Study Personal Characteristics of Agriculture Extension Workers in North of Iran
Study Personal Characteristics of Agriculture Extension Workers in North of Iran
Study Personal Characteristics of Agriculture Extension Workers in North of Iran
It is quite evident that efficient extension workers play a crucial role in the success of extension
programs. This study was conducted in Guilan province, Iran, and the statistical population of which
the entire agriculturalist worked at least one year as an agriculturalist in Jihad-Agricultural organization
in Guilan. Data collection was done through a questionnaire assessing extensions and Edward
personality priority test (EPPS) using Murrey’s (1938) manifest needs questionnaire as the foundation
for item making. The top and successful extensions whose assessment scores exceeded the average
score of the average population were separated. The results obtained show that the most prominent
traits of the extensions working in this province were tolerance, effort, progress, perseverance, and
discipline, respectively. All such traits were observable among the successful extensions except the
order of which were tolerance, discipline, and perseverance; whereas unsuccessful extensions showed
traits like tolerance, discipline, and selfishness (sense of superiority). All three groups had the traits
“show off” as their last trait in order according to the questionnaire and their performance. Finally, it
can be said that perseverance, discipline, and autonomy were three major traits that distinguished
successful extensions from unsuccessful ones.
Development and growth in an economic and social removal of poverty and privation, promotion of health and
context had been paid attention to by economists on the therapy service level, removal of unemployment
one hand and by socialists and other researchers of problems and inflation and providing socio-economic
some sciences such as geography on the other hand, requirements. In fact, development influences our daily
and has become the base of planning. A permanent living. The ideal meaning of development is to improve all
problem in the study of the economic development living quality (Khakpour, 2006). In Iran, 23 million people
literature and social changes is to recognize the concept are earning directly from agriculture and nearly 3.5 million
of development and growth (Ghadir et al., 2004). The of active population is working in this sector.
word „development‟ has different definitions and Extension workers‟ role in developing countries is to
interpretations. Some economists and researchers are of transfer agricultural technologies to clients in order to
the view that development is the increase of production increase productivity. Although, majority of extension
efficiency, promotion of life quality and quantity level, workers transfer technical innovations to rural people,
extension is known as a human system. Extension
therefore, is a human process as well in which technical
information are used to help rural people achieve their
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: potentials (Tiraieyari et al., 2011).
+98911134735. Fax: +981316690033. Many years ago, when agricultural sciences were
Motamed et al. 3361
introduced in Iran, the newly educated agricultural a positive relationship between competencies and
engineers tried to transmit their knowledge and skills to performance. Similarly, Armstrong (2006) stated that
farmers who had learnt farming from their fathers and competencies are factors that contribute to high levels of
grandfathers. They thought this would be easy. These individual and organizational performance. Previous
farmers, however, did not allow new technologies to studies have identified various competencies thought to
come into their farms. They believed that the power of be needed by extension workers in agricultural extension
their own hands was more than the words of young education in the areas of extension process, human
engineers with books. This new generation planned a development, educational processes, teaching strategies,
better future for the farmers, in which machines would program planning, implementation, and evaluation,
replace manpower and cow power, a world with more teaching decision making skills to clients, develop
crops per drop. But an actual relationship between volunteer leaders, ability to work with key leaders and
farmers and scientists did not exist until a group of communication skills (Tiraieyari et al., 2011; Cooper and
agricultural engineers communicated with ethnic farmers Graham, 2001; Miller and Cox, 2006). It was found that
in a relationship of equity and equality, by having them these competencies should be possessed by extension
participate in creating special connections between workers in order to effectively perform their roles.
different kinds of knowledge. This group was called However, few studies have examined the relationship
agricultural extension engineers (Rahimi, 2000). between human development competencies and
However, initial work in extension took place in 1949. At extension workers‟ performance (Thach et al., 2008;
that time, the government contributed considerably to the Khalil et al., 2008). This study aims to answer the
formal establishment of public extension sector. question of whether or not there is a significant difference
Assistance was also provided by US government (Malek, between successful and unsuccessful agriculturists in
1998). Extension education is a beneficial aspect of life, terms of personality traits according to Murray‟s theory in
which besides being organized, is calm, peaceful and order to provide a profile of successful agriculturists.
welfare oriented. Philosophy of extension education
encourages a person to bring about his own development
and that of society through his own leadership and MATERIALS AND METHODS
motivation by following scientific approach and
Through causal comparative (cause/effect) research method, the
democratic ways. It further states that the interest of the extensions‟ personal traits were considered as independent variable
community should not suffer because of personal and their success/failure as the dependent variable of the research.
interest. In other words, philosophy of extension The statistical population of the research is the entire extension
education considers development and progress of working officially at least one year in the position of agriculturalist in
individuals as a foundation for the development and Jihad/Agricultural organization in Guilan province, North of Iran
(Figure 1). To collect the required data, both the evaluation
prosperity of the family, society and the country.
questionnaire for extensions (to separate successful/unsuccessful
Dhanakumars (2001) and Linders (2001) reported that groups) and Edwardz‟s personality priority (EPPS) were used. The
performance and extension competencies are positively latter test (EPPS) was made in 1959 to measure 15 personality
related. According to Heffernan and Flood (2000), there is traits for counseling and research purposes. It has 210 two-choice
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questions. The pre-requisite understanding of the items of such a c) The major personality traits in unsuccessful extensions
test is Murray‟s (1938) manifest needs questionnaire prepared in are as follows according to their acquired mean scores:
Harvard psychology clinic. The extensions assessment
questionnaire consists of four parts carried out in thirty closed-
tolerance (17.09), discipline (15.36), superiority seeking
ended questions which were answered in a five-choice ranking (14.57), accuracy in observing others‟ behavior (14.39),
scale. In this questionnaire, some traits such as patience humility, humble feeling (14.33), effort and progress (14.24), being
explanation power (good speech), ideal flexibility, awareness of quarrelsome (13.60), affection seeking (12.15), outgoing
duties etc. were given to superior experts to answer. According to (9.48), autonomy (9.09), and show off (8.36).
the results (scores), successful extensions (those who got more
score than the average extensions) were separated from the
unsuccessful ones, and the validity of the questionnaire was According to mean scores, the major traits in such
measured through test-retest method. To obtain the validity of extensions are tolerance, effort and progress, and
EPPS in addition to factor analysis and internal correlative matrix discipline, all of which are observable in successful
among variables, two kinds of correlations were checked for subject extensions except that the order of theirs is tolerance,
selection and split-half method was used to measure its reliability.
For data analysis in addition to mean comparison, frequency
discipline, and effort and progress. However,
percentage and standard deviation of successful and unsuccessful unsuccessful extensions got maximum mean scores in
extensions, t-test scores were used to compare the means of the tolerance, discipline, and superiority seeking respectively
two independent groups. and on the other hand, show off was the last trait in order
of ranking by the three groups that is, the province
extensions, successful extensions, and unsuccessful
RESULTS extensions.
As indicated in Figure 2, the mean of successful
The results of this study are shown in Table 1: extensions in the effort and progress trait (16.42) was
significantly more than that of unsuccessful extensions
a) The average (mean score) of the extensions of this (14.24). Moreover, successful extensions got more
province in different traits were as follows: effort and scores in the trait discipline than those of unsuccessful
progress (15.41), obedience (13.95), order and discipline extensions such that it claimed 99% out of 100%
(15.36), show off (8.44), autonomy (10.06), outgoing certainty; as such, their mean scores in order and
(9.31), accuracy in observing others behavior (14.16), discipline trait (18.12) exceeded those of unsuccessful
affection seeking (10.86), superiority seeking (12.95), extensions, that is, 15.36. There was no significant
feeling humble (13.12), affection (14.43), variety seeking difference in traits like obedience and show off between
(13.95). these two groups but extensions mean score in autonomy
However, the successful extensions got the following trait (10.89) was significantly more than that of
scores: effort and progress (52.77%), obedience unsuccessful ones that is, (9.09). Consequently,
(63.88%), order and discipline (47.22%), show off successful extensions performed better than
(47.27%), autonomy (45.83%) outgoing (50%), accuracy unsuccessful ones in personality traits like effort and
in observing others behavior (48.57%), affection seeking progress, discipline, and autonomy.
(52.77%), superiority seeking (51.38%), feeling humble Considering the duties of extensions, emphasis is laid
(50%), affection (47.22%), variety seeking (54.16%), on the necessity of such traits and the existence of their
tolerance (55.55%) and being quarrel some (48.61%). As behaviors. Duties and operations such as annual
aforementioned, they got more scores than the average scheduling, preparing agricultural calendar, time-depen-
province score: ding agricultural operations such as plant storing, garden
establishment, choosing appropriate time for pest
b) The successful and unsuccessful extensions fighting, keeping and recording diaries, preparing identity
performed in different traits are subsequently shown. The documents for villages, efficient use of office equipment
aforementioned scores were more than province mean and maintenance are vital for extensions. The nature of
according to the results obtained from Table 1 mean agriculture on on-the-spot decision making, continuous
ranking for personality traits of extensions were computed activities, continuous interaction with farmers, and
regarding Edward‟s test and they were compared in table selection and optimization of technical instruction accor-
number 2. As shown in Table 2, the major personality ding to farmers‟ age require innovation and avoidance of
traits of extensions in this province according to their bureaucracy. As a result, the agriculturalist‟s autonomy
scores and mean were obtained respectively as follows: dimension to present innovations gets highlighted.
tolerance (19.33), order and discipline (18.12), effort and Willingness for new and various experience, dignity, self-
progress (16.42), effect (15.12), obedience (14.13), importance, and leisure for a decent position function as
accuracy in observing others‟ behavior and variety integrative motivation in human‟s life and job selection.
seeking (13.97), humble feeling (12.10), superiority Extensions who are highly motivated for progress use
seeking (11.58), autonomy (10.89), quarrelsome behavior their time and idea for the betterment of affairs. Such
(10.44), affection seeking (9.76), outgoing (9.16), and characteristics are obtained through motivation for
shown off (8.51). progress and promotion and extensions try to show their
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Table 1. Quantitative data for extensions in Guilan province according to Edward‟s personality test.
Frequency percentage over mean 61.53 64.10 51.28 46.15 48.71 48.71 46.15 41.02 38.42 35.89 64.10 56.41 71.79 30.76
Frequency percentage over mean 42.42 63.63 42.42 48.48 42.42 51.51 51.51 66.66 66.66 66.66 27.27 51.51 36.36 69.69
Maximum score
Maximum score
Maximum score
Minimum score
Minimum score
Minimum score
Personality traits
15.41 13.95 15.36 8.44 10.06 9.31 14.16 10.86 12.95 13.12 14.43 13.95 18.30 12.05
16.42 14.13 18.12 8.51 10.89 9.17 13.97 9.76 11.58 12.10 15.12 13.97 19.33 10.44
14.24 13.76 15.36 8.36 9.09 9.48 14.39 12.15 14.57 14.33 13.6 13.94 17.09 13.96
Effort and progress
Order and discipline
Show off
48.61 52.77 51.38
Affection seeking
Superiority seeking
Feeling humble
47.22 54.16 55.55 48.61
Variety seeking
Being quarrelsome
merit during interaction with farmers. outgoing trait in unsuccessful extensions which was 9.48
Agriculturists‟ progress and promotion help them to be exceeded the mean score of successful extensions that
accepted and trusted by farmers, hence they can is, 9.17. However, this does not indicate a significant
organize their clients‟ activities and this ultimately leads to difference among them in this regard. Undoubtedly, the
their job satisfaction, which in turn increases their agriculturalist is required to communicate continuously
efficiency and performance. with the farmers in any moment of his presence in the
According to Figure 2, it is implied that; the score of village. In other words, interest in communication and
career is inherently associable with a job in which an
individual who is more willing to work with others will be
Unsuccessful extensions
Minimum score 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39
Total number of extensions in province
Accuracy in observing
Order and discipline
Superiority seeking
Effort and progress
Being quarrelsome
Personality traits
Affection seeking
other‟s behavior
Feeling humble
Variety seeking
Show off
Motamed et al. 3365
Mean of obtained score
Accuracy in observing
Affection seeking
Variety seeking
Superiority seeking
Feeling humble
Effort and progress
Being quarrelsome
Order and discipline
Show off
other’s behaviour
Figure 2. Compares two means in two group of extensions.
more successful professionally. Successful extensions need more empathy and assimilation with their clients if
and unsuccessful extensions have no significant they desire relative success.
difference in terms of accuracy in observation of others.
This can be justified due to human‟s nature and an
agriculturalist‟s career. In addition, mean score of Successful/unsuccessful agriculturalist
unsuccessful extensions, that is, 14.57 exceed that of
successful ones on trait superiority seeking which are When the two groups of extensions were compared
11.58. However, a significant difference was seen among (Figure 2), it was observed that the mean of successful
these two groups on humble feeling since the mean score extensions (15.12) exceeded that of unsuccessful ones.
of unsuccessful extensions in this regard are 14.33 in However, no significant difference was observed on the
comparison with that of successful ones which is 12.10. trait superiority seeking between the two groups. The
successful extensions‟ mean on the trait tolerance (19.33)
exceeds that of unsuccessful ones significantly, whereas
Successful/unsuccessful agriculturalist unsuccessful extensions were shown to be more
quarrelsome than successful extensions because the
In agricultural psychology, it is expected that any activity farmer group was 13.96 in comparison with that of the
should be in accordance with instructional farmer‟s latter group which was 10.44. Consequently, some traces
(learners) needs, interests and wishes. Farmers of destructive traits which are destructive to human
(learners) need to express themselves as a result they relationship are observable among unsuccessful
resist bully, and if extensions feel humble or superior, the extensions. Previously, Amirani and Iravani (1992) in a
clients lose their mental balance. Unsuccessful research called “The study of factors influencing the Adult
extensions with signs of humbleness may suffer from Instructors” had realized that ethical traits like kindness,
selfishness in future, so these abnormalities disturb the Patience and gentleness had brought success to those
mental balance of their clients. Those coward extensions instructors up to 90% out of 100. Abadi and Ahmad
tend to bully clients later, hence since they neglect the (1995) believed that the experimental research carried
principles of agricultural psychology in giving their out in Australia on ethnic immigrant farmers has shown
services, they are unable to communicate efficiently. The that extensions through personal interest and friendly
aforementioned findings are in agreement with those of relationship with farmers are based on trust and reliance.
Leu and Guinea (1995) and Moatadel (1996). Leu and In fact the reason behind the success of extensions‟ in
Guinea (1995), believed that if the agriculturalist does not this region has been their empathy with local farmers and
praise his client, he should surrender his career. They creating a positive atmosphere to have dialogue between
added that educated extension workers who looks down the farmer and the agriculturalist.
on illiterate and have high expectations cannot According to opinions of the respondents, the most
communicate with the farmers. Such extension workers important competencies needed by the extension workers
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