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Updated 04/26/05

Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Algebra 2 continues students’ study of advanced algebraic
concepts including functions, polynomials, rational expressions,
systems of functions and inequalities, and matrices. Students
will be expected to describe and translate among graphic,
algebraic, numeric, and verbal representations of relations and
use those representations to solve problems. Emphasis should
be placed on practical applications and modeling. Appropriate
technology, from manipulatives to calculators and application
software, should be used regularly for instruction and

• Operate with matrices to solve problems.
• Create linear models, for sets of data, to solve problems.
• Use linear functions and inequalities to model and solve
• Use quadratic functions to model problems and solve by
factoring and graphing.
• Use systems of linear equations or inequalities to model and
solve problems.
• Graph and evaluate exponential functions to solve problems.

Introduction: Algebra 2 Standard Course of Study

Updated 04/26/05
Algebra 2
GOAL 1: The learner will perform operations with complex numbers, matrices, and

1.01 Simplify and perform operations with rational exponents and logarithms (common and
natural) to solve problems.
1.02 Define and compute with complex numbers.
1.03 Operate with algebraic expressions (polynomial, rational, complex fractions) to solve
1.04 Operate with matrices to model and solve problems.
1.05 Model and solve problems using direct, inverse, combined and joint variation.

GOAL 2: The learner will use relations and functions to solve problems.

2.01 Use the composition and inverse of functions to model and solve problems; justify
2.02 Use quadratic functions and inequalities to model and solve problems; justify results.
a) Solve using tables, graphs, and algebraic properties.
b) Interpret the constants and coefficients in the context of the problem.
2.03 Use exponential functions to model and solve problems; justify results.
a) Solve using tables, graphs, and algebraic properties.
b) Interpret the constants, coefficients, and bases in the context of the problem.
2.04 Create and use best-fit mathematical models of linear, exponential, and quadratic
functions to solve problems involving sets of data.
a) Interpret the constants, coefficients, and bases in the context of the data.
b) Check the model for goodness-of-fit and use the model, where appropriate, to draw
conclusions or make predictions.
2.05 Use rational equations to model and solve problems; justify results.
a) Solve using tables, graphs, and algebraic properties.
b) Interpret the constants and coefficients in the context of the problem.
c) Identify the asymptotes and intercepts graphically and algebraically.
2.06 Use cubic equations to model and solve problems.
a) Solve using tables and graphs.
b) Interpret constants and coefficients in the context of the problem.
2.07 Use equations with radical expressions to model and solve problems; justify results.
a) Solve using tables, graphs, and algebraic properties.
b) Interpret the degree, constants, and coefficients in the context of the problem.
2.08 Use equations and inequalities with absolute value to model and solve problems; justify
a) Solve using tables, graphs, and algebraic properties.
b) Interpret the constants and coefficients in the context of the problem.
2.09 Use the equations of parabolas and circles to model and solve problems; justify results.
a) Solve using tables, graphs, and algebraic properties.
b) Interpret the constants and coefficients in the context of the problem.
2.10 Use systems of two or more equations or inequalities to model and solve problems;
justify results. Solve using tables, graphs, matrix operations, and algebraic properties.
Introduction: Algebra 2 Standard Course of Study
Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 1.01 Simplify and perform
operations with rational
Relationship exponents and logarithms
Laws (common and natural) to solve
Exponents problems.
Laws A. Given that log 2.72 = 0.4346, approximate the following without a
of calculator: log 0.272, log 272, and log 0.00272.

Base 1+ 5 2
1+ 5
B. Simplify: and .
3− 5
3− 5 2
C. Rewrite 4 = 3x in logarithmic forms (base 3, base 10, and base e).
Logarithms D. Solve 663 = 49( 2.165x) for x. Justify each step.

E. Solve 350 = 200e2r for r. Justify each step.

Radical F. Solve e 2 e 3 x = 5 for x. Justify each step.

G. The number of airline passengers increased from 465.6 million in

1990 to 614.3 million in 1998. What was the average annual growth
rate (percent) for the 1990-98 period?

H. The wind chill (WC) is a measure of the heat loss from the body
when temperature and wind speed are combined. The relationship is
expressed algebraically as follows:
o 0.16 0.16
WC ( F) = 35.74 + 0.6215T - 35.75V + 0.4275T(V ) where
T = air temperature ( F) and V = wind speed (mph).
A wind chill less than -20 F is dangerous because human flesh can
freeze within one minute. What wind speed will generate a wind chill of
o o
-20 F when the air temperature is 6 F? What air temperature will
generate a wind chill of 32 F when the wind speed is 35 mph?

I. The median family income in 1947 was $3031. According to the US

Census Bureau, that same income in 1997 dollars is $20,102.
Determine the annual inflation rate (percent) for the period 1947-1997.

3 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 1.02 Define and compute with
complex numbers.
Number A. Simplify: (3 + 2i)2

Addition B. Simplify: i4

Subtraction C. Simplify: 5(2 + 4i) – 2(5 – 8i)

Multiplication 2 + 4i
D. Simplify:
a + bi
E. Identify the conjugate of -2 + i.
F. Solve for a and b if (a + bi) = 5 + 12i.

3 + 4 i 6 − 5i
G. Simplify: +
2 − i 2 + 2i
797 293
H. i +i =?

4 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 1.03 Operate with algebraic
expressions (polynomial, rational,
complex fractions) to solve
Expression problems.
Complex A. Expand and simplify (3x – 2y)4
B. Find the quotient: (x3 – 3x2 – 4x + 15) ÷ (x + 5)
C. Find the quotient: (4x3 – 7x + 5) ÷ (2x – 1)
D. Factor completely: 4x2 – 16y2
E. Factor completely: 27x3 + 8
F. Factor completely: 6x2 + 13x - 5
Division G. Factor completely: x4 - 1

Division H. Factor completely: 3xy + 6y + 4x + 8

x 2 − x − 56
Factor I. Simplify:
x 2 + 10 x + 21
Theorem 9 − a2
J. Simplify: 2
a + a − 12

x 2 + 7 x + 12 x − 3
K. Simplify: ⋅
x2 − 9 x+3

x2 − y2 y4 − x4
L. Simplify: ÷ 2
12 3y + 3x 2

4x + 9 x − 3 34 − 2 x
M. Simplify: + − 2
4x − 5 x +1 4x − x − 5

N. Simplify: x −1
x −1

5 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 1.04 Operate with matrices to
model and solve problems.
Array A. (1, 7), (6, -2), (11, 3), and (15, -6) are points on the graph of
y = ax3 + bx2 +cx + d. Set up the matrix equation to determine a, b, c,
Dimensions and d. What is the equation? What is A-1?
(rows, columns)
3 7
Element B. Without a calculator find .
−4 0.5
 a 6 −2 8 
 
Inverse C. Given A = [0.5 3 −4 ], B = 4 −3 b 8  , and
Matrix  
 7 0 1 c 

AB = [−15 −6 22 44 ], find a, b, and c.


41131.96 
Subtraction  
560.0 72.8 1327.1 349.3 42484.09 
Matrix D. T =   and P =  .
Multiplication 582.8 71.8 1384.2 370.0  31218.12 
 
17720.14 
Multiplication Matrix T shows the number of employees (in thousands) in several areas
of the transportation industry (by columns: air, water, truck, and ground
Determinant passenger) for 1998 and 1999 (rows). Matrix P shows the average
annual salary for employees in each transportation area (by rows: air,
water, truck, and ground passenger). Find TP and define the elements.

6 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 1.05 Model and solve problems
using direct, inverse, combined
and joint variation.
A. The formula for the volume (V) of a frustum of a cone (a horizontal
Dependent 1
slice of a cone) is given by V = h ( B1 + B2 + B1B2 ) , where h is the
height, B1 is the area of the lower base, and B2 is the area of the lower
base. Describe the volume as a variation with respect to the independent
variables. Rewrite the formula for height in terms of the volume and
areas of the bases and describe the height as a variation in terms of those

B. The electrical resistance of a wire varies directly as its length and

inversely as the square of its diameter. If the resistance of 175 meters of
wire having a diameter of 0.4 centimeters is 1.5 ohms, find the resistance
of 300 meters of wire having a diameter of 0.25 centimeters.

C. The period of a simple pendulum varies directly as the square root of

its length. If a pendulum three feet long has a period of 4.8 seconds,
find the period of a pendulum half as long.

D. The Hubble Telescope could see stars and galaxies whose brightness
is approximately 2% of the faintest objects observable using Earth-based
telescopes. The brightness of an object varies inversely as the square of
its distance from the observer. How much farther into space is the
Hubble Telescope able to see compared to the Earth-based telescopes?

7 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 2.01 Use the composition and
inverse of functions to model and
solve problems; justify results.
A. Given: f(x) = 5x - 3 and g(x) = 6 - x2. Find each of the following:

(f g)(x) = f(g(x))
f(g(x)), g(f(x)), (f g)(-2), (g f)(3), f -1(x), g -1(f(x))
o o

B. Find f(g(x)) and (g f)(x) for f(x) = 3x - 2; g(x) = x - 1


y=x C. Find f(g(x)) and (g f)(x) for f(x) = x2 - 1; g(x) =

x −1

D. Find f(g(x)) and (g f)(x) for f(x) = x2 - 2; g(x) =

x +1

E. Find f -1(x) for f(x) = 2x - 4. Generate a table of values for f -1(x) and
f(x) to confirm the inverse relationship. Explain how the inverse
relationship can be confirmed graphically.

F. Algebraically confirm that f(x) = x3 + 1 and g(x) = 3

x − 1 are inverse

G. The following is a table of corresponding Fahrenheit/Celsius

temperatures collected from a cooking thermometer.

F oC oF oC oF oC oF oC
400 204 320 160 245 118 180 82
385 196 300 148 230 110 170 76
370 188 285 140 220 104 155 68
350 176 270 132 210 98 140 60
335 168 260 126 195 90 130 54

Using a calculator, determine the best-fit linear equation that models the
relationship between Fahrenheit (x) and Celsius (y). Determine a second
best-fit linear equation that models the relationship between Celsius (x)
and Fahrenheit (y). How are the slopes of the two linear equations
related? Locate the intersection of the two equations. What does this
point represent in the context of the data? Graph the indentity equation
y = x. What is the relationship between the two best-fit equations with
respect to the identity equation? Confirm algebraically that the best-fit
equations are inverses of one another.

8 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 2.02 Use quadratic functions and
inequalities to model and solve
problems; justify results.
A. Name the vertex and all intercepts of f(x) = x2 - 4x + 3. Justify the
Completing results algebraically.
the Square
B. Name the vertex and all intercepts of f(x) = 3x2 - 4x + 5. Justify the
Quadratic results algebraically.
C. Determine the solution set for x2 > 2(x + 4). Justify the results
Set Notation algebraically.

Number Line D. For f(x) =2x2 + bx + 10: As b increases/decreases, how does the
graph of f(x) change?
E. For f(x) = ax2 - 2x + 5: As a gets close to zero, how does the graph of
Minimum f(x) change?

Increasing F. Compare f(x) = ax2 + bx + c and g(x) = -ax2 + bx +c. Identify

similarities and differences.
G. For f(x) = 2.5x2 + 17x + c: As c increases/decreases, how does the
Domain graph of f(x) change?

Range H. What is a quadratic function that has roots (5 + 2i) and (5 - 2i)?

Independent I. The function f(x) = -0.019x2 + 3.04x - 58.87 describes newspaper

circulation (millions) in the United States for 1920-98 (x = 20 for 1920).
Dependent Identify periods of increasing and decreasing circulation. According to
the function, when did newspaper circulation peak? When will
f(x) = ax2 + bx + c circulation reach 45 million?

y - k = a(x - h)2 J. From the top of a 56 foot tower, a projectile is launched straight up
and reaches a maximum height of 120 feet after two seconds. What is
the equation of the height function h(t) in terms of time t?
Use the form h(t) = a(t - b)2 + c. Explain the coefficient a. When will
the projectile hit the ground? During what interval was the projectile at
a height of at least 96 feet?

9 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Vocabulary K. The space shuttle uses solid rocket boosters (SRB) during the launch
Concepts phase of its flight from Cape Canaveral. The SRBs burn for about two
Skills minutes, shut down, detach from the main rocket assembly, and fall back
to Earth 140 miles downrange. Parachutes assist the ocean landing,
(continued) beginning at an altitude of 20,000 feet. The SRBs are recovered and used
again for a later launch. The function f(x) = -33 + 0.72x – 0.00176x2, for
Parabola x ≥ 115.5, describes the altitude of the shuttle’s SRBs since the launch
(x is elapsed time in seconds). How long after launch do the SRBs
Transformations splash down? The SRBs separate from the shuttle after 115.5 seconds.
How much longer do the SRBs continue to gain altitude?
L. For f(x) = 2x2 - 17x + 26, locate the vertex and intercepts. Justify the
Vertex results algebraically.

Intercepts M. Solve 3x2 - 5 =7x. Justify the results algebraically.

Solutions N. Solve x + 3x ≤ 28. Justify the results algebraically.

Roots O. The height of a baseball, just hit, is approximated by

h(x) = -0.0011x2 + 0.4545x + 3 where x is the horizontal distance from
Zeros homeplate. The ball is approaching the ten-foot outfield wall, 400 feet
from homeplate. If the ball is not caught, will it go over the wall?
of Equality P. Each orange tree in a California grove produces 600 oranges per year
if no more than 20 trees are planted per acre. For each additional tree
planted per acre, the yield per tree decreases by 15 oranges. How many
trees per acre should be planted to obtain the greatest number of

10 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 2.03 Use exponential functions to
model and solve problems; justify
A. Bacteria growing on disgarded food triples every five hours. If there
Decresasing are one million bacteria present now, how many will there be one day
B. At the end of four years (t), a savings account paying 5.35% annually
Range (r) compounded continuously, had a balance (B) of $3096.56. What was
the initial deposit (P)? (Use B = Pert) If the initial deposit had been in an
Independent account compounded annually, how much less interest would have been
C. Over the last year the stock value of an internet company has
Laws of dropped at a rate of 17% per month. The value of the stock at the
Exponents beginning of the year was $19.50. What was the value of the stock at
the end of the year? If the stock’s value continues to decrease at the
Laws of same rate, how long does it take the stock to be worth one-tenth of its
Logarithms original value?

Inverse D. In 1998 there were 429,000 people employed in the United States as
Relationship computer support specialists. By 2002 that number grew to 507,000.
Assuming a constant annual growth rate in the number of specialists,
Coefficient how many will there be in 2006? When will the number of computer
support specialists exceed one million?
E. If f(x) = 5 • bx and b > 1, as b increases, how does the graph of f(x)
e change?

Initial Value F. If f(x) = 5 • bx and 0 < b < 1, as b approaches zero, how does the
graph of f(x) change?
G. If f(x) = a • 1.9x and a ≥ 1, as a increases, how does the graph of f(x)
Common change?
H. If f(x) = 2 • 3.1x - 10 locate exactly the x- and y-intercepts.

of Equality

f(x) = a•bx + c

11 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 2.04 Create and use best-fit
mathematical models of linear,
Scatter Plot
exponential, and quadratic
functions to solve problems
involving sets of data.
A. For any 4-sided convex polygon, two distinct diagonals can be
Domain drawn. For any 5-sided convex polygon, five distinct diagonals can be
drawn. For any 6-sided convex polygon, nine distinct diagonals can be
Range drawn. How many distinct diagonals can be drawn in a 20-sided
polygon? Create the function that will generate the number of distinct
Scatter plot diagonals for n-sided polygons.

Regression Place Winnings Place Winnings

B. The winnings for the
2003 Coca-Cola 600 are 1 271, 900 9 129,153
Correlation shown. Create an
Coefficient algebraic model of the 2 206, 500 10 120, 331
data. Describe the average 3 184, 633 11 84, 740
R2 change in winnings and
how it relates to the data. 4 137, 350 12 117, 542
Estimation What are other variables
which affect the prizes at 5 186, 850 13 119, 003
Prediction an automobile race or any 6 112, 875 14 104, 600
other professional athletic
Interpolation event? 7 132, 225 15 110, 950

Extrapolation 8 135,103 16 76, 500

C. Graph and describe the 1920 27.8 1960 58.9 1992 60.2
newspaper circulation (in
millions) data shown. What 1925 33.7 1965 60.4 1993 59.8
variables affect newspaper
circulation? Create an 1930 39.6 1970 62.1 1994 59.3
algebraic model of the data 1935 38.2 1975 60.7 1995 58.2
(let x = 20 for 1920).
According to the model, will 1940 41.1 1980 62.2 1996 57.0
the newspaper circulation
drop below 50 million? If it 1945 48.4 1985 62.8 1997 56.7
does, when? 1950 53.8 1990 62.3 1998 56.2

1955 56.1 1991 60.7

12 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Vocabulary D. Since the 1924 Olympics, men and women have competed separately
Concepts in 400 Meter Free Style swimming events. Compare the data (all results
Skills in seconds) for the two events and describe similarities and differences.
Determine best-fit models for each of the men’s and women’s data.
Which group of athletes is making the greater improvement? Explain.
Assuming winning performances occur according to the models, what
will be the results for the 2004 Athens Olympics? According to the
models, will the women’s performance ever equal or exceed the men’s
performance in this event? If so, when? If not, why? Include other data
to support your hypothesis.
Does the number of total participants correlate well with athletic
performance? Explain. Identify and discuss variables that affect athletic

Performance Men Women Total Participation Men Women

1924 304.2 362.2 1924 2956 136
1928 301.6 342.8 1928 2724 290
1932 288.4 328.5 1932 1281 127
1936 284.5 326.4 1936 3738 328
1948 281.0 317.8 1948 3714 385
1952 270.7 312.1 1952 4407 518
1956 267.3 294.6 1956 3003 397
1960 258.3 290.6 1960 4738 610
1964 252.2 283.3 1964 4457 683
1968 249.0 271.8 1968 4750 781
1972 240.27 259.04 1972 6659 1171
1976 231.93 249.89 1976 4915 1274
1980 231.31 248.76 1980 4320 1192
1984 231.23 247.10 1984 5458 1620
1988 226.95 243.85 1988 6983 2438
1992 225.00 247.18 1992 7555 3008
1996 227.95 247.25 1996 7060 3684
2000 220.59 245.80 2000 6582 4069

13 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 2.05 Use rational functions to
model and solve problems; justify
A. Graph f(x) = . Identify intercepts and any vertical and
Decreasing x +5
horizontal asymptotes. State the domain and range of the function.
Range B. Graph f(x) = . Identify intercepts and any vertical and
x − 2 x − 15

horizontal asymptotes. State the domain and range of the function.


Discontinuity x3 + x2
C. Graph f(x) = 2 . Identify intercepts and any vertical and
x + 2x − 8
Factor horizontal asymptotes. State the domain and range of the function.

Common x2 − 9
Denominator D. Explain how f(x) = and g(x) = x + 3 are similar and different.
Include the graphs and a comparison of the functions’ asymptotes,
intercepts, and domain.
of Equality

Extraneous Roots a
E. Consider f(x) = . As the value of a increases/decreases, how
x +b
Intercepts does the graph of f(x) change? As b increases/decreases, how does the
graph of f(x) change?
x + 6 3x − 2
F. Solve = algebraically; justify steps used. Identify the
Set Notation 2x + 6 2x + 1
solution(s) graphically.

8710 x 2 − 69400 x + 470000

G. The function d(x) = can be used to
1.08 x 2 − 324 x + 82200
accurately model the braking distance (feet) for cars traveling between
20 and 70 miles per hour. If a car doubles its speed, how does the
stopping distance change? (double? triple?) If it takes a car 340 feet to
stop safely, how fast was the car traveling?

H. Consider g(x) = h + . As h increases/decreases, how does
( x + k) 2
the graph of g(x) change? As k increases/decreases, how does the graph
of g(x) change?

14 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Vocabulary I. When you eat sugary foods, the amount of acid in your mouth
Concepts temporarily increases. This causes your mouth’s pH level to decrease.
Skills The pH level t minutes after eating can be approximated by the function
65 t 2 − 204 t + 2340
P(t) = . Tooth decay can occur if the pH level in
10 t 2 + 360
your mouth falls too low and remains low for a period of time. How
long after sugary foods are eaten is the lowest pH level reached? What
is the lowest pH level? As time passes, what value does the pH level

J. A truck traveling at constant speed on a reasonably straight, level road

burns fuel at the rate of g(x) gallons per mile, where x is the speed of the
800 + x 2
truck (miles per hour) and g(x) = . If fuel costs $2.40 per
200 x
gallon, find the cost function, c(x), that expresses the amount of fuel
needed for a 500-mile trip as a function of speed. What driving speeds
will make the cost of the fuel for the trip less than $450? What driving
speed will minimize the cost of fuel for the trip?

K. The function that describes gravitational acceleration ( ) of
second 2
3.987 ⋅ 1014
an object relative to the Earth is g(r) = where r is the
(6.378 ⋅ 10 6 + r) 2
distance in meters above the earth’s surface. Use the graph of g(r) to
explain if it is possible to escape Earth’s gravity.

L. The expected population of bears, P(t), in a national park for the next
500 + 250 t
100 years (t) is modeled by P(t) = . What is the initial bear
10 + 0.5 t
population? Find the population after 10, 40, and 100 years. If the bear
population continues to grow according to projections, what is the
maximum expected population?

M. One simple plan for a state income tax requires those persons with
incomes of $10,000 or less to pay no tax and those persons with incomes
greater than $10,000 to pay a tax of 8% only on the amount over
$10,000. Algebraically, what does this tax plan look like?
A person's effective tax rate is defined as the percent of total income that
is paid in tax. Based on this definition and the plan outline, could any
person's effective tax be 7%? Explain your answer. Include an example
to justify your conclusion. Algebraically, what does this effective tax
rate look like?
Based on this definition and the plan outline, could any person's
effective tax be 8%? Explain your answer. Include an example to
justify your conclusion.

15 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 2.06 Use cubic equations to
model and solve problems.
A. If f(x) = 2x3 + 3x2 + d, as d increases/decreases, how does the graph
Factor of f(x) change?

Maximum B. Compare f(x) = -3x3 + x + 7 and g(x) = 3x3 + x + 7. Identify

similarities and differences.
C. If f(x) = ax3 – 6.5x2 + x + 7 and a ≥ 1, as a increases, how does the
Increasing graph of f(x) change?
3 2
Decreasing D. Solve 3x + 2x = 9x + 6 graphically.

Domain E. The function P(x) = 0.018x3 – 0.687x2 + 6.638x + 16 describes the

value of a precious metal over a 23-month period. During which month
Range did the metal achieve its greatest value? Determine the lowest value
since then. Describe the value of the metal over the last ten months. If
Independent the P(x) continues to model the value of the precious metal, will the
value exceed its previous greatest value in the next six months or will it
Dependent drop below the previous low value (not the initial value)?

Transformations F. The function M(x) = -0.287x3 + 8.8x2 - 59.843x + 220.7 describes the
incidence of measles (per 100,000) for the period 1940-1960 (x = 0 for
Degree 1940). In what year was the greatest incidence of measles reported?
According to the definition of M(x), what is the y-intercept? Identify
Coefficients periods of increasing /decreasing frequency of the disease. If the
function continues to model the disease beyond 1960, when did the
Intercepts incidence of measles approximate zero? What are some variables that
may have affected the incidence of measles over the period 1940-1960?
G. An open box is to be created from a nine-inch by twelve-inch piece
Zeros of posterboard by cutting congruent squares from each corner and
folding up the sides. Detemine the size of the square that should be cut
Roots from each corner to produce the box with maximum volume.

f(x) = ax3 + bx2 +

cx + d

16 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 2.07 Use equations with radical
expressions to model and solve
problems; justify results.
A. In a hurricane, the mean sustained wind velocity V, measured in
Maximum meters per second, is given by V = 6.3 1013 − P where P is the air
pressure, measured in millibars (mb), at the center of the hurricane.
Minimum What happens to wind velocity in a hurricane when air pressure

Decreasing B. Solve x 2 + 5 x + 4 = 2 − x exactly for x. Justify each step.

Domain C. Solve 6 x + 4 = x + 1 exactly for x. Justify each step.

D. Solve y + 5 = 3 2 y − 3 for y. Justify each step.
E. The per barrel price (in dollars) of petroleum for a recent 20-month
Dependent period is described by p( m) = 7m2 + 8m + 377 . Identify the minimum
and maximum prices for the period. At what point did the price of
Transformations petroleum first exceed $35? If the model continues to be accurate, will
the price per barrel reach $60? When?
F. The price of a computer over a 25-month period is described by
f ( x ) = 1050 − 3 9 x 5 + 5 x + 503 . Identify the minimum and maximum
Radicand prices for the period. At what point did the price of the computer first
reach $800? If the model continues to be accurate, when will the price
Coefficients reach half of its initial price?

Intercepts G. If f ( x ) = ax + 9 and a > 0, as a increases, how does the graph of

f(x) change?
of Equality
H. If f ( x ) = 3 x + b , as b increases, how does the graph of f(x) change?
Set Notation
I. For f ( x ) = x + 3 + c , as c increases/decreases, how does the graph
Solutions of f(x) change?


f ( x ) = ax + b + c

17 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 2.08 Use equations and
inequalities with absolute value to
model and solve problems; justify
A. A fast-moving cold front in the Northeast can cause temperatures to
Minimum drop very quickly then rise again. The following data uses t as the
hours since midnight on a day the cold front moves in, and T as the
Increasing temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
T 3 1 −1 −3 −5 −7 −5 −3 −1 1 3
Domain The absolute value function has a similar shape. Use a transformation of
f ( x ) = x to model this data.
B. Consider the graph of y = |ax + 5| when a ≥ 2. As a increases, how
Independent does the graph change? What happens to the vertex of y = |ax + 5|?

Dependent C. Consider the graph of y = |2x + b| when b ≥ 0. As b increases, how

does the graph change?
D. What plane figure is described by y ≥ |2x - 3| and y ≤ 6 - |2x - 3|?
E. Given y ≥ |2x - 3|, find another equation of the form y ≤ |ax + b| so
Intercepts that a system of inequalities exists that describes a kite with one vertex
at (0, 3).
of Equality F. Solve |3x - 4| ≤ 17 for x. Justify each step.

Set Notation G. Solve |16 – 3x| = |x| + 3 for x.

Number Line





f(x) = |ax + b|

18 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 2.09 Use the equations of
parabolas and circles to model
and solve problems; justify
A. In the coordinate plane, a line parallel to the x-axis intersects the
Vertex y-axis at (0, 4). This line also intersects a circle in two points. The
circle has a radius of 10 and its center is at the origin. What are the
Axis coordinates of the points of intersection? What are the coordinates of
of the points of intersection if the circle’s center is at (1, 2)? (-3, -4)?
B. Write the equations for all circles with a radius of 2.5 and tangent to
Completing lines x = -1.5 and y = 3.
Square C. Identify exactly the vertex of y = x2 – 7x + 9. Identify exactly the
x- and y-intercepts.
y - k = a(x - h)2
D. Identify exactly the vertex of x = 3y2 – 12y + 2. Identify exactly the
(x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r2 x- and y-intercepts.

x2 + y2 + E. Graph x2 + y2 = 8y – 6y – 3. Identify exactly the x- and

Dx + Ey + F = 0 y-intercepts.

19 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

Updated 04/26/05
Concepts 2.10 Use systems of two or more
equations or inequalities to model
and solve problems; justify
results. Solve using tables, graphs,
matrix operations, and algebraic
Equation properties.
Linear A. For the period 1970-1998 (x = 0 for 1970),
f(x) = 0.71x2 + 2.15x + 67.53 models US exports and
Quadratic g(x) = 0.82x2 + 6.42x + 55.07 models US imports. Find the years when
US trade was balanced, f(x) = g(x). Identify graphically and define
Cubic algebraically the US trade surplus/deficit, according to the functions
B. A luxury car’s value is represented by the equation y1 = 50(0.822)x.
Rational A sports utility vehicle’s (SUV) value is represented by the equation
y2 = 30(0.884)x. In both functions, y is the value ($1000’s) of the
Radical automobile after x years. Assuming one of each model is purchased on
the same day, how long before the luxury car is only worth $1000 more
Absolute than the SUV? How long until the two automobiles are equal in value?
Value How long before the SUV is worth $1000 more than the luxury car?

Circle C. Write the system of inequalities that describes a triangular region

with one vertex at (7, 5) and another on the x-axis. None of the sides
can be horizontal or vertical.

D. Find the solution for the system: 6x - 3y + 19z = 23

-5x + 11y - 5z = -14
x + 7y + 4z = 6

E. Find the solution for the system: -w + 2.4x + 4.5y - 7.1z = 19

3w + 7.7x - 5.8y + 2z = 0
1.3w - 4.3x + 9.2y - z = 23.4
-5.3w + 6.6x + 1.6y + 7.9z = 4.4

F. Write a system of inequalities that defines a parallelogram in the

second quadrant with one vertex at (-3, 4). The sides cannot be vertical
or horizontal.

20 Indicators for K-12 Mathematics: Algebra 2

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