Creative Faith: Joseph Kostelnik, PH.D
Creative Faith: Joseph Kostelnik, PH.D
Creative Faith: Joseph Kostelnik, PH.D
Probing Faith's Secrets...
Proving Faith's Power!
Creative Faith
Creative Faith
Probing Faith's Secrets... Proving Faith's Power!
ISBN: 1-59196-694-9
Introduction to the New Edition
Introduction to
the New Edition
This book is a compilation of two previous books on
the subject of faith.
As we began re-doing our publications for the Kindle
format, it occurred to me that the reading public would be
better served by the two previous books being combined.
The result of that intuition is the small, but anointed
volume you are presently reading.
It has been over twenty years since I wrote some of the
words following this brief introduction, but I have not
changed my beliefs nor opinions on the teachings contained
herein at all. If anything, I have become even more
convinced of the importance of the Body of Christ really
understanding the Bible doctrine of a living faith in the
hearts and lives of the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The first section of this manuscript will endeavor to
detail—from the scriptures—the Bible definition of faith.
In addition to a solid, biblical foundation, you will also be
inspired by true experiences illustrating the various
attributes of this vital, divine grace in our lives.
The second portion of the book will delve even deeper
Creative Faith
into the subject of the divine creativity which God's faith
makes possible in our lives. We will discover together the
various “spiritual senses” which faith possesses as well as
how they can assist us in bringing God's will to pass in our
lives and in the lives and experiences of the many around
us who desperately need the healing, delivering touch of
You will find this book unique in that we have also
included—within its pages—a point of contact which will
enable you to release your Spirit-awakened faith for a
miraculous intervention in your life situation: in the here
and now!
It is with great joy as well as hope and confidence in the
life-changing power of God's word that we present the
result of our humble research into this fascinating and
empowering subject of faith.
Introduction to the New Edition
Table of Contents
Introduction to the New Edition ............... 3
Faith’s Formula .......................... 7
Faith’s Possibilities ................................... 9
Faith’s Definition .................................... 11
Faith’s Source ......................................... 19
Faith’s Development............................... 25
Faith’s Release ........................................ 29
Faith’s Future .......................................... 37
Faith’s Beginning ................................... 39
Creative Faith ........................... 47
Your Faith Sees....................................... 49
Your Faith Hears..................................... 57
Your Faith Speaks................................... 67
Your Faith Works ....................................... 77
Your Faith’s Senses ................................ 85
Creative Faith ......................................... 93
About the Author .................................... 97
Creative Faith
Part One
Faith’s Secrets
Introduction to the New Edition
Creative Faith
Faith’s Possibilities
“But Jesus said unto him, ‘if thou art able to believe, all
things are possible to him, the one that is believing’“
(Mark 9:23, Gk.).
Creative Faith
Faith’s Definition
“Now faith is the substance of things being hoped for, the
evidence of things not being seen” (Heb. 11:1).
A Critical Contrast
I had just finished speaking at an Anglican church in a
suburb of Darwin, Australia. I had prayed with folks to
receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and several had also
received the Holy Spirit. God had granted great specificity
in the word of knowledge and many had been
supernaturally healed of various ailments. There was much
rejoicing among the people.
Suddenly, someone tapped me on the arm. It seemed
several of the brethren wanted me to pray for someone who
had not responded to the altar call. A young man was
suffering from a rare rash on his arm that would not
respond to medical treatment. As is normally my practice, I
questioned the man himself to assess his level of faith (in
this case regarding divine healing).
“Do you believe the Lord will heal you now?” I asked.
He hesitated, smiled nervously and looked up into my
“To be honest with you, no, I don’t,” he replied.
Faith’s Definition
Just then, those who brought him to the front continued
to encourage me to pray for him anyway. I prayed a
general prayer for his healing. I didn’t expect anything to
happen. He didn’t expect anything to happen.
Nothing happened.
The Young Girl in Paris
A few weeks after this experience, I was holding
meetings at a large, full-gospel church in Paris. The service
had ended and I was gathering my things together,
preparing to return to my hotel room. As I sat there in the
front row, I felt a tap on my shoulder. As I turned around, a
young lady asked me, in broken English, if I would pray for
her. It seems she had a growth about the size of a billiard
ball on her back that caused her pain.
“Do you believe the Lord will heal you now?” I asked
“Oh, yes,” she replied, and lifted her hands and heart
toward heaven, her eyes closed in concentration upon the
glory of God.
Suddenly, I slapped her between the shoulder blades
and said—in faith—“Growth; stop being.”
I watched as she slowly opened her eyes, lowered her
arms and began to search for the lump on her back. Her
eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped open in surprised
wonder. Then she broke into a great big smile and threw
her arms around me rejoicing, “It’s all gone!”
I had a lot to think about as I walked back to my hotel
that night.
What accounts for the difference in these two incidents?
Why is it that two similar incidents yielded two very
different results?
Faith...or its lack.
Creative Faith
An Overemphasis?
Just here someone may question, “Is there not too much
concern about faith in the Christian life?”
In actual fact, the problem is not an overemphasis of
teaching on the subject, but, rather, an overabundance of
wrong instruction in this area.
According to the scripture, it is almost impossible to be
too concerned with the development of our faith.
Faith’s Definition
She shouted repeatedly, “I believe you can do it; I believe
you can do it!”
Suddenly, he turned to her and said, “If you believe I
can do it, get in the wheelbarrow!”
Faith—real Bible faith—will enable us to, “get in the
Faith: a Noun
Faith is a noun; it is the name of something. We either
have it or we don’t. We can’t try to have faith anymore
than we can try to have a watch or a new pair of shoes.
Creative Faith
they gave the altar call to receive Christ!”
Does it sound like he possessed faith for salvation?
Did he “believe?”
Faith and believing are like spiritual “ham and eggs;”
they go together. But they must never be confused or
substituted for each other.
Faith: a Conviction
Still another description of faith is a “conviction.”
It is an absolute certainty concerning something in the
unseen, spiritual realm.
“Being the proof of things [we] do not see and the
conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact
what is not revealed to the senses]” (Amp).
Once as I was attempting to more accurately illustrate
this aspect of faith, I came upon the example of a bank
deposit slip.
If I present you with a bank deposit slip for your
account verifying that I have placed $5,000.00 in your
account, that bank-canceled receipt would be similar to
faith. At that point you do not physically possess $5,000.00
in cash in your hands, but the deposit slip assures you that
you do, indeed, possess the money just the same!
Faith is the deposit slip!
Confusion Ends
Aren’t you glad that the Lord hasn’t left us in the dark
concerning this all-important matter of faith?
Isn’t it wonderful to know that faith is not some
“mystical something” floating around in space?
Faith is either a fruit or gift of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22; 1
Faith’s Definition
Cor. 12:9). In either case, it comes from God (Eph. 2:8-9).
Faith is the spiritual air we breathe; it is our natural,
spiritual habitat.
Faith: Spiritual Understanding
“Through faith we understand that the universe stands
framed by God’s spoken word, so that the things which are
being seen have not been made out of the things which are
appearing” (Heb. 11:3, Gk.).
Here is yet another helpful description of real, Bible
It is a spiritual, “sixth sense.”
Faith is spiritual eyesight or understanding.
It is faith that enables us to see into the spiritual world
and live according to its truths rather than the inaccurate
and conflicting testimonies of our fallen, physical senses.
According to the Bible, we all possess two sets of ears
and eyes: physical and spiritual. A lot of us can see much
better, spiritually, with our natural eyes closed!
I have traveled all over the world preaching the gospel.
Getting the funds together to make the trips is seldom easy,
I remember praying about raising the needed money for my
first short-term mission trip (to England). In the natural, it
seemed impossible. Yet, as I prayed (with my eyes closed)
I could “see” myself in the airport in Boston. I kept my
eyes closed much of the time!
It was great having coffee with the music director and
soloist in the airport coffee shop several months later.
Repetition or Revelation?
Some counsel us to simply repeat the Word—parrot-
like—to bring about faith. But will simple repetition
produce faith?
Creative Faith
As I said in another book (Seven Keys of Successful
Ministry [Diploma in the Deaconate]), when Philip
confronted the eunuch in the chariot who was busy reading
(and speaking aloud) from the Book of Isaiah, his question
“Understandest thou indeed the things thou readest”
(Acts 8:30)?
Reading, studying, meditating and speaking the Word
are helpful and important, but apart from our
understanding the Word, we will not profit in the area of
How many times did you hear the Word proclaimed
regarding: salvation, the Holy Spirit, healing, prosperity,
spiritual gifts, etc., before you understood it?
Did you possess faith in these areas prior to your really
understanding the Word in a particular area?
Aren’t you glad that the Word has a way of clearing
these things up?
Three Kinds of Faith
As we put faith under the microscope of God’s Word,
we discover three basic types of faith.
Faith’s Definition
3) Faith, the Gift (1 Cor. 12:9). This is a different, but
related manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives
which “moves mountains” and believes for the
“impossible.” Jesus and Paul both refer to it (Mark
11:22; 1 Cor. 12:9; 13:2). It is the faith that not only
trusts God for His provision, but receives it—NOW—
with absolute certainty. It is the faith of God and
operates under His power, for His glory.
Creative Faith
Faith’s Source
“So then the faith by hearing, and the hearing through
God’s spoken word” (Rom. 10:17, gk.).
Faith’s Source
A Personal Relationship
Faith is the spiritual “stuff of life.” It is the means of
sustaining our spiritual lives. And faith—real Bible faith—
grows out of relationship. As I mentioned in another book,
apart from the fellowship of the Master, the Bible remains a
closed book.
“Was not our heart burning within us, while he was
talking with us by the way, and while he was opening to us
the scriptures” (Luke 24:32, Gk.).
The disciples on the road to Emmaus had an experience
with a Person, not a principle. It was a reality, not a ritual;
it was Christ, not a creed.
The word rendered “opening” in the verse quoted above
means “explain, expound, to open the mind, the heart, so as
to receive.”
Praise God! This is just what we need.
Faith requires more than black ink on India paper; it
must be the living oracles of God!
The written Word must be quickened by the Spirit and
made the living, speaking Word, in order for faith to spring
forth in the garden of our hearts.
Hearing or Hearing?
It is one thing to hear—physically—the Word of God; it
is quite another to really hear it—with the spiritual ear—
and receive God’s faith thereby.
As we have seen, the eunuch from Ethiopia was seeing
the written Word, reading it aloud and therefore “hearing”
it, yet he remained unsaved.
Our situation is similar; we must hear the Voice of God
with the ears of our hearts. This is the “hearing of faith.”
When once “the light dawns” and “the penny drops,”
we shall not wonder about our belief. It will be warm,
Creative Faith
vibrant and vital, thrilling our beings with divine certainty.
The Spoken Word: Source of Hearing
“And the (spiritual) hearing, by God’s spoken word”
(Rom. 10:17, Gk.).
This phrase from the tenth chapter of Paul’s letter to the
Romans takes us another step toward understanding the
source of living faith.
According to Paul, spiritual “hearing” comes, not from
the written Word alone, but from a spoken word from God.
The scriptures speak of God’s Word in at least three
Jesus Christ is the Living Word.
“In the beginning was the Word (logos, Gk.), and the
Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).
And then the Bible speaks of the Written Word.
“Every scripture (graphee, Gk.) is God-inspired” (2
Tim. 3:16, Gk.).
In Eph. 6:17, Paul informs us that the Holy Spirit is the
Spoken Word.
“For your sword, take God’s Spirit, which is his Word
(rheema, Gk.)” (Eph. 6:17, Laubach).
Jesus is the “Logos.”
The Bible is the “Graphee.”
The Holy Spirit is the “Rheema.”
While the word “rheema” is sometimes used
interchangeably with “logos,” there is often a subtle
difference in meaning.
“Rheema” has reference to a “spoken word,”
“utterance” or “voice” of God.
Paul tells us that the Holy Spirit—our Sword in spiritual
combat—is God’s Voice or Spoken Word. We are to wield
this mighty Sword by means of prayer in the Spirit (Eph.
Faith’s Source
6:18, see my books, Prayer in the Spirit: the Missing
Link and The Perfect Weapon).
Comparing scripture with scripture, we could very
easily translate Rom. 10:17, “So then the faith by (spiritual)
hearing, and the hearing through God’s Spirit (Spoken
Where’s the Word?
The question now naturally arises, “How can we
receive such a vital ‘word?’”
The Bible makes it clear that it is our responsibility to
ask for it.
“It stands written, ‘man shall not live on (physical)
bread alone, but on every word (‘rheema,’ spoken word,
Gk.) that is constantly proceeding through the mouth of
God'” (Mt. 4:4, Gk.).
The Master told us:
“It is the spirit that is quickening; the flesh is profiting
not even one thing: the words (‘rheemata,’ Gk.) I speak
unto you, are spirit, and life” (John. 6:63, Gk.).
“The just one shall live by faith” the Bible says, and we
have discovered such faith comes into our hearts by
spiritually “hearing.” This remarkable experience is ours
upon possession of “God’s spoken Word.”
First Things First
The words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount take on
a new significance in the light of what we’ve discovered
about faith.
He admonished us to pray:
“Give us at once the bread: our daily one” (Mt. 6:11).
I used to wonder why preachers quoted this and similar
verses while admonishing us not to worry about the
Creative Faith
temporal issues of life. Why worry about food, clothing
and shelter when we can just ask God?
Then I read where Paul cautioned if one didn’t work,
neither should he eat (2 Thess. 3:10)!
I don’t believe Jesus and Paul belong to different
denominations, do you?
It must be that our Lord had reference to something
besides physical food.
What we require is spiritual food—living bread—the
Voice of God, spoken to us by the Spirit.
This is what Philip gave the eunuch.
This is what preachers are to give to their listeners
(Rom. 10:14ff.).
This is what Jesus gave to the disciples on the road to
Emmaus (Luke 24:27ff.).
This is what you and I need to fuel our faith. Now we
know the source of our faith.
Creative Faith
Faith’s Development
“But ye, beloved ones, continually building up yourselves
on your faith: the most holy one, praying in the Holy
Ghost” (Jude 20).
Faith’s Development
appointed means of developing ourselves in faith.
The phrase translated “building up” in Jude’s letter has
reference to the building of an edifice, brick upon brick.
Praise God!
God wants us to develop on the foundation of our
saving faith—to build a spiritual house—brick upon brick
(“word” upon “word”).
Paul’s Plan
“But, now brethren, if I come unto you speaking with
tongues, what shall I be profiting you, except I shall be
speaking to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or
by prophesying, or by teaching” (1 Cor. 14:6, Gk.).
Here, Paul describes four different “words from God”
which can come through tongues and interpretation.
Needless to say, any of these four manifestations could
bring spiritual “hearing” resulting in faith for the “hearer.”
However, by comparing his words in 1 Cor. 14:18 to
those quoted above, we see that he enjoyed a private
dimension of faith-building communication with God.
“I thank my God, I am continually speaking with
tongues more than ye all: yet in the church I had rather
speak five words with my understanding, that I might teach
others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue” (1 Cor.
14:18-19, Gk.).
By including the word also, Paul gives us an insight
into his own spiritual life; by speaking “ten thousand words
in a tongue” out of church, he taught himself.
The rivers of inspiration coursing through Paul’s inner
man not only gave him “seed to sow” to others, but also
“bread for the eater” to be used in his own life!
Creative Faith
Things to Come
Hundreds of times during the last 40 years of ministry,
great exploits of faith have come about because I took the
time to develop myself in my faith by praying in the Holy
In March of 1988, I was praying behind the platform
before the evening service in Delmas, on the island of Haiti
in the Caribbean. As I prayed, God spoke, “I’ll do
whatever you ask Me tonight.” His “spoken Word”
brought faith!
Less than an hour later, God supernaturally stopped the
rain in front of over 7,000 people!
Again, in late 1983, I went to sleep praying. I then had
a dream in which I was in the office of one of the most
influential pastors in the full gospel movement in Australia
(my superintendent had difficulty talking to the man’s
secretary). I saw the entire conversation including details
such as his secretary offering us tea, the color of the
furniture, etc. I even “saw” him checking his calendar (in
response to my requesting a preaching engagement). After
first declining, he then consulted with his secretary and
confirmed my speaking at a graduation banquet for his
ministry school.
I literally lived this experience out a few weeks after the
prayer/dream experience. All details were fulfilled to the
As we sat together in his office, I was inwardly amused
to hear the brother say he was sorry, but unable to
accommodate my schedule. How (inwardly) elated I was
to watch him call for his secretary, recheck his schedule,
and then announce my invitation to be his commencement
Faith’s Development
Peter’s Procedure
Where did Peter find the faith to effect the miracle of
Dorcas’ being raised from the dead?
“But Peter, having put them all forth, having knelt
down, prayed; and having turned to the body said,
‘Tabitha, arise’” (Acts 9:40, Gk.).
The word rendered “prayed” in this verse carries with it
the idea of entering into a period of prayer.
If we have Peter’s prayer-power, we’ll have Peter’s
faith and produce Peter’s results.
Again, the Master stated that the type of faith required
to “move mountains” (expel demons, etc.) was not common
to the human heart, but could be cultivated by “prayer and
fasting” (Mt. 17:21).
If it is true—and it is—that “the faith cometh by
hearing (spiritually), and the (spiritual) hearing, by a
spoken word from God,” and we can seek and find such
“daily bread” during, and as a result of, praying in the Holy
Ghost, what are we waiting for?!
God’s Spirit quickens God’s Word and ministers God’s
faith; the result is a spiritual explosion where all our needs
are met according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!
Creative Faith
Faith’s Release
“But we having the same Spirit of the faith, according as it
stands written, ‘I believed, and therefore have I spoken;’ we
also believe, and therefore speak” (2 Cor. 4:13, Gk.).
“For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so the faith
apart from the works is dead also” (James 2:26, Gk.).
Faith’s Release
Faith for Salvation
For example, my friend at work from college days
refused to “believe” or release his divinely-imparted faith
for salvation when the Baptist missionaries gave the altar
call. By his own admission, his knuckles were “white” as
he gripped the pew. Why did he leave the services
unsaved? Because by his unbelief (disobedience) he failed
to confess Jesus as his Lord.
Downpour in Delmas
Our ministry team made it a habit to meet for prayer
and communion in the hotel before the crusade services
each evening while we were in Haiti (March, 1988). One
evening before service the Lord ministered a prophetic
word that there would be an unusual display of His power
that evening. Needless to say, faith was mounting high
(Rom. 10:17). We were ready to hear a “rushing, mighty
wind,” see “tongues of fire,” or angelic messengers!
Before I preached, the Lord supernaturally stopped the
rain in direct answer to public prayer before thousands of
people. But that wasn’t all. After the message, as I gave
the invitation for believers to receive the Holy Spirit, I
mentioned what God had promised. The air was still (the
rain had stopped); then, fully 2,000 Christians came
forward to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I led them in
prayer and then said—by faith—”Receive the Holy Spirit.”
Suddenly, from over my right shoulder a “wind” blew
across the platform and out into the crowd.
In less than 30 seconds, nearly 2,000 Haitian believers
were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in
“other tongues” as the Spirit gave the utterance. One of our
team heard one Haitian saint speaking English
Creative Faith
We did our part (prayed, preached and believed).
The believers did their part (responded to the word and
came forward for prayer).
God did His part (baptizing them in the Holy Spirit
according to Acts 2:4).
The Haitians “released” their faith by “believing” and
speaking forth as the Spirit of God enabled them.
Faith can be released through words.
We, like David and Paul, “believe and therefore speak.”
Our Christian lives begin by believing, receiving and
confessing Christ Jesus as the Savior and Lord of our lives
(Rom. 10:9-10).
Creative Faith
“The same (cripple) was hearing Paul speaking: who,
having steadfastly beheld him, and having perceived that
he is having faith to be healed (saved, Gk.), said with the
voice—a loud one—’stand upright on the feet: yours,’ and
he was leaping and walking” (Acts 14:9-10, Gk.).
Here is a beautiful portion of scripture that tells it all. It
speaks of the creative, miracle healing of a chronic
condition (the man was lame from the womb) by the
spoken “word of faith” acted on by believing deeds
(leaping and walking).
Paul and Barnabas were busy preaching the “full
gospel” (Acts 14:7), which, undoubtedly, included divine
The crippled man “was hearing” Paul’s proclamation.
No doubt, this caused his faith to come alive to the extent
that even Paul noticed it.
It was perhaps then that the Holy Spirit whispered to
Paul a “word of wisdom” regarding how to effect the man’s
Faith’s Release
Paul obeyed and spoke—boldly—not in his own voice
or authority, but in the Voice and authority of the One Who
once said, “Light be!” and caused the brightness of a
million suns to spring forth in the midst of the darkness.
In simple obedience, the man did his best and God did
the rest!
The Barren Bear
Numerous times in crusade meetings during the last
seven years, couples who were unable to conceive children
for various reasons have suddenly become pregnant
following the “prayer of faith.” I am amazed at the words
God puts in my mouth. As I am faithful to say “Let there
be a conception,” God’s power heals and restores!
Negative or Positive?
Our words and deeds can be the vehicles for either
negative or positive results. In actual fact, the verse with
which we began this chapter is a quotation from Ps. 116:10.
Have you read it?
“I believed, therefore have I spoken: I was greatly
afflicted: I said in my haste, ‘every man is a liar’” (Ps.
116:10, Heb.).
Not a very “good confession” in context, is it?
In truth, not every man is a liar. The psalmist was
simply giving into momentary despair. He got back on
track, however; and we should “mind our mouths” too (see
my book, Wonder Working Words).
Let’s use our lips and lives for positive expressions of
the grace, love, mercy and power of God.
Our words, when motivated by God’s faith and power,
can be tremendous reservoirs of grace to those in need.
Creative Faith
After the Altar Service
Our work for the Lord is not always done when we
think it is.
Not long ago, after I had finished preaching and praying
for the sick, I sat in the front row of the auditorium to rest.
A lady came to my side and told me through halting
English (I was in a church in Paris) that she had been bound
by evil spirits, that some believers had prayed for her, but
that she still felt “bound.”
As I looked at her crest-fallen countenance, I began to
pray (undertone) “in the Spirit” (other tongues).
Suddenly, I said “Go free, in the Name of Jesus.” She
grabbed my arm and collapsed like an accordion, slowly
falling to her knees, then flat on her face on the floor beside
my chair.
In a few moments, she looked up, smiling, with the
Light of God on her face.
What if she hadn’t sought the Lord?
What if I hadn’t prayed and spoken in faith?
“If any is speaking, let him speak as the oracles of
God” (1 Pet. 4:11, Gk.).
It seems as though Peter practiced what he preached.
“And Peter said unto him, ‘Aeneas, Jesus the Christ
healeth thee: arise, and make thy bed’” (Acts 9:34).
Peter took the attitude that someone is needed to speak
for God, it might as well be him.
What is our attitude?
Wonderful Works
“Amen, amen, I say unto you, he, the one believing on
me, the works that I am doing shall he do also; and greater
than these shall he do; because I go unto my father” (John
14:12, Gk.).
Faith’s Release
I think Brother Rick had over 15 warts all over his
fingers. He came for prayer after a Sunday morning
service. His faith was “high.” I looked at his hand;
suddenly, I slapped his palm in faith and said, “Warts, stop
I saw his hands the other day; they’re as natural as
Slapping someone’s hands isn’t the prescribed treatment
for wart removal. They don’t have ears either; so it doesn’t
seem to make sense to “talk” to them. But they’re gone,
just the same.
It reminds me of a tree Jesus spoke to once (Mark
At the close of the crusade service in the Marrara Sports
Stadium (Darwin, Australia), I prayed for the saints to
receive the Spirit and also for the sick to be healed. The
soloist’s mother approached me for prayer concerning a
goiter. I was led to touch her throat with my index finger; I
don’t remember what I prayed. She was excited as she told
me it was shrinking under my finger.
I could relate hundreds of similar incidents.
What good is it for God to give us faith if we never
release it with corresponding actions of believing?
Unusual Leadings
I heard one preacher say, “If God tells you to jump
through a wall, your part is to jump; His part is to make a
God hasn’t asked me to do that yet.
Not too long ago, I finished a seminar meeting on
spiritual warfare. There were only about 120 people there,
but God’s power was heavily manifest (there were only
about 120 on the Day of Pentecost; great things can happen
Creative Faith
with a small crowd, if it’s the right small crowd).
Maybe it was my accent (I was preaching in Australia),
but the saints just lingered (Brother Westbrook tried several
times, unsuccessfully, to close the service).
One young lady had fallen under the power and
couldn’t get up. She was a little concerned and asked me,
“When can I get up?” I told her I didn’t know (I hadn’t put
her down). Finally, I told her when she was willing to stay
down, the Lord would probably let her up.
As the service went on, she found her seat. Suddenly, I
had a “word of knowledge” about a rat. It took a few
minutes, but I finally spoke it. This woman had just gone
through a painful divorce, she had two “pet rats,” some of
her only remaining friends, and one was sick (the
veterinarian couldn’t cure it). I was going to pray for her
but she said, “Don’t touch me!” (It had taken her a while to
get off the floor and back to her seat). I said, “O.K.; take
this to them” and shook my hands at her (she was about 25
feet from me).
Folks who attended the service can tell you the power
of God picked her up out of her seat and knocked her
prostrate back three rows.
I asked her later what she felt. She said a ball of fire
left my hands and hit her with a terrific force, taking her up
and out of her seat, then backward over several chairs.
The last I heard, both she and the rats are doing fine.
Isn’t that something?
What do you think about a God Who cares so much
about us that He sends one of His servants 10,000 miles to
minister a specific word and deed to one of His hurting
Our Lord promised us power and authority to do the
same miraculous works that He did, along with greater
Faith’s Release
Are we ready, willing and able to do what He asks us to
do, when He asks us to do it, that His faith might be
released through us to His glory, our fulfillment and the
good of others?
Faith and Believing
“But apart from faith it is impossible to be well-
pleasing unto him: for he, the one continually coming to
the (one, true) God must believe that he is, and that he
becometh a rewarder of them, the ones that are continually,
diligently seeking him out” (Heb. 11:6, Gk.).
I have studied this scripture in some detail in another
book (Miracle Money), but it bears repeating that the Lord
is not automatically a Rewarder (wage-payer) to everyone,
indiscriminately. It is only to the select group of those who
have faith released by believing, or corresponding words or
works of belief.
To the believing sinner, He “rewards” salvation.
To the thirsty saint, He “rewards” the Spirit.
To the seeking sufferer, He “rewards” healing.
To the determined demonized, He “rewards”
To the puzzled and perplexed, He “rewards” peace.
To the poor, He “rewards” prosperity.
In each and every situation, the Word must be sown in
the hearts of the listeners. As this incorruptible seed takes
root, it must be mixed with faith (believing) by the hearer
and then manifested and released with corresponding words
or deeds of obedience as the Spirit leads.
Just as the right ingredients, in the correct proportions,
mixed in the proper procedure will issue in an explosion in
the laboratory, so will faith, ignited by believing bring forth
Creative Faith
the power of divine supply into the needy areas of our lives.
Faith’s Future
Faith’s Future
“But the people that are knowing their triune God shall be
strong, and do exploits” (Dan. 11:32, Hb.).
Creative Faith
Faith’s Beginning
Faith’s Beginning
“By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Eph. 2:8).
Creative Faith
my place; I believe He shed His Blood to forgive my
sin; and I believe that He was buried and raised
from the dead in order that I may have Eternal Life.
Lord Jesus, I surrender my heart and my will to you.
Come into my heart; come into my life; and make me
the kind of person you want me to be. By your grace,
I’ll live for you, all the days of my life. Thank you,
Jesus, for coming into my heart. Thank you, Jesus,
for saving my soul."
Faith’s Beginning
severe injuries to her head and brain. Physicians offered
little hope for recovery. After taking the cloth to the little
girl and praying for her, she came out of the coma, is awake
and aware and currently undergoing physical therapy. She
is expected to make a complete recovery.
The information which follows details yet another way
God has instructed me to be of assistance to seeking,
suffering humanity. I trust you will take a few moments to
read carefully the next few pages. Because of the Blood of
Jesus shed on your behalf, you may be just minutes from
your miracle!
Divine Impartation
I have included the following information in this book
as well as on our ministry website, at the leading of the
Holy Spirit.
Sometime ago, the Holy Spirit informed me that I was
about to enter a new phase of ministry. I have been praying
diligently that this transition will be smooth and successful.
I believe part of it has to do with a renewed emphasis upon
the supernatural.
As I have written in other volumes, during my 40 years
of ministry I have seen about every conceivable kind of
miracle, from opening of blind eyes, to creative ones like
making barren wombs fertile and even raising the dead.
Miracles began to take place in my ministry from the
beginning (September, 1974), but they increased in
frequency and depth after an encounter I had in the summer
of 1982. My family and I had spent six weeks in Australia
in the spring of that year in an attempt to gain sponsorship
from some full-gospel organization there so that we might
return to the nation as full-time missionaries. I ministered
about 20 times in six weeks in various churches of various
Creative Faith
denominations. While I was attending a chapel service at
L.I.F.E. Bible college in Strathfield, a suburb of Sydney, the
Spirit of the Lord impressed me that when I returned to the
States, I must see a particular man of God in person before
returning to Australia in September.
To make a long story short, this man of God (one of the
key ministers in the Voice of Healing Revival of the 50’s)
came to Cincinnati for a week of meetings just prior to our
leaving for Australia. I was able to arrange a private
conference with the gentleman (after having told him on
the phone of my encounter in Australia).
While he was cordial and willing to answer my
questions, give general advice, etc., it seemed nothing
special was taking place during that week of his meetings
which I attended. I was a little discouraged when the time
for the last meeting—a morning teaching seminar—arrived.
After teaching on the subject of faith, he said, “I’m not
going to pray for people today. Instead, I’m going to stand
here and anyone with a need, just come up and shake hands
with me in faith for your miracle.”
As I anticipated going up to the front of the auditorium,
I assumed he would stop and pray for me, speak a prophetic
word over me, etc. However, as I filed past him, nothing
I returned to my seat, having shaken hands with him,
feeling very dejected, knowing he would be leaving the city
that afternoon and I would be leaving the country in a few
weeks. I couldn’t understand how or where I’d “missed it.”
A Question of Faith
Just then the Holy Spirit spoke clearly to my heart,
“Did you do what I instructed you?” I knew I did.
“Did you release your faith when you shook hands with
Faith’s Beginning
the man of God?” I knew I did.
“Do you believe you received?” I sat for a moment and
realized I did.
Suddenly, my right palm began to tingle and burn. I
asked the man of God what it meant as I left the building.
He calmly replied, “Ask God.”
I did and He gave me the verses in Mt. 16:17-19 about
the Keys of the Kingdom and the power to “bind and loose.”
My hand tingled and burned for nearly 24 hours.
Divine Confirmation
Upon my arrival in Australia, miracles became startling
and commonplace. I ministered in 55 churches, three Bible
colleges and several auditoriums during that first 14 months
(I’ve made three additional short trips there since).
We were eyewitnesses to healing of: blindness,
deafness, cancer, short limbs being lengthened, crippled
limbs being made straight, arthritis, diabetes, heart
conditions and deliverance from all manner of addictions.
Five months after I arrived in the country I received a
long-distance phone call from some colleagues in the
ministry to the effect that this mighty man of God had gone
to Heaven. Only God could have known and thus
orchestrated our meeting in order to effect a Divine
Your Point of Contact
As I have prayed about my authority to bind and loose,
the Holy Spirit impressed me to scan an image of my right
hand and place it on our website as a point of contact for
anyone requiring a miracle. I am including that image in
this publication in the hope of providing the supernatural
relief and release you desire to receive from God.
Creative Faith
If you believe the natural can become supernatural
when God gets involved, you, too, can receive your
Moses’ rod could become a serpent, opened the Red Sea
and brought water from a rock. Elisha’s mantle opened the
Jordan River. His dead bones resurrected a dead army
commander. Peter’s shadow, Paul’s handkerchiefs and
Jesus’ clothing were natural things that became
supernatural conduits of divine power when God got
I urge you to release your faith to God as you place
your hand on the photograph of mine on the following page
and expect a miracle! As the Spirit of the Lord meets your
need by means of a miracle, be sure to write and testify.
Let’s pray:
Faith’s Beginning
Creative Faith
Faith’s Beginning
Part Two
Faith's Power
Creative Faith
Your Faith Sees
Creative Faith
assurance was dropped into my heart. I told my wife, son
and others, “we are going to see at least 10,000 people here
before the meetings are over.”
By Sunday evening (the last night of the crusade) I was
looking out over a crowd of 10,000 people. All the “holes”
in the audience had been filled in and the glory of God was
manifest to everyone.
Perhaps what was more amazing was the conversation I
had with Bishop Liberius several months after the
meetings. He said, “Brother Joe, it seems our crowd
estimates were a little off for the last meeting. I’m told we
had closer to 12,000 out the last night! Not only that, but
other crusades—from many different denominations—have
begun to spring up all over the island. It seems your
meetings ‘broke’ something in the spirit world and revival
is coming!”
Needless to say, I was elated and astounded to see Eph.
3:20 lived out in the crusade:
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding, abundantly
above all that we ask or think, according to the power that
worketh in us.”
Creative Faith
Here it was again, another instance of God bringing to
pass a faith image birthed in my spirit during prayer. The
Lord had—through faith—caused there to be people in the
crowd where there had been none only days before. How
had it happened? From where had they come? Why did the
crowd grow nearly four thousand in one night?
I don’t have all the answers to these questions. But I do
know faith—real, Bible faith—changes things, people and
circumstances for God’s glory; it causes His will to be done
Your Faith Sees
in earth, just as it is in Heaven.
Isn’t this exciting?
Can you see the limitless possibilities that are ours in
the Lord Jesus?
The Things Being Seen
“Through faith we understand that the successive ages
stand framed by God’s spoken word, so that the things
which are being seen have not been made out of the things
which are appearing” (Heb. 11:3, Gk.).
Notice, according to God’s Word, it is eternally the
invisible first, then the visible. First, the spiritual cause,
then the physical effect.
“Now faith is the confidence of things constantly being
hoped for, the conviction of facts not being constantly
seen” (Heb. 11:1, Gk.).
The Amplified version adds this insight:
“[Faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to
the senses].”
Not only is the visible second in God’s creative order of
things, but it is subject to change.
“While we are constantly looking not at the things
which are constantly being seen, but at the things which
are constantly being unseen: for the things which are
constantly being seen are temporal; but the things which
are constantly being unseen are eternal” (1 Cor. 4:18, Gk.).
Your Faith Sees
Understand this spiritual fact: your faith has eyes. One
writer has said, “most believers see better spiritually with
their physical eyes closed.”
The things which are visible to the natural eye are all
subject to change. In Paul’s case, he was beset with
Creative Faith
persecutions and afflictions for the sake of the gospel.
However, by the eye of faith, he could call those things
“light affliction, which is but for a moment” (2 Cor. 4:17).
Not only that but he declared—again by faith—that it
“worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of
Paul lived by faith and encouraged us to do so.
He speaks of Moses who by “faith forsook Egypt, not
fearing the king: for he endured, as seeing the Unseen
One” (Heb. 11:27, Gk.).
Growing Faith
The seeds of this principle were somehow planted in
my heart as a boy. I remember desiring more than anything
else in life a suit of armor when I was about 10. How I
prayed! As I asked the Lord for the armor, I would “see” it
under my bed. Each day when I came home from school I
ran up to my room and looked under my bed. That was
It never appeared under my bed, but several months
later, it did appear under the Christmas tree!
Again, when I was in college, I had the biggest crush of
my life. The young lady I was so enamored of spent one
semester overseas at our school’s sister campus. I promised
to correspond and she promised to reply. I wrote to her but
it seemed she was not interested in replying. I went to
prayer and—by faith—saw her letter to me in my mailbox.
When was I happier: when I sensed the assurance of her
reply in prayer, or when I physically opened the envelope a
few weeks later?
Spiritual Persistence
When we decided to pioneer the local church I pastor, I
Your Faith Sees
saw us meeting in the side room of the local senior center.
When I applied for the room, I was told it was
unavailable. I went back to prayer and again saw us in that
room, rejoicing and worshiping the Lord. Needless to say,
the room “happened” to become available after all and we
first met there before moving to the larger room, a third
location and eventually our present location.
What if I had given up?
What is it that your faith “sees?”
Are you willing to be persistent in the spirit until your
hope becomes sight?
We negotiated for nearly two years to secure our current
church facility.
Once while I was praying I saw the words, White Oak
Chapel, over the door. God spoke to me, “I’ve given you
the land.”
I knew His reference was to the Children of Israel’s
blessing of Canaan, a place prepared, flowing with milk
and honey, fully equipped with cities they hadn’t founded,
houses they hadn’t built, vineyards they hadn’t planted or
tended, wells they hadn’t dug, etc.
This was a picture of our present sanctuary (it had been
vacant for a year, fully equipped for worship, even down to
the hymnals in the pews).
At one point in the negotiations the owner said, “You’re
trying to get a Cadillac; maybe you should look at a
Chevy” (another, lesser property he had available).
Soon, we celebrated our first year in the “Cadillac.”
Miracle Healing
I was preaching in London many years ago. A young
lady approached me in the prayer line. She was an
American flight attendant who had heard about the miracles
Creative Faith
in our ministry. Although physicians had told her not to
venture out to the meetings (she had a severe back problem
and wore a brace under her clothing), she “saw” herself
being healed by God. After prayer, she took her brace off
and bent and twisted every which way: healed by the power
of God through faith!
The “seen” was an injured back, unable to bend or
twist, imprisoned by a very necessary brace. The “unseen”
was a new back, capable of doing anything required of it.
I could relate hundreds of such stories.
Spiritual Revival
No doubt, things looked pretty bad in Israel during the
time of Nehemiah. But the governor refused to live his life
by the changeable seen and, instead, plotted his course by
the unchanging “unseen.” Bible history records the wisdom
of his decision.
Obviously, some British saints had a faith image of a
new and different, godly Wales in the early part of this
century. The Spirit of the Lord responded and brought a
nationwide revival that is still being written and preached
Last year I was in Australia preaching in churches and
lecturing in a ministers’ convention. As I looked into the
faces of ministers and laypersons alike, I endeavored to
raise the expectation of the people for a nationwide revival
in the land. I encouraged them to see their churches full, to
see their newspapers carrying articles of important political,
sports and motion picture figures being converted to
Christianity. I could sense the despair and discouragement
in many of them. I pressed the point by delivering the
burden the Holy Spirit had given me months earlier:
Your Faith Sees
“If you don’t like what you see,
start seeing what you like.”
Creative Faith
It looked like the end when Pharaoh commanded Moses
and the People of Israel to leave Egypt. Israel was militarily
outclassed. Yet Moses was able to endure, without fear, “as
seeing the Unseen One” (Heb. 11:27, Gk.).
You can be sure there was no satellite television at the
How did Moses see the one, true God?
He saw Him by faith.
Rather than being the end of Israel, it became the end of
the Egyptians!
Faith changes things!
Your faith sees!
Sin, sickness, bondage and failure are all subject to
Sin can be forgiven.
Sickness can be healed.
Bondage can be broken.
Failure can be reversed.
Success can be achieved.
These things are everlasting.
Why not decide to begin living by faith and allowing it
to see.
Let’s walk by faith and not by (physical) sight.
Your Faith Hears
Creative Faith
Let’s be honest about it, He found us and gave us the
gift of repentance unto life through the preaching of His
Word (Acts 11:18).
The Fruit of Faith
The second kind of faith we might translate as trust or
the ability to look to the Lord in a general way for
sustenance and needed answers to prayer on a daily basis. It
is kind of like a muscle which grows with exercise (1
Thess. 1:3).
For instance, we may begin our walk with the Lord able
to trust Him for the healing of a headache and, years later,
for deliverance from a cancerous condition.
The Gift of Faith
And then there is the marvelous manifestation of the
gift of faith which makes possible the impossible, moving
mountains of obstacles out of our pathway and bringing
miracles to pass in our lives. I have experienced this on a
number of occasions. It’s something like a blanket of
confidence that steals over me, granting me an absolute
assurance that what I am desiring from the Lord is mine:
Just this year, while in Athens, Greece ministering in a
crusade, the gift of faith led me to tell an Iraqi soldier to
bend over and touch his toes even though he couldn’t due
to a war injury and shrapnel lodged there. In a moment he
was perfectly healed!
Philip and the Eunuch
This concept of faith coming by hearing is beautifully
illustrated in the story of the Ethiopian eunuch’s conversion
as described in the Book of Acts.
Your Faith Hears
Faith from many directions was required to accomplish
this feat for the Kingdom of God.
You will recall Philip, one of the original deacons in the
Jerusalem church, began ministering as an evangelist and
held a citywide revival in the city of Samaria.
The Book of Acts 8:26-28, tells of an angel bringing
him a word from God to leave the revival and travel to the
desert some 60 miles southwest of Jerusalem.
How many of us would want that word?
It takes faith to stay and it also takes faith to go.
No doubt in Philip’s flesh, in the natural, he preferred to
stay with the crowds and experience more of the Lord’s
“signs, wonders and miracles.”
Who would opt for a desert ministry?
Philip needed faith to go.
I remember serving a certain church, many years ago. I
had invested a lot of time, talent and energy in that
ministry. I had gotten the congregation into a new facility
and out of debt. Yet, one evening in May, in the middle of
my Sunday night message, I literally felt—in the spirit—as
though a cord had been cut by the Lord, severing my ties
with that fellowship. I could have resigned that night.
However, it wasn’t until that fall that I followed through.
Again, around the same time, I had a dream in which a
man of God was addressing an assembly of ministers
(myself included). He walked around the room saying,
“Some are called to go and some are called to stay.”
Then, turning to me and pointing his finger in my face,
he said “You’re called to go!”
Needless to say, I resigned the pastorate and pioneered
the work I currently oversee, having done extensive
apostolic (missionary) work in addition.
Creative Faith
Faith + Works = Victory
It’s interesting to read what follows the account of
Philip’s obedience to the word of God through the angel:
“And he, having arisen, went: and, behold, a man of
Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace queen
of the Ethiopians” (Acts 8:27, Gk.).
It was after Philip went that he beheld the purpose of
his calling. God operates on a need to know basis. Our
words from God are daily bread according to Jesus (Mt.
According to one scholar, this eunuch was a potentate
and treasurer of Candace the queen. These Ethiopians were
proselytes to Judaism. There is a theory that the Queen of
Sheba (either Balkis or Maqueda) had a son, Menilek, by
Solomon and also converted to Judaism because of him,
which, in turn paved the way for Christianity.
Luke’s account in the Book of Acts states that the
eunuch was reading from the scroll of Isaiah, chapter 53.
No doubt, he was a man of means, since he was able to
purchase a copy of the Old Testament scriptures. The
question is “Why wasn’t he saved?”
Hearing or “HEARING?”
According to the Bible, this man was seeing the Word,
saying the Word and, therefore, hearing the Word (from his
own lips); yet he remained unsaved.
Philip’s question furnishes the answer:
“Understandest thou indeed the things thou readest”
(Acts 8:30, Gk.)?
Hebrews 11:3 reminds us that “through faith we
We don't need repetition; we need revelation!
Your Faith Hears
The eunuch’s reply is penetrating:
“How can I, except someone should guide me” (Acts
8:31, Gk.)?
In other words, the ministry gifts (apostle, prophet,
evangelist, pastor-teacher, Eph. 4:11), should bring faith to
hungry listeners. “Faith cometh by hearing” (Rom. 10:17).
However, as one writer has put it, faith leaveth by
hearing what is being preached by some “preachers!”
We certainly can’t expect God to confirm our words of
doubt and unbelief!
This word, guide, is used by Jesus concerning the
ministry of the Holy Spirit “guiding” us into all truth (John.
“The Philip, having opened his mouth, and having
begun from the same scripture (Is. 53:7-8), evangelized
unto him Jesus” (Acts 8:35, Gk.).
Praise God!
The Word of God became a word from God by the Holy
Spirit’s ministry through Philip.
Your faith hears.
Abraham, the Father of the faithful, experienced the
Voice of God, which brought faith in Gen. 15:5-6. There
the Lord promised him his progeny would be as numerous
as the stars in the night sky.
In the natural, in the flesh, this prediction seemed to be
impossibility. But remember the word of the angel to the
Virgin, Mary:
“For with the (one, true) God no spoken word shall be
without the power of its own fulfillment” (Luke 1:37, Gk.).
Can we understand and believe this?
There is no limit to the creative ability of the spoken
Creative Faith
word of God!
First Isaac, then Jacob, then a multitude were birthed
because of the word from God which Abraham heard and
There was a time when I thought I needed money (to
pay bills) or healing (to recover from sickness) or strength
(to fulfill the will of God).
I’m learning all I need is my daily bread.
This is all you need.
When Moses stopped to investigate the Source of the
Power behind the burning bush, the word of the Lord spoke
to him, “Moses, Moses;” to which he replied, “Here am I”
(Ex. 3:4).
After this exchange, Yahweh commissioned him to lead
God’s covenant people out of bondage in Egypt to the
beauty and bounty of the Promised Land.
There is a Jericho (Heb. place of sweetness) for you.
There is a promised land awaiting your entrance. It is a
place in the Spirit of God abounding with the fruit and gifts
of the Spirit, where all your enemies are defeated and all
your needs are met. It’s called the Kingdom of God. It is
“righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Rom.
And it is within you (Luke 17:21)!
The great prophet of God, Elijah, heard a word from
God more dependable than any weather report (1 Kg. 18:1).
After a three and a half-year draught brought about by
the unbreakable word of God, that Voice spoke again:
“‘Go, shew thyself unto Ahab; and I will send rain
Your Faith Hears
upon the earth” (2 Kings 18:1).
The word of the Lord can kill or cure depending upon
the divine will and the response of humanity to His plans,
purposes and provisions for us.
Missions Motivation
God has spoken to me a number of times during the
past 40 years of ministry concerning where to go, what to
do, and how to do it.
In 1975 He spoke to me in a vision and called me as an
In 1976 while deep in prayer, I received an apostolic
call to the nation of Australia. This was followed by one to
Greece (January, 1984), France (March, 1986), Haiti
(March, 1988, November, 1993), as well as many other
countries since that time.
While on the mission field (March, 1983) I received a
call to pastor a certain congregation when I returned home.
In May of the same year, in a vision, I was made to know I
would pioneer yet another congregation in America which
would also serve as a base of national and international
outreach. It has all come to pass as the word
of the Lord decreed it.
The question is never, “Is God speaking?”
Rather, the question is, “Are we hearing/obeying?”
The word of the Lord came to the prophet, Jonah, twice
(the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable, Rom. 11:29).
We read of his original commission to preach to the
Ninevites in chapter one, verses one and two, and then
(after his disobedience and subsequent repentance) again in
chapter three, verses one and two.
Creative Faith
It was certainly never the will of God for Jonah to
procrastinate or delay the fulfillment of his assignment
from God. The problem was never God’s; it was Jonah’s.
What has God been speaking to you? What have you
done about it?
Again, in the New Testament, we see this principle
being lived out in the life of the apostle Paul. In the Book
of Acts, chapter 27, verse 23, we read of an angel bringing
Paul a word from God that promised him not only his own
deliverance from death at sea but the lives of 276 others on
board also!
What was the apostle’s response?
“Wherefore, sirs, be cheered up: for I believe God”
(Acts 27:25, Gk.).
What is our response to the word of faith spoken to us
by God while in the midst of storm-tossed seas?
It all depends upon our relationship to the Master and
whether we are in the habit of asking for and receiving our
daily bread.
Do we have ears to hear Paul did?
The time was when he and Barnabas were rejected by
some unbelieving Jews. Rather than quit, Paul allowed the
Holy Spirit to quicken the words of the prophet Isaiah (in
context, spoken to the nation of Israel) in chapter 49, verse
six, to him, applying the message to his experience:
“I have set thee for a light of the nations, that thou
shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.”
Yesterday, Today and Forever
God is no respecter of persons. How many of us can
testify that God has applied some verse or portion of
Your Faith Hears
scripture to our lives.
Indeed, after just under seven hours of prayer in June,
1982, God spoke Rev. 3:8 to me, instilling faith in my heart
for sponsorship by a full-gospel ministry in Australia which
resulted in our mission work there as well as three
additional trips.
Hearing = Obeying
Hearing not only means understanding or having faith
for a particular promise from God, but it also means
obedience to that word.
Paul quotes the prophet Isaiah in Rom. 10:16, “Lord,
who hath believed our report?”
The context of this is clear:
“Oh, Yahweh, who, among all those in Israel whom
mouth your Name with their lips, really believe (obey) your
will with their lives?”
The Master admonished us to be careful of our spiritual
hearing (Mark 4:23ff.). To those who use what they have
received (i.e., obedient listeners) more truth would be
However, to those who don’t put the word heard into
practice, even what they have (i.e., wrongly assume they
have) will be taken away from them (by Satan).
Faith apart from works (believing, obeying) is dead as
the apostle James declares (James 2:26).
But that is the subject of another chapter.
Creative Faith
Your Faith Speaks
Creative Faith
won’t be any rain during this meeting.”
He looked puzzled. I was a bit surprised myself as the
words hadn’t come from my head but directly from my
There wasn’t time to pray about the situation;
fortunately, I had already prayed before I’d left the hotel.
A few minutes later, just as the last of the special music
was finishing, the same man came to me smiling. He
pointed up again and said, “Look at that!”
As we looked overhead we saw the moon shining and
the clouds blowing away in the opposite direction.
He then showed me his arm. It was red and the skin was
rough and blotchy. “Don’t know what this is, but it doesn’t
respond to any cream. Can you pray for me?”
Suddenly, I slapped his arm and said, “skin, become
At the close of the service, he ran to the platform and
showed me his arm. The skin was no longer rough or
blotchy and only slightly pink.
The next morning, it was as normal as his other arm.
“If any is speaking, as oracles of God” (1 Pet. 4:11,
The apostle Peter gave us some pretty sound advice
along this line. He alludes to this interesting spiritual fact:
our faith speaks.
We see this principle displayed throughout the Bible,
beginning with the very first Book, Genesis. There we find
that the entire created order was spoken into existence by
our Heavenly Father. He wants us to demonstrate that
cliché: like father, like son.
That is, under His direction and authority—with His
power—we are to cause His will to be done on earth just as
it is in Heaven.
Your Faith Speaks
It certainly wasn’t His will for the meetings in Haiti to
be disrupted by rain, nor for Larry to suffer with an
irritating skin affliction.
Prayer changes things; so does the Word spoken in
The Case of Aeneas
We see this principle beautifully depicted in the healing
of Aeneas recorded in the Book of Acts.
“And it came to pass, as Peter is passing throughout all
quarters, he came down also to the saints, the ones
inhabiting Lydda” (Acts 9:32, Gk.).
This is apostolic ministry.
There is more required to claiming the office of apostle
than having business cards printed up and introducing
oneself as Apostle Smith. It’s embarrassing to see some in
the Body of Christ claiming this office because they’ve
pioneered a local church or made a brief trip to some
foreign field.
How will we know a real apostle?
“Truly, the signs of the apostle were wrought among
you in all patience, in signs, in wonders, and mighty
deeds” (2 Cor. 12:12, Gk.).
Peter’s apostolic ministry took him where the people
were with needs. So will yours.
Human Need
“And there he found a certain man named Aeneas,
lying down on a bed, who had been continually paralyzed”
(Acts 9:33, Gk.).
Here is an interesting thought. When the Bible speaks
of believers in the Book of Acts, normally the term disciple
is used of them. Here, Aeneas is simply called, “a certain
Creative Faith
Could it be that he was crippled physically as well as
Was he lost as well as sick?
What a picture of suffering humanity!
Notice that this was a chronic condition. The scripture
says he had been “lying down on a bed, eight years.”
Is this your situation or the condition of someone you
Is this not a picture of unsaved humanity, chronically
crippled, spiritually unable to get up and go, in need of
divine help and healing?
What is your problem?
Is it a chronic condition?
God is looking for you.
Verse 33 says of Peter, “there he found...”
In other words, he was looking for Aeneas. He must
have had inside information.
Perhaps one afternoon as he was praying on the
housetop (see Acts 10), while his wife was burning the
bacon, he fell into a trance.
He saw a sinner named Aeneas, a Gentile, without hope
and without God in the world. The Holy Ghost quickened
faith in his heart for the man’s healing. He knew he simply
had to travel to Lydda and put works with his faith.
Cooperation of Gifts
God is not in the habit of sponsoring one man bands.
We are part of one Body, each standing where God has
placed us and blooming where He has planted us (1 Cor.
12:18, 28).
Last year when I was ministering in Darwin, Australia,
the gifts were operating in many of the ministers and their
Your Faith Speaks
wives during the conference at which I was lecturing.
One afternoon during the lunch break, Anne shared
how she had been travailing in prayer for a woman of
Indian background whom she had seen in a dream. She saw
the lady present in a church service who came in the prayer
line. She saw me embrace this woman and then speak the
word of release. At this point in the dream, the lady fell
under the power and rose up healed. Anne felt the woman
was suffering from a mental disorder.
The next evening as I was ministering in an Anglican
church, the woman appeared!
How exciting it was to act out the vision and embrace
her while speaking the word of faith.
She fell under the power and rose up healed. Later, she
testified to suffering from a chronic mental condition and
being ostracized from fellowship with other believers due
to her strange behavior. But God Almighty was able to
speak to one of his handmaidens about this woman’s plight
who, in turn, ministered the information to me. As I acted
in faith, the woman was set free to the glory of God.
I say again, God is looking for chronically crippled men
and women to rescue today!
The Divine Seed
First there is the human need, and then there will appear
the divine Seed.
Not only will the Lord bring deliverance to hurting
humans through the word of faith, but often, one
supernatural manifestation is all it takes to open a service or
stir a community.
During my second short-term mission trip (to England),
the services were often tied up spiritually, due to satanic
oppression present in various towns and villages. How
Creative Faith
frequently was a service opened by an anointed prophecy
from the worship leader’s wife!
In this manner a way for the Word was forged and faith
could then be released through works of obedience.
The Voice of Faith
“And Peter said unto him, Aeneas, Jesus the Messiah is
healing you now” (Acts 9:34, Gk.).
This Voice did not originate in Peter’s throat or mouth,
but in his belly or spirit (inner man), where he was “joined
to the Lord” (1 Cor. 6:17).
He was practicing what he preached to us by speaking
as the oracles of God.
God’s plan for Aeneas had never been eight years of
paralysis; it was always abundant health (John 10:10).
It was the enemy, Satan, who had had him bound (Acts
But into this morass of satanic mischief, the Spirit of
God and the word of faith and healing had been introduced,
bringing restoration.
I like to think of this as divine alchemy (see my book,
Wonder Working Words).
This is a matter of believing in the heart and speaking
with the mouth that which we desire.
It is releasing the faith of God.
God did this, in the beginning (Heb. 11:3).
Again, after the fall of Lucifer and the subsequent and
resulting chaos, God recreated the created order in the same
way (Ps. 33:6, 9; Gen. 1:3).
Moses spoke the word for his sister, Miriam, who had
been smitten with leprosy because of her rebellion. The
result? Healing (Num. 12:13).
When Israel struggled in a military conflict with the
Your Faith Speaks
Amorites and the day wore on too quickly, Joshua spoke
the word and even the sun obeyed (Josh. 10:12ff.).
Certainly, our Lord Jesus Christ did this repeatedly (i.e.,
Mark 5:41) and taught us to do likewise (Mark 11:22ff.).
As we have seen, “faith cometh by hearing
(spiritually), and the (spiritual) hearing, through a ‘spoken
word from God’” (Rom. 10:17, Gk.).
It then must be released by words or works.
Peter must have prayed first (and seen Aeneas by faith),
before coming to Lydda, in much the same way as Jesus
had done in the case of Lazarus. At the tomb, Jesus said,
“Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me” (John 11:41).
There is no record of Jesus praying at the tomb!
When had He prayed (and “been heard”)?
No doubt, before He ever reentered Bethany.
In the case of Peter raising Dorcas from the dead, the
apostle prayed first at the very scene of the miracle, just
before he spoke the word of faith (Acts 9:40).
Here, in the case of Aeneas, his praying must have
occurred earlier.
In both cases, the needs were wonderfully met!
The Miraculous Deed
“Arise at once, and spread a bed for yourself at once”
(Acts 9:34b, Gk.).
How fantastic is this Voice of faith!
This phrase Peter used, “make thy bed,” can mean that
literally, or it may refer to preparing a meal, as it is used of
the Passover meal’s preparation.
Perhaps he needed food for strength even after the
miracle of healing. In any case, the word of God spoken
through Peter changed everything for Aeneas.
I like to think he was made completely whole that day,
Creative Faith
in spirit as well as body. I like to think the Holy Spirit
would from then on describe him, not as a certain man, but
as a certain disciple.
As we will see in the next chapter, even the spoken
word of faith, as powerful and creative as it is, must be
responded to by actions of obedience/belief.
We all have a part to play.
God did His part by sending Jesus to provide a full
salvation on the Cross (1 Pet. 2:24) and in calling and
sending forth ministers of the Word, filled with the Holy
Spirit and operating in His gifts (Eph. 4:11, 1 Cor. 12:8-10).
Peter did his part by praying, traveling, and speaking
the word.
Aeneas also did his part by receiving, believing and
acting upon the word he heard.
“And he arose immediately” (Acts 9:34b).
He didn’t pray about it, or call a committee meeting to
discuss the possibility of whether God heals apart from
Neither did he demand to be anointed with oil or to
have hands laid on him.
We don’t hear him asking “Where’s the scripture for
this?” either.
He simply obeyed.
“Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and
thou be found a liar” (Prov. 30:6).
A New Knee
Many years ago when I was a missionary to Australia, I
was preaching in a large, full gospel church in Brisbane. A
young athlete answered the altar call and requested prayer
for a bad knee. It seems some cartilage had been damaged
and he was unable to bend his knee, let alone participate in
Your Faith Speaks
Suddenly, I said, “Kneel down.” He looked at me,
shocked, as if to say, “I just told you, that’s my problem; I
can’t bend my knee.”
Just as quickly, I noticed faith in his eyes. He closed
them, raised both arms and as he did his best, God did the
rest and he knelt without pain to the glory of God!
He later jumped up and bent every which way,
shouting, “I’ve got a new knee!”
God is a God of newness, restoration, refreshing and
spiritual renewal. May we be channels of His power to
others by speaking in faith.
The Purpose of Miracles
If you have studied our ministry courses, you already
know the answer to the question, “What purpose do
miracles serve?”
What was the result of this miracle of healing?
What happened to the community of Lydda where
Aeneas lived?
“And all that are dwelling at Lydda and Sharon saw
him, who turned to the Lord” (Acts 9:35, Gk.).
A few verses later we read the account of Peter raising
Dorcas the deaconess from the dead.
What was the result of that sign?
“And it became know throughout all Joppa; and many
believed on the Lord” (Acts 9:42, Gk.).
These two verses are clear enough not to require
additional comment.
The Lord Jesus told us the result of our being able to do
the (miraculous) works He did and greater ones:
“That the Father may be glorified in the Son” (John
Creative Faith
The mighty Voice of faith sounded out under God’s
authority, at His bidding, accomplishes the impossible,
heals the hurting and glorifies the great God of the universe
and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit of God is ready, willing and able to
assist us in bringing God’s will to pass in the lives of lost,
listless, lifeless human beings.
Will we allow Him to do it?
Your Faith Works
Creative Faith
Faith – Works = Dead Faith
This is a very simple, yet profound, spiritual equation.
According to the Bible, a faith that is not accompanied by
corresponding actions of belief/obedience is not really
biblical faith at all, but rather, a satanic counterfeit.
“What the profit, my brethren, though any one says he
hath faith, and has not works? Can the faith—that one—
save him” (James 2:14, Gk.)?
Do you get it?
Here the apostle describes a “said” faith... which is not
accompanied by corresponding actions. His reasoning: can
that type of (“said”) faith save a man?
The obvious answer is “No.”
“But if a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of the
daily food, and one of you say unto them, ‘be departing in
peace, be constantly warmed and filled;’ notwithstanding
ye give them not things which are needful to the body; what
the profits (James 2:15-16, Gk.)?
He clinches his argument with verse 17:
“Even so the (said) faith, if it hath not works, is dead,
by itself” (James 2:17, Gk.).
This is “said” faith, or “head” faith; it is dead faith.
In the verse with which we began this chapter (James
2:26), James declares that a faith without works is as dead
as a body without a spirit.
In other words, he refers, not to a living faith being
unexpressed, but a dead or counterfeit faith, not originating
in the Holy Spirit.
Looking at the situation from this angle, we might see
our works as an accurate barometer of our believing.
How do we really know whether or not we really
believe in a particular circumstance?
By examining our actions. The acid test of our belief is
Your Faith Works
how it does or does not translate into action in life.
Love is much the same way.
The apostle John reminds us not to love in word
(teaching), nor in tongue (speech), but in deed (works) and
in truth (reality, rather than hypocrisy, 1 John 3:18).
His example is nearly identical to that described by
James: the need for ministry to hurting, needy brothers and
sisters in Christ.
True Versus False
James places real and hypocritical faith side by side in
verse 10:
“Yea, one may say, ‘thou hast faith and I have works':
‘show me (at once) the faith—yours—apart from the works
—yours, and I will show thee (at once) the faith—mine—
out of the works: mine'” (James 2:18, Gk.).
It is far easier to confess something than it is to possess
something. Many within the ranks of “Churchianity” are
great talkers. What we need are some doers!
If we believe the gospel is for all, we will witness to
everyone within our sphere of influence.
If we believe Christ founded the Church, we will attend
regularly and support the ministry with our time, tithes and
If we believe the Bible is God’s Word, we will read,
believe and live by it on a daily basis.
If we believe prayer changes things and causes God’s
will to be done in earth just as it is in Heaven, we will
practice it.
It is possible to deceive ourselves in this area of faith.
Counterfeit Salvation
Many years ago, while serving as a missionary, I
Creative Faith
preached a citywide crusade in a city in the north of
Australia. Hundreds of people attended and God’s Spirit
moved in spectacular ways.
On one evening, a lady—blind for over eight years—
was instantly healed. On another occasion, a young boy
whose one leg was fully an inch and a half shorter than the
other was healed over a period of several minutes.
Onlookers could see his leg slowly grow to match the other.
Toward the close of the meeting, I ministered about the
Lordship of Christ, pressing the point that we are saved by
receiving Jesus as Lord, and surrendering our hearts and
wills to Him in living faith (Rom. 10:9-10; Eph. 2:8-9).
When I gave the altar call—for salvation—about 17
“believers” answered! They had simply had a “head” faith
until that night, but had not been truly born again. Someone
has said the longest 18 inches on earth stretches between
the human head and heart.
“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well:
the demons also believe and shudder” (James 2:19, Gk.).
Here is the supreme illustration of head knowledge as
opposed to heart understanding.
The one is a fool’s salvation; the other, a full salvation!
“But are you unwilling to know, O vain man, that the
(head) faith apart from the works is dead” (James 2:20,
As we have mentioned, a few verses later, James
“For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so the
(head) faith apart from the works is dead also” (James
2:26, Gk.).
As I was preparing a message on this subject I asked
myself, “Why didn’t he reverse the order and say, ‘as the
spirit apart from the body’?”
Your Faith Works
Suddenly, the Holy Spirit enlightened me.
It is because the human spirit is alive, even when
separated from the body, living on eternally either in
Heaven or hell.
What James is emphasizing is that such a work-less
faith is not.
It is not a living or real faith, temporarily un-exercised
which he is discussing, but rather, a dead faith, originating
in the head, spoken by the mouth in hypocrisy.
Faith is the seed; works are the deed.
Jesus said, “wherefore by their fruits (works) ye shall
fully know them (false prophets)” (Mt. 7:20, Gk.).
In other words, the woods are full of this kind.
At the Second Coming, at the Judgment Seat of Christ,
the final distinction will be made between those who said
only and those who said and did (Mt. 7:21-23; 25:41ff.).
What are our works declaring about our faith?
If you believe you are called to the ministry, what are
you doing about it?
Faith + Works = Live Faith
Here is another simple, spiritual equation.
A faith—spoken or unspoken—acted on by
corresponding works of obedience, is a living one.
Abraham believed God and demonstrated it by offering
his son, Isaac (Gen. 15:6; 22:10). Faith was the seed
motivating the deed.
Rahab proved her faith in the spies’ word to be genuine
by sending them out another way, sparing their lives that
they might, later, spare hers and her family’s (Josh. 2).
The Bible abounds with such illustrations.
Creative Faith
Obedience Brings Healing
Just the other day, a beautiful, young couple in the
church brought their little baby to the altar for prayer. He
had been diagnosed with a certain intestinal disorder and
was scheduled for tests in a few days.
I believe God is a healer.
The couple believe Jesus loves the little children.
The Bible declares the “prayer of faith” shall save the
sick, and the Lord will raise him up (James 5:15).
They came; we prayed and God healed.
I put my hand on that little baby and said, “Intestines:
become normal.”
Sunday morning the young father told me the tests
came back negative.
Isn’t God wonderful?
How can we determine whether ours is only a head
faith or said faith, in reality a dead faith?
By our actions.
Our actions can be a spiritual thermometer, measuring
the heat of our belief in the promises of God.
Not only that, but our faith works or releases the power
of God into our life’s situations.
Disobedience Delays Blessings
Last year I was ministering in New Zealand.
Among many who answered an altar call was a young
man who requested prayer for his life “to start making
The Lord showed me he had a call to the ministry. I told
him he would need to come to grips with that fact and
begin to prepare himself.
As I prayed, he fell under the power.
I’m sure God met him there and then but what really
Your Faith Works
counts is what happens later.
Will he put works with his faith?
Real Bible faith, works.
Creative Faith
Your Faith’s Senses
Creative Faith
One verse earlier the psalmist says:
“Therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the
oil of gladness above thy companions” (Ps. 45:7, Heb.).
Does the Anointing have an aroma?
The inspired penman seemed to think so.
Why are we not aware of it?
Perhaps our faith is not always adjusted to the celestial
Sweet-smelling Saints
The prophet Hosea said something interesting regarding
God’s people exuding an aroma of righteousness.
In Hosea 14:6-7, the prophet says of God’s People,
Israel (after being restored), “his (Israel’s) smell is as
Of course this is symbolic of a noticeable change in
Israel’s spiritual testimony as a nation under God. But can
it—by the Spirit—also allow for a literal application?
The Lady in the Choir
For a number of months now I’ve been praying in our
new sanctuary. Among other items, I’ve been releasing my
faith in prayer for a choir during our Sunday morning
service. At times I have seen the entire group—robes and
all—and also smelled a particular lady’s perfume.
Will this take place?
According to my faith: yes!
As we study the history of the modern-day Pentecostal
revival, we read of believers—while under the Spirit’s
Power—smelling the aroma of Heaven.
Who are the to limit God in His demonstrations?
Your Faith’s Senses
A Sense of Taste
“Is there iniquity in my tongue? Cannot my taste
discern perverse things” (Job 6:30)?
Again, in context, this verse of scripture refers, in a
symbolic way, to the ability of a child of God to discern
good from evil. John the apostle reminds us that this is
done by the Anointing (1 John 2:27).
The question for us is, can it also be literal?
Can the Holy Ghost actually give Spirit-filled children
of God today a literal (spiritual) sense of taste?
“O taste and see that Yahweh is good: blessed is the
man that trusteth in him” (Ps. 34:8).
Certainly, this text is symbolic of the spiritual
satisfaction in experiencing the Lord’s Presence.
But can it also be literal?
“How sweet are thy sayings unto my taste! Yea, sweeter
than honey to my mouth” (Ps. 119:103).
Of course, this verse is symbolic of the spiritual benefit
of the Word of God to the obedient believer; God’s Word is
good for us.
But can this experience also be literal?
“Therefore his (unrepentant Moab’s) taste remained in
him, and his scent is not changed” (Jer. 48:11).
Obviously, this portion of scripture speaks in a
symbolic way of Moab’s pagan, unbelieving and sinful
nature remaining unchanged and unrepentant.
But can it also be literal?
I have dealt with demons many times over the years;
often their presence is accompanied by an odor. Ministers
have mentioned a similar experience in terms of particular
illnesses. Some see a dark veil over those stricken with
various ailments, still others sense corruption or even death
upon entering a sick room.
Creative Faith
Needed Confirmation
I remember praying one entire afternoon before
formally proposing to my wife. I wanted to be sure she was
God’s choice (if you think ministry is tough, talk to a
minister’s wife!), since I know it would be a difficult life
for her. Suddenly, I had peace (Phil. 4:6-7) and then tasted
something like honey in my mouth. This served as a
confirmation in the Spirit that I was being directed by God.
Cancer Cured
Many months ago, during prayer I had a most unusual
experience. I “tasted” the affliction of cancer. I couldn’t
find any scripture for such a manifestation, but I didn’t find
any against it either.
In a few weeks I had opportunity to minister to
individuals afflicted with the disease. We sent a prayer
cloth to one person and later heard their disease went into
God is not limited in His ability to manifest either His
miraculous guidance, nor His supernatural healing power.
He is sovereign; He is Lord.
Have we not, even in the natural, spoken of a certain
conversation, leaving a “bad taste” in our mouth?
Cannot our Spirit-given faith acquire such a dimension?
A Sense of Touch
The Bible records a number of instances where the
Presence or touch of the Lord was experienced by one of
His oven. The prophet Ezekiel writes of God’s Hand being
upon him, strong upon him, and of falling upon his face
due to the glory of God in His house (Ez. 1:3; 3:14; 44:4).
Again, 1 Kings. 8:10-11, describes the glory of God
filling the temple and the priests being unable to stand.
Your Faith’s Senses
Growing Faith
Several years ago, Jan severely twisted her ankle
causing a bad sprain. The joint was very swollen and
discolored. She and her husband believed in the touch of
the Lord and that His Presence was not limited by time or
space. Her husband and I prayed over a prayer cloth. He
brought it home and placed it on her ankle.
How they rejoiced as they watched the swelling go
down and the discoloration disappear right before their
Perhaps this experience paved the way—spiritually—
for Jan to release her faith on behalf of her son, Kenny.
Heart Healed
It seems Ken had been quite sick for about two weeks;
he complained of weakness and chest pains. Soon, he
became seriously ill and was taken to the hospital where a
battery of tests was carried out. They showed a growth on
the heart or lungs. He was told to continue with his
medication (high blood pressure pills), and even though a
young man, was informed he had serious heart trouble.
His mother prayed; God spoke “He will be all right.”
Then, her faith was again put to the test. Kenny collapsed at
a friend’s house, experiencing difficulty breathing and
feeling a two ton weight on his chest. He was taken to the
hospital with an erratic heartbeat and given more tests.
Jan came to the altar on Sunday morning. We agreed in
prayer over a “prayer cloth” which she then took to Kenny,
placing it on his chest. When the second series of tests
came back he tested normal. The growth was gone. He was
told he possessed a strong, healthy heart.
Certainly, God’s arm is not too short to save, even with
a prayer cloth.
Creative Faith
Faith in Action
The touch of the Lord is not reserved only for worship
services. Our God is able!
Just the other day I spoke with Jan on the telephone. It
seems her little 17-month-old granddaughter accidentally
had scolding, hot coffee spilled on her.
While others were scurrying to and fro, organizing a
trip to the hospital, Jan took the child in the other room and
laid hands on her, praying for her in the Spirit of Jesus, in
faith. The little girl stopped crying, the red blotches began
to fade and by the time the ambulance arrived, she was
waving “Bye Bye” and smiling as she left for the hospital.
The emergency room staff went through their normal
procedures, but the healing had already taken place. The
next day, when the bandages were removed, the burn marks
were gone.
The Power of His Presence
Too often to keep track of, during the past 40 years of
ministry (at this writing), God’s Power has swept over the
congregation causing dozens to fall under the power at
Last January while ministering in Athens, a number of
individuals fell as if struck by lightning. I was on the
platform praying, several feet away when God’s Power fell.
Spiritually minded believers can sense this immediately.
I have had folks tell me they had trouble remaining on
their feet while standing behind the ones to whom I was
ministering. God’s Power is the most real thing in the
world. It is not confined to Greece or any other nation. The
question is not, “Is God really able to ‘touch’ us?” but,
“Are we ready to recognize our ‘Day of Visitation?’”
As I write these lines, I am aware of the Presence of the
Your Faith’s Senses
Lord challenging me to unite my faith with all those who
may read these lines. Let’s pray:
Creative Faith
Creative Faith
Creative Faith
“For he spake, and it was; he commanded, and it stood
fast (Psa. 33:9, Heb.).
Creative Faith
bringing God’s will to pass in your life.
What is it that needs renewed or re-created in your life?
The Word of God and the Power of God—through your
faith—are able to completely transform your life.
The Prayer of Faith
How is this possible today, right now?
See It
Form a faith image of that which you desire.
Remember, the visible, physical, natural order of life is
subject to change (2 Cor. 4:18).
Faith is the substance (confidence, assurance) of things
hoped for (Heb. 11:1).
Seek It
Next, begin to pray—perseveringly—for your desire to
become a reality.
“What things soever ye are asking, when you are
constantly praying” (Mark 11:24, Gk.).
Sense It
If we are diligent in this, there will come a time when
faith—the assurance—is granted us in prayer; we will
know that we know that we know. This confidence comes
about through our asking according to His will (1 John
When we pray in the Spirit, we are always praying
according to His will (Rom. 8:26-27).
“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in the prayer,
believing, ye shall receive” (Mt. 21:22, Gk.).
This is divine cause and effect.
Creative Faith
Say It
“He shall have whatsoever he sayeth” (Mark 11:23b).
“This marriage shall be renewed.”
“Sickness: stop being.”
“Let there be a full auditorium.”
“The revival is here, now.”
Do you see it, beloved?
Those negative images which bombard you as you enter
into prayer are not God’s will.
God’s will is that inner desire, that dissatisfaction
regarding the present state of affairs!
God is “constantly working in us effectively, the willing
and the doing of His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13, Gk.).
He is blessedly able to do, “exceeding, abundantly
above all that we are constantly asking or thinking,
according to the power—His—the One (Holy Spirit) which
is constantly working in us” (Eph. 3:20, Gk.).
Think about these four steps to praying the prayer of
faith. Practice them. Use them.
Remember, faith doesn’t ignore reality; it changes it.
The Power of Love
“But faith, the one which constantly works through
love” (Gal. 5:6, Gk.).
What is the Power Source, the spiritual motivation for
this faith that desires to see the lost saved, the sick healed,
the bound released and the hosts of hell defeated?
The inspiration of the indwelling, divine, Spirit of
God so loved that He gave.
Let us do likewise and give of ourselves in prayer and
faith which creates His supply to man’s need.
Creative Faith
About the Author
Creative Faith
Barbara, with whom he regularly co-hosted a local,
Christian television program for over 15 years.
His ministry has continued over 40 years and is
consistently confirmed by startling signs, wonders and
miracles of the Holy Spirit.
All Books by the Same Author
At the Master's Feet Creative Faith
Help from Heaven Miracle Money
I Saw Satan! I Saw the Lord!
Living on the Threshold
Light for Living
of Eternity
Prayer in the Spirit:
Plead the Blood!
The Missing Link
Seven Secrets of
Ready for the Rapture
Successful Living
Success Secrets The Lord Jesus:
from Sacred Scripture The Christ
The Man Who
The Path to Peace
Wasn't There
The Perfect Weapon The Presence of God
The Stranger on the Road Walk with God
What Price, Freedom? When You Need a Miracle
Why Not Women? Wonder Working Words
You Must Be Drunk! Your New Life
About the Author
Creative Faith
“Dr. Kostelnik's book, The Lord Jesus: the Christ, is one
of the most edifying and uplifting books I've ever read...and
working with Dr. Cerullo, I’ve read a lot of good books." -
Ruth Meadows, European director, Morris Cerullo
World Evangelism
About the Author
“Now that we have translated your book on ministry into
Greek, we can start on your others; the people here
desperately need this anointed ministry.” - the late Rev. D.
Jimmy Zachariou, Assemblies Of God, (Athens, Greece)