Reaction Kinetics of The Catalytic Esterification of Citric Acid With Ethanol
Reaction Kinetics of The Catalytic Esterification of Citric Acid With Ethanol
Reaction Kinetics of The Catalytic Esterification of Citric Acid With Ethanol
Reaction kinetics are presented for the reversible esterification reaction of citric acid with ethanol to form
tri-ethyl citrate via mono-ethyl and di-ethyl citrates. The reaction was studied in batch isothermal experiments,
self-catalyzed homogeneously by citric acid and the formed mono- and di-ethyl citrates, and heterogeneously
catalyzed by macroporous Amberlyst-15 ion-exchange resin catalyst. Experimental data were obtained between
78 and 120 °C at different mole ratios of ethanol to citric acid and catalyst concentrations up to 5 wt %
ion-exchange resin. The kinetics of ethanol etherification to form di-ethyl ether were included in the
investigation. Kinetic modeling was performed using a pseudo-homogeneous UNIQUAC-based activity model,
taking into consideration the rate of self-catalyzed esterification and the side reaction to form diethyl ether.
The activity coefficients for the tri-ethyl citrate-ethanol and tri-ethyl citrate-water binary pairs were obtained
from experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium data. Kinetics of the di-ethyl citrate to tri-ethyl citrate reaction
limit the overall tri-ethyl citrate formation rate, as citric acid and mono-ethyl citrate are esterified rapidly to
their equilibrium compositions. Higher temperatures lead to faster reaction kinetics but significantly increase
the production of the undesired byproduct di-ethyl ether. The kinetic model developed is useful for the design
and simulation of processes such as reactive distillation for tri-ethyl citrate formation.
exchange resin catalysts, we have undertaken a study of citric Q. The column oven was subject to a temperature program
acid esterification kinetics in order to develop a rate model that involving heating from 413 K (after a 2 min hold) to 493 K
will be useful in designing reactive distillation processes for (and held for 6 min) at a rate of 20 K/min. n-Butanol was used
tri-alkyl citrate formation. Both resin-catalyzed and citric acid- as an internal standard. High purity helium (99.999% pure) was
catalyzed (“self-catalyzed”) reactions are included, and ethanol used as carrier gas at a flow rate of 20 mL/min. The injector
dehydration to form di-ethyl ether (DEE) is included as part of and detectors were maintained at 493 K.
the reaction system. Experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium Samples were analyzed for ethanol and DEE using a Perkin-
(VLE) studies were performed on the citric acid-ethanol and Elmer Sigma-2000 gas chromatograph equipped with a flame
citric acid-water binary pairs in order to obtain the UNIQUAC ionization detector (FID) and a bonded-phase fused-silica
activity coefficients. A pseudo-homogeneous activity-based capillary column (SPB-5, 30 m × 0.53 mm). The column oven
kinetic model is presented for correlation of the experimental was subject to a temperature program involving heating from
data. 313 K (after a 7 min hold) to 473 K (and held for 5 min) at a
rate of 2 K/min. Anhydrous toluene was used as an internal
2. Experimental standard. High purity helium (99.999% pure) was used as carrier
gas at a flow rate of 10 mL/min. The injector and detectors
2.1. Materials. Anhydrous citric acid crystals were obtained
were maintained at 493 K.
from Aldrich Chemical Co. Absolute ethanol (99% purity) and
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) grade water Analysis of samples from the VLE experiments was per-
were obtained from J. T. Baker, Inc. The strong acid cation- formed with a Varian 3400 gas chromatograph with both an
exchange resin catalyst Amberlyst-15 (Rohm and Haas, Phila- FID and a TCD. Column packing was 10% OV-101 on
delphia, PA) was obtained in H+ form and was used without Chromosorb W-HP 80/100 with a helium flow rate at 20 mL/
modification. The purity of all chemicals was checked by gas min.
chromatography or HPLC. 2.3. Batch Kinetic Experiments. Esterification reactions at
For the VLE experiments, water (HPLC grade) was obtained 78 °C were performed in a 2 × 10-4 m3 jacketed glass reactor
from J.T. Baker, Inc. Ethanol (200 proof) and TEC (99% purity) equipped with a recirculating constant temperature oil bath. The
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Chemicals were used as reaction volume was maintained between 100 and 110 mL. A
received. spiral coil condenser, open to the atmosphere, was placed on
2.2. Analysis. The presence of citric acid, mono-ethyl citrate top of the reactor. The glass reactor was equipped with
(MEC), di-ethyl citrate (DEC), and TEC was first confirmed temperature and stirrer speed monitoring devices and a sampling
by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) analysis port. In operation, measured quantities of ethanol and citric acid
of their trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives. For reaction samples, were added to the reactor and heating and stirring were started
citric acid and its ethyl esters (MEC, DEC, and TEC) were simultaneously. Once the desired temperature was achieved,
quantitatively analyzed on a Hewlett-Packard 1090 HPLC using usually in about 15 min, catalyst (Amberlyst-15 ion-exchange
a reversed phase C18 column (Novapak, 3.9 mm × 150 mm) resin) was added for the case of resin-catalyzed reactions and
held at 40 °C. Water/acetonitrile (ACN) mixtures, buffered at the stirring speed was increased to 800 rpm. This point in time
pH ) 1.3, were used as mobile phase (1.0 mL/min) in a gradient was considered as the zero reaction time. Samples were
mode (0% ACN (t ) 0) to 60% ACN (t ) 20 min) to 90% withdrawn at specific time intervals and immediately transferred
ACN (t ) 25 min) to 0% ACN (t ) 28 min)), and species were to an ice bath (prior to analysis) in order to ensure that no further
quantified by UV detection (Hitachi L400H) at a wavelength reaction took place.
of 210 nm. Citric acid and TEC were identified and quantified For reaction temperatures of 90 °C and above, esterification
by comparing HPLC retention time and peak area with their was performed in a 1 × 10-4 m3 stainless steel autoclave (5000
respective calibration standards. Standards for MEC and DEC Multi-reactor System, Parr Instrument Co.) equipped with
could not be obtained commercially. On a mass basis, the temperature and stirrer speed monitors and a sampling port. In
response factors for citric acid and TEC were found to be same; operation, measured quantities of ethanol, citric acid, and catalyst
therefore, MEC and DEC were each assigned the same response for the resin-catalyzed reaction cases were added to the reactor
factor as TEC and citric acid. Using this response factor, the and heating was started with slow stirring. The total reaction
carbon balance for each reaction sample, based on citric acid volume was maintained between 55 and 60 mL. The desired
and its esters, was in the range of (10%. temperature was achieved in about 15 min, at which time the
Reaction samples were analyzed for water content using a stirring rate was increased to 740 rpm. This time was considered
Varian 3700 gas chromatograph equipped with a thermal as the zero reaction time. Samples were withdrawn at specific
conductivity detector (TCD) and a stainless steel column (4 m time intervals through a cooled metal tube and immediately
× 3.25 mm) packed with a liquid stationary phase of Porapak transferred to an ice bath in order to ensure that no further
3182 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 10, 2007
run figure mole ratio resin catalyst temp average relative error (Frel) (eq 17) average absolute error (Fabs) (eq 16)
no. no. EtOH:CA loading (wt %) (oC) CA MEC DEC TEC EtOH water CA MEC DEC TEC EtOH water
1 2/S1 15:1 5 78 8.3 10.6 34.8 27.9 1.8 19.0 0.16 0.17 0.29 0.08 1.55 0.92
2 S2 15:1 5 90 13.5 10.7 37.4 57.5 2.5 24.4 0.35 0.21 0.40 0.16 1.41 0.77
3 3/S3 15:1 5 100 13.2 8.9 24.2 44.6 2.8 19.2 0.26 0.16 0.43 0.34 2.55 1.80
4 S4 15:1 5 110 9.3 20.9 19.7 39.8 2.2 13.4 0.11 0.28 0.35 0.32 1.75 1.35
5 4/S5 15:1 5 120 12.8 14.1 12.5 27.5 2.7 8.8 0.06 0.18 0.30 0.33 2.06 1.13
6 S6 15:1 3 120 12.1 16.8 6.1 27.9 0.9 3.8 0.08 0.23 0.15 0.26 0.70 0.41
7 5/S7 15:1 2 120 12.6 13.1 11.9 38.6 1.0 17.8 0.09 0.20 0.16 0.23 0.86 1.00
8 S8 15:1 1 120 13.4 10.1 26.4 48.7 5.6 23.6 0.18 0.20 0.50 0.49 4.34 2.67
9 S9 15:1 3 78 19.5 7.6 14.2 43.4 1.3 8.3 0.24 0.17 0.08 0.06 1.10 0.31
10 6/S10 15:1 2 78 21.4 8.4 13.6 40.0 0.8 4.7 0.37 0.21 0.06 0.05 0.67 0.15
11 S11 15:1 1 78 13.9 6.0 16.4 13.2 1.4 6.1 0.35 0.15 0.09 0.01 1.20 0.32
12 S12 20:1 5 120 25.8 12.9 13.5 16.9 0.5 3.1 0.08 0.09 0.22 0.16 0.43 0.30
13 S13 10:1 5 120 11.9 15.3 6.6 28.7 2.3 6.8 0.19 0.25 0.20 0.48 1.60 1.18
14 7/S14 5:1 5 120 12.5 27.1 7.4 35.7 9.2 10.1 0.34 0.98 0.43 1.14 4.02 3.31
15 S15 20:1 0 120 14.8 6.7 11.1 30.2 0.5 6.9 0.12 0.09 0.15 0.16 0.40 0.37
16 8/S16 15:1 0 120 14.6 14.3 13.2 17.1 3.1 10.3 0.18 0.37 0.46 0.10 2.51 1.28
17 S17 10:1 0 120 15.2 2.1 10.6 9.1 1.7 5.6 0.11 0.05 0.39 0.05 1.23 0.84
18 S18 5:1 0 120 6.9 4.4 11.1 6.0 4.2 5.2 0.09 0.18 0.82 0.12 2.12 1.51
19 S19 15:1 0 78 4.1 15.3 40.1 22.6 1.0 20.5 0.18 0.22 0.10 0.00 0.88 0.30
20 S20 15:1 0 90 5.7 6.1 22.8 37.3 0.9 11.1 0.15 0.11 0.12 0.02 0.76 0.33
21 S21 15:1 0 100 2.9 6.0 22.1 29.2 2.0 13.8 0.05 0.15 0.32 0.06 1.68 0.92
22 S22 15:1 0 110 8.0 4.5 15.4 19.7 1.2 8.2 0.08 0.10 0.25 0.05 1.06 0.52
reaction took place before analysis. All samples were analyzed 120 °C; Figures 2 and 6 show results for the same loadings at
using the method described in section 2.2. 78 °C. The full set of graphs is available in the Supporting
2.4. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Experiments. The primary Information (Figures S5-S8 for 120 °C and Figures S1 and
volatile species in this reaction system are ethanol and water, S9-S11 for 78 °C). Analysis of the initial reaction rate shows
so the vapor-liquid equilibria behavior of these components that the esterification rate is linearly dependent on catalyst
with TEC was characterized in order to obtain TEC-ethanol loading.
and TEC-water binary pair thermodynamic parameters for
reliable process design. A P-x-y apparatus, described in detail
in a previous paper from the authors’ laboratory,21 was used in
the investigation.
Figure 4. Esterification of citric acid catalyzed by ion-exchange resin. The Figure 7. Esterification of citric acid catalyzed by ion-exchange resin. The
data at the right edge of the graph represent the liquid-phase composition data at the right edge of the graph represent the liquid-phase composition
at the end of reaction (t ) 1600 min). The reaction conditions are as at the end of reaction (t ) 1600 min). The reaction conditions are as
follows: mole ratio ethanol:citric acid, 15:1; catalyst loading, 5 wt %; follows: mole ratio ethanol:citric acid, 5:1; catalyst loading, 5 wt %; reaction
reaction temperature, 120 °C (-9-, CA; -b-, MEC; -2-, DEC; -×-, temperature, 120 °C (-9-, CA; -b-, MEC; -2-, DEC; -×-, TEC;
TEC; --∆--, DEE). --∆--, DEE).
Figure 5. Esterification of citric acid catalyzed by ion-exchange resin. The Figure 8. Self-catalyzed esterification of citric acid. The reaction conditions
data at the right edge of the graph represent the liquid-phase composition are as follows: mole ratio ethanol:citric acid, 15:1; reaction temperature,
at the end of reaction (t ) 1600 min). The reaction conditions are as 120 °C (-9-, CA; -b-, MEC; -2-, DEC; -×-, TEC; --∆--, DEE).
follows: mole ratio ethanol:citric acid, 15:1; catalyst loading, 2 wt %;
reaction temperature, 120 °C (-9-, CA; -b-, MEC; -2-, DEC; -×-, 3.4. Self-Catalyzed Reactions. The self-catalyzed reaction
TEC; --∆--, DEE). of citric acid with ethanol at temperatures from 78 °C to
120 °C and initial mole ratios of ethanol:citric acid from 5:1 to
20:1 was examined; a representative graph is shown in Figure
8 with full results available in the Supporting Information
(Figures S15 - S22). Comparing the self-catalyzed rate with
that of the ion-exchange resin-catalyzed reactions, it is evident
that the self-catalyzed rate contributes significantly to esterifi-
cation at low catalyst loadings, especially at the higher reaction
temperature of 120 °C.
3.5. Vapor-Liquid Equilibria. Experimental P-x data for
TEC (1) + ethanol (2) were collected at 40 °C as shown in
Figure 9 and fit (solid line in Figure 9) using the UNIQUAC
model to obtain binary interaction parameters. Experimental
P-x data for TEC (1) + water (2) at 25 and 60 °C are shown
Figure 6. Esterification of citric acid catalyzed by ion-exchange resin. The in Figure 10 and are similarly fit. Calculated vapor-phase
reaction conditions are as follows: mole ratio ethanol:citric acid, 15:1; compositions are also included in the figures. The r and q values
catalyst loading, 2 wt %; reaction temperature, 78 °C (-9-, CA; -b-, used in the UNIQUAC model are 5.9585 and 4.808 for CA,
MEC; -2-, DEC; -×-, TEC; --∆--, DEE). 7.1912 and 6.380 for MEC, 8.4674 and 7.424 for DEC, 9.7436
3.3. Effect of Initial Reactant Mole Ratio. The effect of and 8.468 for TEC, 2.1055 and 1.972 for ethanol, 0.92 and 1.4
varying the initial ethanol:citric acid mole ratio is shown in for water, and 3.3949 and 3.016 for DEE. The TEC-water
Figures 4 and 7 for an initial ethanol:citric acid mole ratio of binary system exhibits liquid-liquid immiscibility (horizontal
15:1 and 5:1, respectively. All reactions were conducted with line in Figure 10) with one phase nearly pure in water and the
5 wt % catalyst loading at 120 °C. Complete results are given other phase approximately equimolar in water and TEC. ASPEN
in the Supporting Information (Figures S5 and S12-S14). The Plus (version 12.0) was unable to converge on an improved
equilibrium extent of conversion to TEC increases with the parameter set. It is not possible to discern the vapor-liquid
increasing initial ethanol to citric acid molar ratio. behavior of the system near the pure water side from the
3184 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 10, 2007
below. The reaction rate for the self-catalyzed esterification is Table 3. Kinetic Model Parameters for Self-Catalyzed Reactions
written in generalized form as parameters units values
( )
aEsteraWater k°self,1 1/s 8.37 × 106
rself,i ) kself,ixacid aReacting_acidaAlcohol - (6) k°self,2 1/s 9.82 × 106
Ka,i k°self,3 1/s 5.00 × 106
EA,self,1 kJ/kmol 70 800
EA,self,2 kJ/kmol 72 000
The catalytic acid concentration xacid is taken to be propor- EA,self,3 kJ/kmol 72 400
tional to the hydrogen ion (proton) activity, which can arise Ka,1 6.35
not only from citric acid but also from MEC and DEC as well. Ka,2 2.72
Because pKa values for the partial esters are not available in Ka,3 3.78
the literature, we assume that hydrogen ion activity is propor-
tional to the summed weighted mole fractions of acidic species. 4.4. Determination of Rate Constants. To determine values
This is equivalent to assuming that the acid strength of all of the six adjustable parameters for the self-catalyzed esterifi-
-COOH groups in citric acid and in the partial esters are the cation (pre-exponential factors k°self,1, k°self,2, and k°self,3 and
same and that the mean ionic activity coefficient is equal for activation energies EA,self,1, EA,self,2, and EA,self,3), the rate
all species in the range of concentrations studied. The constants expressions were numerically integrated via a fourth-order
that quantify these assumptions are lumped into the pre- Runge-Kutta method using ordinary differential equation solver
exponential factors for the self-catalyzed reactions. The catalytic ode23 in Matlab 7.0. Starting with an initial set of estimated
acid concentration in eq 6 can thus be written as rate constants, the liquid-phase mole fractions of all species over
the course of reaction were calculated and compared with the
2 1 experimental data collected in runs 15-22. The rate constants
xAcid ) xCA + xMEC + xDEC
3 3 ) (7)
were then sequentially incremented in order to minimize the
sum of the mean square differences Fmin2, given by
The rate of formation of each species in the reaction mixture
is described by eqs 8-13 given below:
∑ (xj,cal - xj,expt)2
( )
dxCA aMECaW Fmin2 ) (15)
- ) kself,1xacid aCAaEtOH - (8) nsamples
dt Ka,1
dt (
) kself,2xacid aMECaEtOH -
+ ) The values of the self-catalyzed kinetic parameters which best
describe the data are reported in Table 3. Predicted mole fraction
( )
curves are shown as continuous lines in Figure 8 in the text;
aMECaW the model fits for other self-catalyzed reactions are located in
kself,1xacid - aCAaEtOH (9)
Ka,1 the Supporting Information (Figures S15-S22). The correlation
between the experimental data and the calculated trend lines is
dt (
) kself,3xacid aDECaEtOH -
+ ) reasonable.
After determining a final set of rate constants, the calculated
( )
mole fractions of each component were compared to the
aDECaW experimental values by calculating a mean deviation of all data
kself,2xacid - aMECaEtOH (10)
Ka,2 points for an experiment, represented both on an absolute and
on a relative (percentage) basis as shown below
) kself,3xacid
Ka,3 (
- aDECaEtOH ) (11)
|xj,cal - xj,expt|
( )
Fabs ) × 100% (16)
dxEtOH aMECaW nsamples
- ) kself,1xacid aCAaEtOH - +
dt Ka,1
( )
aDECaW xj,cal - xj,expt
kself,2xacid aMECaEtOH -
+ ∑ | xj,expt
( )
aTECaW Frel ) × 100% (17)
kself,3xacid aDECaEtOH - (12) nsamples
( )
The values of the absolute mole fraction error Fabs and relative
dxW aMECaW
- ) kself,1xacid - aCAaEtOH + mole fraction error Frel are reported as in Table 1 for the self-
dt Ka,1 catalyzed reactions (runs 15-22). Residual errors are highest
Ka,2( - aMECaEtOH + ) for TEC at reaction times up to about 300 min; there are also
some minor inconsistencies in the experimental concentrations
( )
for DEC, for reasons not clear at this time.
aTECaW 4.5. Kinetic Model for Combined Resin-Catalyzed and
kself,3xacid - aDECaEtOH (13)
Ka,3 Self-Catalyzed Esterification. Kinetics of the ion-exchange
resin-catalyzed esterification of citric acid (runs 1-14 in Table
where for the ith reaction 1) have been described using a pseudo-homogeneous model that
( )
includes the self-catalyzed reactions and DEE formation. The
-EA,self,i inclusion of self-catalyzed reactions in esterification has also
kself,i ) k°self,i exp (14)
RT been previously presented by Omata et al.28
3186 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 10, 2007
dt (
) (wcatkcat,1 + xacidkself,1) aCAaEtOH -
(18) )
dt (
) (wcatkcat,2 + xacidkself,2) aMECaEtOH -
+ )
(wcatkcat,1 + xacidkself,1) (
- aCAaEtOH (19) )
dt (
) (wcatkcat,3 + xacidkself,3) aDECaEtOH -
+ ) Figure 11. Comparison of activity-based and mole fraction-based model
( )
fits to the experimental data. The data at the right edge of the graph represent
aDECaW the liquid-phase composition at the end of reaction (t ) 1600 min). The
(wcatkcat,2 + xacidkself,2) - aMECaEtOH (20) reaction conditions are as follows: mole ratio ethanol:citric acid, 5:1; catalyst
Ka,2 loading, 5 wt %; reaction temperature, 120 °C (9, CA; b, MEC; 2, DEC;
×, TEC; ∆, DEE; s, calculated profiles using the activity model; -‚-‚-,
) (wcatkcat,3 + xacidkself,3) (
- aDECaEtOH ) calculated profiles using the mole fraction model).
( )
dxEtOH aMECaW k°cat,1 kgsol/(kgcat s) 3.34 × 108
- ) (wcatkcat,1 + xacidkself,1) aCAaEtOH - + k°cat,2 kgsol/(kgcat s) 1.87 × 109
dt Ka,1 k°cat,3 kgsol/(kgcat s) 1.99 × 107
( )
k°cat,4 kgsol/(kgcat s) 3.35 × 108
(wcatkcat,2 + xacidkself,2) aMECaEtOH - + (wcatkcat,3 + EA,cat,1 kJ/kmol 76 900
Ka,2 EA,cat,2 kJ/kmol 83 100
( )
EA,cat,3 kJ/kmol 73 200
aTECaW EA,cat,4 kJ/kmol 102 000
xacidkself,3) aDECaEtOH - + 2wcatkcat,4 (22) Ka,1 6.35
Ka,2 2.72
( )
Ka,3 3.78
dxW aMECaW
- ) (wcatkcat,1 + xacidkself,1) - aCAaEtOH +
dt Ka,1 from Figures 2-7 that the correlation between the experimental
(wcatkcat,2 + xacidkself,2) (
Ka,2 )
- aMECaEtOH + (wcatkcat,3 +
data and the calculated trend lines is good. The residual errors,
both absolute and relative (eqs 16 and 17), are shown in Table
( )
1. For citric acid, the error in mole fraction is highest in the
aTECaW region when the citric acid concentration is very low. Large
xacidkself,3) - aDECaEtOH - wcatkcat,4 (23)
Ka,3 errors are also observed for TEC in the initial reaction period
(<300 min), where its concentration is low.
dxDEE The citrate esterification system under consideration never
- ) -wcatkcat,4 (24) really achieves equilibrium in a true sense, since irreversible
DEE formation (a zero-order reaction at high ethanol concentra-
where tion) continues to proceed by converting the ethanol to DEE
even after other reactions approach equilibrium. If this reaction
2 1
xacid ) xCA + xMEC + xDEC
3 3 ) (25) were allowed to proceed for very long reaction times, it would
ultimately initiate hydrolysis of the various ethyl citrates,
( )
liberating ethanol which would further etherify to DEE as a
-EA,cat,i terminal product.
kcat,i ) k°cat,i exp (26)
RT Finally, fitting of the reaction kinetic data was performed
( )
using a mole fraction-based model to determine whether
-EA,self,i nonideal solution behavior played a significant role. The mole
kself,i ) k°self,i exp (27)
RT fraction-based model did not describe the kinetic data as
satisfactorily as an activity-based model. Figure 11 gives fits
Eight adjustable parameters for the resin-catalyzed reactions for the two models for reaction at 120 °C, 5:1 initial mole ratio
(the pre-exponential factors k°cat,1, k°cat,2, k°cat,3, and k°cat,4 and of ethanol:citric acid, and 5% ion-exchange resin catalyst loading
activation energies EA,cat,1, EA,cat,2, EA,cat,3, and EA,cat,4) have been using the combined resin-catalyzed and self-catalyzed esterifi-
fitted to the experimental data of runs 1-14 by minimizing Fmin2 cation kinetic model described in section 4.5. The fit is clearly
for those runs. The constants for self-catalyzed reactions superior with the activity-based model.
determined earlier were used without alteration in determining
the kinetic constants. The final values of the kinetic parameters 5. Conclusions
are shown in Table 4.
Representative predicted mole fractions are given as continu- Experimental kinetic studies of citric acid esterification were
ous lines in Figures 2-7; the full set of predicted mole fraction performed at reaction temperatures from 78 to 120 °C, initial
curves for resin-catalyzed (runs 1-14) are reported in the mole ratios of ethanol:citric acid from 5:1 to 15:1, and
Supporting Information (Figures S1-S14). It can be observed Amberlyst-15 catalyst concentrations up to 5 wt %. The kinetics
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 10, 2007 3187
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