Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science and Health DECEMBER 5, 2018 TIME: 10:00-11:00am I. Objectives

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DECEMBER 5, 2018; TIME: 10:00-11:00am

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the student is the expected to:
• Identify some of the body parts
• Label the correct body parts
• Demonstrate proper ways of taking care of the body
• Participate actively during class discussion and activities

II. Content
a. Subject matter: Parts of the body and ways to take care of it
b. Materials: Powerpoint presentation, visuals, videos, scissors, glue
c. Reference: K to 12 Curriculum Guide Children with Intellectual Disability Primary Level I
d. Values: practice good health habits and proper hygiene

III. Preparatory activities

a. Drill:
• Prayer
• Checking of attendance
• Classroom rules
• Calendar (date, year and weather)

b. Motivation

- Complete the puzzle: MR. SHAPE HEAD CRAFT

The activity is done by pair/ 3 members per group. The students will complete Mr.
Shape’s head by arranging the puzzle into its proper form.

c. Discussion
1. The teacher will present a story in relation to different body parts.
2. As you go through each page, point to the pictures, elicit
each key body word, and have your students touch their
part of the body as shown in the picture, for example:
3. Teacher: What's this? (pointing at head) Students: Head!
Teacher: Yes, a big head! Now, touch your head (touching head).

Teacher: What is the color of the head?

Students: Purple!
Teacher: Right! (Reading) Hello. My name is Little Monster. I have a big head.

4. Get the students involved in the story by asking questions (e.g. eliciting colors) and
getting them to touch and say the parts of the body in the story.
5. After the story telling, the teacher will ask the specific character in the story and
describe them.
6. Before going to the next activity, the teacher will review all the body parts that is being

d. Application
Activity 1: LABEL THE BODY PARTS – The students will be called to go in front to label the
correct name for each body part. (individual with maximum to moderate assistance).
Activity 2: “Teacher says!” game. Do the action and make sure everyone else follows
along. Do a few more "touch your eyes, touch your toes", etc. Then at some point give a
command without the "Teacher says" part, make it very clear that they shouldn’t do this
when you don’t say "Teacher says".

e. Generalization
After the review of body parts, the teacher will show a short presentation about ways to
take care of our body.

IV. Evaluation
Put a check mark if the picture shows a good and healthy habit, put an x if not.
V. Assignment
Cut at least 5 pictures that shows proper ways on how to take care of our body. You may
use magazines or newspapers. Paste it in your Science notebook.

Prepared by:

Janine Yzabelle B. Salvante

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