into the appropriate cells. Do you want the edit made in
the whole body? Perhaps the gene just needs to be changed in the brain. The problem of
delivering CRISPR is just one of many obstacles to overcome before the technology can reach its
full potential.
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Bioterrorism Protection Team has made relationships
with the biohacker community over the past few years, and regularly reminds its members to
look for suspicious activity
In-text: ("Biohackers gear up for genome editing", 2019)
Your Bibliography: Biohackers gear up for genome editing. (2019). Retrieved from
CRISPR – A segment of DNA that contains short repetitions of base sequences, involved in the
defense mechanisms of prokaryotic organisms to viruses
A genetic engineering tool that uses a CRISPR sequence of DNA and its associated
protein to edit the base pairs of a gene
“Using the genome editing tool known as CRISPR, researchers were able to selectively silence
two genes in the human papillomavirus
“Figure 1: Gene-editing roadblocks. Editing the genome with CRISPR is still not an easy task.
After identifying genes to the target for a desired outcome, which can take years or decades of
research, CRISPR must be transported into the appropriate cells. Do you want the edit made in
the body? Perhaps, the gene simply needs to be changed in the brain. Delivering CRISPR is just
one of the many obstacles to overcome before the technology can reach its full potential.”
In-text: ("Edit Thyself: Biohacking in the age of CRISPR - Science in the News", 2019)
Your Bibliography: Edit Thyself: Biohacking in the age of CRISPR - Science in the News. (2019).
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