Ai-511 Knowledge-Based Systems: References

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Knowledge representations and mappings, approaches and issues e.g. predicate logic, fuzzy
logic, week and strong slot and filler structures, knowledge acquisition, the frame problem,
symbolic reasoning under uncertainty, nonmonotonic reasoning, augmenting a problem Solver,
statistical reasoning e.g. probability and Bays Theorem, Bayesian networks, Dumpster-Shafer
theory, building knowledge-based systems.

1. Knowledge-Based Systems. Rajendra Akerkar , Priti Sajja,
2. Engineering of Knowledge-Based Systems. Avelino J. Gonzalez, Douglas D. Dankel,
Prentice Hall
3. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition.Joseph C.• Giarratano,
Gary D. Riley.


Supervised Learning - Feature Selection, Cross Validation, Bootstrapping, Normalization
Classification: Naïve Bayes, Bayesian Network, C4.5, ID3, Support Vector Machine, Extreme
Learning Machine, Neural Network, VC Dimension, Regularization, Regression: Linear,
Polynomial, Multiple Linear Regression, Support Vector Regression. Committee Machines/
Ensemble Learning: Bagging, Boosting. Unsupervised Learning -Clustering: K-Nearest
Neighbor, K -Means, Fuzzy K-
Means, Hierarchical Clustering, Single Linkage, Complete Linkage, Average Linkage, Non-
Spherical Clustering Algorithms. Statistical Testing Methods, Probabilistic Inference, Neural
Network, Deep Learning Neural Network, Evolutionary Algorithms. Machine Learning
Applications: Text Classification, Disease Diagnosis, Biometric Systems, Real Valued

1. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Bishop, C.M. (2006),Springer, ISBN 0-387-
2. (2012) Foundations of Machine Learning, Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Ameet
Talwalkar , MIT Press ISBN 978-0-262-01825-8.
3. Machine Learning, Mitchell, T. (1997).McGraw Hill. ISBN 0-07-042807-7
Introduction to neural networks, Working of an artificial neuron, Perceptron, Back propagation
algorithm, Adalines and Madalines. Supervised and unsupervised learning, Counter-propagation
networks, Adaptive Resonance Theory, Kohonen’s Self Organizing Maps, Neocognitron,
Associative memory, Bidirectional Associative Memory. Introduction to fuzzy logic and fuzzy
sets, fuzzy
relations, fuzzy graphs, fuzzy arithmetic and fuzzy if-then rules, Process control using fuzzy
logic, Decision-making fuzzy systems, Applications of fuzzy logic, Hybrid systems like neuro-
fuzzy systems. Evolutionary Computation: Population-based Search: genetic algorithms and
evolutionary computation, Swarm optimization, Ant colony optimization. Search techniques like
Simulated Annealing, Tabu search etc.

1. Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems Design by F.O.Karray and C.De Silva,Pearson
2. Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms by Rajsekaran and Pai, PHI Publication.


Revision of Algorithm design and analysis techniques. Algorithm design tools such as linear
programming, randomization, etc., Data structures such as randomized data structures, string
data structures, geometric data structures, etc. Linear algebraic techniques such as SVD, graph
Laplacian, etc. Coping with NP-hardness such as Approximations, heuristics such as local
search, backtracking, exponential time algorithms, branch-and-bound, Applications such as
Page-rank, stable matching, etc.

1. Algorithm Design by John Kleinberg and Eva Tardos, Pearson Addison Wesley
2. Randomized algorithms Raghavan, Motwani,


Convolutional Neural Networks
Invariance, stability. Variability models (deformation model, stochastic model). Scattering
networks Group Formalism Supervised Learning: classification. Properties of CNN
representations: invertibility, stability, invariance. covariance/invariance: capsules and related
models. Connections with other models: dictionary learning, LISTA. Other tasks: localization,
regression. Embeddings (DrLim), inverse problems Extensions to non-Euclidean domains
Dynamical systems: RNNs.
Deep Unsupervised Learning
Autoencoders (standard, denoising, contractive, etc.) Variational Autoencoders Adversarial
Generative Networks Maximum Entropy Distributions
Miscellaneous Topics
Non-convex optimization for deep networks Stochastic Optimization Attention and Memory

1. Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville. Deep Learning.
2. Bishop, C. M. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Oxford University Press.
3. Duda, R.O., Hart, P.E., and Stork, D.G. Pattern Classification. Wiley-Interscience.


Introduction to computer vision, computer imaging system, Image formation and sensing CVIP
tools, Image representation. Elements of Visual Perception, Light and the Electromagnetic
Spectrum, Image Sensing and Acquisition, Image Sampling and Quantization. Image
Enhancement in the Spatial Domain, Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain,
Homomorphic Filtering. Image Restoration, Color Image Processing, Segmentation,
Thresholding, The Use of Motion in Segmentation, Image Compression, Error –Free
Compression, Lossy Compression, Image Compression, Standards, Wavelets and
Multiresolution Processing, Multiresolution Expansions, Wavelet Transforms. Chain code,
Tracking and Motion model, Reflectance map, Photometric stereo.

1. Computer vision Dana H. Ballard
2. Computer Vision Young, Tzay Y.


Introduction and Normal Form Game, Dominant Strategies, Pareto Optimality, Mixed Strategies,
and Nash Equilibrium. Solution Concepts and Computation in Game Theory. Maxmin Strategy,
Minimax Regret, Iterative Removal of Dominated Strategies, Computing Nash Equilibrium,
Complexity of Nash Equilibrium, and Compact Representation. Extensive Form Games
Centipede Game, Backward Inductions, Imperfect Information, and Subgame Perfect
Equilibrium. Repeated Games. Finitely Repeated Games, Infinitely Repeated Games, Stochastic
Games, Learning in Repeated Games, Folk Theorems. Coalitional Games and Bayesian Games.
Coalitional Game Theory, Shapley Value, Core, and Bayesian Games. Multi-Agent Learning
(and Congestion Games) Social Choice Computational Social Choice and Voting Manipulation.
Intro to Mechanism Design, Implementation, Revelation Principle, Quasilinear Preferences, and
Mechanism Design as an Optimization Problem. The VCG Mechanisms Groves Mechanisms,
VCG Mechanisms. First Price Auctions, Auction Formats, Beyond Single Unit Auctions,
Bidding Languages, and the Winner Determination Problem.

1. Shoham, Y. and K. Leyton-Brown, Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic,
and Logical Foundations, Cambridge University Press


HCI foundation and history; Usability life cycle and methods; Design rules and guidelines;
Empirical research methods; Models in HCI - GOMS, Fitts’ law and Hick-Hyman’s law; Task
analysis; Dialogue design; Cognitive architecture and HCI; Graphic User Interfaces &
aesthetics; Usability Testing; UML, OOP, OOM; Design Case Studies.

1. Dix A., Finlay J., Abowd G. D. and Beale R. Human Computer Interaction, 3rd edition,
Pearson Education,
2. Preece J., Rogers Y., Sharp H., Baniyon D., Holland S. and Carey T. Human Computer
Interaction, Addison-Wesley,
3. B. Shneiderman; Designing the User Interface, Addison Wesley


Introduction to Data Warehousing; Data Mining: Mining frequent patterns, association and
correlations; Sequential Pattern Mining concepts, primitives, scalable methods; Classification
and prediction; Cluster Analysis – Types of Data in Cluster Analysis, Partitioning methods,
Hierarchical Methods; Transactional Patterns and other temporal based frequent patterns, Mining
Time series Data, Periodicity Analysis for time related sequence data, Trend analysis, Similarity
search in Time-series analysis; Mining Data Streams, Methodologies for stream data processing
and stream data systems, Frequent pattern mining in stream data, Sequential Pattern Mining in
Data Streams, Classification of dynamic data streams, Class Imbalance Problem; Graph Mining;
Social Network Analysis; Web Mining, Mining the web page layout structure, mining web link
structure, mining multimedia data on the web, Automatic classification of web documents and
web usage mining; Distributed Data Mining;

1. Jiawei Han and M Kamber , Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, , Second
Edition, Elsevier Publication, 2011.
2. Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining - Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach,
Addison Wesley, 2006.
3. G Dong and J Pei, Sequence Data Mining, Springer, 2007.


Introduction to data science, exploratory data analysis, Introduction to machine learning, Linear
regression and regularization, Model selection and evaluation, Classification: KNN, decision
trees, SVM, Ensemble methods: random forests, Introduction to probability Models, Naive
Bayes, logistic regression, Feature engineering and selection, Clustering: K-means, hierarchical
clustering, Dimensionality reduction: PCA and SVD, Text mining and information retrieval,
Network analysis, Recommender systems, Relational databases, SQL, Big data storage and
retrieval: NoSQL, GraphDB, Big data distributed computing: map-reduce, spark rdd, Hive,
Hbase, Pig, Advanced neural networks and deep learning.

1. James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R. An introduction to statistical learning
with applications in Springer, 2013.
2. Han, J., Kamber, M., Pei, J. Data mining concepts and techniques. Morgan Kaufmann,
3. Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., Friedman, J. The elements of statistical learning 2nd edition
4. Murphy, K. Machine learning: A probabilitic perspective, MIT Press.


Conceptual Framework definitions, terminology, introduction to different paradigms, core
concepts such as self- organization and emergence, history, overview Complex Adaptive
Systems Cellular Automata: basics, properties, environments, self-replicating machines,
adaptation, applications Multi-Agent Artificial Life Worlds: flocking, swarm intelligence, ant
colony optimization Developmental Systems: L-systems, morphogenesis, self-assembly, pattern
formation Neural Nets: dynamics, learning, neurocontrollers, coupled oscillators, rhythmic
behavior, attractor networks, self-organizing maps, memory models, neurocognitive systems,
Immunological Computation: principles, artificial immune systems, applications Evolutionary
Computation Genetic Algorithms: biology, method, variants, schema theorem, applications
Genetic Programming: evolving computer programs, tree/linear/graph based genomes Evolution
Strategies: method, variations, optimization Evolutionary Programming: method, variations,
applications Issues: preferred operators, co-evolution, speciation, creative evolutionary systems,
network representations and genetic operations, spatially-distributed populations Evolution and
Adaptation of Intelligent Agents Evolving Rule-Based Systems: classifier systems, GABIL,
cellular automata, L-systems Evolving Neural Networks: weights, architectures, recurrent
networks, cellular coding, etc. Evolving Multi-Agent Systems: cooperative/competitive behavior,
communication Advanced/Research Topics in Nature-Inspired Computation (as time permits)
reinforcement learning in multi-agent systems, imitation learning, biologically-inspired robotics,
multi-SOM systems, DNA/molecular computing, artificial consciousness, models of 2 attention,
language and language acquisition, optical/photonic computing, quantum computing,
nanotechnology, physarum machines, binding problem, simulated annealing, biologically-
plausible supervised learning, machine creativity, etc

1. L de Castro, Fundamentals of Natural Computing, Chapman & Hall,
2. A Eiben & J Smith, Introduction to Evolutionary Computing, Springer,


Introduction Reinforcement Learning, Elements of Reinforcement Learning, Limitations and
Scope. Tabular Solution Methods, Multi-armed Bandits, Finite Markov Decision Processes,
Dynamic Programming, Monte Carlo Methods, Temporal-Difference Learning, n-step
Bootstrapping, Planning and Learning with Tabular Methods.
Approximate Solution Methods- On-policy Prediction with Approximation, On-policy Control
with Approximation, Of-policy Methods with Approximation, Eligibility Traces, Policy Gradient
Methods, Applications.

1. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto,
The MIT Press
2. Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England.


Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computing; Historical Facts and Future
Aspects; Compare and Contrast between Classical and Quantum Computing Methodologies;
Quantum Fundamentals – Superposition, Entanglement, No-Cloning, Parallelism, Measurement
and Block Sphere Model etc.; Quantum Postulates; Mathematics Foundation of Quantum
Computing; Theoretical Computer Science – Deterministic, Non-Deterministic, Probabilistic and
Quantum Computations; Quantum Gates and Circuits; Introductory Quantum Algorithms –
Probabilistic and Quantum Algorithms, Existing Classical Equivalent Quantum Algorithms,
Deutsch Algorithm, Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm, Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm, Simon’s
Algorithm; Quantum Algorithms Simulation and Emulation, Study of Available Quantum
Computer Simulators; Speed-up Algorithms and their Diversified Applications – Quantum
Amplitude Amplification and Grover’s Search Algorithm, Quantum Fourier Transform and
Shor’s Factoring Algorithm; Other Quantum Applications – Teleportation, Dense and Super-
Dense Coding, Quantum Cryptography, Quantum String Matching, Big Data Analytics using
Quantum Computing and etc.; Quantum Error Correction and Techniques; Comparative
Classical and Quantum Complexity Theory.

1. Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang. Quantum Computation and Quantum
Information, 10th Anniversary Edition – 2010, Cambridge University Press.
2. Noson S. Yanofsky and Micro A. Mannucci. Quantum Computing for Computer
Scientists, First Published Edition – 2008, Cambridge University Press.
3. Riley Tipton Perry. Quantum Computing from the Ground Up, Ist Edition – 2012,
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
4. David McMahon. Quantum Computing Explained, Ist Edition – 2008, John Wiley
and Sons Inc.
5. N. David Mermin. Quantum Computer Science – An Introduction, I Edition – 2007,
Cambridge University Press.
6. Phillip Kaye, Raymond Laflamme and Michele Mosca. An Introduction to Quantum
Computing, First Published Edition – 2007, Oxford University Press.


Decision models under ambiguous distributional information about uncertainties
(Distributionally robust optimization), Distributionally robust optimization with moment
constraints, Distributionally robust optimization with chance constraints, Approximation
methods, Distributionally robust convex optimization via lifting, Distributionally robust
optimization with statistical distances I: phi-divergence, Distributionally robust optimization
with statistical distances II: Wasserstein distance, Distributionally robust MDP with moment
constraints, Distributionally robust MDP with statistical distances, Distributionally robust linear
quadratic control, Distributionally robust optimal control and safety specifications, Online linear
programming, convex optimization,

Research papers
1. Scarf, H., 1958. Dupacova, J., 1987. Delage, E. and Ye, Y., 2010., Calafiore, G. C. and El
Ghaoui, L., 2006. Zymler, S. et al., 2013, Wiesemann, W. et al., 2014., Bayraksan, G. and
Love, D. K., 2015., Gao, R. and Kleywegt, A. J., 2016., Xu, H. and Mannor, S., 2012.
Yu, P. and Xu, H., 2016, Van Parys, B. P. G. et al., 2016., Yang, I., 2017, Shalev-
Shwartz, S., 2011. Hazan, E., 2016.
Introduction to IoT, Sensing, Actuation, Basics of Networking, Communication Protocols,
Sensor Networks, Machine-to-Machine Communications, Microcontrollers, Introduction to
Arduino Programming, Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino, Introduction to
Raspberry Pi, Implementation of IoT with Raspberry Pi, Introduction to SDN, SDN for IoT,
Data Handling and Analytics, Cloud Computing, Sensor-Cloud, Fog Computing, Applications of

1. "The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases", by
Pethuru Raj and Anupama C. Raman (CRC Press)
2. "Internet of Things: A Hands-on Approach", by Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti
(Universities Press)


Overview of Big Data: Introduction, history, elements, related knowledge, big Data in
Businesses, and types of big data analytics.
Technologies for Handling Big Data: Understanding Hadoop Ecosystem: HDFS, Map Reduce
YARN, HBase, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Zookeeper, Flume, Oozie etc. Understanding of Apache
Spark: Programming in Scala, Spark Core, Interactive Data Analysis with Spark Shell, Writing a
Spark Application, Spark Streaming, Spark SQL, Machine Learning with Spark Graph
Processing with Spark. Understanding of Apache storm : Introduction to Apache Storm ,Use
Cases of Apache Storm, Key features and Architecture of a Storm cluster, Storm Programming.
Big Data Privacy and Ethics: Big data privacy, Risk in big data, Big data ethics, Transparency
and Identity.

1. Big Data Analytics: From Strategic Planning to Enterprise Integration with Tools,
Techniques, NoSQL, and GraphBy David Loshin
2. Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data:
Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data By Paul Zikopoulos,
Chris Eaton.
3. Big Data, Big Analytics: Emerging Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends for
Today's Businesses, By Michael Minelli, Michele Chambers, Ambiga Dhira.
4. Hadoop: The Defiantive Guide, By Tom White O’Rielly Publications 4th edition
5. High Performance Spark, By Holden Karau, Rachel Warren O’Rielly Publications
6. Getting Started with Storm, By Jonathan Leibiusky, Gabriel Eisbruch, Dario
Simonassi O’Rielly Publications 2014.
Review of algorithm analysis, Optimal Binary search trees, Balanced binary search trees, Binary
heaps, Advanced heap structures, Binomial heaps, Fibonacci heaps. Amortized analysis, Splay
trees. Dictionaries, Disjoint set structures. Data Structures for External Memory, External
sorting, String matching. Introduction to Randomized Data structures and algorithms.

1. Introduction to algorithms Cormen and Rivest
2. Randomized algorithms R.Motwani and P. Raghavan


Basic computer architecture, Multi core architecture, Multi core programming, Introduction of
Heterogeneous computing, Types of Heterogeneous computing. CPU-GPU based Heterogeneous
computing with CUDA: From Graphics Processing to General-Purpose Parallel Computing,
CUDA: General- Purpose Parallel Computing Architecture, CUDA Programming Model, CUDA
Programming Interface, Hardware Implementation, CUDA Performance Guidelines, CUDA
Built - in functions’ based Heterogeneous computing : FPGA, FPGA Applications; introduction
to Xilinx (ise 9.2), cell architecture of an FPGA, rent’s rule, slice, Introduction to VHDL, entity,
architecture, component, port map, VHDL module, VHDL test bench, synchronous and
asynchronous circuits, Bernstein's conditions, control flow and data flow language.

1. CUDA : Programming Massively Parallel Processor: A hands- on Approach. Authors:
David Kirk, Wen-mei hwu ELSEVIER Inc.
2. The VHDL Handbook by David R. Coelho.
3. CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General Purpose GPU Programming by Jason
Sanders and Edward Kandrot .
4. 100 Power Tips For FPGA Designers by Evgeni Stavinov.


Trust models for secure embedded hardware and software, Isolation techniques for secure
embedded hardware, hyperaware, and software, System architectures for secure embedded
systems, Metrics for secure design of embedded hardware and software, Security concerns for
medical and other applications of embedded systems, Support for intellectual property protection
and anti-counterfeiting, Specialized components for authentication, key storage and key
generation, Support for secure debugging and troubleshooting, Implementation attacks and
countermeasures, Design tools for secure embedded hardware and software, Hardware/software
code sign for secure embedded systems, Specialized hardware support for security protocols.

1. Raj Kumal “Embedded Systems 2E” Tata McGraw -Hill Education


Introduction, Bayesian Networks, Markov Networks, Factor Graph Representation, HMMs,
CRFs, Exponential Family, Exact Inference: Variable Elimination, Exact Inference: Junction
Tree Algorithm. Belief Propagation (Loopy or not) Sampling Based Approximate Inference:
MCMC, Metropolis Hastings, Gibbs Sampling, Importance Sampling. Learning: Overview,
Learning in Bayesian Networks, Learning in Markov Networks

1. Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques. Daphne Koller and Nir
Friedman. First Edition, MIT Press,
2. Learning in Graphical Models. Michael Jordan (ed.). MIT Press, Collection of Papers.
3. Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems. Judea Pearl. Morgan Kaufmann,


Fundamentals of Fuzzy Logic Systems Introduction, Fuzzy Sets – Fuzzy Membership Function,
Fuzzy Logic – Crisp Logic Vs Fuzzy Logic, Crisp Logic Review, Fuzzy Logic Operations
(NOT, OR, AND, Implication), Fuzziness and Fuzzy Resolution, Fuzzy Relations, Composition
and Interference.

Fuzzy Logic Control Basics of fuzzy logic control, Defuzzification, Fuzzification, Fuzzy
Controller Architectures, applications of fuzzy logic.

Hybrid Systems Architectures of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Neuro-Fuzzy Hybrids: Fuzzy

Backpropagation Network, Fuzzy-Genetic Hybrids: GA in Fuzzy Logic Controller Design

Applications of Fuzzy Logic: Case Study of Design of Fuzzy Logic Control.

Rough Sets: Information Systems and Decision Systems, Set Approximations, Properties of
Rough Sets, Rough Membership, Applications of Rough Sets
1. Fakhreddine O. Karray and Clarence De Silva, Soft computing and Intelligent
Systems Design, Pearson Education.
2. S. Rajasekaran and G. A. Vijayalakshmi Pai, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and
Genetic Algorithm, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Pawlak, Z.: Rough Sets Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Data. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1991.


Introduction, Planning to Plan, Motivational Examples and Applications, Basic Ingredients of
Planning Algorithms, Planners, and Plans. Discrete Planning, Motion Planning, Geometric
Representations and Transformations, The Configuration Space, Sampling-Based Motion
Planning, Combinatorial Motion Planning, Extensions of Basic Motion Planning, Feedback
Motion Planning, Decision-Theoretic Planning, Basic Decision Theory, Sequential Decision
Theory, Sensors and Information Spaces, Planning Under Sensing Uncertainty, Planning Under
Differential Constraints- Differential Models, Sampling-Based Planning Under Differential
Constraints, System Theory and Analytical Techniques.

1. Planning Algorithms, Steven M. LaValle, Cambridge University Press


Graph mining: Preliminaries, Static Graphs: Laws and patterns, Dynamic Graphs: Laws and
patterns, Random walks, Page Rank, HITS, Node classification (BP, SSL), Node representation,
Node similarity, Graph similarity, Graph alignment, Clustering, Community Detection, Graph
Summarization, Anomaly detection, Link Analysis, Deep learning for graph.

1. David Easley and Jon Kleinberg, Networks, crowds, and markets, Cambridge University
Press, 2010
2. Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey David Ullman, Mining of massive datasets,
Cambridge University Press, 2014.


Regular Expressions and Automata, N-grams, Part-of-Speech Tagging, Hidden Markov and
Maximum Entropy Models, Formal Grammars of English, Syntactic Parsing, Statistical Parsing,
Features and Unification, Language and Complexity, The Representation of Meaning,
Computational Semantics, Computational Lexical Semantics, Information Extraction, Question
Answering and Summarization, Machine Translation

1. D. Jurafsky and J. Martin Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural
Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition.
2. C.Manning and H. Schutze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing


Introduction to Game Theory. Theory of rational choice. Strategic games: examples Nash
equilibrium: concept and examples Best response functions Dominated Actions Symmetric
games and symmetric equilibrium. Illustrations of Nash Equilibrium Cournot’s model of duopoly
market Bertrand’s model of duopoly market Electoral Competition War of Attrition Auctions
Accident Law. Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium Introduction Strategic games with
randomization Dominated Actions Formation of Players’. Extensive Games and Nash
Equilibrium Introduction to extensive games Strategies and outcomes Nash equilibrium
Subgame perfect Nash equilibrium Backward induction. Stackelberg model of duopoly markets
Ultimatum games.

1. Osborne, M.J. An Introduction to Game Theory, Oxford University Press,
2. Mas-Colell, A., M.D. Whinston and J.R. Green Microeconomic Theory, Oxford
University Press,
3. Gibbons, R. A Primer in Game Theory, Pearson Education.

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