Computer Organization
Computer Organization
Computer Organization
January 2011
Copyright notice
Copyright ©2008, ©2009, ©2010, ©2011 by Robert G. Plantz. All rights reserved.
This book may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety (including this authorship, copyright, and permission notice), provided that no
charge is made for the document itself (except for the cost of the printing or copying service), without the author’s written consent.
This includes “fair use” excerpts like reviews and advertising and derivative works like translations. You may print or copy individual
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Instructors are encouraged to use this book in their classes. The author would appreciate being notified of such usage. The author has
used his best efforts in preparing this book. The author makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard
to the programs or the documentation contained in this book. The author shall not be liable in any event from incidental or
consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs.
All products or services mentioned in this book are the trademarks or service marks of their respective companies or organizations.
Eclipse is a trademark of Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
Preface xvi
8 Program Data – Input, Store, Output 154 8.1 Calling write in 64-bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 154 8.2 Introduction to the Call Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 8.3 Local
Variables on the Call Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 8.3.1 Calling printf and scanf in 64-bit
Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 8.4 Designing the Local Variable Portion of the Call Stack . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 173 8.5 Using syscall to Perform I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 8.6 Calling
Functions, 32-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 8.7 Instructions Introduced Thus Far .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 8.7.1 Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
181 8.7.2 Addressing Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Bibliography 485
Index 486
List of Figures
1.1 Subsystems of a computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 Possible contents of the first sixteen bytes of memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.2 Repeat of Figure
2.1 with contents shown in hex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.3 A text string stored in memory . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.1 “Decoder Ring” for three-bit signed and unsigned integers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.2 Relationship
of I/O libraries to application and operating system. . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.3 Truth table for adding two bits
with carry from a previous bit addition. . . . . . . . 47 3.4 Truth tables showing bitwise C/C++ operations.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 3.5 Truth tables showing C/C++ logical operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 48
4.1 The AND gate acting on two variables, x and y.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 4.2 The OR gate
acting on two variables, x and y.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 4.3 The NOT gate acting on one
variable, x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 4.4 Hardware implementation of the function in Equation
4.20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4.5 Hardware implementation of the function in Equation 4.28. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 62 4.6 Mapping of two-variable minterms on a Karnaugh map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.7 Karnaugh
4.34 An OR gate built from three NAND gates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.35 The function in
Equation 4.41 using two AND gates and one OR gate. . . . . . . . 79 4.36 The function in Equation 4.41
using two AND gates, one OR gate and four NOT
gates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.37 The function in Equation
4.41 using only three NAND gates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
8.1 The stack in Listing 8.3 when it is first initialized. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 8.2 The stack with
one data item on it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 8.3 The stack with three data items on it. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 8.4 The stack after all three data items have been popped off. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 162 8.5 Local variables in the program from Listing 8.5 are allocated on the stack. . . . .
. 167
8.6 Local variable stack area in the program from Listing 8.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
9.1 Assembler listing file for the function shown in Listing 9.7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 9.2 General format
of instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 9.3 REX prefix byte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 9.4 ModRM byte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
200 9.5 SIB byte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 9.6 Machine code for the
mov from a register to a register instruction. . . . . . . . . . . 201 9.7 Machine code for the mov immediate
data to a register instruction. . . . . . . . . . 202 9.8 Machine code for the add immediate data to the A
register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 9.9 Machine code for the add immediate data to a register . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 203 9.10 Machine code for the add immediate data to a register instruction. . . . . . . . . . 203
9.11 Machine code for the add register to register instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
10.1 Flow chart of a while loop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 10.2 Flow chart of if-else
construct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
11.1 Arguments and local variables in the stack frame, sumInts function. . . . . . . . . 241 11.2 Arguments
7 – 9 are passed on the stack to the sumNine function. . . . . . . . . . . 246 11.3 Arguments and local
variables in the stack frame, sumNine function. . . . . . . . . 247 11.4 Overall layout of the stack frame. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 11.5 Calling function’s stack frame, 32-bit mode. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 254
14.1 IEEE 754 bit patterns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 14.2 x87 floating point
register stack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
List of Tables
3.1 Correspondence between binary, hexadecimal, and unsigned decimal values for
the hexadecimal digits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.2 Four-bit signed integers,
two’s complement notation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.3 Sizes of some C/C++ data types in 32-bit
and 64-bit modes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 3.4 Hexadecimal characters and corresponding int. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 48 3.5 BCD code for the decimal digits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3.6
Sign codes for packed BCD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3.7 Gray code for 4 bits. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
7.1 Effect on other bits in a register when less than 64 bits are changed. . . . . . . . . 141
8.1 Common assembler directives for allocating memory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 8.2 Order of
passing arguments in general purpose registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 8.3 Register set up for using
syscall instruction to read, write, or exit. . . . . . . . . 177
9.1 Walking through the code in Listing 9.4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 9.2 The mm field in the
ModRM byte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 9.3 Machine code of general purpose registers.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
12.1 Bit patterns (in binary) of the ASCII numerals and the corresponding 32-bit ints. 274 12.2 Register
usage for the mul instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 12.3 Register usage for the div
instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
15.1 Some system call codes for the syscall instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
10.5 Displaying a string one character at a time (programmer assembly language). . . 218 10.6 A do-
while loop to print 10 characters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 10.7 Get yes/no response from
user (C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 10.8 Get yes/no response from user ( gcc assembly
language). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 10.9 General structure of an if-else construct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 224 10.10 Get yes/no response from user (programmer assembly language). . . . . . . . . . 225
10.11 Compound boolean expression in an if-else construct(C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 10.12 Compound
boolean expression in an if-else construct (gcc assembly language). 228 10.13 Simple for loop to perform
multiplication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 11.1 Passing arguments to a function (C). . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 11.2 Accessing arguments in the sumInts function from Listing 11.1 (gcc
language). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 11.3 Accessing arguments in the
sumInts function from Listing 11.1 (programmer as-
sembly language) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 11.4 Passing more than six arguments
to a function (C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 11.5 Passing more than six arguments to a function ( gcc
assembly language). . . . . . 244 11.6 Passing more than six arguments to a function (programmer
assembly language). 249 11.7 Passing more than six arguments to a function (gcc assembly language,
32-bit). . 252 12.1 Convert letters to upper/lower case (C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 12.2
Convert letters to upper/lower case (gcc assembly language). . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 12.3
Convertletterstoupper/lowercase(programmerassemblylanguage). . . . . . . 266 12.4 Shifting bits (C). .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 12.5 Shifting bits (gcc assembly language). . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 12.6 Shifting bits (programmerassembly language). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 272 12.7 Convert decimal text string to int (C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 12.8 Convert
decimal text string to int (gcc assembly language). . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 12.9 Convert decimal text string
to int (programmer assembly language). . . . . . . . 279 12.10 Convert unsigned int to decimal text string
(C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 12.11 Convert unsigned int to decimal text string (gcc assembly
language). . . . . . . . 283 12.12 Convert unsigned int to decimal text string (programmer assembly
language). . 285 13.1 Storing a value in one element of an array (C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
13.2 Storing a value in one element of an array (gcc assembly language). . . . . . . . . 292 13.3 Clear an
array (C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 13.4 Clear an array ( gcc assembly
language). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 13.5 Clear an array (programmerassembly language). .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 13.6 Two struct variables (C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
13.7 Two struct variables (gcc assembly language). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 13.8 Two struct
variables (programmerassembly language). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 13.9 Passing struct variables (C). .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 13.10 Passing struct variables ( gcc assembly language). . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 13.11 Passing struct variables — assembly language version. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 305 13.12 Add 1 to user’s’ fraction (C++). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 13.13 Add 1 to
user’s’ fraction (C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 13.14 Add 1 to user’s’ fraction
(programmer assembly language). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 14.1 Fixed point addition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 14.2 Converting a fraction to a float. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
329 14.3 Converting a fraction to a float (gcc assembly language,64-bit). . . . . . . . . . . 329 14.4
Converting a fraction to a float (gcc assembly language,32-bit). . . . . . . . . . . 333 14.5 Use float for Loop
Control Variable? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 14.6 Are floats accurate? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 14.7 Casting integer to float in C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 340 14.8 Casting integer to float in assembly language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 15.1 Using
syscall to cat a file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 16.1 Sketch of basic I/O functions using
memory-mapped I/O — C version. . . . . . . . 356 16.2 Memory-mappedI/O in assembly language. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 16.3 Sketch of basic I/O functions, isolated I/O — C version. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 361
Preface xv
This book introduces the concepts of how computer hardware works from a programmer‘s point of view.
A programmer‘s job is to design a sequence of instructions that will cause the hardware to perform
operations that solve a problem. This book looks at these instructions by exploring how C/C++ language
constructs are implemented at the instruction set architecture level.
The specific architecture presented in this book is the x86-64 that has evolved over the years from the Intel
8086 processor. The GNU programming environment is used, and the operating system kernel is Linux.
The basic guidelines I followed in creating this book are:
• One should avoid writing in assembly language except when absolutely necessary.
• “Real world” hardware and software make a more interesting platform for learning theo- retical
• The tools used for teaching should be inexpensive and readily available.
It may seem strange that I would recommend against assembly language programming in a book largely
devoted to the subject. Well, C was introduced in 1978 specifically for low-level programming. C code is
much easier to write and to maintain than assembly language. C compilers have evolved to a point where
they produce better machine code than all but the best assembly language programmers can. In addition,
the hardware technology has increased such that there is seldom any significant advantage in writing the
most efficient machine code. In short, it is hardly ever worth the effort to write in assembly language.
You might well ask why you should study assembly language, given that I think you should avoid writing in it.
I believe very strongly that the best programmers have a good understanding of how computer hardware
works. I think this principle holds in most fields: the best drivers understand how automobiles work; the
best musicians understand how their instrument works; etc.So this is not a book on how to write
programs in assembly language. Most of the programs you will be asked to write will be in assembly
language, but they are very simple programs intended to illustrate the concepts. I believe that this book
will help you to become a better programmer in any programming language, even if you never write
another line of assembly language.
Two issues arise immediately when studying assembly language:
• I/O interaction with a user through even the keyboard and screen is a very complex prob- lem, well
beyond the programming expertise of a beginner.
Preface xvii
1. showing you how to call the I/O functions already available in the C Standard Library, and
2. presenting only a small subset of the available instructions.
This has the additional advantage of not requiring additional software to be installed. In gen- eral, all the
programming discussed in the book and be done on any of the common Linux dis- tributions ronment Readers
should that who has read wish been Sections to write set up assembly 8.5 for (page software 177) language
development and 15.6 programs (page with that 345).
few do or not no use changes. the C runtime envi-
Stand-alone assembly language If you do decide to write more complex programs in assembly language there are
programs. other excellent books on that topic; see the Bibliography on page 485. And, of course, you would want
the manufacturer’s programming manuals; see for example [2] – [6] and [14] – [18]. The goal here is to provide
you with an introductory “look under the hood” of a high-level language at the hardware that lies below.
This book also provides an introduction to computer hardware architecture. The view is from a programmer‘s
eye. Other excellent books provide implementation details. You need to understand many of the implementation
details, e.g., pipelining, caches, in order to write highly optimized programs. This book provides the introduction
that prepares you for learning about more advanced architectural concepts.
This is not the place to argue about operating systems. I could rationalize my choice of GNU/Linux, but I could
also rationalize using others. Therefore, I will simply state that I believe that GNU/Linux provides an excellent
environment for studying programming in an academic setting. One of the more important features of the GNU
programming environment with respect to the goals of this book is the close integration of C/C++ and assembly
language. In addition, I like GNU/Linux.
I wish to comment on my use of “GNU/Linux” instead of the simpler “Linux.” Much has been written about these
names. A good source of the various arguments can be found at The two main points are that
(a) Linux is only the kernel, and (b) all general-purpose distributions rely on many GNU components for the
remaining systems soft- ware. Although “Linux” has become essentially a synomym for “GNU/Linux,” this book
could not exist without the GNU components, e.g., the assembler (as), the link editor (ld), the make program, etc.
Therefore, I wish to acknowledge the importance of the GNU project by using the full “GNU/Linux” name.
In some ways, the x86-64 instruction set architecture is not the best choice for studying computer architecture. It
maintains backwards compatibility and is thus somewhat more com- plicated at the instruction set level. However,
it is by far the most widely deployed architecture on the desktop and one of the least expensive way to set up a
system where these concepts can be studied.
Assembly language is my favorite subject in computer science, but I have taught the subject to enough students
to know that, realistically, it probably will not be the same for you. However, please keep your eye on the long
term. I am confident that material presented in this book will help you to become a better programmer, and if you
do enjoy assembly language, you will have a good introduction to a more advanced study of it.
Assumed Background
You should have taken an introductory class in programming, preferably in C, C++, or Java. The high-level
language used in this book is C, however all the C programming is simple. I am confident that the C programming
examples in Chapters 2 and 3 will provide sufficient C programming concepts to make the rest of the book very
usable, regardless of the language you learned in your introductory class.
I believe that more experienced programmers who wish to write for the x86-64 architecture can also benefit from
reading this book. In principle, these programmers can learn everything they need to know from reading the
appropriate manuals. However, I have found that it is usually helpful to have an overview of a new architecture
before tackling the manuals. This book should provide that overview. In this sense, I believe that this book can
provide a good “introduction” to using the manuals.
Learning from this Book
This book is intended for a one-semester, four unit course. Our course format at Sonoma State University
consists of three hours of lecture and a two – three hour supervised lab session per week. Many of the exercises
in each chapter provide good in-lab exercises for supervised labs.
Solutions to almost all the chapter exercises are provided in Appendix E. Students should attempt to solve an
exercise before looking at the answer for hints. But I think it helps the learning process if a student can see a
solution while attempting his or her own solution.
If you have an electronic copy of this book, do not copy and paste code. Think about it — typing in the code
forces you to read every single character. Yes, it is very tedious, but you will learn much more this way. I’m
to get the example
assuming here that your goal is to learn the material, not simply Do not copy and paste code!
programs to work. They are rather silly programs, so just getting them to
If the book is being used for a software-only course, the instructor could consider skipping over these
two chapters
Chapter 6 introduces the central processing unit (CPU) and its relationship to memory and I/O. There
is a description of how to use the gdb debugger to view the registers in the CPU. The basic set of registers
used by programmers in the x86-64 architecture is given in this chapter.
Assembly language programming is introduced in Chapter 7. The topic is introduced by showing how
to create a file containing the assembly language generated by the gcc compiler from C code. The basic
assembly language template for a function is introduced, both for 64-bit and 32-bit mode. There is an
overall sketch of how assemblers and linkers work.
In Chapter 8 we see how automatic variables are allocated on the stack, how values are assigned to
them, and how functions are called. Argument passing, both in registers and on the stack, is discussed.
The chapter shows how to call the write, read, printf, and scanf C Standard Library functions for user I/O.
There is also a section on writing standalone programs that do not use the C environment and use the
syscall instruction for direct operating system I/O.
Chapter 9 gives an introduction to machine code. There is a discussion of the REX codes used in
64-bit mode. Two instructions, mov and add, are used as examples.
Program control flow, specifically repetition and binary decision, are covered in in Chapter 10.
Conditional jumps are discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 11 discusses how to write your own functions and use the arguments passed to it. Both the
64-bit and 32-bit function interface techniques are described.
Bit-level logical and shift operations are covered in Chapter 12. The multiplication and division
instructions are also discussed.
Arrays and structs are discussed in Chapter 13. This chapter includes a discussion of how simple
C++ objects are implemented at both the C and the assembly language level.
Until this point in the book we have been using integers. In Chapter 14 we introduce formats for storing
fractional values, including some IEEE 754 formats. In 64-bit mode the gcc compiler uses SSE2
instructions for floating point, but x87 instructions are used in 32-bit mode. The chapter gives an
introduction to both instruction sets.
Exceptions and interrupts are discussed in Chapter 15. Chapter 16 is an introduction to hardware level
I/O. Since most students will never do I/O at this level, this is another chapter that could be skipped.
A summary of the instructions used in this book is provided in Appendix A.5. At this point, there is
only a list of the instructions. Eventually, there will be a description of each of them.
Appendix B is a highly simplified discussion of the fundamental concepts of the make facility. Appendix C
provides a very brief tutorial on using gdb for assembly language programs. Appendix D gives a very
brief introduction to the gcc syntax for embedding assembly lan- guage in a C function.
Almost all the solutions to the chapter exercises are provided in Appendix E. These can be useful for
students who wish to use the exercises for self study; if you find yourself getting stuck on a problem, peek
at the solution for some hints. Instructors are encouraged to discuss these solutions with their students.
There is much to be learned from looking at another person’s solution and thinking about how you might
do it better.
The Bibliography lists a small fraction of the many books I have consulted when learning this material.
I urge you to look at this list of books. I believe that you will want at least some of them in your reference
Suggested Usage
• Our course at Sonoma State University covers each chapter approximately in the book’s order. The
programming exercises in Chapters 2 and 3 get the students used to using the lab right from the
beginning of the course. Hardware simulators are used in the lab for Chapters 4 and 5.
• In a curriculum where binary numbers are covered in another course Chapters 2 and 3 could be
skimmed. I recommend covering the C coding examples in Chapters 2 and 3 for
xx Preface
students who have not programmed in the language. This would provide an introduction to C that
should be adequate for the rest of the book.
• Experienced programmers who are using this book to learn x86-64 assembly language on their own
should be able to skim the first five chapters. I believe that the remaining chapters would provide a
good “primer” for reading the appropriate manuals.
I used LATEX2εto typeset and draw the figures for this book. The main text font is New Century
Schoolbook and the font for code is Bera Mono scaled by 85%.
I would like to thank the many students who have taken assembly language from me. They have asked
many questions that caused me to think about the subject and how I can better explain it. They are the
main reason I have written this book.
My special thanks go to David Tran, a student who used this book in a class taught by Michael Lyle at Santa
Rosa Junior College in Fall 2010. David caught many of my typos and errors, and gave me many helpful
suggestions for clarifying my writing. I am very grateful for his careful reading of the book and the time he
spent providing me with his comments. It is definitely a better book as a result of his diligence.
I wish to thank Richard Gordon, Lynn Stauffer, Allan B. Cruse, Michael Lyle, and Suzanne Rivoire for their
thorough proofreading and critique of the previous versions of this book. By teaching from this book they
have caught many of my errors and provided many excellent sug- gestions for clarifying the presentation.
In addition, I would like to thank my partner, João Barretto, for encouraging me to write this book and
putting up with my many hours spent at my computer.
Chapter 1
My goal is to make this book available as inexpensively as possible, but I would appreciate being
paid for the work I did to write and produce it. As you know, a textbook like this would ordinarily
cost $50 – $100 if it were published through a mainstream publisher. The author would probably
get $5 – $15 of that cost. I am trying a different way to get paid a “royalty” here.
I have made the book freely available in pdf format at Corrections, updates, etc. for
the book will also be posted there. As you can see from my copyright notice above, you can only
be charged the cost of the printing or copying service for a print copy. I am leaving it up to you to
decide how much of a “royalty” this book is worth to you and how much you can afford to pay.
If you wish to pay me a “royalty” for my work please send it to my personal email account,
[email protected], using either
I want to emphasize that this is entirely voluntary on your part. The most important thing is for this
book to serve your needs in learning this material. I would appreciate hearing any feedback you
have about how I can improve the book to meet this goal.
Unlike most assembly language books, this one does not emphasize writing programs in assembly
language. Higher-level languages, e.g., C, C++, Java, are much better for that. You should avoid writing
in assembly language whenever possible.
You may wonder why you should study assembly language at all. The usual reasons given are:1.
Assembly language is more efficient. This does not always hold. Modern compilers are
excellent at optimizing the machine code that is generated. Only a very good assembly language
programmer can do better, and only in some situations. Assembly language programming is very
tedious, even for the best programmers. Hence, it is very expensive. The possible gains in efficiency are
seldom worth the added expense.
2. There are situations where it must be used. This is more difficult to evaluate. How do you
know whether assembly language is required or not?
Both these reasons presuppose that you know the assembly language equivalent of the trans- lation
that your compiler does. Otherwise, you would have no way of deciding whether you can write a more
efficient program in assembly language, and you would not know the machine level limitations of your
higher-level language. So this book begins with the fundamental high-level
language concepts and “looks under the hood” to see how they are implemented at the assembly
language level.
There is a more important reason for reading this book. The interface to the hardware from a programmer’s
view is the instruction set architecture (ISA). This book is a description of the ISA of the x86 architecture
as it is used by the C/C++ programming languages. Higher-level languages tend to hide the ISA from the
programmer, but good programmers need to understand it. This understanding is bound to make you a
better programmer, even if you never write a single assembly language statement after reading this book.
Some of you will enjoy assembly language programming and wish to carry on. If your inter- ests take you into
systems programming, e.g., writing parts of an operating system, writing a compiler, or even designing
another higher-level language, an understanding of assembly lan- guage is required. There are many
challenging opportunities in programming embedded sys- tems, and much of the work in this area
demands at least an understanding of the ISA. This book serves as an introduction to assembly language
programming and prepares you to move on to the intermediate and advanced levels.
In his book The Design and Evolution of C++[32] Bjarne Stroustrup nicely lists the purposes of a
programming language:
It is assumed that you have had at least an introduction to programming that covered the first five items
on the list. This book focuses on the first item — instructing machines — by studying assembly language
programming of a 64-bit x86 architecture computer. We will use C as an example higher-level language
and study how it instructs the computer at the assembly language level. Since there is a one-to-one
correspondence between assembly language and machine language, this amounts to a study of how C
is used to instruct a machine (computer).
You have already learned that a compiler (or interpreter) translates a program written in a higher-level
language into machine language, which the computer can execute. But what does this mean? For
example, you might wonder:
• What happens when one function calls another function? How does the computer know how to
return to the statement following the function call statement?
• How is a computer instructed to display a simple character string — for example, “Hello, world” —
on the screen?
It is the goal of this book to answer these and many other questions. The specific higher-level programming
language concepts that are addressed in this book include:
This book assumes that you are familiar with these programming concepts in C, C++, and/or Java.
Data Bus
Address Bus
Control Bus
Figure 1.1: Subsystems of a computer. The CPU, Memory, and I/O subsystems communicate
with one another via the three buses.
Central Processing Unit (CPU) controls most of the activities of the computer, performs the arithmetic
and logical operations, and contains a small amount of very fast memory.
Memory provides storage for the instructions for the CPU and the data they manipulate.
Input/Output (I/O) communicates with the outside world and with mass storage devices (e.g.,
When you create a new program, you use an editor program to write your new program in a high-
level language, for example, C, C++, or Java. The editor program sees the source code
General concept records, objects
Program organization Passing data to/from
named procedures
Allocation of variables for Object operations
storage of primitive data C/C++ implementation
types — integers, Functions, variables,
characters literals
Program flow control int, char
constructs — loops,
two-way decision
Simple arithmetic and
logical operations while and for; if-else
Boolean operators
Data organization
constructs — arrays,
+, -, *, /, %, &, | Function parameter lists;
return values
!, &&, || Invoking a member
function (C++ only)
Arrays, structs, classes
(C++ only)
for your new program as data, which is typically stored in a file on the disk. Then you use a compiler program to transla
language statements into machine instructions that are stored in a disk file. Just as with the editor program, the compiler pr
your source code and the resulting machine code as data.
When it comes time to execute the program, the instructions are read from the machine code disk file into memory. At this poin
a sequence of instructions stored in memory. Most programs include some constant data that are also stored in memory. Th
the program by fetching each instruction from memory and executing it. The data are also fetched as needed by the progra
This computer model — both the program instructions and data are stored in a memory unit that is separate from the proc
referred to as the von Neumann architecture. It was described in 1945 by John von Neumann [35], although other computer
of the day were working with the same concepts. This is in contrast to a fixed-program computer, e.g., a calculator. A co
one of the benefits of the von Neumann architecture. It is a program that treats the source file as data, which it translates in
binary file that is also treated as data. But the executable binary file can also be run as a program.
A downside of the von Neumann architecture is that a program can be written to view it- self as data, thus enabling a self-mo
GNU/Linux, like most modern, general purpose operating systems, prohibits applications from modifying themselves.
Most programs also access I/O devices, and each access must also be programmed. I/O de- vices vary widely. Some are mea
humans, for example, a keyboard, a mouse, a screen. Others are meant for machine readable I/O. For example, a program
on a disk or read a file from a network. These devices all have very different behavior, and their timing characteristics diffe
one another. Since I/O device programming is diffi- cult, and every program makes use of them, the software to hand
included in the operating system. GNU/Linux provides a rich set of functions that an applications programmer can use to pe
and we will call upon these services of GNU/Linux to perform our I/O operations. Before tackling I/O programming, you
thorough understanding of how the CPU executes programs and interacts with memory.
The goal of this book is study how programs are executed by the computer. We will focus on how the program and data are s
and how the CPU executes instructions. We leave I/O programming to more advanced books.
Chapter 2
In this chapter, we begin exploring how data is encoded for storage in memory and write some programs in C to explore
One way to look at a modern computer is that it is made up of:
• Millions, perhaps billions, of two-state switches. Each of the switches is always in one state or the other, and it stays
the control unit changes its state or the power is turned off. and
There is also provision for communicating with the world outside the computer — input and output.
We need a more concise notation, which leads us to use numbers. When dealing with numbers, you are most familiar with
system, which is based on ten, and thus uses ten digits.
Decimal digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Two number systems are useful when talking about the states of switches — the binary system, which is based on two,
Binary digits: 0, 1
Hexadecimal digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f
Octal digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
“Binary digit” is commonly shortened to “bit.” It is common to bypass the fact that a bit represents the state of a switch, and simply
switches “bits.” Using bits (binary digits), we can greatly simplify the previous statement about switches as 1101, which you can thi
A bit represents the state of an on-off switch. as representing “on, on, off, on.” It does not matter whether we use 1 to represent “on” and
“on” and 1 as “off.” We simply need to be consistent. You will see that this will occur naturally; it will not be an issue. Hexadeci
used as a shorthand notation to specify bit patterns. Since there are sixteen hexadecimal digits, each one can be used to s
group of four bits. Ta- ble 2.1 shows the correspondence between each possible group of four bits and
Hexadecimal shorthand binary.
is for
digit. Thus, the above English statement specifying the state of four switches can be written with a single hexadecimal digit, d.
Four binary digits (bits) One hexadecimal digit
0000 0 0001 1 0010 2 0011 3 0100 4 0101 5 0110 6
Memorize this 0111 7
1000 8 1001 9 1010 a 1011 b 1100 c 1101 d 1110 e 1111 f
Table 2.1: Hexadecimal representation of four bits.
When it is not clear from the context, we will indicate the base of a number in this text with a subscript. For example, 10010 is wri
0000 0001 0010 0011 1010 1011 1100 11012 = 0123 abcd16
A single bit has limited usefulness when we want to store data. We usually need to use a group of bits to store a data item. This g
so common that most modern computers only allow a program to access bits in groups of eight. Each of these groups is called a
byte: A contiguous group of bits, usually eight.
Historically, the number of bits in a byte has varied depending on the hardware and the operat- ing system. For example, the CD
scientific mainframe computers used a six-bit byte. Nearly everyone uses “byte” to mean eight bits today.
Another important reason to learn hexadecimal is that the programming language may not allow you to specify a value in binary. Pr
with 0x (zero, lower-case ex) in C/C++ means that the number is expressed in hexadecimal. There is no C/C++ syntax for writing a n
The syntax for specifying bit patterns in C/C++ is shown in Table 2.2. (The
32-bit pattern for the decimal value 123 will become patternsclear
in your
after you read Sections 2.2 and 2.3.) Although
the GNU assembler, as, includes a notation forsource code.
specifying bit patterns in binary, it is usually more
Prefix Example 32-bit
convenient to use the C/C++ notation.
pattern (binary) Decimal: none 123 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1011 Hexadecimal: 0x 0x123
Specifying bit 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0010 0011 Octal: 0 0123 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 010 011
Table 2.2: C/C++ syntax for specifying literal numbers. Octal bits grouped by three for readabil-
1 × 100 + 2 × 10 + 3 × 1
1 × 102 × 101 + 3 × 100
The right-most digit (3 in this example) is the least significant digit because it “counts” the least in the total value of this n
most digit (1 in this example) is the most significant digit because it “counts” the most in the total value of this number.
The base or radix of the decimal number system is ten. There are ten symbols for represent- ing the digits: 0, 1, . . . , 9. Moving
to the left increases its value by a factor of ten, and moving it one place to the right decreases its value by a factor of te
notation generalizes to any radix, r:
where there are n digits in the number and each di = 0, 1, ..., r-1. The radix in the binary number system is 2, so th
symbols for representing the digits: di = 0, 1. We can specialize Equation 2.1 for the binary number system as
128 + 0 + 32 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 16510
This example illustrates the method for converting a number from the binary number system to the decimal number system. It is s
Algorithm 2.1.
Be careful to distinguish the binary number system from writing the state of a bit in binary. Each switch in the computer can be rep
by a bit (binary digit), but the entity that it represents may not even be a number, much less a number in the binary number sy
example, the bit pattern 0011 0010 represents the character “2” in the ASCII code for characters. But in the binary number system 0
See Exercises 2-8 and 2-9 for converting hexadecimal to decimal.
where / is the div operator terms except the 2−1 and the remainder, r0, is 0 or 1. Since (N/2) is an integer and all the term on
hand side of Equation 2.4 are integers, we can see that d0 = r0. Subtracting r0/2 from both sid
(N/2) = dn−1 × 2n−2 + dn−2 × 2n−3 + ... + d1 × 20 (2.5) Dividing both sides of Equation 2.5 by two:
r n−1 × 2n−3 + dn−2 × 2n−4 + ... + d1 × 2−1 (2.6)
(N/4) + 2 1
From Equation 2.6 we see that d1 = r1. It follows that the binary representation of a number can be produced from right (low
to left (high-order bit) by applying the algorithm shown in Algorithm 2.2.
input : An integer expressed in binary. output: Decimal expression of the integer. Compute the value of
each power of 2 in Equation 2.2 in decimal. 1 Multiply each power of two by its corresponding di. 2 Sum the
terms in Equation 2.2. 3
input : An integer expressed in decimal. output: Binary expression of the integer, one bit at a time, right-to-left.
quotient ⇐ theInteger; 1 while quotient = 0 do 2
nextBit ⇐ quotient % 2; 3 quotient ⇐ quotient / 2; 4
Algorithm 2.1: Convert binary to unsigned decimal.
Algorithm 2.2: Convert unsigned decimal to binary.
There are times in some programs when it is more natural to specify a bit pattern rather than a decimal number. We have seen th
to easily convert between the number bases, so you could convert the bit pattern to a decimal value, then use that. It is usually m
think of the bits in groups of four, then convert the pattern to hexadecimal. For example, if your algorithm required the use of zero
with ones:
0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101
this can be converted to the decimal value
Use hex to or the hexadecimal value (shown here in C/C++ syntax) specify bit
Once you have memorized Table 2.1, it is clearly much easier to work with hexadecimal for bit patterns.
The discussion in these two sections has dealt only with unsigned integers. The represen- tation of signed integers depends upon so
features of the CPU and will be dis- cussed in Chapter 3 when we discuss computer arithmetic.
2.4 Memory — A Place to Store Data (and Other Things)
We now have the language necessary to begin discussing the major components of a computer. We start with the memory.
You can think of memory as a (very long) array of bytes. Each byte has a particular location (or address) within this array. That is
Each byte in
memory is numbered.
as specifying the 124th byte in memory. (Don’t forget that array indexing starts with 0.) We generally do not use array notation an
index number, calling it the address or location of the byte.
address (or location): Identifies a specific byte in memory.
The address of a particular byte never changes. That is, the 957th byte from the beginning of memory will always remain the 957
the state of each of the bits — either 0 or 1 — in any given byte can be changed.
Example 2-a
2=0+1/2 ⇒ d6 = 1 0 ÷ 2
12310 = d7d6d5d4d3d2d1d0 = 011110112 = 7b16
Computer scientists typically express the address of each byte in memory in hexadecimal. So we would say that the 957 th byte is
From the discussion of hexadecimal in Section 2.1 (page 6) we can see that the first sixteen bytes in memory have the addresse
6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, and f. Using the notation
address: contents (bit-pattern-at-the-address)
we show the (possible) contents (the state of the bits) of each of the first sixteen bytes of memory in Figure 2.1.
Address Contents Address Contents 00000000: 0110 1010 00000008: 1111 0000 00000001: 1111 0000 00000009: 0000 0010 00000002: 0101 1110
00000003: 0000 0000 0000000b: 0011 1100 00000004: 1111 1111 0000000c: 1100 0011 00000005: 0101 0001 0000000d: 0011 1100 00000006: 1100 1111 0000000e:
0001 1000 0000000f: 1010 1010
Figure 2.1: Possible contents of the first sixteen bytes of memory; addresses shown in hexadeci- mal, contents shown in bina
addresses are shown as 32-bit values. (The contents shown here are arbitrary.)
The state of each bit is indicated by a binary digit (bit) and is arbitrary in Figure 2.1. The bits have been grouped by four for readabil
of the memory bits also shows that we can use two hexadecimal digits to indicate the state of the bits in each byte, as shown i
example, the contents of memory location 0000000b are 3c. That means the eight bits that make up the twelfth byte in memory are set
0011 1100.
Address Contents Address Contents
Each hexadecimal 00000000: 6a 00000008: f0 00000
digit represents four bits.
00000002: 5e 0000000a: 33 00000003: 00 0000000b: 3c 00000004: ff 0000000c: c3 00000005: 51 0000000d: 3c 00000006: cf 0000000e: 55 00000007: 18 0000000f: aa
Figure 2.2: Repeat of Figure 2.1 with contents shown in hex. Two hexadecimal characters are
required to specify one byte.
Once a bit (switch) in memory is set to either zero or one, it stays in that state until the control unit actively changes it or the po
There is an exception. Computers also contain memory in which the bits are permanently set. Such memory is called Read Only M
Read Only Memory (ROM) : Each bit is permanently set to either zero or one. The control
unit can read the state of each bit but cannot change it.
You have probably heard the term “RAM” used for memory that can be changed by the control unit. RAM stands for Random Acce
terminology used here is inconsistent. “Random access” means that it takes the same amount of time to access any byte in the m
contrast to memory that is sequentially accessible, e.g., tape. The length of time it takes to access a byte on tape depends u
location of the byte with respect to the current tape position.
Random Access Memory (RAM) : The control unit can read the state of each bit and can
change it.
A bit can be used to store data. For example, we could use a single bit to indicate whether a student passes a course or not.
for “not passed” and 1 for “passed.” A single bit allows only two possible values of a data item. We cannot for example, u
store a course letter grade — A, B, C, D, or F.
How many bits would we need to store a letter grade? Consider all possible combinations of two bits:
Since there are only four possible bit combinations, we cannot represent all five letter grades with only two bits. Let’s add a
look at all possible bit combinations:
There are eight possible bit patterns, which is more than sufficient to store any one of the five letter grades. For example, w
to use the code
This example illustrates two issues that a programmer must consider when storing data in memory in addition to its location(s
How many bits are required to store the data? In order to answer this we need to know how many different values ar
particular data item. Study the two ex- amples above — two bits and three bits — and you can see that adding a bit doubl
possible values. Also, notice that we might not use all the possible bit patterns.
What is the code for storing the data? Most of the data we deal with in everyday life is not expressed in terms of zeros a
to store it in computer memory, the program- mer must decide upon a code of zeros and ones to use. In the above (three
used 000 to represent a letter grade of A, 001 to represent B, etc.
Thus, in the grade example, a programmer may choose to store the letter grade at byte number bffffed0 in memory. If the
programmer would set the bit pattern at location bffffed0 to 0016. If the grade is “C”, the programmer would set the bit pa
bffffed0 to 0216. In this example, one of the jobs of an assembly language programmer would be to determine how to s
at byte number bffffed0 to the appropriate bit pattern.
High-level languages use data types to determine the number of bits and the storage code. For example, in C you may choose
grades in the above example in a char variable and use the characters ’A’, ’B’,. . . ,’F’ to indicate the grade. In Section 2.7 y
the compiler would use the following storage formats:
intAndFloat.c Using printf to display an integer and a float.
1 /* 2 * 3 * 4 * Bob Plantz - 4 June 2009 5 */
Letter Grade Bit Pattern
A 0100 0001 B 0100 0010 C 0100 0011 D 0100 0100 F 0100 0101
And programming languages, even assembly language, allow programmers to create sym- bolic names for memory addresses.
assembler) determines the correspondence between the programmer’s symbolic name and the numerical address. The program
the address by simply using the symbolic name.
2.5 Using C Programs to Explore Data Formats
Before writing any programs, I urge you to read Appendix B on writing Makefiles, even if you are familiar with them. Many of the
helped students solve are due to errors in their Makefile. And many of the Makefile errors go undetected due to the default beh
We will use the C programming language to illustrate these concepts because it takes care of the memory allocation problem, ye
get reasonably close to the hardware. You probably learned to program in the higher-level, object-oriented paradigm using eithe
does not support the object-oriented paradigm.
C is a procedural programming language. The program is divided into functions. Since there are no classes in C, there is no such th
function. The programmer focuses on the algorithms used in each function, and all data items are explicitly passed to the function
We can see how this works by exploring the C Standard Library functions, printf and scanf, which are used to write to the screen a
keyboard. We will develop a program in C using printf and scanf to illustrate the concepts discussed in the previous sections. The he
by either of these functions is:
#include <stdio.h>
which includes the prototype statements for the printf and scanf functions:
int printf(const char *format, ...); int scanf(const char *format, ...);
Use printf for formatted output to the screen and scanf for formatted input
printf is used to display text on the screen. The first argument, format, controls the text display.
At its simplest, format is sim
text string in double quotes.1 For example,
from the keyboard. printf("Hello, world.\n");
would display
Hello, world.
If there are additional arguments, the format string must specify how each of these argu- ments is to be converted for display. This
by inserting a conversion code within the format string at the point where the argument value is to be displayed. Each conversion c
by the ’%’ character. For example, Listing 2.1 shows how to display both an int variable and a float variable.
1The text string is a null-terminated array of characters as described in Section 2.7 (page 19). This is not the C++ string class.
Listing 2.1: Using printf to display numbers.
A run of the program in Listing 2.1 on my computer gave (user input is boldface):
bob$ ./intAndFloat The integer is 19088743 and the float is 19088.742188 bob$
Yes, the float really is that far off. This will be explained in Chapter 14.
Some common conversion codes are d or i for integer, f for float, x for hexadecimal. The conversion codes may include other char
properties like the field width of the display, whether the value is left or right justified within the field, etc. We will not cover the d
should read man page 3 for printf to learn more.
scanf is used to read from the keyboard. The format string typically includes only conversion codes that specify how to convert eac
entered from the keyboard and stored in the following arguments. Since the values will be stored in variables, it is necessary to pa
of the variable to scanf. For example, we can store keyboard-entered values in x (an int variable) and y (a float variable) thusly scanf ne
scanf("%i %f", &x, &y);
The use of printf and scanf are illustrated in the C program in Listing 2.2, which will allow us to explore the mathematical equivalenc
and hexadecimal number systems.
6 #include <stdio.h>
78 #include <stdio.h>
910 int main(void) 11 { 12 int x; 13 unsigned int y;
1415 while(1) 16 { 17 printf("Enter a decimal integer (0 to quit): "); 18 scanf("%i", &x); 19 if (x == 0) break;
2021 printf("Enter a bit pattern in hexadecimal (0 to quit): "); 22 scanf("%x", &y); 23 if (y == 0) break;
2425 printf("%i is stored as %#010x, and\n", x, x); 26 printf("%#010x represents the decimal integer %i\n\n", y, y); 27 }
3031 return 0; 32 }
Listing 2.2: C program showing the mathematical equivalence of the decimal and hexadecimal
number systems.
bob$ ./echoDecHex Enter a decimal integer: 123 Enter a bit pattern in hexadecimal: 7b 123 is stored as
0x0000007b, and 0x0000007b represents the decimal integer 123
• The user is prompted to enter an integer in decimal, and the user’s response is read from the keyboard and stored in the
allocated for x. The conversion code text string passed to scanf, “%i”, causes scanf to interpret the user’s keystrokes as repre
decimal integer. Note that the address of x, &x, must be passed to scanf so that it can store the integer at the memory location n
• The program next prompts the user to enter a bit pattern in hexadecimal. In this case the conversion code text string passed
“%x”, which causes scanf to interpret the user’s keystrokes as representing hexadecimal digits. Note that the address of y, &y
passed to scanf so that it can store the integer at the memory location named y.
• Now let us examine the two printf function calls that display the results. The “%i” con- version code is straightforward. The va
corresponding variable is displayed in decimal at that point in the text string.
• The “%#010x” conversion factor is more interesting. (If you are at a computer read section 3 of the man page for printf as you follo
this description.) The basic conversion is specified by the “x” character; it causes the value to be displayed in hexadecima
character causes an “alternate form” to be used for the display, which is the C syntax for hexadecimal numbers; that is, th
prefaced by 0x when it is displayed. The ‘0’ character immediately after the ‘#’ character causes ‘0’ to be used as the fill chara
number “10” causes the display to occupy at least ten characters (the field width).
• Look carefully at the output from this program above. The bit patterns used to store the data input by the user, shown in hex
show that the unsigned ints are stored in the binary number system (see Section 2.2, page 8 and Section 2.3, page 9). That is
stored as 0000007b16.
The program in Listing 2.2 demonstrates a very important concept — hexadecimal is used as a human convenience for statin
hexadecimal. A particular value can be expressed in a precise
number is not inherently binary, decimal, or Hex is for humans.
in each of these
three number bases. For that matter, it can be expressed equivalently in any number base.
• li lineNumber — lists ten lines of the source code, centered at the specified line number. Useful gdb commands. • break sourceFilename:lineN
• run — begins execution of a program that has been loaded under control of gdb.
• printf "format", var1, var2,... — displays the values of the vars, using the format specified in the format string.2
• x/nfs memoryAddress — displays (examine) n values in memory in format f of size s start- ing at memoryAddress.
We will use the program in Listing 2.1 to see how gdb can be used to explore the concepts in more depth. Here is a screen shot o
the program then used gdb to control the execution of the program and observe the memory contents. My typing is boldface
is annotated in italics. Note that you will probably see different addresses if you replicate this example on your own (Exerc
The “-g” option is required. It tells the compiler to include debugger information in the executable program.
bob$ gdb ./intAndFloat GNU gdb 6.8-debian Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
<> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. T
"show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86 64-linux-gnu"... (gdb) li 1 /* 2 * intAndFloat.c 3 * Using printf to display
integer and a float. 4 * Bob Plantz - 4 Jun 2009 5 */ 6 #include <stdio.h> 78 int main(void) 9
2Follows the same pattern as the C Standard Library printf.
10 int anInt = 19088743; (gdb) 11 float aFloat = 19088.743; 1213 printf("The integer is %i and the float is %f\n", anInt, aFloat); 1415 return 0; 16(gdb)The
lists ten lines of source code. The display ends with the (gdb) prompt. Pushing the return key will repeat the previous comm
smart enough to display the next (up to) ten lines.
(gdb) br 13 Breakpoint 1 at 0x400523: file intAndFloat.c, line 13.
I set a breakpoint at line 13. When the program is executing, if it ever gets to this state- ment, execution will pause before the statem
and control will return to gdb.
(gdb) run Starting program: /home/bob/intAndFloat
Breakpoint 1, main () at intAndFloat.c:13 13 printf("The integer is %i and the float is %f\n", anInt, aFloat);
The run command causes the program to start execution from the beginning. When it reaches our breakpoint, control returns to gd
(gdb) print anInt
floats are not $1 = 19088743
more accurate (gdb) print aFloat
than ints.
$2 = 19088.7422
The print command displays the value currently stored in the named variable. There is a round off error in the float value. As menti
will be explained in Chapter 14.
(gdb) printf "anInt = %i and aFloat = %f\n", anInt, aFloat anInt = 19088743 and aFloat = 19088.742188 (gdb) printf "anInt = %#010x and aFloat = %#010x\n"
hex, anInt = 0x01234567 and aFloat = 0x00004a90
The printf command can be used to format the displayed values. The formatting string is essentially the same as for the printf functi
Standard Library.
Take a moment and convert the hexadecimal values to decimal. The value of anInt is correct, but the value of aFloat is 1908810. The
odd behavior is that the x formatting character in the printf function first converts the value to an int, then displays that int in hexade
conversion from float to int truncates the fractional part.
Fortunately, gdb provides another command for examining the contents of memory directly — that is, the actual bit patterns. In
command, we need to determine the actual memory addresses where the anInt and aFloat variables are stored.
(gdb) print &anInt $3 = (int *) 0x7fff86b6ddfc (gdb) print &aFloat $4 = (float *) 0x7fff86b6ddf8
The address-of operator (&) can be used to print the address of a variable. Notice that the addresses are very large. The system i
which uses 64-bit addresses. (gdb does not display leading zeros.)
(gdb) help x Examine memory: x/FMT ADDRESS. ADDRESS is an expression for the memory address to examine. FMT is a repeat count followed by a format letter a
Format letters are o(octal), x(hex), d(decimal), u(unsigned decimal),
t(binary), f(float), a(address), i(instruction), c(char) and s(string). Size letters are b(byte), h(halfword), w(word), g(giant, 8 bytes). The specified number of objects of the
printed according to the format.
Defaults for format and size letters are those previously used. Default count is 1. Default address is following last thing printed with this command or "print".
The x command is used to examine memory. Its help message is very brief, but it tells you everything you need to know.
(gdb) x/1dw 0x7fff86b6ddfc 0x7fff86b6ddfc: 19088743 (gdb) x/1fw 0x7fff86b6ddf8 0x7fff86b6ddf8: 19088.7422
The x command can be used to display the values in their stored data type.
(gdb) x/1xw 0x7fff86b6ddfc 0x7fff86b6ddfc: 0x01234567
(gdb) cont Continuing. The integer is 19088743 and the float is 19088.742188
Finally, I continue to the end of the program. Notice that gdb is still running and I have to quit the gdb program.
This example illustrates a property of the x86 processors. Data is stored in memory with the least significant byte in the lowest-n
address. This is called little endian storage. Look again at the display of the four bytes beginning at 0x7fff56597b58 above. We can
this display to show the bit patterns at each of the four locations:
Yet when we look at the entire 32-bit value in hexadecimal the bytes seem to be arranged in the proper order:
7fff86b6ddfc: 01234567
When we examine memory one byte at a time, each byte is displayed in numerically ascend- ing addresses. At first glance, th
appears to be stored backwards.
We should note here that many processors, e.g., the PowerPC architecture, use big endian storage. As the name suggests,
significant (“biggest”) byte is stored in the first (lowest- numbered) memory address. If we ran the program above on a big endian c
we would see (assuming the variable is located at the same address):
Generally, you do not need to worry about endianess in a program. It becomes a concern when data is stored as one data type, t
accessed as another.
printf("Hello world\n");
and in C++:
When translating either of these statements into machine code, the compiler must do two things:
• store each of the characters in a location in memory where the control unit can access them, and
67 #include <unistd.h>
_ _
89 int main(void) 10 { 11 char aLetter = ’A’; 12 write(STDOUT FILENO, &aLetter, 1); // STDOUT FILENO is 13 // defined in unistd.h 14 return 0; 15 }
3It is generally better to use symbolic names instead of plain numbers. The names provide implicit documentation, and the value may be redefined in
echoChar1.c Echoes a character entered by the user. Bob Plantz - 4 June 2009
1 /* 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 */
67 #include <unistd.h>
1213 write(STDOUT_FILENO, "Enter one character: ", 21); // prompt user 14 read(STDIN FILENO, &aLetter, 1); // one character 15
_ _
write(STDOUT FILENO, "You entered: ", 13); // message 16 write(STDOUT FILENO, &aLetter, 1);
1718 return 0; 19 }
which probably looks like the program is not working correctly to you.
Look more carefully at the program behaviour. It illustrates some important issues when using the read function. First, how man
the user hit? There were actually two keystrokes, the “a” key and the return key. In fact, the program waits until the user hits the r
The user could have used the delete key to change the character before hitting the return key.
This shows that keyboard input is line buffered. Even though the application program is requesting only one character, the
system does not honor this request until the user hits the return key, thus entering the entire line. Since the line is buffered, the use
the line before entering it.
Next, the program correctly echoes the first key hit then terminates. Upon program termi- nation the shell prompt, bob$, is disp
the return character is still in the input buffer, and the shell program reads it. The result is the same as if the user had simply pr
return key in response to the shell prompt.
Here is another run where I entered three characters before hitting the return key:
bob$ ./echoChar1 Enter one character: abc You entered: abob$ bc bc 1.06.94 Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, In
free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details type ‘warranty’.
Again, the program correctly echoes the first character, but the two characters bc remain in the input line buffer. When echoChar1 t
the shell program reads the remaining characters from the line buffer and interprets them as a command. In this case, bc is a pro
the shell executes that program.
An important point of the program in Listing 2.4 is to illustrate the simplistic behavior of the write and read functions. They work
low level. It is your responsibility to design your program to interpret each byte that is written to the screen or read from the keybo
2.9 Exercises
2-1 (§2.1) Express the following bit patterns in hexadecimal.
c) 1111 1110 1101 1100
a) 0100 0101 0110 0111 d) 0000 0010 0101 0000
b) 1000 1001 1010 1011
2-3 (§2.1) How many bits are represented by each of the following?
d) 111116 e)
a) ffffffff b) 000000002 f)
c) 11112
2-4 (§2.1) How many hexadecimal digits are required to represent each of the following?
d) ten bits e)
a) eight bits b) twenty bits f)
thirty-two bits c) seven bits
sixty-four bits
2-5 (§2.2) Refering to Equation 2.1, what are the values of r, n and each di for the decimal
number 29458254? The hexadecimal number 29458254?
2-8 (§2.2) In Section 2.2 we developed an algorithm for converting from binary to decimal. Develop a similar algorithm fo
hexadecimal to decimal. Use your new algorithm to convert the following 8-bit numbers to decimal by hand:
e) 64
a) a0 f) 0c
b) 50 g) 11
c) ff h) c8
d) 89
2-9 (§2.2) In Section 2.2 we developed an algorithm for converting from binary to decimal. Develop a similar algorithm for conve
hexadecimal to decimal. Use your new algorithm to convert the following 16-bit numbers to decimal by hand:
e) 8888
a) a000 f) 0190
b) ffff c) g) abcd
0400 d) h) 5555
2-10 (§2.3) Convert the following unsigned, decimal integers to 8-bit hexadecimal representa-
e) 255
a) 100 f) 16 g)
b) 123 32 h)
c) 10 d) 128
2-11 (§2.3) Convert the following unsigned, decimal integers to 16-bit hexadecimal representa-
e) 256 f)
a) 1024 b) 65635 g)
1000 c) 2005 h)
32768 d) 43981
2-12 (§2.3) Invent a code that would allow us to store letter grades with plus or minus. That is,
the grades A, A- B+, B, B-, . . . , D, D-, F. How many bits are required for your code?
2-13 (§2.3) We have shown how to write only the first sixteen addresses in hexadecimal in Figure 2.1. How would you write the a
the seventeenth byte (byte number sixteen) in hexadecimal? Hint: If we started with zero in the decimal number system we would
to represent the tenth item. How would you represent the eleventh item in the decimal system?
2-14 (§2.3) Redo the table in Figure 2.2 such that it shows the memory contents in decimal.
2-15 (§2.3) Redo the table in Figure 2.2 such that it shows each of the sixteen bytes containing its byte number. That is, byte
contains zero, number 1 contains one, etc. Show the contents in binary.
2-16 (§2.3) Redo the table in Figure 2.2 such that it shows each of the sixteen bytes containing its byte number. That is, byte
contains zero, number 1 contains one, etc. Show the contents in hexadecimal.
2-17 (§2.4) You want to allocate an area in memory for storing any number between 0 and 4,000,000,000. This memory area w
location 0x2fffeb96. Give the addresses of each byte of memory that will be required.
2-18 (§2.4) You want to allocate an area in memory for storing an array of 30 bytes. The first byte will have the value 0x00 stored
second 0x01, the third 0x02, etc. This memory area will start at location 0x001000. Show what this area of memory looks like.
2-19 (§2.4) In Section 2.4 we invented a binary code for representing letter grades. Referring to
that code, express each of the grades as an 8-bit unsigned decimal integer.
2-20 (§2.5) Enter the program in Listing 2.2 and check your answers for Exercise 2-6. Note that printf and scanf do not have a conve
binary. Check the answers in hexadecimal.
2-21 (§2.5) Enter the program in Listing 2.2 and check your answers for Exercise 2-7. Note that printf and scanf do not have
binary. Check the answers in hexadecimal.
2-22 (§2.5) Enter the program in Listing 2.2 and check your answers for Exercise 2-8.
2-23 (§2.5) Enter the program in Listing 2.2 and check your answers for Exercise 2-9.
2-24 (§2.5) Enter the program in Listing 2.2 and check your answers for Exercise 2-10.
2-25 (§2.5) Enter the program in Listing 2.2 and check your answers for Exercise 2-11.
2-26 (§2.5) Modify the program in Listing 2.2 so that it also displays the addresses of the x and y variables. Note that addres
displayed in hexadecimal. How many bytes does the compiler allocate for each of the ints?
2-27 (§2.6) Enter the program in Listing 2.1. Follow through the program with gdb as in the example in Section 2.6. Using
get, explain where the variables anInt and aFloat are stored in memory and what is stored in each location.
2-28 (§2.7) Write a program in C that creates a display similar to Figure 2.3. Hints: use a char* variable to process the st
2-29 (§2.6) Enter the program in Listing 2.4. Explain why there seems to be an extra prompt in the program. Set breakpoin
statement and at the following write statement. Examine the contents of the aLetter variable before the read and after it. Notice
of gdb seems very strange when dealing with the read statement. Explain the behavior. Hint: Both gdb and the program you ar
the same keyboard for input.
2-30 (§2.8) Modify the program in Listing 2.4 so that it prompts the user to enter an entire line, reads the line, then echoes
Read only one byte at a time from the keyboard.
2-31 (§2.8) This is similar to Exercise 2-30 except that when the newline character is read from the keyboard (and stored
program replaces the newline character with a NUL character. The program has now read a line from the keyboard and stor
text string. If your algorithm is correct, you will be able to read the text string using the read low-level function and displa
library function thusly (assuming the variable where the string is stored is named theString),
printf("%s\n", theString);
and have only one newline. Notice that this program discards the newline generated when the user hits the return ke
same behavior you would see if you used
scanf("\%s", theString);
in C, or
2-32 (§2.8) Write a C program that prompts the user to enter a line of text on the keyboard then echoes the entire line. The
continue echoing each line until the user responds to the prompt by not entering any text and hitting the return key. Your
have two functions, writeStr and readLn, in addition to the main function. The text string itself should be stored in a char array in ma
should operate on NUL-terminated text strings.
• writeStr takes one argument, a pointer to the string to be displayed and it returns the number of characters actu
uses the write system call function to write characters to the screen.
• readLn takes two arguments, one that points to the char array where the characters are to be stored and one that spe
maximum number of characters to store in the char array. Additional keystrokes entered by the user should be read fro
input buffer and discarded. readLn should return the number of characters actually stored in the char array. readLn should not
newline character (’\n’). It uses the read system call function to read characters from the keyboard.
Chapter 3
Computer Arithmetic
We next turn our attention to a code for storing decimal integers. Since all storage in a computer is by means of on/off swi
simply store integers as decimal digits. Exercises 3-1 and 3-2 should convince you that it will take some thought to com
code that uses simple on/off switches to represent decimal numbers.
Another very important issue when talking about computer arithmetic was pointed out in Section 2.3 (page 9). Namely, the p
decide how many bits will be used for storing the numbers before performing any arithmetic operations. This raises the pos
results will not fit into the allocated number of bits. As you will see in Section 9.2 (page 189), the computer hardware
possibility with the Carry Flag (CF) and Overflow Flag (OF) in the rflags register located in the CPU. Depending on what y
patterns to represent, either the Carry Flag or the Overflow Flag (not both) will indicate the correctness of the result. How
level languages, including C and C++, do not check the CF and OF after performing arithmetic operations.
Computers perform addition in the binary number system.1 The operation is really quite easy to understand if you recall
performing addition in the decimal number system by hand. Since most people perform addition on a calculator these days
the steps required when doing it by hand. Consider two two-digit numbers, x = 67 and y = 79. Adding these by hand on p
something like:
1 1 ←− carries
67 ←− x + 79 ←− y
46 ←− sum
We start by working from the right, adding the two decimal digits in the ones place. 7 + 9 exceeds 10 by 6. We show this
the ones place in the sum and carrying a 1 to the tens place. Next we add the three decimal digits in the tens place, 1 (
tens place from the ones place) + 6 + 7. The sum of these three digits exceeds 10 by 4, which we show by placing a 4 in
the sum and recording the fact that there is an ultimate carry of one. Recall that we had decided to use only two digit
hundreds place. Using the notation of Equation 2.1 (page 8), we describe addition of two decimal integers in Algorithm
1Most computer architectures provide arithmetic operations in other number systems, but these are somewhat spe- cialized. We will not consider
Notice that:
• Algorithm 3.1 works because we use a positional notation when writing numbers — a digit one place to the left counts ten tim
• Carry from the current position one place to the left is always 0 or 1.
• The reason we use 10 in the / and % operations is that there are exactly ten digits in the decimal number system : 0, 1, 2, . . .
• Since we are working in an N-digit system, we must restrict our result to N digits. The final carry (0 or 1) must be stated in ad
the N-digit result.
By changing “10” to “2" we get Algorithm 3.2 for addition in the binary number system. The only difference is that a digit one p
the left counts two times more.
Example 3-a
ones place:
sum0 = (1 + 1) % 2 = 0 carry = (1 + 1) / 2 = 1 twos place:
sum1 = (1 + 1 + 0) % 2 = 0 carry = (1 + 1 + 0) / 2 = 1 fours place:
sum4 = (1 + 0 + 0) % 2 = 1 carry = (1 + 0 + 0) / 2 = 0
Compute the sum of x = 10101011 and y = 11001101.
sumi ⇐ (xi + yi) % 10 ; // div operation 2 carry ⇐ (xi + yi) / 10 ; // mod operation 3 i ⇐ i + 1; 4
given: N, number of bits. Starting in the ones place: for i=0 to (N-1) do 1
sumi ⇐ (xi + yi) %2; // div operation 2 carry ⇐ (xi + yi) /2; // mod operation 3 i ⇐ i + 1; 4
Algorithm 3.1: Add fixed-width decimal integers.
Algorithm 3.2: Add fixed-width binary integers.
thirty-twos place:
sum5 = (0 + 1 + 0) % 2 = 1 carry = (0 + 1 + 0) / 2 = 0 sixty-fours place:
In this eight-bit example the result is 1111 1000, and there is there is no carry beyond the eight bits. The lack of carry is reco
register by setting the CF bit to zero.
It should not surprise you that this algorithm also works for hexadecimal. In fact, it works for any radix, as shown in Algorithm
For hexadecimal:
• We use 16 in the / and % operations because there are sixteen digits in the hexadecimal number system: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
d, e, f.
Although it is certainly possible to perform all the computations using hexadecimal notation, most people find it a little awk
have memorized Table 3.1 it is much easier to :
Actually, we did this when applying the algorithm to binary addition. Since the conversion of binary digits to decimal dig
probably did not think about it. But the conversion of hexadecimal digits to decimal is not as trivial. To see how it works, fi
conversion from hexadecimal to binary is straightforward. (You should have memorized Table 2.1 by now.) So we will con
from binary to decimal.
As mentioned above, the relative position of each bit has significance. The rightmost bit represents the ones place, the next o
fours place, then the eights place, etc. In other words, each bit represents 2 n, where n = 0, 1, 2, 3,... and we start from
1 × 23 + 0 × 22 + 1 × 21 + 1 × 20 =8+0+2+1=11
given: N, number of digits. Starting in the ones place: for i=0 to (N-1) do 1
sumi ⇐ (xi + yi) % radix ; // div operation 2 carry ⇐ (xi + yi) / radix ; // mod operation 3 i ⇐ i + 1; 4
Algorithm 3.3: Add fixed-width integers in any radix.
From Table 2.1 on page 7 we see that 10112 = b16, and we conclude that b16 = 1110. We can add a “decimal” column to the ta
Four binary digits (bits)
Memorize this table.
Table 3.1: Correspondence between binary, hexadecimal, and unsigned decimal values for the
hexadecimal digits.
Example 3-b
0c56 ←− sum
Now we can see how Algorithm 3.3 with radix = 16 was applied in order to add the hexadeci- mal numbers, abcd and 6089. Having m
3.1, we will convert between hexadecimal and decimal “in our heads.”
ones place:
sum0 = (d + 9) % 16 = 6 carry = (d + 9) / 16 =
sum1 = (1 + c + 8) % 16 = 5 carry = (1 + c + 8) / 16 = 1 two hundred
sum2 = (1 + b + 0) % 16 = c carry = (1 + b + 0) / 16 = 0 four thousand ni
sum3 = (0 + a + 6) % 16 = 0 carry = (0 + a + 6) / 16 = 1
This four-digit example has an ultimate carry of 1, which is recorded in the rflags register by setting the CF to one. The arithmetic w
first converting each digit to decimal. It is then a simple matter to convert each decimal value back to hexadecimal (see Table 3.
final answer in hexadecimal.
Compute the sum of x = 0xabcd and y = 0x6089.
1 011 ←− carries
abcd ←− x + 6089 ←− y
Let us now turn to the subtraction operation. As you recall from subtraction in the decimal
Decimal equivalent 0000
0 0001
1 0010
2 0011
3 0100
4 0101
5 0110
6 0111
7 1000
8 1001
9 1010
10 1011
11 1100
12 1101
13 1110
14 1111
One hexadecimal digit
number system, you must sometimes borrow from the next higher-order digit in the minuend. This is shown in Algorithm 3
Example 3-c
The bits have been grouped to improve readability. A 1 in the borrow row indicates that 1 was borrowed from the minue
which becomes 2 in the next place to the right. A 0 indicates that no borrow was required. This is how the algorithm was ap
ones place:
difference0 = 1 - 1 = 0 twos place:
Borrow from the fours place in the minuend. The borrow becomes 2 in the twos place.
difference1 2 - 1 = 1 fours place:
Since we borrowed 1 from here, the minuend has a 0 left. difference2 = 0 - 0 = 0 eights place:
Since we borrowed 1 from here, the minuend has a 0 left. difference6 = 0 - 0 = 0 one hundred twenty-
eights place:
xj ⇐ xj - 1; 10 j ⇐ j - 1; 11 xj ⇐ xj + radix; 12
i ⇐ i + 1; 13
else 5
j ⇐ i + 1; 6 while xj = 0 do 7
j ⇐ j + 1; 8
for j to i do 9
Algorithm 3.4: Subtract fixed-width integers in any radix.
This, of course, also works for hexadecimal, but remember that a digit one place to the left counts sixteen times more. For examp
0x6089 and y = 0xab5d:
1 101 ←− borrows
6089 ←− x − ab5d ←− y
b52c ←− sum
Notice in this second example that we had to borrow from “beyond the width” of the two values. That is, the two values are each s
and the result must also be sixteen bits. Whether there is borrow “from outside” to the high-order digit is recorded in the CF of
whenever a subtract operation is performed:
• no borrow from outside → CF = 0
• borrow from outside → CF = 1
Another way to state this is for unsigned numbers:
• if the subtrahend is equal to or less than the minuend the CF is set to zero
• if the subtrahend is larger than the minuend the CF bit is set to one
3.2 Arithmetic Errors — Unsigned Integers
The binary number system was introduced in Section 2.2 (page 8). You undoubtedly realize by now that it probably is a good s
unsigned integers. Don’t forget that it does not matter whether we think of the integers as being in decimal, hexadecimal, or bina
mathematically equivalent. If we are going to store integers this way, we need to consider the arithmetic properties of addition a
the binary number system. Since a computer performs arithmetic in binary (see footnote 1 on page 28), we might ask whethe
arithmetically correct results when representing decimal numbers in the binary number system. We will use four-bit values to simpli
Consider addition of the two numbers:
01002 = 0 ×23+ 1 ×22+ 0 ×21+ 0 ×20 = 410 + 00102 = 0 ×23+ 0 ×22+ 1 ×21+ 0 ×20 = + 210
01102 = 0 ×23+ 1 ×22+ 1 ×21+ 0 ×20 = 610
and CF = 0.
So far, the binary number system looks reasonable. Let’s try two larger four-bit numbers:
01002 = 0 ×23+ 1 ×22+ 0 ×21+ 0 ×20 = 410 + 11102 = 1 ×23+ 1 ×22+ 1 ×21+ 0 ×20 = +1410
00102 = 0 ×23+ 0 ×22+ 1 ×21+ 0 ×20 = 210
and CF = 1. The result, 2, is arithmetically incorrect. The problem here is that the addition has produced carry beyond the fourth bit
taken into account in the result, the answer is wrong.
Now consider subtraction of the two numbers:
01002 = 0 ×23+ 1 ×22+ 0 ×21+ 0 ×20 = 410 - 11102 = 1 ×23+ 1 ×22+ 1 ×21+ 0 ×20 = -1410
difference7 = 1 - 1 = 0
and CF = 1.
The result, 6, is arithmetically incorrect. The problem in this case is that the subtraction has had to borrow from beyond the fou
is not taken into account in the result, the answer is wrong.
From the discussion in Section 3.1 (page 28) you should be able to convince yourself that these four-bit arithmetic examples
size arithmetic performed by the computer. After adding two numbers, the Carry Flag will always be set to zero if there is n
or it will be set to one if there is ultimate carry. Subtraction will set the Carry Flag to zero if no borrow from the “outside” is
if borrow is required. These examples illustrate the principle:
• When adding or subtracting two unsigned integers, the result is arithmetically correct if and only if the Carry Flag ( CF)
It is important to realize that the CF and OF bits in the rflags register are always set to the appropriate value, 0 or 1, each tim
subtraction is performed by the CPU. In particular, the CPU will not ignore the CF when there is no carry, it will actively set
11002 = (-4)10
The result, -4, is arithmetically incorrect. We should note here that the problem is the way in which the computer does addit
binary addition on the bit patterns that in themselves have no inherent meaning. There are computers that use this particula
signed decimal integers. They have a special “signed add” instruction. By the way, notice that such computers have both a
Most computers, including the x86, use another code for representing signed decimal integers — the two’s complement code
code works, we start with an example using the decimal number system.
Say that you have a cassette player and wish to represent both positive and negative posi- tions on the tape. It would make se
fast-forward the tape to its center and call that point “zero.” Most cassette players have a four decimal digit counter that
position. The counter, of course, does not give actual tape position, but a “coded” representation of the tape position. Sinc
the center of the tape “zero,” we push the counter reset button to set it to 0000.
Now, moving the tape forward — the positive direction — will cause the counter to increment. And moving the tape backward
direction — will cause the counter to decrement. In particular, if we start at zero and move to “+1” the “code” on the tape c
0001. On the other hand, if we start at zero and move to “-1” the “code” on the tape counter will show 9999.Using our tap
Negate in binary.
We now derive a method for computing the negative of a number in the two’s complement code. Solving Equation 3.1 for −x,
− x (3.2)
For example, if we wish to compute -1 in binary (in the two’s complement code) in 8 bits, we perform the arithmetic:
or in hexadecimal:
−116 = 10016 − 0116 = f16 This subtraction is error prone, so let’s perform a few algebraic manip
Equation 3.2, which defines the negation operation. First, we subtract one from both sides:
− x − 1=2n − x − 1 (3.3)
Rearranging a little:
− x − 1 = 2n − 1 − x
= (2n − 1) − x (3.4)
Now, consider the quantity (2n − 1). Since 2n is written in binary as one (1) followed by n zeros, (2n − 1) is written as n ones. F
n = 8:
28 − 1 = 111111112 (3.5) Thus, we can express the right-hand side of Equation 3.4 as
or in hexadecimal:
The value of the right-hand side of Equation 3.7 is called the reduced radix complement of x. Since the radix is two, it is comm
one’s complement of x. From Equation 3.4 we see that this computation — the reduced radix complement of x — gives
Now we can easily compute -x by adding one to both sides of Equation 3.8:
This process — computing the one’s complement, then adding one — is called computing the two’s complement.
Be Careful!
• “Taking the two’s complement” is an active computation. If the value the computation is ap- plied to an integer stored in the two’s
notation, this computation is mathematically equivalent to negating the number.
Combining Algorithm 3.5 with observations about Table 3.2 above, we can easily compute the decimal equivalent of any integ
in the two’s complement notation by applying Al- gorithm 3.6.
Convert binary to
signed decimal. 789b16 = ×4096 + ×256 + 9 × 16 + 11
28672 + 2048 + 144 + 11 = +3087510
Example 3-e
The 16-bit integer 876516 is stored in two’s complement notation. Convert it to a signed, decimal
Since the high-order bit is one, we first negate the number in the two’s complement format.
Example 3-f
else 3
Convert signednegate the number; 4 convert the result to binary; 5 compute the two’s
decimal tocomplement of result in the binary domain; 6
Convert the signed, decimal integer +31693 to a 16-bit integer in two’s complement notation. Give the answer in hexadecimal.
Since this is a positive number, we simply convert it. The answer is to be given in hexadecimal, so we will repetitively divid
the answer.
So the answer is
3169310 = 7bcd16
Example 3-g
Convert the signed, decimal integer -250 to a 16-bit integer in two’s complement notation. Give the answer in hexadecimal.
Since this is a negative number, we first negate it, giving +250. Then we convert this value. The answer is to be given in h
we will repetitively divide by 16 to get the answer.
25010 = 00fa16
Now we take the one’s complement: 00fa ⇒ ff05 and add one: ⇒ ff06 So the answer is−25010 =
if the number is positive then 1
simply convert it to binary; 2
Algorithm 3.7: Signed decimal-to-binary conversion.
Algorithm 3.7 shows how to convert a signed decimal number to two’s complement binary.
The number of bits used to represent a value is determined at the time a program is written. So when performing arithmetic oper
cannot simply add more digits (bits) if the result is too large, as we can do on paper. You saw in Section 3.1 (page 28) that the CF
when the sum of two unsigned integers exceeds the number of bits allocated to it.
In Section 3.3 (page 34) you saw that carry is irrelevant when working with signed integers. You also saw that adding two signed
can produce an incorrect result. That is, the sum may exceed the range of values that can be represented in the allocated numbe
The flags register, rflags, provides a bit, the Overflow Flag (OF), for detecting whether the sum of two n-bit, signed numbers sto
two’s complement code has exceeded the range allocated for it. Each operation that affects the overflow flag sets the bit eq
exclusive or of the carry into the highest-order bit of the operands and the ultimate carry. For example, when adding the two 8-bit
1516 and 6f16, we get:
In this example, there is a carry of zero and a penultimate (next to last) carry of one. The OF flag is equal to the exclusive or of
and penultimate carry:
OF = CF ˆ penultimate carry
OF = 0 ˆ 1 = 1
Case 1: The two numbers are of opposite sign. We will let x be the negative number and y
the positive number. Then we can express x and y in binary as:
x = 1... y = 0...
That is, the high-order bit of one number is 1 and the high-order bit of the other is 0, regardless of what the other bits are. N
add x and y, there are two possible results with respect to carry:
x = 0... y = 0...
That is, the high-order bit is 0, regardless of what the other bits are. Now, if we add x and y, there are two possible re
respect to carry:
this addition would produce OF = 0 ˆ 1 = 1. The high-order bit of the sum is one, so it is a negative number. Ad
numbers cannot yield a negative sum, so this sum has exceeded the allocated range.
Case 3: Both numbers are negative. Since both are negative, we can express x and y in bi-
nary as:
x = 1... y = 1...
That is, the high-order bit is 1, regardless of what the other bits are. Now, if we add x and y, there are two possible re
respect to carry:
0 ... ←− sum
this addition would produce OF = 0 ˆ 0 = 0. The high-order bit of the sum is zero, so it is a positive number, and the s
range. 2. If the penultimate carry is one:
1 ... ←− sum
this addition would produce OF = 1 ˆ 1 = 0. The high-order bit of the sum is one, so it is a negative number, and the sum
• If your algorithm treats the result as unsigned, the Carry Flag (CF) is zero if and only if the result is within the n-bit range; OF is
• If your algorithm treats the result as signed (using the two’s complement code), the Over- flow Flag
(OF) is zero if and only if the result is within the n-bit range; Working only in the inner ring, start at the tic mark for 3, which corres
CF is irrelevant.
unsigned integers. pattern corresponding to 4 is 100, which is four tic marks CW from ze
Look at OF for the 3 tic mark. This places us at the tic mark labeled 111, which corre
the tic mark at the top of the Decoder Ring, CF = 0. Thus, the result is
The CPU does not consider integers as either signed or unsigned. Both the CF and OF are
Example 3-i
set according to the rules of binary arithmetic by each arithmetic operation. The distinction between signed
and unsigned is completely determined by the program. AfterUsing each the
addition or subtraction
“Decoder operation
Ring” (Figure the the unsigned integers 5
3.1), add
program should check the state of the CF for unsigned integers or the OF of signed integers and at least
indicate when the sum is in error. Most high-level languages do not perform this check, which can lead to
Working only in the inner ring, start at the tic mark for 5, which corre
some obscure program bugs.
pattern corresponding to 6 is 110, which is six tic marks CW from ze
the 5 tic mark. This places us at the tic mark labeled 011, which corre
Be Careful! Do not to confuse positive signed numbers with unsigned numbers. The range for un- signed 32-bit
the tic mark at the top of the Decoder Ring, the CF becomes 1. Thus,
integers is 0 – 4294967295, and for signed 32-bit integers the range is -2147483648 – +2147483647.
Positive numbers
this addition would produce OF = 1 ˆ 0 = 1. The high-order bit o
are signed. number. Adding two negative numbers cannot yield a negati
the allocated range. 2. If the penultimate carry is one:
Example 3-h
Using the “Decoder Ring” (Figure 3.1), add the unsigned integers 3 + 4.
Figure 3.1: “Decoder Ring” for three-bit signed and unsigned integers. Move clockwise when adding numbers, counter
subtracting. Crossing over 000 sets the CF to one, indicating an error for unsigned integers. Crossing over 100 sets the OF t
an error for signed integers.
Example 3-j
Using the “Decoder Ring” (Figure 3.1), add the signed integers (+1) + (+2).
Working only in the outer ring, start at the tic mark for +1, which corresponds to the bit pattern 001. The bit pattern corresponding to
is two tic marks CW from zero. So move two tic marks CW from the +1 tic mark. This places us at the tic mark labeled 011, whic
+3. Since we did not pass the tic mark at the bottom of the Decoder Ring, OF = 0. Thus, the result is correct.
Example 3-k
Using the “Decoder Ring” (Figure 3.1), add the signed integers (+3) + (-4).
Working only in the outer ring, start at the tic mark for +3, which corresponds to the bit pattern 011. The bit pattern corresponding t
is four tic marks CCW from zero. So move four tic marks CCW from the +3 tic mark. This places us at the tic mark labeled 111, wh
to -1. Since we did not pass the tic mark at the bottom of the Decoder Ring, OF = 0. Thus, the result is correct.
Example 3-l
Using the “Decoder Ring” (Figure 3.1), add the signed integers (+3) + (+1).
Working only in the outer ring, start at the tic mark for +3, which corresponds to the bit pattern 011. The bit pattern corresponding to
is one tic mark CW from zero. So move one tic mark CW from the +3 tic mark. This places us at the tic mark labeled 100, which c
Since we did pass the tic mark at the bottom of the Decoder Ring, OF = 1. Thus, the result is incorrect.
3.5 C/C++ Basic Data Types
High-level languages provide some basic data types. For example, C/C++ provides int, char, float, etc. The sizes of some data type
Table 3.3. The sizes given in this table
Data type
Table 3.3: Sizes (in bits) of some C/C++ data types in 32-bit and 64-bit modes. The size of a long depends on the mode. Pointers
32 bits in 32-bit mode and can be 32 or 64 bits in 64-bit mode.
are taken from the System V Application Binary Interface specifications, reference [33] for 32- bit and reference [25] for 64-bit, and
gcc compiler for the x86-64 architecture. Language specifications tend to be more permissive in order to accommodate other hardwa
For example, see reference [10] for the specifications for C.
64 long long
64 float
32 double
32 long
64 *
8 int
32-bit mode
64-bit mode
As a C-style text string, it would also require four bytes of memory, but their bit patterns would be
The int format is easier to use in arithmetic and logical expressions, but the interface with the outside world through the screen a
uses the char format. If a user entered 123 from the keyboard, the operating system would read the individual characters, ea
The text string must be converted to int format. After the numbers are manipulated, the result must be converted from the
format for display on the screen.
C programmers use functions in the stdio library and C++ programmers use functions in the iostream library to do these convers
int and char formats. For example, the C code sequence
• reads characters from the keyboard and converts the character sequence into the corre- sponding int format.
• converts the resulting int into a character sequence and displays it on the screen.
The C or C++ I/O library functions in the code segments above do the necessary conversions between character sequences a
format. However, once the conversion is per- formed, they ultimately call the read system call function to read bytes from t
the write system call function to write bytes to the screen. As shown in Figure 3.2, an applica- tion program can call the read a
directly to transfer bytes.
When using the read and write system call functions for I/O, it is the programmer’s respon- sibility to do the conversions between
for I/O and the storage formats used within the program. We will soon be writing our own functions in assembly language to
the character format used for screen display and keyboard input, and the internal stor- age format of integers in the binary
The purpose of writing our own functions is to gain a thorough understanding of how data is represented internally in the c
Aside: If the numerical data are used primarily for display, with few arithmetic operations, it makes more sense to store numeric
format. Indeed, this is done in many business data processing environments. But this makes arithmetic operation more complicated
A given “real world” value can usually be represented in more than one data type. For example, most people would think of “123
“one hundred twenty-three.” This value could be stored in a computer in int format or as a text string. An int in our C/C++
3.5.1 C/C++ Shift Operations
Since our primary goal here is to study storage formats, we will concentrate on bit patterns. We will develop a program in
user to enter bit patterns in hexadecimal. The program will read the characters from the keyboard in ASCII code and conv
C I/O libraries
Figure 3.2: Relationship of I/O libraries to application and operating system. An application can use functions in the I/O libraries
between keyboard/screen chars and basic data types, or it can directly use the read /write system calls to transfer raw bytes.
corresponding int storage format as shown in Algorithm 3.8. This conversion algorithm involves manipulating data at the bit level.
Let us examine this algorithm. Each character read from the keyboard represents a hex- adecimal digit. That is, each charac
of ‘0’, ...,‘9’,‘a’, ...,‘f’. (We assume that the user does not make mistakes.) Since a hexadecimal digit represents four bits, we need t
accumulated integer four bits to the left in order to make room for the new four-bit value.
You should recognize that shifting an integer four bits to the left multiplies it by 16. As you will see in Sections 12.3 and 12.4 (p
and 280), multiplication and division are complicated operations, and they can take a great deal of processor time. Using left/righ
effect multiplication/division by powers of two is very efficient. More importantly, the four-bit shift is more natural in this application
The C/C++ operator for shifting bits to the left is «.2 For example, if x is an int, the statement
x = x << 4;
shifts the value in x four bits to the left, thus multiplying it by sixteen. Similarly, the C/C++ operator for shifting bits to the right is ».
example, if x is an int, the statement
x = x >> 3;
shifts the value in x three bits to the right, thus dividing it by eight. Note that the three right- most bits are lost, so this is an integer div o
The program in Listing 3.1 illustrates the use of the C shift operators to multiply and divide by powers of two.
x ⇐ 0; 1 Read character from keyboard; 2 while more characters do 3
x ⇐ x shifted left four bit positions; 4 y ⇐ new character converted to an int; 5 x ⇐ x
+ y; 6 Read character from keyboard; 7
Display the integer; 8
Algorithm 3.8: Read hexadecimal value from keyboard.
2In C++ the » and « operators have been overloaded for use with the input and output streams.
printf scanf
write read
write read
1920 printf("Multiply by two raised to the power: "); 21 scanf("%i", &leftShift); 22 printf("%i x %i = %i\n", x, 1 << leftShift, x << leftShift);
2324 printf("Divide by two raised to the power: "); 25 scanf("%i", &rightShift); 26 printf("%i / %i = %i\n", x, 1 << rightShift, x >> rightShift);
2728 return 0; 29 }
It is easy to see what each of these operators does by using truth tables. To illustrate how truth tables work, consider the alg
addition. In Section 3.1 (page 28) we saw that the ith bit in the result is the sum of the ith bit of one number plus the it
number plus the carry produced from adding the (i-1)th bits. This sum will produce a carry of zero or one. In other words
three inputs — the two corresponding bits from the two numbers being added and the carry from the previous bit addition —
— the result and the carry. In a truth table we have a column for each input and each output. Then we write down all p
combinations and then show the output(s) in the corresponding row. A truth table for the bit addition operation is shown i
use the notation x[i] to represent the ith bit in the variable x; x[i-j] would specify bits i – j.
Figure 3.3: Truth table for adding two bits with carry from a previous bit addition. x[i] is the
ith bit of x; carry[(i-1)] is the carry from adding the (i-1)th bits.
The bitwise logical operators act on the corresponding bits of two operands as shown in Figure 3.4.
x[i] y[i]
Figure 3.4: Truth tables showing bitwise C/C++ operations. x[i] is the ith bit in the variable x.
Example 3-m
Make sure that you distinguish these bitwise logical operators from the C/C++ logical opera- tors, &&, ||, and !. The logical operator
of bits organized into integral data types rather than individual bits. For comparison, the truth tables for the C/C++ logical operat
Figure 3.5
Let int x = 0x1234abcd. Compute the and, or, and xor with 0xdcba4321.
x & 0xdcba4321 = 0x10300301 x | 0xdcba4321 = 0xdebeebed x ^ 0xdcba4321 = 0xce8ee8ec
x[i] y[i] carry[(i-1)]
x[i] y[i]
exclusive or
x[i] y[i]
inclusive or
∼ x[i]
z[i] carry[i]
x[i] & y[i]
x[i] | y[i]
x[i] ˆ y[i]
Figure 3.5: Truth tables showing C/C++ logical operations. x and y are variables of integral data
3.5.3 C/C++ Data Type Conversions
Now we are prepared to see how we can convert from the ASCII character code to the int format. The & operator works very nicely fo
If a numeric character is stored in the char variable aChar, from Table 3.4 we see that the required operation is
aChar = aChar & 0x0f;
Hex character ASCII code Corresponding int
0 0011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1 0011 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 2 0011 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 4 0011 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 5 0011 0101 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0101 6 0011 0110
0000 0000 0000 0110 7 0011 0111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0111 8 0011 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 9 0011 1001 0000 0000 0000
1001 a 0110 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1010 b 0110 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1011 c 0110 0011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1101 e 0110 0101 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1110 f 0110 0110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111
Table 3.4: Hexadecimal characters and corresponding int. Note the change in pattern from ‘9’
to ‘a’.
Well, we still have an 8-bit value (with the four high-order bits zero), but we will work on this in a moment.
Next consider the alphabetic hexadecimal digits in Table 3.4. Notice that the low-order four bits are the same whether the charac
or lower case. We can use the same & operation to obtain these four bits, then add 9 to the result:
aChar = 0x09 + (aChar & 0x0f);
Conversion from the 8-bit char type to the 32-bit int type is accomplished by a type cast in C.
0 non-zero 0
0 non-zero non-zero
1 non-zero 0
1 non-zero non-zero
1 non-zero
0 0 0 0 non-zero
0 0 0 0 non-zero
x && y
x || y
1920 x = 0; // initialize result 21 read(STDIN FILENO, &aChar, 1); // get first character 22 while (aChar != ’\n’) // look for return key 23 { 24 x = x << 4; //
make room for next four bits 25 if (aChar <= ’9’) 26 { 27 x = x + (int)(aChar & 0x0f); 28 } 29 else 30 { 31 aChar = aChar & 0x0f; 32 aChar = aChar + 9; 33 x = x +
(int)aChar; 34 } 35 read(STDIN FILENO, &aChar, 1); 36 }
3940 return 0; 41 }
The resulting program is shown in Listing 3.2. Notice that we use the printf function to display the resulting stored value
hexadecimal and decimal. The conversion from stored int format to hexadecimal display is left as an exercise (Exercise 3-13).
Listing 3.2: Reading hexadecimal values from keyboard.
Thus far in this chapter we have used the binary number system to represent numerical values. It is an efficient code in the sense
of the 2n bit patterns represents a value. On the other hand, there are some limitations in the code. We will explore some other cod
BCD code as
and in binary as
From Table 3.5 we can see that six bit patterns are “wasted.” The effect of this inefficiency is that a 16-bit storage location ha
9999 if we use BCD, but the range is 0 – 65535 if we use binary.
BCD is important in specialized systems that deal primarily with numerical data. There are I/O devices that deal directly with
without converting to/from a character code, for example, ASCII. The COBOL programming language supports a packed B
two BCD characters are stored in each 8-bit byte. The last (4-bit) digit is used to store the sign of the number as shown i
specific codes used depend upon the particular implementation.
one where there is only one bit that differs between any two adjacent values. As you will see in Section 4.3, this property also al
very useful visual tool for simplifying Boolean algebra expressions.
The Gray code is easily constructed. Start with one bit:
Gray code 01
then add a zero to the beginning of each of the original bit patterns and a 1 to each of the reflected ones:
Let us repeat these two steps to add another bit. Reflect the pattern:
then add a zero to the beginning of each of the original bit patterns and a 1 to each of the reflected ones:
The Gray code for four bits is shown in Table 3.7. Notice that the pattern of only changing one bit between adjacent values a
when the bit pattern “wraps around.” That is, only one bit is changed when going from the highest value (15 for four bits) to the low
3.7 Exercises
3-1 (§3.1) How many bits are required to store a single decimal digit?
3-2 (§3.1) Using the answer from Exercise 1, invent a code for storing eight decimal digits in a thirty-two bit register. Usin
does binary addition produce the correct results?
3-3 (§3.3) Select several pairs of signed integers from Table 3.2, convert each to binary using the table, perform the bina
check the results. Does this code always work?
3-4 (§3.3) If you did not select them in Exercise 3, add +4 and +5 using the four-bit, two’s
complement code (from Table 3.2). What answer do you get?
3-5 (§3.3) If you did not select them in Exercise 3, add -4 and -5 using the four-bit, two’s
complement code (from Table 3.2). What answer do you get?
3-6 (§3.3) Select any positive integer from Table 3.2. Add the binary representation for the positive value to the binary r
the negative value. What is the four-bit result? What is the value of the CF? The OF? If you do the addition “on paper” (tha
as many digits as you wish), how could you express, in English, the result of adding the positive representation of an integ
representation in the two’s complement notation? The negative representation to the positive representation? Which tw
have a representation of the opposite sign?
3-7 (§3.3) The following 8-bit hexadecimal values are stored in two’s complement format. What
are the equivalent signed decimal numbers?
e) 80
a) 55
b) aa f) 63
c) f0
g) 7b
d) 0f
3-8 (§3.3) The following 16-bit hexadecimal values are stored in two’s complement format.
What are the equivalent signed decimal numbers?
e) 8000
a) 1234 f) 0400
b) edcc g) ffff h)
c) fedc d) 782f
3-9 (§3.3) Show how each of the following signed, decimal integers would be stored in 8-bit
two’s complement format. Give your answer in hexadecimal.
a) 100 e) 127
b) -1 c) f) -16 g)
-10 d) -32 h) -
3-10 (§3.3) Show how each of the following signed, decimal integers would be stored in 16-bit
two’s complement format. Give your answer in hexadecimal.
e) -256 f) -
a) 1024 32768 g) -
b) -1024 32767 h) -
c) -1 d) 128
3-11 (§3.4) Perform binary addition of the following pairs of 8-bit numbers (shown in hexadeci- mal) and indicate whether your resu
or “wrong.” First treat them as unsigned values, then as signed values (stored in two’s complement format). Thus, you will
“right/wrong” answers for each sum. Note that the computer performs only one addition, setting both the CF and OF according to t
of the addition. It is up to the program to test the appropriate flag depending on whether the numbers are being considered as un
signed in the program.
d) 63 + 7b
a) 55 + aa e) 0f + ff
b) 55 + f0 f) 80 + 80
c) 80 + 7b
3-12 (§3.4, 3.5) Perform binary addition of the following pairs of 16-bit numbers (shown in hex- adecimal) and indicate whether y
is “right” or “wrong.” First treat them as un- signed values, then as signed values (stored in two’s complement format). Thus, you
two “right/wrong” answers for each sum. Note that the computer performs only one addition, setting both the CF and OF accord
results of the addition. It is up to the program to test the appropriate flag depending on whether the numbers are being cons
unsigned or signed in the program.
d) 0400 + ffff
a) 1234 + edcc e) 07d0 + 782f
b) 1234 + fedc f) 8000 + ffff
c) 8000 + 8000
3-13 (§3.5) Enter the program in Figure 3.1 and get it to work. Use the program to compute 1 (one) multiplied by 2 raised to the 31
What result do you get for 1 (one) multiplied by 2 raised to the 32nd power? Explain the results.
3-14 (§3.5) Write a C program that prompts the user to enter a hexadecimal value, multiplies
it by ten, then displays the result in hexadecimal. Your main function should
a) declare a char array, b) call the readLn function to read from the keyboard, c) call a function to convert the input tex
to an int, d) multiply the int by ten, e) call a function to convert the int to its corresponding hexadecimal text string, f)
writeStr to display the resulting hexadecimal text string.
Use the readLn and writeStr functions from Exercise 2 -32 to read from the keyboard and display on the screen. Place
perform the conversions in separate files. Hint: review Figure 3.2.
3-15 (§3.5) Write a C program that prompts the user to enter a binary value, multiplies it by ten, then displays the result in
here means that the user communicates with the program in ones and zeros.) Your main function should
a) declare a char array, b) call the readLn function to read from the keyboard, c) call a function to convert the input tex
string to an int, d) multiply the int by ten, e) call a function to convert the int to its corresponding binary text string, f)
call writeStr to display the resulting binary text string.
Use the readLn and writeStr functions from Exercise 2 -32 to read from the keyboard and display on the screen. Your fun
from a binary text string to an int and back should be placed in separate functions.
3-16 (§3.5) Write a C program that prompts the user to enter unsigned decimal integer, mul- tiplies it by ten, then displays th
(“Binary” here means that the user communicates with the program in ones and zeros.) Your main function should
a) declare a char array, b) call the readLn function to read from the keyboard, c) call a function to convert the input tex
string to an int, d) multiply the int by ten, e) call a function to convert the int to its corresponding decimal text string, f
call writeStr to display the resulting decimal text string.
Use the readLn and writeStr functions from Exercise 2 -32 to read from the keyboard and display on the screen. Your fu
from a decimal text string to an int should be placed in a separate function. Hint: this problem cannot be solved by s
patterns. Think carefully about the mathematical equivalence of shifting bit patterns left or right.
3-17 (§3.5) Modify the program in Exercise 3-16 so that it works with signed decimal integers.
Chapter 4
Logic Gates
This chapter provides an overview of the hardware components that are used to build a com- puter. We will limit the discuss
computers, which use transistors to switch between two different voltages. One voltage represents 0, the other 1. The hardw
implement the logical operations are called logic gates.
4.1 Boolean Algebra
In order to understand how the components are combined to build a computer, you need to learn another algebra system — B
There are many approaches to learning about Boolean algebra. Some authors start with the postulates of Boolean algebra
mathematical tools needed for working with switching circuits from them. We will take the more pragmatic approach of startin
properties of Boolean algebra, then explore the properties of the algebra. For a more theoretical approach, including discussions
Boolean algebra concepts, search the internet, or take a look at books like [9], [20], [23], or [24].
There are only two values, 0 and 1, unlike elementary algebra that deals with an infinity of values, the real numbers. Since there are
a truth table is a very useful tool for working with Boolean algebra. A truth table lists all possible combinations of the variables in
resulting value of the Boolean operation(s) for each variable combination is shown on the respective row.
Elementary algebra has four operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, but Boolean algebra has only three ope
• AND — a binary operator; the result is 1 if and only if both operands are 1; otherwise the result is 0. We will use ’·’ to designate the
It is also common to use the ’∧ ’ symbol or simply “AND”. The hardware symbol for the AND gate is shown in Figure 4.1. The in
The resulting output, x · y, is shown in the truth table in this figure.
xy x · y
Figure 4.1: The AND gate acting on two variables, x and y.
We can see from the truth table that the AND operator follows similar rules as multiplica- tion in elementary algebra.
• OR — a binary operator; the result is 1 if at least one of the two operands is 1; otherwise the result is 0. We will use ’+’ to d
operation. It is also common to use the ’∨ ’ symbol or simply “OR”. The hardware symbol for the OR gate is shown in Figure 4.2.
and y. The resulting output, x + y, is shown in the truth table in this figure. From the truth table we can see that the OR operator
rules as
xy x + y
Figure 4.2: The OR gate acting on two variables, x and y.
addition in elementary algebra except that
in Boolean algebra. Unlike elementary algebra, there is no carry from the OR operation. Since addition of integers can produce a c
in Section 5.1 that implementing addition requires more than a simple OR gate.
• NOT — a unary operator; the result is 1 if the operand is 0, or 0 if the operand is 1. Other names for the NOT operation are
invert. We will use x to designate the NOT operation. It is also common to use ¬x, or
x. The hardware symbol for the NOT gate is shown in Figure 4.3. The input is x. The resulting output, x , is shown in the truth tabl
Figure 4.3: The NOT gate acting on one variable, x.
The NOT operation has no analog in elementary algebra. Be careful to notice that in- version of a value in elementary algebra is a d
which does not exist in Boolean algebra.
Two-state variables can be combined into expressions with these three operators in the same way that you would use the C/C++
and ! to create logical expressions commonly used to control if and while statements. We now examine some Boolean algeb
manipulating such expressions. As you read through this material, keep in mind that the same techniques can be applied to logic
programming languages.
These properties are commonly presented as theorems. They are easily proved from applica- tion of truth tables.
There is a duality between the AND and OR operators. In any equality you can interchange AND and OR along with the constants
equality still holds. Thus the properties will be presented in pairs that illustrate their duality. We first consider properties that are
elementary algebra.
• AND and OR are associative:
x · (y · z) = (x · y) · z (4.1) x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z (4.2)
It is straightforward to prove these equations with truth tables. For example, for Equation 4.1:
x · 1 = x (4.3) x + 0 = x (4.4)
Now we consider properties where Boolean algebra differs from elementary algebra.
• AND and OR are commutative:
x · y = y · x (4.5) x + y = y + x (4.6)
This is easily proved by looking at the second and third lines of the respective truth tables. In elementary algebra, only the a
and multiplication operators are commutative.
x · 0 = 0 (4.7) x + 1 = 1 (4.8)
The null value for the AND is the same as multiplication in elementary algebra. But addition in elementary algebra does n
null constant, while OR in Boolean algebra does.
x · x = x (4.11) x + x = x (4.12)
That is, repeated application of either operator to the same value does not change it. This differs considerably from elementa
— repeated application of addition is equiv- alent to multiplication and repeated application of multiplication is the power op
And for Equation 4.2:
x · (y · z) = (x · y) · z
x y z (y + z) (x + y) 00
00000 00
00110 00
01011 00
01111 00
10001 00
10111 00
11011 11
x y z (y · z) (x · y)
00100 00
01000 11
01110 11
10000 11
11111 11
x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z
4.2 Canonical (Standard) Forms
Some terminology and definitions at this point will help our discussion. Consider two dictionary definitions of literal[26]: lite
int xyz = 123; char a = ’b’; char *greeting = "Hello"; the number “123”, the character ‘b’, and the string “Hello” are all literals. They ar
the compiler exactly as written. On the other hand, “xyz”, “a”, and “greeting” are all names of variables.
In mathematics we use the second definition of literal. That is, in the algebraic expression
3x + 12y − z
the letters x, y, and z are called literals. Furthermore, it is common to omit the “·” operator to designate multiplication. Si
dropped in Boolean algebra expressions when the AND operation is implied.
The meaning of literal in Boolean algebra is slightly more specific.
• AND and OR are distributive:x · (y + z) = x · y + x · z (4.13) x + y · z = (x + y) · (x + z) (4.14)
Going from right to left in Equation 4.13 is the very familiar factoring from addition and multiplication in elementary
other hand, the operation in Equation 4.14 has no analog in elementary algebra. It follows from the idempotency pr
operator has an obvious property:
(x ) = x (4.15)
• DeMorgan’s Law is an important expression of the duality between the AND and OR op- erations.
(x · y) = x + y (4.16) (x + y) = x · y (4.17)
The validity of DeMorgan’s Law can be seen in the following truth tables. For Equation 4.16:
(x · y)
x y (x · y)
0 m0 = x · y · z
0 0 m1 = x · y · z
0 0 1 m2 = x · y · z
0 1 0 m3 = x · y · z
0 1 1 m4 = x · y · z
1 0 0 m5 = x · y · z
1 0 1 m6 = x · y · z
1 1 0 m7 = x · y · z
maxterm or standard sum: A sum term that contains each of the variables in the problem, ei- ther in its complemented or uncom
For example, if an expression involves three variables, x, y, and z, (x+ y + z), (x + y + z ), and (x + y + z ) are all maxterms, but (x
product of sums (PoS): One or more sum terms connected with AND operators. AND is mul-
tiplicative, hence the use of “product.”
product of maxterms (PoM) or canonical product: A PoS in which each sum term is a max- term. Since all the variables are
maxterm, the canonical product is unique for a given problem.
It also follows that any Boolean function can be uniquely expressed as a product of max- terms (PoM) that evaluate to 1. Starting
of maxterms ensures that the full effect of each variable has been taken into account. Again, this often does not lead to the best
and in Section 4.3 we will see some tools to simplify PoMs.
It is common to index the maxterms according to the values of the variables that would cause that maxterm to evaluate to 0. For
z = 0 when x = 0, y = 0, and z = 0, so this would be M0. The maxterm x + y + z evaluates to 0 when x = 1, y = 0, and z = 1,
4.2 lists all the maxterms for a three-variable expression.
Table 4.2: Maxterms for three variables. Mi is the ith maxterm. The x, y, and z values cause
the corresponding maxterm to evaluate to 0.
The similar notation for expressing a product of maxterms is to use the symbol with a numerical list of the maxterm indexes. Fo
see Exercise 4-8),
F(x,y,z) = (x + y + z) · (x + y + z ) · (x + y + z) · (x + y + z )
= M2 · M3 · M4 · M7 = (2,3,4,7) (4.19)
The names “minterm” and “maxterm” may seem somewhat arbitrary. But consider the two functions,
F1(x,y,z) = x · y · z F2(x,y,z) = x + y + z
There are eight (23) permutations of the three variables, x, y, and z. F1 has one minterm and evaluates to 1 for only one of the p
y = z = 1. F2 has one maxterm and evaluates to 1 for all permutations except when x = y = z = 0. This is shown in the following
0 M0 = x + y + z
0 0 M1 = x + y + z
0 0 1 M2 = x + y + z
0 1 0 M3 = x + y + z
0 1 1 M4 = x + y + z
1 0 0 M5 = x + y + z
1 0 1 M6 = x + y + z
1 1 0 M7 = x + y + z