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a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m

w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / b r a i n r e s

Research Report

The emotional power of music: How music enhances the

feeling of affective pictures

Thomas Baumgartner a,⁎, Kai Lutz b , Conny F. Schmidt b,c , Lutz Jäncke b
Institute for Empirical Research in Economics and Neuroeconomics, University of Zurich, Blümlisalpstrasse 10, CH-8006 Zürich, Switzerland
Institute of Psychology, Department of Neuropsychology, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University of Zurich and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland


Article history: Music is an intriguing stimulus widely used in movies to increase the emotional experience.
Accepted 8 December 2005 However, no brain imaging study has to date examined this enhancement effect using
Available online 3 February 2006 emotional pictures (the modality mostly used in emotion research) and musical excerpts.
Therefore, we designed this functional magnetic resonance imaging study to explore how
Keywords: musical stimuli enhance the feeling of affective pictures. In a classical block design carefully
fMRI controlling for habituation and order effects, we presented fearful and sad pictures (mostly
Emotion taken from the IAPS) either alone or combined with congruent emotional musical excerpts
Cognition (classical pieces). Subjective ratings clearly indicated that the emotional experience was
Picture markedly increased in the combined relative to the picture condition. Furthermore, using a
Music second-level analysis and regions of interest approach, we observed a clear functional and
Multimodal stimuli structural dissociation between the combined and the picture condition. Besides increased
Perception activation in brain areas known to be involved in auditory as well as in neutral and
Feelings emotional visual–auditory integration processes, the combined condition showed increased
activation in many structures known to be involved in emotion processing (including for
example amygdala, hippocampus, parahippocampus, insula, striatum, medial ventral
frontal cortex, cerebellum, fusiform gyrus). In contrast, the picture condition only showed
an activation increase in the cognitive part of the prefrontal cortex, mainly in the right
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Based on these findings, we suggest that emotional pictures
evoke a more cognitive mode of emotion perception, whereas congruent presentations of
emotional visual and musical stimuli rather automatically evoke strong emotional feelings
and experiences.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ence could become even so emotional that they could no

longer bear it, and therefore, they would turn off the TV, in
Music is widely used to enhance the emotional impact of particular when watching scary movies. Another strategy to
movies. For example, in thrilling horror movies, music and reduce the emotional experience to a tolerable level often
sound effects enhance the feeling of fear and anxiety. For reported by spectators is simply to turn off the sound of the
many spectators, this congruent visual and auditory experi- movie. Surprisingly, this emotional “on–off switch” effect is

⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +41 44 634 49 07.

E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Baumgartner).

0006-8993/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
152 BR A I N R ES E A RC H 1 0 7 5 ( 2 00 6 ) 1 5 1 –16 4

completely understudied in the brain research literature to with congruent classical musical excerpts known to evoke the
date. To our best knowledge, there exists no neuroimaging same emotional experience as the pictures (Peretz et al., 1998).
study which explored this emotional enhancement effect of Due to the explorative nature of the study and to increase
musical excerpts on emotional pictures. the statistical power, we focused our interest on two neural
However, some recent studies have demonstrated the systems, proposed in a recent excellent review about the
emotional power of music. In these studies, musical excerpts neurobiology of emotion perception: a ventral and a dorsal
presented without concomitant visual stimuli elicited strong system (Phillips et al., 2003). Based on recent animal, human
emotional responses activating brain regions known to be lesion, and functional neuroimaging studies, the authors
involved in reward/motivation, approach/withdrawal, or suggest that the ventral system, including the amygdala,
arousal, including ventral striatum, midbrain, orbitofrontal insula, striatum, thalamus, brainstem nuclei, and ventral
cortex, the insula and ventral medial prefrontal cortex (e.g., regions of the anterior cingulate cortex and prefrontal cortex,
Blood and Zatorre, 2001; Blood et al., 1999; Brown et al., 2004). is important for the identification of the emotional signifi-
In addition, there are few behavioral and brain activation cance of the stimuli, the production of affective states
studies which addressed the question of the integrated (including autonomic, neuroendocrine, and somatomotor
perception of emotion regarding voice and face stimuli. responses, as well as conscious emotional feeling), and
Behavioral studies have revealed that congruent crossmodal automatic and autonomic regulation of emotional responses.
perception of emotional faces and voices leads to (1) a The dorsal system, including the hippocampus and dorsal
facilitation in facial emotion recognition (de Gelder and regions of the anterior cingulate gyrus and prefrontal cortex, is
Vroomen, 2000) and (2) to enhanced affective judgements of more important for cognitive processes, including selective
emotional faces (for example, a fearful face is more likely to be attention, planning, and effortful rather than automatic
perceived as fearful if accompanied by a fearful voice (Massaro regulation of affective states. We expected that the emotional
and Egan, 1996)). The first study which directly addressed this musical stimuli mainly increase the emotional significance of
integration question using fMRI revealed that congruent the visual stimuli and, moreover, enhance the conscious
fearful face–voice pairs compared with incongruent pairs emotional feeling and somatic body reactions (as we recently
(happy voice + fearful face) elicited increased activation in confirmed in the mentioned combined EEG and psychophys-
the amygdala and the fusiform gyrus (Dolan et al., 2001). In a iology study of our laboratory (Baumgartner et al., 2005)).
recent similar study using both single and combined modality Therefore, we hypothesized an activation increase in the
conditions, activation in the right extended amygdala was combined compared to the picture condition mainly in the
obtained for fearful faces and fearful audio-visual pairs but not automatic ventral system of emotion processing. Further-
if fearful voices were presented alone, thus demonstrating no more, because the subjects had no explicit cognitive task (they
enhanced brain processing in the amygdala in the combined only had the instruction to feel the presented emotions), we
congruent emotional condition (Pourtois et al., 2005). How- hypothesized no change in activation between the two
ever, the perception of audio-visual emotions (positive and conditions or rather an activation decrease in the cognitive
negative) relative to unimodal conditions was associated with dorsal system in the combined condition. However, the medial
activation in the anterior fusiform gyrus and the medial temporal lobe memory system (including the hippocampus
temporal gyrus known to be involved in multisensory and the parahippocampus) which is part of the dorsal system
integration of neutral and emotional stimuli (Adolphs et al., has been shown to be strongly activated during the encoding
2002; Mesulam, 1998). phase of highly arousing emotional stimuli. This activation
As demonstrated above, the influence of combined pre- was present although the subjects were not explicitly
sentation of auditory and visual stimuli in the context of instructed to memorize the presented stimulus material,
emotional experience has substantially been understudied. indicating that the memory system is automatically activated
However, in a combined EEG and psychophysiology study of by emotional stimuli (Dolcos et al., 2004). Therefore, we would
our laboratory using visual and musical stimuli, we recently also expect increased activation in the memory system of the
demonstrated that congruent combined presentation of brain in the more arousing combined condition of our
affective stimuli irrespective of valence enhances (1) the experiment. In addition to the regions of the dorsal and
global cortical brain activation (measured by Alpha power) ventral system of emotion processing, we included, based on
and (2) increases skin conductance responses, heart rate, the findings by Dolan et al. (2001) and Pourtois et al. (2005)
respiration as well as psychometrical arousal measures mentioned above, the extrastriate cortex, and in particular the
compared to the picture condition (Baumgartner et al., 2005). fusiform gyrus and the crossmodal integration areas (the
However, electrical fields measured at particular electrode medial temporal gyrus and the temporal pole) in our a priori
sites are too inaccurate to infer the underlying intracerebral regions of interest, expecting increased activation in these
cortical activations. Therefore, we designed the present areas in the combined relative to the picture condition.
neuroimaging study in order to explore the effect of cross-
modal presentation of congruent emotional stimuli on
emotional experience and concomitant cortical and subcorti- 2. Results
cal activation pattern. In this study, we used the same
emotional musical excerpts and affective pictures as in the 2.1. Psychometrical results
EEG study. Fearful, happy, and sad pictures of the Interna-
tional Affective Picture System (Lang et al., 1995) were Repeated measures ANOVA regarding the valence scale
presented in a classical block design either alone or combined demonstrated a highly significant main effect of emotion
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2.2. Brain activation data

2.2.1. Combined versus fixation (C N F) and picture versus

fixation (P N F)
Results for these two contrasts are listed in Tables 1 and 2. As
expected, both contrasts revealed widespread bilateral hemo-
dynamic responses in the occipital lobe (inferior and middle
occipital gyrus, cuneus, fusiform gyrus) and in the bilateral
cerebellum. In both contrasts, activation was also found in the
limbic system (parahippocampus and hippocampus) but with
the distinction that the activation was more distributed and
bilateral in the combined condition. Left amygdala activation,
activation in the right precentral gyrus and in the pons as well
Fig. 1 – Mean valence ratings for all three emotional as bilateral activation in the temporal lobe (superior, middle
categories and two modalities (mean ± SD). Depicted is the and inferior temporal gyrus) were only observed in the
trend for a significant interaction effect between emotion and contrast C N F. Finally, only the contrast P N F revealed strong
modality (P b 0.1), indicating that the subjects experienced hemodynamic responses in the right lateral prefrontal cortex
the happy conditions more positive and the fear and sad (inferior frontal gyrus) as well as small hemodynamic
conditions more negative when congruent emotional music responses in the left middle frontal gyrus.
was simultaneously presented. C = Combined, P = Picture.

(F(2,7)=132.6, P b 0.001, ETA2 = 0.974) and a trend for a Table 1 – Peak activations observed for the contrast
significant interaction between emotion and modality combined versus fixation (C > F)
(F(2,7) = 3.6, P = 0.083, ETA2 = 0.509), indicating that the subjects Brain regions BA Side x y z Max t Voxels
clearly differentiated on a 5-point scale between the negative score
(fear condition: mean ± SD: 1.3 ± 0.3; sad condition: 1.4 ± 0.6)
Frontal lobe
and positive emotions (happy condition: 4.7 ± 0.4). In addition
Precentral 6 R 48 0 40 8.16** 14
and more interesting, the interaction showed that the gyrus
subjects experienced the different emotions more extreme
in the combined condition, that is they rated the happy Temporal lobe
condition more positive and the sad and fear condition more Superior temporal 22/38 L −44 12 −28 6.71** 22
negative when congruent emotional music was simulta- gyrus 22 R 52 −20 −4 5.60* 60
Middle temporal 21/38 R 56 −4 −20 6.26* 22
neously presented (see Fig. 1). Repeated measures ANOVA
gyrus 21/38 L −32 4 −40 6.57** 44
regarding the involvement scale revealed a highly significant
Inferior temporal 20 L −40 −8 −36 5.11* 38
main effect of modality (F(1,8)=11.6, P b 0.01, ETA2 = 0.594) gyrus
which was qualified by an increased involvement and arousal Parahippocampus/ 35/36 L −20 −4 −28 14.16*** 59
experience in the combined (mean = 4.32, SD = 0.35) compared Uncus 35/36 R 20 −24 −24 6.73** 64
to the picture conditions (mean = 3.88, SD = 0.55). In addition, Hippocampus L −24 −8 −24 8.58** 36
the subjects clearly indicated at the end of the experiment Hippocampus R 32 −28 −12 5.19* 21
Amygdala L −20 −4 −24 8.08** 9
(separately for each emotion) that, despite of the noisy
scanner environment, (1) they apprehended the musical
Occipital lobe
excerpts (fear music: 4.22 ± 0.83; sad music: 4.33 ± 0.9; Middle occipital 18/19 L −28 −96 8 6.11* 128
happy music: 4.33 ± 0.7); and (2) they recognized the gyrus R 28 −92 16 6.74** 83
emotional tune of the musical excerpts (fear music: Inferior occipital 17/18/ L/R 12 −92 −16 8.42** 113
4.22 ± 1.1; sad music: 4.67 ± 0.5; happy music: 4.56 ± 0.7). gyrus 19
Furthermore, all subjects also confirmed at the end of the Cuneus 18 L −16 −100 0 7.30**
Fusiform gyrus 18/19/ L −24 −88 −24 12.18*** 31
experiment that they had experienced the combined condi-
tions as more intense than the picture conditions (fear: 18/19/ R 24 −87 −24 8.21** 43
4.33 ± 0.7; sad: 4.67 ± 0.7; happy: 4.33 ± 0.8). One sample t 20
tests revealed that these ratings significantly differed from
the value 3 (all P b 0.001) which would have been chosen by Subcortical structures
the subjects if the emotional intensity in the combined Cerebellum L −4 −36 −8 11.61*** 105
R 40 −56 −36 7.83** 233
conditions would have been equal as the intensity in the
Pons R 8 −32 −32 4.70* 15
picture conditions. Summing up, the psychometrical ratings
clearly indicated that the emotional experiences during the The coordinates are given according to the MNI space together with
combined conditions were significantly increased compared its T scores and significant thresholds (*P b 0.001, **P b 0.0001
to the picture conditions, and that the subjects were able to ***P b 0.00001 (all uncorrected for multiple comparisons)). Minimum
cluster size 5 voxels. For every structure, only the highest maxima
apprehend and recognize the emotional musical excerpts
for the left and right hemisphere are reported.
despite of the noisy scanner environment.
154 BR A I N R ES E A RC H 1 0 7 5 ( 2 00 6 ) 1 5 1 –16 4

Table 2 – Peak activations observed for the contrast way repeated measures ANOVAs regarding the extracted
picture versus fixation (P > F) mean t values of the contrast images combined versus fixation
Brain regions BA Side x y z Max t Voxels (C N F) and picture versus fixation (P N F) revealed for all three
score examined structures of the medial temporal lobe system a
significant main effect of modality (Amygdala: F(1,8) = 15.6,
Frontal lobe
Inferior frontal 44/45 R 52 8 32 7.11** 56 P b 0.01, ETA2 = 0.661; Hippocampus: F(1,8)=7.8, P b 0.05,
gyrus ETA2 = 0.494; Parahippocampus: F(1,8) = 10.5, P b 0.05,
Middle frontal 45 L −52 32 20 4.38* 6 ETA2 = 0.567). This main effect clearly indicated increased
gyrus hemodynamic responses bilateral in the amygdala, the
hippocampus, and the parahippocampus in the combined
Temporal lobe
condition in comparison with the picture condition (see Fig. 4).
Parahippocampus/ 27 L −20 −32 −8 4.89* 12
Hippocampus 28 R 20 −28 −12 5.42* 9
One sample t tests further confirmed these findings showing
that only the combined condition led to an activation increase
Occipital lobe in these structures which was significantly different from zero
Middle occipital 18/19 L −40 −80 0 11.90*** 130 (all P b 0.05). No main effect of hemisphere and no interaction
gyrus 18/19 R 28 −92 16 12.05*** 65 effect of hemisphere*modality was observed. We obtained
Inferior occipital 17/18/ L −12 −96 −16 7.59** 134
similar ROI results using the smoothed data (12 mm) of the
gyrus 19
whole brain analysis (not presented here).
17/18/ R 12 −96 −16 9.03*** 140
Cuneus 18 L −20 −100 0 11.34*** 18 2.4. Correlation analysis
Fusiform gyrus 18/19 L −24 −88 −24 10.55*** 23
18/19 R 22 −86 −20 4.82* 33 Because the region of interest analysis revealed strong
bilateral activation in the amygdala, the parahippocampus,
Subcortical structures
and hippocampus in the combined compared to the picture
Cerebellum L −48 −64 −28 6.29* 175
condition, we conducted the correlation analysis using the
R 24 −88 −28 9.12*** 202
mean activation of both hemispheres. We found a strong
The coordinates are given according to the MNI space together with positive correlation between the amygdala and the arousal
its T scores and significant thresholds (*P b 0.001, **P b 0.0001,
ratings obtained at the end of the experiment (r = 0.73,
***P b 0.00001 (all uncorrected for multiple comparisons)). Minimum
P = 0.024, 2 tailed, see Fig. 5). No correlation between the
cluster size 5 voxels. For every structure, only the highest maxima
for the left and the right hemisphere are reported. arousal ratings and the hemodynamic responses in the
hippocampus and parahippocampus were found (all P N 0.35).

2.2.2. Combined versus picture (C N P) and picture versus 3. Discussion

combined (P N C)
Results for these two contrasts are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 and The observed psychometrical results and brain activation
listed in Table 3. Contrasting the combined condition with the pattern confirmed our hypothesis of enhanced emotional
picture condition (C N P) revealed as expected widespread processing in the combined condition compared to the picture
bilateral activations in the superior and middle temporal gyrus. condition (note that we only explored the negative emotional
In addition, this contrast was associated with increased conditions). Subjects reported that the emotional experience
activations in the ventral part of the medial frontal lobe, in the was more intense during the combined conditions along with
parietal cortex (posterior cingulate/precuneus), in the bilateral increased activation in most of the brain areas proposed to
fusiform gyrus, in the limbic system (bilateral amygdala, compose the automatic ventral system of emotion perception
hippocampus, and parahippocampus), in the motor system (Phillips et al., 2003), including bilateral amygdala, ventral
(bilateral cerebellum, right precentral gyrus), in subcortical frontal cortex, left striatum, left insula, and brainstem nuclei
structures (left nucleus caudatus, right pons), and the left insula. (right pons). Furthermore, we also observed in the combined
Contrasting the picture condition with the combined condition compared to the picture condition a stronger
condition (P N C) mainly revealed activations in the dorsal activation in the medial temporal lobe memory system
part of the right prefrontal cortex (right inferior frontal (including the hippocampus and parahippocampus) which is
gyrus, right middle frontal gyrus, left superior frontal part of the more cognitive dorsal system for emotion
gyrus). No further significant activations were observed perception. Finally, the results confirmed our hypothesis of
despite of the relatively relaxed statistical threshold of enhanced brain activation in the combined condition in
P b 0.005 (uncorrected). extrastriate visual processing areas (fusiform gyrus) and in
brain areas known to be involved in neutral and emotional
2.3. Regions of interest analysis visual–auditory integration processes (bilateral temporal pole,
bilateral medial temporal gyrus; (Mesulam, 1998). Apart from
According to our main hypothesis, we conducted regions of these hypothesized structures, we found in the combined
interest analysis using unsmoothed data to examine the condition an activation increase in brain areas involved in
activation in the medial temporal lobe system, including the emotion and memory processes (posterior cingulate/precu-
amygdala, the hippocampus and the parahippocampus. Two- neus (Maddock et al., 2003)) as well as in motor control
BR A I N R ES E A RC H 1 0 7 5 ( 2 00 6 ) 1 5 1 –1 64 155

Fig. 2 – Depicted is the increased activity in the combined compared to the picture condition (all P b 0.005, uncorrected). SPM(t)
maps are overlaid on a structural MRI brain. (a) Bilateral superior and middle temporal gyrus (STG, MTG), bilateral
hippocampus/parahippocampus (H/PH) and left fusiform gyrus (FG); (b) bilateral superior and middle temporal gyrus (STG/
MTG), left amygdala (AMY), left temporal pole (TP), right fusiform gyrus/inferior temporal gyrus (FG), right parahippocampus
(PH); (c) ventral medial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC); (d) nucleus caudatus (NC); (e) right pons (PO), right cerebellum (CB), right
posterior cingulate/precuneus (PC); (f) left fusiform gyrus (FG), left insula (IN).

(bilateral cerebellum, right precentral gyrus). Summing up, of emotional processes (Davidson, 2003; Davidson and Irwin,
most of the hypothesized brain areas (as expected mainly in 1999), suggesting increased left frontal brain processing for
the ventral system of emotion perception) showed increased approach-related positive emotions and increased right front-
activation in the combined compared to the picture condition. al processing for withdrawal-related negative emotions. No
In contrast, the picture condition (composed only of other activation increase in the picture condition relative to
negative pictures) only showed an activation increase in the the combined condition was observed despite of the relatively
more cognitive dorsal system for emotion perception, mainly relaxed statistical threshold of P b 0.005 (uncorrected, cluster
in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (right inferior frontal threshold: 5 voxels).
gyrus, right middle frontal gyrus) as well as a smaller In the following, we will first discuss the increased
activation increase in the left superior frontal gyrus. This activation in the combined condition (C N P) and afterwards
frontal activation pattern is compatible with current theories the increased activation in the picture condition (P N C).
156 BR A I N R ES E A RC H 1 0 7 5 ( 2 00 6 ) 1 5 1 –16 4

Fig. 3 – Depicted is the increased activity in the picture compared to the combined condition (all P b 0.005, uncorrected). SPM(t)
maps are overlaid on a structural MRI brain. Note that increased activity was only found in the dorsal prefrontal cortex, mainly
in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). (a) left dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC); (b) right dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex (BA 44/45, DLPFC).

3.1. Discussion of the increased activation in the combined Previous studies have reported amygdala activation to a wide
condition (C N P) variety of emotional stimuli, including fear faces (Morris et al.,
1996; Phillips et al., 1997), aversive pictures (Simpson et al.,
3.1.1. Activations in auditory cortex and crossmodal 2000; Taylor et al., 1998), sad faces (Blair et al., 1999), happy faces
integrations areas (Breiter et al., 1996; Pessoa et al., 2002), positive pictures
As expected, the combined condition revealed hemodynamic (Garavan et al., 2001; Hamann et al., 1999), film excerpts
responses bilaterally in the entire primary and secondary (Aalto et al., 2002; Reiman et al., 1997), as well as positive
auditory cortex (comprising BA 22, 41, 42) and the activation (laughing) and negative (crying) sound stimuli (Sander et al.,
was more widespread in the right hemisphere, in agreement 2003; Sander and Scheich, 2001). Our finding of an absence of
with studies of passive listening to music of non-musicians amygdala activation to the picture condition is therefore
(Ohnishi et al., 2001; Zatorre et al., 1994). In addition, we found surprising. However, in a recent meta-analysis of 55 neuroima-
bilateral strong activation in the medial temporal gyrus (BA 21) ging studies, Phan et al. (2002) showed that only 50% of
and the right (BA 38) and left temporal polar region (BA 21). The experiments using visual induction methods activated the
medial temporal gyrus plays a role in multisensory integration amygdala. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated that an
(Mesulam, 1998), and brain damage to the temporal polar cortex increasing intensity of sad (Blair et al., 1999) and fearful (Morris
impairs emotional recognition of both facial and vocal stimuli et al., 1996) facial expression is associated with enhanced
(Adolphs et al., 2002). In a recent crossmodal study using activity in the amygdala. A recent study complemented these
emotional voices and faces (Pourtois et al., 2005), it was found findings by demonstrating that the amygdala activation was
that the bimodal condition compared to the two unimodal dependent on both the intensity and type of displayed emotion,
conditions was associated with increased activity in the left with significant responses to fearful facial expressions and to a
medial temporal gyrus for positive voice–face pairs and in the lesser degree to happy expressions (Glascher et al., 2004).
right medial temporal gyrus for negative voice–face pairs. With Therefore, the absence of amygdala activation in the picture
our study, we could not confirm this lateralization pattern for condition as well as the presence of amygdala activation in the
positive and negative emotions because we found bilateral combined condition can be explained (at least to a large
activation in this brain region for the combined condition portion) by differences in arousal levels which are apparently
(composed only of negative stimuli). Nevertheless, the results in the picture condition to low to reach the threshold for
of our study suggest that the medial temporal gyrus and the amygdala activation. This interpretation is further strength-
temporal pole are not only involved in the crossmodal binding ened by an observed strong positive correlation between
of voice and face stimuli but also in the crossmodal integration psychometrical arousal measures and amygdala activation in
of congruent emotional pictures and musical excerpts. the combined condition and is in line with current theories of
amygdala function postulating for this structure a more general
3.1.2. Activation in the amygdala role for vigilance or for processing salience or attributes that
The amygdala is a key structure in emotion processing involved make stimuli meaningful (Davis and Whalen, 2001).
in both the identification of the emotional significance of a
stimulus and the production of an affective state (Phillips et al., 3.1.3. Activation in both memory systems
2003). We found activation within the amygdala only during In addition to the increased activation in the amygdala, we
the combined condition but not during the picture condition. observed as expected in the combined relative to the picture
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Table 3 – Peak activations observed for the contrasts picture versus combined (P > C) and combined versus picture (C >>P)
Brain regions BA Side x y z Max t score Voxels

Picture versus combined (P N C) Frontal lobe

Inferior frontal gyrus 44 R 52 24 28 5.37** 50
Middle frontal gyrus 45/46 R 48 44 8 4.88* 17
Superior frontal gyrus 8 L −4 28 52 4.03* 8
Combined versus picture (C N P) Frontal lobe
Medial frontal gyrus 11 L/R 0 44 −16 3.98* 15
Precentral gyrus 6 R 52 0 44 6.05** 8
Temporal lobe
Superior temporal gyrus 21 R 56 −20 −4 8.54*** 235
22 R 60 −24 4 8.00***
38 R 36 12 −32 4.36*
41 R 56 −28 8 7.82***
42 L −64 −28 8 8.43*** 162
22 L −56 −16 0 6.57**
Middle temporal gyrus 21 R 56 0 −20 10.34*** 156
21 R 64 −16 −12 7.65***
38 R 40 12 −44 5.52**
21 L −52 8 −28 6.70** 142
Parahippocampus 28 R 16 −8 −32 7.81*** 27
28 R 24 −16 −20 4.68*
36 L −26 −20 −28 5.10** 36
Amygdala L −17 −4 −20 5.89** 7
Hippocampus/Amygdala R 24 −8 −24 6.60** 27
Hippocampus L −24 −20 −16 6.17** 18
Fusiform gyrus 20 L −32 −20 −32 9.39*** 38
20 L −40 −8 −32 6.48**
20 R 35 −2 −36 4.04* 17
Insula 13 L −36 −8 12 3.68* 14
Parietal lobe
Posterior cingulate/precuneus 29 L/R 8 −44 16 4.62* 19
Subcortical structures
Nucleus caudatus L −8 16 0 5.95** 19
L −16 4 24 8.51***
Pons L/R 4 −24 −36 4.67* 12
Cerebellum L/R 8 −40 −12 4.33* 17

The coordinates are given according to the MNI space together with its T scores and significant thresholds (*P b 0.005, **P b 0.0005, ***P b 0.00005
(all uncorrected for multiple comparisons)). Minimum cluster size 5 voxels. All observed maxima are reported. Note that all emotional
conditions were only composed of negative stimuli (fear and sad, see methods part for an explanation).

condition an increased activity bilateral in the medial positive stimuli (Canli et al., 2000; Dolcos et al., 2004; Hamann
temporal lobe memory system supporting “declarative” mem- et al., 1999). These studies clearly indicate that the medial
ory (including the hippocampus and parahippocampus) as temporal lobe memory system can be activated in a rather
well as in the left nucleus caudatus supporting “procedural” automatic way, modulated by strong activation of the
memory (for a review of the two memory systems (Devan and amygdala similar as has been observed in the combined
White, 1999; Packard, 1999)). Recent evidence strongly support condition in our study. Therefore, we suggest to adapt the
the idea that the amygdala exerts a modulatory influence on model by Phillips et al. (2003) by including the medial temporal
the hippocampus-dependent as well as caudate-dependent lobe system not only in the cognitive dorsal system but also in
memory systems (McGaugh, 2004; Packard and Cahill, 2001). the automatic ventral system for emotion processing as a
For example, memory for emotionally arousing material is not transition zone between emotion and cognition.
enhanced in human subjects with bilateral and selective
lesions of the amygdala, as it is in normal subjects (Adolphs et 3.1.4. Activation in extrastriate visual processing areas
al., 1997; Cahill et al., 1995). Furthermore, various recent fMRI Another interesting finding of this study (never reported
studies using incidental learning paradigms (i.e., the subjects before in neuroimaging papers) revealed that emotional
were not aware during the encoding phase of the subsequent musical stimuli can enhance the activity in visual processing
memory tasks) demonstrated enhanced activity in the amyg- areas (fusiform gyrus). Thus, our study confirms and extends
dala and the medial temporal lobe memory system to the findings of studies demonstrating that crossmodal inte-
emotional arousing scenes during the encoding phase of the gration processes of congruent faces and voices increase the
experiment. In addition, these studies also found significant activity in the fusiform gyrus (Dolan et al., 2001; Pourtois et al.,
correlations between episodic memory performance and the 2005). We suggest that this enhanced processing in the
level of amygdala activation during encoding of negative and bilateral fusiform gyrus is evoked by markedly increased
158 BR A I N R ES E A RC H 1 0 7 5 ( 2 00 6 ) 1 5 1 –16 4

Fig. 4 – Region of interest analysis of the medial temporal lobe system (including amygdala, hippocampus, parahippocampus)
using unsmoothed t values of the contrasts combined versus fixation (C N F) and picture versus fixation (P N F), respectively.
Depicted are the significantly increased activations (mean ± SE) in the amygdala, the hippocampus, and parahippocampus in
the combined (C) relative to the picture (P) condition (main effect of modality, all P b 0.05). No significant main effect of
hemisphere or interaction effect of modality*hemisphere were observed.

arousal levels in the combined relative to the picture Morris et al., 1998; Rotshtein et al., 2001) that this enhanced
condition. In line with this interpretation, it has been shown activity in visual cortical areas is modulated by the amygdala.
that maximally intense expressions of emotions compared Consistent with this proposal, we found in the combined but
with neutral or modestly intense expressions were associated not in the picture condition bilateral activation of the
with enhanced activity in extrastriate visual processing area, amygdala. Therefore, the increased activation in the fusiform
and in particular the fusiform gyrus (Glascher et al., 2004; Lang gyrus in our study could indeed be modulated by the
et al., 1998; Surguladze et al., 2003; Taylor et al., 2000). amygdala.
Comparable with the influence of the amygdala on the medial
temporal lobe memory system, it has been postulated (e.g., 3.2. Further activations

Besides the increased activation of the amygdala, the medial

temporal lobe memory system, and the fusiform gyrus in the
combined condition, further structures showed increased
activation in the combined compared to the picture condition,
including hypothesized structures of the ventral system for
emotion processing as the ventral medial frontal gyrus, the
left insula, and brainstem nuclei (right pons) as well as not
hypothesized structures as the posterior cingulate/precuneus,
bilateral cerebellum, and right precentral gyrus. The activa-
tions of these structures are completely in line with the
proposal of enhanced emotion processing in the combined
compared to the picture condition. For example, ventral
frontal regions (including the orbitofrontal cortex and the
ventromedial frontal cortex) have been associated with the
representation of the emotionally salient states of reward and
punishment (O'Doherty et al., 2001; Rolls, 2000, 2004) and
decision-making tasks requiring the manipulation of emo-
tionally salient information (Bechara et al., 1998).
Fig. 5 – Strong positive correlation between the activation of The insula, another structure showing increased activity in
the left and right amygdala in the combined condition and the combined condition, has been implicated in the mapping
the psychometrical arousal measure obtained at the end of of body-related sensations, including temperature, pain,
the experiment (r = 0.73, P b 0.05). Note that “3” on the rating proprioception, and viscera (Craig, 2002), and consistent with
scale means that the subjects experienced no emotional this mapping hypothesis, insula activations were mainly
enhancement in the combined relative to the picture found during aversive emotional stimulation that also evoked
condition, whereas “4” and “5” on this scale mean that the visceral/somatic sensation, including disgust (Phillips et al.,
subjects experienced the combined condition more arousing 1997), sadness (George et al., 1996), fear conditioning (Buchel et
than the picture condition. al., 1999), and processing of fearful faces (Anderson et al.,
BR A I N R ES E A RC H 1 0 7 5 ( 2 00 6 ) 1 5 1 –1 64 159

2003). Moreover and in line with our finding of increased activation of subcortical regions (including the amygdala and
insula activation in the combined condition, Morris et al. the hippocampus), whereas emotional studies using a more
(1998) showed that the insula was responsive to increasing explicit cognitive task were 15 to 20% more numerous in
intensity of fear. demonstrating activation in the dorsal anterior cingulate and
The nuclei of the pons have been implicated in negative prefrontal cortex. In our study, we did not vary the task
emotions of sadness and anger (Damasio et al., 2000) and instructions; the subjects had to follow in the combined as
especially acoustic startle responses to negative stimuli (Yeo- well as in the picture condition the same instruction, namely
mans and Frankland, 1995). These nuclei receive projections to place themselves into the same mood as expressed by the
from the cingulate cortex and the insula and send projections presented emotional stimuli. However, the distinctive brain
to the cerebellum. Therefore, Damasio et al. (2000) hypothe- activation patterns and subjective ratings clearly indicate that
sized that these projections guide the cerebellum in modulat- following the instruction during the combined condition must
ing and coordinating varied emotional action programs. have been much easier and more automatic than during the
Consistently, we also found bilateral activation of the cere- picture condition. We hypothesize that the musical excerpts
bellum and the precentral gyrus in line with other emotion in the combined condition helped the subjects in a rather
studies which have reported cerebellar activations both for automatic and implicit way to feel the presented emotional
negative and positive emotional stimuli (Damasio et al., 2000; experiences, whereas in the picture condition, the subjects
Lane et al., 1997; Reiman et al., 1997; Taylor et al., 2000, 2003). cognitively evaluated the emotional stimuli or have even
Finally, we found in the combined compared to the picture effortful and explicitly tried to up-regulate their affective
condition stronger activations of the posterior cingulate/ states (as is known with moderate success), leading to
precuneus. This brain area is involved in various functions activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These findings
including episodic memory (Maddock et al., 2003), spatial strongly suggest a functional and structural dissociation
attention (Mesulam et al., 2001), and emotional stimulus between processes of cognitively evaluating emotions on the
processing (Damasio et al., 2000; Esslen et al., 2004; Maddock one hand and strongly feeling and experiencing emotions on
and Buonocore, 1997) and is heavily connected with frontal the other hand. We postulate that different induction
and temporal cortical areas (Allison et al., 2000; Morris et al., methods either activate more the cognitive mode or the
1999). Therefore, it is suggested that this region mediates feeling mode of emotion processing. Accordingly, these
interactions of emotional and memory-related processes findings can give an explanation for the often discrepant
(Maddock et al., 2003), two processes which were strongly findings in emotion research regarding for example amygdala
activated in the combined condition relative to the picture activation or lateralization patterns.
3.4. Limitations
3.3. Discussion of the increased activation in the picture
condition (P N C) The finding of increased activation in the combined condition
in most structures known to be involved in various emotional
3.3.1. Activation in the prefrontal cortex processes is striking (for excellent reviews, see Phan et al.,
Most interestingly, we observed a clear functional and 2002; Phillips et al., 2003). However, we are aware that this
structural dissociation between the combined and picture study has a major limitation. Other than the study of Pourtois
condition. Whereas the combined condition demonstrated et al. (2005), we have not included in our study a single musical
additional or increased activation in most structures of the condition. Therefore, we cannot not exclude that the activa-
ventral system known to be involved in emotion processing, tion pattern in the combined condition could also have been
the picture condition only showed one strong activation produced by the musical stimuli alone. In fact, most of the
increase in the cognitive dorsal system, mainly in the right structures observed in the combined condition are reported in
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (BA 44/45). The dorsolateral the literature to be activated by musical and sound stimuli
prefrontal cortex is known to be involved in effortful (vocal and non-vocal) alone, including the orbitofrontal gyrus,
regulation of attention, affective states, and autonomic the amygdala, the insula, the striatum, the cerebellum, the
responses (Phillips et al., 2003). Moreover, studies specifically hippocampus, and the parahippocampus (Blood and Zatorre,
observing the influence of different task instructions observed 2001; Blood et al., 1999; Brown et al., 2004; Phillips et al., 1998;
a similar functional and structural dissociation between more Sander and Scheich, 2001; Zatorre et al., 1994). Whereas most
implicit (passive viewing) and more explicit emotion proces- of these studies only showed activation in a few structures of
sing tasks (emotion-labeling task). Whereas the more implicit the dorsal and ventral system for emotion perception, mainly
emotional processing tasks were associated with increased one study (Blood and Zatorre, 2001) exploring the neural
activity in the amygdala/hippocampal region, the more mechanism underlying intensely pleasant emotional
explicit emotion processing tasks were associated with responses to music using positron emissions tomography
increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, and in particular (PET) found a similar complex pattern of activation in this
in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (BA 44/45 (Hariri et al., emotion network. However, no activation increase in the
2000; Nakamura et al., 1999)). In addition, consistent with amygdala and the medial temporal lobe memory system was
these findings, Phan et al. (2002) demonstrated in a recent observed in this study, despite of high arousal levels.
meta-analysis of emotional neuroimaging studies that experi- Interestingly, to date, only vocal (Phillips et al., 1998) and
ments using an implicit emotion processing tasks were non-vocal sound stimuli (Sander et al., 2003) were reported to
approximately 10 to 15% more numerous in demonstrating activate the amygdala. Similar to positive and negative visual
160 BR A I N R ES E A RC H 1 0 7 5 ( 2 00 6 ) 1 5 1 –16 4

stimuli which preferentially activated the amygdala (Phan et ventral system). Moreover, this study also showed that
al., 2002), sound stimuli are important to evaluate changes in congruent emotional musical stimuli can increase the activity
the environment, whereas musical stimuli alone have no in extrastriate visual processing areas, an area which has
direct evolutionary connection to the external world and never before shown to be activated by musical stimuli alone.
therefore presumably activate a more internal mode of brain Finally, we found a clear structural and functional dissociation
function (Baumgartner et al., 2005; Gusnard et al., 2001; Raichle between the combined and the picture condition. Whereas the
et al., 2001). Consistent with these findings, it is postulated combined condition was associated with increased activation
that the amygdala may be more responsible for processing of in a large and distributed network involved in emotion
externally cued perceptual emotional stimuli (Reiman et al., processing, the picture condition only showed one strong
1997; Teasdale et al., 1999). activation increase in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex which
Nevertheless, despite of the interesting finding that no is part of the cognitive dorsal system for emotion processing.
study to date has ever reported activation in the amygdala We argue that these findings indicate that emotional pictures
triggered by musical stimuli, we cannot rule out that the evoke a more cognitive emotional perception process, where-
observed activation pattern in the combined condition could as combined presentations of congruent visual and musical
have been produced (at least partly) by musical stimuli alone. emotional stimuli rather automatically evoke (strong) emo-
However, we want to emphasize the fact that the main goal of tional feelings and experiences.
this study was not to explore specifically the effect of
multimodal and unimodal brain processing, but rather to
compare two different emotion induction methods which 5. Experimental procedures
were never compared using neuroimaging methods. There-
fore, this is the first neuroimaging study showing how musical 5.1. Subjects
stimuli can markedly enhance the emotional experience
Nine right-handed (tested with standard handedness tests
evoked by affective picture, namely by stronger or additional
revealing consistent right handedness in all subjects according
activation of most structures known to be involved in emotion
to the criterion proposed by Annett (1970)), healthy females
perception and experience. Or in other words, although we (mean ± SD age, 24.78 ± 2.9, range: 21–30) were examined in the
used highly arousing emotional pictures of the International study, all of them students at the University of Zurich, Switzer-
Affective Picture System, emotional musical excerpts still had land. Female participants were chosen because previous studies
the power to significantly increase the activation in most showed that, compared to men, women are more likely to report
structures of the proposed emotional network for identifica- intense emotional experiences along with stronger physiological
reactions of the body (Lang et al., 1993). All subjects underwent a
tion of the emotional significance of a stimulus and produc-
physical evaluation to screen out chronic diseases, mental
tion of affective states. This is all the more remarkable disorders, medication, and drug or alcohol abuse. Furthermore,
because, in spite of using earphones and earplugs, the noisy depression and anxiety were assessed by the German versions of
scanner environment never can be completely suppressed. the Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS (Zung, 1965)) and the State-
However, this noisy scanner environment might be the reason Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI (Laux et al., 1981)). Four of the
that two structures involved in emotion processing and original 13 subjects had to be excluded. Two of them because their
score in the STAI and SDS questionnaires were not within the
arousal, including the thalamus (Anders et al., 2004) and the
normal range for the general population and the other two
ventral part of the anterior cingulate (Elliott et al., 2000; Esslen
because of technical sound problems during the experiment.
et al., 2004), showed no activation increase in the combined Each subject received payment for the participation. The study
condition in our study, whereas the study of Blood and Zatorre was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki
(2001) using similar emotional musical excerpts in the silent principles, approved by the ethics committee of the University of
PET environment was able to observe an activation increase in Zurich. All subjects gave written, informed consent and were
these structures of the ventral system for emotion perception. informed of their right to discontinue participation at any time.
Thus, we concluded that not surprisingly, the emotional
5.2. Stimuli
power of music is attenuated in the noisy fMRI compared to
a silent PET environment, yet still impressively effective Fifty-four fear-, sad-, and happy-inducing pictures were taken
demonstrated in this study by highly distinctive psychome- from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) or had been
trical ratings and brain activation patterns between the collected by the author (about 70% of the pictures were taken from
combined and the picture condition. the IAPS). All pictures contained humans or human faces, were
matched for complexity, and rated for emotional content in a pilot
experiment by 48 subjects on 9-point scales for valence and
arousal (“9” indicating that the subjects felt very happy and
4. Conclusion aroused, respectively). The results of the pilot study clearly
indicated that the presented stimuli were perceived as highly
Summing up, in this study, we showed that classical musical arousing negative or positive pictures. The mean ratings (±stan-
stimuli strongly enhanced emotional processing of highly dard deviations) for the three picture categories were as follows:
arousing affective pictures by increasing the activation in valence: 2.1 ± 0.71 (fear picture), 3.1 ± 0.73 (sadness picture),
7.7 ± 0.70 (happy picture); arousal: 6.8 ± 0.90 (fear picture), 5.5 ± 0.83
most structures of the ventral system for emotion processing,
(sadness picture), 6.0 ± 0.77 (happy picture). The emotional
including the amygdala, the ventral medial frontal gyrus, the
musical stimuli were taken from classical orchestral pieces and
striatum, the insula, the brainstem, and the medial temporal consisted of excerpts of exactly 44-s duration. One excerpt of
lobe memory system (including the hippocampus and para- Gustav Holst (Mars—the Bringer of War from The Planets) was
hippocampus, proposed by this article to be also part of the chosen to evoke fear, one excerpt of Samuel Barber (Adagio for
BR A I N R ES E A RC H 1 0 7 5 ( 2 00 6 ) 1 5 1 –1 64 161

Strings) was chosen to evoke sadness, and one excerpt of emotional intensity experience on a 5-point scale (separately for
Beethoven (Symphony no.6) was chosen to evoke the emotion of each emotion), where “3” indicated that the emotional experience
happiness. Various psychological and psychophysiological experi- in the combined conditions was equal intense as in the picture
ments have shown that these excerpts are capable of evoking the conditions, “1” and “2” indicated that the picture conditions were
mentioned three basic emotions (e.g., Krumhansl, 1997; Peretz et more intense than the combined conditions and, finally, where “4”
al., 1998). Musical stimuli were presented binaurally through MRI- and “5” indicated that the emotional experience in the combined
compatible headphones with an individually adjusted comfort- conditions was stronger than in the picture conditions.
able listening level (between 70 and 80 dB). The visual stimuli were
presented via a video projector onto a translucent screen that 5.4. Data acquisition
subjects viewed inside the scanner via mirror. All stimuli were
presented under computer control (Presentation, Neurobehavioral The Experiment was conducted on a 3-T Philips Intera whole body
systems, version 0.79, 2003). MR Scanner (Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands)
equipped with an 8-channel Philips SENSE head coil. Structural
5.3. Study design image acquisition consisted of 160 T1-weighted transversal
images (1 mm slice thickness). For functional imaging, a total of
The fMRI measurements were conducted in the context of a 504 volumes were obtained using a SENSitivity Encoded (SENSE
classical block-design experiment during which stimulation (ON (Pruessmann et al., 1999)) T2*-weighted echo-planar imaging
period) alternated with rest (OFF period). The whole experiment sequence using an acceleration factor of 2.0. 36 axial slices were
consisted of one run of 18-min and 28.8-s duration resulting in a acquired covering the whole brain with a slice thickness of 3 mm;
total of 504 Scans (TR: 2.2 s). During this run, 6 different emotional no inter-slice gap; interleaved acquisition; TR = 2200 ms; TE = 35
blocks were repeated two times (3 emotions: fear, happiness, ms; flip angle=77°, field of view=220 mm; matrix size=80*80. The
sadness; and two modalities: picture or combined) resulting in a orientation of the axial slices was parallel to the AC–PC line.
total of 12 emotional stimulation blocks (6 picture conditions and
6 combined conditions). The emotional stimulation blocks were 20 5.5. General image analysis
TRs (44 s) in duration. A block consisted either of 9 different
emotional pictures of the same emotional category alone (happy, For the preprocessing and statistical analyses, the statistical
fear, or sad pictures) or combined with the congruent musical parametric mapping software package (SPM99, Wellcome De-
excerpt (happy picture together with happy music, fear picture partment of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK) implemented in
together with fear music, and sad picture together with sad Matlab (Version 6.5) was used. For analysis, all images were
music). The pictures were presented in pseudo-random order for realigned to the first volume, corrected for motion artefacts and
4.8 s with a gap of 100 ms between each picture. The same musical normalized (4 mm3) into standard stereotaxic space (template
stimuli were presented during the whole emotional condition, but provided by the Montreal Neurological Institute), and smoothed
in order to avoid startling the participants, the beginning (2 s) and using a 12 mm full-width-at-half-maximum Gaussian kernel.
the end (2 s) of each stimulus were faded in and out, respectively. The six experimental conditions, fear, sadness, and happiness
Both the visual as well as the musical stimuli were presented (picture and combined) were modeled with a box-car function
twice during the experiment. All visual stimuli were presented convolved with a hemodynamic response function in the General
with and without music. The musical excerpts were never Linear Model of SPM. A band-pass filter, which was composed of
presented alone. Before every emotional condition, a short a discrete cosine-basis function with a cut-off period of 264 s for
instruction screen was presented for 4.4 s (2 TRs) which instructed the high-pass filter and a canonical hemodynamic response
the subjects to place themselves into the same mood as expressed function for the low-pass filter, was applied. In order to increase
by the presented emotional stimuli (similar mood induction signal to noise ratio, global intensity changes were minimized by
methods were also used by Esslen et al., 2004; Gur et al., 2002; scaling each image to the grand mean.
Kimbrell et al., 1999). After each experimental condition, subjects
gave two affective ratings via button-press on a computer-based 5- 5.6. General statistical analysis
point scale (valence and involvement ratings, ranking from
“1 = negative or weak” to “5 = positive or strong”). The involvement For the different analyses, different t contrast images were
rating measured how strong the subjects were involved or calculated at the individual level (first level). To increase the
engaged in the different emotional experiences. Each of these statistical power due to the small number of repetition of the
two affective questions was presented for 11 s resulting in 22 s for different conditions (only two per condition), we decided to
both questions (10 TRs). Finally, a fixation cross was presented for combine the negative emotional conditions (fear and sadness)
22 s (10 TRs) between every emotional condition. Because some for statistical analysis due to the following reason. Several recent
emotion papers have shown strong emotional habituation effects studies on brain activity have demonstrated that negative and
(e.g., Stark et al., 2004), we carefully controlled for these aversive events elicit more prominent emotional responses than
habituation and order effects. Thus, half of the subjects (n = 5) do positive or neutral ones (e.g., Carretie et al., 2001, 2004; Northoff
first experienced the picture conditions and afterwards the et al., 2000), including our combined EEG and psychophysiology
combined conditions, whereas the other half of the subjects study in which we used the same emotional visual and musical
(n = 4) first experienced the combined conditions and afterwards stimuli as in the current fMRI study (Baumgartner et al., 2005).
the picture conditions. The presentation of three picture condi- Thus, we focused our analysis in this study on the negative
tions of every emotional category (fear, sad, and happy) was emotional conditions and the brain activation pattern of the
always followed by the presentation of three combined conditions happy conditions will not be analyzed and reported. However, we
of every emotional category or vice versa. The different emotions will report the psychometrical ratings for all 3 emotional
were further presented in a counterbalanced and pseudo-random categories. Therefore, 3 different conditions were used in this
order. At the end of the experiment, the following two questions paper for the analysis of the different brain activation patterns: (1)
regarding the noisy scanner environment had to be answered combined condition (composed of sad and fearful musical and
separately for each emotion on a 5-point scale, ranking from “1 = I visual stimuli), (2) picture condition (composed of sad and fearful
agree not at all” to “5 = I agree very strongly”: “Despite the noise visual stimuli), and (3) fixation baseline (fixation cross in the
scanner environment, (1) I was able to apprehend the musical middle of the screen). Accordingly, we calculated four t contrast
excerpts and (2) I was able to recognize the emotional tune of the images at the individual level: combined versus picture (C N P);
musical excerpts”. Furthermore, the subjects had to rate their picture versus combined (P N C); combined versus fixation (C N F);
162 BR A I N R ES E A RC H 1 0 7 5 ( 2 00 6 ) 1 5 1 –16 4

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