Water Absorption Capacity of Low Calcium Fly Ash and Slag Based Geopolymer Concrete
Water Absorption Capacity of Low Calcium Fly Ash and Slag Based Geopolymer Concrete
Water Absorption Capacity of Low Calcium Fly Ash and Slag Based Geopolymer Concrete
Abstract: An experimental investigation on effect of water The total sum of these empty spaces is called porosity, a
absorption capacity of geopolymer concrete is outlined in this paper. fundamental characteristic of building construction material
The water absorption capacity, volume of permeable voids and that affects its physical properties (mechanical strength,
apparent porosity tests were performed on the samples of controlled durability, etc.).The knowledge of their pore structure is an
concrete of standard grades (M30 & M50) and equivalent grades of important parameter for characterizing building materials in
geopolymer concrete (G30 & G50) to assess the enhancement of
part of permeation properties of geopolymer concrete. The results
predicting their behavior under weathering conditions and for
showed that absorptivity, volume of permeable voids and apparent evaluating the degree of deterioration and establishing the
porosity of geopolymer concrete are lower than the corresponding effectiveness of conservation treatments of their surfaces. The
characteristics of controlled concrete. The study of porosity is percentage distribution of pores of differing radius within the
fundamental for understanding phenomena of water transport within material is an extremely important parameter for the
pore structure and interactions between concrete and water. Water evaluation of its behaviour when in contact with water. The
can penetrate a solid because there are interconnected channels size of the pores, their distribution and geometry are
(pores) inside the solid that facilitate its transportation.The long- fundamental factors in determining the properties of materials
term durability of concrete is affected to a large extent by its and their suitability for building applications. One of the main
permeability. Therefore, the permeation properties, rather than
mechanical properties, are the important factors to study in relation
causes of deterioration is the interaction between water and
to concrete durability. As a consequence, a considerable effort has the porous structure. Concrete can be viewed as a porous
to be directed toward investigation of such properties in the present composite material due to the presence of pores and unfilled
study. voids caused by improper grading of aggregates, lack of
enough cement paste, incomplete compaction, bleeding, by air
Keywords: Fly Ash, Geopolymer Concrete, GGBS, Water entraining, if used, and inadequate degree of hydration of
Absorption Capacity and Volume of Permeable Voids cement. Perviousness of concrete, like other porous materials,
is expressed in terms of permeability, which is defined as the
I. INTRODUCTION rate at which water or other fluids can penetrate through
Reinforced concrete structures are exposed to harsh concrete under a pressure head. Permeability is regarded as an
environments, yet often expected to last with little or no repair important material property for concrete construction, as its
or maintenance for long periods of time. To do this, a durable affects the durability of concrete exposed to aggressive
structure needs to be produced. One of the major forms of environments. Permeability of concrete is not a function of
environmental attack is chloride ingress, which leads to porosity alone, it depends on the porosity, pore size and
corrosion of the reinforcing steel and a subsequent reduction distribution, and tortuosity of pore channels in concrete
in the strength, serviceability, and aesthetics of the structure. (Neithalath et al. 2003).
This may lead to early repair or premature replacement of the
structure. A common method of preventing such deterioration II. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME
is to prevent chlorides from penetrating the structure to the A. General
level of the reinforcing steel bar by using relatively
This paper presents an experimental data on the water
impenetrable concrete. Capillary absorption, hydrostatic
absorption capacity, volume of permeable voids and apparent
pressure, and diffusion are the means by which chloride ions
porosity tests were then performed on the samples of
can penetrate concrete.
controlled concrete of standard grades (M30 & M50) and
Most building materials, both natural (stones) and artificial
equivalent grades of geopolymer concrete (G30 & G50), to
(bricks, cement mortar and concrete), contain a certain
assess the enhancement of part of permeation properties of
volume of empty space which is distributed within the solid
geopolymer concrete. The mix proportions are given in table
mass in the form of pores, cavities, and cracks of various
1 and 2.The alkaline solution used for the present study is
shapes and sizes.
combination of sodium silicate (Na2Sio3) and sodium
hydroxide. The ratio of Na2SiO3 to NaOH is 2.5 and SiO2 to
Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, JNTUH,
Na2O is 2.09 has been used since the compressive strength is
Hyderabad, Telangana, India –500085 maximum at these ratios. The cubes of size
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, JNTUH, Hyderabad, 100mm×100mm×100mm were cast and after one day rest
Telangana, India –500085 period, the specimens were cured in an oven at 60°C for 24
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Int'l Journal of Research in Chemical, Metallurgical and Civil Engg. (IJRCMCE) Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2017) ISSN 2349-1442 EISSN 2349-1450
hours (OC) and the remaining period cured in sun light. After absorbed is related to the total open porosity, while the
28 days the specimens were tested for absorption capacity, kinetics of the process depends principally on the distribution
volume of permeable voids and apparent porosity of both of the pore sizes. The maximum quantity of water absorbed
grades of controlled and geopolymer concrete are evaluated at by a material at room temperature and pressure under
different time intervals according to codal procedures and the conditions of saturation is expressed as a percentage of the
results are studied and compared with the controlled concrete. dry mass of the sample. This test also measures the capillary
rise of water, the most common form of liquid water
Grade of GPC G30 migration in concrete. It is inversely proportional to the
Fly ash (Kg/m3) 307.7 362 diameter of the pores; the smaller the diameter the greater the
GGBS (Kg/m3) 54.3 capillary absorption. Absorption is the capacity of a sample to
Fine Aggregate (Kg/m3) 682.6 hold water.
Coarse Aggregate (Kg/m3) 1184.4
NaOH solids out of 46.54 Kg/m3
for 12 Molarity concentration in Kg/m3
16.80 B.1. Procedure
Na2SiO3 (Kg/m3) 116.36 1. Concrete cube samples of size 100 x 100 x 100 mm are
Extra water (Kg/m3) 20 casted and cured for 28 days for testing.
Super plasticizer (GLENIUM B233)@ 1% (Kg/m3) 3.62 2. Wash the samples in the deionized water before beginning
Ratio of mix proportions 1:1.89:3.27 this test in order to eliminate powdered material from the
Liquid/binder ratio 0.45
Workability (mm) 50
surface. Dry the samples in the oven for 24 hours at 60°C
(this relatively low drying temperature will prevent the
TABLE II: MIX PROPORTIONS OF CONTROLLED CONCRETE EXPRESSED AS deterioration of organic substances in the case of treated
Grade of Concrete M30 3. Weigh the samples. Repeat the drying process until the
Cement (Kg/m3) 362 mass of the each sample is constant, that is, until the
Fine Aggregate (Kg/m3) 682.6 difference between 2 successive measurements, at an
Coarse Aggregate (Kg/m3) 1184.4
interval of 24 hours, is no more than 0.1% of the mass of
Super plasticizer (GLENIUM)@1% (Kg/m3) 3.62
Ratio of mix proportions 1:1.89:3.27 the sample.
W/C ratio 0.45 4. Once the samples have been completely dried and the
Workability (mm) 50 constant mass recorded (mo), place them in a container or
beaker, on a base of glass rods and slowly cover with
deionized water until they are totally immersed with about
Grade of GPC G50
Fly ash (Kg/m3) 348.5 2 cm of water above them.
410 5. At programmed intervals of time, take each sample out of
GGBS (Kg/m3) 61.5
Fine Aggregate (Kg/m ) 554.4 the container, blot it quickly with a damp cloth to remove
Coarse Aggregate (Kg/m3) 1293.6 surface water, and then record the mass of the wet samples
NaOH solids out of 46.86 Kg/m3 (mi) and the time of measurement on the data sheet.
For 16 Molarity concentration in Kg/m3
6. Re-immerse the samples in water and continue measuring
Na2SiO3 (Kg/m ) 117.14
Extra water (Kg/m3) 45
until the difference in weight between 2 successive
Super plasticizer (GLENIUM)@ 1.5% (Kg/m3) 6.15 measurements at 24-hour intervals is less than 1% of the
Ratio of mix proportions 1:1.35:3.16 amount of water absorbed
Liquid/binder ratio 0.40 7. At this point, take the samples out of the water and dry
Workability (mm) 50 them again in an oven at 60°C until they have reached
TABLE IV: MIX PROPORTIONS OF OPC CONTROLLED CONCRETE EXPRESSED constant mass (as above). Record this value (md) on the
AS EQUIVALENT PROPORTIONS OF GPC data sheet. Proceed with the calculations.
Grade of Concrete M50 a) At each interval, the quantity of water absorbed with
Cement (Kg/m3) 410 respect to the mass of the dry sample is expressed as:
Fine Aggregate (Kg/m3) 554.4
Coarse Aggregate 1293.6
Mi% = 100 x (mi - mo)/mo
(Kg/m3) Where mi = weight (kg) of the wet sample at time ti;
Super plasticizer 6.15 mo = weight (kg) of the dry sample
(GLENIUM)@1.5% b) Record these values on a data sheet and on a graph as a
function of time.
Ratio of mix 1:1.35:3.16
proportions c) From the recorded data sheet, calculate the water
W/C ratio 0.40 absorption capacity (WAC) as shown below:
Workability (mm) 50 WAC = 100 x (mmax - md)/md
Where mmax = the mass (kg) of the sample at maximum
B. Water Absorption Capacity Test
water absorption
As per ASTM C642 (13) “Standard Test Method for md = the mass (kg) of the sample after re-drying at the end of
Density, Absorption, and Voids in Hardened Concrete”, this the test
test measures the water absorption rate and the maximum The length of the intervals during the first 24 hours depends
water absorption capacity. The total quantity of water on the absorption characteristics of the materials. concrete
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Int'l Journal of Research in Chemical, Metallurgical and Civil Engg. (IJRCMCE) Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2017) ISSN 2349-1442 EISSN 2349-1450
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Int'l Journal of Research in Chemical, Metallurgical and Civil Engg. (IJRCMCE) Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2017) ISSN 2349-1442 EISSN 2349-1450
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