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Advanced Power Plant Engineering

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GVPCE(A) M.Tech.

Thermal Engineering 2013

(Elective – I)

Course Code: 13ME2306 L P C

4 0 3
Pre requisites: Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering

Course Educational Objectives:

To make the student understand
1. various improvements possible in steam and gas turbines
2. advanced power cycles
3. advances in nuclear and MHD power plants.
4. combined operations of different power plants
5. environmental issues related to the power plants.
6. economic analysis of power plants

Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to
1. suggest improvements possible in steam and gas turbines
2. advanced power cycles
3. explain advances in nuclear and MHD power plants
4. explain how to combine different power plants
5. handle issues related to the power plants
6. explain economic analysis of power plants

Rankine Cycle – performance – thermodynamic analysis of cycles, cycle
improvements, super heaters, reheaters – condenser and feed water
heaters – operation and performance – layouts, gas turbine cycles –
optimization – thermodynamic analysis of cycles – cycle improvements
– multi spool arrangement. intercoolers, reheaters, regenerators –
operation and performance – layouts.

Binary and combined cycle – coupled cycles – comparative analysis of
combined heat and power cycles – IGCC – AFBC/PFBC cycles –
thermionic steam power plant.

GVPCE(A) M.Tech. Thermal Engineering 2013

Overview of Nuclear power plants – radioactivity – fission process –
reaction rates –diffusion theory, elastic scattering and slowing down –
criticality calculations – critical heat flux – power reactors – nuclear
safety. MHD and MHD – steam power plants.

Advantages of combined working – load division between power
stations – storage type hydro-electric plant in combination with steam
plant – run of river plant in combination with steam plant – pump
storage plant in combination with steam or nuclear power plant –
coordination of hydro-electric and gas turbine stations – coordination of
hydro-electric and nuclear power station – coordination of different
types of power plants.
Air and water pollution –acid rains – thermal pollution – radioactive
pollution –standardization – methods of control.

Load curves–effects of variable load on power plant design and
operation–peak load plant– requirements of peak load plants–cost of
electrical energy–selection of type of generation– selection of generating
equipments–performance and operating characteristics of power plants.

1. Nag, P.K., “Power Plant Engineering”, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing
Co Ltd, New Delhi, 1998.
2. Arora and Domkundwar, “A course in power Plant Engineering”,
DhanpatRai and CO, 2004.

1. Haywood, R.W, “ Analysis of Engineering Cycles”, 4th Edition,
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1991.
2. Wood, A.J., Wollenberg, B.F, “Power Generation, operation and
control”, John Wiley, New York, 1984.
3. Gill, A.B., “ Power Plant Performance”, Butterworths, 1984.
4. Lamarsh, J.R., “Introduction to Nuclear”, Engg.2nd edition, Addison-
Wesley, 1983.

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