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Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents: For Most Transformers, It Is A Good Approximation To

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Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents

T. R. S P E C H T

T H E R E A R E formulas available by which it is possible

to calculate the peak of the first cycle of magnetizing
inrush current for a transformer. There have been n o
and the angle 0 is one-half of the angle of current flow for
a given cycle. T h e factor 1.15 h an experience factor
that should be 1 theoretically.
convenient formulas available for determining the maxi­ T h e half-angle of current flow for the first cycle is
m u m values of successive cycles of current. T h e usual
approach has been to use a step-by-step process of me­ 0 i = O . 9 cos ~ 1

chanical integration that is quite time-consuming and

usually is not worth the effort. Below are presented where B is the saturation flux density for the core, B is
s m

approximate formulas for determining the maximum the maximum steady-state flux density in the core due to
values of the successive cycles of current that will be satis­ the applied voltage E, and B is the residual flux density

factory for the majority of cases where this information is in the core. These three should all b e in the same units.
desired. T h e 0.9 factor is an experience factor that should b e 1
Most o f the usual formulas given for calculating the theoretically. T h e half-angle o f any successive cycle of
maximum of the first cycle of inrush current neglect the current flow is
resistance of the winding of the transformer and the eddy 7* 1

currents flowing in the core of the transformer. For the

cos 0 — COS 0j -f-
usual transformer the winding resistance is kept small so —2j^
that the efficiency of the transformer will be good and the
temperature rise of the transformer will be reasonable. where R is the sum of the transformer winding resistance
For most transformers, it is a good approximation to and the supply resistance. T h e factor 2.26 is an experience
neglect the winding resistance when calculating the factor that should b e 1 theoretically. T h e number of the
maximum current for the first cycle. T h e eddy currents cycle is n. The quantity A(0) is
flowing in the core are essentially, in parallel with the path
A(0) = 2 ( s i n 0 - 0 cos $)
for magnetizing current for the core. If the resistance of
the transformer winding is small, the voltage drop through T h e angle 0 should b e in radians for this formula. T h e
this resistance due to the eddy currents in the core will be quantity A(0) is evaluated for all the cycles preceding
small. Therefore, the voltage applied to the magnetizing the given cycle using the values of 0 corresponding to the
path is not materially changed b y the eddy currents. various cycles. T h e sum of these then is used to calculate
Hence, the effect of the eddy currents on the inrush current 6 for the desired cycle. A curve can be drawn for A(0) as
is negligible. a function of cos 0, and the preceding summation process
T h e magnetizing inrush current for the first cycle is carried out in tabular form.
unidirectional. This direct component of current flowing These formulas neglect the eddy current loss in the core.
through the resistance of the circuit produces a direct T h e experience factors used with the formulas should help
voltage that reduces the residual flux in the core for that to take it into account. It is possible to derive formulas
cycle. T h e value of the residual flux for the start of the for the average current and rms current o f the inrush
. second cycle then can be used in the conventional formulas current, and also to draw some curves for determining
to give the maximum current for the second cycle. This these and the peak current of each cycle. This is oudined
process is continued to secure the complete magnetizing in another article. 8

inrush curve. These formulas will make it possible to calculate with a

T h e formula used for the saturated reactance of the reasonable degree o f accuracy the magnetizing inrush
transformer is as follows current curve. This should have application for fuse and
relay protection of transformers.
v 20/JVM,10-» u

Aj« j ohms

where A is the area inside the mean turn of the coil excited
1. Transformer Engineering (book), L. F. Blame. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New
York, N. Y., 1938, pages 23-26.
in square inches, and h is the height of the coil excited in
2. Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book (book), Westinghouse
inches. Electric Corporation. The Lakeside Press, Chicago, Hi, 1942, pages 413-16.
3. Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents, T. R. Spechi. AIEE Transactions,
T h e maximum current for a particular cycle is where volume 10, 1QH tfW«f/mg/ T1-53).
* 'Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents," recommended by
ommittee on Transformers and approved by the AIEE Technical Program
i » — ~ (1 —cos 9) amperes Committee for presentation at the AIEE Winter General Meeting, New York, N. Y.,
January 22-26, 1951. Scheduled for publication in AIEE Transactions, volume 70,
where £ is the applied voltage, X is the sum o f X the 1951.

transformer saturated reactance and the system reactance, T. R. Speckt is with the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Sharon, Pa.

324 Spechi—Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

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