Patterns of Molar Wear in Hunter-Gatherers and Agriculturalists
Patterns of Molar Wear in Hunter-Gatherers and Agriculturalists
Patterns of Molar Wear in Hunter-Gatherers and Agriculturalists
Tooth wear is one skeletal feature that pre- inids, the flatness of molar wear has im-
serves direct evidence of the masticatory be- pressed observers (see Keith and Knowles,
havior of mammals. Mastication is inti- 1911-12; Dart, 1929; Clark, 1967). Flat ver-
mately related to diet, and patterns of tooth sus oblique molar wear is one of the classic
wear can be used to make inferences about distinctions between hominid and pongid
diet in prehistoric populations and extinct dentitions (Clark, 1955). Although flat wear
species. From a n anthropological point of has been traditionally attributed to canine
view, tooth wear may record important reduction that allowed a rotary chewing mo-
stages in human biological and cultural evo- tion, the assumption that tough or fibrous
lution, including evidence of food resources foods are also responsible underlies discus-
utilized by ancestral hominids, development sions of hominid or protohominid tooth wear
of fire and cooking, invention of food process- (see Robinson, 1956; Jolly, 1970; Simons,
ing utilizing grinding tools, adoption of agri- 1976). Changes in food consistency may be
culture, invention of pottery, and other the most systematic trend in human food
refinements in the way food is processed. Mi- preparation:
croscopic features of wear (Walker et al., Among human beings, the extent
1978; Grine, 1981), rates of tooth wear (Ped- to which the process of mechani-
ersen, 1949), and the form and pattern of cal food disintegration is done in
tooth wear (Molnar, 1972) may all be inform- the mouth, depends inversely on
ative for studies that seek to reconstruct the the development of food prepara-
diet and methods of food preparation of ear- tion methods. From primitive
lier populations. One pattern that may give man's usage of stone knives,
evidence on these aspects of human adapta- pounding and grinding stones,
tion is the flatness of molar wear. Received July 5, 1983; revised September 6 , 1983; accepted
Since the earliest discoveries of fossil hom- September 8. 1983.
down through the ages to modern tion? How sensitive is a given wear pattern
usage of knives, forks, spoons, fast as a n indicator of foods and food preparation?
working mincing machines, How important is a particular food, as com-
heavy rolling mills and highly re- pared with its mode of preparation?
fined foodstuffs, the mechanical
disintegration of food has gradu-
ally, but surely, been shifted from Explanation of the mechanism proposed to
inside to outside the mouth account for a correspondence between molar
(Campbell, 1939:53). wear planes and food consistency requires a
A substantial descriptive literature indi- brief review of molar wear.
cates that prehistoric human groups exhibit The development of human molar wear is
great variation in tooth wear (e.g., Nicholls, best understood a s a modification of a wear
1914; Campbell, 1925; Leigh, 1925; Rabkin, pattern common to primates and some other
1943; Pedersen, 1949). Some investigators omnivorous mammals. Hominoids, in partic-
have suggested how tooth wear might reflect ular, share a basic wear pattern due to broad
cultural changes in food preparation (Brace, similarities in crown morphology, occlusion,
1962; Greene et al., 1967; Molnar, 1972; Hin- and the dynamics of mastication (see Butler,
ton, 1981). 1973; Mills, 1955).Based on cineradiographic
The adoption of agriculture (or intensive studies of mastication, Hiiemae and associ-
collection and usage of wild grains) probably ates divided mastication into two cycles, each
represents a great change in human food and characterized by a different type of tooth
food preparation. Brace (1962)suggested that wear (Crompton and Hiiemae 1970; Hiiemae
the intensive use of grinding stones on grains and Kay, 1973; Hiiemae, 1976).In the initial
and the appearance of pottery in the Neo- cycle, termed “puncture-crushing,” teeth do
lithic are associated with a substantial re- not contact and repeatedly chop the food
duction in food toughness. The change from bolus, producing blunting wear over the tooth
a hunter-gatherer subsistence to a diet based surface. This is followed by a cycle of “chew-
on ground grains and food cooked in water ing” in which teeth shear and grind across
should produce a reduction in food tough- each other, producing the characteristic “lin-
ness, fibrousness, and resistence, and thus a gual and buccal phase” wear facets (see Fig.
reduction in the role of the teeth in break- 11, well known from the work of Butler (1952,
down of foods. The product of this change in 1973) and Mills (1955). It should be noted
food consistency, Brace argued, was a change that the mandibular buccal and maxillary
from flat molar wear to a more oblique wear lingual cusps receive wear on both faces of
pattern. cusp slopes whereas the remaining cusps
This study is an attempt to build a n inter- wear on one face (Fig. 1, left). As attrition
nally consistent model identifying the deter- advances, this differential wear tends to pro-
minants of one pattern of wear, specifically, duce a n oblique surface (Fig. 1, right). An
the flatness of the occlusal wear plane angle. oblique wear plane is the “pattern” expected
Samples of prehistoric and modern hunter- from near or actual tooth-to-tooth contact in
gatherers and agriculturalists for which “chewing.” “Puncture-crushing,” on the
there is a good archaeological or ethno- other hand, should contribute to wear on the
graphic context are used to test the hypothe- entire crown surface and lead to a flatter
sis that there are communalities in flatness wear plane.
of molar wear related to broad similarities in The relative amount of “puncture-crush-
major food sources and methods of food prep- ing” required for different foods could influ-
aration. Such a broad generalization calls for ence the obliquity of the wear plane angle.
supporting evidence from a wide-ranging This was first proposed by Taylor (1963),some
sample of human groups. In this study, the time before the current terminology
development of molar wear is compared for appeared:
ten major human groups. When tough fibrous foods are
With these broad samples and a quantita- prominent in the diet and teeth
tive approach to the study of tooth wear, it is do not so often make contact dur-
possible to investigate a number of long- ing its mastication, there will
standing questions: Are there comrnunalities tend to be less difference in the
in tooth wear patterns due to similar cul- wear of the buccal and lingual
turalltechnological features of food prepara- cusps (1963:99).
'Reference given for publications about particular site, dates may come from other sources (see Smith, 1983a). Location
of collection given if no publication is available.
:Sites: Montrnaurin, La Ferrasie, La Quina, Gibraltar.
.'Sites: Tabun, Skhul, Qafzeh.
*Sites: Cro-Magnon, St. Germaine-la-Riviere, Grotte dIsturitz, Abri Pataud, Abri Lachaud, Laugerie-Basse.
ial is in research/museum collections in the vanced caries, were eliminated from study).
United States and Europe.' By all evidence, both hunter-gatherers and
The hunter-gatherers probably span agriculturalists had a n abrasive diet. Rate of
greater diversity in food preparation and food wear alone (studied using chronological age
sources than do the agriculturalists. Austral- estimates) will not differentiate them. The
ian aborigines, for example, used grinding dry, sandy environment of the agricultural-
stones to produce a grass seed cake (these ist Nubians, for example, apparently led to a
cakes have been described as "hard as a rate of wear as high as that of Australian
brick" [Nicholls, 19141). This practice was aborigines and Archaic American Indians.
unavailable to Eskimos, who, however, did Patterns of tooth wear may be sensitive to
boil meat in stone bowls over lamp flames differences in food consistency that are less
(see Jenness, 1922). Raw, frozen, or dried affected by local environmental factors. Since
meat also formed a major part of Eskimo it is not possible to prove a difference in food
diets by most accounts (Thalbitzer, 1914; Jen- consistency between the two subsistence
ness, 1922; de Poncins, 1941). Although the groups (in the sense of measurements of the
five groups of hunter-gatherers subsisted on toughness of native foods), this study must
a variety of plant and animal foods, none had instead build a n internally consistent model
pottery and none are thought to have had a of the correspondence of tooth wear and
diet primarily based on ground grains; even subsistence.
grinding stones are absent in some groups. Samples were purposely chosen to cross-cut
In contrast, the five agriculturalist groups a variety of specific environments, particular
are known to have made extensive use of foods, and craniofacial forms to minimize the
grinding stones to grind some grain crop, and chance that observed differences in tooth
to have used water-tight, fire-resistant con- wear are merely reflections of idiosyncracies
tainers (pottery) to cook food for long periods of particular people, places, and times. Para-
in water. An overview of the diet and food doxically, tooth wear is of little use for a
preparation of the ten human groups ana- synthetic understanding of diet and masti-
lyzed here can be found in Smith (1983a). cation if it is either completely nonspecific or
There is some independent, skeletal evi- so specific that it is idiosyncratic. This study
dence of a difference in foods. Caries fre- was designed to determine if there are com-
quency is a good indicator of the approximate munalities in molar wear related to broad
amount of processed carbohydrates in the diet levels of subsistence or food preparation that
(see Hardwick, 1960; Moore and Corbett, overcome regional factors.
1978; Turner, 1979).Caries frequency is near
zero in the five groups of hunter-gatherers, METHODS
and substantial in the five groups of agricul- Differential buccal and lingual wear is
turalists, supporting the proposed differences viewed as a continuum that may be altered
in proportion of processed grains in the diets or modified in degree, but not categorically
of hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists (ex- changed by food consistency. Compilation of
act frequencies cannot be given since discrete data on the location of wear has not
extreme pathologies, including cases of ad- proven to be productive (e.g., Zuckerman,
1954; Gantt, 1979).In this study, the angle of
the occlusal wear plane surface relative to a
'Sources of material: Neolithic Europe, Duckworth Laboratory horizontal occlusal plane was measured with
of Physical Anthropology, Cambridge University, and the Musee
de 1'Homme; Nubians, Laboratory of Physical Anthropology, a modified protractor (see Fig. 21, similar to
The University of Copenhagen, and University of Chicago col- instruments used by Butler (1972) and Hall
lection in the care of Dr. Charles Merbs of Arizona State Univer- (1977). Angles were recorded to the nearest
sity: historic British, British Museum (Natural History), and
Duckworth Laboratory, Cambridge University: Mississippian 0.5". Slopes to the buccal (as in Fig. 2) are
American Indians, collections of the Alabama Museum of Natur- arbitrarily designated as positive and slopes
al History on loan to the University of Alabama; Puebloan
American Indians, Gran Quivira National Monument collection to the lingual are designated negative. Wear
on loan to Dr. Christy Turner a t Arizona State University; plane angles are measured on occluding sur-
Skhul V, Harvard Peabody Museum, Harvard University; Mid-
dle and Upper Paleolithic, British Museum (Natural History), faces on upper and lower teeth: on the tal-
Musee de I'Homme, and Institut de Paleontologie Humaine; onid basin of mandibular molars and across
Mesolithic, Institut de Paleontologie Humaine; Archaic Ameri- the trigone of maxillary molars. These are
can Indians, collections of the Alabama Museum of Natural
History on loan to The University of Alabama: Australian abo- the primary crushing cusps and basins,
rigines, University of Edinburgh Medical School, Department of which are also the areas of greatest wear.
Anatomy; Thule Eskimos, Canada National Museum of Man
collection on loan to Dr. Charles Merbs a t Arizona State Univer- Unworn teeth are measured from cusp to
sity; Alaskan Eskimos, Smithsonian Institution. cusp, not from cusp to fossa. Both teeth must
c I:/ .........'..-...
Fig, 2. Instrument used to measure occlusal wear trigone) and the far arm is placed on the homologous
plane angles, constructed by mounting a Sears Roebuck point on the antimere. The bar is brought down across
and Co. metal protractor no. 9-4029 on a straight edge. the occlusal surface and the pointer indicates the angle
Metal pieces were added to the straight edge to make of deviation of the crown surface from a horizontal de-
the arms flush with the protractor face. The instrument fined by the base of the instrument. This mandible has
is centered on highest point on the molar talonid (or a wear plane angle of 17" to the buccal on the first molar.
be in place in bone, and teeth partly extruded applicable to a variety of human groups;
from their sockets during life, obviously dis- stages were altered in scope and more pat-
located, or virtually destroyed by dental car- tern variability was anticipated. A prelimi-
ies cannot be measured. nary version of this scale was developed in
Wear plane angles in the study sample cooperation with R. Hinton (see Hinton,
showed a total range of more than 80°, from 1981).The present version, fully described in
-30" to +34" in the mandible, and from Table 2 and illustrated in Figure 3, differs in
-43" to +41" in the maxilla. Remeasure- some details. Only the inolar scale is used
ment of wear plane angles for 247 teeth here. Replicability is about 90% for molars
showed good replicability. Approximately and declines to about 85% for teeth that are
70% of errors (deviation from original mea- simpler in form, based om a n error study in-
surement) were within *LO", and 80%were volving N = 1000 rescores. Errors of more
within & 1.5" of the original measurement. than one stage are rare or nonexistent after
The goal of the analysis was to compare some practice with the s8ystem.To date, the
development of wear plane angles indepen- molar wear scale seems to be applicable to a
dently of population differences in rates of wide variety of human groups, pongids, and
overall wear of the occlusal surface. There- even to omnivorous fossil mammals. Special
fore all populations were standardized to the scales must be designed for teeth quite differ-
same rate of wear by studying wear plane ent in form and functi'on (e.g., pongid ca-
angles by stage of wear rather than by chron- nines).
ological age. This analysis is concerned with This analysis presents data for the right
the angle of wear at some stage x, regardless side, using left side values only when a right
of whether this stage occurs at age 20 or 30 side tooth was damaged. Use of one side or
years. another is preferable to averaging sides when
Amount of molar wear has traditionally a n ordinal variable (wear stage) is involved.
been scored on an ordinal scale (Broca, 18791, Since there can be considerable asymmetry
and more than a dozen such scales appeared in tooth wear, a right MI wear stage was
in the literature from about 1930 to 1980. A never paired with a left MI angle, etc.
pilot study using different scales indicated Dental pathologies were noted and taken
that the best system for this study was the into account in all analyses. At least 16 scor-
eight-stage system of Murphy (195913, see also able teeth per dentition were required for
1959a). His system, however, was based on inclusion in the study (less than 16 were al-
his experience with Australian aborigines, lowed for Paleolithic specimens since mate-
and it created difficulties when used on rial is limited and pathologies are rare). This
American Indian test samples. Murphy's cut-off was based on the reasonable assump-
scale was modified to make it more widely tion that individuals who have lost about
half their teeth to painful, infectious disease ing wear is, logically, a n independent varia-
do not have normal patterns of mastication. ble, i.e., the cause of change in wear plane
Dropping out all pathologies, on the other angle. Using stage of wear as a categorical
hand, would limit inference to a highly re- variable ignores the inherent ordered rela-
stricted subset of the population, and elimi- tionship of one stage to the next and does not
nate most old individuals in some popula- make full use of the data. Although only a n
tions. Pathologies in remaining dentitions ordinal variable, eight stages of wear provide
were classified by level of severity, and tested some approximation to the underlying con-
for systematic effects. Dentitions with sev- tinuous phenomenon. Error in the x variate
eral major carious lesions and/or abscesses, does not demand a major axis fit if error is
severe and widespread periodontal destruc- uncorrelated with x (Sokal and Rohlf, 1969),
tion, or several molars lost antemortem were a condition that is fulfilled here. Least
deemed “pathological.” Separate analyses of squares regression assumes that there is a
wear plane angles were performed both with normal distribution in y for every x. This
and without these dentitions for each of the assumption is satisfied in these data, how-
ten human groups. Remarkably, removal of ever they do not make a good approximation
“pathological” dentitions amounting to as to a bivariate normal distribution as re-
much as 20% of the total sample has almost quired for a major axis fit. Finally, develop-
no effect on results, even though this also ment of wear plane angle with stage of wear
preferentially removes old individuals. Thus, appears to be approximately linear (see Fig.
there is no reason to believe that the more 4). Small deviations are not critical if the
disease- or caries-prone individuals in any same range in x is compared in each regres-
group have systematically (directionally) dif- sion. Even so, individual means and tests not
ferent wear plane angles, or that pathologies assuming linearity are also provided and ul-
per se produce observed between-group dif- timate conclusions do not depend on a strictly
ferences. It should be realized, however, that linear model.
as all dental tissues break down in terminal
wear stages, extreme variants can occur. RESULTS
Parametric statistics are used in the anal- The full data set for wear plane angle of
ysis of the relationship of wear plane angle the mandibular first molar organized by
to stage of wear. Stage of wear is the indepen- stage of wear appears in Figure 4,with agri-
dent variable (x) and angle of the occlusal culturalists a t left and hunter-gatherers a t
surface is the dependent variable inor) right in each paired column. Several features
regression analysis. This method of analysis of wear plane angle development are univer-
can be justified on several grounds. Increas- sal and do not depend on subsistence group.
I 0
3 4
5 0-0-0
cn 6 @-@a8 - 0
7 0-0-8@ - @
8 8-8-8 0 0 0
Fig. 3. Diagrams of crown surfaces used to score stages one arch to the other except in the case of premolars,
of tooth wear (matched to descriptions in Table 2). Bars where examples for each are given. Borderline judg-
between outlines connect common variants of pattern ments at stages 1-3 should be hased on cusp removal,
and degree of wear allowed in a stage. Abbreviations L and at stages 4-8, proportion of dentin versus enamel on
(lower) and U (upper) designate the arch used in the the crown.
prototype. There is no difficulty applying prototypes for
First molars erupt with a lingual orientation trated on the buccal half of mandibular
of the crown (negative occlusal surface an- crowns to some degree, tends to flatten the
gle). This is typical of mandibular molars, occlusal surface angle and finally to reverse
which show increasingly severe lingual incli- it. This is a good explanation for the confus-
nations from mesial to distal molars (Demp- ing reports of both flat arid oblique wear in a
ster et al., 1963). Wear, typically concen- single human group (see Rabkin, 1943;
Moses, 1946). Since an individual tooth may has been predicted). Agriculturalists develop
change in angle some 15-30" in a lifetime, higher angles than hunter-gatherers, ulti-
variance is quite large if age (or wear stage) mately reaching a 10" difference in high wear.
is ignored. At stage 8, the severely-angled remnant of
When occlusal plane angle is sorted by stage the crown tends to fracture in agricultural-
of wear, differences in central tendency of the ists, but not in hunter-gatherers. This is
two subsistence groups can be seen, even probably because agriculturalists often de-
though ranges and standard deviations are velop deeply cupped-out dentin that further
high when sorted by only eight stages. Table 3 weakens the tooth. Hunter-gatherers do not
summarizes mean wear plane angles for ag- show cupping to this degree, and molar wear
riculturalists and hunter-gatherers. At wear plane angle continues to increase at stage 8
stages 1and 2 the two groups are not signifi- wear. Recent experimental evidence sug-
cantly different, suggesting that angles of gests that cupping results from the presence
eruption of first molars are not widely differ- of fine particles in food (see Costa and
ent (notethat sample sizes become adequate at Greaves, 1981).Cupping itself may be a sign
stage 2). All subsequent comparisonsindicate of processing grains with grinding stones, in
that wear planes are significantly different at which grains are reduced to fine particles
comparable wear stages (the more conserva- and fine particles of stones are introduced
tive two-tailed p values are reported through- into food. This differential stage of fracture
out although one-sided tests would be does not affect the analysis to a great degree
appropriate since the direction of difference since few relatively healthy dentitions can
i I
2 I
I 2 I1
I I 4 31
I 5 2
5 I 61 7 3
I I 41 51 I 1
I 2 3 12 5 1
I 72 52 63 65
21 8 4 72 3 35
4 62 53 3 3
I I x5 75 5 24
34 X6 7 -3 33 _ _ _ - _ 2 _ - . _ .
- 3 2- ---- 3 3 - - - - 25----.
13 85 14 I
13 24 12 I 1 I
31 14
23 I I
42 2 I
2 I
22 21 I
2 2
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
Fig. 4. Raw data for human MI wear plane angle indicates a perfectly flat (0") surface. Note that wear
(ordinate) at each stage of wear (abscissa). Wear plane causes a change in angle from lingual to buccal, and that
angles for agriculturalists are at left and hunter-gath- the relationship between wear plane angle and stage of
erers at right in each paired column. Numbers indicate wear is approximately linear.
N at each point and X stands for N 10. The dotted line
TABLE 3. Student's t-tests comparing M I wear plane angle at each stage of wear for agriculturalists
versus hunter-gatherers
M, Wear olane a n&
Wear Agriculturalists Hunter-gatherers Mean
stage Mean S.D. N Mean S.D. N difference' W
~ -.
be found to measure a t this stage of wear in wear and wear plane angle are related.
any group. Dentin cupping itself does not Regression slopes are directly interpretable
alter the measurement of angle of wear be- as degrees of change in angle per stage of
fore enamel borders fracture. wear. Rates of change are generally higher
Sample sizes a t each wear stage are insuf- in agriculturalists (3.4-5.3 per wear stage)
ficient to compare means for each of the ten than in hunter-gatherers (1.9-3.5 per wear O
able in advanced wear. When teeth are Meroitic (combined since they each span a
matched for stage of wear, the differences in relatively short time). Pharaonic and Chris-
wear plane angle of molars of hunter-gath- tian are omitted because sample size is less
erers and agriculturalists are visible to the than eight individuals. Least squares lines
eye (see Fig. 6). for all groups are still above lines for hunter-
Analyzed in this fashion, wear plane angle gatherers (shaded region), although individ-
appears to be sensitive to major differences ual data points overlap. The early A-Group,
in food and food preparation. With large sam- thought to have a more mixed economy, is
ples it should be sensitive to finer gradations perfectly intermediate between other more
of change in foods and methods of prepara- clear-cut hunter-gatherers and agricultural-
tion. If so, a time trend might be visible in ists. There is a distinct trend toward more
the Nubian sample since it is of moderate oblique wear in more recent groups parallel-
size and spans several periods thought to ing decreases in craniofacial robusticity
show increases in the intensity of agriculture through time described by Carlson (1976)for
(see Carlson and Van Gerven, 1979).Figure 7 this same sample. Trends in tooth wear and
shows regression lines for MI wear plane an- craniofacial robusticity could both be re-
gle for A-Group, C-Group, and X-Group plus sponses to a n increasing reliance on ground
0 0
6 -5
Fig. 5. Least squares lines from regression of MI wear plane angles than hunter-gatherers (broken lines). The
plane angle on stage of wear for all ten human groups. Paleolithic sample stands apart from recent hunter-
All groups begin with a lingual orientation of the crown gatherers, showing the flattest molar wear found in this
surface that is gradually changed to the buccal with study.
wear. Agriculturalists (solid lines) develop higher wear
TABLE 4. Least squares slope and intercept for M I angle regressed on stage of MI wear for
agriculturalists and hunter-gatherers
Group Slope Y-Intercept Number P'
Neolithic 4.3 -11.4 14 .001
Nubian 4.2 -11.3 123 ,001
British 3.4 -7.2 67 .001
Mississippian 3.5 -7.9 35 ,001
Puebloan 5.3 - 16.4 27 .001
Overall 4.0' - 10.0 266 ,001
Paleolithic 1.9 -4.2 10 .038
Mesolithic 2.1 -6.7 13 ,090
Australian 2.6 -8.3 60 ,001
Archaic 2.9 -9.5 38 ,001
Eskimo 3.5 - 13.9 58 ,001
Overall 2.9' - 10.2 179 ,001
'Slope significantly different from zero.
"Agriculturalists a r e significantly different from hunter-gatherers a t p < .001.
Fig. 6. Lateral views of well-worn mandibles of an exposed on the entire occlusal surface. The agricultural-
agriculturalist (A) and hunter-gatherer (B) illustrating ist (Nubian A-Group) shows a moderately oblique wear
differences in wear plane angle in advanced wear. Both plane, whereas the hunter-gatherer dentition (Thule
human first molars are at stage 7 wear, with dentin Canadian Eskimo) is worn flat.
M+X 2000
C 4000
A 5000
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
Fig. 7. Least squares lines from regression of MI wear over 3000 years. Trends in tooth wear and craniofacial
plane angle on stage of wear for three time periods in robusticity should be responses to an increasing reliance
Nubia. Range of least squares lines (not individual data on agriculture (see Carlson and Van Gerven, 1979). Al-
points) of hunter-gatherers is shaded for comparison. though the trend is significant by a sign test, larger
Although all three groups fall above hunter-gatherers samples are required for reliable determination of small-
as expected, molar wear tends to become more oblique scale differences in rates of change.
plotted on the same scale on the ordinate. cal age were used a s the independent var-
Lines are stopped a t stage 7 for Mz and stage iable. When each molar is sorted by its proper
6 at M3 to emphasize the lack of data beyond stage of wear, hunter-gatherers and agricul-
these points. Figure 8 shows that all molars turalists differ consistently in wear plane
are initially inclined lingually, increasingly angle.
from MI (ca. -5" to -10') to M2 (ca. -10" to Figure 8 is also informative on the effect of
-15") to M3 (ca. -15" to -20"). Since each dental arch morphology on wear plane angle.
tooth erupts a t a different time, begins with This picture demonstrates that the entire
a different orientation, and proceeds at its molar dentition develops in similar fashion
own rate of wear, surfaces of the three molars with increasing tooth wear, countering the
contrast in angle on a single dental arch. objection that minor morphological variants
Each molar in a dentition is in a different can greatly change wear plane angle devel-
phase of development of wear plane angle a t opment. The second molar tends to have a
one point in time. Given these sources of slightly higher rate than the first (ca. +0.4"),
variability, it should be evident that the pic- but this effect is not consistent across indi-
ture would be much less clear if chronologi- vidual human groups. On closer inspection,
more heavily on ground grains and food stage of tooth wear, but even they show a
cooked in water has the effect of reducing slight predominance of buccal wear that
food toughness, resistance, or fibrousness, steadily changes the occlusal surface angle
leading to a reduction in masticatory forces (see Fig. 9). What seems to be a slight modi-
and amount of food preparation done by the fication of a wear pattern adds up to a consid-
dentition. As tools increasingly take over the erable difference, on the order of 8-10' in
function of teeth, molar wear planes should advanced wear.
become increasingly oblique. This may be a n Portions of remaining within-group vari-
indirect effect due to a lessened lateral man- ance might be explained by differences in
dibular excursion responding to more refined axial inclinations of tooth roots, maxillary
foods, or a direct effect of less "puncture- arch overjet, particular dental pathologies,
crushing" mastication. individual food preferences, or sex differ-
When wear plane angles are ordered by ences. Future studies could attempt to esti-
comparable stages of occlusal surface wear, mate the contribution of some of these
consistent differences can be seen between factors, although large samples might be re-
hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists. Hunt- quired. For example, experience with these
er-gatherers are the only groups to maintain data suggests that sex differences in human
relatively flat, even wear a t a n advanced wear plane angles should not be addressed
Z 15'
LT 10'
3 5(
J 3
3 0' FLAT-
0 _J
0 a
0 -5' c3
M,I) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
M29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
M39 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 8. Overall least squares lines from regression of molar teeth differ primarily in y-intercept. Note that
wear plane angle on degree of wear for mandibular den- agriculturalists (solid lines) always develop higher wear
titions of agriculturalists and hunter-gatherers. Stages plane angles than hunter-gatherers (broken lines) re-
of wear for MI, M2, and M3 are staggered on the abscissa gardless of tooth position.
in order of eruption, spread apart for clarity. The three
Fig. 9. Occlusal views of moderately worn mandibles restricted pattern of wear on the first molar. The hunter-
showing pattern of dentin exposure on teeth of an agri- gatherer (Mesolithic site of Hoedic) shows wear more
culturalist (A) and hunter-gatherer (B), both with left evenly distributed across the crown surface. This seem-
first molars in stage 5 wear. Both mandibles show some ingly small difference in the relative restriction of wear
degree of predominance of wear on buccal cusps, Note ultimately produces a substantial difference in angle of
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