QuiAri Comp Plan FINAL
QuiAri Comp Plan FINAL
QuiAri Comp Plan FINAL
QuiAri has product packs perfect for any budget! When joining QuiAri, you have the option
to become a Customer or Promoter. Customers only pay for product. Promoters pay for any
products they choose to purchase, plus an annual $25 USD fee, which gives them
everything they need to build their business: self-replicating marketing website,
Back Office, mobile app, and more.
Promoter Packs
Refer 3 And It’s Free!
Fast Start Bonuses Paid Instantly
With Fast Start Bonuses, you can generate a 20% bonus every
time you personally sell a Product Package*. There are no limits
to the number of Fast Start Bonuses you can earn, and they are
paid 5 minutes after a sale with Same Day Pay!
You’ll earn $25 USD for every Kickstart Combo Pack you sell.
You’ll earn $50 USD for every Starter Pack you sell.
You’ll earn $100 USD for every Lifestyle Pack you sell.
Team Commissions
A great benefit of QuiAri’s Compensation Plan
is that it is based on teamwork. When you and
your team purchase product for personal use
or sell to Customers, you generate Group
Sales Volume (GSV). The Group Sales Volume LEFT RIGHT
your team accumulates will determine the size
of your Team Commissions. When you
accumulate 200 Group Sales Volume on both
the Left and Right side of your business, it
generates a commission cycle of $20 USD.
Cycles, which include all new product orders and monthly re-orders, are calculated in real time
and paid approximately 5 minutes after they are earned. With the hottest payment plan on the
market, you can accumulate sales on your entire team to unlimited levels and earn up to
$50,000 USD per week in Team Commissions.
The Group Sales Volume on the Left and Right sides of your business are not always going
to match perfectly as one side of your team may grow faster than the other. Once Team
Commissions are paid out, any unused Sales Volume is banked and available for use for
future commission calculations as long as you remain Active.
Getting Started
Once you’ve signed up and paid your $25 USD Promoter fee, you will immediately
receive everything you need to start building your business: self-replicating
marketing website, Back Office, mobile app, and more.
Now, you may begin building a QuiAri business by sponsoring people as Promoters
or Customers. QuiAri Promoters may immediately begin purchasing products for
their personal consumption and/or selling to Customers.
Step 1:
Open Your Business Center
QuiAri’s Compensation Plan revolves around Business
Centers. A Business Center is the hub of your business
activity, through which your product purchases, volume,
and sales accumulate.
Step 2:
Sign up for AutoDelivery
Step 3:
Start Building
With our intelligent and intuitive system, Prospects are automatically placed on the Left or
Right legs of your team to maximize your earnings. If you would like to change it so that
Prospects are placed in a specific leg, you may go into your Back Office at any time and choose
Left or Right. You also have the option to manually place Prospects in your Back Office. Simply
choose any open position to place them and send them a link to the application.
As commissions are calculated and paid in real-time, Corporate Office cannot change the
placement of new Promoters once they have been entered into the system.
How To Earn Matching Bonuses
50K 20%
250K* 25%
Speed Bonus
Want to potentially earn more than $1000 USD in your first 14 days,
including a one-time $500 USD Speed Bonus? Just stay Active and
Qualified, building excitement as you share QuiAri’s amazing
products. Then, generate 1000 SV (Sales Volume) on initial product
purchases from personally sponsored Customers and Promoters in
your first 14 days. Keep in mind, you and those sponsored
Customers and Promoters must be on AutoDelivery with a minimum
of 50 PSV to qualify.
Figure C
Combo Pack
(50 SV)
Combo Pack
(50 SV)
Lifestyle Pack
Pack (200 SV)
(200 SV)
Starter Pack
Pack (200 SV)
(100 SV)
Lifestyle Bonus
Our Lifestyle Bonus gives you the chance to earn even more! Would
you like to cover your monthly car payment? Or plan for an amazing
family vacation? Or pay for your kid’s school? With this bonus, you
have the ability to do all of that and more!
You must be Active and Qualified during the previous month. It’s
awarded based on your Commission Rank within the previous 30 days.
For ranks 50K-100K, we will look at your Group Sales Volume on the
first of each month, and pay the bonus out on the 15th of the month.
For ranks 150K-500K, we will evaluate the previous two months.
Rank Advancements
Rank advancements are evaluated in real time. To advance to ranks 5K-500K, be sure to help
others on your team succeed and climb the ranks.
Commission Monthly Sales Minimum Personally Potential Monthly
Rank Volume Sponsored Team Commissions
(Lesser Leg) (USD)
Important Things to Know
Business Center: Your Business Center is where you are personally placed within the
QuiAri organization.
Sales Volume (SV): A point value assigned to each commissionable product; the QuiAri
Compensation Plan is based on the accumulation of these points.
Personal Sales Volume (PSV): The point value assigned to each commissionable product of
your personally sponsored Customers and Promoters. Please note that your personal product
purchases do not count towards commission qualifications of any type.
Group Sales Volume (GSV): The point value assigned to all commissionable products
purchased by both Customers and Promoters in your downline.
Active: To be considered Active you must personally generate a minimum of 50 PSV monthly.
Qualified: To be considered Qualified you must have one personally sponsored and Active
Promoter in both your Left and Right legs.
Customer: A Customer is an individual or business who purchases QuiAri’s products, but who
is not a Promoter.
Promoter: A Promoter is a person who pays an annual $25 USD fee that gives them a
marketing website, marketing materials, real-time Back Office, mobile app, and the
opportunity to earn in the Compensation Plan.
Commission Rank: The rank at which you are currently paid, based on Sales Volume achieved
during any given month.
3 and It’s Free: The amount of credit you receive is calculated based on the average of your
Customers’ AutoDelivery orders that generate a minimum of 50 PSV each. You must also be
on AutoDelivery, generating a minimum of 50 PSV to qualify. The total credit received cannot
exceed $118.75 USD, the price of the Kickstart Combo pack on AutoDelivery.
Income Disclaimer