III Research Proposal
III Research Proposal
III Research Proposal
Abellana, Christian T.
Capao, John Lloyd L.
Casundo, Jake
Dignos, Cyrel John
Opsinal, Renmark
Oboab, Jeffrey
Pantojan, Grego
Sisters of Mary School-Boystown, Inc.
Tungkop, Minglanilla, Cebu
Tense of the verb
Grammar and spelling
Lacking information quanti and majority for the quali
Indention 0.5
Order of beneficiaries in the significance
Lacking details in definition of terms
Be consistent with the school year use 2019-2020
Note: Use this file when you edit for the final paper. Revise or change those with red
Factors affecting the learning style preferences of the grade ten students
Chapter 1
assimilate information. Basically, your learning style is the method that best allows you
to gather and use knowledge in a specific manner. Most experts agree that there are
three basic learning styles. Each individual may possess a single style or could possess
According to Lucas and Corpuz (2007), learning or thinking styles refer to the
preferred way of individual processes information and also describe a person’s typical
Learning style of students are the key to either success or failure in their
ventures. For educational setting, there is the outcomes-based requirement that verifies
students’ learning. However, there are also factors affecting their learning behaviors.
These are observed in their value judgment about self, peers and classroom
According to Mondal (2019), there are different factors that may affect the
personality, emotional and social factors and even intellectual factors. These different
factors affect the learning behavior of the students in the environmental factors it may
include the classroom facilities and equipment, if the classroom are well organized and
maintain the students will have the greater chance to learn properly. The students are
also affected by the teachers’ personality and attitude, Teachers’ personality contributes
Factors affecting the learning style preferences of the grade ten students
passionate and empathetic are able to bring the best in the students. Though a lot of
people aspire to take teaching as a career it is recommended that along with teaching
aptitude test, the personality test may also be carried out. The analysis and
understanding of teacher personality can provide insights to the teacher to identify his or
her strengths and areas of improvement (Mehta, 2015). The teacher’s behavior and
used; and, the informational guides the school provide during their stay in the school
The Sisters of Mary School-Boystown, Inc. is a school that offers free education
to those students who can’t go to high school or for deserving students who comes from
the poorest of the poor family. The school aims to produce more skilled and equipped
students with high quality education. In this school, the students are coming from
different places in Visayas and Mindanao; they are group according to their year level
and that to be subdivided to call as a family. The students behave in different ways
inside the class. It has been observed that there are different learning behaviors they
The researchers will conduct this study on the factors affecting the learning
behavior of the students specifically the grade ten students of the said school. This
study aims to identify the extent to which the identified factors affect the learning
behavior of the grade ten students and the relationship between the two variables. This
study will help the stakeholders (administrators, teachers, sisters) know the factors that
Factors affecting the learning style preferences of the grade ten students
may affect or that affect the existing learning behavior of the grade ten students and
Self-regulated theory
Self-regulated learning theory states that learning occurs form the students’ self-
generated behavior systematically toward the attainment of their learning goals. Self-
regulated learning process involve goal cognitive activities that students instigate,
modify and sustain (Zimmerman, 1986). In this research self-regulated learning involve
Social cognitive theory states that; students’ cognitions include such activities as
the anticipated outcomes of learning (Schunk, 1986). In this study teacher factor and
researcher Howard Gardner verified what many parents intuitively know: different
children learn in different ways. He observed that even though all individuals in a group
seemed to be equally intelligent, a lesson plan that worked successfully for some
children didn’t work as well for others. Howard Gardner’s observations led him to
publish Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences in 1983.He asserted that
different people approach learning in different ways and that children learn better in
Factors affecting the learning style preferences of the grade ten students
school when their individual learning styles are recognized and supported. He outlined
The framework in figure 1.1 shows the factors affecting the learning style of the
students also the perceptual learning style of the students. It shows the independent
variable which are the motivational factors, the teacher factors and the learning
environment factors. It also shows the dependent variable which is the learning style of
the students that would results to the following dimensions; visual, auditory, kinesthetic,
This study aims to identify and explain the factors that affect the learning style
preference of the grade ten students in the Sisters of Mary School-Boystown, Inc.
2. To what extent do the following factors affect the learning style of the grade
ten students?
Environmental factor
Teachers’ factor
Motivational factor
3. Is there any significant relationship between the students’ learning style and
Based on the results derived in the first phase of the study, the
1. What are the reasons why the following learning style of the grade ten
2. How and why these following factors did affects the learning style of the
Environmental factor
Teachers’ factor
Motivational factor
Factors affecting the learning style preferences of the grade ten students
3. How and why do the different factors affect (or not) the learning style of
Referring to the research questions of this study, this hypothesis will be put into
The main purpose of this study is to determine and explain if there exists a
significant relationship between the factors affecting the learning behaviour of the
students the learning behaviour. This research focuses only on the relationship of the
factors and the learning behaviour of the students and was conducted in the Sisters of
Mary school-Boys town, Inc. Tungkop, Minglanilla, Cebu. In this research the
respondents are the grade 10 students school year 2019-2020. The researchers
couldn’t choose all 329 students to be the respondents of the study thus, 240 students
only were chosen using stratified random sampling where the population was
partitioned into regions or strata and sample selected by some design which is stratum
The study on the factors affecting the learning behavior of the grade 10 students
in the sisters of Mary School Boystown, Inc. Tungkop, Minglanilla, Cebu. Will be
They will be able to know the learning behavior of the students, and in order for
to give the most and the best for the students, the most and the best for the students,
the most and the best in the sense that the ARDC can now give some of activities and
They will be able to give more priority how to resolve the occurring problems that
They can now assist the students to develop their learning styles and give them
some solution to the occurring problems of each students so that there will be no
The result of this study will provide them some information regarding to the
occurring learning behavior of their “alaga” and they will be able to adjust and deal to
Upon identifying the different factors that affect their learning styles, they will be
able to improve their learning styles as they continue their journey to higher years.
Definition of terms
To understand and clarify complex words the following terms are defined
Education- is what a person acquire and a learning that was encountered by the person,
Emotional factors – it is used in the study as the factors affecting the learning behavior
of the students.
Environmental factors – this term was used in the study as the factors coming from the
Family- is a group of students with one helping brother as their elder brother or
Learning behavior – refers to how the students behave and respond upon learning and
Quantitative- is a type of research which generalize the population from the data
Skill- is formed by the person as he or she deal with something and is upgraded by
Spiritual- focuses on the things that has a relation to God, a person spiritualty is affected
subgroups (strata) are members are randomly selected from each groups.
Traditions- in this study it refers to the different practices that a person does and is
Chapter 2
This chapter shows and discusses the related literatures and studies that are
used in the study. This is divided into subtopics, relationships between the independent
Teacher factor
Research made by Lucas (1990); Weinert and Kluwe (1997) shows that several
understand the lesson tend to be more engaged and show different characteristics such
as they are attracted to do work, persist in the work despite challenges and obstacles,
strategies that would work best for his or her students. It means that the teaching
strategies of the teachers will affect the students upon learning, if the teachers has a
good and better strategies to make his or her class engaging the more the students can
acquired learning in a good way and style. According to Wlodkowski and Ginsber
(1995), research has shown no teaching strategy that will consistently engage all
learners. According to Saucier (1989), directly contributes to all learning. The key is
helping students relate lesson content to their own backgrounds which would include
Factors affecting the learning style preferences of the grade ten students
students’ prior knowledge in understanding new concepts. It means that the teachers
should help the students in developing their own knowledge from the lesson or their
background upon the certain topic and that they could relate to it and be motivated to
Motivational factor
involvement and commitment of the students to learn and acquired eminence academic
grades that can facilitate them in their future occupational carrier. It means that if the
students are committed to their learning they are more motivated top gain more
knowledge and insight, they will do their best in their studies in order to get higher
home are at the level of school administration. Students must have strong motivation to
acquire knowledge. If the teacher has passable leadership qualities then students are
more motivated towards learning process. Instructional practices can enhance the
motivational level and academic achievement among the students. The students will do
better in their behavior upon their study if they are motivated properly.
According to Chan, (1996), In order to meet the learning needs of the students,
learning resources is more likely to succeed than classes with poor facilities.
lighting, temperature, air\ quality, and resources should be of concern prior to beginning
of the teaching and learning process. Conductive environment will enhance students
Factors affecting the learning style preferences of the grade ten students
interest in learning and they are more likely to focus on the lesson delivered by the
teachers. The use of appropriate teaching aids could enhance teaching effectiveness.
of input and output of students found through multiple regression analysis that
colledge student generic skills revealed that the learning facility was a significant
contribution to the students’ generic skills development. In order to meet the learning
needs of the students, the educational institutions require sufficient facilities. Moreover,
although individuals may have some strong style preferences and tendencies, learning
styles are not fixed modes of behaviour, and, based on different situations and tasks,
styles can be extended and modified (Reid 1987; Oxford 2011). Therefore, learning
styles are not fix and must not be understood as classifiable only by those enumerated
in this study, learning styles are dynamic and are added from time to time according to
the situation encountered by the students. However, the extent to which individuals can
extend or shift their styles to suit a particular situation varies (Ehrman 1996).
Visual learning style (spatial): You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial
like to use pictures, maps, colors and images to organize and communicate
information to others. Students who use the visual learning style usually have a
good sense of direction and enjoy drawing and doodling. They learn best using
words and silent reading. As the name suggests, visual learners learn best when
their sense of sight is engaged. They quickly show an affinity for books and reading,
starting with picture books and quickly moving on to books with text. They are engaged
by bright colors and clear diagrams and can learn from videos, demonstrations and
classroom handouts. Of the three different learning styles, visual learning most closely
information from reading assignments, from taking and reviewing handwritten notes and
from the flip charts, diagrams and other visual aids that many teachers use (Mead, S.,
Auditory learning style (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music
Auditory learners prefer to listen, take notes, discuss, memorize and debate.
Students who use the auditory learning style can recall what they hear, follow
oral direction and speak effectively. They repeat words out loud to memorize
and like to hear stories. They learn best in learning groups, discussions and
listening to tapes or CDs. Auditory learners learn best through their sense of hearing.
This means they remember and understand new concepts better when they are
explained out loud—even if they’re doing the speaking themselves. They can even
better retain knowledge when new ideas are paired with nonverbal sounds such a s
Kinesthetic learning style (physical): You prefer using your body, hands and
sense of touch. Students who use the kinesthetic learning style like to use their
whole body to learn. They express themselves through movement. They use
large hand gestures when talking and use body language to communicate.
Factors affecting the learning style preferences of the grade ten students
They need to actively explore the physical world around them. Kinesthetic
learners use their bodies and sense of touch to learn. They have a good sense
of balance and good eye-hand coordination. They learn by getting their hands
on objects, taking them apart, and putting them together. They enjoy making
models, working jigsaw puzzles, dancing and sports. The most physical of all the
learning styles, kinesthetic learners absorb information best through touch, movement
and motion. The word kinesthetic refers to our ability to sense body position and
movement. This means that to really understand something, they need to touch it, feel it
learning, is a learning style that suggests that people learn through touching, feeling and
moving. This learning style emphasizes that learning for some and most people is done
The learning style which the students learned by their own. The students learn
better and acquired more learning s through individual activities (Jandhava, D., 2017)
closely related to the intellectual level of a pupil; learning factors which is lack of
mastery of what has been taught, limited background of a certain topic or issue and
faulty methods of work and study are related factors that affect learning; physical factors
which is health, visual and physical defects, nutrition and physical development affect
the learning process; emotional and social factors which recognizes that various
responses of the individual to various kinds of stimuli are determined by a wide variety
of tendencies; mental factors which attitude plays a large role in the mental organization
and general behavior of the individual; environmental factors which is the type and
quality of instructional materials and equipment play an important role in the efficiency
of the school’s instruction; and teacher’s personality wherein the teacher is an important
element in the learning environment or in the failures and success of the learner. The
vital tasks of the teacher should have the power to lead and to inspire pupils through the
To sum up everything, the literatures and studies shows the different factors that
affects the learning style or preferences of the students. In the teacher factor it
emphasizes the role of the teachers as one of the factors that affect the students’
learning style. On the other hand, the interest of the students for learning are showed in
the motivational factors, and the environmental factors emphasizes the environment as
one of the factors that affect the learning style and preferences of the students.
Factors affecting the learning style preferences of the grade ten students
Research Methodology
This chapter presents the research procedures which will be undertaken in the
study. (1) research method and design; (2) population and sampling; (3) respondents of
the study; (4) research instruments; (5) validation of instruments; (6) data gathering
procedures; and (7) statistical treatment and analysis of data for both phases, the
This sequential explanatory mixed method will use the correlational study for the
that have already been stated, through finding evidence which supports or does not
between the learning style of the grade ten students and the factors that affect them, the
researcher used correlational study that test the relationship between the two variables
(Serrano, 2016). Correlational type of study is appropriate to use in this study because
the purpose of this study is to identify the relationship of the two variables which are the
learning behaviour of the students and the factors that affect them.
After identifying the results in the first phase, the second phase follows which is
the qualitative research. In this phase the research design chosen is the
clarify and enlighten how people understand and comprehend certain phenomena, in
Factors affecting the learning style preferences of the grade ten students
which the phenomena here is how those named factors affect the students learning
The population of this study will be the grade 10 students of the Sisters of Mary
School-Boystown, Inc. Tungkop, Minglanilla, Cebu, School Year 2019-2020. In the first
phase of the study, stratified random sampling technique will be used in selecting the
respondents. The sections will serve as the strata. For each stratum, 35 students will
population as equal, with an equal likelihood of being sampled (Hayes A., 2019).
Out of 329 grade ten students, 181students will be the sample size. The Slovin’s
In the qualitative phase of the study, the researchers will choose 15 participants,
2019). The results in the quantitative phase will be used as basis in selecting the
The respondents of the study will be the grade of the Sisters of Mary School-
Boystown, Inc., Tungkop, Minglanilla, Cebu School Year 2018-2019. The Grade ten
students will be chosen because they are already staying in the school for almost four
years and the researchers assumed that they have observed the things that may affect
their learning behavior, styles and references. Furthermore, the Grade 10 students will
be chosen because they could easily identify their learning behavior based on the
Research instrument
In the quantitative phase of the study, the researchers will use the factors
affecting learning behavior and the perceptual learning style questionnaire. This is an
consists of three different factors such as the teacher factor which has 15 items; the
learning environment factors which has 10 items; and the motivational factors which has
13 items. The learning style questionnaire is composed of 30 items questions that will
help the researchers to identify the learning style of the students. The researchers will
use this questionnaire in order to identify the learning style of the grade ten students.
On the other hand, in the second phase, the researchers will use semi-structured
interview questionnaires in this study to identify and explain the quantitative results of
this study. The questions will be constructed based on the results in the first phase.
Validation of instruments
In the quantitative phase of this study, the researchers will adapt and revise a
questionnaire; the factors affecting the learning style of the students and perceptual
Factors affecting the learning style preferences of the grade ten students
learning style preference questionnaires from the C.I.T.E Learning Style Instruments,
In the qualitative phase, the researchers will use semi-structured interview guide
questionnaire in order to gather necessary data that will be used to explain the data
gathered in the first phase. This guide questions will be checked by the research advisers
Ms. Clarissa Escasinas and Mr. Godofredo Mier. The same teachers also will validate in
the instrument that will be used in the quantitative part of the study.
In gathering the data that are needed in the first phase of this study, the
Quantitative phase:
The researchers will prepare the instruments that will be used in the study. After
that, the researchers will ask for the approval from the school principal Sr. Eva R.
Aringo, SM., to conduct the survey to the selected respondents during class hours or
study time.
210 respondents. The researchers will give them an ample time to answer the given
After a day, the researchers will retrieve or will collect the questionnaires. The
On the second of this study, qualitative phase, the researchers will follow the
After gathering the data for the first part of this study, the researchers will create
validated by the practical research advisers, and will ask permission from the school
Once permitted, the researchers will conduct the interview to the selected 15
The researchers will organize and analyze the data using narrative analysis.
Statistical tools
In this study, the researchers will use some statistical tools to analyze the data
gathered in quantitative phase, and the tools that will be used to analysed the data from
qualitative phase.
Frequency counts and percentage where in the variable are counted as to how
many times it was repeated in the data. The researchers will use these tools to count
the scores of every factor on how many times it appears. Frequency count is a measure
The third statistical tool that will be used in the study is the mean. It helps the
researchers identify the average scores of the grade ten students. The statistical mean
refers to the mean or average that is used to derive the central tendency of the data in
question. It is determined by adding all the data points in a population and then dividing
the total by the number of points. The resulting number is known as the mean or the
The fourth statistical tool that will be used in the study is the standard deviation,
it helps the researchers identify how scatter the score with respect to the mean. The
standard deviation is a statistic that measures the dispersion of a dataset relative to its
mean and is calculated as the square root of the variance. It is calculated as the square
root of variance by determining the variation between each data point relative to the
statistical tool used in interpreting the third question. Pearson product moment
exists between two variables measured on at least an interval scale. The Pearson
measure of the strength of a linear association between two variables and is denoted
through the data of two variables, and the Pearson correlation coefficient, r, indicates
how far away all these data points are to this line of best fit (i.e., how well the data
points fit this new model/line of best fit) (Hargrave M., 2019). It will be used to identify
Factors affecting the learning style preferences of the grade ten students
the significant relationship between the learning behavior of the students and the factors
The researchers will use narrative presentation and analysis of the data in the
qualitative part.