Morality Interpretation of Goodness: Morality According To Philosophers
Morality Interpretation of Goodness: Morality According To Philosophers
Morality Interpretation of Goodness: Morality According To Philosophers
E 1st Quarter
Is the highest good
Man was created by love
Refers to the goodness and badness GOODNESS “Give your love to everyone and
your heart to only one.”
Right conduct
a) Epicureanism
Conformity to law
Conformity to the society
Proposed by Epicurus MORALITY ACCORDING TO
Something which gives pleasure is
Doing the things you want to do good PHILOSOPHERS
Links human behavior to man’s ultimate Eat and drink tomorrow we die.
desire/goal = God b) Utilitarianism Socrates
Proposed by Jeremy Bentham No one deliberately chooses evil
ETHICS Morality of an act determines No one chooses the opposites of
solely by its consequences what he think is good
Right or wrong Sacrifices What you consider good for you
1. Normative – why and how? Good acts provide greatest good and what is actually good for you is
2. Descriptive – existing law and policies for the greatest number of people different
c) Moral Laxism Essential requirement for choosing
FAMOUS THEOLOGIAN Values the freedom of a person good is knowledge
Knowledge is virtue and virtue is
Freedom is good
Doing the right thing knowledge
Franz Bockle (German Theologian)
(most human thing) Man doesn’t do wrong through a
Freedom of choice is necessary for
d) Marxism defective will but through
a human action
God is not related to goodness ignorance of good
Morality is the search of norms of
God is just an invention of mind Plato
free human conduct on the light of
“The heart will remember The goods of the body are only
what mind doesn’t.” means to the enjoyment of the
Norms – standards
e) Achievement of Perfection goods of the soul
Antonin Sertillanges (French Theologian)
Doing what is the most human Conflicts in Man:
Morality is a science of what we
thing to do in any given situation Natural appetite (needs)
ought to be by the reason of what
f) Obedience to the Law Emotion
He is.
Law specifies the goodness man Reason
“The more we study, the more we
has to do Aristotle
can differentiate what is right and
Law serves as GUIDE Happiness is the highest good of
“Law was made for man, and not man
Michael Pennock
man for the law.” Happiness lies in man with
Morality is the response of God’s
g) Imitation of Christ accordance with right reason
freely given LOVE
Imitates Christ by doing His Lies in the man between
Bernard Haring excess and defect
Morality is a creative responsibility Thomas Hobbes
Imitate Christ by doing good to
Ability to respond creatively All men are naturally selfish
Creative – freedom and fidelity
h) Love We posses unlimited rights
Reviewer in C.L.E 1st Quarter
Rights does not come from the law EQ: What should I do to
but from man’s tendency to assert avoid punishment?
himself and seek power STAGE TWO: SELF-INTEREST
David Hume DRIVEN
Judgment EQ: What’s in it for me?
Believe is nothing but a feeling LEVEL TWO: Conventional
Humility are degrading (Adolescents & Adults)
Immanuel Kant Focus: SIGNIFICANT OTHER
Right is right, wrong is wrong Judgment was based on society
Begins with human law STAGE THREE: INTERPERSONAL
Bad is bad even though everyone is ACCORD & CONFORMITY DRIVEN
doing it EQ: What must I do to be
John Stuart Mill seen as a good girl/boy?
Sake of most number of people STAGE FOUR: LAW & ORDER
“Your concern is human rights, DRIVEN
mine is human lives.” EQ: What if anyone did it?
Friedrich Nietzche LEVEL THREE: Post-Conventional
We are the driver of our lives (few reached this level)
No concept of right or wrong Focus: COMMON GOOD
Jean-Paul Sartre Judgment is based on self chosen
We create our own values principles
Talks about self Owns perspective is more
“Selfishness” important than society’s view
EQ: What will bring the
MORAL DEVELOPMENT most good for the largest
number of people?
Proposed by Lawrence Kohlberg STAGE SIX: UNIVERSAL ETHICAL
States that moral reasoning develops by PRINCIPLE
ethical behavior EQ: What is justice for all?
Heinz Dilemma
LEVEL ONE: Pre-Conventional
Focus: SELF
We don’t have set of personal
standard of morality
We judge the morality of an action
based on its consequences