Carl Friedrich Gauss-The Story of Mathematics
Carl Friedrich Gauss-The Story of Mathematics
Carl Friedrich Gauss-The Story of Mathematics 1/3
25/07/2019 Gauss - 19th Century Mathematics - The Story of Mathematics
investigation of functions of complex
variables in the early 19th Century.
Although imaginary numbers involving i
(the imaginary unit, equal to the square
root of -1) had been used since as early
as the 16th Century to solve equations
that could not be solved in any other
way, and despite Euler’s ground-
breaking work on imaginary and
complex numbers in the 18th Century,
there was still no clear picture of how
imaginary numbers connected with real
numbers until the early 19th Century.
Gauss was not the first to intepret
complex numbers graphically (Jean-
Robert Argand produced his Argand
diagrams in 1806, and the Dane Caspar
Wessel had described similar ideas
even before the turn of the century), but
Representation of complex numbers
Gauss was certainly responsible for
popularizing the practice and also formally introduced the standard notation a + bi for complex numbers. As a
result, the theory of complex numbers received a notable expansion, and its full potential began to be
At the age of just 22, he proved what is now known as the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (although it was
not really about algebra). The theorem states that every non-constant single-variable polynomial over the
complex numbers has at least one root (although his initial proof was not rigorous, he improved on it later in
life). What it also showed was that the field of complex numbers is algebraically "closed" (unlike real numbers,
where the solution to a polynomial with real co-efficients can yield a solution in the complex number field).
Then, in 1801, at 24 years of age, he published his book “Disquisitiones Arithmeticae”, which is regarded
today as one of the most influential mathematics books ever written, and which laid the foundations for
modern number theory. Among many other things, the book contained a clear presentation of Gauss’ method
of modular arithmetic, and the first proof of the law of quadratic reciprocity (first conjectured by Euler and
Legendre). 2/3
25/07/2019 Gauss - 19th Century Mathematics - The Story of Mathematics
While engaged on a rather banal
surveying job for the Royal House of
Hanover in the years after 1818, Gauss
was also looking into the shape of the
Earth, and starting to speculate on
revolutionary ideas like shape of space
itself. This led him to question one of
the central tenets of the whole of
mathematics, Euclidean geometry,
which was clearly premised on a flat,
and not a curved, universe. He later
claimed to have considered a non-
Euclidean geometry (in which Euclid's
parallel axiom, for example, does not
apply), which was internally consistent
and free of contradiction, as early as
1800. Unwilling to court controversy,
however, Gauss decided not to pursue
or publish any of his avant-garde ideas
in this area, leaving the field open to
Bolyai and Lobachevsky, although he is
still considered by some to be a pioneer
of non-Euclidean geometry.
Gaussian, or normal, probability curve
The Hanover survey work also fuelled
Gauss' interest in differential geometry
(a field of mathematics dealing with
curves and surfaces) and what has
come to be known as Gaussian
curvature (an intrinsic measure of
curvature, dependent only on how
distances are measured on the surface,
not on the way it is embedded in
space). All in all, despite the rather
pedestrian nature of his employment,
the responsibilities of caring for his sick
mother and the constant arguments
with his wife Minna (who desperately
wanted to move to Berlin), this was a
very fruitful period of his academic life,
and he published over 70 papers
between 1820 and 1830. 3/3