Ccoli: Bra Ica Ol A L
Ccoli: Bra Ica Ol A L
Ccoli: Bra Ica Ol A L
Green sprouting broccoli having green, firm and compact crown heads are more in
demand in India. The important varieties are: KTS-I, Solan Green, Lucky, Fiesta, Pushpa,
Aishwarya, PalamVichitra.
Field preparation
Same as in cauliflower
Seed rate
Sowing Time
In plain- Mid September to early November
In hills- September-October
Nursing Raising
Same as in cauliflower
The seedlings are ready for transplanting after 4-6 weeks of sowing. FYM @ 10-15 t/ ha
should be applied one month before transplanting. Nitrogen 120 kg, 80 kg phosphorus and60
kg potash should be applied at the time of transplanting. Remaining half of nitrogen should be
applied in two split doses at 30 and 45 days after transplanting. Transplanting should be done
in the afternoon at a spacing of 45x30cm.
Light and frequent irrigation should be given at 10-15 days interval depending on
weather conditions.
Intercultural Operation
The crop should be kept weed free. Shallow hoeing should be done at 20-25 days
after transplanting to remove weeds and loosen the soil for better aeration.
1. Picking and destruction of the larvae at the early stage of the crop.
2. The crop should be sprayed with Cyfluthrin@ 0.5ml/1 of water.
Aphids: They feed on the plants affecting the quality. Mustard can act as a trap crop
for aphids. Neemseed kernel extract can be sprayed at 4% or Oxydemeton methyl @
0.02% can be sprayed for controlling this insect.
Mustard saw fly: The larvae of mustard saw fly feed on leaves and it can be controlled
by spraying Chlorpyriphos or Quinalphos@ 0.05%.
Damping off: It is a serious disease in the nursery. In severe conditions, the affected
seedlings droop and fall off due to infection at the collar region. Seed treatment with Thiram
or Captan@ 2.5-3 g/kg of seed is recommended .The seedlings should be treated with
Bavistin@ Ig/I or Dithane- M - 45 @ 2g/l of water.
Downy Mildew: This disease appears from nursery to curd formation stage. Fine
Hair like downy growth of fungus is observed on the leaves. Corresponding to the downy
fungal growth, minute pinhead brown necrotic spots appear on the upper surface of leaves.
For controlling the disease, dense sowing of seeds in the nursery should be avoided; foliar
spray of Mancozeb@ 0.25% should be done at disease infestation stage and repeated at 7
- 8 days interval.
White rust: It is a soil borne disease caused by fungus Sclerotiniascelorotiorum.
The fungus attacks the bases of the outer leaves and plants suddenly wilt. For controlling this
disease, the soil should be drenched with Bavistin@ Ig/litre of water. Seedlings should be
dipped in 0.25 % Benlate suspension for 5-8 minutes before transplanting. Deep ploughings
should be done, as the fungus cannot survive below 15cm.
Black rot: First signs of the disease often appear along the margins of leaves as
chlorotic regions and the chlorosis progresses in the direction of the mid rib forming a V-
shaped area. Symptoms may appear from any side and centre of the leaves. The bacteria
are transmitted through seeds.
Black leg: It occurs mostly in moist regions, especially in areas with high rainfall
during the growth period.
Seed treatment should be done with hot water at 500 C for 30 minutes or mercuric
chloride @ Ig/1 for 30 seconds.