Morality Interpretation of Goodness: Morality According To Philosophers

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Reviewer in C.L.

E 1st Quarter


Is the highest good
Man was created by love
 Refers to the goodness and badness GOODNESS  “Give your love to everyone and
your heart to only one.”
 Right conduct
a) Epicureanism
 Conformity to law
 Conformity to the society
 Proposed by Epicurus MORALITY ACCORDING TO
 Something which gives pleasure is
 Doing the things you want to do good PHILOSOPHERS
 Links human behavior to man’s ultimate  Eat and drink tomorrow we die.
desire/goal = God b) Utilitarianism  Socrates
 Proposed by Jeremy Bentham  No one deliberately chooses evil
ETHICS  Morality of an act determines  No one chooses the opposites of
solely by its consequences what he think is good
 Right or wrong  Sacrifices  What you consider good for you
1. Normative – why and how?  Good acts provide greatest good and what is actually good for you is
2. Descriptive – existing law and policies for the greatest number of people different
c) Moral Laxism  Essential requirement for choosing
FAMOUS THEOLOGIAN  Values the freedom of a person good is knowledge
 Knowledge is virtue and virtue is
 Freedom is good
 Doing the right thing knowledge
 Franz Bockle (German Theologian)
(most human thing)  Man doesn’t do wrong through a
 Freedom of choice is necessary for
d) Marxism defective will but through
a human action
 God is not related to goodness ignorance of good
 Morality is the search of norms of
 God is just an invention of mind  Plato
free human conduct on the light of
 “The heart will remember  The goods of the body are only
what mind doesn’t.” means to the enjoyment of the
 Norms – standards
e) Achievement of Perfection goods of the soul
 Antonin Sertillanges (French Theologian)
 Doing what is the most human  Conflicts in Man:
 Morality is a science of what we
thing to do in any given situation  Natural appetite (needs)
ought to be by the reason of what
f) Obedience to the Law  Emotion
He is.
 Law specifies the goodness man  Reason
 “The more we study, the more we
has to do  Aristotle
can differentiate what is right and
 Law serves as GUIDE  Happiness is the highest good of
 “Law was made for man, and not man
 Michael Pennock
man for the law.”  Happiness lies in man with
 Morality is the response of God’s
g) Imitation of Christ accordance with right reason
freely given LOVE
 Imitates Christ by doing His  Lies in the man between
 Bernard Haring excess and defect
 Morality is a creative responsibility  Thomas Hobbes
 Imitate Christ by doing good to
 Ability to respond creatively  All men are naturally selfish
 Creative – freedom and fidelity
h) Love  We posses unlimited rights
Reviewer in C.L.E 1st Quarter

 Rights does not come from the law  EQ: What should I do to
but from man’s tendency to assert avoid punishment?
himself and seek power  STAGE TWO: SELF-INTEREST
 David Hume DRIVEN
 Judgment  EQ: What’s in it for me?
 Believe is nothing but a feeling  LEVEL TWO: Conventional
 Humility are degrading (Adolescents & Adults)
 Immanuel Kant  Focus: SIGNIFICANT OTHER
 Right is right, wrong is wrong  Judgment was based on society
 Begins with human law  STAGE THREE: INTERPERSONAL
 Bad is bad even though everyone is ACCORD & CONFORMITY DRIVEN
doing it  EQ: What must I do to be
 John Stuart Mill seen as a good girl/boy?
 Sake of most number of people  STAGE FOUR: LAW & ORDER
 “Your concern is human rights, DRIVEN
mine is human lives.”  EQ: What if anyone did it?
 Friedrich Nietzche  LEVEL THREE: Post-Conventional
 We are the driver of our lives (few reached this level)
 No concept of right or wrong  Focus: COMMON GOOD
 Jean-Paul Sartre  Judgment is based on self chosen
 We create our own values principles
 Talks about self  Owns perspective is more
 “Selfishness” important than society’s view
 EQ: What will bring the
MORAL DEVELOPMENT most good for the largest
number of people?
 Proposed by Lawrence Kohlberg  STAGE SIX: UNIVERSAL ETHICAL
 States that moral reasoning develops by PRINCIPLE
ethical behavior  EQ: What is justice for all?
 Heinz Dilemma
 LEVEL ONE: Pre-Conventional
 Focus: SELF
 We don’t have set of personal
standard of morality
 We judge the morality of an action
based on its consequences

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