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Oilproduction - Hetrick IOGCC Well To Well Communications

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Well to Well Communication “Frac Hits”

Lloyd H. Hetrick
Well to Well Communications “Frac Hits”

I. Visual References and Context

II. What are Frac Hits?
III. Mechanisms Involved
IV. Consequences and Opportunities
V. Management Considerations
VI. Existing Regulatory Landscape
VII. Summary and Conclusions
VIII. Appendix

I. Shale Formation Outcrops are Most Revealing
 Complexity of
shale formations
is fairly obvious

 Natural fractures
tend to follow
weakness in the

 Natural fractures
appear to be
than connected

I. Resource Play Development Drilling

I. Resource Play Development Strategies

Emerging strategy strategy
is to drill starts with a
development leasehold or
wells in a “block,” evaluation well
“cube” or “tank,” (parent) with
then completion subsequent
operations follow development wells
(children) drilled a
year or more later

I. Hydraulic Fracture Networks Diminish Over Time
Drainage Network Geometry by Noble Energy’s Underground Labs, 2015—Dave Koskella, et al

after pressure pumping …. few months later ……… year later

“Fracture networks such as these presented by Noble are not as conductive and
durable as originally thought after extensive investigations in the Permian,
Marcellus, Eagle Ford, Barnett, Bakken, Haynesville, Three Forks, Niobrara and
other Basins”
Mike Vincent, Fracwell - 2018
I. Fracture Models are Evolving to Match Physical Observations

2D Pseudo Fully 3D Integrated

Models 3D • GOHFER • Fracgeo
• KGD • Fracpro • Stimplan • Elfen
• PKN • Mfrac 3D • Kinetix
• Stimplan • 6X

II. What are Frac Hits?

 Well to well or frac to frac communication by

– Pressure
– Pressure and fluid
– Pressure and fluid with proppant delivered
 Short duration events, directly related to stage pumping
 Many cases have neutral or positive impacts, will provide data that supports this
 Can be managed to minimize the negative impacts
 Offer significant learning opportunities for improved resource developments

after pressure pumping few months later year later

III. Mechanisms Involved

 Within the formation

– Hydrologic changes due to pore pressure
– Structural changes due to rock stress
– Chemical changes due to fluid compatibility
– Combination of the above
 Within the wellbore
– Mechanical restrictions if fluid or proppant placement occurs

IV. Consequences and Opportunities


SPE-180200-MS Miller, Lindsay, Baihly, Xu
IV. Consequences and Opportunities

 Frac hit data successes

– Provides our only direct measure for fracture geometry
– Fluid transport distances, both vertically and laterally
– Provides an indirect measure for fracture complexity and conductivity
– Leads to better well spacing and stage designs

 Frac hit data non-successes

– Assumes that all frac hits are bad, losing the learnings
– Assumes that initial fracture complexity and conductivity to be long-lasting

V. Management Considerations

 Clarity of development goals

 Appropriate level of subsurface evaluation and well planning
 Notification to offset operators
 Protect and monitor offset wells during pressure pumping
 Learnings from offset well observations
 Management approach should not be to achieve zero frac hits, rather to
achieve a better understanding of their impacts on resource developments

VI. Existing Regulatory Landscape

 Pre-planning generally includes

– Area of interest “AOI” reviews
– Notifications to offset operators
– Notification timing from 5 to 90 days in advance
 If well to well communication is observed
– Actions are required to prevent releases
– Actions are required to prevent damage
– Agency notification is recommended or required

VII. Summary and Conclusions

 Well to well communication

– Has both positive and negative potential
– Both outcomes offer significant learning opportunities
 These learnings
– Will lead to safer operations and improved resource recovery
– Are quickly advancing and being shared by operators
 Operators and regulators working together can
– Minimize negative outcomes
– Maximize hydrocarbons recovered

VIII. Appendix

VIII. Appendix—Contents

 Abbreviated list of technical references

– Relevant industry publications
– Specific to development strategies
 Regulatory status
– Environmental Defense Fund
 Hydraulic fracturing related concerns that are now less concerning
– Drinking water threats
– Chemical disclosure for fluids pumped
– Impacts on climate change

VIII. Appendix—Technical References, abbreviated list
 SPE papers
 SPE papers
– 191722 Preventing hits
– 119636 Diversion techniques
– 191767 Diagnostic value of hits
– 119896 Barnett path complexity
– 191789 Machine learning applied to hits
– 140426 Interaction of close spacing
– 145949 Real data on frac height
– 164898 Forecasting hits  URTeC papers
– 175917 Well communication – 2645414 Leveraging offset well data
– 179172 Diagnostic value of hits – 2662893 Understanding impact of hits
– 179173 Interconnectivity – 2668100 Well interference
– 180200 Not all hits are negative – 2670079 Haynesville frac interference
– 181328 Frac interaction – 2688841 Modeling interference
– 184812 Improving hit analysis – 2690466 Well spacing and interference
– 185819 STACK multi pad performance – 2691375 EagleFord well interference
– 187192 Evaluating hits – 2691962 Wolfcamp well interference
– 189853 Production impacts – 2693373 Parent well depletion
– 191671 Reducing interference – 2695433 EagleFord well spacing
– 191712 Successful mitigations – 2902400 Remediating hits in Woodford

VIII. Appendix—Technical References for Development Strategies

 Parent / child
– “Frac Hits: Sensing, Preventing and Recovery of Production Rate” George King

 Tank, block or cube

– ”In the Battle Against Frac Hits, Shale Producers Go to New Extremes” Trent
Jacobs, JPT Digital Editor | 01 August 2018
– “Permian's Mammoth Cubes Herald Supersized Future for Shale” Alex Nussbaum,
Bloomberg Businessweek, February 22, 2018 6:30 AM
– “QEP Sees Benefits Of ‘Tank-style’ Development Method” Velda Addison, Digital
News Group Hart Energy, Monday, August 27, 2018 - 4:05pm
VIII. Appendix—Regulatory approaches: Alaska
 20 AAC 25.283 (2014):
– Offset operator notification to one-half mile
– The location, the orientation, and a report on the mechanical
condition of each well that may transect the confining zones, and
information sufficient to support a determination that the well will
not interfere with containment of the hydraulic fracturing fluid
within the one-half mile radius of the proposed wellbore trajectory;
– The location of, orientation of, and geological data for each known
or suspected fault or fracture that may transect the confining
zones, and information sufficient to support a determination that
the known or suspected fault or fracture will not interfere with
containment of the hydraulic fracturing fluid within the one-half
mile radius of the proposed wellbore trajectory

Information Courtesy of the EDF - Adam Peltz [email protected]

VIII. Appendix—Regulatory approaches: California

 § 1784. Well Stimulation Treatment Area Analysis

and Design (2015)
– Determination of “axial dimensional stimulation area”
– Identification of all wells within 2x ADSA, with integrity
analysis of casing and cement, and wellbore path
– Review of geological features within 5x ADSA and their
likelihood of communication
– Design treatment to ensure treatment fluids and
hydrocarbons do not migrate
 Note also requirement to monitor stimulation for
signs of communication and terminate if discovered
Information Courtesy of the EDF - Adam Peltz [email protected]
VIII. Appendix—Regulatory approaches: Colorado

 317r. Statewide Wellbore Collision Prevention (2015)

– Evaluate active wells within 150’, provide notice
 317s. Statewide Fracture Stimulation Setback (2015)
– Waivable ban on stim within 150’ of existing wellbore’s
stimulated zone

Information Courtesy of the EDF - Adam Peltz [email protected]

VIII. Appendix—Regulatory approaches: Colorado
 Interim Statewide Horizontal Offset Policy (2014)
– Operators submit form with all wells within 1500’ of wellbore,
including cement information
– COGCC evaluates whether those wells have adequate isolation to
prevent communication
– Four mitigation options for “wells of concern”
 Remedial cement to isolate problematic zones
 Plug well to isolate problematic zones
 If well is PA/DA, re-enter and isolate
 Alternative mitigation or showing that offset well is not of concern
– Offset wells must be equipped to withstand 5000 PSI
– 90 day offset operator notice
– Offset well operators “shall not refuse to have their well
appropriately mitigated to meet the requirements of this Policy”
Information Courtesy of the EDF - Adam Peltz [email protected]
VIII. Appendix—Regulatory approaches: New Mexico

 Aztec District III Request for Information (2013)

– The Oil Conservation Division … is requesting operators to
provide information relating to wellbore(s) that have … been in
communication of any kind through drilling, completion,
stimulation or production operations relating to both vertical
and horizontal wells.
– For future operations: Operators will be expected to
immediately report any instances of unintended inter-well
communication or other impacts which may result from
stimulation operations.

Information Courtesy of the EDF - Adam Peltz [email protected]

VIII. Appendix—Regulatory approaches: North Dakota

 43-02-03-28. SAFETY REGULATION (2014, rev. 2016)

– The operator conducting any well stimulation shall give
prior written notice, up to ten days and not less than
seven business days, to any operator of a well completed
in the same pool, if publicly available information
indicates or if the operator is made aware, if the
completion intervals are within one thousand three
hundred twenty feet [402.34 meters] of one another.

Information Courtesy of the EDF - Adam Peltz [email protected]

VIII. Appendix—Regulatory approaches: Ohio

 ODNR policy, starting in mid-2010s

– Agency conducts analysis of well applications in the Rose
Run field, which has vertical wells penetrating the Utica
formation, to determine risk
– Wells posing risk receive permit conditions that include
offset wellbore monitoring; isolation of zones in offset
wellbores; P&A of offset wells; modification of HF design
(e.g. skipping stages)
– More recently, since the emergence of induced seismicity
in OH, wells near faults/fractures are subject to
microseismic monitoring requirements that can pick up
communication events
Information Courtesy of the EDF - Adam Peltz [email protected]
VIII. Appendix—Regulatory approaches: Oklahoma

 165:10-3-1(a), 2017
– As part of APD, plat w/ location and TD of all wells within
1/4 mile of completion interval of proposed well
 165:10-3-10(b), 2017, rev. 2018
– Five days' notice to offset operators within 1/2 mile of
completion interval and completed in same common
source of supply
– If offset operator has evidence that HF ops have impacted
its well(s), the operator may report to OCC via designated

Information Courtesy of the EDF - Adam Peltz [email protected]

VIII. Appendix—Regulatory approaches: Pennsylvania
 § 78a.52a. Area of review (2016)
– Operator identifies surface and bottomhole locations of all wells
with wellbores within 1000’ feet of proposed wellbore, using
official records, historical records, and landowner questionnaire
– Operator provides a monitoring plan for at-risk offset wellbores
 Per guidance, can include automatic shut-off devices, pressure gauges,
tanks, gas detectors, visual monitoring

Information Courtesy of the EDF - Adam Peltz [email protected]

VIII. Appendix—Regulatory approaches: Pennsylvania
 § 78a.73. General provision for well construction and
operation (2016)
– Notification to operators with wells that penetrate within 1500’ of
stim zone
– Non-producing wells (orphaned, abandoned, P&A) that penetrate
within 1500’ of stim zone must be visually monitored during stim
– Operator must cease HF and notify agency immediately if there are
indications at the well being stimulated or at offset wells of a
communication incident (via treatment pressures, volumes, or surface
 Per guidance, rapidity of notification depends on severity of communication
– Any non-producing well impacted by HF must be plugged or returned
to production by operator
 Per guidance, adoption may occur prior to HF
 See also Guidelines for Implementing Area of Review (AOR)
Regulatory Requirement for Unconventional Wells (2016)
Information Courtesy of the EDF - Adam Peltz [email protected]
VIII. Appendix—Regulatory approaches: Model Regulatory Framework

– Operator analysis of proximate wellbores and known faults and

fractures that transect the stimulation zone, including anti-
collision evaluation
– Attestation to regulator that any such wells, faults or fractures
will not be a conduit for movement of fluids into a source of
protected water
– Pre-stim offset operator notification

Information Courtesy of the EDF - Adam Peltz [email protected]

VIII. Appendix—Regulatory approaches: Alberta
 AER Directive 83 (2013)
– HF plan that includes identification of each offset well,
examination of integrity of those wells and determination
of risk
– Well control plan for each offset well
– Notification plan for each offset well operator
– Must attempt to make mutually acceptable well control
plan (“Licensees of both offset and subject wells are
responsible for maintaining control of its licensed wells at
all times.”)
– Notification to offset well operator in case of
communication event
Information Courtesy of the EDF - Adam Peltz [email protected]
VIII. Appendix—Former High Concern for Drinking Water

“EPA found scientific evidence that hydraulic fracturing activities can

impact drinking water resources under some circumstances”… during
– drought conditions (over use),
– poor handling of chemicals at the surface (spills),
31 – poor disposal of produced water
VIII. Appendix—Former High Concern for Drinking Water

“In the largest study of its kind, a Yale-led investigation found no

evidence that trace contamination of organic compounds in drinking
water wells near the Marcellus Shale in northeastern Pennsylvania
All drone pics were taken during one of the wettest periods in recent Oklahoma history
came from deep hydraulic fracturing…”
VIII. Appendix—Former High Concern for Chemical Disclosure

VIII. Appendix—Continuing High Concern for Climate Change

All drone pics were taken during one of the wettest periods in recent Oklahoma history


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