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An Experimental Study of Paragis Tea as Remedy in

Hypertension among Senior Citizens

The Research Project Presented to the

Faculty of the Senior High School Department

PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College

Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Subject

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

(APP 007)

G12- STEM 03


Bernaldez, Angelica O.

Panganoron, Jefward B.

Bangod, Arrjay

Bolivar, Dave

Cabello, Cyd

Calayca, Goldie

March 2019
Chapter 1


This chapter includes the Introduction, statement of the problem, objective of the study,
hypothesis, conceptual framework, significance of the study, scope and delimitation, and the definition of


As years passed by, many medicinal plants and equipment have discovered by doctors and
naturalist. One of this is the plant Paragis, is a widespread weed that has the scientific name Eleusine
indica and is commonly known as wire grass, goose grass or dog’s tail. It may also be known as the ever
popular carabao grass. The plant Paragis is slowly gaining popularity after some people posted on social
media the purported uses and benefits of Paragis tea. It has a lot of health benefits like cancer, Epilepsy,
Fever, Kidney problems, hypertension and many to mention. Previous researchers have stated that the
plant is considered as a diuretic as well as an anthelminthic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The whole
plant can be used for medicine and its roots can be eaten raw, the leaves and stems can become the basis
for a decoction and the seeds can also be eaten and used for other mixtures as well. It is a rather plant
which other cultures have used an answer to various simple problems.

A Philippine naturopathic practitioner stated that “Paragis contains chemicals and substances that
can cure diseases”. In Africa, Paragis is traditionally used as an alternative medicine. It is said that this
plant is a bionic medicine means it can be use both in human and animals. It shows that it doesn’t have
toxicity effect tallied according to the research. It has high mineral content because it’s a type of a wide
grass, the nutrients directly came from the soil. As far as research in concern, there’s a potential or curative
property that a plant paragis has. Lots of substances found like Anti- inflammatory and antihistamine (Dr.
Bacla, A.). The extract of the plant Paragis can be used as a remedy to many diseases like cancer, mayoma,
ovarian cyst, diabetes, and hypertension. The plant Paragis is truly a God’s gift to mankind.


This study aims to know the effects of Paragis Tea as remedy in Hypertension among Senior
Citizen in Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City Misamis Oriental.

This seeks to find an answer to the following questions:

1. Is there an effect of taking Paragis Tea to lessen the hypertension of Senior Citizens?
2. Is there a significant relationship between the pre-test and the post-test result in taking Paragis tea as
remedy in hypertension?


This part presents the tentative answer to the researcher’s problem of this study.

1. Paragis tea can help lessen the hypertension of Senior Citizens.

2. There is a significant relationship between the pre-test and the post-test result in taking Paragis
tea as remedy in hypertension.
1. Paragis tea can’t help lessen the hypertension of Senior Citizens.
2. There is no significant relationship between the pre-test and the post-test result in taking Paragis
tea as remedy in hypertension.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Paragis Tea Remedy in Hypertension


This study aims to give an information about the herbal medicine Paragis that can lessen the
hypertension of hypertensive people that can easily be found on roadway. This study will be significant
to the following:

Senior Citizens. The use of Paragis tea helps the citizens have a remedy to lessen the hypertension in
order to avoid complex diseases to come. It can have a big impact for them and it can easily be found in
the roadway . Also abundant in nature as it is a product of the nature itself. Can also informed to be more
aware about elder’s health issues.

People. It will be a great idea for everyone to be able to lessen the hypertension disease that causes
everyone to die. The result of this study will serve as an additional knowledge or idea for everyone about
the alternative medicine in hypertension.

Medicinal Group. This will serve as an information in creating a new idea for the medicinal group of
people that it will be the basis to wrap up that a nature has a lot of sources to be found as a medicine than
using those machine that this world has.

Future Researchers. This study will help the future researchers gives a guide and way if ever they will
choose a research title that is same title or idea with this. That somehow herbal medicine can be used as a
remedy to the diseases, illnesses, and health issues.


This research focus on giving information about hypertension that leads on some people to
death, serves as an eye-opener about herbal medicine Paragis that can be also made as a tea that can help
lessen the hypertension of every hypertensive person especially senior citizen.

This research objective is to use Paragis Tea as remedy in hypertension among Senior Citizen in
Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City. The researchers want to conduct a 50 subject or respondents that are
hypertensive senior citizen, 25 girls and 25 boys to be more reliable. The researchers will start to conduct
the experiment on Dec 1 – 30, 2018. Within those days, the researchers will badly need to check the
Hypertensive people’s high blood pressure.


Paragis – is a widespread weed that grows abundantly along riverbanks, roadways and other
settled areas throughout the country. A grass that has an Anti- inflammatory and Anti- Oxidant that can
help cure diseases.

Remedy – a medicine or treatment that relieves pain or cures a usually minor illness, it uses as a
way of solving or correcting a problem.

Hypertension – a disease caused by the abnormally high blood pressure and especially arterial
blood pressure, it is also the systematic condition accompanying high blood pressure. It is usually the
problem of the Senior Citizen.

Senior Citizen – an old person who is at least a certain age of 60 and above.

Anti- inflammatory – is a substance that is used to control or reduce inflammation.

Antioxidant – a substance that is added to food and other products to prevent harmful chemical
reactions in which other substance like oxygen, peroxides, or free radicals.

Pre- test – a test measured before taking or doing things that human wanted to do.

Post- test – a test measured after taking or doing things that human wanted to do.

Toxicity – containing or being poisonous material especially in capable of causing death or serious
debilitation and it exhibits symptoms of infection or toxicities.

Cytotoxic – a substance having a toxic effect on cells.

Chapter 2


Paragis plant is truly a God’s gift to mankind, it can easily be found throughout the Philippines
and mostly in warm countries. This grass is widely spread along riverbanks, settled areas and even along
roads and because of the ignorance about the abundance and it’s uses, it is normally ignored by many.
Many people have testified about how amazing and effective this grass is in treating common and severe
illnesses. According to some naturalist, Paragis is widely used in Africa as an alternative medicine to
different kinds of illnesses. Eita people from Iraq used burnt dried leaves of Paragis as a repellent against
insects. Leaves of Paragis contains silicon monoxide, calcium oxide and chlorine, Dry leaves contains
protein. Paragis plant has an Anti- inflammatory, antioxidant, antihistamine, a natural diuretic acid,
antibacterial, antidiabetic and cytotoxic properties that can help lessen the pain of people who suffer minor
and severe diseases. (Bacla, A., 2012).


In Philippines, the plant Paragis can be seen in the various places and roadway and many rural
folks use this plant to relieve some discomforts. Aside from Filipinos, local peoples of Malaysia,
Indonesia, Africa, and other countries shave also been using Paragis to cure certain health conditions.
Paragis went viral on social media sometime in the year 2017. The weed once perceived an eyesore in
anyone’s garden is claimed to have curative powers. Despite its lack of official recognition from health
authorities, peoples from different cultures have been using Paragis as a home remedy for certain ailments.
Previous researchers have stated that the plant is considered as a diuretic as well as an antihelminthic, anti-
inflammatory and antioxidant. The whole plant can be used for medicine, its roots can be eaten raw, the
leaves and stems can become the basis for a decoction and the seeds can also be eaten and used for other
mixtures as well. It is rather a versatile plant which other cultures have used as an answer to various simple

Chapter 3

This chapter presents the research design, the subjects and setting of the study, the data gathering
instrument and the data gathering procedure.


The study has used the Qualitative type of research design in an experimental way. In qualitative
research design, the researchers are concerned in collecting works with non-numerical data and that seeks
to interpret meaning from these data that helps people understand social life through the study of targeted
populations or places. Qualitative research is multimethod in focus, involving an interpretive, naturalistic
approach to its subject matter. This means that qualitative research study things in their natural settings,
attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them.
(Denzin and Lincoln, 1994, p. 2).


The researchers have conducted an experiment among Senior Citizen that ages 60 and above as
the subject of this study in the barangay of Bugo, Municipality of Cagayan de Oro City Province of
Misamis oriental. The intention of the researchers was to give an idea on how to lessen the hypertension
disease among that area. In doing this, the researchers have planned to conduct a survey questionnaire to
know the background information of the subject.


The researchers have conducted an experiment towards the effect of taking Paragis tea as remedy
in hypertension. A minimum of 50 participants and a maximum of 100 participants are the target subjects
of the researchers who ages 60 and above or the senior citizen group of people who currently suffering an
illness like hypertension.


The researchers have used a questionnaire, internet and have done survey on the specific area.
Survey questionnaire has helped the researchers know the background information of the subjects, the
answers to the following questions, the survey questionnaire use to gather information that is beneficial
to a group of individuals. The survey questionnaire uses statistical analysis to collect data, and the result
of it will be used in the development of an individual or to a community.

Survey questionnaire is a type of data gathering method that is utilized to collect, analyze and
interpret the different views of a group of people from a particular population. While the internet will use
as a means of getting meaning and information in social networking sites that are related to the researcher’s
study (Anonymous).


In gathering data, the researchers need to go in a process in order to get what the researchers goal.
The following are the steps in Gathering Procedure:

1. The researchers will conduct an experiment among senior citizen to test how effective the
researcher’s product and to help the hypertensive people lessen their high blood pressure.
2. The researchers will conduct first a pre- test using a measuring tool in getting the High
blood pressure of one’s person.
3. Then, the researchers will guide the subjects take the product Paragis tea and will accord
the subject to instruct what time should Paragis tea taking.
4. After 15 days of continuously drinking a Paragis tea, the researchers will conduct a post-
test so that the researchers statement of the problem will be answered.
5. The researchers will differentiate the following results gathered.

Chapter 4
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This Chapter presents the findings of the study in illustrative tables and analysis as well as the
interpretation based from the treatment of the data.

Table 1. Shows the effectiveness of taking Paragis Tea among the 50 respondents who ages 60 and
above with the taking times a day and the result.

Amount of
Trials Respondents Age Paragis Tea Times Result
1st Trial 50 60 200 mL 1/week Not Effective
2nd Trial 50 65 200 mL 2/week Not Effective
3rd Trial 50 70 200 mL 3 /week Effective

Table 1 reflects the respondents who ages 60 and above who have taken the Paragis Tea with
accordance to its times to take a day. This finding implied that Three times a week of taking Paragis Tea
is much more effective than taking it Once or Twice a week.

Table 2. Respondents who answered Yes or No with its Mean, Frequency, Percentage and Standard
Deviation in trials given in the first table.

Respondents Yes No Mean Frequency Percentage

10 3 7 0.06 0.14 3 7 6 14
15 6 9 0.12 0.18 6 9 12 18
25 17 8 0.34 0.16 17 8 34 16
Total 26 24 0.52 0.48 26 24 52% 48%

Looking closely at the table, it was observed that among the 50 respondents there was 26 who
answered Yes in an item and 24 respondents who said it’s not effective. The mean in first item is 0.52
shows how can tea lessen the hypertension of a person. In summation, 52% among 100% said that
drinking Paragis Tea can lessen the hypertension of a hypertensive human being.

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This part includes the summary from chapter 1 to 5, Findings, Conclusions and

5.1 Summary

The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of taking Paragis Tea to lessen the
hypertension of Senior Citizens and to know the significant relationship between the pre-test and the
post-test result in taking Paragis tea as remedy in hypertension. People, Senior Citizen, Medicinal
Group, and Future Researchers are the one who can benefit this product. It is essentially for lessening
the Hytpertension of a Hypertensive Senior Citizen.

The study used an Experimental research and gathered data through survey questionnaire after
they took the product. Based on the table, the respondents who ages 60 and above are more effective to
take Thrice a week of Paragis Tea than once or twice in a week. The finding implied that Three times a
week of taking Paragis Tea is much more effective than taking it Once or Twice a week. In taking
Paragis Tea, the researchers found out that it can really lessen the hypertension of hypertensive people in
accordance to the findings of the study.

In above table, it represents how effective the plant paragis and the people who have
taken the Paragis Tea with accordance to its times to take a day. The findings implied that Three times a
week of taking Paragis Tea is much more effective than taking it Once or Twice a week. In adddition,
Paragis Tea can really improve your way of living by making your life easier. It will surely be serve as
an eye- opener to everyone who seeks to find a treatment that can cure any diseases. Nowadays, many
have suffered any kind of illness but this study has proven that Paragis Tea can help lengthen your lives
through taking it accordingly.

5.2 Conclusions

This study aimed to determine the effects of taking Paragis Tea as remedy in hypertension
among Senior citizen in the specific area. The results revealed how many times should a person take the
Paragis Tea in a week and that is Three times a week. Also, it should also be based on how they respond
to it and take it in the time we issued. The findings confirm that Paragis Tea has a lot of benefits that can
lessen the Senior Citizens hypertension and it states that Paragis contains chemicals and substances that
can cure diseases especially Hypertension. Therefore, in this study the benefits of the plant Paragis can
cure diseases specifically hypertension that have proven to lessen the hypertension if the respondents
take it Thrice a week. Thus, the null hypotheses were rejected.

5.4 Recommendations

The researchers will recommend this product for it has a lot of benefits that can surely help the
respondents to lengthen their lives.

 In Senior Citizens the use of Paragis tea helps the citizens have a remedy to lessen the hypertension
in order to avoid complex diseases to come. It can have a big impact for it can easily be found in
the roadway and also abundant in nature as it is a product of the nature itself. Can also informed
to be more aware about elder’s health issues.
 In People it will be a great idea for everyone to be able to lessen the hypertension disease that
causes everyone to die. The result of this study will serve as an additional knowledge or idea for
everyone about the alternative medicine in hypertension.
 In Medicinal Group this will serve as an information in creating a new idea for the medicinal group
of people that it will be the basis to wrap up that a nature has a lot of sources to be found as a
medicine than using those machine that this world has.
 In Future Researchers this study will help the future researchers gives a guide and way if ever they
will choose a research title that is same title or idea with this. That somehow herbal medicine can
be used as a remedy to the diseases, illnesses, and health issues.

These explain the use and benefits to the respondents that can help them to be more equipped and
updated about the herbal medicines. The researchers hope to spread a knowledge about the plant that

could really give them a new herbal treatment. Also, researchers will not disrespect the respondent’s
decision if ever the respondents won’t take the Paragis tea, but the researchers are encouraging everyone
to try this product for it can really help them lengthen their lives. In addition, Paragis Tea has a lot of
minerals and vitamins that have proven to lessen the hypertension to those hypertensive people especially
Senior Citizen.


"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

We owe this research to Our Almighty God who gives us strength and power to continue in able
to done this study well. In doing this research paper there are so many people who have contributed in so
many ways. To our mentors who keep on boosting our confidence and trusted us. To Maam Dapin who
is always there guiding us and making our study done, thank you for your kind and love for us maam we
won't accomplished this research if you haven't help us. We would also like to send our deepest
gratitude to our to our Teachers who are always there guiding and teaching us the best way they can. To
our Classmates who always lift us up, gives us knowledge of wisdom and encouraging us to keep going
on in doing this paper, and to everyone who supported our paper wholeheartedly.

On the product making, we would like to thank the person behind our product making for letting
us stayed their compound and who embraced us with full of willingness and love. Also, we would like to
thank those people who supported us financially, emotionally and morally. Thank you because without
you all, we won’t make it to the top.

To our ever supportive adviser Sir Norman P. Aleño ,who gave his best just to teach us new
things so that we're be able to equipped our mind in everything. You are God's way to teach us great
things that will surely help in our future.

Research Paper are team effort and this team have quite simply worked above beyond to ensure
that the paper looks and read the way it does. Thank you team for making this expectation turns into

A sincere thank you to all.


Title Page …………………………………………………………. i

Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………. ii
Abstract …………………………………………………………. iii
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………. iv

Chapter 1 – The problem and Its Scope

Background of the Study …………………………………………………. 1
Statement of The Problem …………………………………………………. 2
Hypotheses of The Study …………………………………………………. 3
Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………. 4
Significance of The Study …………………………………………………. 5
Scope and Delimitation ………………………………………………… 6
Definition of Terms …………………………………………………. 7

Chapter 2 – Review of Related Study

Studies in Local and Foreign ………………………………………………… 8

Chapter 3 – Research Methodology

Research Design …………………………………………………. 9
Subjects and setting of the Study ……………………………………………… 10
Data Gathering Instrument …………………………………………………. 11
Data Gathering Procedure …………………………………………………. 12

Chapter 4 – Presentation, Analysis, and Interpreting Data

Presentation and Interpretation of Data ………………………………………… 13

Chapter 5 – Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendation

Summary …………………………………………………………… 14
Conclusion …………………………………………………………… 15
Recommendation …………………………………………………………… 16

As the world continue to revolve, much more alternative plants have proven to treat an illness. One
of this is the plant Paragis, Paragis is a widespread weed that has the scientific name Eleusine Indica and
is commonly known as wire grass, goose grass or dog’s tail. It may also be known as the ever popular
carabao grass. It has a lot of health benefits like cancer, Epilepsy, Fever, Kidney problems, hypertension
and many to mention. Previous researchers have stated that the plant is considered as a diuretic as well as
an anthelminthic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. A Philippine naturopathic practitioner stated that
“Paragis contains chemicals and substances that can cure diseases”. In Africa, Paragis is traditionally used
as an alternative medicine. It is said that this plant is a bionic medicine means it can be use both in human
and animals. It shows that it doesn’t have toxicity effect tallied according to the research. According to
some naturalist, Paragis is widely used in Africa as an alternative medicine to different kinds of illnesses.
By using an Experimental research method through survey questionnaire the findings of the study,
respondents who ages 60 and above who have taken the Paragis Tea in accordance to its times to take a
week. This finding implied that Three times a week of taking Paragis Tea is much more effective than
taking it Once or Twice a week. So it is advisable if the respondents take it Thrice a week so that it is
really effective and you can nakedly see the results. It also shows that lots of benefits people can get in
taking Paragis Tea for it contains minerals and substances that can fight diseases and what our body needed
most to kill illness. Previous researchers have stated that the plant is considered as a diuretic as well as an
antihelminthic, anti- inflammatory and antioxidant.


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