03 Literature Review
03 Literature Review
03 Literature Review
Wen-Shin Huang, Tsuifang Hsieh and Han –Shen Chen (2011) this study suggests
that consumers are affected by animated spoke-characters, which increasing the
advertisement communication effect. However, product and brand values are essential
reasons for making purchase decisions. Hence, regardless of high - or low involvement
products, consumers consider their real demands when purchasing products. Varsha Jain
and Subhadip Roy (2010) Study points out the fact that national Celebrities are better than
regional celebrities in creating positive consumer attitude. Consumers are open to new
product in high and low involvement products categories with the presence of national and
regional celebrity. However, when compared within the product categories, it has a higher
impact on low involvement product (soft drink) as compared to the high involvement product
(car). Reshamfarhat & Bilal Mustafa Khan (2011) in marketing communications strategy,
the use of celebrity is a common practice for major firms in supporting the brand imagery.
Based on the cognitive theories of endorsement efficiency, the congruence between the
personality of a brand being endorsed and that of the targeted personality of a celebrity is
tested. The result indicated that a successful brand promotion needs congruency between the
brand’s and the endorser’s personality though it may be moderate.
BhavanaSindhu (2011) celebrity is always considered a big shot in the armor of big
brands to impress the masses. An interesting finding, male celebrities are more effectiveas
endorsers than female. Celebrity endorsement decisively gives more visibility to the product
endorsed. But celebrity endorsement is fraught with several dangers like overexposure,
overshadowing the brand, negative publicity of the endorser to name a few. All the related
factors have to be taken care of; otherwise the celebrity endorsement may prove to be a
landmine having a devastating impact on the profitability, products future prospects and
brand image. Jennifer Edson Escales James R.Battam (2005) study show that consumers
report higher self – brand connections for brands with image that are consistent with the
image of an in group compared to brands with images that are inconsistent with the image of
an in group. Consumer use brands whose image match reference group. This finding that
consumers reject the social meaning of brands that arises from out group brand. This also
fined that our effect are moderated by brand symbolism, such that brands that communicate
something about the yield stronger effect than brands that do not. Brian D.Till (1998) the use
of celebrity endorses in advertising is wide - spread - as much as 20 percent of all advertising
use some type of celebrity endorse. Marketers invest significant dollars in securing the
promotional support of well individuals. Principles such as repetition, overshadowing,
blocking, belongingness, CS pre- exposure, and association set size, and extinction are
introduced and linked to specific managerial suggestions for improving the use of celebrity
Ekant Veer (2010) the results show that celebrity endorsements do play a significant
role in attitude towards the political advert, attitude towards the endorsers and voter intention.
The results show that low political salience respondents were significantly more likely to vote
political party when a celebrity endorser is used. Reshamfarhat & Bilal Mustafa Khan
(2011) advertisers use endorsement as a promotional strategy. The study show that successful
brand promotion needs congruency between the brand’s and the endorser’s personality.
Endorsers and the brand must have congruence between their personalities .The targeted
endorsers in that study is Shahrukh khan. They conclude that congruence between endorser’s
and brand’s personality is quite important for converting a product/service into a brand , for
making a brand more successful and for making a brand enter successfully in a new market.
Shahrukh khan has proved as successful endorser of the brand, both in terms of increase in
familiarity of the brand and it is acceptance by the consumer in a highly competitive segment.