5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Rarely 1 - Never
5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Rarely 1 - Never
5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Rarely 1 - Never
The following survey is designed to find out the level of empowerment prevailing in your
organization. There are no right or wrong responses; the best response is the one that most
accurately describes your organization. The survey is primarily for research purposes; your
identity will not be attached to your comments.
1 Name of the Organization
2 Designation (Optional)
4 Age
5 Always 4 Often 3 Sometimes 2 Rarely 1 Never
5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 Rarely
10. As leaders managers think that the best rewards for people 5 4
are more money, more tune off and more status
22. As leaders, our managers dways try to inspire others and set 5 4
an example
5 Always 4 Often 3 Sometimes 2 Rarely
5-Always 4-Often 3-Sometimes 2-Rarefy - Never
27. When our managers motivate us they look for the kmd of 5 4 3 2 1
work and setting m which we can perform best
35. Managers here sit down with the concerned employees and 5 4 3 2,1
try to determine how well the employees can do their job
36. Managers, as leaders keep checking out what are the areas of 5 4 3 2 1
improvement for the employees
40. Bosses here remain cool even under high pressure of work 5 4 3 2 1
5 Always 4 Often 3 Sometimes 2 Rarely 1 Never
5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Rarely .
43. When evaluating subordinates, managers normally fill out the 5 &
proper form and send a copy to Personnel, but try not to make
a big deal of it
44. The organization gives much importance for evaluations for the 5 4
raise m salary and promotions
52. When our seniors delegate tasks, they also provide the 5 4
resources required, in order to accomplish the tasks
5 Always 4 Often 3 Sometimes 2 Rarely 1
5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Rarely 1 - Never
60. I use my knowledge and skill to win over a point with others 5 4 3 2 1
65. The top and middle management tries to let the training sessions 5 4 3 2 1
be a breeding ground for narrowing the gap between the
management and the employees
66. The training programmes are such that they help us to give 5 4 3 2 1
Some information and at the same time receive solution for
our problems
71. The facilities provided for the training programmes are good 5 4 3 2 1
5 Always^ 4 Often 3 Sometimes 2 Rarely 1 Never
5-Always 4-Often 3-Sometimes 2- Rarely
73. Suggestions are asked from the employees before sending them 5 4
for training programmes
84. I discuss my work freely with people I work with so that they 5 4
might be able to assist me or that I might be able to help them
5 Always 4 Often 3 Sometimes 2 Rarely
5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Rarely 1 - Never
92. Here people are able to do their job without much help 5 4 3 2 1
from them supervisors
100. Our people actively participate in all the events and give 5 4 3 2 1
suitable suggestions for any decision to be taken
5 Always 4 Often 3 Sometimes 2 Rarely 1 Never