Postgresql Windows Installation: Steps
Postgresql Windows Installation: Steps
Postgresql Windows Installation: Steps
2. Click on the download link and the following the page will be displayed.
3. Download Installer version 9.4.1 (Win x86-64) and the following exe file will be downloaded.
4. Double click the above downloaded exe file.
8. Open task Manager->Services , first stop and then start the postgres service(postgresql-x64-9.4)
9. Click All Programs -> PgAdmin -> PostgreSQL 9.4 and enter the default password postgres123
10. Click on SQL Editor available in the PgAdmin console and execute the following sql commands.
11. create user root with password 'paridb';
12. Disconnect from the pgadmin.
13. Run the DBConfigurator.cmd ( present in bin directory with below options)
DBConfigurator.cmd set localhost 5432 postgres root paridb postgres
14. Open a new command prompt.
15. Run the reinitdb_all.cmd 1(1for postgres and 0 for oracle).
16. Open a new command prompt and run the below command again.
DBConfigurator.cmd set localhost 5432 paridb root paridb postgres