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03 Literature Review

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Wen-Shin Huang, Tsuifang Hsieh and Han –Shen Chen (2011) this study suggests
that consumers are affected by animated spoke-characters, which increasing the
advertisement communication effect. However, product and brand values are essential
reasons for making purchase decisions. Hence, regardless of high - or low involvement
products, consumers consider their real demands when purchasing products. Varsha Jain
and Subhadip Roy (2010) Study points out the fact that national Celebrities are better than
regional celebrities in creating positive consumer attitude. Consumers are open to new
product in high and low involvement products categories with the presence of national and
regional celebrity. However, when compared within the product categories, it has a higher
impact on low involvement product (soft drink) as compared to the high involvement product
(car). Reshamfarhat & Bilal Mustafa Khan (2011) in marketing communications strategy,
the use of celebrity is a common practice for major firms in supporting the brand imagery.
Based on the cognitive theories of endorsement efficiency, the congruence between the
personality of a brand being endorsed and that of the targeted personality of a celebrity is
tested. The result indicated that a successful brand promotion needs congruency between the
brand’s and the endorser’s personality though it may be moderate.

RadhikaMadan(2010)(Celebrity endorsement: A marketing strategy) celebrities have

always been the easiest way to attract the customers because of their mass appeal. Celebrity
endorsements do influence the target audience and make them loyal towards the brands.
Celebrities help advertisements stand out from the surrounding clutter, thus improving their
communicative ability. VipalJain (2011) (Celebrities endorsement and its impact on sales: A
Research Analysis Carried out In India) – this study has a positive inclination towards the
belief that people are motivated to buy products as a result of celebrity endorsement. The
research also indicates that celebrity endorsement helps in brand promotion. The respondents
also strongly agree that celebrities bring brand equity to the product .LalitaBalakrishana
and C. Shalinikumar (2011) (Effect of Celebrity based Advertisement on the purchase
Attitude of consumers towards Durable Products) across the world, celebrities have been
used for a wide variety of brands. This study focuses on identifying the influence of celebrity
endorsement on the purchase attitude of the consumers. Celebrity endorsement enhances
product information and creates awareness among consumers. It helps them to recall the
brands of the durable products. The consumers of durable products have their motivational
sources from need and product utility. The study revealed that the celebrity’s convincing
endorsement motivates them to materialize the purchase of durables.

A.Pughazhendi and R.Thirunavukkarasu (2011) (A study on Celebrity Based

Advertisement on the purchase Attitude of Consumers Towards durable Products)
Advertisement play a major role in changing the settled perception or thinking .The
consumers are induced significantly by the celebrity endorser when the target is on quality
and price. The purchase attitude is influenced by the celebrity endorsement factors, product
evaluation and brand recognition. Subhadip Roy (2006) this study raise question and
attempts to provide explanations for them. The question relates to determining the fit between
the celebrity and the brands endorsed by her/him. The results suggest that consumers
differentially rank both celebrities and brands. Specifically, Amitabh Bachchan ranks high on
five personality attributes, and brands such as Pepsi and Coke rank high on four personality
attributes. The study shows that many celebrities endorse several brands but their personality
does not fit well with the personality of the all brand which they endorse.
BahramRanjbarian and Zahra Shekarchizade(2010) Celebrity Endorser Influence on
Attitude toward Advertisements and Brands- according to this there is a positive and
significant relationship between attitude toward celebrity endorser and attitude toward
advertisement and brands. Attitude toward celebrity endorser has directly or indirectly
influence on attitude towards brand, and attitude towards advertisement is a mediator
between attitude towards celebrity and attitude towards brands. PujaKhatri (2006)
“Celebrity Endorsement: A Strategic Promotion Perspective” advertisers agree that celebrity
endorsement does not itself guarantee sales. It can create a buzz and make a consumer feel
better about the product, which in turn has to come to expectation of customers as real star by
delivering the promise.

ChristinaS. Simmers,DathaDamron- Martinez,anddiana L. Haytko(2009) in the

introduction of this paper, two question were posed. The first asked why some celebrities are
only able to endorse a limited range of related products, while others can endorse a wide
range of related products. Celebrities who are known for acquirable expertise are limited in
what they can endorse. One the other hand, celebrities who are known for their likeability or
overall image are not as limited in products that they can endorse. These celebrities are good
matches for affective products but can also endorse functional products within his/her area of
expertise. If a celebrity becomes associated with something negative, he / she can slide to the
left of the continuum, making him /her less marketable. Diana Seno and Brayan A. Lukas
(2007) study provides a set of criteria for selecting the most appropriate celebrities for
enhancing the value of product brand. Product- celebrity congruence (matching the
characteristics of a celebrity endorse with the attributes of a product) is an important
management principle for identifying suitable celebrity endorse. Celebrity credibility and
attractiveness are important selection criteria for choosing among the identified celebrities.
After deciding on the number of celebrities required, and making a selection, celebrity
activation becomes an important management factor, as does the way the celebrity endorse is
integrated into a promotion program.

BhavanaSindhu (2011) celebrity is always considered a big shot in the armor of big
brands to impress the masses. An interesting finding, male celebrities are more effectiveas
endorsers than female. Celebrity endorsement decisively gives more visibility to the product
endorsed. But celebrity endorsement is fraught with several dangers like overexposure,
overshadowing the brand, negative publicity of the endorser to name a few. All the related
factors have to be taken care of; otherwise the celebrity endorsement may prove to be a
landmine having a devastating impact on the profitability, products future prospects and
brand image. Jennifer Edson Escales James R.Battam (2005) study show that consumers
report higher self – brand connections for brands with image that are consistent with the
image of an in group compared to brands with images that are inconsistent with the image of
an in group. Consumer use brands whose image match reference group. This finding that
consumers reject the social meaning of brands that arises from out group brand. This also
fined that our effect are moderated by brand symbolism, such that brands that communicate
something about the yield stronger effect than brands that do not. Brian D.Till (1998) the use
of celebrity endorses in advertising is wide - spread - as much as 20 percent of all advertising
use some type of celebrity endorse. Marketers invest significant dollars in securing the
promotional support of well individuals. Principles such as repetition, overshadowing,
blocking, belongingness, CS pre- exposure, and association set size, and extinction are
introduced and linked to specific managerial suggestions for improving the use of celebrity

Ekant Veer (2010) the results show that celebrity endorsements do play a significant
role in attitude towards the political advert, attitude towards the endorsers and voter intention.
The results show that low political salience respondents were significantly more likely to vote
political party when a celebrity endorser is used. Reshamfarhat & Bilal Mustafa Khan
(2011) advertisers use endorsement as a promotional strategy. The study show that successful
brand promotion needs congruency between the brand’s and the endorser’s personality.
Endorsers and the brand must have congruence between their personalities .The targeted
endorsers in that study is Shahrukh khan. They conclude that congruence between endorser’s
and brand’s personality is quite important for converting a product/service into a brand , for
making a brand more successful and for making a brand enter successfully in a new market.
Shahrukh khan has proved as successful endorser of the brand, both in terms of increase in
familiarity of the brand and it is acceptance by the consumer in a highly competitive segment.

Christopher R. Knittel and Victor Stango (2010) (Celebrity Endorsements, Firm

value and Reputation Risk: evidence from the tiger Woods Scandal) they estimate the stock
market effects of the Tiger Woods scandal, on both his sponsor and their competitors. In the
trading days after the beginning of the scandal, firms with products endorsed by woods
suffered significant declines in stock market value, relative to both the entire stock market
and a set of competitor firms. The top five sponsors lost 2-3 per cent aggregate market value
after the accident, and his core three sponsor EA, Nike and PepsiCo lost over four percent . It
appears that the scandal sent a negative market – wide signal about the reputation risk
associated with celebrity endorsement. YamB.Limbu, Bruce A. Huhmann and Robin T.
Peterson 2012 (An examination of humor and endorsers effect on consumers’ response to
direct-to-consumer advertising: the moderating role of product in involvement) Study show
that low involvement consumers demonstrate more positive responses than high involvement
consumers toward prescription drug ads with emotional appeals. However, expert endorser is
found to be more effective in improving ad credibility. A three-way interaction between
humor, endorser, and involvement is indicating that the celebrity endorser and humor jointly
generate more positive response than other combinations of treatment group when product
involvement is low. This is the first empirical study that examines the effects of emotional
appeals namely humor and endorsers on consumers’ response to DTCA (direct –to –

KennethE.Clow, Karen E. James, KristineE.Kranenburg,ChistineT.Berry( 2006)

(The relationship of the visual element of an advertisement to service quality expectations
and source credibility ) the study show that both source credibility and services quality
evaluations have a definite impact on attitude towards the ad and purchase intentions of a
services and the type of visual element used is important in the ad evaluation process.
Subramanian Sivaramakrishana and Rajesh V. manchanda (2003) (the effect of
Cognitive busyness on consumers’ perception of product value) according to this study, when
consumers are cognitively busy, they are less likely to accurately assess the value of price
discount offers. Such cognitively busy consumers generally disregard the magnitude of the
discount and the actual saving offered in forming their assessments of value for the offer.
Non- busy consumers, on the other hand, perceive difference in values as magnitude of
discount, price or quality of product features being altered. It is shown that paying close
attention to product–and-price related information details causes’ cognitive busyness.

Karen E.Lear,RodneyC.Runyanand William H.Whitaker (2009) (Sports celebrity

endorsement in retail products advertising ) the purpose of this paper was to find out the
effectiveness of sports celebrity endorsement in retail product advertisement. In this study, it
appears that products which are ultimately sold by retailers are endorsed more frequently by
celebrities. Mark toncar, Reid and Anderson (2007) (Effective spokespersons in a public
service announcement: national celebrities, local celebrities and victims) the paper finds that
hurricane victim is the most credible and believable spokesperson. The national celebrity is
the least credible and least believable. The local celebrity is more credible and believable
than the national celebrity. Miller (1994) everything said and done, one have to weigh the
potential risks vs. potential rewards as celebrity endorsements are always a high – risk, high-
risk, high-reward situation and there is always a human element that you might not know
about. Alsmadi (2006) very often, various advertisement styles are used by advertisers to
influence consumers brand choice behavior and among these different available choices one
very popular choice is celebrity endorsements. Pappas (1999) examined the values of stars
power in an endorsement and potential towards how a well- designed helped celebrities
convert their star power into brand equity.

According to Kamins (1990) there is a necessity for the existence of a meaningful

relationship between the celebrity, the audience and the product. McCraken(1989) a person
who enjoy public recognition from a larger share of a certain group of people and uses this
recognition on behalf of a consumers good by appearing with it in advertisement is known as
a celebrity. He found that the use of celebrity endorsers stand for an effective way of
transferring to brand as it is believed that celebrity endorsers bring their own emblematic
meaning to the endorsement process and that this cultural meaning residing in the celebrity is
passed onto the product which is turn is passed on to the consumer. Friedman& Friedman
(1979) they are usually known to the public for their accomplishments in areas other the
product endorsed by them. Schlecht (2003) This stands true for classic forms of celebrities
such as actors like Milan Somen, Sports athletes like Sachin Tendulkar and entertainers like
MalikaArora khan but also for less obvious group such as businessmen like the Ambani’s or
politicians like Rahul Gandhi. Atkin, Block and Petty (1983) found that as compared to the
non celebrity endorsers, the celebrity endorsers produced more positive attitude towards
advertisement and greater purchase intentions.

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