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Hospital Management System provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced

administration & control, superior patient care, strict cost control and improved
profitability. HMS is powerful, flexible, and easy to use and is designed and developed to
deliver real conceivable benefits to hospitals. More importantly it is backed by reliable
and dependable support.

The project ‘Hospital Management System’ is based on the database, object oriented and
networking techniques. As there are many areas where we keep the records in database
for which we are using MY SQL software which is one of the best and the easiest
software to keep our information. This project uses JAVA as the front-end software which
is an Object Oriented Programming and has connectivity with MY SQL.

Hospital Management System is custom built to meet the specific requirement of the mid
and large size hospitals across the globe. All the required modules and features have been
particularly built to just fit in to your requirement. This package has been widely accepted
by the clients in India and overseas. Not stopping only to this but they are highly satisfied
and appreciating. Entire application is web based and built on 3 tier architecture using the
latest technologies. The sound database of the application makes it more users friendly
and expandable. The package is highly customizable and can be modified as per the
needs and requirements of our clients. Prolonged study of the functionalities of the
hospital and its specific requirement has given it a wonderful shape both technically and
usability wise. It covers all the required modules right from Patient Registration,
Medicine details, Doctor, Wards, , Admin, Store, Patient appointment, bill payment,
record modification, discharge details etc.





 Introduction………………………………………………..……9
 Definition of the Problem ……………….……………………..10
 Drawbacks Of Current Manual- System …………….…………11
 Established the need of new System…………………….……..11
 Proposed system…………..………………………………….…12
 Need…………………………………………………………….13
 Software and hardware requirements………………….………..14


 Objective………………………………………………………..24
 Aims……..………………….…………………………….…….25

3. LITRATURE REVIEW…………………………………………… 26

4. RESEACH METHODOLOGY…………………………………… . 29


 Principles of System Analysis……………………………………31

 Feasibility Study…………………………………………………34
 Cost and Benefit Analysis…………………..…….……………..35

 Technical Feasibility…………………………….………………35
 Operational Feasibility……………………………..……………..35
 System Life Cycle………………………………………...………37
 Identification of Need……………………………………………..39
 Fact Finding Techniques……………………………………....…..40
 Software Requirement Specification………………………….…..47
 ACD (Architectural Context Diagram)…………………………...53
 Pert Chart………………………………………………………….54
 ER-Diagram……………………………………………………….57
 Data Flow Diagram……………………………………………..…59

 System Design………..…………………...……………………..75
 Data Modeling……………………………………………..…….78
 Scheduling ….……………………………………………………81

 Source Code……………………………………………………....83
 Code efficiency…………………….…………………………....147
 Optimization Of Code………………..………………………….147
 Testing phase…………………………………………………….148
 Levels of testing………………………...……………………….149
 Verification And Validation (V&V)……..………………………154

 System Implementation Maintenance and review……………….156
 Hardware Evaluation Factors………….…………………………156
 Software Evaluation Factors………….……………………….…158
10. SECURITY MEASURES………………………….……………..……59

11. FURTHER SCOPE OF THE PROJECT……………………… ……..160

12. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………… .…… 162

BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………… .…....163




Human Body is a very complex and sophisticated structure and comprises of millions of
functions. All these complicated functions have been understood by man him, part-by-
part their research and experiments. As science and technology progressed, medicine
became an integral part of the research. Gradually, medical science became an entirely
new branch of science. As of today, the Health Sector comprises of Medical institutions
i.e. Hospitals, HOSPITALs etc. research and development institutions and medical
colleges. Thus the Health sector aims at providing the best medical facilities to the
common man.

Medical Institutions in India

Still being a developing nation India has seen a tremendous growth of the Health sector
in the field of research as well as in the field of development of numerous large and small
scale Hospital institutions still lacking in inter-structure facilities. Government of India
has still aimed at providing medical facilities by establishing hospital. The basic working
of various hospitals in India is still on paper as compared to hospitals in European
countries where computers have been put in to assist the hospital personals their work.
The concept of automation of the administration and management of hospital is now
being implemented in India also, with large hospitals like APPOLO and AIIMS in Delhi,
ESCORTS in Chennai, having automated their existing system.

Our project is based on the above concept i.e. automation of Administration and
Management of Hospital. The project has been developed keeping in-view the following
aspects: -
(i) Working environment of the Hospital.

(ii) The thought-process and attitude of Indian people.
(iii) The literacy rate of India.
(iv) The Existing system, being used in the majority of Hospitals.
(v) The availability of Infra-structural facilities likes finance, skilled personals, and
working environment.


Since HOSPITAL is associated with the lives of common people and their day-to-day
routines so I decided to work on this project.

The manual handling of the record is time consuming and highly prone to error. The
purpose of this project is to automate or make online, the process of day-to-day activities
like Room activities, Admission of New Patient, Discharge of Patient, Assign a Doctor,
and finally compute the bill etc.

I have tried my best to make the complicated process Hospital Management System as
simple as possible using Structured & Modular technique & Menu oriented interface. I
have tried to design the software in such a way that user may not have any difficulty in
using this package & further expansion is possible without much effort. Even though I
cannot claim that this work to be entirely exhaustive, the main purpose of my exercise is
perform each Hospital’s activity in computerized way rather than manually which is time

I am confident that this software package can be readily used by non-programming

personal avoiding human handled chance of error.


1. The current manual system has a lot of paper work and it does not deal with old and

new car purchase and sale.

2. To maintain the records of sale and service manually, is a Time-consuming job.

3. With the increase in database, it will become a massive job to maintain the database.

4. Requires large quantities of file cabinets, which are huge and require quite a bit of

space in the office, which can be used for storing records of previous details.

5. The retrieval of records of previously registered patients will be a tedious job.

6. Lack of security for the records, anyone disarrange the records of your system.

7. If someone want to check the details of the available doctors the previous system

does not provide any necessary detail of this type.


1. Problem of Reliability: Current system is not reliable. It seems to vary in quality

from one month to the, next. Sometimes it gives good output, but some times the

output is worst.

2. Problem of Accuracy: There are too many mistakes in reports.

3. Problem of timeliness: In the current system the reports and output produced is

mostly late and in most of the cases it is useless because it is not on time.

4. Problem of Validity: The output and reports mostly contains misleading information.

The customer's information is sometimes not valid.

5. Problem of Economy: The current system is very costly. We have to spend lots of

money to keep the system up and going, but still not get the desired results.

6. Problem of Capacity: The current system is suffering from problem of capacity also.

The staff for organization is very less and the workload is too much. Few peoples

cannot handle all the work.


l. Employee Details: The new proposed system stores and maintains all the employees

2. Calculations: The new proposed system calculates salary and income tax
automatically and it is very fast and accurate.

3. Registers: There is no need of keeping and maintaining salary and employee register
manually. It remembers each and every record and we can get any report related to
employee and salary at any time.

4. Speed: The new proposed system is very fast with 100% accuracy and saves time.

5. Manpower: The new proposed system needs less manpower. Less people can do the
large work.

6. Efficiency: The new proposed systems complete the work of many salesperson in
less time.

7. Past details: The new proposed system contains the details of every past doctor and
patients for future assistance.

8. Reduces redundancy: The most important benefit of this system is that it reduces
the redundancy of data within the data.

9. Work load: Reduces the work load of the data store by helping in easy updates of
the products and providing them with the necessary details together with financial
transactions management.

10. Easy statements: Month-end and day-end statement easily taken out without
getting headaches on browsing through the day end statements.


I have designed the given proposed system in the JSP to automate the process of day to
day activities of Hospital like Room activities, Admission of New Patient, Discharge of
Patient, Assign a Doctor, and finally compute the bill etc., online facilities to the multiple
users etc.

The complete set of rules & procedures related to Hospital’s day to day activities and
generating report is called “HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”. My project
gives a brief idea regarding automated Hospital activities.

The following steps that give the detailed information of the need of proposed system are:

Performance: During past several decades, the hospital management system is supposed
to maintain manual handling of all the hospital daily activities. The manual handling of
the record is time consuming and highly prone to error. To improve the performance of
the hospital management system, the computerized hospital management system is to be
undertaken. The computerized hospital project is fully computerized and user friendly
even that any of the hospital’s members can see the patient’s report and the doctor’s

Efficiency: The basic need of the project is efficiency. The project should be efficient so
that whenever a new patient is admitted, and automatically a bed is assigned and also a
doctor is assigned to the patient according to the patient’s disease. And if any patient is
getting discharged, the bed assigned to him/her should automatically free in the computer.

Control: The complete control of the project is under the hands of authorized person who
has the password to access this project and illegal access is not supposed to deal with. All
the control is under the administrator and the other members have the rights to just see
the records not to change any transaction or entry.

Security: Security is the main criteria for the proposed system. Since illegal access may
corrupt the database and it will affect not only the hospital but also it also affects the
patient’s life. So security has to be given in this project.


Adding dynamic content via expressions

As we saw in the previous section, any HTML file can be turned into a JSP file by changing its extension to
.jsp. Of course, what makes JSP useful is the ability to embed Java. Put the following text in a file with
.jsp extension (let us call it hello.jsp), place it in your JSP directory, and view it in a browser.
Hello! The time is now <%= new java.util.Date() %>
Notice that each time you reload the page in the browser, it comes up with the current time.
The character sequences <%= and %> enclose Java expressions, which are evaluated at run
This is what makes it possible to use JSP to generate dynamic HTML pages that change
in response to user actions or vary from user to user.
Exercise: Write a JSP to output the values returned by System.getProperty for various
system properties such as java.version, java.home,,,
user.home, user.dir etc.


We have already seen how to embed Java expressions in JSP pages by putting them between the <%= and
%> character sequences.
But it is difficult to do much programming just by putting Java expressions inside
JSP also allows you to write blocks of Java code inside the JSP. You do this by placing
your Java code between <% and %> characters (just like expressions, but without the = sign
at the start of the sequence.)
This block of code is known as a "scriptlet". By itself, a scriptlet doesn't contribute any
HTML (though it can, as we will see down below.) A scriptlet contains Java code that is
executed every time the JSP is invoked.
Here is a modified version of our JSP from previous section, adding in a scriptlet.
// This is a scriptlet. Notice that the "date"
// variable we declare here is available in the
// embedded expression later on.
System.out.println( "Evaluating date now" );
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
Hello! The time is now <%= date %>
If you run the above example, you will notice the output from the "System.out.println" on the
server log. This is a convenient way to do simple debugging (some servers also have techniques of
debugging the JSP in the IDE. See your server's documentation to see if it offers such a technique.)
By itself a scriptlet does not generate HTML. If a scriptlet wants to generate HTML, it
can use a variable called "out". This variable does not need to be declared. It is already
predefined for scriptlets, along with some other variables. The following example shows
how the scriptlet can generate HTML output.
// This scriptlet declares and initializes "date"
System.out.println( "Evaluating date now" );
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
Hello! The time is now
// This scriptlet generates HTML output
out.println( String.valueOf( date ));

Here, instead of using an expression, we are generating the HTML directly by printing to the "out"
variable. The "out" variable is of type javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter.
Another very useful pre-defined variable is "request". It is of type

A "request" in server-side processing refers to the transaction between a browser and the
server. When someone clicks or enters a URL, the browser sends a "request" to the
server for that URL, and shows the data returned. As a part of this "request", various data
is available, including the file the browser wants from the server, and if the request is
coming from pressing a SUBMIT button, the information the user has entered in the form
The JSP "request" variable is used to obtain information from the request as sent by the
browser. For instance, you can find out the name of the client's host (if available,
otherwise the IP address will be returned.) Let us modify the code as shown:
// This scriptlet declares and initializes "date"
System.out.println( "Evaluating date now" );
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
Hello! The time is now
out.println( date );
out.println( "<BR>Your machine's address is " );
out.println( request.getRemoteHost());
A similar variable is "response". This can be used to affect the response being sent to the browser. For
instance, you can call response.sendRedirect( anotherUrl ); to send a response to the
browser that it should load a different URL. This response will actualy go all the way to the browser. The
browser will then send a different request, to "anotherUrl". This is a little different from some other
JSP mechanisms we will come across, for including another page or forwarding the browser to another
Exercise: Write a JSP to output the entire line, "Hello! The time is now ..." but use a
scriptlet for the complete string, including the HTML tags.

Mixing Scriptlets and HTML

We have already seen how to use the "out" variable to generate HTML output from within a scriptlet. For
more complicated HTML, using the out variable all the time loses some of the advantages of JSP
programming. It is simpler to mix scriptlets and HTML.
Suppose you have to generate a table in HTML. This is a common operation, and you
may want to generate a table from a SQL table, or from the lines of a file. But to keep
our example simple, we will generate a table containing the numbers from 1 to N. Not
very useful, but it will show you the technique.

Here is the JSP fragment to do it:
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
<TD><%= i+1 %></TD>
You would have to supply an int variable "n" before it will work, and then it will output a simple table
with "n" rows.
The important things to notice are how the %> and <% characters appear in the middle of
the "for" loop, to let you drop back into HTML and then to come back to the scriptlet.

The concepts are simple here -- as you can see, you can drop out of the scriptlets, write
normal HTML, and get back into the scriptlet. Any control expressions such as a "while"
or a "for" loop or an "if" expression will control the HTML also. If the HTML is inside a
loop, it will be emitted once for each iteration of the loop.
Another example of mixing scriptlets and HTML is shown below -- here it is assumed
that there is a boolean variable named "hello" available. If you set it to true, you will
see one output, if you set it to false, you will see another output.
if ( hello ) {
<P>Hello, world
} else {
<P>Goodbye, world
It is a little difficult to keep track of all open braces and scriptlet start and ends, but with a little practice and
some good formatting discipline, you will acquire competence in doing it.
Exercise: Make the above examples work. Write a JSP to output all the values returned
by System.getProperties with "<BR>" embedded after each property name and value.
Do not output the "<BR>" using the "out" variable.
JSP Directives
We have been fully qualifying the java.util.Date in the examples in the previous sections. Perhaps
you wondered why we don't just import java.util.*;
It is possible to use "import" statements in JSPs, but the syntax is a little different from
normal Java. Try the following example:
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>

System.out.println( "Evaluating date now" );
Date date = new Date();
Hello! The time is now <%= date %>
The first line in the above example is called a "directive". A JSP "directive" starts with <%@ characters.
This one is a "page directive". The page directive can contain the list of all imported
packages. To import more than one item, separate the package names by commas, e.g.
<%@ page import="java.util.*,java.text.*" %>
There are a number of JSP directives, besides the page directive. Besides the page directives, the other
most useful directives are include and taglib. We will be covering taglib separately.
The include directive is used to physically include the contents of another file. The
included file can be HTML or JSP or anything else -- the result is as if the original JSP
file actually contained the included text. To see this directive in action, create a new JSP
Going to include hello.jsp...<BR>
<%@ include file="hello.jsp" %>
View this JSP in your browser, and you will see your original hello.jsp get included in the new JSP.
Exercise: Modify all your earlier exercises to import the java.util packages.

JSP Declarations

The JSP you write turns into a class definition. All the scriptlets you write are placed inside a single
method of this class.
You can also add variable and method declarations to this class. You can then use these
variables and methods from your scriptlets and expressions.
To add a declaration, you must use the <%! and %> sequences to enclose your
declarations, as shown below.
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
Date theDate = new Date();
Date getDate()
System.out.println( "In getDate() method" );
return theDate;
Hello! The time is now <%= getDate() %>
The example has been created a little contrived, to show variable and method declarations.

Here we are declaring a Date variable theDate, and the method getDate. Both of these
are available now in our scriptlets and expressions.
But this example no longer works! The date will be the same, no matter how often you
reload the page. This is because these are declarations, and will only be evaluated once
when the page is loaded! (Just as if you were creating a class and had variable
initialization declared in it.)
Exercise: Modify the above example to add another function computeDate which re-
initializes theDate. Add a scriptlet that calls computeDate each time.

Note: Now that you know how to do this -- it is in general not a good idea to use
variables as shown here. The JSP usually will run as multiple threads of one single
instance. Different threads would interfere with variable access, because it will be the
same variable for all of them. If you do have to use variables in JSP, you should use
synchronized access, but that hurts the performance. In general, any data you need should
go either in the session object or the request object (these are introduced a little later) if
passing data between different JSP pages. Variables you declare inside scriptlets are fine,
e.g. <% int i = 45; %> because these are declared inside the local scope and are not

JSP Tags

Another important syntax element of JSP are tags. JSP tags do not use <%, but just the < character. A JSP
tag is somewhat like an HTML tag. JSP tags can have a "start tag", a "tag body" and an "end tag". The
start and end tag both use the tag name, enclosed in < and > characters. The end starts with a / character
after the < character. The tag names have an embedded colon character : in them, the part before the colon
describes the type of the tag. For instance:
If the tag does not require a body, the start and end can be conveniently merged together, as
Here by closing the start tag with a /> instead of > character, we are ending the tag immediately, and
without a body. (This syntax convention is the the same as XML.)
Tags can be of two types: loaded from an external tag library, or predefined tags.
Predefined tags start with jsp: characters. For instance, jsp:include is a predefined
tag that is used to include other pages.
We have already seen the include directive. jsp:include is similar. But instead of
loading the text of the included file in the original file, it actually calls the included target
at run-time (the way a browser would call the included target. In practice, this is actually
a simulated request rather than a full round-trip between the browser and the server).
Following is an example of jsp:include usage
Going to include hello.jsp...<BR>

<jsp:include page="hello.jsp"/>
Try it and see what you get. Now change the "jsp:include" to "jsp:forward" and see what is the
difference. These two predefined tags are frequently very useful.
Exercise: Write a JSP to do either a forward or an include, depending upon a boolean
variable (hint: The concepts of mixing HTML and scriptlets work with JSP tags also!)

JSP Sessions

On a typical web site, a visitor might visit several pages and perform several interactions.
If you are programming the site, it is very helpful to be able to associate some data with
each visitor. For this purpose, "session"s can be used in JSP.

A session is an object associated with a visitor. Data can be put in the session and
retrieved from it, much like a Hashtable. A different set of data is kept for each visitor to
the site.
Here is a set of pages that put a user's name in the session, and display it elsewhere. Try
out installing and using these.
First we have a form, let us call it GetName.html
What's your name? <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=username SIZE=20>
The target of the form is "SaveName.jsp", which saves the user's name in the session. Note the variable
"session". This is another variable that is normally made available in JSPs, just like out and request
variables. (In the @page directive, you can indicate that you do not need sessions, in which case the
"session" variable will not be made available.)
String name = request.getParameter( "username" );
session.setAttribute( "theName", name );
<A HREF="NextPage.jsp">Continue</A>
The SaveName.jsp saves the user's name in the session, and puts a link to another page, NextPage.jsp.
NextPage.jsp shows how to retrieve the saved name.
Hello, <%= session.getAttribute( "theName" ) %>

If you bring up two different browsers (not different windows of the same browser), or run two browsers
from two different machines, you can put one name in one browser and another name in another browser,
and both names will be kept track of.
The session is kept around until a timeout period. Then it is assumed the user is no
longer visiting the site, and the session is discarded.



My SQL is an application used to create computer databases for the Microsoft Windows
family of server operating systems. It provides an environment used to generate databases
that can be accessed from workstations, the web, or other media such as a personal digital
assistant (PDA). MY SQL is probably the most accessible and the most documented
enterprise database environment right now. This also means that you can learn it a little
quicker than most other database environments on the market

To start, you must have a computer that runs an appropriate operating system like
Microsoft Windows >= XP Home Edition: that includes Windows XP Home Edition,
Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional, or any version of Windows
Server 2003. In this case, you must install MY SQL Yog.

What is SQL Used for:

Using SQL one can create and maintain data manipulation objects such as table, views,
sequence etc. These data manipulation objects will be created and stored on the server's
hard disk drive, in a table space, to which the user has been assigned.
Once these data manipulation objects are created, they are used extensively in
commercial applications.


In addition to the creation of data manipulation objects, the actual manipulation of data
within these objects is done using SQL.

The SQL sentences that are used to create these objects are called DDL's or Data
Definition Language. The SQL sentences used to manipulate data within these objects are
called DML's or Data Manipulation Language. The SQL sentences, which are used to
control the behavior of these objects, are called DCL's or Data Control Language.




Hospital are the essential part of our lives, providing best medical facilities to people
suffering from various ailments, which may be due to change in climatic conditions,
increased work-load, emotional trauma stress etc. It is necessary for the hospitals to keep
track of its day-to-day activities & records of its patients, doctors, nurses, ward boys and
other staff personals that keep the hospital running smoothly & successfully.

But keeping track of all the activities and their records on paper is very cumbersome and
error prone. It also is very inefficient and a time-consuming process Observing the
continuous increase in population and number of people visiting the hospital. Recording
and maintaining all these records is highly unreliable, inefficient and error-prone. It is
also not economically & technically feasible to maintain these records on paper.

Thus keeping the working of the manual system as the basis of our project. We have
developed an automated version of the manual system, named as “ADMINISTRATION

The main aim of our project is to provide a paper-less hospital up to 90%. It also aims at
providing low-cost reliable automation of the existing systems. The system also provides
excellent security of data at every level of user-system interaction and also provides
robust & reliable storage and backup facilities.


The aim of the study to fully related with Hospital Management system.

 The Software is for the automation of Hospital Management System.

 It maintains two levels of users:-
_ Administrator Level
_ User Level
 The Software includes:-
_ Maintaining Patient details.
_ Providing Prescription, Precautions and Diet advice.
_ Providing and maintaining all kinds of tests for a patient.
_ Billing and Report generation.



Hospital Management System provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced

administration & control, superior patient care, strict cost control and improved

HMS is powerful, flexible, and easy to use and is designed and developed to deliver real
conceivable benefits to hospitals and HOSPITALs. More importantly it is backed by
reliable and dependable support.

This HMS is designed for multispecialty hospitals, to cover a wide range of hospital
administration and management processes. It is an integrated end-to-end Hospital
Management System that provides relevant information across the hospital to support
effective decision making for patient care, hospital administration and critical financial
accounting, in a seamless flow.

A Hospital is a place where Patients come up for general diseases. Hospitals provide
facilities like:-

 Consultation by Doctors on Diseases.

 Diagnosis for diseases.
 Providing treatment facility.
 Facility for admitting Patients (providing beds, nursing, medicines etc.)
 Immunization for Patients/Children
Various operational works that are done in a Hospital are:-
 Recording information about the Patients that come.
 Generating bills.
 Recording information related to diagnosis given to Patients.

 Keeping record of the Immunization provided to children/patients.
 Keeping information about various diseases and medicines available to cure them.

These are the various jobs that need to be done in a Hospital by the operational staff and
Doctors. All these works are done on papers. The work is done as follows:-

 Information about Patients is done by just writing the Patients name, age and
gender. Whenever the Patient comes up his information is stored freshly.
 Bills are generated by recording price for each facility provided to Patient on a
separate sheet and at last they all are summed up.
 Diagnosis information to patients is generally recorded on the document, which
contains Patient information. It is destroyed after some time period to decrease the
paper load in the office.
 Immunization records of children are maintained in pre-formatted sheets, which
are kept in a file.
 Information about various diseases is not kept as any document. Doctors
themselves do this job by remembering various medicines.

All this work is done manually by the receptionist and other operational staff and lot of
papers are needed to be handled and taken care of. Doctors have to remember various
medicines available for diagnosis and sometimes miss better alternatives as they can’t
remember them at that time.

The limited time and resources have restricted us to incorporate, in this project, only main
activities that are performed in a HOSPITAL Management System, but utmost care has
been taken to make the system efficient and user friendly. “HOSPITAL Management
System” has been designed to computerize the following functions that are performed by
the system:

1. On Line Appointments for the Patients

a) Admission of New Patient

2. Free Medical Advice For the Patients

3. Discharge Detail Functions

b) Discharge of Patient
c) Doctor Assigning related to Patient’s Disease

4. Training Courses Provided by the Hospital

5. Statement of Patient Details

1) Admitted Patient
2) Discharged Patient
3) Doctor Details
6. Total number of Patients admitted in the Hospital

7. Doctors available in the Hospital

8. Preventive Health Checkups

9. Administrator Links
a.Login Form
b.To add new doctors in the site
c.List of patients
d.List of Doctors



The project ‘Hospital Management System’ is based on the database, object oriented and
networking techniques. As there are many areas where we keep the records in database
for which we are using MY SQL software which is one of the best and the easiest
software to keep our information. This project uses JAVA as the front-end software which
is an Object Oriented Programming and has connectivity with MY SQL. It is a web based
application in which number of clients can also access with a server.


Processor : Pentium 2.4 GHz or above

Memory : 256 MB RAM or above

Cache Memory : 128 KB or above

Hard Disk : 3 GB or above [at least 3 MB free space required]

Pen Drive : 5 GB

Printer : Laser Printer


Operating System : Windows XP (Professional).

Font-End Tool : JSP, Servlets, Java Script

Back-End : My Sql


We have implemented JavaScript for all the Client side validations. Client side
JavaScript is designed to reside inside HTML document & ensure they run properly. It is
object based, event driven, platform independent. These are important parts of any Web
application to implement Client side Validations and the invalid data is not submitted.
The form is not submitted until user fills in correct data. It is extremely useful to restrict
mistakes by user.


We have used My Sql. My Sql provides efficient/effective solution for major database
- Large database and space management.
- Many concurrent database users.
- High transaction processing requirement
- High Availability
- Industry accepted standards
- Manageable security
- Portability





 Understand the problem before you begin to create the analysis model.

 Develop prototypes that enable a user to understand how human machine

interaction will occur.

 Record the origin of and the reason for every requirement.

 Use multiple views of requirements like building data, function and behavioral


 Work to eliminate ambiguity

System Analysis is a separation of a substance into parts for study and their
implementation and detailed examination.

Before designing any system it is important that the nature of the business and the way
it currently operates are clearly understood. The detailed examination provides the
specific data required during designing in order to ensure that all the client's
requirements are fulfilled. The investigation or the study conducted during the analysis
phase is largely based on the feasibility study. Rather it would not be wrong to say that
the analysis and feasibility phases overlap. High-level analysis begins during the
feasibility study. Though analysis is represented as one phase of the system
development life cycle (SDLC), this is not true. Analysis begins with system
initialization and continues until its maintenance. Even after successful implementation
of the system, analysis may play its role for periodic maintenance and up gradation of

the system. One of the main causes of project failures is inadequate understanding, and
one of the main causes of inadequate understanding of the requirements is the poor
planning of system analysis.

Analysis requires us to recall the objectives of the project and consider following three

• What type of information is required?

• What are the constraints on the investigation?

• What are the potential problems that may make the task more difficult?

Keeping the above questions in mind and considering the survey conducted to
determine the need of the system; the total system was designed and can be described
as under:

The three major parts of the system are:

 Providing Information:

The system is effectively used to provide large variety of information to the interested
customer. The major purpose of the site is to easily provide access to records of various
Job seekers & users of matrimonial such as resume & profile of boys and girls those
who want to search a life partner with quick update to latest modifications in the
records. This thing is not at all possible in printed material, which are updated only
once a few weeks. It also gives information about the general usage of the system for
first time visitors. The system itself works as a information provider for company & life
partner seekers.

Preliminary Investigation

System development, a process consisting of two major steps of system analysis and
design, start when management or sometimes system development personnel feel that a
new system or an improvement in the existing system is required. The system
development life cycle is classically thought of as the set of activities that analysts,
designers and users carry out to develop and implement an information system. The
system development life cycle consists of the following activities:
 Preliminary investigation
 Determination of system requirements
 Design of system
 Development of software
 System testing
 Implementation, evaluation, and maintenance

A request to take assistance from information system can be made for many reasons,
but in each case someone in the organisation initiates the request is made, the first
system activity the preliminary investigation begins. This activity has three parts:

1) Request clarification
2) Feasibility study
3) Request approval

Request clarification: Many requests from employees and users in the organisations are
not clearly defined, Therefore it becomes necessary that project request must be eximined
and clarified properly before considering systems investigation.


The feasibility study proposes one or more conceptual solution to the problem set of the
project. In fact, it is an evaluation of whether it is worthwhile to proceed with project or

1. Evaluation of feasibility of such solutions. Such evaluation often indicates

shortcomings in the initial goals. This step is repeated as the goals are adjusted and
the alternative solutions are evaluated.

Feasibility analysis usually considers a number of project alternatives, one that is chosen
as the most satisfactory solution. These alternatives also need to be evaluated in a broad
way without committing too many resources. Various steps involved in feasibility
analysis are:

2. To propose a set of solution that can realize the project goal. These solutions are
usually descriptions of what the new system should look like.

Four primary areas of interest in feasibility study are:

Economic Feasibility: An evaluation of development cost weighed against the ultimate

income of benefit derived from the development system of product. In economic
feasibility, cost benefit analysis is done in which expected cost and benefits are evaluated.


Developing an IT application is an investment. Since after developing that application it

provides the organization with profits. Profits can be monetary or in the form of an
improved working environment. However, it carries risks, because in some cases an
estimate can be wrong. And the project might not actually turn out to be beneficial.

Cost benefit analysis helps to give management a picture of the cost, benefits and risks. It
usually involves comparing alternate investments.

Cost benefit determines the benefits and savings that are expected from the system and
compares them with the expected costs.

In performing cost and benefit analysis it is important to identify cost and benefits
factors. Cost and benefits can be categorized into the following categories:

1. Development Costs – Development costs is the costs that are incurred during the
development of the system. It is one time investment.
2. Operating Costs – Operating Costs are the expenses required for the day to day
running of the system. Examples of Operating Costs are Wages, Supplies and
3. Hardware/Software Costs – It includes the cost of purchasing or leasing of
computers and it’s peripherals. Software costs involves required S/W costs.
4. Personnel Costs – It is the money spent on the people involved in the development
of the system.
5. Facility Costs – Expenses that are incurred during the preparation of the physical site
where the system will be operational. These can be wiring, flooring, acoustics,
lightning, and air-conditioning.
6. Supply Costs – These are variable costs that are very proportionately with the
amount of use of paper, ribbons, disks, and the like.


We can define benefits as

Profit or Benefit = Income – Costs

Benefits can be accrued by:

 Increasing income, or
 Decreasing costs, or
 Both


Technical Feasibility includes existing and new H/W and S/W requirements that are
required to operate the project using JSP. The basic S/W requirement is J2EE in which
the front end of the online hospital management project has been done. The basic entry
forms are developed in JSP and the data is stored in the MY SQL.


Operational feasibility is mainly concerned with issues like whether the system will be
used if it is developed and implemented. Whether there will be resistance from users that
will affect the possible application benefits? The essential questions that help in testing
the technical feasibility of a system are following:

 Does management support the project?

 Are the users not happy with current business practices? Will it reduce the time
considerably? If yes, then they will welcome the change and the new system.
 Have the users involved in the planning and development of the project? Early
involvement reduced the probability of resistance towards the new system.

 Will the proposed system really benefit the organization? Does the overall response
increase? Will accessibility of information be lost? Will the system affect the
customers in considerable way?

Legal Feasibility:

A determination of any infringement, violation, or liability that could result from

development of the system. Legal feasibility tells that the software used in the project
should be original purchased from the legal authorities and they have the license to use it
or the software are pirated.


An evaluation of alternative approaches to the development of system or product.


System life cycle is an organizational process of developing and maintaining systems. It

helps in establishing a system project plan, because it gives overall list of processes and
sub-processes required for developing a system.

System development life cycle means combination of various activities. In other words
we can say that various activities put together are referred as system development life
cycle. In the System Analysis and Design terminology, the system development life cycle
means software development life cycle.

Following are the different phases of software development cycle:

• System study
• Feasibility study
• System analysis
• System design

• Coding
• Testing
• Implementation
• Maintenance

The different phase of software development life cycle is shown below.













I have designed the given proposed system in the JSP to automate the process of news
sites. Many different people use Usenet, for many different reasons, ranging from
discussions of various topics, requests for help or to trade media, which is often seen as
the ‘dark side’ to Usenet — the abuse of public news groups to trade copyrighted or
offensive material. Thankfully however, those that use Usenet responsibly far out weight
the few who use it as a tool for piracy etc.

Many of the people using and contributing to Usenet are people who work with computer
technology. These people often use Usenet to seek help with a piece of software or
suggest improvements, indeed one of the early functions of Usenet was to help users
identify and report bugs found in software.

Unfortunately, the massive growth seen within Usenet has also made it a difficult
medium to keep track of, the great variety and number of articles can take considerable
time to filter through in order to find those of interest. There have been a variety of
software applications created to help deal with this problem and many are freely available
for personal use.

The following steps that give the detailed information of the need of proposed system are:

Performance: During past several decades, the records are supposed to be manually
handled for all activities. The manual handling of the record is time consuming and
highly prone to error. To improve the performance of the Company system, the
computerized system is to be undertaken. The computerized project is fully computerized
and user friendly even that any of the members can see the report and status of the

Efficiency: The basic need of this website is efficiency. The website should be efficient
so that whenever a new user submit his/her details the website is updated automatically.
This record will be useful for other users instantly.

Control: The complete control of the project is under the hands of authorized person who
has the password to access this project and illegal access is not supposed to deal with. All
the control is under the administrator and the other members have the rights to just see
the records not to change any transaction or entry.

Security: Security is the main criteria for the proposed system. Since illegal access may
corrupt the database. So security has to be given in this project.


The functioning of the system is to be understood by the system analyst to design the
proposed system. Various methods are used for this and these are known as fact-finding
techniques. The analyst needs to fully understand the current system.

The analyst needs data about the requirements and demands of the project undertaken and
the techniques employed to gather this data are known as fact-finding techniques. Various
kinds of techniques and the most popular among them are interviews, questionnaires,
record views, case tools and also the personal observations made by the analyst himself.

 Interviews

Interview is a very important data gathering technique as in this the analyst directly
contacts system and the potential user of the proposed system.

One very essential aspect of conducting the interview is that the interviewer should first
establish a rapport with the interviewee. It should also be taken into account that the
interviewee may or may not be a technician and the analyst should prefer to use day to
day language instead of jargon and technical terms.

The advantage of the interview is that the analyst has a free hand and the he can extract
almost all the information from the concerned people but then as it is a very time
consuming method, he should also employ other means such as questionnaires, record
reviews, etc. This may also help the analyst to verify and validate the information gained.
Interviewing should be approached, as logically and from a general point of view the
following guides can be very beneficial for a successful interview:

1. Set the stage for the interview.

2. Establish rapport; put the interview at ease.
3. Phrase questions clearly and succinctly.
4. Be a good listener; a void arguments.
5. Evaluate the outcome of the interview.

The interviews are of the two types namely structured and unstructured.

I . Structured Interview

Structured interviews are those where the interviewee is asked a standard set of questions
in a particular order. All interviews are asked the same set of questions. The questions are
further divided into two kinds of formats for conducting this type if interview.

II. Unstructured Interview

The unstructured interviews are undertaken in a question-and-answer format. This is of a

much more flexible nature than the structured and can be very rightly used to gather
general information about the system.
 Questionnaires:

Questionnaires are another way of information gathering where the potential users of the
system are given questionnaires to be filled up and returned to the analyst.

Questionnaires are useful when the analyst need to gather information from a large
number of people. It is not possible to interview each individual. Also if the time is very
short, in that case also questionnaires are useful. If the analyst guarantees the anonymity
of the respondent then the respondent answers the questionnaires very honestly and

The analyst should sensibly design and frame questionnaires with clarity of it’s objective
so as to do just to the cost incurred on their development and distribution.

 Record Reviews

Records and reports are the collection of information and data accumulated over the time
by the users about the system and it’s operations. This can also put light on the
requirements of the system and the modifications it has undergone. Records and reports
may have a limitation if they are not up-to-date or if some essential links are missing. All
the changes, which the system suffers, may not be recorded. The analyst may scrutinize
the records either at the beginning of his study which may give him a fair introduction
about the system and will make him familiar with it or in the end which will provide the
analyst with a comparison between what exactly is/was desired from the system and it’s
current working.

 On-Site Observation

On-site observations are one of the most effectively tools with the analyst where the
analyst personally goes to the site and discovers the functioning of the system. As a
observer, the analyst can gain first hand knowledge of the activities, operations, processes
of the system on-site, hence here the role of an analyst is of an information seeker. This
information is very meaningful as it is unbiased and has been directly taken by the
analyst. This exposure also sheds some light on the actual happenings of the system as
compared to what has already been documented, thus the analyst gets closer to system.

This technique is also time-consuming and the analyst should not jump to conclusions or
draw inferences from small samples of observation rather the analyst should be more
patient in gathering the information. This method is however less effective for learning
about people’s perceptions, feelings and motivations.


Analyst: Hi, I have come to talk to you regarding the functioning of your
hospital project.
Administrator: hello, do come in. I was expecting you.

Analyst: I’ll come straight to the point. Don’t hesitate, you can be as much
open you want. There are no restrictions.
Administrator: I’ll give you my whole contribution.

Analyst: Tell me are you excited about the idea of having an automated
system for your hospital?
Administrator: Yes, I do. Very much. After all it’s gonna reduce our loads of work.

Analyst: Will you elaborate on it?

Administrator: Major problem is managing the rooms and admission and
discharge of patients. There are so many of rooms and the numbers
of patients are admitted in the room. At the time of discharging of a
patient, it becomes more difficult to handle the rooms condition,
and re-admitting the patients in that room.

Analyst: What do you think be ideal solution to this?

Administrator: All the information of rooms, patients and discharged patients
should be put into computer. It’ll be easy for us to check how many

rooms are not available and which patient has to be allotted what

Analyst: Could you explain how?

Administrator: Look whenever a new patient is admitted he/she is allotted a bed
number and the bed is reserved for the patient till the patient gets
discharged. And when the patient is discharged, the bed allotted to
him/her is freed and now the bed should again automatically ready
for new patient to be admitted.

Analyst: Do you have different patient categories?

Administrator: No, we don’t have any categorization for patients. All are treated at

Analyst: How do you categorize your patients?

Administrator: By Bed number.

Analyst: Do you have any other expectations or suggestion for the new
Administrator: It should be able to produce reports faster.

Analyst: Reports? I completely forgot about them. What reports you people
produce presently?
Administrator: Well first is for room status, another for patient’s list being
admitted and discharged patients and reports for doctors.

Analyst: Do you have some format for them?

Administrator: Yes we do have and we want that the same format be used by the
new system.

Analyst: Yes we’ll take care of that. Any other suggestions?
Administrator: No. You have already covered all the fields.

Analyst: Thanks for your co-operation. It was nice talking to you.

Administrator: My pleasure. Bye.


Instructions: Answer as specified by the format. Put NA for non-application situation.

1. What are your expectations out of the new system (computerized)? Rate the following
on a scale of 1-4 giving allow value for low priority.
(a) better cataloguing
(b) better managing of users
(c) better account and patients management
(d) computer awareness
(e) any other________________

2. How many users are you expecting?


3. How many rooms are there in the hospital?


4. How you want the patients to be categorized for searching (like by room number, bed

5. Is there any difference in the roles (privileges) of two or more patients?

Yes/No Please specify if Yes

6. Do you want facility of reserving a bed from phone in advance?


7. Do you have data of patients entered into some kind of database?

8. How do you want users to be categorized?


9. Would you like online registration for users rather than the printed form?

10. Do you already have some existing categorization of patients on the basis as specified
in question 4 above?

11. Any other specific suggestion/expectation out of the proposed system.



1.1.1. What are the benefits of a SRS?

The IEEE 830 standard defines the benefits of a good SRS:

 Establish the basis for agreement between the customers and the suppliers on
what the software product is to do. The complete description of the functions
to be performed by the software specified in the SRS will assist the potential
users to determine if the software specified meets their needs or how the
software must be modified to meet their needs. [NOTE: We use it as the basis
of our contract with our clients all the time].

 Reduce the development effort. The preparation of the SRS forces the various
concerned groups in the customer’s organization to consider rigorously all of
the requirements before design begins and reduces later redesign, recoding,
and retesting. Careful review of the requirements in the SRS can reveal
omissions, misunderstandings, and inconsistencies early in the development
cycle when these problems are easier to correct.

 Provide a basis for estimating costs and schedules. The description of the
product to be developed as given in the SRS is a realistic basis for estimating
project costs and can be used to obtain approval for bids or price estimates.
[NOTE: Again, we use the SRS as the basis for our fixed price estimates]

 Provide a baseline for validation and verification. Organizations can develop

their validation and Verification plans much more productively from a good
SRS. As a part of the development contract, the SRS provides a baseline
against which compliance can be measured. [NOTE: We use the SRS to create
the Test Plan].

 Facilitate transfer. The SRS makes it easier to transfer the software product to
new users or new machines. Customers thus find it easier to transfer the
software to other parts of their organization, and suppliers find it easier to
transfer it to new customers.

 Serve as a basis for enhancement. Because the SRS discusses the product but
not the project that developed it, the SRS serves as a basis for later
enhancement of the finished product. The SRS may need to be altered, but it
does provide a foundation for continued production evaluation.

1.1.2. What should the SRS address?

Again from the IEEE standard:

The basic issues that the SRS writer(s) shall address are the following:
 Functionality.

What is the software supposed to do?
 Our System aims at automating the manual system being used in the
hospital for maintaining the records of the patients & employees of the

 External interfaces.

How does the software interact with people, the system’s hardware, other
hardware, and other software?
 Our system uses various forms and reports through which users can
interact with the system.

 As we can have a centralized database so our system interact it with

database software through network and as network comes in, it uses
network peripheral likes switches etc.

1.2. Software Engineering Paradigm :

Software engineering paradigm can be defined as a development strategy

that encompasses the process, methods, tools layers and generic phases
such as definition phase, development phase and support phase to solve
real lives problems in an industry, research institute etc used by software
engineers or team of engineers.
The most useful software engineering paradigm that I incorporate in
developing my project is the “Spiral Model”. This process model is
suitable and useful for my project because the following reasons:
 The all requirements of the project are not well understood by me at the

 Relatively small but too complex project.

 This project is a complete new research. No one has already implemented the
logics and all necessary factors governing the project.

 The target of this process model is that a complete system will be developed
after the number of refinement.

This approach to software development begins at the system level and

progresses towards through analysis, design, coding, testing and support.
The details discussion of these steps is beyond the consideration of the
project but all these steps have been applied through out the SDLC of my

1.3. Process Logic

1. User verification Process :-

The module receives input from the user who logs on the system. The module checks
for the validity of the user from within the system itself. The module generate the
output, displaying the validity or non-validity of the user . the module then grants
access rights to the user depending on the level of the user. The log file is updated
after the user logs-on successfully.

2. OPD Registration Process :-

The module is operated on by the operational level user. The module receives input
from the patients, which includes their details. System will record these details &
generate a OPD No. and list of Doctors available in OPD on that day. The output
generated is the OPD Card No and patient is directed to the required Doctor with that
card. The revenue generated from OPD is recorded & updated in the Master Revenue
Database after every 24 hours.

3. Admission Registration Process :-

This module receives input from two areas:-

(i) From the patient himself who has to get admitted to the Hospital. This process
record patient details and issues a Admission No. .This no. is used as reference
in other modules. The module generates a admission slip as the output
indicating the ward & Bed allotted to the patient.

(ii) The record input is received from the OPD Registration module, if the OPD
Doctor recommends patient for immediate admission to the hospital. The Card
No. taken as reference so that patient details do not required entering again.
The card no is now replaced by the admission no. and output generated is same
as in the case (i).

2. Duty Allocation Process :-

This module is operated by the super user in collaboration with top management who
together build-up the schedule for all employees of the Hospital. The process receives
input from the employee Master database and the process prepares schedule for a
period. The output of the process is the schedule report for the period in the

3. Financial Activity Process :-

This process receives two types of inputs:-

(i) First input, which is received, is for the Patient. It receives input from the
admission-registration module, and test & treatment-undertaken module, as
well as the patient master database. It records & process all the financial

transactions taken place between the hospital and the patient and generates the
final bill as the output.

(ii) Second input, which is received, is for the employees of the hospital. It
receives input from the duty allocation process and the employee database for
the preparation of a salary-slip. The module records & processes various
calculations and generates the salary-slip as the output.

4. Test and Treatment Undertaken Process :-

This module receives input in the form of prescription written by the doctor for the
types of tests and treatment to be undertaken by the patient. It records and process,
the various details about the test and generates the lab-report as the output of the
module. It also generates the receipt for the tests undertaken. These receipts serve as
one of the input to the financial-activity module.

5. Medical supply Process: -

This module is fairly independent of the other modules. It maintains the inventory of
the various medicines. It takes input in the form of prescription and generates output
in the form of bill containing the number of medicines purchased and their respective
rates, along with the total amount to be paid by the patient. The module also
maintains a database of the medicines and provides a check for their availability and
non-availability. In case of low inventory of any medicine, a message is sent to the
hospital, which replenishes the inventory-level of that medicine.

6. Maintenance Process: -

This module is the most important module. It receives input from every other module
of the system, and its functionality is to maintain the working and processing of other
modules as well as the maintenance of the various databases. Thus, it aims at the
overall maintenance of the whole system.

ACD (Architectural Context Diagram

Registration & Discharge

Access to system
User Login and granted
Password User Login and Security
Access Denied
Registration form
Opd system
OPD Card

Registration form
Admission system Admission

Prescription Test & Treatment system

Report +Result

Medicine Shop system

Receipt of

Discharge Slip Financial activity system Receipt of


Verification & Validation


D (12) E (8)

2 5 7

D (0)
A (8)

B (12) F (8) J (10) K (8) L (5)

4 9 1 1 1
C (5) 0 1 2
I (12)

G (12) H (5)
3 6 8

Critical Path


Dummy Activity


A=Order computing Platform
B=Prepare site
C=Review Specification
D=Install equipment
E= Test hardware
G=Write Programs
H=Test programs
I=Test software
J=Convent Systems
K=Implement follow-up
L= Accept

Hospital Patients

Patient Admit


Hospital Docto Doctor


Patient Discharge Room

On Line Hospital

User Revised Requirement
Requirement Specification

Requirement Initial
Determinatio Feasibi
n lity
Decision to Investigatio
Design Information is

Test Plan Study

Logical System Design Functional Spec.

System ation
Design Analysi
System Configuration
Schedule Budget

System Hardware
Evaluation Study

System Modification Improved System


Context Level DFD

Advice Patient

SYSTEM Programmer

Patient Carrier &

Status Bill Payment Job

DFD for Medical Advice

1. Read the
Patient Data from 2. Search for
patient disease from

Data base
3. Copy

Output Unit

DFD for patient Appointment

1. Read 2. Search
USER patient from Doctor
request Data base

3. Give the
Time and

Output UNIT

DFD for Patient Search

Patient 1. Read the

Data from

2. Search the
patient in Database

3. Copy
Selected Output Unit

DFD for PG Course

Doctor 1. Accept 2. Search for

Data for Seat
specializin Availability

3. Display the
status for PG

Output Unit

DFD For Bill Payment


1. Read the
Accountant Patient
Data &

2. Generate
the bill

Print Bill

Output Patient

DFD For Job Opportunity In hospital

Doctor Search
the web

Apply Only

Get Online Id

DFD For Online Searching For Patient

User Read Data base


Patient Data


DFD For Searching a Doctors

Read the
User Data of Doctor Data Base
& Specialisation

With Specialties


DFD Online Medical Advice

Read Patient
User Data and Data Base

Display the
Remedies &


DFD For Login Of User

Read User Id
User & Password Data Base

User & Login


Bed Details

1 Admitted

1.1 Display


1.2 Get
Update Table Details

Patient Document

1.4 assign bed


1 Admitted

1.1 Display


Update Table
1.2 Get

Patient Details

1.4 Assigning a


Read the
USER patient

Scan Record

Show the
Details of FILE


Details of


1 Scan the
PATIENT patient name

1.1 Display

Update Table

Patient Details

1.2 Get
1.4 Details


Scan Record

1 2 Select 3 Copy
PATIENT Read the
number Database


6 Copy
Selected 4
Record Compute


5 Select

7 Generate
Compute Total List
Bill Final Output
To Screen/Printer



Scan All Record

MANAG 1 2 Select
Read the Record
EMENT Request from File

3 Copy

7 Copy
Selected 4
Record Compute

Select Output
Processing Record

8 Generate
7 Total List
bill Final Output

To Screen/Printer




System Design:

The design document that we will develop during this phase is the blueprint of the
software. It describes how the solution to the customer problem is to be built. Since
solution to complex problems isn’t usually found in the first try, iterations are most likely
required. This is true for software design as well. For this reason, any design strategy,
design method, or design language must be flexible and must easily accommodate
changes due to iterations in the design. Any technique or design needs to support and
guide the partitioning process in such a way that the resulting sub-problems are as
independent as possible from each other and can be combined easily for the solution to
the overall problem. Sub-problem independence and easy combination of their solutions
reduces the complexity of the problem. This is the objective of the partitioning process.
Partitioning or decomposition during design involves three types of decisions: -
Define the boundaries along which to break;
Determine into how money pieces to break; and

Identify the proper level of detail when design should stop and implementation should
start. Basic design principles that enable the software engineer to navigate the design
process suggest a set of principles for software design, which have been adapted and
extended in the following list:

Free from the suffer from "tunnel vision." A good designer should consider alternative
approaches, judging each based on the requirements of the problem, the resources
available to do the job.

The design should be traceable to the analysis model. Because a single element of the
design model often traces to multiple requirements, it is necessary to have a means for
tracking how requirements have been satisfied by the design model.
The design should not repeat the same thing. Systems are constructed using a set of
design patterns, many of which have likely been encountered before. These patterns
should always be chosen as an alternative to reinvention. Time is short and resources are
limited! Design time should be invested in representing truly new ideas and integrating
those patterns that already exist.

The design should "minimize the intellectual distance" between the software and the
problem as it exists in the real world. That is, the structure of the software design should
(whenever possible) mimic the structure of the problem domain. The design should
exhibit uniformity and integration. A design is uniform if it appears that one person
developed the entire thing. Rules of style and format should be defined for a design team
before design work begins. A design is integrated if care is taken in defining interfaces
between design components.

The design activity begins when the requirements document for the software to be
developed is available. This may be the SRS for the complete system, as is the case if the
waterfall model is being followed or the requirements for the next "iteration" if the
iterative enhancement is being followed or the requirements for the prototype if the
prototyping is being followed. While the requirements specification activity is entirely in
the problem domain, design is the first step in moving from the problem domain toward
the solution domain. Design is essentially the bridge between requirements specification
and the final solution for satisfying the requirements.

The design of a system is essentially a blueprint or a plan for a solution for the system.
We consider a system to be a set of components with clearly defined behavior that
interacts with each other in a fixed defined manner to produce some behavior or services
for its environment. A component of a system can be considered a system, with its own

components. In a software system, a component is a software module. The design process
for software systems, often, has two levels. At the first level, the focus is on deciding
which modules are needed for the system, the specifications of these modules, and how
the modules should be interconnected. This is what is called the system design or top-
level design. In the second level, the internal design of the modules, or how the
specifications of the module can be satisfied, is decided. This design level is often called
detailed design or logic design. Detailed design essentially expands the system design to
contain a more detailed description of the processing logic and data structures so that the
design is sufficiently complete for coding.

Because the detailed design is an extension of system design, the system design controls
the major structural characteristics of the system. The system design has a major impact
on the testability and modifiability of a system, and it impacts its efficiency. Much of the
design effort for designing software is spent creating the system design.

The input to the design phase is the specifications for the system to be designed. Hence,
reasonable entry criteria can be that the specifications are stable and have been approved,
hoping that the approval mechanism will ensure that the specifications are complete,
consistent, unambiguous, etc. The output of the top-level design phase is the architectural
design or the system design for the software system to be built. This can be produced
with or without using a design methodology. A reasonable exit criteria for the phase could
be that the design has been verified against the input specifications and has been
evaluated and approved for quality.

A design can be object-oriented or function-oriented. In function-oriented design, the

design consists of module definitions, with each module supporting a functional
abstraction. In object-oriented design, the modules in the design represent data
abstraction (these abstractions are discussed in more detail later). In the function-oriented
methods for design and describe one particular methodology the structured design
methodology in some detail. In a function- oriented design approach, a system is viewed

as a transformation function, transforming the inputs to the desired outputs. The purpose
of the design phase is to specify the components for this transformation function, so that
each component is also a transformation function. Hence, the basic output of the system
design phase, when a function oriented design approach is being followed, is the
definition of all the major data structures in the system, all the major modules of the
system, and how the modules interact with each other. Once the designer is satisfied with
the design he has produced, the design is to be precisely specified in the form of a
document. To specify the design, specification languages are used. Producing the design
specification is the ultimate objective of the design phase. The purpose of this design
document is quite different from that of the design notation. Whereas a design
represented using the design notation is largely to be used by the designer, a design
specification has to be so precise and complete that it can be used as a basis of further
development by other programmers. Generally, design specification uses textual
structures, with design notation helping in understanding.


Users table

Field Type Constraint

Name Char (30) Not Null
Emp Id Char (30) Primary Key
Email Id Char (30) Not Null
Password Char (30) Not Null


Field Type Constraint

Username Char (30) Not Null
Password Char (30) Not Null

Pateint table
Field Type Constraint
Card_no Char (30) Primary key

Name Char (30) Not Null
Gender Char (30) Not Null
Age Numeric Not Null
Address Char (60) Not Null
Phone Numeric Not null
Relative_name Char (30) Not null
Relative_address Char(60) Not null
Department Char (60) Not Null
Doctor_name Char (30) Not null

Doctor Master

Field Type Constraint

Dr_code Char (30) Not null
Dr_name Char (30) Not null
Gemder Char (30) Not null
Date_of_birth Date Not null
Address Char (30) Not null
Date_of_join Date Not null
Desgination Not null

Field Type Constraint
Bed_no Char(30) Not null
Satus Char(30) Not null

Field Type Constraint
Name Char (30) Not Null
Card_no Char (30) Primary key
Patient_name Char (30) Not null
Gender Char (30) Not null
Age Numeric Not null
Address Char(60) Not null
Phone Numeric Not null
Rel_name Char (30) Not Null
Date Date Not null
Dr_unit Char (30) Not null
Days Char(60) Not null

Dep_name Char (30) Not null


Field Type Constraint

Receipt_no Char(30) Primary key
Patient_id Char (30) Not null
Name Char (30) Not null
Date Date Not null
Report Char (60) Not null


Field Type Constraint

Test_code Char(30) Not null
Test_test Char(30) Not null
Rate_per_test Char (30) Not null

Field Type Constraint
Name Char (30) Not Null
Email Id Char (30) Not Null
Phone Char (30) Not Null
State Char (30) Not null
Comment Char (60) Not null


Scheduling of a software project does not differ greatly from scheduling of any multi-
task engineering effort. Therefore, generalized project scheduling tools and techniques
can be applied with little modification to software projects.

Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) and critical path method (CPM) are
two project scheduling methods that can be applied to software development. Both
techniques are driven by information already developed in earlier project planning

Estimates of Effort

 A decomposition of the product function.

 The selection of the appropriate process model and task set.
 Decomposition of tasks.
Interdependencies among tasks may be defined using a task network. Tasks, sometimes
called the project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) are defined for the product as a
whole or for individual functions.

Both PERT and CPM provide quantitative tools that allow the software planner to (1)
determine the critical path-the chain of tasks that determines the duration of the project;
(2) establish "most likely" time estimates for individual tasks by applying statistical
models; and (3) calculate "boundary times" that define a time window" for a particular
Boundary time calculations can be very useful in software project scheduling. Slippage in
the design of one function, for example, can retard further development of other
functions. It describes important boundary times that may be discerned from a PERT or
CPM network: (I) the earliest time that a task can begin when preceding tasks are
completed in the shortest possible time, (2) the latest time for task initiation before the
minimum project completion time is delayed, (3) the earliest finish-the sum of the earliest
start and the task duration, (4) the latest finish- the latest start time added to task duration,
and (5) the total float-the amount of surplus time or leeway allowed in scheduling tasks
so that the network critical path maintained on schedule. Boundary time calculations lead
to a determination of critical path and provide the manager with a quantitative method for
evaluating progress as tasks are completed.

Both PERT and CPM have been implemented in a wide variety of automated tools that
are available for the personal computer. Such tools are easy to use and take the
scheduling methods described previously available to every software project manager.


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<td height="29" colspan="3"><span class="style13"> Login Form</span></td>
<td width="72"><strong>Username</strong></td>
<td width="188"><input type="text" name="textfield"></td>
<td width="43" rowspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
<td><strong>User ID</strong></td>
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<p><img src="images/mind-technologies__thedoctorxonline-homeopathic-HOSPITAL-management-
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<label> </label>
</span> <label></label>
<table width="386" height="278" border="0">
<td width="169"><span class="style20">We have six departments in out hospital. We are going to
extends more departments so that we can serve patients easily.</span></td>
<td width="197"><img src="images/h2.jpg" width="191" height="123"></td>
<td width="6">&nbsp;</td>
<td><img src="images/h1.jpg" width="165" height="131"></td>
<td><ul type="bullet type">
<li class="style21">We have four type of users
<li class="style21">Admin, doctor, opd, test and treatment
<li class="style21">Administrator will create user account
<li class="style21"> Users can go their corresponding section
<td><marquee direction="up"><ul type="byllet type">
<li class="style22">We are providing good service
<li class="style22">We are using lattest technology
<li class="style22">We have well experienced doctors
<li class="style22">Our services available 24*7
<td><img src="images/HOSPITAL.jpg" width="198" height="162"></td>
<p class="style10" __designer:dtid="1688858450198550">&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify" class="style10" __designer:dtid="1688858450198550">&nbsp;</p>
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<td width="150" align="left" valign="top"><p><img src="images/doc2.jpg" width="150"
<p class="style11">Working environment of the hospital should be good.. <br>
<p><span class="style10"><img src="images/doc1.jpg" width="151" height="191"></span></p></td>
<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form1" method="post"
<table width="647" height="166" border="0">
<td width="641" height="61"><div align="center" class="style9">
<p>ABOUT US </p>
<td align="left"><h2 align="justify" class="style12">Hospital are the essential part of our lives,
providing best medical facilities to people suffering from various ailments, which may be due to change in
climatic conditions, increased work-load, emotional trauma stress etc<br>
It is necessary for the hospitals to keep track of its day-to-day activities &amp; records of its patients,
doctors, nurses, ward boys and other staff personals that keep the hospital running smoothly &amp;
But keeping track of all the activities and their records on paper is very cumbersome and error prone.
It also is very inefficient and a time-consuming process Observing the continuous increase in population
and number of people visiting the hospital. Recording and maintaining all these records is highly
unreliable, inefficient and error-prone. It is also not economically &amp; technically feasible to maintain
these records on paper.<br>
Thus keeping the working of the manual system as the basis of our project. We have developed an
automated version of the manual system, named as &ldquo;HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT
The main aim of our project is to provide a paper-less hospital up to 90%. It also aims at providing low-cost
reliable automation of the existing systems. The system also provides excellent security of data at every
level of user-system interaction and also provides robust &amp; reliable storage and backup facilities.<br>

<p><BR __designer:dtid="1125904201809957" />
<BR __designer:dtid="1125904201809958" />
<h1 class="style8">&nbsp;</h1>
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<p>Contact Us </p>
<p><strong><font face="Verdana"><span class="style17">SHAGUFTA</span></font></strong></p>
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class="style15" style="font-weight: normal;
color: #000000"><span class="style16" style="color: #000000"><span
class="style3" style="color: #000000">ANIPAT</span></span></span></font> </span></p>
<p><span class="style6">Email Id<br /></span></p>
<p class="style12">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="style12">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="130" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form1" method="post"

<div align="right"> <br>

<input type="image" name="imageField" src="images/contactus.jpg">
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if (form.state.value=="")
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form.state.focus(); return false;

if ("")
{ alert("Comment should not be blank. Please enter it.");; return false;

alert("Charges. Should be a number ");;
return false;


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form.textfield.focus(); return false;

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<td width="287" height="43"><div align="right"><strong>User Name </strong></div></td>
<td width="212"><label>
<input type="text" name="textfield">
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String str=request.getParameter("textfield");
String str1=request.getParameter("textfield2");

Connection connection =
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
String query="select * from admin where user='"+str+"' and pass='"+str1+"'";
ResultSet x = statement.executeQuery(query);

response.sendRedirect("admin menu.jsp");




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function validate(form)
if (form.textfield.value=="")
{ alert("Should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield2.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield2.focus(); return false;
if (form.textfield3.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield3.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield4.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield4.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield5.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield5.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield6.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield6.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield7.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield7.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield8.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield8.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield9.value=="")

{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield9.focus(); return false;

alert("Age Should be a number ");
return false;

alert("Phone No. Should be a number ");
return false;


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<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form" method="post"
onSubmit="return validate(this)" action="addpatient.jsp">
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<td width="184" height="42"><a href="admin menu.jsp">Admin Menu</a> </td>
<td width="230"><div align="center" class="style10">
<p>Add Patient Details</p>
<td width="245"><label></label></td>
<td><strong>Patient Id.</strong> <%

Connection connection =
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

String query="select * from patient";

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);
int i=0;

String id="P0" +(i+1);
%> </td>
<td><input type="text" name="textfield" value='<%=id%>' ></td>
<td><strong>Name </strong></td>
<input name="textfield2" type="text" >
<td height="62">&nbsp;</td>
<input type="radio" name="radio" value="Male">
<input type="radio" name="radio" value="Female">

<input name="textfield3" type="text" id="textfield3">
<input name="textfield4" type="text" id="textfield4">
<input name="textfield5" type="text" id="textfield5" >

<td><strong>Relative Name </strong></td>
<td><input name="textfield6" type="text" id="textfield6"></td>
<td><strong>Relative Address </strong></td>
<td><input name="textfield7" type="text" id="textfield7"></td>
<td><strong>Supervising Doctor </strong></td>
<td><input name="textfield8" type="text" id="textfield8"></td>
<td><input name="textfield9" type="text" id="textfield9"></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td>


<div align="right"></div>

<h1 class="style8">&nbsp;</h1>
<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>

Opd det.jsp

<%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*"%>

<%@ page session="true" %>
<title>HOSPITAL Management System</title>
<style type="text/css">
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font-size: 16px;
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<script language="javascript">

function validate(form)
if (form.textfield.value=="")
{ alert("Should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield2.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield2.focus(); return false;
if (form.textfield3.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield3.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield4.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield4.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield5.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield5.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield6.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield6.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield7.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield7.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield8.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield8.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield9.value=="")

{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield9.focus(); return false;

alert("Age Should be a number ");
return false;

alert("Phone No. Should be a number ");
return false;


<table width="731" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="0">

<td colspan="2" height="120"><%@ include file="header.jsp" %></td>

<td width="150" align="left" valign="top">
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<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form" method="post"
onSubmit="return validate(this)" action="addopd.jsp">
<table width="673" height="356" border="0">
<td width="184" height="42"><a href="admin menu.jsp">Admin Menu</a> </td>
<td width="230"><div align="center" class="style10">
<p>Add OPD Patient Details</p>
<td width="245"><label></label></td>
<td><strong>Card Id.</strong> <%

Connection connection =
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

String query="select * from opd_master";

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);
int i=0;

String id="OPD0" +(i+1);
%> </td>
<td><input type="text" name="textfield" value='<%=id%>' ></td>
<td><strong>Name </strong></td>
<input name="textfield2" type="text" >
<td height="62">&nbsp;</td>
<input type="radio" name="radio" value="Male">
<input type="radio" name="radio" value="Female">

<input name="textfield3" type="text" id="textfield3">
<input name="textfield4" type="text" id="textfield4">
<input name="textfield5" type="text" id="textfield5" >

<td><strong>Relative Name </strong></td>
<td><input name="textfield6" type="text" id="textfield6"></td>
<td><input name="textfield7" type="text" id="textfield7"></td>
<td><strong>Supervising Doctor </strong></td>
<td><input name="textfield8" type="text" id="textfield8"></td>
<td><input name="textfield9" type="text" id="textfield9"></td>
<td><input name="textfield10" type="text" id="textfield10"></td>


<div align="right"></div>
<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td>

<h1 class="style8">&nbsp;</h1>
<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>

Patient details.jsp

<%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>

<%@ page session="true" %>
<title>HOSPITAL Management System</title>
<style type="text/css">
.style7 {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
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body {
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<td width="150" align="left" valign="top">
<%@ include file="menu.jsp"%></td>
<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form action="" method="post"
name="form1" class="style11">
<div align="center">
<p>OPD Patient Details </p>
<table width="677" border="1" cellspacing="0">
<td width="81"><strong>Card No </strong></td>
<td width="148"><b>Name</b></td>
<td width="128"><strong>Gender</strong></td>
<td width="62"><strong>Department</strong></td>

<td width="116"><strong>Doctor</strong></td>
Connection connection =
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

String query="select * from patient";

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);


<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>



<%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>

<%@ page session="true" %>
<title>HOSPITAL Management System</title>
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font-size: 16px;
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font-size: 18px;
body {
margin-left: 0px;
margin-top: 0px;

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></head>
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<td colspan="2" height="120"><%@ include file="header.jsp" %></td>

<td width="150" align="left" valign="top">
<%@ include file="menu.jsp"%></td>
<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form action="" method="post"
name="form1" class="style11">
<div align="center">
<p>OPD Patient Details </p>
<table width="677" border="1" cellspacing="0">
<td width="81"><strong>Card No </strong></td>
<td width="148"><b>Name</b></td>
<td width="128"><strong>Gender</strong></td>
<td width="62"><strong>Department</strong></td>
<td width="116"><strong>Days</strong></td>
<td width="116"><strong>Doctor</strong></td>
Connection connection =
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

String query="select * from opd_master";

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);

<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>


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function validate(form)
if (form.textfield.value=="")
{ alert("Should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield2.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield2.focus(); return false;
if (form.textfield3.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield3.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield4.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield4.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield5.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield5.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield6.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield6.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield7.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield7.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield8.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield8.focus(); return false;


if (form.textfield9.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield9.focus(); return false;

alert("Age Should be a number ");
return false;

alert("Phone No. Should be a number ");
return false;


<table width="731" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="0">

<td colspan="2" height="120"><%@ include file="header.jsp" %></td>

<td width="150" align="left" valign="top">
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<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form" method="post"
onSubmit="return validate(this)" action="adddr.jsp">
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<td width="184" height="42"><a href="admin menu.jsp">Admin Menu</a> </td>
<td width="230"><div align="center" class="style10">
<p>Add Doctors Details</p>
<td width="245"><label></label></td>
<td><strong>Doctor Id.</strong> <%

Connection connection =
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

String query="select * from dr_master";
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);
int i=0;

String id="DR" +(i+1);
%> </td>
<td><input type="text" name="textfield" value='<%=id%>' ></td>
<td><strong>Name </strong></td>
<input name="textfield2" type="text" >
<td height="62">&nbsp;</td>
<input type="radio" name="radio" value="Male">
<input type="radio" name="radio" value="Female">

<input name="textfield3" type="text" id="textfield3">
<input name="textfield4" type="text" id="textfield4">

<input name="textfield5" type="text" id="textfield5" >
<td><strong>Date of Joining</strong></td>
<td><input name="textfield6" type="text" id="textfield6"></td>
<td><input name="textfield7" type="text" id="textfield7"></td>
<td><input name="textfield8" type="text" id="textfield8"></td>
<td><input name="textfield9" type="text" id="textfield9"></td>
<td><input name="textfield10" type="text" id="textfield10"></td>


<div align="right"></div>
<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td>

<h1 class="style8">&nbsp;</h1>
<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>


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<style type="text/css">
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body {
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<%@ include file="menu.jsp"%></td>
<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form action="" method="post"
name="form1" class="style11">
<div align="center">
<p>Doctors Details </p>
<table width="907" border="1" cellspacing="0">
<td width="96"><strong>Dr. ID </strong></td>
<td width="107"><b>Name</b></td>
<td width="87"><strong>Gender</strong></td>
<td width="226"><strong>Department</strong></td>
<td width="226"><strong>Specialization</strong></td>

<td width="139"><strong>Timings</strong></td>
Connection connection =
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

String query="select * from dr_master";

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);



<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>


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<title>HOSPITAL Management System</title>
<style type="text/css">
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font-size: 16px;
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<script language="javascript">

function validate(form)
if (form.textfield.value=="")
{ alert("Should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield2.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield2.focus(); return false;


<table width="731" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="0">

<td colspan="2" height="120"><%@ include file="header.jsp" %></td>

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<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form" method="post"
onSubmit="return validate(this)" action="addbed.jsp">
<table width="673" height="356" border="0">
<td width="184" height="42"><a href="admin menu.jsp">Admin Menu</a> </td>
<td width="230"><div align="center" class="style10">
<p>Add Bed Details</p>
<td width="245"><label></label></td>
<td><strong>Bed No.</strong></td>
<td><input type="text" name="textfield" ></td>
<td><strong>Bed Status</strong> </td>

<input name="textfield2" type="text" >

<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td>


<div align="right"></div>

<h1 class="style8">&nbsp;</h1>
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<script language="javascript">

function validate(form)
if (form.textfield.value=="")
{ alert("Should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield2.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield2.focus(); return false;
if (form.textfield3.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield3.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield4.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield4.focus(); return false;


<table width="731" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="0">

<td colspan="2" height="120"><%@ include file="header.jsp" %></td>

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<%@ include file="menu.jsp"%></td>
<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form" method="post"
onSubmit="return validate(this)" action="addtest.jsp">
<table width="673" height="356" border="0">
<td width="184" height="42"><a href="admin menu.jsp">Admin Menu</a> </td>
<td width="230"><div align="center" class="style10">
<p>Add Patient Details</p>
<td width="245"><label></label></td>

<td><strong>Recpt. No.</strong> <%

Connection connection =
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

String query="select * from Test_det";

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);
int i=0;

String id="R0" +(i+1);
%> </td>
<td><input type="text" name="textfield" value='<%=id%>' ></td>
<td><strong>Test Code </strong></td>
<input name="textfield2" type="text" >

<td><input name="textfield3" type="text" id="textfield3"></td>
<td><input name="textfield4" type="text" id="textfield4"></td>
<td><strong>Test Report</strong> </td>
<td><textarea name="textfield5" id="textfield5"></textarea></td>


<div align="right"></div>

<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td>

<h1 class="style8">&nbsp;</h1>
<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>


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<title>HOSPITAL Management System</title>
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font-size: 16px;
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<script language="javascript">

function validate(form)
if (form.textfield.value=="")
{ alert("Should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield2.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield2.focus(); return false;
if (form.textfield3.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield3.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield4.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield4.focus(); return false;


<table width="731" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="0">

<td colspan="2" height="120"><%@ include file="header.jsp" %></td>

<td width="150" align="left" valign="top">
<%@ include file="menu.jsp"%></td>
<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form" method="post"
onSubmit="return validate(this)" action="addrate.jsp">
<table width="673" height="356" border="0">
<td width="184" height="42"><a href="admin menu.jsp">Admin Menu</a> </td>
<td width="230"><div align="center" class="style10">
<p>Add Test Details</p>
<td width="245"><label></label></td>

<td><strong>Test Code </strong>

Connection connection =
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

String query="select * from Test_master";

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);
int i=0;

String id="T0" +(i+1);
%> </td>
<td><input type="text" name="textfield" value='<%=id%>' ></td>
<input name="textfield2" type="text" >

<td><input name="textfield3" type="text" id="textfield3"></td>

<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td>


<div align="right"></div>


<h1 class="style8">&nbsp;</h1>
<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>


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<title>HOSPITAL Management System</title>
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font-size: 16px;
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function validate(form)
if (form.textfield.value=="")
{ alert("Should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield.focus(); return false;

if (form.textfield2.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield2.focus(); return false;
if (form.textfield3.value=="")
{ alert("Field should not be blank. Please enter it.");
form.textfield3.focus(); return false;


<table width="731" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="0">

<td colspan="2" height="120"><%@ include file="header.jsp" %></td>

<td width="150" align="left" valign="top">
<%@ include file="menu.jsp"%></td>
<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form" method="post"
onSubmit="return validate(this)" action="addbill.jsp">
<table width="673" height="356" border="0">
<td width="184" height="42"><a href="admin menu.jsp">Admin Menu</a> </td>
<td width="230"><div align="center" class="style10">
<p>Add Patient Details</p>
<td width="245"><label></label></td>
<td><strong>B</strong><strong>ill No. </strong>

Connection connection =
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

String query="select * from bill";

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);
int i=0;

String id="000" +(i+1);
%> </td>
<td><input type="text" name="textfield" value='<%=id%>' ></td>
<td><strong>Card No. </strong></td>
<input name="textfield2" type="text" >

<td><input name="textfield3" type="text" id="textfield3"></td>

<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td>


<div align="right"></div>

<h1 class="style8">&nbsp;</h1>

<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>

<%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>

<%@ page session="true" %>
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font-size: 16px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #0000FF;
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body {

margin-left: 0px;
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<%@ include file="menu.jsp"%></td>
<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form action="" method="post"
name="form1" class="style11">
<div align="center">
<p>Users Details </p>
<a href="admin menu.jsp">Admin Menu</a>
Connection connection =
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

String query="select * from user";

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);
<table width="422" border="1" cellspacing="0">
<td width="93"><strong>Name </strong></td>
<td width="93"><strong>ID</strong></td>
<td width="222"><strong>Email</strong></td>
<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>

<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>

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<title>HOSPITAL Management System</title>
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<td width="750" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form action="" method="post"
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<p>Tests Available in the Hospital </p>
<table width="354" border="1" cellspacing="0">
<td width="84"><strong>Test ID </strong></td>
<td width="169"><b>Name</b></td>
<td width="54"><strong>Rate</strong></td>
Connection connection =
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

String query="select * from test_master";

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);

<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>



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<title>HOSPITAL Management System</title>
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<td width="696" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form1" method="post"

<b>Welcome <%=session.getAttribute("empid")%></b> <p class="style11 style10"

__designer:dtid="1688858450198550"><a href="status.jsp"></a><strong> </strong>Enter Reciept No.
<input type="text" name="textfield">
<p class="style11 style10" __designer:dtid="1688858450198550">Patient ID
<input type="text" name="textfield2">
<p class="style11 style10" __designer:dtid="1688858450198550">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p class="style7" __designer:dtid="281479271677962">&nbsp;</p> </td>

Code Efficiency:

Reviewing of Code efficiency for a module is carried out after the module is successfully
compiled and all the syntax errors eliminated. Code efficiency review is extremely cost-
effective strategies for reduction in coding errors in order to produce high quality code.
Normally, two types of efficiency are carried out on the code of a module - code
optimization and code inspection. The procedure and final objective of these two
efficiency techniques are very different as discussed below.

Optimization of Code:

Code optimization is an informal code analysis technique. In this technique, after a

module has been coded, it is successfully compiled and all syntax errors are eliminated.
Some members of the development team are given the code a few days before the
optimization meeting to read and understand the code. Each member selects some test
cases and simulates execution of the code by hand (i.e. trace execution through each
statement and function execution). The main objectives of the optimization are to
discover the algorithmic and logical errors in the code. The members note down their
findings to discuss these in a optimization meeting where the coder of the module is also
Even though a code optimization is an informal analysis technique, several guidelines
have evolved over the years for making this naïve technique more effective and useful.
Of course, these guidelines are based on personal experience, common sense, and several
subjective factors. Therefore are based on personal experience, common sense, and
several subjective factors. Therefore, guidelines should be considered as examples rather
than as rules to be applied dogmatically. Some of these guidelines are the following:

The team performing the code optimization should not be either too big or too small.
Ideally, it should consist of three to seven members.



One of the purposes of the testing is to validate and verify the system. Verification means
checking the system to ensure that it is doing what the function is supposed to do and
Validation means checking to ensure that system is doing what the user wants it to do.
No program or system design is perfect; communication between the user and the
designer is not always complete or clear, and time is usually short. The result is errors and
more errors. Theoretically, a newly designed system should have all the pieces in working
order, but in reality, each piece works independently. Now is the time to put all the pieces
into one system and test it to determine whether it meets the user's requirements. This is
the best chance to detect and correct errors before the system is implemented. The
purpose of system testing is to consider all the likely variations to which it will be
subjected and then push the system to its limits. If we implement the system without
proper testing then it might cause the problems.

1. Communication between the user and the designer.

2. The programmer's ability to generate a code that reflects exactly the system
3. The time frame for the design.

Theoretically, a new designed system should have all the pieces in working order, but in
reality, each piece works independently. Now is the time to put all the pieces into one
system and test it to determine whether it meets the requirements of the user. The process
of system testing and the steps taken to validate and prepare a system for final
implementation are:


The different types of testing are as follows:




1. Unit Testing:

This is the smallest testable unit of a computer system and is normally tested using
the white box testing. The author of the programs usually carries out unit tests.

2. Integration Testing:

In integration testing, the different units of the system are integrated together to form the
complete system and this type of testing checks the system as whole to ensure that it is
doing what is supposed to do. The testing of an integrated system can be carried out top-
down, bottom-up, or big-bang. In this type of testing, some parts will be tested with white
box testing and some with black box testing techniques. This type of testing plays very
important role in increasing the systems productivity. We have checked our system by
using the integration testing techniques.

3. System Testing:

A part from testing the system to validate the functionality of software against the
requirements, it is also necessary to test the non-functional aspect of the system. Some
examples of non-functional tools include tests to check performance, data security,
usability/user friendliness, volume, load/stress that we have used in our project to test the
various modules.

System testing consists of the following steps:

1. Program(s) testing.
2. String testing.
3. System testing.
4. System documentation.
5. User acceptance testing.

4. Field Testing:
This is a special type of testing that may be very important in some projects. Here the
system is tested in the actual operational surroundings. The interfaces with other systems
and the real world are checked. This type of testing is very rarely used. So far our project
is concerned, we haven't tested our project using the field testing.

1. Acceptance Testing:
After the developer has completed all rounds of testing and he is satisfied with the
system, then the user takes over and re-tests the system from his point of view to judge
whether it is acceptable according to some previously identified criteria. This is almost
always a tricky situation in the project because of the inherent conflict between the
developer and the user. In this project, it is the job of the bookstores to check the system
that whether the made system fulfills the goals or not.

Why System Testing?

Testing is vital to the success of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption
that if all the parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved.
Inadequate testing results in two types of problems:

1. The time lag between the cause and the appearance of the problem.
2. The effect of system errors on the files and records within the system.
Another reason for system testing is its utility as a user-oriented vehicle before

Activity Network for System Testing

The test plan entails the following activities:

1. Prepare test plan.
2. Specify conditions for user acceptance testing.
3. Prepare test data for program testing.
4. Prepare test data for transaction path testing.
5. Plan user training.
6. Compile/assemble programs.
7. Prepare job performance aids.
8. Prepare operational documents.

Prepare Test
A workable test plan must be prepared in accordance with established design
specifications. It includes the following items:
• Outputs expected from the system.
• Criteria for evaluating outputs.
• A volume of test data.
• Procedure for using test data.

• Personnel and training requirements.
Specify Conditions for User Acceptance Testing
Planning for user acceptance testing calls for the analyst and the user to agree on
conditions for the test.

Prepare Test Data for Program Testing

As each program is coded, test data are prepared and documented to ensure that all
aspects of the program are properly tested.

Prepare Test Data for Transaction Path Testing

This activity develops the data required for testing every condition and transactions to be
introduced into the system. The path of each transaction from origin to destination is
carefully tested reliable results.

Plan User Training

User training is designed to prepare the user for testing and converting the system. User
involvement and training take place parallel with programming for three reasons:
• The system group has time available to spend on training while the programs are
being written.
• Initiating a user-training program gives the systems group a clearer image of the
user's interest in the new system.
• A trained user participates more effectively in system testing.

The training plan is followed by preparation of the user training manual and other text

Compile / Assemble Programs

All programs have to be compiled / assembled for testing.
Prepare Job Performance Aids

In this activity the materials to be used by personnel to run the system are specified and
scheduled. This includes a display of materials.

Prepare Operational Documents

During the test plan stage, all operational documents are finalized including copies of the
operational formats required by the candidate system.

Systems testing
The computer department to ensure that the system functions as specified does this testing. This
testing is important to ensure that a working system is handed over to the user for acceptance

Acceptance testing.
The user to ensure that the system functions, as the user actually wanted performs this testing.
With prototyping techniques, this stage becomes very much a formality to check the accuracy
and completeness of processing. The screen layouts and output should already have been
tested during the prototyping phase.

An error in the program code can remain undetected indefinitely. To prevent this from
happening the code was tested at various levels. To successfully test a system, each
condition, and combinations of conditions had to be tested. Each program was tested
and linked to other programs. This unit of program is tested and linked to other units and
so on until the complete system has been tested.

The purpose of testing is to ensure that each program is fully tested. To do so a test plan
had to be created. The test plan consists of a number of test runs such as the valid paths
through the code, and the exception and error handling paths. For each test run there is a
list of conditions tested, the test data used and the result expected. The test plan was then
reviewed to check that each path through the code is tested correctly. It is the

responsibility of the programmer to collect the data that will produce the required test


The objectives of verification, validity activities are to assess and improve the quality of
the work products generated during development and modification of the software.
Quality depends upon the various attributes like correctness, completeness, consistency,
reliability, usefulness, usability, efficiency and conformance to standards.

The terms verification and validation are used synonymously. These are defined as
under: -
Verification: “Are we building the product right?”
Validation: “Are we building the right product?”

Verification activities include proving, testing, and reviews. Validation is the process of
evaluating software at the end of the software development to ensure compliance with the
software requirements. Testing is a common method of validation. Clearly, for high
reliability we need to perform both activities. Together, they are often called V&V

The major V&V activities for software development are inspection, reviews, and testing
(both static and dynamic). The V&V plan identifies the different V&V tasks for the
different phases and specifies how these tasks contribute to the project V&V goals. The
methods to be used for performing these V&V activities, the responsibilities and
milestones for each of these activities, inputs and outputs for each V&V task, and criteria
for evaluating the outputs are also specified.

The two major V&V approaches are testing and inspections. Testing is an activity that
can be generally performed only on code. It is an important activity and is discussed in
detail in a later chapter. Inspection is a more general activity that can be applied to any
work product, including code. Many of the V&V tasks are such that for them, an
inspection type of activity is the only possible way to perform the tasks (e.g. trace ability
and document evaluation). Due to this, inspections play a significant role in verification.


System Implementation Maintenance and Review

As we know, creating software is one thing and the implementation of the created
software is another. The process of implementing software is much difficult as compared
to the task of creating the project. First we have to implement the software on a small
scale for removing the bugs and other errors in the project and after removing them we
can implement the software on a large scale. Before we think in terms of implementing
the Software on a large basis, we must consider the Hardware requirements.

Whenever we develop software or project a certain hardware and software is being used
by the programmer for developing the project. The hardware and software to be used by
the programmer for developing the project should be such that it would result in the
development of a project, which would satisfy all the basic needs for which the project
has been created by the programmer. The Hardware should be such that cost constraints
of the Client should also be taken into account without affecting the performance.


When we evaluate computer hardware, we should first investigate specific physical and
performance characteristics for each hardware component to be acquired. These specific
questions must be answered concerning many important factors. These hardware evaluation
factors questions are summarized in the below figure.

Notice that there is much more to evaluating hardware than determining the fastest and
cheapest computing device. For e.g. the question of possible obsolescence must be addressed
by making a technology evaluation. The factor of ergonomics is also very important.
Ergonomics is the science and technology that tries to ensure that computers and other
technologies are "user-friendly", that is safe, comfortable and easy to use. Connectivity is

another important evaluation factor, since so many computer systems are now interconnected
within wide area or local area telecommunications networks.


1) Performance
2) Cost
3) Reliability
4) Availability
5) Compatibility
6) Modularity
7) Technology
8) Ergonomics
9) Connectivity
10)Environmental requirements


Software can be evaluated according to many factors similar to the hardware

evaluation. Thus the factors of performance, cost, reliability, compatibility, modularity,
technology, ergonomics, and support should be used to evaluate proposed software
acquisitions. In addition, however, the software evaluation factors are summarized in
below figure. For e.g. some software packages require too much memory capacity and
are notoriously slow, hard to use, or poorly documented. They are not a good selection
for most end users, even if offered at attractive prices.

1) Efficiency: is the software a well-written system of computer instructions that does

not use much memory capacity or CPU time?

2) Flexibility: can it handle its processing assignments easily without major
3) Security: does it provide control procedures for errors, malfunctions and improper use?
4) Language: do our computer programmers and users write it in a programming
language that is used?
5) Documentation: is the s/w well documented? Does it include helpful user instructions?
6) Hardware: does existing hardware have the features required to best use this software?
7) Other characteristics of hardware such as its performance, what about the cost, how
much is reliable and etc.


Security Performed In HOSPITALManagement System

User Name & Password security implemented so that no unauthorised person
can handle any operation without username and Password.
 Only authorized person can log-on the system.
 Only authorized person can update the records.
 Only authorized person can handle the reservation.
 Only authorized person can print the report.

It has two kinds of users:

1. Administrator
2. User1

Administrator: He has complete authority (Read, Add, Modify) of operating the

software. The User Name and Password provided to the Administrator in this project is:

User Id: Admin

Password: admin123

User1: When this user logs onto the system, he can only view information and other
reports. He can generate different reports.

User Id: User1

Password: user123


1. Though maximum efforts have been put in to make this report authentic in all aspects
and to take all necessary presentation to ensure that the information gathered is true,
some uncomfortable factors may have crept in.
2. Some of the respondents were reluctant to part with certain information on the pretext
of the sensitivity of the information. Also some facts of figures were not divulged as
the company policy came in the way for free revelation of the desired input.
3. An element of bias might have crept in from the side of the official interviewed. This
could also have resulted in some kind of modification of the information divulged.
4. Through an attempt was make to collect information from the
best possible source in the company, it was difficult to meet the top officials due to
their busy schedules.
5. Most of the analysis and interpretations, made for this report, are based on secondary
data obtained. This data could have some inherent mistakes and errors.
6. Finally, although due care has been taken those can be typing and compilation errors
in the report itself.

The tasks specified were not well defined because nothing was mentioned regarding
validations in the project. Though we gave maximum effort to check the software with
different validation tests, a few of them might be present in this version.

 Due to limited time available survey could not be undertaken for intended 20
consumers and thus had to be limited to 10.
 Communication gaps exist between employees and management, as seniors don't
share problem with subordinates resulting in violation of psychological contract.
 Poor rewarding system(slow)
 Poor working conditions

The limitations may be many and the magnitude of the influence of these limiting factors
may have a bearing on the report, but it in no way alters the ultimate aim of the project
and because it's highly USER FRIENDLY, it would be the choice of all kinds of


This project has been a rewarding experience in more than one way. The entire project
work has enlightened us in the following areas.

a) We have gained an insight into the working of the HOSPITAL. This represents a
typical real world situation.

b) Our understanding of database design has been strengthened this is because in

order to generate the final reports of database designing has to be properly followed.

c) Scheduling a project and adhering to that schedule creates a strong sense of time

d) Sense of teamwork has developed and confidence of handling real life project
has increased to a great extent.

e) Initially, there were problem with the validation but with discussions, we were
to implement validations.


[1] Herbert Scheldt, Java Complete Reference, Fifth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Edition.

[2] Phil Hanna, JSP 2.0: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 2003.

[3] Elmarsi and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System (Third Edition), Addision

[4] Ian Somerville, Software Engineering, Third Edition, Pearson Education.

[5] Ali Bahrami, Object-Oriented System Development, Third Edition, Tata McGraw
Hill Edition.

[6] Ivan Bayross, SQL, PL/SQL programming language of Oracle, Second Edition,
BPB Publication.




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