Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions For Baylor Eddy Current Brake Model 7040
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions For Baylor Eddy Current Brake Model 7040
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions For Baylor Eddy Current Brake Model 7040
National Oilwell
TELEPHONE: (281) 240-6111
FAX: (281) 274-0426
Rev. C
Before placing this equipment in operation, certain basic rules of safety should be observed. It should be noted
that no safety rules and no amount of safety equipment will make operating this equipment safe, unless the
operator enforces the rules and proper uses of the equipment.
1. Only responsible persons, trained to do so, should operate this equipment.
2. Any person operating this equipment should be thoroughly familiar with the manufacturer's recommended
operating instructions.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Section 3 Installation
3.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Brake Alignment .................................................................................................................. 3-6
3.3 Shaft Alignment ................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.4 Cooling Water Quality .......................................................................................................... 3-7
3.4.1 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.4.2 Water Quality Standards .......................................................................................... 3-7
3.4.3 Corrosion Inhibitor.................................................................................................... 3-7
3.4.4 Usage of Antifreeze Standards ................................................................................ 3-8
3.5 Cooling System Capacity Calculation .................................................................................. 3-8
3.6 Brake Field Coil Polarity..................................................................................................... 3-10
3.7 Certification for Hazardous Location.................................................................................. 3-14
Section 6 Maintenance and Service
6.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 6-1
6.1.1 Lubrication................................................................................................................ 6-1
6.1.2 Breather ................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.3 Air Gap ..................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.4 Overflow Outlet ........................................................................................................ 6-2
6.1.5 Water Outlet Drain ................................................................................................... 6-2
6.1.6 Preparation of Brake for Storage ............................................................................. 6-3
6.1.7 Removing a Brake from Storage.............................................................................. 6-3
6.2 Maintenance and Repair...................................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.1 Water System Problems .......................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.2 Bearing Removal and Replacement ........................................................................ 6-4
6.3 Electrical Problems and Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 6-7
6.4 Mechanical Problems and Troubleshooting......................................................................... 6-8
6.5 Inspection and Maintenance Schedule ................................................................................ 6-9
6.5.1 Daily Inspection........................................................................................................ 6-9
6.5.2 Weekly Inspection .................................................................................................. 6-10
6.5.3 Monthly Inspection ................................................................................................. 6-10
6.5.4 Quarterly Inspection ............................................................................................... 6-11
Section 8 Drawing
8.1 Drawing List ......................................................................................................................... 8-1
Section 1
Introduction and Description
Failure to comply with the instructions in this
operating manual could result in serious
property damage, severe injury, or death!
Section 2
Summary of Specifications
Model 7040 Eddy Current Brake
2.1 Specifications
Principal of operation ...............................................................................Induced Eddy Current Braking
Torque-Maximum................................................................................................ 84,000 lb-ft @ 50 RPM
(113,889 newton-meters)
Torque-@ 50 RPM.................................................................................................................84,000 lb-ft
(113,889 newton-meters)
Number of Magnets ...............................................................................................................................2
Number of Coils per Magnet ..................................................................................................................2
Coil Internal Resistance @ 68° F (20° C) ...................................................................... 13.0-13.5 Ohms
Total Brake Input Resistance @ 68° F (20° C) ...................................................................... 3.21 Ohms
Brake Excitation:
Voltage ......................................................................................................................250 Volts DC
Current-Coil Temperature @ 68° F (20° C) .......................................................... 77.88 Amps DC
Power-Input @ 68° F (20° C)...........................................................................................19.47 kW
Cooling Water Requirements:
Flow @ 100° F (38° C) At Brake Inlet......................................................................... 140 Gal/Min
(530 Liters/Min)
pH ........................................................................................................................................7.0-7.5
Maximum Discharge Temperature .........................................................................165° F (74° C)
Cooling Water Piping:
Inlet................................................................................................................................ (2) 2" NPT
Outlet ............................................................................................................................. (2) 4" NPT
Overflow ..................................................................................................................(2) 1-1/4" NPT
Overall Sizes:
Height ..........................................................................................................70 Inches (1,778 mm)
Width ....................................................................................................................40 in (1016 mm)
Weight....................................................................................................................24,000 lb (10,866 kg)
Inertia (WK²)-Shaft and Rotor .............................................................. 23,448 lb-ft2 (9,881,015 kg-cm2)
Weight-Shaft and Rotor ..............................................................................................4920 lb (2232 kg)
Shaft Size.................................................................7.500 inch Diameter with 1-1/4 Inch Taper per foot
(191 mm Diameter with 32mm Taper per 305 mm) Oilfield Standard
Average Rotor Radial Clearance (Air Gap)
Over Magnets (Without Paint or Other Buildup) ...............................................................0.055-0.065 in
(1.397-1.651 mm)
Maximum R.P.M. ...............................................................................................................................600
Section 3
3.1 General
Figure 3-3 shows the electrical connections for
The BAYLOR Brake should be cradle mounted the magnet coils and power input to the
on the drawworks structure. The drawworks junction box.
manufacturer furnishes the adapter mounting
components as well as the disengaging
coupling between the brake and the drum shaft CAUTION!
of the drawworks. The necessary shifting
mechanism and related accessories should be The water outlet(s) at the bottom of the brake
furnished by the customer. should not be hard piped or otherwise restricted.
This should be free-flowing, gravity drain. A
funnel-type drain as illustrated in Figure 3-4 is
preferred. Do not plug, pipe, connect hoses to,
CAUTION! otherwise obstruct the water overflow outlets,
located on the brake just below the shaft
Heat removal from the rotor in the BAYLOR centerline. These overflow outlets provide a
Brake is accomplished by cooling water. The warning of improper water flow conditions.
movement of the rotor through the water is
necessary to keep the rotor and magnet from
overheating. To avoid damage to the brake, use
a coupling that allows rotation of the rotor in Removal of heat from the Brake is most
either direction at all times. DO NOT USE AN
important. Absence of proper cooling water
flow could damage the rotor. Proper cooling
water flow at all times will prolong Brake life for
many years.
A standard mounting flange on the outboard As illustrated in Figure 3-4 the BAYLOR Eddy
bearing cap is provided by National Oilwell for Current Brake allows cooling water to flow over
mounting water and/or air tube assemblies. the lower sections of the magnets and rotor
The required tube assemblies are furnished by before it exits at the bottom. If the cooling
the drawworks manufacturer and should be water outlets are restricted, the water level
installed in accordance with their instructions. inside the Brake will increase to a level which
Electrical control wiring and cooling system could damage the Bearing grease seals and
water piping should be installed in accordance permit water to enter the bearing cavity with
with the drawings contained in this section. A ultimate damage resulting to the bearing.
minimum of five-thread engagement should be
maintained on all threaded connections. Figure
3-1 illustrates a standard Brake cooling CAUTION!
configuration without a heat exchanger. Figure
3-3 illustrates a standard Brake cooling system The BAYLOR Eddy Current Brake is not
with a heat exchanger. A typical closed loop designed to operate with the cooling water
internal of the brake at other than atmospheric
cooling system which provides the greatest
pressure. For proper brake operation insure that
and best degree of protection against corrosion brake cooling water flows unrestricted through
/ erosion with adequate flow and temperature the brake with gravity discharge and unrestricted
protection for the BAYLOR Brake. These flow back to the cooling water reservoir.
closed loop systems are manufactured to
provide proper cooling for the particular size
BAYLOR Brake and can also be capacity sized
to cool other portions of the drawworks drive
Section 3
Figure 3-1
Section 3
Figure 3-2
Section 3
Figure 3-3
Section 3
Figure 3-4
Section 3
Section 3
Section 3
Section 3
* Model’s 19RD130 & 7RD150 calculations based on average speed of 1000 R.P.M.
Curves are extended only to maximum GPM flow rate capability of the specific brake model water
housing. If higher flow rates are required, contact National Oilwell with specific coolant
Figure 3-7
Section 3
3.6 Brake Field Coil Polarity of time for second joint of drill pipe to pass
through rotary table. Compare the results of
Correct field coil polarity is extremely important
these two tests. If polarity was correct initially,
in obtaining maximum torque from the BAYLOR
then drill pipe would have taken longer to enter
Eddy Current Brake. There are a number of
bore hole during first test. On the basis of these
methods for determining correct field coil
two tests, chose correct junction box coil lead
polarity. None of these methods are totally
connection for correct polarity.
accurate, however, if the following instructions
are closely followed, good results may be
2. Second method of determining correct
obtained. The best method is utilized by
Brake coil polarity. Procedure is as
National Oilwell during coil manufacture. During
the coil winding process, the starting of the
a. Turn off electrical supply to Baylor Brake.
winding and the ending are tagged. At Brake
Lock out circuit breakers to insure safe
final assembly knowing the start and finish of
conditions while performing work in and
each coil permits accurate determination of
around Brake and Control System.
how to tag each coil lead to insure proper
Remove Brake junction box cover. Make
Brake polarity. It is very important to maintain
record of location of each coil lead on
the coil lead tags during any period of
terminal block in Brake junction box.
maintenance or parts replacement in the field to
Disconnect all coil leads from Brake
insure proper polarity after all work has been
junction box terminal strip.
b. Check resistance of inboard field coil of
inboard magnet as illustrated in Figure 3-
In the field, the following tests may be
14. Set multimeter to lowest resistance
performed to determine correct Brake polarity:
scale (200 ohms or less) and correct
meter leads to F5 and F6. Reading
1. If Brake polarity is not correct, the Brake
should approximately agree with those
will appear weak and not as responsive to
listed in Figure 3-15. If meter readings are
actuation of the Driller’s Control. To
lower by 30% or more, a coil problem
obtain a reference point as to the Brake’s
may exist. Troubleshoot coil problem
holding capacity, raise the traveling block
before proceeding to next step.
into the derrick so that three joints of drill
pipe are visible. Turn the Brake Driller’s
Control “full on” and allow about 5 OUTBOARD MAGNET INBOARD MAGNET
3 - 10
Section 3
d. Observing meter lead polarity, connect • For the following Brake Models, move the
meter leads to a pair of Field Coil Leads handle “half way” through its total travel:
as indicated in Table I.
3630 3550
Brake Model Coil Internal Resistance 5032 5250
at 68°F (20°C) 6032 19RD130
15050 10.8 OHMS TO 11.2 OHMS
• For the following Brake Models, move the
*7838 13.4 OHMS TO 13.9 OHMS handle “full on” position:
9650 15.5 OHMS TO 16.4 OHMS
7040 15050
7040 13.0 OHMS TO 13.5 OHMS
8350 7RD150
8350 13.0 OHMS TO 13.5 OHMS
7838 9RD130
6032 5.9 OHMS TO 6.3 OHMS
5250 6.1 OHMS TO 6.5 OHMS 9650
5032 5.1 OHMS TO 5.4 OHMS NOTE: Those brakes requiring only half on
3550 4.9 OHMS TO 5.2 OHMS position of driller’s control have coils which are
3630 4.8 OHMS TO 5.2 OHMS connected series-parallel and therefore require
only half value of applied control voltage for full
19RD130 6.7 OHMS TO 7.1 OHMS saturation. Reference drawing D56772, sheets
9RD130 6.7 OHMS TO 7.1 OHMS 1 and 2.
7RD150 4.4 OHMS TO 4.8 OHMS
g. Observe positive meter deflection. If in
*NOTE: For Model 7838 brakes manufactured
agreement with Table I, move Driller’s
prior to July 1985, coil resistance will
Control handle to “off” position. Turn off
be 11.0-11.5 ohms.
AC power to Brake Control System, lock
out circuit breakers. Remove meter leads
FIGURE 3-15 and move to next pair of Field Coil Leads.
If not in agreement, with Table I, move
e. Set meter scale as indicated in Table I for Driller’s Control handle to “off” position.
specific Field Coil Leads selected. Turn off AC power to Brake Control
System, lock out circuit breakers. Swap
Table I Field Coil identification tags on Field Coil
being measured, and connect meter
Field Coil leads to another pair of Field Coil Leads
F1 - F2 F3 - F4 F7 - F8
Leads for polarity test per Table I.
Meter Lead F1 - F2 F3 - F4 F7 - F8
Polarity + - + - + - h. Repeat steps d, e, f, and g until all Field
Meter Scale 1 – 10 1 – 10 1 – 50 Coil Leads have been tested and are in
VDC VDC VDC agreement with Table I.
Meter Positive Positive Positive
Deflection i. Turn off AC power to Brake Control
System, lock out circuit breakers.
f. Insure that disconnected coil leads not Reconnect Field Coil Leads to junction
being tested are not in contact with each box terminal strip per drawing D56772,
other or surrounding surfaces. Unlock sheets 1 and 2.
circuit breakers for Brake Control and
energize the Control circuit. Move the
Driller’s Control handle to a position as
indicated below:
3 - 11
Section 3
3 - 12
Section 3
3 - 13
Section 3
3 - 14
Section 3
3 - 15
Section 3
3 - 16
Section 3
3 - 17
Section 3
3 - 18
Section 3
3 - 19
Section 3
3 - 20
Section 4
Theory of Operation
Section 4
Section 5
Accessories and Options
5.1 General
5.1.3 Brake Cooling Packages
In striving to satisfy the needs of all customers,
Each Eddy Current Brake needs a
National Oilwell offers the following
cooling system to remove the heat from
accessories and options.
the brake while the brake is being used.
5.1.1 Brake Controller National Oilwell builds brake water
cooling systems to meet a variety of
Each Eddy Current Brake requires a
operational and regulatory requirements.
brake controller which supplies voltage to
In addition to cooling water for the
the field coils. The brake controller is a
BAYLOR Eddy Current Brake, extra
variable DC voltage power supply which
capacity can be designed into the system
controls the amount of excitation
for the main drawworks friction brake, top
delivered to the brake field coils as a
drives, electric drive motors, and other rig
function of the position of a driller’s
cooling requirements.
control lever. A complete controller
system consists of an isolated power 5.1.4 Cooling Water Alarm
transformer, a power control unit, and a
A cooling water alarm system is available
driller’s control.
to monitor flow and temperature of the
5.1.2 Special Brake Shafts coolant to the brake. This system warns
the operator whenever cooling to the
Certain applications may require an
brake has been impaired. It can prevent
optional special shaft on the brake.
the need for expensive repairs.
Double-ended shafts and special
coupling features have been 5.1.5 Safety Monitoring Device
manufactured in the past. If the brake is
A safety monitor system manufactured by
required to operate in highly regulated
National Oilwell which signals the
areas such as the North Sea, then
potentially dangerous loss of control of
special shafts may be required to
brake excitation is available for BAYLOR
conform to low temperature
requirements. One of these may fit your
needs; if not, a new “special” can be
designed to your specifications.
If there is a need for further information about any of the aforementioned items,
or if you have other special requirements, please contact National Oilwell Sales
Department or Service Department.
Telephone Number in the U.S.A. ....................................................(281) 240-6111
Fax Number: ...................................................................................(281) 274-0426
Section 5
National Oilwell
500 Industrial Blvd.
Sugar Land, Texas 77478-2898
Phone: (281) 240-6111 Fax: (281) 274-0426
Or from the following Service Centers:
Section 6
Maintenance and Service
6.1 General
An Inspection and Maintenance Schedule is CAUTION!
provided at the end of this section. The accumulation of moisture in the coil
6.1.1 Lubrication cavities caused by plugged breathers will
result in early deterioration of the coils. These
To maintain the lubricant volume, add
breathers should be cleaned as outlined above
approximately 2 ounces of grease to each
and must always be pointed downward for
bearing cavity each 24-hour period, or
proper drain.
before each trip into the hole with pipe.
There is a grease fitting for each of the
two bearings, and each must be
independently lubricated (See Figure 6- GREASE FITTING BREATHER / VENT
1). The recommended grease is a NLGI MAY BE BOTTOM ONLY
No.2, water resistant (Lithium base) ON SO ME MODELS
grease. A good grade of lithium or sodium
base ball and roller bearing grease may
be used. The bearings and seals will not
be harmed by excess grease. It will simply
enter the cooling water stream by
momentarily lifting the seal lip to relieve
pressure. Drawworks manufacturers and
users may connect the grease inlet holes
in the bearing caps to lubrication header Figure 6-1
blocks with tubing to facilitate lubrication Inboard Side
from a remote point. This is satisfactory if
the tubing is regularly inspected, and it is 6.1.3 Air Gap
determined that the required amount of
grease is actually reaching the bearing. If there is erosion/corrosion in the air gap
between the rotor I.D. and the magnet
6.1.2 Breather O.D. due to the use of poor quality cooling
Figure 6-1 shows a breather on the upper water, this gap distance may gradually
and / or lower exterior face of each increase to a point where rated torque will
magnet assembly. These breathers be reduced. In making any field check of
should be inspected periodically to insure this gap distance, it is necessary to allow
that they are clean and have free access for any pitting and for any scale build-up
to air to minimize condensation and to to determine the effective gap distance.
prevent any accumulation of moisture in Any scale present does not provide an
the coil cavity. They should be removed effective magnetic path so it must be
and cleaned with kerosene at least once a deducted from the gap distance
month. measurement. This air gap should be
checked monthly. The effective air gap is
the average of all measurements taken.
Section 6
Figure 6-2
Inboard Side
6.1.4 Overflow Outlet
Located on both sides of the brake, just
below the centerline of the shaft and to
one side is a 90 degree elbow for water
overflow. This elbow should always be
pointing down and be clear of any
obstructions. Should the cooling water Figure 6-4
level, internal of the brake, rise to the Inboard Side
point that water could penetrate into the
shaft bearings, this overflow outlet would
allow the excess water to run off. If the
drains are partially blocked or piped with
too much resistance to flow, the water
level in the brake could rise above the
shaft height and get into the bearings. In
normal operation, there should never be
any water coming out of these overflows.
These overflows should be checked
Section 6
6.1.6 Preparation of Brake for Storage 6.1.7 Removing a Brake from Storage
If a brake is to be stacked, stored, or If a brake has been in storage, either after
inactive for any long period, proper field use or as shipped from the plant, for
precautions should be taken to prevent more than three months, it will need a
the rotor assembly from becoming stuck through inspection to make sure it has not
to the magnet assemblies because of been damaged in any way and all parts
scale, rust, or salt growth. As an initial are properly in place. Failure to observe
step, both bearing cavities should be the following points can result in serious
pumped completely full of grease to damage.
protect the bearings during storage.
1. Remove all plugs and drain
If water of doubtful nature had been preservative fluid from the brake.
circulated in the brake before being
2. Rotate shaft and verify that the rotor
inactivated, it should first be flushed with
turns freely.
good clean water. The interior of the
brake should then be sprayed with a fluid 3. Check the bearings and seals.
which will inhibit rust and/or salt growth. 4. Replace seals if they have been in
Clean oil, kerosene, diesel fuel, or other place for more than three years.
similar petroleum products will serve this
purpose if a specific inhibitor is not 5. Check and tighten all the bolts.
available. Spraying the interior of the 6. Grease the bearings and seals.
brake can be accomplished by inserting a
spray gun nozzle into each of the air gap 7. Remove clean magnet breathers
inspection holes which are equally and re-install. Replace if unable to
spaced in each of the end rings at the clear breather obstructions.
rotor diameter, as illustrated in If the brake has been in storage for
Figure 6-2. approximately one year or more, megger
the windings and check coil internal
resistance before energizing the coils.
CAUTION! Coil internal resistance values may be
obtained from values listed in Section 3,
Do not remove coil breather / vents and
Figure 3-15. Coil resistance to ground
introduce any fluid or substance into the coil
should not be less than 5 megohms
cavity. This could attack the coil insulation
(tested with 500 VDC megger and with all
and greatly reduce the life expectancy of the
interconnecting wires disconnected from
brake coils. See Figure 6-1.
coil leads).
Note: Coil leads will normally read low
due to humidity or other moisture which
Plug all ports and continue to spray until can accumulate in the brake junction box.
the rotor is well coated with the preserving If readings are low enough to cause
fluid. Rotate the shaft once each month to concern, use heat source such as hair
distribute the bearing grease and blow drier to reduce moisture in leads. If
preserving fluid internal coating. Spray this process does not help resistance
more preserving fluid into the brake air readings, call National Oilwell or licensed
gap inspection holes if necessary. Service Companies listed in Section 5.
Additionally, all exposed surfaces of the
shaft should be coated with Rust-Ban 373
or an equivalent rust preventative.
Section 6
Do not connect the two brake cooling
systems in series; that is, where the outlet
from the friction brake system is fed to the
inlet of the BAYLOR Brake System.
Section 6
Section 6
Section 6
Section 6
Rotor is dragging on the magnet 1. The brake shaft may be misaligned with the drawworks
or the bearings are noisy or automatic feed shaft. If this is the case, align the
shafts correctly. Check for damage to the bearings
before tripping.
2. The bearings may be worn because of poor grease
maintenance. If this is the problem, replace the bearings
and maintain the proper bearing grease service.
Water coming out of the overflow An incorrect water level may have been maintained inside the
piping. brake housing causing an overflow. This may result in seal and
bearing failure.
1. If the output water flow rate is excessive, then limit the
flow rate as shown in the brake specifications.(Section 2)
2. If the water outlet is restricted, check for any restrictions.
NOTE: Do not reduce the pipe size of water outlet (s).
3. If the outlet water back pressure is excessive, the water
tank is not sufficiently below the brake water outlet level
or a long return line does not have a sufficient increase
in pipe diameter to allow the flow to pass. NOTE:
Allowing the water to drain into a funnel not mechanically
connected to the brake prevents backpressure problems.
Gradual loss of torque capacity The surface of the magnets and rotor may have an
due to increase of magnet / rotor accumulated layer of rust and scale due to a cooling water
gap system with a high salinity content or high pH factor. This build-
up will eventually decrease the brake torque capacity.
Section 6
Loss of torque capacity due to Overheating the rotor will increase the magnet/ rotor gap. This
overheating the brake. decreases the brake output torque. Overheating the magnet
will increase the coil resistance. This decreases the coil
current, and this reduces magnetic flux. This will also reduce
the torque.
NOTE: Undue flow from the drain plugs and/ or breather plugs
would indicate the magnets not working properly.
6.5 Inspection and Maintenance Schedule If cutting back on flow rate results in
too high temperature on brake water
6.5.1 Daily Inspection
at outlet (165 degrees Fahrenheit),
1. Cooling Water Flow Rate check on brake discharge water line
Inspection to see if it has become restricted.
Observe brake water overflow vent Flow rates from brake should be
while lowering drill string into hole. If unrestricted.
constant flow is observed coming
from vent, slowly begin to reduce
rate until constant flow is no longer
observed coming out of vent.
Section 6
6 - 10
Section 6
Cut here and place near Maintenance area Cut here and place near Maintenance area Cut here and place near Maintenance area
6 - 11
Section 7
Parts and Supplies
7.1 General
The recommended spare parts and supplies for the 7040 BAYLOR Brake are provided in the
following table:
5 1075-10-0003 Breather/Drain
Section 8
Drawings – 7040 Brake
Section 8
Section 8
Section 8
Section 8
Section 8
Section 8
Section 8